#no where did i say it sucked but it literally has clones of near identical designs of pokemon
wet-toast-slime · 2 months
Breaking it to you, but PalWorld is also its own game with its unique quirks. So maybe stop cluttering up the tag with your unwanted hate and let people have fun.
my dude if you even looked at my tags you would see i didn't tag it as palworld of any kind but my rambles and my own opinion. also does not stop palworld's devs from having a palgarism problem ✌️
you do you, never said palworld sucked nor does it detract from the fun ppl have, but you also need to be critical about things you love too. both things can exist
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vaguely-concerned · 4 years
The Mandalorian Chapter 11; the rewatch edition
I have found a bit more enthusiasm for this one on the rewatch, so here goes!
- din snapping ‘I’m trying my best here!’ in a vaguely annoyed tone as his entire ship is going up in flames around him because he mostly doesn’t get angry as much as sulky... the height of cinema 
- I love frog husband’s clothes, because they’re in a very similar style and colour scheme to frog lady’s but also incorporate the knitwear we see on the people of trask, so it both underlines his belonging with her and implies that he’s been on this moon for quite a while, they may have been apart for some time  
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especially his scarf is a darling detail and there’s a bit of contrast in texture to it next to his wife’s, it’s nice. he’s wearing a similar kind of vest to what we see on the fishermen later, too 
- I think my favourite part of this entire episode (well second after din cradling the baby against him after nearly drowning) is just the design and Vibe of the planet and especially this harbour
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for one I LOVE that it’s shown that even in the middle of the day it’s dark enough that the electric lights are still on when it’s overcast (it reminds me a bit of norway during the winter, actually, when dawn just never quite breaks and then slinks off in embarrassment before it’s even noon). and there’s also the... sails? nets? hanging around looking almost like flags, which are very Aesthetic but god knows what they’re for. maybe for drying fish on in the summer? 
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I think the building in the distance behind frog husband’s back here is a lighthouse? or it could be one of those towers for loading you see when they scout out the empire ship too, I suppose!
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and one for my strange obsession with Texture on this show: these fabric-covered crates!!! they look exactly as dingy and moldy as you’d expect them to be in this climate, I wonder what they’re for (& I vaguely want to touch them) 
- from the sound of it din’s vibroknife is uh ‘on’ when he pokes the squid thing, and he also goes for the tentacle the furthest away from the baby <3
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proof the calamari flan have been scratched up a bit during all that time in din’s pockets! (the attention to detail in this show sometimes istg) 
- this is 100% me reading too much into things again, call the overthinking police I’ll do my time meekly lol, but the boat looks a little bit like the mudhorn signet from this angle: 
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again din keeps his hand on or sooo close to his blaster in this entire scene, he knows this is sketch as all hell 
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a) once again I want to praise the effects team for how GOOD the aliens look in this episode holy shit and b) the hell is this dude wearing on the straps of his overalls tho 
- the dude mando (axe woves) uses his little... wrist launcher thing to shoot with to finish two off the fishermen, so my theory that they can be loaded with other things than the whistling birds for slightly less effective use (maybe without the level of honing we’ve seen din’s be able to do?) is looking good!
- din actually has quite good form when diving into the water, I’m guessing he can swim at least tolerably when not in full armour, being stabbed at from all directions, having just had his son eaten by a sea monster and also being trapped in with said sea monster (I’m a strong swimmer and I can tell you that there’s a reason they make you swim with clothes on from time to time to see how hard it is, it sucks. with metal plates strapped all over you as well? yeah good luck) people don’t tend to hit the water that gracefully without some kind of training in my experience lol. might be some of the training with the jet pack has carried over too, considering he throws himself off that cliff in chapter 12 with similar confidence?
it’s interesting that they’re once again showing us a threat where the armour doesn’t help and even hinders him. we’re so used to the ways it can make him near-invincible, but it can also drag him down (literally, in this case. aha ha ha. well if I’m not here for my own entertainment then what am I here for honestly)
- din’s voice sounding like he’s just on the verge of crying as he cradles the baby (and the sound he makes as he realizes the baby’s alive) is my kryptonite, turns out. fucking breaks my heart into tiny pieces every time, I would die for this man and he wouldn’t let me
- in support of din’s paranoia: so far this season we haven’t been able to go five minutes without someone talking about peeling the precious beskar off a mandalorian corpse, I can see why his mind was primed to move in one particular way there
- I think the fabric of din’s cape has been treated with something that makes it waterproof; the water seems to pearl on top of it rather than soak in! can you imagine how heavy it would get if it did absorb water tho christ
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(a bit hard to see at this size but that’s what it looked like to me close up anyway! could also be that it’s wool and that’s why it looks that way but I prefer an elaborate sci-fi explanation here, because it doesn’t look particularly weighed down afterwards) might also explain why he doesn’t seem worried about it catching on fire when he uses the jetpack haha, maybe this is something the mandos do with fabric they’re going to use for a long time 
I also enjoy part of the gambeson/undersuit thing poking up from under the shoulder pauldron and cape; I think this is about as disheveled as we’ve seen him since immediately post-mudhorn 
- the sound mixing in this scene, where din’s breathing is layered a bit over everything else so you almost feel like you’re in the helmet with him listening to what the others are saying........ oh my GOD, it embeds you so deeply in his POV but so subtly 
- not to be biased or anything... but din and the armorer’s armour design is so vastly superior to these guys it shouldn’t even be a competition lol 
din looks like an honest to god knight in shining armour except also sci-fi western and the armorer looks like a fucking war goddess from a time beyond memory; the clone wars mandos look like high end cosplayers (eh maybe it’s just my dislike for the boobplates that has me so 😒 lol. also a lot of dudes were very shitty about that whole thing and I don’t say anything but the ‘vaguely-concerned will remember this’ telltale message pops up in the corner every time) 
moment of saltiness over: I do like the differentiation between their individual character designs 
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the differences in body type and helmet design is nice! they look like a unified team, but with individuality. I suspect the ladies have those belts and their armour plates on the hips instead of the front of the thighs to emphasize the ‘female’ silhouette, which. okay fine whatever
- bo katan looks very pointedly down at the baby after saying ‘a group of religious zealots who want to return to the ancient ways’ which makes me VERY nervous for reasons I can’t quite articulate
- the mournful guitar version of the mando theme as din watches the sunset...... hmmmmngh (this might be some Symbolism happening to us folks strap in for the identity crisis he still hasn’t processed) 
- I Cannot get over din being so unimpressed by and uninterested in bo katan’s ‘retake mandalore’ sales pitch from literally the first moment dfhasdkjfhsad sorry lady kryze this man just does not do main quest shit, he’s all side quests all the time and that’s why I love him  
- as someone who after chapter 8 wrote a whole-ass fic that was wholly & exclusively about din telling the baby he’ll always come back for him... some of the shit he’s been saying this season does feel like it’s been written to mercilessly victimize me, personally and specifically 
- guessing this structure in the background is the traffic control tower! doesn’t really matter, I just thought it was neat
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- this part of the soundtrack is called ‘ship o hoj, mandalorians!’, which I found incredibly charming haha (it’s ‘ship ahoy’ except how you write it in swedish, good one herr göranson)  
- bo katan is vague about who exactly the new mand’alor would be if they took back mandalore to begin with, she doesn’t specify she is planning to be the ruler until she’s already got din on the ship and in no position to refuse to help. gotta respect the grift at least lol  
I do love her voice, though, it reminds me a bit of jennifer hale as shepard
- “I need to get back to my ship, with the foundling” your honor I uh love him so fucking much 
- frog lady stroking the baby’s back a bit as she holds her hand behind him to make sure he doesn’t fall backwards while playing with the tadpole ;___________;
and also frog husband and frog lady reaching out to hold hands and frog smooching as din and yodito leave ;____________________________________________;
- when din says the exasperated “mon calamari. unbelievable” line, the baby makes that little blowing a raspberry sound he does as if to agree ‘uh-huh unbelu -- unbelly -- unbelievable dad smh’ and it is very very adorable 
- there’s quite a bit of Stuff in the concept art that didn’t make it in this time around; I wonder if maybe they cut some stuff for pacing or whatever and that’s why this episode is so short? water leaking into the cockpit of the razor crest, something that looked a bit like whaling going on on the docks and more spaceships taking off (maybe there were originally meant to be some smaller ships defending the big empire one?), there’s quite a bit here  
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nightxdeeper · 4 years
| Ego!Sans • BackStory |
You know Arthur just nickname or Else To “Sans” or “Ego”
was born into a time of chaos and war that began with the demise of the Roman empire. It had been believed to be indestructible, but it was only awaiting its destruction at the hands of invading barbarians. In preparation for the war against the barbarians, Rome deprived he island province of any military forces left there. Once Britannia lost the empire's protection, it could not escape becoming independent, causing it to break into smaller countries soon after. This time of barbarian invasions and self-destructive strife between clans started a long period of war that would later become known as the "Dark Ages".
The king, believing in Merlin's prophecy, yearned for the birth of his appointed successor, but the child born was a—not the one he desired.
