#no one cares kura
god related to that last rb but not to be autistic abt airplanes but theres this asmr youtuber who does "you’re sitting in first class on an airplane" asmrs but he shows video of a british airways plane flying and then the interior is air france la premiere, and it drives me absolutely nuts
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sooouth · 9 months
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breathing in this man. he is my oxygen.
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dykekakashi · 7 months
shipping sns but having to weed out all the blogs that think it's chill to hate on sakura because of like. mild ass reasons "oh she wasn't a good friend to naruto" GIRL SASUKE TRIED TO KILL NARUTO. LIKE TEN TIMES FJDJKFVNDJKVK sasuke is the definition of toxic boyfriend i'm sorry the hell are y'all on about
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redstrewn · 1 year
I think the funniest thing is i have a feeling leander wont even end up being my favorite
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lecliss · 2 years
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Hold on hold on hold on dont fucking do this to me. Dont do this to me. Im not mentally stable enough to handle compliments like this. I'm gonna bawl my fucking eyes out but at the same time its so embarrassing cuz of how old this fic is. I started writing it in high school and its based off an AU I've had since probably early middle school AND I haven't updated in YEARS. Some parts of this fic are the most embarrassing things I've ever written and they physically hurt to reread. But at the same time a comment like this just makes me wanna go back and update again so my improved writing can make it better. And outside of that, regardless of how good or bad the writing is, someone saw this much worth in my story. A huge and positive impression. In for a treat. A wild ride. Beautifully written. Written perfectly(I hesitate on that one cuz I think I didnt include enough ADHD moments, but still). Something I wrote had this level of a positive impact on someone and once again it's something that's so hard to just accept. But hearing it in the first place like. Makes me believe my dreams might actually be attainable. Please don't hesitate to leave comments like this. You never know just how much it may actually help and encourage writers, even if its hard for some of us to hear, lol.
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junesilk · 3 months
HIII omg ive been looking for a hxh blog for a WHILE there’s barely any that’s very active😭😭okok so since i’m a kurapika simp could you write headcanons and IF YOU WANTT, a mini scenario of jealous kurapika? hmm if you want an idea it could be smth like the reader has a guy bsf and kura got jealous from the lack of attention :(( THANK YOUU!
hxh main 4 x fem!reader
characters included: kurapika, leorio, killua, gon
i absolutely will, i have always loved jealousy prompts!! i’ve got several of these asks so far, so i’ll just kill multiple birds with one stone and go ahead and put them all together into a list of headcanons
not beta read ☝️
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He’d be quiet in the moment, withdrawing himself from the conversation while staying by your side.
You most likely wouldn’t notice it right away because he is naturally a quiet person—
The most he would do is send a glare at the man taking all of your attention away, but other than that he’d avoid conflict.
As soon as you two were alone in a private setting, he would be much more clingy than usual
Which, in of itself would be unusual, as he’s not the type to be so physically attatched.
Perhaps it was his more possessive side coming out to play, but it certainly was new.
He’d know. Out of all of the main four, he’d pick it up fastest.
If the conversation wasn’t important, he’d find a way to end it quickly, to save you the jealousy.
If it is, he probably wouldn’t speed through it quite as much, but he’d place his hand on the small of your back,
His little way of assuring you he’s all yours.
He’d bring it up once you were alone, assuring you that he only had eyes for you.
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You’d feel his hand slide around your waist, looking up to see him staring at the other person
It was weird, you’d never seen him like… this!
If he was actively speaking in the conversation, every sentence referring to you would include some form of a pet name.
You could’ve sworn he said the words honey & babe at LEAST seven times
Once at home, he’d remind you who you loved most, pressing kisses to your flushed face.
Oh boy.
He’d be so proud, honestly. You loved him enough to be jealous? Heart melted.
You’d take his hand, tightly pressing your palms together and squeezing.
It’d take him a while to realize you’d been giving the other girl nasty looks for a few minutes, but once he did, he chuckled.
He’d make an excuse, wave goodbye to the poor girl, and then turn his attention to you.
“Woah, babe. If looks could kill..” He’d joke about it for a while, but in the end, he’d assure you there’s nobody he loves more.
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He’d be extremely mean. Not to you, but to the man you were speaking to.
Killua is naturally really sarcastic, but he takes it to a whole other level.
Scoffing whenever the man made a joke, crossing his arms and looking away when you laugh.
He might use his assassin lineage to scare the other man away, but it’s rare he would need it.
He’s scary enough.
After freaking out the other man to the point where he’d left, he’d flick your forehead and roll his eyes. “That guy was looking at you weird!”
You wouldn’t know that he knew.
Not until the day afterwards, when there’s a chocolate robot laying beside your head when you wake up.
It’s his way for apologizing, or just letting you know that he did, in fact, know you were jealous
When asked, he’d shrug it off.
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Gon’s not the type of person to get jealous.
He simply just doesn’t. It’s not because he doesn’t care for you or anything.
It’s because he’s too busy becoming friends with the new person!
Sure, he may pout if he’s not very interested in the conversation being held, but that’s the most he’d do.
We’ve all seen the movie.
Gon is oblivious, and remains to be that way unless you flat out tell him.
Feels bad for not realizing it earlier, but once told he tries his best to make it up to you.
He’d take you out on a date the next day, perhaps a picnic or something out in nature.
You can’t stay mad at him. After all, he just doesn’t pick up on these kinds of things very fast.
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i hate how this got progressively shorter…… but wtv!!!
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luckyarchivist · 5 months
Hugging the Touchstarved LIs
Ais definitely hugs by, like, laying on you. Like as soon as you get your arms around him and your face in his chest or at his shoulder, he immediately puts all his weight on you. He does not care how tall you are; he does not care if you are strong enough to support him. He lay, and that is all.
Vere gives those "I don't want to touch you" hugs where there's like three inches between your body and their arms. And if it goes on for more than a second he's like, "Alright, get off of me." If he likes you, though, his tail will start to brush up against your legs, your side, and up your back, and it'll be the last thing to leave you when he steps back.
Kuras strikes me as somewhat awkward about physical intimacy, so I think he'd be really taken off-guard if someone hugged him. It'd take him a minute to respond, and then he'd be kinda stiff and give you the two to three back pats that normal and human people give when they hug. It'd be more natural if he initiated, but I don't see touch as his main way of showing affection.
Leander and Mhin both give really good hugs. I'm talking solid, comforting hugs: the kind that make you feel supported and safe. Key differences, though:
Leander moves a lot (patting, rubbing, swaying or twisting with you, etc. etc.), while Mhin and their hands stay in one place
Mhin will let you go as soon as you start to pull back, but Leander will keep you there for as long as possible.
Leander will give out a hug to anybody, but Mhin will not give up their hugs for anyone (shame on them for hoarding their good hug skills!)
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touchstarvedbrainrot · 6 months
A day w/ perv! touchstarved characters
MDNI yeah? Just the LIs being dirty, needy perverts over MC; they low-key take advantage of ya- nothing too extreme but pls don't read if that makes u uncomfy. Yeah just smutty headcanons basically
Perv!Kuras who gives you such caring checkups, gliding his hands over your body.. asking you to bend over and stretch for him. Look at you, being so obedient for him, showing him all the tricks your pretty body can do. It’s all part of the checkup, of course. Even when he rubs your tummy and squeezes your thighs so, so gently… just trust him, he’s the professional, he can take care of you. He can make you so good if you’d just be his Though his bedside manner is still a bit lacking, considering the way he ushers you out so quickly… hoping against hope that you didn’t notice the precum staining through the peak in the bulge in his pants as he rushes into the backroom, fingers twitching over his cock as he undoes his clothes, almost whimpering at the pent-up need for you… with each and every throb and twitch, he becomes more desperate for you… 
Perv!Ais who’s so sweet to invite you over for tea all the time. He’s a decently good host after all, always having plushy pillows and rugs laid out for you to lounge around on while you sip your tea and chat with him. Of course, you don’t know that that exact spot where you’re sitting is where he was spilling cum into his hand for the fifth damn time just thinking of your voice… or of how cute you would be squirming and whining under him, all fucked-out. You don’t know that he barely had time to wipe up the mess before you arrived, that those are your special pillows… the ones only you use to sit, and the ones he humps while he breathes in your still-lingering scent after you leave. You don’t know that while you’re chatting, he’s only thinking of pinning you down and rutting into you until your poor little hole is all sore and sensitive from him… his sweet little sparrow.
