#no reason to cut that other than that first was screeching and they couldnt use the audio djkghf
gunsatthaphan · 1 year
The tattoo scene??? The balcony scene??? These are serious crimes against humanity. I need the team to release those footages the same way they did with Ray flinging that cup
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vanillamilkcloud · 5 years
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pairing: jungkook x reader ft. taehyung.
word count: 4.3k
please understand that this does not romanticize abuse in any way. there is a lot of time in the recovery from it, not to mention your heart will both seek and reject any form of affection. abuse is highly wrong in any form and you should seek help if you are/know a victim.
warnings: angst, physical violence, fluff, another 500 tons of angst, degredation.
genre: 1950-60s au, [EVENTUAL] smut, fluff, angst.
chapter: 01 || 02
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It wasn't uncommon for the nights of yours to be spent alone, turning in bed as the smell of cigarettes burn your nose. The putrid drug had an effect on your body though negative couldnt outweigh positive. Why would you give up the one thing that gave you sanity in this empty household? The mind could only be drawn to a blank whilst the chemicals fogged your mind in a delectable warmth.
Why was it that your body still ached for the one you called your lover? The long haired brunette, almost constantly having the taste of booze upon his lips, driving around on a motorcycle doing god knows what. You couldnt help but let out a quiet sigh. "Stupid boy." That's all he ever was. He only ever showed to your side if he needed a good fuck, or happened to be drunk and needed to yell his frustrations at someone. So perhaps that was how you ended up with a cigarette between your lips right now, red lipstick tainting one end while you sat on the porch stairs in nothing more than a sweatshirt and underwear.
The small puff of white smoke slowly dissipated in the air, [eye color] orbs glancing out to the black Fireflite. This was a bit out of order for what he usually drove. Some of the stuffs of his hair stuck out, light bouncing off the neatly gelled hair he pulled back to a man bun. Though the gel seemed to be gone along with any remainder of the 'lover' part of him. "What are you doing outside _____?" He growled out, making a sigh slip past your lips. The attire of choice and the drug induced high easily meant this wouldn't be a kind night for either party involved. When were the nights pleasant anymore though?
"How much did he have?" You called out, purely ignoring Jungkook. In the driver's seat sat Min Yoongi, the only dealer in town.
"As much as his wallet could make, sure you got him sweetheart?" Brown eyes looked up at you with a faint though genuine concern. It was widely known that Jungkook had gotten violent around you more than once, though his sober state seemed to satiate the pain that brimmed in your heart. Most wondered what it would take until you broke.
The sound of the passenger side opening cut your timing to reply short, following after the elder male. Jungkook's feet didnt seem to work coherently beneath him whilst he attempted to stumble to the door. Your arm slipped around his waist to help; Yoongi took the chance to let himself get away in the vehicle with a screech on the asphalt. The taller, high male let himself push you away without a second thought. "Get away from me you fuckin' whore." He growled.
"Did I stutter or somethin'? Beat feet!" He yelled, your feet forcing you a single step backwards. The feeling of his eyes scanning over you felt incredibly wrong but the tone he chose couldn't help but to make you laugh at him. The way he looked with puffy eyes and greased back hair, bun falling to pieces as you both stood there. It was endearing in a way. Not in the right way though. This laugh from your lips should have sounded like a melody in Jungkook’s ears but drugs were a dangerous thing. His judgement would remain clouded for the night no matter what you both did.
“Last I checked, I also lived here,” You retorted, making your way past the taller to go inside. His eyes seemed to bore holes in your back as if you were the devil. If anything it was a beautiful form of pure destruction in Jungkook’s eyes. The feeling was something you had grown used to feeling numb from; at least for the most part, it still hurt a lot. There was no way to negate the pain though. Your shell of a lover was already cracking once again for that night.
Everything seemed to slow for what was only a few seconds, turning into hours. You had turned in the slightest to be able to see it; Jungkook had taken the bottle he left at a side table in your house before throwing it. The glass had luckily not enough force to break against your skull, though you still stumbled to the floor with a broken laugh. Such a sound didn’t seem right to fall out of your lips, so oddly broken yet full of a darkness that he could not comprehend. You let yourself take the bottle off the floor.
“Well?” The word carried so much more of a weight that shouldn’t have been possible. It took him a moment to give you an eyeroll, then a demented smile. There was nothing saccharine about this anymore. His natural bunny smile had seem estranged as his next words flew with an ease.
“What? You didn’t think I knew you talked shit about me? That you say you love me but also say im the reason for everything!” Jungkook yelled, snatching the bottle from you before throwing it to the floor. The small slivers of red dressed the bottoms of your ankles and shins as the male in front of you looked unphased. He was purely virulent.
“Maybe if you didn’t feel the need to fucking go out and cheat, then end up here only for me to put on all that make up to hide the bruises!” You retorted. Within an instant you had earned another blow, though it wasn’t deserved in the least. Nobody ever truthfully earns the right for their lover’s to treat them as nothing. Unless you happened to be named Jeon Jungkook. The tears streaming down your cheek washed what remains had been left of your makeup, the faint bruises and scratches still covering your skin. It all felt too much once again though there wasn’t a point in showing that to this man in front of you. The slim hand that went to pull your locks back with a hair tie revealed the vibrant hues painting your collar and neck. Some were ‘love’ bites, others were the marks of a choke hold from yet another fight. 
Nobody could try and deny that you looked like you were fighting for your life.
“Tch, can’t even hit back.” Jungkook shook his head and you rolled your eyes. How were you suppose to? Even if you tried it was still way more likely that he’d just catch your hands, there was no way you could actually manage to get your hands to get him back. He clearly couldnt remember the times you had tried. So there was only one other option that seemed to fit in your head for the moment. Your knee went upwards at a straight perpendicular to collide with his groin, and he hunched over while you rubbed your eyes. It was a new sight in your eyes to see him as the one that was being on the ground. Jungkook’s form was refreshing in a noxious way. 
[eye color] orbs looked down at him with a dull glow. It seemed to be something that you held in that threatened to bubble to the surface. Months and years of screaming, hands upon your skin in a pure route destruction, it was bound to pour over. So why wasnt there a better timing than right now? Why did he have such an insistence on keeping you around? The questions ran your head to a mush and back once again while you attempted to put yourself together.
The telephone was your first thought as your legs helped carried you to the bedroom. Jungkook had just started to get up though it clearly meant he'd be there in only moments. In the years you knew the male you had memorized a few phone numbers, one of which was the house, and the other that Kim Taehyung stayed in. Spinning through the numbers had wasted the few moments you had before the door slammed open.
"Hello? Who is it?" Taehyung's voice rang loud and clear, while Jungkook only looked furious. He didnt even bother to hang up before he was on you. Your attempts wiggle away were futile and his weight hurt just enough to make you stop, one hand around your wrist and he ass sitting on your thighs. There wasn't a way to get yourself out.
"Lil'sewer rat really called Taehyung? WowWwW~!! I'm so scared." He taunted, no care in the world that Taehyung knew fully well how to get to town, and their house.
"Get off!" You yelled, tears stinging in the corners of your eyes. Everything felt so incredibly wrong. Jungkook had leaned down to let himself whisper in your ear, that demented grin making your body shake more.
"Wouldn't you love to have him know ya's virgin? Golly bet he'd love to listen on in. Sure’d be pretty." He chuckled darkly as you couldn’t help but to try anything you could under him. The hold on your body was way too strong for comfort though and there wasn’t a hope for anything to get him off. Your ears were only faintly able to pick up the sound of the telephone once more. It had only come just as you screamed.
“I’m coming over, hang on.” There was a click, and Jungkook looked as if he had no care. This was the moment you had realized there wasn’t any sliver of love left in this state. How were you suppose to fight this? You only looked up at him with your eyes reflecting the lie of love you two shared. There wasn’t any more pretending to be happy with him. Jungkook’s head went down to press feather light kisses along your neck, making you tense though he couldn’t tell that. Nothing of this felt like how he promised. Your lover had always promised youd feel like a treasure, that nothing would be pressured. Instead you felt like a toy that he sought to break. Since when did love have to start feeling like a poison to you? 
The question rang clear in your mind though it came to pass with the sharp snap of someone getting hit. That someone, was Jungkook. It took you a moment to register Taehyung’s arms around your torso and pulling you behind him. Such a touch was gladly welcomed in your heart though your body could only tense even more.  Jimin’s arms let go as he could tell you weren’t comfortable. Taehyung on the other hand, he seemed to have a few words to exchange with your so called boyfriend. You looked up with tears still streaming your cheeks. It felt so damned wrong to want to protect Jungkook though you knew why more than well enough. He was where your heart remained regardless of what he could ever do to you. This was where Taehyung and Jimin were blind because any outsider would think there wouldnt be any love.