It is said in the legend that Arthur was left in Merlin's care as the price for his assistance in ensuring the success for Uther's love of Igraine, saying "I will properly guide this child, one bearing a great destiny, and protect him from the crisis of the royal family."so the king could not make a child that was his successor even if he was fated to one day become a king. He was entrusted to the king's vassals and was to be raised as the child of a mere knight. The king fell into despair at the situation, but Merlin was delighted because the sex of the one to become king had never mattered. He was confident that the fact of the being separated from the castle until the day of prophecy was proof that he would become king. Merlin placed Ego!sans in the care of Sir Gaster , a simple and wise old knight, who raised he as his adopted child and successor. Though Gaster did not believe in the prophecy, he did feel the same air from the that as he did his king. He felt that he must raise her as a knight, and he wished for her to grow. He never needed to wish for such a thing, as she trained day after day to become stronger than anyone. He swore to bear her sword for the only reason that "only a king can save a ruined country headed for death" without ever being told such. During this time, he was raised with Papyrus (maybe) as he brother, but they still loved each other as siblings but Doesn’t undrinkable after he learned the truth of their relationship. He acted as his squire and received training from him, while also doing other chores such as pulling along his horse. He was better than him in terms of swordsmanship, but he never beat him in a fight due to his arguments declaring himself the winner rather than actual skill.
Once the day of prophecy arrived, knights and lords from around the country gathered to be selected as king. Each expected the selection to be through jousting to select the most superior one to become a king, but the only thing prepared at the place of selection was a naked sword stuck in a stone with a golden inscription on the hilt reading "Whosoe'er pulleth out this sword of this stone is rightwise king born of England." While many knights grabbed the sword trying to follow the command, none were able to pull it out. As they began the expected method of selection by jousting, Ego, only an apprentice not qualified for jousting, neared the deserted stone of selection and reached out for the sword without hesitation.
Before grabbing it, Merlin appeared before he to tell her to think things over before taking it. He told him he would no longer be human upon taking hold of the sword, but he only responded with a nod because he has been prepared for the fact that "becoming a king means no longer being human" ever since she was born. He knew that a king is someone who kills everyone to protect everyone. He thought about it every night and shuddered until morning came. While not one day passed where he did not fear that fact, he said that it would end this day. The sword was pulled out as if it were only natural to do so, and the area was filled with light. He became something not human in that instant. The king's gender doesn't matter, and no one will care about the king's appearance or even notice it as long as the king acts like a king. Even if anybody did notice the king was female, it would not be an issue if he was a good king. This started the time of the king who would become a legend. He stopped aging at 15 years old, back when he pulled Caliburn from the stone. Maybe Yeah He’s Not Person it Different?
Ego!Sans “Arthur” led Britain from Camelot, and after becoming a feudal lord like his father, he became a king with many knights under he, including the esteemed Knights of the Round Table. He growth stopped at that time he pulled the sword because of its magic, so many knights feared it as ominous. Most instead praised their master's immortality as divine. He battles thereafter were the acts of a god of war. He always led from the front, and no enemies could stand in he way. There was no defeat for a body admired as a dragon in human form. He only knew victory for ten years and twelve battles while He ran through those days as the king. He never turned back and was never disgraced. He was raised as a king and fulfilled her obligations as the king.
Personal affairs
Due to the problem of being able to produce an heir, Merlin used magecraft to turn he into a pseudo-male capable of producing sperm for an unknown duration of time.During this period, he was enchanted by her sister, Morgan le Fay, who took some of Arthur’s sperm, developed it within he own ovaries, and gave birth to the homunculus and complete clone of Arthur, Mordred. He was born and raised without Arthur’s knowledge, quickly growing up due to he accelerated aging, and he managed to join the Round Table through he own efforts and Morgan's recommendation. He worshiped her king while hiding he identity, and he was ecstatic to learn of her heritage. (Bonus : Ha Ha I did say?).
Upon claiming he heritage and right to the throne, Arthur completely rejected Mordred, and refused to recognize he as an heir. Mordred believed the reason that he was not accepted was due to the hatred he father bore Morgan, and that no matter how much he worked to excel over others, she would forever be viewed as a tainted existence. The doesn’t love he had for the king up until that point was so great that her rejection made he hatred burn.
Actually He not Married. (SORRY HA).
Arthur needed to act as the son of the king, as the one to govern the many territories and control the knights had to While some people did grow suspicious of he only he father, Merlin, and Kay knew the exact truth of he identity. He literally covered herself in steel to seal that truth for all he life, and due to he immortality from the protection of the fairies, no one questioned he small body or face that seemed like that of a invincible warrior whose looks or body size had impact on her standing.
During that time, the people living in fear of savage invasions only wanted a strong king, and the knights would only follow an excellent commander. Having met these criteria, no one questioned he He was considered fair and selfless as he always stood at the front of the army while defeating h enemies on the battlefield. While many enemies and civilians died, the king's choices were always considered correct, and he served as the king better than anyone else. No one doubted or had any need to doubt as long as the king was right.
He army reconstructed the lost cavalry, and knowing no losses, they ran through the battlefield while defeating foreign infantries and crashing through numerous ramparts. Many people were discarded for he to join the battles, and all he enemies had to be defeated once he joined. It was common practice for the military to meet its needs by sucking all the resources out of a local village to supply the battle to protect the country. It can be said that no knight killed more people than he, and it is unknown if he ever found such to be a burden.
He did strictly kept to the oath that a king is not human and that one cannot protect the people with human emotions. He never narrowed he eyes in grief while sitting on the throne, and he settled every problem while working hard in government affairs. He managed to balance the country without any deviations, and he punished people without a single mistake. Even after, or possibly because of, winning battles in victory, commanding citizens without disorder, and punishing hundreds of criminals, one of he knights murmured "King Arthur does not understand human feelings."
It is possible everyone felt that way, that the more perfect he became as a king, the more they needed to question her as a ruler. They felt that a human without emotion cannot rule over others, leading to several reputable knights leaving Camelot. He simply accepted this to be a natural event that is part of the process of government, isolating the fair king honored by his knights. Having abandoned her emotions from the start, she did not change her mind even if she was abandoned, feared, or betrayed. There was no right or wrong to someone who saw such events as trivial.
He final battle for he country began in such a way, and the battle at Badon Hill ended in complete victory. The savages sought reconciliation due to he overwhelming results, and her country that was only awaiting destruction earned a brief period of peace. The country finally began to return to the country of which he had dreamed.
Mordred being slain by Arthur yeah (Mordred Body’s).
Lancelot's affair with Guinevere was eventually revealed through the plans of traitors who hated Camelot, causing them to stand opposed. Arthur did not see this inescapably unrighteous action as a betrayal Now Arthur Tried Kill Lancelot, but different story actually exactly well he’s Control loss like Saint loss well Destroy him all even he valiant efforts to placate the dissent, he was mortally wounded by the traitorous knight Mordred during the Battle of Camlann. He dying body was But Arthur never Back to City Arthur Was Walk To Found “Flower Like Bluish-Moonshine” He’s Such Stopping Contorl He Was Calm He’s sleeping to years in long.
Years of oldest to Come Important person Did Portal His AU “EgoTale” person walking to Found “Old of White Flor” stop walk Saw Actually Sleeping in Arthur and Person “eh there looks Another sans?” Hear he’s woken eyes Open looks Person Arthur say “. . .who are You” Perosn was quite surprise “wow you got Colder person maybe Are King Arthur”? Arthur “ . . .I longer no Name it now Ego!Sans”.
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atopearth · 4 years
Chrono Trigger Part 2 - Unity Against Lavos & The Parting of Friends
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I kinda wish everyone could talk, it’s kinda annoying that only the ones that are in your party will talk. It’s like, I honestly prefer using Frog and Ayla in battle, but story-wise, I much prefer to hear what Lucca and Marle have to say, sigh, such a dilemma lol. Wow, I love Enhasa already. It’s so awesome how you can interact with the book and it goes on fire! Like whoa did not expect that, how cool! Also love how that yellow NPC near the door just up and disappeared, like it really simply and straightforwardly showed how interestingly crazy this place is haha. Wow, I didn’t realise you actually had to open the water, wind and fire books in that order to open a secret door, I just thought it was fun LOL. Okay, those Nu were frustrating when I had a party of Lucca and Marle lol, had to use Frog and Ayla instead to win hahaha, it’s hard to win, they always take you to one HP! If only Marle could cure all loll. Hmm so Janus is probably the prince of this land that supposedly has no magical powers, and was the one with the cat telling Crono and them that they’re going to lose someone important? Lady Schala is his sister and…she’s the one that Kid from Chrono Cross is supposedly a clone of or something right? And Schala has an abundance of magical power apparently~ Hmm, I wonder if the Queen has become crazy or something ever since this random advisor accurately predicting the future appeared, it also sounds pretty crazy that they’re supposedly harvesting power from the Lavos?! Gotta love how our party just loves to jump headfirst into danger, we literally just enhanced the pendant with that glow and jumped into the Queen’s chambers hahahah. I wonder why Marle’s pendant is so unique though. And why does it look identical to Schala’s? Schala seems to be the only one that wants to actually save the kingdom of Zeal before the Queen leads it to ruin by listening to the evil prophet. That golem was easier to kill than the Nu hahaha. I’m shocked that Schala is capable of sealing the gate of passage between the different times though!
