#nobody actually asked for tatsuya. but i like him so here he is
skyberia · 1 year
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The Boys !!!
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finitevoid · 2 years
💕💕 For the ask game!! E (bring The Greatest Hits back around, we need them like air), K, O, T, U, and Z!
E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom? If so, what?
THERES SO MANY OKAY. okay. i love being funny i love using characters to be funny & it brings me great joy. here are some good ones:
d2 script revisions by me
murder is okay if nobody can prove that you did it
carlos and chad become worsties
stop making jay relapse
more recently theres ranking twst characters based on how easy it would be to beat them in a fistfight
K - What character has your favorite development arc/the best development arc?
um. killua hunter x hunter, honestly. nothing else will ever come close. i know you dont know who that is dcfvgcfxds but TRUST ME
O - Choose a song at random. Which ship or character does it remind you of?
i put my most recent playlist on shuffle and got part time god by the bad dreamers. this song reminds me of carlos, actually. but carlos if he was like... really really angry. and working a dead end job. listen, its just the vibes
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending? 
i can pretty much be convinced of anything if the writer is good enough at selling it. to the point that i directly contradict my own headcanons in various aus. i just like letting everything be wiggly and exploring a lot of ideas in various contexts.
the only headcanons i literally Will Not budge on are my autistic hcs. when i headcanon a character as autistic They Are Autistic, to me. they can never be allistic. its the only hcs im like this with. they are as follows:
squall leonhart, carlos de vil, yusuke kitagawa, tatsuya suou, langa hasegawa, malleus draconia & riddle rosehearts. there are a few more but they are for characters i care less about so
U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites.
squall leonhart (i relate too much to him)
ruggie bucchi (hes funny & i find the plight of his existence very sympathetic and interesting)
hiei yu yu hakusho (hes funny & i find the plight of his existence existentially horrifying)
Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go! (Prompts optional but encouraged.)
i am writing that fic i mentioned to you, about langa having Issues. i think it's based so far, it seems my writing niche for fanfic like this is having a character Going Through It, them talking to everyone in their vicinity about it, and then coming to some sort of emotional conclusion. i do think i am going to let him deck adam in the end though. stay tuned my friend
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tenacityreturns · 3 years
aokaga drabble: post-nba
plot: kagami cuts off all his friends after forced retirement from the nba, and goes to live in japan again so that he can rebuild himself from the ground up. aomine’s girlfriend, sabs (whom we love), breaks up with him and aomine follows kagami to try and reconnect after a quiet few months. he’s worried as hell, he loves kagami, who he knows without hearing from him that he is miserable. it’s angst. word count: 5860 notes: sfw, future verse, aomine’s pov. it’s specific to my future verse hcs but hopefully it makes sense even if u dont know them lol. nijimura and kagami are ( thank you so much for reminding me about this. present tense. they ARE ) besties, i think that comes up. 
god, it's just too weird coming back here. everything is the same. same cream wallpaper, same dirty mirror in the lift. same buttons, circled with red once pressed. same shitty elevator music. it hums melodically, creating the pretence of relaxation, but daiki is anything but. he stares at himself in the mirror. not much taller than the last time he'd been inside, on his way to see an exuberant redhead in that same, ridiculous penthouse apartment he'd had by himself. would it seem small now that he'd seen the world? now that he had money of his own, lived in a big apartment himself? there are lines in his brow as he inspects it. he doesn't try to fix it. allows himself these nerves because they remind him that he cares. if he didn't, he wouldn't have come back to stay with his parents. wouldn't have followed taiga across the world despite the months of radio silence. missed calls ( ignored calls ). unanswered texts. daiki had tried everything. called taiga’s dad, asked if he'd heard anything recently from him. he never had. never gave daiki anything, anyway. all 'oh, I'm sure he's fine, he's probably just sulking about his injuries.' yeah, that's what daiki is worried about. asao had always got on his nerves. how is he so blind? why can't he see that taiga's devastated to be retiring? he still had as much fight in him as he'd had when they were teenagers. so much fight, and grit, and impossible potential.
the elevator dings. he doesn't move for a moment. ghosts surround him. that time taiga dragged him way too roughly into his apartment, only to kiss him like he's made of glass. the times they'd held hands in the full elevator and no one had minded. the time someone had, and taiga nearly beat him up for it. like, really nearly. all the occasions taiga found to cook meals for him. all the excuses. how the hell could taiga stand to come back here and relive all those memories?
the doors shut. daiki grunts and pushes the button to open them again. he has to buck up. he has to gather himself, all the courage in the world, and tell taiga everything. he was waiting inside, anyway. he'd buzzed him up. yeah, alright. he'd said at the door. yeah, alright. he sounds different now. colder. the knot in his stomach is eating him alive. tearing organs apart. his knees are weak, barely carrying him into the hallway.
how will he phrase it? Daiki makes his way to taiga's door. it's the same colour. same paint, it's peeling a little. he feels sick. so sick. it's fight or flight, isn't it? the nerves. well, he'd already flown away. already allowed taiga to think he didn't care. maybe he hadn't. maybe love had drifted between them, fluttering around like a butterfly in spring. sabina had been a flower daiki visited, she was everything he thought he'd wanted in a partner. funny, clever, interested in him. not like in love him, which she had been, but she'd asked how his day was. sabs was great, but she wasn't taiga. they fought a lot, but not in the same way he'd fought with taiga. and taiga had dated people too, like that hot business guy. older, smart, in love. daiki recognised the way he'd looked at taiga during that terrible doubt date they'd gone on. softly, in awe, like there had been no one else in the room. and taiga had been looking at daiki. saying something with a smirk, trying to get a rise out of him. daiki could have kissed him then.
but he's broken up with sabs when taiga retired. all daiki had done was call him, text him, trying to find out if he was okay. of course he wasn't, but daiki wanted to be there for him. sabs grew tired of it. he doesn't blame her for it. he doesn't blame himself for being in love with taiga, either. it's the natural way of things. and it has been the natural way of things to go back to Japan as soon as he could get a break away from work. he stayed with his parents, kept his head down. reconnected with other old friends from high school, tried to pretend it was just a social call. Tried to pretend he hadn't come all the over here on the off chance taiga might be around to see him, wherever he'd been. what a bittersweet moment when taiga first texted back a few months ago. all casualness, he’d said don’t worry about me, i’m fine. talk soon x and that had been it. he’d replied in english, daiki had texted in english. daiki called him about a week ago and taiga had answered. hearing his voice had been jarring. he’d been waiting so long, so patiently. always hoping taiga would call him for a change.
“i’m in tokyo visiting family,” daiki had said hastily, shocked that he’d actually get a reply this time. he waited. nothing. fine. he kept talking. “i get it if you don’t wanna talk to me, or whatever, but---
“no, i wanna see you. come over. i’m back in my old apartment, you remember where that is? come by next saturday.” and they agreed on a time like it was the most normal thing in the world.
daiki sees his hand raise to knock on the door, and he wonders how many times in his life he’d done this. his knuckles had met the door hundreds of times before, when they’d been younger. less experienced. happier. god, daiki’s scared. it’s too weird coming back here.
the door opens. it’s taiga. he looks tired. he’s put on weight, his bare arms are still tree trunks but they’re not showing muscle definition anymore. he makes grey sweats and a black t-shirt look classic for a reason. daiki stares at him, taking it all in, suddenly tongue-tied. he doesn’t have the right words, they don’t exist. there’s nothing to say. he shouldn’t have come.
“makes you feel old, don’t it?” taiga says, rubbing his neck.
“being back here. i feel like i should ask you if you wanna play one-on-one then go to maji’s.” the joke hurts. red eyes hold such sadness in them. it looks like it hurts to look at daiki, too. he shouldn’t have come.
“i can’t, i dunno if you heard. i can’t play again. i’m still recovering. i had to choose between being able to walk when i’m sixty, or playing basketball another year. i was so close to picking basketball.”
daiki trudges inside. he fights the instinct to sweep taiga into an all-encompassing hug. it’s awful being in this room again. the furniture is different, thank god, but the essentials are in the same place. the kitchen is the same. there’s the spot daiki would always perch when taiga was cooking something for him. the sofa is in a different position. how clearly he can see the old layout now that he stands amongst its replacements. daiki doesn’t know what to say to taiga’s crushing statement. could he speak if he wanted to? there’s a lump in his throat. he takes his shoes off. those are taiga’s jordans. it’s good he still wears basketball shoes. it’s wrong when he doesn’t. they’re like an extension of him, like the colour of his hair. scarlet in the sunlight.
“isn’t that what you wanted to hear?” taiga’s voice is so dark, he hasn’t shut the door yet. when daiki looks over, the hand on the door is tense, as if trying to make a fist through the wood. it takes daiki by surprise to see this rage. “isn’t that what anyone wants to know, whether i care if i played again?”
“i---” he blinks. “i don’t care about basketball.”
wrong answer. the door slams. daiki flinches. taiga stalks into the kitchen.
“i mean, of course i care, it’s just-- you scared the shit outta me. i figured you didn’t wanna see me of all people, then i heard you cut everyone off, all your old teammates. gave everyone the cold shoulder. we just wanna help you, man, you’re not alone in this.”
“i’m over it.”
“i wouldn’t be, if i was you.”
“you have no idea how i feel, daiki,” taiga pulls two beers from the fridge. daiki had half expected banana milk. the thought makes him feel worse.
“nobody does, you won’t talk to anyone.” it’s a leap, maybe he had been, but had avoided daiki’s questions when he’d asked them. did nijimura know how he felt? did satsuki, and they just hadn’t told him?
“i don’t want to,” he takes the drinks to the couch, and daiki follows. daiki sits in a chair where his beanbag had once been. taiga continues, “i don’t wanna even think about basketball. that’s why i never messaged you back. i knew it would all come out once i saw you.”
daiki doesn’t open his beer. he stares at it guiltily, but he can’t bear opening it. can’t bear disturbing the quiet falling between them.
“i would’ve left you alone if you hurt yourself,” taiga goes on, in too smooth of a tone to have been anything but the truth. “i would’ve known you wouldn’t want to see me because it’d remind you of the old times.”
silence. he really shouldn’t have come.
“i’ve always had basketball,” taiga says quietly, sipping on his beer. “all my friends were into it too. back when i had this place first, i figured everyone was only interested because i was good. especially you guys.” he clicks his tongue. “you, generation of miracles. i didn’t blame you, either. i got it. tetsu, ryouta, tatsuya. i’d think about whether you’d lose interest if i got hurt and couldn’t play anymore. i didn’t wanna face it.”
“is that--- is that what you think about me now?”
no reply. he drinks more beer. daiki shifts to the edge of his seat.
“taiga. answer me.”
“i considered it. at first, definitely. then you kept calling, i guessed it was your conscience or something. don’t feel bad about it, or whatever--”
“don’t feel bad? why would you think that? i--” he has to take a breath. it’s taiga’s mistake. it’s something in his past that caused him to think that the limits of his worth are tied with his ability to play ball. that’s awful. but it’s not something to argue over. it won’t help. “look, you’re wrong. alright? don’t ever think that about me again.”
taiga shrugs. “you wanted to know how i felt.”
it’s a blow. it hurts. no doubt about it. when daiki had said i love you, had taiga always heard i love your basketball? that’s ridiculous. daiki had loved taiga’s way of playing, but that wasn’t just it?! there are corners of taiga’s mind that daiki doesn’t like, doesn’t get along with. but despite that, he loves that, too. loves taiga. loves, loves, loves him. he always has, he always will.
“you once said there’s nothing a winner can say to a loser. ain’t that how it is here? what could you say to me i haven’t heard from everyone else who can still play basketball?”
“if you couldn’t walk now, do you really think i wouldn’t wanna be there to help you with your wheelchair?” it slipped out, almost venomously. defensively. taiga blinks, quiet as the dead. daiki sighs, setting the drink down unopened. “you’re one of my best friends, taiga. you’re more than that. i think i made myself pretty clear when i called you and texted you. sorry if that was the wrong thing to do... but... if you stopped playing basketball after high school, i’d still have wanted you around, you know. even if you were some boring ass banker in another country, i still would’ve kept in touch.”
daiki doesn’t look at taiga now. he can’t. it’s too much honesty. there’s too much weight to his words. ( if he had looked over, he’d see the shaking hand raising beer to lips, hiding that they too quiver under the threat of tears. )
“sorry if i’m just saying stuff you’ve heard before. i’ll leave if i’m making it worse. i didn’t mean to.”
continued silence. what does he say next? what can he say? he doesn't want to leave. he should have come. daiki sighs, sinking back into his seat with his eyes anywhere but on taiga. this chair is hard. it's a sand-coloured linen armchair with deep mahogany accents. the kind of chair that really isn't meant to be sat in. sabs had one like this. it was a glorified bowl. totally uncomfortable, and even he was never able to sleep in it. this chair is similar. its voice is loud and harsh: i am an adult purchase. daiki misses the beanbag. the most comfortable thing he'd ever slept on. second most. he finally looks at taiga. the couch is different. it's also sand in colour, and cuboid, but the arm-rests are low and with the right cushion, their rounded corners would make for a good napping area.
the old sofa hadn't been comfortable. he'd convinced himself that it was, until taiga became the perfect cushion between sofa and daiki. it's a stupid thought, but is a toned body really that comfortable of a cushion? the soft lines of taiga's broad shoulders look just as enticing. but... the beanbag... daiki's bought beanbags for himself since then but they've never been the same. even the same brand (model discontinued) hadn't been the same. it wasn't just that it was oblong and firm enough that he doesn't touch the floor, while still retaining body-moulding softness. it was partly that. daiki had realised it the first time he settled into his new and immediately rejected beanbag years ago, when he and taiga had broken up for the second major time. it was that he'd been on taiga's floor, exhausted after an almost challenging one-on-one, waiting for his rival to make him his dinner. even before they'd started dating, daiki had felt a special sort of peace here. there's comfort in finding someone who you can be your authentic self with. daiki's basketball ability didn't scare taiga off.
daiki had been staring at the window when taiga spoke. he immediately looked over, momentarily forgetting everything that was said minutes before. forgetting why he's here, what brought him, what chair he's sitting in. he's in the beanbag again. taiga's about to ask him to solve a history question, and daiki's half a second away from making up a completely fictitious answer so he doesn't have to bashfully admit that he doesn't know.
“can i ask you something?”
“were you just thinking about your old beanbag?”
ah. busted. he blinks, dazed. taiga’s expression starts to change. his eyes search daiki’s from across the room and gradually, a smile forms. the sun comes out. literally. the shadow-stealing grey sky gave the city a brief interlude of hope in a few, impossibly long seconds of proper sunlight. the weather, daiki noticed, linked inextricably with a personal epiphany. it doesn’t matter whether he’s an easy read. at any given moment, daiki is thinking about his next meal or his next sleep. but that, in the depths of their conversation, taiga had pulled himself out of it enough to come to the correct conclusion on what daiki was thinking about. it wasn’t basketball, it wasn’t their history ( not entirely, at least ), and it wasn’t taiga’s injuries ( though maybe it should have been? ). it was his old beanbag. not taiga’s. not nijimura’s. his. and he’s smiling again, for the first time today. a wall has come down.
the future starts to fit into place. is that dramatic? it’s fate. it’s fate. does taiga see it too? does he knows that daiki could walk to the ends of the earth for him? daiki smiles too, now. he sinks deeper into his awful seat, shoulders almost meeting his ears.
“i hate this chair, taiga.”
“me too, but i hated the beanbag more.”
“you didn’t,” a critical insult! “why’d you keep it if you hated it so much?”
taiga sighs now, shifting in his seat so that his arm rested on the back of the couch, head against his hand. he stares with an unimpressed downwards turn to his mouth, and a double chin beneath his jaw. because you loved it, his eyes replied in words his mouth couldn’t betray, and i loved you. past tense, daiki can’t flatter himself into thinking that taiga is in any kind of place to be thinking about relationships. but they’d been in love before. daiki had been taiga’s first ( almost ) everything. it’s over in a split second, but he remembers thinking they’d be together forever.
“do you really think i could’ve been a banker?”
the question, offered casually under the guise of an innocent topic change, has weight to it. daiki knows this, but it doesn’t matter. his answer comes from the heart. their eyes meet.
“y’know,” daiki straightens up a little, “yeah, i do. i still think you could be a banker, dude. you’re one of the few people i’ve met who can really do anything you set your mind to.”
“i’m too stupid to be a banker.”
insecure words don’t suit taiga’s voice. they sound wrong. daiki doesn’t look away. “your tenacity outweighs your stupidity any day.”
taiga rolls his eyes and sips his beer. his smile fades. what’s he thinking about? daiki feels guilty realising he can’t read taiga as well as the other way around, but the last time they’d been in this room, it would have been a fair guess to suggest basketball was on his mind. it had almost always been on his mind. and now that his eyes no longer sparkle, basketball or lack thereof would also be a decent guess, but daiki didn’t think it was just that. does taiga think of the past? does he regret not paying attention in school and not giving himself any kind of backup career? daiki does. their parents do.
god, why can’t he think of anything to say? why is he so fucking silent all of a sudden? daiki’s usually quick as a whip, can spark a laugh or a fight at his whim. he usually knows just what to say when taiga’s not feeling great. or knows just what to do. all he can think of is a hug and what good has a hug ever done, really? he wants to wrap his arms around his old friend’s shoulders and tell him it’s all going to be alright. would taiga push him away? would he get mad?
“so,” taiga stands unexpectedly. is he about to tell him to get lost? “how are you doing?”
it takes him aback. uh, he’s been shit. he’s been worrying to death over taiga’s lack of communication, and fearing the worst with every phone call ignored. daiki exhales, watching taiga walk over to the sliding doors to the tiny balcony. it’s early evening and the city is starting to twinkle. does taiga admire its familiar beauty, or does he stare out with an empty gaze? for the love of all things good, daiki, for fuck’s sake! just say something!
“fine,” excellent.
“good. how’s sabs?”
“yeah. i heard things were getting serious with you two.” his voice is impossible to hear, but he’s not mocking him. taiga’s ignorance at the situation is baffling, but he isn’t being spiteful.
“uh. we-- we broke up, man, ages ago. like, a few months.”
silence returned. daiki hates this. he understands not googling each other, but hadn’t anyone told taiga about sabs and him? had taiga really not asked? he’d been avoiding every other basketball guy he knows, why would daiki be any different? was it possible that taiga doesn’t care anymore? no, cool it. no talking about relationships right now, it’s not the time. fuck knows what conversation this moment does call for, but it’s not that. leave it. chill. have some beer.
daiki follows his own advice and finally opens his beer. it’s gross. he’s more of a wine guy, while taiga has always liked his beers. unsurprisingly, the drink does little to distract him.
“how are your parents?”
so is this what it was going to be? small talk? daiki would prefer going back to aggressively telling taiga how fucking amazing he is, just to fight the voice that had said i’m too stupid to be a banker.
“dad’s retiring soon,” daiki replies in a sigh, “there’ll be a party. you should come.”
taiga chuckles dryly.
you don’t have to, jesus. daiki doesn’t say it, and fights the irritation as best as he can. he’s using the same patience that taiga had used with him in the past when the world had felt like it was collapsing. “mom asks about you all the time.”
a grunt this time; it’s kind of like the surprised huh from earlier, mixed with a noise of amused rejection.
“how’s your dad?”
“he doesn’t get it at all. i tried telling him imagine you lost both your hands and couldn’t work anymore, but it’s not the same. he doesn’t love his work.”
daiki’s moving before he can help it. he comes to stand beside taiga to watch the city. he can’t see beyond the reflection of taiga’s sorrowful face in the glass. he’d been right, earlier. those gorgeous eyes were empty. if he was looking at the view, his eyes were dead on the horizon.
taiga continues without interruption. “he only works as an escape from everything he fucked up in his life. me, for instance.”
“taiga,” daiki’s heart aches.
“i should’a listened when i was a kid. that’s it. i should’a paced myself.”
“would you have joined seirin’s team if you paced yourself?”
“your intensity is a part of you, taiga,” daiki says gently. taiga’s distant eyes hone in on the reflection, too, and now they’re looking at each other in the glass. daiki is first to look away like a coward. “i think if you had paced yourself, you’d have come to one of seirin’s games. you would’a found out about the generation of miracles and thought i wanna take those asshole down a notch.”
“you told me my light’s too dim when we first met, though.” taiga turns his head so that he’s facing the city again. “even if i joined the team, we still lost before we got to finally beat you.”
“it was tetsu who lifted you up to my level,” daiki’s reply is barely a whisper. he’s falling into his own memories and his eyes drop to the windowpane. it had always been him. they both dwelled on it, he didn’t have to be a mind-reader for that. he misses kuroko like hell.
“you ever wish you hated basketball?” taiga’s voice cracks. he takes a sip of beer and daiki copies him.
“yeah,” before he’d met taiga, he’d been plagued with the idea of never meeting anyone up to his standards. anyone better. kise came close, but daiki had lost to seirin. that felt like lifetimes ago now.
“this fucking sucks,” he’d finished his beer now. daiki glances over in time to see taiga blindly toss his beer bottle over his shoulder. he looks back to see where it landed. it hadn’t shattered, but flown safely onto the sofa where taiga had been sitting. taiga doesn’t move. he doesn’t react at all.
daiki feels it keenly too, can’t taiga see? he’s not alone. sure, daiki can’t fully understand how it feels to be forced into retirement due to injury, but he’s on his way there. his body is tired and it is always sore. one of these days, he’ll land funny and never properly recover. and then daiki will isolate from the world until he can figure himself out. it will be like carving the basketball out of himself. having played for his whole life, what will be left? he comes to stare at taiga so gradually that he hadn’t noticed when it happened. he sees a strong man with a huge heart and the rest of his life ahead of him. he is awesome at cooking, maybe he’ll do something with that? he has enough money that, if he’s sensible with it ( which he always has been ), he’s financially secure. hell, taiga’s always been financially secure.
he sees a man waging a war in his mind. he sees broken pieces desperately held together. daiki sees himself.
“i’ll leave if you want me to, tai. i don’t wanna make it worse.”
taiga shakes his head. he looked, for a second, like he’d say something. his mouth opened, but he changed his mind last minute and closes it again. daiki can’t stand to see him this way. if they never talk about basketball again for the rest of their lives, he’ll find something else to say. they can’t just stop talking because they can’t play against each other anymore. unless that’s really what taiga wants, which daiki doubts.
it’s a bold move, perhaps, but he bumps his knuckles gently against taiga’s hand hanging beside them. the redhead glances between them, but it doesn’t put daiki off. he carefully offers his hand to hold, forgoing breathing lest it spark an outburst. there’s no rage this time. their hands connect like they had a million times before. daiki already feels better for it, selfishly, as if how he feels is what’s important right now. fuck, he just loves taiga so much. he’ll be fine, he’s taiga. of course he will. he’s at a low point and it’s weird to see him so lost, it’s unnatural somehow, but he’ll get through it. daiki believes in him. he believes in him with his whole goddamn heart.
taiga meets his eyes just as he’s feeling like he could just say it outright. daiki sees tired, teary eyes. he squeezes his hand. “what are you thinking about?” taiga asks quietly.
“how amazing you are,” he replies. “you’ll get through this. i know you will.”
taiga scoffs, but it doesn't sound like an outright rejection. not totally, at least.
a silence settles between them as they each think of something to say. daiki wishes there was something he could do to fix it. fix all the hurt. wrap it up in a ball and throw it outside. it's more of a distraction than anything, but hadn't that metaphor sounded like basketball? it would be impossible to cut the sport from himself. he doesn't think he'd be able to do it. this must be hell for taiga. he glances over and meets teary eyes unexpectedly looking at him, too.
"come here," daiki pulls his hand away, only to slide in and wrap his arms around taiga's waist. he hadn't thought twice about it this time. it's the right thing to do.
"i'm fine," taiga sniffs.
"then it's for my benefit," he snaps. it works, and he feels familiar arms wrap around him in kind. they stand in gentle silence, there’s a wall clock ticking somewhere in the background. cars beneath them sound like crashing waves. a siren. daiki runs his hands along taiga’s back soothingly, and notes that the form is softer now where muscles had laid careful marks of definition. taiga had always been bulkier than him, but this added weight makes the guy seem immovable. and here he is, hiding his face in daiki’s shoulder in the world’s saddest hug. he has to stop himself from kissing him there and then. as if that would help anything. it used to. enough kisses peppered on taiga’s face had always been enough to lift his mood. it’s strange to love taiga with restraint, but he will, if that is what he needs.
"you were right, by the way," taiga mutters, "I haven't talked this through with anybody."
"yeah. i'm here for you, tai. but we don't gotta talk about it if you don't want to. hell, we could pretend i'm the one who works at the bank and never talk about basketball again."
"you, a banker? that's just unrealistic." it's a joke delivered totally pathetically, with a shaking voice.
"shut up," and it's a defence without any bite to it.
“sorry about sabs,” daiki feels the words mumbled into his shoulder, feels taiga’s lips say her name against his t-shirt. taiga sounds guilty. he must know.
“don’t worry about it.”
“i heard you say in that interview that you were gonna have kids. i thought you were gonna end up with her.”
“interview?” daiki frowns. taiga breaks out of the hug and opens the sliding door. he comes to lean against the balcony, and daiki is still standing where he had been, racking his brain for what the hell he was talking about? he remembers an invasive question from a dickhead reporter along those lines, but daiki hadn’t said that he was going to? have them with sabs? he had never even considered it. really never considered it. hell no. “uh,” he finally replies, realising that he hadn’t yet, “no.”
“would you, in the future? not with sabs. i just mean, in general.”
daiki slides the door further open and steps into the cool air. he rests against the railing with his forearms, looking down and out at the city. for all that it could mean, he looks over with a gentle expression at the only person that would change his mind about it. “would you?”
taiga remains fixed on the horizon. his shoulders shrug. “i never thought about shit like that before. i think so, maybe.”
daiki hums. he doesn’t say anything. he doesn’t admit to being happy to hear that taiga is open to it, doesn’t admit that he’s always liked the idea of having kids. at least one, maybe two. being an only child is difficult, but then, the adoption process is difficult. hopefully two kids. he recalls a conversation they had had a long time ago, or maybe it had been a moment in passing that stuck out. taiga has changed his mind. back then, daiki distinctly remembers hearing that taiga didn’t think he’d make for a very good dad. he remembers, because he knows how much he disagreed. a guy like him with a heart like that? please. it’s a given.
“while you’re here, you should visit nijimura and his kids at teiko.”
daiki blinks. the speed at which the conversation was going is leaving him behind. he’d done that before, sure, but not as often as taiga. that makes sense though, right? taiga was always good at making time for shit like that. he shrugs his shoulders. “yeah, i guess. i hadn’t thought about it.”
“daiki?” taiga says quietly. when daiki looks over, their eyes meet. god, taiga’s eyes are so fucking sad. he can’t deal with it. daiki nods, taiga continues. “i’m gonna give you a word of advice. you should really think about what you’re gonna do when you can’t play anymore. i wish i had. there’s no point dwelling on the past, but if i can stop you from feeling like this, then it won’t all be for nothing.”
daiki categorically doesn’t like talking about stuff like this. his injuries will heal. they always do. and he will play again. he is not strong like taiga, he can’t just carve it out and build himself up again. taiga will be able to tell by the look on daiki’s face that he has taken the advice to heart, even if he can’t speak for the lump in his throat. when he can, after a moment, daiki replies.
“i get it if you wanna be alone right now,” his eyes drift back to the city, “and i’ll go stand on the side-lines ‘til you’re ready if that’s what you want, but if our roles were reversed like you mentioned earlier, i hope you would know to come find me.”
“of course i would,” taiga rests forwards on the balcony, mirroring daiki. their arms touch, neither move. “when you put it like that... i’m sorry i was so hard to find.”
daiki doesn’t tell him that he loves him now. not in words. he says it between the lines, in the diminishing space between his fingertips and taiga’s skin. any excuse to touch him, he makes. now, as his head comes to rest momentarily on taiga’s shoulder. can he stay there? taiga allows it. he does. on the arm, later, as a story is told, on the hand. taiga returns it in a drifting touch across daiki’s shoulders as he’s passing in the kitchen, or that one, affectionate moment where taiga had playfully scuffed his knuckles against daiki’s chin. god, it had driven him crazy. taiga is so beautiful. his hair is a little longer. the guy’s always wanted a mullet, maybe now he’s actually growing it out? his hands, his back, his thighs. they’d been friends with benefits a few years ago because they couldn’t handle being in the same room without physically reacting to it. then they’d started taking other people. and now, daiki feels that gut instinct to give taiga everything again. but he won’t. not tonight.
instead, he’ll confess his love in the respectful silences, in reassuring smiles, the changes of conversation, the nah, i’ve got nowhere to be when 11 o’clock hit and taiga was embarrassed to have taken up so much of his time. he says i love you in the way that they briefly hold hands. in the words unsaid because now isn’t the time. in the lingering glances, in the i’ll take the couch tonight. ( taiga, in his way, says i love you as he says no you won’t, you’ll sleep with me. or at least he says i know you love me, which is good enough. ) of course they sleep together. taiga’s head comes to rest upon his chest. they’re clothed. it’s weird not immediately making out with him now that all that daiki can smell is taiga. they are silent as their arms find comfortable ways to settle to sleep. daiki waits for the longest time before he speaks. he waits for breathing to even out, and grip to loosen where taiga’s hand had come to rest at his hip. and, when he does speak, it’s barely a whisper scraped through his tired, croaking throat:
“i love you, tai.”
nothing happens. taiga had been asleep. the night wears on and daiki’s mind walks through every sentence they had spoken. he falls asleep as the stars start to fade, wakes up again when taiga is getting out of bed, but doesn’t stay up. later, the smell of breakfast makes him stir ( it’s never failed before ). taiga tells him that he’s got a job at a bakery, so this bread is actually made by him. it’s perfect, but of course it is. it’s his.
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shoichee · 3 years
Hello❤️❤️❤️ congrats with 100 followers🥳🥳🥳 hope the audience will expand😍 and can I repeat myself again? I love your works😍
So, can I request 5 with Himuro?
hihihihihi!! ty sm for your support squeeeeee, sure you can repeat again, think of it as a thank you for being there since the beginning <333 i actually have so much requests now it’s kind of crazy!
Himuro x Reader
5. “Well. Yell, scream, say something. Anything”
Word Count: 2255
prompt list here
TW: attempted assault and stalking, nothing graphic, but these are the main subjects for this scenario, so PLEASE PLEASE take care of yourself first if these topics trigger you and avoid them!
»»————— ☼ —————««
Himuro felt helpless.
The Winter Cup that year when Seirin rightfully won was over months ago, but even still, there is still a part of him that gnaws at him from the inside of his consciousness. Ever since he failed to stop Haizaki from making unwanted advances on his mentor.
No matter how much Alex assured him that it wasn’t a big deal, no matter how easily she shrugged the incident off, there is still a festering guilt that eats him away at how useless he was in protecting the people he cared about. He couldn’t even protect Kagami as an “elder brother,” and he couldn’t even protect Alex as a “male” against another male. Still, no matter how much he chastises himself for having such immature thoughts, they’ve continued to overstay their welcome. What kind of traits does an “elder brother” or a capable “male” even entail?
Someone who wouldn’t be beaten and swatted like a fly…
Someone who wouldn’t just sit idly by when someone is being wronged…
Someone who wouldn’t hesitate to fight back to protect someone, even despite the consequences…
But if that’s the case… that’s just the definition of a person with human decency, isn’t it? Yes, perhaps that is why he still mulls over the encounter to this day. First he split off his brotherhood with Kagami over a one-track goal of an equal rivalry, and then he talked down to his mentor before his Winter Cup game that evening… In the end, he was absolutely pathetic, losing to Kagami’s inborn talent and getting beat down while watching his teacher getting harassed and choked. He easily accepted the fact that Kagami surpassed him with his basketball… The latter? Not so much.
He hasn’t really talked about his inner turmoil with anyone. Atsushi is someone who would not care too much about the complex emotions that he’s currently harboring, much less help deal with them. His other teammates are graduating and too occupied with final exams. He could speak with Alex, but by now, she’s moved back to America, and a part of him doesn’t want to call her out of his self-consciousness and humiliation. You?… He could confide his troubles with you… but a part of him whispers that you’d think less of him if you knew how incapable he really was.
After all, if he couldn’t even protect you as your boyfriend… no, he’d rather not go too far into that thought.
He smiles at the thought of you openly complimenting everything of him every time he subconsciously downplays himself, whether it was his basketball skills or his looks or even his habits. He always thought about how cute you were when you always made exaggerated hand movements to express your sincerity when you shower him with compliments, even if he always told you that you never had to go that far in saying such things. (You always insisted that they’re true and he was the best boyfriend anyone could ask for anyways.)
To someone like Himuro who had always hid their inferiority complex and other entangling insecurities behind a mask of a genial smile, your words always reassured him that he wasn’t treating you horribly or neglecting you or just being downright selfish. Just like what happened with Kagami. Just like what happened with Alex. He just hopes he doesn’t fuck this up somehow with you too.
He had always apologized for how he couldn’t spend as much time with you as he wanted to; basketball practice doesn’t spare anyone, after all. Still, you would smack his arm and push him to the gym as you scolded him to focus on what he loved to do best. Ah, he really didn’t deserve you… how you were so understanding he would never know.
But dusk fell at another early-February weekday; it was still quite chilly, cold enough to see his own puffs of warm exhales. His hands are cold, but the rest of his body burns from running laps and repeating shooting drills moments earlier. His ears grow hotter still when he remembers that you two had planned a simple outing near the coffee shop around the corner.
“Atsushi!” Himuro turns back to call out to the center player. “I need to be going now.”
“Hmph,” Murasakibara huffs in reply. “I was gonna ask you to take me to that new booth to try out new samples.”
“Sorry, sorry,” he laughs, noting the faint mist escaping his lips. “I’ll take you there next time, Atsushi. I have a date planned with (y/n)-san right now.”
“Tch, I’m leaving before you get too mushy on me. Buh-bye~” the giant drawls, casually strolling down the opposite path. Himuro manages to hold back a mild snort before he makes his way to head to the shop you two agreed to meet up at. Propping up his phone to look for your name to send a text, his eyes widen as he registers your name popping up on his screen as an incoming call. What a coincidence. You must’ve been anticipating this too. He smiles as he envisioned your anticipation at the table before he picks up on your call.
“Tatsuya?…” your voice rang.
“(y/n)-san,” he teased. “I didn’t think of you as an impatient person. Can’t wait to see me?”
“Yeah,” you said, but something about your voice was overly cheerful.
“Don’t worry,” Himuro hummed. “I’ll be there really soon. Give me 5 minutes.” He assumed it was just your excitement taking over that made you sound different than usual. He was about to hang up before you spoke again.
“A-Anywho!” you say. “How was practice, Tatsuya?”
“Hmm, the same it has always been,” he replies. “Just drills and laps before running a few practice games. Why do you ask?”
“No reason! C-Can’t I check up on you sometimes?”
“Of course you can, (y/n)-san,” he reassures you. There was a silence from your end, but he can hear how your breaths quickened over the line. He then registered some footsteps and maneuvers on the concrete and furrowed his brows in mild confusion. “… Hey, is there something wrong?”
“A-Ah yes! I’m at the laundromat right a-around the corner!” Your voice slightly peaks at the end. “Y-Yeah, yeah! I can’t wait to… s-see you soon! Uh, huh, m-mhm! You’re near right now, right? Yeah! You-you’re almost there!…” By now, your voice has taken on an almost hysterical tone.
“(y/n)?… (y/n)!” he half-shouts into his phone. “(y/n)! Can you still hear me! Where are you?!… Laundromat, right?” He breaks into a brisk run, ignoring the disapproving stares of other pedestrians on the sidewalk.
“I-I-I’m near the alley adjacent to the laundromat!… Yeah! C-Can’t wait to see you! O-Oh, don’t forget… um, to bring your wallet. S-Silly, you always forget to bring money, so… s-so…” You completely break your facade with a faint voice crack and a sniffle at the end. “Please… please hurry…”
Himuro pushes himself to a full sprint, completely disregarding etiquette as he pushes a few people to the side. His cold hands struggle to cease from shaking as he clutches his phone harder, as if he was holding onto you for dear life. Something terrible might happen to you, and if something happened to you on his watch…
Please, please, please, fucking god, please—please make it on time—
He grits his teeth and screams at his legs to move faster when he hears a stifled sob and a cry from your end.
“A-ah please…” you whisper. “They’re coming—they’re, Himuro, I don’t know where to ru—” All he heard after was a terrified scream before the line cut off.
Fuck, hurry up, hurry the fuck up—
Your phone was completely shattered on the floor, and you swore you had a few broken shards embedded in your skin somewhere from the harsh impact. That didn’t matter though. Not when there were two men grabbing you and trying to muffle your cries for help.
You try to use your elbow to hit their weakest parts, their joints, to loosen their grip. It worked, but as soon as you took a few steps, the other just tackled you to the floor to completely immobilize you.
You screamed, you kicked, you slapped, you elbowed, you punched, you flailed, but nothing seemed effective against two bodies, twice the size and twice the strength of your own.
You pitifully wail as a last desperate attempt, but in the quiet corner of the neighborhood, nobody seems to heed your cries for help. The sun had completely set by now, the year still experiencing the darkness of a winter night; by now, most are already at home relaxing. Their weight on your body was suffocating and you don’t know whether the pain was from the rough concrete, the shards, their weight, or all of the above.
You register them heaving you up with a firm hold on you still and shoving you to walk to the nearest vehicle they owned, and your legs are absolutely trembling from the shallow wounds you accumulated from the roughing and from the fear of the uncertainty of what would happen to you.
When Himuro lays eyes on your roughed-up state and the two men restraining you, all his fury and guilt and fear comes rushing back from his encounter with Haizaki.
He is not a rational man right now. He is not thinking of being the “bigger person.” He is not thinking about being a model athlete nor proper sportsmanship nor disqualification. There are no such thoughts of consequences, not when your life is being jeopardized.
He does not fucking care that he looks like the aggressor when he throws a left hook at the first man. He does not fucking care that the second man looks like his shoulder got dislocated. For once, he does not fucking care how his violent actions might cost him his prospective basketball career.
When he pulls your trembling body into his arms and feels how warm you are against his body in the night chills of an early-February weekday, he breathes out a long cloud of air, slowly calming himself as he hugs you more firmly against his side and pulls up to dial the local police.
He feels a slight sense of relief when he can feel you instinctively snuggling into his side for solace.
The local officers immediately got the gist once they saw the scene of two sprawled men, a terrified you, and a protective Himuro. After checking the nearby CTE cameras, their suspicions were confirmed. They still ask Himuro a few basic questions before they haul them off to the station; Himuro mostly answers for you.
Once the quiet fills the neighborhood again, you release a shuddering breath; Himuro knows because he can see your own mist from the corner of his eye. Still, you haven’t spoken a word since then.
“(y/n)…” he murmurs, bending down to your level to survey the scratches and bruises on your body before he hesitantly looks at your eyes. “Well… yell, scream, say something—anything… please.”
“… Can you… hug me again?”
“… Of course.”
And you both embrace tightly, Himuro tucking your head into his chest as you nuzzle as much as you could into his body.
“… Did they do anything to you?”
“They roughed me up and all, but… thank god you came…”
“They still put their hands on you—I couldn’t protect you—”
“… Why do you look so much more distraught than me, Tatsuya?”
“Because, I—I can’t do anything for the people I love and care about, and I… never mind, do you… want me to walk you home?”
“Wait, Tatsuya…” you whispered. “Let’s talk for a bit, please talk to me.”
“Our date—”
“Which we can always reschedule,” you said, bringing Himuro’s head down to nuzzle against your shoulders.
“If I was there faster—if I was there, this wouldn’t have…”
“Because you were there,” you corrected him. “I am able to experience another day, another tomorrow… especially by your side, where I’m happiest.”
“You must’ve been so scared—damn it, I—”
“Yeah… I’m still shaken up from that, to be honest,” you sighed. “I’m… just a bit paranoid about being alone in the dark now, but you saved me from the worst case scenario—Tatsuya, what’s wrong?! Are you crying—?”
“Sorry, sorry,” he said, quickly separating from you to rub his stray tears away before attempting to smile. “I should be the one comforting you, not the other way around. Please don’t mind me.”
“Oh silly,” you mused. “I’m dating you too. I want to be able to protect and care for you in my own way, too.”
“It’s getting dark, though. We should really start walking.”
“And we can talk while we do. I demand you to snuggle while we walk, too.”
“Haha… how could I ever say no to you, (y/n)?” He feels that gnawing sense of guilt and patheticness rearing up its head again, but when he looks at your earnest eyes even despite what transpired a few moments ago, the fact that you were safe and in his arms was more than enough to quell those feelings away.
In the lulls of a chilly early-February night, Himuro wraps a comforting arm over your figure as he draws a shuddering breath before he hesitantly begins. You look up at his face expectantly to show that you were giving him undivided attention as encouragement.
“It was during the Winter Cup a few months ago…”
End Note: being stalked by a dude in a CAR was NOT FUN. IT WAS NOT A FUN TIME !! 😭 unlike this y/n here, I had no one to “call” and pretend that I was meeting up with them because my walk route home comprised of only houses and streets, so that was something else OOF I was thinking of the worst case scenarios at the time;;;
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burnsopale · 3 years
Ashen, excerpt 2
Last time was mostly a big tease. This time, Boris returns to the abbey for the first time in years. It doesn’t go well.
Working title: Ashen Characters in this clip: Takao, Kai, Max, Boris and Kinomiya Tatsuya Setting: 7 years after season one, Russia, the abbey Summary: Volkov has escaped from prison, attacked PPB headquarters and taken back Black Dranzer. The Russian boys have been living with the PPB, and were used and hurt in the attack. Yuriy left with Volkov for unknown reasons. Daitenji Kogoro has gathered the troops and sent them to Russia to find out what Volkov is up to. Meanwhile, Kai’s grandfather is on his deathbed, and Kai is struggling to deal with it.
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A stray wind mumbled and whined through the colonnades of Volkov Abbey. In that desolate courtyard no summer lived, only barren winter. The stones were black, the shadows cold, and doorways yawned like sucking mouths while broken windows gave a sharp, jagged edge to the scene.
 For a while, Takao, his dad, Max, Kai and Boris stood silent in the middle of the open courtyard, a little overwhelmed by the sheer depressive atmosphere, wondering what on earth they were supposed to find here.
 “Home sweet home!” Boris exclaimed suddenly, before laughing uproariously at their startled expressions.
 A door opened up ahead. Takao vaguely recalled it leading to the mess hall where the BBA had eaten on their first visit here, years ago.
 “That’s probably our liaison,” Dad said and headed towards the young woman who had just stepped outside and was waving.
 “Hello, everyone!” she said as they came to meet her. “My name is Myrna Lebedev. I’m supposed to show you around this place?”
 She didn’t look much older than the boys. With her ash-blonde hair and glasses, turtleneck sweater and long jeans, she seemed a big-sisterly type.
 They shook hands with her in turn.
 “You worked here after it was shut down?” Dad asked.
 She nodded, gesturing for them to follow her down the pillared walkway towards the fat, looming tower where Takao and Zangief had battled.
Where was Zangief now? Takao wondered. Was he happy?
 “I was on the team that mapped this place out, initially. Strangest job I ever did. The police had been here and cleared out all the kids and those cultists of course, but when we first went down to explore, someone almost died; there were traps everywhere!”
 “Not traps,” Boris said. “Training gauntlets. You had to be ready all the time.”
 She stopped. “Oh. I’m so sorry. Were you ...?” She looked at them in turn.
 Max and Takao shook their heads and pointed at Kai and Boris. “Not us.”
 Myrna looked at them all a little longer. “You are strange. I was told a group from Japan wanted to see the abbey, so I thought you’d be like the usual tourists.”
 “This place gets tourists?” Boris asked, and then started laughing again. “Oh god. Can I work here too? I could be an attraction.”
 Kai frowned at him. “We’re not here for pleasure,” he said firmly, voice a little hoarse from his long silence in the car. “The man who ran this place, Vladimir Volkov, has escaped from prison and is in possession of an old weapon of his. We’re looking for any clues as to what that weapon is capable of.”
 “Oh!” Myrna’s dark eyes grew very big behind her glasses. “I see. That ... wasn’t really in my instructions ... I’m not supposed to let you wander much on your own or ... well, go that deep, but ...”
 “If you need to, we can shut you in one of the cells while we look,” Boris suggested, possibly seriously. “If you need an excuse.”
 Myrna certainly thought he was serious, and if her eyes grew any bigger now, they would pop out.
 “We won’t do that,” Max said quickly. “But we would be very grateful if you’d let us explore a bit. We won’t tell anyone. It’s very important that we stop Volkov from using the weapon.”
 She cocked her head to the side. “But why do you have to stop him?” she asked innocently. “Who are you?”
 Kai’s impatience got the better of him then, and he strode past her towards the door.
 Boris watched him go, his jesting finished. “We are the ones who let him have it in the first place.”
 It grew immediately colder as they plunged into the darkness of the abbey, and more so when they began to descend underground. Takao wished he had worn a proper sweater, like Myrna, but Dad had told him to bring one and he hadn’t done it so he couldn’t complain or Dad would say “I told you so”.
 Myrna told them a little bit about the history of the place as they walked, how Borg had purchased the abbey from a group of monks that might, in hindsight, actually have been forced to part with it and silenced afterwards, and how these hallways, once cellars for storing food and other things, had been dug out until they encompassed a labyrinth of rooms and tunnels, where Borg could carry out their clandestine plans.
 “What does clandestine mean,” asked Boris, and once Max had explained it, he declared it his new favourite word. “Holy shit, we were so clandestine. Clandestine is now my middle name. You can call me Boris Clandestine Kuznetsov.”
 “And now it’s lost all meaning,” Max said.
 Kai was continually a little ahead of them, and eventually Takao’s dad called after him. “Kai, where are you leading us?”
 “To Volkov’s office,” he replied.
 “Really?” Boris said. “Then you’re going the wrong way.”
 Kai came stalking back. “I am not going the wrong way; it’s down here and to the left. Don’t fucking mess with me, Kuznetsov.”
 Boris grinned wickedly. “That’s Clandestine Kuznetsov to you.”
For a moment, Kai’s face was white with rage, but he only turned on his heel and walked on. Takao looked to Max and found him looking back in concern. Kai’s reactions were way out of proportion lately.
 “Sorry about him,” Takao said to Myrna.
 “Oh, don’t worry about that.” She shook her head disarmingly. “It can’t be easy being back here.”
 “I don’t know,” said Boris. “I’m getting the warm fussies myself.”
 “Are you sure Kai-kun should be down here?” Dad asked Takao in an undertone.
 “Leave him to us,” Takao whispered back. “You just look for whatever it is Daitenji-san wants you to find.”
 When they caught up to Kai, he was waiting in front of the door which, as it turned out, did indeed lead to Volkov’s office. Myrna unlocked the door with her bunch of keys, and they stepped inside.
 It was empty. Not just nobody’s-here empty, but stripped completely bare. It was just a room, panelled in green and beige, with pale squares on the walls where pictures had hung or cabinets stood and preserved the original colours.
 Kai made a dissatisfied sound.
 “Did you check for hidden rooms when you were emptying the place?” Dad asked Myrna.
 “Yes and no. We had the building’s blueprints, and we did find some discrepancies and discover some rooms that weren’t noted, but we didn’t go knocking on every wall to find sliding panels or things like that.” She laughed a little.
 “Then that’s what we’ll do.” Dad said, looking at Kai for confirmation. “Seems the most likely place he’d hide any particularly sensitive information, right?”
 Kai inclined his head. “That was my thought.”
 “You two do that,” Max said. “Boris can show me and Takao around meanwhile.”
 Myrna came with them, and for a while they wandered from room to room. As Boris led them past dormitories, communal showers, training rooms, recreational facilities and secret corners, he seemed increasingly to veer between high and low spirits. He’d stand for a long time staring at the place where his bed had once stood, and then he’d crack jokes while they walked to the next place.
 They came around a corner and were faced with a row of rusting cells, some with their doors ajar. Takao remembered Kai saying he had seen Zangief in a cell all those years ago. Maybe it had been one of these.
 “I wonder what happened to Zangief?” he said out loud, idly moving the nearest door back and forth and making the hinges scream and creak.
 “He was probably rescued by the BBA,” Max said, eternally optimistic.
 “Zangief ...” Boris said slowly. “He was lucky. If he had beaten you, he would have advanced, gone to train with Baba Yaga.” As Takao moved on, Boris took over the door he had left, swinging it back and forth, back and forth, creak, creak, creak, creak. “He would have regretted that fast.” A bit of laughter, low in his throat. His face was lost in shadow. “Zangief was weak.” Creak, creak, creak, creak.
 “Boris?” Max was watching him warily.
 “Baba would have eaten him alive.” The ceiling light glinted off the edge of his sharp, sharp smile. “Then again, they say that’s what she does to the ones in the cells to.” Another laugh, like quacking. Creak, creak, creak. And then he stopped and stood very, very still. Trembling.
 Suddenly, Max grabbed Myrna and Takao and shoved them into the nearest cell, slamming the door behind them. Takao shoved at it, but the lock had sprung; it was shut fast.
 “Stay there!” he said, giving them a warning look.
 Boris had twitched when the door banged shut, and now he turned slowly towards Max.
 “Max, why did you do that?” Takao pressed himself up against the bars.
 Myrna was going through her mess of keys and muttering stressfully to herself. “Is it this one or this one or this one? Not that one. Okay, this is scary. This one? No, no ...”
 “Be quiet!” Max commanded. He drew a careful breath, inhaling and exhaling. “Boris? Boris, please step into the light for me.”
 Boris didn’t move, but Takao could hear him breathing now, a harsh whistling sound like he was in pain.
 “Mama told me that you usually get a bit manic before an episode,” Max said gently. “That’s how I knew.”
 “Max,” Takao hissed. “Get out of here!”
 But Max shook his head. “No. Boris, you said you would be okay, and I believed you. I still believe in you.”
 Boris’ hand fell from the cell door to hang limply at his side. It twitched.
 “What is happening?” Myrna whispered.
 Max took a step closer to the other boy. “When I talk to Mama on the phone, all she talks about is you. How far you’ve come, how strong you are, how proud she is of you. She laughs about your terrible jokes. She says you are so clever.”
 Boris sucked in a breath. He was trembling all over, hands closing slowly into fists like he was holding himself back desperately.
 Max took another step forward. “Boris-”
 Boris’ lunged, grabbing Max by the front of his sweater and slamming him up against the bars. The light caught his face and revealed his eyes huge and staring, and a weird, cruel twist to his mouth. Max clenched his teeth and held still as Boris’ knuckles dug into his throat.
 “Max!” Takao cried, reaching through the bars, but unable to touch them. “Boris, don’t you dare! Don’t give Kai a chance to gloat about being right! Come on, fight it!” He turned back to Myrna, who seemed to be frozen in shock. “Find the key!”
 She startled and began to fumble again.
 “It’s okay, Takao!” Max said, straining. “Boris, it’s just you and me. I have Draciel, but I won’t use it. It’s your choice; you can hurt me, or you can come back to us. I already know what you’ll do, because you said you’d be alright, and because I know you want to make Mama proud of you.”
 “Make ... Baba ...” Boris muttered, seeming confused for a moment.
 “No,” Max said. “Mama Judy. My Mama ... and yours.”
 Another hard shiver went through Boris, and then he sank to his knees in front of Max, letting go of him. His face relaxed until he was pale, but calm.
 “The stupid door,” he muttered. “The stupid sound. Every night, all night, our metronome from hell.” He stumbled to his feet and moved a few paces away, sniffing and wiping at his nose. “I’m sorry,” he said hoarsely. “Kai was right about me.”
 “No, he wasn’t,” Takao said quickly as Myrna finally moved past him to put the right key in the lock. “You came back.”
 “Let’s rejoin the others,” Myrna said a little hysterically as the door swung open. She hurried down the corridor without waiting for them.
 “Would you like that hug now?” Max asked Boris softly.
 He didn’t say anything, but lifted his arm, and Max slipped under it and wrapped his own around him.
 “She’s your Mama,” Boris said, almost whispering. “But I like her too.”
 “I don’t mind sharing,” Max replied, smiling as he let go again. “I already share her with Emily, and honestly she could use the extra practice.”
 Takao grabbed them and pulled them into a double hug. “Don’t scare me like that!”
 “Sorry, Takao,” Max laughed.
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xianglingslesbian · 4 years
ewbts - my top moments
no i will never stop laughing at that abbreviation it’s beautiful. buckle in because this is gonna be long, and probably don’t read it unless you’ve watched/read kuroko’s basketball and like izuki lmaoooo
chapter 1: hatchling, awaken
Izuki swallows. “Why do you all think I can do this?”
Then Kiyoshi turns to him with steel in his eyes (that must be how he got nicknamed Iron Heart - he seriously never backs down!) and asks him very clearly, “Why don’t you?”
Why don’t I think I can be captain?
“Because nobody thought I could be until now.”
aka “ceru is a masochist”, exhibit 1/???. anyway lets hear it for insecurities!!
chapter 2: liftoff
Predictably, Kuroko drags him aside at practice the next day and says, “I have something to tell you, Izuki-senpai.”
Izuki smiles at him. “Is it about your five evil exes?”
Kuroko looks horrified. “My what?!”
i think im funny
chapter 3: crash landing
As Izuki walks off the court, he looks for flashing glasses and grey eyes.
He curses himself for the heavy sadness that falls over him like a blanket when he doesn’t spot them.
yay for “ceru is a masochist” exhibit 2!
Oh, he [Izuki] watched videos of Aomine, came up with strategy after strategy to corner him, but videos and strategies can only go so far. Aomine in real life is something else entirely, a flash of lightning setting the court on fire with the sheer elegance of his crazy street basketball. All one can do is sit back and watch, awed beyond belief. Nothing can curb the wild madness that is Aomine Daiki – unrestrained, gleeful insanity dancing across the court like it’s his playground.
i also rlly like this line, it has some pretty imagery and we all know im a slut for pretty imagery~
chapter 4: a broken bone grows back stronger
“All right,” Koganei says to himself, moving to stand in front of the hoop. “One more time.”
