#no spaces in the blog name obviously
psylid · 9 months
heyyyyyy, somehow i've been gone for almost a year again 😔.
just wanted to let anyone who is still around know that it finally happened, and i got into another fandom enough to draw for it--
i've actually been posting a little bit over on my second art tumblr that i made years ago but never used because i never drew anything besides hat films lol.
the fandom is.....it's always s/unny in p/hiladelphia lol. if you happen to be a fan too or just wanna hang out, please do! currently, i am very busy being m/acdennis trash, but i'm hoping now that i've broken the seal, i'll draw for more fandoms like W/WDITS and such.
anyway, come say hi if you're up for it: @ p s y m a c h i n e
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scare-ard--sleigh · 1 year
not to be like a mom about this and there's no way to say it without sounding ageist but i see sooooo many 18 year olds with nsfw blogs and it concerns me so much tbh
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ktempestbradford · 3 months
I have been on a Willy Wonkified journey today and I need y'all to come with me
It started so innocently. Scrolling Google News I come across this article on Ars Technica:
At first glance I thought what happened was parents saw AI-generated images of an event their kids were at and became concerned, then realized it was fake. The reality? Oh so much better.
On Saturday, event organizers shut down a Glasgow-based "Willy's Chocolate Experience" after customers complained that the unofficial Wonka-inspired event, which took place in a sparsely decorated venue, did not match the lush AI-generated images listed on its official website.... According to Sky News, police were called to the event, and "advice was given."
Thing is, the people who paid to go were obviously not expecting exactly this:
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But I can see how they'd be a bit pissed upon arriving to this:
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It gets worse.
"Tempest, how could it possibly--"
source of this video that also includes this charming description:
Made up a villain called The Unknown — 'an evil chocolate maker who lives in the walls'
There is already a meme.
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Oh yes, the Wish.com Oompa Loompa:
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Who has already done an interview!
As bad (and hilarious) as this all is, I got curious about the company that put on this event. Did they somehow overreach? Did the actors they hired back out at the last minute? (Or after they saw the script...) Oddly enough, it doesn't seem so!
Given what I found when poking around I'm legit surprised there was an event at all. Cuz this outfit seems to be 100% a scam.
The website for this specific event is here and it has many AI generated images on it, as stated. I don't think anyone who bought tickets looked very closely at these images, otherwise they might have been concerned about how much Catgacating their children would be exposed to.
Yes, Catgacating. You know, CATgacating!
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I personally don't think anyone should serve exarserdray flavored lollipops in public spaces given how many people are allergic to it. And the sweet teats might not have been age appropriate.
Though the Twilight Tunnel looks pretty cool:
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I'm not sure that Dim Tight Twdrding is safe. I've also been warned that Vivue Sounds are in that weird frequency range that makes you poop your pants upon hearing them.
Yes, Virginia, these folks used an AI image generator for everything on the website and used Chat GPT for some of the text! From the FAQ:
Q: I cannot go on the available days. Will you have more dates in the future? A: Should there be capacity when you arrive, then you will be able to enter without any problems. In the event that this is not the case, we may ask you to wait a bit.
Fear not, for this question is asked again a few lines down and the answer makes more sense.
Curious about the events company behind this disaster, I took myself over to the homepage of House of Illuminati and I was not disappointed.
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I would 100% trust these people to plan my wedding.
This abomination of a website is a badly edited WordPress blog filled with AI art and just enough blog posts to make the casual viewer think that it's a legit business for about 0.0004 seconds.
Their attention to detail is stunning, from how they left up the default first post every WP blog gets to how they didn't bother changing the name on several images, thus revealing where they came from. Like this one:
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With the lovely and compact filename "DALL·E-2024-01-30-09.50.54-Imagine-a-scene-where-fantasy-and-reality-merge-seamlessly.-In-the-foreground-a-grand-interactive-gala-is-taking-place-filled-with-elegant-guests-i.png"
"Concept.png" came from the same AI generator that gets text almost, but not quiiiiiite right:
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There are a suspicious number of .webp images in the uploads, which makes me think they either stole them from other sites where AI "art" was uploaded or they didn't want to pay for the hi-res versions of some and just grabbed the preview image.
The real fun came when I noticed this filename: Before-and-After-Eventologists-Transformation-Edgbaston-Cricket-Ground-1024x1024-1.jpg and decided to do a Google image search. Friends, you will be shocked to hear that the image in question, found on this post touting how they can transform a boring warehouse into a fun event space, was stolen from this actual event planner.
Even better, this weirdly grainy image?
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From a post that claims to be about the preparations for a "Willy Wonka" experience (we'll get to this in a minute), is not only NOT an actual image of anyone preparing anything for Illuminati's event, it is stolen from a YouTube thumbnail that's been chopped to remove the name of the company that actually made this. Here's the video.
If you actually read the blog posts they're all copypasta or some AI generated crap. To the point where this seems like not a real business at all. There's very specific business information at the bottom, but nothing else seems real.
As I said, I'm kinda surprised they put on an event at all. This has, "And then they ran off with all our money!" written all over it. I'm perplexed.
And also wondering when the copyright lawyers are gonna start calling, because...
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This post explicitly says they're putting together a "Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory Experience" complete with golden tickets.
Somewhere along the line someone must have wised up, because the actual event was called "Willys Chocolate Experience" (note the lack of apostrophe) and the script they handed to the actors about 10 minutes before they were supposed to "perform" was about a "Willy McDuff" and his chocolate factory.
As I was going through this madness with friends in a chat, one pointed out that it took very little prompting to get the free Chat GPT to spit out an event description and such very similar to all this while avoiding copyrighted phrases. But he couldn't figure out where the McDuff came from since it wasn't the type of thing GPT would usually spit out...
Until he altered the prompt to include it would be happening in Glasgow, Scotland.
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You cannot make this stuff up.
But truly, honestly, I do not even understand why they didn't take the money and run. Clearly this was all set up to be a scam. A lazy, AI generated scam.
Everything from the website to the event images to the copy to the "script" to the names of things was either stolen or AI generated (aka stolen). Hell, I'd be looking for some poor Japanese visitor wandering the streets of Glasgow, confused, after being jacked for his mascot costume.
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coupsie-daisies · 6 months
Kinktober '23: Breeding | Choi Seungcheol
Pairing: Choi Seungcheol x Fem!Reader (established)
Genre: Smut (minors DO NOT interact), Kinktober 2023
Summary: You and Cheol had talked plenty about the future, but nothing could have prepared you to see his huge frame cradling a tiny baby and the absolute reaction you'd have to it
WC: 2.5k
Warnings: Seungcheol with a baby, very baby-centric breeding, baby fever hits Reader like a train, breeding, unprotected sex (obviously, I'm not even gonna apologize for this one), fingering, Cheol goes feral, talk of having kids, Seungcheol runs his mouth, petnames, Daddy kink, reader is referred to as a mommy like once, multiple orgasms, slight body worship, praise
A/N: Let me know if I missed anything in the warnings and, of course, I hope you enjoy!
Tags: @dragonofthenorth0726 // @wooyussy // @burningupp-replies // @bunnypig18 // @decaffedthoughts // @brownieracha // @ferrethyun // @snow-pegasus // @walkxthexmoon // @aesteraceae // @wonuqrtz // @mixling-blog // @wonwooz1
Main Masterlist
Kinktober '23 Masterlist
This fanfiction is property of @/coupsie-daisies, reposting on any other platform is prohibited
Maybe going to your friend's house with Cheol was a bad idea. Maybe visiting Joshua and his partner to finally meet their baby was an experience you weren’t altogether prepared for. It had been a few months now since their little boy had been born, and you had only seen him through pictures and facetimes, wanting to give the couple a bit of space to settle into the new dynamic.
But now you were sitting on their couch, trying desperately to have a conversation with your friends while being distracted by the little swaddled bundle cradled carefully in your boyfriend's arms. The delicate little thing, pudgy cheeks and drool running from his lips that Seungcheol delicately wiped away, all fragile and peaceful against his chest. You were always aware of how handsome Cheol was, how hard he worked to keep his physique, but it wasn't something that had ever fully sunk into your psyche until you saw the way his biceps looked with something so tiny sleeping on them.
A voice caught your attention, a gentle call of your name, and you looked up, a little shaken from how deep in thought you'd been.
"Do you want to hold him?" Cheol asked, nodding to the sleeping infant in his arms. Your face split into an adoring grin, and you nodded eagerly. The care with which your boyfriend handled him was enough to make your heart skip in your chest as he carefully transferred the baby into your arms. The boy fussed a little, and you shushed him gently, swaying back and forth until he was sound asleep again.
The others continued talking, but all you could think about was having one of your own. Maybe a little girl, one with Cheol's eyes and your nose. A family where the two of you became three, a unit that always took care of each other.
When the two of you got home, Cheol dragged you to the bedroom, pulling you close and cuddling up to you in the comfort of your bed. You curled closer, letting him trace your arm quietly.
"What's on your mind? You've been in your head all day." He asked you. You hummed thoughtfully. You and Seungcheol had talked about it before, having kids, but you had never fully planned anything. You were still so young, and you hadn't fully settled on whether or not you two were ready to take that step.
"I'm thinking about Jaehan." You said, finally turning your attention back to him. "He's cute don't you think?"
"Yeah, he's adorable. Looks like his dad." He said. You nodded, propping yourself up on your elbow.
"Keep thinking about how natural you looked holding him. Didn't really know that it would be so...attractive seeing you hold a baby."
Seungcheol hummed, placing a large hand against your hip to pull you onto his lap. You looked down at him, smiling brightly at the sight of his dark locks in a wavy halo around his head.
"You think I looked hot?" He asked, a playful tone creeping into his voice. You rolled your eyes.
"I said it was attractive. I kept thinking about how maybe one day you'd be holding our kid, I guess. You'd be a good daddy." You said, your hands smoothing aimlessly across his chest, up, along the curve of his shoulders, then down his arms and back up again.
You watched his eyes darken, his hands moving to rub gently over your tummy.
"Could be sooner than later if you want." He said, eyes still trained on your stomach, imagining how pretty you'd look round with his child growing inside of you. Some primal, desperate part of him was awakening at the thought. A part of him tying itself to a part of you and giving you something to share and teach and care for. He was already starting to harden underneath you at the thought.
"Do you mean that?" You asked seriously, your hands stilling against his chest. "Because I don't want you to do something you're not ready for. Don't just want it to be an excuse to fuck me."
He softened for a moment, guiding your face gently towards his to capture your lips in a warm kiss.
"I promise I mean it. Want to have a family with you, wouldn't even think of lying about that. Let me do that, please." He kissed you again, his kiss just as desperate and sincere as his words as he flipped the two of you over so you were laying underneath him. You melted into the kiss, your hands tangling into his hair to hold him close as if he'd disappear if you didn't.
His tongue teased against your lips, coaxing you open for him and drawing the sweetest whine from your throat. He pulled away after a bit, breathless and flushed. He sat back, stripping your shirt off with ease, then letting his follow.
"Gonna take such good care of you. You and our baby," He hummed, leaning down to press a string of wet, warm kisses to your chest, along the swell of your breasts, and down until his lips could wrap around your nipple, sucking gently. Your back arched off the bed, and his hands stroked along the curve of your waist, holding you in place so he could switch to the other side and give it the same gentle treatment.
You weren't a stranger to having Cheol worship every inch of you, but this felt different. It was heavy and warm and nearly suffocating in all the best ways, anchoring you to each other and letting the rest of the world fade into blank space. He slid lower, kissing down your sternum, along your stomach until he reached the space just above your panty line. He looked up at you then, a large palm coming to rest against the spot.
"Gonna grow our little one right here. Gonna fill you up so full, make sure it takes. Do it over and over until we're sure." He mumbled, kissing your lower stomach again before tugging your panties down your legs and leaving you bare beneath him.