“Isn’t it the damned hero? Daddy-O couldn’t stay out of someone’s range.” Jungkook laughed, wobbling as he stood up. The male let himself lean against the wall before there was a half-assed attempt to hit Taehyung. All of the drugs didn’t provide assistance though as they served to only obscure his vision.
“What’s it to you?” Taehyung retorted. Jimin shifted slightly to stand between the two of them as a protective thing, and you took the chance to run to Jungkook’s side and hug him as tight as you could. There was an obvious amount of confusion between the other two males. Jungkook on the other hand looked even more annoyed, lacing his hand into your hair before pulling you off roughly. “Don’t fucking touch me when your body guards are here.”
“But Ju-”
“Get the hell OUT!” He yelled, Jimin blocking a punch that should have been directed at you.The orange haired male looked at you just after he stumbled, taking a moment before Taehyung held Jungkook back. It was obvious there was something terribly wrong with the relationship and it wasn’t because of you. Taehyung felt his body on such a pure edge; it frightened him. How have you dealt with this for so long? This wasn’t the way to treat your girl no matter who you were. You let yourself fall against Jimin in the response of.. whatever Taehyung said. He took you up into his arms before taking a bag, stuffing whatever clothes of yours and Jungkook’s that he could find. Jungkook’s clothes only would serve as a strange comfort while the two decided they were taking you in at this point. 
With a faint awareness you were once again outside though you felt a bit disconnected. It made sense that you were once again outside though at the same instance you hadn’t recalled yourself getting there. You also were not walking so it made sense. You looked to Jimin who seemed just as distraught as you did. Taehyung was nowhere for quite some time though. You attempted to pull yourself up on two feet, though it was a shaky stance for the most part. In an instance you were once again on the ground with tears racking through your body. The mere movements made your body sore but you couldn’t help it. There was no hope in trying to act like you were okay as the truth was that you were more broken than ever; the question remained to jimin and taehyung, how had they not noticed? All the half-assed smile and when you’d tense when Jungkook touched you, or your obvious nervousness when he looked at you wrong. It had only come to click in their minds now.
Jimin pulled you into his chest despite the obvious way that you didn’t seem to want it. It seemed to show that you needed to feel like something could protect you though. If it was Jimin and Taehyung, then so be it since your boyfriend was doing a shit job.
“Let’s go!” Taehyung’s voice cut through the air like a knife. Jimin took you up into his arms, both of you briefly glancing back to your friend. Blood ran from his lip and his cheek looked swollen. It was the most either of you two could see before you bolted from the yard. It had only occurred to you how they did not seem to come in a car.
“Where’s the ride?” You asked gently, your voice hoarse from the crying and muffled by Jimin’s neck. The male had taken you onto his back for the easiest solution to running.
“Impound, we got busted last week.” Taehyung answered with a light laugh mixed between his pants. You were put down carefully as it was determined they were a safe distance from your house. With a gentle hand you took the bag Jimin grabbed, pulling a pair of pants out before slipping them on in the closest alley. You then pouted a little while examining Taehyung. The cost of your protection meant the injury of someone else. His honey skin was dotted with blood that you had no idea of it was his or Jungkook’s. Skin was obviously broken on both of his knuckles, then his lip was busted along with one of his eyes slightly swollen.
“______, don't worry about me. Please.” Taehyung flinched under your touch before Jimin pulled you back lightly. “It’s only a shiner! Y’know I’ll be okay.”
“It’s not that simple-  You know how he hits.” Jimin cut in, pulling you into him as you started to shake once more. It wasn’t as violent as before but it still had you remembering previous things that you didn’t want. Nobody necessarily wanted to recall abuse though either. So much of your body ached with the same pain that coursed through Taehyung’s. It was making you want to fall once more though you wouldn't let yourself. Taehyung took the bag in the meantime from Jimin, slipping his arms around you before the smaller male took you out of your thoughts.
“I’m gonna get the gang up, you two go back to the pad.” Jimin said, weary about his leaving. There was still a chance that Jungkook had followed after you three. He was also in the best condition to try and act as a decoy. You let a small nod happen before Taehyung crouched, in agreement with what Jimin had already said. He gave a small laugh as you slipped you bag on and climbed upon his back. It seemed more of an instinct to hide your face in Taehyung’s neck before you could register it. The male didn’t mind on the other hand. Jimin gave you a warm smile, before waving and running off towards the outskirts. Taehyung walked slowly as he continued his path towards home.
There wasn’t much in the remainder of your journey to Taehyung’s home. It was more of a welcomed silence filled with the sounds of crickets and street lights that had hurt your eyes. You would whine at the occasion though it only seemed to make you both laugh. Taehyung more than welcomed the sound even if it was a broken melody to his ears. So much had happened between you and Jungkook, yet nobody saw. How was one to not blame himself? The raven was a bit better at concealing his emotions than you but he still hasn't managed fully. You knew that he considered you as a sister, at least that’s what you preferred to say. It was obvious Taehyung felt more than that though you couldn’t quite place your finger on it for the longest time. There was no harm in not knowing though. You both seemed content with it.
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Over the next few weeks, nobody allowed Jungkook near you. He had asked multiple times so he could give you a much deserved apology. Nobody thought that there was anything that could be a bigger lie, even you. Your body looked like it had recovered besides the few scars he had left previously. It seemed though that your mind was much farther behind. The boys didn’t try to hug you or anything still, unless it was Taehyung. With such a long absence of affection you seemed to get adjusted with the male easily. He happily let you stay as close as you could to him as well, Jimin sometimes joining in on the affection despite the rest of the gang teased them for being gay. None of it was meant to be an actual insult though as they had understood once Jimin explained what happened that night.
“Darlin! Where ya at!” Taehyung called and you couldn’t help but laugh at his fake accent. You peeked out from the hall as you had just finished washing your face. One of Jungkook’s older hoodies donned your figure though both had forgotten who it really belonged to. The elder just came to hug you, only to squish your cheek playfully before running away once again. You let out a soft laugh from the kind action. Taehyung had grown to love teasing you with the affection you sought. There wasn’t ever a complaint from it though as both of you thought it was fun. You took a moment longer to make sure that your face was clear soap before running down the hall after him. Taehyung had carefully hidden behind the door of his bedroom, smiling warmly as you squeaked the appearance of his arms around you. He pulled the two of you onto his bed before his larger form seemed to dwarf yours. You didn’t mind it though as you curled up into him, letting out a quiet hum while you relaxed.
“How’d everything go today?” You asked gently, the topic being left vague for the purpose of him filling in with whatever he wanted. Taehyung knew at the same time though that you wanted to know about Jungkook.
“He almost got into it with Yoongi today. Otherwise we were all okay. There was a few skirmishes with Jungkook and some other gang members,” Taehyung’s nimble fingers found their purchase on your hips, drawing soothing shapes through the material of your clothing. “As much as I want to say that he’s getting better, he isn’t doll. We all know you wanna help but we dont want you in the middle of that all. Once he’s not so fiesty he can come over with me okay?”
You let a small pout pass your lips with the words, though you understood why at the same time. This wasn’t meant to be mean but rather to protect you from Jungkook’s more violent tendencies.
Taehyung hummed quietly as he felt you move yourself closer to his chest. No protest came from the male, letting you bask in his warmth. You had to lean up slightly to press a kiss to his jawline. The small action seemed so much more intimate than the previous things. Perhaps Taehyung was looking into it more than he needed to. It didn’t seem to matter much though as his lips found purchase on yours. You seemed a bit shocked by it at first, pulling back to look up at him properly. He seemed to be flushed with the realization of his own actions. You didn’t bother to say anything though. Instead, you pressed your lips back against his once more.
He was the one to remained shocked this time, before he relaxed into the feeling of your lips against his. There was a familiar taste of strawberry chapstick on his tongue now though it seemed completely new all at once. His own lips had the familiar taste of tobacco from cigarettes, something that you hated but though it was much more delightful in your opinion now. You let yourself drown in the feeling of someone actually caring for you as your mind seemed to race. There was no way this was correct in any form but you also couldn’t find to say this was wrong. Perhaps using Taehyung for your own happiness was wrong, or having you pulled onto his lap was wrong. But you didn’t fight back with it. 
“Are you sure this is okay?” Taehyung asked quietly, parting from your lips with a pant. Every fiber of his being said to stop this now but he had wasted so much time in simply staying by Jungkook’s side that he didn’t care anymore. None of the ruckus outside mattered, or the door opening. You still gave him a gentle nod before relaxing into his touch once more. His teeth nipped at your lower lip with a quiet hum and your lips parted with the instinct. The yell of Jungkook’s name didn’t register in your mind before you and Taehyung were ripped apart. You had looked at the hand around your arm only to end up connecting the sounds. Of course you had to be oblivious until Jungkook found you kissing Taehyung. He looked a bit softer than he had the weeks previous, hair still just long as curly as before while his features looked at you with softened eyes.
