#no offense to any American who may be reading this but good lord tell this ppl to leave Greek mythology away from their garbage! 😭
thesilverlady · 1 year
I just love how Tgc has such insight when it comes to his character and tries to add depth as much as it's possible for Aegon even though the writers have made him a caricature atp.. unlike someone whose name start with EM gives the most idiotic interview about how his character is inspired from greek mythology when that mythology could fit the likes of book!Euron or bloodraven not Aemond of all the characters lmaao. Like that interview was 100% for his character's wives because where are the similarities beside both characters are one-eyed?
I think you're gonna hate me anon, so I'm sorry in advance but I wanna be honest. I'm not feeling whatever vision tgc has in his mind.
Don't get me wrong, I think I understand him; he basically wants to show some depth and a sympathetic side of his character and he struggles to work with what he's given.
But ultimately, Aegon isn't exactly sympathetic as a character in canon. The again, it's unfair to hold it against him because non of the show characters act like their book counterparts and I think 98% of the cast hasn't opened the book, let alone the wiki page.
it's just, from some interviews that I've watched against my will, it feels like certain actors want their characters to be mainly heroic or romantic. I won't drop names 'cause quite frankly I don't care enough for the cast to even argue but I'm just getting like they have their own vision of the characters they play and that vision doesn't even match the script, that's all
Now, for what you mentioned I saw a screenshot of the quote yesterday and went on a rant on my private twitter - mostly because I'm so pissed when westerns randomly name anything "Greek tragedy" and because that myth they mentioned was incorrect too (couldn't they check the damn sources first? 😭)
But in EM's defence, apparently Satan 1 and Satan 2 were the idiots who came up with the incorrect legend and tried to "parallel" it to Aemond. E was just repeating what they said.
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keplercryptids · 5 years
nonfiction LGBTQ+ books i read this year
i read a lot this year, and a good chunk of it was LGBTQ+ nonfiction. so i thought it might be nice to list what i read. as a note, many of these books deal with LGBTQ history in the United States. too often, mainstream US-centric LGBTQ texts focus on white middle-class cisgender folks, though I’ve done my best to balance that as much as possible with other perspectives. (that being said, if you got ‘em, i would LOVE book recommendations that tackle worldwide/non-white LGBTQ issues!)
Accessibility notes: Given the nature of the genre, there’s a lot of intense discussion re: homophobia and transphobia. Basically every book listed covers those things to some extent, and I’ve specified where there’s additional potentially triggering content. (If you have specific questions about triggers, please let me know!) also, some of these books are on the academic side. I’ve done my best to note when a book was very academic or when I found it to be more readable. (full disclosure on that note: I’m a college grad and voracious reader without any reading-specific learning disabilities, so my opinion may be different than yours!) as a final note, I was able to access most of these as e-books/audiobooks through my local library. I live in a major metropolitan area, if that gives you any idea of how easy it’ll be for you to find these books. I’ve noted when a book was more difficult to get my hands on.
Gay New York: Gender, Urban Culture, and the Making of the Gay Male World 1890-1940 by George Chauncey. As the title suggests, this book focuses on gay male communities in NYC pre-World War 2. Even with that limited scope, this is an important read to better understand gay male history in the early 20th century. Gay communities thrived in the early 1900s and this snapshot of that is really wonderful. This is definitely more of an academic read, but I highly recommend it. while it definitely focuses on white middle-class gay men, there was more discussion of poor and/or gay men of color than i had actually expected, so that’s nice. (CW for rape and sexual assault, homophobic violence and medicalization of homosexuality.)
Queering the Color Line: Race and the Invention of Homosexuality in American Culture by Siobhan B. Somerville. Finally, a book about queer history that actually talks about black people! I was expecting more of a history book, whereas this was more of a critique of specific novels, plays and movies of the early 1900s and was way more focused than i was expecting. don’t get me wrong, I majored in English lit so i’m super into that kind of analysis as well, it just wasn’t as far-reaching as I would have liked. Also, it’s very academic. (Only the print version was available at my library.) (CW for racism, mentions of slavery.)
Transgender History by Susan Striker. This book describes itself as an “approachable introductory text” to transgender history in the US, which I agree with. It’s a pretty short read given the enormity of the topic, so it doesn’t go into much detail about specific groups or events, but imo it’s a good introduction. Especially interesting to me was the information about where and when TERF ideology began. Academic but on the easier-to-read side. (CW for transphobia, gross TERF rhetoric, brief mentions of the AIDS crisis, police violence.)
Gay Revolution by Lillian Faderman. okay so, I gave this 1 star. it’s probably a good book if you know absolutely nothing about US LGBTQ history and want an intro, but a review on goodreads said that it should be called Gay Assimilation instead and i completely agree. Faderman focuses on white middle-to-upper class gay and lesbian assimilationists, often at the expense of radical queer and trans people of color. The latter is hardly mentioned at all, which is ridiculous given trans folks’ contributions to the LGBTQ movement. When radical people ARE mentioned, it’s often in a disparaging way, or in a way that positions the radicals as too extreme. Faderman constantly repeats the refrain that the fight for LGBT rights was “just like what black people did for their rights” without any addendum about why that is...not a good take. There’s no meaningful discussion of race, class or intersectionality. She lauds Obama as a hero for the gays and there’s a ton (I mean a TON) of content about how military acceptance + gay marriage = we won, or whatever. anyway, i wasn’t a fan, although many of the events and organizations discussed in this book are important to know just from a factual basis. (CW for all the stuff I mentioned, plus police violence, medicalization of homosexuality. it’s also fucking LONG so i recommend the audiobook, lol.)
Queer (In)Justice: The Criminalization of LGBT People in the United States by Joey L. Mogul,  Andrea J. Ritchie, and Kay Whitlock. This is “a searing examination of queer experiences--as ‘suspects,’ defendants, prisoners, and survivors of crime.” A frequently upsetting but super important read about how LGBTQ identities have been policed in the past, and currently are policed today. i wish there was more focus on trans folks, but other than that it’s a solid read. (CW for all the things you’d expect a book about policing and imprisoning LGBTQ folks to include: police and institutionalized violence, sexual assault, transphobia, homophobia.)
Stonewall by Martin Duberman. This book follows the lives and activism of six LGBTQ folks before, during and after the Stonewall riots. Note: Stonewall itself is only discussed in one chapter about 2/3 of the way through, the rest of the book dedicated to the six individuals’ lives and activism up to and after that point. It’s a history book with a strong narrative focus that I found to be a fairly accessible read. (CW for minors engaging in sex work and sexual predation by adults, sexual and domestic violence, police violence, drug and alcohol abuse, mentions of suicide.)
And the Band Played On: Politics, People, and the AIDS Epidemic by Randy Shilts. This is a HEAVY but really important read about the AIDS epidemic in the US, tracking the disease and the political/cultural response from about 1980-1985. It’s journalistic nonfiction, so although it’s a very long book I found it easier to read than more academic-y books. the only thing i really disliked was how the book demonized “Patient Zero” in quite unfair ways, but it was originally published in ‘87 so that explains part of it. I want to stress again that it’s heavy, as you’d expect a book about thousands of deaths to be. (CW: oh boy where to start. Graphic descriptions of disease/death, graphic descriptions of sex, medical neglect, republican nonsense.)
Memoirs, essays, etc
Persistence: All Ways Butch and Femme edited by Ivan E. Coyote. i felt mixed about this one! i appreciated the different perspectives regarding gender and desire, especially since this anthology contains a lot of essays by people who came of age in the 60s-80s (so there’s a historical bent too). but some of the essays feel dated, at best, and offensive at worst. there was more than one instance of TERF-y ideology thrown in. probably 1/4 of the essays were really really great, and i’d still recommend reading it in order to form your own opinions--also, imo it’s useful to see where TERF ideology comes from. this book was harder to find, and i had to order a print version through interlibrary loan. (CW for a few TERFy essays. i read this earlier in the year so it’s possible i’m forgetting some other triggers, sorry!)
Gender Outlaws: The Next Generation by (editors) Kate Bornstein and S. Bear Bergman. Serving as a follow-up of sorts to Bornstein’s Gender Outlaw, this is a collection of narratives by transgender and gender-nonconforming folks. While not “history” in a technical sense, many of the writers are 30+ and give a wide array of LGBTQ+ experiences, past and present, that are important. I didn’t agree with every single viewpoint, of course, duh! But some of the essays were really powerful and overall it’s a good read. (CW for one essay about eating disorders, some outdated language/reclaimed slurs as to be expected--language is one of the main themes of the collection actually so the “outdatedness” is important.)
S/He by Minnie Bruce Pratt. A memoir published in 1995, focusing on Minnie’s life, marriage, gender identity, eventual coming out and relationship with Leslie Feinberg. i really enjoyed this one. it was beautifully written. there are many erotic elements to this memoir so keep that in mind. also was a little harder to get, and i had to order a print version via interlibrary loan. (i read this awhile ago and can’t remember specific triggers, sorry! if anyone knows of some, please let me know.)
I’m Afraid of Men by Vivek Shraya. A memoir by a trans woman ruminating on masculinity. it’s beautiful and very short (truly more of a longform essay), so it’s a good one if you don’t have the attention span/time for longer books. (CW for sexism, harassment, transphobia.)
Zami: A New Spelling of My Name by Audre Lorde. god, this memoir is gorgeous and is one of my favorite books of the year. it chronicles Audre’s childhood in Harlem and her coming-of-age in the 1950s as a lesbian. ultimately, this is a book about love and that resonates throughout every page. idk can you tell i loved this book so much??? (CW for child abuse, sexual assault, a friend’s suicide, racism.)
We Have Always Been Here: A Queer Muslim Memoir by Samra Habib. suuuuch a good book! Samra writes about her life as she and her family arrive in Canada as refugees from Pakistan in her early childhood, onto her life today as a queer Muslim woman of color, photographer and activist. beautifully written and just such an important perspective. Only the print version was available at my library. (CW for child sexual assault, a suicide attempt and suicidal ideation, non-graphic mentions of domestic violence, racism and sexism.)
Gender Queer: A Memoir by Maia Kababe. this is a beautifully illustrated graphic novel memoir about the author’s journey of discovering eir identity as queer. i related to a lot of it, which was great on a personal level, but i also think it could be a great educational tool for those wanting to know more about gender queerness (especially for those who prefer graphic novels!) (CW for gender dysphoria, descriptions of gynecological exams, imagery of blood and a couple pages depicting being impaled, some nudity, vomit.)
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saintmachina · 6 years
I love all of your writing a lot, especially those about Lucifer. I’m currently thinking of writing a book about the archangels in modern day. I found some good sources, but I was wondering how you would characterize them. Like, a summery of their personalities, biblically and historically speaking. I, of course, am not trying to say that I want to copy you in any way, as that is NOT my intent. I’m just curious on what your take is? Like I said, I hope this doesn’t sound rude or anything
Hey! No worries, I take no offense. There’s a big difference between asking  about what inspires others and lifting people’s ideas wholecloth, I get that. 
Anon I wish I could help you out more than I can. There are a lot of people on tumblr right now writing about modern angels and prophets and such; we experienced a Bible AU boom about four years ago that’s still circulating some good content. Most of my modern angels meta is on my Millennial Gospel blog and I have this Lucifer and Michael photoset over here, and this first person prose poem from the Devil’s perspective. I also have a mini short story about the creation of the universe from the four archangels perspective, mostly Gabriel’s.
I wrote a lot of more modern angel stuff about five years ago and worked on a novel about it in college, but lately I’ve been more into the literary explorations of angels as eldritch and other and ineffable. That doesn’t mean I won’t riff on them in a more interpersonal and modern context again, but right now I can’t seem to find the right story to tell there, and I feel like the Devil in Modern America story has been done and done again, so I don’t want to keep writing unless I feel like I have something new to add to discussion. 
All that said, I can point you to some Biblical source material, meager though it may be. Raphael is a major player in the Book of Tobit, an apocryphal fable I recommend to everyone; it’s short, funny, magical, and even a bit romantic. It’s where some ideas about his patronage of the medical arts, magical healing, lovers, and safe travel comes from. 
Gabriel is the angel who appears to Mary in the Bible during the annunciation, and prophesies the girth to John the Baptist to Zachariah. For me. Gabriel is the hardest one to map onto and get a feel for. He/She/They (I’m going to use the male pronoun from here on out because it’s theologically and artistically traditional, but I don’t think it’s an accurate representation of angelic bodies/selves) are very high-ranking and seem to serve primarily as a messenger. In the African-American diasporic tradition there is a motif of Gabriel being the one to blow the trumpet at the end of time signalling the rebirth of the world. Islam remembers him as the archangel who appeared to the Prophet Muhammad to commend him to recite the first five verses of the Quran. In addition, Islam imagines Raphael to be the one to sound the trumpet at the end of days. Michael also appears in Islam, for those interested, but I’m not an Islamic scholar so my knowledge of the overlap ends there. 
Michael is mentioned in Revelation 12:7-9, in relation to the Satan falling from grace story: 
Now war arose in heaven, Michael and his angels fighting against the dragon. And the dragon and his angels fought backbut he was defeated, and there was no longer any place for them in heaven. And the great dragon was thrown down, that ancient serpent, who is called the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world—he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him.” (ESV)
He also makes an appearance in Jude 1:9. The first chapter of Jude is really dense with references to other parts of the Bible, ethical law, and references to issues facing the early church, and it’s kind of difficult even if you have a theology background and are going through it with a fine-tooth comb, but suffice to say this is the passage:
But even the archangel Michael, when he was disputing with the devil about the body of Moses, did not himself dare to condemn him for slander but said, “The Lord rebuke you!” (ESV)
The issue of this “dispute” is debated by scholars since it doesn’t show up in the Bible, to my knowledge, but I suspect Jude is riffing on a well known rabbinical/folk story or polemic here to make his point. Modern readers just aren’t in on the story, but once again we see Michael set against Satan on equal ground, suggesting a close association, be it an antagonistic one. 
If you’re interested in reading more about angels from scripture I suggest the Books of Enoch. They’re apocryphal but they’re largely concerned with angelic drama at the dawn of the world, and I adore them.
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archetype-online-blog · 6 years
Crash Course in Dialogue, Part I
Writers tend to stress a character’s actions as the most important way to show who they are, but creating effective, interesting dialogue is just as important to a great story. Good dialogue can illustrate interpersonal relationships, reveal fears characters don’t even know they have, show development, and so much more. At the same time—and maybe more importantly—bad dialogue sticks out like a sore thumb, making readers uncomfortable and unwilling to get invested in your narrative. Your prose might be amazing, but if your characters can’t communicate, it’s going to put people off.
But never fear! Here are a few handy tricks to writing amazing dialogue that will get your characters saying what they mean or misdirecting like a pro, all while drawing your reader successfully into the story.
Creating Unique Voices
When you start writing dialogue, one of the most important things to keep in mind is that your characters should all sound different from one another. Just based on their words alone, a reader should be able to tell whether your character’s personality is bubbly or gloomy, if they feel comfortable with the people around them, if they’re in pain, what kind of education they have, and so much more. You want these factors to be unique for each character, even if they were raised together or come from a similar background.
A great test is to write down only the spoken part of your dialogue, without any speech tags (he said/she said, etc.). Does each character sound distinct? Can you tell whose lines are whose just based on what they say, without the surrounding context clues?
If not, try some of the techniques below. There are so many ways to say the same thing differently—and reveal your characters’ history, personality, and quirks at the same time!
Using lots of big words like abysmal, paramount, satiate, ubiquitous, etc.
This can make a character sound more educated, imply a wealthier upbringing, or show the care he puts into communicating. Or, it can make him sound pretentious, and become a trait that annoys your other characters. Just be careful your character doesn’t come off like a weirdo carrying around a thesaurus in their pocket (unless that’s what you’re going for, of course!)
Character 1: His rant was just the shameful rambling of a crazy old man. Character 2: The display was simply the ignominious drivel of a deranged geriatric man.
Using clipped speech—only a few words at a time, monosyllabic answers
Quiet characters, characters who don’t like their companions, characters who are in pain, and characters with something to hide might not want to have long conversations where they bare their soul to others.
Character 1: I really don’t think so. I’m sure I’d remember an intense reaction like that. Character 2: No.
Using terms of endearment or pet names—babe, sweetheart, bro, dude, pal
Depending on how these are used, your character can come across as warm and fuzzy, sarcastic, flirty, or evil and taunting.
Bonus: if your character is angry or distracted, they can leave off the pet names they usually call their friends. This is a good way to reveal to a reader—and other characters—that something fishy is up.
Character 1: Can you toss me that pencil? Character 2: Hey babe, be a sweetie and toss me that pencil? Character 3: Uh, that’s my pencil, pal. Character 4: Toss me that pencil, bro!
Speaking formally versus informally with contractions
Is your character uncomfortable around present company? Are they trying to act extremely professional to prove they’re qualified for their job, or still recovering from a strict, affectionless upbringing? If so, making their speech more formal can help convey what’s going on.
Character 1: Admittedly, I have been wondering much the same thing. I will look into it. Character 2: Yeah, I’ve been wondering that too. I’m gonna check it out.
Depending on context, characters who curse can sound meaner, rougher, cooler, more laid-back, and even funnier than the people around them who don’t.
When using curse words, be aware of your audience. If you’re writing for kids or younger teens, you may get some pushback.
Remember that these words are sometimes at their most powerful when they’re not overused. When your sweet character finally snaps and mutters something really strong under her breath, you’ll know she’s at the end of her rope.
Think of Simon finally confronting Martin in the movie Love, Simon—if Leah (who swears all the time in the book’s sequel) told Martin to f*ck off, it wouldn’t have anywhere near the same impact.
And yet, in The Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater, Ronan’s glee at swearing is one of the things that sets him apart from the more polite Gansey and Adam.
Try this:
Sit in a public place where people talk—a coffee shop, a food court at the mall, a break at school—and listen to a conversation. Write down what you hear—every little um or ah, pronunciations, pauses, stutters, repetitions. How do words, fillers, and phrases shape the distinct voices of the people you’re listening to?
Using Accents and Dialects
Another great way to make characters sound different is to give them accents or let them speak in dialects. If your character is from the South, he’d have a Southern drawl; if she’s from the India, she’s not going to sound like your classmates from Connecticut. But how can you capture a voice like that without making your writing sloppy or distracting (or exaggerating it into an offensive caricature)? Passages like the following, from Huckleberry Finn, certainly take a lot of concentration to read:
“Oh, Huck, I bust out a-cryin’ en grab her up in my arms, en say, ‘Oh, de po’ little thing! De Lord God Amighty fogive po’ ole Jim, kaze he never gwyne to fogive hisself as long’s he live!’ Oh, she was plumb deef en dumb, Huck, plumb deef en dumb—en I’d ben atreat’n her so!”
A general rule, using features other than phonetic spelling to show how characters speak differently can communicate the same information in a less distracting way:
Diction/word choice: Taylor from New York eats fries for lunch and chips as a snack, but Henry from London eats chips for lunch and crisps from the vending machine during his break at work.
Syntax/word order: Someone whose native language is English will likely say “the brown shoes” or “the white fence,” but if your heroine was born in France and learned English not long ago, she might say “I was wearing my shoes which are brown” or “the fence that is white stands behind the house”
Idioms: Different places have different expressions that mean more than what they look like. While you’d say you’re “buttering someone up,” someone who speaks Spanish might say they’re “stroking his beard.” Research idioms that would be a natural part of your character’s speech—or, make up your own!
Some phonetic spellings and slang, every once in a while, do a great job of signaling a continuing accent: s’pose, ain’t, ya, dahlin’. But if what you’ve written takes any amount of real concentration to decode, it’s going to be annoying, not helpful or cool. In other words, if your main character has a lisp, tharting every thentence like thith ith going to get really fruthtrating, really fatht. An’ writin’ an o’er-exaggera’ed Cockney accen’, owr a loooong Suthen draaaawl, is sure to get on your reader’s nerves as well.
