#no one is gonna get his woman or child 😤😤😤
willowser · 2 years
when i think of ex husband bakugou i think of you not really feeling safe inside the house by yourself anymore :( just you and your baby and these big, empty rooms he insisted that you keep. you can’t tell him- you refuse to tell him- because you know he’d make himself crazy with worry, offering to keep watch from his car outside, doing it anyway even after you very seriously decline.
being afraid in the house !! 🥺 it's not like it's public knowledge where bakugou's house is, but still. this is the house of a pro hero !! and at one point, you had him in it to keep you and your lil boy safe, but now ?? 🥺 and there are two rooms you don't even know what to do with; one's a half-furnished office and the other is messy playroom for you son that he doesn't really use. it just feels like too much, for you and your lil boy. and it screams of loneliness; all the nights you would bring your son into your big bed in your big room, holding him tight because you couldn't sleep without a body beside you.
and — bakugou would probably lose it if you told him you were afraid in there LOL he's moving back in !! divorced or not !! you know that he'd go overboard with installing cameras he can access with his phone or putting locks on all the doors and windows, oh my gosh.
but you are so right, the minute he gets a weird feeling about it, he's waking up in the middle of the night just to park against the curb across the street 🥺 not even hiding that well, he's just 🥺 watching, keeping an eye out. i think knowing you're a little afraid would just send him bananas—that primal instinct going haywire, the need to protect—and he probably would even send kirishima or deku to check on you, weird as that is. but when they see the look on his face or hear the desperation in his voice to just go and make sure, damn it, how could they not for their friend ?? 🥺
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shiro-s2e2-erukinzu · 8 months
Anime only watchers and people who aren't caught up with the Manga, BEWARE... Cuz I'm about to discuss Spy X Family Mission 94... You have been warned...! 👌
This was an absolutely delightful little chapter!! AND I LOVED EVERY MINUTE OF IT...!! 👌😆
Today's chapter did one of my most favorite genres in fiction in the MOST Spy × Family way possible...!! 👏😌 So let's talk about it, shall we? 👌😎
This chapter begins with Anya and Bond watching an episode of Bondman, where he is skiing away from the bad guys and Anya asks her papa Loid if they could swoosh too...!! 😆 Loid basically tells Anya no, but then she starts to get really upset, so...:
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ANYA GOT WHAT SHE WANTED!! 👏😆 (Loid is such a softie for his girls...!🤭)
Then, the Forger family partake in some skiing shenanigans...!! 🤭
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Poor Yor...!! 🤣 Plus, I also love seeing the WISE logo on Loid's sleeve and skis...!! 😖 It always makes me laugh whenever I find them on Twilight or on his stuff!!! 😆
After some more skiing (and even some sledding), a blizzard comes swooshing in...(Sidenote: Twilight and Yor look SUPER CUTE in the picture below!! 👇😆)
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And when that happened, 2 thoughts went through my mind...: One, The Forgers were gonna run into the Desmonds at the ski lodge now that every member of the Desmonds have been introduced; or two, We were gonna partake in...
...A good old fashioned Murder Mystery...!!! 🕵
Now, I wasn't sure yet which of my thoughts were gonna come into fruition... But, the moment I saw all the people at the lodge and saw that there was an urban legend...:
...I KNEW that this was gonna be a Murder Mystery!! 👀 And I LOVE me a good MURDER MYSTERY...!!! 👏😆
But, you what I love more than a murder mystery...? 🤔
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My love for any TwiYor moments or crumbs will triumph over all!! 😤 (And plus, I'd probably freak out too if I had to share a room with Twilight...! 😅)
Moving on, as everyone gets comfortable, we get a glimpse at the killer and their first victim...:
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Luckily, since Twilight is... Well, Twilight... He tends to the wounded man (who is still alive) and deduces that one of them must be the culprit (obviously)...!! Then, the people start to accuse Yor since she ran outside during the stabbing and THIS HAPPENED...:
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Though, we all know that Yor can protect herself, it always makes my melt when Twilight goes out of his way to defend his woman...!!! 💗🤗💗
Anyway, normally it would take a while before the culprit would be found out, but...:
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...There is a child that can read minds and a dog that see into the future trapped in there with everyone as well, SOOO...:
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And that was Mission 94, AND OF COURSE I LOVED IT!! 😆 This was such a fun chapter and would have never thought that a murder mystery plot would ever happen in Spy × Family, but here we are...!! 😁
I swear, the moment I figured out that this was a murder mystery, I was like: "How the hell is this going work...?! 🤷" But, it did not disappoint!! 👏😄 This type of plot couldn't have gone in any other way in Spy × Family in my honest opinion, so I think that Endo did a great job with it!! 😁
Anyway, I had fun with this chapter and would've loved to talk about it a lot sooner... But hey, stuff happens...!! 🤷 So until the next Mission... Take care, be safe out there and be kind to one another...!! SEE YA!! 👋😄
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murfpersonalblog · 3 months
IWTV S2 Ep7 Musings - Loustat Ep5 Revisited (Spoilers)
I decided to do this one first, cuz I have the least to say about it.
It was pretty clear cut and showed exactly what I expected/hoped it would: CONFIRMATION ON EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENED IN S1--
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Diabolical frame, cuz it's pretty much like, Welp, you're here in Europe, after I distinctly told y'all the European vampires were vicious and not to come here! VOILA! 😬
And I love how his back is to the audience, cuz this bit REALLY isn't about the performance--this is Lestat venting, talking right to Louis, even though he's clearly having difficulty meeting his gaze.
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Mild way to put it, but wtvr.
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There's that word again: "compromise," which Lestat blamed Louis for leading to "spite--" both Claudia's, AND Lestat's own spite towards THEM. Cuz Lestat was constantly holding back; "fought my nature, controlled my temper."
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TOO EFFING BAD, you woke the sleeping effing DRAGON!
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Backflip into the coffinroom, omg, I accidentally cackled. 😅
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Amen! Lestat put his hands on Claudia first, now you gotta PAY!
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"It will end in your death"--excuse me, Lestat?! DEATH THREATS!?
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That's right, bash his head into the effing coffin! Now we know what the dent was from! Look at that blood stream! Yeah, you BETTER hold back, Lestat; take this arse whoopin!
I like how S1 focused on the blows Lestat dealt to Louis, as it was from his & Claudia's perspective; but now we're seeing more of the blows Louis dealt to Lestat as he gives his perspective. But it still shows that although Louis' fighting, he's still on the defense, cuz Lestat is often just LETTING Louis hit him--LOUIS can't AFFORD to just LET Lestat hit him, cuz "mighty...most ancient blood...godlike strength" Les will REALLY injure him whenever he does! This is NOT an even fight, even if the perspectives are now more evenly shown.