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Hmmm okay, so the Lavos fell from the sky and then burrowed itself into the planet’s core to suck up all its energy to grow stronger…I wonder if it does that to lots of planets or something. Magus revealed its form and then now it’s taken Death Peak as its throne with the Lavos miniature spawn flowing from the mountaintop making people unable to go near it. I…feel so sorry for Belthasar though… Not only was he trapped in this time, but he was all alone… It’s great that he left all this knowledge and technology behind and it ends up helping Crono and them stop Lavos, but it’s just saddening to think that he spent all this time by himself until old age and probably even into insanity because he felt the need to write down his knowledge before he lost it all. The Epoch is so cool though! To think there’s a machine that can just zoom through to any era we’ve visited! The contrast between the living standards of the Earthbound ones (that possess no magic) and the others is pretty apparent, it’s basically peasants and royalty. It seems that Janus actually does possess latent power that surpasses Schala though (according to Melchior who has been banished to the mountain of woe by the Queen for disagreeing with her harnessing the power of Lavos through the Mammon machine). Honestly though, since Belthasar was one of the gurus of the Zeal kingdom (Guru of Reason), I’m very interested in what the Guru of Life Melchior would be capable of. And I wonder what the last guru is doing now? Getting to Melchior was pretty easy, but it’s kinda saddening how powerless the party feels against Dalton and the Queen, especially since they keep using either the party’s lives or Schala’s life as a hostage. Prettyyyy crazy that they’re trying to achieve immortality through the power of the Lavos, like wow, are any of these people in the castle sane?
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Omg, I never expected Crono to use Luminaire! It’s kinda crazy how many things Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross have in common/referenced. Those Golem sisters/twins were so annoying!! I guess Crono constantly countering them made it so much worse because they just kept countering each other, so I kept dying loll. Well, Lavos just wrecked us badly! Lol! Crono actually survived the first hit though hahaha. Anyway, I’m not sure why I never realised that the Prophet was Magus, like who else could it be?! Hahaha. I wonder why he’s adamant on killing Lavos though. As expected, Magus couldn’t really do anything against him. What was the power Crono showed, was it just his willpower accompanied with something else? Did he really “die” like Janus foresaw? I find it so saddening that so many people died though. I know Schala used her power to get everyone to safety and asked them to not hate her mother or the kingdom and what they had done, but seriously, look at the destruction, look at all the people that had died! They’re literally left with one village worth of people! Her mother was their leader and she led them all to their deaths with her decisions. Lmaoo at what a shit Dalton is. And lmao at the party for getting tricked by him and then getting sent to like a jail or whatever lol. I feel sorry for the rest of the Zeal people though, they’re obviously powerless against Dalton so they probably are forced to listen to him even though they’re so positive about rebuilding… Sigh. Yay, I’m glad we kicked him out for the Zeal kingdom, now they can really properly live in peace! So glad I took Ayla with me since you lose all your equipment, Ayla just uses her fists so it’s all good lolll.
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I….honestly didn’t think that the ritual back then where the Gurus were forced by the Queen to activate the Mammon machine (even though they told her it absorbed too much power and could create a dimensional vortex) caused them to be transported to Lavos and then proceedingly sent to different time eras. I didn’t think about that old man in the End of Time to be Gaspar, one of the Gurus! It’s pretty saddening though, everyone basically lived in different worlds after that, but I guess the most innocent one was Magus/Janus who just went to look for his sister, but then got dragged into it, and ended up getting sent to the Middle Ages all alone… It’s kinda ironic isn’t it? The reason he could be a prophet here was because he came from the future, but at the same time, Magus actually belongs in the castle anyway. It’s just saddening that instead of wanting to reunite with his family, he instead survived all this time hoping to summon Lavos again and destroy it for everything that happened. Okay, I didn’t expect to be able to get Magus to join the party! That’s crazy yet cool! I wonder how Frog really feels about it all though, I mean, they’re prioritising saving/reviving Crono right now, but it would be terrible to fight alongside the guy that turned you into a frog and killed your friend… I mean, I understand Magus’ motivations, but it doesn’t change the fact he killed a lot of people in the process of achieving all this. Anyway, I love how Magus flies instead of walking like a peasant lmaooo. Honestly though, I find it kinda sweet how Magus’ accessory is Schala’s amulet, he’s kept it for all these years. I wonder how he felt when he saw her again after all this time…
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I’m so glad I can just follow the walkthrough to find all those magic chests we couldn’t open before! I totally forgot where they were hahah. I really liked the idea of the blue vest/plate one though! It’s so cool how it’s like a heirloom or something that the family have kept all this time, so if you get it in 600AD, it’s a blue vest, but if you choose to get it in 1000AD instead, it upgrades into a blue plate! It’s such a cool idea! No idea why it doesn’t downgrade instead but it’s cool! I guess the coolest thing is that Truce Inn survived for 400 years! Ohh wait, you can get both the vest and the plate! Lmaoo, the benefits of time traveling hahahah. I have to admit, it’s kinda weird yet hilarious how when you go to Guardia Castle with Frog and talk to the King and Queen, they praise Frog and thank him blah blah even though Magus is in my party too haha! Why is that Chancellor in Marle/Nadia’s time so dodgy? Is he trying to create a rift between Marle and her father so he can overthrow them or something? Ohhh, Toma the explorer gives you some spirits to pour on his grave if anything were to happen to him! I was wondering who that Toma guy was since he got his own area for a grave but apparently he’s been looking for rainbow shells his whole life. The side quest with Cyrus’ ghost was rather saddening yet nice, I liked how Cyrus really was a true friend and only hoped for the best for Glenn, I’m happy that Frog got to see him and hear that he was proud of the warrior he is today.
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Omggg it was honestly so hard to get Crono’s doll clone (as a new body), my buttons are all different and I had no idea what was X and Y etc lol, I ended up having to change the keyboard controls loll. Anyway, aside from that, I also completely forgot where Crono’s house was LOL. Omggg climbing the monster’s shell at Death Peak to climb higher was something I did not expect! Thought the monster was going to revive and attack me lmao. Ohh how interesting, the Chrono Trigger/Time Egg that the Guru of Time aka Gaspar gave to the party allowed them to travel back to right before Crono died?! That’s really cool and interesting though! The fact that they could really just swap his doll for him so that the doll will die instead, and then come back to the present with him. It was honestly so cute to see Lucca hug Crono after getting him back. I loved that moment! Although I didn’t mind a party without Crono (since he doesn’t talk lmao), but walking around and doing stuff without him just felt weird haha.
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Gonna do some side quests before the ending so here we go! I love that Ozzie is still alive with his own fort because lmaoo he’s such a silly villain. Loved it when he got some monsters to go against the party and they fell into his own trap because of him lol. They really dislike Magus for joining the humans though lol. LOL at him trying to tempt Crono and them with a treasure chest next to a guillotine hahahaha, the poor imp that got sacrificed though, he just wanted treasure! LMAO at the random cat that came out of nowhere and pressed a switch and caused Ozzie to fall into a hole hahahahaha. Wow, Son of the Sun was so annoying! That stupid roulette to do damage on him lol! It’s really interesting to see and know that you can get the moon stone to get enough Sun by placing it there in Ayla’s time and then just coming back to get it in the present, it’s so crazy loll! Spiced jerky for 9900G?!?! Wow, that is the craziest price ever lol. Okay, wow, that jerky was worth it. I can’t believe we gave it to the family of elders/mayor in 600AD, and because we gave that jerky to the mother for free, she decided that there’s hope and love in sharing with people in this world instead of just believing in money, and because of that, the mayor in 1000AD is now super generous and gives you the moon stone that came into his possession! That’s so crazy but amazing! Lol! I also love the different dialogue by the children and the wife. Previously, the children hated the father and the wife was sad that her husband and the children weren’t getting along at all, but now they love him and she kinda wants him to be just a little less generous lmao. The power of spiced jerky indeed. 
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Really gotta respect Lucca, like dang, she really knew how to utilise that Sun stone and make something good! Lmao that on her Wondershot, it says play time determines your damage lol! Anyway, I love how Taban is just as crazy amazing as she is and made sunglasses too! It was also really sweet how he made a suit and a helm for Lucca to protect her, he’s such a great dad! The only thing is that the dialogue of the other daughter (LOL, my bad, I realised later that it’s actually Lucca’s mum) seems to still feel kinda left out, I wonder if she’ll be happy later on? It’s saddening that Toma is dead, but I love how his spirit comes to tell them that he found the Rainbow Shell! At least he actually found it!! Now it just comes to Crono and them to actually get it! Okay omg, I didn’t expect to be able to get Crono to sit on the chair and laugh like a maniac at Giant’s Claw LOL, that was so random but awesome. It’s actually kinda amazing that the Chancellor is framing the King (Marle’s dad) for selling off the “royal heirloom” a Rainbow Shell, guess we should be glad we actually do have it when the Chancellor kinda just made it up because he probably thought it would be impossible to find. Lmao, I love Marle. First, she screams and just charges right into the trial, and then when she gets thrown out, she gets evidence of the rainbow shell and then jumps right into the trial through the back hahaha, she’s so cool. The Chancellor was a monster gg! I love how much Leene and them from 600AD revered Crono as a hero, they even made a dish called Crono Special that you can eat here in the present! LOLL I didn’t expect the real Chancellor to be locked up in the treasure chest hahahah! The reconciliation between Marle and her father was pretty heartwarming. They really just never properly communicated and that caused their rift, so I guess it was good that this all happened haha! Gotta give it to Melchior for being able to forge such good weapons and armour in a jiffy with the rainbow shell!