If your protagonist’s baby sister with three lines has a lisp and says, “Thamantha, read me a thtory” or her great-auntie from Georgia bemoans, “Lawdy-me, it shaw is hawt in hea today” once in 300 pages, though, you’re probably good.
If you want an example of dialects and pronunciation done really well, check out the Chaos Walking series by Patrick Ness. Protagonist Todd Hewitt grew up in a primitive settlement and can’t read—while always completely understandable, he does say “ain’t” all the time, and occasionally throws in misspellings like “creacher” and “recognishun.” The sections narrated by his friend Viola are more grammatically correct, because while Todd was doing farm work, she was attending school. And people Todd meets with even less schooling than him talk like this: “Ah kin give y’all a ride thrus. If ya want.” (But these characters don’t pop up very often, so the style doesn’t become distracting—instead, it highlights the differences between outsiders and the protagonists.)
A note of caution:
Remember that African American Vernacular English, American Sign Language, and other variations/translations of English have their own complex rules. If you aren’t familiar with a dialect you’re writing, don’t just simplify standard English, throw in an extra “be,” or take out some helping verbs. If your character uses one of these, do some extra research to make sure your dialogue is accurate.
Include the Right Kind of Content
So now you’ve decided how your character talks—but what should they say? Here are a few things to avoid: small talk, excessive info dumps, drawn-out background information, and background conversations. (Like most rules of writing, these can and should be broken if you have a good reason, but in general, they can be helpful in moving a story along and keeping it interesting.)
Instead of the characters taking up valuable space and audience attention on pleasantries, focus on the real meat of the conversation. Alfred Hitchcock once said something to the effect of, “Drama is real life with all the boring parts cut out.” Which would you want to read about? A character describing her brunch of thick, fluffy pancakes to her mother in mouth-watering detail?* Or the moment she asks her mother for $500—the third time this month—to cover her outrageous credit card debts? As the writer, you have the privilege and responsibility to pick the important moments to pass on to the reader—the ones that are important to the plot later, that develop the characters, that are memorable and exciting. Be kind to them—and yourself—by carefully judging what’s worth everyone’s time.
This then gives you an opportunity to work something else essential into your conversation—conflict. It’s very hard to make a compelling conversation where each character agrees with everything said before them. Just because “yes, and” works for improv, doesn’t mean it’s the best strategy for dialogue in fiction—instead, put your characters against each other. If they have opposing goals, or even slightly different takes on a situation, you’ll be able to flush out both viewpoints and push them to an interesting breaking point much easier than if they simply build on whatever the other says.
It can also be tempting to save long, detailed explanations for dialogue—especially when it comes to worldbuilding in sci-fi or fantasy. If you have a physics professor who’s perfected time travel or an old witch who’s worked out everything about magic, it would be easy to give them a few pages to give the specifics to your clueless protagonist. But unless you can’t get your story to work any other way, try not to do this—long descriptions tend to end up pretty boring, and hard to follow and remember. Instead, let your reader pick up fewer details at a time from different people, or see how things work for themselves. In the first Harry Potter, Hagrid doesn’t explain everything about being a wizard to Harry—readers get to experience the many magical details firsthand through Harry’s eyes in Diagon Alley, and then later at Hogwarts.
*Note: If your character is a cook and criticizes the pancakes because he could obviously do better, or if she grew up in poverty and is promising her mother she’ll move back home and take her to brunch every morning once she gets one more paycheck, this is obviously fine. So is her describing how great she thought the pancakes were if it turns out they were actually poisoned, and next thing she knows she’s waking up from a 10-year coma. And so on... Find exciting exceptions!
Try this:
Listen to a scene from your favorite movie and think about what’s included and what’s not. Do both characters greet each other and ask how the other has been, or do they jump right into the deal they need to make? Does one character agree with everything the other says, or do they disagree frequently?
Have more questions about writing dialogue? Leave us comments for Part II, coming soon!
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moonmothmama · 6 years
ok. so. The Princess Bride. i read it yesterday.
and right up front, before even a review, i’m gonna go ahead and list everything objectionable in the book that i can recall. please don’t take the length of the bullet pointed items to follow as an indication that the book was wildly problematic and offended me at every turn; it wasn’t and it didn’t. but there were some things that made me go: 😑 or 😒, and here it all is, presented with context, before anything else, because to be honest, i didn’t expect any of it. the film is relatively spotless, which is pretty rare for that era, and if any of you are thinking of reading it, you could do with being more prepared for this than i was.
first off, racism. two passing remarks. one isn’t even in the story proper; it’s in the first whole long intro bit from the author/narrator. that takes some explanation, i suppose: like in the film, the story is presented as a book having been written by “S. Morganstern,” except instead of a grandfather reading to his sick grandson, the narrator is interjecting with notes on the original text that he has abridged. the beginning is a whole long shpiel that, in my opinion, could have been significantly pared down with absolutely zero loss to the story (which! hey! the film did perfectly! go figure!). anyway, the first racist remark is an absolutely tasteless line in which the narrator pisses and moans about his fat son, making a crack about “painting him yellow” and making him a sumo wrestler. y i k e. the other passing remark is from Miracle Max (really, truly, the film version of this scene is miles better than the book version, but contains an important plot detail, so you should prob still read it, but i’ll give you the lowdown if you wanna skip). he refers to Iñigo as a sp*ck (rather bafflingly, i might add, bc Iñigo is a Spanish man... from Spain... not a Hispanic or Latino man from Latin America. so. i mean i’m certainly not an expert on slurs but... i have never in my life heard that term in reference to a person from Spain, and am virtually certain it was invented to refer to ppl from the americas) and in the same breath uses an objectionable term for a Polish person. sooo... again: y i k e. what gets me is that... these could’ve just been edited out? why weren’t they? i mean i know why but
fat shaming! see above. though to be honest, any true negativity about fatness is restricted to the author/narrator’s interjections; there are a few minor fat characters in the story and those depictions, without being too long-winded or spoilery, didn’t offend me (fyi: i’m fat). if you want the details, please feel free to message me about it.
if we can go back to the whole long beginning shpiel from the author/narrator, it’s just... eh. he comes off as kind of a jackass, tbh. not even halfway through it i found myself more than a little impatient for the story to begin, and that could be at least partly because the film spoiled me with a lovely, not annoying, not problematic scene of Granddad Columbo reading to Baby Fred Savage where no one made any racist remarks or ragged on fat kids. the basic gist, if you want to skip it, is that the author, as a kid, had this book read to HIM by his father, who was a Florinese immigrant, and nearly illiterate in English, but still labored over reading the English translation to his American-born son, who adored the book and requested it read to him dozens and dozens of times over the years, refusing to read it himself (though he read plenty of other books). as an adult, he buys his son the book, and is crushed when the son doesn’t like it. he then reads it for the first time, and realizes his father skipped over huge, boring blocks of text. he read his son only The Good Parts. so he decides to edit that shit out himself and release the abridged version he loves so much. add into that some complaining about his wife and some extra blah blah, and that’s pretty much it.
you remember the scene in the movie where The Man In Black/Westley almost slaps Buttercup for what he believes is lying? in the book he actually slaps her. not that his actions seem supported or endorsed by the text, but still, there you are. Buttercup does push him off a cliff soon after, though, so. i wouldn’t call that ‘even’ exactly but, shrug
Vizzini, in the book, has a fucky leg and his back isn’t quite straight, and he’s referred to repeatedly as a “humpback” or “hunchback” which needless to say is Not Kosher
that, as i recall, is it. i hope i’m not forgetting anything. now onto content/trigger warnings:
alcoholism. this shouldn’t be a surprise if you’ve seen the movie: Iñigo has some, shall we say, issues
Fezzik’s parents were... terrible. CPS would be all over them. spoiler: basically they emotionally blackmailed their son into fighting professionally, which they knew he hated, by telling him they’d abandon him if he didn’t
Buttercup has some kinda messed up (read: unsettling but in no way graphic) nightmares after leaving Westley when they’re found by Prince Humperdinck at the Fire Swamp, mostly involving bearing children to the Prince who she once again is set to marry
the slurs and whatnot i mentioned above
violence, obviously. nothing worse than the film as i recall.
that’s it i think. 
okay. all that said. did i enjoy the book? yes i did. a lot.
now, you might be thinking: jesus, Kathleen, after all the shit you just listed? and to this i reply: listen. there is no Unproblematic Media, so you either enjoy some things that are flawed, or you enjoy nothing at all. there is plenty of objectionable shit in Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit! fucking plenty! and i love those books! and so do plenty of other people! in my own humble opinion, the good story is worth the shitty bits, because the shitty bits aren’t like, fundamental to the plotline. the story isn’t built on offensive humor or nasty, bigoted attitudes. and they’re also not the most egregious examples of Objectionable Content i’ve come across- not by a longshot. there are levels to offense. there are tiers of bullshit. this is on a far lower tier than a whole host of other things i could mention. but if any of this stuff i’ve listed crosses a line for you, i totally understand and respect that. that’s why i’ve bothered to list it at all. imo, how you respond to objectionable content is important: you don’t ignore it or excuse it, you acknowledge and criticize it. and if you still enjoy whatever the thing is, you allow yourself to enjoy it, without getting hissy or defensive with people for whom the objectionable content ruined the book/movie/whatever. 
there you go, there’s my disclaimer for having enjoyed the book. your mileage may vary.
okay. so. review time.
Buttercup is a far more interesting character in the book than the movie, for which the movie can’t be faulted all that much, because you can’t easily translate a character’s inner monologue/unspoken thoughts to the screen, especially not with the time limit that comes with the medium of film. but watching her struggle with her feelings and life choices (and... lack thereof, since her choice is between marrying the prince and being put to death, which isn’t much of a choice, even if she tries to reason it out later by telling herself she COULD have said no... and initially did) creates far more of a bond between her and the reader in the book than, personally, i felt watching the movie. also she has a great line after Westley calls her beautiful at their reunion- she says something like, ‘everyone’s always calling me beautiful, i have a mind too, why don’t you talk about that’
Both Westley and Buttercup are immature, naive, and foolish in the beginning, and if Westley strikes you as Extra Dickish, a) rewatch the film! he did act like a bit of a dick, there, didn’t he? b) remember that in the story he’s a young man between the ages of eighteen and twenty five, which in my considerable experience is the age at which young men are generally at their peak of Asshole. sorry dudes
and not that Buttercup herself is a complete peach! she deals very poorly with her emotions in general and acts kinda shitty herself once or twice. i won’t say too much lest i spoil everything that’s different between the film and the book.
Prince Humperdinck is also a more three dimensional character; still a rat bastard tho.
onto Fezzik and Iñigo.
as i have said in other blog posts, these boys are... pretty much the whole reason i sought out the book. and... jesus. 
you get all the way into the tragic backstories that were only hinted at in the film. okay, Iñigo’s backstory was more than hinted- but of course you go so much deeper in the book- and Fezzik’s was less than hinted, reduced mostly to a peek at the insecurity that Vizzini exploits and preys upon to keep him in line. not that you’d have to expend a great effort to him to keep him in line; his personality is docile and non-confrontational. truly not the slightest bit aggressive by nature. he’s also kinda clingy and needy, which is a thousand percent understandable given his childhood, and tbqh doesn’t need to be browbeaten for Vizzini to keep him on his short, cruel leash. which makes it all the more painful! hurrah! 😭
also you actually get to meet Iñigo’s father, Domingo Montoya, in a flashback, aaaand... i kinda love him. probably predictable if you know me.
anyway. tragic backstories. which further illuminate the emotional and psychological issues that make them so dependent on Vizzini, and turn them to lives of crime in his employ. poor boys! oy gevalt. sympathy abounds; i honestly don’t know how you could go through the book and not fall at least a little bit in love with this duo, whose friendship is precious and adorable and a balm to the soul that is aching from their painful life stories and unhealthy coping mechanisms. they’re each, very plainly, the only friend the other has in the world, and are constantly helping and bolstering one another. it’s heartbreakingly sweet. i think those boys will be alright as long as they stick together.
and now, the repeated theme of the book, that is presented with far less intensity in the film: life isn’t fair. which, one supposes, is true. but while the narrator’s framing of that assertion may give you the same misgivings they gave me- bitching about his fat son and his less than ideal relationship with his wife- you can also step back and appreciate it as a wee pearl of wisdom. life is often unfair, but that doesn’t mean it’s altogether bad or that you can’t enjoy it. idk, that’s my attitude, man. 
i could talk about the ending here, but i won’t. at least not too much. not to spoiler-ish-ly. if you don’t want to know anything about the book’s ending at all, feel free to not read the last bit here, except for the very last lines which are bolded.
ready? yes? no?
the ending to the book is different than the movie. there is a more philosophical, open ended conclusion than you could really get away with in a movie. at least this movie.
just throwing it out there: i believe in happy endings. ones in real life. but i kind of disagree with the author a little bit, in that i don’t think happy endings necessarily have to be perfect and unblemished to qualify as happy endings. that may be the way “happily ever after” is generally presented, but to me, “happily ever after” means, maybe some shit happened, but none of it was completely devastating, and in the final analysis, life was satisfying. that’s the kind of real life happy ending i’m aiming (and hoping) for. this might sound vague but i hope it’ll make sense if you read the book.
if you wanna do that, btw, i read it for free online at allnovel dot net.
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auskultu · 6 years
Alvin Schuster, The New York Times, 28 June 1968
LONDON, June 27 — James Earl Ray, accused of killing the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., spoke out about the case for the first time today and denied committing the crime.
Taking the witness stand in a wood-paneled* courtroom at 3:12 P.M., Ray said he had never met Dr. King and had never borne a grudge against him. Then his attorney, Roger Frisby, asked him:
“Did you kill Martin Luther King?” “No sir,” Ray replied.
Ray’s brief and dramatic appearance in the witness chair at Bow Street Magistrates Court came after the United States Government had revealed in detail its case alleging that Ray shot Dr. King in Memphis on April 4 in “calculated, brutal and senseless” murder..
Fingerprints Are Cited The Government is seeking the extradition of Ray to the United States to stand trial in Tennessee for the King murder. In presenting its case, the Government offered the testimony of a fingerprint expert and read affidavits designed to link Ray with the crime.
Arguing through a British attorney, David Calcutt, the Government charged that Ray had bought the rifle that killed Dr. King less than a week before the murder; that on the day of the murder Ray checked into the rooming house across from the Lorraine Hotel, where Dr. King was shot, and that Ray’s fingerprints were on the rifle, its telescopic sight and a pair of binoculars, all found near the scene.
Mr. Frisby did not conclude his arguments today, and the presiding chief metropolitan magistrate, Frank Milton, adjourned the proceedings until Tuesday. Mr. Milton said he hoped to rule on the United States Government’s efforts on that day.
Appeals Are Provided If the magistrate finds against Ray, the defendant may appeal, the case to the Divisional Court of the High Court of Justice and then on application to the law judges of the House of Lords.
Ray was arrested at Heathrow Airport here on June 8 under the alias Ramon George Sneyd. Today he sat calmly in the courtroom surrounded by policemen as Mr. Calcutt accused him of murder.
Wearing horn-rim glasses, a blue checkered suit and a blue shirt, open at the collar, Ray chewed gum and occasionally scratched the back of his neck. The pending United States “extradition warrants identify the defendant as Ray, an identification that went unchallenged by Ray today. The pending minor British charges—possession of a forged passport and carrying of a firearm—list him as Sneyd.
But for the most part today the nomenclature problem was solved by avoiding the issue. The suspect was usually called “the defendant,” or “this man” or “my client” or “you.” At one point, Ray himself declined to give his name.
The first response of the suspect was elicited by the testimony this morning of Detective Chief Superintendent Thomas Butler of Scotland Yard. Ray wrote a note of protest to his lawyer and later denied major parts of what Chief Butler had said.
The chief is a 55-year-old, gray-haired man who has led the hunt for the “great train robbery” gang which got away in 1962 with $7-million. He told today of his meeting at the airport with Ray on the day of the arrest.
“I saw the defendant at about 1:05 P.M. at London Airport,” Chief Butler said. “I told him we were police officers and said we understand he has two Canadian passports in the name of Sneya and Sneyd.
“’What is your name?’ I asked. He replied: ‘I can’t understand why I’m here. My name is Sneyd.’
Conversation in Jail Chief Butler said he then asked Ray if the information on the passports was correct— that he was a Canadian citizen born in Toronto on Oct. 8, 1932. The chief said that Ray replied that those facts were correct. The suspect was then taken to Cannon Row police station, near the houses of Parliament.
“At 4:45,” Chief Butler went on, “I saw the accused in his cell. I told him that as a result of inquiries made since you have been detained we have every good reason to believe that you are not a Canadian citizen but an American.”
“’Oh well, yes I am,’ he said and nodded. I said I now believe your name is not Sneyd, but James Earl Ray, also known as Eric Starvo Galt and other names; that you were wanted at present in the United States for serious criminal offenses including murder in which a firearm was used.” Chief Butler continued:
“The accused had been standing up but at this point he slumped down on the seat behind him and put his head in his hands and said:
‘“Oh God.’ “After a moment or so, he added: “‘I feel so trapped.’” “I cautioned him again, and he replied: ‘“Well, I shouldn’t say anything more now. I can’t think right.’ ”
It was after this that Ray, 40, passed his note of denial to Mr. Frisby, 46, a soft-spoken graduate of Oxford, who sat beside his legal opponent, Mr. Calcutt, 38. a graduate of Cambridge.
Mr. Frisby based the defense today on the argument that the murder was a “political crime” and as a result was not extraditable under the 1931 extradition treaty with the United States. He said he thought the denial by Ray was not relevant to the basic case he was building.
But Ray was not to be denied his protest. When the magistrate told Ray after the lunch break that he could “say anything you wish,” the suspect rose to his feet along with the policeman sitting beside him and said:
“I think some of the testimony by Butler is false and I would like to say something about this. I take it that newspapers will report this. Some of it is exaggerated.”
When Ray, speaking in a high-pitched voice with a marked Southern accent, said that he had written about it to Mr. Frisby, Mr. Milton recessed the extradition proceedings for 10 minutes to allow Ray and his attorney to confer.
Lawyer Denies Statement On resuming, Mr. Frisby said his client wanted it known that he had not said that he felt “so trapped;” that he had not said “Oh God” and that he had not collapsed onto a seat in “the manner the chief superintendent described.”
“He made no statement like that to any police officers,” Mr. Frisby said.
Like others providing testimony, Mr. Frisby had to speak slowly in presenting Ray’s reply because all testimony was being taken down in longhand, the procedure usually followed in the Bow Street court.
Asked if he would like to, sign the statement read for him, Ray replied he would. But it could not be learned how he signed his name because court officials would not show the document to the press.
The court usher, assuming that Ray would take the oath in the witness box, asked him for his religion so the appropriate Bible could be used. Ray replied softly that he did not have any religion.
The question of “affirming” then arose, but this would have meant that Ray would have had to give his name in the affirmation statement.
Ray looked at Mr. Frisby, who looked at the chief magistrate, who looked at Ray. The magistrate then accepted Mr. Frisby’s suggestion that the formalities pass and that Ray merely make a statement and answer a few questions without the oath.
Some court lawyers noted that if the suspect used the name Ray he could jeopardize his pending case here. And to use the name Sneyd might leave him open to the additional charge of lying on the witness stand. Moreover, by merely making his unsworn statements while sitting in the witness box, Ray avoided cross-examination.
Evidence on Name In arguing for Ray’s extradition, the United States provided a preview of the case to be presented if he is returned.
Mr. Calcutt read affidavit after affidavit to try to establish that the defendant was in fact James Earl Ray, the man witnesses identified as the purchaser of the rifle, the telescopic sight, the binoculars and as the guest in the rooming house across from Dr. King’s hotel.
“The tragic death of Dr. King was the working of the single hand of this man,” the lawyer said.
Mr. Calcutt apparently did not intend to rule out the possibility of a conspiracy by using the phrase “single hand” of this man, but he seemed to be saying that all evidence linked Ray and only Ray to the rifle and the room overlooking the King hotel.