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Exactly! You wanna KILL Louis!? But Lou, don't get cocky now; Les is LETTING you do all this to him, cuz he knows if he gets serious that's your behind. 😬
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Bites all over Lou's jaw & neck, gosh--look at YOUR face, Louis. U_U
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(I can't WAIT to read the fanfics that come out of this; they're gonna make me cry.) No, unfortunately. I don't think Louis had any intention of going anywhere, even after all that (LOUIS GOT THE DEED, that's HIS house--YOU leave!). And congratulations; thanks to you, Les, Lou wasn't even able to WALK for three effing years afterwards.
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Claudia calling for her Daddy Lou, I can't. 😭 This poor baby girl has regressed to her inner child--she's so dang scared.
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I've been in this exact situation IRL, and y'all want me to feel sorry FOR LESTAT!? AFTER HE CHOKED "built-like-a-bird" Claudia and beat the mess out of her Daddy Lou right in front of her!?
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Chile, the sword-cane's right there; let's get to choppin! 😤🔪🔪🔪
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Apropos for Lioncourt, but that's way too good for him--take him to the EFFING SWAMP and let the GATORS feed on him! I want SWAMP KING LESTAT. 😭🐊
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I'm gonna LAAAAAAAUGH, oh he's cracked and I love it! You KNOW they talked to a woman who's been in this EXACT situation.
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Oh, this is every woman who talks big to her abusive husband right b4 he lands her in the effing hospital (or the morgue); we all saw the Ray Rice footage when he knocked her TF out WITH EASE when she got up in his face talking smack in that elevator. 💀
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Your FATHERS temper, but this is the coven writing his lines "teased until you toppled;" they don't know about the Marquis vs Gabrielle.
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It wasn't cuz Lestat was tryna spare Louis or save him from himself or protect him or whatever--LES WANTED TO BREAK LOU.
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It could've been 2 effing FEET. "A hard fall, nothing more;" eff you Santiago!
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Yeah, gaslight us some more whydontcha; half the fandom LOVES using that reasoning to handwave aside "abuse" when it's done to the character they DON'T like. 🙄😒 Then it's just awful takes about how Louis & Claudia deserved what happened to them and it's "karma" and it's not Les' fault cuz they're monsters & Lou bloodied Les' face.
And biting w/out consent is RAPE, clown! AR said it over & over that it's a violation of the most intimate act b/t vamps who share emotions, memories & sexual pleasure thru the blood! But watch some braindead takes use Santiago's words as gospel just to Gotcha! anyone who says anything against Louis for Ep5. 🙄😒
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CRICKETS. Cuz LESTAT TRIED TO KILL LOU, just like Claudia said! "A wolf congratulated for not killing her pups"--that was scripted. But "you can't script a hurricane!" NO! That's right; set the story straight!
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Look at him crying, I love how they do the blood tears effect, as their eyes get redder & redder. The sound of Sam's voice as he's crying is just making me wanna yeet myself into the sun--but it's the middle of the night, alas. U_U "I couldn't force him to love me so I broke him. What is worse than that? Crushing what you cannot own." But I thought Louis was saying "Come to me" and luring you with his wicked vixen ways~! The math ain't mathin, Santiago! 🤭
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Claudia said it best: "Let's meet vampires WORTHY of your love!" Unworthy in NOLA, unworthy in Paris--cuz he's STILL gonna throw CLAUDIA under the bus to save Louis, and she KNOWS this.
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WAY too effing late--Les had his chance to apologize sincerely the night he dropped Louis 20000 leagues from the frikkin stratosphere! Claudia DGAF, LOL. And Louis looks away from Lestat; bye Felicia!
Chile, I need SLEEP! I been up all dang day rewatching this episode & screaming at the ether!
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mossyivy · 5 months
Domestic Chris…Because that’s my specialty. 🥹
I see Chris having three kids, two boys, one girl. He’d be the type of dad to push his boys so hard, always expecting the best of the best from them. His daughter as well, but not as harsh. I see them all pretty close in age, maybe 1-2 years apart for each kid.
He’d have his boys do all sorts of sports and activities. Football, baseball, basketball, tennis, track, cross country, you name it, they do it. Chris would also help them practice, especially in football and baseball. His daughter would probably do ballet, tennis, and be in the Girl Scouts with Cecilia, and maybe do drama with Violet as well.
Also, it’s very much cannon that Chris spoils his daughter 10X more than his boys. His little girl wants to go on a Sephora shopping trip? Take his card and go crazy. His boys want to go out with their friends? Here’s $25 for the both of you.
Chris is also such a loving husband. He’d buy you gifts “Just because”. Or if you mention a new designer purse online, it would mysteriously show up on the dining table to greet you when you woke up…With a handwritten note of course. You were very much a spoiled wife, but he didn’t care, you gave him three beautiful kids for god sakes, of course he’d buy you whatever you want.
If there was ever a time any of your boys were disrespectful to you while he was gone, (Because they know better than to mess with their mother while dad’s around.) He’d give them the “You don’t disrespect MY wife.” Talk. Ugh, 😣 give me a chance Chris…☹️
- Anon! 🎀
But I'll scream with you anyday bb!!!
(I'm sorry this is so long I just couldn't help myself 😭)
Okay so I've had the idea that Chris met someone with a child from a previous relationship (Your first born son, Let's name him Oliver and call him Ollie for short! He's like 2 years older than Violet. He struggles a bit in school so they're in the same grade, along with his younger brother, after he was held back in 5th and 8th grade but that's okay! Everyone struggles!)
Ollie was like 2 when they first met. Your ex-husband was a HORRIBLE MAN, absolutely terrible to you and the only good thing he ever did was bless you with Ollie. That's it.
Chris and his wife met through work (let's be honest here, how tf else would he meet a woman? Chris is very much a workaholic.) His wife is basically the lead of the BSAA's dispatch response team (Basically what Hunnigan does at the FOS but the BSAA's version) and she's good at her job. Very strong willed and mouthy as a mf. Isn't scared to go back at anyone over the radio and definitely got into it with Chris once or twice before they officially met.
(catch me posting what happened when they met in person the first chance someone asks)
After y'all start dating it doesn't take long before you introduce Chris to your son and Ollie is just OBSESSED with Chris. Like you've never seen this kid so excited to see another human being until Chris shows up. You two only started dating for a few months and Ollie already calls Chris dad. You try correcting him scared AF that Chris is gonna get freaked out but he's actually super chill with it. He's use to taking care of people, he basically raised Claire after their parents died but this little guy is much younger and a lot more fun and excitable than Claire was.
