#no skip discography guys!!
yujrioz · 7 months
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Lun8 ★ Super Power MV
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pardonmydelays · 4 months
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mybiasisexo · 1 year
theres debate on who the current It girl group is. Names I see thrown around is new jeans, IVE (actually lots don't like this group which im like ?? but whatever) etc
the general census is aespa, but the actual answer is le sserafim and its by a loooooong shot
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babieken · 2 years
hi niki i’m annabelle (aka skzandnct, although i’ll be changing my url soon…you know how it goes lol). anyway i’ve been following you for a lil and i just wanted to say hi & you seem v cool !!! i definitely have a special appreciation for my monstaxtuals <333 i’m pretty new to stanning the group (and kpop in general tbh) but like, of all the kpop groups i feel like their music is the most ME. crescendo is my favorite song ever i listen to it every day at LEAST once. i’m still working through their discography, so i also wanted to ask, do you have a fave album/era of their music ??
ok now that i have rambled i am going to go, hopefully talk to you sometime soon :) !!
Oh hiiii annabelle!!! Nice to meet you!!! This is so sweet omg 🥺😭💜🫣💖💘💖❤️‍🩹💞❣️i love having new moots to talk to!!!🥹🥹🥹
Oh ooofff new to kpop... u did not join at the best time my friend 😞 i think kpop peaked at 2015 (i got into kpop late 2016 iirc) and it started going downhill since 2019-2020... and now with this whole hybe buying other big companies and potentially ruining them, the future does not look good for kpop.... anyway🤡 what was the topic? RIGHT Crescendo!!! Yes omg its a fucking masterpiece... Crescendo and Daydream are my favorite tracks of Reason but my favorite monsta x album and era is Fatal Love without a doubt and hesitation.
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operator-report · 7 months
My last two Worm posts have been downers so let’s answer one of the most crucial (to me) characterization questions ever: what is each Traveler’s favorite Radiohead album?
Noelle: The Traveler most likely to listen to Radiohead for real, in canon. Noelle came across an album called OK Computer one day and was like “I mean I like computers” and was greeted with the most anxious, dissociative and lush nerd music of all time. She was then immediately hooked. OK Computer is still Noelle’s favorite. Paranoid Android literally happened to her. So did all those car crashes Thom Yorke sings about although that’s maybe a bit more metaphorical. Her one bad Radiohead opinion is that she skips Electioneering when she’s listening to the CD in the car.
Krouse: Started listening to Radiohead when he found out Noelle liked them; has only heard OK Computer and Kid A but pretends to know their entire discography. Thinks Kid A is the best Radiohead album because that’s the critically accepted Correct Opinion and he knows more about [insert topic here] than you do. Krouse can quote Kid A’s Pitchfork review from memory.
Marissa: Noelle didn’t show Krouse Radiohead on purpose because she was worried he’d make a joke about the band being cliche. She did show them to Marissa. Marissa does not like Radiohead. Whenever Noelle listens to Radiohead in the car she gets a little bummed out on Noelle’s behalf, but hey, whatever makes her happy. In Rainbows is their least worst album but like. Why does that guy sing like that don’t you want to listen to Paramore instead Noelle.
Jess: As the Traveler with the best taste by, like, a mile, Jess likes In Rainbows for real. She thinks the pay-what-you-want release was a cool and revolutionary thing for bands to do in the ~internet age~ and thinks the songs whip too. She will encourage you not to forget In Rainbows Disk 2. Krouse has no idea that In Rainbows Disk 2 exists and thinks that Jess is fucking with him every time she brings it up (she is).
Luke: Luke can name a couple of 90’s-era Radiohead singles and doesn’t mind jokingly singing Creep at karaoke. In a pre-Simurgh fit of being Down Bad For Noelle, Krouse informed him that Pablo Honey is bad so he says his favorite is The Bends, as instructed by Krouse, if anyone asks. Will then quickly switch the topic of conversation to Green Day.