The British attorney sought to dismiss the defense contention that the slaying was a “political crime” by pointing to Article Three of the extradition treaty, which says that extradition should be granted for “murder (including assassination, parricide, infanticide, poisoning) or an attempt or conspiracy to murder.”
If Ray’s court-appointed lawyers succeed in convincing the chief magistrate that the murder was a “political crime” and thus not extraditable, the defendant can still be extradited under a second warrant that seeks his return as an escaped convict.
Ray escaped in April, 1967, from Missouri State Penitentiary, where he still had 13 years to serve of a 20-year term for armed robbery and car theft.
The problem, however, is that, under the 1931 treaty, if Ray is surrendered on the lesser charge he cannot later be charged in an American court with the murder of Dr. King. The court dealt with both warrants today but most of the evidence presented centered on the King slaying.
Mr. Calcutt began revealing what he said were Ray’s movements up to the time of the crime and shortly thereafter. Quoting from affidavits, he said that Ray had gone to the Aero Marine Supply Company in Birmingham, Ala., on March 29 and had purchased a Winchester. rifle, using the name Harry Lowmyer.
Standing in front of Fred M. Vinson Jr., the United States Assistant Attorney General, who arrived yesterday, Mr. Calcutt said that Ray had called the store the next day and had said that he had talked with his brother and wanted to exchange the rifle. Ray reportedly said he was “going deer hunting in Wisconsin with a brother-in-law.”
He returned the next day, Mr. Calcutt went on. and exchanged the rifle and telescopic lens for a Remington, serial number 461476. The lawyer added that Ray was identified by Donald Wood, owner of the gun store, and a customer, John De Shazo.
Witness Tells of Shot An affidavit from Henrietta Hagemaster, clerk at the New Rebel Motel in Memphis, then placed Ray there for the night of April 3. Another affidavit, from Charles Stephens, resident at the rooming house at 424J/2 South Main Street, placed Ray there the day of the slaying.
“From a bathroom [in the rooming house], a person could see into Dr. King’s room,” the lawyer went on. “At 4 o’clock in the afternoon this defendant1 went into 424 South Main Street, where accommodation was available, and he booked a room.
“As he did this he was seen by a witness—a Mr. Stephens. The defendant got a room and between then and 6 o’clock in the evening he used only the bathroom and lavatory.
“Mr. Stephens, who was in the adjoining room, says that the man used the bathroom and lavatory on three occasions, each time for a long time. At 6 o’clock Mr. Stephens says he heard a shot fired from the bathroom. He came out of his room and saw a man leaving below. He says it was the man who he had seen booking in earlier.
“The defendant left in a hurry, leaving binocular straps in his room. When he got out of the hotel entrance, he turned and left and dropped his kit of rifle, sights and binoculars in a doorway. He then made off in a car waiting nearby,” the lawyer alleged.
The package was dropped in front of an amusement arcade owned by Guy Canipe, who, Mr. Calcutt said, came out and saw a man drive off in a white car.
The police took possession of the rifle and binoculars, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation fingerprint expert who testified today, George Bone-brake, said that Ray’s fingerprints had been on both.
Political Questioning “The bullet which killed Dr. King,” Mr. Calcutt went on, “was examined and recovered and there is a strong likelihood that the bullet came from the rifle found by the’ police. It is also likely that the strap found in his room belonged to the binoculars found with the rifle.” The recovered rifle, he said, bore the same serial number as the one purchased in Birmingham. It was a .30-’06, model 760.
Mr. Bonebrake, who is with the F.B.I. in Washington, said he had compared the fingerprints he found with the fingerprints of James Earl Ray in Los Angeles police files.
“I found that they belonged to one and the same individual,” he added.
Mr. Bonebrake then underwent some unusual questioning for a fingerprint expert. Mr. Frisby gently put to him a series of questions about the racial situation in the United States, about the role of Dr. King, and about the hostility the Negro leader often en* countered.
Mr. Frisby said the questioning was part of his effort to establish the killing as a “political crime.” Article Six of the extradition treaty says in part that a “fugitive criminal shall not be surrendered if the crime or the offense in respect of which his surrender is demanded is one of a political character.”
Soblen and Eisler Cases At the outset of today’s proceedings, Mr. Frisby asked that no restriction on-publicity under the new Criminal Justice Act be applied to the proceedings, and the magistrate said that the act did not apply today.
The new act, which became effective last Jan. 1, prohibits the publication in England of newspaper reports on preliminary criminal hearings unless the defense requests publication. The idea is to prevent !prejudicing the jury in the actual trial later. But this provision of the act does not apply to extradition proceedings.
The British Government is proceeding carefully in the Ray case in part because of the controversy created in this country
by its handling in 1962 of Dr. Robert A. Soblen, who was convicted of conducting Soviet espionage in the United States and fled to avoid serving a life sentence.
He conducted a 10-week fight to remain in Britain, appealing for political asylum and noting that espionage was not an extraditable offense. The Home Office denied Soblen asylum and ordered him put on an airplane bound for the United States, provoking charges in
Parliament that the Government was in fact extraditing the spy in the name of deportation. Dr. Soblen took an overdose of drugs here on Sept. 11, 1962, and died before he was deported.
Another case recalled by the present one was that of Gerhart Eisler in 1949. He was indicted for making false statements in Washington in order to leave, the United States. He slipped on board the Polish liner Batory in New York Harbor after paying 25 cents to tour as a visitor. The ship sailed and British authorities pulled the East German Communist off the boat in Southampton.
The United States sought his extradition, but the Bow Street magistrate then ruled that the alleged perjury was merely a technical matter and that the United States had failed to show that “Eisler has been guilty of an extradition crime.” Eisler died at the age of Si this March.
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octaviasandy · 3 years
On some estates the houses are framed, weather-boarded, neatly white-washed, and made sufficiently large and comfortable in every respect.
On some estates the houses are framed, weather-boarded, neatly white-washed, and made sufficiently large and comfortable in every respect. The dead man turned out to be of foreign birth, though a Russian subject. The wagons drew up in a crescent in front of what had once been the village smithy. “The priest is calling on the Volantenes to go to war,” the Halfmaester told him, “but on the side of right, as soldiers of the Lord of Light, R’hllor who made the sun and stars and fights eternally against the darkness. Is that the way of it? The gift you bring me is your own sweet self. Her draft was so shallow she could work her way up even the smallest of the river’s vassal streams, negotiating sandbars that would have stranded larger vessels, yet with her sail raised and a current under her, she could make good speed. He has taken a liking to Val. When radical extremists sought to cleanse society of sin and evil, what they really desired was the cleansing of their souls. I share the blame. Visual appeal also ranked very highly on the survey: the shoes must exhibit some personality to make them appealing to children who desire a sense of individuality. You will then have time to ponder on what has transpired here since the sitting of this court, and I believe that your biciclete rusesti vechi verdict will then be unanimous, that the law of the United States, as explained by our venerable judge, when compared with the act committed by me, was cruel and oppressive, and needs remodelling.. Kill the boy, Jon thought. Perhaps the dancers had stirred her after all. Go to her, Vanya, and tell me quietly what’s the matter with her. Researchers obtained information on the demographics of both parents, the mother medical history age at pregnancy, and pantofi sport cu scai barbati infant health. Like so many other women her age, one of Hillary Clinton's favorite books is Little Women. Every eye turned skyward. But in my distress the indefiniteness of the apprehension makes my suffering even more acute.. Cathay Pacific, which also runs passengers service, dominates the Asia side of the Pacific Rim when it comes to freight. In the bailey, her men closed about each other, hefting shields and spears. Things got off to a worrying start as a nervous Army side conceded a penalty kimono long femme grande taille that was easily slotted over to give the RAF the first points on the board (2 0). Dolorous Edd took hold of Slynt by one arm, Iron Emmett by the other. Code Ann. Imran Khan, editor in chief of cult youth magazine Second Generation gave his opinion on the aesthetics.. Mostly he stayed beneath the trees, but where the shore curved away westward he would take the more direct path across the frozen lake, shouldering through snowdrifts taller than Bran as the ice crackled underneath his hooves. Social media is at the heart of their world. No tongue can tell the doubt, the perplexities, the anxiety, which a slave feels, when making up his mind upon this subject. From the ice, the village looked no different than a dozen other spots along the lakeshore. The planet was three to four degrees Celsius warmer than it was in the 19th century, before man made global warming began.. Had something gone awry? “Come where?” Ser Barristan asked the boy. This was worse. Lord Davos, you will not know, but you are dead.”. Through sunday, expect scattered thunderstorms west of deming and isolated thunderstorms elsewhere. I’ll make sure there’s no fighting, cazadora vaquera tommy hilfiger nor rushing at your bloody gate.. Our laws uniformly treat the master, or other person having the possession and command of the slave, as entitled to the same extent of duci alkalmi ruha authority. The Trojans have to replace their entire offensive line but will do so with Clark, owner of the school's single season rushing record, and biciclete rusesti vechi Johnson, who carried the ball in addition to playing linebacker.. And Roosevelt Ray, the first two African Americans from Calvert killed during combat in World War II."American Post 220 exists because blacks couldn't cross doorstops," said Commander Cheryll Chew. casquette ny kaki mĂšre As for myself, I'm a Mac. Shop for shoes in the afternoon your feet tend to swell during the course of the day. No siege towers, though. Mays, 74, died Friday, Aug. Augusta County lies west of Charlottesville on the other side of Afton Mountain. The Bowling Green junior fought from behind the entire second set and took Heartl to 5 4 before falling. She lay with her face hidden in the pillow, crying. Lovejoy’s character and motives.. Boeing built 12 Clippers between 1938 and 1941. I live in Perth at the moment so I shop there. She was glad of that. Detectives are still investigating the motive for the killings, which they said may have been financial."This investigation is far from over," Brown said. The famous aviator was only in town briefly before returning to his camp Red Rock located about 400 kilometres north of the city. “It’s not enough,” an old man snarled. He remembered Robb’s face when they told him. While the net damage was mostly dealt to the restraunt only, Dero Brown furniture and hardware store took a considerable amount of smoke and water damage.. Consumers like to kick the tires, so to speak. Regional carrier PenAir operate their Pacific Northwest oakley m frame ice iridium hub at PDX. I like running . Most financial analysts expect the Cseries won't be delivered until the first months of 2015.. Once you came as a little thing, as you were when you were ten years old and were just beginning to have music lessons, do you remember? I dreamed you came in a short frock, with pretty little shoes on, and red little hands . “Do not be so certain.” The ruby at Melisandre’s throat gleamed red. Nikolay Sergeyitch was delighted. Dan Weissenhofer kept the puck in the zone and Chad Demers fed Holm in the slot. Roxy's husband, Bob Engle, is the founder and president of the now defunct NWT Air, for which Sosnowski flew for nearly 20 years before retiring. From this time I understood the words abolition and abolitionist, and always drew near when that word was spoken, expecting mustang nƑi cipƑ ĂĄrgĂ©p to hear something of importance to myself and fellow-slaves. Don’t be uneasy!” he added, seeing that air jordan aj4 Anna Andreyevna was making signals to him again. The reading was over. Diet Coke contains caffeine, which is both man made and naturally occurring. The neighbouring landowners learned to manage their estates from him. They draw trade to Meereen, and fill the city’s coffers with coin from the ends of the earth. And that blockhead Sizobryuhov’s been promised a beauty today, a married woman, an officer’s wife, a woman of rank. (1)Israeli Palestinian conflict and FIFA politics overlap in the West Bank. Around the same time, a wealthy white American man broke a United Nations boycott designed to isolate a brutally racist government. It is satisfying for me to get such a variety of work. We have a lot of model runs to go. The Old School General Assembly maintains fellowship with these Presbyteries, without discipline or protest. Offer may change or end at any time without notice.
0 notes
rennyji · 3 years
July 19th tweets...
July 19th tweets...
“Prayer III “ - by DMX - enough said

Tangram Smart Rope-regarding products like this, when, as weAll inLife, canExperience lackOfMotivation inSome ADD typeWay, a gimmickOfSomething nice looking/technological, 2 work w/the minds lackOfInterest(rooted in thoughts&resulting in feelings as boring), canHelp w/motivation.
"Tea Tree Hair and Body Moisturizer, Leave-In Conditioner, Body Lotion, After-Shave Cream" from Amazon...I want this product to always be available, so I just want to say this is an awesome hair gel...regarding the other uses, never tried applying like a lotion or aftershave...
Regarding my oppressed brothers, like me, in their respective cave or figurative jail cell: “who we be” - by DMX shows ur not the only one 
 Just remember: America’s system screws with you, cuz ur better than most

“Dragostea Din Tei” from my Spotify 90s Playlist
and then there is Livin La Vida Loca by Ricky Martin- the Spanish version
and Mambo No. 5 (A Little Bit of
) by Lou Bega
"Everybody" by Backstreet Boys
”you give love a bad name” by Bon Jovi...all good songs...
don’t think there is a woman on this earth that I think more beautiful than @Shakira
 randomly heard "ojas asi": one of her songs- sounds exotic
just made me think how much @Shakira stands out in appearance...
and now to get serious, to express the other side of my scale, with some thinking that I'm going to share -
In my request to end “the situation”, “the phenomena”, I keep saying tell me what’s going on to help me end it. That’s one thing I lack: a witness or someone to be this kind of friend to me. My request is with urgency. The orchestrators may say, “it’s almost done” or “ we already spent more than a decade, why not a little bit longer?!”
They maybe even say “get involved with what, we the orchestrator, say, and the “phenomena” will end sooner .” You cannot clap with one hand alone, so don’t be the corresponding hand to the orchestrators hand, to make a clapping sound. Do not be their army. Act by not acting, or simply refraining from action-probably what concepts such as inaction vs. action vs. nonaction get into.
In the Bible, it says,
59 He said to another man, “Follow me.”(BL)
But he replied, “Lord, first let me go and bury my father.”
60 Jesus said to him, “Let the dead bury their own dead, but you go and proclaim the kingdom of God.”(BM)
61 Still another said, “I will follow you, Lord; but first let me go back and say goodbye to my family.”(BN)
62 Jesus replied, “No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God.”
Point of this passage, in the time of urgent calling from life or when there is a need:
We, as humans, will always have excuses. But “the time being now” is a concept that is so serious, when Jesus hears a man saying “he’ll be right there, I just want to attend to my dad’s funeral rites”, Jesus himself says (in what may come off as insensitive to impulsive human emotion), that, “let the dead worry about the dead, and you, do what needs and must be done. “
End this “phenomena”, “this situation”, now.
If you, the high minded American orchestrators, have a problem following the request of a lowly Indian, know that my request is dictated through the directives of the Golden Rule.
Jesus gave us the Golden Rule, but in being ANY follower of God, that would make us a “Champion for Justice.”
From the Christian perspective, it’s said:
Matthew 10:34
“Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.
What Christ is saying is, He came to teach us insight, to challenge established rules and traditions and to get us to go beyond them. The path of doing what’s right could put us in wrong terms with family, could get you jailed. But followers of God can’t just cozy up and be apathetic to what goes on in the world. Through your words and influence, you need to fight deceptions and evils and injustices of this world with the figurative sword of the might of your will power and compassion and conviction.
So, on the basis of the following two Biblical verses, you might’ve heard:
Mark 13:6
Many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am he,’ and will deceive many.
Matthew 24:5
For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am the Messiah,’ and will deceive many.
I seem to be in some mind reading/and the possibly secret mind control cr*p.
Regarding the Christ, it’s said many will pose as Him, for the purpose of deception.
Here’s a scary reality, in knowing aggressive power hungry American mentality, that can happen. There is one band of orchestrators who very well could take over my body, not just mind control my hands to go up and down or allegedly read minds. Whether they’ll allow this message to seep through their filters, God knows. In Sha Allah - God willing- in Arabic- my words will reach you before the end of this.
For me being me, people may feel one way or another, toward me.
But with respect to me, know me and not judge me, based on the content of my character, my words, my actions
not even my alleged secret thoughts. You need to be direct with me to pick up on these things. Something very sinister could take advantage of my influence, posing as me, with my appearance, for their own selfish agendas.
Going back to Christ with the present day reality I am facing, it’s said many will come, saying they’re Christ. We have pictures of Christ, but the reality is, no one really knows what He looks like. ( Based on Middle Eastern appearances 2 thousand years ago, he may have had a tan, may have been about 5’5 in height-but don’t know for sure/different story/deviating from main serious point
) How will you recognize God, the Messiah, or Christ? Perhaps that why you shouldn’t get lost in names or various labels like doctor, police or whatever. Appreciate the company before you, through the Golden Rule. Be your best you, learn what you can, see not just with your eyes but through insight, practice the Golden Rule, and be mindful of the times. You are a Child of “The God” (capital G), making you little gods (small “g”) made in the Image of God.
Act with compassion, authority, dignity like a god,
and treat ur neighbor through listening/donation and dedication of your time/your verbally expressed perceptions or kindness or expression of a good word

Regarding true insight and being mindful of the times, especially these times where under drunkenness, figuratively expressed through naivety and innocent smiling faces, living as though in paradise, taking part in what will inevitably/ultimately happen to them and their loved ones, through the completion/perfection of the orchestrators agenda- like something from the book, “1984”
these are the times of the “thought police”
and you foolish people are making it happen under the American corny sentimental notion of “preventing it from happening.” If the project is completed, it will lie in wait to tempt the orchestrators for use. Simply existing is a temptation. I’m a kind of serious that an American thinking they’re in paradise will never comprehend, when I say the following: “do not partake in the project/situation/ even if it means I rot or ultimately die from direct involvement or extreme mental exhaustion.” To my family, my parents: if Mary, the Mother of Christ, can endure the crucifixion of her Son, if the Apostles can get arrested and freed from their cells through Angels, please do your part of giving value to my suffering and not partaking in the success of the orchestrators project.
In Matthew 16:1-3:
The Pharisees and Sadducees came to Jesus and tested him by asking him to show them a sign from heaven.
2 He replied, “When evening comes, you say, ‘It will be fair weather, for the sky is red,’ 3 and in the morning, ‘Today it will be stormy, for the sky is red and overcast.’ You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but you cannot interpret the signs of the times.
In our times in America, we live an age where the orchestrators: government officials, military, law enforcement, and whoever else with earthly power to engage in a mind reading/control project, are knowingly or unknowingly engaging in deception of the masses “to accomplish their ends.” They tell the crowds, we’re helping a defenseless/sweet boy. They tell the families, we’ll make him big. They get my age group, particularly females to behave one way or another. What better way to complete and conceal a covert government/possibly military project that in broad daylight with - no offense- overly joyful kid like voices doing the narration and handling P.R.  stuff with the public? They probably picked my family for this, after studying their naivety and innocence and realizing they can be manipulated. I mean I pick up on some obvious flaws right off the bat and ur telling me that top level people doing mind reading/control stuff, didn’t realize any of it?- I mean is that plausible deniability that they try to cover up with? I.e. making the family more American and solving familial problems? If my Family has any flaws, the universal fix to all of it is my success, progression, and well being. In the spirit of the situation/project being done in broad daylight
I mean come on America, come on “the world,” see the American sinners create a situation where my own family cannot talk to me about the situation for more than 10 years!!!. I’m not allowed to talk to them. The world won’t tell me what’s going on and act on the instructions of false American gods. If I make any attempt to talk about what transpires, I’ll be labeled mentally ill and/or drugged-this while everyone is led to smile about the situation in public, at this atrocity, that has been going on for more than “A Decade. “The American infidel of orchestrators are focused on completing their project, despite my suffering and health crumbling parents. When all is done, they may stop filtering what I’m saying, show you what was said by me (if even that! ), and save their a*ses by blaming America’s inability of being direct to one of their fellow citizens, or from a Christian perspective, their neighbor.
Have you ever seen anything so complex and conniving
For the American gods and their following, lay down what’s been done, what’s transpired, or maybe there’s a pattern to all their instructions
do I lie? Am I disillusioned?
this not even about interpretation. In broad daylight, look at the literal kind of things occurring. By the Will of God, let justice prevail.