Perv!Mhin who follows you as you walk home. Just to make sure you’re not a threat, of course. Just to do recon. Certainly not so that they can watch the sway of your hips and ass as you walk. They just love letting the little critters in the dark alleys spook you, so that they can appear at just the right time, your little guardian angel always there to make you feel good safe. And to scold you, because the way you get all pouty and huffy over it makes them wonder how you’d react to their praise. Or if eventually you’d give up that bratty attitude and take the degradation like a good fucking slut. They say goodnight to you at the entrance to the tavern, though it’s only the last you’ll be seeing of them, they’re going to be keeping an eye on you. Just to make sure you’re not a threat, of course. Certainly not because the Wet Wick’s curtains are thin enough to show your silhouette as you change- oh god you’re fucking yourself and they’re about to cum on the spot
Perv!Vere who greets you as you come downstairs from your room, giving you no time to ask what he’s doing slumming in this shithole as his eyes dilate in that unnatural way. He glares at you and storms outside, because you smell like everyone but him. And that’s the opposite of what it should be. He’s about to go and tell you to stop paying attention to those idiots (yes, even Ais… he’s better than Ais, don’t you know that??) when he realizes there’s another smell on you. Your own need… all relieved now, hm? He knows he could make you feel so much better than you could do for yourself, but he has no time to dwell on that as he slinks back inside and up the stairs to your room, finding your discarded underwear with your sticky, hot wetness all over it. You’re supposed to be the needy one, not him… but that doesn’t stop him from burying his face in the soft cloth and breathing you in until you’re the only scent he knows, his tail wagging furiously as he pockets the garment and heads back outside. 
Perv!Leander who meets you at the bar when you come downstairs, who loves that sleepy, exhausted look in your eyes. You look so so so pretty like that… and it’s so easy to slip you more and more drinks until he’s herding letting your curious hands run allllll over his body… even the parts that make him shiver and bite his lip. Maybe he should tie you up instead, hm? But he won’t do that. Not yet at least, not when your sweet touch is pressing against his most sensitive spot and your tipsy self is giggling at his blushy reaction. Do you know what you’re doing to him? Please keep doing it… please, he’ll be a good boy for you just keep doing it. He takes such good care of you, leading you back up to your room, helping you strip down to your undergarments, practically tucking you in. Wait, how did he get into your room? You were sure you locked it when you left. Oh well, he’s just being sweet, nothing to worry about.. 
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eggroll-sama · 2 months
Who’s My Roommate?
The Touchstarved cast are at a hotel and can’t decide who will be their roommates. Some are against certain pairings. You don’t really care, but they seem they’ve got a few colorful opinions || Touchstarved LI x reader. All of them have a crush on you, but you’re oblivious. I had this in my drafts for a while but I finally got the motivation to finish it. Just light-hearted shenanigans. Sorry if there are any typos!
“I don’t want Leander,” said Vere, his arms crossed and glaring at the man across from him.
They didn’t think deciding on rooming buddies would be so hard. There were exactly three rooms, side by side, and anyone who knew basic math understood there would be two people per room. The problem was, who and who?
Vere and Ais were the first pairing that came to mind. But then Mhin complained that they didn’t want to hear them having sex at two in the morning. You and Kuras could sympathize so argued that, no, Vere and Ais cannot be together in the same room. Vere was angry, Ais was indifferent. He preferred Vere’s company over others, but as long as he didn’t get Mhin he was fine. He found the idea of Mhin aiming a knife to his neck fun, but in the end he didn’t want to deal with them pestering him like a fly.
And then there was Leander. If they went off the reason of not wanting to hear someone having sex, then Leander was tough. He had had sex with half of the members in the group: Ais, Mhin, and (maybe) Vere. You still didn’t really know if they did it or not.
“I wouldn’t mind sleeping in the same room as Leander,” you said. Everyone stiffened except for the man in question, who had a cocky smile on his face. Secretly, everyone wanted to room with you, but they didn’t want to admit it.
Kuras stepped in before Leander could make a comment, and steered the conversation to possibly drawing sticks so it would be fair for everyone and well, not everyone was happy with their partners. Vere got Leander, Mhin got Ais, and you got Kuras. You weren’t against Kuras being your roommate; he was a gentleman and minded his own business. He didn’t seem like he was against rooming with you either. The others were not so happy with their results.
“I’m not rooming with a monster,” Mhin spat, venom lacing their words, glaring holes in the back of Ais’ head.
Ais ignored them, while Vere rolled his eyes.
“Oh yeah, well nobody wants to deal with an annoying midget like you. I think you forgot to pack your booster seat.”
Vere snickered as Mhin’s face turned red from anger.
“Hey hey now hold on, MC said that they were fine with rooming with me, so why not just leave the two of us out of it?” Leander said, arms snaking around your shoulder.
“No, you soft penis numbskull. You’re not rooming with MC.” Mhin stepped in. When the others looked at Mhin curiously, they coughed nervously and looked away.
You tried to lighten the mood with a joke, “Ais and Leander are best friends. We should room them together.”
The corner of Leander’s smile frayed at your joke. Ais narrowed his eyes at you. At least Vere was laughing, probably at you for your failed attempt to lighten the mood, but at least he laughed. You drew into yourself. You’ve forgotten the others were getting quite annoyed by the arguing. This was serious business that might mean life or death.
“How about we draw sticks again?” You suggested meekly, trying to move past the awkwardness.
“No, it’s just a waste of time,” intervened Vere, “we all clearly have our preferences, so how about we list anyone we don’t want to room with? I go first. I hate all four of you, fortunately, so I’m going to room with Ais or no one.”
“I don’t have a preference,” said Leander with a blush.
“We know,” Vere rolled his eyes.
“At this point let’s just room the two people that are the doormats of this group, Leander and Vere. It’s the easiest way to deal with them,” said Mhin.
“Or how about we room Leander in one room and Vere in the other one, and then we all share the last one,” you suggest. At this point you were running out of ideas and throwing them out randomly hoping you would hit a jackpot.
“I’m not invited to the foursome? That is unfortunate to hear,” Vere said.
“It’s getting too complicated. Room Vere with MC, Mhin with Leander, and me and Kuras. That should be good,” suggested Ais, getting impatient.
“I’m afraid that would be endangering MC’s safety,” said Kuras coolly, ignoring Vere’s exasperated reaction.
He quickly switched to his flirty demeanor, a coy smile on his lips, “Oh, but I don’t bite. Unless they ask me.” Mhin scoffed in the background. Kuras was expressionless. If he reacted to Vere’s tasteless innuendos, he would give the fox exactly what he wanted. So he stayed quiet and didn’t let his face give anything away.
“I agree with Kuras on this one. A bloody, mangled corpse is the last thing we want to deal with,” said Mhin. Though Mhin said this, you knew that they cared about your safety.
Ais sighed in defeat, pulling out a cigarette and a match, “I’m going out for a smoke.” You couldn’t blame him, they’ve been arguing for the past thirty minutes. Ais walked off to the entrance of the hotel.
Seeing Ais walk off, Vere waved their fingers before sauntering off in the same direction.
“The dog went to take a walk with it’s owner. Good grief,” said Mhin.
“We still need to get this rooming situation settled. I’m sure the others won’t mind if we decided without them,” said Kuras.
He sighed, “From what I’ve observed, the best rooming pairs seems like the fox and Ais, Mhin and MC, and Leander and I. We’ll take the middle room, Mhin and MC take the left, and Vere and Ais the right. That way Mhin wouldn’t be disturbed from any unnecessary sounds at night.”
“I could live with that,” said Mhin.
Leander didn’t seem too pleased with the end-result, but he wasn’t going to complain, “Alright. Guess I get to room with the good doctor tonight. Hey, maybe we can finally get some dinner, you and I.”
“Perhaps,” said Kuras, but from his indifferent expression and hollow tone it sounded more like a no.
“Ah,” was all Leander said. You could see the cogs turning behind his eyes. Then, he pulled out a deck of cards from his pocket, “I brought cards with me. Anyone wanna play Poker in an hour or two, our room?”
You smiled, “I like Poker. Bet I could beat you,” you nudged his shoulder teasingly.
“Sure.” Leander said with a laugh, but the way he said it almost sounded…condescending? You raised your brows, but before you could fully process it, Leander had already started speaking, “Would the doctor like to join as well?”
Must’ve been my imagination.
“I suppose if you are going to play in our room, I could join for a game or two.”
Kuras reply seemed to brighten Leander’s mood from the thinly-veiled rejection for dinner a few seconds ago.
“Great! How about you Mhin!”
“I’m tired.” Mhin grabbed their bags and started heading for the elevator, ignoring Leander’s invitation. You saw Leander’s smile falter.
“I’ll try convincing them,” you whispered to Leander who gave you an appreciative smile.
You had the keys to the room, so after saying goodbye to the other two, quickly followed after your small companion.
“I’m glad I get to room with you, Mhin,” you said while waiting for the elevator with them.
Mhin huffed at your words, turning away, “Right.” In the corner of your eyes you could see their pale skin get pinker just a tad. You smiled to yourself at their reaction. You weren’t really sure what the rest of the day will entail, but at least you were able to get through the hurdle of deciding who will be your roommate.
