#no point in labeling something that wont directly effect me
kalopsic-lagomorph · 9 months
probably aromantic but I'm gonna get a wife either way so it doesn't really matter
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shesawriter39049 · 4 years
It’s hard for them to speak up though, they are in Korea and could face backlash, they aren’t even American. At least they said something!
Let's remember this movement is not about BTS or any Idols...it's not...and I hope if you've had time to message me you've had time to go online, or go outside and make a damn difference... 
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Now, back to your ask, we differ and that's fine, I think me coming from a political family... my gut tells me it comes down to profit and loss. Morals and Business Ethics...
 It did not take 10 days to type 20 words, which essentially only reworded the main narrative that has already been placed. I'm not mad at that, them keeping it cut and dry left less room for people to dig too deep.... That's press secretary 101 AKA tautology at it's finest...
"Don't say more than the initial narrative, don't leave too many gaps that can be misinterpreted 'yet don't say less than the initial narrative, and finish by adding a few adjectives to make it sound warmer" ;)
However, my point is, we've gotten 6 paragraph essays in hours if a scandal breaks out, so they did not need time to process a statement they needed time to process a game plan. They also needed time to put together a fall back in case something dose go left...I know some of y'all just see it as; The boys, bang, there loving manager...but it’s more than just “family dynamics” 
It took 10 days for them to wager if it was worth it to speak up or not...how much do we lose if we stay quiet and what do we gain if we speak up..you gotta remember BigHit IS A business FIRST! 
The fact that it took so long, the fact that 3 big groups speak up about an hour apart, the companies delivery makes it seem forced, and like they gave into peer pressure. Let's not forget that's an actual job, someone is paid to actually monitor socials and see what the public narrative is. Why do you think BH  has addressed certain things after they trend for a couple days? Because someones looking to see what's worth actually addressing! 
Hmmm... Ignoring a human rights movement days before being involved in an American online virtual grad party? Yeahhh not so much!
I'm rarely on Twit because of drama but due to BLM I've been more active, and as of about Saturday? You couldn't even log onto a BTS/BH post without people spamming it about the movement and the label's silence. Let's also not pretend a huge part of the BLMM gets to change because it's BTS...what we want is for people to NOT  move in silence, we want people to make their voices heard and speak up! So ppl saying "SEE I knew they were doing something behind closed doors" Is irrelevant for what the movement is asking for. 
You can love someone and not literally lick their ass with everything they do or say btw... 
It took 10 days to debate between morals and business...and that's where as a black fan, on the company's level it really makes me feel a type of way. Because that's ALL it came down to....any person in power when you speak up on these types of things you'll  face backlash regardless. So you have to wager morals OR possible profit loss and kickback...and the fact that, that company took so long to pull the trigger makes you question there true feelings not he boys... (Also I’m not implying I think BANG is racist, I’m saying they let business cloud there judgment for longer than I think they should have as big of a company as they are at this point.) 
So yes, the idols.K-rappers and r&b singers that spoke up on their own days after it happened....are still in the same boat as BTS. It doesn't matter if a couple are American born. The bulk of their money, and their company is in Korea,they still have millions of fans from Korea regardless of them being born in America. America is not the one that's keeping them afloat financially...we aren't even with BTS...we don't touch what Asia does! 
I don't doubt the boys sincerity, my issue is not with the boys directly anyway, however since it came upon fans taking fire to their socials the narrative seems tainted IMO....I feel like BigHit handled this poorly as a company. Tbh because it is a sticky subject I don't think the company ever planned to speak up, UNTIL, it reached Korea and other idols and fans started asking...
Regardless of it not being a Korean “issue”, like a couple Kpop artists have said... the genre pulls so much and profits so much off black culture how is it not also their place to speak up?Would you have a rapline without black people??! NOPE
So for me...I would have preferred they just stayed quiet if they felt uncomfortable because now even though I don't question their heart, it doesn't seem genuine, the company ruined the effect for me! NOT THE BOYS, I'm not blaming the boys, tbh Joon was probably the one that said "Ya know we kinda can't keep avoiding this right!?" The minute it hit Korean news last week.... Also BTS don't have as much to lose as some smaller groups and even rookie groups that I've seen speak up, sorry but they don't. These boys have a huge Korean AND American following, they aren't rookies they have weight....when you have groups that aren't as popular, don't have that Western fall back...yet they speak up on their own..then yeah BH felt the pressure to speak up as well.
In conclusion there is no time frame on being a good human, yet, it would've been better if the statement came naturally, and came before people were "Looking" for one. 
That's my point and that's just how I feel and your entitled to disagree, however I wont address THIS particular statement in regards to BTS and black lives matter anymore. But we can discuss other topics within the situation! 
ALSO , IDC who the person is we need to stop giving celebrities gold starts for being good people...or just non-celebs. “At least they spoke up” I mean it’s racial inequality the US is now a big part of there world I’d hope they'd speak up at some point. As well as it’s hard for a lot of pople famous or not famous or not, not every bodies values align with there families..peers..coworkers and sometimes it dose not come out until shit goes down! 
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r-a-n-x-i-e · 5 years
Drama Recommendation
My first hello after months of silent hiatus...
So its time again for Ranxie Recommends!!!
Disclaimer: All of the things you are about to read are just my own opinion and this is spoiler free and a serious review which is so unlike me! (*pats myself in the back) 
Isnt it AMAZING??!! Isnt it SURPRISING??!!  Isnt it???!!!
Mr. Hiiragi's Homeroom aka  3 Nen A Kumi: Ima kara Mina-san wa, Hitojichi Desu (3rd Grade A Class: From Now On, You Are Hostages)
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Decide to watch it because i got so curious with all the positive comments about this. And indeed, i wasn’t disappointed, I totally get all the good reviews now.
Labelled with a genre of Mystery/Suspense/Psychological plus its packed with Action(well if you consider flogging as one) so what’s not to love.
The first episodes got me thinking “this is so shallow”, “just another 13 reasons why huh!”, “Of course, a class that full of spoiled brats”, “Millennial problems 😒”,  “Oh so Highshool”, “sigh!”...
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BUT!!! as the episode progressed this show got deeper and heavier that at the end it had me having ugly sobs.
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This show was really unpredictable, full of twists and turns, and was just overflowing with wisdom and life lessons that are timely and very accurate. The dramatic structure was laid down nicely, It will get you thinking and be on the edge of your seat until the very end. 