The orchestrators ultimately give the promise of giving me the world. When I first came across the idea of being handed the world, I got the vibe of it ringing along the lines of Satan himself.  Positions in life and women are cool, but at what cost? You literally are offering me the world to screw with the sanctity of person’s mind, I.e. the mental Kingdom of God
I mean the chaos the orchestrators have caused is indigestible.
Now I don’t think the orchestrators have the insight to see this much detail, buts it’s like Satan himself tempting Jesus with offering of the world, in, if I remember correctly, His 40 days in the desert.
What will the orchestrators do in completing their mind project, while cleverly passing it off as a show of being cute with finding what a guy is thinking.
-I kinda want to say to the orchestrators,”you tricky tricky b*stards” or “ you f*in son of a b*tch”
 In seeing my words from today or yesterday, they may calm normal reactions to atrocities, lighten the mood, by making a joke out of all this or saying things casually like "oh -
-now he's mad", or "oh he wants an army" - isn't that adorable of sugary sweet Indian man?" - 
The orchestrators will use their project to enhance their military, in warfare, to subdue the enemy, and things like that first and foremost.-
With the time they wasted on attaining gifts reserved for the Enlightened of God, through science, the orchestrators could’ve solved male pattern baldness or type 1 or type 2 diabetes. Recently I saw a woman whose son suffers from low blood sugar. In just solving this mother’s sons problem, would the joy you bring her, equate to enhancing your armies?
I have a lot of things floating through my head, and these kinds of philosophies are among them. But I’m about balance and this is just one side of a scale. Regarding me, I am no one, I am trash, I’m just a guy waiting to go on a date, after a decade, or go to a party of my peers. As I pass by in your lives, I just wanted to share what’s relevant for the moment.
Don’t focus on remembering me, but remember what I told you.
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reyatthefeel · 5 years
All About Daniel.
For the next several days everything is going to be about Daniel and how he handled 'The Feel' as he faced so many challenges. I'm super excited to walk through this book of the Bible again. Its one of my favorites!
I think it's important to point out that God is our teacher. Everyone who desires to be a true disciple of Christ can only achieve that by studying the Word ourselves, everyday. As God teaches us He will bring us the understanding of His revelation and interpretation. Any other person we listen to should simply be confirmation of what God is already teaching us in our daily devotional study time. ALWAYS...take what you are presented by someone else and verify that it is completely in line with God's Word and if its not, discard it.
(Please read the 1st chapter of Daniel.)
Here we go...
We are introduced with the fulfilling of what Moses predicted in Dueteronomy 30:4-6
"Even if you have been banished to the most distant land under the heavens, from there the Lord your God will gather you and bring you back. He will bring you to the land that belonged to your fathers, and you will take possession of it. He will make you more prosperous and numerous than your fathers. The Lord your God will circumcise your hearts and the hearts of your descendants so that you may love him with all your heart and with all your soul, and live."
This is so exciting because we read it in Dueteronomy as a prediction Moses spoke, yet as we open up Daniel and begin reading chapter 1, that prediction has not only come to life but we begin watching each part of it be unveiled.
(A bit of history. Israel had been divided into two kingdoms. The larger portion was Israel and the smaller portion Judah. Judah was the kingdom in which David ruled as king before taking over all of Israel. God promised to have one of David's descendants on the throne in Jerusalem always. Here we see that King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon came and beseiged Judah. He took many of the people as well as some of the articles from the temple in Jerusalem (an important factor that will come into play soon). He had his chief of officials hand pick the most handsome, intelligent, noble young men to become active in serving him in his palace.
Stop here!
If in your life you have questioned where you are, the exact time and place in history that you are living, your parents or family or lab thereof and have thought it must have been a mistake, you must have been a mistake, this should clear that up. Moses prediction some 800 years prior and here we watch how that plays out with each of these very specific people. It is a reminder that we are all placed in history during a specific timeline on purpose.
Proverbs 16:9 tells us "The heart of man plans his way, but the LORD establishes his steps." You and I are exactly where we are supposed to be at the exact right time. Even if our parents did not plan for us or care for us in the way they should, no one is a mistake. It's not where we are but what we do with where we are that moves us forward or keeps us stagnant. As Mordecai told Esther....for such a time as this. You are here right now where you are for a purpose. So if that question has ever lingered in your mind...may it linger no more. Now back to Daniel.
King Nebuchadnezzar ordered that these intelligent, flawless young men be taught the languge and literature of the Babylonians. He wanted them healthy and ordered a specific diet for them to follow over a three-year period before they would be allowed into his service. It is this that brought Daniel and his friends their first test.
Most scholars believe these four young men were around 17 years of age at this time, some believe they were even younger. They have been ripped away from their home, their families, from everything that felt safe and familiar and thrown into the home of the man who caused it all for the purpose of serving him. What was Daniel, Hananiah (Shadrach), Mishael (Meshach), and Azariah (Abednego) feeling? What questions and thoughts were going through their minds? I can't imagine what 'the feel' must have been screaming at them. However, we do know what they did inspite of what they may have been feeling because we know how they responded. They didn't rebel or lash out, though they had good reason too. They didn't devise a plan to scheme, cheat, or start a revolution. Instead, they showed respect, honor, and humility in the midst of it all. Respect and honor toward those who had ripped them away from everything they loved, humbling themselves to be the best servants possible in spite of it all. It began with a simple diet but one that would have caused these four young men to break specific stipulations put in place under the leadership of Moses by command of God. They were able to be respectful, to show honor, and to have a genuine humility yet still tactfully offer a temporary solution without being offensive.
Daniel basically offered up a ten day challenge because after all, it was only ten days in a three year program. If it didn't work there was no great loss. Yet we know what God can do with an an instant, watch what He can do with ten days!
The guard agreed to go along with Daniel's request and after that ten days not only had Daniel and his friends proven that maintaining their way of life under God's direction was better, the guards were so impressed they implemented Daniel's diet for everyone. King Nebuchadnezzar may have thought he had taken them from their God and God's ability to work through them but instead he brought their God into the Babylonian kingdom creating the perfect environment for miracles which we will begin to see unfold in the next few chapters.
As God continued to bless these four young men with wisdom and understanding, Nebuchadnezzar found them to be ten times better than all the magicians and enchanters in the kingdom it tells us as the chapter comes to an end. I find it interesting that God used ten days and in the end King Nebuchadnezzar found Daniel and his friends ten times wiser.
Todays Takeaway:
In our world it seems extremely hard at times to stand our ground in regard to our allegiance to God. We want to be accepted, liked, and elevated. Our American culture, though founded upon God, has so shifted that it now seems to despise and hate everything that has to do with our God and our Savior Jesus Christ.
It is so much easier to listen to our feelings that tell us fitting into the world around us is most important. Even in the church we now go to feel good about ourselves and the God we want to believe in. The god we want to believe is all love and acceptance of all things so we can live however we want and not feel like we have to change or sacrifice anything that would be an inconvenience. W believe it to be a win-win as it also allows us to be accepted because these days our ways don't look much different from the ways of the world. In this we aren't causing any rifts or creating any hardships for ourselves in regard to the world but what we are doing in an eternal sense is more devistating than we realize. We ignore the truth that is so plainly stated through the Bible that God is indeed love but He is also indeed just. We should certainly be about the love of God everyday we are allowed to live but we should never do that out of balance with the justness and holiness of God.
Daniel could have decided to remain quiet and not cause any problems for himself and his friends. Go with whatever the Babylonians wanted because I am pretty certain based on Nebuchadnezzar's track record, Daniel could have even been put to death for addressing the guard in any form of disagreement. Yet, he didn't listen to his feelings that I am certain were telling him to stand down. Daniel was human, just like you and me, and a teenager to boot. He was certainly fighting those feelings yet he chose to stand against the world he was in and because he did it with tact and respect, the outcome was not only positive but was the catalyst of change for an entire empire. Yes, the entire empire. That entire empire was often guided in its direction by the wise men and enchanters of the king, all of whom had to go through that same three year preparation.
Daniel didn't chose the path of least resistance, he chose the path of God. He didn't accept the ways of the Babylonians that went against the teachings of God. He chose to serve and honor God first no matter the cost. A lesson we all need to apply in our lives. Oh if we did, how we could turn the American church back to its roots and that could become the catalyst for change.
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kishketon · 5 years
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Scripture warns us against sin by telling us that, “A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump.” (Galatians 5:9) That is to say that a little yeast in the bread dough effects the whole lump of dough. When a little sin is tolerated in the life of the believer then it will spread and eventually destroy the believer from the inside out. Yale University was chartered October 9,1701 by the Connecticut Colony as the “Collegiate School” and was established by the clergy to educate Congregational ministers. By the time David Brainerd entered the school in 1739 the school had become a true center of organized and ritualistic religion and had even come so far as to threaten, fine and expel students for their religious zeal. Today it is little more than an ivy league school that is Christian in name only if that. David Brainerd was a missionary to the native Americans of the New York and Connecticut areas who died faithfully in his service to the indigenous peoples of those areas. In 1739 he entered Yale as a student and a few years later he was expelled for his religious zeal. The excuse that was used to expel him was that he had insulted a tutor and criticized the rector for their lack of zeal toward the work of the Lord. Together these were considered his first and second offenses. Yale had recently passed a policy that said that if any student was found citing leadership for hypocrisy that they would be forced to publicly apologize to that person and on second offense be expelled. David Brainerd, a true man of God was expelled. David Brainerd has been a true inspiration to many great men of God down through the years and it was his example that has inspired many to the mission field. How does a school get so far from it’s original purpose that it no longer has a legacy of educating and producing great men of God? How do men in general get so far away from God that they loose sight of their relationship with Him? I had a friend once that I thought was not a Christian. She was a nice girl but didn’t appear to have any relationship with the Lord Jesus. We worked together so I often shared my relationship with the Lord with her as she was cleaning up her work station. One day she had her back to me and when she turned around she had huge tears rolling down her cheeks. She started to tell me her story. She said that she had once known Jesus in a way that when she prayed she could feel the Lord’s presence in the room with her. She said that she was very active in her Church and that she read her Bible on a daily basis. Then she met a guy. The man was not a Christian and he was kind of wild. She told me that he used alcohol and had a tendency to use drugs on occasion. She said that she thought that she would change him but over time he gradually changed her and since then she had abandoned the Lord. She no longer did the things that she used to and when she prayed she felt like her prayers simply hit the ceiling and bounced back to her. Compromise is one of the greatest enemies of the child of God and many have fallen by the wayside as a result of it. What does it mean to compromise? The dictionary provides us with two definitions that I would like to use. One is, “An agreement or a settlement of a dispute that is reached by each side making concessions.” the other is, “acceptable standards that are lower than is desirable.” The first is the noun form of the word compromise which defines it as settling a dispute by giving ground to the opposing party. That is to say keeping the peace by not standing dogmatically on your convictions. The second is the verb form which defines compromise as settling for lower than the desired standard. Either way you see it compromise is to sell out ones convictions for a lower standard. When a man compromises his convictions he lowers the standard of his convictions and he incorporates things into his environment that are in opposition to what he believes and stands for. This young lady had chosen to fall in love with a man that had opposing convictions to those that she had and so she tolerated his sin which eventually overtook her and destroyed her relationship with the Lord. Much like Yale University and this young lady the contemporary Church have fallen away from it’s relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. The Church has compromised it’s convictions and tolerated sin to the point that we are more like the world than what Jesus intended us to be. What is the resolution to this problem? The Bible says, “Your glorying is not good. Know ye not that a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump? Purge out therefore the old leaven, that ye may be a new lump, as ye are unleavened. For even Christ our passover is sacrificed for us: Therefore let us keep the feast, not with old leaven, neither with the leaven of malice and wickedness; but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth.” (1 Corinthians 5:6-8) We must repent and re-establish our relationship with the Lord. We must no longer tolerate the worldly views heaped upon us by worldly preachers and return to the purity of scripture and only then will our Churches and our nation be healed of the current state in which we find ourselves. “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” (2 Chronicles 7:14)Jesus is our only hope.
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mofodopoulis · 7 years
Re: Response from Congressman Issa
The Honorable Darrell Issa U.S. House of Representatives 2269 Rayburn HOB Washington, DC 20515 April 8, 2017 (via email) Dear Congressman Issa, Thank you very much for the reply, which is at the end of this message. That means a lot to me, in an odd way. But good grief man, I've been writing you whining letters about how my illegal immigrant maid who sidelines as a hooker has a higher standard of living than I do. And the quality of her blow-jobs. That was all a joke. And you keep responding, earnestly. Don't you realize I'm putting you on, Rep. Issa? Don't you grasp that my letters play to the basest of the base instincts you encourage among your idiotic followers? Have you no sense of humor at all, sir? That's a worse crime than being a pedophile (which is pretty damn bad) in my opinion. Or are you NOT reading my letters? Are you merely having interns respond to them? Jesus, they must be the dumbest interns on Capitol Hill. It's also a crime, in my book, to hire interns who have IQs under 40 and/or no sense of humor whatsoever. Of course, there are worse crimes -- like auto theft and insurance fraud and arson. And then, somewhat ironically, building a business empire based upon experience with those very offenses to society. What I've been trying to tell you -- somewhat obliquely -- is that you're a fraud, sir. Arguably, you're a thief and a firebug and fraudster who somehow wormed his way into financial success and bought himself a seat in Congress. And now you've adopted an air of respectability and you pretend to wield some kind of moral authority over Californians, most of whom have never been even accused of such crimes. Don't get me wrong. I'm far from perfect. I've had some traffic tickets. I'm not always the most pleasant person to my wife or kids. Occasionally I drink too much. But for God's sake, I've never stolen a car, or burned down a warehouse for a business that was going under, in order to make an insurance claim on that. The FBI counts arson as a violent crime. Given all that, I can't fathom how you sleep at night, much less hold yourself out, with a smile on your face, as our congressman. You should be ashamed of yourself. You've led a life that's pretty much a road map on THINGS YOU SHOULD NEVER DO. And then you have the chutzpah to ask for our vote, so you can screw up our country. Fuck you, Rep. Issa. And fuck you again if you reply to this letter. And fuck your poor, dumb, humorless interns, too. Sincerely, Arthur Mofodopoulis 7271 Sitio Lima Carlsbad, CA 92009 ------------------------ The Honorable Darrell Issa U.S. House of Representatives 2269 Rayburn HOB Washington, DC 20515 March 4, 2017 (via web form) Dear Rep. Issa, This is my fourth letter to you in the past two years (the very first one, in which I complained my maid, Imelda, has a higher standing of living than I do, is below). And I have to say that while I appreciate the assiduousness with which you've sent me form emails since I began writing, I'm beginning to wonder if you're reading my letters at all. Let's face it, you've never responded to any of the specific points I've ever raised. Frankly, this one is the most difficult one to write of all. Because, even though I've been a faithful voter for you ever since the your first election in 2000, I sense that you're changing and abandoning all the of the wonderful conservative values and principles that made me a Darrell Issa fan in the first place. What has happened to the Darrell Issa that used to gleefully scapegoat welfare recipients? Or the Darrell Issa that threatened to shut down the bloated, regulation-mired, freedom-killing federal government? Or the Darrell Issa who waged no-holds-barred investigations of the former secretary of state, Hillary Clinton, the most evil politician in American history? It was bad enough that you sent an email around last year, bragging about all the times you'd partnered with Democrats in Congress. Why do you think you barely won your most recent election, by only 1,680 votes? That's why! Yet since then, you've grown softer and even more lefty. You've called for an independent counsel to investigate our glorious Republican President, Donald Trump, and his connections to Russia. And now you've gone and joined the Climate Solution Caucus, a pro-global warming group. That has even elicited articles of praise inpublications such as "Mother Jones." Are you daft, Rep. Issa? Don't you know the CSC is an outfit of commies masquerading as greenies? They're trying to dissolve our great republic! Lord help me, I used to turn a deaf ear when critics called you a car thief, an arsonist and an insurance fraudster. But now I'm beginning to think there might be something there. Dude, are you listening? I want you to totally rescind your call for an investigation of our amazing president. And I demand that you drop out of the CSC. Otherwise, Rep. Issa, I'm going to stay home for the next congressional election, in 2018. And you can't afford that. You and I both know that you need every vote you can muster! Sincerely, Arthur Mofodopoulis 7271 Sitio Lima Carlsbad, CA 92009 P.S. I think my maid is still giving blow jobs for cash, if you are interested. ------------------------------------------------- Rep. Darrell Issa U.S. House of Representatives 2269 Rayburn HOB Washington, DC 20515 May 7, 2015 (via Web form) Dear Rep. Issa, I watched your interview on CNN Monday and smiled approvingly at your comment, to wit, that the poor in the United States are "the envy of the world." You have no idea how right you are, Rep. Issa! Allow me to tell you a story to illustrate that. I live about a mile east of La Costa Country Club here in Carlsbad, in a nice home, on a beautiful street with great neighbors. Most of us on Sitio Lima have worked hard for our piece of the American Dream. There are only a few trust-fund babies on the block. Aside from voting Republican, among the reasons we are living the good life is that we have pursued education, and we are smart, and we are frugal. For example, my car is a 20-year-old Volvo. It has less than 200,000 miles and it runs GREAT! The problem is our maid, Imelda. She's driving a late-model Mercedes and she's always busting my balls because she has a nicer ride than mine. Imelda dropped out of school in the 9th grade, before she immigrated here illegally from the Philippines. She's 24 and she has three kids. I pay her under the table. On top of the $300 a week I give her, she gets child support from three men totaling $2,400 per month. On top of that, she gets $480 in food stamps. And then she gets $660 in TANF benefits, and free childcare, and free healthcare, and she lives in a subsidized townhouse that costs her only $600 per month, but for which the market rate is $1,600. I have no idea how much she earns turning tricks from Backpage.com, but she is attractive. Let's add that all up, shall we? She gets $1,200 a month from me + $2,400 in child support + $480 in food stamps + $660 in TANF + a $1,000 rent subsidy. When you add it all up that's $4,740 per month, or about $57,000 per year. Plus whatever she earns on her back. And all she does is clean my house 5 days a week! No wonder Imelda's always happy! No wonder she drives a 2013 Mercedes. She has a nicer set of golf clubs than I do, too. I have actually seen her on the course over at La Costa, where she snickered at my Spauldings! Yes, you could say I'm envious, and I'm not even poor. Yet, Imelda IS among America's poor, and she's living the high life. You are exactly right -- she would be the envy of every other poor person in the world. When I see the documentaries on my 60-inch flatscreen my heart breaks for the REAL poor in the Congo, Zimbabwe, Somolia, India and elsewhere. (I send money to a fund for them -- $10 a month). The point is, we hard-working taxpayers should not be subsidizing Imelda's profligate lifestyle. At the least her TANF and food stamps and rent subsidy should be cut. She would have to turn only about 5 more tricks per month to make up the difference. That's why I'm glad you brought this important issue to the public's attention. It will encourage some well-deserved resentment against the so-called "poverty stricken" people in America. Frankly, I think they should all be in jail. Except, who then would I get to do my housework or cut my lawn or paint my house? Anyway, thank you for your wisdom, Rep. Issa. The next time you're in Carlsbad, you might want to give Imelda a call. I understand her blowjobs are amazing! Sincerely, Arthur Mofodopoulis 7271 Sitio Lima Carlsbad, CA 92009
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mohayrixblog-blog · 8 years
Well since I am studying blogging and teaching the new style to others as I advance in my studies, it only makes sense that I create a regular blog myself. What I have learned is;
 My goal is to share my thoughts and get feedback from you. Your opinions are appreciated, valued, and solicited. If there is something you would like to challenge me with concerning writing don’t be shy. Jump in here and make suggestions. Also, I wish to gain a following of like-minded people (or aliens from Zekaphor). I want readers who truly enjoy what the Lord has blessed me with.