Oliver: Went on a parallel journey to Krouse in which he found out about Radiohead through Noelle and decided to listen to them because he thinks Noelle is cool. The big differences between Oliver and Krouse are (1) he has listened to OK Computer, Kid A, Amnesiac, and In Rainbows; and (2) he likes Kid A for non-stupid reasons. This is a person who would genuinely like to learn How To Disappear Completely.
Cody: Creep speaks to him. It’s also the only Radiohead song he’s ever heard. Pablo Honey.
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aanhedoniaaa · 1 year
TBP Guys with a swiftie S/O
modern AU
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Finney Blake
he’d like taylor a little before you guys started dating. like, he wasn’t a full on swiftie but if he heard a song of hers on the radio he’d go “oh i know this song”
like he’d know all the basics, shake it off, our song, tim mcgraw, you belong with me, blank space..all that
(i feel like he secretly listened to lover)
BUT when you start dating and he finds out you’re a swiftie it’s a different story
he will listen to ANY of her songs you put on, even if he hasn’t heard it
you have converted him into a full time swiftie, BE PROUD.
your guys’ song is definitely lover or enchanted
Robin Arellano
i feel like he’d be one of those guys that acts too cool to like taylor, like if someone mentions her he’s like “oh i dont really like her”
(but when reputation comes out he’s UGH i feel like he’d be such a reputation or fearless stan)
i feel like early on in the relationship he’d still act like hes “too cool” for her, but like lowkey love when you play her in the car or something (he is NOT driving)
later on into the relationship however, he’d be like “play that one song” (probs a song from reputation) and sing along to it
your guys song is definitely don’t blame me or paper rings
Bruce Yamada
he definitely listens to lover. like if it comes on spotify on shuffle he won’t skip it.
i think he’s the type of dude to like any music his partner likes. like if you suggest an artist, he’ll listen to their entire discography.
even before you started dating and he only had a crush on you, he would dedicate taylor’s songs to you.
he doesn’t know a whole BUNCH of songs, BUT would heavily appreciate it if you gave him songs to listen to
he probably loved 1989 when he was younger
AND your guys’ song is fearless or love story (i’m sorry he’s just so fearless coded)
Vance Hopper
since i headcanon that he has sisters, i think his younger sister is a swiftie, 100%. and he has to deal with her blasting it 24/7
so he probably knows a handful of songs, not too many, but not “just a few”. he doesn’t know the lyrics, but if it played, he’d recognize it.
when he finds out you’re a swiftie he acts annoyed and mentions that his sis is also a swiftie, which you find cool !! (i hope)
you also make him listen to fearless because. just look at the dude. doesnt he look like a fearless or a debut guy?
ESPECIALLY RED OMG. i feel like he’d love red or speak now
your guys song is better than revenge (i don’t think he would know the lyrics, he just probably likes how it doesn’t sound too pop) or stay, stay, stay
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saintetheldreda · 1 year
so i used to say vide noir was my favourite lord huron album because it is the most atmospheric of their albums and this is obviously a big part of it because vide noir is atmospheric as shit but honestly now i think it is less vide noir’s atmosphere and more its brilliant and uniquely insane batshit intensity that makes it such a special part of the lord huron discography.
can you imagine if you were listening to lonesome dreams and you heard a lyric like “cosmic ash and blackened brain i call you by your ancient names” youd have a heart attack lord huron have always been very emotionally intense but the way they took their gentle folk inspired melancholic beautiful cowboy sounds of love and heartbreak and strange happenings and turned it up to the raging neon scream into the darkness that is vide noir is quite possibly the most iconic thing any band has ever done. i know we have setting sun in lonesome dreams and that song is gorgeous and intense but it is just not the same kind of intense. you get your heart broken in strange trails and its “i dont know what to do haunted by the ghost of you” and how do i break the curse you left on me and runes on my skin and shit thats bad gang but you get your heart broken in vide noir and your soul gets hurled to the edge of the cosmos then plummets back into the ocean through a fucking hole in the fucking sky what the FUCK guys what the FUCK. i love playing vide noir all the time because this is my favourite framework through which to view my lived experience everything is so heightened and bright and loud and dramatic and imagining the world around you that way is just so magical. we start vide noir with “if i don’t find her i’m gonna tie that noose” we are promised a depth of love that stops at nothing and is no holds barred and bloody and raw and god does the album deliver on that promise every fucking second that follows. its the feeling of following your heart through its deepest darkest most twisted strange and unfamiliar paths without having any idea where its going, just to know what it has in store for you, because thats how committed you are to following it. there is no equivalent. sorry to say something a little sacreligous but vide noir makes the world ender look like skipping in the park like the world ender is pretty metal when the world ender comes baby run for your life and whatever but in vide noir we are trying to outrun the fucking pure black void im sorry but thats horrifying.
