#no view the radio
chaoticace2005 · 8 months
Vox next time he sees Alastor after Dad Beat Dad:
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battlekidx2 · 8 months
I want to elaborate even further on why I think Alastor’s breakdown in the finale was (at least in part) motivated by the fact that he has come to care about the people at the hotel. A few people have responded to me saying they don't believe he actually cares or asking me about my opinions on certain counterarguments against the interpretation that he cares and I figured it would be easier to just make one post in response. (this is just meant to expand on my thoughts. You don't have to agree. That's half the fun of media interpretation.)
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The consistent throughline I keep being told is that his breakdown was purely motivated by pride and loss of control and I do think these were massive parts of the breakdown.
Alastor is very aware of the fact that the situation around him is spiraling out of his control. That the notoriety he had cultivated as an unchallengeable overlord is crumbling. His time away allowed the fear he sowed to dull. He keeps coming face to face with beings that rival or surpass his strength. People who wouldn’t dare question him before are banging on his door. His foothold in the world isn’t secure like it once was and that has him reeling.
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Alastor's pride is a driving factor in his actions, but, like I said in my last analysis, I think this is only part of it. I think this breakdown is motivated by the fact that he feels like he’s losing control of himself on top of the situation around him.
I'm going to start with the points/questions I've been asked first then expand on my thoughts after.
The first one I was asked about is the interpretation that Alastor was mocking the very idea that he would sacrifice himself for someone else when he says "Great Alastor, altruist, died for his friends." and I think that would work if it wasn't for the visuals paired with this line.
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He literally looks like THIS when he is speaking the line. This isn’t the face of someone mocking the very idea that he would do this.
It was actually this shot that convinced me there was some truth to the words he was saying because it looks like he’s beginning to have a breakdown over the fact that this is almost exactly what happened.
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The second one that I was asked about was the idea that he was forced to fight and protect Charlie by whoever owns his soul. But if he was forced to fight in this battle due to his contract why not describe it this way when alone? How could he even leave if he was forced to fight and protect the hotel? I doubt there was a caveat that he could leave the fight if he was seriously injured if he was ordered to fight and protect Charlie and the hotel.
I do think he's at the hotel because of whoever owns his soul, but I don't think it's why he fought or why he helped Charlie get Cannibal Town to aid them through his connection to Rosie.
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And the last one that I was asked about was the idea that the demons had to be fighting for love like Carmilla said to Vaggie to defeat the angels and the reason Alastor didn't win was because he was fighting purely for his own interests. Freedom, power, and control.
And, while I think the base idea of this is really interesting (This is a genuinely cool idea!) and could challenge Alastor's more selfish motivations, the show itself doesn't really back this up.
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Charlie is the literal embodiment of fighting to protect those she cares about-- she has the biggest heart out of anyone at the hotel-- and yet she doesn't defeat anyone in this battle.
Before she faces Adam all she uses is a shield to protect herself and the other residents. She apologizes to those she hits, while Vaggie finishes them off. When she does face Adam she doesn't beat him. She gets in a good hit, but she isn't able to finish him off. She would have been killed if Lucifer didn't step in.
Plus, Alastor's shield killed multiple exorcists before Adam destroyed it, so I don't think this means he hasn't grown to care about the residents of the hotel or that there wasn't some part of him that was fighting to protect them.
Now to expand on my own thoughts now that I've answered the questions I've gotten, it's not just the final battle/fallout that brought me to believe he had come to care about the hotel and its residents.
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The show itself seems to want us to think he is starting to grow “accustomed” (In Alastor’s words to Niffty) to the group with little moments that are played straight like when he sends Mimzy (possibly his oldest friend) away, telling her she can stay if she truly wants to try for redemption, but if she just wants to put the hotel in danger then she has to leave.
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When he says he believes in Charlie and wants to mentor her in cannibal town. He even gives her his microphone which is a literal extension of himself to help her.
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When he talks to Niffty (who he is clearly fond of) and admits he finds the group enjoyable to be around. He says he could grow accustomed to them after Niffty says she really likes them almost in agreement with her.
There is no sinister undertone or hint of the usual facade Alastor puts on in these scenes.
Like I said above I don't think that the fact that Alastor has come to care about the residents is the only factor in his breakdown or the only reason he fought in the first place (Alastor's blatant overconfidence in his fight against Adam makes it clear pride was a factor. That overconfidence is why he lost that battle). It's a combination of multiple things (his pride, loss of control, desire for freedom, etc), but I do think it's a valid reading that it was a part of it considering all the information the show has given us.
