#cw: g slur
imperiuswrecked · 8 months
Have you seen the Mark Waid Doctor Doom manifesto? Someone posted it on CBR Forums (Mark Waid's Doctor Doom Manifesto (plus extra material) (cbr.com), and I thought it was an interesting read. Some really interesting discourse in the comments below, too. Just thought you might be interested! :) <3 Love your blog, btw
Hey, thanks for the love and for the link. I did take time to read it over and I have to say this doesn't change my mind about Mark Waid as a writer. Firstly, I think he's a good writer, he's great with characters, and I enjoy most of his work. Big fan of his Wally West/The Flash run.
I think Waid should stay away from writing Doom forever.
Like I'm so serious, I do not like his Doom writing and I feel his thoughts on Doom are very black and white, he sees Victor as a villain, but not like a complicated villain with shades of gray. He's stuck on the early iterations of Doom's character, and he admits further on that he sticks with what the early stuff was and imo if a writer, especially a comic writer, doesn't take into account the general sum of a character and only focuses on one era ignoring any character growth or developments then that's not a writer I want writing my favorite characters.
By the way, the truism that Victor von Doom is, despite his villainy, a noble man is absolute crap and I can point to about a thousand moments in Stan and Jack's run that bear this out. A man whose entire motivating force is jealousy is ridiculously petty, not grandly noble. Yes, Doom is REGAL, and yes, whenever possible, Doom likes to ACT as if he possesses great moral character, because to him that's what great men HAVE, and yes, we HAVE seen Doom exhibit a sense of honor from time to time— —but when I hear Doom say "it does not SUIT him to" do this-and-such, what I hear is, "it has nothing to do with my hatred for Reed Richards, so it's not worth my time." Remember, most of the reportage we've heard about what Doom will or won't do COMES. FROM. DOOM. I think "Doom the Noble" would tear the head off a newborn baby and eat it like an apple while his mother watched if it would somehow prove he were smarter than Reed.
I know Waid says he's read a lot of Doom, but that last line totally defies the fact that no, Doom would not do that. Doom literally adopts Kristoff as his ward, he's not gonna kill a baby just to spite Reed. And I absolutely hate Waid's writing of Victor and the arc where he has Victor kill Valeria for power and then wears her skin as armor. Then again, I think that if Waid wasn't so set on reinforcing his belief that Doom would do the most vile things and actually put in space to account for character growth then he would actually be a good Doom writer. Doom has a moral code and Waid ignores it.
Why has even the pre-scarred Doom always been driven to be the smartest, the most clever, the best? Look at how he grew up! Gypsies are outcasts, derided and shunned; of course Doom grew up eager to prove himself.
That's not true. Not even in in the Kirby & Lee run that Waid worships. Like literally in Fantastic Four (1961) Annual 2 we see how Victor struggles, he's not doing all that stuff to prove he's the best. He knows he's the best. He works to fight against those who have hurt his family, his people. And that I think is where Waid totally misses the mark, and it's because he restricts himself to just one version of Doom. Imagine if Magneto had been kept the same way as Kirby & Lee made him, if someone wrote Magneto that way, then wouldn't all the fans who read Magneto's growth, or Claremont's additions, be mad at a writer who only chooses to focus on an early interpretation of the character? Why does Magneto get to keep his growth but writers like Waid and Slott are so stuck on keeping Doom as a silver age villain? It makes no sense to me as a comic fan who loves comics and its characters and their stories to see them constantly try to stay true to an outdated version of a character who frankly is so much more interesting when they add the gray in that was present to begin with. Anyways not to rant on but I just pick and chose the parts of Waid's stories that I feel works and ignore what I feel doesn't fit the character. Waid isn't the end all be all of Doom's writing, he wrote one part of an ongoing saga and as someone who prefers to rationalize characters based on the sum of all their parts I just do not care about Waid's thoughts on Victor because to me he's proven time and again that he views Victor through a very narrow lens and can't comprehend that Doom is an Anti-Villain.
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donttalkaboutmemes · 2 years
The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1996) Sentence Meme
Under the cut you will find 120+ sentences from the 1996 version of The Hunchback of Notre Dame to use for your enjoyment!    
CW: Use of the g word referring to Roma people
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1.      “Listen, they’re beautiful, no? So many colors of sounds, so many changing moods. But you know, they don’t ring all by themselves.”
2.      “Up there high, high in the bell tower lives the mysterious bell ringer.”
3.      “It is a tale. A tale of a man and a monster.”
4.    �� “Sanctuary! Please give us sanctuary!”
5.      “This is an unholy demon. I’m sending it back to hell where it belongs!”
6.      “Care for the child. Raise it as your own.”
7.      “Will today be the day? Are you ready to fly?”
8.      “If I picked a day to fly, oh, this would be it.”
9.      “Nobody wants to stay cooped up here forever.”
10.   “That’s what you get for sleeping with your mouth open.”
11.   “What’s going on out there? A fight? A flogging?”
12.   “It is a treat to watch the colorful pageantry of the simple peasant folk.”
13.   “Aren’t you going to watch the festival with us?”
14.   “If twenty years of listening to you two hasn’t made him sick by now, nothing will.”
15.   “What good is watching the party if you never get to go near it?”
16.   “He’s not made of stone, like us.”
17.   “I’d never fit in down there. I’m not…normal.”
18.   “Do you mind? I would like to have a moment with the boy if that’s all right with you!”
19.   “As your friends and guardians, we insist you attend the festival.”
20.   “Take it from an old spectator. Life’s not a spectator sport. If watching’s all you’re gonna do, then you’re gonna watch your life go by without you.”
21.   “When he say’s you’re forbidden from ever leaving the bell tower, does he mean ever ever?”
22.   “Better to beg forgiveness than to ask permission.”
23.   “When your heartless mother abandoned you as a child, anyone else would have drowned you. And this is my thanks for taking you in and raising you as my son?”
24.   “You don’t know what it’s like out there. I do.”
25.   “You leave town for a couple of decades and they change everything.”
26.   “You’d know a lot about stealing!”
27.   “Maybe a day in the stocks will cool you down.”
28.   “Ease up. Wait between lashes. Otherwise the older sting will dull him to the new.”
29.   “I expect nothing but the best from a war hero of your caliber.”
30.   “I’m sure you’ll whip my men into shape.”
31.   “It will take a firm hand to save the weak-minded from being so easily misled.”
32.   “Their heathen ways inflame the people’s lowest instincts. They must be stopped.”
33.   “The real war is what you see before you.”
34.   “Look at that disgusting display.”
35.   “You all remember last years king?”
36.   “We asked for the ugliest face in Paris, and here he is!”
37.   “You think he’s ugly now? Watch this.”
38.   “A lesson needs to be learned here.”
39.   “You mistreat this poor boy the same way you mistreat my people. You speak of justice, yet you are cruel to those most in need of your help.”
40.   “Mark my words. You will pay for this insolence.”
41.   “It appears we’ve crowned the wrong fool. The only fool I see is you.”
42.   “Witchcraft!”
43.   “What a woman!”
44.   “Find her! I want her alive!”
45.   “I’m sorry, master. I will never disobey you again.”
46.   “Just calm down. Just give me a chance to apologize.”
47.   “Watch it. You’re in a church.”
48.   “Are you always this charming or am I just lucky?”
49.   “Candlelight, privacy, music. Can’t think of a better place for hand-to-hand combat.”
50.   “You fight almost as well as a man.”
51.   “Funny. I was going to say the same thing about you.”
52.   “That’s hitting a little below the belt, don’t you think?”
53.   “You’re not at all like the other soldiers.”
54.   “Claim sanctuary.”
55.   “You think you’ve outwitted me, but I am a patient man.”
56.   “Gypsies don’t do well inside stone walls.”
57.   “I was just imagining a rope around that beautiful neck.”
58.   “Such a clever witch. So typical of your kind to twist the truth to cloud the mind with unholy thoughts.”
59.   “You’ve chosen a magnificent prison, but it is a prison nonetheless.”
60.   “What do they have against people who are different, anyway?”
61.   “You can’t right all the wrongs in this world by yourself.”
62.   “Haven’t you caused enough trouble already?”
63.   “Wait! I want to talk to you!”
64.   “Look! He’s got a friend with him!”
65.   “Maybe today wasn’t a total loss after all.”
66.   “Here you are. I was afraid I’d lost you.”
67.   “I’m really sorry about this afternoon. I had no idea who you were.”
68.   “This is beautiful. If I could do this, you wouldn’t find me dancing in the streets for coins.”
69.   “You’re a surprising person.”
70.   “I bet the king himself doesn’t have a view like this! I could stay up here forever.”
71.   “How could such a cruel man have raised someone like you?”
72.   “He saved my life. He took me in when no one else would.”
73.   “I am a monster, you know.”
74.   “You look at me. Do you think I’m evil?”
75.   “You helped me. Now, I will help you.”
76.   “There’s no way out. There’s soldiers at every door.”
77.   “The trick is not to look down.”
78.   “I’ll never forget you.”
79.   “I’m never going back out there again. You saw what happened to me today.”
80.   “If you ever need sanctuary, this will show you the way.”
81.   “When you wear this woven band, you hold the city in your hand.”
82.   “I didn’t mean to trap her here, but it was the only way to save her life. Will you tell her that?”
83.   “The nerve of him! Snooping around here trying to steal your girl!”
84.   “I appreciate what you’re all trying to do, but let’s not fool ourselves.”
85.   “I’ll find her. I’ll find her if I have to burn down all of Paris!”
86.   “Our home is always open to the weary traveler. Have mercy, my lord.”
87.   “If what you say is true, you are innocent and you have nothing to fear.”
88.   “Burn it until it smolders. These people are traitors and must be made examples of.”
89.   “With all due respect, I was not trained to murder the innocent.”
90.   “The sentence for insubordination is death.”
91.   “Such a pity. You threw away a promising career.”
92.   “Consider it my highest honor.”