“We’ll talk about this.” He said gently, though his eyes were lit with an obvious fire. You stepped backwards out of of the room before carrying yourself out of the door. This wasn’t how you wanted things to start and the look between the two had made you deathly scared. Outside Jimin and Hoseok were brusied but just starting to getting up, especially with seeing you dart from the yard. They had an idea of what was happening seeing that Jungkook had made it passed the two of them. 
“_____!” Jimin yelled out while following after you. Hoseok took himself inside to clear the scene before the injuries were too bad.
You carried yourself as far as your legs could push you, then even farther than that, your feet burning from all the running. There were a few spots in town that only you and Jungkook had gone to so your mind pushed you towards the closest one. It was just past town to a large field, full of sunflowers that you had insisted on stealing to put in your yard on your date here. The memory seered in your mind while you crumpled into the grass in tears. He had been so much more peaceful then and then the past few weeks seemed to be a test for you both. You pouted more as you couldn't think of any recent time that your heart hadnt been in pain, though it seemed like this was your fault for once. "I'm sorry.." You whispered. [ Hair Color ] locks fell in front of your eyes.  Every fiber of your body radiated in pain and you knew that you couldnt get up. Your only hope remained to be Jungkook coming to save you.
Minutes after hours passed by as you heard police sirens, and the sounds of cars being driven too fast through town. The sounds were awfully faint up until you heard a rumble. You couldn't figure out why it made you no difference to you at first. That was until you felt Jungkook's arms around your torso, him falling onto his knees while his head laid on your shoulder. He didn't say anything for a bit as he didn't know if you would end up pushing him away. But he was more than delighted to see you lace one of your hands between his own.
"______," He murmured, worried about you for once in what felt like years. Jungkook's tone perhaps hurt more than it should. "I'm sorry." He whispered.
"It's alright." The two words were all you felt you could manage at the moment. It wasn't the easiest to try and figure out to say to him and he could tell. His lips brushed over the bruise on your neck, anger coursing through him as his grip tightened a bit too much. You let out a shaky whine before he quickly released. "I'll… I'll make this right." He murmured.
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Carried Sounds like Crashes.
It was so cold. The kind of cold that pierced through his skin and left his veins iced over. It was cold, and his fingers shook, and his teeth chattered. His skin was probably starting to turn red. But red was always his color anyway. He ignored it and pulled his knees up to his chest. It was better than being at home. It was better. It had been such a long day. such a long year. It was just too much and he needed to leave. He didn't miss the comfort of his bed. Or the warmth it held. He didn't want it. This was better. This was so much better. He didn't bring his phone. Or a jacket. Or money. There was nowhere he could go. There was nowhere else he really wanted to go anyways. This was probably his favorite place in the world even when the wind whipped at him making his hair fly out of its usual perfect shape. He didn't bother trying to fix it. Instead, he focused on the sounds. The wind carried so many sounds. Te loudest was the squeaking of the swing set to his left. And it sounded like childhood. Like all the days he spent here with his friends. With Virgil and Logan and Patton, when they dared him to swing higher and higher. Roman smiled at the memory. It was only a memory. He would never get those days back. He could never have any of it back. The wind carried so many sounds. He could hear water splashing against rocks in the duck pond. He could hear leaves being blown across the parking lot. And he tried to let it relax him. Tried to take his mind off of everything that was going wrong. All the bullshit that he couldn't fix because he could never fix any of it. Roman forced himself to breathe. He didn't get to break down. He didnt get to. He looked up. If he tilted his head just right he could see the stars. He always wanted to be a star. To be famous. To get out of this town. To leave all of the small minded people behind. He would never do that. He couldn't. Even if he was good enough, that option was taken away from him. That option was taken away from him the same day everything else was taken away from him. The wind carried so many sounds. Like tires screeching. And roman could hear it all again. Tired screeching. Someone was screaming Metal was bending. His life was over. Roman forced his eyes open. He was here. He was here. He had to be here. He felt the cold metal of the playground under his palms and the bars that dug into his back where he'd been leaning for so long. He felt cold. It was so cold He blinked a few times. Looking up at the stars and it was like Logan was staring back at him and he couldn't look anymore. But when he looked away, his gaze focused on the monkey bars. Where Virgil used to sit and they could never figure out how. And then roman couldn't see anything. He couldn't see anything. The wind carried so many sounds. Roman buried his face in his arms and sobbed. The wind carried so many sounds. Roman tried to stay silent. But there was no one there. Because of him, there was no one there. The wind carried so many sounds. Like footsteps. But all roman could hear was his heart beating loudly in his ears. He destroyed everything. In one night. In less than an hour he went from the happiest man in the world to.. To this..” roman sobbed harder. It had been a year now. They had just graduated high school. They were moving together to go to college. They were together. And now they weren't. And they can never be again. And it was all his fault. The wind carried so many sounds. “Ro?” the whisper cut through them all. He knew the voice. And he tried to stop his tears as he looked up. Patton was standing there. On the top of the ladder. Looking at him. And Romans heart sunk because he wasn't ready for this. He couldn't do this. Patton had left. He had left. He wasn't here. He had gone to college. He had moved on. He couldn't be here. A sob escaped roman and he was shaking with the effort of fighting it. “Roman..” Patton said again. Climbing the rest of the way up to kneel beside roman. And roman just couldn't handle this. He flinched away trying to scramble backward. “You can't be here…” roman managed to choke out. Trying to convince himself this wasn't real. Maybe he was going into shock. Maybe he was seeing things. When was the last time he slept? “I. I am here Ro. I..” roman looked up in time to see Patton's face crumble. “I missed you ro.,” he whispered but he didn't move forward. And roman stopped moving backward and they both sat there. Staring at each other through tears and they could have sat there for hours and roman wouldn't have been able to tell the difference. “You came back..” Roman said when he ran out of tears. His voice was ragged and broke on the word back. “I came back..” Patton whispered. “I shouldn't have left i just” Patton looked down and roman fought the urge to go to him. “It hurt too much..” Roman thought he heard Patton said and that made sense. That was the reason roman stayed because of how much it fucking hurt. “Patton. I..” but what could he say? Did sorry even start to cover it? Sorry, couldn't bring them back. Sorry, couldn't turn back the clock. Sorry, couldn't. Sorry, couldn't put them back together. “It wasn't your fault,” Patton said fiercely, suddenly looking up and locking eyes with roman. And roman wanted to flinch away but he couldn't. All he could do was stare at Patton. “It was absolutely not your fault. And I should have made you seen that sooner.” Patton was talking louder. Looking directly at roman. “The other driver was Drunk roman. You had no control over that.” Roman looked away and shook his head. “Why did you come back..” he asked breathlessly. And Patton didn't say anything. For such a long time Patton didn't say anything. And roman couldn't bring himself to look up. He couldn't look at Patton. He didn't get to after everything he’d- “Because I love you.” the wind stopped blowing. “Because I never stopped loving you.” roman shook his head again. He didn't get this. He didn't get to have this. He shook his head. And pulled back farther and his own skin felt like ice and he was cold. The kind of cold that pierced through his skin and wrapped around his heart. “I love you roman. And I know you still love me.” Patton's voice was shaking and Romans head was shaking and his chest was heaving. “Roman i..” “No,” he said much louder than hed meant to. “No you don't get to do that.” he was pushing himself up to his feet and stumbling away. He just needed to get away. “Ro?” but he couldn't look at Patton he couldn't look at Patton he couldnt look at patton. He made it to the ground. His legs shook but he pushed forward and away and he didn't look at the monkey bars and he didn't look at the sky and he didn't look at the tree they used to climb and he didn't look at the picnic table and he didn't look. “Roman wait” Patton called behind him. And roman couldn't wait. And he couldn't turn around and he couldn't look at Patton. Until Patton grabbed his arm. And the spot Patton touched immidetly felt warm and it was the first time he felt any warmth in twelve months but still he yanked his arm away and spun around. “You can't love me.” roman shouted “you can't love me,” he said again quieter. “Because I don't get to have that..” and Patton was looking right at him. And Patton was there. And Patton was there. “Do you think this is what they would have wanted?” Patton asked just as loud as Romans yell. “Do you think Logan and Virgil wanted this?” roman flinched taking a step backward. “They didn't. They didn't want this for you. They didn't want this for us.” Patton was taking steps toward him. Roman was taking steps back. “They loved you. They loved you just as much as I do. They wouldn't want you to blame yourself. They wouldn't want you to refuse love. They would have wanted us to be happy.” Patton's voice broke pulling at Romans attention. “Roman you didn't kill them..” and Patton was crying again. And roman was crying again and it was so cold. And he's been so cold for so long. And Patton was there. And Patton was there. And Patton was walking towards him and he wasn't backing away. And Patton wrapped his arms around Romans shoulders. And roman collapsed into him. “They loved you.” Patton whispered “I love you” “I miss them so much. I missed you so much..” roman cried. And he cried. And he couldn't do anything other than stand there wrapped in pattons arms and cry. It was cold. But Patton was warm. And Patton was there.