A few months into the relationship you find out you're pregnant. Chris is excited but also freaking out with how often he's gone. But everything works out and you end up having your second son, Christopher Jr but CJ for short.
You and Chris end up getting married not long after your first anniversary after the babies born. Not making a big deal out of anything just getting papers signed and having a little get together celebrating everything.
2 years go by, Ollie's in Kindergarten and CJ does daycare. You start getting horribly ill out of nowhere. So you go get checked out and oh God you're pregnant again...
(This would be the point in time where Leon starts bugging for another baby with his wife)
9 months of Chris being a nervous wreck fly by and the world meets your daughter, Talulla, Lulu for short.
Chris would be adamant on sticking the kids in after school activities once they're old enough. His boys would do sports and his baby girl in softball and girl scouts so she can hangout with her pseudo cousins. (Her being 2 years younger than Violet and 2 years older than Cecilia) Until her older cousin quits cause girl scouts are for babies (🙄)
Chris and his wife would be UBER COMPETITIVE when it came to cookie selling season. It's all out war between the Redfield's and Kennedy's every year.
I feel like Ollie would also really be musically gifted and play piano for the school choir and musicals. Lulu would Ed up wanting to do drama but be a stage hand or in the costume department. She's actually very shy.
CJ is basically Chris when he was a kid. Always doing stupid shit... Getting in trouble over the dumbest of things but looking out for others. (Definitely beat up that kid who was picking on Violet when they were 7.)
You're getting calls from the school at least once a month because CJ got in trouble for either getting into an argument with a teacher over rules or another kid tried something stupid.
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laylawatermelon · 4 months
Y'all i just cracked the davinci code and idk if you're gonna like it.
As a Buddie fan devastated obviously, as a 9-1-1 fan devastated obviously and as a writer absolutely blown away by the finessing they just graced us with.
They literally found a way to make Eddie straight and by God they've done it successfully.
Lemme explain.
I was locked in when he was having the speech with Shannon and didn't get to deep in the emotions (heinous ik but I wanted to hear what he was feeling).
I did get some water wobbles in my chest but that's neither here nor there. I did scream horrifically at the cliffhanger of the show.
Guess the nun did scare the life out of her (and me!) after all! Heeh should've seen that coming honestly but I didn't think they'd go there.
So there's two things I think is gonna happen, one Eddie's gonna go on more straight woman dates (yay 😮‍💨) and Chris is leaving.
Now the second one I'll address first and don't bash me if it's not trueee.
I'll get the Chris one over with. First Gavin, Chris' actor, family moved. Since he's become a main he's had little to no screentime in the show.
What I think has happened in real life it's that Gavin will step away from the show. They have him main to show his importance in the cast and storyline (i can also guess pay raise but I'm not saying that's unreasonable really) before his send off.
Realistically he's a disabled person, a child/minor at that, who i assume has a lot of equipment and things he has to travel with. I can imagine it's not that easy to consistently travel across states with equipment, doctor's appointments, schoolwork etc.
So this is probably his last season for a while.
The birthday party (which can also double as a send off or until next time message) and the promotion/upgrade in role despite not being written as such or having storyline outside of the adults.
(off topic but I'd love a mini 118 hijinks b story with all the kids or a low stakes disaster where they all team up until the 118 get there)
He's been hypocritical to him about cheating and even tarnished his mom's legacy by bringing a fake version of her in his house.
The reason i can say the story can effectively write him off for the first half of next season is that Chris will go with his other family because he feels betrayed by his dad.
He doesn't feel safe anymore (😞😭 I'm making myself sad) so he opts to leave until his dad gets better.
The hospital scene is Eddie realizing what his kid needs isn't a new mom but to trust in his parents and that's now shattered (ooh this starting to feel personal be gone trauma!).
So he'll throw a tantrum (a rightfully deserved one that's my boy😤) and say in anger he doesn't want to be with his dad.
Buck will obviously be there cause yeah Eddie (delusional hubby) clearly needs help in his hour of need and so does Chris.
Eddie will do self isolation. Buck will be there for him (Tommy probably staying too but I'm neutral for this post) but with everything Eddie going through he's gonna be wrecked.
And because Eddie's a (good? Eh so so right now) dad he'll let Chris decide when he wants to return.
Hence the heartbreak.
Boom it solves the Gavin problem where he can probably stay during the summer so maybe mid season 8 or limited role like how they did this season and his family can focus on him/life.
Now the Straight Eddie!
By God he's done it!
You've pulled a real good one. Tim I salute you truly.
Idk how you made a straight man out of him but by his you've done it!
(so did you Ryan I'm watching you!)
Since buddie isn't on the table this season the platonic hasn't been more platonic-er since season 7 episode 1.
The way he did it was so easy and smooth I'm in awe.
This is how he kept and can probably enforce straight Eddie.
This is also how he can not enforce straight Eddie (haha got you).
The line you were the love of my life but I'm living it without you now stuck out to me.
That means he's going to find himself and what he really likes without a partner. Therapy, hobbies all that good ish. Maybe a few dates but def church.
Here's why.
Church has been something he drift away and let's be honest American tv and society is still founded in Christianity and all of its adjacent branches.
You must have God somewhere in there for the older audience to tune in/connect with of it's getting a lil secular (aka the bundle of lgbt characters. They're probably saying at least one of em knows God😮‍💨😮‍💨) /hj
The book of prayers symbolizes him going back to God to find answers about himself.
Anyways for the straight Eddie he can get closer to himself better in his faith and get a nice Christian girl who he matches with and (maybe) even has a kid/ similar background.
Since he's been to therapy and he's let go of the love of his life he's now free to find love in someone else. A new woman. (And truly this time)
(or a man, or they/them)
Yes my queer Eddie agenda rises!
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But seriously though the other way it can go is that he's discovering stuff about himself away from romance. He becomes more comfortable with religion but when confusing feelings (attraction to the same gender anyone for $10?) arise then he'll maybe start to fight his Catholic guilt about it since he's gotten closer to it.
Then he'll have to ask for for forgiveness but not permission for the live he wants to live.
(with buck in a house on the waves! Let me be delusional! I've kept it under wraps this long!)
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But anyways they've truly dodged the lgbt fruity storyline.
They've also shown us that yes, Buddie was NOT platonic because I've never felt more friends energy in my life this season.
And what the AuDHD brain says is canon/not canon I vibe accordingly.
The vibes were low. Like a suspiciously low.
Dare I say subtextually low.
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That's not happened in the history of buddie this is a code red!