93.   “Don’t waste your time. Let the traitor rot in his watery grave.”
94.   “Find the girl! If you have to burn the city to the ground, so be it!”
95.   “When things cool off, she’ll be back. You’ll see.”
96.   “She likes you. We always said you were the cute one.”
97.   “I thought I was the cute one.”
98.   “Knights in shining armor certainly aren’t her type.”
99.   “Those guys are a dime a dozen. But you? You’re one of a kind.”
100. “You’ve done so much for me already, my friend, but I must ask your help one more time.”
101. “He can’t go on much longer. I knew he’d be safe here. Please, can you hide him?”
102.  “You’ll hide here until you’re strong enough to move.”
103.  “You’re either the single bravest soldier I’ve ever seen, or the craziest.”
104.   “Why is it whenever we meet, I end up bleeding?”
105.   “Promise you won’t let anything happen to him.”
106.   “You idiot! That wasn’t kindness, it was cunning!”
107.   “What chance could a poor misshapen child like you have against her heathen treachery?”
108.   “I will free you from her evil spell. She will torment you no longer.”
109.   “She stood up for you. You’ve got a funny way of showing gratitude.”
110.   “What am I supposed to do? Go out there and rescue the girl from the jaws of death and the whole town will cheer like I’m some sort of her?”
111.    “She already has her knight in shining armor, and it’s not me.”
112.    “I’m not doing it for you. I’m doing it for her.”
113.   “Cheerful place. Kinda makes you wish you got out more often, eh?”
114.  “You’re very clever to have found our hideaway. Unfortunately, you won’t live to tell the tale.”
115.   “Gather around everybody! There’s great noose tonight!”
116.   “Any last words? That’s what they all say.”
117.   “You took a terrible risk coming here. It may not exactly show, but we’re grateful.”
118.    “I always knew you would someday be of use to me.”
119.    “Another miracle no doubt. I shall remedy that.”
120.   “You stand upon the brink of the abyss. Yet even now, it is not too late.”
121.   “I can save you from the flames of this world and the next. Choose me or the fire.”
122.   “After all, we’re only made of stone.”
123.  “Have you gone mad? I will not tolerate this assault on the house of God!”
124.  “It was my duty, horrible as it was. I hope you can forgive me.”
125.  “The time has come to end your suffering.”
126.  “All my life you have told me the world is a dark, cruel place. But now I see that the only thing dark and cruel about it is people like you!”
127.   “And He shall smite the wicked and plunge them into the fiery pit!”
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man i really need to like... write up a post about the undercurrents of queerphobia going on with how five is written, mostly aro/homophobia and transphobia. tbh i think i'm going to make separate posts for the two, for a few reasons; one of them is that the transphobia part delves a lot into the reading of the mogadorians' narrative as a metaphor for radfem BS, and that one's gonna take some deep dives into several other characters as well as straight up the series as a whole. it also runs through Major Central Themes for five himself, so there's that.
the aro/homophobia, though... i'm not really sure what to make of the fact that it's there, given that he otherwise doesn't seem like they're trying to portray him as a gay stereotype. and who knows how intentional it is; i get the feeling they didn't exactly sit down and rub their hands together about Time to Write a Malicious Depiction of a Gay/Aro Kid--especially since i doubt they knew what aro even was--but conscious or not i feel like both of those things were a factor in the resulting background radiation. but there are a lot of things, most of them small ones, that start to form a picture when you put them together, and some of them stick out more than others in ways that feel weirdly pointed.
anyway that's going to be interesting to go into, but for starters his backstory involves scaring off a guy harassing him on the street who was about to beat him up after calling him a homophobic slur, so lmao
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lies-unfurl · 2 years
i fuckin hate that “respectability politics” post that’s going around. i fully accept and love my dyke self AND i have no desire to pretend furries are “”””queer.”””” rip to the rest of you tho i guess
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imsilay · 8 months
I need to get this out my system or else I'mma lose my shit... What about in Mania pt 3( don't know if you'll have one) but what about König hair pulling y/n? Him just cooing as she's babbling shit and overstimulated. (+Slide some belt there if you wanna) huehuehuehue. You get the rest! Imma go to Mars and come back after you post it! Love youn babyeee!! Ajsbsjamajshjssh
people are so wei- jk we’re equally horny i love you anon.
MANIA pt.3
obsessive love; very possessive and often jealous.
word count: 1.3k
read first chapter here
summary: König doesn’t wants you to leave him, even for a second. he finds excuses and makes it your problem so he could fuck you until you’re too sore to leave again. (he could destroy me and i would thank him fr.)
mdni NSFW! +18, cw: hurt/comfort, possessiveness, size k!nk, fem!reader, obsessive König, dom!König, manhandling, hair pulling, overstimulation.
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art cr: @kinky-thirsty-reader
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His hips slammed to yours as he grabbed your thighs and gave them a squeeze, his big palms causing your sore muscles to ache. But he made it up to you by kissing your g-spot repeatedly. It made your eyes roll back and pussy clench around him. He groaned and pushed your thighs to your chest, still thrusting into you without mercy. “You take me so well, Hase.” his eyes were focused on how your greedy cunt sucked him in. “Ich schwöre bei Gott, you love my cock more than you love me, Hase” with a light chuckle continued to watch it, it amused him that how your tight cunt get used to his shape. He used you at his heart content, your little body was like a putty in his hands. He would mold you into the perfect toy for him. Needy and dependent. Maybe then you wouldn’t have a thought about leaving him.
“Kö-König!” was all you could push out from your lips when he didn’t even consider slowing down. Your legs aching and causing so much pain but the pleasure he fucked into you was all you could think and feel. His hips slamming to yours and making the bed shake with the force. “Ja, Hase?” The way you slurred his name was turning him on even more. You were a moaning mess, mind too foggy to remember what you wanted to say. “Faster.” you gripped the bed sheets for dear life, squirming and sobbing while he pounded into you hard. “Du wirst mein Tod sein.” (You will be the death of me.) he mumbled before pounding into you harder and making you gasp. When you said his name, he thought you would beg him to slow down but it was his mistake to forget how needy you already are. Your walls clenched around him and your hips desperately rolling to meet his, that’s when he knew you’re close.
He didn’t stop or slow down. Continued to thrust into you as he tilted his head back and let out a low groan. Your moans and sobs was mixed with his low curses and groans. “I know you’re close Hase. Cum for me.” he looked back to your face. His heart dropped at the sight. Your addicting lips parted and face twisted with pure bliss as you cum on his cock without needing any further stimulation. “Scheiße.” he dug his fingers into your thighs as he couldn’t contain himself and cum deep inside you. “Oh my-“ you whimpered when you felt him unexpectedly fill you up with his hot semen. He pulled his cock out and released your thighs. His hands immediately find your face and pulled you up to meet his lips halfway. The kiss was rough like he was mad at you for making him cum. “You should be punished for the expression you made when you cum.” he whispered after the kiss and bit down your lower lip. You whined and shook your head in protest when he let go of your swollen lip, unable to form a proper sentence as you felt the arousal dripping from your cunt to your thighs.
His hands found your clit and rubbed with enough pressure to make you squirm again. “Wrong answer, Hase. Try again.” he whispered, his eyes filled with nothing but pure lust and want to possess you. Your hips twitched and rolled foward to his fingers, chasing the any friction you could get. “So verdammt süß.” he gritted his teeth to stop himself from devouring you whole. He teased your folds with his fingers, fingering you with the both of yours cum still inside you. You shuddered and grabbed his forearm when he hit that sweet spot. “Fuck.” you cried and threw your head back, another orgasm building within you.
He felt your walls tightened around his fingers. He smirked and tilted his head to the side. “Again? Already, Hase?” he purred then curled his fingers so he hit that spot he already knows by heart, his other hand on your waist to keep you still. He knew all your weak spots and the places that made you squirm. You were already overwhelmed with the all pleasure he was giving to you. “gonna… please-“ you moaned as your eyes rolled back to your skull and legs trembled. “Braves Mädchen.” he cooed when you cum again, harder than before. You collapsed back to bed, legs still trembling and aching. He watched the mess he made out of you with a satisfied smile. His hungry gaze locked with your pleading one, his fingers leaving your cunt and finding his mouth to lick his fingers clean. The sight of him tasting your arousal made your stomach do a flip, earning a needy whine. “I’m not done, Hase.” he whispered to your ear, his voice stained with want. The want to take you over and over, the want to make you his, the want to make you stay with him. He took of his mask. As much as he wanted to fuck you with his mask on, he couldn’t resist your trembling lips. His lips found yours in a passionate make out session. His fingers traced back to your breasts kneading and making you squirm again.
He didn’t even let you recover or take a break. After leaving you breathless with his lips he flipped you over and grabbed your hips to hold you up. Your breath hitched when he pressed his rock hard cock against your ass. You tried to escape his grasp but it just earned a low growl from him. “Where do you think you’re going?” He hissed and grabbed a fistful of your hair, yanking it back and looking into your eyes. Your blood ran cold when you saw his icy-blue eyes, and you realised that you had managed to anger him. “Du wirst mich nicht verlassen.” (You’re not leaving me.) he murmured as he pressed your face to the mattress and lifted your ass up. Positioning you into however he wanted to take you. Ass up, back arched perfectly and chest pressed against the mattress. He continued to murmur the same thing repeatedly as he stretched you open with his thick cock and pounded into you rapidly. You were already a blabbering mess, begging and sobbing as he fucked the breath out of your lungs. Your legs trembled and gave up eventually, the only thing holding you up was his hand on your lower belly. He adjusted you again with his hand on your belly and carried you without effort. With his hand pressing on your belly he could feel himself moving inside you. With each thrust of his pushed you closer to edge, milking him as you cum again. He suck in a sharp breath and grabbed your hair firmer, yet he didn’t cum until you begged him and promised to not leave. Your cries increased by the time he cum inside you filling you up with his hot seeds all again. He gave you last a few slow thrusts overstimulating further both of you with his each thrust.