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Carried Sounds Like Crashes
Pairings: past Lamp, Royality Genre: Angst Warning: Past Character Death Written For: Famder Squad writing challenge  Challenge: Royality Angst @pawtoncake @haveyourselfamerrylittlebitchmas   It was so cold. The kind of cold that pierced through his skin and left his veins iced over. It was cold, and his fingers shook, and his teeth chattered. His skin was probably starting to turn red. But red was always his color anyway. He ignored it and pulled his knees up to his chest. It was better than being at home. It was better.
It had been such a long day. such a long year. It was just too much and he needed to leave. He didn’t miss the comfort of his bed. Or the warmth it held. He didn’t want it. This was better. This was so much better.
He didn’t bring his phone. Or a jacket. Or money. There was nowhere he could go. There was nowhere else he really wanted to go anyways. This was probably his favorite place in the world even when the wind whipped at him making his hair fly out of its usual perfect shape. He didn’t bother trying to fix it. Instead, he focused on the sounds.
The wind carried so many sounds.
Te loudest was the squeaking of the swing set to his left. And it sounded like childhood. Like all the days he spent here with his friends. With Virgil and Logan and Patton, when they dared him to swing higher and higher. Roman smiled at the memory. It was only a memory. He would never get those days back. He could never have any of it back.
The wind carried so many sounds. He could hear water splashing against rocks in the duck pond. He could hear leaves being blown across the parking lot. And he tried to let it relax him. Tried to take his mind off of everything that was going wrong. All the bullshit that he couldn’t fix because he could never fix any of it. Roman forced himself to breathe. He didn’t get to break down. He didnt get to.
He looked up. If he tilted his head just right he could see the stars. He always wanted to be a star. To be famous. To get out of this town. To leave all of the small minded people behind. He would never do that. He couldn’t. Even if he was good enough, that option was taken away from him.
That option was taken away from him the same day everything else was taken away from him.
The wind carried so many sounds.
Like tires screeching.
And roman could hear it all again.
Tired screeching.
Someone was screaming
Metal was bending.
His life was over.
Roman forced his eyes open. He was here. He was here. He had to be here. He felt the cold metal of the playground under his palms and the bars that dug into his back where he’d been leaning for so long. He felt cold.
It was so cold
He blinked a few times. Looking up at the stars and it was like Logan was staring back at him and he couldn’t look anymore. But when he looked away, his gaze focused on the monkey bars. Where Virgil used to sit and they could never figure out how. And then roman couldn’t see anything. He couldn’t see anything.
The wind carried so many sounds.
Roman buried his face in his arms and sobbed.
The wind carried so many sounds.
Roman tried to stay silent. But there was no one there. Because of him, there was no one there.
The wind carried so many sounds. Like footsteps. But all roman could hear was his heart beating loudly in his ears.
He destroyed everything. In one night. In less than an hour he went from the happiest man in the world to.. To this..” roman sobbed harder.
It had been a year now.
They had just graduated high school.
They were moving together to go to college.
They were together.
And now they weren’t.
And they can never be again.
And it was all his fault.
The wind carried so many sounds.
“Ro?” the whisper cut through them all. He knew the voice. And he tried to stop his tears as he looked up.
Patton was standing there. On the top of the ladder. Looking at him. And Romans heart sunk because he wasn’t ready for this. He couldn’t do this. Patton had left. He had left. He wasn’t here. He had gone to college. He had moved on. He couldn’t be here. A sob escaped roman and he was shaking with the effort of fighting it.
“Roman..” Patton said again. Climbing the rest of the way up to kneel beside roman. And roman just couldn’t handle this. He flinched away trying to scramble backward.
“You can’t be here…” roman managed to choke out. Trying to convince himself this wasn’t real. Maybe he was going into shock. Maybe he was seeing things. When was the last time he slept?
“I. I am here Ro. I..” roman looked up in time to see Patton’s face crumble. “I missed you ro.,” he whispered but he didn’t move forward. And roman stopped moving backward and they both sat there. Staring at each other through tears and they could have sat there for hours and roman wouldn’t have been able to tell the difference.
“You came back..” Roman said when he ran out of tears. His voice was ragged and broke on the word back.
“I came back..” Patton whispered. “I shouldn’t have left i just” Patton looked down and roman fought the urge to go to him. “It hurt too much..” Roman thought he heard Patton said and that made sense. That was the reason roman stayed because of how much it fucking hurt.
“Patton. I..” but what could he say? Did sorry even start to cover it? Sorry, couldn’t bring them back. Sorry, couldn’t turn back the clock. Sorry, couldn’t. Sorry, couldn’t put them back together.
“It wasn’t your fault,” Patton said fiercely, suddenly looking up and locking eyes with roman. And roman wanted to flinch away but he couldn’t. All he could do was stare at Patton. “It was absolutely not your fault. And I should have made you seen that sooner.” Patton was talking louder. Looking directly at roman. “The other driver was Drunk roman. You had no control over that.” Roman looked away and shook his head.
“Why did you come back..” he asked breathlessly. And Patton didn’t say anything. For such a long time Patton didn’t say anything. And roman couldn’t bring himself to look up. He couldn’t look at Patton. He didn’t get to after everything he’d-
“Because I love you.” the wind stopped blowing. “Because I never stopped loving you.” roman shook his head again. He didn’t get this. He didn’t get to have this. He shook his head. And pulled back farther and his own skin felt like ice and he was cold.
The kind of cold that pierced through his skin and wrapped around his heart.
“I love you roman. And I know you still love me.” Patton’s voice was shaking and Romans head was shaking and his chest was heaving. “Roman i..”
“No,” he said much louder than hed meant to. “No you don’t get to do that.” he was pushing himself up to his feet and stumbling away. He just needed to get away.
“Ro?” but he couldn’t look at Patton he couldn’t look at Patton he couldnt look at patton. He made it to the ground. His legs shook but he pushed forward and away and he didn’t look at the monkey bars and he didn’t look at the sky and he didn’t look at the tree they used to climb and he didn’t look at the picnic table and he didn’t look. “Roman wait” Patton called behind him. And roman couldn’t wait. And he couldn’t turn around and he couldn’t look at Patton. Until Patton grabbed his arm. And the spot Patton touched immidetly felt warm and it was the first time he felt any warmth in twelve months but still he yanked his arm away and spun around.
“You can’t love me.” roman shouted “you can’t love me,” he said again quieter. “Because I don’t get to have that..” and Patton was looking right at him. And Patton was there. And Patton was there.
“Do you think this is what they would have wanted?” Patton asked just as loud as Romans yell. “Do you think Logan and Virgil wanted this?” roman flinched taking a step backward. “They didn’t. They didn’t want this for you. They didn’t want this for us.” Patton was taking steps toward him. Roman was taking steps back. “They loved you. They loved you just as much as I do. They wouldn’t want you to blame yourself. They wouldn’t want you to refuse love. They would have wanted us to be happy.” Patton’s voice broke pulling at Romans attention. “Roman you didn’t kill them..” and Patton was crying again. And roman was crying again and it was so cold. And he’s been so cold for so long.
And Patton was there. And Patton was there. And Patton was walking towards him and he wasn’t backing away.
And Patton wrapped his arms around Romans shoulders. And roman collapsed into him. “They loved you.” Patton whispered “I love you”
“I miss them so much. I missed you so much..” roman cried. And he cried. And he couldn’t do anything other than stand there wrapped in pattons arms and cry.
It was cold. But Patton was warm. And Patton was there.
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iwriteficsandmore · 6 years
Love at First Crash
Fandom: BnHA
Pairing: Hawks x Reader
Not exactly your favorite month. It brought clustered streets and either satisfied or disgruntled people due to the holiday rush. Then again, it wasn't your least favorite either. Winter set a good weather for idling around and drinking a nice warm beverage.
And tonight, just like every other night since the nights became cooler, you sat outside in the balcony just over your room. Having the attic-turned-bedroom as your main abode had its perks. The added space outside being one of them. You made it your own not much longer after you moved it and with it having an outlet, it gave you the liberty to do whatever you wanted up there. Like watching a movie on your laptop out in the open with only a light blanket for cover.
Though you're sure it'd be better with company.
The thought brought a heavy sigh out of you as you snuggled further into the soft fleece for comfort. True, you weren't the most social of butterflies but that didn't mean you completely hated interacting with others. It was kind of a bummer that you rarely got invites from coworkers to go to outings; even rarer the times when your few close friends would go out. Most if not all were shuts-in like you, so those times seldom came.
Which, in the end, left you alone on your balcony, out in the open, to watch the first movie you found streaming: a scary one. Not your first choice, but since you knew that if you decided to search for another, you'd most likely spend the rest of the night doing that. So you just let it play.