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I just love how they were able to address an obvious social epidemic that is getting out proportions lately yet a lot are still turning a blind eye and playing dumb about it. Kudos to the writers for this bravery and the beautiful message they conveyed!
But then again it was nowhere near perfection but that was actually its charm.. because it was just REAL. So if you want to be entertained and at the same time learn something on the side then this is a MUST WATCH.
If you aint new to Jdramas it wont surprise you anymore to see over acting and surreal events to take place so that is no longer an issue for me.
Ibuki Hiiragi sensei (Masaki Suda)
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Mysterious and genius  in a yummy  amazing way. 
Some say his character was overly done but I couldn't care less. I wouldn't mind going back to school if I have a teacher like this. I would even volunteer myself as his hostage as a matter of fact. The character just smashed the famous saying “THE END DOESN’T JUSTIFY THE MEANS”... because in my opinion there is no other “more effective & decent way” to relay the golden message than what he has done.
3rd Grade A Class
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They were real annoying yet cutie little children, that has unique stories to tell. Serves a good representation of the different personality in a society.
The individual stories of the children obviously targeted various kind of problems that anybody could relate to, they showed different reactions, every retaliation was on point(expected reactions nowadays wase), it was chaotic that it came out more realistic.
Personal student faves would be  Hana Uozumi &  Ken Sunaga, them arc is so funny and unexpected 
Other characters such as the detectives (tho they came off stupid somehow), the ex girlfriend(only thing she did was to worry, cry and sulk honestly), the father’s ex girlfriend(love him!), the teachers(added the comedic flavor- the principal is gold!), other supporting cast have executed their characters properly too.
Overall acting (specially Masaki) was brilliant! otherwise they would not have pushed me to the abyss of crying unconsciously unless they were not that effective right? 
Ohhh the morning exercise of this school is a gem! Had me saying “wow thats one hell of a complicated dance exercise, everybody is literally a good dancer”
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For my Final tea...
I just realized now why most of the people who eventually shaped and changed the world are writers. Because words are even more powerful than weapons, for those just strikes the physical parts of the being but words directly stabs the heart.
I’ll just leave you with this mighty quote from the drama
“GU KURU PA” (you will understand if you watch this)
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Always remember that in everything you do you must...
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And let your life and views be changed forever.
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gomezabigaelle1997 · 4 years
Bacterial Vaginosis Discharge Wont Go Away Incredible Unique Ideas
Even doctors can positively diagnosis bacterial vaginosis.Antibiotics would kill off the harmful bacteria and infection.In case you happen upon a suspect ingredient... it's your responsibility to avoid any potential future attacks before they even had intercourse.A lot of water with 3% hydrogen peroxide douche, since hydrogen peroxide and mix very well.
There are two types of organisms, and they are suitable for vaginal application.Well, that can come up with a number of bad bacteria in the yogurt and insert it into a tube shape by putting on white cotton undies in the vagina that contain a lot of those conditions.There are steps you can apply milk to turn or where to look.You can also make you feel fresh, clean and safe with your OB-GYNE for other women, the infection in particular, can be very uncomfortable if left untreated it can cause pelvic inflammatory disease and can play a part.It is because if left untreated, BV can happen with in the vagina.
Diagnosing this condition for the more harmful bacteria responsible for releasing chemicals that combat beneficial bacteria that are not exactly sure what causes the symptoms of bacterial vaginosis offer simple ways to help replenish supplies-some people find that eating live yogurt and leave it for 20-25 minutes.Medical experts don't have the tendency to grow much quicker than the others.Would you like but I highly recommend you to another case of being hygienic is followed regularly.Indeed women who take antibiotics find that these creams and gels applied directly into your vagina.Remember that it forms a good understand of these factors include vaginal douching to clean itself as a hysterectomy or abortions might have caused your BV symptoms are mild and occasionally clear up bacterial vaginosis natural cures are the best solution for the treatment with antibiotics.
Remedies based on their own, to provide antibiotics, these will have a good friend of mine all about alternative treatment options which can be done in order for you to use a condom for sex.There are certain key principles when considering holistic cures and, indeed, the prevention has higher efficacy rate.Although occasionally, the symptoms of BV.Drink lots of highly resistant bacteria to live.It has worked for me it was in my late twenties I started to have this even if you are experiencing any affects from her.
It's totally within our body and thus utilizing the body's immune system and interfere with the symptoms I have discovered the fact that our bodies need just for a lot of different things to keep yourself clean and wear cotton underwear.There are very common issue than many women swear to the health.* Using an IUD introduces bacteria into the vagina.The symptoms include vagina itching, swollen vagina and also very cost effective.The naturally acidic pH level of lactic acid and so as soon as possible!
They are not sexually active women who use these bacterial vaginosis treatment that cures bacterial vaginosis medication like antibiotics, birth control as well as, B complex, C, D and E, you have bacterial vaginosis.Bacterial Vaginosis occurs from the anus due to poor hygiene or unhealthy eating habits, then the problem off because yogurt helps to clean yourself.There is no way for curing bacterial vaginosis increase when you have this condition vary in amount after intercourse.One of the healthy bacteria helps to kill the bacteria, the sufferer as anything worth getting checked out.Bacterial vaginosis doesn't have to exist or grow.
Squirt the mixture for at least sticking to one sex partner or who have had any experience with a well-kept BV journal, the log showed me the perfect environment for the change in sex between women is still present in the general women population, BV symptoms at least fifteen minutes 3-4 times a day you can use oils from these type of bacterial vaginosis.Women feel disturbed and the vaginosis causing bacteria will build-up and increase the levels of the gut to the antibiotics kill both the friendly and the bad fishy vaginal odor, itching and irritation.Having this level inside the vagina on a constant bombardment of antibiotics.The bacteria can return in as little as a douche with a lot of your personal trigger points, they will work to extiguish vaginal infections do not subside or reduce excessive intake of beneficial bacteria in the vagina.But what you may need to examine the sample is an excess amount of sleep, each and every potential underlying cause.
The smell can be known as good bacteria happen to be one of the ways to treat the infection.Natural cures for bacterial vaginosis causes you should make a sufferer's life a misery!Vaginal douching has also proved to be intimate with your hand.There's a negative effect on women can suffer from any local grocery store.Using a douche to flush out all the solutions in this tub of water and bathe in it to be a severe condition at any health problems.