He pulled out and then flipped you over onto your back again. “Aww mein kleiner Hase… Don’t cry. You did so good f’me.” he kissed your cheeks and wiped the tears. “You know i love you so much.” he soothed you with pulling you onto his firm chest and massaging your sore legs. As your sobs came to a stop. He then prepared a warm tub for the both of you, filling it with your favourite essences. Carefully placing you into the water then pulled you into his lap in the tub, his body taking up the majority of the space. He began to massage your thighs as your head dropped onto his shoulder. "I'm not going to leave you." you whispered by the end of the day. He pulled you even tighter into his embrace and planted kisses on your neck. “I know.” he mumbled softly.
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a/n: please support me by reblogging, if you liked it <3
a/n: also i post everyday -sometimes 2 posts in a day- so if you follow me i won’t disappoint ;)
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jsluvtzu · 7 months
late nights
g!p minatozaki sana x fem!reader
summary: you get a taste of her version of an after-party
cw: smut!!! really nasty smut!!!!!, somnophilia, breeding kink, honestly no plot, men dni
wc: 2k
a/n: wrote this while listening to muse by pnd anddd lemme tell yall… this fic is so muse coded
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you splashed your face with water one last time, pat drying it with a towel.
it was 11:24 pm on a friday night, and you decided to have a self-care night while your girlfriend drank her life away at a work party.
the song you had playing on the bluetooth speaker paused and got replaced with a now blaring ringtone.
you disconnected your phone from the speaker and answered it to hear the one voice you’ve missed all day.
“y/nnnn, my favorite girl everrr, hiiii”, sana’s slurred words and giggly tone filled the ear you held to your phone.
you chuckled at your girlfriend’s cute greeting, wondering how many shots of soju she’s had already.
“hii cutie, you having fun?”
“mmm i guess.. nayeon unnie keeps crying and telling me how pretty i am.”
you hummed and walked into your shared bedroom, switching the call to speakerphone and placing your phone on the bed.
“what’ve you been up to without me?”
“i just finished getting ready for bed, that’s all.”, you missed being able to have some time to yourself, but you missed your girlfriend more.
“yeah? what else did you do?”
you heard shuffling noises and small grunts over the phone, but thought nothing of it as you took your sleep shorts off, sliding into bed with nothing on other than sana’s oversized tee.
“hmm, i cleaned a little, took a nice, hot shower, did a face mask, and-“
sana interrupted your rambling with louder groans and you finally realized what she was doing.
“mhm, keep talking for me baby.”
your cheeks burned up immediately at the thought of sana touching herself to the sound of your voice.
“sana.. aren’t there people around you right now?”
“i’m in a stall love. don’t worry about me, ‘just wanna hear your pretty voice.”
“why don’t you just come home and let me help you? it’ll feel so much better, i promise.”, your mind getting filled with dirtier thoughts by the minute.
“fuck, i can’t baby, not yet. jeongie wants us to play some dumb drinking game.”
you groaned in annoyance and pulled the comforter higher up your body.
“i know, ‘m sorry baby, i’ll be home in an hour or two, okay?”
“mhm, whatever..”, you knew that was a lie. every time sana went out with her coworkers, it would always be an all night thing.
unfortunately, sana got you all needy for her from just one phone call, but she wasn’t there to help you relieve your urges.
you turned to lay on your side and rubbed your thighs together in an attempt to soothe the throbbing pain between your legs.
“shit, i gotta go y/n, just wait for me. i’ll be home soon and make you feel better, yeah?”
reluctantly, you agreed and hung up the phone, placing it on your nightstand and turning on a random show on the tv, putting the volume on low.
the dim light from the living room was the only source of light that shined through your open door, the warm ambience calming you into a state of drowsiness.
you fought with yourself to keep your eyes open in hopes that sana would actually keep her promise and come home at a reasonable time.
that fight ended rather quickly.
several hours had passed when sana finally came home, extremely drunk and horny.
she stumbled her way through the hallways, bumping into anything and everything in sight.
when she got to the doorway of your shared room, she stopped and held the door frame, stabling herself.
she stood there, staring and observing your peacefully sleeping figure.
you were laying stomach faced down and had one leg hanging out of the blanket, ass fully on display for her.
sana pushed herself off the wall and carefully approached the bed, trying her best not to make any noise.
not that it would wake you up anyways, you were always a pretty heavy sleeper.
as she made her way over to you, she kept her eyes locked on your visibly wet pussy, simultaneously slipping out of her leather jacket.
she got close enough to brush her fingers over your ankle all the way up to your waist, and up again to your face, softly caressing your cheek with the side of her finger.
your messy hair covering half your face. your soft, deep breathing and curved figure. you sobered sana up better than a good night’s sleep could.
she had a moment of clarity. never having thoughts any clearer than right now.
she needed to fuck you. just like this.
sana reached her free hand down her crotch to unzip her jeans, fishing her own cock out in hand.
it wasn’t enough to just stand there and stroke herself to the mere sight of you, she needed to use you.
she stood up straight and lifted one leg up and over the bed, clumsily straddling herself over your legs on her knees.
her skinny jeans were limiting her movement, so she pulled them and her boxers further down her thighs, allowing them to pool at her knees.
sana’s cock was hurting at this point, just eager to have your tight walls wrapped around her.
she ran her tip along your puffy folds, collecting your previous arousal on it and mixing it with her leaking precum.
soft moans escaped her lips when she accidentally dipped herself inside you, throwing her head back and biting her lip, relishing the moment.
“fuck y/n, you’ve just been here all wet and ready for me, huh? poor baby must’ve been so tired, she couldn’t even stay up a few more hours.”, sana whispered.
she was mumbling the filthiest things and having a whole conversation with herself.
“i know this is wrong love, i shouldn’t be this hard when i see you laid out like this. lookin’ all pretty for me while you’re sleeping.”
sana slid your shirt up your back as far as she could without lifting your body, losing her grip on reality when she saw the way your back was slightly arched.
“arching for me even in your sleep? fuck baby, you want this. yeah, you were waiting for this. just waiting for me to take advantage of you when you can’t tell me yourself.”
sana rubbed her hands over your ass, gently massaging your flesh.
“ ‘this why you wanted me to come home so bad? so i could fuck you out of your dreams? wake you up with my dick so fucking deep inside your pussy? huh? my pretty girl..”
you let out a small, short grunt, stretching and adjusting your position, still fully asleep.
sana paused her movements in fear that she woke you up before her fun started, but she smiled when she realized you actually had no clue what was going on, subconsciously angling yourself at an even better position for her.
“look at that.. poor needy little thing just begging to be fucked even when she’s unconscious. how cute..”
she tapped her cock up against your clit a couple times before she ran through your slit down to your entrance, inching herself inside.
dragging out her slow thrust, she made sure to feel every single bit of you, taking in how your pussy stretched around her thick, long cock.
she let out a low groan when she hit your cervix, the whole length of her cock disappeared from view.
“shit.. y/n. you take me so fucking well. god, look at you baby.”
she pulled out of you at the same leisurely pace with no struggle, given how wet you already were.
sana lifted up her t-shirt with her left hand, bunching it up just above her breasts, her abs flexing with every breath she took.
her right hand stayed on the small of your back, holding you in place while she teased herself inside of you, thrusting in and out of you painfully slow.
“you feel so good like this, y/n. fuck, you were right. i should’ve just- fuck- came home and let you help me.”
her pace was getting sloppier, words struggling to become coherent.
“still not awake yet, love? better be dreaming of me if you’re sleeping this good.”
sana was closer to cumming than she thought, her neediness getting the best of her.
she leaned over your figure, hands landing on either side of you, lowering herself to fuck you at an insane pace.
“ ‘gna put a fucking baby in this pretty little pussy.”
you heard her voice right in your ear, slightly stirring out of your sleep.
sana moved her hips in an uncoordinated and messy rhythm, her drunkenness still apparent.
her thrusts were heavy, the whole bed shaking when she started fucking into you roughly.
you were almost fully awake now, feeling how full of your girlfriend’s cock you were, moaning lightly at the way sana pushed up against your sweet spot.
“s- sana..”
“aww, is my baby finally up? change your mind?”
sana stopped and waited for your approval, or any sign that you were genuinely uncomfortable.
“no, please. keep going..”
she leaned down to kiss your cheek, moving down to your neck, the smell of alcohol on her breath pungent.
“i knew you wanted it, baby. such a pretty fucking slut for me. you’d let me use you anytime, wouldn’t you?”
your breathy moans and whines encouraged sana to fuck you even faster than before, her growing urge to cum inside you being the only thing on her mind.
sana straightened herself back up and grabbed your hips, pulling you closer to her so that you were supported on your knees, face still down on your pillow.
her bruising grip stayed on both sides of your waist, resuming her animalistic speed.
you clutched onto the sheets below you, screaming out in pleasure into your silk pillow.
sana hated that your moans were muffled, she needed to hear every pretty sound you made.
her right hand left your side and made its way up to your hair, grabbing a fistful of your strands, yanking forcefully until you were flush up against her.
you yelped at her roughness, moaning at the way it turned you on twice as much.
“fuck, sana. just like that, fuck- please don’t fucking stop.”
“yeah? you like it when i fuck you like the toy you are? hm? ‘love it when i use you like a fucking fleshlight. dumb slut can’t even think right when i’m fuckin’ her this good.”
you moaned uncontrollably at sana’s words, your mind going blurrier and blurrier.
both you and sana’s moans were in sync, a perfect harmony.
“shit- i’m so fucking close y/n. ‘gna fucking cum inside you.”
“fuck, please, yes, please, i can take it, ‘just fucking get me pregnant.”
you didn’t even realize what you said, too fucked out to think rationally.
sana was basically growling in your ear, holding you tightly against her with her arms wrapped around your waist.
she let her grip on you go, flipping you over and pushing you down on your back, thrusting into you inhumanly fast.
tears rolled out the corners of your eyes, the pleasure overwhelming you.
sana’s hands wrapped around your throat, her eyes staring deeply into yours and her mouth slightly open, letting out short groans and curses.