Perhaps not the best of ideas when you started hearings things out of nowhere. At first you thought them to be from the movie until you paused it and realized they weren't. They weren't even from below. They were coming from above. It was just as you looked skyward that something big and brightly colored crashed onto your balcony. A petrified screech escaped you as you dashed out of your seat and scurried down the skylight into the haven of your room, laptop and fleece blanket forgotten. Heart beating a mile a second, you let it calm down and tried to assess exactly what happened.
Something fucking crashed on my balcony.
Something big. Something brightly colored. And it was still scurrying overhead. Braving a peek through your skylight while being at the ready if things went south, you spotted it. Whatever it was.
No, not whatever. Whoever. A person had crash landed on your balcony and laid there, moaning and groaning in apparent discomfort, in a heap of limbs...and what looked like wings.
Bright red wings.
Recognition struck you like a ton of bricks but what spurn you to action and back out into the open space of your balcony was that, aside from the red of his wings, the vibrant color also marred his face and parts of his clothes. Running out, tripping a little and catching yourself as you went, you reached the Winged Hero, Hawks, and skidded to a stop next to him. He groaned under his breath as you turned him to see his injuries better. It was then that you finally saw his amber eyes gazing shocked back at you.
For a moment neither of you spoke, bewilderment rushing through you at the ridiculous circumstances. That quickly went away, though, when you saw him holding his side as the spot darkened, what looked to be blood seepeing through his undershirt. Blinking away your disbelief, you instantly ran back to the blanket you'd been using and brought it back to wrap around him.
Hawks let out a cough that choked him a little as his amber eyes searched you for a moment. "What are you--"
"Don't talk. And don't move either."
First aid--thinking for a second, you remember seeing it in the kitchen. You quicky let him know you'll be back before storming down the skylight again. Through a rush, you pick up the kit, some clean bandages, and a bag of ice before coming back up. He thankfully listened to you, if because he actually minded your words or because he couldnt move was up in the air. Frankly, you didn't care to knwo.
Before you even tried reaching out to him, you looked him straight in the eye to make sure he was okay with it. "I'm going to see to your wounds now, alright?"
Leaving no room for him to say no, Hawks simply nodded and let you take his hand away from the biggest wound on his side. Something had cut through fabric and skin. Something thin and small that seemed to just graze him. Bullet or knife were your best bets. As you prepared a gauze with alcohol, you talked him through what you were doing just so he wouldn't freak out. You knew it was likely not needed--him being a hero and all, he surely got many injuries every other week--but you could't help it. As a nurse working in the ER, appeasing patients was something that came as naturally as breathing did. This wasn't quite Kyushu's hospital but a patient was a patient all the same.
Thankfully, it didn't look too deep. Doubted stitches would be necessady. really. While disinfecting it though, you hear him hiss a little and turned up to make sure everything was alright with him. Hawks only let out a nervous chuckle that he tried hiding behind a mildly dirty collar.
"It's okay to tell me if it hurts." The wound was quite large after all. More than what a single bandaid would cover anyway. And guessing by the rest of his injuries, he had plenty to be complaining about.
"The alcohol stung is all." Amber eyes stayed on your hands as you pressed several pieces of gauze onto his side to cover the wound after daubing it with some antiseptic. It's after asking him to hold his shirt up so you can wrap some bandages over it that he perks up more. "You're awfully calm for someone who just saw me fall onto your balcony. Things crash land on you often?"
The way he put it gets a chuckle out of you but you quickly clear your throat to focus back on the task at hand. "No, they don't, but I've seen stranger things in the ER."
"You a doctor?"
"That's why you're so gentle."
The comment, despite being said so low under his breath, is loud enough for you to hear, and it throws you off for a good moment. "Excuse me?"
"I didn't mean it in a bad way," he immediately retorted.
"In what way then?"
"Well." His voice drawls on muffled by the collar of his jacket as he averts his gaze. "Most doctors here are just kinda dicks and your beeing gentle kinda gave me a hint that you weren't one."
You didn't fault him on that. Though you couldn't speak for other hospitals or clinics in Kyushu, your workplace was rather filled to the brim with stuck-up doctors. There were exceptions but the fact that there were any at all spoke to the problem itself. Usually, they would shove their work onto the nurses and spent their shift goodness knew what; you'd certainly seen more patients alone than when accompanied by a doctor, though, that was for sure.
"I suppose so," you muttered under your breath. Seeing as you were done with what looked to be the most pressing of injuries, you gave him one last look over before meeting his gaze that hadn't torn away from you the whole time you thought of a reply. "Where you chasing a villain?"
"Late night chase." His hand reached down to touch the bandages but you quickly smack it away, telling him not to. "It didn't last long though. I was on my way to the hospital, actually, but I guess I fell asleep on my way there."
"You guess? Isn't that dangerous?"
"Very," it amazed you that he somehow managed to say that with a toothy, lopsided grin. "Guess I'm lucky that my guardian angel knows how to treat injuries."
Though too cheesy for your liking, you couldn't help the bubbly chuckle it brought out of you. "You say that to every girl whose balcony you crash on?"
"You're lucky number one, sweatheart!"
It simply amazed you how nonchalant he was about just having crashed landed from exhaustion, especaly with those injuries.
"Your injuries aren't so bad aside from the one on your side, so you should be okay. Maybe you should hang the wings for the night, though, and consider going home on foot, Mr. No.2 hero. Wouldn't want you crashing again."
"Nah, I'm good. Flying's faster, anyway." He stood with a flourish, his massive crimson wings spreading out as he turned to the ledge of your balcony and readied to take flight.
Unable to believe just how stubborn he was, you instinctively snatched onto his wings and saw his whole body jerk in reponse to the aggressive touch. "Let me give you a ride then. I'd hate to hear in the morning news that you crashed again and hurt yourself more or, godforbid, you hurt others."
"How little confidence you have in me," he countered with a mild pout.
"With good reason," you readily replied. "Now stop being such a stubborn parrot and accept the damn lift."
Hawks mulled over the offer for a few minutes before his wings finally folded back to neatly tuck behind him. He flashed you a grin before nodding. "Alright, you win, angel. You get to take me home from our first date. How romantic, huh?"
"Very," you couldn't have said that with anymore sarcasm lacing your voice had you actually tried. "I'll get my car from out back so just wait out front. You think you can do that without hurting yourself?"
Hawks gave off a silly two finger salute with that shit-eating grin on his face. "Aye, aye, cap'n." His wings unfurled before you could notice, though, and he jumped off before you had a chance to stop him. Instead of the graceful drop you hoped for, Hawks barely landed on his feet, slipping a bit on the slightly iced sidewalks.
When he turned up to give you a thumbs up you couldn't help but heave a sigh of mixed relieve and exasperation. "I meant wait out front through the door, you bird brain!"
"Too slow! And if you don't hurry, I might just take off home too!
Feeling he wasn't kidding around, you rushed down into your apartment, taking your keys as you put on some slip on shoes, and hurried down the flight of stairs to get to your car in the garage. But as you waited for the garage door to open, you couldn't help but lightly slam your forehead against your steering wheel.
Your quiet movie night had turned to such craziness so fast that you could hardly believe it. But as you saw Hawks waving at you from your rearview mirror, one single thought formed along with the amused, lopsided smile on your lips.
Well, at least this is better than a dumb, scary movie.
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donghyxns · 7 years
Hunger Games! au | Park Woojin (3)
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this is so so so long!!!!!!! beware of that lol
part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4
“then we talked about all the ways i could brutally murder you in order to get more sponsors”
that knocked the breath out of you
just a few hours ago he was kissing you, giving you the most protective glances and now he is revealing that he was just doing that to gain trust?
it actually worked tho
“park woojin, who do you think you ar-”
he cuts you off with a pat on the head, “i will see you tomorrow in training. sleep well.” he gives you a small peck on your cheek
what thE FRICK
you were confused
all you knew was that you fell hopelessly in love with park woojin in a short amount of time and all he wants to do is to murder you
the hunger games is royally fucked
the next day in the training arena was incredibly scary
chungha looked like she was literally going to murder you (which she was in a couple of days)
every time you looked in her general direction, she threw a knife and it always stuck in the left eye
one moment she threw the knife and looked directly at you
“this is going to be you in a couple of days and lover boy won’t be able to save you”
you looked over at woojin who just chuckled evilly
it was like they were working together???
you felt so alone and scared while practicing how to differ between poisonous berries and edible ones
“that berry is poisonous, you would be dead in a minute”
the somewhat deep, raspy voice from behind you shocked you
“what’s it called?” you ask the attractive boy
“night berry” he smiles up at you
jesus why are all the boys around you suddenly hot??
“you are ____ from district 11 right?”