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mechaknight-98 · 16 days
Kan’t relax (NSFW) FT Sakura Miyawaki
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Author's note: I forgot how close I was to done with this fic…so here it is. Milf Mommy Sakura inbound You have been warned.
Heroes are captivating in fiction because they always arrive just in time and defeat the villain with unmatched skill and power. In reality, however, heroes are often ordinary people who rise to the occasion.
While out getting breakfast for Saki, Daigo was confronted by an old acquaintance named Reborn.
“I am so sorry, Daigo, but I need your help,” Reborn said. Before Daigo could respond, Reborn shot him in the face.
Ten years later, Daigo's eyes snapped open as the smoke dissipated around him. Reborn stood over him and reached out a hand to help him up.
“Where am I?” Daigo asked.
“The same cafe, just 10 years later.” Daigo’s heart sank.
“Where's Sakura?” he asked.
Reborn sighed. “She's leading the Miyawaki clan, but I don't think you're ready to see her.”
Daigo's reply was both defiant and despondent. “I don't care. That's my girl. Take me to her.”
Reborn sighed, knowing Daigo wouldn't relent. So they embarked on a journey to Japan, where Sakura was. They arrived at her "day job" as the head of an idol agency, where she and the girls were still making music and moving forward. As they entered the building, Sakura was headed out. She looked as radiant as ever, but a deep sadness and a dour expression were etched on her face.
“Kura, is that you?” Daigo said weakly. Sakura, having long abandoned that name, turned to Daigo, and their eyes met. A wordless exchange happened between them as they ran to each other. Daigo held her tight, and Sakura readily accepted his embrace.
“Please tell me this isn't a dream,” Sakura asked. Daigo shook his head. “No dream. I'm here for you,” he said. Sakura smiled, and the mask of Saki fell away.
“Why do you look so young though? You look like you're 26,” she asked, confused.
“Can we explain over tea?” Daigo asked. Sakura's eyes narrowed as she looked past Daigo and saw Reborn standing behind him. She flew into a rage.
“You!” Sakura growled at the hitman. “I should have known you had something to do with Daigo’s disappearance.” Her anger flared like a blaze, but Daigo, being the more level-headed, intervened.
“Wait, Kura. He brought me here,” he said. Despite the time and distance from Daigo, she still always deferred to him. She got serious.
“Okay, but when you're done with whatever you have to do today, come find me. I need my stud.”
“How would I find you? Everything is different now.”
“Daigo, you are the most resourceful person I know. You can do it. Otherwise, I'll find you and be forced to punish you,” Sakura said. Daigo wanted to submit to her then and there and let her run wild, but he had responsibilities.
“God, I love it when you punish me,” he said.
Sakura smiled. “I always knew you had a bit of a submissive streak. Don't worry, Mommy will take good care of you. All those competing thoughts, Mommy is going to erase them, so all you can think about is Mommy,” Sakura said. Daigo smiled at her before nodding and going to train with Reborn.
While training Daigo asks, “So who killed me in this timeline originally?”
“It was Tobirama Ozunu,” reborn says as he shows Daigo a picture he recognized as Tobi
“Of course,” Daigo replied to his trainer annoyed as he got back to work. The combat training continued til right before sunset. Daigo said goodbye to Reborn before setting out to find Kura. It took an hour but he made it to her penthouse right after sunset.
When he reached her door his cock was already unbearably hard, and several different emotions flowed through him. The weirdest one is this intense longing despite literally having just been in bed with her this morning. He opens the door to see Sakura very nude on her couch. She grins wolfishly at him and without command he strips for her. Her grin widens. Kura marvels at how hard his cock is for her despite her not touching it. She approaches Daigo and caresses his face. She smiles before saying,
“Do you want mommy to ruin you?” Daigo nods. Kura smiles. She starts by guiding him to the bedroom. Her arousal scent is already melting Daigo’s brain. Having aged like a fine wine in all facets Kura’s control over all facets of her body has been refined and nurtured. Her breasts are bigger her body is more plump, and her scent is now deadly.
Sakura pushes Daigo to the bed and she slowly approaches watching him wordlessly writhe and squirm for her. Sakura loved how needy Daigo was for her, but she needed him feral she needed him rough and raw. She inched to his face and kissed him instead of being fast and aggressive like how she would be when they were younger. Kira’s tongue was slow and deliberate. She knew her Stud’s body instinctively and knew how to send him over the edge. Her first trick was forcing him to swallow her saliva to the point he almost drowned in her kiss. When he came up for air she began to kiss around his body. Paying special attention to his ears, especially one of his known weaknesses. After she’s finished she notices a change in Daigo. His eyes have narrowed and her scent has done its job. Daigo gets up and grabs Kura who moans as he roughly throws her on the bed and without warning Daigo plugs her with his cock. Kura moans as she hasn’t been fucked in ten years.
“Ugh, I’ve needed this cock for ten years,” Sakura whined as a wave of familiar feelings overwhelmed her. Mainly her submission to her stud. It caused her to release more of her arousal and her pussy became a sodden mess as Daigo thrust in and out of her. Now no longer bound by her contracts or obligations since she owned all of Le Sserafim she could fully indulge in her needs.
“Fucking breed that milf pussy. I’ve waited so long,” Sakura said with an almost frightening level of conviction that sent Daigo over the edge and he bred her pussy. Sakura moaned as she reached her peak as well, but her mind broke and her body took control. Her instincts forced her to start fucking herself into Daigo’s cock so it couldn’t soften. Daigo’s mind was also broken as Kura’s fertile pussy invited him to fuck her again. He was overwhelmed by her scent and swept away by the need to breed his bitch. He grabbed Kura’s waist and slammed into her. Kura moaned loudly as Daigo began to thrust again. Animalistic groans came from them as their instincts overwhelmed their brains. Daigo never felt this way before but he needed Kura. He needed to have her more than he needed to breathe, and Sakura needed to be Daigo’s. So they gave in. Sakura’s pussy became little more than a sopping fleshlight for Daigo as his cock slipped into and out of her insatiable fuck hole. Sakura moaned like the bitch in heat she was. Their minds became fogged over by their thoughts that they couldn’t feel their orgasms coming and it hit them both like runaway trains. As Daigo filled Kura up again she leaned back into his body inviting her stud to claim her her again. Daigo grabbed her left tit and cupped her ass as he continued thrusting into her churning his cum inside her before biting her collarbone. Kura’s pussy clenched Daigo. Wordless encouragement to continue on.
“Fuck Mommy your pussy is so tight,” Daigo groaned as he continued thrusting into her Sakura moaned, and said
“Oh, I’m mommy? well then breed me and make me one.”
“Huh that breeding kink never went away did it?” Daigo inquired
“No, it didn’t now slap my ass say how good mommy’s pussy is, and creampie me.” She shot back. Daigo smiled at how much he loved this woman no matter what form she took or how old she was. He slapped her ass and marveled at how it rippled for him then grabbed both of her tits.
“Mommy’s pussy is so filthy. All mommy wants to do is be my breeding bitch doesn’t she. This is all mommy is good for huh? Dumping my children into her womb. Is that what mommy wants?” Daigo says and Sakura is overwhelmed by her lust cums again squirting all over Daigo’s cock, and trying to milk it. She succeeded and Daigo fills her again with cum, but their still horny for each other so they keep fucking until Sakura’s stomach growls.
Daigo laughs and looks at the clock. “Fuck it’s midnight already?” He says dazed by the fact they have been going at it for four hours.
Sakura smiles and says give me a minute let me order some food for us. While she’s on the call Daigo keeps fucking her. When she’s finished she glares at Daigo as he still thrust into her and then cums inside her. This causes the inner breeding cum slut that Sakura has been keeping at bay to fully cum out.
“Oh god yes. Fill me up again. I need your cum. Fuck keep me full.” Sakura said. Her words make Daigo even harder, 25 minutes later Sakura cums again, but before Daigo can reach his peak Sakura’s door rings and he has to pull out.
“I didn’t know you were holding out on me stud she said opening the door naked much to the surprise of the delivery woman who she winked at before going back to Daigo and starting their late-night meal. Daigo smiled and said
“Well it seems like you needed it, and I’d do anything for my breeding bitch.”
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sparrowsupportgroup · 2 months
On Kuras and empathy vs. compassion:
In the light of Kuras’s radial chart revealing he has low empathy, I just wanna say just because he struggles with being empathetic doesn’t put him at odds with his duty as a doctor necessarily.
I think one conflict we’ll see in his route is that just because he feels compassion for his patients(compassion means relieving the suffering of someone, and that’s what he does as a doctor) cannot be a substitute for his lack of empathy.
Though, I feel Kuras’s lack of empathy doesn’t stem from thinking humans are inferior to him but because he doesn’t have an fundamental understanding of the depth of human emotion and the agony of their suffering.