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It’s so cool how when you lend Robo to Fiona to make the land green again, you actually see him on the world map grazing stuff hahahah. Wow, Robo literally worked for like 400 years until he practically “died”, at least there’s a nice green forest now, and Lucca has fixed him up! I wonder what exactly these Gates want the party to do, is there some kind of mastermind wanting them to do something throughout the ages? Ohhh Lara is Lucca’s mum! She looks so young! Lol. Anyway, I see, so the reason why Lucca is so obsessed with science, engineering and everything is because her mum nearly got killed by Taban’s contraption when he wasn’t home, so she vowed to learn everything about it all so that it won’t happen ever again. I honestly thought she was just interested because of her Dad, but really, it was because of her mum, she even used to hate it because her dad forgot about promises with her due to research. Oh, so Geno Dome is the actual place Robo is from? His real name is Prometheus? Was Atropos his “partner”? Love how she was a pink robot with a flower lmao, so simple but cute and straightforwardly tells you she’s a girl haha. Kinda sad that this “Mother” overwrote her programs and made her attack Robo and other humans. I wonder who took over them all…or did Atropos and Robo get too “kind” and that didn’t align with their expectations of having these robots befriend humans to get information and knowledge about them to destroy the humans and take over the world? Omg that mother boss was so easy after I learnt my lesson and didn’t use Magus to kill all the panels lmao.
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It’s pretty insane how the Queen was the one who caused and allowed Lavos to get enough power in the 999 years to lead to the destruction of the world in 1999AD. Anyway, the Black Omen was kinda long but not hard so I guess that’s okay. The stupid Nu sent me back to the beginning because I pressed the button too fast zzzz, had to walk it again sigh. The Queen is ugly loll. Anyway, Lavos with different attack modes (copying from various monsters and bosses we’ve fought throughout the game) was pretty interesting! I forgot a lot of them but it’s pretty cool to see him utilising the info he gathered from the world to try and kill us. Lavos’ core was not what I thought I needed to kill in the last battle hahaha, I kept thinking it was the middle one I needed to kill but it was actually the thing on the right lmao! 
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I thought it was really cool of Lucca to bring everyone from the past and the future in one place at Guardia Castle and thank Crono for saving their respective worlds and the whole of time, it felt so wholesome and sweet. I don’t know why I never made the connection, but when Lucca went back and saved her mother Lara from the “accident” that caused her to be bound to her chair, it ended up changing the present, so now she’s running about and seems like a happier person now. It was honestly kind of saddening to see Crono part with everyone. I thought it was so adorable that Ayla and Kino (mostly Ayla trying to get it through his thick head lol) are planning on having lots of kids together to be the proper ancestors of Marle etc haha. It was nice to see Marle the princess kiss Frog hahaha, that was cute! Alike Robo, I’m hopeful that in the future, Robo will still be around, just because 1999AD isn’t destroyed by Lavos anymore doesn’t mean he definitely won’t exist! Lucca crying over it was really cute though. I guess the only one whose journey hasn’t ended would be Magus, since he’s going on a journey to find Schala. I hope he’s successful. 
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Okay lmao at the ending where Crono’s cat jumps into the gate because Crono never fed him LOL, omg when his mum followed it hahahah. I see why when you talk to the cat at Crono’s house, it says you fed 0 food lolll! I wonder if it’s actually possible to feed it? At least that means Lucca, Marle and Crono will go on another adventure to find his mother haha! Okay, omg, I didn’t expect Crono and Marle to get married, I honestly shipped Crono and Lucca!! I love Lucca much more!! I’m so sad right now. I guess at least Robo got together with Atropos, so cute to see them watch the sky together. Nice to see Frog/Glenn continuing to be a cool knight, and omggg, he looks good as a human! I’m happy that Lucca seems great with her robot friend, but who was that baby she picked up? Omgggg it’s apparently Kid from Chrono Cross who is Schala’s daughter-clone!! Yep, time to play Chrono Cross again, but now with the knowledge of Chrono Trigger so let’s see if it feels any better haha. I know they’re not thaaat connected but they still are since it’s the same world so let’s see!~
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Overall, I really enjoyed Chrono Trigger. I think the main reason I liked it was because it was just really fun and enjoyable! Like, it has a lot of the elements that make it a classic JRPG with your party saving the world and going on a cool adventure whilst bonding with the people you find along the way kinda thing, and it does it in a really fun way. Considering the story involves time travel, I honestly thought it would be complicated and a bit crazy, but it was actually really simple and definitely more of an entertaining experience above all else. There were heartwarming moments with the party, serious moments with Magus’ story and fun moments with time travelling, and I think as a whole it really made everything come together in a satisfying way where it delved into a bit of everything. I have my gripes here and there about stuff like silent protagonists, and how I would have liked it if it was a bit longer so it could have more character interactions since the world building was already so great, but I think as a whole, Chrono Trigger was pretty awesome especially considering how old it is! XD
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an-avid-reader · 4 years
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Prodigy (Legend #2) - Marie Lu
my rating: 4/5 stars
Synopsis of book 1 -
In a world where the Patriots, Colonies, and the Republic are at odds and there’s a plague in the poorer parts of the US, Day is an unstoppable street criminal with good intentions. When his family’s house gets marked by Republic soldiers, Day’s only thought is to steal a cure before his family member dies. June is a top student at Drake University—a prodigy. When her brother, Metias, gets caught in a cross-fire during a mission, June is fast-tracked to becoming a soldier. Her first mission: track down Day. As Day and June come from such opposite backgrounds, is it possible that their paths would’ve crossed otherwise? 
Link to Goodreads // Link to review book 1 // Spoilers (book 1+book2) in review below!
I haven’t read a trilogy in what feels like a really long time lmao; I think it’s because I’ve noticed that sometimes, the second book acts like a bridge book aka nothing really happens except for the last 50ish pages, which tbh just sets up book 3 (It’s like that one useless episode in a tv show that literally has nothing to do with the plotline). I’m VERY happy this wasn’t the case for Prodigy - if anything, there was even more action and more character (and world building) than Legend, which I much appreciated. That means that I also have a lot to unpack; buckle up!
I feel like the most natural place to start is from the stuff I didn’t really enjoy from the first book, specifically the world building and all the questions. It was finally explained that the Republic is essentially nonsense propaganda and the civilians are being fed false information--they aren’t winning the war, in fact they are losing! We also learned that the Colonies and the Patriots are two separate uh ‘groups’? And the Colonies fund the Patriots, but the Colonies are straight up left in the dark (and the Patriots were also hired by the Republic, but more on that later). I wanted to also briefly mention that when June and Day crossed into the Colonies territory, it was like a completely different world--maybe not better, just different. We also kind of get a glimpse into the history of the world--how climate change just absolutely obliterated the whole world. Which, tbh, I feel like if an ice cap near Antarctica (or Antarctica itself) were to melt, it would be more than just the edges of the US that would be underwater--it would go up to the Statue of Liberty’s torch :)))))))). Nevertheless, I really appreciated these explanations as it added more depth and also provided context for the setting, which I found was lacking in the first book (which, I get, you don’t want to overwhelm readers, esp in YA, with all the world building right away).
The other thing is that I wanted to know more about the plague, and Lu came through!!! So the plague is being used to try to create people as bioweapons, which makes me wonder if they were trying to clone those who were infected (or maybe just wanted to collect everyone who has a similar profile to Eden). I still have a few questions of the virus--like why did Eden and that other boy on the train go blind? Does the virus affect them on a genomic level?! I also find it hilarious that in LA they were quarantined for rioting--I feel like that pretty much just showed how weak the Republic is and how their power is no longer ominous (idk if that makes sense??).
Next, I want to touch on the characters and the character building (specifically June and Day, but others too!). I wanted to start off by prefacing that I’m not a fan of the love triangle vibes that we got throughout the books (and to be honest, the ending sort of pushed that narrative a bit further, which is not cool :///). So I’m not sure if it was Razor’s plan to cut communication between Day and June (on purpose) to prevent them from messing up the Patriot’s plans/to prevent Anden from becoming suspicious of June, but I found it so FRUSTRATING that they couldn’t communicate at least once before the assination (and I mean talk, not the signal bc that stirred up a lot of confusion with Day). Their separation really tested their relationship, but I also feel like there was a permanent wedge placed due to the lack of trust, and again, the ending just hammered that home. I will say, I really appreciate June and Day being completely transparent with each other when they escaped from the Patriots and got in the cave. It was like a necessary evil, but at least they shared relevant information with each other, which I believe strengthened their partnership, even if it took a toll on their relationship. Part of me hopes that they end up back together in Champion, but I know that it may not be ‘what’s best for them’, especially with that huge piece of information we learned about Day--that’s the one thing I’m mad about. They spill the beans in the cave but he can’t even tell June that he’s dying, instead he breaks up with her and then they end up kissing?? AH!
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Now for those…...love triangles…. .-. Let’s start off with Anden and June. I’m not sure how I feel about Anden; Lu paints him to be this kind of heartthrob and well-intentioned guy but he’s also sort of naive? Like I get that his whole plan is to reform the Republic with the help of June and Day so that the civilians are on board, but I hope he realizes that there will always be people who are going to 1) resist him and 2) betray him. I really hope he isn’t as quick to trust people as he was with June (which maybe that was because his judgement was clouded). As for being naive...how did he not see June’s paperclip ring???? And to add onto that - how did the Colonies not realize that ‘Sarah’ is actually June???