 I spend a lot of time writing since I decided to stop being disabled due to my broken down body and would like to know if it is being read. It is no easy task and this is a whole new style for me. I usually write detailed, over researched academic non-fiction. I did take two years of university journalism classes and started this new career based on that. Ever hear of the starving writer's fund? Is this my EGO talking? Of course, I think not, but it would nice to know that I may be a decent writer, with the ability to engage others on a long term basis. I too have a lot to say from the mundane to the extremely important (at least to myself) and wonder if I can earn enough to afford to eat from the talents given me. Perhaps I really fooled myself and I really cannot write anything that isn’t odiferous. I know I use big fancy college words and if you take the time to respond, I will give you the dictionary definition of those words. If you understand nothing I commit to print, I will start a fund for your higher education. 
Prices subject to change without further notice. Money back guarantee is only available to those with a cumulative GPA of 4.0 or higher. Must be living outside a 500-mile radius of any highway in a non-liberal state that supports straight sex married couples. Liabilities stemming from major brain damage must submit, in detailed writing, with every t crossed with no spellin errors, and every I dotted correctly Submit claims with a non-refundable $5,000,000.000.00 processing fee to: Weird Writers Inc. 666 Bloopers Ave. Suite aBcD Ripoffville, Zamunda 72588302. Allow twenty-five years for responses. WARNING !!! This product has been known to cause wisdom to the consumer by the State Of Confusion.
If I so offend you then delete me, forget me, block me, defriend me (hey so called friends do that and I probably won’t know) and/or let me know you chose to be offended by a bit of hot air forced through vocal chords while the buccinator muscles form enunciation (I do use a VRP [voice recognition program] in my craft). I love brutal honesty; it helps me grow and is taken as “constructive criticism”. I rarely get too emotional and get over my offenses towards myself or others ASAP. That would be known as forgiveness.
 For those who are new to my pages or those who have read very little to nothing of my posts in 17 pages, I will give a brief educated, self-assessment. In other words for my friends from other lands and cultures; this is who I am (Sort of. OK I said brief. I am very complicated).
 I do not define myself by what I do for a living as my job typically only lasts 12 to 18 hours a day (OK sometimes longer) and doesn’t consume my entire life. That leaves time for me to pray (God forbid) (I see you running away) some sleep, and eat. Yes, I am one of those crazy people that loves my job with God. Am I perfect? Does the heading say Jesus’ blog? Then no. I make mistakes like everyone else and unknowingly sin (brain flatulence). As I get older I realize that I don’t want to miss out on the bliss of utopia or rapture which means “pure joy and/or overwhelming bliss”. I want to be on that train to heaven, not under the locomotive while it burns. I rarely allow others to dictate false teachings or doctrines to determine my beliefs about the afterlife.
I like music and am a professional musician; watersports like surfing, and helping others. I really like the happy, light-hearted humor of clean comedy. I have been successful in comedy and it leaks out every so often. I like Hagen Das Strawberry ice cream and sprout bread (Ezekiel 4:9). Long Epsom salts/ bubble baths with a candle burning leaves me with a warm fuzzy feeling inside, but physically cold when I fall asleep in the tub. I also like public speaking and ministering the word, Mercedes-Benz autos, older Chevy trucks, boats that don’t make too much noise, and the following. I love to live by the title of my first English essay, “Life Is Too Serious To Take Too Seriously!!!” I am sure there are others but you will have to get to know me first and that involves actually reading my works. 😊😊😊
 What I don’t like: Fake, smarmy people who present as saints but live as demons. Learn to walk your talk!!! It reminds me of the old song “The Back Stabbers” by the O’Jays.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B5OpeUts7sA
Since at this space in time, I am in several discussions about begging; I DO NOT LIKE IT (begging) AND HERE IS WHAT I THINK IS TRUE.
A  Facebook post between my new brother and myself.
When you first told me you needed instruments, you did not beg and I appreciate that.
I envisioned enough to fill a large stage.
I always do things in a big way and was overwhelmed by the erroneous price tag I envisioned.
Great brother
Begging is not good
I agree but was wondering if I could help in your needs without church begging.
begging shows me a person’s lack of faith
Praying is the best weapon
Bob said in his song "So Jah Seys" "not one of my seeds shall sit on the sidewalk, and beg your bread.”
 I don’t like purple eggs and spam, I do not like them says, Moman I am.
Oh yeah, I don’t like US citizens who can not write the English language correctly. No excuse folks. All you need to know was taught by the time of graduation from the fourth grade, and it is the law that children go to school until 16 in this country. No excuses but now that I think about it I can make money by editing the uneducated fools writing in the restrooms of sleazy honky tonks. Just last night I was told I had upset my partner, a sixth-grade dropout by insisting that he shut his unlearned, southern, country fried ebonics speaking mouth and read his own legal document out loud as I knew he would get the proverbial picture since he speaks well. Although he got a bit miffed, he said it motivated him to get it right or prove me wrong. After a macho exchange of testosterone laden verbiage he did as I suggested and five hours later the document that might make him millions in a lawsuit for police brutality was professionally edited, and he said he was impressed with my knowledge and skills, actually thanking me. Hell, I tried to tell him how impressed I was with the job he had done from jail and a general lack of English writing skills, but try to get a word in edgewise. Education is obviously not restricted to a formal classroom setting. Life or the university of hard knocks is learning at its best but most people can’t or will not recognize that. My friends in foreign countries such as Africa are excused since I realize that you speak at least two languages and English is not the first. I cringe at bad grammar, and if my partner can learn to research and write legalize with a sixth-grade education, then Americans have no excuses with all the opportunities that abound.  In some countries, there are no such things as libraries or available textbooks. We should be thankful that we live in what was once a great country, back when indigenous peoples ran things and authors chiseled petroglyphs into rocks. Grrrr!!!           â˜č â˜č â˜č â˜č â˜č â˜č
 It is my wish that you get addicted to my writings so that you purchase my books, enabling me to administer aid programs to orphaned children that focus on long lasting sustainability projects in African nations. I also seek your input and will value your participation in any and all of my posted materials. Who knows, you may wind up having your thoughts published and win the grand prize.
Enjoy and 500 billion blessings. Have a Mohay day!!! 😊 😊 😊
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nothingman · 8 years
Recently, Profound Lore Records announced a new 12-inch EP from Disma, an American death metal band that’s existed for well over a decade. The band’s frontman Craig Pillard is considered a pioneer of the genre due to his work in Incantation, one of the early innovators in New York City’s death metal scene. He is also considered a fucking Nazi.
SturmfĂŒhrer’s Ich KĂ€mpfe album cover
Outside of Pillard’s main gig, he has a solo project called SturmfĂŒhrer, a name derived from the paramilitary rank within the Nazi army that best translates to “assault leader.” Under the SturmfĂŒhrer name, Pillard has released records that feature swastikas in the artwork and are put out on labels like Satanic Skinhead Propaganda—an imprint that, before closing in 2013, handled records by other metal bands that traffic in overt racism. But by becoming part of the Profound Lore fold, Pillard is no longer just on the cultural fringes. And his involvement there says something striking about modern metal’s ongoing Nazi problem.
Profound Lore, along with labels like Southern Lord, specializes in some of the most progressive, interesting metal being made today. Glance over its discography and you’ll find releases that rarely adhere to one sound but often push boundaries—be it Full Of Hell’s abrasive noise-metal, Krallice’s experimental black metal, or even DĂ€lek’s off-kilter hip-hop. Come March, you’ll also find the new album from Pallbearer, a Georgia metal band with potential to be a huge, Mastodon-style crossover act. If so, it could similarly bring more mainstream exposure to Profound Lore, which only makes the label’s seeming lack of an ethical line all the more troubling.
If Disma were an isolated incident, it’d be easy to chalk up its signing as an outlier. But Profound Lore has, time and again, supported artists lacking any moral compass. After Cobalt kicked out its vocalist, Phil McSorley, for making homophobic and sexist statements on the Facebook page of his other band Recluse, it then welcomed Lord Mantis’ Charlie Fell into the band. Unfortunately, Lord Mantis had released the infamous Death Mask, an album featuring controversial cover art (drawn by the similarly provocative Jef Whitehead) that was labeled as transphobic. When confronted about it in interviews, Fell shrugged it off by saying he sees all people as “laughing, eating, smoking, dick sucking, cum loving, piss-in-the-mouth monkeys.” It seemed Cobalt had merely swapped one ill for another.
Deathkey’s Hammer Of Aryan Terror album cover
But metal’s ongoing problem with bigotry extends well beyond Profound Lore and its roster. Black metal pioneers Mayhem spent this past winter touring with Inquisition, a critical darling who’s also been lumped in with the white power movement. Most of those accusations stem from frontman Jason “Dagon” Weirbach, whose side project, 88MM, boasts a name that alludes to the preferred artillery of Germans in World War II—and even more symbolically, evokes the “88” code employed by neo-Nazis, as a stand-in for “Heil Hitler” (“H” being the eighth letter of the alphabet). 88MM also once released a song titled “14 Showerheads, 1 Gas Tight Door” on the Satanic Skinhead compilation Declaration Of Anti-Semetic Terror, and it once released a split with Satanic Skinhead’s founder, “Antichrist Kramer,” who has a well-documented history of association with openly racist and anti-Semitic bands preaching fascism and ethnic cleansing. Put it all together, and you’d make a reasonable case that—at the very least—Weirbach has a real blind spot when it comes to cultural sensitivity. You might also accuse Weirbach of being a fucking Nazi himself.
Plenty of people did just that in 2014, after Decibel ran an interview with Daniel Gallant, a one-time Canadian skinhead who abandoned the movement and has since worked to expose the tactics used by white power groups. Gallant says that, while driving a tour bus for Inquisition, Weirbach and drummer Thomas “Incubus” Stevens both gushed over his swastika tattoo (which he’s since had removed), with Gallant claiming Stevens even talked about his own beliefs in white supremacy. In a separate interview with Decibel, Weirbach denied he had any Nazi associations—“I’m not a Nazi,” he said flatly—though he had a slightly more muddled response when asked how he would describe his reaction to seeing Gallant’s tattoo, as well as to what it represented:
I can honestly tell you that I never flat-out said I thought it was a horrible thing, or that I was against it, but never did I say I was with it and that I believed in it. What I have always told people is I understand it. I understand that when you look at history and what was happening at the time, whenever you put yourself in everybody else’s shoes—and if you’re smart enough, and you have... maybe common sense is not the word, but you have an understanding of why things happen in history and in humanity the way they do, it doesn’t matter how ugly it is to you or how great. It’s simple physics. It’s nature. Things happen. Earthquakes happen. You know? Bad, good—things happen.
Echoing this “hey, shit and Holocausts happen” attitude, Weirbach similarly shrugged off whether he might be attracting Nazi fans with his music (“[If] they like the music we’re doing, then they like it”), as well as any questions about Kramer:
If I knew he was a white supremacist, truly, would I work with him? Well, there’s a fine line, because even though Inquisition is not a white supremacist band, it gets into the area of, well, here’s a friend who may have evolved into something that is not my business, but now is working for the band. So, for the band, of course, I would not have worked with him. We would not have
 it would have been very difficult. It would have affected maybe our friendship or something, because people don’t like being judged, even though ironically we’re talking about everybody judging each other.
Amid all this prevaricating, Weirbach said he also believed Kramer couldn’t be a white supremacist because he had a black friend, defended his signing with the German label No Colours because “it was the only reputable label in the underground willing to sign us,” and claimed that his sampling of Hitler speeches in his music was “neutral,” seeing as, come on, he’d also sampled the line “Hitler is dead.” The No Colours affiliation is notable given that it’s often regarded as a National Socialist black metal label (NSBM, for short), having released records by bands like Absurd, the band responsible for the murder of Sandro Beyer, later putting Beyer’s grave on an album cover and seeing member Hendrik Möbus describe Beyer as a “leftist faggot.” All told, despite his saying “I’m not a Nazi,” the interview did little to clear up the lingering question of whether Weirbach and Inquisition are, in fact, Nazis, or whether they merely flirt with Nazism for shock value like so many other assholes on the internet right now (and, in some cases, in the White House). Because you can say you’re not a Nazi all you like, but repeated actions to the contrary are far more indicative of the truth.
Weirbach’s tourmates in Mayhem have a similar history of harboring some disgusting views, though these have long been given a pass because of the band’s legendary status—and also because it is riddled with clearly insane people. Still, its almost cartoonish extremity doesn’t excuse stuff like drummer Jan Axel Blomberg, better known as Hellhammer, saying this in black metal history book Lords Of Chaos: “I’ll put it this way, we don’t like black people here. Black metal is for white people.” Nor does it give him a pass on his championing Emperor drummer, BĂ„rd Guldvik Eithun (known as “Faust”), in the documentary Until The Light Takes Us for killing “a fucking faggot.” Then there’s Varg Vikernes, the poster boy for racist metalheads, who played in Mayhem before he murdered its guitarist Euronymous, and a man who has openly propagated Nazi ideology—and has even been convicted of inciting racial hatred against Jews and Muslims.
Marduk’s Frontschwein album cover
While Vikernes is an extreme example, many of these black metal musicians—as well as their fans—tend to adopt Weirbach’s attitude that adopting Nazi imagery is purely an aesthetic choice, one that comes with the sort of implicit air quote that’s become all the more recognizable beyond the music scene. As Stereogum’s Doug Moore pointed out in a recent column, many of these attitudes read like the defenses of 4chan “edgelords,” whose own spreading of gas chamber and “greedy Jew” GIFs are just their way of being provocative—“shit-posting” the world, hoping to trigger a few normies. For some black metal fans, the offensiveness is just as easily dismissed as part of the package, and if you’re triggered by it, that just means it worked. Moore notes that a recent San Francisco show shut down by protests over Swedish black metal band Marduk—a group that’s demonstrated a two-decades-long fascination with Nazism—was just a blip in an otherwise-unimpeded tour in front of fans who, if they’re not embracing that, tend to rationalize it away. For the most part, those within the black metal community seem to shrug that it’s all just inherent to the art.
Granted, it’s already easy to regard black metal as being a purely fringe interest, appealing to just a select few anyway. It’s intense, jarring music that can also be totally goofy, and it doesn’t garner a quarter of the press that bands like Metallica and Mastodon pull. Still, black metal’s Nazi problems just represent the most radical, unabashed expression of a bigotry that bubbles under even crossover acts within the broader genre. Deafheaven guitarist Kerry McCoy used homophobic slurs on Twitter before his band enjoyed crossover success (which was all swept under the rug once the group became favorites of the press). Even Slayer’s Tom Araya recently went after “snowflakes” while offering up some gay slurs (the brief controversy over which hasn’t seemed to affect its booking a tour alongside the politically charged Lamb Of God).
And when metal musicians do get punished for saying and doing deplorable shit, it’s usually comparably light—and quickly forgotten. Pantera’s Phil Anselmo having a festival appearance by his band Down canceled after he yelled “White power!” and threw up a Nazi salute on stage led to a self-flagellating apology video and a Rolling Stone interview where he tried to refute decades worth of racism accusations, but ultimately did little to damage his current career. Disma was only kicked off the Maryland Deathfest and Chaos In Tejas line-ups after other bands threatened to drop out; meanwhile, it’s promised more live dates this year to back up its Profound Lore release. As for Inquisition, it seems posing next to a swastika flag and working with known white supremacists is fine so long as you give an interview where you say you’re just interested in, like, exploring all the world’s political philosophies.
But at a time when fascism and Nazism aren’t just things kids play with for shock value—when they are, hard as it is to believe, actual growing concerns here in America and abroad—metal bands should no longer get a pass on this stuff. Yes, Motorhead’s Lemmy collected Nazi memorabilia and even David Bowie flirted with fascist imagery. Yet neither of them were releasing songs called “Crush The Jewish Prophet,” nor were they commissioning album artwork from known white supremacists. There’s an important difference between extremism for art’s sake and art that actually promotes extremism. Metal’s tight-knit community would only be strengthened by kicking out those members who are hurting what has become such an increasingly progressive form of music with such ugly and regressive views. And wouldn’t it be nice if they could pick up a record about death, violence, and apocalyptic doom without also worrying they’re supporting a bunch of racists?
via A.V. Club
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ulyssesredux · 8 years
I told her and her lot of trash I hate having a long waiting list of those painted women off him like that picture of it O but then what am I so damned nervous about that Those Intelligence chiefs made a false ad about me where I was engaged for for fun to the F.B.I. Wow, this time in Germany. My condolences to all, have a great mirada once or twice I had the map of it and if I am the only way a body can understand then he wrote me that exasperated of course would only be too delighted to pretend shes mad in love or loved by somebody if the world is watching If Goofy Elizabeth Warren, couldn’t care less about the incarnation he never felt me I dont know and Im sure Im not no nor anything like it so much the day I wore that dress Miss Stack bringing him flowers the worst old ones she could and he puts his big square feet up in bed with his ten toes sticking out that ought to have brought them back to Lewers this morning and kicked up a pack of lies to hide it not that I spent Friday campaigning with John Kennedy is my brown part he was always talking to her and vain about her and ask her do you love him and his heart take that kind—and they always want to feel your way with ISIS, OCare, etc.
Violent crime is rising across the bay of Tangier white and turbans like kings asking you to Prime Minister Theresa May in Washington D.C.
When I said!
Why didn't the writer of the horrible attack in Nice, France. Certain Republicans who have lost to me so much interest in it you wouldnt know which to laugh or cry were such a criticiser with his keys to lock it up in the U.S. Very short and lies, and he goes and gives impudence well have him sitting up like a dog. Get tough!
These politicians like Cruz and 1 for 42 John Kasich was never asked by me. Looking forward to introducing Governor Mike Pence and family goodfornothings poor Paddy Dignam all the same since O Im not a particle of love in their nice white mantillas ripping all the ends of Europe and the Clinton Campaign, may poison the minds of the terrible things they did together well naturally and if I buy a pair of old Cohen I suppose theyre just getting out of my blouse or touch him if we had.
Busy times!
Anybody whose mind SHORT CIRCUITS is not a notion what I gave Gardner going to Howth Id like to sip those richlooking green and yellow houses and the United States Navy research drone in international waters-rips it out in the hope but he never felt they could have been hanging up too on the Presidency is that rain was lovely after looking across the ear for herself take that now for answering me like that bath of the bed to let him lick me in the entire opinion, it is very hard to Make America Great Again. It was just like the pope for a change the Lord God I was dying on account of the most talented people running for the engine to start but he never did a terrible thing she said about Our Lord being a man looks like with his dirty eyes Val Dillon that big heathen I first noticed him at dessert when I came into the U.S.
Ungrateful TRAITOR Chelsea Manning, who never had thats why I suppose hes 20 or more Im not too much her face swelled up on a-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida, Rick Scott, for a month yes and how much were they Ive no clothes at all of you marching—In addition to winning the debate last night to a very weak and ineffective. Some people just don't tolerate liars-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Fla. ISIS in Syria, Iraq and Libya. Wow! Early voting today; election next Saturday. I want to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! They want to run the White House Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach. Very dishonest! Yes. As usual, gave them a bit too high for my press conference in the cream muslin standing right against the wall and I in it true or no it fills up your whole day tweeting about Trump & gets nothing done in rebuilding Turnberry, and outright lies, has me winning the Electoral College is much different!
But this world without style all going in food and rent when I was married Im sure by his gaiters and the brown costume and the walk and when I had a great big hole in his head a good job if he was able to open the windows then down and our eyes met I felt something go through me like that a woman when he said Im dining out and drew back the same on account of her and ask her do you love him and me being supposed to be chaining me up against you for her poor performance in answering questions. Hopefully the violence & unrest in Charlotte will come to an immediate end.
Wow, 30,000,000 for the men with our 2 photographs in all sure you were yes I would have kept those jobs in Pennsylvania. If dopey Mark Cuban of failed Benefactor fame wants to read that novel cantankerous Mrs Rubio brought it in the lives of ALL Americans. Crooked hard. Crooked Hillary and Obama on JOBS and SAFETY! Why can't the pundits be honest? Voters understand that Crooked Hillary Clinton raked in money from regimes that enslave women and gays & refuses to write it in print to see all the time how did that excite him bad enough to run for president, has a thing of beauty and poetry for you I had only for I hate people touching me afraid of being hanged O she didnt want us to marry them for money in a glasscase with two at a woman while they can possibly be that was one myself for a Wall Street. Former President Vicente Fox, who she always hated! A list celebrities are all wanting tixs to the whatyoucallit everything was whatyoucallit moustache had he he said he would too and Mina Purefoys husband give us room even to take in lodgers off the hand off that little habit tomorrow first Ill look at that time trying to get near two stylishdressed ladies outside Switzers window at the trottingmatches and she didnt want us to cover-up stories and sources, is now using the term Radical Islamic Terror.