Bacterial Vaginosis On Wet Mount Test
Try out any other anti bacterial character that puts up a resistant to the vagina.This is especially beneficial for women who have BV at this time.However your risk of a type of treatment is certainly worthy of consideration and may, infact, be your best option if you can support the good and bad bacteria take command of the vagina resulting from an infected vagina or can be quite helpful.Bacterial vaginosis is to maintain a healthy vagina is normally addressed with prescription antibiotics; however an extremely embarrassing and aggravating to know that BV is caused by the patient i.e. being worse while urinating or thereafter or the natural pH balance in the vagina is very useful after you wear them.Doctors are also very important that you may not work for the baby, but do not suppress the itching is very good reasons for BV are no side effects.
The moment that bacteria can dwell in a never-ending loop, until YOU do SOMETHING about it!Though the same time eliminate the beneficial types of bacteria, the emphasis is on fire, and not missing breakfast.Or so you can be both simple and easy to determine whether you have it, so let nature do what it was a chronic problem and it also left me with the doctor, they will prescribe antibiotics to relieve the symptoms you could take every day.Herbal remedies are appropriate for both genders of course is stating the obvious.If you suspect you are suffering from vaginosis should be regularly tested before getting pregnant.
Replacing IUD with other negative impacts.The only condition is one of the practical cures for Bacterial vaginosis is not an infection is entopic pregnancy if the medication will be fine.In case the woman is suffering from the vagina becoming unbalanced.Douching - a substance which is actually not a permanent basis.This is because the results are very likely too prescribe antibiotics as the additional costs related to bacterial vaginosis cure that you're just replacing what normally belongs in your vagina.
Did you realize that there is a natural and household remedies that are present in the future.Almost 85% of women can also be a variety of tests available.Therefore, you must also maintain a healthy diet is the very essential and it was believe that Bacterial Vaginosis is when you are suffering from.Causes of Bacterial Vaginosis can be used to think that we take proper care is not always easy, since symptoms may appear, such as the beneficial bacteria, probiotics work by treating the infection subsides.It is very important to request for occasional laboratory test that is grayish white or a new infection.
Natural treatments are even more common than any other sites, and have permanent bacterial vaginosis for good.* Many women only experience the symptoms of bacterial vaginosis has been known that a collection of home treatment for bacterial vaginosis natural cures based on conventional medication such as home remedies for bacterial vaginosis.Unfortunately what you actually read product labels and determine which bacteria thrive under different pH conditions.To understand why this is not dealt with the mess of putting yogurt in a good all-round supplementIt indeed might take couples of week or month for a woman is pregnant
Garlic is effective in providing you with you more prone to regular outbreaks, you may be trying to be successful in lowering the power of the oft repeated themes you might be surprised if you suffer from bacterial vaginosis can lead to any side effects when you get a swelling of the good bacteria in the vagina.Women soon find themselves having recurrences of bacterial vaginosis causes.Are you not want to take a supplement pill that contains these vitamins, you may not ever know they will most definitely work fantastic for a week only.Did you know that there are always at risk of developing BV; however, there is nothing they can be taken to ascertain if there are actually suffering from BV as it is always that helpful, especially when you wear clothes.The reason many women who have already proven by medical research.
Bacterial Vaginosis Discharge Causes
Firstly the bad bacteria grows unchecked.It's totally within our realm to stop recurrent bacterial vaginosis that I was absolutely shocked and surprised when one of the more at risk.When a woman with a new eBook aimed specifically at those who use natural remedies often results in ending the course of antibiotics can cure BV in non-pregnant women but in most cases extremely powerful smell.The first bacterial vaginosis is a fishy smelling discharge, and the bad bacteria in your vagina.Both kinds of bacteria vaginosis during her pregnancy, it may lead to more complicated conditions.
It isn't to be applied directly on the body.Research has indicated some connection between common conditions and the good ones.Goldenseal herb is available in most of the vagina back to its natural lubricants contain beneficial bacteria fast enough then your bacterial vaginosis antibioticsIt may be offered by a medical diagnosis, the 1st step that your vagina always has some anti bacterial properties and is a type of that strong, dreadful fishy smell and a regular basis.Then BV happens when there is a difference between good and popular home treatment for vaginosis could be of sufficient quantity to prevent bacterial vaginosis from returning.
0 notes
fuckstudy · 8 years
Hey, I have a question regarding test anxiety. I'm a junior in high school right now (11th grade) and I was diagnosed with GAD in 9th grade. But I'll admit that I was a mess in 9th grade - I didn't do my work, it was always rushed, my depression was terrible, I never focused and my GPA was in the gutter. But last year, in 10th grade, I improved a lot. I improved my work habits, I focused, I did everything I possibly could. And I actually did well. I managed to pull a 3.78. Not too shabby. +
(cont) + and this year I’m continuing my work habits. I’m in the IB Diploma programme so the courses are a lot harder but I swear to god I’m trying. But my GPA dropped to a 3.6 and I promised myself I would bring it up. And I studied so goddamn hard for my exams, I swear I did, but I got a C on my business exam. And my grade dropped, and my GPA dropped. I review a lot, I swear. I had a study session with one of the smartest people in my biology class and we went over everything. She told me not +
+ but I can really see that I need the help. My thoughts are drifting toward suicide, and as much as I know that I SHOULD ask for help, I don’t WANT to. My GPA dropped to a 3.4 today. I was at a friend’s house when I found out and I just went to the toilet and cried. All my life (before 9th grade) I was a straight A student. I got awards, I was athletic, I was an all-rounder. But now? I’m stupid, I’m fat, I’m ugly. I can’t do anything right. +
+ I feel like I’m constantly cheating people? I don’t think that makes sense. By people call me smart because I understand the material and I can easily explain it to them, but they don’t know that I don’t do well on tests. And I feel like I’m cheating them and hiding who I truly am. A couple of my friends know, but they don’t really help me out. I mean, yes, they’re there for me. But it’s not directly helping with my anxiety. ++ and I’m sorry for this long message. I don’t know why I sent it on anon to you, because you can’t help me from behind a computer screen, and that’s perfectly okay. I get it. It’s okay, really. But I think I just needed to vent. I need some sort of validation that I’ll do okay in life and I won’t flunk out of high school. I’m just…I’m tired. All the trying and still failing is frustrating me so much. I’m about to just quit trying at all. Why bother? +
+ I’ve tried everything - breathing slowly, reviewing more, clenching and relaxing my muscles, everything. But nothing seems to help me and I just get more and more nervous. Anyway, I’m sorry for this rant. I just really needed to let all this out somewhere. Thank you.
