#no seriously i wasted 3 hours of shading thank god i started early or else i may have dropped out
rainbow-cheshire · 1 month
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☆тнє αєѕσρ ᴄαʀℓ zιηє☆
around half a year after i joined the zine community i drew cover art for the first time like holy crap??? i first knew of aesop carl because everyone keeps comparing kiyo to him before the idv x v3 crossover and as i start reading about him i got really intrigued, and even though i don't really play idv anymore he's still one of the characters that captured my interest and i'm really grateful for the opportunity to join and even create the cover for this (but i am also never drawing cover art along with i forgot how many page art pieces at the same time it was TORTURE)
this is also probably my favourite drawing ever to date? like holy crap who possessed while i drew this am i even able to draw like this ever again or is it only because i was doing cover art LOL
anyways go check out our zine with the link on my story highlight! (that i will post later) i also have a lot of reel material for this so ehehehehehe
oh and for some reason our team had a couple of technical difficulties? i originally did the shading for the minisops in a three hour lecture and i was about to finish but then my program crashed when i hit save :))) AND ALL MY PROGRESS WAS GONE SO I HAD TO DO IT ALL OVER AGAIN HAHAHA oh well at least it's done now, maybe it's the world trying to tell me i shouldn't draw in class but as an art student kindly shut up :D
💙if you are planning to repost my drawings/edits, etc either ask for permission in the comments/private message me, or mention my username in the caption AND tag me, or else i will ask you to remove the post for stealing thank you💙
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mrsdr-ethan-ramsey · 4 years
Rookie (Ethan Ramsey x MC)
Y’all, I couldn’t stop myself from writing this at like 12:30 last night. I literally fell asleep writing, but I needed to feel more angst. Honestly my biggest fear is that Ethan will start calling someone else Rookie. Plus it was an excuse not to do homework. I hope you all like it! (Also if you have any ideas or requests with Ethan, I would be more than excited to try to write them!)
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x MC (Parker Kennedy)
Summary: When Parker hears Ethan call another intern Rookie, she can’t stop herself from confronting him.
Warnings: Angsttttttt, cause I love and hate how much Parker and Ethan hurt right now
Word Count: ~2500
‘So far, so good’ Parker thought as she maneuvered through the familiar halls of Edenbrook. She was off to pick up her intern, Esme Ortega, after delivering the results from the diagnostics patient she tested early today. She felt like she was on autopilot as she thought back to her discussion with Dr. Ramsey.
“We’ll be okay. We’ll make it work.”
Her heart still stopped as she thought about those words. To anyone else it would sound like they were talking about work; about their professional relationship. But they weren’t. He held her hand as he told her those words. His thumb rubbed the back of her hand so lightly that if she hadn’t looked down she probably would have missed it. Was he talking about their work relationship? A little bit. Was he talking about their personal relationship? She hoped to some greater being that he was. Needless to say, she felt like she was on top of the world.
Once she reached the nursing desk, she found Esme talking with Jackie and her intern, Molly Addison, adamantly. Parker put her best smile on her face as she came over.
“Hey all! How were rounds? Sorry I had to miss it Esme.”
Esme looked over at Parker, obviously not enjoying her peppy attitude. “It was fine.”
“Oh my gosh, no it was amazing!” Molly squealed. At this, both Jackie and Esme cringed. Parker hid her slight annoyance for the young red head as she gushed about all the ‘super cool!’ things they had seen! Parker only slightly regretted asking her about rounds, but she was happy that the young intern was enjoying her time at Edenbrook.
“I’m glad you’re finding your place here!” Parker smiled, “But I’ve got to talk to Esme about a couple things. We’ll see you guys later!”
Esme quickly followed Parker whispering a small ‘Thank God’ as Jackie sighed, being left with the human version of sunshine and bubble gum.
After a couple hours of showing Esme the ropes and watching her present her case, she finally found herself back at the nurse’s station. She was about to congratulate Esme on her stellar performance so she could see her roll her eyes again before she heard a deep voice call down the hall.
Parker’s head immediately snapped to the familiar voice, ready to go help with Dr. Ramsey with whatever he needed. Just as she was about to head over, she watched Molly skip over.
“Yes Dr. Ramsey?” She asked sweetly, her voice dripping with desire.
Parker couldn’t hear the rest as her high from earlier quickly died. He obviously called her that before because she came right over and he started talking to her. When did he start calling other people Rookie? That was her nickname! Right? Although, he did seem reluctant to call her Rookie when she saw him at Donahue’s…but that doesn’t matter. The point is, he had only ever called her rookie. Now suddenly this beautiful intern was Rookie?
“Woah, Parker. Don’t think too hard. There’s going to be smoke coming from you soon,” Elijah called, snapping her out of her internal panicking.
Parker turned to see Elijah and Sienna coming up, their interns following close behind. They seemed good, not overly excited like Molly but more open to conversation than Esme.
“Second year doctors meeting only,” Parker said quickly, tugging Sienna and Elijah some ways away from their interns.
“What’s up P?” Elijah asked.
“That!” Parker whispered angrily as she gestured towards Dr. Ramsey and Molly talking down the hall. “He called her Rookie!”