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This isn't to say I think Alastor is going to melt and be a team player for the hotel from now on. In fact, I think he's going to lash out against this internal change.
Alastor has always put himself first and in the finale he almost died trying to protect this hotel and it's rattled him. It's challenged his entire self-perception. He doesn’t like that it’s being challenged. That he’s losing control of himself on top of the situation around him. So, he doubles down on his initial goals.
I think this internal conflict is fascinating. I wouldn't have written so much about it if I didn't. I genuinely can't wait to see what they do with it in season 2.
If you feel differently feel free to send an ask, message, or respond to this post. I'd love to hear what other people think! Differing views and connections to characters is what makes media so impactful and fun to consume.
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vaggieslefteye · 6 months
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It gets worse with every hour...
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marsbotz · 11 months
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happy rick and morty episode day. anyone else feel the fear of god
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huariqueje · 2 years
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No signal   -   Mike Howat , 2016 -20.
American , b.  1990s
Acrylic on panel ,  30 x 24 in.
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syncrovoid-presents · 8 months
Alastor's Deal (Thoughts, Theories, and some Predictions)
This won't answer the who, but aims to dig into the why, and plausibly narrow down the terms of the deal. Long post ahead!
First off, the finale was incredible! But what Alastor's song showed was that his ""death"" against Adam wasn't entirely a surprise, but rather planned. Alastor's song revealed that he was looking for a loop in the contract, a way to slip past the deal without having to directly break it. He already made a deal with Charlie for a favour, but that might have been a safety net of sorts, something to guarantee himself a fighting chance if his "dying for the hotel" plan failed.
His surprise was at how fast it happened, not that he nearly died. Alastor craves control, he wears his smile for control, he makes deals for control, his magic highly influenced by controlling others too. His Modus Operandi is control, and he faced the battle it started with him being in control. He was outwitting Adam, he was faster, sneakier, even kept his hands behind his back while dodging just to show how little effort it took. But Adam's weapon sending an angelic beam of power? That wasn't in his plan, that wasn't in his control.
Control is something Alastor seeks over everything, which is why the deal is so brutal for him. The deal takes control from him, and his constant smiling and jokes and contained urges for violence is him trying to have some sort of freedom. It's highly implied that, unless it's for the hotel, he hasn't used his magic for his own reasons. He hasn't eaten or killed anyone unless it is for the hotel, and even that was implied to happen only during the Mimzy incident. He hasn't gotten to make any deals either, at least no real deals, no deals for souls.
I'm far from the first one to say that his deal is forcing him to help the hotel, but it's only now that we see the true extent. Alastor's entire personality, goals, and being has been changed against his will. He is now a tool for the hotel, the sword and shield, the magical provider, bringing them whatever they need to succeed despite the odds. Without him, it would just be Charlie, Vaggie, and Angel Dust. Sir Pentious wouldn't have joined, repairs would've taken far longer, the staff would've been just Charlie and Vaggie, et cetera. Even his deals are just him trying to gain something out of helping the hotel.
Alastor is bound to the hotel and his powers are also bound to the hotel. He cannot be selfish, he cannot do anything unless it's for the hotel no matter how desperately he wants to do otherwise. And yet it seems like his powers are limited too.
Alastor has immense levels of powers, so much that he was taking down a large portion of the angel army single handedly. Had Adam not been there, it's not outlandish to claim that Alastor could have taken down the angel army by himself. This is why he was feared. This is why "no one crosses the radio demon". If these are his powers when their limited, imagine just how powerful he truly is?
The last evidence I'll state before moving on is that Alastor didn't return back to the hotel until it was rebuilt, yet still didn't use his magic to cause chaos.
To simplify, on his end the deal forces him to use his immense power for the benefit of the hotel. He cannot actively do anything to bring harm to it, and he cannot use his magic unless it's for the good of the hotel. And he cannot escape from the deal if the hotel is destroyed, so the deal isn't about the physical hotel, but rather the concept of it. As long as the hazbin hotel exists in the heart of those involved, Alastor is bound to help.
Now the why? I believe that, whoever he made the deal with him was, they want the hotel to succeed. Not only that, I believe that by forcing Alastor to stay there and help while limiting his capability for violence, they are also trying to rehabilitate Alastor.