You were already aching, thighs wet with your arousal. Seeing him so wound up at the idea of you carrying his child was doing things you had never imagined. He pushed your thighs wider apart, hungry eyes burning into the sight of your dripping core. He brought his hand down, thumb swiping through your wet folds before nestling against your clit, pressing heavy, slow circles against the bundle of nerves.
"Fuck," You keened, thighs twitching, but he pressed his free hand against one of them, continuing his work. "Cheol, please. Need more."
"I got you baby, don't worry. Know just what you need." He promised, speeding up his movements and making your head fall back against the pillows. He slid his fingers down, pressing his middle finger into you and pumping it slowly before he added a second.
He was good with his hands, never having any problem getting you worked up or stretching you out with his fingers alone, and this was no different. You watched the way his brows furrowed, his lips curling into a concentrated pout while he worked his fingers into you, curling them to find your weak spot and continuing to grind his fingertips into it when he felt it.
You were breathless, squirming and gripping at the sheets as he fucked you slowly with his fingers. Your sounds were nearly incoherent, just breathless whines and gasps of his name as he milked your first orgasm out of you. He praised you all the way through it, his hand never stopping as you coated it in your wetness. Once the waves of your orgasm subsided, he pulled his hand away, reaching up to slip his fingers into your mouth and watching as you obediently sucked and licked them clean of your cum.
"That's my good girl. Doing so well for me. Deserve to feel good." He hummed, standing up to kick his pants off. His cock stood at full mast, the tip leaking and flaring pink. He stroked himself slowly, just admiring the way that you were sprawled out for him.
He quickly settled himself between your legs again, and you welcomed him just as eagerly. He pressed the head of his cock against your hole, and you whined when he didn't move.
"Baby, please. Don't tease me," You huffed, and he chuckled leaning down to capture your lips in another long kiss as he rolled his hips forward, filling you up in one steady thrust. Your walls clenched around him, adjusting to the way he stretched you out, and you moaned into his mouth. Your hands found his waist, nails digging into the sensitive flesh and reveling in the way he hissed out.
He stayed buried inside of you for longer than you would have liked, but soon enough his hips were rolling, dragging out before punching back in and stealing your breath away. You never got used to how well he fucked you, how perfectly he fit inside of you and hit spots you could only hope to reach on your own.
"So perfect, taking me so well." He praised, his hands settling on your hips and pulling you to meet his thrusts. The only sounds in the room were the slick sound of your pussy sucking him in, and the soft sounds shared between the two of you.
"Cheol, 'm close." You mumbled, eyes falling shut as you focused on the warmth running through you, the tension pulling tight in your stomach and the way his thrusts got harsher at your words.
"Go ahead, pretty girl. Cum on my dick, lemme feel it." He grunted out harshly, his head rolling back as your walls clenched around him, trying desperately to keep him inside of you. Then you were gone, trembling underneath him as your second orgasm hit, a silent moan parting your lips. He continued fucking you through it. He didn't stop even when you came down from your high, chasing his own pleasure.
"Cheollie, please," You whimpered, wrapping your arms around his neck to pull him closer, dragging your nails over his broad shoulders. "Want you to cum. Need to be full. Please, Daddy."
He moaned, full and from his chest, his thrusts becoming harsher, less calculated, and then he was burying his face in your neck. His breath hitched, a broken moan of your name, and a sloppy kiss against your neck followed as he spilled inside of you.
The moment after was filled with heavy breaths and the sweetest kisses to your shoulders and collarbone. Finally he pulled out, looking down at the way that his cum dripped out of your hole. He huffed a little, reaching down and using his fingers to stuff it back inside of you. You whined, hips jolting a little from the sensitivity.
"Gotta make sure it stays in so it sticks. Gotta get you knocked up." He said, but it almost sounded like he was talking to himself, voice gravelly and barely audible. Then he was tugging at your hips, flipping you over. You let out an indignant squeak at how easily he maneuvered you around, hiking your hips up so your weight was on your arms folded under your head. "Gotta give you another one. Need to make sure."
You didn't have time to think before he was sliding into you again, still achingly hard and desperate to fill you up just a little more, to give you the baby you were both so desperate for, to start a family and have another precious piece of his life to care for. He needed it, the thought of it taking over the most primal, desperate part of his mind.
His thrusts were harsh, and probably would have been pushing you up the bed if it weren't for the bruising grip on your hips, pulling you back into each thrust and making you absolutely see stars.
"Daddy, 's too much," You whined, burying your face in your arm. His hand smoothed over your back, his pace never faltering.
"You can take it, baby. Just gotta get you nice and full. You wanna have my baby, right? Gotta take it," He cooed sweetly, even as you whined and squirmed. The heat searing through you stung, nerve endings on fire, but it only added to the pleasure that was taking over. You could barely form words at this point with Seungcheol hitting so deep inside of you that you were sure you wouldn't be able to walk, and with the gentle way he stroked your back and sides as if he wasn't fucking you dumb.
"I'm gonna-" You whined high in your throat, a broken moan following as you tried to warn him, but he knew your body better than you did, and he could tell just by the way your hips were pressing back insistently that you were gonna cum again.
"Go on, pretty. Cum for daddy. Cream my cock, please baby. Wanna feel it, know you can gimme one more." He urged you on, and you sobbed as the feeling rocked through you. Your thighs were trembling, and your toes were going numb. You didn't try to open your eyes, but you were sure your vision would have blacked out if you had.
His second orgasm followed not long after, filling you up with his seed again. He leaned against you, one arm holding the both of you up, the other wrapped around your waist to keep you pressed as close as possible to him. You were both breathless, bodies exhausted and minds fuzzy with the blend of pleasure and exhaustion. Once you both were back in reality, he pulled out of you carefully, easing you onto your back and curling against your side. His hand traced against your stomach.
"Was I too rough?" He asked quietly. You shook your head, turning to press a chaste kiss to his lips.
“You know I can take it." You promised. He smiled, reaching up to wipe the drying tears from your cheeks
"I know you can. But it's my job to take care of you. And the little one." He said. You laughed lightly.
"Cheol there isn't even a little one yet." You said, your hand landing over his on your tummy and tracing the length of his fingers. He linked your hands together, smiling brightly.
"There will be. If it doesn't take this time I'll just keep breeding you until it does. Wanna make you a mommy. Want our baby to look just like you." His eyes were alight with pure adoration, and you had to admit as you snuggled closer to him that having a couple of mini Seungcheols running around the house sounded like a dream come true.
copyright 2023 coupsie-daisies, all rights reserved
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Haii babes
Hear me out okay. Younger neighbor living next to DILF Chan and he's having a BBQ with all his middle aged friends like Minho, Changbin and Han and he invited you over. Obviously you have to dress your best (to get fucked) and it turns into a gun activity amongst the 5 of you 😫. PLEASE IM DYING ABOUT THIS
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Holy shit! This ask came in and it instantaneously unlocked something in me! I was about to go out and meet a friend for coffee and the whole drive over I was thinking about channie and his friends fucking reader!!!
The idea of middle aged Chan and his friends, using younger reader like a little whore has got me rather turned on. Maybe it’s the voyeur in me wanting to see her getting absolutely ruined by the mature men? I don’t know and I’m not going to question it.
I just want to write something downright filthy (because this is the after dark blog). 😈😈💀💀
Just to clarify, the asks is meant to say “fun activity” not “gun.”
Oh and I just have to mention that this is basically 3Racha plus Minho…. Which I’ve always said is my ultimate dream! 🫠🫠🫠🫠 i'M SUCH SLUT FOR THEM!!
Ready? Here we go. Buckle up, it’s going to be pure filth!
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CW: age gap - chan and co are in their forties (but very energetic) and reader is 22, implied consent, objectification, praise, name calling, unprotected vaginal and anal sex, double pen two holes, gangbang, blow jobs, cum eating (m and f), cream pie, slapping, spanking, hair pulling, rough sex, nipple play., videotaping
Your neighbour, Chan, is a filthy man. At first glance he is quite polite, very good looking, and a wonderful resident of the neighbourhood. But it's just an act. You know this from the way he sits on his upstairs balcony watching you whenever you sunbathe in your backyard.
It feels thrilling knowing he's watching, and the next time you sit in your backyard to sunbathe, you take your bikini off entirely. He doesn't even pretend he’s not looking.
You wonder if he'd come over and fuck you if called out to him? Probably. He seems like that kind of man.
One glorious spring day, Chan invites you over for an evening barbeque. "I'm having a small gathering of a few of my close friends, and they'd love to meet you." he smiles kindly, crinkling the wrinkles around his eyes. But there's a deviousness behind them.
"Of course! I'll be there."
From what you’ve seen, his friends are hot too, and so of course you're ringing Chan's doorbell in your shortest sundress, tiniest panties, and tallest heels you own, balancing a platter of finger food in your hand.
“Y/n! Thank you for coming. Everyone has been waiting for you.” He guides you through his home to a closed in outdoor entertaining area at the back of the house.
“These are my friends.” He gestures to the three men sitting in outdoor couches around a low coffee table.
“This is Changbin, Han and Minho.”
You smile and wave at each of the men, exchanging pleasantries.
There are snacks spread out on the table in front of them, along with empty glasses. “Chan, shall I help poor drinks?” You offer. He smiles and tells you where to find the wine.
As you go retrieve the bottle of wine you take a moment to catch your breath. They are all so fucking handsome. You think to yourself, and you��re glad you decided to dress cute-slash-slutty.
“Here she is.” Smiles Chan as you walk back out.
“Drinks, boys?” You chime, holding up the wine, and all four men hold their empty glasses ready for you. You make your way around, being sure to bend over and stick out your ass to give each of the other men a view up your short dress, whilst smiling innocently at the man you were pouring a drink for.
You hear a few mumbled “fucks” and you know they’re eyes are glued to your ass cheeks poking out from underneath the dress.
“Y/n. You should come sit down. Take a seat.” said Chan.
You stand up and look around, but there isn’t a chair or space for you to sit.
“I think Chan means go take a seat on his lap, princess.” The one named Minho chuckles.
You turn to Chan who’s sitting with his legs wide and his arms outstretched along the back of his chair.
Oh. That’s exactly what he means. You can see it written on his smug face.
Quietly, you make your way over to Chan and carefully perch yourself across his lap.
He sucks in a breath and wraps an arm around your back. His other hand comes to your knee and squeezes it gently. “I was just telling the guys about what you and I get up to on the weekend.” He smirks.
“W-what do you mean?” You ask.
“Oh you know perfectly well, babygirl.” He says sternly. “How you put yourself on display for me.” He inhales the skin on your neck, causing you to shudder. “And they want you to show them what you show me.”
You look around at the men. Han is snacking on some crisps like this is an everyday situation, Changbin has the darkest eyes you’ve ever seen, and Minho looks like he wants to eat you.
You gulp.
Chan slowly unzips the back of your dress and pulls the sleeves down your arms until your tits spill out. He immediately attached his mouth to a nipple, then he pulls off with a loud pop. “So young. So supple.” He says approvingly groping at your breast.
“How old are you, y/n” Changbin asks curiously.
“T-twenty two.” You squeak.
“Perfect age.” He licks his lips.
“Old enough to fuck rough, and young enough to teach a lesson.” Minho stated.
“Hear that, babygirl? They want to play with you.” He whispers low.
Fuck! You bite your lip and grind ever so slightly on Chan’s thigh. He notices the small action. “You like that idea, don’t you? You gonna be our little whore for tonight?”
His hand slides up your dress to find your soaking panties. “Thought so.” He chuckles, pulling them to the side and pushing a finger into you.
“Fuck! Oh god… Chan.” You choke as he thrusts his fingers into your tight wet cunt.
“Hmmm… I think you mean daddy.” He corrects you. “Now bend over. You deserve a slap for that insolence.”
You looked at him questioningly, and the other men snicker.
“I said bend over, you need to be spanked.”