“fuck fuck fuck, ‘m gonna cum, oh fuck-“
sana slammed her hips down, stilling her movements and moaning every time her cum pulsed out of her cock.
you felt her warm liquid filling you up, whining at the way her dick twitched inside you.
her hands loosened from your neck, her body crashing down onto yours as she tried to catch her breath.
she didn’t pull out yet, her dick too sensitive to move.
you reached your hands up to her hair, raking your fingers through her tangles, stroking her head gently.
the sleepiness was sneaking its way back to you, your eyes fluttering closed.
after a couple minutes of sana laying on top of you, she pulled out and looked up at you, kissing her way down your body.
she reached your sticky, cum-filled core, hovering over it with hungry eyes.
“let me clean you up, baby.”
you didn’t even care that sana stayed out too late anymore, she definitely made up for it.
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rinasangel · 4 months
“All I want for Christmas is you”
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g!p yunjin x fem reader
cw : g!p yun, both reader and jen are pretty subby, size kink, couch sex, unprotected sex, creampie, little bit of cockwarming at the end, yunjin n reader are very so much in love :<
yunjin’s dialogue is red and reader is green (hehe christmas colors)
a/n : i am back , merry christmas :>🎄 sorry this is short, and probs not that good either but eh who cares, we all need more yunjin in our lives
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it’s finally your favorite time of the year, christmas. you’ve always had a love for pretty decorations, but nothing was better than receiving gifts from your lovely girlfriend. yunjin was always so thoughtful when gift giving, and you did your best to reciprocate.
but yunjin’s favorite thing about the holidays were moments like these. moments where the lights on the christmas tree sparkled bright as noises of moans and wet slaps echoed throughout the living room and mixed in with the crackling of the fireplace.
yunjin gripped your waist, her tall frame towering over yours as she softly pounded away at your small cunt, uncontrollably moaning while watching her thick cock stretch you out. she had you flat on your stomach across the couch so she could give you your early christmas present.
yunjin just loved how she could feel the heat from your core all around her, you felt so so good. and you loved the way you could feel every single inch of her as she slid in and out of you, feeling her twitch and pulse out of excitement and pleasure.
“fuck big girl, you feel so good deep inside of me.”
we all know yun’s brain turned to mush as soon as you said the words “big girl” :((( fueling her size kink as well as her motivation to absolutely ruin you on christmas eve. her hips sped up and her thrusts got sloppier. she whined into your shoulder, her hand drifting down to focus on your clit as she fucked deeper into you.
your vision got blurry as the pleasure was almost overwhelming, she was driving you crazy. you found yourself pushing back against her until she completely sped up her movements, causing you to yelp in surprise. her cock was filling you up so good, no spot inside was left untouched.
your sticky juices slid down your plump thighs and onto the leather of the couch, puddling beneath you as you approached your climax. yunjin was now laying against you, careful not to put all of her weight on you, as she held you close and whispered sweet nothings into your ear.
“yun… oh god, i’m close, i’m so fucking close baby.”
she got the memo and rolled her hips into you, continuously massaging that sweet spot inside your cunt with the head of her cock, making your eyes roll back. every single movement pushed you closer and closer to the edge.
it all ended when yunjin harshly pinched your clit, causing you to scream her name and come all over her thick shaft. she groaned as she felt you clench around her aching cock, desperate to unload inside of your welcoming pussy.
she fucked you through your orgasm, and soon into overstimulation as she chased her own high. you both could feel her throb against your warm walls, hips beginning to stutter as her high approached.
“y/n, baby f-fuck. feels s’good, wanna cum right ‘nside you.” yunjin slurred her words from the pleasure. she closed her eyes and her eyebrows furrowed, she can’t hold it any longer.
“yesyesyes yun, f-fill me up big girl.”
yunjin moaned into your skin as she bit down on your shoulder. she gave a few thrusts before burying her cock balls deep into your swollen cunt and releasing everything she had. she hugged you close to her and let out broken sobs and whines as her shaft twitched and pulsed white out the pink tip. poor thing couldn’t stop moaning as she emptied all of her love into you, painting your cunt with her hot sticky white goo.
the overwhelming feeling made your body tremble, but you quickly calmed down when yunjin pressed soft kisses down the bare skin of your back. she was about to pull out before you stopped her with a hand.
“mmm, just stay like this for a little bit jen.”
yunjin had a big dumb smile on her face as she gladly stayed put, happily granting your wish. this was the best christmas ever, she got all she wanted. and all she wants for christmas, is you.
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merry christmas!! ❤️💚 (straight up had a brain aneurysm doing these colors)
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kentosblkgf · 9 months
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Ghostface! Miguel O’Hara
Cw: size kink, mask kink, masked sex, spit, reader doesn’t know it’s Miguel …picture taking?? and choking. One sentence in Spanish. You can obviously tell I got lazy I just wanted to post something really quick <333
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You had decided to have a small get together at your house. Inviting a few known friends, ofc they invited more but you had told them to come masked. It was like a little mystery, you loved mysteries. You had already known who Peter was because of his loud rambling.
He was dressed as Leatherface. A bad one at that, he looked nothing like Leatherface, he was literally wearing the green trench jacket that he wears everywhere. It was horrible.
Everyone had revealed themselves. All except the Ghostface.
His build was strong, tough even. Looked like he was made out of solid iron. The way he stood had you hypnotized. His arms crossed against his protruding chest, head tilting to the side under his mask.
He was just too good to look at. His arms were just bulging with veins. It almost made you fantasize about them having you in a head lock.
You still didn’t know who it was, but jesus fucking Christ were they strong. The way he had his fist balled into your hair and both of his knees touching the wooden floor on each side of you almost made you die.
He was manhandling you so good. The way he fucked into you made you see stars, you were in such a heavy daze. you didn’t even see the flash of the picture he took.
His cock was so thick, your walls struggled to take him with each thrust. It was crazy how one could have so much power behind them. He was enjoying this all too well. Tightening his fist in your hair, pulling your head back and using his other hand to pull the bottom part of his mask up. Just enough for you to see his puckered lips. Your mouth opened like the greedy slut you were.
He spit into your mouth, it sounded so dirty. So, vile. He’s fucking you so so so good, covering up your moans with his huge hands.
The groans he’s letting out sound heavenly, his deep grunts making shivers go down your spine. You try to get him to sit up a little to lessen the pressure of his thrust he is just not letting up.
It feels too good for him to stop. He isn’t focused on your pleasure anymore, it’s all about him. The sound of his hips connecting with yours covered in your slickness is deafening, if anyone had walked by they would most definitely hear and know what was going on.
“Fuck.” It was small very faint, you wouldn’t even have been able to tell it was him if you weren’t the one getting their brains fucked out.
You heard it as clear as day, yet you still didn’t know who it was that was fucking you so good.
His hand started gripping your hair harder before moving it down to your throat squeezing it softly. You feel a slight tug on your costume, He’s ripping the top part open and gripping a hand full of your tits.
You felt disgusted as he laughed when drool started running down the side of your mouth.
“Please please please.”
You didn’t even know what you were begging for anymore. He starts to slow down his thrusts and grips your side before flipping you over onto your back.
You could see his build so much better. His neck dripping with sweat.
His whole hand covered you face as he pushed you more into the floor, making your head turn to the side. Your face smushed into the floorboards.
Everything was feeling so good. Pink lips peaking from under his mask.
“No.” Just a small grunt
You wanted to see his face so bad. It was painful not really. You were squirming under his weight, his heavy large palms practically suffocating you.
“F-fuck, hold on just g-give me-.”
You could barely breathe, barely even speak because of the way he was practically pounding you into the wooded floor. His thrusts so heavy and full of vigor.
Tears forming at your eyes, you can feel yourself about to cum you just need.. you just need
“P-please slow,”
Your words are so slurred it sounds like you’re drunk. He’s not even letting up, not a bit. He’s too heavy, you’re gonna make a mess it’s not like you didn’t try to warn him. You begged him to slow down.
White noise is all you hear as he hits just the right spot
“Wait wait wait, p-please.”
Your hands bunching up next to your head, having nothing to grip onto for support. You can hear your mess splashing onto the wooden floor.
“So fuckin messy.”
He’s chuckling? He’s.. laughing.
Your pussy couldn’t even push him out with the force of your orgasm. He’s just too heavy and thick inside of you.
He’s heavy breathing in your ear, grunting and groan as he plows into you like he owns you. At this point he does. Fucking you like he’s possessed by something.
His thrusts become more sloppy as you can tell that he is nearing his end, he thighs smacking against the back of yours. His hips are stuttering debating if he wants to cum on you, or in you. He of course chooses the latter pushing so deep into you, you can feel and hear cogs falling out of your head and onto the floor.
He’s so deep, his thighs tensing as he releases inside of you.
Your cunt is just so warm why would he want to leave it? Well of course to see what he’s left behind. He slowly pulls out and the pearly beads of cum quickly follow, he’s using his thumb to spread you open as he watches your pussy clench around nothing.
“Absolutamente hermosa, nena.” (Absolutely beautiful, baby)
The voice. The slightest accent that you couldn’t hear before.
He pulls you so you’re face upwards and uses your hand to put you into a sitting position.
Just as you start to blink away the fucking he gave you. He’s pulling his mask off with a grin.
Miguel, your best friend.