going from the ethereal, dreamy vision of the unknown in the yawning grave and frozen pines to vide’s something escaped when you opened the gate and now the unknown is everywhere and we’re drowning in it is just. its everything. this is not to disrespect the world ender or strange trails or any of the other songs and albums because the day i take any of that for granted i will cease to exist (esp the world ender that song owns my entire heart and soul). all of the albums and songs have something so unique to them and special about them which makes them completely irreplaceable. i only aim to argue that in the realm of intensity and insanity, vide noir is king. i am also intense and insane and i am its subject. hence irresistible fave
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sneezilla · 8 months
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I drew this at the end of December/beginning of January and debated posting this, but figured fuck it. This is TF related. Thomas is a Roland Juno 106 Synthesizer and Guy-Manuel is a Roland TR 909 Drum Machine. Both were used extensively in their early works. Styled in a blend of G1 and TFA! Long rant about both DP and TF, feel free to skip!:
2023, for me, was the year of the robot. Early last year I listened to DP's entire discography, and while in the middle of listening to HAA their 10 year remaster of RAM released. Since then, the entirety of this year has been dedicated to house music. They've always had a special place in my heart, as I was familiar with their standout hits (Get Lucky, Harder Better Faster Stronger, Robot Rock, etc.) but I never took the time to delve in deep. I finally had the time while on a trip with some friends. It's surprising how enjoyable it is to listen to Around the World while stuck in a van with others for hours at a time. Now, whenever people think about me, they think of that song. An earworm that entire week for sure. I remember in June when they released Infinity Repeating. A friend sent me the article of it, and I remember bawling my eyes out while listening to it. Several times, in fact. They were my number one listened to artist last year. I had almost 60k minutes listened, and out of that, I spent 7.7k of those on DP alone. Discovery was my number one album, 196 plays. While not my number one song (just missing the mark by one play), I listened to Face to Face 142 times. All of that is on apple music alone.
When I came back from that trip, I was reminded of Transformers. I, as many youngish people at the time, grew up with the Bay films. I also had the TFA game on my DS, and watched G1 a few times thanks to my little brother, but I definitely wouldn't say it was a core piece of my childhood. I binge watched the Bayverse movies, watched TFA, then TFP, then Earthspark, then G1, then intermittently read the comics (still ongoing with that one), tried watching RID 2015 (couldn't get through it, sorry) and then Cyberverse. All in the span of a few months. It's another thing people know me for, now. Not just in real life, but my online presence here is attached to it. In just this half a year interacting online I've met some amazing people. There's definitely other things to say, like how I know more about Transformers than my dad that grew up watching G1, or how I fondly recall painting my best friends nails while watching the 86 movie (his brother hates when men paint their nails, we wanted to prove a point). There's so many things I could say about this year, how incredibly humbling but exciting it was, how much I've grown and learned this year. But I want to say thank you. To both everyone I've met and everyone that's read this far. Here's to another!