At this, both the doctors’ eyes widen.
“Seriously?!” Sienna exclaimed. She wouldn’t be happy to beat up Dr. Ramsey, but if Parker needed her to she would happily kick his ass back to the Amazon.
All three of them turned their eyes turned back to Dr. Ramsey and the intern. He must have felt their eyes on him, because his attention immediately turned and shot them a little glare. In panic the three quickly ran off with their interns, hoping to avoid the wrath of Dr. Ramsey.
Parker tried not to think about how betrayed she felt. She really did, but it always seemed to be nudging her in the back of her mind no matter where she was. She bumped into six different people because she had been so distracted about it. That’s how she ended up wide awake in her bed at 2:30 am. Her body rolling around under the covers, hearing Ethan say Rookie only to have the young intern bounce up to him happily. She was pretty, Parker did have to admit that. Her hair was naturally red, layered with different shade of red and orange that made it look like flames. She was small with a near perfect figure. Parker, on the other hand, was scrawny right now and slowly starting to gain weight now that Sienna was making sure she ate three meals a day. While Parker had brown-green muddy eyes, Molly’s eyes were crystal blue. Seriously, how could a man resist a girl like Molly?!
Maybe it was the lack of sleep, or the desperation to know what was going on, but Parker found herself climbing out of bed quickly. She pulled on leggings and a baggy sweatshirt before she called an Uber. Tip toeing through her apartment, she was glad Landry was no longer there. If he had, she wouldn’t be surprised if he was up ‘getting ready to go to the hospital’ as this time. She rolled her eyes at this thought before slipping a pair of shoes on and hurriedly leaving her building.
The ride was short without the normal traffic of the busy city. 2:45 was an excellent time to drive through Boston, Parker thought as she stared out the window at the lights flying by. The towering buildings were a dramatic change from her Midwest home, and she loved it. She was meant to be here; she could feel it deep within her.
Once at Ethan’s apartment, she thanked her driver and tipped her generously for driving her at such an awful time. Parker than moved towards the familiar building, pressing his apartment number praying the buzzing would wake him up. After a bit with no response, she repeatedly hit the button over and over (she knew this would annoy him awake).
“I swear if this is a prank I will call the cops,” she heard Ethan’s familiar voice crackled angrily through the intercom, Jenner barking in the background.
Quickly, she hit the speak button and said urgently, “Ethan! It’s Parker! I need to talk to you, now!”
“Parker?” He sounded confused, and tired.
Before she could reply, she heard the lock click. She didn’t waste any time getting into the building, hitting the number for his floor. The elevator shot up, brining her closer to a sleepy (and more than likely pissed) Ethan Ramsey. When she was outside his door, she hesitated. Was she really going to barge into Ethan’s apartment and demand to know why he’s calling Molly, Rookie? This was crazy! She was crazy! She should just go home, and if Ethan asks her just deny, deny, deny. She could convince him it was a dream, right? Ugh, who was she kidding. Ethan’s too smart to fall for that plan, she thought. Instead, she stood at the door; petrified as she lifted her hand and knocked gently against the wood.
Ethan had never been a heavy sleeper, so when he heard his buzzer go off the first time he thought it had been someone hitting the wrong number. After it keep going incessantly and Jenner started barking, he forced himself out of his light sleep to scare the kids ringing his buzzer shitless. He had been more than surprised to hear Parker’s voice and quickly let her into the building, assuming that something had happened. He couldn’t think of another reason as to why she’d come 3 am. He swung the door open, preparing for the worst, but was surprised to see her completely fine.
“Parker, what’s wrong?”
Hearing his voice, heavy and low with sleep she lost her train of thought. All she could think about was how she had woken up to that voice before. How he kept her in bed as long as possible, knowing that when they left her room it’d be over. She just hadn’t expected him to replace her so quickly.
“Did I mean nothing to you?” she whispered, barely audibly. Tears threatened to stream, but she refused to cry in front of him. She already felt like a child compared to him, if she cried in front of him it would be the icing on the cake. But Ethan could easily see through her, so he opened the door wider to let her in. He wouldn’t let her cry in the hallway.
As she crossed into his space, Ethan’s brows furrowed in confusion, “What are you talking about?”
Ethan’s face flushed. “You heard that?”
Radio silence. Neither knew what to say to make this situation better. There was an invisible wall between the two and neither were quite sure how to take it down. Parker had tried that first night at Donahue’s when she kissed him, only to receive the nicest rejection she had ever gotten. She had hoped that seeing her and kissing her again would remind him of what they had before he vanished. Unfortunately, he had a much better resolve than her. So now she didn’t know what to do. She had no backup plan on how to win him back over.
“If you weren’t interested in me, you could have just told me…if you just wanted someone prettier you could have just said, you didn’t need to string me along for two months and then flirt with another girl in front of me to make that point.”
“I wasn’t flirting with her Parker. Christ.” He ran his hands through his bed head. How had she gotten that from one conversation with an intern whose name he couldn’t even remember? Did she really think that he’d try to get with an intern when he just told her that they need to keep a professional relationship? Did she really think that low of him?