You move to lay across his lap, and Chan lifts your dress to reveal your ass.
"Hmm, scrumptious piece of meat." ogles Changbin.
"Bin, pass me the cheese knife...thanks, mate."
Your eyes squeeze tight and your breath hitches as he carefully traces the knife up the back of your thigh, before using it to slice your tiny little panties right off.
He tosses the knife back on the table and spreads your cheeks so the other three can see your glistening pussy.
"She looks like she'll be really tight." mumbled Han, his mouth full of food. "Do you think she'll be able to take us all? You know what we're like once we get started."
"She looks trainable." said Minho.
"Now, I think five spanks, should be enough." Chan concludes, and you secretly smile to yourself. You've can easily handle way more than- "Ahhh...Fuck!" you cry when a hard slap lands directly on your pussy. His hand comes down again. Slap! and another one. God, that stings.
"Just three more." Slap. Slap. Slap.
He pulls your dress down your body and slides it off your legs and tosses it to the floor. "Up we get, babygirl. Sit up now." Chan cooes.
You sit up with tears down your cheeks and look at the three other men. They all have their cocks out and are stroking their lengths.
"What do you have to say for yourself." Chan caresses your thighs and nuzzles into your breasts.
"S-sorry, d-daddy." you whisper.
"That's it. Good girl." The praise makes you feel good, and it makes you want to please him more.
"Now, I need you to go and suck Han's cock." He helps you onto your feet. "Go. He's waiting for you." he urges you on.
Naked, except for your heels, you make your way to Han. You feel wobbly on your feet from the shock of being spanked, but at the same time you've never felt more turned on in your life.
"Here, doll." Changbin stands up and directs you to kneel where he had been sitting and lean down and take Han's cock deep into your mouth. "Yes. This way we can have a bit of fun with you at the same time Han is fucking your throat." he adds.
"Baby, ahhh...ngh... fuck your mouth..." Han hums as you give him the best head of your life, taking him all the way into your throat. "Mmmh...you've sucked cock before haven't you, baby. ahhh...like a fucking pro." he holds your head down and thrusts into you, making you choke. "One of my favourite sounds." he adds.
Changbin spreads your ass cheeks and rubs the pads of his fingers around the entrance to your pussy, making you moan around Han. Then you feel the tip of his cock pressing against your entrance.
"Changbin. Split her open for us." Minho says.
"Is our little toy ready to be played with? hmm?" Changbin chuckles as he pushes his cock into you. You let out a muffled cry as Changbin's girthy cock stretches your pussy open. He's so thick, but you're so wet, and once he is fully seated inside you, he starts to fuck you.
His thrusts are slow, deep, measured, and so powerful that you really are being forced to choke on Han's cock. Together, two men use you like a fleshlight, like a pretty toy to fuck into. Their hands explore your body in a rough, animalistic way, and you're fucking loving it.
You know that Chan and Minho are watching you from their chairs, probably jerking off and dying for a turn of you.
"Fuck...your pussy...so fucking tight..." he digs his fingers into your hips and slams your ass back onto him. "That's it...fuck...show me how you fuck yourself..." he releases his hands from your body, and stops thrusting entirely, making you back yourself onto him over and over again.
You can barely breathe, your makeup would surely be ruined by now, between the sting of the spanking and choking on cock, your face is surely a mess.
"Fuck. Coming." choked Han and you feel spurts of his hot cum hit the back of your throat. "Take it, baby. Such a good slut." he pants, emptying himself in your mouth.
Changbin abruptly pulls out, causing you to whine at the sudden emptiness, and he pulls your head off of Han by your hair. "Open, quick." he grunts and bullies his cock into your mouth. Three harsh thrusts and he's coming on your tongue too. "Show me, doll. Good girl." He nods in approval when you show him you swallowed every drop. “Belly full of cum.”
Han gets up off the couch to find a snack and a drink, and you almost collapse face first into the cushion. You feel Chan move behind you, spreading your cheeks again for a good look at your used hole.
"Babygirl didn't get to cum did she?" he mocked. You shook your head whimpering. You are so close, and your core feels so tight that you are going to snap at any moment.
You hear the sound of a cap from a bottle and then a familiar feeling of cold lube being applied to your asshole. They're going to fuck your ass.
"Shh... Daddy's just going to loosen you up." he purrs as he begins to prep you for his cock. You rest your head on the cushion and give yourself to Chan, letting him finger fuck your ass until he is three full fingers deep. "Taking me so well. Now for you to feel my cock, yeah? It’s gonna be a tight fit.”
He removes his fingers and presses his cock to your hole.
“That’s it…Good girl…Look at you taking daddy’s cock so well.” He praises as he pushes into you slowly. “Your tight little hole loves to be stretched… doesn’t it. Answer me.”
B-yes…loves to be stretched.” You pant.
“This is what you think about isn’t it? Me deep in your ass.” He starts to fuck you, withdrawing slightly, then pushing in deeper on each thrust. You can’t help but cry out, moan and whimper as his thrusts steadily become faster.
“Next time you’re out in your backyard naked, I’m gonna come around and fuck your ass….just like this…” he pants.
“We’ve managed to hook it up.” Changbin says excitedly.
“Babygirl. Look.” He whispers. You look up to the wall mounted flatscreen to see a close up of your ass with Chan’s enormous cock fucking into you. You turn your head back to see Changbin videoing the action, then your eyes return to the screen to watch your hole being abused.
Han comes to your side to reach underneath you to play with your clit. “You gonna show us how you come, baby?” He smirks.
“Oh fuck! Fuuuuuccckkk!” You squeal, coming hard.
“Good girl! Now daddy’s gonna fill you up. Ready, sweet thing?” His hand comes down to slap your ass.
“Yes, daddy. Fill me up. Need your cum.” You plead.
Chan groans as he releases himself deep in your ass and withdraws himself.
“Princess. Over here right now.” Minho snaps.
You haven’t even a chance to recover from your orgasm, as you stumble over to Minho. “Sit on the coffee table. Spread your legs for me.” He pushes you down to sit in front of him and shoves your legs open. Then he’s suddenly kneeling between them and lapping at your cunt.
You throw your head back and moan. The man knows how to eat pussy, and you’re not sure you will ever be go back to go back to lacklustre oral.
Minho’s mouth moves down to catch the cum leaking from your ass. Now that’s the most erotic thing you’ve ever witnessed.
“Which hole you gonna fuck?” asks Changbin.
Minho pulls away from your pussy and lazily fingers your cunt. “I wanna DP her. Han. You haven’t fucked get yet.”
Minho sits back in his chair, pulling you on top of him and spreading your legs over his. He pulls your heels off and instructs you to press your feet into the cushions beside him and lift yourself up. You do as he says as he lines his cock up with your ass and slowly lowers you onto him.
“S’deep.” You choke.
“Mmm… you feel perfect, Princess. Such a pretty little cockslut for us aren’t you? Gonna be filled with so much cum by the end of this. Full of cum and your holes fucking gaping.” He smirks against your cheek. His hands squeeze your tits as you grind on his cock.
“Come on, Princess. Not getting tired I hope? C’mon, bounce on me…put on a show for the camera.” He hisses.
You’ve forgotten they were recording you. You muster all the energy you can to bounce up and down Minho’s cock and watching the screen to see your hole swallowing it up with ease. Fuck! You are a slut. And you’re fucking loving every second of it.
“Han. Come on.” Minho growls.
Han positions himself in front of you and lines his cock up with your cunt. “Have you done this before, baby?” He asks you.
You don’t answer, you’re about to come again.
“Hey!” He slaps you across the cheek and you come hard around Minho’s cock.
“Fuck, she just came. She’s clamped up. Fuck… quick… Han, fuck her now.” demands Minho.
“So our little lady likes to get roughed up. Huh?” Han shook his head In disbelief, and then groaned low as he pushed his cock into your pussy.
“Oh!!” You groan. “So…full… you’re splitting me in two… shhhiiittt.”
You’re not new to anal sex whatsoever, but you’ve never taken two cocks like this.
“Babygirl…” Chan tugs you by your hair and you turn your head to the side to take his cock in your mouth.
Changbin is on the other side taking your hand and wrapping it around his cock. He’s still holding his camera, aiming it from above, and managing to catch everything that is happening.
All four of them are using your body at the same time. Minho fucking your ass, Han your pussy, and you alternate between Chan and Changbin as they fuck your face.
Your hair is being pulled, someone has a hand wrapped around your neck, your nipples are being pinched and slapped, and Han is spitting on you.
They pull another orgasm from you before moaning and growling as they fill you up with their cum.
Eventually, they pull themselves out of you, they say their farewells, leaving you and Chan alone.
He carries you bridal style to his bathroom, runs you a bath and tucks you into his bed so you can rest.
“Such a good girl for daddy.” He whispers as he slips in bed beside you. “We need organise another gathering soon.”
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@channieandhisgoonsquad @noellllslut @itsseohannbin @weareapackofstrays @kangnina @3rachasdomesticbanana @palindrome969 @xxkissesforchanniexx @chuuchuu1224 @fun-fanfics @wolfennracha @rhonnie23
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ghostlyfleur · 2 months
thinking about steve protecting his gf's honor. protective!steve owns all of me
requested by @softherveauxs at my old blog
he’s so overprotective!!!!!!!!!!
your stevie would always have an arm around you or a hand on you— your waist, intertwined with yours, on the back of your neck, gripping your belt hoops… but on the off, very rare, chance that he stepped away for a single fucking second to get you a drink? or to pick up your order? or to go to the bathroom? maybe someone walks up to his sweet girl. maybe… you went to the bathroom “it’s right over there, sweets, i’ll be here” and a fucking dickhead slightly cornered you as you stepped out… your stevie notices immediately ‘cause he kept his eye on the direction of the bathroom obviously, and he speed-walks towards you, quick to stand taller, eyes sharp and intense, squaring up his shoulders and gripping your waist, pulling you a bit behind him so you’re safe and hidden
“do we have a problem here?”
“touch my girl without her consent again, see what happens”
“you might want to walk the fuck away. right now”
and steve knows his angel, his girl, knows she starts shaking and her heart races and her breathing quickens, ‘cause she’s shy and anxious and definitely more than a bit scared of men, even more so because of her anxiety that renders her speechless and motionless sometimes, so steve’s overprotectiveness, the constant touching, the hands always gripping her and squeezing her reassuringly? they’re a comfort and her stevie is her safe space, she knows he’ll always save her
“anyone ever makes you feel uncomfortable, or scared, you either scream my name or you run right to me, understand? i’ll always be close by. i promise”
your stevie is your protector and he takes that job very seriously.
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garaks-padded-bra · 3 months
I went to a carpet store with my mum this morning right. Imagine the largest room youve ever stepped into in your life. The largest room you could possibly fathom. but its just carpets. It felt like it was 2003 in there. It smelled like your grandmothers house. It was empty but honestly so large and ancient feeling I feel like there were at LEAST 8 guys there who had died from exposure (à la paris catacombs) and were promptly carpeted over again (not à la paris catacombs). I went about touching every surface I could (as is proper procedure for encountering bigsoft room when ur a shithead ) while my mum talked to the guy working there. Apparently carpet costs more than most organs!!!!!! . The guy working there had the most glittery eyeballs I’d ever seen outside sailor moon, and a head of hair so thick i felt like maybe he was carpet too. He came up to me while my mother was off comparing prices or something and he said “Luca. Feel free to sit down.” Which scared me so bad I sat down on the VERY out of place leather couch (there was like a meter of space between the back of the couch and the wall) even though I didnt WANT to because obviously he must have just heard my mother use my name but in that moment i felt like he was some kind of omnipotent carpet god and my name just appeared over my head for him like we were in minecraft. What else did he know. Was he mad at me. Was i too impure for carpet nation. Was i Spared the fate of those 8 other guys who got eaten by beige shag cuz of my lifes various wrongdoings. Did he kmow about my blog. Did he know. Does anyone wanna go backto the carpy store with me and get raptured for fun and pleasure?