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tigerkxt · 1 year
hello i have been a lurker since 2013 i think and no longer starting now i don’t care here are my aot music taste headcanons:
eren - pre time skip eren is a pop punk/emo guy (neck deep, waterparks, fireworks) and pt 4 eren is scarin the hoes™ (pouya, ghostmane, freddie dredd)
mikasa - mitski pilled femcel who’s not afraid to party (HAIM, sleigh bells, leikeli47, princess nokia)
armin - little alt/indie baby (hippo campus, bad suns, coin)
historia - feminine and poetic artists that have lyrics for captioning photos (big swifty, rina sawayama, caroline polachek)
ymir - dirty garage rock bands i can just see her at little shows i feel like trying - bully is her soul song (best coast, FIDLAR, SWMRS)
sasha - whatever is big on tiktok/online atm
connie - absolute hype beast (tyga, post malone, j cole, 21 savage)
jean - he has the same music taste as the very cool boy who u fell for when you were young but “wasn’t ready for anything serious” (the smiths, modern baseball, mac demarco)
marco - artsy unique and cute (remi wolf, lana, blood orange, frank ocean, BROCKHAMPTON)
bertholdt - top 40s ass bitch
reiner - listens to stuff he thinks “men” listen to and then stans women of pop in secret bc he thinks it’s embarrassing smh he loves drake, def a barb
annie - really beautiful and powerful pop beats and eloquent lyrics type shit to make ur chest hurt (tinashe, kelela, lorde)
erwin - y’all know he is your dad copy paste (guns n roses, led zeppelin, owns the entire beatles discography)
levi - i can’t see him as anything other than a rap guy sry (a$ap ferg, denzel curry, baby keem, tribe called quest)
hange - PRINCE, B-52s!!!!!! any new wave/early alt stuff but will also listen to anything they think is interesting i can def see them fw hyper pop
and bonus:
zeke - a man for the classics he’s def a stones guy and pretentious ab it but i’m also seeing him into reggae (the replacements, elton john, the strokes, third eye blind)
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lonestar64 · 7 months
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went to a very cool local cd shop with my dad last night!! i wasnt there for long but i got a good look around and found this guy!!!!!!! it was still packaged too and it smells amazing xD definitely coming back there sum time
the bends is a phenomenal album; not a single song id skip!! ranging from tunes that absolutely rock out (just, my iron lung) to a more melancholy sound (nice dream, bullet proof..i wish i was) i know i usually dont blog about radiohead, or for the record blog in general XDD but i strongly recommend anyone looking for some new music to try ‘em out. especially if youre into other bands like the smiths, nirvana, or smashing pumpkins, you might really like them! uhh sry i went on a whole rant abt this im just very passionate lolol and ive been a fan of radiohead for a little over a year (tho it feels like longer :,D) and ive fallen in love with their music. although i havent explored their full discography yet i really want to because i know their other albums probably rock!!
in conclusion listen to radiohead
(the bends is a great place to start)
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I was freaking out over this all night. So I woke up and now the thoughts have been ruminating. BUT THIS IS SO IMPORTANT TO ME!!!! Fumiya certainly puts a whole lot of emphasis on all of them being together as a group, he's the one who got them all together and our little fourth-wall breaking dude who's aware of everything-- the charsima charges, the charisma breaking, everything. So it means everything to me that he's included them in his break.
I feel {I'm projecting} that you can faintly hear the other 6 in the backgrounds of Ohse, Saru, and Amahiko's solos. But it's faint!!! It's so faint but like they are always there in the background because they are the ones that are always cheering the person who broke on, the one being their background support. And then those guys just bounced off of that.
For Ohse, these guys are cheering him on. That's why he was able to do the things he did because he could hear the other guys and that's all the motivation he needs.
For Saru, he receives the cheering and their support as validation. They're confirming that he's cool, they're supporting him!! Making him feel seen.
For Amahiko, they're like background dancers/support for his sexiness. They're always there, he's never thought twice about it, they're to always exist in his presence. That fact is just like any other fact.
Fumi... he knows. He's well aware that the charisma charge was a group effort-- he's aware of how much they contribute. He THANKS them and he places them on the front stage WITH him.
I think there's just a huge emphasis on them as a group-- as a team-- as a collective-- and I think this is the only thing that's going to be in my brain for a solid moment.