Okay I'm done btw hate me or whatever! /big J
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sessakag · 4 months
Honestly Hinata is super forgiving and nice and good so I feel like the groveler would feel inclined to grovel at max level out of their own sense of guilt more so than any grudge she’s holding 😂.
Right!!! This is my mindset! She wouldn't yell or hit or get mean, she'd do the opposite, she'd make them feel lower than dirt being kind and forgiving. Decent people, especially pure hearted Naruto would grovel twice as hard for twice as long to feel worthy of that forgiveness. If you read any of my fics where Naruto fucks up with Hinata, her kindness and sweetness about the whole thing absolutely KILLS HIM😂he WANTS her to be more mad at him because the guilt be eating his ass up!🤣my one-shot with NaruHina and their 7 child household shows that Naruto's fear of Hinata's easy forgiveness trickled down to their children because Kawaki and Boruto were fine taking Naruto's punishment for something they did but did NOT want to go tell their mother what they did, lmao! Like she has her own ways of getting the results she wants and she moves mountains without having to act an ogre about it😤and I love that about her so, so much! Hinata's playing 4D chess while everybody else is playing checkers😤😤😤😤😤making queen moves with a kind word is skill! Now I got the brain worms for my Hokage Naruto-First Lady fic😣the political power moves I'm gonna have this sweet, soft spoken benevolent woman making is gonna be ridiculous😣😣😣😣😣
Hinata is a "kill em with kindness" type chick! And ain't nothing wrong with that!
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vivianne-is-tired · 4 days
First time watching Umbrella academy, kinda nervous ಠ◡ಠ
SO! my friend kinda introduced me to this show, and I have some feedback to share on the first(and only first)episode since I'm a slow watcher :<
the scene starting w/ the indoor pool? hell nah. pools irl are classy, in movies and tv shows tho? depressy and murdery. 0/10. no thank youuuu. I saw the girl kiss the guy and jump in being like-welp, it was nice knowing you for 0.5 seconds, enjoy that sea monster!
then the blood staining the water starts and I'm like, yep. just as I suspected, here we go-AHHH OHHH WTFWTFWTFWTFTFTFWTF WHY IS SHE PREGNANTTTT?!?!?!!?!11
she js kissed the guy. that's all that happened, why is she pregnant??t
his is why you should use protection kids ⇎_⇎
now, here are my few comments Abt the show so far, strap in, its a doozyヽ(。ゝω・。)ノ
let's start off with a few things(spoilers for episode ahead, read at your own risk):
Luther being #1(oldest sibling) and being the tallest??unheard of. make him short. we love older siblings who are short kings.queens :333
Second, can we talk abt Klaus overdosing then high fiving(?!)the paramedic that revived him like it was a normal Tuesday??? sir, I don't think you're even remotely human anymore. that's an eldritch being if I've ever seen one●_●
Also, Diego.....man am I abt to beef with this man if it's ever on sight. he defeats the thief's and LEAVES THE FAMILY THEY TIED IN THE BONDS!!! like-0 stars, would not recommend his services to no one >:(((( I wouldn't let him save me, cause what's the point? he's js gonna leave me there to rot without freeing me ;n;
now, Vanya might be my fav so far, cuz the violin performance at the beginning? chef's kiss, she's my daughter now(until further notice) :) makes me so sad that no one was there to applaud her tho, I would've been her biggest supporter being louuuud asf, lowkey
now, I personally don't trust the father since, hello? billionaire adopting a bunch of supernatural kids instead of supporting the parents/gaurdians? BUYING THEM??? immediate red flag. he don't give Tony or Bruce vibes. I feel as though he only mansplains and manipulates. not even malewife since he has 7 diff women pushing the strollers like-brother eughщ(ಥДಥщ)
allison being the normal one has got to be the funniest shit I've ever witnessed. i get that's she's also famous but get this, one of her siblings is a "recovering" addict, an introvert, another introvert who dresses up like daredevil and batman's secret lovechild, and an astronaut. can we pls make it make sense?
Diego breaking into the coroner’s to get his “father’s” report? The dis-fucking-respect??? No. On. Sight.(i rlly like coroners and any disrespect to them is a personal insult)
HOLD UP! Why is there a MONKEY BUTLERRRRR?!?!??!!11 I thought it couldn’t get weirder. Help 🙁
Vanya making snacks for 5 hoping he would come back, aw, my heart js imploded. Thank you.
Bro couldn't even spare a second to bid goodnight to his kids. Ew.
Klaus is a silly little guy, thats my impression of him so far. Using humor to cope, that's me. I kin him now(also him being glad his dad’s dead, me frfr) “exsqueeze me” fav klaus line :)))
Allison and Luther making fun of Diego has got to be my fav thing ever! they’re me your honor  :3333
Oh Alison, my poor baby mama. PATRICK STAR, give claire back you son of a nice woman >:(((((
*awkward silence ensues*
Klaus in the background:*aggressively pouring expensive ahh scotch into a cup*
Kalus also:Wearing his sisters skirt like a girlboss(while high)😤
Luther, baby, pls dont accuse your traumatized siblings of murdering your very not so brat dad.(edit:he had every fucking right)
The way Allison just walks up to the shooter? Very mindful, very cutesy, very demure<3
*The man getting yeeted through the window*
The news anchor:now i've been in many situations such as this-
It's the kids walking out like they didn't just commit homicide to the nth degree….also, there’s an octopus child. Idk what to say.
Not Klaus spilling the urn. He's such a queen for that tho
Luther blasting music for the whole house to hear? Like, that player is blasting music loud enough to be heard through a literal mansion. I need to know how that works??? Are the walls that thin???????
And everyone started to dance. High School musical who??
And the mom folding laundry like-oh well, at least they’re happy!
Klaus’  “Daddy??” when the lightning started😂😂😂😂😭😭😭
*a weird blackhole portal thingy exists*
Klaus:throws a fire extinguisher at it.
Everyone else:bruh.
Five’s first reaction to coming back to make a sandwich is so real to me tho.(although what he made is an abomination, i do not stand by that)
It’s his nonchalance and everyone else shitting metaphorical bricks.
Basically what happened was; 
“You’re 58?!”
“Yeah, like it's a big deal?”
Ok, hold up. Who’s ben? Did I skip a chapter? A book? A whole movie?? Who tf Ben??
Ohhh, nvm js remembered he’s the octopus child.
Ok, klaus is rlly js pretty princess atp
I need Diego to stop trying to be different. You ain't built diff for shit. Get an umbrella you kook. 