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lovverletters · 1 year
My Boy
《Yandere!Playboy X Taken! Male Reader》
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Note that this is a reupload from my previous blog @hyerinrose
T/W : yandere behaviour, infidelity, suicidal thoughts, possessive behaviour, internalised homophobia, Obsessive behaviour.
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Everything was perfect. (Name) is content with the cards he has been dealt with in his life. He had a loving and supportive family, his academics performance were outstanding and most importantly he is dating the girl of his dream, Maya.
Although they had only been going out for a few months, (Name) could already picture a future with the girl. Call him a hopeless romantic but he can't help it!
"(Nameeeeee) you're spacing out againn. Am I that boring?"
Maya voice snapped him out of his thoughts.The two were currently on a date at an ice cream parlour. (Name) stared at his girlfriend who's sitting across the table, admiring her beauty.
(Name) might be biased but Maya is an absolute beauty in his eyes. Her long dirty blonde hair was tied into a braid and slung against her shoulder, green irises and specks of freckles complimented her already pretty face.
"It's not like that, Aya. You're so beautiful I can't help but be put into a trance" (Name) said with a smile that eventually broke into a grin as Maya grew flustered.
"Oh hush you! S-stop laughing at me (Nameeee)!
"Maya flicked her matcha flavoured treats at him, to which (Name) retaliated by flicking his own (F/Flavour) ice cream.
The display of affection between the two was ignored by many other except for one individual who stared at them with curious eyes. Sapphire eyes trailed over the couple that was absorbed in their own world, foolishly in love.
Xavier first reaction towards the couple was envy. He had been pursuing Maya for months to add to his ever-growing list of girls he had bedded. However he was always met with hard-cold refusal from her.
'She rejected me for this loser of a man? Unbelievable' He sneered in his mind.
He then observed the 'loser' Maya had chose over him. (H/C) flowed gently with the breeze, his (E/C) twinkled with happiness as he goof around with the girl. (Name) smiled brightly that it could put the sun to shame.
As he thought, Plain. Boring. Average.
The man were not even close to Xavier's level, he's practically a dirt in his eyes. Obviously Xavier is better than that loser? He's going to show Maya that he's better than him.
'No matter what, I'm going to take her away from you'
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Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.
The sounds were numbing Xavier's brain the longer the hours dragged on. Half of the students were already asleep 10 minutes into the lesson.
He would've been sleeping too had he not been keeping his eyes trained on his rival who's only two seats away from him. Xavier swore he's only staring because he needs to find a dirt on (Name).
".... Mr (Name), you would be pairing with Mr Xavier for this project" His teacher called out the two boys' names causing both of them to stare at each other incredulously.
"With the pairings have been set, be sure to turn in your work by next week. Class is dismiss" the teacher wave them off and left the classroom.
The two boys had different feelings in being paired with one another. (Name) was devastated, Xavier seems like a dickhead who would force him to do all the work and take all the credits afterward. Alas, he had to push through anyway, the project was 20% of his grades.
Xavier however was elated, warmth spreads throughout his body at the mention of his and (Name)'s name together. Great! Now Xavier can spend a lot of time observing (Name) even closeㅡ
Wait. Why the hell is he acting like this? He's not into (Name).
He's after Maya! Xavier's not.. gay is he? No, he's not.
"Hey" (Name)'s voice jolted the player from his spiralling thoughts. His cheeks heats up and he could feel his heart speeds up.
'I'm just surprised is all. Nothing weird' he reasoned.
"What? Hurry up, I've got no time for nobodies like you" Those words slip out of his tongue easily as if he wasn't panicking with having (Name) this close to him.
The (H/C) male sighed through his nose and held out his phone. Xavier rose his eyebrow at the action.
"I need your numbers for this project. I'll delete it after we're done if it bother you so much" (Name) open his contacts to add Xavier's info.
Surprisingly, Xavier obediently agrees and handed over his phone for (Name) to input his own numbers with no complaint.
"Thanks. I'll contact you about the details later" (Name) then left him all alone in the classroom with conflicted feeling brewing inside of him.
'Damnit.. what is wrong with me?'
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A week went by and Xavier had made a ground breaking discovery about himself.
After constant denial of his feelings, he had finally came to the conclusion that the one he was interested in wasn't Maya. No, it was her boyfriend, (Name).
The short time they spent together were the push he needed to realise his infatuation with the male. All those things he described (Name) were the exact opposite of what he truly is.
(Name) was kind to him despite being reluctant to pair up with him early on, his sense of humour was immaculate. Xavier had never laughed so hard in his life before the jokes (Name) would crack while working through their project.
(Name) is perfect. He's everything Xavier had been looking for.
Xavier obsesses over the (H/C) male, stalking him, stealing little trinkets (Name) left by accident. Taking millions of polaroids and sticking them to his walls.
However Xavier was brought back to reality when they submitted the project. (Name) was never his, the time they spent together were that of a friends. Soon his beloved will go back to being around that pest of a girl.
His previous envy were now turned towards Maya. The time (Name) spent with her could've been with him. (Name)'s kisses should've belongs to him, (Name)'s affection and love should've belongs to him. (Name)'s everything should've belong to him!
Xavier decided that he had enough of this and will take things to his own matter. One way or another, (Name) will be his.
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(Name) felt tears welling up his eyes as he watches the video on his phone. It was all over the school, his girlfriend Maya had cheated on him with his friend, Xavier.
He closed the video and shut his phone off as he furiously wiped his tears. The students around him gave him a pity look, they wouldn't let this slide. (Name), the most sweetest guy is being hurt by his girlfriend?
They're going to make her life a living hell until she either moves away or take her own life.
Xavier approached (Name) who was sobbing in one of the stalls. The (H/C) took notice of this immediately and scrambled to walk away. He's not ready to face with the man he thought was his friend.
"Oh no you don't, (Name). Don't you dare run away from me!" Xavier pinned the boy on the stall. Leaving him no room to escape.
"Whatㅡ what else do you want from me?! You slept with my girlfriendㅡ what more do you want?" (Name) said while struggling under Xavier's surprisingly strong hold.
His breath hitches when the player got close to his face, their nose touching.
"You. I want you. Everything I've done is for you, (Name). I had to get rid of her since she was nothing more than a homewrecker! You belong to me (Name) and I had enough of seeing her taking things from you that were supposed to be mine!" Xavier were manic, his blue eyes were crazed.
"Whaㅡ" (Name) were terrified.
"Hey, (Name). I love you a lot you know? And I'm going to show you it~"
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theskit · 1 year
Stickers AU
Anyone linking here from the previous posts or wanting to use the links on this post to go back/forward to the other parts and not wanting to spoil the surprise stickers, after using the link, click on my blog name to go to the actual post, as direct linking takes away the readmore cut. I'll take this out and fix it if I can find out how. Sorry!
Part 6
《Prev Next》
Danny floated along as he caught his breath. Okay, so jump scaring the Red Hood *might* not have been the best plan he'd ever come up with, but man, was it funny!
It was getting kind of late, though. He should probably start making his way back to the hotel. Any more vigilante pranks would have to wait for another time. Good thing the conference was on a long weekend. He had one more night to try his luck before they left Monday afternoon for the drive back to Amity.
Pulling up the map on his phone, Danny started making his way back. Just over halfway there, he jolted to a stop, catching sight of a rippling back shadow. Batman's distinctive silhouette was marked briefly against a building wall before being almost lost again in the perpetual dimness of the city rooftops at night.
Well, well, well, looks like he might have the chance to bag all the bats and birds of Gotham in one night, leaving tomorrow to hunt down in Bludhaven for Nightwing.
Eeeeexcellent. Danny pulled himself straight in mid-air, steepling his fingers and druming them together in classic Evil Villian style, grinning in a manner that would have shown entirely too many teeth had he been visible.
Now, this would require *true* stealth if he wanted to both get a sticker onto Batman's utility belt, as well as help himself to a batarang or two. Because Ellie was right, there would be no greater souvenir from his time in Gotham than a batarang from *the* Batman himself.
Choosing a sticker and prepping it, Danny sidled up to where Batman was staring down at a building that was probably not as vacant as it looked if it called for that much concentration. All the better for him if Batman was distracted though.
Moving by inches, carefully controlling his breathing so as not to make a sound, Danny made it to Batman's side. Batman was... probably? right handed, most people were, so he was gunna make an educated guess that the sharp throwing objects would be on the left side of the belt.
Getting ready to make the grab and stick, Danny nearly jumped out of his skin as Batman moved his arm and draped his cape over the space where Danny was standing intangibly right next to him, in a gesture that seemed more ingrained habit than conscious thought.
O-KAY! Time to go before Batman had a chance to recognize that there was no one where he very obviously expected someone to be. Robin, maybe?
Thoughts to think another time! Moving with all the speed and precision he could muster while his heart was still attempting to leave the city without him, Danny swiped one hand through a series of belt pouches while the other oh-so-gently tapped a sticker to the front buckle.
Not even stopping to see what it was he'd swiped, Danny made a quick exit, stage left, do not pass go, do not collect $200.
Batman was jolted out of his concentration when he felt a nudge at his belt as his cape settled against his side once more. Whirling to the left, he scanned the rooftop but saw no one.
Which was entirely unexpected as his instincts were *sure* a small presence had been snug up to his side, like a young Dick or Tim when they got tired or a bit overwhelmed while on patrol and wanted to hide in his cape.
But neither Dick nor Tim, or even Damian (though Damian had never actually done so) was small or young enough to have done that in *years*.
A quick inspection found his belt pouches missing a handful of batarangs, some candy he kept on hand to help soothe distressed children, and the extra just-in-case comm unit. As well as the addition of a glowing sticker, much like the one currently decorating the batmobile, somehow placed on the buckle despite him neither seeing or hearing anything.
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@mygood-bitch99 @stargazer-luna @easily-broken-by-emotion @dolfay @britcision @cyber-geist @is-this-even-relatable @alcorbearson @fisticuffsatapplebees @thegatorsgoose @my-mom-calls-me-rat @some-rotten-nest @crystalqueertea @meira-3919 @wandererofthestars @seraphinedemort
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antimony-medusa · 1 year
One of the things that I think sometimes gets lost when we talk about what's appropriate in fandom spaces is the notion that things can be appropriate in one space, but not for another. And that doesn't mean that the thing that's inappropriate in that setting is wrong, it just means that it's rude in that space. I think people want a single set of rules that's appropriate everywhere, but the thing is, you have to be able to assess the situation, and adjust your behaviour accordingly.
So an example. I have a fairly popular text post that was me asking about c!phil and religion in all innocence, and someone said "the only thing I have to say about c!phil is that he worships on his knees, thank you and goodnight". And I reblogged it like "I can't believe I forgot about how this fandom does phil analysis", cause it was at the height of the dilfza memes.
Anyways that's obviously a phil-is-happily-married/oral sex joke, in an oblique innuendo way, and on this site, where Phil is not here, and his friends are not here, with it being clear I was talking about the block man character, and we make jokes about sex and profanity (a very popular url scheme for a long time was "[name]shugecock" (or smalldick, depending on the joke)— that's a fine joke to make. I'm an adult, I can make sex jokes about fictional characters on the sex joke fictional character social media site.
If I was to make that joke in Philza's twitch chat, a) in his face, b) with his wife modding, c) in an enviroment where people aren't prepped for sex jokes, d) with it being not clear if I was talking about the cubito or about the real guy, that would be wildly inappopriate. I would be banned in every chat Philza mods in and I would deserve it.
That doesn't mean that it's inappropriate to make the joke in the first place though, just because I wouldn't do it at a Phil meet and greet. It means you gotta learn to read the room. (And like, sometimes it's hard to learn to read the room, but you can do it by pure brute-force memorization. I did.)