He locked eyes with her. “I didn’t know her name and couldn’t be bothered to ask.”
Parker looked back at him, begging his deep ocean eyes to tell her the truth. She saw that he was actually hurt that she had thought he was flirting with another intern. She felt stupid for jumping to conclusions, but it had hurt to hear him call another person ‘Rookie’. If he was looking for a sure way to drive her crazy, he found it without even trying.
“I…I guess I had always thought I was your Rookie. I didn’t think you’d drop it as soon as you got back…”
“Parker,” he said gently, “You’re not a Rookie anymore. You’re a skilled doctor who earned her way onto the nation’s top diagnostics team. I assumed you wouldn’t want me calling you that anymore.”
He was right, as usual. Anyone else listening in would probably find the nickname degrading, not endearing like she did. She couldn’t fight his rationale behind the name change, so instead she looked down at her feet like a child caught stealing a cookie. Ethan looked at her small frame, finally analyzing her. She seemed a little off than what he had remembered her being two months ago. She seemed a little duller, not as wide-eyed and hopeful as she did when she first walked through Edenbrook. He hated that she lost her sparkle under his watch; he had no one to blame but himself.
Parker made her way to the floor to ceiling windows, looking out over the bay as she crossed her arms protectively in front of her. She was putting up a barricade around herself, hoping to ease the pain. If the wall between them wasn’t coming down, she’d simply put one around herself to stop her from trying to scale or break it down to get to him. “You still have the best view in all of Boston.”
“I’ve learned to appreciate it more,” Ethan said with a sad smile, thinking about how Parker had pointed the view out to him the first night they were together. That felt so long ago. He studied her shrunken frame. She looked at home in his space. He loved that, but he knew he shouldn’t get used to it.
Ethan heard her let out a small yawn, reminding himself of the time. “Why do you get a little rest before your shift. You take my bed; I’ll take the couch.”
At the offer, Parker turned back to look at him. “Oh, you don’t need to do that. I’m fine on the couch.”
“Nope. My house, my rules.” He insisted, as he lead her into his bedroom. He made quick work ordering Parker to take off her shoes and get in the bed. Once she was laying down, he pulled the covers up around her.
Parker let out a yawn as she looked up at Ethan sleepily. “Thank you.”
“You’re always welcome here Parker.”
As she closed her eyes and flipped onto her stomach, Ethan couldn’t stop his heart from going wild. Seeing Parker Kennedy back in his bed made him wish that he could wake up to this view every day. He wanted nothing more than to climb into bed next to her and pull her into his chest, whispering sweet nothings as she drifted off. Fuck, he had never been a romantic before she came barging into his life. He hated that she did this to him, but loved it just the same. Fighting every urge in his body to get into the bed, he walked out to the living room and sat down on the couch. Flicking on the lamp, he slid his glasses on and began to read a new medical journal as Jenner slept happily at his feet.
The morning had been weird for Parker and Ethan, but they maneuvered it as gracefully as they could…like a baby giraffe learning how to walk. They stumbled around kitchen making coffee and toast. He even offered to give her a ride to the hospital. As they walked in, they saw Baz walking in as well, so Ethan (ever so smooth) made the comment that ‘He and Dr. Kennedy had met early to discuss her role on the team’. Parker couldn’t help but smile at this as she went off to find Esme and start the day.
Late in the afternoon at the nurse’s station, Parker caught a glimpse of Dr. Ramsey talking to Molly again. Her stomach flipped and she tried not to listen in to the conversation…but she really couldn’t help herself.
“Dr. Addison, I expect the results on my desk by 6. And your patient better not be dead.” He said sternly, leaving Molly with a shocked look on her face. 
As Dr. Ramsey stormed off, he met Parker with a soft smile. He may not call her Rookie at work, but he knew he couldn’t call anybody else her nickname.
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@shatterpath Prompt: Lena and Alex love what they have become, but they miss being scientists! Who could possibly understand the similar positions that they are in?
It isn’t that Alex doesn’t enjoy the perks of the job. Leadership, control over her hours, and free coffee courtesy of Vasquez - who arrives a whole hour before everyone else to make it. Alex is good at her job. Great even, but she felt a twinge of guilt when J’onn had announced her promotion to a chorus of cheers and Alex’s stomach twisted into a knot. 
She had been working years for this. It’s what she wanted. Truly. But there was also that voice in the back of her head that kept saying isn’t there something missing? Because she’d felt it when her friends and family were buying rounds of drinks at their favorite bar, complementing her on all of her hard work. J’onn looked proud and for the first time in what seems like a hundred years, Alex didn’t wish that her father was there. Partially because J’onn had been there for Alex more than Jerimiah ever had, but also because Jerimiah could read her far too well and he would know that she wasn’t completely happy. 
She’d tried to switch her route coming into the DEO. The left wing instead of the right. Coming in early, showing up late, but nothing worked. Alex still had to pass a lab. Her lab. And nothing ever quite felt like home except that place. Occasionally, Alex gets to oversee procedures and tests, but she doesn’t have time to spend hours in there like she used to and it’s been eating at her enough to slowly dwindle down her excitement about her new job enough to make people notice. 