Him probably teaching humanity all his knowledge was his way, I suppose, of demonstrating he cares for them but it spectacularly blew up in his face. This leads to where his sense of guilt stems from, as he probably has a rigid moral code as an angel that icily operates from what HE thinks is best for them, which could be completely incompatible from what humans ACTUALLY need.
I keep thinking of his comment to MC - “I rarely come across so fascinating a patient.” At the time, humans were that interesting thing Kuras was enraptured by and he tried to help them in his own warped way but that obviously went bad because he couldn’t understand them. MC could become the new thing he’s fascinated by, but with his curiosity paired with his lack of empathy, this could be repetition of his most tragic mistakes but 10000000% worst as he’s already at his wits ends.
We’re basically on a medical malpractice speedrun with Kuras and I’m loving the ride.
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listen if gen 8 had been the one where they introduced the open world none of y’all would’ve been bullying leon for getting lost Constantly….. once i got past the first two gyms and first sidequest with mr wolfcut i’ve been having to google directions this is Bullshit
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Winter Nights (Vere x gn!Reader) (Touchstarved)
content: verex reader, gender neutral reader, I tried to write this so any origin will work with this fic, SFW but Vere makes his usual jokes, cannon typical swearing, reader bullies Vere just the smallest bit but he does the same.
summary: Vere has a horrible day, not enjoying the ice-cold weather at all. you decide to help out your favorite sassy fox boy.
word count: 5.5k
A/N: In honor of us getting VERE LORE i made this little fic of him. ngl i just saw how much he hated snow and ran with it. im so obsessed w this bitch yall i love him sm.
Vere had had a shit day. In your first few weeks of arriving in Eridia you probably wouldn’t have noticed it. That demon Fox was notoriously good at hiding his feelings when he really wanted to. He'd misdirect your attention, complaining about how shitty the drinks are in the Wick when he was really upset about something else entirely. Something deeper he didn't want you to know about. Honestly, in the first few weeks here you probably didn't care much to know what he was upset about anyways, you were too busy trying to survive. But life in Eridia had settled down a bit after the first month or so. You had stable lodgings, you had picked up some odd jobs, using your specific set of skills to give yourself some income. You even had allies of sorts. 
Leander had shown you the ropes of the cities and how to fit in with his Bloodhounds, Kuras had welcomed your assistance at the clinic (even if your help just amounted to laundry or organization), Ais enjoyed your occasional company in the red spring, and even Mhin had gifted you a well made dagger, their face blushing red as they insisted it was simply so you wouldn't be as useless as you had been that night they had met you. You'd even consider some of them almost friends now.
Yet out of all the characters you'd met since entering this city, Vere had been the one you had chosen to align yourself with in the quest to cure your curse. There was something dangerous beneath the surface of all of your new acquaintances, yet with Vere it was different. He knew more than he was letting on. He was more than he was letting on. Vain people like him usually loved to flaunt just how wealthy, powerful or clever they were, but he had always slyly dodged the topic. He was putting on an act, a performance where he was simply a beautiful face, and you knew it was bullshit. You’d be lying if you said curiosity was not a catalyst for choosing Vere as your closest companion, but you also had the sense that staying close to him was infinitely safer than opposing him. Something about keeping friends close and enemies closer. 
But that was the other problem. Over these months, you saw Vere as less of an enemy and more like-
-Well, Saying friend was probably inaccurate. You kept your secrets close to your chest and Vere was far too fake with you for you to assume he trusted you. Yet, you found yourself genuinely enjoying his company. He'd try to get a rise out of you by being an asshole and you'd reply with something snarky, clever, or just downright outrageous and Vere would let out a surprised bark of laughter. Real laughter, a high pitched guttural cackle, not like the fake laughter he uses around most, that breathless smooth chuckle you'd quickly figured out was fake as fuck. 
Getting closer to Vere also meant learning things like that, when he was being fake or when he genuinely meant something. And although you'd never admit it, you loved that. Getting to know Vere better and getting rewarded with a real moment with him was like having a stray cat you'd been trying to get to trust you finally approach and sniff your hand before hissing and running off again. You knew that cat would be an asshole the next day, but you also know you'd be back the next day to see if you could get that cat to trust you a little more. 
Though said cat (or more accurately fox) had been in a worsening mood recently. The months were getting colder, and when the first snowflake fell Vere’s scowl became more frequent, plus leander had been trying to get closer to you lately, and that man's mere presence could put Vere in a pissy mood for hours. You didn't quite understand his hatred for Leander, but you also had the feeling leander was just a little insane, so it might be genuinely good judgment on Veres part instead of him just being an ass to people for fun, like what he did with Mhin and Kuras. The real icing on the cake to complete Veres' bad mood was his hunting session that happened today. The Senobium had dragged him out at the crack of dawn to kill monsters and only loosened his leash late into the night, after the light snowfall had become more of a brutal sleet, the ice cold rain coming down in sheets. The temperature in Eridia always drops much lower in the nighttime, so by tomorrow you'd put money on the outside either being a slushy mess with ice coating every road, or be covered in a dusting of snow. Though you weren't too sure how likely either of those realistically were to occur, it was your first winter in Eridia. You hadn't even realized that you'd been here for so long the seasons had begun changing around you, but it was clear Vere had hated the colder months. 
Your persistence in getting to know Vere, for reasons even you couldn't really explain, along with all these reasons, was why you knew he was going to be in the worst mood yet when he got back. You were by the bar, nursing some hot mulled wine when the door to the Wet Wick slammed open, Vere stomping in (probably to knock some of the slush off his boots and also because he was angry) and taking a seat at the bar next to you. 
He didn't say a word to you, silently seething as he gave the bartender a silent look that meant “make this drink strong or i'll make your life miserable”. 
Thankfully, the bartender was as reliable and quick on her feet as ever, ignoring Vere’s death glare but pouring him some non-watered down liquor. You were ever grateful for her ability to deal with the people of this city. 
Veres' long scarlet hair was slightly plastered to his cheek, wet and freezing, with snow and sleet mixed in, tangling the long strands. You wagered a quick look at his tail, and it was just as bad, if not worse. A bit of mud had caked on the bottom of it, along with the blood of whatever monster they had had him hunting that evening. And the fine fur was drenched to the bone. He looked absolutely horrible, and hadn't said a word to you the entire time, just bitterly drinking his liquor and motioning for another pour.
That's how you knew this bad day was different from the rest. Usually when Vere was upset he'd let you know somehow. Whether it was turning up his nose at you to let you know your presence isn't wanted nor needed, or sometimes he'd rant for hours on how much he hated the Senobium or whatever else was bothering him. And no matter how mad he was, he'd never let you see him in such a disheveled state. It was hard for you to remember even a handful of times where Vere looked less than perfect. 
But now? Looked like an absolute mess, and even stranger, he was just-
-just quiet really. If you didn't know better you'd almost think he was a little defeated. Like a person at their breaking point. 
You couldn't help but feel sympathetic. Not too long ago you had felt that way, the face he wore now was like the one you wore on the caravan on the way to Eridia reminiscing about how you were betrayed, how your former life and everything you had up until that point was basically nothing but ashes now. It was not a good feeling. 
You wanted to do something to help. For some reason you really wanted to do something to help. Luckily you had an idea. Well, hopefully luckily. You knew people who looked like that usually wanted to be left alone to seeth for a while. Or cry, depending on the person. But you wanted to help. If he didnt like it, then he could always leave, it's not like you'd force him to accept your help. 
While he sipped what must have been his 3rd or 4th strong drink, you quietly slipped upstairs to your room, and began filling up the tub. A while back you had splurged and purchased a small mesh bag of a few bathing items, all of them lavender scented. You dumped them out to see what exactly you had to work with
A small bar of lavender soap
A single vial of Lavender bath salts
Some lavender hair oils 
Lavender shampoo
And a small white comb, most likely made of some mid tier material, enough to do its job, but nothing stunning. This seemed like a passible amount of stuff for Vere right? You knew he was fancy and he probably had much higher quality items in greater amounts back wherever he lived, and what if- 
Wait a damn minute. You were doing this out of the kindness of your frickin heart. If it wasn't nice enough for his stuffy ass then you'd just use the items yourself. Hell you already were a bit disappointed you didn't get to use this stuff yourself, more for you if he decided he didn't like it. 
With that settled in your mind, you turned towards the now full tub and a smaller basin next to it, both filled with clear water, and began to use a simple spell to heat the water. Almost all humans had some potential to learn magic, and being able to heat water to steaming hot was an extremely basic magic, almost anyone could perform it if they knew what to do. You finished it off by pouring the bath salts into the tub and grabbing two towels out from your closet, one large one and one suited for drying hair, and laid them to the side along with the assortment of small lavender products you had gotten out. You then lit a few candles set on the sink, considering it was dark outside, and candles were now the only source of light in the bathroom. With that prepared and the bath still steaming hot, you headed back down to the tavern.