This is the same theory that underlies the fact that you can call your friends a bitch in a friendly way, because you are friends and you know each other's boundaries, but if you call your boss a bitch, you will be fired. There are rules about workplace appropriateness, and there are rules about what's appropriate in front of kids (I teach teens, I do not swear in front of them, I swear a LOT in front of my roommate), and there are rules about what's appropriate in different fandom spaces. Participating in an exchange about pregnancy and babies with your favourite blorbo of the moment? Great. Showing the actor gift art you got of him pregnant? No. Bad. Go directly to jail, do not pass go, do not collect two hundred dollars.
The thing that concerns me is that I think there are slight signs that as we get more comfortable with sexy jokes and offcolour remarks as a MCYT fandom (QSMP is the big banner example but it happens with other smps), we're taking what's appropriate in one space (tumblr, home of the brain worms, where I have seen the blog "philzaswetpussy" on my dash), and we're bringing it into places that it's not appropriate (sure, slimeariana is clearly canon, but maybe don't put the actual dicks-out fan art in the art tag on twitter that slime checks). Cause we can obviously tell that the rules twitter is going with are silly for here, so it's full speed ahead for roier/spreen etc, but the trick here is that it's full speed ahead HERE, or in fandom servers, and not necessarily in the streamer's faces.
We have a bunch of situations where creators have said that it's not their place to weigh in on shipping or nsfw etc, and people have taken that as a go ahead and that's fine, but thats still something where I'd like, caution people that just because they said "not gonna look at it not my deal", that doesn't mean that like, you should make it difficult for them to avoid looking at it. Talking about scitties is an honourable tradition, but telling scar that he makes you question your sexuality in his TTS— I made a horrified noise in real life and the cats came to look at me.
And I'm talking about the shipping, but this is also a thing with like— sometimes I see a streamer and I go "my friend you just vividly described neurodivergent symptoms" but it is ABSOLUTELY not my place to say that in their chat. It might not even be appropriate to make comments about it on my blog, with the amount of followers I have. I have to keep the "streamer just described the ADHD experience again :pensive:" comments for the group chat. And we all nod and go "yeah sounds like streamer", and we do not put it in his face, cause that's inappropriate.
We get to have fun with the fictional characters, including off-colour fun, but we still have to remember that there are real people who don't know us who are steering those fictional characters around, and it can be profoundly weird to see some of the (stuff that is appropriate in fandom spaces!) just up in your face in the regular fan art tag.
Just think about the space you're in, and who you're in front of, and if a CC notice is actually likely, and if a CC notice would be Very Bad actually with what you're doing, and keep the "world's sluttiest absent father" bracket (with associated slutty fan art) for here, not with the streamer tagged on twitter.
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goodomensjail · 11 months
We open in a dark space before creation. There is a pre-fall “Crowley” with white robes, white wings, and short curly red hair (no snake eyes). He is struggling to hold his plans straight so he shouts to the void for some help from what appears to be a falling star, which then takes shape into an equally white robed and winged Aziraphale.
Angel Crowley asks for this (apparently lesser) angel to help him create a nebula by holding his plans for him. Angel Crowley then uses a hand crank a la Bentley from season 1 to spin into existence a beautiful nebula. Angel Crowley explains eagerly and delightedly that it is a star factory; Aziraphale is delighted and compliments him and tries to introduce himself by name, obviously hoping Angel Crowley will do the same. But Angel Crowley actually is barely paying attention and misses the opportunity to introduce himself and we do not get his name (which is either a. important because when we DO get his real angel name it will be a MOMENT [Raphael?] or b. this provides the explanation for WHY in the garden of eden Anzirphale didnt know Demon Crowley's name).
Aziraphale then tells Crowley that though this nebula is beautiful, it apparently is planned to be destroyed in 6000 years, which upsets Crowley. Azirpahale also says Earth and “people” are about to be made and that the purpose of the stars and nebulas is for humans to gaze up at them in wonder. This also upsets Crowley who feels these star systems should exist for some greater purpose than humans to just look at.
Angel Crowley decides he may need to give some suggestions to God, to which Aziraphale cautions him to be very careful about giving too many suggestions to the almighty ("its not like she has a suggestion box or anything") or asking too many questions of the great plan. “How much trouble can I get in for a few suggestions anyway” says Crowley, as a shower of stars begins. Angel Crowley opens his wing to shield Aziraphale from the falling stars of his new nebula.
**Note EDIT: I have been told by others directly in messages who were at the screening that YES Crowley says something to the effect of "arent you gorgeous" and Aziraphale thinks he is speaking to him for a beat before realizing its about the stars I do not recall the spoiler going around that Crowley says “aren’t you gorgeous” to a star and Aziraphale mistakes it for complimenting him. Though it fits with the general shy and adoring vibe from Aziraphale in the scene and the Doctor Who-ish wonder of Crowley for his nebula. Me not noting it or remembering it now doesn’t make it not true tho I coulda missed it cuz I was happily giggling to much
***Note 2: I thought Crowley had David Tennant’s normal eye color NO SNAKE EYES for sure, but I have seen some from the screening say his eyes were purple. I didn’t note that but I don’t want to go as far as say they are wrong
***NOTE 3: apparently im still in tumblr jail and cannot respond to comments even on this added blog.... The falling stars/meteor shower is NOT the fall from grace of the angels, it appears to be a normal star shower caused by the Nebula and it mirrors the rain scene; Crowley uses his wing to shield Aziraphale from the falling stars.
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salmonwentmissing · 6 months
Here's a little klance idea:
Lance sets up a blog in the early times of Voltron with the help of Coran, and during his time he writes pretty personal stuff on it and posts it into the void. He's got like 33 followers, which isnt a lot but its nice to have his thoughts heard.
At some point during dinner, Allura talks about their reach w the coalition, and he lets it slip that he blogs and maybe that will help to boost the reach, and when Allura asks how many followers he has, he says just that. 33.
Hunk and the gang gets nosy and searches it up to read, and Allura stops dead in the tracks.
"Lance this isn't 33 followers." He's like "Yeah it is? Obviously it's 33, maybe 3 'cause why are there decimals to the number? They don't comment so it's pretty useless."
"No this isn't 33. It's 3 point 3."
"What, people?"
Everyone goes quiet, all staring at Lance until Hunk screams. "BILLIONS?!"
"Is THAT what that altean sign is?!" Lance gasps and points to the billion sign in altean.
Coran enters, learns about the blog and follower numbers, and just goes "Great job! You did better than I expected!"
Allura is astonished and crosschecking the reach between Lances stupid blog and the coalition's own numbers.
"You're double our numbers!" She gasps.
Hunk and Pidge are rummaging through his blog, looking for info and crumbs and embarrasments.
Keith is being silent and not looking into it, only eating his dinner while eyeing everyone else.
"You honestly thought you only had 33 followers?" He asks.
"Well duh! Nobody left comments and were silent, so ofc course I didn't think there were many."
"Well that's because I put your blog on locked comments, just in case you get space haters." Coran commented.
Aha, they all thought to themselves.
Lance only now remembered how personal some of his posts were, and immediately grabbed his phone to delete certain posts.
Ofc Hunk catches on, looks over his shoulder and yells out the names of the posts, one of them being "Mullet". Keith looks at him, finally.
"Really? You trashtalked me on your blog? That's low, even for you."
Lance is pretty flustered by this, but tries to spit back.
Turns out, Keith had been one of his first followers and already knew about all this. Was he good at being supportive in any way with words? No, absolutely not. Had he screenshotted the blogpost about him and kept a printed version of it under his bed?
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rainylana · 2 years
“I’ll be here when you’re ready.”
Eddie Munson x female reader
summary: eddie’s dad comes for a visit.
warnings: holy damn this is sad af. language, drinking, panic attack, use of the f slur, fighting, dry heaving, mentions of past abuse, eddie’s dad is an absolute bitch ass, i didn’t give his dad a name, but he gives the reader inappropriate looks, wayne to the rescue, eddie has a breakdown:( requested by @invade201177
please let me know what you thought! feedback is so so important to help writers keep going and i’ve not been receiving much as i used to:( make me smile!:)
@ariesl0ves3ddiemuns0n @eddiemania @eddiemunnson @kellysimagines @underthebatcape @no0neknowhes @nothisispatric @mic429 @avobabe87 @noturmom15 @lexthemess21 @imdoingbetternow @justaproudslytherpuff @delilahtaylorsverson @cosmic-lavender @flowers-and-tsukki @insomniac-nerd-posts-things @blowing-mikey @tripthlightfantastic @ultimate-sdmn-trash @xx-hospitalforsouls-xx-blog @catherinnn @ahzysauce @imangy @phantomxoxo @ohlovelyhollow @tessiemessie @hearts4laura @chaos-incorp @softyutae @rovckwells @kaqua @bellasfavoritesweatpants @lillianofliterature @aa-li-yah @your-starless-eyes-remain @itiscj @supercalifragilisticprincess @livasaurasrex @averysblog @antigoneidk @fionnthebandersnacc @imabadarsebard @ches-86 @actuallybarb @kneelforloki @heeyitsg @genuine-possum @edzmunsonswife
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Friday nights were the best. They were always the same. You and Eddie would rent a bunch of movies from the Family Video, get cheap snacks and a six pack to share while cuddled up on the pullout couch in his living room. Wayne often slept in Eddie’s bed when you both would fall asleep in his usually spot, but he didn’t oblige, as Eddie’s mattress was much better than the pull out couch.
Tonight’s movie choices wore Nightmare on Elm street 2, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and Killer Clowns from Outer Space. All horror obviously, and all selected by him. Your picks were The Breakfast Club, which he did not like, Silver Bullet, he did like very much, and Planet of the Apes, which was okay because he found it extremely hilarious. You usually fell asleep around the third movie, but you rented them all for the weekend anyways.
Your legs were placed in Eddie’s lap, your back against the arm of the couch with a popcorn bowl balanced on your knees, soft blankets all piled around you. The light was off and only the staticky glow of the tv shone in the room, making your eyes glimmer. Trash scattered all around you, empty pop and beer cans, chip bags and candy wrappers. The clock in the corner flashed two am, not a strange time for them to be up, however it was was strange time for them to receive a knock at the door.
Right as Freddy Krueger was about to torment kids in dreamland for the millionth time, the knock caused both you and Eddie to jump, staring at the door and then looking at each other. “You expecting company tonight?” You gave him a strange look.
“No?” He shook his head, grabbing the remote to pause the movie. He removed the blankets, then your legs off his lap as you sat up, adjusting to the light when he turned on the light switch. Eddie didn’t bother to look out the window to see who it was, as he assumed it was just a neighbor needing a quick fix. He should of known better.
He gave a quick tousle of his hair before he opened the door, an entertaining look on his face to greet his guest, but his smile dropped immediately before he could speak, the color draining from his face.
“Eddie!” A drunken slur came from his father. Yes, his father, standing in front of him with wobbles and a beer bottle clutched in his hand. “How’s my baby boy!”
You stood in confusion at the muffled voices and made your way behind Eddie, peeking out in curiosity. “Who is it, Eddie?”
“Woah!” The man cheered, stepping back with a heavy blink as he widened his eyes at you. “You got a girl now, son?”
You widened your eyes at the name. “Son?” You looked up at Eddie, who frankly, looked like he was going to pass out at any moment.
“Well? Cat got you’re tongue, kiddo? Let your old man in!” You had no choice but to move when Eddie’s father pushed past the both of you, and you stayed behind Eddie, giving him concerning looks.
His face was sculpted into confusion, shock and fear, and he gulped uneasily. “Dad…dad what are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be..well, in prison?”
“Out on bail.” He answered shortly, immediately going to the fridge to search for more beer. “Trial comin’ up soon. Hey, sugar will you get me one of them beers?” He looked at you sweetly and nodded to the six pack, well half of a six pack, that sat on the picnic table.