He jumps, raising the ball to just above his face and releasing it. It misses, and he lets out a cry of frustration.
Can he even do this? Is it worth the time?
Koganei bites back the wave of guilt that washes over him at the thought. Izuki, Kiyoshi, Tsuchida, Rinnosuke, Kagami, Kuroko – he’d be letting them down if he didn’t give this his best shot. They’re all so dedicated to basketball that they each have a special skill honed from years of practice and love for the sport. If he can’t bring anything of his own to the table, what will he mean to this team? Seirin makes him want to be a team player, to add his skills to theirs rather than shining on his own. The change is good, yes, but he doesn’t want to stop there – he doesn’t want to be useless.
He will not be useless.
a bit of context: in this fic, since hyuuga did not return, koga became the SG for seirin :D i think my favorite character to develop, apart from izuki, was koganei - it was so fun to imagine all the ways he could have gone!
chapter 5: spreading new wings
All too soon, the day of judgment arrives, and Seirin convenes in the gym one last time before they head off to the Winter Cup building. No one says anything; not Kagami, fresh from his training trip to America, not Izuki, not Kiyoshi or Riko. They simply stand there, breathing in the scent of cleaner and leather and something else that’s so entirely Seirin, and knowing that no matter what happens this Winter Cup, they will return to the gym different people than they were before.
Different, and better.
Then they head out and off to the opening ceremony of the Winter Cup, not looking back once as they do.
yay for more pretty words!!!
“Oh, no worries. The actual motivational part is coming. Anyway, as I was saying – Tōō was just better than us that day. It’s hard to admit, I know: far easier to blame yourself, say you didn’t give it your all, but you know; we all know. It was their day to shine, not ours. But I think we’ve worked hard enough and are in a good enough mindset to change that, today. We aren’t scared or apprehensive about Tōō and Aomine, because we’ve faced them before. We know what attitude they’ll walk into our game with, and that’s what we’re going to exploit!”
“You’re going to exploit,” corrects Tsuchida. “Unlike you, the rest of us aren’t manipulative bastards.”
That raises a bunch of cackles, which quiet down when Izuki gives his team a glare. It doesn’t work on Riko, however, who sniggers under her breath and smirks at him.
izuki highkey sucks at pep talks lmao
chapter 6: ride the storm
Kagami and Aomine were made for each other. Made for this rivalry, this intense competition that will push them to their very limits and carry them onto a plane that no ordinary human can reach. Neither can defeat the other per se - they’re destined to stand neck and neck forever. However, one has a trump card on his side; and that trump card can make all the difference in the world.
Aomine Daiki may be strong, but Kagami Taiga is just as good. And damn him if the power of Kagami’s determination coupled with Kuroko’s unshakeable support won’t overwhelm the undisputed king of basketball.
Move aside, light bulb, Izuki thinks vindictively. The tube light is here to replace you.
pretty words. gay words. i love them (aokaga + izuki being a salt man lmao).
chapter 7: eagle versus aegis
“So bitter,” he [Izuki] reflects aloud, answering Himuro’s question.
That’s the emotion in his eyes. That’s what I might have become, if I had let my anger grow.
And suddenly he isn’t seeing Himuro Tatsuya anymore, but a version of himself, a version with darkened eyes and a mocking smile and pain and rage bubbling below the surface. Immensely talented, but not able to break the last barrier. Because he’s an ordinary man, and it’s as much as an ordinary man can do.
Strong, so strong. But also so terribly, heartbreakingly weak. Weak in a way that today’s Izuki Shun will never be.
GOD where do i even start w/this scene its literally everything i’ve ever wanted to write ksjfhsfj
chapter 8: clawing through mirages
Izuki’s taken aback for a millisecond before he continues his mad dash towards Murasakibara, letting out a war cry as the center makes to simply toss the ball into the hoop.
“It wasn’t their intention,” says a quiet but familiar voice. “But, this is the result of Kiyoshi-senpai and the other upperclassmen’s tenacity.”
Izuki grins, feeling new strength fill him up.
Together, huh? Okay. Together.
“This is where it ends for you!” shouts the voice, becoming stronger.
Not one, but two hands knock the ball out of Murasakibara’s hands and onto the ground. Kuroko shimmers into vision, smiling at Izuki with all the happiness in the world, just as the final buzzer rings.
i loved writing this match tbh, yousen is super underrated!
chapter 9: catch the updraft
21 - 22, in their favour at long last. Izuki grins at Kasamatsu, who shakes his head wearily.
“Using my own advice against me. What a terrible student you are,” he says, affecting an old man’s voice.
“The true student is the one who beats the master at his own game,” Izuki says quickly, sliding back into their familiar banter. “I swore to myself, my drive would beat your drive today, kitakore.”
“When did you get so wise?” asks Kasamatsu with a sigh, ignoring his pun and receiving the ball from Kobori, who was quick to grab it once Koga scored. Izuki just laughs, not bothering to reply and instead focusing carefully on Kasamatsu’s movements.
Kasamatsu shifts his weight right, left, then right again. Izuki narrows his eyes, trying to figure out what the hell his upperclassman is doing—
But it’s far too late, as Kasamatsu successfully passes through his defence in his moment of distraction, ball clutched tightly in hand. The sound of the scoring whistle is shrill and unpleasant to Izuki’s ears, and his chest stings at the loss.
“What was that about the main course?” Kasamatsu teases, wearing an enormous grin as he comes forward to guard Izuki once more. 
izuki + kasamatsu banter is so so fun to write y’all have no idea
chapter 10: headwinds
This is your fault. If you’d been a better captain, a better point guard, a better everything, none of this would’ve happened. Seirin would have been well in the lead and controlling the game—
Izuki shakes his head violently, trying to get rid of his intrusive thoughts. He knows he’s a good captain, and doing this to himself will do no good for the rest of the team. He has to be strong for them. He has to lead them to victory, he can’t be a weak person overwhelmed by emotion. But it’s so hard to breathe, suddenly, and Izuki’s about to sink when—
“Don’t worry, Captain. I’ll take care of this match today,” says a confident and familiar voice, and a hand claps down on Izuki’s shoulder. He turns, a little surprised by the sudden contact, to find Koganei’s cat mouth set in a determined frown. “You can rest your hopes on me. I’ll be Seirin’s wings for as long as you need me to.”
kogazuki brotp feels man. kogazuki brotp feels.
chapter 11: cliff edge
Riko nods, sobering up a little. “I do know. And… I have to admit, I was a little harsh on you in the early days… I kept comparing you to Hyūga-kun.” She looks at the ground briefly, then raises her head to continue, meeting Izuki’s eyes with no hint of doubt in her own brown irises. “But then I saw how different you were. How you were never willing to give up, even if you were the worst player in the world. That’s what… that’s what made me truly believe in you.” She swallows thickly, taking a deep breath, but not averting her gaze from his.
The honesty and trust in her eyes is what shatters Izuki’s calm.
He steps forward, and she rises too, opening her arms. Then he hugs her tightly, murmuring, “Thank you for having faith in me.”
The “Of course. You’re family,” that she whispers back fills Izuki’s already overflowing heart even further.
Eventually, he lets her go, and she drops lightly to the ground, straightening her sweater and skirt.
“We never speak of this,” Izuki warns her, moving towards the door of the room.
Riko nods, back to her usual haughty demeanour. “Of course. No one can know we’re actually big softies who care a lot for each other.”
“To them, we’re just sarcastic jerks,” Izuki agrees. “And that’s the way it stays.”
anyone said izuriko brotp???? this fic is just platonic feels tbh
chapter 12: overcast skies
What should I do? Someone tell me! the voice cries out in Izuki’s head, a voice he hasn’t heard since the loss to Tōō. It is the same voice that whispers all his insecurities in his ear in the dead of night when no one is around to reassure him, the same voice that gave rise to all his fears and worries. It is the voice of the vulnerable and weak part of Izuki, the one that needs someone to guide him with a gentle hand, and he hates it.
It is a voice that, frankly, he never thought he would hear again. Yet, here it is, crying out for attention, screaming for someone to help.
He thought he had left it behind. It turns out he was wrong.
Izuki shoves it deep into his heart with more effort than he’s exerted all game, breathing a heavy sigh when he succeeds in locking it behind the glass wall that keeps his emotions away.
let’s hear it for “ceru is a masochist” exhibit 3~
chapter 13: nosedive
“I don’t know who you are,” Koganei completes his little speech, anger brimming in every part of his being. “But I know that my captain is Izuki Shun, not Akashi Seijūrō. The coach can bench you if she likes; we can fight without our captain, because we know he wants us to win for his sake. We’ve been fighting without him all the match, and we can continue doing so. We don’t need a player that can’t play with the same passion as us!”
Izuki looks at the ground and doesn’t respond. Somewhere within, something is stirring at Koganei’s words. Something that cries out to fill the gap inside him.
Next to speak is Kiyoshi, standing up and executing much the same move as Koga had by yanking Izuki up by his collar. However, Kiyoshi pulls Izuki into a standing position so that Izuki is half-leaning against him.
Brown eyes meet black, and Kiyoshi simply states, “I didn’t expect this from you, Shun.”
Then he rears his fist backwards and punches Izuki in the jaw.
“ceru is a masochist” exhibit 4!
chapter 14: bird of prey
“I just… I didn’t think you’d give up so easily.”
Koganei’s head shoots up. There’s fury in his eyes, and his face is white. His hands are shaking.
Izuki continues, calm and careless as he always is, “Really… after you gave me all that talk at halftime? I don’t believe this is you.”
Koganei’s jaw clenches, and he cries, “But I have done everything I can! He’s just too good—”
“And when has that ever stopped you?” Izuki keeps his voice quiet and even, but it has the gravity he intended it to - Koga falls silent immediately, eyes wide and riveted on him. “When have you ever backed down from fighting? You don’t know the meaning of giving up. You’ve never cared about whether someone’s better than you. I knew a shooting guard once, just like you, and he had the potential to be the greatest in the world. He was held back because he cared that he was worse than others. But you? You never blinked at it, just practised and practised until you could do the impossible.”
His words are getting louder with pride; he’s unable to keep it steady with the outpouring of emotion in his speech.
“Tell me, who can master Ray Allen’s form in one and a half years? Who can be such a rookie at basketball, yet be able to fight an Uncrowned King and respond to a shot that has left all its previous victims unable to move?!” Izuki leans forward and jabs a finger into Koganei’s chest demandingly. “Tell me, who the hell was that?!”
“Me,” Koga whispers timidly, looking down.
ahhhh yay for more platonic comfort and bonding. *izuki voice* yelling is the way to get ur team to get their shit tgt
chapter 15: born to soar
Izuki finds himself moving, barely thinking as he grabs the ball and bawls for an attack. He’s running faster than he ever has, flying up the court like there are wings on his legs. No one follows at his pace - they’re all too far behind.
No one but Kiyoshi.
The rhythm beats louder than ever, a heavy pulse in Izuki’s head and heart. He can feel Akashi on his heels and knows he needs to do something.
One second left—
Izuki’s hands move on their own, passing the ball to the one person he knows that he will always find.
Kiyoshi catches it and jumps.
The ball leaves his hands.
The whistle blows to end the game. Kiyoshi’s shot hits the backboard and drops straight into the basket. Time stops as a shrill sound screeches into the air and the ref shouts, “124 to 123, Seirin High wins the Winter Cup!”
there we go. the most heartwrenching scene of this chapter ahhhhh
chapter 16: final flight
“We should go. Don’t want to keep them waiting too long,” Kiyoshi says, staring daggers at Hyūga, who to his credit doesn’t flinch but merely stares back.
“Let’s go, then,” Izuki agrees. He looks straight at Hyūga and allows a small, formal smile to play on his lips. Hyūga just nods, accepting the answer.
Izuki nods back, then turns around and starts walking away. But even as he moves toward the exit, something weighs heavily in his tired chest. For the first time in a long time, he isn’t confident in his decision.
Acting on impulse, he turns on his heel and yells out, “Call sometime, maybe!” before walking backwards out the door that Kiyoshi holds for him.
It’s an open-ended suggestion. Hyūga can choose to wallow and ignore it, or he can choose to pick up the phone. Izuki isn’t going to do so either way - he’ll be happy if Hyūga makes that call, but he won’t be terribly sad if he doesn't.
This time, he’s going to be the one that walks forward without looking back.
ahhh okay so this scene means a hella lot to me personally because... i had to grow, the way izuki grew. izuki’s now strong enough to sort of put the olive branch out and say, “take it or leave it,” and if it’s left he’s not gonna be upset. that’s something i really learned with a lot of difficulty and i think that that growth - in both me and him - is a lovely thing.
and there we have it! my favorite moments from each chapter of this story. *cries in a corner* god i can’t believe it’s over...
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ameliyaahn3 · 4 years
🖇Hi~ May I pls request a KnB and One Punch Man matchup if that's okay with you?
I'm an 18 y/o, 5'0, ISFP, straight girl, w/ medium length dark hair & eyes. I love taking pictures of the sunset and sea because they're so pretty! I dislike bossy people. My favorite word is: Nostalgia!
My hobbies are drawing and singing (opera)! My life goal is to become a voice teacher one day. Honestly, I'm a loner, I don't really reach out to people. I've been told that I have a positive aura though. I'm shy, awkward and I like my alone time. I'm friendly & good-willing towards others nonetheless! I'm actually silly & playful with family. I have a short temper but I forgive just as quickly.
Fun facts: I was the "Grandma" of my friend group in middle school because I always offered them food and I was the oldest haha. I also have a red birthmark on my arm that people often mistake as an injury. My love language is Acts of Service.
Thank you so much in advance! I appreciate your hard work! May you stay healthy & safe always! 💕
One punch man >>>>
I match you with...
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You likes to takes photos of beautiful things like sunset and sea ? Seem like something new apparead to be as pretty : Zombieman.
He likes that you're a calm and dreamy person, also appreciate that you're able to sing opera cause this is a very uncommon talent.
Silently watch you while you're drawing, his presence is rassuring and his opinions are objective.
Absolutely don't mind that you're a loner as he is a big one himself and somehow you're even more sociable than him.
I mean, you're may be shy and awkward but he don't even do the effort to approach peoples in general, so he find charming that unlike him you tries.
Also bonus point cause you have some temper that protects you or allow you to defend yourself. But maybe you're too generous with peoples and he watch as nobody would take advantage of it.
Won't you to be involved with his heroes activities but likes that you support him in distance.
His love language is act of services too, so you see both your lifes pretty quickly becomes easier but you two are just so helpful to each other that it looks like a competition.
Thinks that your attitude towards your family is very lovely and gives him the taste to meet them despite that he isn't even ready for that, he don't even want for real as he isn't comfortable with this subject.
Likes when you talks about your favorites memories cause your dark eyes are shining.
Girl... The height difference 😳. Muah.
Kuroko no Basket >>>
I match you with...
Ogiwara Shigehiro
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Here your extraverted boi !!
He just get you out of your comfort zone so much but with respect.
I mean at least he assit to all your activities, so you try to do the same for him : lol, I hope that you likes basketball.
Ogiwara drag you to beautiful isolated places that you may love to takes photos, date or just spend time.
Your dates are generally in cafés, there he likes to talk about his chilhood and particulary his friend Kuroko that he miss. Also asks a lot of questions about your own childhood and how you started to sing.
Want you to sing only for him despite he's unfamiliar with opera, sleep after cause of how relaxing this is.
Encourage you in everything you do and push you to open up more to peoples cause he's persuaded that you can be pretty popular !
Your family loves him and he loves them and his family loves you. 🙃
He's very thankful to have you by his sides, you're very helpful, so he don't necessary feel the need to be worried of anything, he thanks you with words of affection that makes you feel more confident.
Can't help but profit that you're generous enough to extract food of you despite that he always say he will stops one day. Catch up himself by buying you snacks.
He's scared when you suddenly show your short temper but finds it a little bit funny at end.
Talks you about his basket-ball trauma and how you're acting like a sort of cure and so much more to him.
Others potential matchs :
Saitama, Himuro Tatsuya.
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recentanimenews · 4 years
Bookshelf Briefs 9/30/20
Accomplishments of the Duke’s Daughter, Vol. 6 | By Reai and Suki Umemiya | Seven Seas – Another series down to “once a year” release—I had to jog my memory at the start to recall what had been happening. Many things are going wrong for our heroine, who is trying to be strong and tough but is also starting to break down, and I felt that the scenes with her and Dean struck just the right balance of comforting and letting the heroine cry without making her seem weaker. This sets the stage for her comeback, which is extraordinary. (And also has a corrupt Church, a constant in Japanese light novels, though at least here there are also honest and good religious people in it.) That said, eventually Dean’s identity will come out, and I do wonder how this very good “villainess” isekai will handle it. – Sean Gaffney
The Ancient Magus’ Bride: Jack Flash and the Faerie Case Files, Vol. 1 | By Yu Godai, Mako Oikawa, and Kore Yamazaki | Seven Seas – A faerie switched at birth for a human child, Jack never fit in in either world. Only in the mortal realm could she earn money for anime collectibles, however, so she decided to make herself into a tough, capable woman like her literary heroes and set up shop as a detective. Together with her fellow changeling, Larry the werewolf, Jack takes on supernatural cases in New York City. In this volume, Lindel tasks them with tracking down a missing dragon egg. I liked the resources Jack uses to obtain information, which include a dapper theatre ghost and a spell with components of rat whiskers and taxi tires because “Nobody out there knows this city better than them.” I still found this a bit hard to get into, though, especially the parts involving a perpetually tearful off-off-off-off-Broadway actress and her pickpocket boyfriend. Still, I will check out volume two! – Michelle Smith
Black Clover, Vol. 22 | By Yuki Tabata | Viz Media – At long last, this interminable arc comes to an end. I enjoyed a lot of it, but I cannot deny it should have been about two volumes shorter. Most of the book is taken up by shonen battles, with the villain being nigh unkillable, the heroes almost breaking themselves to stop him, etc. Fortunately, the day is saved, and even the Wizard King turns out to be… sort of alive again? Shota fans should be happy. Asta fans perhaps less so—the sheer amount of damage done to the kingdom in this arc means someone has to be blamed, and give Asta has the “dark evil magic” it’s gonna be him, especially when he takes the incredibly obvious bait they use to get him to fight. Oh well, if Asta were smart, this wouldn’t be Black Clover. – Sean Gaffney
Don’t Toy with Me, Miss Nagatoro, Vol. 3 | By Nanashi | Vertical Comics – Part of the problem with titles like this and the other teasing works (Takagi-san less so as Nishikata doesn’t fall into the category) is that they are, at heart, the classic “extroverted girl acts overtly extroverted to bring introverted guy out of their shell,” and that’s not really a plot that feels comfortable in the Gen Z days, where you’re more likely to say “why doesn’t she just let him be in his quiet, safe space?” And by she I mean they, as Nagatoro’s two friends appear far more often here, which offers some good two-way teasing action, as they clearly see her crush on him, if not why. It’s still sort of hard to read, but if you pretend he’s more OK with it than he actually is, this is cute. – Sean Gaffney
Failed Princesses, Vol. 1 | By Ajiichi | Seven Seas – The concept of “popular girl meets unpopular girl” is a common one in yuri manga, and we do indeed hit several of its tropes in this first volume. The amusing thing is that Kanade, the shy outcast girl, is perfectly aware of how things are supposed to go, and keeps pulling back a bit to try to save Nanaki from, well, making herself an outcast by associating with the wrong people. The best part of the volume is that Nanaki really doesn’t give two shits about any of that, and seems set on making Kanade her best friend… and also making her over, which backfires a bit as Kanade cleans up nicely. I hear this gets a bit dramatic later, but for the moment it’s a cute and fluffy proto-yuri story. – Sean Gaffney
In/Spectre, Vol. 12 | By Kyo Shirodaira and Chashiba Katase | Kodansha Comics – The first story in this volume is another “Rikka tries to make people understand Kotoko is an evil Machiavellian schemer,” this time with one of her ex-classmates, but again the response seems to be “we know she’s a manipulative bitch, but she’s a good person anyway.” The larger story, which will continue into the next book, seems to be a chance to write Kuro and Kotoko as an actual romance, as the man we meet here and his relationship with a yuki-onna… as well as his penchant for attracting misfortune… very much parallel them. That said, they’re very cute together, which is why I hope he avoids the murder charge he’s now being investigated for. Still a favorite. – Sean Gaffney
Interviews with Monster Girls, Vol. 8 | By Petos | Kodansha Comics – The author knows what people want to see, but also knows that the best way to get readers is to drive them crazy by not showing it. We finally get what we’ve been begging for here, as Tetsuo asks Sakie out on a date. (This is after rejecting Kyouko’s love confession, both because she’s his student and also, as he is forced to admit, as he likes Sakie.) The stage is set for the date… and the rest of the book is thus spent with the three main student girls going to Kyouko’s for a fireworks viewing and meeting her family. They’re good chapters, and I really liked showing how difficult Kyouko has it as a dullahan in terms of everyday life, but GOD, please get back to the teachers, I beg you! – Sean Gaffney
Kaguya-sama: Love Is War, Vol. 16 | By Aka Akasaka | Viz Media – The series has gotten to the point where the more rewarding chapters are the ones as part of a larger arc. Not that the one-shot chapters are bad—though Maki’s journey to India may be the most pointless thing in this entire series to date, we do get Chika’s iconic “shut up or I’ll kill you” here. But the larger arcs, featuring Miyuki and Kaguya attempting to date without interruptions, and setting up Ishigami and Iino for a romance—though given the number of limbs broken in this book, and Iino’s own horrible lack of self-awareness, it may be a ways out—are better. This series is still hilarious, but we’ve come to read it more for the heartwarming moments. Heck, there’s even some serious drama here. Very good. – Sean Gaffney
Nineteen | By Ancco | Drawn & Quarterly – Although it was translated and released second in English, Nineteen is a precursor to Ancco’s internationally award-winning manhwa Bad Friends. The volume collects thirteen short comics originally published in Korea over a decade ago which absolutely remain relevant to today’s world. While understandably not as polished as some of Ancco’s later work—one can observe her style evolving and growing over the course of the collection (which is fascinating)—the comics still carry significant emotional weight and impact. Nineteen includes diary comics, which tend to be more lighthearted, as well as harder-hitting fictional stories, many of which also have autobiographical inspiration. As a whole, the collection explores themes of young adulthood, growing up, and complicated family relationships. In particular, there is a compelling focus on the relationships among daughters, mothers, and grandmothers. Some of the narratives can be rather bleak, but a resigned sense of humor threads through Nineteen, too. – Ash Brown
Ran the Peerless Beauty, Vol. 8 | By Ammitsu | Kodansha Comics (digital only) – Shoujo manga that has couples getting together BEFORE the end of the series is inevitably going to have an arc dealing with how far the lead couple should go now that they’re dating, and this is Ran’s turn, as she and Akira and their friends go to a beach house Ran’s family owns and have some beach fun. Unfortunately, the cast gets winnowed down one by one until it’s just the two of them… and her overprotective father, who arrives in time to provide the cliffhanger and no doubt ensure that nookie does not ensue. Not that I think it should—these two kids are even purer than the couple from Kimi ni Todoke, and I think they should mature a bit more before going further. Plus, watching them blush and kiss is wonderful. – Sean Gaffney
Spy x Family, Vol. 2 | By Tatsuya Endo | Viz Media – Having spent our first volume establishing that our found family can really come to love each other deep down, this volume shows off how they are also, at heart, fundamentally awkward and unable to socialize normally. This is unsurprising—hints of Loid’s life we’ve seen show him as a war orphan, Yor is a contract killer, and Anya basically grew up being experimented on by bad guys. As the school soon finds, this leads to issues. The second half of the book introduces Yor’s sister-obsessed little brother Yuri, who turns out to be a torture expert for Loid’s enemies. As always, half the fun is that everyone except Anya has no idea who their real selves are, and the cliffhanger tells us we’re in for some hilarious family fun. I love this. – Sean Gaffney
Spy x Family, Vol. 2 | By Tatsuya Endo | VIZ Media – After a brief spell atop the waiting list, Anya officially makes it into Eden Academy. Loid is anxious to progress to the next stage of his mission and, believing there’s not much chance in turning Anya into an elite scholar like his agency wants, focuses instead on having her befriend the younger son of his target. It does not go to plan, of course. Anya is very cute in this volume, and I also really appreciated how Loid genuinely listens to Yor and values her input. The arrival of Yor’s brother, a member of the secret police, is going to be a fun complication, and another cast member with a secret, but my favorite part of this series is probably always going to be how much love these three are already feeling for each other. So unique and good! – Michelle Smith
Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization, Vol. 6 | By Tomo Hirokawa, based on the story by Reki Kawahara | Yen Press – The weakness of this manga is the same as always—it’s written to tie into the games, and features several characters I just don’t recognize, which can be a problem given this is the big final let’s-save-the-world ending. That said, this is still a decent SAO title. Kirito gets to be cool and badass, but because this isn’t written just by Kawahara others do as well, and it’s a nice balanced effort that focuses on heroine Premiere. I also really liked the point where all the NPCs are worried when everyone has to log out for several days for maintenance. While I’ll still remember this as the “SAO only everyone is alive” manga, I enjoyed reading it, when I wasn’t confused. – Sean Gaffney
By: Ash Brown
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nightmare-circus · 4 years
238,900 miles | Chapter 4 | Crescent | Body Reaction
[ "I can tell you your horoscope no problem. When were you born again? Ah shit -- should probably ask for your name first!" ]
That was one of the first things Crescent said, wasn't it?
"What's wrong with Space Man?! Your name just means moon, but not even the whole moon! Just a little bit of moon! I'll all of Space, you can't beat me!!"
[ "It's called a phase, Space Boy." He replies calmly, a smirk creeping up on his face. "Sounds like I easily beat you in space facts, though." ]
"Gh-- I knew that!! It's still a small phase!! Not even a big one!! Like a full moon or something!!"
He had never thought of addressing someone else as the Moon. No, not at all. Crescent was the Moon -- it was in his name. But a crescent moon. A phase -- a part -- a fraction -- of the astronomical body that hangs in the sky every single night. 
[ "The moon is still the moon in all of its phases." ]
Crescent does not rise and fall, though. He cannot lift himself in the air, nor have his own gravitational pull. But Space Man Mikami Tatsuya could -- and it made so... so much sense. He was the Moon, not Crescent. 
He was a Scorpio (Crescent wouldn't have guessed right away, but after a while it began to make sense). He was a rugby player. He was a college student. He was loud. He was a stubborn fighter. He was so... easy to fluster. Crescent found this endearing, cute even. Though as time passed, he failed to notice that he would continue to flirt with the Moon -- not just because he enjoyed the reactions, but because he enjoyed being the one to make the Moon blush. But Crescent, more than anything, enjoyed making the Moon smile. In due time, he would fall head over heels for him.
It was shortly after the first trial. When they were alone, by the caravans to be exact. When the Moon rose but could not seem to come down on his own.
[ "Think of something else for a sec. Like... I dunno, what's popping in your head right now as you're looking at me?" ]
"...That any minute I'm gonna do or say something to make you walk away from me and never look back. That I just did something back there that I never wanted to do.. the one thing I never wanted to have happen! That someone's dead and their families never gonna see them again! And that I--"
"...That's what's in my head..."
[ "... It's gonna take a lot more than some hot-air-balloon-shit or whatever to get me to stop bugging ya." ]
Crescent was never good at helping, whether it was advice or comfort. But by god was he going to help the Moon with all of his might.
 [ "Think of something else, for real. Can you see my eyes from here? What color are they? Focus on the color for a sec while I -- okay I don't know what I'm gonna do but just work with me here!" ]
"Yellow and blue... I always notice them, they stands out so much..." ... "They're nice." He mutters quietly... and he very slowly begins to come within reach again.
[ "I used to get teased a lot for them, you know. But I got over it. Sometimes I'll say the stars and sky are in my eyes." ]
"People don't know a good thing when they see it. It's better than mine, look at 'em. No color at all..." ... "You do have stars in your eyes.. I might've been drunk off my ass... but at the party, when a song you liked came on, I thought could see them."
[ "Heheh... Really now?" ]
[ "But your eyes, though... They're gray, aren't they? Just like the moon. Shooting stars and space rocks are also gray, but having two moons for eyes... That's kinda beautiful." ]
It was while they were stargazing. Pointing out constellations both big and small, and wondering if the two of them were also in the stars.
[ "Mine should be real close to the moon -- or it should meet the moon as it rises. It'd only make sense!" ]
"S-so... does that make me the Moon?"
[ "Ah... I guess it does!" ]
"I dunno how you keep calling me cute, when you're the one saying stuff like that."
[ "Aw, what are you tryna say here?" ]
"Y-you know what I mean... You're cute."
That's when Crescent knew. Tatsuya was his Moon. How wonderful it was, to fall in love with someone who could gravitate his softer side out of the cold, hollow shell Crescent called his heart.
[ "I'm so sure about the planets aligning themselves to let us meet. Like it was fate... And even if we have to meet each other all over again I-I'll find you, okay?" ]
"Y-you.... God, you're cute...We better find each other. I wouldn't mind doing all this all over again."
The planets had truly aligned themselves for their paths to cross. Their meeting was written in the stars. It was destiny. A love story painted in outer space with brilliant blues and reds from a galaxy. All centered around the Moon and one lone star. Crescent had wondered: Does the moon really need the stars to shine the way that it does?
"You don't like stars for that though. You like them for their deeper meaning. Stars ain't just gas, you told me yourself. You use them to understand people, to see things nobody else does. ...That's amazing, you know? Besides... they ain't ugly up close either. Seeing them far away.. you don't ever get to see what's really happening. All that gas and shit is just... millions or billions of years of explosions and supernovas and energy. ...Stuff you never get to see. That shit's amazing, too."
And Tatsuya was just like the moon, so lonely, so full of imperfections. But just like the moon, he shined in times of darkness.
All of those sweet moments spent together, with only themselves and the night sky. Even the not so sweet moments -- the ones with shouting and tears -- were ones he could not forget, for they always ended with one comforting the other. Crescent, a self-proclaimed devotee to the big bright light in the inky black sky, was truly just that. Except instead of for a piece of outer space, it was for a young man. A young man who had a short temper, a booming voice, a self-sacrificing heart, a will to learn more about the Devil regardless of everything.
He had always loved how Tatsuya would be so enveloped in what he was saying, what he would create, what he would see in the stars. He loved his Moon so much. He didn't even know he was capable of being selfless for a soul who shared so many similarities. Tatsuya -- all of his spirit, his determination, his generosity. How many times did he cook for him? How many things did he give? How many sweet words of encouragement and comfort did he share? How could one ever deserve such a kind, strong but actually quite gentle man like Tatsuya?
"... Even your name's cute, this isn't fair..."
"How about a new promise. One you can't break. ...Lying to Space Man doesn't count this time, because he ain't me. ....But you have to promise me... You have to promise Mikami Tatsuya that you won't hurt people.. you won't cause problems on purpose, and you'll try to treat everyone fairly... even when I'm not there to see it. Never forget about me... I've had enough of being forgotten about."
The Star... loved his Moon so much, that when he was staring at the corpse in the crater he would stay at its side. Clutching the hand of a dead man. Attempting to process the loss of who was the most important part of his night sky. Falling in and out of reality while a swirling, spiraling train of inner thoughts hits him like a crashing comet. Begging the stars to stop this awful trick and bring him back his god damn Moon.
[ “Ah... Tatsuya, huh... It suits ya.” His smile grows. “Alright... I promise... I promise you, Tatsuya, that I won’t hurt people.. And I’ll be fair, and all of that... Geez, how could I forget about you?” ]
And though the Star would cry, no sound came out. He was sobbing, but there was only silence. Eerie, terrible silence.
Outer space is completely devoid of sound.
 [ “I love you.” ]
"Yeah.. I love you, too... You pain in the ass."
And the Star was alone.
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My KnB Headcanons
I should explain at the beginning here that what I mean by “headcanons” probably isn’t what “headcanon” actually means. I think with most headcanons, there is a basis of reasoning or proof for whatever your idea is, but when I say headcanon, I mean something like “I bet Kuroko does *this* in his free time.” Essentially, I’m just going to be spouting off things that I can see a character or group of people doing because I think it’s funny or fitting not necessarily because there’s something to hint at it in the plot. I don’t know if I should be calling these things headcanons, but I enjoy thinking them up nonetheless. Also, I haven’t actually read the manga or the character bible things so if I say something that can’t be true because canon says otherwise, please let me know.
Things about Kise:
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The one thing Kise can’t do is sing, despite the fact that he goes to karaoke frequently.
Kise likes to golf but only because he thinks he looks good in golf apparel. 
When he was a kid, Kise used to get bullied because of his bubbly personality, but it never really bothered him.
Kise needs to wear glasses when he’s in class, but he doesn’t because he doesn’t like how they make him look.
Things about Aomine:
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Unlike Kise, Aomine can sing, but would never do so in front of an audience.
His favorite movies are old samurai movies because he thinks they’re badass. 
Aomine reads superhero comics, his favorite being Batman.
He’s thought about a tattoo, but hasn’t figured out what to get yet.
Aomine always wished for a brother, though he thinks of Kuroko as one.
Aomine’s goal is to move to America before he turns eighteen. 
Things about Midorima:
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Midorima is actually a pretty decent cook.
He walks his sister to school every morning because he’s constantly concerned for her safety. 
Midorima considered contacts at one point but decided against it because he was worried that sweating would cause buildup on them and affect his vision during basketball games.
Midorima hardly ever studies an opponents habits and play style because he’d rather depend on his lucky item and horoscope.
Things about Murasakibara:
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Murasakibara used to play objects or background roles in school plays a lot because of his height (ex. something like a tree or an extra). He also preferred those roles because he didn’t have to move around too much.
He likes little dogs because he thinks they’re cute, but would never want to own one. 
He watches soap operas with Tatsuya frequently.
Murasakibara’s bed had to be specially made for him.
The reason he lets his hair grow out is literally because he’s too lazy to go and get it cut.
Murasakibara can’t swim.
Things about Akashi:
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Akashi used to take dance lessons.
He doesn’t really like wearing neckties despite the fact that he wears them frequently for school and other things.
Akashi likes cats, and would name his first one after a classical composer. 
Akashi is also a talented artist, though he doesn’t enjoy it as much as his other actives.
He enjoys skiing, but he can’t snowboard.  
Things about Kagami:
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Kagami was supposed to a gymnast instead of a basketball player, but he realized when he was child that basketball was not only better suited to him, but he liked it more.
Kagami can draw, and he frequently sketches in class when he’s not sleeping. 
He works out twice a day, not including basketball practice. 
Kagami can also bake, but he doesn’t enjoy it or do it as much as cooking savory foods.
Things about Kuroko:
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Kuroko likes the idea of writing a book someday.
Kuroko’s handwriting is pitiful. Like, nobody but Kuroko understands it.
He keeps the duck key chain that Midorima got him for his birthday in his basketball bag.
Kuroko considered using his lack of presence to hijack and keep the Seirin uniform when he graduated. He hasn’t come to a conclusive decision yet.
Things about Hyūga:
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Hyūga can’t handle amusement park rides that spin. He’ll throw up immediately.
Hyūga has tried to dunk before, but he can’t jump high enough.
He’s wanted to ask Midorima about his shooting form many times, but ultimately never got around to it. 
Hyūga was the primary person to design the Seirin uniforms. 
Things about Izuki:
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He’s been working on developing puns in other languages should he have the opportunity to use them.
Izuki knows how to knit. He made Hyūga a scarf for his birthday once.
He really likes singing along to folksy country songs.
Izuki plans on going to the same university as Hyūga so they can continue playing basketball together.
He also keeps a picture of blonde Hyūga in his wallet so he can whip it out at any time to tease Hyūga.
Things about Kiyoshi:
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Kiyoshi often plays around with the stray cats he finds near his house.
He likes landscaping art and gardening, which he picked up from his grandmother.
While he was in the hospital, Kiyoshi spent his time talking to the other patients who often said that Kiyoshi lifted their spirits every time he came to talk to them.
Kiyoshi likes to go sailing, though he doesn’t know how to. Usually, he’ll go with Riko as she does know how to sail.
Things about Riko:
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Well... she can sail.
She’s terrible with directions. 
Riko has been asked a couple times to work for the school as the basketball coach after she graduates.
Things about Tatsuya:
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Tatsuya can dance. He likes to salsa.
When he gets annoyed, he speaks in English. For example, when Murasakibara is messy, Tatsuya will say to him, “get your shit together.” Murasakibara doesn’t understand him, though.
He’s a fan of classic literature and music, though he also enjoys trashy American TV.
Tatsuya is a cat person.
Things about Takao:
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Takao babysits sometimes over the school breaks.
He couldn’t ride a bike that well until after he starting hauling Midorima around. 
The only time Takao has ever had actual contact with a hawk was at the zoo. And the hawk was not a fan. 
He’s started to pay attention to his horoscope ever since meeting Midorima. 
His backup plan, should basketball fall through, is to become a rockstar. 
Well, that’s it. I guess I probably should’ve called this post a trivia post instead of a headcanon post, but nonetheless, I had a good time. Let me know if you have any other tidbits that you think would fit these characters or any other characters. Thanks for reading!
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firebirdsdaughter · 5 years
… Hey, wireless?
Okay. Thank god for common sense. I accidentally lost my post bc my wireless conked out.
I was wise, and copied the contents. so we have lost nothing but the tags. Which weren’t that interesting any way.
So here we go!
In no order: (also, I apologise for any typos my fingers decided they wanted to type a mile a minute… DX)
Aw, Naohisa (still thinking I’m spelling his name wrong) is giving them science lessons…
That Melto loves and Asuna doesn’t get… XD It’s okay Asuna, I’m not sure I understand, either.
Melto’s so starry-eyed, gods love him. XD
Aw, Tyramigo. It’s okay, Melto, he doesn’t mean it meanly. ^^
They’re really cute though. XD
I guess Kou got the idea to see the world in his head from watching tv…
But I feel like there are better places to get into the river than jumping over this railing…
He’s clearly got no idea why that’s shocking. ^^
I guess she decided that she couldn’t really tell a 209 year old what to do…
This episode officially made me conclude that Ui and Touwa are the smols. They’re the youngest of the siblings. Kou is next, then Melto and Asuna are like… Twins who are slightly older than him. No one can agree which one of them is older. Banba is obviously the eldest and stuck managing them. Maybe until Gold gets here. Unless he’ll have to manage Gold, too.
Touwa’s fast, but Banba outweighs him… A for effort, though, sweetie. <3
To continue reading foreshadowing in everything… I wonder if Touwa commenting he doesn’t think Banba can lose in one v one means we’re eventually going to see just that happen.
Or, potentially, maybe Banba did once lose to someone in one v one?
Or both?
Touwa, honey, I just want you to know I very much support the concept of you and the others just tackling your brother. Like Merry and Pippin w/ Boromir. Just jump him. He could use the hugs.
Banba gazes majestically off into the distance as he prepares to be angsty.
Banba: ‘People will always betray you.’
I so want whoever hurt him like this to be an absolute dickwad and I want to see them get their asses kicked, esp by some truly pissed off little sibs.
By Banba, too, absolutely. But I would kill for an ep where the kids find out what this person did and go on a roaring rampage of protectiveness for their big brother. TT^TT DX
Touwa definitely doesn’t know what happened… DX I think he knew Banba was distrusting towards others and very much a loner, but he looks so sad and confused that I don’t think he knew it went this deep…
I wanna hug my little green gremlin son, too! DX I WANNA HUG ALL OF THEM!
Eh. I’m sure she’s fine.
Mook suit actors, the unsung heroes of any and all Sentai. XD
Hey, Green final slash! And Black again. ^^
XD Touwa. Banba’s just like ‘irritated growl.’ ^^
I’m… Pretty sure Ui just insulted this guy…?
Okay, here’s the thing. I don’t see nobody glowing green and losing life force. So… Did they just decide not to put that effect in, or… Or did the Minusaur actually come from someone else?
Like… Tall Cheese?
Ahem. Sorry. I mean Fita.
Though she’s not glowing either… Augh. I dunno what I’m saying.
Why would they chain up Ui, but not Kou?
Well done, Kou. ^^ Boy’s clever is a fight. XD
… What the heck was that boise and dramatic shot of her face? Where they just trying to remind us she’s an idol? I think it happened when the brothers find her, too… Does it mean something? Hmm… I dunno.
Kou’s reaction is hilarious, though.
Ui’s neck is gonna hurt later… DX
Okay, but later the brothers wake her up just fine? I guess the effects were only temporary… That’s probably why they chained them up, so that they couldn’t escape even when they woke up.
And… Kou’s sense ends here. Why didn’t you call the others, you dork? XD
Hmm… I miss Tankjoh, but I kinda like the new guy’s music…
I think he’s meant to be a drastically different personality. Where Tankjoh was surly and serious, this guy is bombastic and childish.
These are the most badass children I have ever seen.
Actually, that’s not true, but, they’re up there.
I’m wonder if it’s an effect of the brainwashing.
I love that girl in the lavender sweatshirt who just goes for the spinning kick. XD
Touwa probably bothered Banba until he agreed to bring her here. XD Which may have been easier bc Banba probably didn’t want to have to deal w/ her…
Melto thinking ‘oh, crap, she’s pretentious, the only way we’re gonna get her to talk is… *sigh* okay, someone has to take this bullet, it might as well be me…’
Honestly, though, I think the only other person who would possibly be willing to do that is Touwa, and probably not. Asuna wasn’t taking well to getting ordered around, and Banba would never kneel to anyone (… Well… Actually, no comment). My interpretation is that Melto realises she’s rather high and mighty, and that she’ll respond to an act of 'reverence’ like that, and he knows no one else in the room is gonna be willing to do it w/out complaining. So he just steps in to save them all the trouble. Mom friend to the rescue.
Honestly, it’s very sensible of him. ^^
I need to write more w/ Melto… DX
Banba is the back modelling. Bc boy can’t be in a single scene where he isn’t posing in some way at every opportunity.
Sorry Short Cheese, Banba doesn’t care if you think he has manners (I wouldn’t be surprised if he tried to ditch her in the forest earlier XD). Touwa looks slightly miffed, but I think he’s less effected by it coming from you. The only one you’re offending is Asuna. And, actually, I’d advise against that.
Hey, isn’t Asuna also technically a noble?
Asuna’s like ‘First off, how dare you? Second, how dare you? And third… How dare you?’
XD This is even funnier bc of one of my casual ships. ^^
Melto hates this so much, but he’s willing to do it to find out what’s happening. XD Poor baby.
Oh, okay. So the mind control is just his thing.
This is so vague I can’t trust it… I mean, I guess most of it could be on the level, but… Hm. I gotta wonder if they were allowed to escape… And what exactly he’s got on them to have them still be doing this? (Bc next ep pretty much reveals they’re trying to trick the team) Is Short Cheese mind controlled? Is Tall Cheese? They repeat her ‘I would risk my own life to save her’ twice this ep, so I’m guessing Tall Cheese/little sister’s life is still in danger somehow…? I dunno. I guess we’ll learn this weekend.
So… What, you can just teleport? Why didn’t you do that when you were running before? SUSPICIOUS?
Also, I’m not sure I trust these flashbacks either, bc they’re from Short Cheese’s point of view, and next ep indicates she wasn’t being on the level w/ the team. I mean, she’s holding that orange rock in a bottle… But… Did it come from her planet? Is it something they stole from the Druidons? Or is there a part of this story that was left out (actually, that much is obvious bc Short Cheese didn’t mention the rock at all), where the Druidon gave it to her? Too many variables, even if I didn’t know they were up to something.
I should note that it’s pretty obvious they’re not actually evil and are being forced into doing this. They’re only here as guest stars and they’re being promoted as being idols (exhibit A, the abrupt song sequence coming up), so I HIGHLY doubt they’re gonna pull out the rug and make them outright evil.
And, anyway, the next ep preview practically confirms that. XD
Girl in the lavender sweatshirt is ready to kill something, I swear.
I also like the boy in the burgundy and white sweatshirt. XD He’s paying such good attention. ^^
Asuna’s offended, Melto’s somewhere else thinking about Wyzul, Banba doesn’t care and Touwa’s in. XD
Touwa clearly here thinking ‘dear god, I know I never want to go through that… O_o’
Honey, I am so sorry, but I make no promises. DX
That’s a very direct question, but no less then I’d expect from Banba. Though also… Kinda odd? What are you trying to establish here, sweetie? Why are you asking this?
This line is very important, clearly. They repeat it twice. Pretty sure it’s to make us understand that whatever is going on next ep, it’s bc the sisters are trying to protect each other. Like I said, I’m presuming that Tall Cheese is actually still in danger somehow.
WHAT WAS HE TRYING TO ESTABLISH W/ THAT QUESTION? And then he just accepts her answer? I’m confused…
I really can’t tell if he’s finding something odd w/ this, or if he’s accepting it bc he’s sympathising w/ her… DX Tatsuya is being unreadable too well! DX
And then she… Just starts singing? Like, I love this show, but… There could’ve been a better lead up to that.
Though I do love Naohisa reacting to the lights. XD
So… Was this just a random musical interlude, or… Was she doing something? I guess it was so that Kou could hear it and make the connection, but the execution could have gone a little better.
Banba takes that extra moment to pose. XD
Untransformed fight! ^^
I love how Banba just delays transforming to take off. :D
I needed to use a new emoticon.
Kou’s little ‘Ah!’ and pointing when the kids show up! XD
Girl in the lavender sweatshirt is going to cut something.
See, this is an effective use of the singing.
Uh… What. Melto, what does that… Whatever. Sentai logic.
Now he says ‘Okay, Tyra!’ instead of just ‘Tyra!’
Banba would be SO AWKWARD. XD
Oh, NOW you transform. XD Well, we wouldn’t have had that beautiful weapon toss if you had before. ^^
See? We bring up the line again, and there’s a weird sound cue? Does it mean anything?
Touwa sees the other smollest sib and must immediately go help her. XD
I do like the improve mobility of this mech. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely adored the clusterfuck of orbs that was the Kyuranger mecha, but… It’s nice to seem something more dynamic once in a while?
Kudos the new suit actor, too. Whose name still escapes me… DX
Convenient train tracks. XD Sentai logic.
Actually, just Toku logic.
I love MirNeedle and his honk and his spinning attack. XD
Could you be more tsundere in one sentence???
Touwa’s just like ‘stages of realising your brother is a tsundere, stage 3: acceptance’
Kou doesn’t mind, though. XD
I do think Banba is starting to kind of like the trio, but boy is very damaged and the concept scares him, so he’s trying to fight it as much as possible, even though it’s just kind of a slight, vague fondness at this point.
Like, eventually, he’s going to end up adopting them, it’s going to happen, he’s going to have at least four younger sibs, actually five. But we’re not there quite yet.
I would love a ‘we’re not each other’s only family anymore’ sort of thing from the brothers. Or maybe one of the trio telling them that. XD
One day, a Mosasaurus will be in that empty spot, I bet.
Melto and Banba on the same wavelength. ^^
So… The Minusaur host is dead now?
This is cute, but I already know there’s more to this.
XD Oh, Banba. You’re starting to like them, I know you are. You’re not getting out of this. Though I do get why you really don’t want that to happen.
Though I do think his getting emotional next week is a partially due to it. ^^ Like, yes, there’s the fact that he’s mad at Kou for being too trusting, and that it might be dangerous for all of them/earth, but… I dunno. Probably overthinking.
But I’m gonna wax on about that shot in the preview later, don’t worry. XD
Or worry, if you don’t want to hear my rambling. In… Which case why would you even be reading this.
Melto on point again. XD I really need to write more w/ you… DX
Though on the other hand, I guess there’s a possibility that she could have read it in Naohisa’s papers at the house, or he said it to her. But she didn’t seem interested in the research, and they could just ask Naohisa if he mentioned it.
Hm… Maybe they’re waiting to update the ED until Gold gets here.
Why does Kou have the inflation Soul activated?
… That sounds like he knows way  more about economics than he actually does. XD
As far as the preview, I like the drama that seems to be happening. ^^ Maybe they’ll finally give us some slightly more concrete info on what happened to Banba. Or just… Anything about the brothers’ past? And what about that hooded person? The sisters are up to something, but they’re obviously being forced into it somehow, Wyzul is definitely the sneaky type. We’re also heading into May, which means DimeVolcano and possibly Gaisorg/Gaisoulg? Though he wasn’t in any of the scans so even if his figurine is releasing, we likely won’t be seeing him until the very end/month after.
There are so many better possibilities. DX I know who I want it to be (even though I don’t strictly know ‘who’ that is XD), but there are other possibilities too.
And while I would like to see next ep, I am also curious about the arc coming after it. I really wanna know if my crazed visual analysis madness was right about it only being the kids who are trapped in Wonderland and Banba is trying to get them out. I wanna know.
Hm… Does anyone know where the ‘newspaper summaries’ come from? Like, we got the ones from 5 to 7… Are we gonna get ones for 8 to 11 at some point?
I am an impatient baby. DX ^^;
That’s all folks! Virtual chocolate eclairs for anyone who read all that. But, actually, that’s not all! I still wanna ramble about something—namely, and silly personal theory/hc of mine.
Bc of this face:
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Okay, so. During that conversation where Banba did the whole ‘Kindness can make one weak’ thing, I mentioned that I found Kou’s reaction interesting? Bc it might’ve been in his characterisation to get mad and insist that kindness does not make people weak—esp since he clearly still doesn’t think that. But instead, he just looked a little hurt, and looked sad? Like… It seemed to me he was more saddened that Banba thought that way at all than being offended by the statement. Not ‘how could you think that?!’ but more… Like ‘that’s so sad that you’ve been made to believe that?’ If that makes sense? That somehow, Kou caught on that Banba has this view bc he was hurt terribly in the past? And then there’s this face here. Boy looks like a sad puppy. It’s totally my skewed interpretation bc I had that thought before, but to me it looks like he’s looking at Banba like… Empathetically? Like he pities him? So now I’m falling even deeper into the idea that Kou doesn’t find Banba’s distrust of others insulting of offensive in anyway, but is just sad for the fact that someone could come to think that way. Realises that Banba is like this bc he got hurt and is scared, and is just heartbroken by that? That someone could get hurt so badly that they lose faith in nearly all goodness in the world? I might like it if there’s a moment where Kou proves he’s more thoughtful than he seems (like, he can be thoughtful, he has his moments—though he is still an impulsive, goofy doofus) by, like, outright asking Banba what happened to him. That’d def throw Banba for a loop, I think. This is, of course, just my overthinking and incoherent rambling. But I do like the idea. ^^ Last note: my god Tatsuya has pretty eyelashes! DX
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ygreczed · 7 years
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HPIE AU ~ Ygrec’s headcanons
So ! Here is the second part of my headcanons ! Also, I am glad you liked my last post about it @inazuma-hpau ! I really like the Penguin trio, but I love the Break trio too ! I can’t help but imagine that Kidou, Fudou, Sakuma, Endou and Gouenji would make a LOVELY “gang”, hanging around at the Three Broosmtick or studying at the library until they get thrown out by the library supervisor because Fudou is a troublemaker or because Endou used God Hand to catch a book that was falling lol.
As for the Sun Garden kids, I thought it was quite a coincidence that all of them were both wizzard and orphan in the same etablishment... I guess they lived in the neighbourhood before the Death eaters’ attack that killed their parents so they all ended in the Sun Garden. And Fudou never has enough enemies ! :p If you wanna go further with that hdc please feel free to do it ~
Headcanons #2 :
Fudou became a talented beater for Slytherin, alongside Kogure. Kidou and Sakuma stayed chasers with Hiroto/Tatsuya, Saginuma was chosen to be the keeper and Reina the seeker.
Endo is a Hufflepuff and Gouenji a Gryffindor so it’s hard sometimes for the three of them to hang around like this. Everybody thinks it’s a strange trio and wonders how they are getting along so well.
After this discussion Kidou tried to consider Fudou from another angle but failed most of the time and almost always ended thinking “what a jerk”.
During one of their practices, Fudou had an argument with Sakuma and Reina, because he throwed the bludger at her when she was trying to catch the Golden Snitch. He defended himself saying that she was far from catching it and that it was her job to dodge the ball anyway. Kidou intervened when he understood that Fudou was actually right and that he had done it because he knew Reina was too far away from the Golden Snitch and able to avoid the Bludger. The bludger was a support for Hiroto, who was going to score behind her and was chased by Sakuma. He explained it to Reina and Sakuma, and when Reina asked “is it true ?” to Fudou, he seemed slightly surprised and answered “why would I harm you ? I wouldn’t have done it if I wasn’t sure you could avoid it.”
After this time the team’s trust towards Fudou slightly increased. Kidou finally started to understand what Endou was trying to tell him weeks ago.
Kidou and Fudou crossed paths again in the Room of Requirement during their fourth year : one day Fudou caught him in front of the Erised mirror and asked what Kidou was seeing in it. Kidou said he was seeing his parents and his sister, before joking bitterly about the fact Fudou must see something like glory or power in the mirror. Fudou answered that he sometimes saw his father not being a Deatheater. Kidou apologized and left the room with an awful feeling.
Another day, they got to the Room of Requirement at almost the same time. Kidou asked himself if it was a coincidence and tried to know why Fudou was here. “Probably the same reason as you” mumbled Fudou. Kidou couldn’t help but answering that maybe the room wanted them to find comfort in each other. Fudou laughed at him, saying it sounded stupid, but then he averted his eyes and added that he reached the same conclusion.
Kidou and Fudou kept meeting sometimes in the Room of Requirement, to talk about  anything and everything, and ended getting along pretty well after a while
Sakuma once tried to know more about it, when they were doing their potion homeworks with Endou and Gouenji at the library. As Kidou stayed silent about it, Sakuma brought up the rumor about Fudou going in the Room of Requirement with older students AND now with Kidou too. Gouenji said the Room of Requirement was a legend and it only was gossips. Endou retorted he already got to the Room of Requirement but Kidou put a stop at the discussion saying he was not getting along that much with Fudou and that they didn’t meet in the Room of Requirement. He did his best not to blush when lying to his best friends.
Sakuma, Kidou and Fudou started hanging around together during their fourth year.