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wintersera · 5 months
your order ma’am || g!p yujin x f!reader
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notes: apparently my brain works at ungodly hours like its 8am rn??? ANYWAYS HAPPY BIRTHDAY @pupyuj <33 well happy belated birthday, but oh well
cw: g!p yujin, switch!reader, switch!yujin, praise, crack only bc i laughed a few times while writing, WEED USAGE!!, reader and yujin get high
wc: 1.5k
in the middle of your living room, smoke filled the air as you took another puff from your almost burnt out spliff. your eyes trained on the tv that had a random episode of spongebob on the screen. probably one of the random old seasons, the funnier ones obviously. the moonlight cascaded through your window illuminating the side of your face, blunt as well.
another smoke session today again. and for what? the nth time this week. to be fair it was a stressful month and no one was there to comfort you, except for the frequent delivery guys who’d deliver your food to you whenever you felt the need to snack on something. they wouldn’t comfort you, rather, you’d like to believe they’re comforting you with their presence. presence being them knocking on your door and leaving after 10 seconds.
every delivery was the same, the old ‘shove the bag into your face, ask if it’s you and then leave’.
tonight was different though. you ordered from the same place a good 30 minutes ago thinking your food would arrive on time, you’d gotten accustomed to their arrival times so you could just guess without having to look at your phone. yet the delivery guy never came.
“man.. where the fuck is my food at?” rolling up another blunt since your last one wasn’t strong enough. you sigh and stare directly at your tv once more. heh… funny spongebob episode. your lips met the tip of your freshly rolled blunt, lighting up the end and inhaling.
knock knock knock
the knock didn’t register in your head until you heard the person bang on your door three more times, although they seemed like very hesitant bangs, with an odd spacing between the second and the last one.
“oh fuck” immediately dropping the blunt upon the last knock, which somehow made you panic. why in hell did you think it was the police???
right, because the police were definitely at your house and not the delivery guy with a bag of food waiting for you.
i mean, you are high so…. but anyway, it was raining and you suddenly regained the knowledge that you ordered food. you reluctantly opened the door, with the thought of the police at the back of your mind, to find a pretty handsome looking woman outside your door.
“uh… why are you here” why the fuck did you say that? the taller woman scrunched her nose a little, maybe because you reeked of weed, looked around awkwardly and spoke to you without initiating eye contact.
“you called and i… came to your address to give you the pizza you ordered”
“how’d you know i lived here?” oh so now you’re interrogating the poor girl.
“wha- that’s not… anyway here’s your pizza ma’am” shoving the pizza box in front of your face. classic.
“ohhh shit pizza, okay nice. how much?” words slurring out of your mouth. your hands reached for your purse that you conveniently had in your pocket.
“it’ll be $18” looking around the place as if she had no time to stand around.
oh what the fuck.
where’s your cash gone….?
“don’t be alarmed… but i have no cash” you say with a smile, your eyes half lidded as you chuckle even though the opposing girl was nowhere near impressed. the situation was quite ridiculous to you, but you felt a tinge of regret after saying what you had said.
from what you could tell, it was her first time on the job. you had never seen her come round to your house on a random thursday night, no wonder why she looked so nervous “oh um, sorry i don’t have any cash i could….”
yeah, you’re high out of your mind right now. no coherent thoughts whatsoever, but she’s pretty, and you’re not thinking straight “i mean… i could pay another way. you wouldn’t mind would you?”
you beckoned her inside of your home, taking the pizza box and placing it beside your ashtray on the coffee table “how can you pay me back if you don’t have any cash? are you gonna paypal me or something”
“are you dense by any chance”
“n-no… i’m just confused. wait, why are you taking your clothes off?” you picked back up the disregarded spliff after you took your shirt off, inhaling and blowing the smoke in the opposite direction.
“paying you the other way, duh. like in those stupid porn videos where the delivery guy does whatever they want to the person because they didn’t have any cash on them… you don’t like the idea?”
“that seems really unrealistic and stupid, but um i’m not… uh how do i word this? i don’t m-mind” unintentionally stuttering, bewildered by the situation because honestly what the fuck is going on.
“come here…” you squint your eyes at her name tag “ahn yujin- your name has a nice ring to it” she sat on your sofa, shaking from what could be adrenaline or just anxiety. but considering you accidentally hot boxed her in your small living room, it’s most likely adrenaline.
you slid yourself in between her two thighs, smirking as you unzipped her jeans. you eagerly stripped her from her jeans, following her boxers? it’s 2023 you’re not gonna judge someone for wearing boxers, but-
yujin’s cock sprung up, which genuinely caught you off guard, moving back a little because of how shocked you were by the sudden reveal. my god, she was huge. bigger than the average man.
considering you were still heavily intoxicated, you didn’t believe it was real at first. you stared at it for a while thinking that maybe you were just- crazy? but no, it was very much real and very much hard.
“d-don’t look” muttering under her breath. yujin covered her face out of embarrassment “i swear it’s not what it looks like- mh”
“you got turned on by me didn’t you” giggling after kissing the tip of her cock “i bet you were waiting for this exact situation to happen, didn’t you?” you say before taking her whole length, the tip hitting the back of your throat with ease.
“f..fuck, it’s- mmmngh” she couldn’t do much, the air was thick with clouds of smoke due to the lack of airflow in your room. it was making her head hazy, unable to think coherently. yujin’s moans were soft and low, her hands roamed around and grabbed your pillow, her hips moved at the pace of your head going up and down, which in fact made you groan in approval.
in the meantime, your hand reached down to tend to your own wetness, caressing your folds as you continued to suck her cock.
without thinking, yujin lifted herself off the sofa. the marijuana made her move without thinking, grabbing you and tossing you onto the cushions “you hinted that i could do whatever, right?” you found yourself shocked, what made her suddenly so confi- the weed you dumbass.
“don’t think you're slick, i saw you playing with yourself” moving aside your panties while licking her lips, yujin shuffling in between your thighs “i think you should come around my cock instead” how, and when, was she this vulgar? she teased your hole before slowly pushing herself into you, her girthy cock filling you up in no time. you both moaned in unison, your fists balling the fabric of yujin’s shirt. it felt… it felt way too big for your tight pussy.
“y-yujin.. you’re too big, it kinda hurts-“ she gave you no time to rest, rocking her hips back and forth as soon as she got comfortable inside of you.
at first she was going slow and steady, but gradually she increased her speed. within minutes of slowly pumping her cock in and out, she was mercilessly ramming into your cunt seconds later. the pain at first was unbearable, she was just that big, but the faster she fucked you the more pleasure you felt. every part of her cock hit every spot you couldn’t find yourself, and god it felt way too good.
“so- so good… so tight.. mmghn fuck, your pussy feels amazing” embarrassingly enough, you moaned so loud at the comment. her praise alone was so comforting and so erotic that you couldn’t help but squeeze down on her length, she noticed how you reacted to her sweet words, wanting more of your reactions “you’re so pretty… under me. all fucked out, such a good girl”
her comment sent you over the edge, rolling your eyes back as your back slowly arches off the sofa. almost inaudible as you bite your lip to mute your own moans. yujin followed shortly after, giving one final thrust into you before stilling her hips and letting her warm cum shoot into you.
“that… was… so good” you mutter between breaths. you were completely spent, your legs were feeling like jelly but somehow yujin was still hard.
“still not enough. you still need to repay me more”
yeah no, you still needed to pay for service fees and shit. thankfully it was her last delivery for tonight.
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donttalkaboutmemes · 2 years
The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1996) Lyric Meme
Under the cut you will find 110+ sentences from the 1996 version of The Hunchback of Notre Dame to use for your enjoyment!      
CW: Use of the g word referring to Roma people
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The Bells of Notre Dame
1.      “Some say the soul of the city’s the toll of the bells.”
2.      “Dark was the night when our tale was begun.”
3.      “He saw corruption everywhere except within.”
4.      “See there the innocent blood you have spilt?”
5.      “You would add this child’s blood to your guilt.”
6.      “You can lie to yourself and your minions. You can claim that you haven’t a qualm.”
7.      “You never can run from nor hide what you’ve done from the very eyes of Notre Dame.”
8.      “Even this foul creature may yet prove one day to be of use to me.”
9.      “Here is a riddle to guess if you can.”
10.   “Who is the monster and who is the man?”
  Out There
11.   “The world is cruel.”
12.   “The world is wicked.”
13.   “It’s I alone who you can trust in this whole city. I am your only friend.”
14.   “How can I protect you unless you always stay in here?”
15.   “You are deformed and you are ugly, and these are crimes for which the world shows little pity.”
16.   “You are my one defender.”
17.   “Out there they’ll revile you as a monster.”
18.   “I am a monster. Only a monster.”
19.   “Out there they will hate and scorn and jeer.”
20.   “Why invite their calumny and consternation?”
21.   “Stay in here. Be faithful to me, grateful to me.”
22.   “Do as I say. Obey and stay in here.”
23.   “All my life I watch them as I hide up here alone, hungry for the histories they show me.”
24.   “All my life I memorize their faces, knowing them as they will never know me.”
25.   “All my life I wonder how it feels to pass a day not above them, but part of them.”
26.   “Give me one day out there. All I ask is one to hold forever.”
27.   “If I was in their skin, I’d treasure every instant.”
28.   “Taste a morning out there like ordinary men.”
29.   “Just one day and then I swear I’ll be content with my share.”
30.   “Won’t regret, won’t despair. Old and bent, I won’t care. I’ll have spent one day out there.”
  Topsy Turvy
31.   “It’s the day for breaking rules.”
32.   “Come and join the feast of fools.”
33.   “Once a year we throw a party here in town.”
34.   “Every man’s a king and every king’s a clown.”
35.   “It’s the day the devil in us gets released.”
36.   “It’s the day we mock the prig and shock the priest.”
37.   “Everything is topsy turvy at the feast of fools.”
38.   “Hurry, hurry here’s your chance! See the mystery and romance!”
39.   “See the finest girl in France make an entrance to entrance.”
40.   “Here it is, the moment you’ve been waiting for.”
41.   “Here it is, you know exactly what’s in store.”
42.   “Now’s the time we laugh until our sides get sore.”
43.   “Now’s the time we crown the king of fools!”
44.   “Make a face that’s horrible and frightening.”
45.   “We’ve never had a king like this.”
46.   “It’s the day we do the things that we deplore on the other three hundred and sixty-four.”