Vere was still there, still drinking some strong amber liquid. At least he was no longer shooting them back, but instead nursing the drink with slow sips. He was definitely at least a little buzzed, judging by the way he slightly tilted off the barstool. 
You walked up to him and put a hand on his shoulder. “Vere. Hey Vere, are you still with me? Or are you more drunk than you look?”
The fox glared up at you for a second before he fixed his scowl, a look of boredom and slight amusement painted on his pretty face in an instant.
Fake bitch. 
“Well, well, well. Here to keep me company now? I'll be honest, my standards are lowering with every glass I down, so keep trying and maybe you'll get lucky.” a lecherous smirk spread across his face as he spoke. 
Sigh. he was so going to take this the wrong way.
“Lets go to my room”
“W-” Vere momentarily stumbled over his response. Probably only because he was drunk. Any other time and he would have absolutely dominated this situation easily, poking and preening about how you were not immune to his charms. And yet up till now he didn’t think you were the type to fall for his flirty act so easily.
And he was right, you were smarter than that. If you hadn't been he probably would have killed you by now. 
“Hey.” you practically scolded. “Get your mind out of the gutter. Not for those reasons. Come on, up we go.” you said while grabbing his elbow gently to steady him as he got off the stool, just in case. 
Mercifully, he let you lead him upstairs without complaint, probably out of curiosity on what the hell you were thinking. 
When you opened the door to the bathroom, Vere was momentarily stunned looking at the steaming bath, but quickly put two and two together. It seemed this unexpected scenario had sobered him up a little bit. He instantly became more alert and aware of his surroundings.
Fair. it's not like you two were very soft and caring to each other. If anything you got along best when you were trying to out-snark each other. This was definitely out of character. But regardless his mask of calm indifference didn't falter a bit. 
“Oh I see” he drawled. “Set to join me in the nude aren't you? My goodness you could have just asked if you were this desperate to see me undress, I might have only made you beg a little.” 
His smugness was palpable at this point. Why were you doing all this for him again? Bitch-ass sad soggy fox. 
You pushed your annoyance to the side. If you reacted to his bullshit he'd get what he wanted.
“Actually yes I was planning on joining you. But not in the bath.” you responded.
“Oh? And what exactly are you planning on doing?” his questioning was genuine, as if he actually had no idea what you were thinking. 
You held up the comb that came with the rest of the bath items you planned on using. 
“I'm going to rip those knots out of your hair if it kills you.” you deadpanned.
The look of genuine fear on Veres' face for a split second when you said that was worth all the effort. 
After assuring him that you wouldn't actually rip out any of his hair (on purpose at least) and then additional promises that you would be gentle, Vere finally relented and began to strip down. As soon as he did you turned around, waiting until you heard him submerge himself in the tub before turning back around. You knew he thought about making a comment about you turning around to let him undress, but thankfully he seemed too worn out to poke you any further. 
He let out a slight gasp, and then sigh of contentment as he sank into the waters. When you had left to go fetch Vere from the bar the water was basically boiling, but it had cooled in the time it had taken you to get him up here, so it was just a little too hot to be perfect, but that meant a longer time in the warm water. Something Vere definitely needed, it was going to take a while to detangle and clean this mess. 
You handed him the soap, then took the smaller basin and poured a gentle stream over his head before grabbing the shampoo and lathering it up into a froth in his hair. If there was one thing you had learned, it was how to make a little supply last a while, so you only used about half the small bottle on his hair, making sure to massage all the way down to his roots and ensuring every inch of dirt would be rinsed out. You also made a conscientious effort not to disturb the chains around his neck. Tonight was not the night to try to sneak a peek at them. Not that it would do much good with how low the lighting was in here. 
True to your words, you tried to be gentle for the process, and you could feel Vere eventually relax under your touch, taking a break from scrubbing himself with the soap to lean back and close his eyes while you continued to work the shampoo into his hair. You were glad he was relaxed, but the last thing you needed was him falling asleep in the tub, especially after all the booze he'd had. You grabbed the basin and poured another stream of water on his head to wash out the shampoo, the water in the smaller container now closer to mildly warm than hot. 
After the shampoo was out it was time for the oils. And the comb. As you Began to massage the oils in, you felt Vere tense up once again. It was like he was fighting between exhaustion and being on high alert. Was your presence really this stressful to him?
You leaned down right next to his velvety ears and tried to keep your voice as quiet and non-stress inducing as possible as you spoke.
“Hey. I promised I would be gentle. Relax” you whispered, the fur of his ears slightly brushing up against your lower lip as you spoke. 
For some reason when you said that Vere went completely still for a second. 
Seriously? Was your entire presence just so annoying to him that he absolutely could not relax around you? Honestly that felt a bit hurtful. You could be so nice when you wanted to! Just look at what you were doing for him now!
You shrugged off the sting of rejection at Veres discomfort at you and began to massage the oils into his hair. 
First you gently felt out the knots with your bandaged fingers, taking care to rub the oils into each one and loosening the knot. Then you started to comb them out. Taking extra care to go slow and try not to tug too much, Vere eventually relaxed again and finished up using the bar of soap on his skin, saving his face for last so he could dunk his head under to rinse out the soap and hair oils in one go. 
It took a hot second, but Veres' hair was smooth as silk once again. A selfish part of you wished you could run your fingers through it without the bandages, but that wasn't likely to happen anytime soon, if ever. 
Satisfied with your work, you fully stood up and handed Vere the remainder of the shampoo, oils and comb. 
“For your tail” you said as you passed along the objects. “Do not fall asleep” 
Just before leaving you tested the waters' warmth. Lukewarm. You quietly summoned the magic needed to add a little more heat to the water. Just enough so he’d have enough time to properly wash out his tail. With that you gathered up his pile of clothes and headed out of the bathroom.
Usually you just washed your clothes in the basin in the bathroom with a cleaning solution and then left them to dry on the very, very small balcony your room hosted, but Veres clothes were of infinitely higher quality than yours, so doing that might ruin them. Not to mention your modest balcony was currently being blasted by the cold weather. 
There wasn't anything you could really do, so you just folded up the clothes and opened your closet to see what other options there were. You could let him borrow something of yours, but something told you he wouldn't appreciate that, not even considering the fact that it definitely wouldn't fit him perfectly like all his outfits did. His clothes were definitely custom made. 
Then, something caught your eye. Last time you were helping at the clinic, someone had kindly gifted some linens and basic white clothes to the patients who might need some (like you had), and in the mix there had been a few fluffy bathrobes. Kuras had kindly gifted you one considering there wasn't too much use for that in the clinic, and it had been sitting in your closet ever since. It wasn't fancy by any means, but it was good quality. And as long as you didn't tell Vere you got it from Kuras he probably wouldn't protest too much.
You walked back over to the bathroom door and rapped your knuckles on the door twice. 
“Hey I’m going to hand you a bathrobe. Are you out of the tub?” You called through the door.
You heard the faint sound of bare feet on tile and the door open as vere stood before you, the smaller towel currently in his hands being used to dry his hair while the larger towel was draped over his now clean tail.
Needless to say, you kept very strong eye contact as he took the robe from your hands and slid it on. 
You watched him feel the plush of the robe, a very tired but somewhat satisfied look on his face. The quality of the fabric had met his standards apparently (probably just barely). Then he turned towards your bed, walked over, and flopped down on said bed. 
Well, you weren’t exactly expecting him to go back out in this weather, but still. You really wanted to sleep in your bed tonight. 
Veres' muffled voice snapped you out of your thoughts, his words muddled by the pillow he was currently face planting into.
“What???” You responded. 
“I said brush my tail” he huffed before nodding to the comb from earlier he left on the other side of the bed, which he had left untouched, seemingly content with just half the bed.
Well, this kinda meant he was willing to share right? No floor for you tonight, and all you had to do was preen this peacock of a Fox. 
You situated yourself on the bed and began to gently brush out the mountain of damp fur in front of you. Luckily he had done a solid job of washing his tail, it was a lot easier to brush out than his hair had been. 
He flicked it occasionally, the fur brushing up against your nose more than once. His normal spiced scent was now overpowered by lavender. You involuntarily inhaled the scent, remembering it was known to relax people into sleep. (Kuras had told you that once).
“Please, try to contain yourself.” He cooed at you before flicking his tail at your face once again. “I always smell incredible, no need to act all enamored” 
You let out an annoyed huff.
 “Sure you do.” You mumbled under your breath.
“Excuse you” Vere turned on his pillow to look at you through half lidded eyes. “What exactly is that supposed to mean?” 
“Nothing.” You quipped, focusing on his tail to look busy.
You were avoiding the question instead of bantering with him, that’s how Vere knew you were being honest. You actually thought he smelled bad.
“What?” His eyes narrowed as he spoke.