Fudou one day entered the Room of Requirement all bruised because he just got into a fight. Kidou looked after him, using healing spells. He asked why Fudou was always getting into troubles and Fudou only replied it was always the same Gryffindors guys who assaulted him, and forced him to fight back. They were calling him “son of a Death eater” and always outnumbered him. Kidou told him he should go and tell the head of Gryffindor about this, and Fudou answered nobody would believe him. Kidou replied he was believing him, and felt his heart strangely hurting when Fudou let go an amused sigh to say with a sincere smile “well, you’re different.”
That day they stayed together in the Room of Requirement all the night, talking until they fall asleep in a giant king size bed. The next morning, Kidou found himself cuddling a sleeping Fudou, searching for heat somewhere in the big bed (there weren’t any blanket). He tried to sit up straight but the dark haired boy was holding him so tight he could only fidget before give away and gaze at Fudou’s soft expression until he wakes up.
When Fudou woke up, he only seemed slightly surprised to see him and greeted him with a sleepy voice as if it wasn’t even shocking to find them cuddling on a bed.
When Kidou got back to his room, Sakuma bombarded him with questions about where he was last night and if he had a girlfriend. Kidou only sighed and didn’t reply.
Sorry it’s been a while since the last time I posted about the HPIE AU. I already have all the hdcs but I need to find a moment to draw so I can post. Anyway, I hope you will like this one too.
There'll be more and more kdfd/fdkd, don’t worry ;)
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hi um could you write a GOM + Kagami, Takao and Himuro where it their S/O birthday.
Actually I said 7 persons per ask but it’s okey since I don’t have much requests I really hope you like it
Birthday for gf (GOM+himuro+Kagami+Takao) :
You’ll get confused and thinks that he’s cheating on you because he doesn’twant you to get in his house no matter what.
“I hate youKagami” is all what you said before leaving
Later on he’lltext you and tell you to come so he can explain everything to you , you want torefuse but your curiosity takes you there: “the lights are off, where is he? Isit a joke”
“I’m comingin Kagami”
And justwhen you opened the door, you heard some people shouting “Surprise”, “Happybirthday”
There wasall the Seirin members there. Kagami approached you, he was blushing  mess, he said nervously “Happy birthday, yourgift is somewhere in the apartment I couldn’t catch it”
“Heiin,what do you mean Kagami?”
Before hecould replay, you saw a tiny kitten running in the apartment and it looksexactly like your cat who passed away 3 months ago.
You turnedto kagami, tears rolling down on your face and you kissed him.
“Thank youso much, this is the best gift ever”
Kagami wasas red as a tomato: “Name, don’t kiss me in front of them, just when we’realone”
 You’ll be upset because you think he forgotabout your birthday, he was just joking around and laughing but just afterschool:
“Takao where are we going?”,
“Shuutjust follow me” he said with a smile you followed him until he stopped”
“It’s here”your eyes opened in surprise, it was concert of your favorite band, you huggedhim but then stopped
“HéwaitTakao! the tickets were sold a month ago and just in two days “
“YeahI know”
You smiled “itmeans that you prepared this long time ago, it makes me so ….”
He interruptedyou: “Shut happy birthday” then he kissed you, “let’s go now”,
 “Hé(Name) let’s grab a drink on our way home”
“Ok Aominekun” You were a little bit sad because he forgot your birthday but it was ok,you already knew his attitude. You were both sitting on the park with your boyfriend,drinking your fruit juice when he took out something from his school bag.
“What’sthis Aomine?” You asked in confusion.
He mumbled:“Happy birthday”
You weren’tsure if you heard him right or not : “Wait can you please repeat?”
“ (Name)let’s go home now it’s late” He was already walking away
You openedthe gift he gave you:
“WaaaaawAomine new dance shoes, I can’t believe it”
You hurriedup to catch him and when you did he just said:
“It’s foryour next competition, you better make me proud of you  and win it”
“Of course I’llmake my cute boyfriend proud”
He raisedan eyebrow and added: “Who is cute? And no words about this not even toSatsuki, understood?”
“Yes Boss”you laughed
“Good” hetook your hand and you both headed home.
Just Afterschool:
“Sei chan what are we doing at theairport?”,
“Yeah iknow that it’s my birthday Sei chan but still what are we doing in an airport?
“Didn’tyou say that you loved Greek philosophy and wanted to visit Greece?”
“Yes I didbut you know i need my passport and all
“It’s fine,I took care of everything”
“And I still need a parental agreement»
“I alreadysaid it’s fine"
“But wait Ineed clothes and.. “
“Let’s go!”He said as he took your hand and you both headed to take your flight.
(Pfff  if he said it’s fine then it’s fine stoparguing and just enjoy your trip with the boyfriend god blessed you with it’sAkashi after all he probably thought about everything”
"Atsushi,what’s in this big bag?”
“nothing (Namechin)
He was carrying this big bag all day atschool, everybody was staring at him but didn’t dare to say anything about it.
Afterschool when you both go to the usual place where you’re used to set and eatsnacks together, he finally decided to open his big bag:
“Atsushi,omg! What’s this?”
“Happybirthday (Name chin), I bought this cake for you”
You couldn’tfeel happier than this because your boyfriend doesn’t put an effort in almostanything but he baked a cake for your birthday. You were lost in your thoughtswhen he said:
“But (Namechin) I’ll take half the cake or even more, is it ok?
“Hahaof course, just the fact that you did it made my day, Thank you my purple giant”
You wereworried when you blonde boyfriend didn’t come to school this day. You calledhim up but he didn’t pick so you decided to visit him after school.
Afterschool, you found a letter in your locker then you opened it:
“(Name chi)Meet me at the beach after school and don’t be late, your beautiful boyfriend”
“Aaah thisidiot, it’s my birthday and instead of spending the day with me, he’s havingfun in the beach, I’ll make sure to kick his ass”
When yougot there, tears were all over your face because never and not even once inyour life somebody did this for you:
Kisebrought a big board in which he did a collage of your most precious moment’simages, it was the most beautiful sight you’ve ever seen. You hated the factthat your boyfriend takes so much pictures of you two, but who knew that thathabit that you hated the most would be the best surprise ever done to you?
“(Name chi)did you like it?”
“Kise you’rean idiot, I love you” You had some tears in your eyes
“Wait,(Name chi) if you’re going to cry than wait until I’m done”
You lookedat him as he took out a piece of paper and said:
“When evenwords can’t describe the way I feel
I know thatthis time it’s real
Theemotions now overwhelm me
Me, who wasalways carefree
It’s allbecause of you
And there’snothing I can do
So my lovehappy birthday
Meeting youwas like a miracle day
I love you”
You rushedto hug him, hug this human who was able to make you feel so special.
“Kise Ilove you too, I didn’t know that you were good at sweet talks” You laughed
“Moriyamahelped me a little bit”
You sighed,: “Haha no surprise that was coming from him”
Youwere at school, your boyfriend was avoiding you all day and you wondered why.You were afraid that someone else is turning around him, you tried to talk tohim so many times but he was always finding an excuse out and leave.
Afterschool when you already gave up and decided to go home, he approached you:
“(Namechan) are you going home? It’s pretty early?”
“NoTatsuya, it’s time I go”
“Mmmm Isee, can I ask you a favor?”
“What isit?” You said as you were hiding you smile, you felt so happy, you knew that it’syour birthday so you thought that he will ditch practice and take you out fordinner but:
“I want youto wait for me in the school library until I finish the club practice so we cango home together”
This guyjust broke you down and destroyed all your dreams and just in one second.
“O’keeey”You mumbled and he just forced a smile
You wantedto shout at him, slap him but you were afraid that he’ll just ask someone elseout especially that all girls are falling for him.
7pm, youwere reading a fantasy book when he approached you:
“Are youdone practicing Tatsuya?”
“I wasn’tpracticing”
“Haah, thenwhat were you doing?”
“Come on, I’llshow you” he grabbed your hand and made you follow him
You were infront of the rooftop, he opened the door for you:
“Go ahead”,
“Mmmm ok”
You enteredand the view left you startled, covering your mouth by your hand. You felt likeyou were in some romantic movie scene:
He preparedyou the most romantic dinner ever done, the roof was all covered in candlesexcept a red carpet that he put so you both can go to your table dinner. Youswore than nobody could make you heart beats this fast except this charmingguy.
“Tatsuya, I’mreally happy with this but I still need one more last gift”
“Haha, Iwent in all kind of troubles to do this but I see that it wasn’t enough, I’msorry”
“No Tatsuyano no wait, I’m so happy and it’s more than enough but lately I’ve been feelingso insecure that you would leave me for someone else so I want to ask for yourheart as a gift”
He burstout laughing.
“WhatTatsuya, there’s nothing funny here”
He walkedin your direction, put your hand in his heart and said:
“Nobody canmake this heart beats as fast as this and do you know why? That’s because it alreadybelongs to you”
You huggedhim and kept listen to his heart until pulled you away:
“Let’s eator it will get cold”
“Aaah I’msorry I’m really sorry, thanks for the Meal Tatsuya”
Yourboyfriend was acting weirder than other days, he brought you your lucky item asusual but he also brought you some luck booster, it was really awkward.
“Shin chanhow can I walk with a knife?”
“You canhide it somewhere if you want”
You sighed,you loved your boyfriend but sometimes he could act weirdly but anyway youloved him.
Afterschool, you noticed that Takao wasn’t with your boyfriend so you asked why andhe ignored your question.
“Shin chan,my house in the other way, where are you going?”
“There’s ashort way off to your house, come on this way”
“Shin chan,I don’t see why would I take, I enjoy every moment with you”
“(Name chan)Come on”
Youfollowed him but the road seemed so long but you didn’t want to complain.
He stoppedat a traditional fancy restaurant, he entered and you followed him.
“Oh my godShin chan what a surprise!”
“Let’sorder” he was blushing so hard
During thewhole meal, he was blushing so you just ate in silence and after you took yourdessert. The waiter came and brought a bag in his hand that he put one thetable.
“It’s foryou, open it” He mumbled
“It’s forme?”
You openedthe box that was in the bag and found a beautiful traditional Yukata.
“Waaawamazing Shin chan, you bought it for me”
“Wear itwhen we’ll go the festival and it’s not like I want to go the festival Nanodayo”
You werelaughing so hard and happy because he celebrated your birthday and invited youto the festival, what a shy and cute boyfriend you have.
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transientutopia · 7 years
apostasy - first fragment
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MOONIE! I’ve written notes on the AO3 upload of this, so I won’t repeat them here, but happy birthday and I hope you have the best day!!!! ♥
Read on AO3 here (recommended)
The lives of those who work in the police force aren't particularly stimulating.
Regular patrols. Missing person cases without any deeper motives. The occasional murder.
Where other cities are alive and bustling at night, this city is dead.
It had always been--
--until the day they arrived.
Kuroko Tetsuya: a twenty-four year old with light, celeste-hued locks and dark cobalt-eyes, working as one of the top detectives in the police force. He is twenty-one when he finally completes his courses at the Metropolitan Police Academy in Tokyo. He is twenty-two and a half when he becomes world-renowned as the "phantom detective".
It is one year later when he gets sent to a different location in Japan, a city long abandoned and inhabited by those who claw their way through blood and grime, doing everything they can if only with the hopes of escaping someday. It is a sea of illicit drugs, crime and black lies that he swims through.
He is not looking to save these people, as much as he had argued with his superiors. This place is far too corrupted and his hands are far too clean, they had drilled into his head before giving him the job. You're the only one who can do it, they had said. The Phantom is a man unknown by both name and appearance.
Scuffed, leather soles tracking up dirt, Tetsuya tilts his rusty hat up to get a better view of the city before him.
All he sees is blight.
There are many rumours -- too many -- that surround this city. A disease that zombifies those contaminated has been spread to all its citizens. A nuclear bomb fell upon this area during the world war, and it has been forgotten since. People who visit are cornered and drawn into the endless network of human trafficking.
There are many rumours that surround this city.
But rumours make leads, and leads hold cause for investigation.
Tetsuya is twenty-two when he first hears of them. Amidst making a name for himself as he flawlessly concludes yet another case, his peers invite him out for drinks at the nearby bar.
He agrees.
He goes with Aomine Daiki, a high-ranked police officer, and Kagami Taiga, an intimidating yet friendly fireman. Daiki is tanned, with hair and eyes both an exotic, midnight-blue. He is often accused of being a foreigner. Taiga, on the other hand, has two-toned crimson locks -- bright towards his crown, blacker at the tips -- and eyes of a similar, dark shade. He is never accused of being a foreigner, despite being practically half-American, much to Daiki’s chagrin. They are both Tetsuya’s best friends. They had met in university and clicked straight away, much to the surprise of many others. They frequent the bar owned by Taiga's brother figure, Himuro Tatsuya, and are often treated drinks as a "thanks" for always helping out.
There are many fights in the bar, after all.
Nobody ever mentions Tatsuya's standing in the underworld. The less knowledge they have when they assist him, the better.
He is a mysterious man with eyes as black as his hair -- albeit, nobody has ever seen his left eye. It is permanently obscured by his tresses. The beauty mark beneath his right eye is also a common topic for conversation.
Tatsuya's best worker is a man named Nijimura Shuuzou, who is a plain, yet attractive man with dark hair and eyes -- though, rather than being the best at bartending, he's really only there to terrorise punks and thugs in the vicinity who think they can extort his boss whilst he waits on tables. He also makes the occasional cocktail.
(Tatsuya's high salary and fondness for Shuuzou also definitely do not stem from the fact that they are, none-too-furtively, hooking up. They try to hide it, but Shuuzou rushing to work with hickeys littered across his collarbone in a shirt that Tatsuya was clearly wearing the week before does not make for much of a secret, unfortunately -- much to their coworkers' and friends' amusement.)
Alongside Shuuzou work another odd pair -- Midorima Shintarou, who is as good at smiling as he is socialising -- he's atrocious at both, by the way -- and Takao Kazunari, the only person who can deal with him for extended periods of time. Kazunari also has onyx-coloured hair and eyes -- but Shintarou, for some reason, has natural forest-green hair and eyes of a near identical hue.
(Tetsuya supposes he cannot point out that fact without sounding hypocritical.)
They are, also, going out with each other. Tetsuya is quite sure that it extends beyond physical relations -- if the blush on Shintarou's face is any telling factor, that is, from what he can see at the moment.
Exhaling, Tetsuya sips on his cocktail. He is the sole person who actually drinks the concoction labelled "EXTREMELY MYSTERIOUS SWEET JUICE!!!! ♥", to everyone's horror, on a regular basis. It is a running bet on how long it'll take for him to contract diabetes.
"What's up, Kuroko? Why the long face?"
"That's his regular face," Daiki points out, slinging an arm around the aforementioned detective. Taiga rolls his eyes.
"He was sighing!"
"I was breathing," Tetsuya corrects, swirling his glass around absentmindedly. He likes watching the bright colours mix.
"Who breathes that loudly?"
"I was exhaling."
"Well I, for one, am glad that Kurokocchi's breathing!" Kise Ryouta calls out as he takes a seat next to Tetsuya by the bar, winning smile plastered onto his chiseled features. He works as a full-time model -- it isn't a surprise, with his silky, bright-golden tresses and piercing, aureolin eyes.
"Shut up, Kise, nobody asked."
"So rude, Aominecchi!"
Ryouta whines, turning his gaze on Daiki like a hopeful puppy. When he doesn't react, the blonde wilts sadly.
"It's okay, Kise-kun," Tetsuya says softly, "Aomine-kun is just grouchy; he got yelled at by the higher-ups today."
"Dammit, Tetsu--"
"Also," he adds as an afterthought, eyes sparkling with mischief, "you aren't Kagami-kun, so your teary-eyed attack won't work on him."
Daiki promptly chokes on his beer.
"W-wait, what-- how did you--" Taiga splutters.
"Everyone already knows you’re together."
"More importantly, how long have you been going out for?" Kazunari pipes up eagerly. Taiga is confused, but answers regardless.
"Uh... We started a little while before I went to America for the incident with my old man. Remember that?"
"Ah, rather than remembering, it was more like we weren't allowed to forget," Ryouta grins, elbows on the counter. "Aominecchi was complaining for weeks right after you left, after all."
"S-shut up!"
He smirks cheekily, but his mirth fades once Tetsuya turns in his direction. Puffing up his cheeks a little, the model yields.
Shuuzou sighs, muttering a small "fuck".
"This is why you don't add a detective into the mix," Shintarou shakes his head, pushing his glasses up haughtily. Kazunari nudges him with too much force, making him spill some alcohol onto the floor.
"You still went with it though, Shin-chan!" he cackles.
"Shut up, Takao."
"The hell are you guys going on about?" Daiki grumbles, downing another glass. Taiga's jaw drops as every member of the group -- other than himself, Daiki and Tetsuya -- subsequently bring out two thousand-yen bills from their wallets. They pile up in front of Tetsuya, who has the decency to keep his face expressionless in lieu of looking smug.
"You -- you bet on us?!"
"Shitty bastards," Daiki says without bite.
"Damn, can't believe Tatsuya lost," Shuuzou voices, disgruntled, "I thought this time he'd be able to win."
"I'm no match for him, Shuu," Tatsuya chuckles, "despite watching the lovebirds every odd day, I still lost. How did you figure out the date, Kuroko?"
"I figured Aomine-kun would have to get his hands on Kagami-kun before he left for America," Tetsuya answers without remorse, "because Aomine-kun was starved for action for too long."
"Oi-- Tetsu!"
"K-Kuroko!" Taiga quite literally squeaks, mortified. Tetsuya tilts his head cutely, blinking his large, deep-azure eyes. It is an instant kill for Ryouta, who seems close to headdesking and drowning in his own nosebleed -- but alas, Tetsuya's two colleagues are much too accustomed to his sly ruses. He shrugs, and continues to tease them without mercy.
After the bar is cleared out and they are the only remaining patrons, Tetsuya speaks. The door is locked, the "CLOSED FOR BUSINESS" sign swaying softly in the wind.
"I heard my superiors at work today discuss a particular place in Japan," he begins, gaze resting on Tatsuya, whose lips quirk up subtly. The bar owner continues wiping down the counter without any further notion to signify that he is following the conversation.
"As the rumours there go, there are two criminals that have been set loose in separate parts of town. Both have been deemed serial killers, and nobody knows where they came from."
Lacing his fingers together, Tetsuya leans forward a little. His eyes narrow imperceptibly at Tatsuya's form.
It is their usual game.
"They say one is like the mist, and the other a demon."
"The ashen-haired invisible man -- some say he isn't real," Tatsuya hums, wrenching out the cloth between his hands, "but he definitely exists. Like the mist, he moves, disappearing without any evidence. Gone. His victims vanish with his own person."
"But there is always a trace. Run your hands through a cloud of mist, and you'll know it was there. You'll feel it on your fingertips."
"Yes," Tatsuya agrees, "but akin to every other being, you require an incentive."
Tetsuya stares at him, eyes blank. The latter's smile widens.
"The mist is a spirit of vengeance," he murmurs softly, "if your anguish rings out loudly enough, he will come -- and he will aid you. But nothing comes without a price. For people who dip their hands into poison, what do you think happens?"
'Ah,' Tetsuya thought. Watching the comprehension flit through his friend's eyes, Tatsuya chuckles.
"What about the demon?"
"The red demon," he says. "The Reaper. The devil. Diablo... The death god."
He lists them off like they are synonymous to one another, but Tetsuya knows better. His eyes widen.
"Yes," Tatsuya inclines his head a single time, "shall we chat a little while longer?"
"No, this is enough," Tetsuya answers lowly, "thank you very much, Himuro-kun."
"It's no problem," the bar owner replies cheerfully, "I'm always indebted to you. Now, Shuu, Midorima-kun, Takao-kun, shall we begin cleaning up?"
"Already on it," Shuuzou hollers, spraying antiseptic on the tables.
"Hell yeah! Let's go, Shin-chan!" Kazunari grins. Before leaving the bar, however, he pauses and leans over to whisper conspiratorially into Tetsuya's ear.
"Don't get yourself killed, alright, Tetsu-chan? We'd all be horribly lonely without you."
"I'll try my best," Tetsuya offers him a rare smile, "thank you, uhm... Kazunari-kun."
With that, Tetsuya leaves; Taiga, Ryouta and Daiki in tow. Shuuzou stands by the unlocked door as they go, and they listen to the door's closing jingle before resuming their post-work clean-up.
"Ah~ Tetsu-chan is so cute. He's still embarrassed to use my first name," Kazunari says dreamily, sighing like a lovesick, high school girl. Shintarou tells him so, and Kazunari simply roars with laughter in response.
"Ahahaha! Shin-chan, don't worry, don't worry! You know you're the only one for me~"
"Shut up, Takao."
Walking outside, Daiki abruptly elbows Taiga in the ribs, earning a grunt from said male. Taiga shoots him a withering look.
"What?" he asks gruffly.
"This is where we split," Daiki points out.
"Eh, isn't this too early? Well, whatever."
"See you, Tetsu, Kise," Daiki waves lazily, seizing Taiga by the hand. Turning a bright red, the redhead stutters out a short farewell to Ryouta and Tetsuya before allowing himself to be tugged away.
Once they're alone, Ryouta sighs. "I can't tell if Aominecchi did that on purpose, or..."
"I know." he looks frustrated with himself. "You don't have to do this, Kurokocchi."
"I know," Tetsuya echoes, "but I want to."
"Because they're harming people."
"What if they're harming people who deserve it?" Ryouta argues, knowing it to be nothing but futile. Tetsuya shakes his head, a small smile tugging up his lips.
"Kise-kun, nobody deserves to be killed. It only makes for a vicious cycle."
"...You don't even know if you'll be put on the case," he refutes weakly. Tetsuya only stares up at him with determination blazing in his gaze, and Ryouta lets his shoulders drop.
"...Please, don't throw yourself into danger as recklessly as you always do. Akashicchi... Akashicchi isn't somebody who lets people get away with defying him."
"I know," Tetsuya affirms softly. Ryouta shakes his head, and for the briefest of moments, Tetsuya can see it again.
He can see a boy, just old enough to be fresh out of high school, with blonde locks covered in filth and soot.
He can see his eyes, narrowed, dull and golden with a lackluster shine, practically unrecognisable to what they are now.
He can almost smell the blood covering the boy's hands, blood that isn't his own, whose blood is it--
He can remember it vividly -- almost too much so.
There is a boy, painfully young, backed into an alleyway. With his brows drawn together and teeth gritted, he growls like a cornered animal. He is bruised and bloody. Tetsuya speaks softly to him, holding his palms up in a placating manner.
It takes a long, long time...
...But it is nothing less than "worth it" as tears well up in the boy's eyes when Tetsuya finally holds his hand out to him.
There isn't a single day Tetsuya regrets his choices for a second: and he never will, he thinks, as the boy sobs, throwing his gun down to launch himself into Tetsuya's arms.
For the first time, the boy sees the world in colour.
It's the most beautiful thing he's ever seen.
The memories are much too fresh in their minds.
(He'll never be able to escape from the hands that curl around his wrists, from the nails that maul down his arms, his legs, his back. He'll never be able to escape all the lives he's stolen. But even so, he continues trying to mend what he's done. He continues trying to find a reason for himself, trying to live for something that isn't his father's bidding. Tetsuya gave him a chance, and he took it.)
Ryouta clenches his fists as he glowers down at the concrete.
"You don't," he says with so much emotion that Tetsuya can't do anything but flinch, "you don't, Kurokocchi. These are two assassins you're up against. I was different."
"You were," Tetsuya agrees quietly, "but I don't plan on trying to save them, either."
"You're going to get yourself killed."
"Perhaps... But more people will be killed if I don't try."
"...What a Kurokocchi-esque answer," Ryouta laughs bitterly.
He looks up, finally, and Tetsuya feels a chill run down his spine.
Those eyes--
It's the same expression Tetsuya has seen on him countless times. There is nothing but ice and pure, pure malice in his gaze.
"I'll tell you everything I know about Akashicchi. But, if either of them lay a single hand on you... I will find them myself."
Ryouta's bloodlust is suffocating--
--and Tetsuya silently thinks to himself that, rather than being afraid of the two assassins...
...It is much more viable to be afraid of the man standing before him.
After all, he is the heir to the infamous King of the Underworld.
At twenty-three and a half, Tetsuya finally gets his hands on the very case that he has chased after for over a year. Scuffed, leather soles tracking up dirt, he tilts his rusty hat up to get a better view of the city before him through his dyed, black locks.
All he sees is blight--
--and blight can be purified.
But he isn't here to do that just yet. If he does not get a proper, tangible lead on either the Mist nor the Demon -- as everyone had begun calling them -- within a month, he will likely find himself mixed into some of the many, precarious situations that the citizens of this city are tangled in. Tetsuya knows this better than anyone.
So, he stays alert.
He blends in with his surroundings, slipping in through crowds, through abandoned buildings, through areas that reek of nothing but blood and sex. He turns a blind eye several times to illegal trades, and quietly exhales, repeating "soon" over and over in his head like a mantra.
Perhaps it is the only thing that helps to keep him from falling into the atmosphere of sheer depravity and impurity.
Perhaps it is the only thing that helps to keep him from noticing the eyes that follow his back wherever he goes.
When he turns around, senses heightened, all he sees is a blur.
And then, black.
His throat constricts, and all he can taste is black.
Blinking his eyes open blearily, Tetsuya sits up.
He jolts awake faster than he ever has throughout his entire twenty-three years of living, and jumps to his feet. He shoves his hands into his pockets.
His phone is gone, and so are his capsules of water and liquid vitamins. His wallet and passport are in the safehouse on the outskirts of town, beneath two layers of floorboards in a locked safe, along with emergency supplies and a back-up phone -- but there's no way he's going to rush for them now.
'Is it still the first day? How much time has lapsed since I arrived?'
Tetsuya rubs his dry throat. His head is still ringing, and his senses are all dulled, but he can think.
He has to think.
'Who knocked me out?'
He was unable to catch a single glimpse of his attacker. Had it been a common thug? Or--
Hands reaching deeper inside his pockets, Tetsuya can feel the packets of drugs that the police force supplied him with prior to arriving. He had been ordered to hang onto them at all times, for both blending in and potentially getting him out of risky situations if necessary.
For those to have not been taken... Tetsuya swallows.
He isn't tied up. He's been thrown into a warehouse of sorts, but it is empty. There isn't a single crate in the area -- just dust and insects, along with a large, ceiling light that flickers on and off, despite being daytime still; if the midday sun outside is any indication. The metal doors are unhinged, and he can see the crummy, sandy environment outside. Unlike the rundown and dilapidated, almost cyberpunk-like city from before, it seems as if he's in the middle of a desert.
There isn't a single clue...
...Or so it appears. Tetsuya does not know where he is, but he begins to search.
The place is empty, but there are marks. There always are -- and it is his job to find them.
He scours the floor first. Whoever apprehended him has erased all evidence that could potentially lead to them -- stray hairs, lint... Without a full team working to gather the possible traces of DNA left behind, there is no way Tetsuya will get anywhere by staring at the ground.
So he continues. He presses his gloved fingers onto the smooth, cold floor. If he can't test for fingerprints, then it won't matter if he smudges over places his attacker could have touched.
'I won't leave a single speck of this area uninvestigated,' Tetsuya thinks as he glances off to the side.
There's something there.
It's barely visible, but it is undeniably there. Eyes narrowing, Tetsuya inches towards it slowly.
There is a very, very subtle shift in the ground. A trap sensor, a bomb trigger--
--it could be anything.
But Tetsuya did not get his fame from being a coward, and he isn't about to start now. Sucking in a breath and then exhaling, he pushes down gently.
He hears a click--
--and then, the irregular expanse of concrete dips downwards ever-so-slightly, before retracting.
A hidden trapdoor.
Inside it is a small compartment--
--but before it even opens, Tetsuya already knows what is inside.
He had realised the very moment that the concrete moved--
--after all, it is nearly impossible to hide the scent of a rotting corpse...
  ...Even if it is just a head.
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ryujitatsuya · 7 years
Heyyo minna, It’s Ryuuji Tatsuya! A few days back, I saw this one pic in a FB page that asked to comment what the reader thinks about the poster’s personality (I’ll post the pic here just in case); I felt that I should do this thing too since it’s a bit interesting. When I posted it and checked for the comments today, most of it said that I have an extremely “Sharp Tongue”, and only one guy said that I’m kind (Note: Total comments were 12 ouo)
I actually didn’t expect that (Well I thought one or two but certainly not 8) I fall into the category of people who are straightforward AF! I mean, think about it; concealing your feelings and all kind of mentally stressful stuff to yourself, acting as if you’re fine, laughing while you’re crying inside, it’s just way too hard (and I’m way too lazy). That’s why I don’t hide how I feel, and also don’t sugar-coat whatever I have to say to anyone………. OH! That’s why they say I have a sharp tongue.
Anyway, thanks to that reaction I got a good blog post idea. So today, I will be talking about some anime characters who have a sharp tongue and NO, I’m not gonna include those Tsun-Tsun character who just blur out nonsensical Japanese curses without considering why.
(“I love you” Tsun: BAKA BAKA BAKA!
“I think I’ll treat you tonight” Tsun: KUZU! BAKA BAKA!
“I wanna marry you” Tsun: SHINE! KUZU DOMO! BAKA BAKA BAKAAAA!!
“Imma make you mah seksu slave!! Tsun: Iyaaaaaaa~ Onii cha-)
NEVERMIND THOSE EXAMPLES!!! I will write about those who are just mean (But don’t blur out mean stuff randomly) or tell the bitter truth directly, without sugar coating it at all. Now that you have some idea about the post (Or you don’t, I won’t call you dim), let’s get right into it!
Kyouya Sata (Ookami shoujo to Kuro Ouji)
“Tsundere girls are idiotic, Tsundere guys are black af!” that was my quote after I saw this series. Even though I wasn’t a big fan of the art style of this anime, I somehow developed a pure and tiny crush on her while watching it; and that’s why it infuriated my innocent mind when Kyoya used to be extra mean to her. I wasn’t impressed by how she just kept on falling for him even though he was so mean and treated her like shit. I won’t lie, I hardly remember how exactly he used to treat her like, but I do remember that I wasn’t happy with it, at all (I remember the first scene where he decided to help Erika only if she circles around 3 times and barks); well he got gentle to her later on but you get the point. When I finished, I learned something extremely misleading, “Girls like it when guys treat them like shit.” (Little did I know, there is a fraction of people we call ‘Masochists’).
  Naoki Irie (Itazura na Kiss)
I saw this anime back in those days when I wasn’t really familiar with the concept of one of the two characters, who are top contender to be a couple, being mean (Since all that while I have only watched Kimi ni Todoke, Lovely Complex and some other light hearted shoujo stuff). But when I saw the main character being that mean to her, at one point I couldn’t hold it in and almost threw a pen at the screen (That was the start of my parents’ awkward stare, directed towards me). Seriously, Naoki is really really mean for a guy, and I still don’t know just how, why and when did he suddenly change (I guess I should watch it again). I don’t remember the name, but there was this other guy who would have loved her way more than this dude did, but noooooooooooo these masochists need a guy for them who would make them feel like a living joke and let them cry all night for no reason. What I really hated about Naoki was that he would kiss, hug or play some other moves on Kotoki but the very next day he would act like nothing happened (WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!! THAT’S JUST PURE EVIL!)
  Ami Kawashima (Toradora!)
The first in the list who falls in the category of being ‘So Honest That It Hurts’. While at first, Ami was not honest to her feelings, when she finally started to become honest, she also started to expose how others felt, making her the ‘Extremely Honest’ character. She was the one who gave us idea about how Ryuuji and Taiga were actually like, what Minorin felt about Ryuuji and also why Kitamura suddenly decided to help Taiga (That was way too subtle tho). Her conflict with Minorin shows how ‘Honest’ peoples are treated in this cruel world! *Sob* However, jokes aside, I would have loved if she would have been honest to Ryuuji about her feelings or if she could try to make more appearance in the series, BUT since that’s not gonna happen, let’s just marvel at her sly character.
  Hikigaya Hachiman (Oregairu)
This is legit truth!
Raise your hand, if you think he’s not mean! Of course, he is not mean; but what he says and does (Which is the correct way most of the time) seems to be mean for almost everyone. He does have a sharp tongue and his philosophies, though extremely true, might offend a huge load of people; but that doesn’t mean that he will be labelled straight out mean character just because of that (Don’t lump him with the likes of Naoki and Kyoya). Whatever Hachiman did was to help out others and most importantly, was against his initial wishes and expectations (So he kinda did something out of character for which, they should be grateful to him).
Aki Adagaki (Masamune Kun no Revenge)
THIS GIRL IS RUDE! I’m not sure if Aki comes under the category of Tsundere or not, but it is not alien to us that she has treated everyone like shit. Let’s agree on the fact that she didn’t want to break Masamune’s heart, but what she did to those who confessed to her in High school was extremely humiliating; it might just scar them for life. We all know (Or can imagine) that it takes a great deal of courage for someone to confess to the one he/she loves; no matter how one sided the love might be, he/she still expects that to be accepted. But instead of getting gently rejected, if they get their love letter get torn in front of everyone in the class, and let’s not forget the nicknaming trend. This can be so humiliating that it might just provoke ta guy to commit suicide (Provided how boys nowadays commit suicide just because some nobody refused to go out with him…….. What’s wrong with this generation?). Keeping that in mind, I don’t really like Aki, and I really hope that she gets humiliated to death.
  The whole vampire cast of Diabolik lovers
Please end her life…
Before you guys say anything, let me be honest and confess that I have not watched the whole season so if I say something that gets changed in the series later then please let me know; let’s focus on the characters now. At first, I have problems with that blondie, Yui. Just how big of a masochist do you have to be to get used by all the guys in the mansion, and let them treat you like shit. Ok, even if I agree with the fact that you can’t win against them, THEN JUST DIE! Why are you becoming their slave? (And letting them call you stuff like ‘Bitch chan’). Now then, let’s focus on the Non-sparkling Japanese Twilight Bloodsuckers; these guys are the meanest guys I have ever seen! I mean, if they just want to drink her blood, kill her and store her blood for everyone to drink; and if you want to drink fresh blood then treat her better. You can’t possibly get blood and also treat her like that! Shame on you vampires! This is why kids prefer watching Twilight than this shit!
This was sent to me by the one who recommended it to me by the way
Also one more thing that I would love to ask. When I was recommended this anime, I was told: “OMG! You will HAVE to check it! I wish I was that main girl L” My question is, if anyone of you also thought like that…… Why? Please answer in the comments.
Anyway, with that my small and mean list comes to an end. If you want more, then I don’t care go search for this in some other blog (JUST KIDDING………………. or so I hope). No seriously, I was kidding. If you guys don’t agree with anyone in this list or want to add some new mean 2D guys/gals then be sure to do so in the comments below! Until then, I hope you guys have a good time and as always, thanks for reading!
Let’s get mean: Some Anime Characters With a Sharp Tongue Heyyo minna, It’s Ryuuji Tatsuya! A few days back, I saw this one pic in a FB page that asked to comment what the reader thinks about the poster’s personality (I’ll post the pic here just in case); I felt that I should do this thing too since it’s a bit interesting.
0 notes
badlydrawnstuff · 7 years
det au part 7
Arséne: *he is pacing in front of his desk again. Please, stop him.* It's been a while since I've made a check update. Stop me if I make a mistake. *he picks up his notes, and clears his throat* Sheepy and I started off by making progress with Tom's case. The group of teenagers assisted Watson in getting back home, as his search for Sherlock was fruitless. Fortunately, Sherlock arrived on his own. We then... Er.. "Interrogated" Pi- Naoya. I'm not used to that yet. Sheepy and I then rescued Kazuya from Twilight. As Watson gave him a medical check-up, I spoke more with Tom. Progress was made. I then left to find Diego, and Sheepy helped make progress with Kazuya. This is, unfortunately, when Sherlock was kidnapped, and Nyar made his first contact with us. We immediately left to retrieve Sherlock, and did so successfully. At roughly the same time, Van Helsing came to us and has stayed put.
[he stops for air] We visited Phil for the first time, then went to visit Germain. Unfortunately, his home was being ransacked by Twilight at the time, as they were searching for the butterflies. I managed to glean more information from Tom as we returned home through an old tunnel. ... I managed to hear "Toothbrush gun" in between events, and quite frankly, I'm horrified. Diego came to us, and I left with him. Others checked in with Phil's household- Everyone was safe. Harley went with Germain to judge damages done. I met Mycroft, and was surprised by just how far his head was up his ass- Pardon my language. I asked Sheepy to research recent fires, but the answer to that came in later. [air] I snuck out later that night with Diego to visit Mycroft and learn what we could. ... Irrelevant time marker- Obtaining Pepper. I'm blaming Sheepy. Nyar called, claiming he had Naoya and his family in his clutches. We decided to treat the matter with tact, not rushing into it immediately. We also more formally met Mycroft now, as well as his children. [air, again. give a minute] I then left some time later, to rescue those who were captured by Twilight. Germain managed to free Ryuunosuke from Twilight's grasp, in the meantime. He and Watson had Ryuu reunited with his friend, and they both left. Around this point, Sherlock's arm was fully healed, which is strange and worthy of note. [air] All three Toudous were brought back, and Mycroft was taken. We, in reply, set off to fetch him. We were separated, and ... [arsene looks bothered] We know what happened then. Mycroft and his family moved in the building over, as did Germain. [last air break] Nyar and Phil came to us to talk about stopping Twilight. The day after, I met Jason and worked more on Tom's case. ... Sherlock, Sheepy and I intended to do multiple things, but got sidetracked by the Jackson family's plight. I picked Sheepy up the day after, then Watson, Mycroft, and Sherlock went out. Sheepy and I then went exploring, but found no evidence. We now conclude at the current time, 8:19 PM. ----- Sheepy: Sheepy: Ugh... Arsé-kun: Arséne: *he finally sits back down, and neatly puts the files away* Sheepy: Sheepy: Why. Arsé-kun: Arséne: I missed the last two potential updates, and we've been doing this for years. Sheepy: Sheepy: Horrible. Arsé-kun: Finis: That was most educational. I feel as if I've learned something. Sheepy: Sheepy: Wow. Arsé-kun: Finis: What, did you not? heepy: Sheepy: No. Arsé-kun: Finis: Such a shame. Sister, please put the couch down. Sheepy: Cardia: *she puts it down* Arsé-kun: Finis: Thank you. Sheepy: Sheepy: When will they get back? Arsé-kun: Finis: That, I do not know. Sheepy: Sheepy: I'm bored of waiting. Arsé-kun: *Meanwhile, and by meanwhile I mean somewhere else, several hours beforehand* Sheepy: Sherlock: We probably should've told them that we'd be out late. Sheepy: Sherlock: We'll be home soon anyway, so... Arsé-kun: Watson: I'd have called already, but I forgot to charge my phone. Sheepy: Sherlock: I didn't bring mine either. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: You two, I swear. I did. Sheepy: Sherlock: I have a bad memory. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: *he goes to dial the office phone, but stops because he almost walked into a pole. 10/10* Sheepy: Sherlock: You should look where you're walking. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: I most certainly should. Sheepy: Sherlock: We can stop and wait here until you make the call, but someone may bump into us if they aren't paying attention. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: m-hm.. Sheepy: Sherlock: So I'll keep a lookout. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Please. *he calls the office phone. Because everyone is busy at the moment, nobody picks up* Sheepy: Sherlock: Darn. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Perhaps they're busy? Sheepy: Sherlock: Probably. Sheepy: Sherlock: Let's hurry home then... Arsé-kun: Mycroft: *he takes a step or two away, and looks back* Sheepy: Sherlock: What's up? Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Are we going? Sheepy: Sherlock: *he looks to Watson before following* Arsé-kun: Watson: ..... *he hasn't moved* Sheepy: Sherlock:....Watson? Sheepy: Sherlock: *he gently shakes Watson* Arsé-kun: Watson: ......... *he's unresponsive and staring off into space* Sheepy: Sherlock: Are you okay? Sheepy: Sherlock: *he waves a hand in front of Watson's face* Hullooo...? Arsé-kun: Mycroft: *he joins in, equally as confused as Sherlock* Sheepy: Sherlock: Maybe he realized he left the stove on. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Very funny. *he grabs Watson's wrist and attempts to make him move. He doesn't budge* Sheepy: Sherlock: I'm concerned. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: As am I... Sheepy: Sherlock: Do we take him to a hospital? Sheepy: Sherlock: Or bring him home? Arsé-kun: Mycroft: *he looks around* Which one is closer..? Sheepy: Sherlock: I'm not sure. Sheepy: Sherlock: Home might be safer, but... do you think it's a stroke? Arsé-kun: Azathoth: No. *he strolls out from behind Watson, keeping a hand on his shoulder* Good evening, vermin. I see you're still alive. Sheepy: Sherlock: Wh... Sheepy: Sherlock: You... Arsé-kun: Azathoth: Fortunately for you, I am unarmed. Can't a guy do his grocery shopping? *he shrugs* Sheepy: Sherlock: Don't touch him with your grubby hands. Arsé-kun: Azathoth: I'm almost insulted. Fortunately, I already have what I want. Sheepy: Sherlock: What're you getting at? Arsé-kun: Azathoth: Oh, this one was so valuable to my dear son. I'm going to make him truly valuable. Sheepy: Sherlock: Leave him alone. Sheepy: Sherlock: Your son is just taunting him, isn't he? Arsé-kun: Azathoth: Oh, Nyarlathotep absolutely was, but... His knowledge... It has potential. I want it for my own. Sheepy: Sherlock: Too bad. Sheepy: Sherlock: That masked man already used him for Phil. That's enough. Arsé-kun: Azathoth: What are you going to do? Shoot me in public? *he gestures with his free hand* The public may not be looking now, but if I am harmed, they will see you, having harmed a civilian. Sheepy: Sherlock: I... Arsé-kun: Azathoth: The great Sherlock Holmes, harming the public he'd protected? What an uproar that would cause! Sheepy: Sherlock: I can't let you take him away...but...I can't do anything to you... Sheepy: Sherlock: That masked man messed with my head somehow, so why not me? I'm an unfinished experiment of yours! Why him?! Arsé-kun: Azathoth: All he did was attempt to repair your memory. *he scoffs* So much more potential, and that's what he did? Sheepy: Sherlock: He didn't have time to do more. Arsé-kun: Azathoth: He absolutely did, and he spent most of it on the phone or fooling around. Sheepy: Sherlock: If there's so much more potential, then take me! Just leave him alone! Arsé-kun: Azathoth: *he looks thoughtful* Arsé-kun: *and Mycroft looks about ready to punch Azathoth* Sheepy: Sherlock: Do whatever you want to me. Just... leave Watson alone. Sheepy: Sherlock: You don't get willing participants often, do you? Arsé-kun: Azathoth: ... You present a compelling argument. Calm your other, and I will give my answer. Sheepy: Sherlock: Mycroft, it's fine. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: It's really not... I don't want to lose yo--Watch out! Arsé-kun: *and Sherlock receives a solid smack to the side of the head* Sheepy: *he's surprised and dazed, facing Azathoth* Arsé-kun: Azathoth: I appreciate your willingness, but I'll have to decline. *he takes a step back. Watson follows suit* Have a good evening, gentlemen. Cheerio! *and then something just plain snaps* Sheepy: Sherlock: Ugh! Watson- *being hit on the head didnt help his head any and nor did azathoth's fun time bubble snapping* Arsé-kun: ??: ---- Sir! Wake up, Sir! Sheepy: Sherlock:......? *he slowly opens his eyes* Arsé-kun: Tatsuya: Oh! It's about time.. Sheepy: Sherlock: *he squints, visibly confused* Where's Watson? Where's Mycroft...? Sheepy: Sherlock:...where am I? Arsé-kun: Minako: *she leans into Sherlock's frame of view* Mr. Mycrofts right over here! *she gestures over her shoulder* And we brought you to our home base! We figured it'd be safer... Sheepy: Sherlock: Thank you... Arsé-kun: Minako: No problemo, Mr. Holmes! Anything we can do to help ^^ Sheepy: Sherlock: Did you see Watson? Arsé-kun: Tatsuya: W-we didn't, I'm sorry to say.. Sheepy: Sherlock:......It's fine. Sheepy: Sherlock: I need to check on Mycroft. Arsé-kun: Minako: Go ahead! *she gets out of his way. Tatsuya follows a moment later* Sheepy: Sherlock: *he goes to check on Mycroft!* Arsé-kun: Mycroft: *he seems fine, and he's discussing what the hippity hap just happened* Sheepy: *Sherlock kinda just lurks* Arsé-kun: Minato: *he stops eating for a whole one seconds* Yu, whatever you just said makes no sense in any theory of magic or... Actually, just shut up. Sheepy: Yu: Huh? Sheepy: Sherlock: Um... Arsé-kun: Minato: No ethereal being would be able to pull something like that off- !! *he shoves food into his mouth. panic* Sheepy: Sherlock: Uh... Sheepy: Yu: Who says?! Sheepy: Yu: Maybe it's a special one. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: *he raises his voice a tad* Oh, Sherlock! Sheepy: Sherlock: How are you feeling? Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Confused and angry. I was afraid you'd have to get carted off to the hospital, too. Sheepy: Sherlock: No... I'm fine... my head just hurts... Arsé-kun: Mycroft: You hit the ground pretty hard... Sheepy: Sherlock: I still feel it. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: *he looks frustrated* Arsé-kun: Minato: ... *he looks at Yu* The only special one here is yu. It doesn't make sense. Sheepy: Yu: I'm very special. Arsé-kun: Minato: But are you more special than my right eye? Sheepy: Sherlock: *heck you mycroft hug me* Sheepy: Yu: No. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: *oh ok* Sheepy: Sherlock: I'm sorry for worrying you. Sheepy: Yu: Your right eye is the source of all power. Arsé-kun: Minato: Damn straight. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: I apologize for not having done enough. Sheepy: Sherlock: There's nothing you could have done. Arsé-kun: Minato: *he shoves another spoonful of ice cream into his mouth, then slides his cell phone across the table towards the Holmes* Sheepy: Sherlock:...? Sheepy: Sherlock: I don't remember his number. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Oh, I was going to use it to call the office. My phone got... .... nd it's very late now. Sheepy: Sherlock: Okay. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: ... I'll put it on speaker, so we can both talk. *he dials the office* Sheepy: Sheepy: *deep, creepy voice* Who did you want me to... target? Arsé-kun: Mycroft: That's not funny. Sheepy: Sheepy: Sorry, I thought it was a phone call from someone I cared about. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Hand the phone off to someone more mature than yourself! We got jumped in public. Sheepy: *Arsene receives the phone* Arsé-kun: Arséne: Are you three all right?? Sheepy: Sherlock: ...No. Sheepy: Sherlock: Watson was kidnapped... Arsé-kun: Arséne: WHAT?! Sheepy: Sherlock: He said something about... uh... making Watson as useful as the masked man acts like he is... Arsé-kun: Mycroft: The worst part is that Watson just... Went with him. Sheepy: Sherlock: Yeah... Arsé-kun: Minako: *she lowers her voice* Vampire? Incubus? Arsé-kun: Arséne: *he swears quite a bit in french* Where are you both now? Arsé-kun: Mycroft: You know the little corner sweets shop, by Mulberry Court? That's where we are. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: The shop looks closed, but we're inside. We'll come out- Arsé-kun: Arséne: Non. Laisse tomber. Just forget it. If you got jumped in public, it's not safe. Arsé-kun: *Tatsuya wants to say something. Mink is thinking hard. Minato's eating again* Arsé-kun: Tatsuya: ... I could, uh. I could bring you back on my bike...? Sheepy: Sherlock: *he looks to Mycroft* Sheepy: Sherlock: Should we accept the kid's offer? Or...? Sheepy: Sherlock: Personally, cars and motorcycles make me feel uh... sick... Sheepy: Sherlock: I'll do whatever you do. Sheepy: Sheepy: So, like, purely out of curiosity, Arsene? Sheepy: Sheepy: How are we going to break the news to Iris? Sheepy: Sheepy: She's in her room right now. Arsé-kun: Arséne: ... Not in the worst way possible, aka just yelling it up to her. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: I say we should. It'd be faster, and safer than walking. sheep: Sheepy: I won't. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Me, neither. sheep: Sherlock: Okay, then I will. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Either way, I suppose we should get going. sheep: Sherlock: Thank you for your help. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: It bears repeating- So thank you verrrry much for your help! sheep: Sheepy: It's genetic. sheep: Sheepy: Now Harley has to say it or I'll doubt he's really related to them. Arsé-kun: *Arséne laughs, says goodbye, and hangs up* Sheepy: *so they go home* Arsé-kun: Finis: *he decided to wait outside for them.* Sheepy: *they arrive!* Sheepy: Sherlock: Hullo, Finis. Arsé-kun: Finis: Welcome back, uncle. You too, father. Sheepy: Sherlock: Sorry for being late - ... huh? Arsé-kun: Finis: Is something wrong? Sheepy: Sherlock: No, no, I was just a little surprised, that's all. Arsé-kun: Finis: *he nods, and holds the door open for them* Sheepy: *Sherlock enters* Arsé-kun: *Sherlock is nearly tackled by Arséne. Mycroft enters without incident* Sheepy: *you sure about that? mycroft receives a hug at 99 million miles per hour from cardia. you're dead mycroft* Arsé-kun: Mycroft: *HRK* Sheepy: Cardia: I was worried! You disappeared for hours! Fran kept asking me if you were back, too. He had something to tell you. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: I'm sorry, I'm sorry, please remember my spine! Sheepy: Cardia: Oh! I forgot. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Thank you! Sheepy: Cardia: By the way, where's the third guy? Arsé-kun: Finis: Did you not hear? He got taken away.. Sheepy: Cardia: Huh? Arsé-kun: Finis: Did you not hear me? Sheepy: Cardia: I heard you. Sheepy: Cardia: I'm just wondering why they'd take Watson away. Arsé-kun: Impey: Why don't we go get him back, then? Sheepy: Sheepy: Sounds good. Arsé-kun: Arséne: ... ... I don't know. Sheepy: Sheepy: ? Arsé-kun: Arséne: I'd love to, don't get me wrong, but it may be expected. Sheepy: Sheepy: Hmm... Arsé-kun: Arséne: I hate to ask this of you two, but... ... mais.... Could you both clarify what exactly happened? Sheepy: Sherlock: We were heading home and Watson suddenly stopped reacting. Sheepy: Sherlock: That man who shot Harley, uh... he was there. I don't know what happened... he smacked me pretty hard on the head. I think he left with Watson afterwards. Sheepy: Sherlock: He claimed that Watson would be of use to him. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: *he nods two or three times. relax* Accurate. The only detail I can add are that Watson seemed drugged, but we'd have noticed if he was beforehand.. Sheepy: Sherlock: And that... despite us being in a public area, no one seemed to notice him assaulting me. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Nobody seemed to notice it at all. ... Then again, the only part that probably would have caught anyone's attention was the assault. Sheepy: Sherlock: Yeah. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: ..... Even then, though. It felt like it was so long before someone even noticed me trying move you. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Even then, I can't help but wonder if it was social apathy or something else. Sheepy: Sherlock: Weird... Sheepy: Sheepy: Well, he is Azathoth, isn't he? Arsé-kun: Finis: I was going to make a comment about societal apathy... Sheepy: Sheepy: He's called the blind god for a reason. It's meant to be a jab at him to call him oblivious, but it seems like everyone was blind to your presence. Arsé-kun: Impey: That's possible?? Sheepy: Sheepy: Well, Watson worked on Phil's neck without anesthesia and Phil was just fine moments later. Sheepy: Sheepy: Phil is Nyar's brother and Nyar is Azathoth's son. Sheepy: Sheepy: If both of them are capable of almost instantly healing from wounds, what do you think their father is capable of? Arsé-kun: Germain: Feats the human mind may not be able to comprehend. Sheepy: Sheepy: Exactly. Arsé-kun: Germain: *he seems to be thinking* Arsé-kun: Germain: .... I don't know if we'll be able to rescue him at all, friends. Sheepy: Iris: I won't accept that! Don't give up - we haven't even tried yet! Sheepy: Iris: We succeeded all the other times, so why... why's this time any different?! Arsé-kun: Germain: If he is willing to use his powers in broad daylight to do what he wants, who's to say we'll be able to counter them? Sheepy: Iris: I don't care! I'll go rescue him myself if you guys won't! Arsé-kun: Germain: It's too dangerous. You could die. Sheepy: Iris: What's the point in living if you're all alone? I don't want to lose him... he's all I have... I'm not going to watch as I lose someone important to me again! Sheepy: Iris: I'm not helpless anymore! Arsé-kun: Germain: ... .... *he nods and smiles, raising his hands to clap* So brave, dear Iris! I cannot help but want to assist you in any way I can. Sheepy: Iris:...? Huh? Arsé-kun: Germain: I do not want you doing this alone- Therefore, I have decided to help you. Sheepy: Iris: Thank you! Arsé-kun: Germain: Now, would anyone else care to join us, or will it be only us? Sheepy: Sheepy: I'll help if Arséne lets me. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Go on ahead. Sheepy: Sheepy: Nice! Sheepy: Sherlock: I'll help. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: If you are joining, I shall as well. Sheepy: Sherlock: Thanks. Sheepy: Cardia: Is it safe for me? Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Not exactly, but I'm not going to stop you from joining. Sheepy: Fran: Um... Mycroft, I know this is off topic, but, uh... Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Oh? Right, didn't you have something to say to me? Sheepy: Fran: They probably have the keystone so you might not want to let her go with you... but that wasn't what I wanted to say. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: .... That is a very good point. But, go on. Sheepy: Fran: I don't want to seem like a busy body who's criticising your parenting or anything - this is more just a concern Sheepy: Fran: Make sure to have her go outside often. That, and make sure she's in a well ventilated area when she's inside. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Ah, the poison. Far ahead of you. Sheepy: Fran: Um, with how the Horologium is structured... basically, it's putting out toxins in the air constantly. Sheepy: Fran: Small amounts, of course, but it can build up and, well, the poison just so happens to be deadlier as a gas than anything else Sheepy: Fran: If you start feeling like you're having trouble breathing or you get a cough, that's what's causing it most likely. Sheepy: Fran: Not to scare you. Sheepy: Fran: The keystone amplifies that. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: ... So what about burns from the toxins? Sheepy: Fran: Um, those are because it's in a liquid form. In theory, it won't kill, but... Arsé-kun: Mycroft: I'd probably be dead by now if it did. Sheepy: Fran: It can melt through everything. The burns are caused by it melting your flesh, basically. Sheepy: Fran: Which is painful, but, again, not as deadly as breathing it in Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Boy howdy, am I glad to know I won't die. Sheepy: Fran: Um, I also found a temporary fix to her poison. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Good, excellent! Sheepy: Fran: It's the substance that's protecting her body from the poison. Sheepy: Fran: If put on clothes or other objects, they won't melt. Arsé-kun: Impey: I put it on all the doorknobs n' stuff for that! Sheepy: Fran: I put it on a pillow case, covers, and a blanket... Sheepy: Fran:...That's all so far, actually. Arsé-kun: Impey: We should work on it Sheepy: Fran: Yeah... Arsé-kun: Impey: Speaking of working, though, I wanna help you guys, too! Sheepy: Fran: As do I. Arsé-kun: Finis: I, too, am joining. Sheepy: Sheepy: Is Van joining? Arsé-kun: Van: Absolutely. Sheepy: Sheepy: Great. Sheepy: Sheepy: Arséne? Arsé-kun: Arséne: What do you think? ... I think it's safe to say all in my sight currently would like to join, or eventually will. Sheepy: Sheepy: Is that a yes? Arsé-kun: Arséne: I feel like I'm being doubted. Sheepy: Sheepy: We need to know. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Of course I'll help. It'd be absurd for me to not do so. Sheepy: Sheepy: Good. Sheepy: *Sherlock has plopped down in a chair. He's got his violin! he's also sitting with his legs over the arm. that looks uncomfortable buddy* Arsé-kun: Wagahai: *sherlock's lap is my chair now. notice me* Sheepy: Sherlock: *he pets Wagahai* Arsé-kun: Wagahai: *yaaaaaaay, happy cat purr* Sheepy: Sherlock: *good cat* Sheepy: Sherlock: *I was going to play the violin but. cat.* Arsé-kun: Finis: *he decides to inspect the violin for himself, now that Sherlock isn't using it* Sheepy: Sheepy: We're saved from his bad mood music. Sheepy: Sheepy: Thank goodness! Arsé-kun: Finis: ... May I try? Sheepy: Sherlock: Go ahead. Sheepy: Sheepy: Oh... oh no.... Arsé-kun: Finis: Thank you. *he takes the violin gently and sets it up to play* What? I have wanted to try for quite a while, since I read about them. Sheepy: Sheepy: It's easy to make violins sound awful. Sheepy: Sheepy: Sherlock intentionally plays badly when he's in a bad mood to annoy everyone. Sheepy: Sheepy: You can tell whether or not it's worth talking to him from the quality. Arsé-kun: Finis: The poor violin. I'm amazed it's condition is this good when treated so poorly. *he picks up the bow, and starts up Concerto No. 5 in A Major. By Mozart. He has never touched a violin. how.* Sheepy: Sheepy: Uh. Arsé-kun: Germain: Ah, Mozart. Sheepy: Sherlock: *he continues to pet Wagahai. he seems to be in his own little world. just him and wag.* Arsé-kun: *Sherlock has had a stressful day. Let him relax, with the violin being played properly in the background* Sheepy: Sheepy: You prodigy types are the reason why I have self-confidence issues. Arsé-kun: Finis: *he pauses* Not at all. The only reason I know the song is because I played it on the piano- Which, while it's not the right instrument, it's... ... *he's finally caught on to what Sheepy meant* I'm so sorry. Sheepy: Sheepy: Iris already is on her way to getting a medical degree and is a genius inventor, you're playing Mozart despite it being your first time playing the violin, Cardia has superhuman strength, and I... Sheepy: Sheepy:............ Arsé-kun: Arséne: Adapt to new situations with ease, faster than I'd ever seen anyone else. Sheepy: Sheepy: Huh? Arsé-kun: Arséne: You're already as successful more successful a thief than I was at your age, as well as a much better detective. Sheepy: Sheepy: Yeah but you're helping. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Oh, shush. Sheepy: Sheepy: Not that helping is bad, but you didn't get that push when you were my age. Sheepy: Sheepy: At least I doubt it. Sheepy: *anyway the next day. do they try to save watson today?* Arsé-kun: *Absolutely!* Sheepy: *time to go to the department store!* Arsé-kun: *And Impey forgoes stealth in favor of kicking the door in. We're the rescue squad, hoooooooo!* Sheepy: Sheepy: Where are all of the grunts? Arsé-kun: Impey: There were way more..! There's, like, nobody! Sheepy: Sheepy: Hmm... are we sure Watson is here? Arsé-kun: Impey: We'd better look! Sheepy: Sheepy: Alright! Arsé-kun: *time to look around!* Sheepy: Sheepy: Hmm... find anything yet? I haven't. Arsé-kun: Impey: Nope! I don't see nor hear nor smell or anything anyone! Sheepy: Sheepy: Darn. Arsé-kun: Impey: Anyone else? Sheepy: Fran: No. Arsé-kun: Germain: Nothing here!~ Arsé-kun: Germain: Van Helsing, what about you? Arsé-kun: *there's a few beats of silence. vaaaaan..* Sheepy: Iris: Abby? Arsé-kun: Impey: He's still here, right? Didn't wander off or anything? Sheepy: Iris: *she looks around for him* Sheepy: Sheepy: Maybe he's a ghost. Arsé-kun: Germain: *he exits a room, coming out right behind Sheepy* That would be scary. Sheepy: Sheepy: *he twists around and slugs Germain before realizing that it's him* Arsé-kun: Germain: *he takes the hit gracefully and doesn't budge* I'm sorry, did I scare you? Sheepy: Sheepy: Yes! Arsé-kun: Germain: So sorry. Sheepy: Sheepy: I didn't mean to punch you, sorry. Arsé-kun: *Van is eventually found in the corner of what appears to be an examination room of sorts. He's curled into a little, shaking ball- Quite the opposite of his usual behavior.* Sheepy: Iris: Abby! Sheepy: Iris: *she goes over to comfort him* Arsé-kun: Van: *he jerks away from her touch, mumbling a 'no' or seven. He's panicking pretty badly* Sheepy: Iris: Don't worry... everything's okay... you're safe. Sheepy: Iris: No one is going to hurt you again. Arsé-kun: Van: .... .... ? *he turns his head a tiny bit* Sheepy: Iris: It's just me. Arsé-kun: Van: ... ... I... I'm s-sorry... Sheepy: Iris: You're my friend. Friends take care of friends, right? Sheepy: Iris: It's no problem. Arsé-kun: Van: ... *he nods, leaning ever so slightly towards her* Sheepy: Iris: You can stay here as long as you feel you need to. I'll stay with you. Arsé-kun: Van: St-stay..? Here...? Sheepy: Iris: Did you want to leave? That's fine too. Arsé-kun: Van: *he nods* Sheepy: Iris: *she puts out her hand in case Van wanted to take it* Arsé-kun: Van: *he does take it* Sheepy: *Iris leads him out of the room!* Arsé-kun: *Van stays close to her. This is his safety Iris. She is safe.* Sheepy: Iris: *she isn't bothered by this. actually van = safety to her so she's happy to have him close* Arsé-kun: Germain: ...? Sheepy: Iris: *she isn't sure if she should talk about it* Arsé-kun: Germain: ... .... Ah. Shall we leave, presuming no one has found anything? Sheepy: Iris: Yeah. It's for the best. Arsé-kun: Germain: *he whistles* We're leaving, all! Sheepy: Sherlock: We'll need to find another place to look. He isn't here. Arsé-kun: Impey: Nobody is. It's so weird.. Sheepy: Sheepy: I've got a theory. Sheepy: Sheepy: They moved buildings. Sheepy: Sheepy: We already know where this is so... Arsé-kun: Impey: Probably! I don't think was their only one! Sheepy: Sheepy: That too. Arsé-kun: Impey: ...? Diiid something happen? Sheepy: Iris: *she looks unsure if she should talk about it* Arsé-kun: Germain: Judging from what I see, perhaps, but it may not be our business. Sheepy: Sheepy: Ew you're touching her grubby science hands. Sheepy: Iris: Sheepy! Sheepy: Sheepy: When we were little she wanted to hold my hand all the time and back then they were grubby from dirt instead of science. Arsé-kun: Van: .... One more peep out of you, and my shotgun will be so far up your ass that you'll be shooting bullets from your eye socket, and you'll taste nothing but gunpowder for the rest of your short-lived life. Arsé-kun: *he is not happy, to say the least* Sheepy: Sheepy: *he slowly hides behind Germain* Arsé-kun: Germain: *he shakes his head* Such obscenities. In front of children, no less. Sheepy: Sheepy: Yeah I'm a children. You're threatening a kid. Cruel... Arsé-kun: Van: ... *he looks at the floor* Sheepy: Sheepy: I wasn't aware it'd be insulting to you. Iris and I insult each other all the time without really meaning it. Arsé-kun: Impey: ........ Yeah, now's the time to go, get outta here! Sheepy: *so they leave!* Sheepy: Sheepy: Where to now? Sheepy: Iris: Where would they take him? Sheepy: *Suddenly, Sanchan gets a phone call!* Arsé-kun: Germain: *this isn't weird at all.* Hello, Nyar. What do you want now? Sheepy: Nyar: Saint-Germain, I... ... Ugh... ... H...hey, you like clothes shopping, right? There's a great place nearby, actually...*cough* it's...er, "Paulline's dresses"...right by that one seafood place, "Jumbo Shrimp"... ... actually I'm - *bang, bang* Auuugh! Arsé-kun: Germain: Oh, thank you. I'll call you back when you've stopped being dead. Sheepy: *Nyar's end goes mostly silent other than pained panting* Arsé-kun: Germain: .... *he covers the phone* I'm not sure what he was going to tell me, but he got caught. Sheepy: Sheepy: Seems like the places were a hint though. Arsé-kun: Germain: I'll definitely investigate myself later. Sheepy: Sheepy: Is he okay? Arsé-kun: Germain: He's dying, but he'll be fine. Sheepy: Sheepy: Oh. Arsé-kun: Van: ... *he occasionally looks up from the ground to look at Fran* Sheepy: Fran: Um, are you okay? Arsé-kun: Van: ... Can I talk to you? Sheepy: Fran: Sure. Arsé-kun: Van: ... ... *he lowers his voice* No, I'm really not. Sheepy: Fran: What's going on? Arsé-kun: Van: ... I don't know. Arsé-kun: Van: I was fine until I walked in.. Sheepy: Fran: Maybe your memories were stronger in there? Arsé-kun: Van: N-no.. I just remembered what they did to me, and... Sheepy: Fran: It's the room they tested on you in, right? I just mean, you have more vivid memories when you're at the source. Arsé-kun: Van: ... Oh. Yeah, I guess. Sheepy: Fran: I'm not exactly sure how to help you. Sheepy: Fran: I know the source of your problem. Sheepy: Fran: I just... don't know a solution. Arsé-kun: Van: ... It's fine, it'll be fine. Sheepy: Iris: Abby, um... I can understand how you feel. Arsé-kun: Van: .. I'd rather not say there's any in public. Sheepy: Iris: I've been doing it all of these years and it only hurts more. Arsé-kun: Impey: Why're you guys lagging behind?? Sheepy: Iris: Sorry! Sheepy: Fran: Where are we headed? Arsé-kun: Van: It's fine, you nosy-- No idea. I'm following you guys. Sheepy: Fran: Impey? Arsé-kun: Impey: Uh! Sheepy: Fran:...Saint-Germain? Sheepy: Fran: Where are we going? Arsé-kun: Germain: ... *he's still on the phone* .. I think we should check near a few shops. This line is suspiciously dead. Sheepy: Sheepy: Like the ones he listed. Sheepy: Sheepy: You think Nyar is in any real danger? Sheepy: Sheepy: If so, do we stand a chance? Arsé-kun: Germain: I'd hope not. What's going to hurt him, a flashlight? Sheepy: Sheepy: Azathoth? Sheepy: Sheepy: He's really powerful right? Arsé-kun: Germain: Only when he actively bothers to be. Sheepy: Sheepy: Oh. Sheepy: Sheepy: Hmmm... Arsé-kun: Germain: Either way, those shops are closer to your home than we are now. We may as well check on the way. Sheepy: Sheepy: Yeah! Sheepy: Sheepy:.... Sheepy: Sheepy: So wait. Sheepy: Sheepy: They chose a place near home...? Sheepy: Sheepy: Hmm... Sheepy: Sherlock: *he begins to powerwalk back. impatient.* Sheepy: Nyar:.......cooking appliances...*cough*... Sheepy: Nyar: go to..... Sheepy: Nyar:................. Sheepy: Nyar: grah'n bug r'luh-agi gnaiih ilyaa c-ooboshu Arsé-kun: Germain: ... *he smirks a little* All right, how about I call you later? It's clear someone's with you. sheep: Nyar: ........... sheep: Sheepy: Uh. Arsé-kun: Germain: ... ... Are you still there? Sheepy: Nyar: *groan* Arsé-kun: Germain: Okay, you are.. sheep: Nyar: J-just end it... I'm no toy... Arsé-kun: Germain: *he takes the phone off speaker, and then covers the receiver* I'm going to keep listening in. Go on ahead of me. sheep: Sheepy: Okay. Arsé-kun: Germain: Go explore the shops. I'll catch up. sheep: Sheepy: Sounds good to me! Arsé-kun: Germain: *he leans against a building and begins listening again* sheep: Nyar: I'm already in enough pain... Arsé-kun: Azathoth: Oh, I'm sorry, son. I should have started with the numbing. sheep: Nyar: Wh-why're you doing this? Arsé-kun: Azathoth: Why are you helping them? sheep: Nyar: ......Because they helped Phil. sheep: Nyar: I'd be backing you up if you'd helped him. Arsé-kun: Azathoth: Do you mean to say I didn't?? *he sounds annoyed* I had all that research done for you. I had searches done for the necessary things. sheep: Nyar: I was under the assumption you did all that for your own reasons. sheep: Nyar: It has become a necessity in creating the perfect soldier, hasn't it? Arsé-kun: Azathoth: I was curious about it, yes, but it was not my focal point of my research until you presented it. sheep: Nyar: So it wasn't for him, but rather for yourself. sheep: Nyar: That's exactly what I'm talking about! Arsé-kun: Azathoth: Is it? .. Oh, and be a dear- Hold this for me. I will numb the pain for you. I should have done that first. Arsé-kun: Azathoth: *he hands Nyar a mask- more specifically, a gas mask. It's attached to something, and it is on. Azathoth proceeds to slam it against his face* bug shagg ng-fhtagn gof'n sheep: *Nyar is knocked out by it* Arsé-kun: Azathoth: *he does the smart thing, and hangs up the phone before doing anything else* Arsé-kun: Germain: .... Hm. Arsé-kun: *and so, Germain runs off to catch up* sheep: Sheepy: There you are. Arsé-kun: Germain: Have I missed anything? Sheepy: Sheepy: No. Arsé-kun: Germain: Ah. Sheepy: Sheepy: We still haven't found Watson. Arsé-kun: Germain: Well, good news and bad news. The good news is, Azathoth is where Nyar is. Sheepy: Sheepy: What's the bad news? Arsé-kun: Germain: Azathoth attacked him and knocked him out before hanging the phone up. Sheepy: Sheepy: Oh boy. So we don't have any support from within anymore . Arsé-kun: Germain: m-hm. Azathoth knows he was helping us. Sheepy: Sheepy: Oh shoot. Arsé-kun: Germain: He mentioned the "secret place" earlier, though.. It may be hidden under a store. Sheepy: Sheepy: Hmmm... Sheepy: Sherlock: Watson is top priority. We have to go for him. Arsé-kun: Germain: I'm more afraid of what he wants with Watson. Potential could mean a lot of things. Sheepy: Sherlock: Exactly. Sheepy: Sherlock: If Azathoth was going to test on Nyar or something, he already would have. We have to make rescuing Watson top priority because he most likely will be tested on Arsé-kun: Minako: Sheeeepy!! And Mr. Holmes, too, hello! Sheepy: Sherlock: Oh, hullo! Sheepy: Sheepy: Minako! Arsé-kun: Minako: Hi, hi! :D Did you guys ever figure out what happened yesterday? Sheepy: Sheepy: Kinda? We're actually going to go help Watson right now. Arsé-kun: Minako: Oh? You found out where he is? Sheepy: Sheepy: We have an idea but that's it. Arsé-kun: Minako: And what's that? Around here? Sheepy: Sheepy: Uhuh. Arsé-kun: Minako: Uhhh.. *she stops and thinks* I know Paulline's has a basement, Jumbo's got a locked backroom... Maybe it's one of those? Sheepy: Sheepy: I think it's the former. Arsé-kun: Minako: Good luck getting in there! Me n' the team have never gotten in there! Sheepy: Sheepy: He mentioned cooking appliances. Sheepy: Sheepy: Clothing stores usually sell cooking appliances. Arsé-kun: Minako: Then wouldn't the latter make more sense...? Wait, Mister Watson did? Or someone el-- *she stops* Sheepy: Sherlock: It's neither. Sheepy: Sherlock: He mentioned that it was a nearby location. Arsé-kun: Minako: I dunno, Jumbo's got a kitchen with appliances! Sheepy: Sherlock: Meaning, it's not either. Sheepy: Sheepy: We can check there. Arsé-kun: Minako: Good idea! Just, just do it later. Boss doesn't like anyone snooping around, so.. I hope you know how to pick a lock? Sheepy: Sheepy: Sherlock does. I don't. Arsé-kun: Minako: Well, okay! Sheepy: Sherlock: I can't wait until the boss leaves. Arsé-kun: Minako: Well... You might be able to get away with it! You're Mr. Holmes! Sheepy: Sherlock: And it's a difference between life snd deatj. Arsé-kun: Minako: It's that important?? Then there's no way he can kick you out! Sheepy: Sherlock: *he nods* Arsé-kun: Minako: If it's as bad as it sounds, you'd better get going! Arsé-kun: *as they start heading over, Impey exits* Sheepy: Fran: Huh? Sheepy: Fran: Impey? Arsé-kun: Impey: Oh, hey! Were you guys coming in? Sheepy: Fran: Yeah. Um, did you notice something? Arsé-kun: Impey: Not a thing! Y'know, the backdoor isn't locked when it's open! Sheepy: Fran: Oh, let's go there then. Arsé-kun: Impey: No need, already checked it out! Sheepy: Fran: Good job! Arsé-kun: Impey: Thank you! Checked back to front, no signs of him at all. Nobody even saw me, I was so quick! Sheepy: Fran: Thank you for doing that! Sheepy: Fran: Where to now then? Arsé-kun: Germain: I'd suggest we move onto the dress store, but it's beginning to get late.. Sheepy: Sherlock: ...But... Sheepy: Sheepy: They can jump us better at night. Arsé-kun: Impey: Righto. Sheepy: Sherlock:...Fine. Arsé-kun: Germain: It's unfortunate, yes, but it cannot be helped. Sheepy: Sherlock: I understand. Arsé-kun: Impey: We can send out the night brigade! Sheepy: Sherlock: But it's dangerous at night. Arsé-kun: Impey: Well, yeah, but they'd be the most accustomed, right? Sheepy: Sheepy: My chances of survival are near zero if I get caught by them. Arsé-kun: Impey: Fair enough..! Sheepy: Sheepy: Let's go home. Arsé-kun: Germain: m-hm. Arsé-kun: *DUDUDUDUUD HOME* Sheepy: Iris: Oh! You're back! Arsé-kun: Impey: We'reee back! Sheepy: Tom: tick tock Sheepy: Tom: 3 hours remain Arsé-kun: Arséne: You'd better be talking about the races. Sheepy: Tom: one curious little sheep went out at night, the butcher found him Arsé-kun: Germain: Delightful. Sheepy: Tom: 13 little sheep remain Sheepy: Tom: tick tock Sheepy: Tom: a sad little sheep goes out to find his friend, the butcher finds him Arsé-kun: Arséne: Tom, please stop. Sheepy: Tom: 12 little sheep remain Sheepy: Tom: 3 hours remain Sheepy: Sheepy: Thanks Tom. Arsé-kun: Arséne: *he folds his hands over his head* Why have you been like this all day? Sheepy: Tom: a bird picks off a brave little lamb Arsé-kun: Arséne: Mouton, take your toy. Please. Sheepy: Sheepy: *he takes Tom* Sheepy: Tom: dont go to the races little fox the bird will find you Sheepy: Sheepy: You think it's because of yesterday? Arsé-kun: Arséne: I don't know. I thought he recovered just fine.. Sheepy: Sheepy: Then maybe he's messing with you. Arsé-kun: Arséne: I'll throw him in the washer if he is! Sheepy: Tom: a brave thief executes tom Sheepy: Tom:... Arsé-kun: Arséne: I didn't say it'd be on. Sheepy: Tom: Tick tock. Your clock's running out. Sheepy: Tom: woah Arsé-kun: Arséne: *he groans and slides his hands down to over his face* Enough, Tomas! Sheepy: Tom: *his clear speech turns to incoherent chattering. he hasn't done that for a while but at least it isn't ominous?* Arsé-kun: Germain: *he suddenly seems curious about what Tom's saying* Sheepy: Tom: *mumbling* a bullet strikes, a coat dyed red with the crimson blood of an unfilfilled life, Sheepy: Tom: Your clock's running out. Tick tock. Sheepy: Sheepy: Thanks Tom. Arsé-kun: Arséne: *he looks. Somewhat distressed* Sheepy: Tom: a lost life, a lost friend, a lost family, make your choices well, thief, and keep your eyes sharp Sheepy: Tom: You won't like the results if you're careless. Sheepy: Tom: woah Arsé-kun: Arséne: *he makes this NOISE. this extremely distressed whine, that sheepy's only heard when he decided to watch the exorcist for movie night, among others* Sheepy: Tom:... Sheepy: Tom: vote on tornado Sheepy: Tom: you lost your keys in the refrigerator Arsé-kun: Arséne: Is that where I put them?! *he goes and looks. bye. he's leaving the room* Sheepy: Tom: you lost your life to the gun that used to bring you comfort Sheepy: Tom: bang bang Sheepy: Iris: *she is scared. who is tom talking to now* Sheepy: Sheepy: *he is patting Tom* Arsé-kun: Germain: Tom, tell me something. Is what you see a guarantee, or a possibility? Sheepy: Tom: are you always guaranteed to take the expected action? Arsé-kun: Germain: I see. That would be a no. Sheepy: Tom: you'll find yourself in a bad situation if you don't take caution Sheepy: Tom: sometimes the best action is no action at all Arsé-kun: Germain: m-hm... But tell me, did you need to word it all like that? Sheepy: Tom: ........ Sheepy: Tom: i play the role I've been given, I read the lines of the script as dictated Sheepy: Tom: my life was spent as a prop in a play Sheepy: Tom: a meaningless decoration in life Sheepy: Tom: only to be taken down when my time came Sheepy: Tom: only in my death am I an actor, and not many people get the opportunity to be recast Sheepy: Tom: and so I read the lines exactly as they are Arsé-kun: Germain: I see. No subtlety.. I may try that one day. Sheepy: Tom: woah Arsé-kun: Germain: Whoa, indeed. Sheepy: Sheepy: Tom, you've got rabbit fur on you. Take better care of your fleece. Sheepy: Tom: you arent the boss of me Arsé-kun: Impey: Speaking of rabbits! Where are all the animals? Sheepy: Sheepy: Ask Arsene when he reurns from hiding in the fridge. Arsé-kun: Arséne: *he returns, nonchalant* Cardia and Finis have them, last I checked. Sheepy: Sheepy: Oh thank goodness I thought the fridge ate you. Sheepy: Sheepy: It's rebelling. Arsé-kun: Arséne: We can feed Impey to it. It's not like he's doing anything. Arsé-kun: Impey: Hey! Sheepy: Sheepy: Impey would be a good sacrifice. Sheepy: Sheepy: But then we'll die from starvation. Arsé-kun: Impey: And I'm too good looking to die! Sheepy: Sheepy: Which would kinda stink. Arsé-kun: Germain: It sure would. Corpses tend to smell bad. Sheepy: Sheepy: That too. Sheepy: Sheepy: but no one will cook if we don't have Impey. Arsé-kun: Arséne: You imply no one did before him. Sheepy: Sherlock: Breakfast is not a necessary meal in present times. It was only necessary in the past because people would need the energy for physical labor. Lunch is not a necessary meal either because dinner comes six hours later. We'd only need to worry about dinner. Sheepy: Sherlock: Dinner is only required once every few days. Arsé-kun: Impey: Aw, now I'm hungry again! Sheepy: Sherlock: I ate food today Sheepy: Sheepy: I'm hungry too but I'm also tired. Sheepy: Sherlock: By the way, have those kids eaten? Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Yes. Sheepy: Sherlock: Okay, good. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Also, Sisi has been given a "makeover" *airquotes and all* And I'm not cleaning it up. Sheepy: Sherlock: What? Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Whoever left a dirty tee lying around- It's Sisi's now. Sheepy: Sherlock: Um. Sheepy: Sherlock: *he finally looks over at Mycroft. Sherlock that position you're in already looked uncomfortable. Please.* Dirty tee? Sheepy: Sherlock: Like, t-shirt? Sheepy: Sherlock: I don't have any t-shirts. Sheepy: Sherlock: Harley does so maybe Wilson got into his drawer? Arsé-kun: Mycroft: I hope not. Sheepy: Sherlock: It wouldn't be a surprise. Sheepy: Sherlock:....Um... Arsé-kun: Mycroft: ... Hm? Sheepy: Sherlock: What if he doesn't wake up? What's going to happen to Wilson? Arsé-kun: Arséne: We take care of him, of course. Sheepy: Sherlock: Wilson's a daddy's dog. He's incredibly attached to just Harley. Sheepy: Sherlock: Wilson will be okay, right? Arsé-kun: Arséne: Dogs, like people, can readjust. Sheepy: Sherlock: Can people have nightmares when they're in a coma? Arsé-kun: Arséne: I... I don't know. Sheepy: Sherlock: What if he's having nightmares? Arsé-kun: Arséne: I'm a thief and a detective, not a doctor. Sheepy: Sherlock: Oh. Arsé-kun: Impey: *he's back, and grinning* I hope you guys don't mind not having pillows for the night! Sheepy: Sherlock: People use pillows? Arsé-kun: Impey: Yes? Arsé-kun: Mycroft: I should have mentioned the kids snagged them all in an effort to create the ultimate castle. Sheepy: Sherlock: Oh. Okay. Sheepy: Iris: Everyone's? Arsé-kun: Mycroft: I think so. Sheepy: Iris: I didn't want people going into my room... Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Considering I heard the phrase "You can't go into a girl's room without getting cooties", I think you're safe. Sheepy: Iris: Good! Sheepy: Iris: Because my room is off limits. Arsé-kun: Germain: The matter aside, now may be the time to turn in for the night. Sheepy: Sherlock: I was trying to. Arsé-kun: Germain: Then go. No one is holding you here. Sheepy: Sherlock: No, in this chair. Sheepy: Sheepy: Don't sleep in the chair. Why do you even have a bed if you're always going to sleep in the chair? I want a bed. Arsé-kun: Arséne: *he attempts to pull Sherlock out of the chair* That is not a bed, Sherlock. Use yours. Sheepy: Sherlock: No. Sheepy: Sherlock: It's comfortable. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Banned. Sheepy: Sherlock: I like it here. Arsé-kun: Arséne: We're going upstairs. Sheepy: Sherlock: ? Sheepy: Sherlock: We are? Arsé-kun: Arséne: Bonne nuit! *and he decides to drag Sherlock upstairs. bye* Sheepy: Sheepy: I want a bed. Arsé-kun: Impey: Quick, use Sherlock's, it's empty! Sheepy: Sheepy: It has no pillows. Arsé-kun: Impey: Uhhh. Uhhh! *he runs off, and returns with a pillow* Here! Sheepy: Sheepy: Okay. I'm stealing Sherlock's then. Let's go, Tom. Sheepy: Tom: two hours remain Sheepy: Tom: tick tock Arsé-kun: Germain: Well, good night, all. *he yawns and leaves. bye* Sheepy: Iris: *she doesn't seem like she's going upstairs.* Arsé-kun: Impey: ...? Sheepy: Iris: I'm going to stay down here for a while in case Daddy comes back. Arsé-kun: Impey: Oh. Well, okay! ... I was going to go out for a bit, but I'd better not. Sheepy: Iris: I don't want you to go out. Arsé-kun: Impey: I'm not! I'll wait until morning. Sheepy: Iris: Okay. Arsé-kun: Impey: *he bends down to be on eye level with Iris* As for you! If he's not back by two, go to bed, or at least try? Sheepy: Iris: I'm scared because he isn't here. Arsé-kun: Impey: But we all are! Sheepy: Iris: Without him here the fork man will come and hurt me. Arsé-kun: Germain: *he looks back in* The.. what? Sheepy: Iris: The fork man. He killed Mom. Arsé-kun: Germain: ... .... I suddenly feel like I know who you are talking about. If I am right, would you like me to slit his throat? Sheepy: Iris: Wh..what? Arsé-kun: Germain: :) ? Sheepy: Iris: You know who he is??? Arsé-kun: Germain: If. I may not. I do know a man who wields a trident, but he is not of a mean temperament.. So perhaps not. Sheepy: Iris: He uh... he moved really slowly until he attacked. And I remember rattling chains. Arsé-kun: Germain: ... Oh, god damn it, Hansel. Someone apparently did not like your mother. Sheepy: Iris: Rather than leaving after killing her, he just stared at me for a while before leaving. Sheepy: Iris: Is he going to come after me? Arsé-kun: Germain: He is... Not very vocal, but I highly doubt it. No reason. Why would anyone want to harm a child? Sheepy: Iris: Why would he hurt Mom? Arsé-kun: Germain: Like I said-- Apparently, someone did not like her. Sheepy: Iris: You mean him? Arsé-kun: *Impey, meanwhile, has exited stage Upstairs. He did not like this conversation* Arsé-kun: Germain: No, not him. ... Don't tell the others I said this, except maybe your father. Hansel works for an organization with little say in the matter. *he makes eye contact with Iris. it's weird and unsettling* I'll apologize for his actions now, but perhaps you'll be able to find out why it happened. Sheepy: Iris: Huh...? Arsé-kun: Germain: Think Twilight, but much smaller. Sheepy: Iris: But... why haven't they been stopped? Arsé-kun: Germain: Because they aren't well known. They've only got a few members, all of which are assassins. Sheepy: Iris: But he joined knowing he'd have to kill people, didn't he? Arsé-kun: Germain: I doubt it. Sheepy: Iris: Why doesn't he leave? Arsé-kun: Germain: I doubt he can. A leader that can control multiple assassins is powerful, after all. Sheepy: Iris: Oh... Arsé-kun: Germain: ... *he yawns again. he doesn't bother opening his eyes again* Excuse me. Sheepy: Iris: You should sleep. Arsé-kun: Germain: I intend to. You should, too. Sheepy: Iris: I need to wait for him to return. Arsé-kun: Germain: ... If you say so. Arsé-kun: *Germain leaves the room* Arsé-kun: *What will Iris do?* Sheepy: *wait* Arsé-kun: *... Okay, now what?* Sheepy: *play with wag? be worried about van and watson* Arsé-kun: *Wag plays with her for a while, before going to sleep on the table.* Sheepy: *she is now alone again.* Arsé-kun: *She can't check on Watson, obviously, but she CAN check on Van!* Sheepy: *she checks on Van* Arsé-kun: Van: *he's... Lying on the floor, staring up at the ceiling. He sits up a bit when Iris looks in* Sheepy: Iris: Are you feeling okay? Arsé-kun: Van: Better than before, I guess. Sheepy: Iris: That's good. Arsé-kun: Van: ... Did you need something? Sheepy: Iris: I just wanted to check if you were okay. Arsé-kun: Van: ... Oh. Thanks.. Sheepy: Iris: I was worried about you, so... Arsé-kun: Van: .... I suppose I panicked. ... I'm not quite sure why. It's not like anyone else was in there with me. Sheepy: Iris: It's human nature. I get scared when I'm alone. Arsé-kun: Van: ... I suppose.. *he doesn't seem sure. he's still trying to find his glasses, too.* Sheepy: Iris: They're on your head. Arsé-kun: Van: Oh. *he puts them on* Sheepy: Iris: Sorry if I'm bothering you. I can't sleep. Arsé-kun: Van: You're not. I can't, either. Sheepy: Iris: I feel really scared and worried and I keep wishing that he'd just walk in through the door like nothing happened. Arsé-kun: Van: Of course you do. .. It's human nature. Sheepy: Iris: I don't feel safe without him here. I guess that's another reason why I came to see you. I feel safer with you around. Arsé-kun: Van: Is it really me, or is it my guns? Sheepy: Iris: It's you! Sheepy: Iris: I don't like it when he's not here. Sheepy: Iris: I was told that that man isn't going to hurt me but I can't believe that. Sheepy: Iris: Please protect me from him if he comes. Arsé-kun: Van: .... .... *he almost growls. almost* Yeah. I'll shoot the son of a bitch. Sheepy: Iris: Thank you...! Sheepy: Iris: He uh...he had chains, and he had a hood. His trident looked more like a fork but I was told it was a trident. Arsé-kun: Van: ... Don't recognize it, I think. .. I'll think about it in the morning. Sheepy: Iris: Okay. Arsé-kun: Van: ... Well, if we're staying up, I'm up now. Sheepy: Iris: So am I. Arsé-kun: Van: I'm going downstairs, then. Sheepy: Iris: I'll follow you! Arsé-kun: *so they go downstairs* Sheepy: Iris: Wagahai is sleeping so we can't play with him Arsé-kun: Van: ... *he sits on the sofa, and turns the tv on* Sheepy: *Iris joins him!* Arsé-kun: *they watch some tv. yahoo.* Sheepy: *exciting! it's kid cartoons!* Sheepy: Iris: *she seems to be happy just that she's with Van.* Arsé-kun: Van: *he leans back on the sofa. is there anything better on tv? ... nope!* sheep: *oh well!* sheep: *Iris seems to be enjoying it at least* Arsé-kun: Van: *he looks bored shitless. the show is going to put him to sleep before anything else. he's dying, squirtle* sheep: Iris: Is there anything you wanted to watch? I'm okay with anything. Arsé-kun: Van: It's too late for anything decent to be on.. sheep: Iris: Really? Arsé-kun: Van: Or anything appropriate. sheep: Iris: Oh. sheep: Iris: I've never watched tv at this time of night Sheepy: Iris: Although sometimes Sheepy is up and watches horror movies. Arsé-kun: Van: Not the time for those. Sheepy: Iris: They scare me. Sheepy: Iris: When I see them I always end up not sleeping. Arsé-kun: Van: *he grunts in the affirmative, sliding down the sofa a little* Sheepy: Iris: Are you tired? Arsé-kun: Van: Kind of.. Sheepy: Iris: It is late. Arsé-kun: Van: m-hm. *he loosely gestures back to the tv* Don't worry about me. Sheepy: Iris: Okay. If you say so. Arsé-kun: Van: *he takes his glasses off, and puts them onto his shirt collar* Sheepy: Iris: *she yawns* Arsé-kun: *the tv continues to be on. time passes* Arsé-kun: Van: ... .... ...... *he slowly slumps over, having finally fallen asleep* Sheepy: *Iris soon decides that he has the right idea and goes to sleep. good night sleep tight dont let the fork man break into your house and smash his fork over your head, killing you instantly* Arsé-kun: *THAT IS NOT HOW IT GOES* Sheepy: *SURE IT IS* Arsé-kun: *Either way, Arséne comes downstairs a few hours later. He sees Van and Iris, and wisely decides to leave them alone. He DOES, however, get blackmail material, before disappearing into the kitchen* Sheepy: *Arsene you jerk.* Arsé-kun: *Yes.* Arsé-kun: *Drinking tea, Arséne looks out the backdoor. How's the weather lookin'?* Sheepy: *Well, it's sunny with a chance of Nyar. Bloodied up and passed out.* Arsé-kun: Arséne: *he honestly considers just leaving Nyar there, but ultimately decides against it. He goes outside and carefully retrieves Nyar, before going inside and dropping him off with Germain* Sheepy: *Nyar doesn't comment. He's covered in bandages, stained with what one can assume is blood. It looks a little off though.* Arsé-kun: Germain: ... ... *he looks Nyar over, and moves him to the bed before starting to clean the blood off* Sheepy: *Germain you're going to be at that for a while because there's a lot of it.* Arsé-kun: *He doesn't mind. Let him help his friend* Sheepy: *Nyar slightly opens his eyes and clumsily reaches out towards Sanchan's face. Pat. pat. pat. Squint. Oh, that's not Azathoth.* Arsé-kun: Germain: Good morning. How do you feel? Sheepy: Nyar: with my hand Arsé-kun: Germain: All right, how do you feel, mentally? Sheepy: Nyar: my brain is a soggy noodle Arsé-kun: Germain: ... I see. Would you like to rest a while longer? Sheepy: Nyar: we're going on an adventure Sheepy: Nyar: you, me, the ten liters of blood I've lost Arsé-kun: Germain: You're still drugged, aren't you? Sheepy: Nyar: how much anesthesia can kill a man Arsé-kun: Germain: Depends. Why? Sheepy: Nyar: I think I'm dying Arsé-kun: Germain: Oh, probably. Sheepy: Nyar: are my legs still there? are they still there??? Arsé-kun: Germain: Yes, sir, still there. Sheepy: Nyar: oh, thank goodness. Arsé-kun: Germain: Nothing is missing, as far as I am aware. Sheepy: Nyar: well my blood is missing Arsé-kun: Germain: Well, yes, but.. I can't just give you a transfusion, can I? Sheepy: Nyar: *he tries to sit up. owowow.* Arsé-kun: Germain: Careful, now. Sheepy: Nyar: we're going on a trip- Sheepy: Nyar: -is the room spinning? stop spinning the room saint-germain Arsé-kun: Germain: Please lie back down, Nyarlathotep. You're still not fully healed, as well as sedated. Sheepy: Nyar: *he does as ordered* Arsé-kun: Germain: ... If you know, why were you in the backyard? Sheepy: Nyar: chainsaw Sheepy: Nyar: I'm gonna borrow the chainsaw Arsé-kun: Germain: Please don't. Why were you in the backyard? Sheepy: Nyar: to get the chainsaw Arsé-kun: Germain: What would you need that for? Sheepy: Nyar:.... Arsé-kun: Germain: ... That's what I thought. Sheepy: Nyar: saint-germainnnn....we gotta goooo... Arsé-kun: Germain: Not now, Nyar. After you've recovered. Sheepy: Nyar: it'll be too late then Arsé-kun: Germain: It won't. Please rest. Sheepy: Nyar: you'll regret it Arsé-kun: Germain: Yes, I will, but I'd like you to not harm yourself any further. Sheepy: Nyar: ... Arsé-kun: Germain: ... Yelling "But the Spanish Inquisition is coming!" is not a valid excuse. Sheepy: Nyar: you won't get to know my secret Sheepy: Nyar: and soon it'll be useless Arsé-kun: Germain: Then tell me now. Sheepy: Nyar: cooking Sheepy: Nyar:.... Sheepy: Nyar: cooking? Arsé-kun: Germain: ... So the restaurant, or the shop next to it? Sheepy: Nyar: second Arsé-kun: Germain: Underneath? Sheepy: Nyar: uhuh Arsé-kun: Germain: All right. I'm going to go pass that on, and also make some tea. Get some rest, please? Sheepy: Nyar: my worth is now gone do you can throw me in the garbage Arsé-kun: Germain: Absolutely not. *he closes the curtains* Go to sleep, Nyar, or I'll hop you up on nighttime pain medication. Sheepy: Nyar: *he gives Germain a groggy look before deciding to sleep* Arsé-kun: Germain: *he quietly leaves, and goes down to the kitchen.* Arsé-kun: Arséne: -- And either way, we need the information he has. We need to know where Watson is, right? Sheepy: Sherlock: We can't trust him. Arsé-kun: Germain: He says that Watson is hidden underneath the cooking shop, next to the restaurant. *he puts the tea kettle on* And you don't have to. I can see why you wouldn't. Sheepy: Sherlock: What?! Really? We have to go...! Arsé-kun: Arséne: *he puts his cup down* This being an emergency, I'll agree. We can eat afterwards! Sheepy: Sherlock: *he gets his hat and dashes out the door!* Arsé-kun: *Arséne chases him out!! Germain watches them, and closes the door behind them* Sheepy: *how kind! or is it to stop nyar from running out to fight azathoth with the plastic fork of power* Arsé-kun: *both* Sheepy: Sheepy: They were in a rush. Arsé-kun: Germain: And with good reason. Sheepy: Sheepy: Something about Nyar and Watson. Arsé-kun: Germain: Nyar has told me where he last saw Watson. So, I passed it on. Sheepy: Sheepy: Oh, good. Arsé-kun: Germain: Hopefully, they make it in time.. Sheepy: Sheepy: I hope Watson is okay. Arsé-kun: Germain: As do I.. Sheepy: Sheepy: I'm a little worried that those two went alone. Arsé-kun: Germain: I'd have gone with them, but I've got my own problem.. Sheepy: Sheepy: Huh? Arsé-kun: Germain: ... *he smirks a little* If you've ever wanted to ask Nyar anything, now's the time- He's higher than a kite. Sheepy: Sheepy: Why? Arsé-kun: Germain: Remember I told you yesterday how Azathoth had attacked him? He apparently tried to test on him.. Sheepy: Sheepy: Well, Nyar would be a good test subject. No one is quite like him. Arsé-kun: Germain: Exactly. Thankfully, nothing seemed to stick except for the drugs. His wounds should be healing as we speak. Sheepy: Sheepy: That's good. Arsé-kun: *MEANWHILE, WHERE IT MATTERS* Sheepy: Sherlock: We're almost there- Azathoth! Arsé-kun: Azathoth: Good morning, gentlemen. *he's sitting where he doesn't belong- in midair.* You just missed your dear Watson by a couple of seconds. He just left! Sheepy: Sherlock: Wh...how- no, where is he? Arsé-kun: Azathoth: How should I know where he's wandered off to? I opened the back door, and he left! Sheepy: Sherlock: What? Why? Arsé-kun: Azathoth: I was going to leave, as well- But oh, now I have to talk to you. Sheepy: Sherlock: What did you do to him? Arsé-kun: Azathoth: Why so hurtful? I just chatted with him! The poor dear, is he always hounded on like this? Sheepy: Sherlock: What? Sheepy: Sherlock: Who? Arsé-kun: Azathoth: Dr. Watson, of course! Is every action he takes questioned so mercilessly? Sheepy: Sherlock: I don't know. Arsé-kun: Azathoth: Better work on that! I'd better get going- The grocery sale ends at noon~ *he strides on out. bye* Sheepy: Sherlock: Wait! Arsé-kun: Azathoth: *from outside* Cheerio! Sheepy: Sherlock: Ugh... where could Watson have gone? Arsé-kun: Arséne: *he seems nervous for a moment* I don't know. We'd better find him, and quickly. Sheepy: Sherlock: Right... Arsé-kun: Arséne: *he almost drags Sherlock out, running. they must move at a swift pace* Sheepy: *Sherlock eventually matches his pace* Arsé-kun: *and they're running, scanning the crowds for the familiar streak of ginger* Sheepy: Sherlock: Waaatson! Watson??? Arsé-kun: Arséne: ... ! There! Turning the corner! Sheepy: Sherlock: Let's follow! Arsé-kun: Arséne: Right. Sheepy: *Sherlock dashes after Watson* Arsé-kun: *and he does, inevitably, catch up* Sheepy: Sherlock: Watson! *hope you're ready for a bear hug watson. because you're getting one* Arsé-kun: Watson: *he freezes up, as if he doesn't know what to do* Sheepy: Sherlock: Watson? Arsé-kun: Watson: ..... ........ Please let me go. *he doesn't sound entirely there..* Sheepy: Sherlock: Are you okay? Sheepy: *Sherlock doesn't seem to be willing to let go...* Arsé-kun: Watson: .... Yes, just fine... Sheepy: Sherlock: You don't seem like it. Arsé-kun: Watson: .... I am truly fine and well.... *he starts to sag a little in Sherlock's arms. Whatever you say, Watson* Sheepy: Sherlock: Let's go home. Everyone is waiting for you there. Sheepy: Sherlock: You seem tired, too. Arsé-kun: Watson: ...... ....... I'm very tired... Sheepy: Sherlock: I can carry you back. Arsé-kun: Watson: ...... *his voice is growing quiet* ..... If you so desire.... *and he nearly drops, the only thing holding him up being Sherlock* Sheepy: Sherlock: *he picks up Watson* Arsé-kun: Arséne: *he looks rather distressed, meanwhile* Sheepy: Sherlock: Arséne! I have him. We have to go home. He's tired. Arsé-kun: Arséne: ... We've got a bit of a bigger problem.. *he waves his hand in front of passerby. They don't seem to notice..* Sheepy: Sherlock:...! Sheepy: Sherlock: This is what happened yesterday.... Sheepy: Sherlock: So Azathoth is around... Arsé-kun: Arséne: *he latches onto Sherlock's arm* We'd better stay together, then. Sheepy: Sherlock: Okay. Sheepy: Sherlock:...Let's just head back and keep an eye out for him. Arsé-kun: Arséne: R-right... Sheepy: Sherlock: *he begins to head back* Arsé-kun: *Arséne stays with him, looking around warily. He freezes up for but a second, followed by a shout of surprise and letting go of Sherlock in favor of curling into a ball on the ground* Sheepy: Sherlock:!! Arséne! Arsé-kun: Arséne: *he's shuddering* Je suis vraiment désolé! Je veux aller a la maison! Sheepy: Sherlock: *he looks around* Arsé-kun: *He doesn't see anything, but the weight in his arms seems to have lifted...* Sheepy: Sherlock:...? Arsé-kun: *watson has vanished!* Sheepy: Sherlock: ?! Sheepy: Sherlock: Where did he go??? Sheepy: Sherlock: *he bends down* ...Arséne, are you alright? Arsé-kun: Arséne: Je me sens malade.. Sheepy: Sherlock: I don't understand. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Je suis désolé. Je ne pouvais rien faire... Sheepy: Sherlock: *he pulls Arséne close* Arsé-kun: Arséne: merci.. Sheepy: Sherlock: We clearly don't have enough manpower alone, so let's go home, reorganize our thoughts, and get a larger group. Arsé-kun: Arséne: ... Allons-y.. Sheepy: *so they go home!* Arsé-kun: Arséne: Nous sommes de retour..! Sheepy: Nyar: And so then- Sherpoodle's back~ Arsé-kun: Germain: .... *he looks towards the door. Looks back* I don't see anything. Are you sure..? Sheepy: Sheepy: Welcom- eh? No he's not. Sheepy: Nyar: They're deadghosts now. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Ehhh?? Qu'est-ce que vous avez dit? Sheepy: Sheepy: That's not funny. Sheepy: Tom: you're too late Sheepy: *Tom is staring at Arséne and Sherlock...* Arsé-kun: Arséne: .... ......... Sheepy: Tom: a bullet takes the life of a thief, a detective is left all alone Sheepy: Tom: are you ready? Sheepy: Sheepy: Tom, who are you talking to Arsé-kun: Arséne: .......... ................ *he's gone pale* Sheepy: Tom: the time approaches. Sheepy: Tom: for now it is like an eternity away, but when the fated time comes it'll feel like an instant Sheepy: Nyar: Pssshh. They're standing right there, Tom. He's not dead. Sheepy: Sheepy: Did you two plan this or something? Arsé-kun: Arséne: ......... *he slowly goes over to Sheepy, and lightly tugs on his sleeve* Sheepy: Sheepy: Tom, stop that, you're scaring me. Sheepy: Tom: stop what? Sheepy: Sheepy: Tugging on my sleeve. Sheepy: Tom: *his gaze has followed Arséne but he doesn't comment* Arsé-kun: Arséne: ...... ........ *he's trying his damnest not to cry. Normally, this is very simple, but he's extremely distressed. he hugs sheepy from behind for a good moment, before letting go and fleeing the room* Sheepy: Sheepy:???? What's touching me? Sheepy: Sherlock: Arséne!! Wait! *he chases after Arséne* Arsé-kun: Germain: *he opened his eyes about ten seconds too late* I still don't see anything.. Sheepy: Nyar: They went to their room. Arsé-kun: Germain: ..... Tom? Sheepy: Nyar: I'd explain what's going on to them but it's too much fun to watch. Sheepy: Tom: what Arsé-kun: Germain: Did they leave the room..? Sheepy: Tom: they went upstairs Arsé-kun: Germain: .... Sheepy, watch him for me. *he decides to go upstairs himself* Sheepy: Sheepy: Okay. Sheepy: *Sherlock is trying to comfort Arséne* Arsé-kun: *And Arséne's trying to calm down. The keyword is trying. This is all too much for the poor guy* Sheepy: Sherlock: Maybe it's all just a bad dream. Arsé-kun: Arséne: *he shakes his head* Sheepy: Sherlock: Maybe he's suddenly developed blindness? Arsé-kun: Germain: ....... I can just barely see you two, so that would not be it. Sheepy: Sherlock: Huh? Arsé-kun: Arséne: ..!! Sheepy: Sherlock: Saint-Germain! Arsé-kun: Germain: .... It's taking a monumental effort to even hear you two, let alone seeing. ... Neither of you have died, by the by. Sheepy: Sherlock: What happened to us? Arsé-kun: Germain: Azathoth is trying to keep you two hidden, I would guess. ... I don't know how long he can do it for. Sheepy: Sherlock: Oh... Sheepy: Sherlock: Because we need to get more people to rescue Watson? Arsé-kun: Germain: ... Perhaps. He may be intimidated by you both. Sheepy: Sherlock: Why? Arsé-kun: Germain: Being a threat to his plans? I'm not sure.. Sheepy: Sherlock: Oh... Arsé-kun: Germain: Either way, I will inform the others that you are indeed here. Sheepy: Sherlock: What does he plan to do with Watson? Did Nyar say? Arsé-kun: Germain: I will ask, but he barely got information to me earlier.. Sheepy: Sherlock: Okay. Arsé-kun: Germain: *he goes back downstairs* They were telling the truth. Sheepy: Sheepy: Really? Arsé-kun: Germain: Truly. Azathoth has them hidden from sight. Sheepy: Sheepy: So that was Arséne that was hugging me? Sheepy: Sheepy: I didn't feel like I as being crushed so it wasn't Sherlock. Arsé-kun: Germain: I'm inclined to say yes. Sheepy: Nyar: So did I tell you about the time I beat up my dad with a pool noodke? Arsé-kun: Germain: Six times, now. Do you know what your father wanted with Watson? Sheepy: Nyar: Why do I want you? These are all such complicated questions. Arsé-kun: Germain: Please stop that. Sheepy: Nyar: But......... Arsé-kun: Germain: Enough, before I confine you to the bed again. Sheepy: Nyar: Because my dad is jealous because my dearie and I have something special~ Arsé-kun: Germain: *has he turned a shade redder? It's hard to tell* I'm going to ignore you. Sheepy: Nyar: Why? Phil already ignores me. Arsé-kun: Germain: Phil has the emotional capacity of a rock. Sheepy: Nyar: Eve took away his emotions. Arsé-kun: Germain: You're blabbering again. Sheepy: Nyar: But she did! Arsé-kun: Germain: *ugh.* Yes, thank you for sharing. Sheepy: Nyar: I miss the old him. Arsé-kun: Germain: ... As do I. Sheepy: Nyar: He's so distant now. Arsé-kun: Germain: m-hm... *he then makes a wise decision- switching languages so he can't be eavesdropped on* Arsé-kun: *It becomes impossible to understand the conversation, excluding Germain's face turning redder, and Nyar smirking* Sheepy: Sheepy: *he is confused* Arsé-kun: *Maybe you shouldn't be trying to understand still* Sheepy: Sheepy: *fine, time to play with sisi* Arsé-kun: Sisi: *PLAY???* Sheepy: Sheepy: *YEAH* Arsé-kun: *playtime is fun. Tom gets involved.* Sheepy: Tom: aaaaaaaa Arsé-kun: Sisi: *y he screem* Sheepy: Tom: hes gunna serv me wit buttr Arsé-kun: Impey: *he wanders in, rubbing his eyes. he looks like a mess- the same as every morning* Mornin', all! Sheepy: Sheepy: Hi, Impey. Nyar is staying over. Sheepy: Sheepy: He's loopy from the anesthesia that Azathoth used on hi- Sheepy: Nyar: Oh it's that guy! The engineer guy! Did I tell you about the time that I beat up my dad with a pool noodle? Arsé-kun: Impey: No! I wanna hear that, though! Sheepy: *And so. Nyar tells the story about the time he beat up Azathoth with a pool noodle. He keeps going off track and blabbing about stuff that's not at all relevant to the story.* Arsé-kun: Impey: *he's thoroughly entertained by this. Impey, you've doomed them all* Sheepy: Sheepy: Impey... you fool... sheep: Nyar: And that's when I said... "it's Nyar-lat-ho-tep!!". .. Wait, no... I didn't say that. sheep: Nyar: Speaking of which, Phil's birth name is Nodens, but he prefers Philemon. Arsé-kun: Germain: *he's given up stopping Nyar. He has sat down, put headphones on, and picked up the newspaper* sheep: Nyar: Azathoth's name is Azathoth but he goes by Azathoth. sheep: Nyar: Saint-Germain's name is Leopold but his given name is MyBoyfriend... it's a creative name............ Arsé-kun: Germain: ... !!!! *he buries his face into the paper. Seems like the headphones weren't on* sheep: Sheepy: You're really loopy from the anesthesia. Arsé-kun: Impey: Has he eaten anything? Does anyone know? sheep: Sheepy: I don't think so. Arsé-kun: Impey: Doesn't it take longer to recover if he doesn't, or something? sheep: Sheepy: Probably. Arsé-kun: Impey: What about you? Have you eaten today? sheep: Sheepy: He grabbed me as soon as I came downstairs, so no. Arsé-kun: Impey: Well, I'd better get on cooking, then! sheep: Sheepy: Would it be too much trouble? Arsé-kun: Impey: Not at all! sheep: Sheepy: Okay. I want to watch. Arsé-kun: Impey: *he seems delighted* I'll surely teach you how to make righteous pancakes! sheep: Sheepy: Okay! - He felt dazed. When Watson came to, he was lying back in a recliner. Confused, he looked around, but even that slight movement made him dizzy. Leaning back and listening, he heard quiet music being played from somewhere. He wasn't sure from where- the room seemed empty apart from himself and his seat. He closed his eyes. He opened them again upon feeling a slight pinch on his arm. Turning his head ever so slightly to the right, he observed nothing was unusual. Strange, he thought. Ever so stranger, there was a shadow now cast on the wall in front of him, displaying someone standing next to him- Yet, there was no one. His eyelids grew heavy. He closed his eyes. He didn't want to open his eyes again. He felt comfortable where he was. He felt like he could sleep here for as long as he liked. The music stopped, and Watson opened his eyes. There, before his face, was a lightly swinging watch. Instinct told him to watch it as it swung back and forth, back and forth... He couldn't look away. He wanted to grab it, hold it, but his limbs felt heavy. He was confused, and somewhat distressed. Why couldn't he move? "Relax." The order was simple, but effective. Watson felt his body go limp, and his head lolled to the side. For the briefest moment, a hand that was not his own entered his vision, only to right his head. What was happening? "Have no fear. You seem afraid- There is nothing to worry about." Again, Watson found himself obeying the order. The worry drained from his mind, leaving only the previous confusion. Who was talking to him? Why was he obeying without question? Was his face displaying his confusion? His questions were endless. "You seem confused. It is not worth thinking about. Just let yourself relax." For the third time, Watson obeyed without question. Without the questions filling his mind, his attention returned to the watch. He did not even wonder about the pinpricks of pain he felt upon his arm or neck. He did not want to. "Watch, as it swings." Watson did not need to be told again. His attention was purely on the watch as it moved. "You do not need to move your body. Watch with your eyes. Allow the rest of your body to relax." His head drooped forward. His eyes, glued to the watch, rolled up in their sockets to continue gazing at it. The watch was raised up ever so slightly, and his eyes followed it. His eyelids began to flutter lightly- They did not want to stay open. The voice- the calming, relaxing voice- continued to drone on and on. The voice became less commanding and more gentle as they spoke, keeping Watson's attention off of themselves. Gradually, his eyes closed, and he slumped to the side. He seemed to be fast asleep. A nasty smile covering his face, Azathoth uncloaked all that he had hidden. The numerous needles in Watson's arm continued to function properly, and the music began to play again. Azathoth stopped and pocketed the watch. Another job well done, but his work wasn't done yet. After carefully adjusting the mask on Watson's face- the mask he'd never registered was there- and lowering the seat so Watson was lying flat on his back, Azathoth sat down on a stool next to him. As he gently turned Watson's head to the side, he began to utter some more. "You do not need to ever feel pain again," he suggested, picking up a stray scalpel, "Nor do you ever need to feel anything but a resounding calm." Shaking his head, he placed the scalpel back from where it had came. He next picked up the end of a wire, considering it closely. He flicked a switch next to him, not even giving it attention. He only looked away from the wire when the gasmask began to emit fog- It was time to begin. The shadow on the wall no longer displayed two people. It now displayed one man, and one writhing mass, making sounds akin to giggling. This was going to be his best test subject yet. - Arsé-kun: Impey: --- And that's how it's done! Sheepy: Sheepy: I've learned today. I'm going to cook for Arsene eventually. And then he'll have to pay me. Arsé-kun: Impey: Doesn't he already? Sheepy: Sheepy: Yeah. Arsé-kun: Impey: Then what's the point..? Getting more money? Sheepy: Sheepy: Showing appreciation I guess. Arsé-kun: Impey: I suppose- Hey, now. Don't pass out in your pancakes, Nyarly! Sheepy: *Sorry, too late, Impey. Nyarly's out.* Arsé-kun: *meanwhile, some pancakes have Miraculously Disappeared. I blame either Arséne or Sherlock* Sheepy: Sheepy: Creepy. Arsé-kun: Impey: What? I wasn't looking. Sheepy: Sheepy: They disappeared. Arsé-kun: Impey: *he sniffs the air* Is it me, or have we been graced with Sherlock's presence? ... Arséne probably would have unbraided my hair! Sheepy: Sheepy: Probably Sherlock. Arsé-kun: Impey: Uh-huh. Sheepy: Sheepy: Because it's a Holmes thing to love pancakes. Sherlock likes them plain, Harley likes them with maple syrup, and- actually, I forgot about Mycroft. I don't know if he likes them. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Mycroft doesn't care. Sheepy: Sheepy: You don't like pancakes? Sheepy: Sheepy: So it's not genetic to love pancakes? Sheepy: Sheepy: Also, Azathoth cursed Sherlock so he's around here somewhere but you won't notice him. Sheepy: Sheepy: He's like me when I went to school. Sheepy: Sheepy: Ignored, neglected, shunned, Arsé-kun: Mycroft: I know how that feels. *he sits down at the table, opting to ignore Nyar- who is getting moved by Germain. Seems he decided to check on Nyar* Sheepy: Sheepy: Nyar is here because he was drugged by Azathoth and he ended up here. Sheepy: Sheepy: You just missed him telling the same story exactly seven times. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: I'm glad I missed it. Sheepy: Sheepy: I wish that I did. Sheepy: *Tom is staring.* Sheepy: *When did he get to the table?* Sheepy: *Why is he staring at Mycroft?* Arsé-kun: *Who knows?* Sheepy: *We just don't know.* Arsé-kun: *mysterious tom, mysterious methods* Sheepy: Tom: hi Arsé-kun: Impey: When'd you get there, Tom? Sheepy: Tom: when you werent looking Sheepy: Tom: i want pancakes Sheepy: Tom: but sheep are allergic to pancakes Arsé-kun: Impey: Aw, sorry, Tom! Sheepy: Tom: i havent had food in Sheepy: Tom: 20 years Sheepy: Tom: sherlock has competition Arsé-kun: Mycroft: He certainly does. Sheepy: Tom: but im dead and if he gets sick he'll be in big trouble Sheepy: Tom: woah Sheepy: Tom: did they not brjng watson back Arsé-kun: Germain: No, unfortunately. Sheepy: Tom: come baaaaack watson Sheepy: Tom: i miss you Sheepy: Tom: by the way changing your password didn't help because i know the new one Sheepy: Tom: i know everyone's passwords. Arsé-kun: Germain: Suddenly, my internet history makes sense. Sheepy: Tom: i had to know if sheep were allergic to pancakes Arsé-kun: Germain: That's all right. Sheepy: Sheepy: Where is everyone else? Arsé-kun: Impey: Fran's working... Again.... Van n' Iris are upstairs? I think? N' the other kids are.. Uh.. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: In another room, sharing boxes of cereal and watching tv. Sheepy: Sheepy: It's good that they're unaware of what's happened. Sheepy: Sheepy: And you don't seem happy about that first part. Arsé-kun: Impey: Of course I'm not! He overworks himself.. Sheepy: Sheepy: Is he a workaholic or something? Arsé-kun: Impey: Yes! Sheepy: Sheepy: He needs a hobby. Arsé-kun: Impey: Then he'll work on THAT constantly! Sheepy: Sheepy: That's how it works? Arsé-kun: Impey: It is for him! Sheepy: Sheepy: I'll make him come down and eat. Arsé-kun: Impey: Please! Sheepy: *Sheepy goes upstairs. Moments later Fran comes rushing downstairs to Impey. Sheepy is following* Arsé-kun: Impey: I owe you one! What'd you do?? Sheepy: Fran: Are you OK??? Sheepy said that you were hurt! Arsé-kun: Impey: Yeah. My feelings are hurt. Eat something, dammit! Arsé-kun: Impey: oh yeah and i cut myself on the sharp part of the counter Arsé-kun: Impey: But eat something! Sheepy: Fran: I'm sorry... I forgot! Sheepy: Fran: Shouldn't I check on that first? Sheepy: Sheepy: You did? Arsé-kun: Impey: Nope, it's fine, it's cool for ten more minutes! Arsé-kun: Impey: ... I'd show you, but ya'll are eating! Sheepy: Fran: I'm sorry... Arsé-kun: Impey: Shhhhhhhhut your trap n' have some pancakes! Sheepy: *Fran follows Impey's advice* Sheepy: *Tom is still staring at Mycroft...* Arsé-kun: Mycroft: ... What are you looking at? Sheepy: Tom: sherlock Arsé-kun: Mycroft: *he glances behind himself. lightly punches the air behind hi- wait it connected* ... Oh. Things get weirder every day. Sheepy: Tom: blame azathoth Arsé-kun: Mycroft: *he visibly shudders* Sherlock, your hands are bloody cold! Get them off my neck! Sheepy: *Sherlock removes his hands* Sheepy: Tom: he's giggling Arsé-kun: Mycroft: How are you so cold?? Sheepy: Tom: "ive always been this cold so i always wear my coat" Arsé-kun: *Meanwhile, the floating top hat and mask have arrived! Armed with a whiteboard and a marker. Hi, Arséne* Sheepy: Tom: wow Arsé-kun: Arséne: I'm desperate, okay? Sheepy: Tom: you always are pretty pitiful Arsé-kun: Arséne: D: Sheepy: Tom: thats for threatening me yesterday Arsé-kun: Arséne: *he scribbles on the whiteboard "I'm being bullied!" and faces it towards the table* Sheepy: Sheepy: Finally, someone bought a levitating whiteboard. I've been asking for that. Arsé-kun: Arséne: "I'm hurt!" Sheepy: Sheepy: It has emotions. Arsé-kun: Arséne: *he erases it with his sleeve and draws an up arrow on it* Sheepy: Sheepy: Gosh, my only friends are inanimate objects. Arsé-kun: Arséne: "That's not funny." Sheepy: Sheepy: A hat, a mask, a whiteboard, a marker, and Tom. Sheepy: Sheepy: My only friends... Sheepy: Sheepy: Nevermind, floating whiteboard and marker, your sense of humor is garbage. I've disowning you. Arsé-kun: Arséne: *he draws a sad face* Sheepy: Tom: woah Sheepy: Sheepy: Don't sad face me. You have hat and mask to be friends with. Arsé-kun: Arséne: .... "Never mind. Forget I came down here." Sheepy: Sheepy: I'm a terrible choice anyway. Sheepy: Sheepy: I have no redeemable qualities but everyone has to put up with me anyway. Arsé-kun: Arséne: ... *he takes the hat, and plops it on Sherlock's head, before handing him the whiteboard and marker* Have a blast. Sheepy: Sheepy: Run while you still can. Sheepy: Sherlock: What do I do with it? Where are you going? Arsé-kun: Arséne: Use it to talk to them. I'm going back upstairs.. Sheepy: Tom: you actually just upset arsene just so you know Sheepy: Sherlock: Why?? Sheepy: Sheepy: Eh? Arsé-kun: Arséne: Don't feel needed down here. *he takes the mask off, and puts it on the table* Sheepy: Sherlock: Why not? Sheepy: Sherlock: I need you. Sheepy: Tom: look at what you did sheepy Arsé-kun: Arséne: You were doing just fine without me. Sheepy: Tom: you took a perfectly good arsene and gave him anxiety Arsé-kun: *Impey nearly chokes in the background* Sheepy: Sheepy: Nobody told me that that was Arséne! Sheepy: Sheepy: I'm not smart. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Sherlock's still behind me. Do the math. Sheepy: Sheepy: 1 + 1 = I'm an awful human being who was just a jerk to an already stressed out person. Sheepy: Tom: checks out Arsé-kun: *Arséne actually leaves now, looking even more stressed than he was when he arrived* Sheepy: Sheepy: *he picks up Tom and decides to go talk to Arséne!* Arsé-kun: *first, you have to FIND arséne* Sheepy: *tom can help with that* Arsé-kun: *it's like hide and seek, but a lot more stressful!* Sheepy: Sheepy: Arseeeene?? Sheepy: Tom:......... Sheepy: Sheepy: Where did he go... Sheepy: Tom:........... Sheepy: Sheepy: Do you see him, Tom? Arsé-kun: *Arséne, meanwhile, has jammed himself under his desk and he's back to square 1- uncontrollable sobbing. Lupin is having an extremely bad day* Sheepy: Tom: if he wants to be left alone why are you bothering him Arsé-kun: Arséne: ...! Don't tell him thaaat! Sheepy: Tom: do you want me to tell him your location Arsé-kun: Arséne: I'll come out.. *he unjams himself and sits down on the sofa. you can see it shift* Sheepy: Tom: hes on the sofa Arsé-kun: Arséne: .... Merci.. Sheepy: Sheepy: *he goes over to the sofa. where is arsene sitting. uhhh. just guess and dont sit there* Arsé-kun: *and, of course, he sat right on arsene* Sheepy: Sheepy:??? Arsé-kun: Arséne: *he lightly puts his arms around Sheepy* ... Sheepy: Sheepy: *he doesn't seem like he's gonna move. sorry Arséne* I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. Arsé-kun: Arséne: ... *he tightens his hug a bit* Sheepy: Sheepy: I'm scared about what Tom said and I don't want to lose you. Arsé-kun: Arséne: *he hugs even tighter. he's shaking a little* Sheepy: Sheepy: I'm not good at making friends. I don't feel comfortable around most people. You're the only one I can actually relax around. I don't want to lose that. Arsé-kun: Arséne: .... I'm so, so sorry.. Sheepy: Sheepy: Why're you sorry? Sheepy: Sheepy: I insulted you. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Bec--- You heard me?! Sheepy: Sheepy:...Huh? Sheepy: Sheepy: I did! Arsé-kun: Arséne: I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, je suis désolé! Sheepy: Sheepy: Why're you sorry?? I don't get it... Arsé-kun: Arséne: Because I'm completely out of sorts..! Normally, that wouldn't have ever bothered me.. Sheepy: Sheepy: It's understandable that you are. Sheepy: Sheepy: I'm sorry that I can't do more to help you... Arsé-kun: Arséne: .... Can I pull a you? Is that permissible? Sheepy: Sheepy: Huh? Arsé-kun: Arséne: Shut up and give me attention. Sheepy: Sheepy: *he hugs Arséne* Arsé-kun: *arséne's day has now improved Significantly!* Arsé-kun: *it then proceeds to tank again, because they both remembered that Arséne is due to Die* Sheepy: Sheepy: *I'm sorry Arséne if you liked that shirt because Sheepy has his face buried in it and has started to cry. Remember how you're gonna die? Yeah actually it's ok if he ruins your shirt* Arsé-kun: Arséne: *he's stopped crying, and is trying to comfort Sheepy. He's gotta keep up appearances! He's fine!!* Sheepy: Tom: *he is watching the two wordlessly* Arsé-kun: *the phone! the phone is ringing! and it's sherlock's office phone!* Sheepy: *Sherlock gets the phone* Sheepy: Sherlock: Hullo? Sherlock Holmes speaking. Arsé-kun: ?: Oh, hello! I'm a nurse working for the hospital. I've got good news! Your brother woke up! Sheepy: Sherlock: Really?! Sheepy: Sherlock: Mycroft!! We're going! Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Huh? Sheepy: Sherlock: Harley woke up! Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Sherlock, we're going! Sheepy: Sherlock: OK! We'll be right there! Arsé-kun: nurse: All right! He should be all cleaned up by the time you get here. Sheepy: Sherlock: Great! Sheepy: *so they go?* Arsé-kun: *they fucking run out of there before anyone else can join them* Arsé-kun: Germain: Haven't they learned yet..? Sheepy: Tom: no Arsé-kun: Germain: *he groans before stealing Mycroft's seat* Sheepy: Nyar: Sherpoodle never learns....unlike real poodles Arsé-kun: Germain: That was the most logical thing you have said all morning. Sheepy: Nyar: My brain is like a poodle. Sheepy: Nyar: Fuzzy and small. Arsé-kun: Germain: Still better than the wet noodle it was before. Arsé-kun: Tom: you know what else is fuzzy and small Sheepy: Nyar: You? Arsé-kun: Tom: no Sheepy: Nyar: What? Arsé-kun: Tom: yes. i baa-mboozled you Sheepy: Nyar: I've been tricked. Arsé-kun: Impey: *he picks up Tom* You weren't there a few seconds ago, you lil' shit! How'd you get here?? Sheepy: Tom: im fast Arsé-kun: Impey: Yeah, I see that! Sheepy: *nyar actually eats his pancakes* Arsé-kun: *Germain looks impressed* Arsé-kun: Germain: Well, you didn't fall asleep in them this time ^^ Arsé-kun: Finis: .... *he gets tired of eavesdropping, and wanders away.* Arsé-kun: Finis: *he's been watching since he heard that Sherlock and Arséne were back, and he's learned a lot.* Arsé-kun: *On the other hand, he's now extremely bored, and he doubts they would appreciate him telling them that he has been listening* Arsé-kun: *He decides to walk in anyway, and quietly take a seat for himself. He uses his dictionary as a booster seat. Smart!* Arsé-kun: Finis: ... *he looks at Nyar* You look trashy. *n-not as smart.* Sheepy: Nyar: That's because I am. Sheepy: Nyar: I feel like garbage. Sheepy: Nyar: So, like, when I've recovered, will I not be allowed to come visit anymore? Sheepy: Nyar: I know I said some pretty nasty things but I actually haven't done much to you guys. Sheepy: Nyar: Sherlock's memory is slowly recovering because of me. Sheepy: Nyar: I wasn't even the one who broke his arm. A grunt did. Sheepy: Nyar: I used fear factors as convincing but that's really my only crime Sheepy: Sheepy: H-he never said it was you... right? He just said... "thief"... Arsé-kun: Arséne: If it isn't me, then it's you. If not you, then... Diego? .... Does Iris count? Arsé-kun: Germain: You can stay with me, Nyar. I've got space. *he leans on Nyar's chair* I'm just glad you're able to speak coherently right now, though. sheep: Nyar: I feel like death. sheep: Sheepy: I was thinking Diego, but... "little" concerns me. sheep: Sheepy: Am I little? Arsé-kun: Arséne: Eh. Not really? sheep: Sheepy: Then is it Iris? Arsé-kun: Arséne: I hope not..! sheep: Sheepy: She's little. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Tom's little. sheep: Sheepy: Tom isn't a thief. Arsé-kun: Arséne: I don't know, he's definitely stolen some hearts. sheep: Tom: ... sheep: Sheepy: He's dead though.. Arsé-kun: Arséne: ... Good point. sheep: Tom: bet on tornado Arsé-kun: Arséne: ... Thank you, Tom Arsé-kun: Van: *he arrives downstairs, having jumped right over the railing, the sofa, and everyone on the sofa. don't try this at home, kids!* sheep: *Iris did try it at home! And crashed into Arsene and Sheepy. good thing sherlock isn't here* Arsé-kun: Arséne: *oOF* sheep: Sheepy: *AAAAAAAAAAA* Arsé-kun: Van: *he looks, and makes a 'tut' noise* You're going to kill someone like that. sheep: Iris: I was copying you. *pout* sheep: Sheepy: *I WAS ALREADY SAD AND NOW IM HURTING TOO* Arsé-kun: Van: Don't do that. sheep: Iris: Why? sheep: Sheepy: I'm suing you for damages. Sheepy: Iris: You're bullying me! Sheepy: Sheepy: You test your inventions on me! They hurt! Arsé-kun: Arséne: *he imitates an old man* my ba-aaack Sheepy: Sheepy: And you hurt Arséne. Sheepy: Iris: It was an accident. Arsé-kun: Van: A lot of bad things are accidents. *he decides to head into the kitchen. Impey is staring because he saw Van's landing. Impey is ignored* Sheepy: Sheepy: Like me. Sheepy: Sheepy: I'm an accident. Sheepy: Tom: nothing is a mistake. just a happy little accident. sometimes that accident improves the image as a whole Arsé-kun: Arséne: Ah, Bob Ross. Arsé-kun: Van: *he has also decided socializing isn't his strong front today. everyone receives a grunt of helloness* Sheepy: Sheepy: Hi. Sheepy: Sheepy: Sherlock and Mycroft are out to see Harley. He's woken up. Arsé-kun: Van: *he glances back at Sheepy. he hears you, but doesn't feel like replying* Sheepy: Sheepy: They nearly got Watson but didn't. Also, Nyar is staying here. Arsé-kun: Van: *he sees Nyar, and decides! He doesn't care* Sheepy: Sheepy: He's recovered from being loopy I think. Arsé-kun: *mEANWHILE AT THE HOSPITAL, WHERE SHERLOCK IS NOT LOSING HIS ENTIRE SHIT* Sheepy: *I'm sorry Mycroft personal space isn't a thing anymore. At least him intruding into your personal space is helping him keep calm* Arsé-kun: *Mycroft does not mind or care* Sheepy: Sherlock: Where's his room again? Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Down the hall- Hello, yes, we're going to visit our brother, yes, thank you- Not too much farther. Sheepy: Sherlock: Okay. Arsé-kun: *so, they get there! As promised, Harley is awake and cleaned up.* Sheepy: Harley: *he looks over at them but doesn't comment. does he not recognize them, or?* Arsé-kun: Mycroft: *he slowly waves hello. he expects a verbal beatdown* Sheepy: Harley:....... Sheepy: *Harley hesitantly copies it* Arsé-kun: Mycroft: ...? How.. uh, how are you feeling, Harley..? Sheepy: Harley: Uhh...*he seems to be thinking* .... Arsé-kun: Mycroft: ... Brain not working just yet? Sheepy: *Harley takes a moment to register what Mycroft said and shakes his head* Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Understandable. ... I wonder if we are permitted to take him home? Sheepy: Sherlock: I have doubts. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Lets find out, shall we? Sheepy: Sherlock: Alright. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Alright. Pop into the hall and ask, I guess. Sheepy: *Sherlock pops into the hall* Arsé-kun: *Sherlock has a short discussion with the lead nurse! Due to him knowing Watson, and them really badly needing space, taking Harley home is permitted! This is unprofessional, but they really need the space* Sheepy: *great!* Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Well? Sheepy: Sherlock: They said yes. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Ah! That's great. Sheepy: Harley:....*he still seems confused..* Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Is something wrong? Sheepy: Harley: Who.... ... Arsé-kun: Mycroft: .... .... Ah. We're your brothers. He's Sherlock. I'm Mycroft. ... You've known him far longer than I. Sheepy: Harley:.... Arsé-kun: Mycroft: ... You've also got a little dog named Wilson. He'll be glad to see you. Sheepy: Harley: ! Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Oh, do you recognize him? Sheepy: Harley: *he nods* Sheepy: Sherlock: *he seems concerned* Sheepy: Sherlock: What about Watson? Do you remember him? Sheepy: Harley:? Sheepy: Sherlock: Watson, the one who took us in. Sheepy: Harley:? Sheepy: Harley: *he looks over at Mycroft* ? Sheepy: Harley: *point* Arsé-kun: Mycroft: N-no? Sheepy: Harley: *well, okay.* Sheepy: Sherlock: Home is kinda far from here. How will he make it? Arsé-kun: Mycroft: I could get my car.. sheep: Sherlock: I guess so. Or I can carry him. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: You are not carrying him all that way! sheep: Sherlock: I'm not? Arsé-kun: Mycroft: No! sheep: Sherlock: Why not? sheep: Sherlock: He's not heavy. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: I'm getting. My car. sheep: Sherlock: *he frowns* ...OK. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Thank you. I'll drive slow for you. sheep: Sherlock: Uh... okay. Arsé-kun: *mycroft exits stage left. mycroft returns from stage left about twenty minutes later* sheep: Sherlock: Oh! You're back! Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Did you think I wasn't coming back? sheep: Sherlock: I thought you were going to come back. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Well, good. *he looks to Harley* sheep: Sherlock: Harley has been staring out the window most of the time you've been gone so i was lonely. sheep: *Harley was staring out the window but now he's staring at Mycroft. gaze.* Arsé-kun: Mycroft: .. Well, come on. We're going. sheep: Harley: *he unsteadily gets to his feet.* Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Would you like a hand? sheep: Harley: *he nods* Arsé-kun: *And so, Mycroft assists Harley! He expects Sherlock to swoop in and pick Harley up, anyway* sheep: *Sherlock doesn't* Arsé-kun: *amazing!* sheep: *instead, Sherlock is uncomfortable* Arsé-kun: Mycroft: .... I messaged Finis on the way. He informed me going slow is the exact opposite of what I should do in this case. sheep: Sherlock: Really? Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Apparently so. I didn't know that. sheep: Sherlock: Wow. sheep: Harley: *he isn't listening.* Arsé-kun: Mycroft: ... Something have your attention? sheep: *Harley points at a squirrel* Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Ah. sheep: Sherlock: When we went to the park a few times he broke up from us and we found him covered in the squirrels he was feeding Arsé-kun: Mycroft: What is he, a Disney Princess? sheep: Sherlock: No that's me. sheep: Sherlock: He's just the king of squirrels. sheep: Harley: *he wants the squirrel but has no choice but to continue leaning on Mycroft* Arsé-kun: *the squirrel continues its journey looking for NUTS* sheep: Harley: *good squirrel* Arsé-kun: Mycroft: And here's the car. Do you want to walk, Sherlock? sheep: Sherlock: I'll get lost if I do. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Well, then get in the car. sheep: *Sherlock gets in the car* Arsé-kun: *mycroft drives back to the office. nobody dies* sheep: *sherlock feels like he's dying and harley is amused by the window* sheep: *so only one person is miserable but who cares about him* Arsé-kun: Wilson: *he's started barking like mad and racing around the offices. chill, dog* sheep: Harley: *WILSON!!!!!* Arsé-kun: Wilson: *DAD!!!!* *he nearly jumps into Harley's arms the minute the door is opened* sheep: Harley: *he pets wilson. have you been a good puppy while ive been gone. i bet you have. i love you wilson* Arsé-kun: Wilson: *this is the most excited dog the world has ever seen* sheep: Harley: *this is the most excited Harley the world has ever seen* Arsé-kun: Mycroft: ... Sherlock, are you all right? sheep: Sherlock: *dizziness: check. sweating: check. nausea: check. general discomfort: check. dying: possibly* sheep: Sherlock: *he whimpers. good reply.* Arsé-kun: Mycroft: .... I'm so sorry. sheep: Sherlock: *he's just going to lie here for a while and suffer don't mind him* Arsé-kun: Arséne: Bonjour, Harley! sheep: Harley: *he looks up, visibly confused* Arsé-kun: Arséne: ...? sheep: Harley: Who're you? Arsé-kun: Arséne: *he looks downright hurt for a moment, but perks right back up* Have you forgotten? I'm Lupin. C'mon, lets get inside, allons-y! sheep: *Harley goes inside* sheep: Harley: *he points to Saint-Germain and looks to Mycroft* Watson? Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Nope. Good try, though. sheep: Harley: *he points at Iris* Watson? Arsé-kun: Germain: Well, you're not wrong. sheep: Iris: Watson is my dad. sheep: Harley: *a hint! he points to Van* Watson. Arsé-kun: Van: Absolutely not. sheep: Harley: *he appears bothered by this. who's watson??????* Arsé-kun: Arséne: Did you not tell him.. Hey, wait, where's Sherlock? sheep: Harley: Car. Arsé-kun: *arséne makes a face and goes to get Sherlock* sheep: *Sherlock has seen better days. he looke like death warmed over. rip.* Arsé-kun: Arséne: ... *he pulls Sherlock out, and brings him in a different entrance. The convenience of multiple doors.* Sheepy: Sherlock: Everything's spinning.......... Arsé-kun: Arséne: *he puts Sherlock down on the sofa* ... Unfortunately, I'm not quite sure what to do. Sheepy: Sherlock: I'm dying......... Arsé-kun: Arséne: Hi, dying. I'm Arséne. Sheepy: Sherlock: I'm going to die. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Sure. Sheepy: Sherlock: *he lies down on the sofa* ...................................... Sheepy: Sherlock: The room is spinning................................................. Sheepy: Sherlock: *he closes his eyes* ................................................ Sheepy: Sherlock: ........... Sheepy: Sherlock: *he suddenly shoots straight up to a sitting position* THEY USED THE CLOSET LIKE A PORTAL FROM THE LION, THE WITCH, AND THE WARDROBE! Arsé-kun: Arséne: ..... what Sheepy: Sherlock: Eight years ago! Sheepy: Sherlock: The blood trail ended at the closet! Sheepy: Sherlock: They used the closet as a portal! A portal to somewhere!! Arsé-kun: *Arséne has no idea what Sherlock is talking about, but he decides to write it down anyway* Sheepy: Sherlock: He left through Iris's closet. He probably came in through there too. Like some sort of monster. Sheepy: Sherlock: He's probably like Azathoth. Arsé-kun: Germain: Good call. Sheepy: Sherlock: Huh? Sheepy: Sherlock: Do you know him? Sheepy: Sherlock: The killer, I mean. Arsé-kun: Germain: If you mean who I think you do, then unfortunately so. I've already spoken to Iris about it. Sheepy: Sherlock: Who is he? Arsé-kun: Germain: He's a guide and generally? A very passive man. It's unfortunate what he was forced to do. Sheepy: Sherlock: Who forced him to kill her? Arsé-kun: Germain: His boss, I'd presume. Sheepy: Sherlock: Who's his boss? Arsé-kun: Germain: You imply I would know such things. Sheepy: Sherlock: What's his name? Arsé-kun: Germain: Hansel. What I do know from him is that he did not wish to do the task presented to him, but did due to something personal on the line. Sheepy: Sherlock: Why didn't he go to the police? Arsé-kun: Germain: Aforementioned personal business? Possibility of being killed? sheep: Sherlock: I see. sheep: Sherlock: How did he get in through the closet? Arsé-kun: Germain: .... I would not know that. Sheepy: Sherlock: Is it normal for him? You immediately recognized him from that. Arsé-kun: Germain: Yes. He tends to use irregular entrances. Sheepy: Sherlock: Oh. Arsé-kun: Germain: ... At least, they make some sense. Sheepy: Sherlock: Like from where? Arsé-kun: Germain: Oh, I don't know. A washing machine? Sheepy: Sherlock: Can he come out of washing machines? Arsé-kun: Germain: No. Sheepy: Sherlock: Oh. Sheepy: Sheepy: *during all this he sneaks out in his Joker outfit. time to steal stuff* Arsé-kun: *where is he going?* Sheepy: *the clocktower because it had twilight stuff so it might be good to investigate?* Arsé-kun: *Sheepy gets there to see a few twilight grunts leaving. They're bloody and bruised* Sheepy: Sheepy: *he hides and waits for them to leave* Sheepy: Sheepy: [text: to Arsene] I see Twilight grunts. They seem like they've been in a fight. Investigating further. Arsé-kun: Arséne: [text: to Sheepy] YOU WENT OUT?! Sheepy: Sheepy: [text: to Arséne] You didn't notice??? Arsé-kun: Arséne: [text: to Sheepy] Non! I'm with Sherlock and Harley! Sheepy: Sheepy: [text: to Arséne] Wow Arséne you're getting oblivious as you go up in years. Arsé-kun: Arséne: [text: to Sheepy] Where are you, though? Sheepy: Sheepy: [text: to Arséne] Clocktower. Arsé-kun: Arséne: [text: to Sheepy] I'm on standby. Message if anything happens! Sheepy: Sheepy: [text: to Arséne] Beaten up Twilight grunts makes me think that it's another case of Van. Going in right now. Sheepy: Sheepy: *he enters the clock tower* Arsé-kun: *it smells like blood.* Sheepy: Sheepy: *he looks around* Arsé-kun: *there's blood.* Sheepy: *he goes up the stairs* Arsé-kun: *the smell is stronger. There's also a sound much like someone trying to yell for help, but they're muffled* Sheepy: *Sheepy quickens his pace and approaches the voice* Arsé-kun: *There's a kid! They're bound up and gagged, lying on the floor, writhing, trying to scream* Sheepy: *Sheepy comes over and starts to untie him* Arsé-kun: kid: *he stares up at sheepy with his big, red eyes. red, glowy eyes. before he utters a low growl. words don't seem to be wordsing right now* Sheepy: Sheepy: I won't hurt you. Don't worry. Sheepy: Sheepy: I'm not a part of Twilight. Arsé-kun: kid: .... *he whines, bowing his head down* Sheepy: Sheepy: *he continues to unbind the kid.* Arsé-kun: kid: *once able, he clings onto Sheepy like his life is on the line* Sheepy: Sheepy: *he finishes untying him and removes the gag* Arsé-kun: kid: *he bites onto Sheepy's sleeve. ultimate grip* Sheepy: Sheepy: I'm Sheepy. I'll do my best to help you. Do you have a place to stay? Or did you want to comes back home with me? There's a doctor there if you're hurt. Arsé-kun: kid: .... *he whines again, clinging to Sheepy's arm a bit tighter than before* Sheepy: Sheepy: Okay, let's go home then. Are you able to walk or did you want me to support you? Arsé-kun: *the kid tries to stand on his own. his legs wobble, and he quickly grabs onto Sheepy again. He looks up at Sheepy. help him. you knOW YOU WANT TO* Sheepy: Sheepy: *he supports the kid* Sheepy: Sheepy: *he returns home with the kid!* Sheepy: Sheepy: I'm back! Arsé-kun: Arséne: Welcome back. .... A kid? Sheepy: Sheepy: He was captured by Twilight. He may be hurt. Arsé-kun: Impey: *he appears on the stairs* They're still grabbin' kids?! Sheepy: Sheepy: Seems like it. Sheepy: Sheepy: Can you get Fran? Arsé-kun: Impey: I sure can! *he disappears, but is still audible* Fraaaan, hurt kid! Sheepy: *FRAN IS HERE* Arsé-kun: *Impey follows him back* Sheepy: Sheepy: I'll stay with you. Sheepy: Fran: Um, you can lie down here. Arsé-kun: *the kid climbs onto the couch and curls up on it. he's staring at Fran and Impey* Sheepy: *Fran goes over and begins to patch him up* Sheepy: *Fran eventually finishes* Arsé-kun: kid: ... *he grunts and inspects the bangages* Sheepy: Fran: How are you feeling? Arsé-kun: kid: .... *he looks up at fran with his big ol glowy red eyes. he whines* Sheepy: Fran:...! Arsé-kun: Impey: ... What is it, bud? Sheepy: Fran: Look at his eyes. Arsé-kun: Impey: ... y'think it's...? Sheepy: Fran: I'm sure it is. What else would cause that? Arsé-kun: Impey: ... Good point. But... he's behaving too well, I think. Sheepy: Sheepy: *he doesn't get any of this. he's stilll hanging out with the kid.* Sheepy: Fran: That's true... Sheepy: Fran: Then what is it? Arsé-kun: Impey: Might it be that he's still a kid? Or... Sheepy: Fran: Maybe. Sheepy: Fran: Did you have another idea? Arsé-kun: Impey: ..... I do smell an awful lot of blood on him. Sheepy: Sheepy: He roughed up a bunch of Twilight grunts. I smelled it too for a while. Arsé-kun: Impey: By himself?? Good job, kiddo! *he goes to pat the kid's head. he apparently moved too fast, and got snapped at* Sheepy: Sheepy: Hey hey, he's still shaken from earlier. Be more careful Arsé-kun: Impey: Righto. My bad, kiddo. *he goes for it again, but much slower* Sheepy: Sheepy: I wonder if he can stay in Sherlock's room for now. Sherlock can sleep in Arséne's room. Arsé-kun: Impey: I dunno, I think we should hold onto him for now. Right, Fran? Sheepy: Fran: It'd be best if we can monitor his condition. Sheepy: Fran: He can use the lower bunk. I'm not tired anyway and I should stay up in case he needs anything. Arsé-kun: Impey: Or, at least one of us should! Sheepy: Fran: Right... Arsé-kun: Impey: By which I mean me! You've been up since you got up. I at least got a nap. Sheepy: Sheepy: I can stay up. Sheepy: Sheepy: Would you prefer that? *he looks over at the kid* Sheepy: Fran: I'll sleep if you're staying up. sheep: Sheepy: Okay. Arsé-kun: Impey: *he slooowly goes to pick the kid up. No fight from the kid* All right, we're gonna head up. See ya in the mornin', Sheepy! sheep: *So the next day!* Arsé-kun: Impey: *he's up early and already cooking! Seems he was serious about staying up all night..* sheep: *Sherlock is here!* sheep: Sherlock: Have you fed the dogs and Wagahai already? If not, I will. Arsé-kun: Impey: Yep! Pepper, too. How're you? sheep: Sherlock: I didn't sleep. Arsé-kun: Impey: You, too? Sheepy: Sherlock: I started worrying. Arsé-kun: Impey: 'bout what? Sheepy: Sherlock: Whether we can actually get Watson back or not. Arsé-kun: Impey: Why wouldn't we? We've succeeded at everything we've done! *he turns his attention back to cooking for a minute or so* Sheepy: Sherlock: Think about it this way. Sheepy: Sherlock: We aren't up against Nyar anymore. We're up against someone who actually cares. Sheepy: Sherlock: Azathoth said it himself: Sheepy: Sherlock: "Nyar could've done so much more to you, and yet he spent most of the time talking on the phone and goofing around". Arsé-kun: Impey: ... That's a good point. We might have to really put effort into this one! Sheepy: Sherlock: We were in a scenario where we couldn't lose when we were against Nyar. He was going to throw it no matter how badly we performed. Sheepy: Sherlock: Our first interaction with Azathoth ended in Harley and Mycroft getting shot. Mycroft got lucky that it was just his arm. Our second ended in Watson being taken away. Arsé-kun: Impey: Yeah, true. ... *he stifles a yawn* Can't give up before we try, though! Sheepy: Sherlock: I know. Sheepy: Sherlock: It's difficult not to worry, though. Arsé-kun: Impey: Well, yeah, of course! .. Hey, did anyone tell you 'bout last night? Sheepy: Sherlock: No. Arsé-kun: Impey: Guess I'd better! Sheepy found a kid in the clocktower. Poor kid was tied up the way Abby was! Arsé-kun: Impey: But it's cool, he's in a lot better shape! Sheepy: Sherlock: That's good. Arsé-kun: Impey: He's under the table, if you wanna meet 'im. Sheepy: *Sherlock looks under the table* Arsé-kun: kid: *he's definitely there, and he looks at Sherlock. .. his eyes aren't red anymore* Sheepy: Sherlock: Hullo. Arsé-kun: kid: ..... hi. Sheepy: Sherlock: I'm Sherlock. Arsé-kun: kid: ... Delacroix. Sheepy: Sherlock: Nice to meet you, Delacroix. Arsé-kun: Delacroix: ... I already like you better than him. Sheepy: Sherlock: Huh? Arsé-kun: Delacroix: You used my name, and not some stupid nickname. I appreciate it. Sheepy: Sherlock: No problem. Arsé-kun: Delacroix: ... *he turns his attention back to Sisi, who just waddled in. dog dog dog* Sheepy: Sherlock: Oh! Sisi! Arsé-kun: Sisi: *hello bark* Sheepy: Sherlock: Have you met Sisi yet? Arsé-kun: Delacroix: no.. Sheepy: Sherlock: He's a very good dog. Arsé-kun: Sisi: *im going to smell you, and be your friend, love me* Sheepy: Sherlock: Seems like he likes you already. Sheepy: *Nyar has arrived!* Arsé-kun: *Germain follows him in, rubbing his eyes* Sheepy: Nyar: I heard you talking about me. Sheepy: Nyar: And I can confirm that I wasn't trying. Sheepy: Nyar: Well, to kill you guys anyway. Sheepy: Nyar: Just to intimidate you. Sheepy: Nyar: If I was trying to kill you, none of you would be here speaking right now. And yet, I can also confirm that your concerns are correct. Azathoth is more dangerous than me, even when I'm trying. Arsé-kun: Delacroix: .... *he peeks out at Nyar. still petting Sisi* Sheepy: Nyar: Hello there. Arsé-kun: Delacroix: .... ... *he makes this face* Sheepy: Nyar: ? Sheepy: Nyar: What is it? Arsé-kun: Delacroix: from down here, you smell like burnt octopus. Sheepy: Nyar: *he raises his eyebrows* Sheepy: Nyar: I understand that last part. Sheepy: Nyar: Not that first part, though. Sheepy: Nyar: They weren't burnt........ Arsé-kun: Delacroix: .... Well, then you smell. Sheepy: Nyar: I'm sorry for that. Sheepy: Nyar: I was going to go take a shower later. Arsé-kun: Germain: You can do that without melting? Sheepy: Nyar: What, you think I'm a witch? Sheepy: Nyar: I love water. Arsé-kun: Germain: ok. Sheepy: Nyar: I thought you knew that. Arsé-kun: Germain: I do. *he honestly considers dumping this glass of water on Nyar's head. he pours a tiny bit* Sheepy: *Nyar doesn't react.* sheep: Sherlock: Maybe it's a delayed reaction. Arsé-kun: Germain: Wait, hold on. *he puts a single shake of salt in the glass, and then dumps the entire thing on Nyar's head* sheep: Nyar: Why. Arsé-kun: Germain: ..... *he just dumps the salt on, too. fuck it* sheep: Nyar: Why're you like this? sheep: Nyar: Now it looks like I have dandruff. Stop dumping things on me. Arsé-kun: Germain: Let me have my fun, you cephalopod sheep: Nyar: Cephalopod? sheep: Sheepy: I knew it. I knew he was a tentacle monster in disguise. sheep: Nyar: No. sheep: Sheepy: Octopi don't like seeing inconsistent colors which is why they solve Rubik's cubes. *he places a Rubik's cube on the table*. If you're really a tentacle monster you'll have to solve this. You won't be able to resist the temptation. sheep: Nyar: ................... Arsé-kun: Germain: He's gonna do it. sheep: Nyar: *he looks away, visibly stressed out* .......... sheep: Nyar: There are normal human beings who don't like seeing inconsistent colors. Why does it make me a tentacle monster? Arsé-kun: Impey: *he's finished cooking, and picks up the rubix cube* What if these were all monotone? Like, varying grays? sheep: Nyar: ............................. sheep: Sheepy: Don't do that. That's evil. sheep: Nyar: ... Ugh! Give me that! *he snatches it away from Impey and solves it very quickly, putting it down on the table with a huff* Arsé-kun: Impey: Wait- sheep: Sheepy: He really is an octopus. Arsé-kun: Impey: ... Good job? sheep: Sheepy: This means he eats his own arms when he gets stressed out. Gross. sheep: Nyar: I do not! I might chew my nails but that's normal! sheep: Nyar: A third of adults chew their nails. Arsé-kun: Arséne: *he's been throwing stuff out his window into the back yard. an inflated kiddie pool has just landed in the backyard* sheep: Sheepy: Arsene is back at it again. Arsé-kun: Impey: Is this the legendary yearly clean-up? sheep: Sheepy: Yeah. Arsé-kun: Impey: Wow! sheep: Sherlock: *he is busy pacing back and forth. ignore him* sheep: Sheepy: It's rumored that when Arsene cleans, someone's cancer is cured. sheep: Sherlock: *he takes out a pen and starts writing on his arm. he's apparently come up with something* Arsé-kun: *Impey decides to go outside. Impey is nearly beaned with a printer* sheep: Sheepy: Rest in peace. Arsé-kun: Impey: I SAID KEYS! *he gets intentionally smacked with a pillo* Arsé-kun: Arséne: .. Can you throw that back up? I still use that sheep: Sheepy: Now it's gross. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Good point. sheep: Sherlock: ...*he pauses and looks over his arm, vocalizes an "Aha!", and continues writing* sheep: Sheepy: Wash it before you use it. Arsé-kun: Arséne: he can have it. Impey germs. You know. *he moves away from his window, presumably to finish cleaning. spring cleaning* sheep: Sheepy: Ew... Arsé-kun: Impey: !! Jerk! *he throws the pillow back. He misses the window, but the pillow exploded on contact with the wall. powerful wall. great wall. lovable wall* sheep: Sheepy: I liked that pillow. Arsé-kun: Impey: I've never seen a pillow explode like that before! sheep: Sheepy: Wow. Arsé-kun: Impey: I only threw it back up! What was that about? sheep: Sheepy: You killed it. sheep: Sheepy: You murderer. sheep: Sheepy: If we don't eat soon, Sherlock will eat before us. sheep: Sheepy: He'll probably eat our food too. sheep: *Sherlock is talking to himself and pacing still.* sheep: *So, you have time , impey* Arsé-kun: *and so, impey comes back in and actually eats something. arsene also joins them* sheep: *sheepy eats too* Arsé-kun: *even delacroix comes out to eat food. he's not very chatty* sheep: *Harley isn't talkative either. and keeps dropping his fork. save him* sheep: *Nyar went somewhere.* Arsé-kun: Germain: *he refills his cup, and wanders outside. nice day* sheep: *Nyar is in the pool.* Arsé-kun: Germain: .. *he dumps the water in the pool* Would you like me to get the hose, madam? sheep: Nyar: I'm uncomfy. This flesh feels gross and wrong. sheep: Nyar: I'm kinda stuck though. Arsé-kun: Germain: Nah, not really. sheep: Nyar: What if someone sees? Arsé-kun: Germain: Nyar, does it really matter? They'd find out anyway. sheep: Nyar: I'm already being suspected, no thanks to you. Arsé-kun: Germain: You're welcome. sheep: Nyar: Alright, you think anyone can see? Arsé-kun: Germain: I think they can. Here, I'll block you. *he moves a few inches to the right* sheep: *Nyar transforms into an octopus! this transformation would be horrifying if you hadn't seen it before.* Arsé-kun: Germain: Done? sheep: Nyar: (Yes.) Arsé-kun: Germain: how cute. Shall I move again? sheep: Nyar: (I'm much more comfortable now. I don't know how you stand it, but I guess you were born that way.) sheep: Nyar: (If you wanna. And I'm the cutest around. Dad is just gross.) Arsé-kun: *Germain decides to just. join Nyar in the pool. mature adults* sheep: Nyar: (I don't think Phil can change, actually. So I'm your only choice for cute octopi.) Sheepy: Nyar: *stick* Arsé-kun: Germain: .... Thanks Sheepy: Nyar: *pay attention to me or I'll stick more of them on you* Sheepy: Nyar: (What will you say if they see me?) Arsé-kun: Germain: *he is, he is!* Arsé-kun: Germain: You're an octopus, not some... Horrible monstrosity. Sheepy: Nyar: (I could be a horrible monstrosity if you want) Arsé-kun: Germain: Not in public, Nyar. Sheepy: Nyar: (You'd like that in private?) Arsé-kun: Germain: Of course. Sheepy: Nyar: (Wow. Weirdo.) Sheepy: Nyar: (What if they ask how an octopus got here?) Sheepy: Nyar: (This isn't exactly what I wanted but it's still better.) Arsé-kun: Germain: Considering you've gone mysteriously absent, and that they have an IQ over seven.. Sheepy: Nyar: (Most of them. Not all.) Sheepy: Sheepy: I was hoping for an eldritch abomination and instead I got a flapjack octopus. Arsé-kun: Germain: How unfortunate for you. *he goes to pick Nyar up* Sheepy: Nyar: (This was the only one I felt safe with.) Arsé-kun: Germain: It's cute, so it's fine. Sheepy: Nyar: (Impey won't cook me if I look like this.) Sheepy: Nyar: (Octopi are expensive normally...) Arsé-kun: Impey: *he's come out to investigate* !! Sheepy: Nyar: (Oh shoot.) Arsé-kun: Impey: Oh, it's cuuuute! Sheepy: Sheepy: It's Nyar. Arsé-kun: Impey: <3 Sheepy: Sheepy: He's...cute... Arsé-kun: Impey: Fran! Fran, come here! Sheepy: Fran: *he arrives!* What's going on? Sheepy: Nyar: *he is starting to get flustered. he hides in his tentacles. he was not expecting to be the center of attention* Arsé-kun: Impey: *he points at Nyar* Cutie! Sheepy: Fran: It is cute! Arsé-kun: Germain: *he looks down at Nyar* Positive reception thus far. Sheepy: Nyar: (I'm uncomfortable.) Arsé-kun: Germain: No, you're adorable. Sheepy: *Nyar changes to the color of Sanchan's sleeve* Sheepy: Nyar: (I'm invisible.) Sheepy: Sheepy: A mystery has been solved. Arsé-kun: *Impey finally tears his attention away from Nyar to go through the trash* Sheepy: Sheepy: Why Sheepy: Sherlock: -And so. My conclusion *he taps a large map on the wall* Is that he's here. Sheepy: Sherlock: Any questions? Arsé-kun: Arséne: *he starts clapping* Bravo, Sherlock! You're a brilliant madman, but brilliant nevertheless! Sheepy: Sherlock: *he seems pleased with himself!* Arsé-kun: Van: .... I understood.... Barely any of that, with how fast you were speaking. From the top, in english. Sheepy: Sherlock: So, the first thing I noticed were Azathoth's shoes. Sheepy: Sherlock: The dirt on them came from this general area. Sheepy: *Sherlock taps the map* Sheepy: Sherlock: Watson did not have it on his shoes. Sheepy: Sherlock: Meaning that he was headed there. Arsé-kun: Van: How do we know he wasn't going somewhere else, perchance? Sheepy: Sherlock: He was going towards that area, and Azathoth ended up dirtying his shoes while casing it. Sheepy: Sherlock: It was fresh dirt too. Arsé-kun: Finis: .... I understand thus far, but how about the specifics? Sheepy: Sherlock: The company who owned this factory went bankrupt recently. Sheepy: Sherlock: The factory has not been in use since then. Arsé-kun: *there's a moments pause, where it's expected for someone to comment. no one does. Watson is not here to comment.