Kara is slightly oblivious. She seems very caught up on the idea that Alex is still wallowing in self-pity over Maggie. In fact, Kara had purposefully avoided going out with Lucy whenever Alex was around. Alex resented being considered that fragile and she insisted that Kara and Lucy continue on with their on again off again fling. At least it was entertaining to watch Kara squirm while Lucy tried to both be a flirty little shit and maintain appropriate boundaries. 
At least Vasquez and Winn are treating her normally. They’ll occasionally ask her if she wants to join their DnD game, which she does - somehow - enjoy. They think she’s lonely. 
They’re probably right. 
It isn’t until Alex gets this call in the middle of the night that she even has an inkling of what’s going on with her. “Hello?” Alex checks her clock, it’s 3:16 in the morning and she immediately assumes the worst. It must be Kara calling or someone from the DEO. Alex mentally prepares to get into work mode. Her gun is in her lockbox, her shoes were trashed after that deadly fire escape last week, but at least she knew where her jacket was. 
“Hey, Alex.” Oh. It’s Lena. Lena who has never once called Alex. Lena who once accidentally texted her a shepherd's pie recipe and apologized profusely for interrupting Alex’s day. Alex had talked to Lena alone approximately two times. Once when there was a bomb scare at LCorp and once during a bar trivia night when Kara, James, and Winn had ditched them because they thought they saw some famous baseball player near the tiny little stage. Alex had pinched Kara’s side as her sister scrambled out of the booth because Alex was concerned that being alone with Lena was going to be extremely awkward. And it had been, at first, but then Lena proved herself to be rather lighthearted and occasionally very sarcastic, and Alex liked that about her. Maybe a little too much. 
“Everything okay?”
“Yeah, um...” Alex could hear movement on the other end, Alex seriously hoped that Lena hadn’t been kidnapped because that was going to be a hell of a ransom. “So, my friend Jack is in town and he got alcohol poisoning like some kind of nineteen year old, and Sam...who is also wasted, fell and broke her arm, so...”
“You need a doctor on call?” 
“Kind of. I would hate for this to get into the papers somehow. You don’t have to if you don’t want to-.”
“No way, it sounds fun. Where are you guys?” 
“LCorp. In my lab. Text me when you’re here and I’ll let you in.” Alex hangs up and throws on whatever clothes she can find that have been discarded on her floor. She sloshes mouthwash around her mouth as she combs her hair and that’s about all the effort she’s willing to put in for this late at night. She brushes the dust off her medkit, gets on her bike, and speeds off toward LCorp. 
No traffic has made a ten-minute drive take two minutes and when Alex arrives Lena is already propping open the door and waiting for her. “Thank you so much for coming.” 
“Anytime.” They do a little awkward shuffle as they enter the building, but Lena seems to compose herself enough to hit the elevator button and only slightly lean against the wall, which lets Alex know that Lena must be slightly tipsy. “Fun night?”
“It was very fun. And then we all started losing count.” Lena laughs a little at herself. 
“You look nice.” 
“Thanks.” Lena looks down at her black lace top dress. “Do you really think so? I feel a little juvenile in this thing.” 
“No, it’s cute.” The elevator dings open before Alex can tell Lena that she looks really cute in the dress. Alex is so wrapped up in the sparkling white of the incredible and well-designed lab that it takes her a whole two minutes to notice Sam and Jack - she assumes - making poorly constructed paper airplanes and tossing them between their hospital beds. Jack has the upper hand, literally, as Sam’s arm hangs at her side. “Wow.”
“Alex!” Sam says enthusiastically. “Jack, that’s Alex.” 
“Hiya, Doc.” Jack still looks very drunk but the fluids that Lena has administered must be helping. “Sam fucking ate it.”
“I was trying to help you, idiot.” Sam uses her good arm to throw a paper airplane in Jack’s general direction. She misses by a mile. Alex goes over to check Jack’s fluids briefly before she turns her attention to Sam. “You should get a lab coat.”
“And cover up those arms? That would be a crime,” Jack exclaims. 
“Jack, leave her alone!” Lena warns. Alex feels the spot on Sam’s arm where the bone has been broken, gently. “How does it look?” 
“Not too bad,” Alex says. She looks up at Sam with a reassuring smile. “I’m not even worried about you. You seem tough.” 
“I’m drunk and tough, so I guess that helps.” Sam refuses to look at anything that Alex does. Jack feeds her peanuts that he’s found God knows where and Lena holds Sam’s other arm, rubbing her hand soothingly. “You’re good.” 
“I’m surprised I still remember how to do this.” 
“You don’t get to spend much time working in labs anymore, do you? Or med bays?” Lena questions. Alex tries not to let it show how much she’s dishearted by those two facts. 
“Not really,” Alex replies. 
“Did you do a lot of research? Before your promotion, I mean.” Lena seems to now be only focused on Alex. Sam doesn’t seem to mind, Jack is too drunk to care. 
“Uh...a little. Mostly side projects. Don’t tell anyone, but they weren’t exactly CDC approved. Or J’onn approved.” Alex remembers all those times when she’d spend the hours between saving the city and finding new ways to change the world. Those were good times. She felt like everything was exactly as it should be. 