I've already vocal kin-assigned them with much deliberation and cross reference. Fumiya = Samatoki with the energy of someone who just wants to go home
Rikai = Jyuto, that's a perfect match what the hell.
Saru = Dice, both howling out bars fr
Iori = Gentaro, that's no lie.
Ohse = Jyushi tone, Doppo energy
Terra = Saburo, why are they sticking so many effects in there-LeGaCy
Amahiko = Jakurai after he's downed too many bottles of alcohol. (MY FRIEND SAYING SEXY JAKURAI LIKE THAT MAN ISNT. ALREADY.)
=== {screams into the void} I will personally skip and twirl down the crsm rabbithole with anyone.
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pharawee · 1 year
5 Songs Tag - QL Shows Edition
I was tagged by @leonpob and @wanderlust-in-my-soul. Thank you so so much! 💜Negl I saw this tag game going around and I was waiting for someone to tag me because I love (Thai) BL soundtracks. I have a playlist and everything. I could rec you songs for hours. I apologise in advance for this list probably having more than 5 songs. You can't expect me to decide. You just can't.
When you get this, list 5 songs from the Asian QL media that you actually listen to.
���They do not have to be custom-made for the series. 🎶Non-western tracks only. Let's support Asian music and languages! 🎶Feel free to tag anyone who may be interested in participating. 🎶Add #5qls tag to your post for others to find the new favourites!
1. Noh Phouluang, พร้อมเคียง (Nitiman)
Probably the first Thai song I fell in love with (aka the song that started a ~16 hour long playlist). This song will always have a special place in my heart. Sometimes I still catch myself just humming along while I'm out shopping. Think of Nitiman what you will (personally, I loved it) but the soundtrack was really good. I'm still sad one of the songs never made it to spotify. Also, Noh has an amazing voice. I really hope he gets to sing again.
2. Pantherist, กี่เหตุผลที่ทำให้รัก (WHY R U)
There's just something about this song that's so beautiful. It's so comforting to me. Negl this song is defnitely one of my happy places.
3. พัตเตอร์ ภูเบศ, ฉันรู้ ฉันรู้ (OUR DAYS)
If you know me even a little bit, then you know I love synths and 80s vibes. I also love Our Days. It's how I discovered Palmy. Putter was a complete surprise though. Sadly it's his only song (on spotify) so far.
4. Newery, พรหมลิขิต (I WILL KNOCK YOU)
Why this song never made it to spotify I'll never know. It's perfect. The whole soundtrack for this series is perfect (as is the series itself but I digress). This is Newery singing a perfect(!!) cover of Destiny and I could listen to this for hours.
5. Kacha Nontanun, ขอลืม (THE LUMINOUS SOLUTION)
Another song that never made it to spotify and it is an outrage. Kacha's voice is heavenly and the chorus of this song hits so hard. It's so sad and haunting and soft, and it captures the series perfectly.
6. Taro Shatree, แค่เธอลอง (EVEN SUN)
I think we can all agree that Even Sun was ?? ???? but, you guys, this song! When it first came out I had it stuck in my head for WEEKS. I can't believe it's not on spotify. Taro Shatree is definitely on my radar now (even if he deleted like, half of his discography from spotify😭). Most recently he wrote and arranged this song for Boom Raweewit (Lue in Chains of Heart) that I also really like.
BONUS: Boy Sompob, ฟังใจ (LA PLUIE)
Oh no, I forgot a Boy Sompob song. This isn't right. You can't make a list of QL songs and not put Boy Sompob on it. Anyway, here's an an acoustic version of ฟังใจ. He sang this live. LIVE. I love one (1) man.