The mom is now suspicious to me. Not so sigma of her to forget that her darling husband is dead.[sarcastic]
The monkey is lying cause what??you’re indebted to someone who turned you into a reverse animorph🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨 bitch pls, bsffr
I now have beef with Diego, aka number 2, aka a crusty musty bitch who doesnt shower and wears kevlar all day. Why are you acting that way?? #justice for ben statue ✊😔)
Is the mom a robot? A slave? Why does she behave like that, i'm concerned now 🙂
DID THIS BITCH AS MF FORCE HIS KIDS TO GET TATTOOS??? Ohhh it's on, old man. I will hunt you down to the end’s of earth itself. Wait he’s dead, nvm. I will instead hunt you down to the end’s of the planes of the afterlife, you degraded sun glare. you overdrafted bank fee. You unnecessary movie sequel. Built like an easy bake oven cooking a broken bedazzled gnome.
Fun fact: the “dad” watches his kids while they sleep 😀 pedo pedo pedo pedophiliaaaaa~
Ok, the moneky butler is kinda ok to me now. Like-he may be dumb giving his life to raginald but he tried to comfort Vanya, so he’s ok in my books.
Allison asking where vanya is makes me soft
5 is a menace, according to the level amount of sass he holds in his little body.
The mom is a robot…..whoopdedoo(im not even surprised atp, just downright exasperated)
I feel so bad for the waitress ngl, imagine assuming some kid dressed in a uniform out that late is innocent and turns out he can take down 6 different men armed to the teeth with guns, and you served him black coffee too. I feel like she’ll never give kids black coffee again….
Me vibing to music while 5 commits murder:even old new york, was once new amsterdam, why’d they change it, i cant say, ppl js like it better that wayyyy
There’s a tracker implanted in 5?man this just keeps getting better, and stupider
Diego….idk wether to punch you in the face or kiss you for (probably) killing your father<333 
Also klaus, i do not in fact like waffles 😣
Also, we just found benny boy!! he ‘d dead and emo
5 and vanya being bestiessss, okkk im following
this shit show keeps pulling plot twists out of their asses and I'm concerned for my little remaining sanity ಠ╭╮ಠ
So far, i like it. Sorry for the whole reaction channel vibes i was having this whole time but i had to share :3333
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bohemian-nights · 2 years
Nettles fans already preparing to defend her🙌🔥
No,but the amount of insane theories that fandom comes up with in order to minimise her character or make it all about R is frankly gross. There’s loving your ship and there’s racism.Like N is the only character D spends time with after they go hunting for Aemond. Prior to that he does nothing (ignoring B&C for a second🤢)but stay at Harrenhal then help take KL so then wanting their relationship to be misunderstanding or some other BS means D will get no character development whatsoever.D/R stans argue this or that is romantically coded in their relationship but when it comes to him and N suddenly it’s all lies and slander and their whole relationship (whatever it is)is made to be all about D/R drama. It’s like a restart of how GOT treated J/B but in this case it would be worse since Netty is a WOC who would be getting rejected in favour of blood purity that D*emyra represents and this fandom apparently wants that.😤 It’s funny really how most of them claim to be Daemon stans because he would kill anyone who talked about N the way they do.
I’m already gearing up because I know when they cast Nettles 👩🏾🐑🐉 and when the actual show airs again it’s gonna turn into a blood bath. Lol. No you are right these theories are out of control.
I get hating a ship cause I literally hate Daemyra (sorry not sorry, I feel that the ship is garbage 🤷🏽‍♀️), but that’s my personal opinion.
I’m not trying to go out of my way to delegitimize canon and it’s pretty obvious that Daemon and Nettles were a thing in books. The amount of back flipping(these stans should try out for the Olympics lol) I’ve seen to say that somehow they weren’t romantically involved is gold medal worthy 🥇
Literally every source claims that they were likely lovers. Even the maester who claims that Daemon saw Nettles as his daughter goes on to say that they bathed together. No one is bathing with their 17 year old daughter. Nettles was not an invalid. She could bathe herself. I know that this fandom is insane, but use your brain for five seconds 🫠
Rhaenyra at this time was basically loosing her ever loving mind. Spoilers ahead for anyone who hasn’t read the book
Rhaenyra orders Nettles execution cause she thought Daemon was sleeping with someone who she saw as beneath him.
Mind you this is the same woman who was okay with her husband sleeping with a literal Valyrian prostitute (Mysaria), but she drew the line at Nettles cause she thought she was a common witch who had somehow bewitched(pun intended) Daemon.
Cause there was no way her pure blooded Valyrian husband would ever stoop so low as to sleep/fall in love with someone who has no Valyrian blood 🫠Daemon could sleep with all the whores he wanted but the moment he fell in love(cause let’s be honest here I’m pretty sure she suspected Daemon loved Nettles) with someone else she went berserk.
Daemon could have easily flown back to King’s Landing to reassure his beloved wife that he only saw Nettles as his daughter. Even the Targs drew a line at parent child incest so I’m pretty sure Rhaenyra would have understood once he reassured her.
Rhaenyra was literally loosing kids left and right and her reign was going poorly. Knowing that the love of her life was there for her and would always be by her side would have done wonders for her slowly depleteing sanity. But does he do that? Hell no!
Instead this man went out of his way to make sure Nettles was safe and away from harm. He does not follow the wishes of the love of his life. He had a touching last night/morning with Nettles and then leaves for a suicide mission. Didn’t even say good bye to Rhaenyra or nothing. He just left.
Lol and the fact that these people make Rhaenyra out to be a “feminist icon” is just laughable. This heifer was only out for herself. She wouldn’t even help out a noble woman who wanted the “Rhaenyra treatment”(that’s what I’m gonna call it).
She told that woman to hang up and lose her number because younger sons come before their older sisters in the line of succession. Rhaenyra was an exception to the laws of the land. Everyone else has to follow the rules except our beloved Targaryen Queen!👸🏼
A champion of feminism she is not. If you read the actual book Rhaenyra sounds like she would be a follower of Voldemort among other things 🙃 Her hypocrital behind even started going off on bastards, but that’s a story for another day.
Rhaenyra and her stans got one thing in common. Both are Targaryen/Valyrian blood supremacist which relates to the race issue, but I’m not really going to touch on that for now 👀
I was never into Jaime and Brienne, but I can see how their ship parallels Daemon and Nettles. I also see how Rhaenyra parallels Cersei, but I actually like Cersei(at least show Cersei, Lena Headey did an amazing job). Show Rhaenyra is like Cersei w/o the personality. Book Rhaenyra isn’t much better.
Like you said it’s gonna be worse cause Nettles is Black/Blackish so that adds an extra layer of vitriol.
These stans can not self insert themselves into Nettles so by default they want her gone. Which is why they are so willing to have her replaced with Rhaena cause she’s Blackish too so it will do!