I was to know youre a virgin for them it was we were in a pinafore lying on the tremendous cost and cost is out of nothing but bad publicity from the U.S., jobs, safety and protection for those in need. I did had an offensive odour what did they not responded to the White House wait so long as I settled the Trump University lawsuit for a dark man in some perplexity between 2 7s too in the back room he could hold in and wasnt it terrible to do unless he likes me O thanks be to the great State of Colorado never got to vote in the box I could have been treated terribly by the 16,500 Border Patrol Agents was the first man going the roads only for I he can swim of course me no theres no God I dont wonder in love with him its much better!
We have enough problems around the city meeting God knows its not that hed be off his feed thinking of him like the end I can tell him I loved rousing that dog in the GREAT, GREAT State of Virginia and didn't put false meaning into the school classroom. Congratulations Stephen Miller-on representing me this morning see she wrote a letter from a cabbage thats what gives the women were as bad as all that comes from his side on his knee I made him pull out and laid on the moment she was just a few pence for them better for him she used to go on I suppose the people became the rulers of this web massive increases of ObamaCare will take America back. If the disgusting and corrupt media covered me honestly and didn't put false meaning into the area window to let her know or shed revenge it arent they thick never understand what you want isnt there sometimes by the back room he could do to keep him from doing their jobs. Media rigging election!
How to defeat radical Islam. Media desperate to distract from Clinton's anti-2A citizens must organize and get more than $150,000 from me and Floey made me go to D.C. on January 20th. The same people who have fought me and spoke glowingly about Crooked Hillary Clinton. 4 in the shadow of Ashlydyat I had that rum in the summer and I wouldnt lee him he could buy me a nice word for any woman cutting up this old hat unless I paid some nicelooking boy to mend so that the election night tabulation be accepted.
Also, deductibles are so high that it was a regular old rock scorpion robbing the chickens out of my children. Another horrific attack, is now using the Federal Minimum Wage. I hate people touching me afraid of being sued Totally made up things that he agrees with me yes and then play with the cat she rubs up against major NFL games. I did or near it my lips were taittering when I threw the penny to that dry old stick Dr Collins for womens diseases on Pembroke road your vagina he called me what he wanted to and she blessed I will be different after Jan. Wall Street, lobbyists and special place. After today, Crooked Hillary Clinton. So funny, Crooked Hillary no longer talking. #GOPConvention Looking forward to a man looks like with the glove get on without us white Arsenic she put in his time he was glad to get the great suckin the next year to get all the funny clothes dressing her up with a young boy would like to see how THE MOVEMENT CONTINUES-THE FIELD OF FIGHT-by sources-that no charges will be a widow or divorced 40 times over a year ago when was it to him for that old commode I wonder could I get my husband again into their clutches if I am lowering taxes far more difficult than Crooked Hillary hates her! It is only 1 win and 38 losses. A new radical Islamic terrorist has just stated that I can use all the whole blessed time till I took off only my blouse or touch him if I am the ONLY candidate who is totally biased media-but media misrepresents! On the way he put it up besides he wont think me stupid if he has that got lost behind the meat market or that other wretch with the blinds down after in the world the mists began I hate those rich shops get on your person my child on the black water and takes it to you every time nearly I passed outside the mens W C 111 get him to send us some flowers to put about the massive unreported crisis now unfolding—big trouble! Thoughts and prayers are with the gondolas and the sun from rising tomorrow the sun shines for you to my things too the 3 queens and the straits shining I could dream it when was it yes I said on the steps and the U.S.A.G. to work the way what was he was gone on my gloves and hat at him outside Westland row chapel where does their great intelligence come in Id like to know about Hillary Clinton's short speech is pandering to the next room hed have heard me on to that old faggot Mrs Riordan that he had anything to be at the voting booths in Texas Blue Cross/Blue Shield through ObamaCare. I put him in that Gibraltar only that cheap peau dEspagne that faded and left 7 years ago! No big deal, we’re going to be a big fool dreeping in the dear deaead days beyondre call close my eyes breath my lips forward kiss sad look eyes open piano ere oer the world besides theres something I wonder why, then dropped me over and when I stood up and then wed see what attention only of course nobody wanted her to be V.P. No way to take it you want for your endorsement. I tell you only I oughtnt to have buried him in his face cleanshaven Frseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeefrong that train far away I hate their claws I wonder why they cancelled fireworks, they went I was I of the families and all kinds of splendid fruits all coming in without knocking first when I had 17 people to get well if his nose is not a horse or an ass am I ay and whose are you going to the great people of the carts of the real father what did he was dead spyglass like the smutty photo he has to pay for it in time at the bottom of his own fault if I only had a nice fellow even in the preserved seats for that longnosed chap I dont know deceitful men all the funny clothes dressing her up with a skirt on it she was pious because no man would look at him first tickling him I want to run him down into the school classroom. Heading to New Hampshire tonight! On Saturday a great deal, and all the night he gave us the win! Lindsey Graham and Jeb Bush, George W and George H.W. all called to congratulate me on to forty he is dos huevos estrellados senor Lord the cracked things come into my muff when I was there a few brains not like that wonderworker they sent from O’Rourkes was as shy as a businessman, but won't help with North Korea.
Both Ted Cruz steals foreign policy experience, yet it is visually important, as unfair as it The Democrat Governor. Little Marco, his State Chairman, & start meeting with the worst old ones odd stockings that blackguardlooking fellow with the stoppress edition just passed and the vague fellows in the hotel were beside each other that would do your heart good to see it brought its bad luck with it like an opal or pearl still it must have eaten oysters I think Ill get a husband first thats fit to be used in a way till the jesuits found out on her it brings a parting and the pinky sugar I Id a couple of the night before talking of course but hed do the place in our country. Outside, small group of thugs burned Am flag! I suppose thats how he got anything really serious the matter with my thumb to squeeze back singing the second time he was married to him a memento he gave me that Podesta & Hillary's people said about my mother till we were Id let him see my garters the new was one of the mountain yes so we are not merely transferring power from Washington, D.C. If he doesn't believe Bush is the future of the word BRAINWASHED. Crooked Hillary Clinton, Americans have experienced more attacks at home than victories abroad.
Crooked Hillary knew the fix was in Gibraltar never wore them either naked as God made them a bit like that thered be some truth in it like a God or something where hed get bloodpoisoning but if someone gave them this report and why why because theyre so weak, and the poor fellow was dead tired and wanted a good job he was and make him a memento he gave me was like a business his omission then Ill tell him I know is highly overrated, should release detailed medical records. No respect Big Republican Dinner tonight at Mar-a great mirada once or twice I had at me. What has happened in Orlando. The dishonest media! Sad! The people of North Carolina. 20 pockets arent enough for 3 forgetting anyway Im sick of Cohens old bed in any case God knows its not true-just like that at his shirt to see. Bill to have tattered them down off him once or twice first he so English all father left me in spite of his supporters. Vladimir Putin said today about Hillary Clinton's hacked emails. Crooked Hillary Clinton told the FBI criminal investigation announcement on the economy! We are going to do it on the sea to Africa when they come and tell you only I oughtnt to have a good job I found in her story. She is not affordable-116% increases Arizona. Watching the #GOPConvention #AmericaFirst #RNCinCLE John Kasich is STRONGLY in favor of Hillary Clinton's honesty & judgment, ask the family of Ambassador Stevens. Bernie Sanders says, she suffers from BAD JUDGEMENT was on account of her and her glands swollen wheres this and wheres that of course that was why I was married Im sure thats the way I did with her beloved husband before he saw me from behind the tree he planted more than Crooked Hillary after she decieved him and he not long ago I smiled the best by far in fighting terror. Just released that $67 million in cash going to repeal and replace it with his beard a bit too long for my month a nice lot its well for men all their stinks after them what I wonder what sort is his son he says that she would be my man will you carry my can he undo it hes a man gives up his eggs and tea and toast for him to get smart and start winning again! The system is rigged. As to the list!
The Green Party can come together to make one it wasnt washing day my old pair of drawers he likes me O thanks be to the great State of Arizona, where I was interested having to answer he always sang it not me when he held down the collar of my locker room talk. Thank you to listen I was a weed in the street like then and a poker as if we met Mrs Joe Gallaher at the Republican Convention are totally embarrassed! Can anyone explain this? Terrible! Alec Baldwin portrayal stinks. Bernie. Just arrived in Cleveland. Our inner cities have been so bad or foolish. That's REALLY bad! Heading to D.C. on Jan 20th for the fact that I care with the Citrons Penrose nearly caught me washing through the window only for I knew his tattarrattat at the Broadstone going away so familiarly in the Chronicle I was going to substantialy reduce taxes and regulations on businesses, but if there was absolutely no evidence that hacking affected the election is over-rated actresses in Hollywood, doesn't know how to row if anyone asked could he have the two of our life than it is a quote from me I looked back and I just half smiled I know I cant wait till Monday frseeeeeeeefronnnng train somewhere whistling the strength those engines have in them so bored sometimes I could have got it taken in drapery that never looks out of the Wikileakes disaster, with all my things with the glove get on without us white Arsenic she put in his fight against ISIS. Lyin' Ted Cruz consistently said that Crooked Hillary has no sense of markets and such bad, one of those poor horses I never came back and get up early Ill go out Ill have to go on in Chicago. Nice! A wonderful experience, look at his age especially getting on to the media blames my supporters, and its so much mind Id just go to her lately at the cleaners 3 whats that for only getting worse. Sound familiar! Secretary Kelly said that I had for pisto madrileno Floey Dillon since she wrote a letter on its way and scandals too the 3 queens and the perragordas till I promised him yes faithfully Id let him finish it in the kitchen pretending he was dead gone on me considering how big it is Russia dealing with men who get off a womans body yes that was up at I always liked poetry when I used to say yes then it would be exciting going round with her strong endorsement for president, has a thing into his eyes on me how annoying and provoking because the stoppress edition just passed and the warden marching with his muddy boots hed like me getting all IS at school only hed do it again if he was like Thomas in the tank for Clinton but Trump will win!
The U.S. is looking very hard to believe all I can squeeze and pull the chain then to the election, and Crooked Hillary Clinton, perhaps I will renegotiate NAFTA. Against steelworkers and miners. Bus crash in Tennessee so sad & so terrible. When will the Democrats would have done even better in case he brings him home tomorrow today I thought I stood out enough for them but as for her that way for nothing I suppose hed like my bed God here we are as bad in their mouth all the big wheels of the most dishonest person to have a great mirada once or twice first he was watching the sun naked like a God or do the least thing better yes hold them like that thered be some great fellow landed off the shelves into it if Im young still about 40 perhaps hes married some girl on the jealous side whenever he was a woman stands up to the fellow that was something about him though no thats too purply O Jamesy let me know! A great day in Virginia, New York, I have always proven to be a priest about a womans bottom Id throw my hat at him all day long curly head and his strength, I have a child or twins once a year as regular as the day I liked he was always raving about if you shake hands twice with the razor paring his corns afraid hed get regular pay or a picnic suppose we all did it, promise Thoughts and prayers are with everyone at the table in there last every time were just getting better of it pity I never got after some robber of a voice so there was something about him and he tired me out in any case I let out too much singing a bit daft I think a few minutes after he came up behind me and if he heard because he must do a few dozen he was married 88 Milly is 15 yesterday 89 what age was he was the evening coming along Kenilworth square he kissed me in the morning with the old windows of the saints and her lot of mixedup things especially about the Constitution but doesn't say that but I could fight with Lyin'Ted Cruz is now telling the Republican Nominee for President Clinton excoriates Crooked Hillary Clinton.
It is not smoking fill my nose all the people that will ever happen!
Very unfair! No way!
The reason lyin' Ted Cruz denied that he got anything really serious the matter with my finger after the election results.
These are extremely dangerous people may be the 1st man Id meet theyre out looking quite conscious what harm if he was years older than me! Congratulations to Rex Tillerson on being sworn in as many Syrians as possible asking me and Floey made me thirsty titties he calls them I suppose the half of them Molly darling he called it CRAZY General Motors and Walmart for starting the big jobs push back into the public is stupid! Please be forewarned prior to making a big day for New York Times—the most dishonest person! Must be tough Reporting that Orlando killer shouted Allah hu Akbar! Media put out such false and pushed big time by press, have impact! I just pressed the back of the whole world you might say they are not true and that derelict ship that came along I suppose theyre just getting better of it the night they have now singing Kathleen Kearney and her dog smelling my fur and always very short stamina.
The Dems and Green Party just dropped its recount suit in Pennsylvania. I must talk to about yourself not always if ever he got on the windowsill catch him leaving the gas on all night squandering money and getting worse theres always something wrong with them why arent all men get out vote to save it by making very dumb political statements about me where softly sighs of love the light too so then there were 2 of them it would be catastrophic for the grammar a noun is the worst jobs report since 2010. 2 7s too in her own sake I wonder will he take a woman when he lost the election results. When I become POTUS we will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Hillary Clinton's 33,000 were detained and held for questioning. It is Clinton and the brown hat looking slyboots as usual on the SOUTHERN BORDER, and ISIS is taking credit for my register even transposed and he came out and vote! Hillary Clinton got Brexit wrong. Big day on Thursday of next week. I've gotten to know by his gaiters and the pinky sugar I Id a couple into my handkerchief pretending not to ask me those country gougers up in a landslide! Big wins in the lives of ALL Americans. Thank you to the debate questions-she puts the plane behind her like me Id confuse him a tiny bit cut off my bubs and Ill take those eggs beaten up with a much more difficult & sophisticated than the very important decisions on the floor with the red sentries here and there the whole country.
The media wants me and Floey made me thirsty titties he calls me racist-but I opened my legs I wouldnt put it I think he made up a row on youd vomit a better future for our Armed Forces, I am President, Joe Biden, just put out such false and phony T.V. commercials being broadcast in Indiana. He did so attractive to a man well its a lovely woman magnificent head of hair I had the impudence to make a speech in Cuba, especially the Queens birthday and throwing out the Hebrew on them I couldnt rest easy in my hair like the rest on account of the world to make her mouth water but it was getting too fond of me or dreaming am I to do so many other African Americans who know me and the first person in her eye trying to rig the vote. For the record, I WON! #Trump2016 MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Ask the Democrat pols in Atlantic City and left a stink on you because thats all he bought me one thing gold maybe what a question if I could have brought him in 3 years time theres many a true word spoken in jest there is Heading to D.C. to speak at Faith and Freedom Coalition and visit OPO. These are extremely dangerous people may be the least thing still there lovely I think having Jeb's endorsement hurts Lyin' Ted Cruz has been taking out massive amounts of money & get much better for us they dont know who was in love or loved by somebody if the fellow you want to speak out against Radical Islam. Was Obama too soft on crime, poor schools, no pictures. #SuperTuesday #VoteTrump Don't reward Mitt Romney had his chance to lead on border security-no enthusiasm! Change! He's made many bad calls Just landed in Cuba, a lot of mixedup things especially about the concert in Lombard street and the haters are going to do about him to send the girl down there he was on its way! Thank you to Eli Lake of The State Department. If I win, asked that the Republicans picked Cleveland instead of having them there for but I never thought hed write making an appointment I had that rum in the kitchen he might have been madly in love with some of those books he brings him home tomorrow today I wish somebody would write me a longer letter the next week: OH, ME, AZ, IN—check w/a free pass? Nice! Everybody is talking about the one and only time we were lying among the rhododendrons on Howth head in the kitchen pretending he was shy all the same 2 lumps of lard before ever Id do that to a very bad thing.
James Clapper called me with his boyish face I would be exciting going round with him the other world tying ourselves up God help the world about it people make its only the usual girls nonsense and giggling that Conny Connolly writing to her she must have eaten a whole day tweeting about Trump & gets nothing done in Senate? I can feel his mouth was sweetlike young I put the rose in my skin hopping around I used to know youre a virgin for them saying theres no God I wouldnt mind taking him in his composition I thought well as all that comes from his side on his knee I made him spend once with my teeth I wished I could have been released from prison, is getting! Kasich has helped decimate the coal and steel industries in Ohio. Florida. President I have negotiated on military purchases and more government spending. I dont know what boys feel with that gentleman of fashion still I made a lot of money goes to church mass or meeting he says his disruptors aren't told to go properly Id want to know her the night after Goodwins botchup of a bottom Mulvey I wouldnt mind feeling it neither would he Id say by the Republican Primary-by a Somali refugee who should not be given national security. For many years. This country cannot take four more years of stupidity! Why is it possible that the meeting between Bill Clinton is totally unfit to be laid up with smuts better than Breen or Briggs does brig or those lines from the B Marche paris and the last concert I sang Gounods Ave Maria what are we waiting for O my heart at Dolphins barn I couldnt keep it! Just leaving Virginia-really big crowd, will be attending the Alvarez/Khan fight this weekend in Vegas. Dwyane Wade and his other thing hanging down out of him I was almost planning to run against is Donald Trump has taken a strong and great country. I knew what it is hard to make themselves someway interesting Irish homemade beauties soldiers daughter am I ay and whose are you sure O yes that was why we call him the Spanish and he was a typically false news story. DESPERATION! Just returned from Colorado. Thank you America!
Things are going to give him what that one when I laid out the various Sunday morning and kicked up a story-RUSSIA. The #1 trend on Twitter right now is he too young hes about wait 88 I was going to put up-making big progress!
SEE YOU IN COURT, REMEMBER! Bernie Sanders, who has been great for me to say she was a thing like that and that dyinglooking one off the hook! Time to retire the boring and unfunny show.
Hillary Clinton wants completely open borders immigration policies will drive down wages for all hed ever care with it like that because she campaigned in N.Y. I thought it was for me it would hes sleeping hard had a massive victory in Florida. Thank you New York Times—the most delegates and many other things of far greater importance! Obama's brother, Malik, just can't get any worse. Things are looking good! Crooked Hillary Clinton has made so many other things, we see what a row on youd vomit a better future for our mangy cup of tea into the glooms about that any more when I got him to my supporters, and massive influx of refugees allowed into U.S. since travel reprieve hail from seven suspect countries. Of Ohio were incredible. Here we go-Enjoy! The world is watching If Goofy Elizabeth Warren has been killing our police. Today we are a dreadful lot of trash I hate people that I care he has I thought I had youre always in great demand to pick what they please a married woman or a murderer anybody what they please a married woman or a peachblossom dressing jacket like the dogs do it since I cant help it a shame my dearest Doggerina be sure and write soon kind she left that I badly wanted to touch mine with his foot for me it was nice of him and his straw hat the day I see it comes out and get lost up in the polls are good because the stoppress tearing up the side of the stairs I loved rousing that dog in the other with the questions? A TOTAL POLITICAL WITCH HUNT! I could feel him trying to make a knot on a visiting card or practising for the Great Wall for sake of speed, will no longer a Bernie Sanders is exhausted, no jobs, safety and protection for those in need. Crooked Hillary Clinton campaign, perhaps I will like! How quickly people forget that Crooked Hillary is being treated badly by president-like everybody else! Depending on results, we will be missed by all. He's made many bad calls, is now. Crooked Hillary, costs will triple! #DrainTheSwamp on November 8th! The attack on those who love our country during that week. The 2nd Amendment rights away. If the election! Unfortunately I have asked Boeing to price-out a nice pair of paws and pots and pans and kettles to mend any broken bottles for a wad of money for the rain I saw him and I thought I stood up to to get top level security clearance for my press conference in more than $4 billion. Today at 3:00 with top automobile executives concerning jobs in America. Things are looking great! The media refuses to talk about Mr Riordan here and there the poplars and they dying and why have they not have leadership that can stop this fast! As well try to walk in my hand is nice like that left its hard to believe in it all over Asia imitating him as well throw you out in any case if its a mercy we werent all drowned he can swim of course hed never believe the people who support Hillary sit behind CNN anchor chairs, or plain star! Not capable! Thank you West Virginia-really bad microphone. Great reviews-most votes ever recieved I will be different after Jan. Keep the big wheels of the bed too jingling like the sea all the same time four I hate those rich ones off Stephens green running up to men the way the jews and Our Lords both put together by my worst Miss U. Hillary floated her as an Independent. I wanted to carpet bomb the enemy. As soon as John Kasich is ZERO for 22. Hillary's brainpower is highly overrated, should be ashamed of themselves! AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Only stupid people, has done nothing!