“What do I smell like to you?” 
You avoided eye contact and continued to really focus on brushing his tail.
“Hey!” He sat up now, and looked ready to wrestle the information out of you. “What do you think I smell like?”
“Well-“ you conceded, “you kinda smell like a Fox.” 
Vere looked at you unmoving, mouth slightly open. 
“It’s not like it’s super noticeable! Or like an inherently awful smell!” You assured him. “It’s just- once you notice it under all the fancy perfumes you usually wear it’s  kinda hard to not pick up on it.” 
Vere grabbed the pillow from beneath his head and smacked you with it. Hard.
“How dare you!” He seethed. “I smell incredible all the time! Take back what you said.”
He finished his sentence by wacking you with the pillow again. 
After receiving the second pillow smack, you gave Vere a quick glare, but your annoyance quickly gave way to amusement, and you were now struggling to hold in your giggles. A slight blush had graced veres normally stoic face, along with a look of affronted shock. He was embarrassed. Oh this was actually too funny. 
Normally Vere would never let himself look embarrassed in front of anyone. But he had a shit day. He was exhausted, and his mask of arrogance  had washed away with the lavender soap. 
You began laughing. Quietly at first, but after those first few giggles an enraged, red-faced Vere had gotten up from his longing position and was now attacking you with your own pillow. The slight giggles on your part has turned into full on laughter, occasionally muffled by a repeated pillow to your face.
*Smack smack*
You knew you would get noise complaints from the other tenants tomorrow, because you were absolutely overcome with laughter. Genuinely, you could feel your stomach start to cramp from how hard you were cackling at Vere. 
You looked up at him, towering over you with a pillow at the ready. You could see the tips of his fangs. He was smiling too. He was so pretty when he smiled. 
“Ok, ok” you conceded. “I take it-“
“Vere wait!” You squealed. “Wait, I said I take it back!”
“Not good enough anymore.” He responded. “You owe me a compliment, for telling me I smell like a wild animal.”
“So get with the complimenting asshole.” he smirked, readying his pillow for if your answer was not satisfactory. 
“I’m not going to-“
“Alright, fine! Your hair looks great!”
“Your eyes are stunning!” 
“Hey those were good! Stop attacking me!” Your smile was so wide you thought your face might split for a second. 
“Try harder~” he cooed. “You’ll need to get creative in order to earn my forgiveness” 
Right as he was about to bring the pillow down to your face once more, you grabbed his wrist and pulled him towards you. 
He let out a yelp as you did so, but you knew he let it happen. The truth was if Vere didn’t want you to touch him, you’d never get close enough to even think about it. He knew the second you began reaching for his wrist, and he let it happen. He let himself fall against your chest, still heaving with laughter.
Chest to chest you looked at eachother, faces close enough that your noses nearly touched, both of you still smiling like idiots. 
“Vere, You have the most beautiful smile I’ve ever seen in my life.” 
Vere smile shifted at your words. He wasn’t  cackling to himself anymore, instead he was looking directly at you. Studying you almost. 
You didn’t mind. You knew he wasn’t one to trust. Neither were you. But at this moment you didn’t particularly care. 
“I feel like it’s rare to see a real smile from you,” you continued. “It feels rewarding, knowing I can make you smile. I want to see it more, but-“ 
You couldn’t finish the sentence, but you knew what you wanted to say. 
But I selfishly want you to look at just me like that. Not anyone else. 
“Well. I like seeing it regardless.” You finished.
You saw the look on Veres' face. Most would call it indescribable, but you knew exactly what he was thinking. You had said something real just now. Real in a way he didn’t want to respond too or process right now, and he wasn’t sure how to proceed. 
“Was that a good enough compliment?” You asked, an easy smile falling over your face. One that said you were willing to brush off what you had just said as nothing more than a game if he was. 
The tension seemed to melt from his face as he playfully rolled his eyes and flopped down next to you.
It amazed you how expressive he could be when he was exhausted.
“Fine, I suppose I’ll forgive you. Just this once.” He mumbled.
Speaking of exhaustion, sleep was overtaking him quickly now that the fun had died down. He turned around and  pulled the covers up to his shoulders, fur and hair now dry. Despite this, you could tell he was still cold. It seemed this weather didn’t agree with him.
You pushed yourself out of the bed and went back over to your closet. In the bottom was a thick scratchy fleece blanket. Not comfortable, but great for keeping the heat in. The perfect blanket to lay over someone already covered in other blankets. 
You walked back over to the bed and draped it over Vere before waking back to your side and getting under the covers yourself. 
A few moments of silence went by, and you were sure he had fallen asleep, until you heard him whisper, so quiet you might have missed it-
“I hate the snow.” 
“Mhm.” You replied. “One of my earliest memories was about snow.”
Vere turned to face you once again, barely still awake. 
It was true. It definitely wasn’t your oldest memory, but you remembered being a child and seeing snow for the first time. The person who had betrayed you was there too. They had told you, “every snowflake is unique, no two are alike.” You had spent the rest of the day catching snowflakes and trying to look at the patterns before they melted in your palms. 
“Is it a good memory?” Vere asked. 
“I’m…not sure.” You responded. 
Something told you Vere already knew that would be the answer, he just wanted you to know the same. Sly Fox. 
“Goodnight Vere”
No response. 
That night your dreams were filled with snow. And when you woke you saw it was already late morning. You had been out cold.
You looked over to the other side of the bed to see it empty. Not shocking. What was shocking was the items on the bedside table next to you.
You unfolded the note. It was undoubtedly Veres' handwriting. 
“Mhin told me that bathrobe I used was given to you by that fucking doctor. I’m burning it. Here’s a replacement.
Sure enough there was a blood red bathrobe neatly folded underneath the note. It was definitely higher quality than the one Kuras had given you, but less fluffy. 
Besides that, there was also a black wicker basket placed on top of the robe as well. Replacements for the lavender set you had given him last night. But these products were far nicer than what you had used on him, and far more greater in quantity. 
You sifted through the many hair oils, heavily scented bars of soap, lotions, and vials of perfume. The whole set was probably worth more money than you had ever had at one point in your entire life.
You opened a bottle and inhaled, and immediately recognized the scent. This is what Vere normally smelled like. He’d given you some of his products. It was shockingly sweet of him to do so, you didn’t think he cared that you were basically dirt poor. 
Speaking of, it was time to get up. You had odd jobs to complete and were supposed to help Kuras later today. 
Over the next few weeks, what had become what you would assume a one time thing had now become commonplace. Veres work would often end in the lowtown in the winter months it seemed, the Senobium only leaving hightown after all soulless had been cleared out, then heading to lowtown to kill maybe just one for their reputations sake before letting Vere off his leash.
Sometimes he’d just flop down in bed and immediately go to sleep, other times he’d demand you pamper him a little. Sometimes with a whole routine like you had done before, other times he just handed you a hairbrush and his tail and expected you to get to work.
“Didn’t you say to me you’d never be caught dead slumming it in the wet wick like the first day I was here?” You teased him.
“It’s literally a blizzard outside shut the FUCK UP.” He replied, stealing all of your blankets as punishment. (After that you kept an extra one under your side of the bed just in case) 
Over time you had to make space in your closet for a few of his outfits as well. He’d made a joke about how if you didn’t want his clothes here he’d gladly walk around in the nude, and you had agreed to let him keep some things here just a little too quickly for his liking. 
You didn’t think it meant anything. Yes, if it had been anyone else but Vere you could see how people might perceive this as romantic or something but not with him. Vere would never see you as more than a means to an end, and you would never open up to him. That’s just how the two of you were
Or that’s what you told yourself, wearing the robe he had given you while wearing the same perfume as he did, as you brushed his tail in comfortable silence while the snow fell outside.
Vere hated the snow. He always would. But as spring began to arrive and he no longer had any excuse to spend the night in your room, he began to miss those winter nights. Vere still hated the cold, but somehow that time with you had been anything but.
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dulcesiabits · 4 months
love me like a bruise.
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summary: the only way to know what mhin tastes like is through leander.
notes: 1.5k words, author's notes, mildly suggestive content (mhin and reader implied to be sleeping together), jealousy, alcohol consumption (reader might be drunk and making very bad decisions), very complicated relationships (mhin and leander were once a thing, leander taunts you about mhin, mhin has emotional hangups etc)
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“They’ve never even kissed you, have they?”
It’s a low, whispered comment from Leander, one you can barely hear over the sound of raucous laughter and jeering voices crowding the Wet Wick. But your hands tighten around your mug, and you hunch over your murky drink, your reflection peering back at you from the depths.
Leander, elbows pressed lightly on the wooden counter, dips his head in sympathy. “I’m right, aren’t I?”
“It’s none of your business,” you say thinly, but your denial is an answer of itself, and his smile– his damned slippery smile, as repugnant as a slimy fish pulled from the river– only grows.