I don’t know it just seems very unlikely that he didn’t see it considering that June was fiddling with it during their nice little dinner. And also the fact that he was always itching to see her. I didn’t realize, however, that Anden is only in his early twenties—he also lacks the edge that June and Day have, you can tell that he’s a poised person. While it’s great that he stands his ground on the Republic, I find it hard to believe that he isn’t a pushover (even just a tiny bit). Thus, I don’t really see how Anden and June could be a good match; I also don’t think class should play a role into whether or not you should or shouldn’t be with someone.
That sort of brings me to another point, which is the idea of the Priceps and the Elector itself. I have so many questions about Anden's plans, and they mainly involve him. For example, would there still be an Elector (and Senate) after the Republic is reformed? If so, would his powers be minimized, or would he have the status of President? For Priceps, it wasn’t very clear in the book that she doesn’t have to be married to the Elector, but it almost seemed that it was implied; could Anden have chosen to be married and have a separate Priceps? What if the Elector wasn’t straight? So. Many. Questions!! That whole Priceps thing is one of the reasons I couldn’t give this book a full 5 stars, again, it sort of has to do with the lack of information (or the amount of assumptions I have to make).
The next love triangle I have major issues with is Tess and Day, which Day is mostly uh turned off by the whole thing (which I can get behind) but Tess is just so stubborn and tbh pretty jealous, which isn’t cute. I really hope that in Champion they end up reconnecting, especially since Day is practically on his deathbed, but as friends. Maybe Tess will understand where Day is coming from with his feelings about June. Part of me wants Tess to end up with Baxter but I also really don’t like him?????? Agh this really sucks! I wish their relationship didn’t end on such a sour note. Like yes Tess, you were always there for Day (especially when he needed medical care) and ever since they got into contact with June (or rather, when June was sent on her mission), everything went downhill—but I mean, at some point Anden’s father would’ve passed, and maybe things would turn out to be in a similar circumstance, except instead of June it could be a different girl? The fact that Day still calls Tess ‘cousin’ and she still went ahead and kissed him just made me feel slightly uncomfortable?? No, they’re not biologically related, but given the amount of time they spent together, they almost could’ve been. To some extent, I feel like Tess had a huge crush on Day, but she never wanted to admit it until they were separated bc she maybe didn’t realize how much he means to her/she wanted that cheesy movie-like feeling where the two best friends realize that they are perfect together but beyond friends?? I do believe that Tess deserves someone great though, I just don’t think that Day is the guy for that :///
The last relationship-thing I want to briefly mention is Thomas and Metias’ relationship. I’m glad that we have some LGBT+ representation here, but at the same time, I can’t help but wonder if it was forced or not (like a checkbox Lu wanted to tick). I don’t remember in Legend when Thomas kissed June, if there was a kind of repulsion/it didn’t feel authentic. To be honest, I really thought that Thomas was into June, but when we learn he is gay (or maybe bi), it just didn’t seem to fit the story at all??? Upon this revelation, June racked her brain for memories of Thomas and Metias when they were young and oh it just happens that Metias never ‘brought back’ anyone/any girls home. Listen, I’m all for diversity, whether that be the character’s race, gender identity and/or sexual preference, I just don’t want it to come off as the author just ‘checking off a box’; I’d rather it be genuine (even though it’s a fictional story!) For all I know, Lu may have planned this, but to me it just came off as an afterthought, that’s all :/ (and @ Thomas, just because you love someone and it shouldn’t be allowed bc of your ranks, it doesn’t mean you have to kill them even if CoMmAnDeR JaMeSoN said to).
I wanted to also talk about characters—more specifically Razor, Commander Jameson, Baxter, and Kaede (rip). So um I guess we’ll start with Razor aka the biggest con man there ever was. Well tbh I kind of found him fishy, just like June did from the get-go, I just didn’t think it was going to be that…bad??? This goes back to Lu’s foreshadowing—which I would say it improved as I wasn’t able to fully guess what was going to happen—she drops p obvious hints left, right, and centre, you just don’t see them until the events unfold; what may seem like a small detail (i.e. Commander Jameson in Razor’s room on the ship and Day (as a disguise) bumping into her) will end up being part of a bigger plan, so to speak. Part of me wishes we had a peek into his mind to see what he thinks like, and if he has more motives, besides just being “hired” by the Senate to assassinate Anden, maybe Razor has a personal vendetta?? I also definitely suspect that Razor and Commander Jameson may or may not be a thing *side eyes*. I’m excited to read Champion to see how he will stand up against the Elector / the Republic, and whether the other Patriots will stand by his side or if they will turn against Razor--especially because right now he’s in jail, but I doubt he will stay there for long! (which can someone explain why Razor and Commander Jameson only got charged with treason??? They almost flipped the Republic on its head). 
Speaking of Patriots...there’s Baxter, which I don’t know where he stands. I think he’s definitely jealous of Day / the fact that Tess has feelings for Day even though he doesn’t reciprocate them. Just a dash of jealousy. But he did predict that Day would betray the Patriots, which makes me think that Baxter may have a part in an uprising, but maybe there’s a chance that he’ll see the whole story. Part of me also highly doubts that he’ll be rational; he seems to be someone with a heavy confirmation bias--I wonder if he knew that Razor was hired by the Senate or if it just went over his head. What if he’s the main villain in Champion o.O him + Tess would be interesting, especially Day does a last hurrah. But anyways, Baxter was just so arrogant, and I could feel Day’s own disappointment when he did exactly what Baxter had predicted. Yeap, there’s definitely going to be some tension that needs to be revisited. 
Last and certainly not least, Kaede :( I’m a bit annoyed that she’s dead. It’s yet again another thing that could be used against Day (specifically his relationship with June; anything that comes near them dies). We got to learn so much from Kaede, and before we knew it, she got shot. It sucks because I think she seemed like a reasonable person and she always remained level-headed. She’s not one to judge quickly *cough cough Baxter cough cough*. Even in Legend she had her kick-ass moments, but she really saved them from the Colonies and how June and Day can’t really repay her unless they keep on going with their mission. Not cool to just kill her off like that though. 
What I loved from this book, besides the character growth and the depth of their relationships with each other (especially on trust, or the therelackof), I liked how this book is just action-packed. I find with the second book in trilogies, we have a plan with a clear end goal (in this case, assassinate the Elector), and that plan just gets adjusted over time as we uncover information until it gets to the end of the book. Here, that main event ended up being smack bang in the middle, which isn’t something we see very often. It left more room for the story to develop and to allow us to really dig deep into the story, which I much appreciated. At some parts, it almost felt like a rush, especially as the story unfolds and with so many characters to consider--it was a page turner! I’m not really sure if I enjoyed Prodigy more than book 1, as I mentioned, I didn’t really like the love triangles and then Anden is just too naive for me to take him seriously. There were also some cliches (I let go of the breath I didn’t know I was holding), and honestly, I was not a fan of the ending! I think that’s the main reason why I can’t rate this higher than Legend to be honest. At least with the first book, there was enough closure that could give us a starting point for book 2. Here is was...let’s break up lmao jk also I’m not going to let June know that I’m dying, peace out. 
This review is getting a bit too long lol, and I’m sure there’s something I forgot to mention, but overall I really enjoyed this book. The action, the intensity, the revelation of information and Lu’s foreshadowing make Prodigy a book that’s hard to put down. The characters’ dynamics are all over the place, which just adds to the chaos, but in a good way--it makes the story that much more interesting. I’m patiently waiting for book 3 from overdrive, so I’m not sure if I’ll be able to read and review it by next week--I’m itching to know what happens next! [Please, let both of our main characters live  p l e a s e]
I’d love to know your thoughts and opinions on Prodigy! Did you enjoy this book, how would you compare it with the rest of the trilogy? Let’s chat =D
Thank you for reading my review, I hope you are having a good day, wherever you are in the world!
~ Cassandra / an-avid-reader
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idealisticrealism · 6 years
Things I want to say to the Blindspot characters after finally watching all of season 3
Yep, that’s right. It pulled me back in, just like I knew it eventually would (though tbh I did hold out longer than expected). Whatever aspects of the show I disagree with, I can’t help but love these guys and I need to see what happens to them. 
So in honour of today’s S4 promo, here’s some thoughts from my Blindspot catch-up session last week.
Reade: oh, my foolish son. I don’t have much to say to you other than that your life has been nothing but a string of bad decisions since you walked away from Sarah Weller, and honestly I think the only way to get back on track is to get on a plane to Portland right now and go beg for forgiveness. Then bring her back with you bc lbr we all miss Sarah.
Zapata: oh girl who even are you? I don’t recognise you at all. Did the CIA replace you with a clone or something? Because honestly nothing else would explain your behaviour this season. Maybe Reade’s terrible-decision curse is catching. In any case, here’s my advice: take a long vacation in the Bahamas and re-evaluate your romantic, interpersonal, and professional choices, and don’t come back til you’ve sorted your shit out. I miss my independent badass with a spiky exterior but a heart of gold!