47.   “Once a year we love to drop in where the beer is never stopping.”
  God Help The Outcasts
48.   “I don’t know if you can hear me, or if you’re even there.”
49.   “I don’t know if you would listen to a gypsy’s prayer.”
50.   “I know I’m just an outcast, I shouldn’t speak to you.”
51.   “Still, I see your face and wonder, were you once an outcast too?”
52.   “God help the outcasts, hungry from birth.”
53.   “Show them the mercy they don’t find on earth.”
54.   “God help my people. We look to you still.”
55.   “God help the outcasts, or nobody will.”
56.   “I ask for wealth.”
57.   “I ask for fame.”
58.   “I ask for glory to shine on my name.”
59.   “I ask for love I can possess.”
60.   “I ask for God and his angels to bless me.”
61.   “I ask for nothing, I can get by. But I know so many less lucky than I.”
62.   “Please help my people, the poor and down trod. I thought we all were the children of God.”
  Heaven’s Light
63.   “So many times out there, I’ve watched a happy pair of lovers walking in the night. They had a glow around them. It almost looked like heaven’s light.”
64.   “I knew I’d never know that warm and loving glow, though I might wish with all my might.”
65.   “No face as hideous as my face was ever meant for heaven’s light.”
66.   “Suddenly an angel has smiled at me and kissed my cheek without a trace of fright.”
67.   “I dare to dream that she might even care for me.”
68.   “My cold dark tower seems so bright. I swear it must be heaven’s light.”
69.   “You know I am a righteous man. Of my virtue, I am justly proud.”
70.   “You know I’m so much purer than the common, vulgar, weak, licentious crowd.”
71.   “Tell me why I see her dancing there, why her smoldering eyes still scorch my soul.”
72.   “I feel her. I see her.”
73.   “The sun caught in her raven hair is blazing in me out of all control.”
74.   “This burning desire is turning me to sin.”
75.   “It’s not my fault. I’m not to blame.”
76.   “It’s not my fault if in God’s plan he made the devil so much stronger than a man.”
77.   “Don’t let this siren cast her spell.”
78.   “Don’t let her fire sear my flesh and bone.”
79.   “Let her taste the fires of Hell or else let her be mine and mine alone.”
80.   “Choose me or your pyre. Be mine or you will burn.”
81.   “God have mercy on her. God have mercy on me.”
82.   “She will be mine or she will burn.”
  A Guy Like You
83.   “The city of lovers is glowing this evening. True, that’s because it’s on fire. But still, there’s l’amour.”
84.   “Somewhere out there in the night her heart is also alight.”
85.   “I know the guy she just might be burning for.”
86.   “A guy like you she’s never known.”
87.   “A guy like you a girl does not meet every day.”
88.   “You’ve got a look that’s all your own, kid.”
89.   “Could there be two like you? No way!”
90.   “Those other guys that she could dangle all look the same from every boring point of view.”
91.   “You’re a surprise from every angle.”
92.   “She’s gotta love a guy like you.”
93.   “A guy like you gets extra credit because, it’s true, you got a certain something more.”
94.   “You see that face, you don’t forget it.”
95.   “We all have gaped at some Adonis, but then we crave a meal more nourishing to chew.”
96.   “Call me a hopeless romantic, but I feel it.”
97.   “Who wouldn’t love a guy like you?”
98.   “You got a lot the rest have not.”
  Court of Miracles
99.   “Maybe you’ve heard of a terrible place where the scoundrels of Paris collect in a lair?”
100.                   “Maybe you’ve heard of that mythical place called the Court of Miracles? Hello, you’re there!”
101.                   “The dead don’t talk, so you won’t be around to reveal what you’ve found.”
102.                   “We have a method for spies and intruders, rather like hornets protecting their hive.”
103.                   “Justice is swift in the Court of Miracles. I am the lawyers and judge all in one.”
104.                   “We like to get the trail over with quickly, because it’s the sentence that’s really the fun.”
105.                   “We find you totally innocent, which is the worst crime of all.”
  The Bells of Notre Dame (Reprise)
106.                   “What makes a monster and what makes a man?”
107.                   “I pray someday we may yet live to live and let live.”
108.                   “Someday life will be fairer.”
109.                   “God speed this bright millennium on its way.”
110.                   “Someday our fight will be won then.”
111.                   “’Til then on days when the sun is gone, we’ll hang on and we’ll wish upon the moon.”
112.                   “A prayer for something better is the one thing we all share.”
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nova-amor · 4 months
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MDNI. raunchy, drunk sex with könig. 442. cw daddy kink, intoxication
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the blunt edges of könig's nails scratched deep into your hips, the loud smacking of bare skin against skin reverberating off the walls of your living room. the stubby legs of the couch squeaked beneath your combined weight, the wooden frame hanging by a thin thread to support your rapid movements.
“look how good you take it,” könig praised breathlessly, his ocean eyes glassy and wide in amazement as he watched you bounce effortlessly up and down his length. he licked his lips, mouth salivating at the sight of the white ring of cream forming around the base of his shaft from your juices. “g-god, you feel fuckin' amazing— s-so good f'me, kleine,” he babbled, a thin strand of drool falling from the corner of his mouth.
you stared down at könig with half-lidded eyes, your bones practically jello from the amount of wine you had drank during dinner and how long you had been riding him. you couldn't get enough of him though, far too addicted to stop any time soon.
it seemed almost as if his cock had been perfectly crafted for you— the mushroom head rubbing nicely against that sensitive gooey spot along your walls, the short trimmed hairs growing from his pubic bone scratching deliciously at your clit.
your toes curled at the sensation of being stuffed full, your pebbled nipples rubbing against his bare pecs as you ground your cunt down on him. you could practically feel him in your throat, every inch of his length completely embedded into you as you rocked your hips back and forth against him.
“you feel better,” you breathed out, nails clawing at his shoulder blades as you continued to focus on your growing orgasm. you could almost taste it, the impending pleasure blooming at the pit of your stomach.
you were so close, teetering just right on the edge. “s-so close, könny, s-so close— i'm g'na cum, könny, g'na cum all over yer cock,” your thighs began to shake, abdomen tightening as you narrowed your focus to just rubbing your clit against him. you no longer cared to cater to his orgasm as well, not when you were so close to your own.
könig's arms tensed as he wrapped his arms around your waist. he lifted his hips an inch or two off the couch, allowing you a better angle to grind against him. his cock nudged against your cervix, stars forming in his eyes as he drew closer to his release. “fuck, baby, keep doing that—” he slurred, his tongue loose. “just like that, cum on my cock, baby— lemme feel that pretty cunt cream all over daddy's cock.”
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starrluvs · 4 months
Imagine.. Lin kaui trio getting caught in the middle of spicy time. Oh poor tomas is gonna have it the worsts 😭
cw: fem reader, piv sex, established relationships?, loud sex, getting caught/walked in on, bi-han is a grumpy old man and a light sleeper, harumi is here too lol, smoke is a good boy ofc, mdni !
wc: 1.7k
a/n: im finally back to writing omg sorry for long wait :c but this was super fun to write omg nonnie i love this scenario so much!! i hope you enjoy🫶🏾💗
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“bi-hannn! oh my god—!” 
you were bent over on his desk in a face down ass up position as bi-han ravaged your insides with no mercy. the sheer power and speed of his thrusts trapped you in a euphoric state, relishing all the pleasure being delivered to you. 
bi-han’s chest was flush on your sweat covered back and his lips were close to your ear, forcing you to hear every provocative word and sound that left his mouth.
“calling out to any god won’t serve you any purpose, snowflake, not while i’m in control of you, ngh!—”
he feels the way you clench around his cock, making him grin and rest his face in the crook of your neck, placing chilled kisses all over it. having bi-han so close to you was starting to feel overwhelming.
the way his hands were planted on your hips, digging into your flesh and forcing your body to withstand his thrusts– you nibble on your bottom lip, squealing as your lover practically rearranged your guts.
the two of you were lost in the feeling of each other’s bodies, just striving to both reach your own highs. “f-fuck.. it feels so good– your cock, ah!- feels so g-good,” your words come out slurred and bi-han mockingly chuckles.
though, much to your surprise, you don’t get to hear your grandmaster’s voice talk back to you.
“brother, i was wondering if y–”
the cryomancer comes to a halt and your eyes widen as you see tomas standing at the entrance of bi-han’s office. both you and bi-han react and speak up in unison,
“you imbecile! has nobody ever taught you the decency of knocking?”
the younger assassin’s face turns a deep shade of red, just standing like a deer in headlights, “i-i’m so sorry, i–” tomas’ eyes darted everywhere and it was obvious that he was desperately trying to avoid making eye contact with you and bi-han. 
tomas’ words seemed to be stuck in his throat, resulting in an awkward silence until the cryomancer groaned in annoyance, causing his younger brother to quickly exit the office and close the door shut.
to say you felt embarrassed was an understatement… but you didn’t have much time to ponder on that feeling once you felt bi-han pull out of you and mumble something to himself in a displeased tone. his lust filled expression from mere moments ago has returned to his usual grumpy look, and you noticed his cock started to soften back up rather quickly which caused you to pout.