* Sheepy: Sherlock: *he looks bothered by this* Sheepy: Sherlock: It's spacious as well. Meaning, he could do as he pleased in it without worrying about space constraints. Sheepy: Sherlock: Like with the department store. Arsé-kun: Finis: ... There may be space for all of the grunts there. Sheepy: Sherlock: Right-o. Arsé-kun: Arséne: We'd best be careful. The security inside would be intense. Sheepy: Sherlock: Right. We should go as soon as possible. Arsé-kun: Arséne: .. At least, after we get the others inside. Sheepy: Sherlock: Right. Arsé-kun: Germain: What's going on? *he comes in, with Nyar on his arm. he's absently petting nyar's head.* Sheepy: *Nyar approves.* Arsé-kun: Germain: Some kind of meeting? Sheepy: Sherlock: I figured out where Watson is Arsé-kun: Germain: That's wonderful! Sheepy: Sherlock: Once everyone is ready, we're going Sheepy: Nyar: (I'm going to have a rematch with Dad.) Arsé-kun: Germain: All right. *he leans outside* Get inside, you two! Sheepy: Fran: *he comes inside* Arsé-kun: *Impey follows!* Sheepy: Sherlock:...Actually, what're we going to do about Harley? Can we leave him alone here? Sheepy: Sherlock: Would Azathoth send people to grab him while we're gone? Sheepy: Nyar: (He's useless.) Arsé-kun: Arséne: Are we all going? I was thinking we keep to two groups, like last time. Sheepy: Sherlock: Good idea. Sheepy: Sherlock: Who's going and who's staying? Sheepy: Tom: ........ Arsé-kun: Van: .... Arsé-kun: Mycroft: ... As I'm not good at combat, I think I'll stay behind. Sheepy: Sherlock: Harley seems to have gotten attached fo you anyway. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Surprising. Arsé-kun: Arséne: I'd like to go- Sheepy: Tom: little thief, three hours remain. are you happy with your life? Arsé-kun: Arséne: I don't want to go anymore. Sheepy: Sheepy: I wanna go. Arsé-kun: Arséne: ..... I suppose I will, anyway. Sheepy: Tom: little thief, are you ready to face the bullet that threatens to end your future prematurely? Arsé-kun: Arséne: *he just. slams Tom's face into the table* Enough! Sheepy: Tom:......... Sheepy: Tom:................ Arsé-kun: Delacroix: .... ??? Sheepy: Tom: aaaaaaaaa Sheepy: Tom: im bleeding Arsé-kun: Delacroix: *he grabs Tom off the table* ?? Sheepy: Tom: make it stop make it stop make it stop Arsé-kun: Delacroix: *he hisses and nearly drops Tom* What the heck? Sheepy: Sheepy: Should we bring Tom? Arsé-kun: Arséne: Non! Sheepy: Sheepy: Why not? Sheepy: Tom:.... Arsé-kun: Arséne: He's going to stress us out at this rate. Sheepy: Sheepy: He's doing his best to help. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Saying someone is going to die, repeatedly, is rather stressful. No, and no. Sheepy: Sheepy: Okay. Sheepy: Tom:........... Arsé-kun: Delacroix: *he awkwardly pats Tom's head* Sheepy: Tom: *he doesn't seem to mind.* Arsé-kun: Van: ... I'll hold back this time, as well. I'll guard. Sheepy: Iris: *she looks conflicted* Arsé-kun: Germain: I, for one, will gladly go. Sheepy: Nyar: (I'm going.) Arsé-kun: Impey: I'll go! Sheepy: Nyar: (I can escape anything.) Sheepy: Fran: I'll follow Impey. Sheepy: Nyar: (Besides, I doubt he'll test on me again.) Arsé-kun: Delacroix: I'd like to not be anywhere near that hellhole. I'll pass. Sheepy: Iris: Ummm... Sheepy: Iris: I'll stay with Abby. Please keep Daddy safe. Sheepy: Nyar: (I can serve as a distraction device worst comes to worst.) Arsé-kun: Germain: As can I. Sheepy: Nyar: (Actually, I've got an idea.) Sheepy: Nyar: (There's probably vents, right? I can drop down on him. That'll give him a scare.) Arsé-kun: Germain: Or a broken spine. Good plan. Sheepy: Nyar: (Oh, good point.) Sheepy: Sherlock: IS everyone ready to go?? Arsé-kun: Arséne: I think we're as ready as we'll be. Sheepy: Sherlock: Then let's go. Arsé-kun: *the journey begins!!* Sheepy: *Sherlock leads them there. Nyar has probably switched back to being human.* Arsé-kun: *i'd hope so. being an octopus in public is weird. Arséne decides he never wants to see that again* Sheepy: *Im sorry Arséne* Arsé-kun: *instead, Arséne focuses his attention on Sherlock, just in case. Germain is keeping an eye on their surroundings* Sheepy: *Sherlock is focused on remembering his way there.* Arsé-kun: Impey: --And anyway, I don't know how long I can do it for. Sheepy: Fran: I can take over. Arsé-kun: Impey: I don't know.. You already do one of us.. Sheepy: Fran: That's a good point. We can test it and see if I can handle it. Arsé-kun: Impey: Not tonight, though. Sheepy: Fran: Right. Sheepy: Sheepy: So how are eldritch abominations born? Sheepy: Sheepy: I don't remember any mention of Azathoth having a wife or anything so how did he have kids? Arsé-kun: Germain: However he wanted. Sheepy: Sheepy: So like a plant? Sheepy: Sheepy: Is Nyar a plant? Sheepy: Nyar: I'm a plant, you caught me. Sheepy: Nyar: Saint-Germain is also a plant. Sheepy: Nyar: Even you are a plant. Sheepy: Nyar: I'm sorry, you're adopted. Sheepy: Sheepy: I know. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Joke's on you- He already was. Sheepy: Nyar: Well. Sheepy: Nyar: I've made a huge mistake. Arsé-kun: Germain: You sure have Sheepy: Nyar: So, so, so wait. Sheepy: Nyar: Fluffy isn't Watson's kid? Arsé-kun: Arséne: Non? He's mine. ... And he was adopted. Sheepy: Nyar: *he looks bothered by this* Arsé-kun: Arséne: Iris is Watson's. Sheepy: Nyar: You're acting like there's only one. Arsé-kun: Arséne: There is. Sheepy: Nyar: Then what happened to the other one? Arsé-kun: Arséne: There's never been another one. Was there supposed to..? Sheepy: Nyar: There was definitely going to be a second one. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Considering his wife... ... Sheepy: Nyar: I knew that his wife died. Arsé-kun: Germain: From what I understand from this, she may have been pregnant at the time. Sheepy: Nyar: I was confident the child was already born. Arsé-kun: Germain: ... Do you know something we don't? Sheepy: Nyar: I've been fed false information. Sheepy: Nyar: Do I? Sheepy: Nyar: Maybe. Sheepy: Nyar: Or maybe I don't. Sheepy: Nyar: If I give away all of my information that I've been withholding, I'd lack interest. I'd be the throw away villain whose entire purpose had been lost. Sheepy: Nyar: So. Sheepy: Nyar: I won't tell you. Arsé-kun: Germain: Yet. Sheepy: Nyar: Yet. Sheepy: Nyar: I'll just say one thing: Sheepy: Nyar: Your perception of reality may not be correct. Sheepy: Nyar: Our presence does things, you know. Sheepy: Nyar: And sometimes we don't want you knowing things. Arsé-kun: Germain: ... I think I understand. :) Sheepy: Nyar: So. Any other questions? Arsé-kun: Impey: Are we there yet? Sheepy: Nyar: I'm willing to answer just about anything you might find of interest. Sheepy: Nyar: No. Sheepy: Sherlock: We're close. Arsé-kun: Impey: What kind of octopus were you? Were you poisonous? sheep: Nyar: A little but not deadly. All octopi are poisonous, actually! And, a flapjack octopus. sheep: Nyar: The only deadly octopus is the blue ringed octopus. sheep: Nyar: They're the size of a golfball and their bites are painless, unlike normal octopi, but can kill an adult human within a few minutes. sheep: Nyar: Their poison can affect you even if they don't bite you if you prolong contact, but it won't be deadly. Arsé-kun: Impey: ... What about things that aren't human? How's it affect those? sheep: Nyar: ... I doubt it'd work on Dad. Arsé-kun: Impey: Dang! sheep: Nyar: Unless you mean animals or toddlers, in which case, it'd still kill them. Arsé-kun: Impey: Toddlers are still human! sheep: Nyar: Incorrect, toddlers aren't humans sheep: Nyar: They're gremlins. Arsé-kun: Impey: ... Okay, true! sheep: Sherlock: We're here. sheep: Sheepy: Creepy. sheep: Nyar: So do we have a plan? Arsé-kun: Arséne: I don't think so. sheep: Sheepy: I can ask a guard where watson is. There's a voice they'll react to. Arsé-kun: Impey: Right, that! sheep: Sheepy: Then we just have to get there. sheep: Nyar: You make it sound so easy. Arsé-kun: Impey: Will it not be? sheep: Nyar: Dad is much more skilled than me. He's actually bothering, too. sheep: Nyar: As I said... sheep: Nyar: If I really wanted to... sheep: Nyar: I could crush you right here and now. Arsé-kun: Germain: But you won't. sheep: Nyar: Of course not. sheep: Nyar: We have a common goal. Arsé-kun: *and here comes a guard!* sheep: Sheepy: *In a commanding voice* You! Where is Watson? Arsé-kun: guard: .... back. sheep: Sheepy: Thank you. Arsé-kun: guard: .... Please leave the premises. sheep: Nyar: *he approaches the guard* Arsé-kun: guard: .... Please. sheep: Nyar: Hmhm, this place has a cockroach infestation, doesn't it? Seems like you've got a little something there on you... sheep: Nyar: They reeeeaaallyyyy like you, huh? Arsé-kun: guard: ... .... *they don't look* sheep: Nyar: *he frowns* It's your loss, really. I was warning you because this type will burrow into people. One is right now. Arsé-kun: guard: ... .... *they quickly smack their arm and look back at Nyar* And now it is dead, much like you will be if you remain on premises. sheep: Nyar: You'd kill Daddy's little ball of sunshine? ... Hmm. He's trained you all well. sheep: Nyar: Hmhmhm... well, look at the time. It's time for your nappy-poo, sweetie. *he suddenly smacks the guard very hard on the head* Arsé-kun: *the guard goes straight down. are we sure you didn't kill him?* sheep: Nyar: *he checks* sheep: Nyar: Oh, goodie. They're just sleeping... and possibly have permanent brain damage. sheep: Nyar: Let's go in. Arsé-kun: Impey: *he decides to look elsewhere* Yeah. sheep: *so they go in* sheep: Nyar: *he looks around* Arsé-kun: *lots of grunts doing their own thing. two are repairing uniforms. they're the only ones who don't look totally dead inside. this is completely irrelevant.* sheep: Nyar: ... Sheepy: Nyar: *he seems interested in the two, but doesn't comment. instead, he thinks about how they can infiltrate the base further.* Arsé-kun: Arséne: .... Where should we go? Sheepy: Nyar: I could go in and sacrifice myself as a distraction device. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Please don't unless you have to. Sheepy: Nyar: Phil would be mighty convenient just about now. Sheepy: Nyar: He'd be useful for planting ideas in their head. Sheepy: Nyar: Let's just be sneaky. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Right. Sheepy: *Nyar begins to sneak deeper in* Arsé-kun: *Arséne follows suit, keeping quiet* Arsé-kun: *scooby doo sneaky music begins to play. Impey would be whistling it if he could* Sheepy: *Nyar doesnt question it. They sneak further in.* Arsé-kun: *it's not actually playing- Impey is quietly humming it* Sheepy: *do they get there without incident?* Arsé-kun: *yes!* Sheepy: *They arrive to the room with Watson!* Arsé-kun: *there is nothing of note happening. Just more grunts. find watson?* Sheepy: *yes* Arsé-kun: *well, they all have helmets, and none are paying attention to the team.* Arsé-kun: *Nyar attempts to have the grunts remove their helmets* Arsé-kun: *Most of the grunts completely ignore him. Only one starts to move, and they can't seem to get the helmet off. Wires are poking out* Sheepy: Nyar: *he squints* Arsé-kun: *a bit of ginger ponytail is also peeking out.* Sheepy: Nyar: Follow me. Arsé-kun: ?: .... *they look at Nyar* Sheepy: Nyar: The masks are outside. I'd appreciate it if you help bring them in. Arsé-kun: ?: ..... yes, sir. Sheepy: *And so, Nyar heads for the front of the building* Arsé-kun: *the grunt follows him.* Arsé-kun: *everyone else is following at a distance.* Arsé-kun: *the grunt follows without a word* Sheepy: *...The moment they get outside, Nyar picks up the grunt and runs! Arsé-kun: Impey: Oh, okay Sheepy: Sheepy: He did all of the work. Arsé-kun: Impey: Well, didn't we only come just in case? Sheepy: Sheepy: Yeah. Sheepy: Sheepy: But he's also the Crawling Chaos, so... Arsé-kun: *From behind them, a burst of three gunshots. A single moment of silence, and Arséne falls to the ground.* Sheepy: Sheepy: Arséne! *he drops to Arséne's side* Arsé-kun: Azathoth: Did you all think you'd get away so easily? I'd shoot you all down, but I've run out of ammo. Sheepy: Sheepy: Y...you... Arsé-kun: Azathoth: Terrible, I know. I don't care. Thy forbid I wake up, for none of you would exist. ... Not that it matters. I learned what I wanted. *he tosses the gun away. what a waste of an rk5* Sheepy: Sheepy: W...wake up? Arsé-kun: Azathoth: Shall I spell it out for you? If I were fully here, only I would be left. Where's the fun in that? Sheepy: Sheepy: Why're you relying on people if you could easily wipe us out? Arsé-kun: Azathoth: What did I just say, child? I am not at full power, and cannot be. Arsé-kun: *Impey, meanwhile, has decided getting Arséne out of harms way is the best plan* Sheepy: Sheepy: Is that why Nyar was having trouble causing hallucinations? Sheepy: Sheepy: Or was that caused by your testing on him? Arsé-kun: Azathoth: That was me, actually. *he seems proud of himself* Sheepy: Sheepy: Is it permanent? Arsé-kun: Azathoth: Of course not. Sheepy: Sheepy: Why is he working against you? Arsé-kun: Azathoth: How should I know? Sheepy: Sheepy: I thought he had an evil plan in mind to make all of humanity suffer by rebelling against you. Darn. Arsé-kun: Azathoth: Oh, he probably does. He just wants attention, silly kid. Sheepy: Sheepy: That's it...? Arsé-kun: Azathoth: Probably. Sheepy: Sheepy: Doesn't he already get enough? Arsé-kun: Azathoth: Apparently not? I never understood him, or Nodens. Sheepy: Sheepy: What did Nodens do? He's going by Phil now and I don't get it. Sheepy: Sheepy: The books make him out to be someone who hunts for enjoyment and gives people tidbits of information so they'll make a fight more interesting for him... Sheepy: Sheepy: But he's just an emotionless husk based on my interactions... Arsé-kun: Azathoth: That was right once. Idiot got rid of the feelings he had. I appreciate the loyalties he has now, but it's so boring. Sheepy: Sheepy: He works for you? Arsé-kun: Azathoth: I think so? *he seems thoughtful* ... I'm not sure. Sheepy: Sheepy: The last interaction I had with him ended in him kicking a hole in the wall because he thought it was completely normal to do so... Sheepy: Sheepy: Where did his emotions go? Can he get them back??? Arsé-kun: Azathoth: Again- I do not know. I may turn my attention back to him for that reason. Sheepy: Sheepy: That'd be good. He's unsettling at times with how emotionless he is. Arsé-kun: Azathoth: ... ... *he shifts his hair out of the way, and cracks an eye open* ... You remind me of a mortal Nyarlathotep was obsessed with for a time. *he puts his hair back* Ask him about it. I want him to squirm. Sheepy: Sheepy: Eh? Arsé-kun: Azathoth: :) Sheepy: Sheepy: Is that why you aren't killing me? Arsé-kun: Azathoth: It may. *he yawns* It may not. Sheepy: Sheepy: Okay. I should let you sleep. Arsé-kun: Azathoth: That'd be nice, but I've got something to do, first. Sheepy: Sheepy: Huh? Arsé-kun: Azathoth: I've got to drive someone mad, then I can nap for the week. I scheduled it, so I'm going to do it. Sheepy: Sheepy: Okay. Have fun. Arsé-kun: *azathoth exits stage left by just. not existing here anymore. bye* Sheepy: *Sheepy leaves and drops something without realizing it on the way out!* Arsé-kun: Azathoth: ... *he returns for a moment to retrieve it. he decides to keep it.* Sheepy: *it's cute, fluffy, and likes to scream.* Arsé-kun: Impey: --- Sorry, sorry, I'm trying not to! You've got like, ten minutes, before I get hungry, Fran! Sheepy: Fran: He's hurt...! I'm right here anyway... Arsé-kun: Impey: Yeah, yea- Sheepy! What took? Sheepy: Sheepy: I was talking to Azathoth. Arsé-kun: Impey: oDo Sheepy: Sheepy: He was surprisingly very nice to me... wait! Is Arséne okay??? Arsé-kun: Impey: Injured, but alive! Sheepy: Sheepy: That's good. Arsé-kun: Arséne: ... ... ...? Sheepy: Sheepy: *he joins Arséne* Arsé-kun: Arséne: ... ooh, oww... I was shot, wasn't I..? Sheepy: Sheepy: You were. Sheepy: Sheepy: But you're not dead! Arsé-kun: Arséne: .... Remind me to throw Tom into the trash. Sheepy: Sheepy: Okay. Sheepy: Sheepy: Just try to relax. Arsé-kun: Arséne: It's hard to.. Sheepy: Sheepy: You'll bleed more if you don't relax. Arsé-kun: Arséne: ... Right, you're right, I'm sorry. Sheepy: *so meanwhile! happy fun times with van!* Arsé-kun: Azathoth: -Don't look so mad at me. I only had one thing to say! *he holds his hands up* Sheepy: Iris: *she is hiding behind Van* Arsé-kun: Delacroix: *he's also behind Van, and hissing at Azathoth* Sheepy: *Harley is watching this. it's not like he can do much in his current state so* Arsé-kun: Azathoth: Oh, come on, Helsing. I thought you were a good boy. You're a good boy, right? Who's a good boy? Sheepy: Iris: ? Arsé-kun: Van: .... .... Sheepy: Iris: Stop taunting Abby! Arsé-kun: Azathoth: I'm already done! That was all. Sheepy: Iris: *she still seems intimidated* Arsé-kun: *Van's gone quiet* Sheepy: Iris: Abby...? Arsé-kun: Van: ....... ........ *he utters a low growl and looks down at the kids. glowing red eyes are bad. very bad* Arsé-kun: *Delacroix hisses at him, loudly, and backs away* Sheepy: Iris: Are you okay, Abby? Arsé-kun: Van: .... .... *he pushes Iris away, and opens fire on Azathoth. Azathoth lets it happen.* Sheepy: Iris: ?! Arsé-kun: Delacroix: Idiot! Get out of there..! Sheepy: Iris: *she doesn't seem willing to leave Van. sorry delly* Arsé-kun: Finis: ... ... *he's watching from the backdoor. He shakes his head* Sheepy: Iris: *she waits for Van to pause to tug on his jacket* Abby? Are you alright? Arsé-kun: Van: *he shoves her away, a bit harder this time* Sheepy: Iris:...? Arsé-kun: Azathoth: *he starts laughing, and picks himself up off the ground* Bravo, bravo! The perfect reaction, finally! *he holds his arms out* Take it out on me, soldier! Sheepy: Iris: Abby... you need to calm down! He's planning something! Arsé-kun: Van: *iris is ignored in favor of shooting at Azathoth until he runs out of ammo* Arsé-kun: Van: *he growls again, and tosses his gun away in favor of getting the other one* Sheepy: Iris: *she lets out an "Ow...!" before returning back to trying to stop Van* Arsé-kun: Van: ...! Arsé-kun: Van: ... .... *the glow seems to die down a little. his anger has subsided a bit, but he is still very growly and gutteral* .... Did I... Do that? Sheepy: Iris: It's okay... I know you didn't mean to. Just please calm down... Arsé-kun: Van: .... .... Arsé-kun: Azathoth: This is what's going to stop you, good boy? Arsé-kun: Van: ....! *he clutches his head with his free hand* Make it stop...! Sheepy: Iris: *im gunna hug you so please chill* Arsé-kun: Van: ... ..... *he starts to point his shotgun at himself..* Sheepy: Iris: Abby! No! Sheepy: Iris: Don't! Arsé-kun: Van: ....... .......... *he starts wobbling in place, nearly dropping his shotgun. he opts to pull the trigger- and misses completely, the bullet soaring over his shoulder* Sheepy: *CARDIA IS HERE TO KICK BUTT! IM SORRY AZATHOTH ITS TIME FOR ONE PUNCH MAN TO THE GUT* Arsé-kun: Azathoth: !!! *that tears through him like paper. he drops.* Sheepy: Cardia: Bug off and don't come back! Sheepy: Cardia: That's only a demo of what I'll do to you if you show your face around here again, jerk! Arsé-kun: Azathoth: ... *he quietly begins laughing again* Perhaps. I've learned what I wanted. Sheepy: Cardia: Huh? Arsé-kun: Azathoth: .... Note 345k, trigger fades with emotional stimulation. *he nods to himself, and stumbles to his feet. he's heavily bleeding red and black* If I can not be assaulted again, I will leave. Sheepy: Sheepy: Oh, how nice of you to escort me home, but I would've rather you walked me back to make sure any creepy strangers didn't come up to me rather than teleporting home. Sheepy: Sheepy: I'm sorry Azathoth but you can't come in because they don't like strangers here. Sheepy: Sheepy: But next time you want to visit you can stay outside. Arsé-kun: Azathoth: *he chuckles* I'm sorry, I wasn't aware I was your butler now, Curly. *he shakes his head* I already told you what I was doing. With that- *he drops into his own puddle of blood and disappears. bye* Sheepy: Sheepy: Bye, have a nice trip. Arsé-kun: Van: ... .... Sheepy: Sheepy: Sorry about that. He said he wanted to drive someone crazy. He's going home to take a nap now. Sheepy: Iris: Abby, he's gone now, so everything is okay. Arsé-kun: Van: .... *he drops to his knees, letting go of the gun. he's breathing faster than need be, and visibly sweating. the glow has gone away* Sheepy: Iris: *she hugs him and tries to calm him down by talking in a soft voice. Iris does her best.* Sheepy: Sheepy: So I've got information once Van is feeling better and everyone is ready to hear it. Arsé-kun: Delacroix: *he's staring at Sheepy* Sheepy: Sheepy: What? Arsé-kun: Delacroix: You're so casual..! What the hell?! Sheepy: Sheepy: I can't bring myself to be bothered by this for some reason. Sheepy: Sheepy: Maybe because I'm tired. Arsé-kun: Delacroix: Weirdo. Sheepy: Sheepy: So is everyone ready for the newest scoop? Arsé-kun: Finis: I suppose so, yes. Sheepy: Sheepy: So I talked to Azathoth while Fran and Impey treated Arsene. Sheepy: Sheepy: For a long time, too. It was surprisingly a pleasant conversation. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: How are you alive?! Sheepy: Sheepy: He didn't seem to be interested in hurting me. Sheepy: Sheepy: He was actually very relaxed once it was just the two of us. Sheepy: Sheepy: I don't know why. Sheepy: Sheepy: Actually, he gave a possible reason as to why but I don't get it. Sheepy: Sheepy: So anyway. Arsé-kun: Finis: Go on. Sheepy: Sheepy: I can say for certain that Phil isn't fully an ally. Sheepy: Sheepy: He's working for Azathoth. He's apparently very loyal at that. Sheepy: Sheepy: Or, at least with. Azathoth wasn't confident if Phil was working for him. Arsé-kun: Finis: ..... I feel like I understand. Continue. Sheepy: Sheepy: Azathoth may shift his attention towards getting Phil's emotions back, which may give us time to relax. Sheepy: Sheepy: As for Watson, Nyar currently has him. He had wires and stuff. He was listening to Nyar's orders wihout question. Hopefully we can fix him. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: And where, exactly, is Nyar? Sheepy: Sheepy: No clue. Arsé-kun: Germain: On his way. *he looks at the bloody yard* What happened here? Sheepy: Sheepy: Azathoth escorted me home except he got here too fast and apparently got Van angry. Sheepy: Cardia: I shoved my fist through his stomach. Arsé-kun: Germain: Very funny- Good work, Cardia. Anyone else willing to share? Sheepy: Iris: Abby's eyes turned red and he started growling. Arsé-kun: Delacroix: It's what happened to me. Sheepy: Sheepy: I remember that. Arsé-kun: Delacroix: ... "Potential".. Something like that. Sheepy: Sheepy: Hmm... Sheepy: Sheepy: Saint-Germain, you missed an important detail. Arsé-kun: Germain: Oh? Sheepy: Sheepy: It's about Phil. Arsé-kun: Germain: Oh, I heard it. Sheepy: Sheepy: You did??? Arsé-kun: Germain: I was just around the front. Sheepy: Sheepy: Oh. Arsé-kun: Germain: I'd doubt his loyalty. Phil tends to only involve himself in things for the knowledge it brings. Sheepy: Sheepy: So he's okay? Arsé-kun: Germain: Correct. Sheepy: Sheepy: That's good. Sheepy: Sheepy: I have a question. Arsé-kun: Germain: Yes? Sheepy: Sheepy: Nyar isn't here and you're smart, sooo... Sheepy: Sheepy: Azathoth said something weird to me. Arsé-kun: Germain: Not surprising. Carry on. Sheepy: Sheepy: "You remind me of this human that Nyar was interested in for a while. Ask him about it - I want to see him squirm" or something. Arsé-kun: Germain: *his eyebrows shoot through the stratosphere. he stares.* Sheepy: Sheepy: He even opened one of his eyes. Sheepy: Sheepy: What's he talking about? Arsé-kun: Germain: .... That's something that is out of my business. What I can say is that it may not be a bad thing. Sheepy: Sheepy: It's not? Arsé-kun: Germain: He went upstairs. Ask him. Sheepy: Sheepy: Well, okay. Sheepy: Sheepy: Let's go then! Please come to be my body shield. Arsé-kun: Germain: How elegant. Sheepy: *Sheepy goes inside and upstairs* Arsé-kun: Watson: *he's sitting next to, and leaning on Sherlock. He seems tired.* Sheepy: Sherlock: *he has an arm wrapped around Watson* Sheepy: Sheepy: Oh! Watson! How are you feeling? Arsé-kun: Watson: ... Tired. Sheepy: Sheepy: Understandable. I hope you feel better soon. Arsé-kun: Watson: ... Thank you.. Sheepy: Sherlock: *he is surprisingly quiet* Sheepy: Sheepy: Nyar, Azathoth said that I reminded him of someone you took an interest in for a while, and that you'd squirm if you remembered him. Sheepy: Nyar: We aren't talking about this. Arsé-kun: Germain: Well, he's certainly squirming. Sheepy: Nyar: Wait, how are you still standing if you talked to him for a while? Was it just a side comment? Arsé-kun: Germain: That's what we all want to know. Sheepy: Nyar: *he looks bothered* Sheepy: Sheepy: We bonded over badtalking you. Arsé-kun: Germain: ... It may have been a serious statement. Sheepy: Nyar: You think so? Arsé-kun: Germain: I take it back with respect. Arsé-kun: Germain: Clearly it was unimportant. Sheepy: Nyar: No, no, now I'm thinking about it. Sheepy: Nyar: How would that be possible? Arsé-kun: Germain: Hell if I know. It's too complicated for me to try and figure it out. Sheepy: Nyar: I do feel very relaxed when he's around, but... Arsé-kun: Germain: Well, then it was a correct statement. Sheepy: Nyar: Hmm. Sheepy: Sheepy: I'm scared. Arsé-kun: Germain: Why? Sheepy: Sheepy: I've gotten involved in something weird. Arsé-kun: Germain: You sure have. Welcome to reality. Sheepy: Nyar: I'm overthinking things. Arsé-kun: Watson: .... *he's fallen asleep in the background* Sheepy: *Sherlock keeps him supported* Arsé-kun: *good sherlock* Sheepy: Sheepy: I can't believe it. I'm like catnip for eldritch abominations. Arsé-kun: Germain: Apparently. Sheepy: Sheepy: Will Phil react to me? Arsé-kun: Germain: Doubtful. He would have by now. Sheepy: Sheepy: Awwwww.... Sheepy: Sheepy: Oh well....... Sheepy: Nyar: You think that that cult from a while back has something to do with his? Arsé-kun: Germain: ...... I completely forgot about that, actually. That's how minor it was. Sheepy: Nyar: Yeah, but she was concerned about it. Sheepy: *Sherlock has decided that it's naptime* Arsé-kun: Germain: Enough out of you, Nyar. Sheepy: Nyar: Whoops. Arsé-kun: Germain: That was intentional, wasn't it? Sheepy: Nyar: Gosh. I just got really comfortable and it all slipped out... Arsé-kun: Germain: Do I have to tape your mouth shut? Or will you make a new one to yap? Sheepy: Nyar: No. Sheepy: Nyar: That wasn't a joke though. Arsé-kun: Germain: ... Lets discuss this elsewhere. Let them be. Sheepy: Iris: *SHES HERE!* Daddy! You're back! Arsé-kun: Watson: .... Iris, hello.. Sheepy: Nyar: Yeah, I definitely agree. Sheepy: *Watson gets a hug!* Arsé-kun: Watson: *he returns it. she's okay, everything is right with the world. except that he's AWAKE* Sheepy: Iris: How're you feeling? Arsé-kun: Watson: Drowsy. ... What happened to you? Sheepy: Iris: *she breaks eye contact* I tripped. Arsé-kun: Watson: .. Iris. Sheepy: Iris: ? Arsé-kun: Watson: ... Tell me what really happened in the morning, please. Sheepy: Iris: Okay, Daddy. Please get some rest. Arsé-kun: Watson: .... Okay. You should, too. Sheepy: Iris: I will! Arsé-kun: Watson: *he leans back, and waits for her to leave before going back to sleep* Arsé-kun: *the next morning!* Arsé-kun: *Watson is the first one up, and he puts his coffee on. He has a hoodie on, and the hood up, to hide the wires n shit. It's weird and uncomfortable.* Sheepy: *The sun is shining. The birds are chirping. Sherlock is lying on the sofa with an empty, almost lifeless look in his eyes as he plays the violin badly to reflect his thought process and melancholy. It's a normal day.* Arsé-kun: Watson: *he groans and goes to Sherlock* It's that kind of day? Sheepy: Sherlock: *It takes him a good minute to pause playing and reply* The birds are happily chirping away, the sun is shining on this pleasant day, I hope a truck hits me. Arsé-kun: Watson: .... *he decides to sit on the sofa. specifically, right on Sherlock's gut* Keep that up, and I'll arrange for it to happen. Sheepy: Sherlock: *OH. He wasn't expecting that.* Sheepy: Sherlock: I knew I could count on you. Arsé-kun: Watson: Can I count on you to play properly? Sheepy: Sherlock: I can play properly. Arsé-kun: Watson: prove it. *he grins* Sheepy: Sherlock: What do you want to hear? Arsé-kun: Watson: That's a good question. Sheepy: Sherlock: I don't know what to play. Sheepy: Sherlock: Oh, right. Sheepy: Sherlock: Harley's out of the hospital. Actually, we took him out the moment he woke up because they're having problems with too many people and not enough staff. Sheepy: Sherlock: He's still recovering. Sheepy: Sherlock: By recovering I mean he's nothing like how he was before and he's acting strange. And dropping things. Arsé-kun: Watson: !! Sheepy: Sherlock: He's been sticking with Mycroft so you probably won't get to see him until Mycroft comes over. Sheepy: Sherlock: Anyway, what did you want to hear? Arsé-kun: Watson: *Watson thinks about this* That depends, what are you willing to play? Sheepy: Sherlock: I don't really care right now. Arsé-kun: Watson: ah, just play what you were before- but properly, please. Sheepy: *Sherlock goes back to playing but stops putting his woes and confused, negative thoughts into his music. sounds good!* Arsé-kun: *Excellent! Watson goes and retrieves his morning caffeine.* Sheepy: *I hope you enjoy Legs Prosecutor's theme song written by Sherlock Holmes, Watson. It's pretty reminiscent of vampire movie music.* Arsé-kun: *but it's still good and not depressing* Sheepy: *this is true. let's hope this actually keeps up rather than sherlock deciding to be depressing again* Sheepy: Sherlock: *No, wait, it's starting to turn back to a song of his melancholy again. Nevermind.* Arsé-kun: Watson: *he lightly bumps Sherlock* No. Don't. Sheepy: Sherlock: It's a song about my depression. Arsé-kun: Watson: Yes, I hear it. Sheepy: Sherlock: I hope today is the day where my heart suddenly fails me and I die. This seems like a good day for that. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Don't do that. Sheepy: Sherlock: Hi, Arsene. Sheepy: Sherlock: I'm bored. Sheepy: Sherlock: I'm also sad and I don't know why. Sheepy: Sherlock: *he checks his gun, points it at the wall, bang! moves it some. bang! sherlock stop putting initials in the wall with your gun you may be a good shot but Stop* Arsé-kun: Van: *he's been attracted to the sound of gunfire* Sheepy: *It's just Sherlock shooting at the wall. nothing interesting.* Arsé-kun: Van: ... Why. Sheepy: Sherlock: I'm bored and sad, as I said. Sheepy: Sherlock: ...Ah, shoot, I broke focus and missed. Sheepy: Nyar: Hello, Dearie~ *where did he come from?* Sheepy: Nyar: I was drawn here from the noise but I'm pleasantly surprised to see you up and moving. I apologize for Dad's... additions to your frame. Sheepy: Nyar: I doubt that any human could remove that without possibly permanently injuring you. So, the question must be asked: How was it put in in the first place? Hmhmhm... Sheepy: Nyar: It can be removed the same way it was put in, and it was added the same way it'll be taken out. A vicious cycle that leads to no answer. Arsé-kun: Watson: I'd like to know, myself, but not now Sheepy: Nyar: You aren't interested? Sheepy: Nyar: Gosh, being a mysterious antihero is difficult when nobody is curious. Arsé-kun: Watson: I just had my coffee. Arsé-kun: Watson: I'll care in about half an hour. sheep: Nyar: Well, okay. Arsé-kun: Van: *he's looking at the wall* Did you really need to waste bullets for this? sheep: Sherlock: I'm bored and sad, as I said. Arsé-kun: Van: Fair enough. .. Hand me your gun, I want a turn. sheep: Sherlock: *he hands Van the gun and goes back to playing the violin* sheep: Sherlock: Do you ever wonder what life would be like if you hadn't been born? sheep: Sherlock: Would it be any different? Arsé-kun: *Van decides to copy Sherlock, and shoots his initials into the wall-* Arsé-kun: Van: Nope. sheep: Sherlock: If I was never born, I doubt anyone would miss me. sheep: Nyar: Well, of course not. sheep: Sherlock: People act as though individuals are one of a kind sheep: Sherlock: but if, say, Isaac Newton was never born, someone else would have come up wih his equations. sheep: Sherlock: He cried out the loudest and thus got the credit. Arsé-kun: *Germain arrives to see what's going on. Bad violin and gunfire.* sheep: Sherlock: However, he is interchangeable, and we could put anyone in his place so long as they would have discovered the same things and no one would bat an eye or notice a difference. sheep: Sherlock: Basically, people only see the accomplishments of the individual and not the individual's true self. sheep: Sherlock: Without his accomplishments, Isaac Newton would be as worthless to the human eye as any other person. sheep: Sherlock: ...So. sheep: Sherlock: What I'm trying to say is... sheep: Sherlock: Whether or not I'm a detective, I will make no impact on humanity and thus will be forgotten like everyone else, since to the people of the future I am worthless. sheep: Sherlock: Meaning, I could quit my job and become a bee keeper and no one will bat an eye. sheep: Sherlock: The bees will appreciate me. sheep: Sherlock: Bees don't have a concept of past Arsé-kun: Arséne: how could you? sheep: Sherlock: past or future. sheep: Sherlock: How could I what? Arsé-kun: Arséne: Leave us for the bees. sheep: Sherlock: I'll be appreciated there. I'll be worth something. sheep: Sherlock: The bees will be happy that I'm taking care of them and I'll be happy that I'm taking care of the bees. Arsé-kun: Germain: Bees, hmm.. sheep: Sherlock: There are many detectives more influential than I. sheep: Sheepy: Speaking of bees, where's Tom? sheep: Sheepy: I haven't seen him since yesterday. Arsé-kun: Germain: He wasn't brought along, was he? sheep: Sheepy: Arsene said no. sheep: Sheepy: Did he run away? sheep: Sheepy: Would Tom run away from home! Arsé-kun: Germain: Can he? sheep: Sheepy: I think so. sheep: Sherlock: He went into your bag. sheep: Sheepy: Wrong, Tom isn't in my bag. sheep: Sherlock: No, yesterday. He went in before we left. sheep: Sheepy: .... sheep: Sherlock: I could tell because your bag had been shifted slightly before you picked it up. Arsé-kun: Germain: He'll probably be fine. sheep: Sheepy: Yeah... sheep: Sheepy: Speaking of which, how are you feeling, Watson? Arsé-kun: Watson: A little tired, but otherwise functional. sheep: Sheepy: That's good. Arsé-kun: *Pepper the rabbit is here.* sheep: *you know who else is here? Harley. he's inspecting the bun. pet bun.* Arsé-kun: *happy bun* sheep: Harley: *he looks over and points at Watson* Watson? Arsé-kun: Watson: Correct. sheep: Harley: I don't know what that means. Arsé-kun: Watson: I'm Watson, yes. sheep: Harley: No. Arsé-kun: Watson: *he seems interested* No? sheep: Harley: I don't know what that means to me. Arsé-kun: Watson: You've lived with me for quite a few years, now. sheep: Harley: Yes. Arsé-kun: Watson: ... All right, this is bothering me. Come here so I can put your hair up. sheep: *Harley comes over* Arsé-kun: *Watson puts Harley's hair into a pony* sheep: Harley: Why? Arsé-kun: Watson: You would always wear it up like this. sheep: Harley: No. Arsé-kun: Watson: No? sheep: Harley: I wore it short. Arsé-kun: Watson: I meant as of late, Harley. sheep: Harley: No. Arsé-kun: Watson: No? sheep: Harley: I slept for a long time and it grew out, like Rip Van Winkle. Arsé-kun: Watson: No, no. You're still recovering- Not all of your memory has returned yet. You let it grow out when you were living with me. sheep: Harley: I don't live with you anymore. Arsé-kun: Watson: Yes, you do. Sheepy: Harley: Why? Sheepy: Harley: Why did I start living with you? Arsé-kun: Watson: Somewhere to stay, somewhere to be safe. Sheepy: Harley: I'm an adult. Arsé-kun: Watson: Now you are, yes. Sheepy: Harley: Was I not then? Arsé-kun: Watson: You aren't born as an adult, Harley. Sheepy: Harley: So I've been with you since I was born. Arsé-kun: Watson: Well, no. Sheepy: Harley: How long have I known you for? Sheepy: Harley: I feel comfortable being around you. Arsé-kun: Watson: ooh.. at least twelve years, now? Sheepy: Harley: That explains why. Sheepy: Harley: So your familiarity is why I feel comfortable. Arsé-kun: Watson: I'd presume so. Sheepy: Harley: So how do Sherlock and Mycroft come into all this? I don't understand. Sheepy: Harley: I don't get that sense of familiarity with Mycroft and I don't get that sense of comfort with Sherlock. Sheepy: Harley: *he has sat down. he had some difficulty getting over there. seems like doing coordinated things like walking in straight line isn't his strong point currently.* Sheepy: Sherlock: *all of this discussion about him has caught his attention* Sheepy: Sherlock: *...before he quickly loses interest and starts going for Arséne's attention.* Arsé-kun: Arséne: *attention!!! yes, great!* Sheepy: Sherlock: *he is happy for the attention.* Sheepy: Nyar: So. Are you ready to listen to my melodious voice yet? Sheepy: Nyar: 'Cause I've got both questions and answers. Sheepy: Nyar: And you're lucky Dearie 'cause they all concern you. Arsé-kun: Watson: Well, I suppose. I don't feel like I have much of a choice. Sheepy: Nyar: So. How much do you remember? Sheepy: Nyar: Of your little experience yesterday. Arsé-kun: Watson: ... .... Was it yesterday? Either way, not very much. sheep: Nyar: It was. sheep: Nyar: Do you remember anything in particular? Arsé-kun: Watson: Not very clearly, no. ....I was with other grunts? One was speaking to me, but I don't recall what was said.. Arsé-kun: Watson: ... I may have only recalled them due to having a similar hair color, but that doesn't really make sense to me.. sheep: Nyar: Finally, the time has come for the man of mysteries to supply answers. Arsé-kun: Watson: *he looks unfazed* I didn't even ask. sheep: Nyar: Let me tell you a little story. Arsé-kun: Watson: oh, no. sheep: Nyar: Once upon a time a poor man, let's call him H, was ordered to kill a pregnant woman, let's call her M. His boss, O, suspected her child to have the capability of becoming the perfect soldier that my father oh-so desires. Arsé-kun: Watson: ... .... sheep: Nyar: So H killed M and was later berated due to making the mistake of not confirming that the child was dead. sheep: Nyar: And my father stole that child away, even though they weren't prepared to be born yet. Arsé-kun: Watson: Stop right there. sheep: Nyar: We work in mysterious ways. sheep: Nyar: I apologize, Dearie. I've known this for a while now. Arsé-kun: Watson: ... I get the impression you're amused by all this. sheep: Nyar: Humans are playthings to me but sometimes I get emotionally invested in my toys. sheep: Nyar: You interest me, meaning I've gotten emotionally invested in you. sheep: Nyar: All they know is Azathoth and by now I doubt there's any point in taking them away. sheep: Nyar: By now it'd be kidnapping. sheep: Nyar: So I really wouldn't recommend it. sheep: Nyar: Anyway. sheep: Nyar: As I mentioned, no human can remove those wires without hurting you. sheep: Nyar: I'm not human, as you may have guessed, so lucky you. Arsé-kun: Delacroix: *he's standing in the doorway with a little juice box. he Probably squeezed the box in surprise at one point, because he got red on his face.* Is this normal morning conversation for you people?? sheep: Nyar: It is now! Arsé-kun: Delacroix: Awful. sheep: Nyar: Buuuuuuut.... sheep: Nyar: Sorry, I don't feel like it. sheep: Nyar: I mean, you may be able to bribe me... sheep: Nyar: But I've got other business to attend to- sheep: Sheepy: Please? sheep: Nyar: .............. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Incredible. sheep: Nyar: Lucky you. I'm feeling generous... sheep: Nyar: So I'll do it. Arsé-kun: Delacroix: Great, can I say what I came in for? sheep: Nyar: What? Arsé-kun: Delacroix: Braids guy isn't feeling good, and you guys have to suffer making your own food. sheep: Nyar: That's too bad. Arsé-kun: Delacroix: Isn't it? sheep: Nyar: Guess we'll have to solve the mystery of who will cook today before I submit my case to you detectives. Arsé-kun: Van: Not me, that's for sure. sheep: Sheepy: I can make curry. Arsé-kun: Arséne: That'd be suitable for later. sheep: Sheepy: Iris can make breakfast stuff but she's upstairs. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Must I do it this morning, then? sheep: Sheepy: We also have cereal. sheep: Sheepy: If ya wanna. Arsé-kun: Arséne: ... Well, I don't. sheep: Sheepy: Sherlock can cook but he won't put effort into it even though he can do it well. sheep: Sheepy: It'll leave a sense of emptiness and sadness.... sheep: Sherlock: I'm empty inside. sheep: Sherlock: I'm also not moving. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: I would, but I tend to overdo it. sheep: Sheepy: Cereal.... sheep: Sheepy: Wait. Harley will drop the spoon a bunch. sheep: Sheepy: Um. I guess I'll try to summon Iris? Arsé-kun: Watson: If you can't, I'll try. sheep: Sheepy: [Text: to Iris] Your ship was sunk by canon. Arsène and Sherlock broke up. sheep: *Sherlock's phone buzzes! he takes it out, writes a short text, and puts it away.* sheep: Sheepy: ... sheep: Sheepy: She blocked my number. sheep: *Arsene also receives a text!* Arsé-kun: Arséne: *he takes his phone out and looks* Sheepy: Iris: [Text: to Arsene] LUPPIE!!!!! sheepy said that you and holmesies broke up. hes lying right? holmsies said that sheepy was lying but i need to know it from you too Arsé-kun: Arséne: [text: to Iris] He's lying, he wants you to come down and cook because Impey is feeling unwell.. Please unblock his number- What if there's an emergency? Sheepy: Iris: [Text: to Arsene] then i text you? Sheepy: Iris: [Text: to Arsene] ill unblock sheepy but im not coming downstairs Sheepy: Sheepy: She unblocked my number. Sheepy: Sheepy: She called me a jerk and said that she's ignoring me now. Sheepy: Sheepy: Thank you Iris. Sheepy: Iris: [Text: to Arsene] im buuuusssyyyyy get holmsies to cook Sheepy: Iris: [Text: to Arsene] tell daddy i said hello though Arsé-kun: Arséne: [text: to Iris] Busy? Doing what? And you know Sherlock's cooking is bland. Sheepy: Iris: [Text: to Arsene] im buuuuusssyyyy doing things Sheepy: Iris: [Text: to Arsene] (;¬д¬) Arsé-kun: Arséne: [text: to Iris] Define busy. Busy as in "I'm preoccupied" or busy as in "I don't want to say what it actually is"? Sheepy: Iris: [Text: to Arsene] im preoccupied ( >д<) Arsé-kun: Arséne: [text: to Iris] Okay, just make sure you come eat something today, or I'll have to come up there! (◕‿◕✿) Sheepy: Iris: [Text: to Arsene] Im really busy and wont be coming down for a long time so dont bother me. (╬●∀●) Sheepy: Iris: [Text: to Arsene] if you keep bothering me about it ill block you (°ㅂ° ╬) Arsé-kun: Arséne: [text: to Iris] Not if I do it first! :P Sheepy: *...Arsene has been blocked!* Arsé-kun: Arséne: Oh, she blocked me. Oh, well. Sheepy: Sheepy: Nice. Sheepy: Sheepy: That's two. Sheepy: Sheepy: Let's take Sherlock's word of advice and all starve to death because we only need to eat once every three weeks. Arsé-kun: Watson: Don't do that. Sheepy: Sheepy: Cereal's gross. Arsé-kun: Delacroix: Well, have fun suffering! Sheepy: Sherlock: If it helps any she blocked me too. She apologized but also said that it's in case Arsene tries to use my phone to message her. I feel...... betrayed - heartbroken. *He's got his violin again. No.* Sheepy: Sheepy: Three. Arsé-kun: Watson: *he takes his phone out* Arsé-kun: Watson: [text: to Iris] You've made Sherlock feel sad and unwanted. You're going to have to hear his violin, too, you know. Sheepy: Iris: [Text: to Watson] its not personal Sheepy: Iris: [Text: to Watson] he never uses it anyway Arsé-kun: Watson: [text: to Iris] All right, I'll bite. What's wrong? Sheepy: Iris: [Text: to Watson] why do you think theres something wrong? im just busy Arsé-kun: Watson: [text: to Iris] The mass quantities of blocking you're doing. Sheepy: Iris: [Text: to Watson] i dont wanna come down Arsé-kun: Watson: [text: to Iris] Shall I come up there, then? Sheepy: Iris: [Text: to Watson] youre not okay and abby had a breakdown yesterday Sheepy: Iris: [Text: to Watson] i just want things to go back to how they were Sheepy: Iris: [Text: to Watson] my door is locked so good luck Arsé-kun: Watson: [text: to Iris] There are two thieves in the house. A locked door isn't stopping anyone. Sheepy: Iris: [Text: to Watson] you wont find me Arsé-kun: Watson: [text: to Iris] We'll see about that. Sheepy: Iris: [Text: to Watson] ヾ(*`⌒´*)ノ Sheepy: Iris: [Text: to Watson] im going to hide now so good luck because im not bringing my phone Sheepy: Iris: [Text: to Watson] no hints for you Sheepy: Iris: [Text: to Watson] sorry daddy Sheepy: *...Watson has been blocked!* Arsé-kun: Watson: ... Four. Sheepy: Sheepy: She blocked you??? Arsé-kun: Watson: She bothered to explain herself, at least. Sheepy: Sheepy: That's progress. Sheepy: Sheepy: What was her reason? Arsé-kun: Watson: She's worried and moody. I'll talk to her later, I suppose. Sheepy: Sheepy: Oh, that's fun. Sheepy: Sheepy: Good luck with that. Arsé-kun: Watson: Thank you. Sheepy: Nyar: Anyway. Sheepy: Nyar: Since that's all cleared up. Sheepy: Nyar: I've got a job for you detectives. Arsé-kun: Arséne: oh no Sheepy: Nyar: It'll be interesting, I swear. Sheepy: Nyar: So! Sheepy: *Nyar takes out a newspaper and puts it down on the table* Sheepy: Nyar: *he then points to an article about a mass suicide in a cult- wait, this newspaper is from 14 years ago.* Sheepy: Nyar: This interests me. Sheepy: Nyar: So I want information on it. Arsé-kun: Arséne: ... If it's this old, can it wait until I'm done with my other case? Sheepy: Nyar: Well, I guess so. Sheepy: Nyar: I thought you'd be more interested. Sheepy: Nyar: But that other case did come first, soooo... Arsé-kun: Arséne: *he nods* I'll let you know if I find anything, though. Sheepy: Nyar: That's good. Sheepy: Nyar: I'm looking forward to it. Sheepy: Sheepy: I'm hungry. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Then go get something. Sheepy: Sheepy: I'm going to make curry if nobody decides on food. Arsé-kun: Arséne: *he sighs* If you absolutely must. Sheepy: Sheepy: I don't have to. Sheepy: Sheepy: There's cereal. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Go eat something, will you? Sheepy: Sheepy: Okay, fine. Sheepy: *sheepy goes and gets food. sherlock has started to play the violin again. harley's completely ignoring everyone* Arsé-kun: Impey: ... oh, hey. Sheepy: Sheepy: Impey! You're sick. Why're you cooking? Go rest. Arsé-kun: Impey: Who told ya that? Just 'cause I feel trashy doesn't mean I can't help out 'round here. Sheepy: Sheepy: There's times when you have to set limits on yourself and rest. Sheepy: Sheepy: You're getting this advice from the person who refused to rest for very long after being stabbed in the stomach. Sheepy: Sheepy: So go rest. Arsé-kun: Impey: Y'know, normally I'd agree, but I'm super hungry. Sheepy: Sheepy: There's cereal. Arsé-kun: Impey: oh shit you're right Sheepy: Sheepy: That, and Iris has already locked herself in her room and blocked everyone who's texted her over the incidents yesterday. Your health going downhill would not improve this situation any. Sheepy: Sheepy: So don't push yourself. Arsé-kun: Impey: Huh? Did she- Man, I'll be fine. It happens. Sheepy: Sheepy: Did she what? Arsé-kun: Impey: Did she really? Do we gotta break into her window? Sheepy: Sheepy: Well. Sheepy: Sheepy: I can pick locks. Sheepy: Sheepy: So can Arsene. Sheepy: Sheepy: So no. Arsé-kun: Impey: Well, okay. ... I can't just leave mid-cooking, though, so! Sheepy: Sheepy: ? Arsé-kun: *because he's already set up and everything! He just hasn't actually STARTE-oh now he has.* Sheepy: Sheepy: Do you need help? Arsé-kun: Impey: I don't need it, but it'd still be appreciated! Sheepy: Sheepy: Great, because I'm helping now. Arsé-kun: Impey: Okay! Sheepy: *instead of looking at Impey's face, though, Sheepy seems to be staring at Impey's arm.* Arsé-kun: Impey: Eyes are up here! Sheepy: Sheepy: You've got a weird mark on your arm. Arsé-kun: Impey: Huh? Oh, that! Arsé-kun: Impey: I did that myself! Don't worry about it. Sheepy: Sheepy: Uhuh. Sheepy: SHeepy: Okay. Arsé-kun: Impey: What? Sheepy: Sheepy: Sorry, I don't believe you. Arsé-kun: Impey: Fran did it. He's actually a vampire. Sorry, I never told you. *he's kidding* Sheepy: Sheepy: No, if he was, you would've seemed sick sooner. Arsé-kun: Impey: Huh? Sheepy: Sheepy: I'm saying that if there's a vampire, it's not Fran, but rather the kid. He's the newest one in the group, I've never seen those marks on you before, and he stayed with you two. Arsé-kun: Impey: i was... kidding.. Sheepy: Sheepy: Huh? Arsé-kun: Impey: About him being a vampire, that was a joke.. No need to take it so seriously! Sheepy: Sheepy: I guess that was too intelligent from me. Arsé-kun: Impey: That wasn't the problem! Sheepy: Sheepy: Let me wallow in self-pity. Arsé-kun: Impey: no! Sheepy: Sheepy: Where did I go wrong? Arsé-kun: Impey: *he shrugs* Sheepy: Sheepy: I was sure that there was a hint of truth in your joke. Sheepy: Sheepy: Maybe Fran will die if exposed to sunlight and that's why he doesn't like going outside. Arsé-kun: Impey: Noo! He DOES skip tanning, though. He goes from pasty to burnt! Sheepy: Sheepy: Ow. Sheepy: Sheepy: He did seem very pale to me and this explains why. Arsé-kun: Impey: m-hm! Sheepy: Sheepy: Actually, I'm curious. What's your relationship with him? You two are basically inseparable but at the same time Fran seems to pay very little attention to ... everyone including you. Arsé-kun: Impey: Now? Best friends, amigos! ... But yeah, he's like that. Arsé-kun: Impey: He's kinda shy. Sheepy: Sheepy: Ohh. Sheepy: Sheepy: Well it's good that you aren't bothered by it. Sheepy: Sheepy: I'm actually shy too. Arsé-kun: Impey: You don't seem like it! .. I mean that as a compliment! Sheepy: Sheepy: Talking to adults doesn't bother me because I don't care what they think of me. Sheepy: Sheepy: But I get very nervous talking to people around my age and quickly give up. Arsé-kun: Impey: That why you don't talk to those kids? Sheepy: Sheepy: I guess I wouldn't seem shy because you're an adult. Sheepy: Sheepy: And yes, that's why. Arsé-kun: Impey: But you're gonna be an adult soon, right? Then what? Sheepy: Sheepy: Adults don't care about me. They never have. It's set in their mind that I'm worthless and there's no changing it. Sheepy: Sheepy: So there's no point in acting like I can change it. Arsé-kun: Impey: I dunno! Seems like everyone here cares! Sheepy: Sheepy: I guess so. Arsé-kun: *rank ku ha?