“You sound like Lena back in college,” Jack slurs. “She’d rather be stuck in a lab than party.”
“I was never ‘stuck’ in a lab. It’s...it’s different. You don’t get it.” Lena waves him off. Alex’s eyes find Lena’s and she really does feel like she’s seeing the younger woman for the first time now. 
“I know what you mean,” Alex tells her. 
“Well, my lab is always open. If you’re interested,” Lena offers with a smile.
“That’s gotta be a euphemism,” Sam mutters which only makes Alex break her concentration and struggle to find a way not to blush. Lena’s blushing too, even her neck and shoulders have turned a lovely shade of pink. 
“I am interested.” Lena’s eyes widen slightly and it takes Alex a second to realize that Lena - and probably Jack and Sam - are unsure if Alex is interested in the offer or the euphemism. “In the...lab. I miss discovery. That was my favorite part.” When Lena and Alex manage to get Sam and Jack to sleep, they’re left in some kind of limbo. Alex doesn’t want to leave them two alone. She also doesn’t want to leave Lena. “I can stay if you want. We can take turns watching them.”
“No, it’s alright. I can never sleep in a lab anyway. There’s always something I could work on and I’m afraid I’ll probably start at least three things tonight.”
“Okay.” Alex smiles. “Sounds like fun to me.”
“You’re such a nerd.” Lena nudges Alex’s shoulder with her own. “I like that about you.” 
“Yeah.” Alex takes off her leather jacket and puts it over Lena’s shoulders. “Okay, so where should we begin?” 
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The Absent Heart
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((~Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9))
Ao3 Link: Here
GIF Credit: paradiseofimagines
 ~Part 2~ 
The day started off just like any other. 
Freya and the other girls were up before the sun, preparing the morning meal and completing other various chores around the Lothbrok home. She helped ready Queen Aslaug, just as she had been entrusted to, many times before. She brought her breakfast, laid out her dress for the day, and plaited a number of small, intricate braids into her hair; always finishing by mid-morning. The Queen would always thank and dismiss her with a smile. Leaving her to the remainder of her day, which was usually spent with Helga.
But today, their usual work took up less time than usual. There were few people for them to tend too, and they were well stocked on the many herbs and other various materials they used for their work; and Helga’s garden had been tended to several days prior, which left the remainder of the afternoon open for little work.
“Go.” Helga insisted with a smile. “There is no sense in sitting around, wasting a perfectly beautiful day.”
“Are you sure?” Freya asked? “I don’t mind staying if you need me too.” Helga simply laughed and shook her head, earning her a confused look. 
“You work enough as it is already.” She assured Freya. “Go enjoy an afternoon. I am sure if you know where too look, you’ll find the brother’s causing some form of mischief somewhere.” 
And sure enough, Helga was right. As Freya wandered farther into the woods towards the small clearing, she could hear the familiar sounds of metal striking metal as the brother’s sparred. Noting as she approached the treeline, that they still left her things in their usual spot against one of the many large trees.
Ubbe was the first to catch sight of her, grinning wildly but choosing not to give away her presence as she nocked an arrow and drew back the bowstring. Watching as she held steady for several seconds before taking her opening and loosing it in the direction of Hvitserk and Sigurd; watching as they leap apart, startled as it struck the tree beside them. Ubbe laughing heartily at their expressions as they turned, ready to skin whoever fired the arrow alive. Their expressions softening when they caught sight of Freya as she emerged into the clearing from the trees. Bowing several times as she laughed.
“Have you lost your mind?!” Sigurd questioned, eyes still wide with shock before they narrowed themselves at Ivar who was trying to control his laughter along with Ubbe. “You’ve not shot that thing in years! You could have killed one of us!” 
Freya scoffed, rolling her eyes at him as she planted her hands against her hips firmly.
“If I do so recall correctly, Sigurd, I never miss.” She replied, green gaze narrowed briefly before widening; a small startled shriek leaving her lips as she was swept up off the ground and thrown over, she was guessing Hvitserk’s, shoulder. Flailing her hands wildly against his leather clad back and she demanded to be put down. Knowing they remembered good and well she always hated when they did that.
“Hvitserk, I swear to the God’s! I will castrate you right here and now if you do not--” Her sentence was cut short as he dropped her small frame to the hard ground below. The harsh ‘THUD’ of her rear connecting with the ground echoing through the clearing as their laughter ceased.
“I think I would run run if I were you, Brother.” Ivar stated with a devilish grin as he watched Freya’s face turn red, all the way to the tip of her ears.
“You forget, I’m a better shot when I’m angry.” She stated seriously as she climbed to her feet, brushing the dirt and grass from her skirts.
“I-I didn’t- I mean I- I just- ...” Hvitserk stumbled over his words as Freya glared at him.
“I think what bone-head here means, is we are excited to see you.” Ubbe stated, patting his younger brothers shoulder reassuringly with a grin before scooping Freya up himself into a bone crushing hug. Setting her down after a few seconds of trying to struggle out of his grip, next to Ivar.