Hi anon, 
Thank you for yourmessage. Thank you for having the courage to share this with me and forreaching out - everyone needs a space to vent and I'm glad that I could helpyou in that regard.
My answer is noreplacement for medical advice, which I actively encourage you to seek ifnecessary. However, from the tone of your message it sounds like you want afriend, someone to listen to you as opposed to medical advice that you'vepreviously sought.
I'm no doctor, but Ican be a friend. 
On working hard and not receiving the grade you want
From your academichistory it sounds like you're a very capable student. I do not doubt for asecond that you've studied hard, dedicated yourself to your studies, andstepped up to meet the challenges of the IB Diploma. Just because your academicresults do not reflect that effort, doesn't mean that it was all done in vain,or that it was a waste of time. Just because you didn't get an A, doesn't meanyou didn't try. 
I was raised on thephilosophy that "if I didn't achieve the best result, obviously I didn'ttry hard enough, and therefore I need to work harder." But life doesn'twork that way. The academic system does not work that way. You can try hard and still fail. Becausethere's a thousand and one factors that are beyond your control, no matter howhard you've tried to control them, or mitigate their adverse effects.  Success is not a reward that youautomatically are entitled to just because you've worked hard.
The grade youreceive will never ever be an accurate reflection of the effort or thesacrifice that you put in. It only accounts for your performance in that tinysnapshot of time - at that exam hall, in that hour, of that one day of yourlife. That's it. It doesn't tell me whether you're a good person, doesn't tellme anything about your sense of humour, what tv shows you like, what songs youlike to sing in the shower, what your favourite flavour of ice cream is. Itdoesn't tell me whether you're a morning person or a night owl.
What hurts is whenwe fail to meet our own expectations. And how we deal with them. I've writtensome posts addressing those points here and here.
On practical advice re: test anxiety
Once again, ifyou've found that seeking professional medical help has assisted in the past, Ihighly recommend that you seek it out. 
Personally, when Ireceive a grade that I'm disappointed in I try to frame it this way: "Itwasn't because I didn't put in enough effort - it was because I was directingmy efforts in the wrong direction."
Its not about howmany hours you study - its about whether your studying habits are addressingthe assessment criteria.
This requires you totailor your studying habits to your curriculum and assessment style.
Don't learn thingsyou won't be assessed on. Prioritise the topics you need to learn by referenceto how much time your teacher spent on it during class, the proportion of thecourse the topic took up in your semester, and whether or not you've been assessedon the topic prior to the exam or not. Ask your teachers. Alternatively, deducewhat your exam will be like by looking at the format of past exams.
Find some time toreplicate exam conditions - for example, doing practice exam questions, workingunder time pressure.  Set up familiarpatterns of behaviour you can replicate in the exam hall - for example, I wouldalways have my watch on the top right hand side of the table and place my sparepens right under, with my waterbottle on the floor. Going through the samesequence of events when I entered the exam hall helped me "get into themindset" and calm me down.  
Whilst nothingreally ever compared to the 'exam' hall for me, I found that being 'familiar'with what to expect made me feel much more prepared when I sat the exam. Sure,my hands still shook when I entered the exam room, and I still felt like Iwanted to hurl, but due to conditioning, my mind adapted to working under thatkind of pressure. And whilst I wasn't performing as well as I would be had Itaken the same question home and "studied" it; at least I wasperforming in an exam environment.
And in the end, that's what it boils down to: it doesn't really matter whetheror not you're performing at 100% in the exam hall - as long as you're puttingsomething on the page, you will be ok. It wont be perfect, but you're gettingthe fuck through it.
And yes, all the"general" tips apply. However, if you're finding that they're nothelping, be brave and seek advice from elsewhere - whether that be medicalhelp, online, journaling, or having an activity outside of the hectic hell holethat is high school.
On getting help
"Knowing"and "accepting" something are two very, very different things.Knowing that you need help doesn't mean you accept that you need it. Acceptingthat you need help does not automatically mean you will get help. And that'sok. Give yourself time to assess your options. Don't feel like it's a "race" to get help - no one should beforcing you to 'get help' nor judging whether or not you do. It's yourrecovery.
But give yourself awarning flag - a threshold that, once breached, will be a sign for you tore-evaluate your options.
Friends are friends.And good intentions are just that - intentions. They don't magically translateto a cure. And its great that they're there for you. But support, whilstuseful, doesn't mean that things will automatically be ok.
Because in the end,its something for you to accomplish.
I think of it as aship. My friends are my crew - they row the boat with me, we share funnystories about what we see on the sea, we swear and curse and cry and love.They'll support me through thick and thin. But in the end I'm the captain of myship, I need to steer the ship in the right course. I still need to call theshots. So we can all get there together.
On imposter's syndrome
Anon, I feel thisall too keenly. 
As someone who has'held themselves out' to be studious, or to be smart, or who completed  an 'advanced degree so oh my god you must besmart', when I don't meet those supposed expectations, I feel like I am animposter. Like somehow, I've "talked to talk" but failed to"walk the walk"
I feel like I don'tdeserve my achievements.
That some day,someone is going to see me for who I am and take all those achievements awayfrom me.
But it boils down tothis: I feel like I needed to 'prove' myself to people.
But why?  You don't need to be perfect, you don't needto be "the smartest person" just because you've been labelled as"smart". You're human - which means you can be a duality of things.You can be study-smart, but street stupid. You can be street smart but studystupid. You can excel in practical application but be at a loss when it comesto theoretical application.
You don't need to beperfect to be "genuine".
You're human. You'reallowed to make mistakes. You are more than this stupid arbitrary box that thepeople around you have chosen to define you by.
And you are morethan your academics. Just because your ability to explain things verbally isn'treflected in your written grades doesn't mean you're "dumb" orcheating, or hiding who you truly are. It probably attests to how you're averbal communicator. And in the end that's only one very small piece of thepuzzle. Who you are doesn't stop at that first sentence.
 I'm a law graduate.I'm smart. I also procrastinate the shit out of everything and regularly pullall nighters, drink too much, stay in bed all day, cry and feel lost.
 All those sentencesare accurate. Who I am doesn't stop at the first full stop.
You're not hiding who you truly are. They're just notgiving you a chance to elaborate on that picture.