“yeah” you nod your head looking up at him
“my name is hwang minhyun, i’m from district 4″ he gives you the cutest smile and wowza you felt yourself melt
he leans in closer with a mischevious smile gracing his lips
“dont look now, but your little lover boy looks to be mad at this interaction” minhyun leans back and smiles at you
he mouths ‘look now’ after a couple a second and when you do you feel your heart swell
woojin had narrowed his eyes over at the two of you and his neck was beginning to turn red
you look back at minhyun and the two of you share a good hearty laugh
you havent laughed since a day before the reaping
you and daehwi were hanging out and he slipped on the wooden floor in his house
causing him to fall and knock over this expensive vase (3 whole dollars,,, it was a lot in your district okay...)
the look of pure terror and shock on his face made you double over in laughter as he hurriedly swept it up
“thank you, minhyun” you smile at him and he gives you a confused look
“for what?”
you sigh, grabbing the rope next to you, “i haven’t laughed like that since the day before the reaping”
minhyun suddenly clapped his hand, startling you
“thats right! you volunteered for the daehwi kid, right?”
you nod your head
minhyun grabs your wrist, “that was a very brave thing to do. if that was me in that situation i wouldnt be able to do it.”
before you could respond the bell rang signalling everybody it was 7:00 PM and that you needed to go back to your pent houses
the elevator ride up with woojin was extremely awkward, to say the least
he finally broke the awkward silence
“why are you talking to minhyun?”
you shake your head, “ why do you suddenly care all of a sudden?”
woojin scoffs, arms crossing, “minhyun will bring you nothing but harm! he is the most wanted tribute other than you! you will die by just hanging near him”
you turn towards him, scowl present on your face, “woojin, i’m going to die no matter what. why can’t i have a friend in this fucking game before i die?”
woojin slams his hand against the elevator wall, “god damn it, am i not your friend?”
you look at him with an incredulous look, “friend? woojin if you don’t recall, last night you told me you were acting sweet so you could gain my trust and then murder me. i don’t classify that as a friend”
woojin grabs your shoulders, “seeing you with minhyun made me realize how much i dont want to kill you”
weird wording
but i mean it is the hunger games
“what do you mean by that?” you pushed away your confused feelings about the wording
woojin licks his lips, “i have a crush on you”
are we in middle school??????
you decide to challenge your feelings though, “how do i know you arent just lying?”
woojin smiles
your heart stops for a second you sweAR
“if i didn’t would i have cut off my ties with chungha and put a huge target on my back?”
you did realize woojin and chungha did talk at the end of class and she looked royally pissed off at him
the elevator doors dinging open snapped the two of you out of your little trance
you talked about this briefly over dinner and you concluded that you were going to trust woojin again
but you were also going to stay on high alert to make sure you didnt get played
the next two days of training went by fairly smooth
you got closer to minhyun despite woojins protests and you and woojin got a little more “intimate”
it was a little weird
the two of you would sleep in the same bed and cuddle for hours on end until you were called to breakfast
before getting up you would share a quick peck on the lips
but then after that, you two were complete strangers
the both of you would act like you didnt know each other
maybe woojin was ashamed? maybe this was all part of his plan? who knows
all you knew was that you were happy when the two of you spent time
but that was cut soon
it was the day of the hunger games
24 people go in and only 1 person is victorious
jesus that scared you
you and woojin were cuddling on the rooftop, looking up at the stars
he was playing with your soft hand
his breathing was steady and it calmed you down
“woojin, i’ll be dead in 4 days.... you know this right?” you look up at him and he shakes his head
“no, i won’t let you die. i will protect you until the very end”
“what if it is just the two of us? would you kill me then?” he lets out a troubled sigh
“of course not”
“i would kill myself for you”
“my life isnt even worth living anymore”
all of those were lies spewing out of woojins mouth and you knew that very well
“woojin what are we?” you ask one last question
woojin kisses the back of your hand, “we are boyfriend and girlfriend”
the morning came too soon
you felt the knot in your stomach again and you felt like you could barely breathe
your whole body was shaking and sweating
you couldnt calm your nerves
you and woojin were separated as soon as the sun came up for “personal reasons”
you were sat in a room as you waited for the countdown to start
your knee was bobbing up and down as you watched the tv screen in front of you
one of the tips was: “don’t step off the platform before the countdown as it will blow you up”
that really settled you
a deep voice started to countdown “30...29...28...27...26″
you stood up while taking a deep breath
the tube in the room opened up and you took that as an incentive to go ahead and step in it
the tube closed soon after you got in, sensing your body weight
you try to even out your breathing but your body doesnt respond
you are still shaking when the platform shoots up
suddenly you are in the middle of an open field, cornucopia full of goodies in the middle
you look around and spot minhyun
he gives you a thumbs up and a small smile
he mouths, ‘i will get us some bags, you need to run!’
you nod, this calming your nerves slightly
your gaze shifts over to woojin and he looks not in the least bit scared
it throws you back to the first day the two of you met and he said, “i’m ready to die. that’s why i looked so relieved during the reaping”
woojin meets your gaze and smiles a cute smile
you feel good about this whole situation when you realize you have both minhyun and woojin on your side
you look directly beside you and you see chungha looking at you
she smirks when she meets your gaze, motioning that she was going to strangle you as soon as the canon went off
your ears started ringing and your eyes glossed over
you were panicking suddenly
the feelings of good left your body when you realized, well shit, i really am going to die
you heard the cannon go off and your legs automatically moved to the forest behind you
before you got too far, someone tackled you with a screech
they flipped you over and you were met with the one and only kim chungha
her thin hands wrapped around your throat cutting off the oxygen
“this is what you get for stealing woojin away from me, you little bitch!” her other hand raised up and she slapped you hard
your hands reached up and scratched at her
her hands loosened up slightly giving you the chance to breathe and scream out
“minhyun!!! minhyun!!!!!!” you scream out, fear filling your system
her hands grasped tightly around your throat once more and your vision started to turn white
you saw daehwi’s smiling face and you heard your mom’s laughter
your body started to relax once you accepted the fact that you were dead
honestly,,, it wasnt that bad
you felt so relaxed and your mind was wandering to all the good things that happened in your life
you were about to close your eyes but suddenly the pressure on your neck loosened up
someone was grabbing at your body, throwing you over their shoulder
“_______?!? are you okay?! i will protect you no matter what!”
“t-thank you...” you breathe out, not knowing who the person was and you knocked out right after that
you feel wet when you first open your eyes
there was a slight dripping sound echoing throughout the area you were at
you try to sit up but you groan in pain when you try
a hand pushes you back down softly, “dont strain yourself”
“m-minhyun?” you ask
you hear a deep chuckle and with that, you can confirm that it was indeed minhyun
woojin had a high pitched laugh
oh shit
was woojin okay?
“how long was i knocked out for? is woojin okay? are you okay?”
minhyun laughs once again, “woah, woah slow down there... you were knocked out for 2 days, we only have 2 more days to kill 12 tributes. woojin is fine but so is chungha, so we need to watch out for them. i’m perfectly fine. the bags i picked up had good fishing equipment, ointment, ropes, and some packaged berries. i also found 2 knives. we are in good shape.”
you breathe out a sigh of relief
“w-wait.... why do we have to look out for woojin and chungha?”
minhyun lets out a sigh that bounces off the walls of the cave
“they are working together to find us and kill us”
(final part will be out tomorrow)
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thecultoffilm-blog · 7 years
IT (2017) Review.