I'm tagging @cytharat @liyazaki @asianmade @singto-prachaya @respectthepetty @bengiyo (please feel free to skip this, of course 💜)
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inkameswetrust · 1 month
so i was just cleaning my bathroom with my btr playlist on shuffle and til i forget abt you started playing. i instantly thought of this one day in the public speaking class i took for college before i left where we all had presentations due to basically introduce ourselves to the class and get comfortable with speaking in front of an audience only MY WEIRD ASS DIDNT FOLLOW DIRECTIONS AND MADE A GOOGLE SLIDES PRESENTATION ON BIG TIME FUCKING RUSH. i discussed their origins, i gave a general synopsis of the nickelodeon series, talked abt their discography, their hiatus, and their comeback in 2021. it was very much an "and then everyone clapped" kinda moment cuz one girl literally took her phone out to call her mom and was like mom i love this school this is what its all abt this one guy literally gave a speech on big time rush. and when class ended we all filed into our next class waiting for our professor. this really nice dude donovan started playing big time rush from his phone while we waited bc it made me really happy and everyone was in a huge btr mood but then he skipped halfway there and i looked back at him with this really disgusted look like WHAT THE FUCK DONOVAN WHAT WAS THAT ABT ??????
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leehansfishies · 2 months
ENHYPEN’s Discography
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Hello Fishies!! Today we're doing my absolute ult group's discography as my first post. Lemme know how you feel about this layout, and if I should add or omit certain parts.
One!! I got into Enha when they're first album came out, so I've been into their music for a hot minute. I truly love every song and I almost never skip their music when it comes on.
Two!! This is purely my opinion. If you disagree, that's fine, but be respectful. We all have our own taste, and we cannot fault each other for that.
Now that I got my little blurb out, let's actually get start!!
If I had to give their Korean title tracks a rank it would be :
1.Blessed-Cursed 2.Drunk-Dazed 3.Tamed-Dashed 4.Bite Me 5.Future Perfect 6.Fatal Trouble 7.Given-Taken 8.Sweet Venom 9.XO
I have always been a Blessed-Cursed girlie since it came out. I was clutching my hypothetical pearls when I was watching the music video. Like I woke up early before school to listen/watch, and then just had to go to school like nothing happened. XO is good, but at the time of me making this, it's been out for a day, so I don't truly have a solid opinion, but I really don't think it will change.
If I had to give their Korean albums an overall rank it would be :
1.Manifesto Day One 2.Dark Blood 3.Border Day One 4.Dimension Dilemma 5.Dimension Answer 6.Memorabilia 7.Border Carnival 8.Orange Blood 9.Romance Untold
Guys, Manifesto Day 1 is one of the best albums ever imo. I love it so much and I immediately went to both Targets in my area to buy the 6 versions. Again, Romance Untold has only been out for a day as of posting this so I don't have a solid opinion, but i really don't think it'll change.
My favorite song from each album :
Border Day One Given-Taken - Absolutely iconic debut imo
Border Carnival Fever/Mixed Up - They just hit so hard
Dimension Dilemma GBGH - My fav club song
Dimension Answer Blessed-Cursed - Clutching my pearls
Manifesto Day 1 Foreshadow - It is so ungodly how good it it
Dark Blood Chaconne - I feel like I'm on drugs
Orange Blood Blind - It's so like cyber sounding to me
Memorabilia Teeth - I literally feel like the hottest girl in the room
Romance Untold Brought The Heat Back - Ass shaking banger
Just a couple extra things :
My least favorite song is Blockbuster. It is not a bad song whatsoever, I just don't vibe with it as much as all their other songs.
A song that I am not ashamed to admit I unironically love is Keep Swimmin' Through. It is saur cute and fun and I don't trust you if you don't sing along(jk)
Song Recs : Just A Little Bit Upper Side Dreamin' I Need The Light Criminal Love Zero Moment.