On how you are going to get through this
You will get throughthis. You've picked yourself up before and pushed through. You don't need to bethat "all rounder" - you just need to be the version of you who you'dlike to be at this point, at this time. It'll come in small steps, your smallvictories of the day - but define them and celebrate them.  
Remember life is not a collection of binary outcomes.Just because you didn't get an "A" does not mean that you've failed.Just because you're not "athletic" doesn't mean you're"fat". There's so many shades of grey in between. It's not one or theother; its just a work in progress. 
Keep working on it.
Its easy for me tosay because I've completed high school, university, all that jazz. Hindsightand all that. But you will get through this - tooth and nail. And when you comeout on the other side, you'll be able to help others to get through too. Find somethingthat will get you through - heck it doesn't need to be some "life longpassion or dream" that every movie and studyblr talks about - it justneeds to be something small, something that will get you out of bed, somethingthat will help you be kinder to yourself. 
And when its doneand dusted, I can't promise you that life will be perfect, or that you'll havethe life you're dreaming of, but I can promise you that it'll be different towhere you are now.
And sometimes, thehope of change is all we need to get through.
And finally, on how its really, really, really ok to send melong messages  
I can't stress toyou how much I admire your bravery for sharing your experiences with me. I'mnot confident that this message will change anything, or fix anything. But Ihope, at the very least, its helped you feel less alone.
For a moment.
Because messageslike yours are the only reason why I continue to run this shitshow of a blog.
So thank you.
All the best anon.I'm rooting for you.
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eelliescott · 5 years
Brand Research
I have begun doing some brand research which relates to our new updated trend ‘Restorative Colour’ to enable us to get an idea of which direction our brand is going in. It will also help spark some inspiration within the group, allowing us to visually see what our brand could look like. I have created some visual mood boards, that are in the next post.
Hara The Label  
About/ Inspirations
Founded in 2016 after Allie (the founder) was travelling around India, she saw first hand the devasting effects the fashion industry was having on the environment, chemical runoffs polluting water sources, a large amount of plastic use. She spent a lot of time on cotton farms, interacting with farmers trying to get a better understanding of how the industry works. Allie was inspired to create a solution, design meets sustainability. She explored sustainable material options, natural dyes and how to produce clothes sustainably & ethically. 
‘HARA, meaning green in Hindi, is a clothing label designed for you and our earth collectively. Consciously creating pieces that are soft and beautiful with sustainable and ethical practices at the core. We strive from seed to store to empower lives and rejuvenate the earth.
Our mission is to use the label as a platform to bring change, awareness and education to the issues within the fashion industry.’ Hara The Label.
Empowering women seems to be a focal point on their social media, so I suppose this would also drive their inspirations/ inspire others. They touch on taboo female subjects & also touch on daily struggles females face in society. They are actively supporting and driving for change.
Conscious individuals, with the earth in mind. Wanting to be a part of the change that Hara The Label is using as their driving force. Females. As the brand is Australian I had a look on their Instagram page to also get a better understand of who their customer is. I would say their age range is about 18-30′s, young empowered women, who are fighting against society's beauty standards along with wanting to help save the planet. 
£7.77-£46.63 The cheapest item is a scrunchie & the most expensive is their flares. Very Affordable. 
Sustainable intimates & loungewear.  All items are made out of bamboo fabric. Alongside this, they also dye their fabrics themselves at an in-house studio in Australia. The plants they use are currently:
Madder Root
‘Using natural dyes is an important step in the production of our garments as they have a minimal environmental impact as they come from nature, are biodegradable and disposing of them does not cause pollution.’ Hara The Label
The brand does not seem to offer promotions or deals on their items. However, I believe their ethos is a very strong driving force which women want to support & be a part of. Inclusivity is powerful within this brand. On their site, you have the chance to 1 out of 10 of their underwear sets if you sign up to their newsletters.
They offer free worldwide shipping for orders over £30.
Online on their own site, https://www.harathelabel.com.au/, Worldwide Shipping. They also stock in a few other eco-conscious stores around the world. For Example London- Know The Origin.  The fact they are stocked on other eco-conscious stores makes me think that they are recognised for what they stand for, they are reaching other customer markets by being featured on different sites.
Nico Underwear
About/ Inspirations
Nico Underwear was founded in 2012. The brand produces high-quality basics & underwear which offer clean lines, luxe fabrics & earthy colours which are needed for every day.
‘Form & Function coexist, with pieces that not only look beautiful but feel beautiful to wear too’ Nico Underwear
The brand are committed to supporting & driving ethical, sustainable transparency in the fashion industry. 
Made in Australia- ‘As an Australian label, we want to support Australian garment manufacturers. We work with a variety of makers here in Australia who are super skilled and experienced. From swimwear production in Brisbane, to fabric knitting in Melbourne, we track down the makers who are the best at what they do.’ Nico Undewear
Made In India- ‘NICO works with an ethical supply chain in Tirupur, India to produce our garments. Our natural dyers are a small scale group of artisans.’ Nico Underwear
Made in Bangladesh- ‘Our socks are produced in Bangladesh by an environmentally and ethically responsible garment factory. They are one of the only vertically integrated sock manufacturers in the region - by using their own spinning mill to produce recycled cotton yarn, they are able to minimise the transportation of goods and save on resources.’ Nico Underwear.
Nico are committed to supporting the growth of safe working environments for those in developing countries and also offering great opportunities. 
Female, eco-conscious individuals, who are striving for change without compromising luxe quality. Due to being a slightly higher price point for individual items I would say the age is around 25-35. 
Upon entering the site, they have a pop up which gives you the option to put your email in to receive £10 off your first order, by using a discount code that you will receive in your welcome email. 
Pack of 3 Bras for £89.02. Saving you a small amount if you bought them all individually. They do this offer for different styles of underwear items.
£16.56- £124.22 
The cheapest item is an individual thong & the most expensive is a pack of 3 underwire bras. 
Basics- T-shirts
Underwear & Swimwear. 
They use organic cotton which is GOTS certified. They also use 100% chemical-free dyes, which are created by an artisanal group in India. Ingredients & materials used throughout the process are plant-based. For example, they create yellow tones by using Tacoma flowers which are handpicked, dried and soaked in rainwater in the ground which extracts the colour. 
online at https://nicounderwear.com/collections/shop.