I had been excited for the new adaptation of IT since I first saw that iconic picture of Pennywise, grinning creepily with pleasure and contempt. I couldnt wait for it. When the first trailers dropped it got me even more hyped and excited to see what Muschietti would bring to the table, as I was unimpressed with the miniseries. Today I saw IT, and have to say am fairly underwhelmed by it. What I hoped would be a thrilling, scary and atmospheric horror film was an oddly edited, cliche and predictable film. Over this review I will be talking about what works, what doesnt, what I loved and what I hated and finally, an overall score out of 10. Please remember this is all opinionated and very personal, rather than a group opinion. What I loved: Personally the best part of the film for me was the losers club. Not only were all very well performed and gave off a very real and serious vibe, the children acted like children, a rare occurrence in many modern films. The kids throughout this movie are swearing, making your mum jokes and mentioning dick size, like a kid would. Muschietti really nailed this side of the spectrum and due to the great performances by all the children and realistic and relatable behaviour, I found myself really enjoying the club, far more than I thought I would. Another thing I thoroughly enjoyed was the coming of age theme throughout. I really liked this and thought it really added to the story. In a way Pennywise could be a metaphor for all the problems and hard times these kids are facing, and them dealing with him is them working together to beat their daily problems. It may seem stereotypical but I thought it was sweet to see the club grow and learn in such a small amount of time, all of them facing their fears and issues (some more literally than others) Im glad the story wasnt just, "oh look, there's an evil clown who is hurting people, let's go beat him up," as for me this would have made the film flat and uninteresting. I'm very glad it was included and felt it really added to the film. Pennywise is a weird one. I thought he worked at points but at others I just hated him. Saying that, he definitely had far more good scenes than bad but I still just felt unimpressed at his character. It wasn't even Bill's fault, it was just the look and feel to him in general. Again, sometimes he was incredible but sometimes he felt to comedic and cartoon like. Overall though, he was a very strong character and I did enjoy when he was on screen (most of the time) The cinematography in this film in my personal opinion was beautiful. So many scenes were shot so well. Muschietti made sure to use locations and places to their full effect and it shows. The shots used also fit in with the scene. For example when outside in the day the shots were wide and vast, showing off the beauty of Derry or the quarry. However when inside a location it felt claustrophobic and cramped, adding to the intensity and fear of the scene. The lighting was also on point. When in a dark room it felt eerie and as an audience member I felt blind but at the same time little details and important features were clear and visible. When outside the lighting felt very true to life without blinding you of course. Both lighting and the cinematography were very well done and should be applauded. The sound design in the film really sold it for me. Most of my fear produced actually came from the sound rather than whatever else was going on. One scene which I will never forget is Pennywise exiting the cupboard. It really did chill me. But the main reason for doing so is him tapping his long, gloved fingers on the side of the box. It was genuinelly terrifying. The sound was perfectly managed, sounds in the foreground were loud and violent whilst little ones in the back were small and hard to pick up, but the amount it added to the atmosphere was great. I'm very glad the sound was well done and pin pointed in just the right settings and times as it really added to the film for me anyway. What I didn't like: To me, the jumpscares in this film were terrible. I hoped to every possible god that all the jumpscares would be fair and needed. Alas, this is not the case. Thankfully, IT didn't stoop to the level of the classic "it's just a ....." jumpscare but far to mamy were predictable and dull. There were pointless loud noises and violins squealing at me from the screen and a lot of the scares were cheap and commonly used in Hollywood films. There were probably 7 scares which I predicted and out of all of them in total, only a few made me jump. Which isn't great. One thing that really annoyed me was Georgie's walkie talkie screeching whenever he ran by. Stuff like that is what ruined this film. Yes, it is better than a loud bang or smash, but still. I could do better and I've never made a film. It really did upset me as I do love a good jumpscare, but there were very few to be found. As much as I did love them, the kids in the film made such stupid and contradictory decisions. It really got to me. They would constantly wonder off by themselves after all being told not to and it was so annoying to watch. Even Bill, who said to them all countless times to stick together decides to walk away from the group. You could argue that this is Pennywise luring them away with his powers but I personally believe it's a dull way to create another cheap scare. Another thing they all do is the classic, "let me go in this dark room, nothing could go wrong" This is just so pathetic. For example the library scene with Ben. No one would ever follow those eggs and go down there. It felt wrong and fake, exactly the opposite of what this film wanted and was meant to be. I do see why it was needed, but there were far better ways to lure the characters. Pennywise, as mentioned above, did work. But there were so many instances where he didn't. And what does it all come down to? CGI. What ruined him for me was the large amount of CGI that went into the film. I understand that it's nessecary and in some ways it did help, but it sucked any amount of realism out of the film. What does this result in? A lack of tension and fear. For me, the more realistic, the more scary. That's why for me, The Strangers is the scariest horror of all times. It was so real and plausible that it made it far more intimidating simply due to how it was handled and filmed. No CGI, no demons or ghosts. Just 3 insane people trying to murder a couple. It sounds basic but it is so much more scary than IT. For example, the garage scene was so poorly created it nearly made me laugh at how conical Pennywise looked. It just didn't work for me. I do understand it's hard to create a film like this without using it, but I believe that more practical effects could and should have been used. Even if that had meant making it less extravagant. One thing I enjoyed about the miniseries is that it seemed more real because there was no (or very little) special effects or features. This made it feel more real, and in turn, added to the danger and intensity. I wish this interpretation had done the same. The editing was so odd in this film. It went from happy to sad to scary in seconds. It felt misguided and oddly created. A good example is the basement scene. It goes from Pennywise screaming and trying to kill Bill to Bev sat on a staircase in the sun, content and happy. This breaks the tension with ease. Whats even weirder is that it never show the aftermath of the scene, Bill's reaction or thoughts are never shown, it just stops. It's almost like a scene was cut. It felt wrong and misplaced. I understand in some aspects why what was done but still, it felt so strange. Many scenes felt cut and half completed, some seem to short and others to long. The best word for it would have to be inconsistent. I really enjoyed some of the editing, but disliked others. The kiss scene. Is dreadful. This is not a fairy tale world. This is a world where a young boy has his arm ripped off and is pulled into a sewer. Magical kisses do not tie in well with that sort of theme. This infruriated me. Genuinelly. I don't understand. It wasn't to develop character or even a relationship, it wasn't to advance the plot, it didn't add anything to the story. It took away from it. What seemed so real was whisked away in seconds. Was it meant to show that the underdog can always succeed or help others? I for one, am clueless. It really did disappoint me. Am I supposed to believe that a kiss from a random boy can wake up a girl who has been affected by the deadlights? It was so random and wrong. It felt like it had been ripped straight from Disney and plonked straight into the film to add to it's character and charm. It didn't work. At all. And it really did spoil the film. It was cheesy, unasked for and laughable. I still can't think of any reason for including it. My final complaint is the end scene. The final fight. For a start, I'm glad it wasn't long and drawn out over 20 minutes. It would have become boring. But it felt so odd. How Pennywise just collapsed to the floor and started to deteriorate. Again, the end scene reminded me heavily of a Disney film. "We beat you out of love and teamwork." That sort of thing. I understand what they were going for, and it was a sweet ending but it felt wrong to put it in a film like this. What happened to the battery acid? That was great and it made sense. But instead we get the classic fall to his "death" scene. I'm glad they all conquered their fears and I'm glad that they could beat their common enemy but it could have been made far less lovey dovey in my personal opinion. I get that it was to make the audience feel and perhaps even relate but to me this fell very flat. Another issue regarding the scene is Bev. I do understand that sexual abuse must be a horrifying thing do deal with but the fact that Pennywise didn't scare her is dumb. He is the true manifestation of any fear, a monster, a beast. Yet she isn't afraid? Again I know that the whole overcoming her fear had to be included but it was fairly annoying to see that she wasn't bothered even in the slightest. It may seem like nitpicking, but I cared about the film a lot and some bits and pieces made little sense to me, regardless of what the general public say. Overall: IT is not a bad film. It's not incredible, but far from bad. It had it's scary moments and ideas and the film is certainly not for the weak hearted. Themes and ideas are shoehorned in nicely and darker topics are presented in a careful and appealing light. Performances all round are great from everyone, especially the losers club. Pennywise is an intimidating villain throughout and never fails to either disturb or creep you out. It does have it's flaws, but as does any film, and it is impossible to say that IT is not an entertaining film. Even if I wouldn't class it as a true horror it is very amusing and fun to watch in pretty much any situation and I would recommend it if you're ever bored or have nothing to do. Unfortunately I didn't feel it lived up to it's hype but hopefully chapter 2 may be able to improve and evolve from that. I didn't watch the film I was expecting and hoping to see, but it did work and it did achieve it's goal; to entertain, and entertain it did. Overall score: 6/10 Best shot?: The best shot of this film for me is when Georgie attempts to crawl away from Pennywise, his arm bleeding and him crying. IT's inhumanely long arm appears from the drain and we know it's all over for poor little Georgie. So harrowing, but so good.
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crushingonrazz · 7 years
Day 6
Rating: ...teen? or mature, idk man
Pairing: Classic Fontcest
Warnings: Brief Suicide Mention
I was thinking about how resets would work if they were the ever-repeating cycle with nothing ever changing, and I just got this idea in my head like "hey, if Chara found out how to control how repeating everything was, they could totally use this to mess with Sans!"
Every reset was always the same. Every single run, the same five days over and over and over. Sure, Sans could do something different, but after a while, even the most creative of people would start to run out of ideas, and Sans never claimed to be creative. And yeah, the anomaly could do something different, but there were only so many combinations of who they killed and who they didn't before even those started to become patterns. So he just repeated everything, the same five days, over and over and over again. Day 1 always started exactly the same way. He woke up hungover. He wished he could at least remember the night before, but it was so long ago that he'd long since forgotten what he'd done to earn such a severe headache and the large bruise that had bloomed up his sternum. He hoped it's been fun then, at least. He always groaned when he woke up, as one tends to do when they feel like shit. The first couple of resets, he was pretty sure he'd gotten out of bed and gone to get some aspirin, greeting his brother in the hall, but he'd long since started just staying in bed and waiting for Papyrus to come in and wake him. "SANS! GET UP, ITS TIME TO START A NEW DAY! IT STOPPED SNOWING!" "Uggghhhhhh" "COME ON SANS! YOU'LL FEEL BETTER IF YOU GET UP AND GREET THE DAY!" Then he was off, practically running down the stairs in his perpetual excitement. The same conversation, every time. And so Sans hauled himself out of bed, like he always did, and had breakfast, like he always did, and went to work, like he always did, and fell asleep at his post, like he always did. Four days later, he wished Papyrus a good night and went to bed, like he always did. The anomaly had been relatively kind this time, seemingly adamant on the extinction of Froggits, and only Froggits, for whatever reason. Sans didn't pretend to understand its reasoning. Sans laid down and closed his eyes. At least he hadn't been forced to find his brother's dust this time.