Patterson: ugh my baby. You deserve so much better than everything you receive. I'm tempted to tell you to go back to Silicon Valley because at least there you will get the respect and consideration you deserve, since it clearly seems like you’re taken for granted at the FBI. And despite the fact that you are probably the one in the team who is most needing support, it seems like everyone else only cares about the support you give them, both professional and personal. Jeller both talk to you about their (many) relationship problems, and Zapata spent the season dumping on you about her weird-ass trauma-crush on Reade, then went and betrayed you in the worst way possible after that. Like seriously how is Rich the only friend you have that is actually supportive towards you?? (bc Rich is amazing, that’s how. but more on that later.)  Anyway, congrats on getting back on the dating horse at least. You set yourself a challenge and you saw it through (even if Jack was nowhere near good enough for you) and I’m so proud of you. I can’t wait for the day when an absolutely perfect person shows up and gives you all the love and adoration you deserve. Wish it could be me. Oh and btw, that crazy concussion-dream you had was the highlight of the season, so thank you for taking one for the team and getting blown up.
Weller: Buddy. What the hell. I sympathise with you and all, and god knows it really sucks that your wife ditched you for a year and a half (props for being faithful tho, unlike some) but dude you make almost as many terrible decisions as Reade. I really do hope that you and Jane sort your shit out, but honestly mate I’m not sure anymore that this relationship is even a good idea. Also lol remember how you have a daughter that you never see and who barely even gets mentioned, gosh I’m real glad the writers included that very important storyline for you
Jane: Hmm, it’s hard to type a disappointed silence.... I mean on the surface I understand why you did the things you’ve done, but doesn’t mean I have to like it. The more I watch you the more I think wanting you and Weller together was a bad idea, or at least it just shouldn’t have happened so soon. Even with your little 18-month hiatus from real life, you still need some soul-searching time in the Bahamas even worse than Zapata does. And honestly you and Weller are less of a ‘supportive partnership’ and more of a pair of beyblades repeatedly crashing into each other as you spin out of control. Also I never thought I would ever compare any human person to a beyblade but here we are. This is what season 3 has done to me.
Rich: how do I love thee? Let me count the ways. Like literally you are the best part of this show, hands down, and every moment you are on screen is a blessing to all of us. Who would have thought that the guy who tried to have Jeller killed the first day they met would become such a part of the family? I mean lbr here, if someone were to ask who the most loving and supportive and genuine member of the team is, the answer is clearly you. You may be a butthead a significant proportion of the time, but you’re a lovable one, and just about every word out of your mouth is comedic gold. I cannot wait to see so much more of you next season and so help me god if they kill you or ruin you somehow I really will be quitting this show for good. Pay attention Gero bc this is where I draw the line
Roman: Ugh, my precious puppy. You might be a psychopath but you’re MY psychopath and despite all you’ve done, the moment you and Blake were in a room together I was just like YES THIS IS EVERYTHING I DIDN’T KNOW I WANTED (AND REALLY SHOULDN’T WANT). God, if we could just erase the part where you killed a dude and stole his identity and orchestrated a meeting with Blake in order to weasel into her life and destroy her father, I would be so on board with this ship. Well, let’s be real, I was on board anyway. While it lasted, you and Blake were the second best thing about the season, and in some ways were a healthier relationship than Jeller. (Which really means the bar is not being set high enough, Weller and Jane, so you best get on that). But of course with this show everything has to come crashing down eventually. I wish it could have somehow worked out for you, that you got to sail off into the sunset with Blake on one of her family’s multiple luxury yachts, and spent the rest of your lives being rich and beautiful and in love. I think it could have been something special, but instead the writers killed my dreams and killed you. Sigh, I’ll miss you, kid.
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chromium7sky · 6 years
Abstract Mark Part 7
Abstract Mark pt 7
" Where, where am i? " Rachel felt confused as she wake from her bed. The whole faculty was destroyed, the sky turned into crimson filled with dark clouds. Suddenly she felt sharp pain on her chest. "Arrgghh...." she screams, unable to bear it. Before her eyes, a red hand purged out from her chest...
"Gyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! "
She scream, jolted from her bed. Robert and John shocked and almost fell from their chair. 'The nightmare is getting worse' as she panting, hugging herself try to calm her nervous mind. As soon as her mind register her surrounding, she slowly look at Robert and John. Her face slightly blush as she's embarrassed of what happen earlier.
"I'm...really sorry if i did startled you guys. " she bow her head as an apology. "It's okay, Rachel. " said Robert as he try to calm himself. "That dream was rather scary. Should i recommend you with a friend of mine? He is what we called an endless that control the dreams, perhaps.... " said John.
"Uh, no thank you?? " Rachel looked confused. 'A Being that control dreams?' Rachel shake her head. "Something happening?" Robert asked as he concern about Rachel's condition. " My insomnia are getting worst. " said Rachel as she massaged her nose bridge. " I can't sleep well. " Robert can see the dark under her eyes become more obvious. " I recommend you to get some beverage that could help you to sleep, such as chamomile tea or lavender tea.
Maybe, eating lettuce to could help to ease your stress." Robert recommend some diet to her. "Well, i could try. " said Rachel as she scratched her head. John observed her as she talk to Robert. Suddenly he felt dark aura right behind her. That aura seems like sucking the energy from her. "Robert, stand back. " said John as he stood up.
Robert look at John and slowly back two step from Rachel's bed. "Uh, guys... Somethings wrong? " Rachel were query about John's sudden behavior. John took something from his inner pocket and it was Brass Knuckle blessed with ancient holy rune. He put it on his right hand and held to the dark aura. "Gyaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrggghhhhhhhh!!!!!!" and inhuman voice begun to echoed the room. "What the.... " Robert clasped both of his hand to his ears as he seen John were choking the shadowy figure. Then he notice Rachel's head held back, her eyes were all white, her arm extend to side by side as her chest lean forward. "Rachel!!! " Robert tried to ease Rachel.
"Robert!! Stand back! Don't come near! " John warned him. Robert freezes. Rachel head slowly turn to Robert. " I know who you are... " a deep voice coming from Rachel's mouth. " Who the f*** are you?!! " Robert tries to interrogate the being who inhibit Rachel's body. " I am the embodiment of evil..." as the possessed Raven sneered at Robert. " Trigon will rule this world. Soon. " she smirked then laugh haughtily. John tighten his grip and the shadow begin to fuzz. " J...John.... " Rachel's voice stuttered as her parasite struggling to speak. "John Constantine. You will suffer the wrath of Trigon." she giving death glare to them. "John, Now! " Robert shouted at John. John give the shadow a solid punch and upper cut to the aura.
An eerie scream is heard in the entire ward and the aura mass start to dissipated. As if she had spasm attack Rachel shout then lie as if in lifeless state on the bed. " Rachel! " Robert hurried to Rachel to check on her. Robert felt a bit relief as he seen her breathing pattern and her now normal pulse. "You okay, Rachel? " as Robert gently shake her shoulder. "Robert, give her time to rest. " said John as he rest his hand on Robert's shoulder, "Okay. " Robert look at John then to Rachel, solemnly.
‎"Rachel. "
‎Someone calling her.
‎"Mom? " she heard her name has been called. "Not your mother. " another voice echoing. As she opened her eyes, the field full of dandelions with dark night sky and full moon filling in her vision. She was astonished as she look at the enigmatic scenery. "Where am... " before Rachel finished her sentence, " You're in Nevermore." another voice echoes. "Nevermore? " as Rachel trying to search the source of the voice. Then, she saw seven mysterious cloaked people in front of her. Intimidating, yet scary.
‎"Who are you? "
‎"We are you. " as all of them reveal themselves. All of them has her face, almost identical. " Could you all possibly my lost twin? " Rachel try to be sarcastic. " Kinda, but actually, we are you but in pieces." said the one in orange cloak. "We are you but in different spectrum emotion. " explained by the one with glasses. "Emotion? " Rachel tilted her head. "I'm so happy to see you again, Raven! " as the pink cloak hug her. "R-Raven? "
‎"Yes, Raven. Your true name." she giggled. "H-how can i'm not remembering this? " as her eyebrow knitted together struggling to register what is happening right now. The so called her emotion pieces look each other then the yellow cloak approach her. "Perhaps maybe it is not the time but someone is inhibiting the process. " as the Raven with glasses caress her cheek. " Maybe. That 's why she could remember or yet accept who we are. " as The Timid version of her meek behind the glasses one. "However, we need her to be ready. I can feel it. We can feel it. The dark forces is rising." said the green cloak. All of them nod.
"Therefore... " the cheerful one land her hand on raven's shoulder. " When the time is come, be ready. We'll be ready! " with her energetic voice. "I.... " she was speechless as her clone gives her some support. Moral support. "Till then, we'll meet again." said the timid one. As if she sucked into a worm hole, the whole scenery blended together, she closed her eyes prevented to get dizzy by the sight of it.When she felt her surrounding still, she open her eyes and found that she's in the same ward like before.
She rise and sit straight, try breathe normally after the weird incident, she look at the clock on the wall, it shows 10.00 am sharp.
‎'Must be the longest sleep i'd ever take.' she murmured and the door creaked open. Robert with basket full of apple appeared, walk toward her bed.
‎"Robert? " she saw him.
‎"Aren't you suppose to be in class? " she added. " No class today, Ms. Roth because it's weekend. " he said with deadpan face. Her eyebrows raised then she slap her head with her palm. "Oh my, i forgot what day it is today. "
‎"And i hope you're doing well because the last visit went out of control. " Robert comment as he take a seat beside her bed. "Out of control? " she whispered then she suddenly remembered what her clone said back then. 'Someone try to inhibiting the process. ' she look at him suspiciously because weird thing happens after he moved into this school. Robert could read her suspicious face and calmly said "Well, it's up to you to believe who and who's." he shrugged and lay the basket onto her dressing drawer besides the bed.