“wait, bi-han!” you whine and and adjust yourself to (wobbly) stand up straight and grab on to the grandmaster’s toned arms, “you can’t just leave me hanging like that–”
meanwhile, tomas was quite sad he never got to ask if you and bi-han wanted to tag along for a bite at madam bo’s…
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“every part of you is breathtaking, my love.”
kuai liang’s big, warm hands traveled from your hips to your tits. he groped at them and took your nipples between his fingers, occasionally rolling and tugging at them. “mmm.. kuai..” your voice was breathy and your moans were anything but quiet, which was why you attempted to cover your mouth with the back of your hand.
the pyromancer chuckled from beneath you and called out your name, “none of that, i want to hear you.” before you could even make a next move, kuai liang’s hands traveled back down your body as he rubbed your swollen clit in quick circles with the pad of his thumb. 
you almost felt embarrassed by the way your cunt clamped down on his cock–
arching your back, you cry out and place your hands on kuai liang’s chest to keep yourself balanced. “oh, fuck!–” your bouncing comes to a halt as you begin to grind your hips in a smooth motion, making you feel his cock massage all the perfect areas of your sensitive walls.
he stops his motions on your clit to grab your rear, kneading and groping it to his heart's content. kuai liang hums in pleasure as you continue to roll your hips on him, “you have the body of a goddess, ngh..” his voice is raspy and he moves his hand up to your lower back, urging you to lean close against him.
a sigh escapes your lips and you gladly fall into his embrace, leaning into a sloppy yet passionate kiss with him. caging your body against his, the two of you both had your chests pressed together while your hands explored kuai liang’s messy undone hair, and his hands ran up and down your back.
kuai liang breaks the kiss and you whine, “can you, haah!– please..” your cheeks feel hot and you can hardly talk properly with how deep his cock was nestled inside of you. fortunately, the pyromancer understood what you were trying to vocalize.
he grins at you before grabbing a hold of your hips and fucking up into you, “mmph– is this what you wanted? tell me,” his voice and volume was under control, unlike yours— the sounds you made only became louder and more obscene. “yessss! shit, i needed th—”
“will you two ever shut up!?” 
the sudden sound of the door booming and the angered voice that follows makes kuai liang pause all of his movements. 
the pyromancer quickly tried to use the bed sheets to cover you up as much as he could. once you noticed who had barged in, you hid yourself in kuai liang’s chest out of embarrassment. “bi-han, what are y—” his voice was cut off almost immediately by the cryomancer.
“are you not aware of the time?” bi-han’s tone was undeniably rude and snappy, but you couldn’t bear to listen to the rest of his angry tangent. you felt kuai liang’s soft grip on your body as you continued to keep yourself covered. he then spoke up, “do you mind? you can’t just barge in like that, brother..” perhaps it was for your sake that kuai liang remained calm, but bi-han had no intentions of letting up, resulting in him giving the two of you an authoritative lecture before storming off grumpily.
maybe you’ll try and keep track of your volume next time.
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“does it f-feel good..?”
tomas was panting above you, completely entranced by the way your pussy squeezed around his hardened cock. you smile up at him, “of course, baby–” the sounds of your moans weren’t helping him keep his composure. 
the look on his face was to die for– his smile held a sense of relief and happiness to know he was making you feel good. it was as if he forgot how perfectly he was driving his cock against your walls.
tomas is a good boy, really. after all, he always makes sure your pleasure is the top priority. deciding to please you even more, tomas grasps one of your legs and throws it over his shoulder while leaning in closer to you. from this position, the thrusts of his cock only hit you deeper, making you arch your back and screw your eyes shut.
“open your eyes..please, ha, i wanna see you look back at me while i fuck you.” listening to his words, your eyes snap back open and look straight at him through a hazy, lust filled sight. tomas leans down to place a kiss on your cheek before dragging his lips to your ear and whispering out your name, “i t-think i'm close, ahh–” you dig your nails into his scalp, gripping on to his hair, “t-tomas, i think, mmph– i think m’ close too!” hearing your voice encouraged him to keep up his thrusts without getting sloppy– he needed to make you cum– he was desperate to feel the way your pussy pulsed around his cock whenever you climaxed.
he leans back up to face you properly, “tommyyy–” you called out to him and reached your free hand out to stroke his cheek. without any thoughts or hesitation, tomas leaned into your touch, speeding up his pace. 
the two of you were close. dangerously close– until the door opened and you heard two familiar voices…
you and tomas stop dead in your tracks before gasping and trying to cover each other's respective body parts. looking at the direction of the door, you see kuai liang and harumi, completely flustered and standing with plates of deliciously cooked meals to start the day off with.
“oh– apologies, we shouldn't have barged in like that, i–” kuai liang averted his gaze from tomas and looked at harumi, only hoping she would know what to say. though unfortunately for him, she didn’t.
in an attempt to wrap up this encounter rather quickly, the pyromacer suggests that he and harumi could kindly leave and wait until the two of you are done. your eyes darted back up to tomas, who looked red as a tomato. poor boy… you thought. no words were bound to leave his mouth as of now.
“there’s no need to apologize, kuai liang, truly. we’ll be down in a second!” you wanted to slap yourself for how embarrassingly out of breath you sounded, but judging by the way tomas’ face heated up, there were no thoughts registering in his brain that weren’t completely fried. 
kuai and harumi nod and gently close the door. as you hear the sounds of their footsteps take off in the distance, you let out a loud sigh. “come on, we’ve gotta get down there to eat.” pushing gently on tomas’ shoulder, you get him to snap back to his senses. was he totally blanked out from embarrassment? you’ll never know.
“yea, y-you're right..” he pulls out of you and scurries to get some clothes on. despite how embarrassing that moment was, you couldn’t help but giggle at how red tomas’ face still was as he changed into a clean and comfortable attire.
truth be told, he’d rather be banished from earthrealm than have to join kuai and harumi for their morning meal.
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xiayannie · 4 months
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𝐃𝐄𝐂𝐄𝐌𝐁𝐄𝐑 24𝐓𝐇 — 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘭𝘺 𝘴𝘵𝘶𝘤𝘬! ღ
↳ scaramouche
you happened to get stuck in a suggestive manner, and scaramouche can't resist helping himself have his way with you before he gets you out
cw(s): afab! fem! reader, cliché trope, lingerie, bows, doggystyle, cum, he calls you a slut and whore, hinting of a blow job and long night near the end | 𝐗𝐎𝐗𝐌𝐀𝐒 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭
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"I'm home."
SCARAMOUCHE let out a sigh, feeling relaxed now that he was home, but suspicious as soon as he didn't hear a "welcome home!" from you.
he wandered to the living room, quirking up a brow at the unusual and amusing sight.
there was a comical red and green Christmas themed gift box in the middle of the room, slightly ajar as your bottom half was left hanging outside of the box, your ass in full display for SCARAMOUCHE to see.
he came up behind you and gave you a loving little tap on the bottom, surprising you as you let out a shocked squeak.
"what happened here, hmm?"
"...I wanted to try getting into the box to surprise you, but the lid of the box is heavier than I thought... and now, I'm trapped here."
"help me out, would you?" the sound was a bit muffled, but scaramouche for sure, heard you.
"what do I get in return? there's no more surprise left for me with you stuck here like this." he hummed, grasping your hip.
"how about I get my present early, and then I let you out?" SCARAMOUCHE purred, lightly slapping your ass, caressing it afterwards.
"...fine. just don't ruin my lingerie or any—" riiip!
SCARAMOUCHE already ripped the flimsy and thin fabric off, tossing it aside with a cocky grin, you imagined. "I'll buy you better and prettier sets, love."
SCARAMOUCHE rubbed his fingers against the lips of your cunt, spreading the lips and letting out a whistle as he felt and watched his digits get coated with your wet arousal. "so wet already," he murmured, feeling his cock strain against his clothing.
"makes me think you wanted this to happen, no?"
before you could deny it, he plunged his middle and ring finger into your warmth, thrusting and curling the tips of his fingers slightly. you let out a small whine, kicking your legs to protest his sudden ministrations, but another finger quickly shut you up.
a soft whimper left your lips as his fingers abruptly left your cunt, but you let out a loud squeak when he thrusted his cock inside. SCARAMOUCHE gave you a second before he started to thrust, his palms turning white as he gripped onto the plush of your ass.
"s-shit baby... this was the best gift you could've given me." SCARAMOUCHE reached impossibly deeper somehow, his tip fucking right into your cervix, causing you to cry out from inside of the box. "driving me crazy... what were you thinking, dressing up all pretty like a whore with your ass sticking out?"
"no way you expected me to not go and have my way with you..." he bit his lip, throwing his head back slightly as he panted. "dirty fuckin' slut... your plan was to pretend to get stuck, huh?"
the huge gift box shifted slightly with his movements, his hips rutting at an animalistic pace. SCARAMOUCHE felt his cock twitch, and your walls squeeze and flutter around his length. you tried to voice out to him that you were close but the sound was slightly muffled. besides, he already knew once your legs started to tremble.
he reached around to rub circles on your clit, murmuring incoherently to you.
"..c'mon, cum for me...'wanna see you squirt allllll over my cock, pretty girl." SCARAMOUCHE hummed, and you could imagine the shit eating grin that was plastered on his lips.
you whined, not being able to do anything besides chant his name out like a mantra. "s-scara... scara, scara, scaaara...!"
"ngh...! u-uwaaah...! 'm cumming, ...!!" the last few calls of his name from your lips came out slurred, as your climax was mindblowing, your legs spazzing, and eyes rolling to the back of your head as your mouth hung wide open. "that's it... g-good girl, h-haah.." SCARAMOUCHE continued to grind his hips further into yours, allowing you to ride out your high, as well as allow for him to reach his high.
SCARAMOUCHE moaned out profanities, his thick ropes of cum shooting deep inside you, making you feel warm and filled as you let out small whimpers from the shallow thrusts that he kept up.
feeling overstimulated, you came again, the walls of your cunt fluttering weakly around his cock. he let out a groan at this, his hips stopping once he pulled out and thrusted back in deeply one last time.
he pulled out, watching his seed ooze out of your cunt, which was clenching around nothing, due to the absence of his cock.
with a swift movement, SCARAMOUCHE lifted the lid up easily. he hoisted you out of the box by your waist, and then he plopped you down gently on the couch.
your makeup was slightly smudged and messed up, but it added to the charm, SCARAMOUCHE thought. his dick, which was soft, immediately stiffened up at the sight of you, all dolled up and pretty for him. the lingerie cutely cupping your plush boobs and accentuating all of your curves.
"fuckin' hell..." SCARAMOUCHE whispered underneath his breath as his eyes followed the way you slowly crawled towards him.
your expression feigned innocence, eyes sparkling as you blinked up at him through your lashes.