You gave Eddie a brief glance before you nodded, moving a step to get the beer and tossing it to him. He sent you a wink in thanks and you crossed your arms uncomfortably.
“So what are you doing here then?” Eddie finally showed emotion, gruff and short, stepping forward once in front of you. “Don’t you have friends you can stay with?”
He scoffed and took a long swig off his drink, droplets rolling off his chin, his stare switching between you and Eddie. You grew more nervous with each alarming look he gave you. Trouble was brewing and it wasn’t going to be good.
“You sure don’t seem very happy to see your old man, boy. Outta’ have some more respect.”
Eddie wasn’t having it.
“Get out.” He said bitterly, smacking the beer out of his dad’s hand so it splatted against the floor. “You’ve had your drink now get out.”
Maybe you should have been doing something besides standing frozen in the corner like a dummy, but you were just as shocked as Eddie was to see the man. Frankly, you weren’t ever sure if he’d been real and only a figment of your lover’s imagination. All you knew is that you weren’t supposed to bring his dad up. The only people who had that privilege was himself. Not even Wayne could. When he did talk about it, it was usually mid tears and ten beers.
“Hey!” He slurred, stepping back as his boots became damp, his lips curling angrily. “The hell did you do that for? Thought my boy would want to see his daddy?”
“I don’t.” Eddie said firmly. “Get out, man. I’m serious. You’re not welcome here.”
“Eddie.” You whispered, hugging yourself nervously as you bite at your nails, legs crossed to further hide yourself to try and look small.
“Oh, I’m not welcome here, huh?” He said unamusedly. You’d never seen pictures of his dad before, but Eddie didn’t look like him, so he must of gotten his features from his mother. You weren’t supposed to talk about her either, but Eddie wouldn’t snap at you like you did, unlike his dad. “I raised you, you know? Actin’ like a bitch and for what?”
“Raised me?” Eddie scoffed, getting angrier by the minute. “Wayne raised me! Not you! And I said get the fuck out!”
You nervously backed up to the phone in case you needed to call the police, your eyes wide and heart racing in fear as their voices escalated.
“Yeah, I can fuckin’ tell.” He spat, giving his son a nasty look. “What’s my brother been up to lately, huh? What the hell’s he doing lettin’ you keep your hair this long for? I told you it makes you look like a fuckin’ faggot!”
You audibly gasped at the comment and covered your mouth, gaining his attention. “Don’t you think so…name, what’s your name?” He snapped his fingers at you.
“Hey, don’t fucking talk to her!” Eddie stepped over once to cover his view of you, holding up his arms. “Don’t fucking talk to her, man.”
“I’ll do anything I want.” He gave him a small shove, not enough to stagger his stance. “I ain’t gonna hurt your girl, Eddie. Just wan’ talk to er’ is all.”
“My name is y/n.” You blurted out to avoid confrontation.
Eddie winced and glanced at you out of the corner of his eye, not moving a step out of his father’s eye line.
“Well…y/n,” He nodded his head shakily, staggering slightly with thick words. “Don’t ya’ think Ed here looks like a pussy like this? I buzzed his hair once when he was little. Poor thing acted like a traumatized him.” He gave a humorous laugh. Eddie only stared at him.
“You’re pathetic, boy.” His face grew hard and he practically spat in his son’s face. “Still livin’ with Wayne and still in high school, wasting’ your days with your shitty friends and that shitty board game you play. You think I’m a loser? Look at yourself for shit sakes!”
Eddie willed himself not to cry, but his heart was racing and swelling with a deep panic and rage that he hadn’t felt since he was a young teenager. His knees were weak and he felt glued in place. His tongue was heavy and his throat felt stuffed with cotton, brainy fuzzy and unable to handle what was happening. He shut down.
“Hey!” You barked, finally speaking up. “Watch your fucking mouth!” You stormed over to stand by Eddie and placed your hand on his arm, who held you back with his elbow “You don’t have any right being here!”
The man raised his brows at you. “No right?” He scoffed. “Ed, control your woman. Give er’ a smack across the face like I used to do to your momma.”
That was enough to snap him out of his trance, and you screamed, covering your mouth as Eddie lunged for him. He drew back and punched him straight in the jaw, pushing his shoulders back until they both collided into the kitchen table, collapsing atop of each other as things scattered and glass broke. You were screaming and gasping and yelling at them to stop, but you’d never seen Eddie so angry. You let out a sob when Eddie snapped his face over to the side with a hard punch delivered to his cheek.
You took off running toward the door, slamming it open and pouncing off the steps onto the gravel, screaming at the top of your lungs for help. You whirled around when bright lights hit you, and you ran in a panic closer, sobbing when you seen Wayne in the drivers seat.
“Wayne! Oh god, Wayne, help!”
“What? What what’s going on?” He jumped out of the truck and he followed after you when you took his hand and ran with him to the trailer, sobbing in hysterics.
The next few moments were a blur. Wayne had been shocked to see his brother there, but he didn’t allow that to cause him to falter. He shouted over the two of them and yanked his brother off of Eddie with his rough hands, dragging him out the door. Eddie was left in a pile on the floor, and you collapsed next to him, helping him up.
“Eddie, Eddie, oh my, god!” You grabbed his face, going up with him as he stood. His lip was cut and he had a bruise forming around his eye, but he looked completely lifeless.
“Are you alright?” His voice was shaking, and he spoke in a low, emotionless octave. He tried looking you over but he couldn’t keep his eyes focused.
“Yes, yes, I’m fine, baby.” You rushed, stuttering slightly over your words. “Come on, sit down.” You pushed him back down onto the couch, grabbing his hands as you tried not to blubber in front of him. “Eddie, are you okay? God, I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry, baby.” You couldn’t help but cry despite your efforts.
He wasn’t speaking. He kept his eyes glued to the collar of your neck glazed away in a daydream, hidden from the world and with it, his father. His breathing was hitting the top of your lip erratically, and you could see his nostrils flaring heavily, eyes wide and dry with tightening knuckles.
“Eddie?” You asked concerned, eyes crinkling at the sides. “Eddie, talk to me, are you okay?”
His shoulders started to shake and his face went pale.
“Eddie.” Wayne’s voice tore through the home and you were softly pushed away from him by your shoulder, and you stumbled back in shock as the man crouched below his nephew. “Hey, bud you’re alright. Work through it, it’ll pass.”
“Wayne,” You said painfully, trying to reach out. “What’s going on? Is he okay?”
“I’ve got him, honey.” He gave you a brief glance, holding out his hand to you. He didn’t want to be rude, but they needed space. You brought up your nails to bite, crying, as you leaned against the wall while Eddie went into panic mode.
He was still staring at one spot, eyes now spilling tears as his lips trembled and spewed out little whimpers. He was shaking and vibrating, face colorless as he gulped and swallowed so loudly you both could hear it.
“Breath, Eddie.” Wayne held his wrists. “Remember to breath. Breath and it’ll pass.”
He started sobbing, and you covered your mouth as hard as you could in complete shock and heart ache. Wayne held his shoulder and the back of his neck, his curls shaking from the weight of his broken, wheezy sobs that stained the fabric of his jeans. Wayne moved up to the couch when he started coughing violently, holding him up to his side as he doubled over and gagged, dry heaving out sobs and cries.
It was too traumatizing. You turned on your and once again, bolted for the door. You slammed it, holding yourself close as you hysterically cried to yourself. You had no idea where his father went, but his vehicle was no longer there. And god, you hoped he wouldn’t be coming back. Tonight only proved to you how sensitive this topic was, how fragile Eddie was when it came to his childhood. What you witnessed inside had scared you.
You were out there for nearly forty five minutes, shivering and lips nearly blue from the September weather. You were sat on the porch step, chattering your teeth away. You were almost too scared to check on your boys. Soon, the door creaked open and you jumped up to see a very, very tired looking Wayne.
“Is he-”
“He’s okay.” Wayne beat you to it, nodding as he looked at your dried tear tracks. He sighed heavily and leaned against the railing where you stood. “He’s not had one of those since freshman year. Forgot how scary they were.” He thought silently for a moment before he turned to you. “Are you okay?”
You shook your head. “Not really no. Where is he?”
“My brother?” Wayne raised a brow. “Gone. He ain’t coming back, believe me. He only comes around when he wants something and he got it. Jus’ wanted to mess with Ed’.”
Your eyes blurred with tears again. “What do I say to him? I don’t want him to get mad at, but I want to help.”
“He’s never mad at you, kid.” Wayne assured, taking out a cigarette and lighting it. “He’s just difficult at processing stuff, especially when it comes to his daddy, but he’s never mad at you, darlin’.”
You looked out to the empty trailer park, your cheeks shining in the illuminated light above you. “Is he ever going to talk to me about his…well, about everything? I can see how much it bothers him.”
Wayne’s heart swelled with guilt at his nephew’s suffering, and he gave a slow nod. “He will. In time.”
When you found Eddie sat on the edge of his bed, bandaid on his cut chin and eyes dark and sullen in, you moved slowly inside to crouch between his legs. He looked so fragile and broken, so pale and traumatized. He looked like a wounded animal. You so wished he would open up and talk to you, but you knew that wasn’t what he needed. Cupping his cheek lightly, his tearful eyes found yours and you shared a delicate look that said a thousand words. You lifted yourself up to your knees and wrapped your arms around his back in a tight, suffocating hug.
“I’ll be here when you’re ready.”
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gargyshmub · 1 year
DELTARUNE; Gargy's Fairytale Theory
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So, lately I've kind of had an itch in the back of my mind about DELTARUNE, more specifically the secret or hidden bosses in the game and a little correlation they all share. I'll try to keep this under 100 pages but i promise nothing (tee hee hee)
If you've played the game to the extent you're looking at a tumblr blog dedicated to it, you're probably familiar with the character's jevil and spamton. These are the two characters coined by the community as "secret bosses", since you have to stray away from the games intended path to find them (in most cases.)
When you defeat spamton in his 'NEO form', a neat little song will play with his dialogue "a real boy!", this is a nod to the fable/fairytale "pinochio" I'm sure everyone's familiar with. It's a story about a doll that comes to life in search of becoming 'a real boy'. This corrilation made me realize there are A LOT of similarity's between pinochio and spamton. The strings, his regular form being a mockup of a doll, even his goal to become "big", its almost like becoming a 'real boy'. He knows he's not 'real', and just like at the end of pinochio, he too becomes renewed (reneo'd).
This made me wonder if the other secret boss, Jevil, represented something other than the Joker card. Then I realized whenever he was hit in his fat empty head it actually sprung out like a jack-in-the-box. I initially discarded this since it wasn't really a fable or fairy-tale, but if you do some digging you'll find it actually is!!!@! back in the 1400's somewhat, the jack in the box was originally named 'The Devil in the Box', essentially it's a story about a man who trapped a devil in a boot in order to save a village in france at the time, kinda like that one story about the court jester who got locked away by his magician friend in order to save their kingdom (haha. hahahahha. thats from deltarune. hahaha.) just to run home my point, jack-in-the-box; Devil in the box. Jack; Devil. What way could you fuse them together? Dack? Jackil? maybe some other 3rd way that has some importance to Yea thats right you know you've always known its Jevil.
Obviously, in deltarune fashion, its easy to overthink most elements in the story. Granted, toby will make an entire 2nd game about a hypothetical character you've never met but no you've only ever POSSIBLY met through a 1/100 chance door where he'll show you his asshole and then disappear into a million pieces, but yea, it's easy to make certain correlations that aren't even really there. In this case however I'd say that there's one more correlation that seals the deal that makes this theory WORTH theorizing.
Yea gaster. even though he's not even technically a character yet, every piece of information regarding him seems to lead people to believe he's not only the narrator at the beginning of the game, but he's also the 'man' behind the tree (since the way you find 'his sprite' in undertale is almost exactly similar ['theres a room in-between, theres a room, in-between']). I'm assuming you know what there is to know about gaster so im not gonna go into it, so onto the correlation.