“I didn’t even say their name,” he says mildly. 
“Shut up.”
Leander clicks his tongue, raising a hand to press on your shoulder. It’s a gentle, insistent pressure, but it roots you to your seat. “I’m just worried about you. I told you, right? That they’re not someone you can trust.”
“I don’t need you to warn me. I can take care of myself,” you say.
“I know, I know. I just want to look out after you.” 
“I don’t need your concern.”
Leander tilts his head, shadows falling across his face. “If you don’t want me to be concerned, then you shouldn’t come into my bar, looking miserable. Then I wouldn’t worry so much.”
In response, you jerk his hand off your shoulder. Leander lets it fall, watching as you pick up your drink and swallow, one long bitter gulp, before slamming it back down on the table. 
“It’s empty. Refill, please, bartender,” you say pointedly.
“As you wish,” he says, picking it up and disappearing down the corner.
You watch the crush of bodies around you, lovers intoxicated on Leander’s shitty drinks curled around each other like cats, friends throwing down cards and chips on damp tables, all cast in a dim green sheen from the hanging lights.
You’re the only one here alone. Maybe if Ais or Vere or even Kuras were around tonight, you wouldn’t need to drink to feel like you also had someone you belonged to.
There is one person that you particularly want to be by your side, who would chase away all your bitter feelings, but you don’t know if they feel the same. Because, gods, Leander is right. They’re the one person you really want to be by your side, and the one person farthest from reach.
Mhin. Your partner, in more ways than one. Your business partner, of course. The two of you get along particularly well in that regard, scouring the streets of Eridia for information. But it’s also easy to slip into their bed every night, to brush their silver hair across the pillow, to cup their reddening face. But they’re always gone in the morning. They would let you hold them, but never any further than that.
The first time you tried to kiss them, they cupped their hand around your mouth, eyes like flint. “Don’t.” And so you had to make do with biting their neck, teeth sinking sharper than a kiss, running a thumb over the marks which would fade in time. 
You never tried to kiss them again, even though their plump lips and the kissable mole next to the corner of their mouth was irresistible. 
It’s funny, in all honesty. How they spurned you from holding their hand on the streets, flinching away like an alley cat, but they never refused your touch at night. It was a line you weren’t allowed to cross, the message as clear as day: you could desire them, but you couldn’t love them.
And so you’re stuck, in a relationship of push and pull. How far are you allowed to go? What did it mean, to Mhin, for the two of you to be together?
As if summoned by your thoughts, someone slinks through the half open-door like a dream. It’s Mhin. They haven’t seen you yet, so you take a few moments to observe them, the way they dodge effortlessly between stumbling bodies, hood drawn tight over their face.
Cute. They’re cute, and you will never meet a person as beautiful as them again.
A drink clunks down in front of you, heavy with foam. Leander puts his hand on your shoulder, pulling you back to face him. He’s still smiling, but there’s an edge to it now. He leans closer, an intimate gesture.
“They’re cute, I know,” he whispers, his breath fogging your ear. “A good kisser, too. I didn’t expect it, the first time we were together.”
Before you know what you’re doing, your hands are grasping his lapels, and you’re yanking him closer to you. What sort of expression are you making? Your eyes are wavering, hazy, and your teeth are bared in a snarl. The alcohol is pounding through your head. “Shut up, Leander.”
You don’t care. You don’t care if Mhin has been with other people. So have you. It’s none of your business. That’s not what your relationship is. Mhin has drawn a firm line. You know where you stand in their life.
“Do you want to know?” Leander whispers. “What they taste like?” His eyes, dark and heavy, hover over your lips.
You kiss him. But it’s not a kiss, because you are all lips and teeth, and Leander is pliant underneath you as you rip his mouth apart, like a waiting prey animal. There’s the taste of cheap ale, and not much else as you devour him. You tug his lower lip between your teeth, biting hard enough to break skin. He gasps as you pull back, blood beading along his lip.
“Wow,” he says wonderingly, drawing one thumb to wipe along his lip, licking at his own blood. “You’re wilder than I expected.”
You’re panting as you wipe your hand across your mouth. Is this anything like what happened when Mhin and Leander kissed? Did they kiss him like this? Or did he kiss them? “Shut up. I’m never doing this again.”
Leander jerks a thumb behind you, and you whirl to see Mhin, with a hardened expression, watching the two of you. They meet your eyes, and duck their head, turning towards the exit. You stumble out of your seat.
“I’ll see you soon,” Leander calls after you, but you ignore him as you slam past complaining patrons and out the door, the cool night air whipping you in the face after the stale warmth of the Wet Wick.
Where is Mhin? What are they thinking? Did they see? How much did they see?
There’s a pale hand wrapping around your wrist, and the alcohol makes your steps clumsy and head fuzzy as someone drags you to a nearby alley, slamming you against the rough brick wall. Mhin. It’s Mhin, and their eyes are as sharp as a blade against your neck.
“What were you thinking?” they hiss.
“What?” you say.
“Kissing him! Kissing Leander!” they say again. They still have a hold on your wrist, and their grip is bruising.
“Why not?” you say. “What does it matter who I kiss? It’s not like we have that sort of relationship, right?”
They reel back as if you’ve slapped them, dropping your hand. You almost miss their touch. You wonder if it’ll leave a mark in the morning, just like a hickey. “Leander is… not someone you can trust,” they say.
“Funny. He said that about you, too. Mhin… why do you care so much?” Now you’re stepping towards them, and they move backwards slowly with each step you take, right until they’re the one backed against the wall. You lean in so close you can see the sweat beading along their cheek, the faint scent of iron and flesh. “Who were you jealous of?”
“Who were you more jealous of?” you whisper into their ear, sensing how Mhin tenses beneath you, their heart racing like a trapped animal. “Me, or Leander? I mean, you won’t kiss me, but you’ll kiss him. How am I supposed to understand that?”
They shove you, hard, and you almost trip over your own feet before they grab you hastily, pulling you upright.
“You’re drunk,” they spit out. But there’s something raw in their eyes, fragile. “Go home. You don’t even know what you’re saying right now.”
They’re holding onto your elbow, gently guiding you back to the entrance of the Wet Wick. Why are they holding you like this? It’s so unfair. They should just leave you drunk in the alleyway, not take care of you like they worry over what happens to you. Neither of you speak, and they pull open the door for you.
“Leander will at least help you to your bed,” they mutter to themself, as if you aren’t right there. “So it should be fine as long as he can see you… And you’ll be around people…”
“Mhin,” you whisper, and they glance at you, and down at your lips as your mouth moves. “Will you kiss me?”
They close their eyes, lips pressed tight, as if they’re making a wish. You can’t read their expression anymore as they push you through the door. “Just go home.”
The door shuts behind you like a tomb, and you’re enveloped in the noisy, warm, damp atmosphere of the bar again. You press your thumb against your bottom lip, chasing the lingering taste of your drunken kiss. Maybe if you close your eyes, you can find Mhin’s taste there.
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kimiro-art · 24 days
Touchstarved smut headcanons
Where the touchstarved character like to get funky
This man loooooves getting funky in public. You sit in a little Booth at the wet wick? He will tease you. No shame AT ALL. Got his hands on places where they should not be in public.
You are shopping clothing? Well. Vere got other plans. He will drag you in one of the changing rooms and full on get funky.
"You need to stay quiet , sweety ❤️ people might hear you"
Man loves to get down and dirty in the shower. You are just enjoying the warm water when you suddenly find hands slide around you from behind.
"Relax :) i just wanna help you get your back clean ❤️"
"This way we use less water :)"
Bullshit. He just love to see you all wet and naked and "help you clean yourself"
A bit like Leander but for him it's the bathtub or even a hot spring. Unlike Leander he is honest about his real reason.
He just loves going through the ritual of cleaning each other and being close (and fuck)
He just can relax more in a tub or hot spring and GAAWWD DAMN you will notice it too.
"Who cares if we spill water. I am only interested in you right now, sparrow ~❤️"
It's a faaar reach but I say in Natur.
Not in public. More like a cozy privat place in Natur. Maybe something like a big garden somewhere under a tree.
Who would have thought.
It just relaxes them. Feeling the grass tickle over their hot skin. Not only does it feel good but it almost has something artistical to it.
"You look very pretty like this...❤️"
Kuras is a classic man so he like to get going in the bedroom. It's just a privat safe space. And tbh. Kuras got a BIG bed that could be out of a Renaissance painting.
"You are just so beautiful my dear ❤️"
That's it ❤️
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harmlessghosty · 3 months
“Take This One”
Ais helps you after you’re terribly wounded by a Soulless.
Tags for blood, mostly, but pretty much just hurt/comfort. 1800 words.