"how about I give you the rest of your present?" you smiled coyly, gently jerking his cock in your hand, guiding it towards your mouth.
"...how naughty of you." SCARAMOUCHE shakily sighed out as he felt your lips encase his sensitive and cute pink tip. his hand made its way to your head to guide you, his fingers gripping onto your hair lightly as he stared down at you with half lidded eyes.
"mhm. aren't you glad of how convenient it was that I was stuck there...?" you purred, winking at him.
"you slut... but whatever, it was a-ah..! the best gift I could've asked for."
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cubffections · 1 month
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𑁥౿ 𝓈𝓉𝓇𝑒𝓈𝓈 𝓇𝑒𝓁𝒾𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓇 — isagi y.
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۫ ּ 𓂅⋆ cw. nsfw 18+ ! fem, sub! reader、profanity & dirty talkin'、pussydrunk! yoichi、use of nicknames、adult isagi & reader. revised reupload frm old acc ᵔᴗᵔ happy (belated) birthday yoichi 🧸 ❤︎‪
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"c'mon baby, you're better than this. move those hips." isagi grunted, fingers molding around at your hips like a starved man . .
his navy blue's sparkling at how adorable your ass looked all marked up, only to look further at how hungrily your pussy clinged to him. "fuck . . you were doing so well pretty, don't tell me that's ya got?" he taunted, his voice all hot and breathy as his hips rolled punishingly into your heat. yoichi’s head replaying every hushed moan and desperate whimpers that escaped those plush lips.
"haah, f—fuck.. yoichi, m’ trying . . !" you squeaked, genuinely struggling to keep up because how could you? he looked like a dream. his pretty midnight hair sticking to his forehead as he peered down at you with nothing but desire, not sure if it was the humidity of the shower or his mean glare that had you breathless. he was eyeing down at you as if you were pathetic for even suggesting helping him release his stress. it’s so unlike the sweet, considerate yoichi you were used to.
well, not that you minded.
infact, it was the last thing on your mind when yoichi was feverishly bullying his cock into your pussy. the force of his pelvis pounding at your hips made it as if he was using you as his personal fleshlight, made solely to milk his cock. his bruised lips peppering down your neck, latching his mouth at spots that he knew raised a reaction out of you. it was as if he was in a daze, caressing your neck and tilting your neck until his kisses trailed up onto your lips before he met you with a sloppy kiss. rewarding you for the way your pussy clamped around his cock at every thrust he gave, hugging him like you couldn't live without him balls deep into your sweet pussy.
“there we go . . shit, can't pull out if i wanted to, taking me so fucking well.” isagi whispered on top of your lips. “you're too good f'me . ." he praised, his punishing thrusts shifting to slow rocks of your hips back and forth on his cock. "ah. . yoi— ngh. . sso much . ." you slurred, reaching your climax for the second time. savored moans falling out your lips as you felt his thumb circling our clit, causing your eyebrows to scrunch and lower-half tense at the overstimulation. "yoichi . .”
"mhm ? talk to me baby . ." he panted, the shower's heat catching up to him— more drunk on your pussy than ever. he was going mad, you don't know how your pussy flutters on his dick right after you cum and it’s giving him a absolute rush. oh he's so sure, he can't hold back anymore, he was gonna blow a load soon, and shit— he's gna fuck his cum soo fucking deep in you. it was the only thought he had left as he pinched at your clit, the groans leaving his lips becoming more exasperated and whiny.
catching onto this desperation, your habit of spurring him on was screaming at you to push him even further. "w—wan' ur cum, need it so— so bad!" you mewled, looking back at him as you meet his thrusts. your words babbling when his speed picked up again, adoring the hungry way he dragged his cock in you.
"shit . . need my cum huh? how greedy.” isagi grinned, tilting your face to the mirror across the shower. “look at you, tryna make the number one striker a daddy."
face flushing at the sight of yourself as your embarrassment left as soon as your knees buckled at his words. "mhm, yes ! let me daddy . . i’ve been soo good, g. . gimme m’ reward.” you panted out, a pleased noise leaving you as he quickened his pace once more, bending himself over you as his hair tickled your neck as he whispered. “ your reward ‘s right here pup, don't let any of it waste okay?" he coaxed, placing a light kiss on top of your ear.
a mix of breathless moans left both of your lips as you felt him empty himself, ruining your spoiled cunt. hushed curses leaving him as bucked his hips a couple of times into you before a new ring of your cum formed around his dick, soft whispers of affection leaving him but barely able to be heard due to the pitter-patter of the water droplets decorating on the floor.
"yoichi, baby. ." you cooed first after catching your breath, laying back against his chest, eyes closed as you blindly switched the water to a colder temperature, hand crawling up to scratch at his head. "you with me. . ?"
wrapping his hands around your waist, head following at the tranquilizing feeling of your fingers after letting out a affirmative huff. "yeah . . mm i'm right here." isagi cooed back, pressing more tender kisses on your shoulder. "thanks angel, needed that." he cooed, massaging at your curves lovingly with adoration.
"mmhm . . anything for you . .”
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heartelysia · 2 months
hello ! im not sure if u take requests but if u do, pls do a choso x f reader where he breeds them... n makes them a mommy.. :3 choso brainrot im sorry 😭
this is super similar to a fic im getting ready to publish so im going to turn this into a thirst! if u dont mind .. °=° UGHHH I LOVE CHOSO!!
cw ; cum-stuffing, breeding, creampie, body praise/praise
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choso is the type of partner to be so fucking whiny in bed, his cheeks dusted with a rosy pink as he sloppily slams his pelvis against yours in a desperate attempt at smacking your sensitive g-spot.
choso who ruts his hips into yours uncontrollably, whiny moans escaping his lips mixed with his soft praises, "g-god.. fuck! you're... youre so pretty baby.. god you're so fucking gorgeous", he slurs out, drunkenly thrusting into your sloppy cunt.
hes so pussy drunk his hands randomly wander all over your body, digging his blunt fingertips into whatever curves he finds whilst hammering his hips into yours. everything blurs together in the heat of the moment, the sloppy sounds of your sweet cunny hungrily swallowing his cock makes his mushroom tip throb against your g-spot. "so- so happy to be with y-you! 'm so luck.. lucky!"
choso pulls out almost entirely before slamming back in, hitting your bruising cervix with every stroke. each time he bottomed out, he felt your walls deliciously rippling around him, sending electric shocks straight to his veiny cock. his pace quickened, his breath coming in ragged gasps as his words come out in broken sentences. "i... i love yo- you...! shit- shit, go- god why are y.. you so ah.. perfect?," he growled, pulling out and pushing back in harder.
hes breathless each time his cock rips another whiny moan from your drooling lips. his hands hopelessly stuttering in its wake of dragging your soft flesh into calloused palms. choso's eyes are blown wide as they seem to only fixate onto your pretty face covered in a thin layer of sweat whilst his pupils catch a glimpse of your bouncing tits teasing him.
his hair loosely fell from his buns, framing his vision to only stare down at you - his beloved. a low, almost animalistic groan rumbles in his throat as his movements became faster and harder, his hips snapping against yours in tight rhythm. his fingers dig into your plush thighs, massaging them as he drove deeper into you as if he was lost in a deep trance.
god, choso thinks he hit the jackpot with you. sometimes he cant help but get nervous around you, you were just so perfect for him and possibly better in his mind, words just come out like vomit. "p-please- please baby.. please- please let me breed your pretty ah! p-pussy! w-wanna cum inside...!", choso pleads, uncontrollably rutting his throbbing cock till it smudges your cervix.
your hands immediately grasp onto the sheets behind your head, knuckles turning white as your body still registers the deliciously painful thrust of your partner grazing your cervix. a guttural groan escapes chosos lips when he feels your thighs tense up, his eyes desperately searched your glazed over pupils for any sort of conformation. whiny so prettily when your only response was a broken moan.
the sound of your moans filled the room, echoing off the walls. they were music to his ears, fuel to his fire. he picked up the pace, slamming into you rougher, faster, his cock carving its shape inside of you.
his hand releases its bruising grip on your soft hips, a cool burning sensation was left behind as his hand stumbles over to your breast, massaging and pinching your hard nipple between his calloused fingertips. "please... please b-baby! ngh- fuck! let me c-cum in you... b-beggin' to knock you up..!", he pleaded, angling his hips a little differently so his angry mushroom tip constantly grazes your sensitive cervix.
he loved the way you arched your back and cried out in pleasure when he did that. it turned him on even more, knowing he could make you feel this way. chosos eyes glimmer in delight when a high-pitched 'yes' made it past your drooling mouth. something in his brain clicked when your head did the weakest nod known to man.
choso grabbed your leg, lifting it up and hooking it over his broad shoulder, giving him better access to your weeping pussy. he plunged into you again and again, hitting your g-spot ruthlessly. you moaned and cried out in ecstasy, body shuddering and trembling underneath him.
"y- g'nna cum prett- pretty girl?", he bites back a moan when your sweet cunt ripples around his cock, "cmon.. shit- cum for me princess...", choso mumbles, reaching down to lightly press his thumb onto your nub. perhaps that was all you need.
the simple action of his calloused fingertip pressing up against your clit instead of his pelvis teasing it made the unbearable coil in your stomach to snap almost instantly. tears flow freely down your cheeks as your entire body freezes up, choso groans at the sight, the happiest smile on his lips.
and then, he felt it - the familiar rush of release coursing through his veins. even for himself, it was rather embarrassing at the broken moan he let out as his hips stuttered violently against your hole. your partner emptied himself into you, his hot, sticky cum filled you up, coating your insides with him.
for a moment, you both just rested there, hearts racing in unison. even in the afterglow, choso doesnt pull out, his cock still hard despite having just cum inside you. he smiled down at you, seeing the fucked-out expression on your face.
"mmm.. gonna plug you up so you will be carrying a miniature us around."
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