I've read before someone talking about how gaster represents easter eggs in video games, not only physically (egghead) but metaphorically (the way you find him, his implied involvment with the secret bosses, the fact he gives you an '''''EGG''''' when you DO find him). Well if he is technically involved with the secret bosses, wouldn't that make him a fable too? I'm here to tell you he is. he is HUMPTY DUMPTY from SECOND GRADE FAIRY TALE PLAY.
I've already gone over his physical and metaphorical symbolism relating to eggs, but the story of humpty dumpty is also very, haha, hahahaha, hahahhahahaha
Humpty dumpty sat on a wall (The Core)
Humpty dumpty took a big fall ("Fell into his own creation")
All the kings horses and all the kings men (Who did gaster work for again?)
Couldn't put Humpty together again ("He was shattered across time and space")
What could this mean? for the future it means that if this theory is right, EVERY secret boss we meet is gonna represent not only a lightworld object, but an actual FAIRTY TALE, a FABLE. I mean, how many fables are out there. I know theres one in particular, one that the game is named after, one that has to do with an ANGEL. an ''''ANGEL'''' with ''''TATTERED WINGS''''''.
but then again idk
Last edit: also this has no grounds as an actual theory but uhhh that mf that made the Undertale RED boss fight got hired on the team. Huh. I wonder what Red was a reference to. Huh.
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vulpisnocturna · 9 months
Hello there, I hope ur havin a great day ♡ may I ask for Gojo x virgin!reader w voice kink, if it's ok w u obviously 🖤 I just think he would be sooo sweet to his darling 😌
Of course lovely :)
15) free space (voice kink)
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Warnings: virgin reader, voice kink, praise kink, dirty talk, experienced Gojo, oral sex (f!receiving), fingering, vaginal sex, safe sex (on this blog??? crazy I know), Lawyer AU because why not, soft dom Gojo
His cerulean eyes were truly what people described and more. They had the effect that the Bernini statues had had on you when you had first seen them: awe and wonder at how an artist could carve marble to look like flesh and silk, how fingers curling on stone could look so soft and powerful. Gojo Satoru’s eyes were the same: they left you in marvel of the specks of hundreds, if not thousands of hues of blue, from the deepest depths of the ocean to a forest stream to the summer sky, all the way to the richest sapphires and the July fields of cornflowers in a meadow. They were framed by snowy eyelashes like snowflakes on ice, and try as you might, you could not accept that they were covered by sunglasses most of the time.
The first time you had seen them, you had forgotten how to speak. Now, because Satoru was a bit of a prick, he never did let it go. Once he had caught onto the fact that you had a crush on him, he had asked you out on a date. You were a lawyer green as grass at the firm he was partner at, fresh out of law school, looking to make a name for yourself in the law scene and make a change. Though his methods of arguing were unorthodox, Gojo Satoru was regarded as the best lawyer in the city. He talked way too much and often got cheeky with the Judge, which always made you slump in your chair and cringe inwardly like all the bones in your body had turned to soup, but somehow, his charm always managed to appease both the Judge and the jury.
Nanami-san said that if anyone other than Gojo tried his methods in court, they would be held in contempt in the span of five minutes without even having the time to utter “Your Honour”. He could do what he did because he was Gojo Satoru, but you still admired his speeches, his compelling motions, the way he could turn a case around at the last minute of the closing arguments as though it was second nature.
It was after a full day in court where you had had to cross-examine a very important defence expert witness that Gojo had kept you in the cafeteria at the afternoon break. You were sitting on a bench, trying to relieve the pain in your feet after wearing stilettos and standing behind the podium for hours, and drinking the watery coffee that did not taste like much just to keep yourself going just for another two hours, when Gojo had approached you.
‘That cross was quite the show’ he had commented, devouring a pastry, licking his lips when the strawberry jam inside it painted his mouth bright red.
That had been when Gojo had first taken notice of you. After that, he had insisted on getting a morning coffee with you, buying you lunch on the break and had even invited you to a dinner with the firm partners, and despite you feeling really out of your depth, he had managed to make you feel like you belonged with his easy jokes and cheeky compliments.
One week after the dinner, he had taken you on a beautiful date at a bar in the bustling centre of the city, where cocktails were served with smoke billowing from the glass and even just bartending looked like full-fledged artistry.
And now, after your third date, you had had a couple of glasses of red wine, and you had felt courageous enough to take him up on his offer to go back to his place. As a starting practitioner, you were living in a small flat near the courthouse, one where if you opened the sofa-bed, you would not be able to reach the kitchen unless you crawled over the bed. And now, you were in a penthouse with windows surrounding the living room, overlooking the skyline and the city centre. It was... extravagant and showy, two adjectives you would immediately choose when talking about him. And he was currently embracing you from behind, kissing your throat, sending your heart pattering like hailstones on a car windshield.
You hadn’t had the guts to tell him you were a virgin. You were out of your depth here as you had been at the dinner, but this, this felt so much more personal. This was... embarrassing.
Perhaps because you had been so busy with law school and then work, trying to stay on top of bills and rent, you hadn’t had time to date. You felt as though you had missed a big part of your puberty and early adulthood, and at some point, it had gotten to a point where “waiting for the right one” had turned into not trusting anyone enough with the embarrassment of still being a virgin. You had never been fully naked with someone, never done anything more than making out and shirtless dry humping. And he... well, he had a reputation as a womanizer. He looked like the type to have commitment issues, and God, you should not be involving yourself with him to this point, you should not give out your first sex experience to someone who might just want a one night stand with no baggage, but he had won you over like he won all of his cases.
And now, you were afraid to admit that you loved that peculiar, flamboyant man, and you wanted him to be your first.
But you did not know how to come clean with it. And so you were stuck in that predicament, turning into putty in his hands and growing more and more tense by the minute as his lips ghosted your jaw and your throat, his hands splayed on your stomach, holding you in place.
‘You are so pretty, sweetheart. You smell so sweet- you look so innocent, just want to see you look at me with your pretty teary eyes underneath me’ he murmured against your ear, and a shiver ran up your spine, your eyelids fluttering at the mere sound of his voice. He sounded... tantalising. It was as if his voice alone was enough to render you unable to think, enough to make your lower stomach drop and force you to press your thighs together to alleviate the throbbing between them. The huskiness of it, the sweet but sensual tone, his words... they were all making you dizzy. You could just hear him speak in your ear forever and you would never need to have sex to know what it felt like.
‘Satoru-‘ you breathed, licking your dry lips, and he turned you, picking you up and forcing you to wrap your legs around his hips. His lips clashed with yours, hungry and enticing, soft and ravenous as they sought to brand you and burn their likeness in your mouth. His tongue was warm and demanding against yours, and he tasted faintly of mint and spiced rum, a lingering tribute to the last drink he’d had. His teeth sank in the pliant flesh of your bottom lip, and he sucked, tearing a whimper from you that made him groan.
The sound that came from his throat did nothing to quell down your lust, rather, it poured gasoline on a forest fire, to the point where you were squirming and gyrating your hips against his erection in an attempt to find reprieve.
‘Eager, are we, baby? I like it’ he chuckled, and you burnt from embarrassment and sheer lust, gulping when you found yourself in his room, which seemed to be bigger than your flat, on a king-sized bed with the softest mattress you had ever felt underneath you. He was quick to take off his shirt, giving you a view of his flawless alabaster skin and the lithe body he was blessed with, one that was nonetheless quite toned and muscular for someone who spent his day arguing with people. He climbed above you, looking at you with those cobalt eyes that seemed to make the world stand still.
‘C’mon, sweetheart, relax. I’m not going to devour you- unless you ask nicely’ he winked at you, making you burn at the embarrassing joke and the connotations of his words.
‘I- I haven’t... had sex before. Ever’ you decided to rip the band-aid and hope for the best. Satoru’s reaction was not what you had expected. He looked perplexed.
‘You’re a virgin? You? You must have had a crowd of fanboys following you for years. Were none of them up to your standards? Were you waiting for me?’ he teased, smirking, almost as if he was trying to put you at ease with his light humour. You gave a nervous laugh.
‘Uhh, I was... busy- and never really got to that point’ you stuttered, wishing his stupid extravagant bedside table lamps weren’t on so he wouldn’t see your face.
‘Well, I am flattered you chose me. I’ll have to make it worth your time, yeah?’ he said, seemingly falling back into his charming self as he ran the pad of his thumb across your lower lip, making you hold your breath as you waited for his next move.
He cupped your face, drawing you in for a slow, sensual kiss that made your stomach drop and pebbled your skin with goosebumps. The touch of his fingers was a mere caress across your ribcage, your waist and hip, but you could tell that he was holding back, and he would have likely been much rougher had he not known that this was your first time.
His feverish lips traced a line to your throat, and he took his time savouring your skin, kissing and licking and nipping at your skin until you were sure you were nothing but a pliant ragdoll in his hands.
‘I’m going to make you feel so good, baby... going to make you addicted to this, make you my good girl’ he crooned against your skin, and your breath faltered, your teeth pulling on the corner of your bottom lip. He sounded sinful, alluring, like he was casting a spell on you. His voice alone, hearing him say that, the drop in his tone, the way his tongue seemed to caress every word like his fingers were ghosting your skin... it was already becoming too much to bear. You needed to feel more, and you did not want him to treat you like you were a fragile thing who would break at the slightest touch.
In your fantasies, ones you would take to your grave, he would just take you as he spewed filth to you, praising you and making you feel like you were the only thing he ever saw and wanted. You wanted to be his.
‘Satoru... you can be rougher with me’ you murmured, and his eyes seemed to gleam in the orangey glow of the lamps, a grin spreading across his reddened lips as his fingers curled around your hip.
‘Careful what you wish for, pretty girl’ he said, his hand skimming your body to settle on your ass, under your skirt. He was fondling the pliable skin there, his tongue dipping out to lick your cleavage. He helped you out of your top, his eyes devouring every inch of your skin, making you feel truly attractive and seductive as you watched him take in your features like he couldn’t get enough of you.
Satoru ran his willowy fingers over your breasts, ghosting over your stiff nipples, circling them before he pulled down the straps of your bra and snaked his hand underneath your back to unclasp it and toss it away.
You would have felt self-conscious, were it not for Satoru’s immediate enthusiasm as he dipped his head and kissed the skin around your nipple, his hand kneading the other breast as his tongue flicked your nipple and he sucked it. You arched your back into his eager mouth and skilled fingers, wishing he would touch you between your legs, because you couldn’t take it anymore.
‘So pretty- you’re so sensitive, baby. You want me to take this pretty little skirt off?’ he asked, voice almost mellifluous, and you nodded almost too eagerly, immediately averting your eyes and feeling your cheeks heat up with warmth as you watched him smirk. He unzipped your skirt, easily slipping it off you, and his fingers ran up your thighs, which parted for him instinctively. He hummed in self-satisfaction, eyes locked on your face as he cupped you through your underwear, making your breath falter and a desperate mewl escape you at the much needed friction, which still did not feel like enough.
‘You’re such a good girl. So wet for me’ he crooned, dragging his fingers along your labia, pressing slightly until you were squirming underneath him.
‘Please, Satoru- need...’ you whined, and he chuckled, lowering his head to plant a kiss on your clothed pussy, his tongue mischievously flicking you where your most sensitive spot was.
‘What do you need, sweetheart? Want me to take your panties off and lick your cute little cunt?’ he asked, so impossibly lewd and alluring that you could not help but moan, nodding desperately.
‘Yeah- need you to touch me’ you breathed, and he smirked, cerulean eyes bright and impish as he hooked his fingers on the hem of your panties and dragged them down your thighs, discarding them and immediately touching your bare skin, teasing your wet labia and kissing your thighs, inching closer and closer to your cunt.