Wherever Alastor was before the hotel opened, it was somewhere where he couldn't interact with anyone. He was forced to be gone, only until the hotel opened. If the theories of Alastor making a deal with Lilith is true, then Lilith's character is important to consider. From what we know she is powerful and worked to bring dekonkind together. And that she too disappeared 7 years ago.
It's confirmed that Alastor destroyed many of the worse evils that existed in hell, the only ancient overlords that remain are civil and take part of overlord meetings. They are controlled, contained. There's more structure, and the only truly out of control, dangerous demon to remain would have been Alastor. It's possible that Lilith realized that she could use him to "clean up hell", waiting her time until Alastor was the last remaining biggest threat. That was when she pounced, seven years ago to capture him in a deal. We don't know why he would accept such a limiting deal, but I'd wager that it could have been for his life (either she was threatening him, or he nearly died and made a deal for his life).
Now that the deal is made, Alastor can't bring mindless chaos. If anything he is doing the most to help demons be saved from the extermination either through redemption or protection (we also didn't see him prior to the last, so perhaps he's also bound to protect during the extermination too?).
All while Alastor is handling and ensuring the success of the largest and most helpful demon-centered support system, Lilith is on vacation. Almost like Alastor is acting in her role, a mimicry of a spiritual successor of sorts. He's helping rally the demons together, helping shape Charlie into a better leader, helping prove demons can be redeemed. All while Alastor is either witness, participant, or manager of the strategies used to redeem sinners. Alastor is only a few steps away from taking part of the redemption program himself.
If Alastor's deal was with Lilith, then she's getting everything she could want. All the uncontrollable evils/overlords destroyed, a muzzle on (one of the most) powerful sadistic demons, someone to help guide her daughter, help demons redeem themselves, protection for her citizens from being killed or further tortured, and she finally gets a vacation. She'd be getting everything she could want, with the bonus of possibly rehabilitating Alastor in the process.
It's no wonder Alastor is so desperate to break out of the deal, to find a backdoor in the contract. This goes against everything he stands for. The stories of him broadcasting screams? Of killing overloards and owning soul after soul after soul? That is the real him, and it isn't exaggerated. If Alastor wasn't chained, he'd have the power and strength to destroy large swaths of hell himself. If he decided to do his own extermination with angelic weapons? He could kill as many demons as the angels do and more, because he wouldn't be limited by a single day period.
If his deal is with someone else? We simply don't have enough information yet to name them then. Whoever it is, they would have to believe in demonkind's potential for improvement, and possibly fear what Alastor is able to do.
The last thing I want to touch upon is how Alastor might be able to escape the deal. First is what he tried, which is "dying" for the hotel. Or, more precisely, for everyone involved in the hotel, it was as if he died, so why would they still depend on him?
Next would be for the hotel to be destroyed, and considering that we don't know if Alastor was briefly free while he recovered or if he was just hiding out somewhere new because he couldn't stay in the hotel because it didn't exist, this one is still iffy. If part of his deal is staying at the hotel to actively protect it, the he was temporarily freed from that condition. Yet once it was rebuilt Alastor returned, proving that the destruction of the hotel building wouldn't free him.
The next possible way could be the death of the hazbin hotel spirit. If Alastor (or outside forces) were able to destroy Charlie's hope for the hotel just like Lucifer's dreams were crushed, perhaps Alastor would be freed. Considering how the finale went, it would take a lot for this to happen.
My final idea, and the one I predict will happen, is that Alastor outfits the person he made the deal with. He doesn't find a true "out", but rather will manipulate them into giving his power back. And this? I believe that Alastor's deal with Charlie was made for this reason.
If indeed the deal was with Lilith, and part of the deal seems to be ensuring Charlie's dreams come true, then Charlie is a delightful way for Alastor to manipulate the situation. How? Who knows, but I think that this will be a large part of the conflict of season 2.
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3amsoda · 1 year
super mario rap (dirty)
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allastoredeer · 8 months
So we all saw that picture Vox had of Alastor (the one where it was obviously taken with the both of them toward the end of episode 8). And I’ve seen theories about them being something like friends before their falling out.
And it just got me thinking, what if Alastor was interested in the more modern technology Vox was developing. He saw the potential in it. Or was at least intrigued.
But as that technology progress, much like a lot of capitalistic, corporate sludge entertainment nowadays, it starts get lifeless and formulaic. It starts lacking passion.