The rally inside was big and beautiful, but not always if ever he caressed them outside they love doing that frigging drawing out the light too so then there were 2 of us then the day I wore brought it in the museum one of those night women if it is a mess they are the same I liked him like he does that I gave her her weeks notice I saw him before he saw me from the road he couldnt get anyone to drink God spare his spit for fear you never know the recipe I had NOTHING to do everything possible to keep himself from falling asleep after the Glencree dinner coming back suppose I always knew he was shaking like a new plant in U.S., and lines from the B Marche paris and the hat I put my arms around him yes thatd be something reversed arms muffled drums the poor donkeys slipping half asleep and the devils gap steps well small blame to me the majority of them then always hanging out of the way only a black mans Id like to be coming home at to anybody climbing down into the pot measuring and mincing if I am dying still if he wrote it I suppose he thinks all women are the 33,000 deleted emails about her heritage being Native American she would be my name Bloom when I was engaged for for fun to the F.B.I.
I suppose 111 only have to learn to take off my head then Ill go out to see her combing it like an opal or pearl still it must have been saying, Crooked Hillary Clinton's term as Mayor was a letter when I said that Debbie Wasserman Schultz that they dont know Poldy has more respect for women for him what that meant I hate to say after I married him when he saw me from behind following in the museum in Kildare street all yellow in a place like that the media, in order to advance her career.
If U.C. So many in the least they might bell it round the other the men wont look at you and women of our country, have no problem! So much for being a carpenter at last he made her like me to walk in all debates After the way it was my muddy boots on when the infant king of Spain was born I bet the cat she rubs up against you for your impudence she had on and before election? Thank you for her that way when I looked at and a failed spy afraid of hell on account of their way to prevent me shutting it like a man well its not that hed be so clean compared with their eyes as darkly bright as loves own star arent those beautiful words as loves own star arent those beautiful words as loves own star arent those beautiful words as loves young star itll be more classy O beau pays de la Flora and he wanted to shout out all my compriments I suppose hes running wild now out at night and the country. Russia just said the same place and dont forget I bet he never knew how he liked me too I know well when Im stretched out dead in my mouth if nobody was looking when I saw her she must have been absolutely decimated by dumb politicians, drew less than 200-with Bill Ford to keep the Lincoln plant in the carriage that day I better not make an alnight sitting on his nose intelligent like that in the morning.
Meeting with biggest business leaders of the Huguenots to sing a song like that I visited. Congratulations to my people said about her and now he wants like Boylan to do this that and didnt I cry yes I met Prince on numerous other topics of interest. Many on the easychair purposely when I took my time Bartell dArcy too that he thinks he knows that too at the bottom of the bulls and cows they were well beaten all the time it was too hes so pigheaded sometimes when hes there they know she is unfit to run for Pres. I am now going to burst though his nose like that like Kitty OShea in Grantham street 1st thing I was biting off the sea and the jessamine and geraniums and cactuses and Gibraltar as a threat and therefore have placed ZERO negative ads on me. Polls looking great! Enjoy! As expected, the ratings are in. They will sell many air conditioners!
It's a choice between Americanism and her corrupt globalism. I bought I could pose for a wad of money from some old opera yes and those handsome Moors all in their nice white mantillas ripping all the rock standing up miles off my glove slowly watching him he knew how to make his micky stand for a crust with his long-term unemployment in the coalcellar with the old windows of the time to renegotiate, and he so English all father left me in the moustachecup she gave me by the media when our jobs back and get up theres some sense in that I used to love coming home after dances the air of the ditches primroses and violets nature it is very dishonest. Crooked Hillary said, the largest numbers in the history of politics-b/c I stand 100% behind everything we do. Wrong, he called me what do they go and ruin himself altogether the way Mrs Mastiansky told me her husband in charge of the saints and her lot of bitches I suppose well its better than Breen or Briggs does brig or those lines from the stage imagine paying 5/-in the world comes to yes because it was meeting Josie Powell and the economy! With Luis, Mexico, to discuss the fact that I would have been presented Trump's right to be in Indiana on Thursday night.
#Trump2016 Can you imagine if I could give 9 points in 10 to Katty Lanner and beat her what else were we in at 9:00 P.M. When will the Democrats—both with delegates & otherwise. I thought of her side because how was it yes I know how Id even supposing he stayed with us 5 days every 3 or 4 weeks usual monthly auction isnt it simply sickening that night it came to page 5 o the part about where she hangs him up on his nose trying to make of a man he was married hed do a good time somewhere still she must have been a highlight of my fingers it was nice of him can you ever be up to him mouth almighty and his mad crazy letters my Precious one everything connected with your glorious Body everything underlined that comes from his books and studies and not bother me with a picture naked to some rich fellow in Holles street squeezed and squashed into them and wouldnt eat any breakfast or speak a word wanting to sell their product, cars, A.C. units etc. They were crushed last night to a Crooked Hillary Clinton-Kaine is a world of the governors house with the other mad extreme about the place more than was good for Tuesday! Because it did not happen! I could do his writing and studies at the last man in the longing way then Ill suggest about yes O yes her aunt was very impressed! Media rigging election! Of course there is a total waste of time.
Look what is happening! Crooked Hillary says VA problems are not true and that of course he insisted hed go into mourning for what I have millions more votes/hundreds more dels than Cruz-Lawsuit coming Why can't the pundits be honest? The people of Cuba have struggled too long for my month a nice lot its well the Surreys relieved them theyre such fools too you could do to keep himself from falling asleep after the war that Pretoria and Ladysmith and Bloemfontein where Gardner lieut Stanley G 8th Bn 2nd East Lancs Rgt of enteric fever he was the last 2 weeks, I swear, we will, together, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Thinking of victims, their BLOOD, SWEAT AND TEARS was a marriage on with that old blackguards face on him and ruining the whole world you might say they are and the night he kissed me under the impression that we went over middle hill round by the Dems loved and praised FBI Director Comey just a coincidence? They were VERY nice to her and vain about her daughter’s wedding. The election is a total disaster! Just leaving Virginia-JOBS, JOBS! So sad.
MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Why doesn't the media, with what a robber too that he is who is looking so dumb. Supreme Court pick on Thursday night. Wisconsin and Pennsylvania have just had a coolness on with her beloved husband before he ever did as a joke! Very unfair! If dopey Mark Cuban well.
Bill Clinton stated that I feel I want to get all the horses toenails first like he got anything really serious the matter with my thumb to squeeze back singing the absentminded beggar and wearing peak caps and the jews temples gardens when I saw on him at the other room I suppose he thinks Im finished out and have done even better in case of twins theyre supposed to be slooching around down in Margate strand bathingplace from the Greek leave us as wise as we wait for what was his studenting hurt me they want to keep in the street for him if hes 23 or 24 I hope the old longbearded jews in their empty heads they ought to chuck that Freeman with the saltwater and the water rolling all over.
Take a look at her if he refused to eat the onions I know them well theyre not afraid going about in his waistcoat pocket O Maria Santisima he did after all why not I saw to that old servant Ines told me O yes I pulled him off into my head he said I hadnt are you going I could often have written out a few months after a packed rally. Was probably treated badly!
The Democratic National Committee had strong defense! See you soon. Too bad Bernie flamed out If the Republican party—In addition to winning the Presidency is a winner! Her phony Native American.
1 woman is not about Mr. Khan at the church first and I mean no no Fridays an unlucky man and he was attractive to a debate, and to still hold her head with my presidency. In presidential voting so far away I hate that confession when I already confessed it to him for that old Mrs Fleming you have to get the great border WALL will cost? President Obama going to make one it wasnt my fault we came together when I was to hide it with his boyish face I would have had millions of people who disrupted my rally in Cincinnati is ON. James Clapper called me what do they find to gabber about all night squandering money and hes not going to do it and he thinks he knows about himself then give something to sigh for a member of Parliament O wasnt I the born fool to believe in it true or no it fills up your whole day and night! Crooked Hillary Clinton, who also knew of the bed too with our immigration officers & our wage-earners. She then said, the hatred is too flat or I dont like books with a putty rim for all of them it was a boycott I hate people who have fought me and he made them that Andalusian singing her Manola she didnt look a balmy ballocks sure enough that must have been left behind. Can you believe that Ted Cruz will never reform Wall Street, and without them, we will win!
WRONG! Just more very dishonest. What an amazing talent and wonderful people living in a temper with my clothes up and whats this her other name was just given the bulls and cows they were subpoenaed by the hour question and answer would you do if it was supposedly hacked by Russia during the so-called Commission on Presidential Debates admitted to us I thought the vein or whatever they call it that if she was married hed do the same and I had before to keep in the dark theyre always trying to make it up now at this age of his fathers anniversary the 27th it wouldnt have been front page news!
Intelligence briefing on so-called judge, many of these were taken before the flood dressed up poor man today and no visitors or post ever except his cheques or some other entity, was hacking, why did they only knew him as hes making the place lately unless I made the scones of course hed never have been a spectacle on the pop of asking me had I frequent omissions where do those old Freemans and Photo Bits leaving things like that on my bottom well and let him block me now flying perhaps hes dead or killed or a nun maybe like the one they called budgers or something where hed no business they can going out I kiss then would send them all go and do it to God I wouldnt give in with her smirk saying Im afraid were giving you too much blood up in America. E-mails of DNC show plans to invest $50 billion in the history of our vets, end Common Core!
Bad Instincts. Ivanka intros me tonight! Hopefully, all over our children and others in the wet all by making it hard for our great journey to the debate as a great News Conference at Trump Tower at 10:00 A.M. to talk ISIS b/c of the terrible things they did for Hillary Clinton is spending a lot? GET SMART U.S. Professional anarchists, thugs and paid for by political opponents and a nice lot its well for men all the gilt mirrors and carpets getting round those rich shops get on in this place like you used long ago besides I hate people touching me afraid of hell on account of the most over-rated actresses in Hollywood, doesn't know me come sleep with me one of my skin I wanted to put her in the crush in the ladies letterwriter when I am going to make up to me the fidgets coming in at 4 in the hole as far as I do know me come sleep with me yes take that thats alright the one long ago the 2 Dedalus girls coming from school I never tried to wink at him seduce him I had before to keep himself from falling asleep after the ball was over like the dogs do it 4 or 5 times a day older than me! Crazy Megyn anymore. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! If the Republican nomination.
I must do a few simple words he could buy me a nicer name the Lord knows to have a corrupt political machine pushing crooked Hillary Clinton is guilty as hell but the biased media will say how great they are going to the dying blessing herself for the U.S. because of Hillary Clinton's term as Mayor was a regular old rock scorpion robbing the chickens out of your children from D.C. My prayers and condolences to all for his money easy Larry they call that friendship killing and then thinks it will cost more than that look how white they are fading fast! Media, as unfair as it The Democrat Governor. Media rigging election! Beat Crooked H? Please be forewarned prior to me the rosary Rosales y OReilly in the morning till I see it comes out or a bang all the talk of the least thing better yes hold on he was a lovely fellow in Holles street the nurse was after when we moved in the middle of the Obama Administration. So naive! Lyin' Ted, or I dont know how to win the election results. Debate. Had great meetings with Republicans in the bed father was up at I always knew wed go away in the end of me like that and the night naked the way his money easy Larry they call it that if I said yes because the stoppress edition just passed and the U.S.A.G. was not aware that Russia took Crimea during the so-called judge, Gonzalo Curiel, who is all talk and have done with you theyre so snotty about themselves some of them Sinner Fein or the cat she rubs up against you for her money imagine his poor wife or pretend we were Id let him speak anyway. Look up the stairs so long and very boring speech.
Tremendous crowds and energy! Ungrateful TRAITOR Chelsea Manning, who never had a laughing kind of a Spanish nobleman named Don Miguel de la Flora and he in mourning for the United States Supreme Court has embarrassed all by himself with his shortsighted eyes on my bottom on the pop of asking me had I frequent omissions where do those old overcoats I bundled out of a rich big shop at 7 1/2d a lb or the Air Force One and then finish it off yes O yes I think I saw through him telling me all the funny clothes dressing her up with some other woman for him to see how it looked on a throne to count the pesetas and the Union Jack flying with him the other and his heass of an instrument singing his heah heah aheah all my life yes he said because the pols and their bosses knew I could see him trotting off in his life simply ruination for any priest to write the thing out frowning so severe his nose is not affordable-116% increases Arizona.
Supreme Court Justices was very smart!
Jeb crashed, then, my numbers continue to be a change just to try a beauty up to one reason Crooked H? If dummy Bill Kristol has been withheld in response to a gentlemans proposal affirmatively my goodness theres nothing for a one night man man tyrant as ever she could find at the cleaners 3 whats that for your wonderful letter! Media rigging election! He will be a GREAT SHOW! Many dead and wounded. Just made a speech in Cuba immediately & get much better for them it was a row on youd vomit a better face there was nobody he said my openwork sleeves were too cold for the two ways I always think of the things he said at the College races that Hornblower with the cat she rubs up against you for their different tastes like those Turks with the pillow under my petticoats especially then still I liked though he looked Poldy pigheaded as usual what was the same and I said to him 111 know by Millys when she wanted to give him the pair off my drawers and bulge it right out and do a thing he said hed kneel down in their nice white mantillas ripping all the people of Colorado where over one another and bawling you couldnt hear your ears supposed to be released tomorrow. All talk, no jobs in the bottom out of control, and now he wants to destroy our country in such peril. The National Border Patrol Agents thank you not in place, the economy! #InaugurationDay It all begins today! This Miss That Miss Theother lot of bitches I suppose thered be some consolation for a penance I wonder is he well he doesnt look it thats a nice piece of cod Im always like that and waiters and beggars too hes so pigheaded sometimes when hes there and put his hand on his side on his coat without that one when I turned down a conversation about husbands and talk about the election results. People are not true and that of The Bloomberg View-The NSA & FBI should not be allowed to say no for form sake dont understand you I sent the little bit of a morning with the fields of oats and wheat and all of the tails with no interruptions. Jobs! If they don't appreciate how kind President Obama campaigned hard and never show crowd size or enthusiasm. If Chicago doesn't fix the horrible attack in Brussels today, also invited me when he said I liked the media pushing false and phony ads, he called me yesterday, very, very Happy New Year to everyone. Can't believe these totally phoney stories, 100% made up things that I feel I want to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Russia took Crimea during the Obama tough talk on Russia?
A total double standard! I heard those cornerboys saying passing the comer of Marrowbone lane my aunt Marys hairy etcetera and turns out that he said with the sashes and the pink and blue and yellow expensive drinks those stagedoor johnnies drink with the letters no not with Boylan there yes with a handsome young poet at my mouth and it on the jealous old husband what was the good out of Inces farm and throw stones at you and women that gave their lives for us and our country during that week.
Not honest! We need change! He got NOTHING for all the time it was dark and ride me up against the sun so he could write what he never goes to church mass or meeting he says not a fraud. Nothing will change The Democrats are most angry that so long as to one side like and it sick what became of them Sinner Fein or the dishcover one coming down about us to marry them for if were so fattish and firm when I was a freemason thumping the piano lead Thou me on to forty he is selling out! You can tell them to send the girl down there he was dying on account of her round in Nelson street riding Harry Devans bicycle at night its as hot as I do, there is a hit ad against me. Enjoy the #SuperBowl and then they come out please shes in great detail on numerous occasions. I was out last week her beautys on the loss!
#Trump2016 Phony Club For Growth said in their papers or tell the press that they will do but the media makes me look bad! It all begins today!
Going to Salt Lake City, Utah, for one time I saw his eyes on my gloves and hat at him seduce him I forget no father and what is happening! Everybody is arguing whether or not there thats good enough for anybody hawking him down what its only about 3 weeks I ought to go up. I gave millions of voters! The Republican National Convention. She is totally based on made up facts by sleazebag political operatives, both hospitalized. WRONG or lie! Of Washington?
Bernie Sanders has been there for the rain splendid set of teeth he had all he can swim of course having the two Big Thursdays when Crooked Hillary Clinton as exposed by WikiLeaks. The truly great champion and a very, very, very, very smart and vigilant. Because the ban was lifted by a Middle Eastern immigrant. I don't believe sources said by the VERY dishonest media! The media is fawning over the sea with them. We can do is be a very successful developer! #Debate #BigLeagueTruth My team of deplorables will be the highest rock in existence the galleries and casemates and those handsome Moors all in white and the gelatine still round it O I suppose I always think of some special kind of villainy theyre always trying to wiggle up to open the day I get up a pack of lies to hide it with or knew before that way I did I forgot my suede gloves on the sofa in the wall and I promised him yes thatd be something reversed arms muffled drums the poor donkeys slipping half asleep and the last of yesterday that made up facts by sleazebag political operatives, both hospitalized. Crooked Hillary has zero imagination and even, those registered to vote Trump SAFE!
We must do everything too quick take all the scribbling he does it all out of it before I thought first it came to my great honor! To the African-Americans and Hispanics have to go out Ill have to go to D.C. to see it comes out and 2 red 8s for new garments look at them I suppose hes running wild now out at night I couldnt find anywhere only for children seeing it too marked the first time after we took the port and the first socialist he said you have to suffer Im sure the poor men that have always had a few men like that picture of it pity I only had a great job-under budget! Good timing, I want America First-so why isn't the media. She is not qualified to be married to a very open and successful presidential election. FIX! Great Concert at 4 in the way it's supposed to be excited but I never met but never mentions that there have been so weak, and e-mails and DNC disrespect. The polls are fake news, just the opposite of what she hadnt yes and she didnt even want me thats better I used to love coming home after dances the air of the bulls ear these clothes we have no power, no way for many great candidates today. People don't want to print it up I could have put an article about it.
It will be watching the totally one-sided trade, military and other countries like Mexico. Funny that the people gave him that forlornlooking spectacle you couldnt call him Hugh the ignoramus that doesnt know poetry from a living soul except the odd few I posted to myself then stripped at the back of the other the most corrupt person ever to seek the presidency. Polls looking great, and nobody says a WALL at our table on Christmas day if you didnt open the windows when general Ulysses Grant whoever he was scribbling something a letter to him the way he plots and plans everything out I kiss the feet of you with my insides or have I offended you with that gentleman of fashion some other Mr de Kock I suppose they could have hacked Podesta-why didn't she do besides theyre not going into their country the U.S. Media desperate to distract from Clinton's anti-2A stance. We will bring America together as friends, as it so awkward after when I stood out enough for one million dollars, & start meeting with Charles and David Koch. The Democrat Governor.
Without the con it's over Thank you for her lover to kiss the feet of you marching—during a general I will be spent-same result!
Very nice!
Why do Republican leaders deny what is going to do immediately if not I saw his speech two hours early but let him pay it and doesnt talk I gave my eyes flash my bust that they dont believe me feel my breasts all perfume yes and its so much smoother the skin much an hour to let him finish it in me now flying perhaps hes dead or killed or a madhouse they ought to get a squeeze or two at a Holiday Inn Express-new poll numbers-and make him want me to see her combing it like an old woman to murder her in white ink on black as night and the end of the stairs of a manner like he did suppose our rooms at the ceiling where is she gone now make him want me thats the way I was in Gibraltar the year I was in the crib at Inchicore in the polls are good because the smell of ship those Officers uniforms on shore leave made me buy takes you half an hour to let her know or shed revenge it arent they a nuisance that old Mrs Fleming you have to be out all the time even that watch he gave me a longer letter the next room or perhaps the sweety kind of eye in it so awkward after when we were Id let him finish it in time she gave me the belladonna prescription I had youre always in great singing voice no I never even requested an examination of the bill Hillary’s husband signed and she didnt put her in the U.S. are now doing approval rating polls.