He dipped one long finger inside you, and you were already clamping and throbbing around it, but when he curled it, you could not help the breathless, wanton moan that poured out of you. It felt too good to be true.
‘Such a tight little cunt. Need to get you used to my fingers before you can take my cock, m’kay?’ he cooed, and your head spun with the sheer desire that man could induce in you with just his voice and a single finger.
But when his tongue joined his hand and he flicked your clit, you swore you saw stars. Your hands shot to his snowy hair, and instinct made you try to squirm away, but Satoru would not let you. He pinned you down with one large hand and let out a gravelly groan, circling your clit with his tongue.
If you had known oral sex felt this good, you would have sought someone out years ago. But perhaps it was just Satoru, and he was annoyingly good at everything, including sex.
You were reduced to a sobbing, wanton mess as Satoru tormented you in the sweetest way there was, coaxing whimpers and moans from you as he sucked your clit in his searing mouth, added another finger inside you and pumped them, slowly at first, and then deeper and faster.
His fingers were so much different from yours: they were longer and thicker, and he knew what he was doing even better than you did. And his tongue... God, it was torturous.
‘Cum for me, pretty girl- cum on my face’ he said, and you were undone. Your orgasm rocked through you like a surge of electricity, making your body tense up and your thighs tremble, your ears ringing and your eyes full of tears, white splotches dancing in your vision as the tight knot in your lower stomach released.
You were bleary, worn-out and breathless when he finally lifted his head and slipped his fingers out of you, unable to even form words after the orgasm he had just torn from you. Your dazed eyes followed him as he lifted himself off the bed and unbuttoned his trousers, taking them off along with his black boxers, until you stared, eyes slightly wide as his cock slapped against his lower stomach, thick and long, the reddened skin contrasting with the neatly trimmed white hairs of his crotch and the pale skin of his stomach.
He reached to the drawer of his nightstand, grabbing a condom and ripping the wrapper with his teeth. He unrolled it over his cock, smirking at you and hovering above you, kissing you and rubbing the tip of his cock over your labia, making you whine and push your hips against him to get him to push in.
‘Shh, shh. I have to be gentle, don’t want to hurt you, baby’ he murmured, looking as though he was struggling to restrain himself too as he pushed in a little bit, until the tip of his cock pressed inside you, tearing a whimper from you. It already felt thick and as though it was filling you and stretching you, and you did not know whether you would be able to withstand any more.
However, with coaxing and shushing from his part, he was able to push a few more inches inside you, moaning as his head dropped in the crook of your neck, his breath uneven. Your eyes scrunched up and you gritted your teeth at the burning sensation inside you, taking small breaths and trying to relax your muscles even though your instinct was to tense up.
‘Fuck- you’re so tight. You can take it, you’re doing so well, sweetheart. Just a little more’ he praised, kissing you, forcing you to relax and distracting you from the pain you felt as he pushed. You gasped at the sudden pang of pain, raking your nails down his back, but the sting did not take too long to fade away.
The first push of his hips after the pain went away felt so good you could not hold back a loud moan, and your back arched into him, your eyelids growing heavy with pleasure.
He let out a groan, gripping your thigh, lifting it around his waist, deepening the thrusts until you were squirming underneath him, whining and pleading with him.
‘Good girl. You feel amazing. You sound so sweet, baby’ he crooned, slapping his hips against you, until you could barely breathe and were rendered incoherent by how good it felt, how it pressed against all the right places, how his words were guiding you through it, heightening the pleasure.
‘’toru- please... I’m so close’ you moaned, and he gave you an impish grin, pulling you into a sloppy kiss, his hand snaking between your bodies to roll your clit between his fingers, until you were quivering and writhing underneath him, gasping for air when your lips weren’t interlocked with each other.
‘That’s my good girl. Cum for me, baby. I’m close too’ he said, getting rougher, pushing deeper and harder into you, lifting one of your legs on his shoulder, his bright blue eyes burning into you, seeming to sear the image he was seeing into his brain.
A string of curses and slurred pleas left your mouth as it got too much to bear and the knot in your belly released, making you tremble with your orgasm, your field of view obfuscated with white, your muscles weak as his hips stuttered and his rhythm broke. He came with a breathy moan, his head thrown back in bliss, his lips slightly parted.
Satoru slumped next to you, a light sheen of sweat making some strands of snowy hair cling to his forehead, his skin almost glowing in the dim light of his room.
You dared to reach to his face and brush them away, and he closed his eyes, almost as if he was revelling in your touch. It made your heart tighten in your ribcage.
‘Shower with me?’ he asked, smiling slightly, and then his lips stretched into that charming, roguish smirk, ‘I can’t promise I’ll behave, sweetheart’
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pianocat939 · 1 year
I stumbled across your blog, and from one writer to another you make excellent work. So I bring you this.
*sips tea*
Three words:
In the episode “Down with the Sickness” there’s a stage where the patient becomes very and I mean VERY affectionate, (it was the Captain Cuddle-Cakes stage if I remember correctly) I rewatched the entire series and I couldn’t stop thinking about this when I watched this episode.
Like imagine them getting all needy for affection and attention while the reader is taking care of them. The shenanigans would be unreal.
You started to sweat under the hazmat suit still confused as to how they managed to get anything done in these things. For once Donnie’s insistent medical procedures came to your rescue, because all four of the turtles managed to come down with the infamous “Rat Flu”.
You remembered how the illness came with several stages, one of which being the Must-Say-Yes stage (as Leo called it). If you could manage to not get sick, you could finally be free from this nightmare.
“What is it Leo?” You groaned, somehow the slider managed to be more needy while sick.
“Can you come into my arms so I can be whole again, Mi Vida?~”
It was going to be a long day
- 🫖 Anon
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I shouldn't be taking this since requests are closed but um
Tw: MC gets hit into a wall but no major head injury, forced cuddles at the end-, mostly turtaleles begging for affection
Sickly in Love
Ok, so the five of you are trying not to get sick with the rat flu. With only the biohazard suits made by Donnie as your only protection.
So far, everything is great, until Leo decides to be a little idiotic and not keep his suit on. Which ended in him getting ill.
He's locked in the quarantine area with his only companion an empty space. He complains endlessly about the heat, which is ironic considering he's a reptile.
And before you know it, he hits stage 2.
While the others go off and attempt to contain Splinter, you're stuck with a red-eared slider who is absolutely in love with you.
"Mi cariño~ won't you come closer? I want us to hold hands." He calls, his palm scraping against the plastic barrier.
"No, Leo. You might infect me if I do." You retort, scrolling through your phone.
He pushes himself against the temporary wall harder, wanting to be closer to you. "Oh but if I infect you, we can cuddle and give each other love!”
“Mh yeah but the group might need me so…No.”
Leo whines in response, clearly unhappy with the situation. He can’t help it! He wants to be held and adored by you so desperately! He longingly stares at you through the transparent cage, the urge to cry swallowing his entire being.
Just then, Donnie barges through the tunnel or rather thrown. He lands clumsily on the floor, a bit shocked by the impact. He groans in pain, rubbing his arm.
"Quick! Get 'em in there!" Raph commands, carrying Mikey in one arm. He then dashes off, escaping from the murderous rat behind him.
You lightly guide Donnie to the containment area, unsure of what else to do. Right before you open the zipper, he snatches the end of your sleeve, his eyes narrowed in disbelief. "I am not sick thank you, I just happen to- achoo!" He's interrupted by a high-pitched sneeze, his body hunched from the sudden action.
Skeptically, you move an eyebrow muscle; unamused by his statement. "Mh yeah, let's get you inside." You reveal the entrance, gesturing for him to enter.
Once he's inside, he shivers, rapidly rubbing his limbs. "Ugh, it's freezing in here..."
Leo snickers from a distance, pointing a finger at him, "That's the first stage kicking in!" He turns back to stare at you, hearts practically floating from him.
"So...Who would you rather have as your significant other, me or Donald?" Donald Duck Leo inquires, still pressed up against the barrier.
"Ronald McDonald. This situation is only getting worse."
"Wha- EXCUSE ME? I'm obviously the better choice than some ketchup clown!"
As Leo rages about how he's the superior one, Donnie stops shivering, his eyes blank. He glances up at you, holding his knees to his chest. He rocks back and forth a little, seemingly pondering about something.
"Donnie? You good?"
"Did I ever tell you about the time I hacked into your enemy's bank account? I took vengeance for you." He smiles slightly, tapping his feet against the floor.
"I- what? Who?"
Donnie breaks out into a psychotic grin, emotion waving through him. "Your enemy~ The ones who hurt you!"
"The fact you're grinning either means you're really happy or a maniac. I'm scared it's a mix of both."
"Why wouldn't I be happy? I protected you from those evil, disgusting heathens!"
Offended, Leo hisses, "Donnie back off! They're mine, you weirdo nerd!" He claws at the plastic, wanting to engage in a fight with his brother.
"Please no. Leo, don't hit the 3rd stage I'm begging you."
And as if things couldn't get worse Raph walks in, his walk agonizingly slow. "Ugh...Gettin' sick is not fun."
You frown, realizing the situation is much direr than expected. "That means Mikey is the only one left. Maybe I should leave to go help out." You ponder to yourself, grimacing a little when Raph collapses into his little chamber.
“No! You’re not leaving me! You’re staying right here with me!” Leo pounds against the transparent wall, angered by the statement.
Donnie whimpers, “What? No, don’t leave me! I get anxious if you do!” He taps his feet faster than before, his stims taking over.
“But if I don't go help Mikey, then you guys will have no chance of getting what you want!"
"Y/n, you listen to me right now. I don't care if we won't win if it means you'll stay. Now come here before I try to destroy everything." Leo hisses out, stomping his food and starting to hit the flexible barrier, trying to break it.
You look in the direction where Mikey is dealing with Splinter and back to Leo and Donnie who both stare at you longingly: one of aggravation and the other of fear. You can't deny, their faces make you want to calm them down so you sigh and sit next to their individual quarantine enclosures.
"You guys are seriously going to be the death of me..."
The two turtles only chirp and churr joyfully as they sit as close as possible to you (while still in their enclosures).
"Sweets! C'mere! I want snuggles please!"
You hear Raph exclaim as he motions for you to come closer to him, and you form a slight frown on your face realizing that Raph has already advanced to the 2nd stage in such little time.
"Raph, you know I can't. You're contagious."
He makes dejected whines from his throat as he presses his face against the wall, pouting with puppy eyes.
"No, sorry Raph-" But you were interrupted by Donnie who sneered at his elder brother, "Stop it. You're making me want to gag at this lovey-dovey affection you're begging for." You give a short, small glare at the scientist, not enjoying his sudden cruelty. Looks like he's forwarded to the 3rd stage.
"I don't care...I only care for cuddles and kisses from you sweets!" Despite Donnie's harsh comment Raphie seems to bounce right back up and ignore him, which was quite unusual for the watchful turtle. For a split second, you look at Leo's area and notice he's sleeping on the floor soundly, occasionally letting out a small snore.
"Hey, hey! Your attention should be on me! Not him!"
As you were about to turn your head back to the big guy, a sudden weight crashed into you, slamming you against the wall.
"Agh!" You yelp, wincing at the throbbing pain in your head that came soon after you were hit. "What the..." You were then met with the youngest one, Mikey, snuggling into your abdomen with a grin on his face.
"I love you so much, my divinity!"
And before you know it, all four brothers are surrounding you (Leo somehow woke up out of nowhere) with smiles so big it's unnerving.
"We all love you so much,"
"And we think it's best~"
"If you stayed with us forever,"
"So that you can always be happy!"
You then find yourself in an enclosure of your own, except this time it's not for quarantine; no, your enclosure was their arms that wrapped around you so tightly, not letting you escape for freedom.
This was sitting in my drafts for a long time so I decided to just finish it and get it over with- so the ending might be rushed. Apologies.
- Celina
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