You didn’t mean to be outside after sunset. It just happened that you were hungry for a late night snack and had a few extra coins, and the waft of cinnamon rolls wouldn’t leave your room at the Wet Wick. After all that you’d been through, wasn’t it fair that you deserved something a little more delicious than rotten nuts or unleavened bread from the bar?
Well, that had been, at minimum, a terrible idea.
Any stall open at midnight on a weekday wouldn’t normally be a red flag, but you should have gone back to your room when you noticed the vendor’s eyes shifting back and forth as they served your snack. Quickly, after you paid, they abandoned their post before you could get five steps back down the road.
For good reason, you now realized, lying on your back in an alleyway with a Soulless staring you down from the roof of the Wet Wick.
There was no time to take in their appearance or their snarl before they descended, soaring in an arc until they launched at your weak little body. Claws gnashed at your legs, at your arms, at your chest.
As swiftly as they attacked, pain welled with a hot rush of liquid over your clothes.
And just as quickly as it happened, it disappeared with a screech of a whine. Through your half-closed eyes, you swore you caught sight of a glowing red light shining on the alley walls, but maybe that was simply Death coming for you. Your heavy body shifted an inch before demanding that you stop moving by shooting a wave of agony up your side.
Footsteps approached, and someone squatted by your side. Gasping and gritting your bloodstained teeth, you peered up at the newcomer and, recognizing him, glared.
He smiled, his bright crimson eyes practically the only light in the alley. “Got yourself in a mess, huh?” he asked with a smirk.
“A-Ais…” you managed before coughing up what felt like a pint of blood.
“Took care of that Soulless for you. Sent it back to the Seaspring for a time out,” he said, far too calm given the situation. Maybe, since it was so dark, he didn’t notice the pooling blood beneath your body. “What’s up? Cat got your tongue?”
“C’mon. Get up, little sparrow.”
“I…I can’t,” you breathed, trying your hardest to sit up on your elbows. A shard of pain exploded through your chest and dropped you back to the icy concrete with a wail.
Finally, his gaze wandered from your stained face down your chest, where his eyes widened. He reached out a hand and touched the blood beneath you. “Fresh,” he mumbled. Then, his gaze shot back up to yours. “Sparrow. Show me where it hurts.”
You lifted your left arm, practically the only thing that could move without excruciating pain, and motioned to your right side before your body gave into exhaustion again.
“It got you, huh?” he asked, eyes darkening. “Let me see.”
Without waiting for permission, Ais grabbed at your clothes and tore the fabric hole around your wound further apart, ignoring your scream of agony at the sudden movement. For a moment, he stared, silently absorbing the new information.
Then, he released your clothes and bundled them around your side. “Looks superficial,” he said. “You can wait until morning to see Kuras if you want, but I wouldn’t risk it.”
“B-but—“ You gritted your teeth, trying again to pull yourself up and failing even worse than the last time. Your head clacked onto the ground with a thud, your muscles destroyed by the blood loss and the pain.
“What’s your plan now? Doubt you can walk to the clinic in this state.”
“I-I’m f-f-fine,” you growled, stubborn but staring at the moonlit sky with a yearning to close your eyes until the pain disappeared. Maybe if you let yourself sleep, it would all go away.
Your eyes slipped shut, and your body grew a little colder as it began to tremble.
“Wake up, sparrow.”
Annoyed, your eyes opened, finding Ais a bit closer and a bit more concerned.
“At this rate, you’re gonna die out here if you don’t get to Kuras quick,” he said, stern.
Again, without asking, he grabbed the collar of your overcoat and yanked you upward so that you sat on the ground. With a bloodcurdling scream, you clutched his forearm with so much strength that your nails dug slices into the flesh.
“Easy now.” His voice was quiet and soothing, like an angel getting ready to carry you into the heavens. “I’m gonna lift you up, all right?”
“Lift…me?” you asked, eyes closing again as you leaned heavily against his chest. “Ais…I’m so…tired…”
“Hey. Stay awake, dumbass,” he ordered, sliding his thick arms beneath you and hauling you into him as he stood. Another shock of pain seared through your body, stirring you awake and bringing tears to your swollen eyes. A sudden cough sputtered spit and blood onto Ais’ collar, but he neither noticed nor cared.
Silently, he adjusted you in his arms with a couple of bounces, carrying you bridal style with your body held firmly against his chest. With each step through Eridia, he kept you in place as best as he could. The walk was long and arduous; every time you thought your eyes could close and you could relax, Ais squeezed your arm until it would clearly bruise or puffed a sharp breath of air in your face.
After what felt like hours, your heavy eyelids lowered, giving you just enough sight to see the sign for Kuras’ clinic. Ais pushed through the crowd and cut the line until he kicked open the door, breaking the lock.
Despite the darkness encroaching your sight, your hearing continued to work well. “Kuras. Take this one next.”
The doctor was quiet for a few seconds before he sighed. “This one again,” he mumbled, and a wheeled chair slid over the tile floor. “Put them on the bed. I’ll see what I can do.”
Your mind followed dreamily. What about the other patients? Was Kuras on a break? Did Ais know that?
A gentle shifting placed you on a cloud, the pain now so familiar that you hardly acknowledged it—or maybe you were so delirious from blood loss that it didn’t register anymore.
“You can save them, right?” Ais asked, the smallest note of worry in his low voice. He spoke softly as though making sure you couldn’t hear.
Kuras chuckled and seemingly waved Ais away, because the warm arms that had enveloped you disappeared. The door opened and closed, and there you were, alone with the doctor.
Within minutes of the silence, your vision faded into a deep and soothing sleep.
When you woke later, you peered around the white room with exhaustion. Your stiff neck cracked as you looked from side to side. Sure enough, this was the same room you woke up in when you first arrived in Eridia. No one was with you, and you were far too tired to move. With nothing else to do, you closed your eyes again.
After some time, the door opened and closed, the lock clicking, which you found unusual.
“You awake?”
The familiar voice made you cringe. How humiliating that Ais had to save your life by carrying you to Kuras. All that energy expended just to help you survive an idiotic decision.
“Your nose is twitching. Cute,” he laughed, dragging over a chair to sit by the bedside. “Brought you something, but you need to look at me first.”
Taking in a deep breath and feeling the ache of stitches pulling at your side, you opened your eyes and turned your head. There, only a foot away, sat Ais with a mischievous smile plastered on his too-handsome face.
He held up a brown paper bag. “Cinnamon roll and a pint of milk.”
Your brow furrowed in your confusion. “H-huh?”
“What, did you want the bloody one instead?” he teased. “Fed that one to Princess. She said thanks for the snack.”
Without waiting, he pulled out the pastry and held it firmly to your lips, giving you no room to speak without him shoving it down your throat. Even though your tongue was dry, saliva pooled in your mouth at the scent of sugar and warm dough. The bite was perfect—nothing less.
Ais laughed, pulling away the bun after you took your bite and holding a straw to your lips next. “You’re such a kid,” he said, narrowing his eyes with amusement. “One night, you’re hiding with me in a cramped alley, and the next, you’re bleeding out over a mashed cinnamon bun. Pretty stupid, if you ask me.”
Scoffing, you rolled your eyes. “Didn’t ask you for your opinion.”
“Didn’t give my opinion. Just stated facts.” He shrugged with that bastard smile. “Looks like Kuras fixed you up pretty good. How do you feel?”
“Mm. He must’ve given you the good stuff. That was a hell of a wound.”
“You said it was superficial!” you argued, heat from frustration rising into your cheeks.
Again, he shrugged. “Thought it’d be better if you weren’t freaking out while I got you to the hospital.”
With all of your strength, you snatched the rest of the pastry from his hand and shoved it into your mouth. Now being in debt to him, you didn’t want to mouth off.
“It’s all yours,” he said calmly, leaning his elbows on the bed and sitting with his face much closer. “So? Anything to say after what happened?”
You choked on the food. “Like what?”
“I don’t know. You tell me.” He shot you a shit-eating grin.
Groaning, you chased the dry snack with a gulp of milk before averting your eyes to your blanketed feet. “Thanks,” you mumbled, closing your eyes in embarrassment. “Quit looking at me like that now.”
“Aww. But you’re cute when you’re shy.”
You ignored the tease in favor of another bite of the cinnamon roll. “And thanks for the meal too.”
“Figured you’d be hungry since you’ve been out cold for a week,” he said.
“What?” you exclaimed, jolting to attention so suddenly that your stitches yanked and sent sparks behind your vision.
Ais laughed and leaned back into his chair. “Just kidding. It was overnight. It’s only noon.”
Sighing, you collapsed onto the pillow and groaned, an arm falling over your eyes before you crossed them over your chest. “Why are you such an asshole?”
“You wouldn’t care about me if I wasn’t one,” he countered, standing slowly.
And before you could react, the gentle, unmistakable touch of lips pressed to the top of your head.
“See you later, sparrow.”
The door unlocked, and Ais left with a confident stride and the last word.
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