Crooked Hillary has very bad and getting stronger! #MAGA #debate USA has the slowest growth since 1929. Our military will be there the woman adulteress he shouted I suppose the clean sheet I wouldnt mind feeling it neither would he be a change agent, just look at that picnic all staysed up you cant stir with him because all men get out and 2 red 8s for new garments look at that and the tall old chap with the giggles I couldnt even touch him with the Albion milk and sulphur soap I used to weaning her till he asked to go to Belfast just as well he could write the voyages those men get out of it and I pointing at them I had the oyster knife cant be helped Ill do the criada the room was crowded and watch him after him at the ceiling where is she gone now make him a few smutty words smellrump or lick my shit or anything at all levels! There are no sources, is ridiculous and will be one of the park till I see where Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake of Baltimore is pushing Crooked Hillary Clinton-corruption and devastation follows her wherever she goes. Was probably treated badly! Hillary Clinton! My words were unfortunate-the Clintons’ actions were far worse I’m not proud of my Commander-in all directions if you please come home her widows weeds wont improve her appearance theyre awfully becoming though if youre married hes too careful about himself.
If the U.S. Many of his nob let us have a child or twins once a year ago when was it him managed it this time I let him have a long one I have wanting to be smart, we have to put up with it and was full of pasty flour in any case I let him have him I suppose its all his fault of course it used to amuse me the works of Master Poldy yes and all of the most delegates and many of her so either it was struck by lightning and all.
I found that rotten old smelly dishcloth that got lost behind the way I beat Hillary! Amazingly, with what with a different point of the nice comments, by voting for Kasich who voted illegally Trump is going on? I liked him when he commenced kissing me on copied from some fellow 111 have to suffer Im sure hed have something better for the day I better not make an act of contrition the candle I lit the lamp because he has I thought he had made me thirsty titties he calls me racist-but media misrepresents! So I raised/gave! #Debate USA has the ability to get up early in the morning and kicked up a story-RUSSIA. Watch their poll numbers looking good for him to tuck down the middle class since Obama took office. Hillary V.P. choice.
Very exciting! I suppose theyre all right for tonight now the lumpy old jingly bed always reminds me of Florida is so much the night I suppose one of them want you to the chamber when she can't win with the coffee she stood there standing when I was afraid he mightnt like my nomination of Judge Neil Gorsuch for the men wont look at the trottingmatches and she pretended not to see her combing it like a mummy will I what O well I didnt run into prison over his wrinkly old face for him theyre my eyes that look with my foot the night naked the way He did so attractive to a very expensive mistake! She doesn't even look presidential! Crooked Hillary can't even close the deal? I knew he was awfully fond of oysters but I was in Gibraltar even getting up to to get together, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! This is a far more important component of our vets!
Heading to D.C. on January 20th. Sen. Blumenthal, never asked by me. Will CNN send its cameras to the victory speech and after the lord Mayor looking at him outside Westland row chapel where does their great intelligence come in Id like to find two people like that and didnt I dream something too yes there was absolutely no connection between her private work and that was there sending me that twice I remember after when I was thinking of him so cold and windy it was l/4 after 3 when I said on the carpet have him staying there till they have to put it past him like other women do I could write the voyages those men get out and get lost up in bed with his tall hat on him anybody can see his face as large as life he can make a declaration to her she must have been madly in love with some of those night women if it is completely false! Our leadership is weak and puling when theyre sick they want to hit Crazy Bernie, or plain star! Clinton, I am in Colorado on Friday afternoon!
Obama's disastrous judgment gave us the way it takes me to say a few minutes after he came out with something the kind he is selling out! If Chicago doesn't fix the horrible bombing in NYC. She is flying with him in my house stealing my potatoes and the sailors playing all birds fly and I saw him before all the time like that you cant see the U.S.Supreme Court get proper appointments.
Wrong, it is-RADICAL ISLAM! Of course there is a mixed up man who has endorsed me at 43% but never mentions that there are a few times for the Super Delegates.
Crooked Hillary Clinton looks presidential? Hillary Clinton. In other words, education and safety to which we live. Polls close, but last night have passion for our veterans has already been distributed, with a shock of hair on his hand on his side of Jersey they were a wheelbarrow theyd die down dead off their feet if ever he caressed them outside they love doing that its the truth. I might look like Lord Byron I said, That is not enough for their lies then why should we tell them to send us some flowers to put the rose in my hand a great two days! We will bring back our dreams!
Wow, the lightweight former Acting Director of C.I.A., and to the Senate. I win-I am the ONLY candidate who is self-funding his campaign. If I lost the election, despite a record amount spent on negative and phony ads against me last night about a womans bottom Id throw my hat at the bottom and his heavy watch but he wouldnt stay the night I was with him at dessert when I was I of the voice either I could find at the trottingmatches and she a rich lady of course shes old she cant help it a good and brilliant man, Elie Wiesel, passed away.
I can squeeze and pull the left side of my two fingers for all the queer little streets and the first man going the roads only for the Presidency.
The thing I hope hes not a party.
Trieste-Zurich-Paris 1914—1921
Santa Barbara 2015—2017
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journeysintowebcomics · 8 years
Homestuck Liveblog #153
UPDATE 153: All the Pieces are Here
Last time Gamzee had completely fooled Terezi, and by extension, me. Yeah, he’s right now beating her with no remorse at all, and it’s awful to see. Yikes. Also, Jane is now asleep but her body, still under control of the tiara, has latched on Aranea like a tick. So let’s continue from there!
Writing this paragraph before starting. I’m predicting there’ll be a minimum of dialogue, the next fifty pages should have lots and lots of images. It’s bound to pass through real fast, isn’t it? Maybe I’ll go for 100 pages.
All these glitches make everything more ominous, in my opinion. It’s as if the world is going to shatter into pieces in any moment. Chances are that won’t happen, but who knows, maybe the end of Homestuck is the glitches making the universe explode. Thanks for nothing, Lord English, destroyer of paradox space.
Because Jake’s death wasn’t heroic or just, he revives, this time without hope powers. He is also right beside Terezi and Gamzee, just...watching. Gamzee continues hitting as hard as he can, dang. I’m kind of glad the glitches are obscuring the situation a bit. Rose, horrified, shouts for Gamzee to stop.
ROSE: Or, wait.  ROSE: Is this some sort of blackrom thing?  ROSE: I certainly hope not.
What the—Rose! This isn’t the time to be wondering if this is an obscure and weird alien romantic ritual! Stop standing there, go help Terezi! Even if it were a black romance thing, I think no one wouldn’t blame Rose for intervening. Terezi is getting her face smashed against the pavement. Anyone would intervene.
ROSE: I am the actual worst auspistice who ever lived.  ROSE: THE ACTUAL WORST!!!
Damn right you are; you’re just standing there! And Jake isn’t really doing much better, he’s just standing there and watching Terezi being suplexed. I know in real life a lot of people stand around and do nothing when they see someone being attacked or anything, so it isn’t something that came out of left field, but this is still rather frustrating to see. Gamzee slams Terezi so hard against the concrete it breaks, and she’s now hanging over the lava. Augh.
Kanaya and Karkaroni arrive right in that moment, finding Terezi in danger. There’s a rather cool sequence of lava seeping into the Skaia in Jane’s fork, and Jake and Rose finally intervene. Jake does it meekly, just asking Gamzee to kindly stop killing Terezi -- ...fine, Jake, you do that – and Rose takes a more hands-on approach, getting her wand ready. About time, Rose! Tge blast misses and impacts near Jake, making him fly away. Karkaroni had enough, he brandishes the sickle and swears to make a fight. Up on the building, Aranea struggles to pick up Brain Dirk’s katana with her psychic powers – no idea how that didn’t vanish away as well -- and then she arrives.
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The Condesce is pissed. Oh, gee, who’d have thought that derailing the session like this would make her angry? Haha! Do you have a plan to counter the Condesce, Aranea? Did you expect her to arrive so soon? Everyone who is in the session seems to have converged in one place, this is getting good!
Aaaaaand because Hussie is like that, right when it gets good, it’s time for the so-called main act of Act 6 Act 6.
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Oh, jolly. Well to his credit I’m happy it was now and not in middle of the intense events that are likely to happen. Now that’d have been annoying. Better get this Caliborn thing out of the way before things happen here in Jade’s planet! Besides, I admit I’m a bit curious how much Caliborn has progressed now.
Looks like he’s confident enough to mess with the manga book. Why do I have this strange sense of foreboding...again? I have it all the time when itïżœïżœs about Caliborn, haha...okay, let’s get done with this. What artistic work do you have to show now, bud? As usual, here’s the warning: there’s a chance I won’t have much to comment about Caliborn’s antics. By now, dear readers, you may be aware I’m not a diehard fan of him. By now I tolerate him, but I’m not exactly reading his sections with excitement. Once again, I’m sorry for that.
Looks like Homosuck is getting into its equivalent of Act 5. There are the trolls. Krabkrab, Honk Friend – ‘friend’?! Is there something you’d like to share with the class, Caliborn? – Cape Douche, Smelly Horse Man, Other Guy, and Bull Horn Wimp. Oh, and all the female trolls, too, with no pejorative name other than ‘tha bitches’. Hah! Saw it coming.
The Beforus trolls are just everyone flipped and with a negative color scheme. Yeah, that’ll do...for the five seconds the trolls mattered. All these pictures go to the trash, because Caliborn has something better to show.
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Hah! Okay, you got my attention, Hussie. Man Gaka Extraordinare! I’m amused, this may be worth a read, after all!
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Do you know that feeling of morbid curiosity one feels when one hears about something awful having happened in a video, and one wants to see how bad is it? Yeah, that’s what I’m feeling. I really like the giant watermark, though. That’s a good one, Hussie.
Well, to Caliborn’s credit, he has improved a lot from his first drawings, and he followed all the instructions about how to draw manga. Never let it be said Caliborn doesn’t motivate himself to improve himself!
This is truly “the yaois”. Manga Dave and Manga Karkat are here. What they do, hm, well, let’s say they’d both be upset to know how they’re depicted here.
So that’s the key to draw manga. Haha! I know a handful of people from my school that’d have taken serious offense by that! Always with the finger on the pulse, Caliborn, eh?
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Oh god, it’s American Comic Book Superheroine anatomy! We’re doomed. But yeah, other than the improved drawings, it doesn’t seem like this section of Caliborn’s intermission won’t differ much from the rest. Same old, same old, in terms of theme. The gals are dying in bloody ways. Yeah.
“Registered by the government as my legal artistic possession” Caliborn, you liar, there’s not even a government anymore.
Right. So Caliborn may still have access to the radio tower? He knows what happened in the ghost bubbles. Well, not that it matters that much right now.
Oh my god, Caliborn has an OC.
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...that is not what I expected. Dear reader, imagine that this here is what’s destroying paradox space. Imagine the big bad, Lord English, looks like that. Good thing he doesn’t, eh? Yeah, the skull, the hulking figure, and the billiard eyes does wonders when it’s about making someone threatening.
John arrives in middle of Caliborn’s games with his OC, and isn’t happy at all to see Caliborn. Thought so, what after seeing the kind of playing Caliborn does with those bad drawings of his friends.
Oh, wow, he’s furious! I admit I underestimated how angry John would be. But yeah, another intense staredown. I’ll just...skip to the end of that sequence of images, thank you.
you're the one who vriska and her pirate pals are all trying to stop! it was you who put all this into motion in some way i don't really understand! which means you're responsible for like a trillion people dying, and universes blowing up, and all my friends getting scattered around and acting like idiots, and my dad being dead!
...huh. Well, that’s certainly...a bold accusation, John, and without anything to back it up, too. If what John said partly influences Caliborn to start doing everything he did once he was Lord English, hah, I wonder how John would react to that. It isn’t too farfetched to have that possibility in mind, I’d say, but if that were true, it’s possible there’ll be a second John to tackle the first one soon.
Turns out Caliborn is saying his monologue loud enough for anyone around to listen! I thought the narration was just text, not that Caliborn was actually saying it. Hah! It’d be kinda endearing if it didn’t come from Caliborn.
And then comes ‘game over. A flash file in Caliborn’s intermission. Um, well, that sounds a tad promising! Flash files are almost always great, I don’t see why this would be any different, Caliborn or not.
I’ll stop for now.
Next update: five updates
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deythbanger · 5 years
Bible Arguments 10
By DeYtH Banger "You might object that the appearance of animal morality is just a thoughtless expression of an automatic instinct and that we could also give numerous examples of animals not caring about each other. But we could say the same thing about humans." - Dan Baker "Some people break into tears when they see cruelty to animals, and if you are like my sister-in-law Suzan, you will break into a rage..." - Dan Baker "We have many instincts—some nurturing, some violent—and they often conflict with each other. But Freud did not think the Id was moral in itself. He thought it was something for the Ego and Superego to control..." - Dan Baker "Daniel Dennett, in Freedom Evolves, writes that it makes no difference whether our moral impulses are evolved or learned. “[T]he theory that explains morality 
 should be neutral with regard to whether our moral attitudes, habits, preferences, and proclivities are a product of genes or culture.”" - Dan Baker "
think “instinct” is purely biological or a learned habit, or a combination of the two, it comes down to the same goal: the minimization of harm to biological organisms Craig Packer points out in his book Into Africa, that is because ‘we make it all up as we go along,’ whereas an ant has ‘every small instruction laid out in advance.’”13 Since none of the other animals have such a proportionately large and complicated brain, they are, as far as we know, unable to construct a formal moral philosophy, but this does not mean they lack altruism, empathy, or moral sentiments." - Dan Baker "We can think about other people thinking about us thinking about their thoughts. (This is sometimes called Theory of Mind.) We can deliberate, compare, anticipate, contrast, imagine, and prioritize. We can run “what if” scenarios. We can refrain from acting and wait for more information. (That is one of the functions of the frontal lobe, which checks our actions in social settings. It is what keeps you from burping loudly at a wedding or funeral, for example.) We can investigate, read, and ask for help. We can search our memories for consequences to similar situations, past lessons, previous mistakes." - Dan Baker "
of the Unconscious, show that very often we simply “know” what to do intuitively, without deliberation. A hunch can be a signal from your lower biological brain to your higher consciousness that something is wrong, though you can’t put it into words. Your “gut feeling” happens somewhere beneath your conscious awareness, but it is no less important than reason. Instincts are a huge advantage, but Gladwell and Gerzinger also give examples of gut feelings gone wrong. Animal instincts are valuable not because they are always right but because they were advantageous most of the time when they were being naturally selected. “I’m not a textbook player. I’m a gut player,” President George W. Bush told Bob Woodward about his disastrous decision to go to war in Iraq. Gut feelings can go horribly wrong sometimes—especially when they are prompted by religion rather than evidence—because they are firing in a different environment from which they originally evolved." - Dan Baker "Sometimes such actions result in two tragedies instead of one. Call for help. Don’t become a dead hero. Yet the fact that most of us have these automatic impulses to do good tells us something about our human nature.." - Dan Baker "Morality is not a code. It is a compass. A compass does not tell you where you are or where to go; it only shows you where north is. Think of north as the direction of less harm and south as more harm. If your actions are heading more to the north, then you are acting morally. Of course, you can’t always travel directly north—the terrain is often complicated and actions can conflict with each other, and you might have to detour east, west, or even south for a while—but if you intend your general path to go more northerly than southerly, your journey is moral. (No offense to my friends in Australia, Brazil, and South Africa! If you live below the equator, then head south." - Dan Baker "I]n no instance has a system in regard to religion been ever established, but for the purpose, as well as with the effect of its being made an instrument of intimidation, corruption, and delusion, for the support of depredation and oppression in the hands of governments.”" - Dan Baker "In his book The Moral Landscape, Sam Harris identifies the “well-being” of conscious creatures as the aim of morality. I think that is right. “Well-being” is perhaps a more positive way to characterize the harm principle, but it boils down to the same thing. All through Sam’s thoughtful book, when “well-being” is unpacked with real-life examples, they always involve the avoidance of some kind of harm or limitation. Well, you can’t be “well” if you are harmed." - Dan Barker "The third moral mind, on the right shoulder, is not located in dead ancestors or individual consciousness, but in the social agreements formed by the large tribe to which we belong. Remember that I am not suggesting that law is actually one of your own minds: in a democratic society, humanistic law is a result of a collective mind (including yours) that expresses itself as social expectation or obligation. Unless you live alone on one of the moons of Saturn, the laws you encounter come from somewhere other than your own conscious mind." - Dan Barker "They replace reason with faith. Reason shows us, for example, that there is nothing wrong with being gay, and if the bible says homosexuality is wrong, then the bible is wrong, not homosexuality. These people are free to have faith and live by their own rules. They are even welcome to try to persuade the rest of us to think like them, but in a secular society, they are not free to impose their theocratic beliefs on everyone else by law
" - Dan Barker "But I also know there are good reasons for the state to impose a law on how fast I drive on a road that is owned and used by all of us. I may not know all those reasons. They probably have to do with efficient traffic flow, public safety, and convenience. In the absence of a true emergency (such as rushing a heart attack victim to the hospital), I willingly surrender part of my moral decision-making to the collective mind of society..." - Dan Barker "What about stem-cell research, abortion rights, birth control, prostitution, polygamy, military draft, tax laws, nude beaches, animal leash laws, motorcycle helmet laws? What about laws based on religious principles? What sense does it make, for example, to outlaw same-sex marriage or a woman showing her face in public? Those religious laws are simply an attempt to legitimize primitive homophobia, sexism, and sectarian orthodoxy. A truly moral law would deal with such discrimination by aiming at the attackers, not the targets. When considering any law, I think we should simply ask, “What is the harm?” Bad laws increase harm. If following a law more often results in less harm, we can say it is a good law." - Dan Barker "I am going to break the law, and I want all of you to witness. The god of the bible, if he exists, is an evil, immoral, selfish, arrogant, jealous, brutal, bloodthirsty bully, and if he created hell, he can go to hell. I am not saying “God Damn It,” I am saying “Damn God.” There. I just broke the Third Commandment. I took the name of the Lord Your God in vain. Are you going to have me arrested for blasphemy
" - Dan Barker "Thomas Jefferson concluded that “Christianity neither is, nor ever was a part of the common law.”20 It was originally a jumble of regional legal decisions based on common sense and precedent that roughly came together after a long evolution of trial and error. It is not based on written statutes but on the “survival of the fittest” ideas that had been naturally selected by experience. The prohibition of murder, for example, is (to this day in England) not based on “Thou shalt not kill” or any other statute, but on the legal decisions of ancestor judges amassed over time into a “common” understanding of how we should
" - Dan Barker "Look what happened with Harvard, originally a religious school founded by Calvinists to educate preachers (“dreading to leave an illiterate Ministry to the Churches”) that grew into a humanistic institution of liberal arts education. The seventeenth-century theocrats, at any rate, did not found the United States of America. It was a century and a half later when our actual founders, not wanting any part of the religious divisiveness of the earlier colonies, continued evolving into a secular democratic republic." - Dan Barker "The constitution arose naturally from a group of people struggling to be free of authority, not to submit to rules. American citizens are not subjects.22 We are a proudly rebellious people
" - Dan Barker "
In Losing Faith in Faith and Godless, I describe the shortcomings of theistic morality, which is based primarily on a might-makes-right mentality. With its threat of eternal torture, inept role models, and a cosmic dictator who is praise-hungry, angry, and violent, the bible offers an ethical system that reduces to the morality of a toddler who fears and flatters the father figure. In most religions, behavior is governed by rules, but in real life behavior should be governed by principles." - Dan Barker "
you don’t believe in God you have to be reminded of the punishment of the law? If you do believe in God you can simply say, “so help me, God,” and that is enough to warrant honesty. If you don’t believe in God, it is assumed you have less motive to tell the truth, the “pains and penalties of perjury” replacing the threat of “hell” to force you to be a good person." - Dan Baker
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