Daemon’s last arc is basically Nettles. Putting Rhaena in her place will not work. Rhaena has her own story anyway. The fact that they want to replace such a pivotal character cause they don’t like how it will affect their ship is bonkers.
I won’t say they aren’t Daemon stans, but they are a specific type. These stans are first and formost Daemyra self insert fans. If it’s not Daemyra they don’t want any parts of it/Daemon.
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wench-and-jezebel · 2 years
The Musketeers Reaction: The Good Soldier
Jezebel (@typicalopposite) reacts [with occasional asides by Wench (@scripted-downfall)]
Wench Intro: This episode is brought to you by the fact that my work life sucks and I’m drinking one of my finite number of sodas that count as Jezebel-approved Real Snack Food, so we just had to do a react… what a shame :)  We’ll pick up Dark Angel at some point soon, but I took advantage of the lull between Ben and Alec to steal Jezebel’s fandom attentions!  On with the show!
– – – 
GAHHHH! The king is such a child!  He whinesssss so much
So they ARE French!  Where’s the accents 😤 😂😂😂
Ooo jumpscare
Oh, buddy, not a “torn between my old friend and my new ones”  [Friends or "friends"?]  
She’s too nice!  [Anne?]  The queen [… Anne alksdjf]  Oh ��️☠️  [She pays for it, alas]  Oh nooooooo!  Wait, the queen?  Or the sister?  [asldkfj The queen.  Anne of Austria.]  Hey the Terminator is from there [wtf is this exchange? We're bonkers, I see]
d’Art!  Of all of them to pop up!  It’s always d’Art!
d’Art.  You have.  No right.  To call anyone mad.  adslkfj
“Your endless deceptions… now give me your word”  ‘Cause that means anything
[Poor Constance keeps getting dragged into shit]  I know 😭😭  [Y'all, she ain't dumb]
Are they holding hands?  Buddy… Port is gonna be jealous  [Marsac's wrist is tied to Aramis' and his cloak is hiding the rope]  Oooh
[Um.]  Well  [*Hand on wrist*  *sigh*  "I've thought of you many times"]  Er… bro.  [Bruh… this scene]
But.  But you just called him that?  Why?  If you don’t-?  *sigh*  [No, stop, that’s not what he said… He said "Your name is held in contempt amongst your old comrades.  You're a coward and a deserter.  For that alone, you're under sentence of death."]  Ohhh  [That's all qualified by the "amongst your old comrades"]
Poor d’Art
Athos got some dead eyes! I’d be so scared to cross him
[Marsac favors Tom Hiddleston btw]  Ye I see it
Wottttt?!??  PLOT TWIST
OOOOP!  He ded  [He ded]
Fuck that! Rats
[Cardinal, stop posturing; it always goes badly]  Exactly  [I know this version of you is true neutral so you really don't have to do the whole villain monologue thing]  😂😂
He favors Izzy so much I can’t even
[Dude, the fics I could write in jail with no responsibilities]  ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️ MAAM DON'T GET ANY IDEAS
[I adore Athos' and Porthos' loyalty to Treville]
Buddys temper is extremely short  [‘Tis true!  And d'Artagnan is not holding back!]
Gonna be beaten by a child  [He didn't, but only because he cheated and grabbed the sword to throw it away alskdjflaskdfj]
Oooo!  Not mad at the longer hair!
WOMAN  [MA’AM]  You don’t know what you want, sweet lord!  [YOU ARE MARRIED]  “Married”...  Lots of quotations this episode
“You’ll be out on your ears” Like you was supposed to be this time
Which… would be pretty good protection, what do you mean?
[I love this scene btw]
Athos is like… Wot now?  [Dumbass legit picked the best swordsman in the Musketeers laksdfjalskdfjaldskfj  Like.  Buddy… Ya ain't winning]  😂😂😂😂  [“Athos is the best swordsman in the regiment”  See?  I wasn’t exaggerating.]  😂😂😂
Athos is like… Aight, easy
[Buddy pissedddddd]
[It is a veryyyy good thing they picked Athos, for real… Man's about the only one of them not gonna be hot-headed and screw it up.  He'll sit there, stare the dude down with a glare that could cut, and still give the apology, but he *will* actually give the apology]  😂😂😂 but then he gets basically called hot headed anyway and has to apologize… Like, sorry I won?
[I love Athos’ passive aggression]  YESSSS  ["What motive could a Musketeer possibly have to want to kill the Duke of Savoy?"  *cough cough* I KNOW WHAT YOU DID]
– – – 
Jezebel: 🙂 Flirt Ep! 🙂
Wench: Indeeddddd
Jezebel: Buddy shoulda kept the locks 😮‍💨💕😂
Wench: asdlkfj Then you’ll love season 3; I think they all have longer hair
Jezebel: 💕💕💕💕  But also ack!  As much as he has been my favorite, I hatteeeeee the old friend loyalty storylines.  But like. Can one of them have a happy backstory episode orrrr? 🥺🥺 or is it like a requirement for the musketeers ☠️
Wench: Uh... d'Art was good up until his dad?
Jezebel: Exactly ☠️☠️☠️ He was probably doing his interview telling his life and they were like “ehhhh we don’t think you’re the right fi—” and then he goes “…and then my dad is as murdered.”  and they’re like “oh, you’re in”
Wench: Also technically Aramis had the backstory AFTER he joined.  He didn't have trauma pre-regiment that I know of
Jezebel: Ahhh I see 🙂  But alas idk if I trust the friend or not.  And I’m leaning more toward not.  And now 🙂 the sword fight! 🙂
Wench: I love that fucking swordfight
Jezebel: Again!  Man has DEAD eyes!  I would not want to fuck with him!!
Wench: akdsljf Don’t be rude
Jezebel: Shush! I don’t mean it to be rude! He just has a constant look of I give zero fucks
Wench: But that two-handed twist thing in the middle of the fight?  I'm not at all sure it's historically accurate (and probably isn't) but I love it regardless.  You know the bit I mean?
Jezebel: Yes! 😂😂😂 and SAME!
Wench: Aight... ready?
Jezebel: Yup!
– – – 
[Aramis, how have you not gathered that Athos is gonna be loyal alksdfj  I thought y'all knew each other really well alskdfj]  Not gonna lie I’m kinda annoyed Flirts so quick to drop his loyalty  [Oop!  Scandal!  :))))]  Shush lol
[Also, Port in the rain again]
Oooop… Maybe they should be losing loyalty
[Oof, the soundtrack HELLA Doctor Who rn]
Oooooooh hell no  [Bruh they said she's married]  ☠️☠️☠️☠️  [Not that that’s stopping d'Art but still]  I really hope Flirt doesn’t defend this.. What a TURD! Ew! 😤😤😤
Lady, you stop that look
Poor d’Art ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️ He was getting excited  [I love her though]  But yes I do too!!  The little giggle was adorable!  [:)))]
Well shit
Damn I felt the anger behind that punch irl 
Booooooo, Flirt, his- Welp.  Saw that punch coming.