Sans was awoken the next morning by the sound of Papyrus bustling around the kitchen downstairs. He took a deep breath in, savoring the warmth from his blanket and the smell of bacon in the air. He relaxed into his bare mattress, not wanting to get up quite yet. He was way too comfortable, he could go back to sleep until Papyrus came to-- Sans's eyes shot open. Wait. This wasn't right. He was comfortable. There was no bad taste in his mouth, no headache, only warmth and nice smells and general good feelings. There had to be something wrong. Sans jumped out of bed without bothering to put on a shirt and ran down the stairs into the kitchen, coming to a screeching halt at the sight before him. Papyrus. Papyrus wasn't wearing his battle body. Papyrus wore his battle body all five days and he had taken off his battle body. Sans stood there in shock. Nothing new ever happened. It was Day 1, the anomaly couldn't possibly have done anything to disrupt the timeline and make his brother act differently yet, and why was his hangover gone? What the hell was going on? Papyrus turned around then and spotted Sans. "OH! HELLO! I AM SORRY I DID NOT WAKE YOU UP, I WAS DROPPING SOME BAKED GOODS OFF AT THE FUNERAL HOME" Sans couldn't stop staring. He hadnt seen his brother out of his battle body in what was probably years. He'd almost forgotten what Papyrus looked like in his favorite, warmest sweater. Hell, he'd forgotten that Papyrus even had a favorite sweater. What had happened to make this run so strange? "F-funeral home?" He managed to choke out. Papyrus looked at him in a reprimanding sort of way. "For those poor Froggits. No one seems to know what happened, but their dust has all turned up. I told you this yesterday, Sans!" He was quieter than usual now, as though he were starting to realize that there was something wrong. He remembered? He remembered! Papyrus had never remembered a reset before, it has only ever been Sans. Wait, but he said he stopped by the funeral home? That wouldn't make sense, that's not something you would do right when it started over--no. No way. It couldn't possibly be-- "Sans?" Papyrus looked very concerned now, having turned off the stove and kindness in front of him so they could be at eye level. "Sans, what did you do to your sternum!" He exclaimed. Sans barely glanced down. He didn't remember what he'd done, and he couldn't care less that he'd forgotten to put a shirt on upstairs. Sans felt tears start to run down his face unbidden as he stared at Papyrus, taking in the new sweater, the new breakfast, the new look on his face, all of these things that weren't really new but they were the first different thing Sans had seen in far too long and-- "Papyrus... it's Day 6!" he sobbed out, jumping forward and wrapping his arms around him. "Sans, I have no idea what you're talking about!" Papyrus cried as he was squished in Sans's desperate hug, but returning anyway because that's just who Papyrus was, he was kind and wonderful and God, now Sans could have a chance, he didn't need Papyrus to remember any more because it was Day 6, he would never have to repeat again because it hasn't started over, the anomaly hadn't taken it all away this time, they had let time continue forward, Sans could finally be happy. And with that, Sans pulled out of the hug only to kiss Papyrus with everything he'd ever wanted to, with everything he'd been holding in for hundreds, thousands of resets, with all of the love he'd held trapped down inside because of how damn terrified he'd been of it starting over and losing everything and oh, God, he was kissing Papyrus, what the hell was he thinking? He pulled back again, almost panicking. If it wasn't going to start over again, and Papyrus didn't want this, he'd just ruined everything. Papyrus would never want to look at him again, maybe he would even leave, he'd never want to-- Sans's panicked thoughts were abruptly cut off by Papyrus grabbing him by his shoulders and pulling him back into the kiss. He felt himself practically melting with relief. He hadnt been wrong, he hadn't been that much of an idiot to think that maybe, just maybe, Papyrus loved him too. They broke apart again, breathing heavily. "You have no idea how long I've waited for you to do that" Papyrus murmured, tracing a thumb along Sans's cheek. This was the best God-damned day of his entire life. Sans couldnt help the new flood of tears that made their way down his cheeks as Papyrus leaned their foreheads together and wrapped his arms around him. "Why are you crying?" He heard Papyrus ask. "I-I'm just so-- I'm so happy, Papyrus. I n-never thought w-we would ever b-be--" a new wave of happy tears joined the first, Sans not even bothering to try and wipe them away. "I'm happy too, and I must confess I also had my doubts that we would be able to--" "No, you don't understand!" Sans interrupted, and suddenly everything came spilling out. The resets, the anomaly, the hundreds of times that Papyrus had died, leaving Sans alone, even the times Sans had ended his own life first just so that he wouldn't have to live through it all even one more time, and how he always woke up in that same damn bed anyway. Papyrus listened quietly through the whole thing, never letting go of him, and occasionally reaching up to wipe away Sans's tears. When he finally finished, he was hiccuping from all the crying, and Papyrus was looking at him as though he'd never seen him before. "Well that would explain how you've been acting the last few days. I don't think I'd ever seen you so... Apathetic" Sans realized that Papyrus was crying now, as well, and kissed his cheek as gently as he could, then hugging him close. "I'm going to be alright, now that it's over. Now, I have everything I've ever wanted" "You know Sans, someday I hope to be half as strong as you" Sans leaned away in surprise, looking at Papyrus's face and finding no trace of humor. "You're kiddin', right? Did you miss the whole blubbery crybaby thing a second ago?" Papyrus shook his head thoughtfully, then said "That is not what I meant. Crying does not mean you're weak, it means things have been hard and you're finally letting it out! You are so strong! I never would have been able to come out the other side of what you've been through" Sans looked into his brother's eyes and counted his lucky stars that Papyrus was here, and safe, and that now, finally, he could be happy. The rest of the day passed in a blur. Papyrus didn't take very much convincing at all to call in sick to work, which Sans found surprising. He just hoped Undyne wouldn't notice anything suspicious about both brothers calling in sick on the same day. Or at least that she wouldn't bother them about it. There were more tears, more hugs, more kisses, and at the end of it all, Sans was the happiest he had been since long before the resets started. He never wanted to let go of Papyrus, never wanted him to leave his sight. Finally, he could be happy. Finally, it was over. Finally. That night, when Sans yawned for what was probably the five hundredth time, Papyrus just picked him up and carried him bridal-style up the stairs. "Paps! Put me down!" Sans cried, trying not to laugh. "I DON'T THINK SO, BROTHER. YOU ARE CONTINUALLY YAWNING AND I CAN SEE THAT YOU ARE EXHAUSTED! YOU ARE GOING TO BED!" Papyrus exclaimed. He had returned to full-caps mode at some point during the day, and Sans was happy to hear it. He sighed in mock defeat as they reached the landing, but he frowned when, instead of turning down the hall to head to his room, Papyrus kicked open his own door. "What are you doin', Paps?" He was surprised to see a blush come over Papyrus's face. "I..I GUESS I JUST THOUGHT...I CAN TAKE YOU TO YOUR ROOM IF YOU--" Sans laughed slightly. "Nah, bro. Rather be with you" and he tucked his face into Papyrus's sweater in a lame attempt to hide his blush. Papyrus's happiness was practically radiating off of him as he finished going into the room, setting Sans down on the edge of his bed and going into his closet to get changed. Sans crashed under the blankets and settled into the pillow, closing his eyes. Papyrus's bed really was ridiculously comfortable. Maybe Sans's bed would be this comfortable if he ever bothered to put sheets on it. Oh well. He felt Papyrus crawl into bed behind him, and, after a moment's hesitation, Sans rolled over and tucked himself into his brother's side, holding him close and wishing he could hold him closer. He felt Papyrus return the hug, and they stayed just like that for a while, their breathing matching, the fingers of one's hand tangled with the other's, just taking in the moment. "I love you, Sans" he heard Papyrus whisper. "I love you too, Paps. Always have, always will. Don't you ever forget it" He felt Papyrus plant a kiss on his forehead. "I won't" he promised gravely, and it sent a shudder through Sans's soul. They drifted off like that, tangled together, smiles softly curving on both of their faces, happy. Finally.
Sans woke up with a headache. He tried to sit up, and groaned when he felt the pain lacing across his sternum. "Ugh" he muttered under his breath. Suddenly, his door flew open, and Papyrus was outlined in the doorway, a giant smile on his face. Sans felt himself light up for a moment at the sight of him. Then, he realized. "SANS! GET UP, ITS TIME TO START A NEW DAY! IT STOPPED SNOWING!"
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