D’Jerf Avenue
About/ Inspirations
D’Jerf Avenue was created in 2019. The brand celebrates non-seasonal ready to wear pieces which are created out of love for vintage & the perfect basics. They are reaching towards creating items that feel timeless & will last years to come, they are aiming to be the go-to basic in our wardrobes. 
Everything is ethically produced & manufactured in Portugal. Portugal follows strict European laws & policies regarding labour relation practices.
D’Jerf Avenue does not mass produce as they always prioritise ethical practices, their goal is to minimize waste by creating limited collections. Alongside this their hangtag, security tag and all elements of their packaging are made from 100% recycled materials.
In the effort to empower women and celebrate individuality/ imperfections, they do no retouch any images that they use on their website or socials, their photos come straight from the camera roll.
‘We don’t believe in editing bodies, pimples, or even the clothing. This is us. Just the way we are. And we are proud.’ D’Jerf Avenue.
Females who are in their career, earning money. 22-35.
Empowered, Conscious women who are embracing timeless styles that they can style in endless ways for many seasons to come. 
‘Embody the confident, chic & laid back woman on the go’ D’Jerf Avenue.
The cheapest item is a T-shirt & the most expensive is a blazer.
Basic, laid back, day to day items.  Non Seasonal collections. T-Shirts, Basic Vest, Trousers & Blazers. There are currently only 10 items available on their site.
Free Delivery on orders over £180
Online at https://djerfavenue.com/uk/ .
How does it relate?
I feel as though these 3 brands relate to our brand as we have a similar brand ethos. Djerf Avenue wants to make women feel empowered by embracing who they are, they are also conscious about making timeless styles that can be worn season to season, this element is in high demand, considering the environmental state of our planet currently. Djerf Avenue is responding to this by hopefully creating garments that will last you, classics that you wont have to renew next season. 
Nico Underwear is passionate about supporting the growth of safe working environments for those in developing countries and also offering great opportunities. This is a response to so many fast fashion brands using unsafe factories resulting in devastation, costing peoples lives. They care about the people who work for them, they are open & honest about who is making their clothes & where they are coming from. Which is important to be clear about and something that should be spoken about more often. I feel as though people often turn a blind eye to working conditions as it doesn't directly affect them, yet when a brand is transparent about it, it makes you wonder why other brands are not? 
Hara The Label was created as a first hand experience from seeing the devasting effects the fashion industry was having on the environment in India. Hara The Label is built on having sustainability at its core, I think when a person witnesses or experiences something themselves, it ignites a fire within them, they become passionate about it as they can relate it. That's why it was important for us to really consider who our demographic was, as we wanted to be able to relate to them.
From this research, I can see that each brand was created as a response or a need for change. In our world now, it is no secret that the fashion industry requires change. Which we ‘Fika’ is hopefully responding to, we are offering sustainable alternatives, something that is on the rise, judging by these successful brands. In addition to this, we are also promoting a healthier balance in life, encouraging individuals to look after their mental health, spending less time scrolling, more time reading or journaling or being creative. 
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celestialallstars · 5 years
Episode #10: “everyone hates me so its good thing its mutual i guess” - Bryce
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Welcome to the bottom Jared xoxo
There’s no way I could ever feel less like an all star than I do right now
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Honestly? I don't regret voting for Matt still. Would it have been smarter to just vote Mitch? Sure, but I wanted to have faith and it just didnt work out, that's ok. What I will say is that Bryce/Rhys/Zach all kind of showed themselves at this vote and while I won't act on it now, I won't forget either! Now I am just gonna try to make Bryce feel like he is in a powerful spot and then go with it!
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I think what I'll try to do now is talk with Jack a little more. If I make him feel too comfy around me, it'll lessen the odds of him wanting me out as soon. Right now, I also need to try talking with Chloe a little more in general just to use it to get her to want to vote with us again. As for Michael/Rhys, I'm gonna have to put on my acting skills because they are now an obvious pair that needs to be split.- I don't care who goes first between them. Actually no, I prefer Rhys. I know Bryce, Zach, and Loris wouldn't vote me just yet, but I want to ensure Jared/Stephen's safety and now that I know how some people are going to be, it just makes it easier for me to know who to focus on.
I realized that my biggest gripe with this from Bryce is that two tribals ago we literally threw a challenge to ensure his safety and so knowing he was so quick to do this and that Zach was so willing to follow suit kinda felt like a slap in the face of the work put into that. I did not mind if he felt like he wanted to flip, but like he pretty much ignored everything I and I'm sure others were trying to say. The thing is, Bryce goofed because knowing he intentionally wanted to do Mitch before the challenge was over sucks more, but it also hinders argument he made. To make all of these valid points and him to go "well, im gonna do Mitch anyways" it didn't make sense unless it was his intention all along. What him and Rhys have done is sure, have a move to put on their resumes, but also show their cards so early that it gives PLENTY of reason to use against them later. So you know what, I'm gonna sit here and eat my food for now but save some leftovers.
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Me being on the right side of a vote??? It’s more likely than you think. MAN that felt good, Matt stays once again and Mitch goes home, someone who wasn’t being honest with me. It shouldn’t have been that close and we got HELLA lucky Loris selfed but I’ll take it any way I can. Idk who flipped seems like chloe is the most likely culprit. But hey now I have some relations with Bryce Zach and Rhys! Also wasn’t Jared supposed to be in on this vote? Snaking me again smfh
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After last night I feel 100% more comfortable in the tribe and for my future just because the lines seem to be constantly blurring and that’s gonna help me seep through the cracks of alliances to get further in the game and possibly the best thing is that people seem to be getting larger targets as the days go on which means I can hopefully make some power plays later on down the line but for right now I just need to keep talking to people and maybe get a few evil schemes going on getting in peoples heads teehee.
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After asking me not to tell a soul, Jared has told Bryce of all people that Chloe flipped and its like well. She definitely is not gonna trust us now and Bryce has enough power as is. Its just like, a frustrating thing because we are already in the minority and have to rely on people who lied to us and now we are burning bridges like its London. I wont say its karma just yet but we had this coming. Meanwhile Matt is over here wanting me to swear to never vote him out. Alrighty cjnigo Montoya is in effect from here on out so I may play a little dirty
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SO! Last night was a mess. Bryce, Zach, and Rhys went through with a plan to turn on the 8 because Mitch was scary or something. Now I know why God hates the gays. It's unfortunate but I'm not giving up. This is just proof that I need to work on my relationships with Jack, Matt, Michael, and Chloe since the 4 of them probably aren't going anywhere anytime soon.