* Sheepy: Sheepy: I can change how the group of kids feels about me and I'm scared of ruining it. Sheepy: Sheepy: It's like a nice shirt. Sheepy: Sheepy: You don't want to wear it because there's a chance you may make it dirty. Arsé-kun: Impey: Eh. Better get it dirty than never wear it. Sheepy: Sheepy: That's easy to say. Arsé-kun: Impey: You think so? Sheepy: Sheepy: It's not easy to do. Sheepy: Sheepy: In the end, that shirt is lost or becomes covered in dust - unwearable. Sheepy: Sheepy: That's what happens to all of my relationships with people around my age. Arsé-kun: Delacroix: Then you wash the damn thing. Move over, Socrates, I wanna put this in the sink. Sheepy: *Sheepy moves* Sheepy: Sheepy: That's easier said than done. Arsé-kun: Delacroix: Yeah, a lot of things are, unless you're mute! Arsé-kun: Impey: Aw, Delly, that's mean- Arsé-kun: Delacroix: ARGH, you stop that! Sheepy: Sheepy: Huh? Arsé-kun: Delacroix: Call me by NAME, you mudblood, not some.. babyfied version of it! Arsé-kun: Impey: Aw, sheesh. I'm so sorry, Dracula Delacroix the second, I'd better only use your full name, at all times! Sheepy: Sheepy: I knew it. I knew he was a vampire. Arsé-kun: Delacroix: Well, isn't that good for you? Just don't share it. Sheepy: Sheepy: Okay. Arsé-kun: *Delacroix leaves* Sheepy: Sheepy: Tom went missing. Arsé-kun: Impey: Huh? How? Sheepy: Sheepy: Sherlock says he went with us yesterday. Arsé-kun: Impey: Aw, geez! Sheepy: Sheepy: Maybe he fell out.. Arsé-kun: Impey: I hope not! Sheepy: Fran: *he seems like he's just woken up. he yawns* Good morning, Impey. Do you want help?...oh, I was beaten to it. Arsé-kun: Impey: Mornin', Fran! C'mon, you can help, too! Sheepy: Fran: Okay. Sheepy: *Fran joins them* Arsé-kun: Impey: Still tired? Sheepy: Fran: Yeah... I fell asleep at my desk and it wasn't restful... Arsé-kun: Impey: Aw, geez. Sheepy: Fran: My back hurts some from it. Arsé-kun: Impey: I've told you this- If you're going to sleep on your desk, at least don't half ass it! Climb on it if you have to! Sheepy: Fran: Sorry... Arsé-kun: Impey: It's fine! Sheepy: Fran: I was tired. Sheepy: Fran: So I didn't think about it. Sheepy: Fran: I'll try to in the future. Sheepy: Sheepy: Are we close to done? I've never made this before. Arsé-kun: Impey: Yep, nearly done! Sheepy: Sheepy: Okay! Sheepy: Sheepy: I feel awkward now. Sheepy: Sheepy: I didn't intend to open up to you. Sheepy: Sheepy: Please don't see me as an idiot or a coward... well, you're an adult, so if you see me as that now you've always seen me as that. Arsé-kun: Impey: Why would I? I get what you meant. Sheepy: Sheepy: You do? Arsé-kun: Impey: Yeah. Sheepy: Sheepy: That's good. Sheepy: Sheepy: Impeeeyyy a hobo broke into the house again. He's talking to me. Sheepy: Sheepy: It's scaring me Arsé-kun: Har: Hee-eey! Sheepy: Sheepy: What do I do? Arsé-kun: Impey: Not be a jerk! Sheepy: Sheepy: Okay get the knife. I'm either a jerk or dead. There's no in between. Sheepy: Fran: Um, there's cereal. Arsé-kun: Har: *he looks to Fran* I don't wanna steal all of the cereal, though. Sheepy: Fran: Um... Sheepy: Fran: We didn't really uh... plan on you to be joining us, I think. Arsé-kun: Har: Yeah, sorry 'bout that. Sheepy: Fran: I mean... Iris hasn't come downstairs and Sherlock may skip breakfast so maybe...? Sheepy: Fran: Umm.. Sheepy: Fran: Toast...? Arsé-kun: Har: That'd be cool. Sheepy: Fran: There's bread. Sheepy: Fran: There's also butter. Sheepy: Fran: Make sure to grab the butter without Sherlock written on it. Sheepy: Fran: How are you and your two brothers doing? Arsé-kun: Har: We're functioning. Aber's fine, Morty's... being Morty. Arsé-kun: *har ventures into the Fridge. Wow! A Full Fridge!* Sheepy: Fran: That's good. Sheepy: Fran: But how are you? Arsé-kun: Har: I'm surviving! Sheepy: Fran: That's always good. Sheepy: Sheepy: *he has started to ignore Har. he's uncomfortable.* Sheepy: Fran: Did you want to join us? Sheepy: Sheepy: *he freezes up some upon this being asked* Sheepy: Sheepy:.... Arsé-kun: Har: Nah, I'm good! I'll just take up space. Sheepy: Fran: That's not true. Arsé-kun: Har: *he notices sheepy's face* I dunno about that! Sheepy: Sheepy: No, it's nothing like that. Arsé-kun: Har: If you say so! Sheepy: *anyway they finally finish cooking* Arsé-kun: *hooray!* Arsé-kun: *in the distance and not so distance, Mycroft dying because Sherlock touched his neck again with his cold, cold hands.* Sheepy: Sherlock: *will me touching you with my cold, cold hands make you pay attention to me?* Arsé-kun: Mycroft: *iT MAKES ME WANT TO DIE* Sheepy: Sherlock: I'm lonely. *he has at least taken his hands off of Mycroft's neck. now he's got his arms wrapped around his neck and is leaning on him. Leeaaaannn...* Arsé-kun: Mycroft: I can't sit down at a seat with you doing that. Sheepy: *Sherlock stops* Arsé-kun: *and Mycroft takes a seat* Sheepy: *Sherlock resumes* Sheepy: Sherlock: Iris won't be joining because she's in a mood. Arsé-kun: Impey: Aw, that's a shame! Can I throw it in her window? Sheepy: Sherlock: You could try? Arsé-kun: Impey: Neat. Sheepy: Sheepy: Or you could use the door. Arsé-kun: Impey: I dunno, I hear it's locked! Sheepy: Sheepy: Are you forgetting who I am? Arsé-kun: Impey: No, I meant that I can't do it! Sheepy: Sheepy: I can pick the lock. Sheepy: Sheepy: I was gonna do it for Watson anyway. Arsé-kun: Impey: Oh, then go ahead! Sheepy: Sheepy: Did you want to do it now or later? Arsé-kun: Impey: Oh, not yet! Lets eat, first! Sheepy: Sheepy: Sounds good! Arsé-kun: *most of the team arrives to eat food. it is food time* Sheepy: *food time is nice! sherlock plays good music and harley seems more coordinated than yesterday.* Arsé-kun: *excellent!! great!! radical!!* Arsé-kun: Impey: *he ate, but still seems hungry* Sheepy: *nyar only gets brushed off by sheepy five times. it's amazing.* Sheepy: Fran: *he gives Impey a concerned look* Arsé-kun: Impey: .... What? Sheepy: Fran: *he gently pushes his plate over to Impey. js this a good replacement?* Arsé-kun: Impey: Oh, no, no! It's fine, really! *he pushes it back* Sheepy: Fran: Are you sure...? Arsé-kun: Impey: Yeah, I ate! You need it more. Sheepy: Fran: I'm sorry... I'm not that hungry... Arsé-kun: Impey: Aw, shush. You need it more. Sheepy: Fran: You're still hungry and you do more physical activity rhan I do. Arsé-kun: Impey: IIIII'm gonna go upstairs. Sheepy: Fran: But... ... well, okay. I'll join you when I'm done. Arsé-kun: Impey: All right. *he leaves and goes upstairs, shaking his head and fidgeting with his braid* Sheepy: Nyar: You've got no obligation to trust me, but I assure you that you don't want to be awake for the procedure. Arsé-kun: Watson: No, you're absolutely right. It may harm me if I am. Sheepy: Nyar: Or make you go insane. Sheepy: Nyar: I've got a pretty good idea how Dad got it in. I doubt you know much about Lovecraft's stories, but... Arsé-kun: Watson: ... And that would be unfortunate- I think I can figure it out Arsé-kun: Watson: Either way, I do not think we have anything strong enough in this building.. It'd need to be effective more than a couple of minutes. Sheepy: Nyar: Exactly. Sheepy: Nyar: We have to look around for something. Sheepy: Nyar: Saint-Germain will be a witness of the procedure if both you and he are comfortable with it. Sheepy: Nyar: I'm aware of Sherlock's... inability to trust me, which is definitely understandable, but... Sheepy: Nyar: He can't watch. Arsé-kun: Watson: *he nods* Absolutely not. I doubt he'd be able to. Sheepy: Nyar: It's not so much you. Arsé-kun: Watson: m-hm. Sheepy: Nyar: If you wake up and see me before I've gone back to looking like I look currently, it may inflict madness upon you. Sheepy: Nyar: So we have to be careful with that too. Arsé-kun: Watson: If I wake up and see something I don't understand, I'll look elsewhere. Sheepy: Nyar: Good. Sheepy: Nyar: Just, close your eyes and try not to look, worst comes to worst. Sheepy: Nyar: I apologize on behalf of my father for everything you're going through currently. Arsé-kun: Watson: ... Well, it's not your fault, but I accept anyway. Sheepy: Nyar: I'm partially responsible. Arsé-kun: Watson: Not for this. Sheepy: Nyar: The moment the grunts grabbed your daughter it was fated that you'd become part of this whole Twilight mess. Sheepy: Nyar: And I threw gas into the fire with my actions. Arsé-kun: Watson: Well, yes, but I meant this event in specific. You didn't do it, did you? Sheepy: Nyar: I didn't. Sheepy: Nyar: I tried to clue the group into where you were but I was too late. Sheepy: Nyar: Dad beat me to a pulp before testing excruciatingly painful things on me. After a while he used anesthesia but he used... way too much. Sheepy: Nyar: Basically, I failed in assisting you despite briefly being in the position to be able to. Arsé-kun: Watson: You did what you could. Sheepy: Nyar: This is true. Arsé-kun: *Impey has given up on subtle eavesdropping and is looking in the room. Something's caught his interest.* Sheepy: Nyar: So.. We need something to knock you out for a while and something or someone to ensure Sherlock won't come in. Sheepy: Nyar:...? Sheepy: Nyar: Hello, Impey. Arsé-kun: Impey: Oh, uh! I could block the door! Sheepy: Nyar: That would be appreciated. Sheepy: Nyar: You can't look in though. Sheepy: Nyar: No one can look except for Saint-Germain. Arsé-kun: Impey: Oh, that's fine. You won't be a cute octopus, so I don't wanna see. Sheepy: Nyar: Yeah, I'll be an eldritch abomination. Arsé-kun: Impey: Neat. Sheepy: Nyar: So now it's just knocking you out. Arsé-kun: Impey: y'think Sainty-G might have an idea? Sheepy: Nyar: Idea? Arsé-kun: Impey: Yeah, an idea. Sheepy: Nyar: Idea........ Arsé-kun: Impey: *he goes and sits next to Watson* Yep. Sheepy: Nyar: Saint-Germain probably has an idea Sheepy: Nyar: Thank you for the food earlier, by the way. Sheepy: Nyar: Anyway, although you don't really have to... Sheepy: Nyar: My brother, Philemon... or Nodens as he used to be called is a little... stiff, as you've seen. Sheepy: Nyar: Basically, he's had his emotions stolen away. Yes, by the same person who took his memories and put that chip in him. Sheepy: Nyar: According to Fluffy, my father may turn his interests towards getting Phil's emotions back. Furthermore, Phil is currently partnered with him. Sheepy: Nyar:...This worries me. I think he's up to something. My father was trying to reprogram people, as you experienced yourself, and Phil's ability is, to, well... Sheepy: Nyar:....Put ideas into people's heads and make them believe that idea unconditionally. Many famous scientists got their moment of insight from him. The only drawback is that he's incapable of lying, meaning for reprogramming purposes it'd be useless unless my father convinced him that it was the truth. Sheepy: Nyar: Basically, if my father managed to get his emotions back, he'd have a very powerful tool who was indebt to him. We need to get Phil's emotions back first in full. Sheepy: Nyar: This will be payment for removing the wires and doing a few other things of your choice. Your wish is my command in this case, as long as your detective friends either investigate this or the cultist case. Sheepy: Nyar: Although, since Fluffy asked, the wire removal will be free of charge. Arsé-kun: Watson: If you'll write this all down for me, that'd be wonderful. Sheepy: Nyar: No worries, I will. Arsé-kun: Watson: *he stops to think* .. Lupin already said he'd investigate the cult next, didn't he? Sheepy: Nyar: He did. Arsé-kun: Watson: I'd gladly do what I can for the emotional issue, except I seem to be wildly outclassed. I'm a doctor, not a magician. Sheepy: Nyar: And I'm a magician, not a doctor. Sheepy: Nyar: Yet, I've gotten nowhere. Arsé-kun: Watson: I don't know, I think you're closer to cosmic eldritch than magician. Sheepy: Nyar: Well, I am that. Sheepy: Nyar: Phil, not so much, despite us being twins. Not sure how that works. Arsé-kun: Watson: Recessive genes? Sheepy: Nyar: Well, we were born of asexual reproduction, but maybe. Sheepy: Nyar: Or something like that. Arsé-kun: Impey: *he leans back, raising his eyebrows* You gonna talk to Sainty-G or not? Sheepy: Nyar: I will, I will. Sheepy: *Nyar gets up and goes to talk to Saint-Germain.* Arsé-kun: Germain: *he's looking out the backdoor, watching Van and Sheepy try to reach Iris' window. Van is not thief material* Sheepy: Nyar: Hey, I need you to do a thing. Arsé-kun: Germain: How vague. Sheepy: Nyar: Two things, actually. Sheepy: Nyar: It's time to play doctor and remove Watson's wires, but I have to knock him out. Sheepy: Nyar: I'm still recovering. Sheepy: Nyar: So we're gonna have to do it through natural means. Sheepy: Nyar: Any ideas? Sheepy: Nyar: Impey's gonna guard the door or whatever. But, I'd rather a witness be there in case anything happens. Arsé-kun: Germain: You let.. ... You left them alone, didn't you? Sheepy: Nyar: Yeah, why? Sheepy: Nyar: Impey kept insisting I talk to you. Arsé-kun: Germain: ...... Well, I guess we don't need anything anymore. Lets go upstairs. Sheepy: Nyar: ...Okay. Arsé-kun: Germain: *he shakes his head* I can't believe you did this. *he starts heading over to the room* Sheepy: Nyar: You're not telling me what I did wrong and it's worrying me. Arsé-kun: Germain: When we're alone I will. sheep: Nyar: Okay, okay, geez! sheep: Nyar: I feel like you're disappointed in me...uh? Arsé-kun: Germain: Not exactly. I just expected you to catch on. sheep: Nyar: I've been here a few days. sheep: Nyar: My memory is foggy of the first one. sheep: Nyar: I was out the second one. Arsé-kun: Germain: That's fair. sheep: *so they go in.* Arsé-kun: Germain: ... *he quietly gestures ahead* My point's been proven. sheep: Nyar: Wh-what the... Arsé-kun: Germain: .... Now's a better time than any. Sheepy: Nyar: ...Good point Sheepy: Nyar: Impey, get out. Arsé-kun: Impey: ... .... *he looks up* Huh? Sheepy: Nyar: Get out. Sheepy: Nyar: The procedure's starting now, so get out. Arsé-kun: Impey: ... Oh! Uh! ... I'm sorry? *he looks apologetic, but he does start to get up* Sheepy: Nyar: You already knocked him out, so we don't need anything. Sheepy: Nyar: Your vampire whatever should last long enough. Arsé-kun: Impey: *he nods and quickly exits stage left. very quickly. bye* Sheepy: Nyar: *He closes the door and uh. That's an eldritch abomination, not Nyar. Um.* Arsé-kun: Germain: *this is fine.* Sheepy: *Nyar gets to work!* Arsé-kun: Impey: *he, as promised, is now guarding the door. he's wiping his face off with his sleeve and looking somewhat sheepish* Sheepy: Sherlock: *he approaches* What's going on? Arsé-kun: Impey: I've made a mistake. Sheepy: Sherlock: What'd you do to him? Arsé-kun: Impey: N-nothing bad! He's fine, I swear! Sheepy: Sherlock: You're lying. Arsé-kun: Impey: ... Okay, kind of, but he's fine! Sheepy: Sherlock: *he squints* Arsé-kun: Impey: It was kinda bad! Arsé-kun: Impey: .... Okay, really bad, please punch me! Sheepy: *Well, you asked. Sherlock slugs Impey riiight in the face. Rip* Arsé-kun: Impey: *yOWCH* Thank you!! Sheepy: Sherlock: *he speaks more slowly* What. Did you do to him? Arsé-kun: Impey: *he seems to shrink a bit, and he's grabbed his braid* C-can you not tell anyone if I tell you? It wasn't on purpose, I swear! Sheepy: Sherlock: Speak. Arsé-kun: Impey: I, uh, I accidentally, uh, y'know how, uh, Delly? *he pauses for a moment* I know you were listening to our conversation, by the way! I could smell you. *he nods and looks away for a minute* I, uh, me too, and I, kind of accidentally.. Sheepy: Sherlock: *he seems. more angry.* Arsé-kun: Impey: *he ducks down a bit more* I didn't mean to! Sheepy: Sherlock: I don't care. Sheepy: Sherlock: You still did it. Sheepy: Sherlock: He's been through enough. Arsé-kun: Impey: .... Yeah. I did. *he's trying not to cry..* And he has, I know. Do you want to kill me? Should I go? Sheepy: Sherlock: I'm not going to kill you. Sheepy: Sherlock: Don't you ever pull something like this on him again. Arsé-kun: Impey: I won't, I won't, promise! Sheepy: Sherlock: *he's pressing x to doubt but backs up some* Arsé-kun: Impey: *he's still warily watching Sherlock* Sheepy: Sherlock: Don't come to me for anything for a while. I won't be sympathetic. Sheepy: *with that, Sherlock turns to leave.* Arsé-kun: *Impey is quiet. He's started staring at the floor* Sheepy: Sherlock: *he walks off* Arsé-kun: Impey: .... ... *he slides down to the floor. remember Try not to cry? failed step one* Sheepy: *I'm sorry Impey.* Sheepy: *at least sherlock wont beat you up because he's ignoring you now?* Arsé-kun: *that is not an improvement* Sheepy: *well he is?* Arsé-kun: *this is not helping* Sheepy: *thats too bad* Arsé-kun: *MEANWHILE DOWNSTAIRS* Arsé-kun: Finis: .. I've suddenly got a feeling of absolute dread. Sheepy: *Sherlock comes downstairs and he's visibly ticked.* Sheepy: Cardia: It's the detective! Arsé-kun: Finis: *he accidentally makes eye contact* You know what? I don't want to know. Sheepy: Sherlock: Impey hurt Watson. Arsé-kun: Finis: What did I literally just say? Sheepy: Sherlock: I'm leaving. Sheepy: Cardia: Have fun! Arsé-kun: Finis: ... If you get kidnapped, it's on you. Sheepy: Sherlock: I don't care. Arsé-kun: Finis: Lovely. Sheepy: Sherlock: *and so, he heads to the door!* Arsé-kun: Arséne: You better not. Sheepy: Sherlock: I'm going. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Don't you dare. Sheepy: *Sherlock opens the door. rebellious.* Arsé-kun: Arséne: *he stands up, and there goes everything on the desk* Do not! Sheepy: Sherlock: Bye. Sheepy: *aaaand he's exited.* Sheepy: Sheepy: Rebellious. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Fils de pute! Sheepy, hold the fort! *he goes after Sherlock* Sheepy: Sheepy: Okay, bye. Sheepy: *Here's a fun game! Where's Sherlock? seems like he ran away. literally.* Arsé-kun: *nothing Arséne can't deal with!* Arsé-kun: Finis: ... This is no fort. Sheepy: Sheepy: He always says that. Arsé-kun: Finis: Why? Sheepy: Sheepy: It sounds cool. Sheepy: Sheepy: It's also a figure of speech. Arsé-kun: Finis: Well, I figured that. Sheepy: Sheepy: Haha. Arsé-kun: Finis: ... Also, when was he going to mention that he stole a painting from father's house? Sheepy: Sheepy: He doesn't need to if Mycroft already knows. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: You've got to be kidding me. Sheepy: Cardia: I don't know if I have enough for you, Wilson. You have to wait until I'm done. Arsé-kun: Wilson: *he puts his head back down on Harley's lap and sighs. he will wait* Sheepy: Sheepy: He put it on the wall somewhere. Sheepy: Harley: *he pets Wilson* Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Oh, I see it now. I thought it was coincidence at first. Arsé-kun: Wilson: *DAY MADE!* Sheepy: Sheepy: Nope, he stole it from you when Sherlock visited you. Sheepy: Harley: *who's a cute puppy. it's you.* Arsé-kun: Mycroft: And to think that I was watching him. Sheepy: Sheepy: He's skilled. Sheepy: Sheepy: And I! am his assistant, his prodigious student. Sheepy: Sheepy: ...Is what I want to say, but I don't know if I'm good enough yet. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Fearfully noted. If either of you touch my car, you'll be paying for damages. Sheepy: Sheepy: Ehhh?? Sheepy: Sheepy: Why? Arsé-kun: Mycroft: It's my car. Sheepy: Sheepy: But if I touch it will it explode? Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Knowing our luck? Yes. Sheepy: Sheepy: What if I touch you? Sheepy: Sheepy: Will you explode? Arsé-kun: Mycroft: I hope not. Sheepy: Sheepy: *poke* Arsé-kun: *nothing happens* Sheepy: Sheepy: Darn. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: What do you mean "darn"?! Sheepy: Sheepy: I was hoping that you had King Midas's touch. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Then I'd be dead. Sheepy: Sheepy: By the way, Sherlock just threw a hissy fit and left. Sheepy: Sheepy: You just missed him. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Is that what that was? Sheepy: Sheepy: It was a particularly bad one, yeah. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: I'll let Arséne handle it. Sheepy: Sheepy: Apparently Impey hurt Watson but I doubt it was intentional. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: *he winces* Does he know that? Sheepy: Fran: What did you say? Sheepy: Sheepy: I doubt he cares, honestly. He's overprotective of Watson, along with Iris, Arsene, and me... oh, I said he got mad at Impey. Sheepy: Fran; I'm sorry.. I have to go find him. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Oh, go ahead. Sheepy: Fran; *so he hunts for impey.* Arsé-kun: *well, Impey's not guarding the door anymore. Seems Germain's taken over.* Sheepy: Fran; Have you seen Impey? Arsé-kun: Germain: Not since he was here, no. Sheepy: Fran: Where did he go? Arsé-kun: Germain: He headed towards your room. *he then gives Fran very detailed dirt. heres the dirt* Sheepy: Fran: Th-thank you...! Arsé-kun: Germain: Quite welcome. Do make sure he is okay. Sheepy: *Fran goes back to his room.* Arsé-kun: *The window is fully open when it wasn't before. "Sorry" is written on the wall in marker. I hope that's marker.* Sheepy: Fran: *he looks out the window* Arsé-kun: *it's the great outdoors!* Sheepy: Fran: *but where is impey* Arsé-kun: *use that big brain of urs fran* Sheepy: Fran: *where did he go??? he ran away but where???* Arsé-kun: *I'd tell you, but I don't know* Sheepy: *Fran investigates.* Arsé-kun: *He finds! One (1) cell phone that is not his, and other miscellaneous belongings of Impey's* Sheepy: Fran: *he collects them up and looks around* Impey? Arsé-kun: *it's fucking nothing.* Sheepy: Fran: *he investigates more.* Arsé-kun: *He finds a box under the bed but that's about it. It has cobwebs. It's not new* Sheepy: *Fran puts Impey's stuff on the desk* Sheepy: Fran: *does the box have secrets about where Impey webt?* Arsé-kun: *no, it just has a neatly folded sweater. that's it* Sheepy: Fran: *awww. oh well.* Sheepy: Fran: *he investigates the sweater because now he's curious. this is weird. it must be a hint.* Arsé-kun: *A card falls out!* Sheepy: Fran: *A HINT! he reads the card* Arsé-kun: *It's got hearts drawn all over it on the front. On the inside, it just says "Here's to a year and another year for you! Lets stay together no matter what!" and has Impey's signature, followed by a little fanged smiley face* Sheepy: Fran:...*his hands are trembling. he puts it down. oh. he's crying. um, well.* Arsé-kun: Germain: *he looks in* .... I'm so sorry. Sheepy: Fran: I-... I have to find him...! Arsé-kun: Germain: ... I will come with you. I feel at fault for not having broken him and Sherlock up when I had the chance. Sheepy: Fran: Thank you...! Arsé-kun: Germain: Quite welcome. ... We'll use a different exit. No need to get more attention. Sheepy: Fran: Okay... Sheepy: *Fran and Sanchan hunt for Impey!* Arsé-kun: *THEY DO THEIR BEST BUT THEY DON'T SUCCEED!* Sheepy: *Fran is upsetti.* Arsé-kun: *Understandable.* Sheepy: Fran: Why didn't he say something...? Arsé-kun: Germain: He may have been too upset... He'll most likely return. Sheepy: Fran: You... you think so? Arsé-kun: Germain: I'd like to presume it was an emotional response. Once he has cooled off, he'll probably come back. Sheepy: Fran: I hope so.... Sheepy: Fran: I feel so scared without him.. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Tell Sherlock that. Sheepy: Fran: What? Arsé-kun: Arséne: You heard me. Sheepy: Fran: Why? Sheepy: Sherlock: L-let go...! Arsé-kun: Arséne: Because actions have consequences, and he hasn't seemed to learn that today. *he tightens his grip* Why, so you can punch every house on the block? I don't think so. Sheepy: Sherlock: Let go! Arsé-kun: Arséne: ... Make me. Sheepy: Sherlock: *he gently places his now broken hand on Arsene's arm and starts to push on it while trying to pull his arm away. this lasts for a few seconds before he yelps and pulls his hand away* Sheepy: Rip Sheepy: Sherlock: Let gooo...! I'm not coming back right now! Arsé-kun: Arséne: You broke your hand. Yes, you are. Sheepy: Sherlock: I don't need to go back to fix it! So let go! Arsé-kun: Arséne: What would Watson say about this? Sheepy: Sherlock: *he tries to pull his arm away again* Sheepy: Sherlock: Leave me alone! Arsé-kun: Arséne: Why, so you can get picked off and killed, alone? Sheepy: Sherlock: Does it really matter at this point? Arsé-kun: Arséne: Say that again, to my face. Sheepy: Sherlock: Does it really matter? Arsé-kun: Arséne: *he smacks Sherlock, right across the face.* Yes, you imbecile! Sheepy: Sherlock: *upon being slapped, Sherlock struggles more* Sheepy: Sherlock: Let go, let go! Arsé-kun: Arséne: ..... See if I care. *he lets go* It isn't like you mattered to me or something. Sheepy: Sherlock: *with his newfound freedom, Sherlock makes a break for it! See you, space cowboy.* Sheepy: Fran: I'm sorry... Arsé-kun: Germain: .... *he grabs Fran's arm* ... Don't. You didn't do that. Sheepy: Fran: I don't get it... Sheepy: Fran: I never thought Impey would run away... and Sherlock's always been so laid-back. Arsé-kun: Germain: Pardon my language, but great googly moogly, it's all gone to shit. Sheepy: Fran: Why...? Arsé-kun: Germain: I don't know. Sheepy: Fran: What do we do? Arsé-kun: Germain: Mass homicide. Arsé-kun: Germain: ... I'm joking, of course. Sheepy: Fran: For real what do we do? Sheepy: Fran: We need to make sure his hand is treated but we also need to find Impey. Arsé-kun: Germain: I'm afraid any attempt we make will end like.. that. Sheepy: Fran: But... if a broken bone stays likethat long enough, it can become permanent. Arsé-kun: Germain: Unless you want me to threaten him with violence, I'm out of ideas. Sheepy: Fran: I guess we go home and ask everyone else. Sheepy: Fran:...Arsene? Arsé-kun: Arséne: ... What. Sheepy: Fran: Is that okay with you? Arsé-kun: Arséne: Sure. Sheepy: Fran: Okay... Arsé-kun: *they go home!* Sheepy: Sheepy: *the first words out of his mouth are the french that Arsene spoke before he left.* Arsé-kun: Arséne: ... ... *snrk* Sheepy: Sheepy: *...he repeats it a few times, like a child who just learned a new word. he sounds unsure of himself.* Arsé-kun: Arséne: I cannot believe you've learned to swear. Sheepy: Sheepy: Eh? Sheepy: Sheepy: What does it mean? Arsé-kun: Arséne: Eh? Sheepy: Sheepy: The phrase. Sheepy: Fran: Oh dear... Arsé-kun: Arséne: *he's still angry, but it's hard to be* .... *and he starts laughing* Sheepy: Sheepy: Arsene!! What does it mean??? Arsé-kun: Arséne: Work it out, Mouton! Sheepy: Sheepy: Ehh... ... Sheepy: Sheepy:... Sheepy: Sheepy: You jerk! Sheepy: Sheepy: You big bully, you!!!! Arsé-kun: Arséne: I didn't do anything! You repeated me! Sheepy: Sheepy: I'm a pure child and you knew I'd copy you! Sheepy: Sheepy: My innocence! Destroyed! Arsé-kun: Arséne: I'm more surprised you figured out it meant "bitch". Sheepy: Sheepy: I guessed! Sheepy: Sheepy: From context! Sheepy: Sheepy: Ugh! Sheepy: Sheepy: Hello! Police! I'm being bullied.. Sheepy: Sheepy:... Arsé-kun: Arséne: *he remembers he's angry again. moment ruined* Sheepy: Sheepy: Police? Sheepy: Sheepy: Where's Sherlock? And your shirt is bloody, ewwww. Sheepy: Sheepy: Clean that out before it sets! Sheepy: Cardia: Robber! Look. I made Uncle more pretty! *she gestures to Harley* Arsé-kun: Arséne: He ran off. *he just takes his shirt off. issue solved* Quel salaud. Vie de merde. *the french insults stop to look at Cardia and Harley* ... Oh, he's beautiful. Sheepy: Harley: I'm gorgeous. Arsé-kun: Arséne: But not as gorgeous as me. Sheepy: Harley: You don't have flowers like me, Lupin. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Oh, is that needed now? Sheepy: Harley: The truly gorgeous one is Wilson. Arsé-kun: Wilson: *bark!* Arsé-kun: Arséne: Oh, how could how I have made this mistake Sheepy: Harley: He's handsome. Aren't you, Wilson? *pet* Arsé-kun: Wilson: *YES I AM* Sheepy: Fran: I'm uh... going upstairs. Arsé-kun: Delacroix: Great. Take care of your blubbering boyfriend. Sheepy: Fran: He's back?! *he rushes to his room!* Arsé-kun: *and there's the boy, crying into a ball of cat fur. i mean wag* Sheepy: *Impey gets hugged at terminal velocity by Fran* Arsé-kun: Impey: !!! Sheepy: Fran: Impey...! I missed you so much... please don't go again... Arsé-kun: Impey: S-sorryyyyyyyy! Sheepy: Fran: You're safe and that's what matters. Sheepy: Fran: Please don't blame yourself for what happened... Arsé-kun: Impey: B-but I did... Sheepy: Fran: Nobody else blames you. Arsé-kun: Impey: But I did! I shouldn't have. Sheepy: Fran: It was an accident. Sheepy: Fran: Everyone makes mistakes. Sheepy: Fran: But if you dwell on them... you'll never be happy. Sheepy: Fran: So don't hurt yourself over it, please. And.. don't run away again. I was so scared... Arsé-kun: Impey: *he's definitely crying again* Sheepy: Fran: *he tries to comfort Impey* Sheepy: Fran: It's okay... Arsé-kun: Impey: It's really nooot! Arsé-kun: Impey: I should have kept myself under control! Really! Arsé-kun: Impey: Maybe I could have ASKED, even, but I couldn't even do that! Arsé-kun: Impey: Maybe Delly's right. I AM inferior. Arsé-kun: Impey: He's got better self control and he's ten! Arsé-kun: Impey: ... Maybe this time the lesson will sink in. Arsé-kun: Impey: .... *he's quiet for a bit, holding Fran and trying to calm himself* Have I ever told you where I lived before Twilight? Sheepy: Fran: Impey... you aren't inferior just because you reacted when you were pushed to your limit. Sheepy: Fran: He's feeding on you. I, uh, dont know much about vampires but I doubt they do that often. Sheepy: Fran: You're also basically starving yourself living off of just me and waiting for me to recover between each one. Sheepy: Fran: So... I'd say that you have amazing self control. Everyone is at their limit right now. Sheepy: Fran: No... you haven't. Where did you live? Arsé-kun: Impey: Anywhere I could. The minute anyone found out what I was, I had to move n' quick. Sheepy: Fran: Nobody wants you to leave. If for some reason you decide you have to, I'm going with you. Arsé-kun: Impey: .... Fine. Sheepy: Fran: You give me strength. Arsé-kun: *germain decides he's bored of listening to sappy radio and goes back downstairs* Sheepy: *the front door opens. it's Sherlock. he's talking to someone...* Arsé-kun: Arséne: .. Welcome back? Sheepy: Sherlock: Oh, hullo. Sheepy: Sherlock: *he enters. as does the person who he was talking to. he looks fancy!* Sheepy: ?: Good evening. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Bonsoir. Sheepy: ?: Nice to meet all of you. Sheepy: ?: My name is... ... You may call me Eggs Benedict. I actually was discussing a... case with Mr. Holmes. Sheepy: *The stranger's left arm is oddly limp...* Sheepy: Eggs: I hope I am not intruding. Arsé-kun: Arséne: If it is about a case, then not at all. Sheepy: Eggs: Is Watson here? Mr. Holmes has a bad memory so I would appreciate it if someone were to remember the details for him. Arsé-kun: Watson: Surprisingly, yes. *it's watson!! he's alive!* Sheepy: Sherlock: *he sits down. he's apparently tried patching up his hand but it didn't work too well.* Sheepy: Eggs: Good evening. Sheepy: Eggs: I've come with a case, as you heard. Sheepy: Sherlock: *he's eyeing Eggs curiously* Arsé-kun: Watson: Yes, I did. *his eyes go straight to Sherlock's hand* And what did you do?? Sheepy: Sherlock: I punched a wall. Sheepy: Eggs: A thief visited my father's home last night and stole a precious jewel. Sheepy: Eggs: My father is a collector, you see. Arsé-kun: Watson: Yes, I do. *he looks at arsene for the briefest of moments* Sheepy: Eggs: I would appreciate it if you would retrieve it. Sheepy: Sherlock:... Arsé-kun: Watson: Either way, I see no reason to say no. Sheepy: Sherlock:...Wait. Sheepy: Sherlock: Your father came by it honestly, didn't he? Sheepy: Eggs: Of course. Sheepy: Sherlock: You look familiar. Arsé-kun: Watson: Details, then, Mr. Benedict. When did it happen and such? Sheepy: Eggs: I heard a strange noise last night around ten o clock. I came down to see a tall man with the stolen jewel. He ran away afterwards. It was too dark to see anything. *he's clutching his shoulder. is he leaving something out...? he seems uncomfortable.* Sheepy: Sherlock: I've definitely seen you somewhere before. Sheepy: Eggs: Two others were staying with us, as they usually do. They slept through it. As did my father. Sheepy: Eggs: Is there anything else you would like to know? Sheepy: Sherlock: *he is still staring very hard at Eggs. what're you thinking about buddy?+ Sheepy: Sherlock: What's the name of your father? Sheepy: Eggs: That's personal information. Arsé-kun: Watson: It's not if it is necessary information. Sheepy: Eggs: I can't disclose that information. Sheepy: Sherlock: I've met your father before. Sheepy: Eggs: I wouldn't know. Sheepy: *Eggs is visibly uncomfortable.* Sheepy: Sherlock: Watson, I'm not taking this case. Arsé-kun: Watson: .... I'm more concerned about his arm. Sheepy: Eggs: My arm is fine... Arsé-kun: Watson: You're fooling no one. Sheepy: Eggs: *he clutches it tighter and looks away* Sheepy: Eggs: I, uh... Arsé-kun: Watson: Clearly, something happened to your shoulder that's paralyzed your arm. Was it a gun or a knife? Arsé-kun: Watson: No judgment from me on either. Sheepy: Eggs:...Gun. Arsé-kun: Watson: Presuming it was the thief. Sheepy: Eggs: Yes... Arsé-kun: Watson: If left alone too long, the damage may become permanent. Sheepy: Eggs: If dealt with by the hospital, my father may be informed. I can't worry him. Arsé-kun: Watson: And he won't be worried by bloodstains? Sheepy: Eggs:... Sheepy: Eggs: Um... Arsé-kun: Watson: *he sighs* Come here so I can treat it. Sherlock, you too. Sheepy: *both come over.* Sheepy: Sherlock: I'm confident. His father is Professor Moriarty. Sheepy: Eggs: Wh-what?! Arsé-kun: Watson: I'd have to agree. He sounds rather similar, and they share a few features. Sheepy: Eggs: H-he... n-no, it's not... Sheepy: Eggs: *he is flustered.* Arsé-kun: Watson: No need to be so nervous. We're not going to arrest you or something. Sheepy: Eggs: Really? Arsé-kun: Watson: Why would we? You've done no crime. In fact, you're reporting one. Sheepy: Eggs: My father hasn't committed any crimes since the incident. Arsé-kun: Watson: I didn't even know he was alive! How is he? *he's taking care of the wound best he can* Sheepy: Eggs: Wheelchair-bound but otherwise healthy and happy. Arsé-kun: Watson: No wonder nothing has happened... Was that mean? I'm sorry. Sheepy: Eggs: It's fine. Sheepy: Eggs: And, the gem was obtained through honest means. Sheepy: Eggs: I know his track record but I can assure you that this one was. Arsé-kun: Arséne: *he shifts the phone* Seems honest to me. Can you three take this eleswhere? I've got a case to focus on. Sheepy: Sherlock: Alright, fine. Sheepy: Sherlock: Arséne, I want to talk to you later. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Fine. Sheepy: Sherlock:...Thank you. Arsé-kun: *they move one room to the right. Germain has taken over a sofa. sanchan why* Sheepy: Eggs:...So, um, I know you don't like him, Mr. Holmes, but this doesn't concern him. It's a case from me. Arsé-kun: Watson: ... Just to make sure, was there any property defacing? Sheepy: Eggs: No, there wasn't. Arsé-kun: Watson: All right, Zorro is out of the question. Violence was also involved, so both Phantoms are out as well- The original, and Joker. Sheepy: Eggs: Phantom... Arsé-kun: Watson: Hm? Sheepy: Eggs: Phantom...Fantom...Fantomas? Sheepy: Eggs: Th-that was just a prank letter, I'm sure... Arsé-kun: Arséne: *from the other room. he's raised his voice* That's French for Phantom, and I am offended and appalled! Sheepy: Eggs: Three phantoms? Arsé-kun: Watson: One more than the number of phantoms we can tolerate. *he's kidding. i think* Sheepy: Eggs: Do you know who Fantomas is? Arsé-kun: Watson: Never heard of him. Sheepy: Eggs: I see. Sheepy: Eggs: I received a threatening letter from him previous to this. Sheepy: Eggs: It mostly spoke of the horrors he had done to others and how he would be visiting me. Arsé-kun: Arséne: *he leans in, looking actually offended* I'm amazed you're still alive, then. Sheepy: Eggs: I almost wasn't. Sheepy: Eggs: I informed no one in the household of the letter due to the fact that I often receive threats. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Fair enough, and my apologies- I was speaking with a client. *he nods and frowns* Fantomas is a French phantom thief. I'd say gentleman thief, but he's so ruthless and callous in his ways that it'd be stupid. Sheepy: Eggs: Why did he attack me? Arsé-kun: Arséne: I wouldn't know. Sheepy: Eggs: That's unfortunate. Would it be too risky to take back the stolen belonging from him? Arsé-kun: Arséne: Absolutely. Sheepy: Eggs:... Sheepy: Eggs: That's fine. Arsé-kun: Arséne: You're going to do it anyway, aren't you? Sheepy: Eggs: No, no. Sheepy: Eggs: I'm going to explain the situation to my father. I'm sure he'll understand . Arsé-kun: *EGGS, YA PHONE IS DOIN' THE RINGS!* Sheepy: *Eggs picks up.* Sheepy: Eggs: Hello? Arsé-kun: Moriarity: Don't ever run off again. It's bad enough I have to clean this blood up. Sheepy: Eggs: I'm sorry...! I was trying to find someone who could help... Sheepy: Eggs: It slipped my mind to tell you. Arsé-kun: Mori: You didn't turn your phone's location off. Sheepy: Eggs: No, I didn't. Arsé-kun: Mori: Riddle me this, son: Why. Sheepy: Eggs: Why would I turn it off? Arsé-kun: Mori: No, no. Why are you there? Sheepy: Eggs: To get help. Sheepy: Eggs: The detective here ended up recognizing who stole it and says that we shouldn't try. Arsé-kun: Mori: I'd like to presume they are of French origin, then. Sheepy: Eggs: I think so. Arsé-kun: Mori: Can you explain the bloodstain? Sheepy: Eggs:...Um... Sheepy: Eggs:.... Sheepy: Eggs: The thief shot me in the shoulder. Arsé-kun: Mori: Just your shoulder? You did not bleed a fountain from your shoulder. ... I will wait until you are here to ask. Sheepy: Eggs: The doctor here treated my shoulder so I should be fine. Arsé-kun: Mori: ... .... .... *he's silent for a few moments* Sheepy: Eggs: Dad? Arsé-kun: Mori: I suddenly believe I know exactly who you are with. They are both alive? Sheepy: Eggs: Yes. Sheepy: Eggs: Mr. Holmes has a broken hand but other than that both of them seem okay. Arsé-kun: Mori: Give them my regards- Especially Holmes. I'm surprised he survived. Sheepy: Eggs: I was surprised myself. Sheepy: Eggs: But, how did you figure out who the thief was? Arsé-kun: Mori: It's not that hard. Sheepy: Eggs: Huh? Sheepy: Eggs: He didn't leave any signs of who he was except for the threatening letter he hid among my things and I never spoke of it because I thought it was a prank. Arsé-kun: Mori: I recognize the name from years past. Sheepy: Eggs: So then you saw the letter, or did he leave his name somewhere? I didn't thoroughly check the scene. Arsé-kun: Mori: I checked the letter, of course. Who do you take me for, the police? Sheepy: Eggs: No, I just didn't know you knew of it. Arsé-kun: Mori: Well, I do. Give my regards. To the other Holmes, as well- I know there's more than one. Sheepy: Eggs: Herlock or Mycroft? Arsé-kun: Mori: Yes. Sheepy: Eggs: I will. Sheepy: Eggs: I believe both are here... Arsé-kun: Mori: Excellent. I expect you home at twenty-one hundred, sharp. Sheepy: Eggs: I'll do my best. Arsé-kun: *Mori hangs up* Sheepy: Eggs: Before I leave, can I speak with Mycroft? Arsé-kun: Watson: Oh? You know him? Sheepy: Eggs: We work together. Sheepy: Sherlock: *he has lost interest in Eggs* Arsé-kun: Watson: Then I see no reason why not. Arsé-kun: Germain: Now that all of that is out of the way, hello, Benedict. Sheepy: Eggs: Hello. Sheepy: Eggs: I didn't see you there. Sheepy: Sherlock: *he looks to Arséne. talk to me.* Sheepy: Eggs: How have you been, Saint-Germain? Arsé-kun: Germain: I've been all right, fortunately. Arsé-kun: *arsene comes back with mycroft. arsene left at some point? stealthy. mycroft looks surprised, followed by annoyed* Sheepy: Eggs: Good evening, Mycroft. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: ... .... Evening, Robert. *he drops the angry look* We're not at work- I've got no reason to be sour towards you. Sheepy: Eggs: What? Sheepy: Eggs: *he is visibly surprised.* Sheepy: Sherlock: His name isn't Eggs? Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Of course not, Sherlock. That would be horrible. *he looks back to Eggs* Don't look so shocked. It's like you thought I was genuinely angry. Sheepy: Eggs: I did. Sheepy: Sherlock: Then why did he call himself Eggs? Arsé-kun: Mycroft: To not mention his real name, I'd presume. Sheepy: Eggs: My father sends his regards to you and your other brother. Sheepy: Sherlock: Is that really a good thing considering that he's the Napoleon of crime? Arsé-kun: Mycroft: That's a good question. I'd say yes. Sheepy: Sherlock: Have you met him before or something? Sheepy: Sherlock: The most personal, close-up interaction I've had with him is getting thrown off a waterfall. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: A time or so. Sheepy: Sherlock: How was he? Arsé-kun: Mycroft: In a lot of pain, as far as I could tell. Sheepy: Sherlock: *he stares off into space for a moment before finally replying* Well, that's understandable. Arsé-kun: Watson: It certainly is. Sheepy: Sherlock: I still hurt some every so often from the fall. Sheepy: Sherlock: Especially in the winter. Arsé-kun: Watson: Injuries tend to hurt more in the winter. Sheepy: Sherlock: Is it ever going to heal??? Arsé-kun: Watson: Fully? Perhaps not. Sheepy: Sherlock: Ughh... Sheepy: Sherlock: But I'm much younger than him. The fall was probably worse for him. Arsé-kun: Watson: I want to presume so. Sheepy: Sherlock: Unless he's magical. Arsé-kun: Germain: I doubt that would save you from a waterfall. Sheepy: Sherlock: It wouldn't? Arsé-kun: Germain: I doubt it. Sheepy: Eggs: ... Sheepy: Eggs: Anyway, that's all I had to say really. Sheepy: Eggs: I'm supposed to return by 9:00 at latest and I don't want to worry him further. Sheepy: Eggs: I apologize for being brief. Arsé-kun: Germain: Tis fine. Sheepy: Eggs: You can visit any time, of course, as long as you notify my father ahead of time, so if there's anything on your mind we can continue there or when you return to work. Sheepy: Eggs: Oh, er, I'm running late. I really have to be going. See you soon. Sheepy: Eggs: And thank you for treating my shoulder. Arsé-kun: Watson: Of course. Sheepy: *Eggs leaves.* Sheepy: Sherlock: Arsene, I want to talk to you. Arsé-kun: Arséne: ... Okay? Sheepy: Sherlock: I'm sorry. Sheepy: Sherlock: Please don't be mad. Arsé-kun: Arséne: ... I'm sorry I lost my temper, as well. Sheepy: Sherlock: I was scared, stressed, and confused... I needed some distance. Sheepy: Sherlock: I didn't mean to hurt you. Arsé-kun: Arséne: ... It's fine. I didn't hurt you either, did I? Sheepy: Sherlock: No... you didn't. Sheepy: Sherlock: I shouldn't have done it. Arsé-kun: Watson: Or punched a building. Sheepy: Sherlock: It's better than punching Impey, which I did. Sheepy: Sherlock: I should apologize to him too. Arsé-kun: Watson: That would be wise. Sheepy: Sherlock: Where is he right now? Arsé-kun: Arséne: Upstairs. Sheepy: Sherlock: *he gets up and heads upstairs* Arsé-kun: Impey: ...!! Sheepy: Sherlock: Impey, I'm sorry about earlier. Sheepy: Sherlock: I wasn't thinking. Arsé-kun: Impey: But you had some points.. Sheepy: Sherlock: I was just stressed and I shouldn't have taken it out on you. Sheepy: Sherlock: Is there some way I can make it up to you? Arsé-kun: Impey: ... Yeah. Could you not share what I did, exactly? I don't want everyone knowing... I'll probably get chased out.. Sheepy: Sherlock: I won't share it with anyone. Arsé-kun: Impey: Thank you! Sheepy: Sherlock: If it helps any I broke my hand. Arsé-kun: Impey: N-not at all! Sheepy: Sherlock: But now I can't punch you again until it heals. Arsé-kun: Impey: How did you break your hand?? Sheepy: Sherlock: I punched a wall. Sheepy: Sherlock: Well. Dented it. Arsé-kun: Impey: How and why?! Sheepy: Sherlock: By punching it and because I was upset. Arsé-kun: Impey: D: Sheepy: Sherlock: I'll be okay. Sheepy: Sherlock: I'll heal quickly. Sheepy: Sherlock: I always do. Arsé-kun: Impey: If you say so.. Sheepy: Sherlock: I didn't hurt you, did I? Sheepy: Sherlock: I didn't mean to if I did. I just... lost it. Sheepy: Sherlock: I'm sorry. Arsé-kun: Impey: Me, too. Sheepy: Sherlock: Well... um, now that that's that. Now what? Arsé-kun: Impey: Not sure. Lemme drop Fran on th' bed so he can nap, and let's go back downstairs! Sheepy: Sherlock: Okay. Arsé-kun: *so he does, and they do!* Arsé-kun: Impey: I'm not elusive! Sheepy: Sheepy: A mystical, mythical Impey. Arsé-kun: Impey: Much better! Sheepy: Sheepy: You missed someone named Eggs. Sheepy: Sheepy: You could've been friends and bonded over weird names. Arsé-kun: Impey: Seriously? Sheepy: Sheepy: Well we've bonded and I have a weird name. Sheepy: Sheepy: That must mean something. Arsé-kun: Impey: That's just your nickname! Sheepy: Sheepy: My nickname is an improvement over my real name. Arsé-kun: Impey: Is it really? Sheepy: Sheepy: Yeah. Arsé-kun: Impey: Really? Sheepy: Sheepy: My real name is... Sheepy: Sheepy: "The". Sheepy: Sheepy: Sorry guys I've lied all along. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Good try, Mouton. Sheepy: Sheepy: Only you know my real name. Sheepy: Sheepy: Names are power, according to many different ancient cultures. Arsé-kun: Germain: A fair point, that is. Sheepy: Sheepy: Speaking of power, today I learned that Van doesn't have the power to instantly open windows with his mind and that throwing me at windows ends up in me smacking into them. Arsé-kun: Germain: How unfortunate. You could not grab onto the windowsill? Sheepy: Sheepy: Nope. Sheepy: Sheepy: Should I have tried picking the lock? Sheepy: Sheepy: I haven't but I don't know what traps await. Arsé-kun: *a single gunshot echos from upstairs. just one.* Sheepy: Sheepy: *well. he rushes upstairs because that didn't sound good.* Sheepy: Sheepy: Van, what'd you shoot? Arsé-kun: Van: The lock. ... I may have gotten more of the door. I did not plan my actions well. Sheepy: Sheepy: I could've picked the lock for you... Arsé-kun: Van: Ran out of patience. *he puts the shotgun down against the wall, and casually intrudes. fuck the rules* Sheepy: *The room is mostly pink. The Watsonbot is on the table with some tools nearby. Looks like she's been working on it recently. There's also a few large stuffed animals on the bed that seem to be themed after the 221B group. Iris's phone is on her bed. enough details, though. Iris seems to be absent.* Arsé-kun: *Van checks two places- Under the bed, and the closet* Sheepy: *Iris is in the closet. seems like she just woke up because she gives Van a dazed, confused look* Arsé-kun: Van: Why..? Sheepy: Iris: *she sleepily rubs her eyes and blinks. pauses.* ... A-Abby?! Arsé-kun: Van: I'm intruding. *he takes a wrapped cinnamon roll out of his pocket and gives it to Iris. he snagged it when no one was looking* Sheepy: Iris:...? Sheepy: Iris: Thank you...! Arsé-kun: Van: ... Also, I broke your lock. Good luck. Sheepy: Iris: Huh? Why? Arsé-kun: Van: To get in. Ran out of patience. Sheepy: Iris: I don't know how to fix it... Arsé-kun: Van: Me, neither. Sheepy: Iris: I'm sorry for blocking you. Arsé-kun: Van: Are you? Sheepy: Iris: Yes. Arsé-kun: Van: Are you really? Sheepy: Iris: I'm not sorry for blocking everyone else excluding Daddy. Arsé-kun: Van: Perfect. *he gives her a can of lemonade, from a different pocket. he planned this part* Sheepy: Iris: Thank you. I'm sorry for worrying you. Sheepy: Iris: I was scared. Sheepy: Iris: So I tried to block everything out. Sheepy: Iris: Instead I ended up falling asleep in the closet. Arsé-kun: Van: .. *he kneels down* What scared you? Sheepy: Iris: The thought that I may lose you to whatever caused your behavior to change yesterday and the thought that Daddy has been tested on by Twilight and may not be the same one day. Arsé-kun: Van: .... He's fine. Those wires are gone. No one told you? Sheepy: Iris: Huh? Arsé-kun: Van: ... I suppose not. A lot has happened in the last few hours. Sheepy: Iris: Really? Arsé-kun: Van: Yes. *he gives her a short update. He doesn't know all the details, but..* Sheepy: Iris: *she frowns* Holmsies? Fighting with people? Arsé-kun: Van: Stress, I heard. I don't know. Sheepy: Iris: I see.. Sheepy: Iris: But are you okay? Arsé-kun: Van: *he shrugs* I'll live. Sheepy: Iris: *she looks worried* Arsé-kun: Van: ... I'd talk to you about it, but I feel wildly out of place in here. Sheepy: *Iris gets up. Seems like Bunbun Sherly will be joining her for Listen To Van's Problems hour* Arsé-kun: Van: You okay with going somewhere else? Sheepy: Iris: Uhuh. Arsé-kun: *they end up in van's close- ROOM. HIS ROOM. WHICH IS CLOSET SIZED.* Sheepy: Iris: Why did you accept being put in a small room? Arsé-kun: Van: ... I like it. There's only really room for me. Sheepy: Iris: Oh... Arsé-kun: Van: And apparently you. Sheepy: Iris: And Sherly. Arsé-kun: Van: Yes, and- Arsé-kun: Germain: What is this, a new club base? Sheepy: Iris: It's Germy. Arsé-kun: Germain: It sure is. *he steps in and shuts the door behind him* Is something happening? Sheepy: Iris: *she looks to Van* Arsé-kun: Van: ... I don't know what came over me before, and I am sorry. Sheepy: Iris: That's what scares me. I don't want to lose you. Arsé-kun: Van: .... I can only hope that won't work a second time. Sheepy: Iris: But what if it does...? Arsé-kun: Van: .... Then keep away from me. .... I think I may have only acted that way because I believed I'd hurt you. Sheepy: Iris: But... Arsé-kun: Germain: But then what is keeping you stable would not be nearby. Sheepy: Iris: Yeah! Arsé-kun: Van: .... Then I don't know. Sheepy: Iris: I don't know either... Arsé-kun: Germain: .... Though, now I am curious. You'd never really attached yourself to anyone. Why Iris..? Arsé-kun: Van: ...... I'd like to know that, myself. Sheepy: Iris: Huh? Arsé-kun: Germain: Perhaps I should explain myself better. *van nods* ... As long as I've known Abraham, he'd never really bonded with people. You make the first notable exception. Sheepy: Iris: Really? Arsé-kun: Germain: Truly. Even I wondered at times if he cared. Sheepy: Iris: But he's really nice. Arsé-kun: Germain: Especially to you, I notice. Sheepy: Iris: *she seems unsure as to what to say* Arsé-kun: Germain: ... Then again, it may just be Abby's hidden talent for getting along with children. I've decided he has that, just now. Arsé-kun: *Germain gets punched in the shoulder. He looks unfazed* Sheepy: Iris: Does that mean he gets along with Sheepy? He's magical. Arsé-kun: Van: He's not exactly a child... He's immature more than anything. Sheepy: Iris: Huhh?? But he's only a little older than me! Arsé-kun: Van: He's tolerable. Sheepy: Iris: Usually. He used to be nicer but something just changed one day and he became distant. Arsé-kun: Germain: Puberty. Sheepy: Iris: Will I become like that too? Arsé-kun: Germain: Doubtful. Sheepy: Iris: Is that just a guy thing? Sheepy: Iris: And will he ever grow out of it? I don't like the new him. Arsé-kun: Germain: No, and it's very possible. Sheepy: Iris: That's good. Sheepy: Iris: I hope he does at least. Sheepy: Iris: Abby!! Did you go through a phase like that? Because you don't seem distant. Arsé-kun: Van: ... ... Something like that. Sheepy: Iris: So he'll probably go back to being nice eventually because you did. Arsé-kun: Van: Sure. Sheepy: Iris: Great!! Sheepy: Iris: By the way, Abby. Sheepy: Iris: You remind me of someone. Sheepy: Iris: You remind me of Zieksy. Sheepy: Iris: His resting face makes him look angry all the time but he's actually really nice. Sheepy: Iris: He also tries to make everyone think he's really mean but once he gets comfy in a situation he forgets about the act. Arsé-kun: Van: ... Well, alright. Sheepy: Iris: *did she insult him??? that worries her a little.* Arsé-kun: Van: Do I look that angry? Sheepy: Iris: Uhuh. Arsé-kun: Van: Huh. Sheepy: *so anyway the next day! fun! egg!