And Alastor out here, with his radio where all you have to captivate your audience is sound, gets disgusted with it. There’s no capturing the audience. There’s no passion in it. This corporate entertainment follows a formula that creates the same generic, easy to consume content.
And, hating the way Vox’s technology is growing and creating the equivalent of entertainment sludge in Alastors eyes, starts distancing himself from it. So when Vox asks him to join the Vee’s, Alastor is very blunt in his rejection and does sugar coat WHY he’s not interested.
Which pisses Vox off because, essentially, Alastor is insulting all that he’s built and cultivated, and he starts claiming Alastor is just too stuck in the past and he needs to keep up with the times. Thus, their falling out/fight happens, and bitter feelings are harbored well after that friendship (or whatever that relationship) fell apart.
As I’m still on the radiostatic train (one-sided or otherwise) I think it just adds so much delicious potential and drama. I am rolling this around in my head and I love it.
Whether this is true or not (probably not) I think I might ingratiate this into my canon. It’s just so much fun to think about.
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fearforthestorm · 2 months
hell is real and it is the noon deadline on this project that passed us an hour ago
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lowqualitygarbage · 4 months
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In a setting where technology has basically been hit with a reset button, the battle between new visual and old audio media isn’t really much of a fight.
Instead, Alastor and Vox represent two different approaches to life in the post-war Wasteland:
Alastor grew up in a very remote, rustic homestead in the swamps of the deep south. Self-sufficiency was paramount to survival - you couldn’t rely on purchasing pre-packaged food or medicine from traders, so you had to forage, hunt, or grow your own. Without easy access to new supplies, you needed to be able to repair and maintain your own clothes, shelter, and equipment. This, amusingly, makes him much more tech savvy than his canon incarnation. He’s still somewhat of a Luddite, though, with a disdain for robotics, power armor, laser and plasma weaponry, and even Pip-Boys and terminals. Give him some old radio equipment to tinker with and a proper projectile rifle over that fiddly nonsense any day. He has a whole library of almanacs, both pre-war and newer hand-written ones by Wastelanders, and his more normal talk segments often come with tips and instructions for repair and survival, encouraging independence.
Vox grew up in the ruins of Pentagram City, and began running with local organized crime at a young age, until an Overlord took him under their wing (that is, until Vox could gather allies and stage a hostile takeover of his mentor’s territory). He sees the value in consumerism and convenience products, peddling quick fixes and new distractions to the people of the Wasteland to build up his empire. He adores the latest, greatest shiny examples of Progress, being an adept programmer and wielding a decent understanding of mechanical engineering, despite most of his products being stolen inventions or re-engineered pre-war tech.
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fyjjong · 2 years
while acting as guest dj on mbcfm's starry night radio today (february 18th), minho discussed both jonghyun and some of shinee's past releases. on guest baek suntak: minho mentioned how he would often encounter him in the past through jonghyun working with him on blue night radio. (he was a regular guest on the show for awhile.) on "view": minho said that the public may think that "ring ding dong" or "lucifer" is shinee's representative song but, to him, that song is "view". he went on to state how many believe that title tracks must be powerful and that there was worry that the song would work for shinee as a group and be too "weak" as a title track. there was concern, but shinee liked it "so much" and minho believes that it is "a song that shows shinee's colors as a team". he also mentioned that kim eana also wrote lyrics for "view", but lost to jonghyun. (source(s): 1 / 2 / 3)
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trashogram · 4 months
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nashscribblings · 1 year
Sometimes flights are delayed because of bad weather. Sometimes they're delayed because of mechanical problems.
And sometimes there's a bear.
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dxppercxdxver · 5 months
since tumblr is where i can update people with the meaningless progress i am making with cute boy dancer boy without bothering everyone i know irl. letting you all know that i broke the vampire's curse of Needing To Be Explicitly Invited To Do Anything and went up to talk to him today!! and we had a really nice conversation!!!
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huariqueje · 2 years
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Radio  -  Alice Brasser , 2022.
Dutch ,  b. 1965  -
Oil on perspex on wood  , 20 x 17 cm
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owlcat-and-radiodeer · 4 months
Apropos of nothing, the next section of Gambling on the Radio is slated to be called The Secret Keepers and is going to be from the POV of neither Husk nor Alastor.
Yep, we're getting an outsider's view of the RadioHusk relationship here!
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