“Which begs the real question here,” Ivar stated as he elbowed her in the ribs playfully. “Why are you not with Helga?” 
“Because,” She replied, pushing back against him with her shoulder. “There was very little for us to do this morning, therefore, I have an afternoon with nothing to do.” 
“I think we can change that.” Ivar grinned as he held up his sword for her to take. Watching as she practically bounced out of her seat with excitement, snatching the blade from his hand, spinning gracefully into a fighting stance as she challenged Hvitserk.
The afternoon worn on with the clash of swords and laughter as the boys taught her new techniques and helped her brush up on past ones. Oh how Freya had missed this. It was rare that she saw them much anymore; save for evening meals, when they usually joined their mother for a few short hours. It was refreshing to join them like this, as she once did when they were children. It felt amazing to have that small freedom back, even if it was only for a short time. She would enjoy it to it’s fullest.
The day was warm, and soon her muscles ached with exhaustion from the mock combat moves they performed repeatedly for several hours. Her feet thanking her when they finally decided enough was enough and ventured down to the small river inlet to cool off. Freya was even to exhausted to be mad when Ubbe pitched her into the water, still fully clothed. 
She finally emerged back to land sometime later, sopping wet and grinning mischievously, noting that Ivar to be the only one still in her company. He was also completely unaware of what was about to happen as she crept quietly out of the water and around the log where he sat comfortably in the shade with his eyes closed. A startled yelp escaping his lips as the sopping wet mass tackled him in to the ground. Freya giggling hysterically as they rolled to a stop, Ivar landing on top of her with a menacing glare. Though the look had the opposite affect as she only laughed harder, Ivar rolling his eyes in annoyance as he pushed himself over into the grass.
“Oh come on, Ivar. I’m just having fun.” She giggled, standing and striping her wet clothes off, leaving on only a thin knee length shift as she hung the rest up to dry in the sun. Laying back down on her belly, in the grass beside Ivar. 
“We have two very different ideas of fun.” He replied, suppressing a smirk as he propped himself up with his hands behind him, shifting as Freya rolled between his legs and made herself comfortable in his lap. A contented sigh leaving her lips as his fingers found their way to her hair, toying with the long dark curls that spiraled past her shoulders.
“If you say so.”  She yawned lazily, green eyes opening to gaze up into those of familiar sapphire blue before closing again as she relaxed. Enjoying the comfortable silence that fell between them; nearly nodding off until he spoke sometime later, startling her eyes open once more.
“You should come with me too Wessex.” He watched as her brows knit together in a brief moment of confusion, green eyes searching his own, trying to judge if he was being serious or not. 
“And why ever would you want me to do such a thing?” She asked, now straddling his lap to better look at him, semi convinced of his serious...but still somewhat skeptical as she narrowed her gaze at him.
“We need the extra Healers, for one.” He shrugged. “It is a lot handle for only Tovi and Helga. They are the most trained, aside from you now.”
“And?” She pressed, knowing that couldn’t possibly be the only reason he’d be asking.
“And I think it would be good for you to see more than just Kattegat.” He added. “Just because you are technically a slave, does not mean you can’t travel.” 
“I don’t know.” Freya sighed as she relaxed a little, though her gaze was still skeptical.
“You only need answer yes or no.” He replied. “I will take care of the rest. At least promise me you’ll think about it?” She nodded in response but said no more, sighing as she realized the sun was starting it’s decent into early evening, and that she should be getting back. 
Pushing herself to her feet, she pulled on her now mostly dry clothes before extending her hand out to Ivar; helping him to his feet and handing him the crutch that aided his walking nowadays. Allowing him to lean some of his weight on her as they walked back to the Village in comfortable silence. Though Freya couldn’t stop her mind from wandering back to their previous conversation. 
It being the only thing on her mind for the remainder of the evening after they parted ways; and well into the night as she tossed and turned, the welcoming embrace of sleep, held just far enough out of her reach by the many questions that had begun to surface in her mind.
Was he telling the truth?
Did they really need more healers?
Why was this different than any other trip?
Was he really that afraid of losing her to someone else?
Surly taking her into battle couldn’t be much better...could it? Twice as many Viking men --lonely and aroused by gore and violence-- to contend with. Not that she saw herself venturing far from his side in such a situation. Why not just admit his feelings? She knew they were there, buried beneath his rough exterior. He wasn’t fooling anyone, no matter how much he thought he was. Even his own Mother could see it. Whether he wanted her too or not was a different story.
The endless possibilities were enough to drive her mad with exhaustion. But sleep still hung just out of her grasp as the faint light of a new day began to dawn. Leaving her even more vexed than she had been all night. Grumbling under her breath crankily as she dressed for the new day, knowing it would be twice as long due to not getting any sleep.
“Damn you Ivar Lothbrok.”
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bts-dontknowher · 7 years
More Than A Smile
Jungkook x Reader
Word Count: 2,305
Genre: Fluff
This is a request for a good friend. :)
Congratulations! After thousands of entries and hours of debate, we have chosen you as the photographer for our next project. Please arrive at the address below with whatever equipment you will need for this day-long, indoor shoot by 8am sharp. Don’t be late as this shoot may run longer than planned. Thank you so much, we look forward to seeing you next week!