* Arsé-kun: *Impey's up early again! And today! He sat down and had cereal. low effort day* Sheepy: Nyar: Hey. It's me. Everyone's favorite eldritch abomination. Arsé-kun: Impey: Morning, Nyar! Sheepy: Nyar: Good morning. Sheepy: Nyar: Or bad morning. Sheepy: Nyar: Whatever you get your kicks from. Sheepy: Nyar: I hear everything worked out well in the end with Sherlock. And, also, I gotta thank you because you ended up being very useful. Sheepy: Nyar: You removed a little bit of inconvenience out of my life. Arsé-kun: Impey: "Ended up"? What am I, a load? Sheepy: Nyar: Well, no. Sheepy: Nyar: Being called useful is actually a very big compliment from me. Arsé-kun: Impey: Or so you say! Sheepy: Nyar: Most of the time people are just playthings to me. But once they've proven they can get me further to my goals... I start to grow a little attached to them. Sheepy: Nyar: Who knows. Maybe I'll grow attached to you. Sheepy: Nyar: Not in a literal sense, of course. Sheepy: Nyar: Anyway, I'm sure it'll please you to know that the effects of my father's testing are slowly fading and I'll be in condition to do as I please soon enough. Arsé-kun: Impey: It had lasting effects? You sure seemed fine. Sheepy: Nyar: Well, physically I seem fine. Sheepy: Nyar: I'm sure you noticed me trying to induce hallucinations on that grunt a few days back. Sheepy: Nyar: Obviously it didn't work so I ended up having to knock him out with my bare hands. Ugh. Sheepy: Nyar: If I was at my true potential, I could've easily broken his mind to the point of no return and had him do my bidding. Arsé-kun: Impey: Aw, don't do that. 's no fun. Sheepy: Nyar: But I was not due to the restrictions he set with his testing. Sheepy: Nyar: It's fun for me occasionally. Sheepy: Nyar: Anyway, as I said, the barriers he set are breaking down. Arsé-kun: Impey: And that's great! Just don't, uh, use everyone here for your entertainment, huh? Sheepy: Nyar: This group is already entertaining me. Sheepy: Nyar: And so, I don't have to throw any unnecessary conflict in to spice things up. Sheepy: Nyar: Lupin agreed to my case with the cultists and I believe Watson is willing to assist me with getting Phil's emotions back. Meaning, they're useful to me and thus I definitely don't want to throw any "wrenches in the machinery" so to speak and ruin their chances of going down the correct path. Arsé-kun: Impey: That I understand! No need to be a gremlin in an airplane! Sheepy: Nyar: Yeah, something like that. Sheepy: Nyar: Once you guys finish up what I want you to do, I may grant a few wishes. Arsé-kun: Impey: ... That's tempting, but what's the point? Stuff like that tends to leave people worse off. Sheepy: Nyar: I don't mean like that. Sheepy: Nyar: I'm not going to make something out of nothing. Sheepy: Nyar: I just mean, if you want something done, I'll do it. Sheepy: Nyar: Don't expect so much out of me when I haven't been fully powered for a looooooooong time. Arsé-kun: Impey: Nothin' from me, that's for sure! Sheepy: Nyar: Well, okay. Sheepy: Nyar: Either way, I wouldn't be granting them now because again, my requirements have not been fulfilled. Sheepy: Nyar: You gotta work for my services. Sheepy: Nyar: *he plops down on one of the chairs. sticks legs on table. thanks nyar.* Arsé-kun: Impey: Hey, get those off the table! Sheepy: Nyar: *he moves them* Sheepy: Nyar: When is everyone else going to get up? I'm so booooored.... Arsé-kun: Delacroix: Not yet, probably! So lazy! Sheepy: Nyar: Clearly the entire world revolves around me so I should have entertainment 24/7. Sheepy: Nyar: That's a joke. Arsé-kun: Delacroix: Hey, hey, tell me this! What's the color of your blood?? Sheepy: Nyar: Black. Arsé-kun: Delacroix: Why?? Sheepy: Nyar: 'Cause I'm not human, that's why. Sheepy: Nyar: I'm an eldritch abomination. Sheepy: Nyar: Technically, my blood is just what my body is formed of. Sheepy: Nyar: It's not really the same as your blood. Sheepy: Nyar: It's more like... hmm.. Sheepy: Nyar: I don't know how to explain it. Sheepy: Nyar: It's not that interesting. Arsé-kun: Delacroix: Sounds it. Arsé-kun: Impey: Aw, Delly, leave him alon- Arsé-kun: Delacroix: Knock that off! Sheepy: Nyar: It doesn't bug me. Sheepy: Nyar: Now that I've told you two this, I know I won't be bit by any vampires. Arsé-kun: Delacroix: .... Arsé-kun: Impey: No, you look like you're tempting him. Sheepy: Nyar: Unless, of course, you want to poison yourself. Arsé-kun: Delacroix: Would it? Sheepy: Nyar: It would. Sheepy: Nyar: It's like drinking oil. Sheepy: Nyar: Like, car oil. Sheepy: Nyar: I guess. Sheepy: Nyar: I've never done it. Arsé-kun: Impey: *he grabs the back of Delacrox's shirt collar* Don't do it, Delly! Arsé-kun: Delacroix: Stooooooop calling me that! Sheepy: Nyar: Maybe he'll stop calling you childish names when you stop making childish mistakes. Arsé-kun: Delacroix: I AM a child! Sheepy: Nyar: Like even considering taking that as a challenge. Sheepy: Nyar: Then accept the nickname. Arsé-kun: Delacroix: I'm not! I'm hungry- No! Sheepy: Nyar: If you drink my blood you'll probably start vomiting up your insides or something. Sheepy: Nyar: I don't actually know. I'm bluffing at this point. Sheepy: Nyar: Dad might be curious about the results actually. Sheepy: Nyar:...Actually, whatever. You can do it if I can call you Delly. Arsé-kun: Delacroix: *he looks absolutely, downright offended for a minute* ... Fine, but only because I don't think I could stop you anyway! Sheepy: Nyar: Go nuts then, Delly. Arsé-kun: Delly: *he flinches, then climbs the back of the chair to get at Nyar's neck. Delly, no. thats not what he meant probably* Sheepy: Nyar: *he doesn't seem bothered* Sheepy: Nyar: You have fun with that, kiddo. Arsé-kun: Delly: *he does his thing for a bit, before letting go and falling off the chair- thankfully, onto his ass* Sheepy: Nyar: You done? Arsé-kun: Delly: ... y-yeah... Sheepy: Nyar: ... Uhuh. Sure. *he pulls out a phone* [text: to Saint-Germain] saaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiint germaiiiiin i have a question Sheepy: Nyar: [text: to Saint-Germain] lets say a child vampire drank my blood. would they die. yes no pleasr anserr Arsé-kun: Germain: [text: to Nyar] uh no. i dont know? can i wake up first Sheepy: Nyar: [text: to Saint-Germain] you aren't fully awake yet Sheepy: Nyar: [text: to Saint-Germain] hiw are you typing if youre asleep Arsé-kun: Germain: [text: to Nyar] Very funny. And no, I doubt they would unless it was far too much. Sheepy: Nyar: [text: to Saint-Germain] well the kid drank my blood Arsé-kun: Germain: [text: to Nyar] I'm coming. Sheepy: Nyar: [text: to Saint-Germain] finally Arsé-kun: *Germain arrives about thirty seconds later* Sheepy: Nyar: Hey. Arsé-kun: Germain: Why did you allow this? Sheepy: Nyar: You're 95% of my self control. Arsé-kun: Germain: *hand applied to face* Sheepy: Nyar: Whoops. Arsé-kun: *Germain bends down to check on Delly. He's fine, if not a bit dazed. And possibly violently hallucinating* Arsé-kun: *By the way, he is.* Sheepy: Nyar: Whoooops. Sheepy: Nyar: I was curious. Sheepy: Nyar: But now he's hallucinating. Hmm. Well, that means whatever Dad did has nothing to do wih my bloodstream. Arsé-kun: Impey: Why are you so casual about this?! Sheepy: Nyar: I'm the Crawling Chaos, duh. Sheepy: Nyar: Have you read the books? Arsé-kun: Impey: No? I never had time, really! Sheepy: Nyar: Well, they're great reads. Especially the ones about me. Sheepy: Sheepy: I agree. Also, is Delacroix sick? Arsé-kun: Germain: If you can understand them, that is. Arsé-kun: Impey: Oh, uh Arsé-kun: Delly: .... I've made a mistake. Sheepy: Sheepy: Rest in peace Arsé-kun: Delly: I'd like a free pass for death now. Sheepy: Sheepy: Nyar could probably give you that if you want it. Sheepy: Nyar: That's my boy, Randy. Always knowing how I'm going to reply next. *he ruffles Sheepy's hair* Sheepy: Sheepy: Like Randolph Carter? Sheepy: Nyar: *he quickly pulls his hand away* Sheepy: Nyar: I was just messing with you. Sheepy: Sheepy:....Uhuh. Sheepy: Nyar: Anyway, kiddo, you should expect the hallucinations to affect all of your senses. Sheepy: Nyar: I'm always glad for willing participants in tests to see just what my body is capable of. I stated the possible dangers to you and yet you didn't seem deterred, so this is all on your head. Arsé-kun: Arséne: .... I've decided I don't want to know anymore. *how long have you been there, lupin?* Don't tell me, I don't want to hear it. Sheepy: Sheepy: Arsene, Nyar is trying to buddy-up to me and is acting like he knows me very well. It's creeping me out. I don't want friends. I'm a loner who's liked by no one. Arsé-kun: Germain: No, you're not. You'll regret that later in life. Sheepy: Sheepy: I'm the loneliest of loners. Sheepy: Sheepy: My inability to trust people along with my crippling depression and inability to be true to myself causes me to hold people at a distance. People who think they're my friends actually know nothing about me no matter how much they act like they do. You can't be friends with someone you can't trust. *he sits down in a chair* That's why my only friends are Arsene and Sisi. Arsé-kun: Germain: ... ... Poor Iris. Sheepy: Sheepy: She has friends other than me. Arsé-kun: Germain: Tell her that yourself. I happened to hear that she's very upset about you pushing her away. Sheepy: Sheepy: I'm not going to lie about how I feel. Arsé-kun: Germain: I never said to lie. I said to tell her yourself. Arsé-kun: Germain: Please. Tell her, yourself, that you think she knows nothing about you, and that you don't trust her. I'll fetch popcorn. Sheepy: Sheepy: Are you trying to start something up? Sheepy: Sheepy: I like her but again, if I don't feel like I can trust basically anyone including myself, it's unfair to her to call myself her friend. Arsé-kun: Germain: But why is that, exactly? Sheepy: Sheepy: Can one really give reasons as to why they feel things? Sheepy: Sheepy: You can rationalize and try to explain things all you want, but the fact of the matter is that the brain is a very complicated thing and not even your mind understands its actions at times. Arsé-kun: Germain: That's fair enough. I concede. Sheepy: Nyar: Lupin, when are you going to start investigating the cultists? I'm getting impatient. Gosh. I wanna see your reactions. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Not yet... I've got a case, and anyway, that statement scares me a little. Sheepy: Nyar: I don't know what you'll come up with but I've got a clue as to what the true end result of it is. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Could you perhaps share? Sheepy: Nyar: Hmmm... Sheepy: Nyar: I'll say this. Sheepy: Nyar: It's very, very relevant to you. Sheepy: Nyar: Or maybe someone close to you? Sheepy: Nyar: Who knows? Arsé-kun: Arséne: ... Sheepy: Nyar: Although, I wonder. Arsé-kun: Arséne: I wonder where Tom is.. Sheepy: *Tom falls down the stairs, screaming. He didn't have those clothes before.* Sheepy: Nyar: Nevermind. That's spoilers. Sheepy: Nyar: It's too much information and you'll guess where I'm going with it. Arsé-kun: Arséne: ... Ah, there you are! *he retrieves Tom* Where did you get these..? Sheepy: Tom: twilight Sheepy: Tom: i made a friend and also i accidentally became a captain of twilight Sheepy: Tom: it was a fun adventure Arsé-kun: Arséne: ..... I'm not going to ask. *he deposits Tom on the table* Sheepy: Sheepy: I'm impatient. Tell me the answer. Sheepy: Nyar: Noooo. It's a game. You can't just cheat to the end. Sheepy: Sheepy: It's called using a walkthrough! Sheepy: Nyar: You can't use walkthroughs for mind games... Sheepy: Tom: these clothes are nice Sheepy: Tom: so is azathoth hes my friend now Arsé-kun: Impey: Whatt'd'ya mean you made friends with Azathoth? Sheepy: Tom: he made me this outfit Sheepy: Tom: we talked about life and stuff Sheepy: Tom: or death in my case Sheepy: Tom: and our interests Sheepy: Tom: and were friends now Arsé-kun: Impey: Uh. Good job? Sheepy: Tom: thank you Sheepy: Sheepy: Did she tell you she hated me being distant, Saint-Germain? Arsé-kun: Germain: Yes, in fact. Sheepy: Sheepy: If I tell her how I feel, what d'ya think will happen? Arsé-kun: Germain: Either acceptance, or grief. Sheepy: Sheepy: Not risking the latter. Sheepy: Sheepy: I doubt it'll improve things. Arsé-kun: Germain: A fair point.. Sheepy: Sheepy: If she wants to be upset, she's going to get upset, and there's really no point in pushing my luck. Sheepy: Sheepy: It's how people are. Sheepy: Sheepy: They'll find some reason, any reason, to act a certain way towards you. Sheepy: Sheepy: Of course, you can influence that, but only negatively usually. Sheepy: Sheepy: And with that in mind, just because I'm distant and it may seem like I'm not trying doesn't mean I don't care. Sheepy: Sheepy: It means I care too much. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Good to know. *he leaves the room..* Sheepy: Sheepy: ? Sheepy: Tom: *he's disappeared. Where did he go? Oh, he followed Arsene. Maybe? He's there, anyway.* Sheepy: Tom: aaarssssseeeeeeeeeeneeee Sheepy: Tom: i met byrd Sheepy: Tom: he was acting strange and didnt seem to recognize me Sheepy: Tom: will he burn me Sheepy: Tom: will you burn me Arsé-kun: Impey: No? Sheepy: Tom: but i scared everyone Arsé-kun: Impey: So what? Sheepy: Tom: so nobody dislikes me over it Sheepy: Tom: thats good Sheepy: Naoya: *he knocks on the door* Arsé-kun: Germain: Who is it?~ Sheepy: Sheepy: *he opens the door and then closes it* Sheepy: Naoya: W-wait! I need to talk to you! Sheepy: Naoya: *he knocks on the door* Arsé-kun: Impey: *he goes and opens the door for Naoya* Sup, dude? Sheepy: Naoya: Um, is Mycroft here? Arsé-kun: Mycroft: ... Unfortunately. Sheepy: Naoya: Um... Sheepy: Naoya: I'm sorry to bother you. Sheepy: Nyar: It's Naorin! Sheepy: Naoya: *he ignores this* I have something really important to tell you. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: ... All right, who at my workplace made a fool of themselves this time? Sheepy: Naoya: I wouldn't really call it "making a fool of themselves"... Sheepy: Naoya: Robert Moriarty was accused of murder. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: god damn it Sheepy: Naoya: And by extension, all of those really gruesome 'crucifixion' murders. Sheepy: Naoya: Last night he was found collapsed nearby the victim. There's apparently witnesses and everything. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Boy, I'm glad the police immediately blame someone. Sheepy: Naoya: I just thought you should know. Sheepy: Naoya: He's having a lot of trouble finding an attorney despite having a lot in the way of assets, apparently. Arsé-kun: Watson: *he's just gotten downstairs with his cane* .... I know someone who can help. Sheepy: Naoya: You do? Sheepy: Naoya: I don't know if anyone would want to touch this case. Arsé-kun: Watson: Well, they owe us a favor, so.. Sheepy: Naoya: The police want to clean this situation up and forget about the murders all together. Anyone who comes after this will just be a "poser"... Arsé-kun: Arséne: Pardon my French, but fuck the police. *he's back! he deposits a brown sheep toy next to tom he found it!* Sheepy: Naoya: Meanwhile if they don't succeed in proving him innocent, they might be associated as the ones who defended a serial killer for the rest of their lives. Sheepy: Tom: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Sheepy: Naoya: It'd be appreciated if you did contact them, though. Arsé-kun: Watson: Let me turn my coffee on, and I'll call them. Sheepy: Naoya: Okay. Arsé-kun: *and so, watson does! he steps out* Sheepy: Naoya: I apologize for interrupting your morning, everyone. Arsé-kun: Impey: Aw, it's fine! It's always a mess anyway! Sheepy: Naoya: Is it? Arsé-kun: Impey: Yeeep! Sheepy: Naoya: Ours was usually a mess when Nyar stayed with us. Arsé-kun: Germain: low blow. Sheepy: Nyar: Wow. Sheepy: Nyar: I'm offended. Sheepy: Nyar: I haven't seen Phil in like three days and I'm already worried about him. Sheepy: Nyar: But I've moved in with my husband. Sorry Naorin. Arsé-kun: Germain: your what Sheepy: Nyar: My husband. Sheepy: Nyar: Mycroft. We're married... Sheepy: Sherlock: Nevermind, I'm going back upstairs. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Me, too. Wait up. Sheepy: Sherlock: *he waits for Mycroft before going up.* Arsé-kun: Germain: Look, Nyar, you've scared them off. Sheepy: Nyar: Whoops. Sheepy: Nyar: But actually I'm here for Saint-Germain. Arsé-kun: Germain: Terrible. Sheepy: Nyar: Why? Sheepy: Nyar: I loved you and you you do this? Break my heart with your heartless comments? I want a divorce. Arsé-kun: Germain: Flatter me and insult me all you like, but not now. Sheepy: Nyar: Awww... Sheepy: Nyar: But what will I do if not that? Arsé-kun: Germain: Millions upon billions of other things. Sheepy: Naoya: *he appears uncomfortable* Sheepy: Nyar: Heyy, Naorin. Phil is working with Twilight's head right jow so watch out. Sheepy: Naoya: I know. Arsé-kun: Germain: Ah, that makes things easier. Sheepy: Naoya: He said so. Sheepy: Naoya: I can't really get mad though because I have no clue what he's planning. Sheepy: Naoya: And his behavior towards us hasn't changed. Sheepy: Naoya: Which, in the end... after everything Kazuya has been through due to you, Nyar, is what's most important to me. Sheepy: Nyar: Heyhey, this is supposed to be my redemption arc. You seriously haven't done your research if you think I had any control of the situation. Sheepy: Naoya: I don't want your excuses, Nyar. Nobody liked how you changed and it's very difficult to see you as more than the person who hurt all of us. Things have been much more relaxed after you left. Sheepy: Nyar: Kiddo, if you keep pushing away allies over here, one day you'll have none and be in a very dark place. It's how life works. I would call my Twilight head personality an act. I wouldn't call how I treated you three before this whole Twilight nonsense an act. Sheepy: Naoya: It'll never go back to how it was, Nyar. You've burnt your bridges. Stop trying to rebuild them. Arsé-kun: Germain: *he looks to Nyar* I've told you this before- You can't just yell "It was all an act!" and expect everything to be fine. You keep doing this, and you haven't learned. Are you going to this time? Sheepy: Nyar: Hmm... Sheepy: Nyar: Probably not. Sheepy: Nyar: It's how I am. Sheepy: Nyar: Am I going to change for someone whose opinion of me would be terrible either way? Sheepy: Nyar: No. Arsé-kun: Germain: That's what you said three times ago. Sheepy: Nyar: ........ Sheepy: Nyar: People call me a monster because I am one. That's what I am deep down and no amount of "You can change!" will fix that. Sheepy: Nyar: So if you've got any faith in me in terms of changing for the better, your hopes will be dashed. Arsé-kun: Germain: No one is telling you to. *he raises an eyebrow* I'm more expecting you to run to the states and curbstomp an abusive orphanage to the ground. Sheepy: Nyar: Well. I could. Arsé-kun: Germain: I'm still waiting for the world domination attempt. Sheepy: Nyar: If I rule the world, nothing will be fun anymore. Arsé-kun: Germain: What about the inevitable revolution? Sheepy: Nyar: I could just easily wipe everyone out. That's no fun. Sheepy: Nyar: Just remember, Naorin, one day you're going to have to make a decision, and the choice you take may tear your heart to pieces but it's necessary for the greater good. It's how adult life is. Arsé-kun: *there's a moment of uncomfortable pause* Arsé-kun: Impey: *he leans on the table, looking up at them* How long have you two known each other, anyway? Sheepy: Nyar: Forever. I've known him since...... Sheepy: Nyar: Gee. Arsé-kun: Germain: Far too long. Sheepy: Nyar: Yeah. Sheepy: Nyar: Phil, Saint-Germain, and I have been together for forever. He's basically part of the family. Arsé-kun: Germain: That makes me sound far too old. Sheepy: Nyar: You're not that old. Sheepy: Nyar: But you did know Phil before he was a piece of cardboard personality-wise. Arsé-kun: Germain: m-hm. Such a shame, that was. Sheepy: Nyar: By the way, Naorin. If you really care about Phil, you wouldn't be so accepting of him working for Twilight. He could be hurt, you know. Or maybe end up like Kazzy was. Who knows? Sheepy: Naoya: He was determined about it. Sheepy: Naoya: Anyway, um, I'm sorry, but I'm really busy and will have to go as soon as Dr. Watson confirms that Robert has gotten legal help. Arsé-kun: *speaking of which, Watson's still on the phone. he's not done yet* Sheepy: Naoya: *oh.* Sheepy: Naoya: *he is visibly uncomfortable from Nyar's presence...* Sheepy: Sheepy: Hmm... I guess maybe they don't want to defend that guy? Arsé-kun: Impey: *he tilts his head a little* .... Nah, he's sayin' something else. Arsé-kun: Impey: uh... Mostly complaining and something about a black cat.. Sheepy: Sheepy: Eh? Arsé-kun: Impey: .... ..... Oh! He's coming back. Arsé-kun: *and watson does exactly that!* Sheepy: *Watson suddenly feels very cold fingers on his neck.* Arsé-kun: Watson: !! Sherlock!! Sheepy: Sherlock: Hullo! Arsé-kun: Watson: Yes, hello. *he looks to Naoya* I've been given an affirmative. Sheepy: Naoya: I'm glad. Sheepy: Naoya: Thank you for calling them. Arsé-kun: Watson: Quite welcome. Sheepy: Naoya: Okay, um, I've informed Mycroft and found a defense for Robert, so everything is well. I'll be going now... Thank you. Arsé-kun: Germain: No problems. Stay safe on the way home! Sheepy: Naoya: Thank you! *so he leaves.* Arsé-kun: Arséne: Will anybody else be needing the phone? Sheepy: Sheepy: Yeah, I need to call all of my many friends with it. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Are you so distant you can't bother to go upstairs? Sheepy: Sheepy: What do you mean? Arsé-kun: Arséne: Never mind. *he steps out, and goes to sit down at his desk* Sheepy: Sheepy: What's upstairs for me? Arsé-kun: *sorry, sheepy, you'll have to wait. Arséne has picked up the phone* Sheepy: Iris: Good morning everyone! *SHE'S HERE???* Arsé-kun: Impey: Mornin', Iris! Glad you could join us!! Sheepy: Iris: Daddy, how are you feeling? Arsé-kun: Watson: Better than yesterday! You, too? Sheepy: Iris: Uhuh! Sheepy: Iris: I'm really glad the wires were removed. I was worried. Sheepy: Nyar: I'm capable of good things after all, huh. Arsé-kun: Impey: I'm just glad I didn't ruin anything..! Sheepy: Nyar: Nah. Sheepy: Nyar: Saint-Germain had to step out but all is well. Arsé-kun: Watson: Speaking of well.. Sherlock, your hand? Sheepy: Sherlock: What about it? Arsé-kun: Watson: How is it feeling? Sheepy: Sherlock: Well, the skin in my hand contains nerve endings that enable my brain to register any sensations my hand feels. Our sense of pain is coupled wih the sense of touch, which enables us to react when we touch something that hurts us, such as a hot plate or very cold ice. Sheepy: Sherlock: Basically, anything I feelings I have with my hand were created by my brain. Arsé-kun: Watson: Sherlock! Sheepy: Sherlock: What? Arsé-kun: Watson: Not what I meant! Sheepy: Sherlock: Then what did you mean? Arsé-kun: Watson: Does it still hurt? Sheepy: Sherlock: Pain is not a good measurement of an injury. Sheepy: Sherlock: A papercut hurts more than a bad burn and hitting one's funny bone can be more painful than breaking a bone. Arsé-kun: Watson: So it does. Thank you. Sheepy: Sherlock: I barely slept last night. Sheepy: Sherlock: Do I really have to help Moriarty's son? Arsé-kun: Watson: It'd be preferred if you did. Asougi and Ryuunosuke are on it. Sheepy: Sherlock: Asougi is that mop man, right? Arsé-kun: Watson: That's right! Sheepy: Sherlock: And Ryuu is the one whose eyes dart around all the time. Arsé-kun: Watson: *he looks delighted!* Yes, yes, that's right! Sheepy: *Sherlock seems pleased with himself!* Arsé-kun: *Iris also looks pleased! She somehow got onto Impey's shoulder? He probably put her there. Look at the happy child. LOOK AT HER* Sheepy: Nyar: *he seems proud of himself. hmm.* Arsé-kun: *the room's overall mood seems to have gone way up! ... Except Delly's, he's still sitting on the ground and suffering intensely.* Sheepy: Sherlock: There's Susato too, right? Didn't you work with him once? Or wait... Maybe she's that bookworm who really liked your stories... Sheepy: Sherlock: He? She? Arsé-kun: Watson: She. Sheepy: Sherlock: Right, she's the one who liked your stories. Sheepy: Sherlock: But... Sheepy: Sherlock: I'm still defending the son of the Napoleon of crime. Sheepy: Sherlock: I'm not okay with this. Arsé-kun: Watson: You may not be. If you can find evidence pointing to him having done it, you can say that. Sheepy: Sherlock: Really? Sheepy: Sherlock: I guess you're right. Arsé-kun: Watson: I like to be sometimes, you know. Sheepy: Sherlock: You usually are. Sheepy: Sherlock: I'm usually not unless it's something I care about. Sheepy: Sherlock: Such as the planets. Sheepy: Sherlock: There are ten planets, right? Sheepy: Sherlock: The moon is a planet. Sheepy: Sherlock: It's like the little brother of Earth. Sheepy: Sherlock: Pluto is cold but everyone likes it anyway. Sheepy: Sherlock: Mars is closest to the sun and it's very hot. Arsé-kun: Impey: Most of that was wrong!! Sheepy: Sherlock: Like what? Arsé-kun: Impey: The Moon's not a planet! There are 8 planets! And Mercury is closest to the Sun, not Mars! Sheepy: Sherlock: Even if the moon isn't a planet by birth, it should be considered a planet because it's been in the family long enough. Sheepy: Sherlock: Sheepy is adopted but he's a Lupin, for example... Sheepy: Sherlock: So even ifthe moon is adopted, it's still family. Arsé-kun: Impey: Then we'd have too many planets! Sheepy: Sherlock: We would? Sheepy: Sherlock: There'd be Mercury, Mars, Earth, Moon, Jupiter, Pluto, Saturn, Neptune, Cyanide, Plato, and the Sun. Sheepy: Sherlock: Wait. Plato is a philosopher. Arsé-kun: Impey: The Sun isn't a planet, and where the heck did you get Cyanide?! Arsé-kun: Impey: Did you mean Ceres?? Sheepy: Sherlock: Mercury is a toxic substance. Arsé-kun: Impey: It's named after the Roman God! Sheepy: Sherlock: Cyanide is toxic too. Arsé-kun: Impey: All of the planets except Earth are- Cyanide isn't a planet, Sherlock! Sheepy: Sherlock: Even the Moon? Sheepy: Sherlock: Earth is named after the ground, earth. Sheepy: Sherlock: Moon is the name of the man who lives on it. Arsé-kun: Impey: The Moon isn't a planet!! It's a moon! It has an entire category named after it!- No! Sheepy: Sherlock: It's his private vacation place. Sheepy: Sherlock: I have an entire category of stories named after me and their content is questionable. Arsé-kun: Watson: That I can confirm. Arsé-kun: Watson: .... I was ignoring that category. Sheepy: Sherlock: I wasn't referring to your writings. Sheepy: Sherlock: I was referring to what Iris and Sheepy showed me. Arsé-kun: Watson: I thought you meant the semi-official things. I want to drink bleach instead of coffee now. Do you think they mix? Sheepy: Sherlock: I like the dog one. Arsé-kun: Watson: Okay, that one is fine. Sheepy: Sherlock: Bleach is bad for your health. Sheepy: Sherlock: Dogs aren't. Sheepy: Sherlock: I like Sherlock Hound. It's a nice show. My favorite character is the dog version of you, Watson. Arsé-kun: Impey: *he's put his head in his hands. cyanide is not a planet* Sheepy: Iris: Holmsies knows nothing about planets. Arsé-kun: Impey: I noticed.. Sheepy: Iris: He doesn't remember much past a few years after he met Daddy so he doesn't remember many things you learn as a kid. Sheepy: Iris: Like planets! Sheepy: Iris: Or, what else... Sheepy: Sherlock: Something about that seems wrong. Arsé-kun: Impey: ... That's why that's bothering me! There's a moon that's got Cyanide, just not a planet! Sheepy: Sherlock: Cyanide is the blue planet. Arsé-kun: Impey: Nooo! Those are Uranus and Neptune! Titan is a moon! Sheepy: Sherlock: Cyanide is a fruit. Sheepy: Sherlock: It's a poisoning but also a fruit. Arsé-kun: Watson: Closer. It's in the seeds of some, specifically. Sheepy: Sherlock: It's the red one. Arsé-kun: Watson: ... Sheepy: Sherlock: They're put in pies. Sheepy: Sherlock: Cyanide pies. Arsé-kun: Delly: ... That's a fucking apple Sheepy: Sheepy: Cyanide pies are my favorite. Sheepy: Sherlock: No, no. Sheepy: Sherlock: Apples are trees. Arsé-kun: Delly: ............ Nyarlathotep, can I drink bleach? I'd like to drink bleach now. Sheepy: Sherlock: Cyanide is in the seeds of the red fruits. Sheepy: Nyar: No, I already drank it all Arsé-kun: Delly: drat Sheepy: Sherlock: I had a case where someone poisoned someone else with the seeds. Arsé-kun: Watson: Yes, you did. Sheepy: Sherlock: Cyanide seeds. Arsé-kun: Watson: Okay, now you're doing this on purpose. Sheepy: Iris: Holmsies the last time you went to the store you wrote down "apples"... Arsé-kun: Arséne: *he leans in* He knows what an apple is. He ate one the other day. *he exits stage right. he just wanted his 2 cents* Sheepy: Sherlock: Arséne bought it for me. Arsé-kun: Impey: Please tell me Cyanide being a planet was you joking, too.. Sheepy: Sherlock: Yes. Sheepy: Sherlock: I was supposed to recharge but my hand kept waking me up. Arsé-kun: Impey: Okay, good!! Sheepy: Sherlock: So I'm running on fumes and want attention. Arsé-kun: Impey: You're gettin' it! Sheepy: Sherlock: Good. Arsé-kun: Impey: Geez! I thought you were being serious..! Arsé-kun: Germain: No. He's Sherlock. Arsé-kun: Impey: Sainty-G, how could you?! Sheepy: Sherlock: I wasn't. Sheepy: Sherlock: I know very little about space but I know that cyanide isn't a planet. Sheepy: Iris: Holmsies! You know a lot about things that can kill people! How do you cure depression??? Sheepy: Sherlock: A depression is caused when the dollar is worth very little and the employment rate is very low. Sheepy: Iris: No! Sheepy: Sherlock: There is no one way to "cure" a depression. Sheepy: Sherlock: The economy is a very complicated system. Sheepy: Sherlock: For one, the government must create jobs to be able to keep their economy afloat. Sheepy: Sherlock: Secondly, printing money will actually damage the economy more. Sheepy: Iris: Holmsies! Sheepy: Sherlock: Third, borrowing money won't help because a depression is actually a very, vey extreme case of a recession. A recession can cause a depression and once a depression ends the damage might cause a recession. Sheepy: Sherlock: A recession is generally caused by an economic decline in activity such as trading between countries or occupations within the country. Sheepy: Iris: Daddy, how do you cure depression? Arsé-kun: Watson: Very carefully. Arsé-kun: Watson: Why? Sheepy: Iris: Because I don't want Sheepy to be distant anymore. Arsé-kun: Watson: ... Ah. Sheepy: Iris: So how do I??? Arsé-kun: Watson: That depends on a lot of factors, and I doubt he'd be too willing to share them. Sheepy: Iris: Like what? Arsé-kun: Watson: Personal experiences. Sheepy: Iris: Oh. Arsé-kun: Watson: ... I'll talk to you about it a bit later, how about that? Sheepy: Iris: Okay! Arsé-kun: *Arséne is now done on the phone. He was arranging a meeting with Jason* Sheepy: Sheepy: You've returned. Arsé-kun: Arséne: oui. Sheepy: Sheepy: Who were you calling? Arsé-kun: Arséne: Jason. As the toy was found, the case is nearly closed. Sheepy: Nyar: Nice. Sheepy: Nyar: After that, get to my case. It'll be fun. Sheepy: Nyar: If you've got any questions, ask them now. Once you actually start it, it's closed book. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Here's one: Why? Sheepy: Nyar: As I said. This case isn't so much for me as it is for you. Sheepy: Nyar: There may be some questions on your mind that will be answered once you look into this cult. Arsé-kun: Arséne: ..... ....... Fine. *he seems unhappy* Sheepy: Nyar: I can't say you'll like the results, though. Sheepy: Nyar: But, don't forget: Sheepy: Nyar: The truth is unchangeable. Humans try to create their own "truths" but only end up hurting those around them. Sheepy: Nyar: So, will you accept what you find? Or will you deny the facts and believe your own construct of reality? Arsé-kun: Arséne: Take a wild guess. Sheepy: Nyar: ... Good. Any other questions? Arsé-kun: Arséne: Will you leave me alone so I can actually start? Sheepy: Nyar: Don't you at least want to know which cult you're looking into? Arsé-kun: Arséne: Write it down. Sheepy: *Nyar writes down the date "04-01-2002" and passes it to Arsene!* Sheepy: Nyar: That's all you get. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Thanks a lot. Sheepy: Nyar: Ah... right. One other thing. Sheepy: Nyar: There's no witnesses. Nine out of the ten cultists committed suicide through poisoning. Now, I wonder what happened to the last one, hmm? Arsé-kun: Arséne: A variety of things could have happened, actually. Sheepy: Nyar: Good luck! If you're struggling, I'll help you. Sheepy: Nyar: Yes. Sheepy: Nyar: But, what really happened? Arsé-kun: Arséne: A hot pile of shit, probably. Sheepy: Nyar: Awww, that's no way to think of it. Arsé-kun: *delly is still dying internally* Sheepy: *Sheepy has his head in his arms. He may or may not be taking a nap right there at the table.* Arsé-kun: *that explains why he isn't talking* Sheepy: *sheepy is either asleep or talking. there is no in between.* Arsé-kun: *fair point* Sheepy: Sherlock: So when am I supposed to meet Asougi and Mr. Naruhodou? Arsé-kun: Watson: Tomorrow morning. Sheepy: Sherlock: ... Sheepy: Sherlock: *he raises his eyebrows* Arsé-kun: Watson: ..... I know, trust me. I asked if it could be later. Sheepy: Sherlock: If I don't sleep tonight I can probably join them. Arsé-kun: Watson: Don't do That... Sheepy: Sherlock: Then what do you want me to do? Sheepy: Sherlock: Good luck waking me up. Arsé-kun: Watson: Just go to bed early..?? Sheepy: Sherlock: Oh! Good idea. Sheepy: Sherlock: I'll go to bed at 4 PM. Arsé-kun: Watson: Good luck Sheepy: Sherlock: I should wake up by 1 AM, whic is morning. Arsé-kun: Watson: That's... A bit too early. Sheepy: Sherlock: Is it? Sheepy: Sherlock: When should I aim to wake up??? Arsé-kun: Watson: Maybe around six? Sheepy: Sherlock: Uhh... Sheepy: Sherlock: So then I go to bed around ten. Arsé-kun: Watson: Sounds good. Sheepy: Sherlock: Please remind me. Arsé-kun: Watson: I'll do my best. Sheepy: Sherlock: I know I won't remember. Sheepy: Sherlock: I hope I don't have to do too much. Sheepy: Sherlock: Think about it this way. Sheepy: Sherlock: Eggs Benedict is most definitely innocent. Yesterday he approached me for a case and it felt as though we were being watched. He then left and in the same night he was knocked out. Based on the way he held his arm, he most likely did not use his right or left arm too much on his way back home in case he would accidentally jerk his left arm. Furthermore, he did not appear armed. Sheepy: Sherlock: But: This means that the one who shot him in the shoulder knocked him out nearby the murdered individual. Sheepy: Sherlock: If I find evidence pointing towards the true killer, they might turn their attention towards, I don't know, Iris, you, me, anyone who lives with us. Arsé-kun: *John H. "This is why you're my partner" Watson was approving until that last part* Arsé-kun: Watson: That's the risk for any case, Sherlock. Sheepy: Sherlock: Except the one who shot him claims to be Fantomas. Sheepy: Sherlock: Fantomas is a sadistic murderer who draws out death as long as he can so he can get as much enjoyment out of it as he can. Sheepy: Sherlock: The fact that the victim was shoddily crucified points toward it being Fantomas. Arsé-kun: Arséne: *he nods* I was hoping not to have to deal with him again. ... I suppose we don't have much choice, do we? Sheepy: Sherlock: I haven't had to deal with him yet, but... I guess so. Sheepy: Sherlock: I was hoping for a normal case for once. Arsé-kun: Arséne: That would be nice. These all seem to be tying into single or multiple other points.. Sheepy: Nyar: Like cultists. By the way, have you solved it yet? I've given you enough information for you to solve it right here and now. Arsé-kun: Arséne: *he looks annoyed* I haven't. Finished. My other case. Sheepy: Nyar: Fiiiiiiinnnnneeee... Sheepy: Nyar: A detective worth their salt would've solved it already. Arsé-kun: Arséne: The only salt here is me. I'm getting salty. Sheepy: Nyar: Wow. Sheepy: Nyar: Do you need a hint?? Sheepy: Nyar: Here's a hint: The date and the number of people who didn't poison themselves are all you need. You may br getting frustrated but it concerns something or someone you care about. Sheepy: Nyar: Once you get that far, you get your payment of information. Arsé-kun: Arséne: .... Arrêtez. Arsé-kun: Germain: Oh, I understand it now. It's one and one, and that makes two. Arsé-kun: Germain: Two plus four, for April, is six Sheepy: Nyar: Oh, oh! Don't tell me, based on your tone of voice, you figured it out! Arsé-kun: Germain: And six is afraid of seven Arsé-kun: Germain: Because seven eight nine. Sheepy: Nyar: Saint-Germain... Arsé-kun: Germain: But wait! There were nine cultists who died. Sheepy: Nyar: Yes. Arsé-kun: Germain: So the cult is the Cult of Eight. Sheepy: Nyar: Eh? Sheepy: Nyar: There were ten members and one had passed earlier due to complications... Arsé-kun: Germain: *he just nods and looks satisfied* And from there, I know exactly what group you're speaking of. Sheepy: Nyar: Oh shoot he heard me. Sheepy: Nyar: *he clears his throat* SO! You've figured it out, haven't you? Sheepy: Nyar: Your tone of voice says you did. Arsé-kun: Germain: Time to become the next Scotland Yard! Sheepy: Nyar: Saint-Germain... I love you but you're ruining the mood. Sheepy: Nyar: And if you keep it up, I won't tell my story and Arsene will never hear the thrilling story of the cult. Arsé-kun: Germain: Fine, I'll stop. Sheepy: Nyar: Alright, Arsene! Are you ready for a story? Arsé-kun: Arséne: Non! Sheepy: Nyar: Rreeeaallllyyyy? Sheepy: Nyar: Oh well. Sheepy: Nyar: Have fun not knowing things then. Gosh. Arsé-kun: Germain: *he puts a hand over Nyar's mouth* I do believe he is growing tired of your voice Sheepy: Nyar: *he pouts* Arsé-kun: Germain: Don't give me that face. Sheepy: Nyar: *pout, pout* Sheepy: *a knock at the door!* Arsé-kun: Arséne: *he gets it, but not before grabbing the brown sheep toy and tom* Sheepy: Jason: Good morning, Chief! Arsé-kun: Arséne: Bonjour! sheep: Jason: Thank you so, so much for helping me find it. sheep: Jason: And confirming what happened to Tom. sheep: Jason: Please take good care of him. sheep: Tom: ...... sheep: Jason: I hope you don't mind if I visit him occasionally. sheep: Tom: i dont want you to leave but i dont want to leave sheep: Jason: I'm...sorry. I can't rest easy until I've brought your killer to justice. sheep: Tom: nonononononono dontdontdontdontdontdontdont Arsé-kun: Arséne: Don't? Will something happen, Tom? Sheepy: Tom: dont do it Arsé-kun: Arséne: You heard it here, Jason. Whatever you're planning, don't. Sheepy: Jason: ...Alright. Arsé-kun: Arséne: I mean it. Don't make me have to save you or something. Sheepy: Jason: Alright. Sheepy: Jason: I won't. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Thank you. Sheepy: Jason: I'll be going now. Thank you. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Quite welcome. Stay safe! Sheepy: *Jason leaves.* Sheepy: Nyar: Sssoooooo.... Sheepy: Nyar: Nice job on that case. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Stop right there. Sheepy: Nyar: Fiiiine Sheepy: Nyar: I'm pushy because I understand the importance of it Arsé-kun: Arséne: That's wonderful. Sheepy: Nyar: Why? Sheepy: Nyar: You call it wonderful and yet don't act. Arsé-kun: Arséne: I said I would. Stop it. Sheepy: Nyar: Fine. Sheepy: Sherlock: I don't get why I can't just solve whatever the case is. Sheepy: Nyar: It's not related to you. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Ask again, and I won't. Sheepy: Nyar: Fine. Sheepy: Iris: Sheepy, it's bad for you to sleep there. Sheepy: *other than an irritated huff, Sheepy doesn't react to Iris. rude* Arsé-kun: Germain: That's not very nice of you. Sheepy: Sheepy: Okay. Arsé-kun: Germain: Okay. *and he decides to just grab Sheepy and pick him out of the chair* Arsé-kun: *he then decides to dump Sheepy off on the bed upstairs. Specifically, Arséne's* Arsé-kun: Germain: ... I don't know if you're listening, and I know you're having trouble trusting others, but.. Arsé-kun: Germain: You can't push everyone away. A time will come when you need others in your life. Arsé-kun: Germain: Iris looks to you as more than a friend- she sees you as her big brother. Arsé-kun: Germain: *he hums and looks around* Arsé-kun: Germain: I understand if you don't feel the desire to immediately reconnect- It may not feel worth it. Arsé-kun: Germain: Just... Just don't be so distant that it harms not only yourself. *he exits, and goes back downstairs. He wonders if he should find Iris a Lovecraft book to read, so they can connect on that front* Arsé-kun: *Germain decides to scan the bookshelves. While doing so, he remembers Delly is still dying and goes to check on him.* Arsé-kun: Delly: *he's opted to lie on the floor, and he looks absolutely miserable* Arsé-kun: Germain: ... Are you going to be all right? Arsé-kun: Delly: .... I've been scarred for life. I've made a mistake, Saint. I can't even see your face right now. All I see are tentacles n' stuff. *he shudders* Arsé-kun: Germain: .... I should have stopped you. My apologies. *he carefully picks Delly up, and deposits him in his own bed. Let him rest* Arsé-kun: *Germain then returns to hunting for books* Sheepy: Nyar: What'cha looking for? Sheepy: Nyar: I can help you find it! I'm great at finding things. Sheepy: Sherlock: Arsene, my hand still hurts. What do I do? I don't want it to keep hurting. *he leans on Arsene some. Sherlock why do you do this.* sheep: Nyar: This book is about me. *he grabs one of the lovecraft books* You should read it, Saint-Germain. sheep: Nyar: I like it. sheep: Nyar: Have you ever noticed how our names aren't pronounceable to humans??? We won't arrive if you get our name wrong. Someone else will probably... Arsé-kun: Germain: You imply I haven't. It is what I was looking for, though. Sheepy: Nyar: Ooohh.. Arsé-kun: Germain: So, thank you. Sheepy: Nyar: No problem! Sheepy: Nyar: What're you reading it for? Arsé-kun: Germain: Oh, I'm not. Sheepy: Nyar:??? Arsé-kun: Germain: It's not for me. Sheepy: Nyar: Who's it for? Arsé-kun: Germain: :) *he just kinda nods and goes back to Iris* Sheepy: *Nyar follows* Sheepy: Iris: What's that? Arsé-kun: Germain: It's a book. I was thinking maybe you could try reading one of Lovecraft's works in particular, so you'd be able to speak with Sheepy a bit easier. Sheepy: Iris: How would that help? Arsé-kun: Germain: It's something he is interested in, isn't it? Sheepy: Iris: Yes, but... Sheepy: Iris: I don't understand it too well. Arsé-kun: Germain: Considering we've got one hell of a character living with us right now, I don't think it'd be too hard to understand. Sheepy: Iris: Sheepy did seem to understand the situation very well as soon as he heard Nyar's name... Sheepy: Iris: But I don't understand the stories. Arsé-kun: Germain: That's understandable. Sheepy: Nyar: There's a story about me. You should read it. Sheepy: Sherlock: -I don't want to go out tomorrow because I wanted to spend the day sleeping. Sheepy: Sherlock: If I go out tomorrow for the case I'll not only be defending the son of my mortal enemy but I'd also be endangering us.. Sheepy: Sherlock: But Watson is insistent. Sheepy: Sherlock: I don't even know if he's going with me. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Hm.... Sometimes you need to do things you don't want to. *he shrugs* I don't want to look into this cult, but here we are. Sheepy: Sherlock: I always do things I don't want to do. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Look on the bright side- You're not defending the man himself. You're defending a man who happens to be related. Sheepy: Sherlock: Hmmm.. Sheepy: Sherlock: I guess so. Sheepy: Sherlock: I'm scared of possibly seeing him again. Arsé-kun: Arséne: I'm rather nervous about seeing Fantomas again. ... I'm unsure which is worse. Sheepy: Sherlock: Fantomas isn't injured from it. Sheepy: Sherlock: So, Fantomas Arsé-kun: Arséne: Fair point. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Here, look. If Watson doesn't come, or he's not able to, I'll come. How about that? Sheepy: Sherlock: Okay. Sheepy: Sherlock: Thank you. Sheepy: Sherlock: I'll ask to make sure thogh. Sheepy: Sherlock: Watson! Are you going to come with me tomorrow? Arsé-kun: Watson: I don't know, am I? Sheepy: Sherlock: Huh? How do you not know?? Arsé-kun: Watson: Do you want me to? Sheepy: Sherlock: Yes. Arsé-kun: Watson: Then I shall! Sheepy: Sherlock: That's good. Sheepy: Sherlock: I was concerned that you were saying that you didn't know if you were going because you didn't want to go. Sheepy: Sherlock: That raises the question of why you go, actually. Are you going by choice because you find it fun, or are you going because I strongarm you ito it...? I wonder this sometimes. Arsé-kun: Watson: I want to help you. I'm your partner, after all. Sheepy: Sherlock: That's true. Sheepy: Sherlock: Harley is your partner too but you don't write much about him. Arsé-kun: Watson: I have. Sheepy: Sherlock: I just mean not as much as you do about me. Arsé-kun: Watson: At least, not that I've released. Sheepy: Sherlock: Huh? Sheepy: Sherlock: I've never read it. Does he not want it to be released? Arsé-kun: Watson: No, no. I just never had the chance. I'm never pleased with the wording or the flow of it. Sheepy: Sherlock: Oh. Sheepy: Sherlock: He is a complicated person. He pushes everyone away but at the same time he's extremely possessive of those he hasn't pushed away. Sheepy: Sherlock: He has an odd view on things too. I click with basically everyone I meet but his opinion of it is: "If you're friends with everyone, it's like you're friends with no one"... Maybe he's just very picky? It's not good to have unmeetable standards, but it's also not good to have no standards at all. Arsé-kun: Watson: He's trying to solve a rubix cube where a single puzzle piece would suffice. Sheepy: Sherlock: That sounded incredibly intelligent. So intelligent that the meaning was lost on me. Arsé-kun: Watson: He's making it harder than it needs to be. Sheepy: Sherlock: Oh. Sheepy: Sherlock: The only ones who have met his standards are Wilson and you. Arsé-kun: Watson: Wilson is a dog. Sheepy: Sherlock: Wilson will only be nice to me when he wants something. Sheepy: Sherlock: Wilson and Harley are very alike. Arsé-kun: Watson: m-hm. Like master, like dog. Sheepy: Sherlock: Both of them have extremely high standards and will only lower their standards when they feel they need something. Arsé-kun: Watson: ... At least, he did. Sheepy: Sherlock: What do you mean, past tense? Arsé-kun: Watson: He's been staying exclusively with Mycroft and his kids. Sheepy: Sherlock: I noticed that. Sheepy: Sherlock: His mind is very scrambled. Sheepy: Sherlock: The only one he actually recognized was Wilson. Arsé-kun: Watson: He recognized my name, but not who I was. Sheepy: Sherlock: No, that's not it. Sheepy: Sherlock: I mentioned your name to see if he remembered it. Sheepy: Sherlock: Since he didn't seem to recognize us when we walked in. Sheepy: Sherlock: He pointed to everyone in this group and said your name. Arsé-kun: Watson: He tried his best. Arsé-kun: Watson: Either way, from what I've seen, he's been improving. Sheepy: Sherlock: He is. Sheepy: Sherlock: He's still a little clumsy but not as bad as before. Arsé-kun: Watson: M-hm. Shall we check on him, while on the topic? Sheepy: Sherlock: Okay. Arsé-kun: *time to check on him!* Sheepy: *he's petting Wilson. nothing interesting about that.* Arsé-kun: Watson: Good afternoon, Harley. Sheepy: Harley: Good morning. Arsé-kun: Watson: How are you feeling? Sheepy: Harley: Fine. Arsé-kun: Watson: That's good. Sheepy: Harley: *he doesn't seem sure what to say, instead looking down at Wilson again* Arsé-kun: Wilson: *he continues to be a dog* Sheepy: Harley: I don't have anything else to say. Arsé-kun: Watson: That's fine. Sheepy: *Harley begins to get visibly uncomfortable.* Arsé-kun: Watson: Well, Sherlock, he's fine. Sheepy: Sherlock: He doesn't seem social but physically he looks fine, yeah. Arsé-kun: Watson: m-hm. Sheepy: Harley: Why're you talking about me like I'm not here? Arsé-kun: Watson: My apologies. Sheepy: Harley: It's scaring me. Sheepy: Harley: I'm not social because past your names, I know very little about both of you except that you seem familiar. Arsé-kun: Watson: Then why not ask? I'd be perfectly willing to share. Sheepy: Harley: Well, then, tell me about yourself. Arsé-kun: *And so, Watson does, with a decent amount of detail. Not TOO much. Just enough* Sheepy: Harley: So we have very little in common. Arsé-kun: Watson: Sort of. We've lived together, like I've previously mentioned. Sheepy: Harley: Why? Arsé-kun: Watson: Financial assistance, later working together. Sheepy: Harley: Who was assisting whom? Arsé-kun: Watson: I, to both you and Sherlock here. Sheepy: Harley: Why? Arsé-kun: Watson: Because you and he are detectives, and I came along as the doctor and sidekick. Sheepy: Harley: No. Arsé-kun: Watson: No? Ah, that is not what you meant. Why, as in why did you have financial difficulties? Or why, as in why did I assist you? Sheepy: Harley: Supporting two people along with yourself sounds difficult. Arsé-kun: Watson: It was, but it was worth it. Sheepy: Harley: I'm sorry. Arsé-kun: Watson: For? Sheepy: Harley: Putting you through that. Arsé-kun: Watson: It's fine. You're not at fault. Sheepy: Harley: Fault is an abstract concept that at the end of day doesn't matter. Sheepy: Harley: Whether someone is or isn't at fault, it's happened and there's no changing it. Arsé-kun: Watson: A valid point. Sheepy: Sherlock: But the concept of "fault" is used to teach people to learn from their mistakes and change their ways, or to stop people from committing acts like it again. Arsé-kun: Watson: Also a valid point. Sheepy: Sherlock: If you completely disregard fault, while it's easier to sum a situation up as "what's done is done", the real problem is never solved. Arsé-kun: *Watson decides to step back and listen to these two. Arséne is eavesdropping to avoid researching cults* Sheepy: Harley: Okay. Sheepy: Harley: *he points to Arsene* It's Lupin. Sheepy: Harley: He's the one who carried Sherlock out of the car when he got carsick. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Yes, I did. Sheepy: Harley: That's the only time I interacted with you. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Is it? My apologies. Sheepy: Harley: I see. Arsé-kun: Arséne: We'd just been starting to get along, too.. Sheepy: Harley: We aren't fighting. Arsé-kun: Arséne: No, we're not. sheep: Harley: So we're getting along. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Yes, we are. Sheepy: Harley: You sound disappointed. Arsé-kun: Arséne: I'm not, I assure you. Sheepy: Harley; I see. Sheepy: Harley; So we're still getting along. Sheepy: Harley; Meaning you lost nothing... Arsé-kun: Arséne: I suppose so. Sheepy: Harley; So you shouldnt be disappointed. Arsé-kun: Arséne: You're right. Arsé-kun: Arséne: *he seems to brighten up* Sheepy: Harley: *he looks down at Wilson again* Arsé-kun: Arséne: *he kinda just pats Harley's shoulder, and pats Wilson with his other hand. Mutual pats* Sheepy: Harley: *he looks over* Arsé-kun: Arséne: Don't you get tired of sitting inside all day? Sheepy: Harley: Tired? Sheepy: Harley: Why? Arsé-kun: Arséne: You're always looking outside.. Do you want to go out? Sheepy: Harley: Yes. Arsé-kun: *Arséne looks to Watson for permission. Permission is granted!* Arsé-kun: Arséne: Great! Lets go out, Harley! Arsé-kun: *he seems excited* Sheepy: Harley: Okay. Arsé-kun: *they go Outside! Wowza.* sheep: Harley: Where are we going? Arsé-kun: Arséne: Not far. Is there anywhere you'd like to go? Sheepy: Harley: I don't know. Sheepy: Harley: I want to go to a place with squirrels. I like them. Arsé-kun: Arséne: We could visit the park, then. Sheepy: Harley: Is there one nearby? Sheepy: Harley: If so, I want to go there. Arsé-kun: Arséne: It's not too far.. Sheepy: Harley: Okay.
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