"So, you're saying as if you're the one who messed up my life right now? " her eyes stared him, fixedly. " Look Rachel, if i was the culprit behind these I would give you poison not apples. " he said bluntly as he slouched against the chair. Raven bite back her giggle and tag along. " Why apple, Robert? " she's curious. " An apple a day keep the doctor away. Well not literally because the fruit has more vitamins, fiber, minerals and others. Besides, i don't trust doctors and nurses. They seems know it all but actually they don't. " he then sit up straight, looking into Rachel's eyes.
‎"Oh. "
‎"You're the only who'd talk to me the other day..." his voice getting deeper. "You're saying that I'm your only friend? " Rachel tilted her head as Robert lower his gaze. As their eyes meet, Robert startled and looking away. "Well, kinda. " Raven feeling content about her new friend, she appreciated about Robert's visiting.
 ‎Before she open her mouth to express her gratitude, she felt a surge hitting her head like a car. " Arrrggghhhhh!!!! " She hold her head as she felt its was about to explode. "Rachel!! " Robert concern about her. "What... What... What is.... That?? " the sun suddenly grew darker. " Wait, what happen?? " Robert as he see the sky outside window. It was dark with murky red swirling cloud across the sky.
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Your Childhood (Actually) Sucks
I’m always worried when I say this; but Final Fantasy 7 is the most overrated game of all time. That, however, isn’t the point. How good it is is less important than how good people remember it being. Because the way people remember things is more important than the way things actually are.
  I spend a great deal of time thinking about being thirteen. Probably more than I should, to the point it borders on an addiction. My best friend and his newfound girlfriend decided Mariah Carey’s “We Belong Together” would be “their song.” I had placed second at the district chess tournament being held at my school. And I had been playing Final Fantasy 10 for the first time. It was not the first game in the series I had played, that goes to 7. What it was, however, was the first game in the series I have ever experienced.
  When I initially set out to write this essay I wanted to merely make an argument as to why Final Fantasy 7 isn’t good (or at least not as good as everyone seems to tell me it is). I had planned out several points as to why other entries in the series trumped it. Namely in the storytelling and gameplay departments. I decided to give 7 another playthrough, however. After spending some time with the game, which I concede holds up better than most Playstation 1 titles, I have come to realize something; maybe Final Fantasy 7 is not just the most overrated game of all time. Maybe, just maybe, the entire series is one of the most overrated gaming franchises ever. For those of you (which I assume is most) that have never played 7, 10, or any Final Fantasy, I am going to do my best to cover the story of those two specific games. I chose 7 and 10 because (a) the original argument was based on 7 and (b) though I wouldn’t say 10 is the best, I would say it is my personal favorite.
  Our story opens up with edgy ex-corporate mercenary Cloud Strife working alongside terrorist movement AVALANCHE to take down a Mako reactor. Mako being the life force of the planet and what is used to run all machinery. It is essentially crude oil that has the latent ability to grant certain people magical powers, like shooting fireballs or summoning ancient gods. But Shinra faces the problem that Mako energy is beginning to run low and their only hope is to find an ancient promised land. A promised land that is rumored to have Mako flowing endlessly beneath it. The dilemma, only an extinct race of people, the Cetra, know how to find this fossil fuel Mecca.
 As the game progresses you assemble a team of unlikely heroes including emo boy Cloud. A revenge-fuelled Barrett who has a gun for a hand and a deep-seated hatred for Shinra’s use of technology. The last remaining Cetra, Aeirith. There’s also a pseudo-vampire, a talking lion wolf, and a marshmallow plush controlled by a cat. Shinra has their eyes set on Aerith, they manage to capture her, and so begins the quest for renewable energy. Cloud and crew go to rescue her and this is when the true villain is introduced. Pretty boy and fan favorite Sephiroth is a one-winged semi-clone of a deity that fell from the sky as a meteor thousands of years prior. Sephiroth is one blatant metaphor for a Christian guilt complex. Sephiroth (who is also the god Jenova) wants to summon another meteor to destroy the planet so he can absorb all the Mako and become one with it. When Cloud and friends try to stop him, he manages to mind control Cloud. Then Convinces Cloud that he’s a clone of Sephiroth with the memories of some guy named Zack planted in him. Cloud has a mental breakdown, becomes catatonic, falls into the planet’s lifestream with his childhood friend, and sorts out his existential crisis like some bad acid trip. After he spends 10 minutes getting his shit together, the gang flies into the crater where Jenova initially crash landed Lord Xenu style. They do battle with Sephiroth, who is also Jenova, who is also the ancient entity known as Meteor. They kill him with the help of a deceased Aerith, and the world returns to its beautiful dystopian self. Minus the evil conglomerate monopoly of Mako Shinra once had. Convoluted enough for you? I didn’t even touch on the movie, four spin-off games (two on cell phone), or the racing of giant chickens to learn to summon King Arthur’s henchmen.
 Let us compare 7’s convoluted mess of a story to 10’s. Final Fantasy 10 follows Tidus, a young man with an Oedipus complex. One night, during a game of underwater space soccer [read: Blitzball], Tidus is interrupted by a colossal parasitic winged slug destroying the city of Zannarkand. Tidus and a friend of his father try to fight the creature but are ultimately defeated and Tidus wakes up in a completely different world. In this new world, a few things overlap. Space Soccer is larger than the super bowl, the city Zannarkand still exists though it is in ruins, and the giant slug unironically named Sin. Sin is the driving force for the game’s narrative. The creature is an evil that reincarnates itself and is allegedly a manifestation of what happens when man uses technology rather than prayer. So I guess Sin is just another Christian guilt complex villain.
 Throughout the story Tidus befriends an unlikely group of heroes including a subpar Blitzball player who has a deep-seated hatred (bordering on racist) for the machine using Al-Bhed. There is a summoner on a pilgrimage to sacrifice herself to stop Sin for another couple dozen years. A biped lion wolf, and a few other JRPG tropes.
 As the story progress you find out that Tidus’ father helped on the previous summoner’s pilgrimage and became Sin. Tidus finds out he isn’t real, and that if they defeat Sin he will fade into a literal dream. Tidus spends 10 minutes sorting out this existential crisis. There is some whistling. The party goes inside of Sin. Father, son, and not-so-holy ghost all die. The world falls back into its primitive state now liberated and free to use their technology as they please.
 The games are pretty damn similar when reduced to the lowest common denominator. I have time and time again praised 10 while putting down 7. And if you have played both of them you would be quick to see how they are inherently different. But this is how I remember those games. And how I imagine many others remember them to some degree, minus a few scenes left out for brevity.
 I was 13 and sitting in the back of my step-father’s Lincoln Navigator. There was a PS2 set up to the small screen and I was playing Final Fantasy 10; nearing the end. My step-dad just bought a “new car” scented car freshener. To this day I associate that smell with my favorite game of all time. This phenomenon, my addiction, to me is one of the most fascinating tricks the mind plays on us. Nostalgia, coming from the greek words nostos and algos translating to “homecoming pain.” There was a time it was used by the Swiss military where they thought the only treatment for the condition was to send the mercenaries home. Now we see there is something universal about “the better days.”
 After discussing the concept of nostalgia with a handful of people I have noticed people tend to fall into two different camps. Some, myself included, look at nostalgia with joyous sorrow. As though there are memories, emotions, and sensations that can never be duplicated. Think back to a favorite Christmas or birthday present, remember how you felt? Even though I believe that feeling itself can be replicated, the way you remember that feeling is encapsulated in that moment and forever gone. In this first camp, there is a fear that if we don’t cling to those memories we may lose a piece of our identity with them. The second camp tends to view nostalgia pejoratively. Longing being some type of weakness. Even if there were  “good ol’ days” you can’t ever get them back so why waste time trying? Now whether either of these mentalities is objectively more correct than the other, impossible to say. I’m more just fascinated that everybody feels homecoming pain. I did notice, however, that people more invested into games (video or sport) tend to sit in the former camp with myself. I think that is where Final Fantasy, especially 7, begins to fall apart. Am I using Nostalgia to say that Final Fantasy 7 is bad, even subjectively? No, not really. Instead I’m calling into question why it is important. Not important for gaming, but important to the gamers who believe it is the high bar for the series, or even games in general.
 A few hundred words ago I drew attention to the similarities between 10 and 7. And I would like to narrow that down to just the two protagonists; Cloud and Tidus. At face value these characters are different. Tidus is a young, naive, hot-headed sports star trying to live up to a father he resents. Cloud is a battle-hardened soldier whose idol turned out to be a monster. We are supposed to identify as these two. Our perspective is limited to theirs. Both are detached from a larger picture that they inevitably find themselves the center of. So even if Cloud and Tidus are different from one another, their general arcs manage to remain the same. This is why people (myself included) find these games to be important in their lives. Both of their lives are lies. One is a fleeting dream of the gods and the other a blonde husk with a brunette’s memories. Neither character has any reason to exist.
 Usually, if you listen, when people talk about their favorite music, movies, games it often is something from their childhood. You favorite Final Fantasy is most likely the first one you played. If it isn’t, your favorite was probably played around the ages of 13-16.  Even if you have never played these games I want you to take a moment to just stop. Take a nice long hit of that homecoming pain. Go back, try to remember being 9, or 13, or 16. Try to remember who you were as a person. Sorry if you were awkward, but that awkwardness is kind of the point. These transitional points in our lives, they are moments when we are developing responsibilities and learning who we are. Whether it is your first day home without the babysitter, or a first day of high school, those periods are when we can exist outside of our parents and act as yourself. I remember once breaking down in front of my parents proclaiming I did not know who I was. I didn’t belong. I had no reason to exist. I was the same as Cloud or Tidus.