I read over the sheet again then checked the clock; 9:03. And they thought I was going to be late. I tapped my foot on the ground then stood up, looking around the room and deciding to set up my equipment. Their concept seemed rather simple, but there are seven boys and that creates a million and one different pairings that you can make with that many people. I finished setting up around 9:30 and finally people started coming in, being loud considering how much this place echoes. A man walked up to me and held his hand out, “Hi, I'm so sorry we're late. It took far too long in hair and makeup but the boys are ready whenever you are”. I nodded slightly and looked at the group of boys in the corner of the room, talking and laughing. Wow, so that's BTS. They're so attractive in person—taller than I expected, too. Yoongi is my bias, always has been, but bias wreckers are such a problem. This is going to be rough. They were kind of separated in groups, Namjoon and Yoongi together, Jin, Jimin and Hoseok together and then Jungkook and Taehyung were so far away whispering and laughing. I walked to them and they quieted down, becoming one group again, “hi guys. My name is Bea. I'll be your photographer today”. They all said hi and talked over one another until they got quiet again, “uh let's start with outside shoot while we have the daylight yeah?” I smiled and they did, too, getting up and going outside. My eyes met Jungkook’s and he look so surprised. Why I have no idea lol. His lips parted and then he realized he was staring and blushed, dropping his head and walking outside quickly. I looked to make sure no one saw that then grabbed my camera and tripod, following them out to the bench they said they had to include.
I put them in a specific order, then stood back, watching them talk and laugh. “Okay! If you could all look this way please”, they did as I asked, and I began the shoot. We finished the group photos and I had to do individual ones, which I'm not excited for. Everyone was fairly easy to work with until I got to the last two; Taehyung and Jungkook. Tae opted to go first so I told him to stand next to the bench and lean against the pole. He did but every time I went to snap the picture, he laughed. “Please stop laughing, Taehyung”, I sighed, leaning down to get the shot again. He grinned and I groaned, standing up straight, “seriously!? You're wasting my time!” “Wait, w-wait I'm sorry”, Jungkook came up next to me and touched my shoulder but then quickly jerked his hand away like I burned him, “it's my fault. I was making him laugh. We’ll stop I promise”. I glared at him then looked back at my camera as Taehyung posed and gave the camera his signature smoldering look. I got a couple shots then waved him off, “hurry up, sit on the bench, Jungkook”. He scrambled to sit down and I sighed at his hair, walking over and using my fingers to calm it down. It's so windy out here I'm not surprised. He stared up at me through his lashes and I blushed, avoiding his eyes. Don't look at me like that. I went back to my camera and instructed him to do a couple of poses, snapping a couple pictures for each. Next was the part I was looking forward to the most, the sub-group shots. I like being able to pick who looks best together, you know? Place them how I want them to be placed. It was much easier for this, but it took a lot longer because their manager insisted on taking photos of all of them in 2-3 person groups so they could choose which they liked best later. “You have full creative right.” Yeah okay whatever you say. It's now 1:30 and the boys whined for a lunch break until they got it. I still have over half of the sub-group photos left and then a few more solo shots for this outfit and group photos but I'll see what I've got. I sat at my computer and downloaded all the pictures, smiling at they pulled up. I first sorted them by member and then gave the group its own folder and each sub group one too. Once I've picked which ones I like best, I'll send those in, in a neat fashion. But for now, I want to ensure I'll be able to keep all of them. FOR SCIENCE. I know these will need some editing but honestly, these boys are beautiful. I'm impressed with how good they look without any touch ups. “Bea?” I looked up quickly, blushing as I realized who it was and what picture I had been staring at. “Hey, Jungkook”, I smiled slightly and closed the picture, “what’s up?” He looked down, fiddling with his fingers, then breathed out slowly, “I wanted to ask if you thought I was doing a good job”. I made a face and stood, still being significantly shorter than him, but feeling a bit better about it, “what do you mean? You’re doing great”. “Do…D-Do I look good?” The question hung in the air for a second then he looked at me so I nodded, “yeah, you look great. I was…” I waved at the computer, “I was just admiring your picture”. His cheeks turned a light pink and he nodded quickly, “thank you. Sometimes I get really insecure I-I don’t know”, he avoided my eyes again, “this was easier when the photographer was a boy. I get really nervous”. I giggled and he looked up at me again, blushing even harder, “don’t worry. I promise you look great and you’re doing great”. He grinned and hugged me then backed up quickly, “s-sorry thank you”. He walked off quickly to the other two of the maknae line, the boys laughing and joking with him about our encounter. Yikes. “Alright, boys! Let’s get back to work!” I hopped up at the command and grabbed my camera, setting it up to finish in this spot. Hours passed and all that was left was a couple of group photos, but once again these boys were hungry. “Guys, just like 30 more minutes, can’t you wait?” I sighed and gave my best pout but they just kept whining, “FINE. Go ahead, hurry up please”. I sat on the ground and groaned, rubbing my face. I’m so tired of this, I want to go home. I love photography, don’t get me wrong, it’s truly my favorite art form, but I’m just of today I’m tired. Jungkook sat beside me, offering me half of some sandwich he was eating. “No thank you.” He nodded and kept it for himself, taking small bites, “you seem upset”. I nodded slightly then shook my head, “no, I’m just tired. I got up really early, it was an hour-long drive here and I was on time”. I looked at him and blushed, “I’m sorry, I hate to complain, especially to strangers”. “You’re very talented, Bea. I like photography, too, but I’m nowhere near as good as you.” He smiled and took another bite, looking up to the scene that’s laid out for them. I watched his jaw flex and relax as he chewed, biting my lip at the sight. He is a sight to behold. “Do you mind if I take more pictures of you?” His eyes moved to mine and his neck was already beginning to take on that red shade, “like right now?” I nodded, “just some casual ones. If you don’t mind”. He nodded so I stood, grabbing my camera and sitting back down, “just eat your sandwich, pretend I’m not here”. I got lost in him, taking more pictures than I had originally intended and soon my card said it was full. “I have to empty my card”, I stood and he looked up at me, “I think I got carried away”. He smiled so I returned one, walking to my computer and downloading all of the pictures again, sorting them where they belonged. I walked back to my tri-pod and setting my camera back up, “alright! Let’s finish this!”