Thank you so much if you made it to the end!! I hope this was a fun little read for you and I hope you stick around ≧◡≦
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6, 7, 26, 42, and 55
6. Whos an artist you really like but are embarassed to admit it?
The first answer that comes to mind is the smiths because its like suuuch whiny dude music and also fuck morrissey but also they have a killer rhythm section and hes occasionally real as hell so 🤷‍♀️ but also van halen. Just bc i feel like its so random but they were my special little guys age 12 and they will forever have a place in my heart and head
7. Would you wear a tshirt of a band youre not into?
NOOOOO NO NO. Maybe im also just like paranoid that someones gonna come up to me and be like Oh yeah? Name three of their songs and then im gonna look like a POSER but i have to be intimately acquainted with at least one of their albums before i wear a shirt lol
26. Have you ever pretended to like an artist/song just to fit in or please somebody?
An ex of mine was a massive swiftie so i memorized her whole discography (because thats just what i do) but instead of giving my true feelings on it (kind of went downhill after speak now and has an overly large reliance on lyrics that makes the quality if the song slip) i said i liked it lol
42. Your favorite "no skips" album(s)
First of all every album is a no skip even if i hate a song because that song is important to the soundscape of the album regardless of my feelings towards it and skipping is like. Disrespectful??? Idk man. Secondly i have a lot of albums that i like every track off of so i will only name one (1) and right now that is at the gate of the horn by odetta which is easily one of the most albums ever
55. An album you learned to love after listening to again and again
A lot of late 70s and onwards tom waits is like that .... the first listen youre like ????? The second listen u start getting into it and the third listen youre like This may be the greatest thing ive ever heard. Anyways real gone (2004) is VERY good if ur into experimental blues give it a chance
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greenlikethesea · 1 year
🎶✨️ When u get this u have to put 5 songs u actually listen to, publish. Then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool) ✨️🎶
You Can Call Me Al - Paul Simon
when you listen to paul simon, it's just as much about the music as it is about the lyrical content. it's funny, it's a sentimental favorite of mine, and my mother thinks the music video is the funniest thing she's ever seen. and even though it's chevy chase, i would happen to agree with her. paul simon has a very special place in my heart as probably my favorite lyricist, and while this isn't his very very best song lyrically, it's still pretty goddamn good. even a joke song for him is a masterpiece.
2. deja vu - Olivia Rodrigo
look, i don't know what to tell you! i find this girl's first heartbreak to be very endearing, and this song is a very good pop song. when my first boyfriend and i broke up, he immediately started hooking up with a girl whose house he'd been fixing, and ohhhhh did i feel fucking sour about it, even though he was bad for me. this really brings me back to that young, hurt place, evocative and raw. the video to this song is also stunning and imo, up to interpretation. is she jealous? does she secretly also want this girl?
3. Girlfriend Is Better - Talking Heads
for christmas one year, my oldest brother received stop making sense on dvd, which was at the top of his christmas list. we watched that movie pretty much nonstop over the next six to eight months, and i got to know the talking heads' discography extremely well. i was mesmerized by this band and their live show, how well thought out the entirety of the film was. and seeing this band, diverse and alive and living for the music, was endlessly inspiring as a person who was just getting an inkling of wanting to write songs. i regularly get this song stuck in my head, twenty years on.
4. Malibu - Trixie Mattel
this song is, to me, the epitome of summer romance. i've had a few summer flings and startups in my life, and there is no feeling more thrilling than getting that text that this person is waiting outside for you, especially if they've come from someplace far to scoop you. there's something to be said about spontaneity in relationships, something that you just ride and see how it unfolds. and usually it unfolds as it should, like the universe will.
5. The Weather Girls - It's Raining Men
about six or seven years ago, i watched the pride parade on the manhattan patio of a rich guy that a friend of a friend knew. (i will never know that type of life, haha.) in a semi-drunk haze, i looked down at a lull in the floats and heard this song blasting from one that was upcoming in the parade lineup. directly in my line of vision, in front of another luxury apartment building across the street, was a doorman completely losing his shit -- shaking his ass, waving his arms, skipping and singing at the top of his lungs. happy pride, everyone.
thanks so much for sending me this ask!!
i'm just going to tag people, as it's too much effort to go into people's inboxes:
@friendship-switchblades @sparklyslug @dallae @senorablack @micamicster @sophrosyneadrift @andropogonfalons @chamacafeahorrible @agatheringofbees @dodger-chan
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