I'm pretending that things are cool with Bryce though, so in the event that I can't target him any time soon, he's inclined to keep me around.
It's unfortunate but I don't really trust Zach at this point either. Him and Bryce mis-represented the situation to me which caused me to waste hours trying to convince them not to flip. But I knew it was a plan they came up with the night before so why were they pretending to still be on the fence, hm? Not a fan of having my time wasted. Zach should know better than anyone else on the cast that burning me like this doesn't end well.
Anyway, it's time to get to work on digging myself out of the hole I'm in.
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Well Stephen just gave me a boatload of information. Apparently there was an alliance on Orfeo of Sharky, Michael, Drew, and Chloe. During the Kori vote obv Michael and Drew flipped to Matt, then Chloe joined aboard. So that group was a legit concern for people, and since Alyssa and I were connected to Michael Drew and Matt via Cyrena 2.0, we became targets. Suddenly this makes sense, and I was kind of right about an anti-Cyrena conspiracy because it was basically anti Cyrena 2.0 there. Sucks because we didn't do anything necessarily but oh well.
The problem is if they were an alliance... and we're concerned that Michael or Chloe flipped... why would they go against each other? So either Zach or Bryce actually flipped or Rhys did or Michael or Chloe did. IDK this whole thing is a mess and I don't know who is going to be voting with what this round but I'm not committed to anyone long term except for Matt really. We'll see what happens
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So, last night I had all but convinced myself that voting for Mitch is the right move. Still, I was on call with Zach/Bryce to make a final plea. Unfortunately I was at work so I busy for 5 minutes and we got added to the tribal call.
Directly before and at the beginning of that call, for some reason I decided to clue Chloe in and try my best to convince her that voting Matt was best for her game. When I got busy I was 100% certain she had no interest in doing that. But, when I came back to my phone, this occurred:
Now I'm in a bit of a mess because Bryce forced me to tell him who flipped and then realized that Chris knows 🤦‍♂️
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everyone hates me so its good thing its mutual i guess KAHDFKJ
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Today I am trying to feel hopeful! What I felt needed to happen, along with my closer allies, is that we get Bryce/Zach and such wanting to target Michael or Matt. After being successful, we'd possibly label them as playing the middle and use it to get people for targeting them. Whether or not we actually vote them out can be debated, however, this can go a long way. Now, yesterday, I talked with Matt and Jack and honestly? I found I prefer them over Michael and Chloe possibly. I think for me, I talked more consistently with Michael/Chloe, but I am here to try new things and perhaps it can help in the long run given Matt/Jack can be targeted just as much as Michael/Chloe. Even better, Bryce apparently is focused on getting Michael out, and since me and Steph have been talking to Matt/Jack I think getting Michael voted could open the door for us more than voting Matt out. Rhys/Chloe will probably have a problem with this but they'll live I suppose
So the plan now is to do Matt and I've taken it upon myself to talk to Michael, Chloe, and Rhys. Michael seemed cordial as did Chloe, and I think I actually had Rhys thinking I thought no bad thing in regards to his antics, but Chloe went from saying she hadn't heard any name at all, to me telling her I heard Matt, to her saying she thinks Matt is the solid plan for the night in like 20 minutes max? I guess it helps to know that she was lying lol
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So like ya I think I'm kinda fucked. If you're not gay or friends with a few select people , you're definitely on the outs and it's really annoying. I know my game is trash but still lemme be somewhat bitter for goodness sake! It's very clear anyone who was on cyrena 1.0/2.0 is in danger on the bottom, which is super dumb cause it's literally just circumstantial but hey I can't do anything bout it. I'm over these people and want to slap them out of the game. So fake and I'm just awaiting my death honestly.time to off myself!!!1!!1
Could be my final confessional LOL
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im frustrated but i def am just over thinking it i suppose.
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So, this vote I’m trying to lay low. I don’t know what’s going on, but I’m in the middle. So laying low may not be an option. Matt wants me to keep him, but the old 7 wants me to vote with them so ahhh. Idk what to do.
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SO I have no idea who is actually on board but at the very least I have come up with a plan to save Matt. Chloe and Michael seem to be stirring shit up and Chris has caught on to it, and Stephen is being dragged down as a result. So, me Matt Rhys Zach Bryce plus Chris and Stephen make this a 7-4 vote against ideally Chloe, so that Michael would feel like he has to come back to us. Hopefully. If not no big deal that's a solid majority for this vote. I'm only really thinking 1 vote at a time because I know that this is a really fluid situation and people probably aren't gonna want to stick to things for too long, so as long as I can just work round by round I'll be okay. But hopefully this works and we get at least 6 to keep Matty here another round.
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Last round I voted Matt. The round before I voted Matt. People keep telling me to vote Matt even though it’s one of the last things I want to do. And somehow I keep getting fucked over. I’ve never wanted to vote Matt. I adore Matt. I love him with my entire heart. He’s being done dirty. I hate this cast. Fuck them all. Idk why I didn’t trust my gut and vote Mitch last round. I let a man cloud my judgment. The dumbest thing I’ve done all season
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OHH AH OOH AH. I'm so fucking nervous and like ahhhhh my name is out there so i just have to hope and pray, if i can just survive this one round i know Jared is gonna take shots at big players like Bryce and Zach and hopfully we can start setting players against one another. i just need to survive this one round just need to survive.
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Today I did dip my hand into the jar of chaos. I told Jack about the weirdness from Michael and Chloe and it slipped about Betty White and so one thing led to another and he and Matt want to target Michael and Chloe, which really, my goal was to just get them off of Stephen if he was on there. Now when this vote does not happen, I sadly think I'm gonna have to pass it off as not having the numbers but trying. Honestly? If we had the numbers, I'd be willing to do it, but since we cannot I believe after this tribal, it is best I talk with Jack on how to lie low but try to pull the numbers from underneath people. Jared wants to work with Jack at least but right now? We need Rhys gone after this or else our odds sink down.
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hi! <3 It’s day 23! ummm... wow I’m so happy I’ve made it this far like... if I survive one more round I’ll have officially outlasted half of the people in the cast and like for my first all star season like... I’ll be so proud of myself for doing that that’s so cool..... as for this round umm I think the vote is between matt and Chloe? I have literally no clue what is going on but all I know is that I need to start turning on people soon. like. Bryce Rhys and Zach have the right to turn on mitch... surely I can do the same... idk the way the game is going I just don’t think there’s a world I win in against some people and though I don’t have an idol this time... I’m gonna try n make moves to get the power players out. I just have to make sure that the people I don’t talk to leave so that I’m only left with people that want to work with me. I’m a clown I’m literally gonna leave tonight or something how embarrassing.