 I suppose when I hate on Cloud as a character, or when others shun Tidus, what we are really doing is collectively hating how annoying and whiny younger versions of ourselves were. But it wasn’t always that way. Sure, we didn’t have to come to terms with being a clone. But maybe, like Tidus, we discover some aspect of our life is a lie. Santa isn’t real. We can’t all be astronauts. These tiresome characters are just us as tiresome teenagers. And it is hard not to look back and cling to that notion, a moment where we didn’t have to feel so alone. At that age it is nice to be understood.
 So do I hate Final Fantasy 7? No, of course not, I’m mostly enjoying my third playthrough. But the story doesn’t speak to me like it did when I was a kid. I’m not sure it is supposed to either. This idea that no Final Fantasy will ever capture the same magic as the old ones is toxic. It is only going to hurt the growth of the series in the future. Nothing revolutionary can come of trying to capture the old while moving on to the new. 7, 10, 13, these games aren’t terrible by any means. But they are the Donald Trump of gaming. Maybe we can’t make Final Fantasy great again. Maybe it never was that great.
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sleepymarmot · 6 years
Twilight Mirage liveblog 3/5 (episodes 28-54)
I'm very excited for a series of solo episodes!
Don't know how I feel about the new Grand Magnificent tbh… This concept feels more conventional than the original one, and I'm worried the aspects of his character I found interesting won't be in focus anymore.
I had my problems with the previous system and how it flattened down emotions into inaccurate categories, but so far I'm not excited about the switch… Blades in the Dark's mechanics were kinda hard for me to follow by ear, and being unable to keep track of the gameplay by myself is unpleasant; and the new classes sound really dull compared to the ones in The Veil. 
Iota's speech is strange… It sounds more like a simple copy-paste of real-life colonialism than the invasion described previously in the story. “They will ask you to give them a name like ours, they will ask to touch your bone” etc sounds nothing like Independence and its followers' modus operandi was, and, judging by the future tense, hasn't actually happened with the present time settlers yet – so where did that come from, in-universe? In fact, shouldn't her people have a relatively positive outlook on non-hostile outsiders, since they brought on the planet's golden age? Hopefully the following episodes will elaborate on this, because I've made peace with needing lore or plot points explained to me several times, but I need more clarity on big ideological question like this. 
Gig is such a Chaotic Good!!
Buying sex is legal, normal & common in the utopia and Signet is a regular customer?! Fucking seriously?! I couldn't even focus on the episode for the next half hour and eventually turned it off because my thoughts kept returning to this and I kept seething with anger. Way to ruin the episode after I was so moved and intrigued by the intro…
They've been pretty careful with past spoilers this season, here's I think the first example: talking at length about the Hitchcocks, plural. Sure, it was only an episode three spoiler, but it was such a good reveal! 
So, who actually printed out the ancient Quire people? Was it a political move from one of the sides? 
No Austin you definitely have not mentioned Earth building a giant Dyson spehere around themselves!!! What the fuck :D
Everyone got a nice inconsequential vignette and Fourteen's scene had actual high stakes…
I really, really don't get what Seneschal looks like
After half a season of two separate parties and seven solo episodes it's so nice to hear everyone together!
Signet's look is absolutely not the kind of thing I imagined her wearing…
Please tell me someone has made an animatic about Even's hair tendril high-fiving Gig's eye
It's always cute when the first words after the intro are in that specific tone of voice that makes it obvious that at least 5-10 minutes before were spent in a lively conversation about some nonsense that finally was put to an end no more than two seconds ago (and then they talk about nonsense for ten more minutes lol) 
I love this show's dedication to describing everyone's outfits in extreme detail at every opportunity 
50k+ years later it's Art and Jack's turn to be the half of the party who walks right through the door and charm their way in lol. I hope they don't get shot or buy a bunch of torch units or something
I really like “finding a way to help a teenage community fit in the world” and “reconnecting a family and acquiring infrastructure for travel between planets” as the first projects; it really does convince you that these people have set out to make the world a better place (even if a lot of the time is actually spent pulling heists or fighting mechanical tigers).
Okay, the scavenger faction leader is literally a vulture, I get it.
What I don't get is why we are supposed to dislike that faction. There was some general “eh, they suck” said OOC during setup but we haven't actually seen them do anything bad! Show, don't tell! They need to, like, raid Big Garage and try to steal Gumption's arm if you want me to see them as an enemy.
Remember that nonsense I wrote about T. Rex in my C/w notes post? I can't believe they're doing basically the same joke on the actual show!
But how about… not capture or kill… but befriend the Axiom and/or release it into the wild… I know, I know, they can't travel far enough to move it to a safe distance from humans. But it just offends me on principle that after all that talk of diversity etc, when the characters actually meet a truly alien, unique species, they only consider the options of killing or capturing and exploiting them, and nobody even tries to ask “hey, shouldn't these creatures have rights, even if we are forced to disregard them in self-defence for the moment?” You know who I need to appear on screen ASAP? Bounty. Ask it everything! Does it remember being an Axiom? What did it feel like? What does it think about its transformation and new role? 
I thought Grand's special gun was just Even's gun?
Did Janine just call Belgard Signet's “robot wife”? Hell yeah
Me for an hour straight, not having read the description: Blease Do Not Kill My Alien Child I guess that's at least postponed now though… The situation did immediately get mildly creepy again, which makes me concerned. Is this just a different reason to kill a different Axiom – to Free Innocents from a Lotus Eater Machine? I'm getting serious September flashbacks. Honestly, between this, the other team's arc which felt like a crossover about the Chime in Marielda, and everyone getting a personal mech, this half of the season is starting to feel like Counter/weight 2, which is sad because at the beginning the atmosphere was much more original. Also I miss Primary and Satellite's correspondence, it was such a good framing device and a touching relationship at the same time!
Polyphony's powers and way of thinking are more similar to Quire than anything else
I feel very relieved and vindicated by the direction this story took!
Hell yeah finally more about the Waking Cadent!! I've been waiting for that for how many episodes now? Now that we've seen her in person I hate her actually Amend that, I hate both Cadents. A plague on both their houses!
Good on you Even, what's even the point of a military background if you don't pull rank on some jerks
Am I glad to hear from the Rapid Evening again! Bold of Austin to assume we could forget who Primary and Satellite were Okay, I first had this question a ton of episodes ago, but now it is relevant again: does Grey know the contents of the previous Satellite's final message? She knows about its existence because the numbers match up (yeah I went back and checked), but does she know that Crystal Palace either made a colossal miscalculation about Independence's route or lied on purpose for some reason?
Wait, characters still have beliefs? I don't remember this coming up since the game change
I completely forgot about Tender's cyborg legs and also misheard “I have a fake leg” as “thick leg” and was like “Uh good for you but how's that gonna help?!”
Once again, Team Exploration goes ahead and leaves Team Heist without resources lol. What do you mean they're using our ship for an orbital drop? What do you mean they've taken all axiom scanners? :D Seriously though, it's a shame that the sessions were played in this order because in-universe I see no reason why they wouldn't say “Hey before you go after Acre Seven, let's fly over Terncage and do a scan real quick” (the range on the scanners is far enough for that, right?)
I don't get how Ache works. For Quire, it made what it wishes it could be, but for everyone else it just made evil clones vaguely themed after their regrets?
TENDER IS A GAY DISASTER I haven't heard such a spectacular meltdown since Calhoun probably, holy shit
TENDER IS A DISASTER SQUARED she starts talking to a woman and just doesn't stop! This is a great episode
I like how Gig immediately says no to the devil's bargain
Oh Signet disregarding the digital Blooming, you clearly haven't seen/read (the future version of) Solaris :D
Oh no, it's the Smiling God! Came to visit another podcast that used to have a personification of capitalism as a big boss evil god
A crit at the last possible moment, after a long string of 1s… Ali's dice see through the fourth wall!
I… didn't fully understand the reveal of how it was all connected
Okay, so the Dark Day could have been prevented by keeping the gun dealer priest alive and allowing him to arm the NEH so that it could take over Twilight Mirage and wouldn't need to activate plan B i.e. come here and block signal from the Crystal Palace? Correct? It makes sense now, but Our Profit seems to be from such a far future that I just can't imagine how this plan was created and put in place
O….k… I actually expected Grand to leave the team and go off on his own (or become an NPC) as a consequence of the holiday special if he was the sacrificed character instead of the Chthonic. But now that's kind of strange to hear after all that talk of redemption and second chances?
You get a status! And you get a status! Everyone gets a status!
Wow having a near death experience out of the blue is so relaxing for Fourteen! :D NEVER MIND HOLY CRAP I'm glad that at least Fourteen kept their signature move from The Veil. I was wondering what it would be like, and honestly expected it to be just thrown out
Excuse me, “Omega in Mass Effect 2” and “cool place run by trustworthy people” are literally opposite concepts, have we even played the same game
Grand: Who likes Fourteen Fifteen? Tender, not even letting him finish: ME!!! 
Welp, my first guess about the Waking Cadent's identity was correct
Holy crap! I never realized Independence was in that one flashback episode of Counter/weight
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