Jimin and Jin offered to help me back up my stuff and clean up the room while everyone else just left. They were by far the nicest of the group, not to say that anyone was mean of course, but these two went above and beyond. Once we were done, I sat down at the computer again to ensure I had everything saved. “Thank you so much for this. On Thursday, we’re going to need you to come back if you’re available, to go through and decide”. I nodded slowly, “you actually want me to help pick?” “Of course, we do!” Bang smiled and left the building, Jimin and Jin following with “thank you” and “goodbye”! I sighed softly and saved my files, stuffing my laptop into my bag. As I stood, and my tripod got knocked over, I screamed, kicking it across the room. “H-Hey…” Jungkook walked over slowly, picking up the piece of plastic and closing it to its smallest and most transportable state, “it’s okay. The shoot is over now, you don’t have to be stressed”. He set the tripod down and I rubbed my hands over my face and through my hair, “I’m sorry”, I looked up at him, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to…explode like that”. He smiled, “I don’t have to go back…could I take you out? Just for coffee or something?” I stared at him, my lips parting as I nodded, “yeah, yes, sure”. I collected as much of my stuff as I could and he helped what I couldn’t get, carrying it out with me to the car. “Should I drive? Since you all came together?” He put his hands in his pockets, “would you mind? I don’t mean to be the lame guy without a car”. I laughed softly and shook my head, “get in, silly”.
We sat in a little 24-hour diner, drinking coffee and sharing a plate of fries. It was a picture-perfect moment, it was adorable. I wish I could’ve taken pictures of us but I didn’t want to ruin the moment. “I’ve never been on a date before”, he smiled slightly, looking all over my face, “I know this isn’t the fanciest place we could’ve gone or the most interesting date we could’ve gone on but”. I lifted an eyebrow, “this is a date?” He started blushing and shaking his head quickly, “n-not if you don’t want it t-to be. Oh god, did I ruin it? I-I’m sorry”. I grabbed his hands and he stared as I interlaced our fingers, “I think this is a lovely date”, I smiled, “I hope…” I sighed and he frowned, “you hope?” “I hope we could do this again?” The smile on his face was too cute, it made flowers bloom in my stomach, I felt like I was tingly all over. “I will be sure that this definitely happens again”, he whispered, lifting my hands to his mouth and kissing the back of each. He paid the check and we left, driving back to his apartment building, “well, this is me”. He unbuckled his seatbelt and looked over at me, “can I get your phone number?” I laughed softly and told it to him, watching him type my name with a smiley emoji and a camera emoji by it. We stared at each other for a minute, I watched the clock change in my peripheral, and then he cleared his throat, “can…can I kiss you, Bea?” “I would be hurt if you didn’t, Jungkook.” He leaned in some but then stopped abruptly, “I’ve never done this either”. I pulled his hand to my face and he cupped it gently, “just take it slow, I know you’ll do fine”. I closed the gap and we both sighed softly as our lips moved together slowly. It was calm like that for a while then he pulled back, panting softly. I closed my eyes for a second then opened them to say something, but was cut off by his mouth moving rougher against mine. He moved his hand to the back of my neck and I moaned in surprise at how quickly he caught on. A few more minutes and I pulled back, creating enough space to give the signal that we were done at that. He looked all over my face then licked his lips and backed up to sit normally, still looking at me, “sorry, I got carried away”. I smiled and shrugged, “that’s okay, it was nice”. We stared for a second then smiled. He leaned over and pecked my lips then opened the car door, getting out and leaning back in, “see you Thursday, Bea”. “See you soon, Jungkook.” He closed the door and I bit my lip, smiling as I watched him go inside. Well, I can certainly say I did not wake up this morning expecting things to go like this. But thank you to whoever let me win this competition. And thank you to whoever allowed me to find him through doing what I love.
Once again, another reupload because I’m the worst. There are a few more to come, so bare with me.
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