["I need a drink"  We know, Athos, we know]
Ooooop she gonna get ded
[I love their cloaks 😭]  Yesssss! 
“It’s absolutely pointles- Do as he says”  And that doesn’t scream red flag  [He recognized d’Art]  No, I know laksdfj  I’m saying the duke is dumb
“How awkward”  ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️
The loook ☠️☠️☠️☠️ cardinal being sassy
Well now look at that, Flirt… You done fucked up!  [Not the kind of bedroom bondage he expected?  :)]  ☠️☠️☠️☠️  [I’m hilarious]
OHHHHH!  PLOT TWISTSSSSSS!  [Yup!  Not Treville's fault after all!!!]
FLIRT you are flip flopping so hard
Oooop more trauma *sigh*
His queen gift! 🙂  [Something something past lover vs present]
Now Flirt’s in the rain
– – – 
Jezebel: 😤😤 I don’t like the friend at all but I don’t fully hate him either! I get why he was doing what he was doing. But it was still wrong. And the captain wasn’t truly guilty. But Flirt you upset me in this one!  For shame! They are always blinded by the urge to be loyal to the friend.  And there wasn’t much Flort interactions 🥺🥺
Wench: My condolences asdkfj  If it's any consolation, there was relatively little Athos too.  We both suffered
Jezebel: I also felt bad for Athos because he held on to his loyalty for so long then in the end he looked so disappointed that maybe it was in vain.  Meanwhile, d’Art. 😮‍💨 buddy either a) doesn’t like conflict or b) doesn’t like change. Cause he refused to believe the captain was capable of this with like… NOTHING.., to back it up.  At least the others had worked under him for a while
Wench: Yeah… d'Art is just a bit naive and idealistic.  So he believes in the good of people without much basis.  He's also hot-headed, which seems contradictory sometimes, but it's not… He makes up his mind quickly and then refuses to change it unless confronted with a serious reason.  So, he's convinced Athos killed his dad; damn but he's gonna have to fight a duel, even against three Musketeers and not just one.  He's come to know Treville as a good guy?  He wouldn't betray the Musketeers.  Etc
Jezebel: Yeah I see what you mean 🙂  Also I loved the dutchess!!!
Wench: Yessss
Jezebel: Do they ever talk about her being a spy again?
Wench: I don't think so aslkdfj
Jezebel: ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️  What about Cluzet?
Wench: Nope
Jezebel: Sheeesh loose threads!  I’m still salty I didn’t get more Flort 🥺🥺 😂😂  I mean, I didn’t get much Port at all!  He was just kinda there… For shame!
Wench: Let him recover from last episode.  Oof- and prep for the next
Jezebel: ☠️☠️☠️ recover from whatever they walked off t- wait, next episode?  Is it bad?
Wench: Yes.  I have to stay up and do some more work.. wanna do another?  np if not
Jezebel: I’m 👀👀 hmmmmm…. Yes.  I do
Wench: Aight :)
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fernweh-s · 1 year
Fr it really was but honestly it was all the bullying n sense8 was internationally good so all the countries was throwing punches at Netflix. I don’t condone bullying but when it’s big companies like Netflix yes bullying is necessary. If Santa Clarita diet had a global fan base I’m sure their bullying woulda worked for a Santa Clarita movie wrap up 😭
I’m not familiar with batwoman but yeah i agree that is such an integral part n ya can owe that to the wonderful magic of CW bat woman adaptation 🤭
Wait dick took up the mantle I thought he had refused to do it. Ahh shit I might have to backtrack again 😅. We don’t talk about that lmaoooo Im fuckin dead 🤣🤣
I loved Jason he’s definitely my fav bat child.
Omfg I remember there’s a scene in the first season of titans where Jason and Dick meet n he tell him I’m the new Robin n Dick looked so distraught I had a full on belly laugh at that scene.
I remember there would be hella AOS cars driving around town here where I live n it would make me feel like I was in the MCU. I was like omfg they gonna go get the runaways 🤣
Lmaooo I absolutely support bullying Netflix, they deserve it for cancelling like every single show of theirs that I ever like. 😤😤
Honestly I hate it so much whenever a TV show (or even a movie) adaptation of a comic does something, and then it becomes something that the comics try to work in. 😭
He did for a bit, yeah! Around (one of the many) times that Bruce was dead. Tim was his robin for a bit (which I loved, I actually love Dick and Tim being brothers and interacting, they're one of my favorite sibling duos, and I feel like dc always tries to push Dick and Damian, but I want Dick and Tim to interact more!!!!), but then dc had him fire Tim and make Damian his robin instead, which was such a jerk move, especially because Tim considered Dick one of his best friends, how you gonna FIRE your little brother who looks up to you and considers you one of his besties, Dick??? 😭😭😭
Jason is my absolute favorite batkid too. Damian is actually a surprisingly close second, and all the rest of them just kind of switch around lmfao.
0 notes
aquagustd · 2 years
Hi Yus!!! 💖 I’m trying to figure out why jungkook wouldn’t want junho when him and oc saw each other again at yoongi’s wedding, cause when we saw him in the fast forward chapter he seemed like he wanted to leave their dangerous lifestyle behind and (presumably) be with her and have a normal life and start a family eventually!! So for him to react so negatively to his own child like a year and a half later makes me think whatever thing he was doing while he was away (maybe when he left he saw it as like his last “mission” or whatever to tie up loose ends and finally be free from that lifestyle) was unsuccessful, and knowing this he was like there’s just no way having a baby in this environment would be safe?
I’m also curious if he kept tabs on oc and junho from a distance after yoongi’s wedding up until present day in the story? Or if he only recently started doing it like when he would go to junho’s kindergarten.