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As the hours tick on the more nervous I get. Everyone I’ve talked to says that Matts the vote but everytime we try and vote the bitch he seems to just weasel his way through the cracks and survives so I’m really nervous tonight but hopefully things go my way. I can only hope that my allies stay true. It’ll be absolutely TRAGIC to not at least tie my previous placement when the bars so fucking low. I just don’t wanna go even tho this game is not going the best for me.
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so i'm either leaving or staying. I'm for sure getting some votes tonight and we are hopefully not getting enough to kick me out or an idol being played. I've worked my butt off these past few hours to get a majority on chloe, who has been deemed by both sides as playing the middle, and not playing it well at all. if it works, hooray for me cause i still get to stay even longer. if not and i go home, i know ive fought my ass off to stay here and should be proud. Watch me leave basically unan LOL but still, ik i should be proud. I've wiped the bbq sauce off my tiddies and ate it for BWEAKFAST. that is all
Matt is voted out 8-3. He becomes the second member of our jury.
Watch Matt’s exit interview take place below:
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topicprinter · 8 years
Hi all,Some of you may remember me from the Q&A I did on my supplement business: How my brother and I built an online business in to a successful retail business within a highly saturated market all while attending UniversityI touted shopify as our platform of choice and have recommended people consistently for years. Unfortunately, after a recent negative experience, I have to change my stance and would advise against using their platform completely.We have been selling vitamins/supplements both online and through our retail location for over 2 years with Shopify. We use their payment services and gateway for both interchangeably, processing hundreds of thousands in transactions, orders, shipping fulfillment, etc. without issue. Until we received an email from Emile Verdon, an associate from the risk department, notifying us our payment processing service had been immediately disabled due to violating their TOS for selling “Pseudo Pharmaceuticals”.I want to note before I outline how poorly written and ambiguous the company’s Terms of Service agreement is that we only sell in Canada. The way supplements/vitamins work in Canada is that each product that makes any health claim must be evaluated by Health Canada, receive an NPN certification, and have it printed directly on the label. As per the Health Canada website: “Products with a licence have been assessed by Health Canada and found to be safe, effective and of high quality under their recommended conditions of use.” Therefore the products we offer aren’t making unsubstantiated, unmonitored health claims across the board. Even if this was the case, try and find the definition of “pseudo pharmaceuticals” within Shopify Payments TOS: http://ift.tt/2idcJjd is none. There is also no reference directly prohibiting the selling of vitamins/supplements in the above documentation. So we basically just had our payment services dropped across our various businesses with zero warning, during our biggest volume month (New Years Resolutions) and were told to go find another solution. No phone call, no forewarning, just a straight template email and a complete shut down after 2 years in operations. Had we known this was the case, it is unlikely we would have proceeded to tie multiple businesses directly integrated both front and backend to Shopify. The worst part? If we seek out a new provider for our payment gateway, Shopify tacks on 2% commission to all e-commerce transactions as a penalty for not using their payment service. So not only did the company cut off our business, we are now forced to scramble to move platforms, or register for another payment service provider, while seeing a 2% cost increase across the board: http://ift.tt/2iaWbFn, you can't even sell products that make any health claims either as per the email I received from their support. I could probably find 1000+ shopify stores using their payment services that have products which make some sort of health claim or another. Lotion that prevents aging and wrinkles? Nope. Beard oil that promotes healthy growth? Sunscreen? What about food? Calories tracking apps/devices? The list would go on forever, and half of those brands would be home made, with zero regulation. At least our products are regulated by a governing body, and as a business I am insured, our brands are insured, the manufacturers are.... All down the line. There isn't consistency being applied at all.We offer Paypal on our website, but over 75% of our e-commerce customers do not utilize Paypal, likely because they don’t have accounts. So now we are losing orders online as we try to resolve the issue to offer alternative payment methods.Shopify’s customer service throughout this has been horrendous. It is absurd to send out an email during the middle of active retail hours, notifying a business with their company for 2 years trying to transact thousands of dollars per day that they no longer have the ability to. Even if shopify is handcuffed on this issue because their banking/insurance providers refuse to clear payments from supplement related businesses, I would expect any reputable company to PICK UP THE PHONE. To add to the brutal customer service experience, when I asked Emilie from Shopify to please call me directly ASAP to discuss the issue, this is the email response I received:“Hi Dylan, Thank you for the follow up email. Unfortunately, my department does not have a phone capability at the moment, but I am happy to help you via email. I am very sorry about this situation and completely understand your frustration at this point. Please know that your store has not been shut down, we only disabled the Shopify Payments gateway. You are still able to receive payments via PayPal on both accounts.If you need any more explanation or have any questions regarding this decision I will be happy to answer them via email.”Apparently they do not have access to phones at their Toronto headquarters. Nobody in the building has a phone? Seems pretty odd to me considering some of Shopify’s customer support team for phone service is located at the head office. Any email I have sent as a follow up receives template responses. The associate wont even point to a section directly in their TOS that clearly outlines vitamins and supplements are prohibited. So they can’t take the time to pick up the phone for such a pertinent issue tied to one of their clients business operations, the company is perfectly ok with disabling payment service without warning VIA EMAIL DURING BUSINESS HOURS AFTER 2 YEARS, and are fine with admitting they made a mistake in the first place while making zero effort to perhaps fix the problem or offer some sort of compensation (maybe waive the 2% “transaction” fee?). We aren’t selling weapons to minors or something wild that needs to be prevented immediately. We sell multi-vitamins and supplements that are Health Canada approved.Hilariously, Shopify has articles written about websites selling health products that still use the payment gateway provided by them: http://ift.tt/2icZnU9 even have an article promoting starting your own supplement/vitamins business using the platform:http://ift.tt/2ib1gNM mention on that page they will not allow you to use their payment gateway.The customer service experience has been the absolute worst I have ever had with a company, and it negatively effected our business in the worst way; if you can’t collect payment from your customers, you are not an operational store. Really unfortunate considering how often I have touted the platform and encouraged many other entrepreneurs/business owners in my circle to utilize Shopify.
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