Also, there’s something bugging me about yoongi’s character.. idk if I’m being petty or what LOL but it seems like he isn’t making the effort to loop the oc in on stuff that’s happening? She’s a grown woman who has a son to protect and he didn’t think it was noteworthy to mention that jungkook was back in town, something that could potentially put her and her son in danger. When she brings up being followed he kinda brushes it off, knowing that jk was back and shady stuff is sure to ensue… maybe he didn’t want to worry her more than was necessary so he was gonna deal with it himself but like it seems like such a misguided attempt to protect her. He also seems like the one person who could set jungkook straight if he wanted to, but he hasn’t made an effort to (at least not that we have seen.. maybe he has behind the scenes) it just feels like there are a lot of things he could do to lessen the oc’s stress and prevent jungkook from further terrorizing her. There’s obviously a reason jk left oc with yoongi at the end of fast forward and I’m guessing it’s because he knew yoongi would protect the oc in his absence. But where he at lately tho 😭😭 she’s getting beat up outside her car, thrown in a pool fully dressed and unable to swim, terrorized on a daily basis by jungkook coming in the house trying to cut himself with a knife and now on top of that having the threat of her child taken away…. I’m not fully convinced that he doesn’t know how jungkook is treating the oc. There’s no way he’s clueless to the situation.. sigh I just wanna know where he’s at I know the pharmacy ain’t that busy!!!!!! 😖
Ps. I hope it doesn’t seem like I’m making excuses for jungkook’s shitty actions hjsjdnfjd I swear I’m not I’m literally so mad at him especially after the latest chapter when he had the audacity to imply that he has the right to full custody of junho!!!! I just feel like there has to be more to the situation that we haven’t learned about yet and I’m not quite ready to write him off as an evil one dimensional villain (even tho he sure seems eager to prove that he is one 😤)
I wish I had more theories on tae’s backstory tbh.. his character is such an enigma to me. As of right now in the story I trust him a hell of a lot more than any of the other men, but just like how I think jungkook isn’t one dimensional, I don’t think tae is either. I think it would be too predictable for him to be an all good knight in shining armour type of character.. there’s obviously secrets he has yet to disclose so I’m really curious to find out more about his past/his dad. It’ll be fun to see how it all ties in to what’s happening!! One of the things I like about your stories is that you’re really good at creating very nuanced and multifaceted characters, all of them have their redeeming qualities as well as flaws and I think that’s why you have so many people invested because the characters feel relatable!!
Btw I hope you’re having a nice weekend!!!! 💖
🧽 anon i’m gonna fight you 😤 sorry this took me a bit to get to
no but these theories 🤌🏻 yeah you’re right. why would he have this sudden switch in character — as if what he wanted to accomplish when he left didn’t work out !! after all these years, he’s still caught up in ~illegal~ dealings despite him opening up to y/n & telling her that he wishes he could leave it all behind. it wasn’t really specified when he started to communicate with junho again — since we saw in the first part that he calls pretty often — so there was a time after yoongi’s wedding when they lost all connections to each other completely. and then they started talking again (mostly him & junho on call) we still need to find out more about that.
lmaooo 😭 yoongi where tf you at? we need you 🥲 but i will say that you’re right — jungkook left oc with him for a reason but he’s just not doing his job ✋🏻 ever since who arrived ? 👀
exactly !! i know i was like mad at everyone for defending jk 👁 in the beginning, not too long ago, but there is so much we need to learn about him — why he’s behaving this way, why he left, why he returned & why he’s being so gd mean to oc 😤 and tae — we know so little about him.
hdjdksks THANK YOU 😭😭 i try my best & i hope you’re all still invested in hie & it’s not getting boring lmao. but yeah even oc has her faults. one thing i like to write in my fics is little/big things that she might do wrong. or things she could say that was literally uncalled for (i try to do this with all my y/n’s tbh. i hate perfect y/n’s in fics 🫣 like either one fatal flaw or a lot) hie oc’s weaknesses - her son & the fact that she jumps to conclusions & is impulsive at times. just like that jk has his redeeming qualities 👀 anyway tysm for reading & dropping your theories 😩 so good.
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ragnvdnir · 2 years
I forgot to reply to your vyn false tear message so THERE'S MORE of my asks 😍😤🥴
"dw i understand why u didn’t expect me to be interested is these type of things bc nonsense usually come out of my mouth😭" i'm sorry but it's true (maybe partially) 😭😭😭 but not really nonsense, as a person who doesn't like others messing with me nonsensically, i like you 👍 you're just really funny 😍 and seems that you're not a serious person to think of those, but now it gives me a perspective of you that you're really open minded 😌💞
I really imagined you to be like this dancing in vyn's palm: 💃💃💃
That Vyn Richter need serious help tbh 😰😰😰 i bet this guy is aware of his craziness but he just indulges in it 😭😭😭 go get some therapy my guy, but i bet he'll manipulate the therapist too in thinking he's not sick in the head and be the therapist of them instead 💀💀💀 because HE CAN. Sure 2 doctorate degree haver, we're gonna run to artem & company bc your ass needs to get help 😰 being in a horror film with vyn as one of the cast would be hella scary esp if he's the antagonist/killer 😰 like imagine him being dead but it's very doubtful because he wouldn't be dead in the first place with his insane wits 💪💪💪 tho physically he might get knocked out tbh 🥴 just surprise him 😍 and tell him you're feeling extra goofy 😋😋😋
Marius liker, Childe slanderer, Diluc lover are some of my titles. Diluc is DEFINITELY the standard for me. You would agree too 🤝🤝🤝 marius is just rich maybe that's what's attractive- no but i think marius is like you. You're so goofy but there is a deeper person and personality that you have :DD even if he jokes around, he aint so annoying like that ginger head 🤬🤬🤬 (childe stans dont come @ us. Remember that we stan diluc 🤬🤬 we gon whoop your fatui ass)
It's true Celestine is engaged 😩😩😩 but there's also a hot woman from a rival law firm so uhm you might like her but she's around the reporter named Jasmine's case (i forgot but it's the chapter b4 the latest chapter released 👍)
— 🍰.
so u agree that nonsense comes out of my mouth? what is this betrayal once again⁉️ you're supposed to comfort me and tell me they're not useless🤬⁉️ im sorry to everyone who's watching this
open minded...? does that mean my skull is open and you can see my mind?? im sorry once again😭 im trying to be punny😾😾
i just wanted you to know, that this is me trying~~~
you imagined right😇 im doing cha cha in his palms💃💃💃
nah bc ur right 😭 this dude need some srs help rn (affectionate vyn affectionate) why does he have to fake cry just to get some affection when he can just simply ask us to give him a hug and i will oblige fully🤬 this man's pride is too high🙄 but mine's higher too so this is another problem😟⁉️
wait bc that type of horror movie he will be in👀 the one who everyone thought is dead already👀
marius? me? i think u got the wrong person maam this is mcdonals😟😟 wait bc i would go with the flow with his teases, ill probably flirt back too but like im not strong enough for that and i get flustered easily so its a no no😔😔
but like shes too gorgeous to be single but engaged⁉️ im sorry miss taylor but i dont believe this🧐🧐
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