#noct whump
jackadudle · 2 months
I'm just gonna leave this here like a magpie and skidaddle.
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Enjoy some Hurt Noct fancomic I spent about a mouth on lol. I'm really happy with the way it turned out though and if you really love some Whump Noctis and you read Fanfics I highly recommend checking out kalterna on Ao3.
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For context, allow me to show you the summary for this - While fighting in a gruelling battle, Noctis falls into stasis but is forced to push his limits and warp in order to save Prompto's life. The Crystal is not happy with him, and wants him to suffer. And suffer he will.
This is one of the first Fanfics I read of Kalterna and my gosh. I GUSH!!! It's so awesome! I wanted to make this as a sort of tribute! I really donno where I would be without amazing fanfic writers out there who are literally saving lives. I'm so grateful!
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echo-goes-mmm · 9 months
Hoarding Behavior #8
Warnings: none
River was having a wonderful dream. Warmth all over, soft kisses with brushes of sharp teeth, claws trailing lightly down his stomach, a gentle scaled hand tucking under his waistband-
He woke with a start, an uncomfortable wetness in his pants. Ew. 
“Mmm?” hummed Noct. Uh oh.
Master opened an eye at his silence, yawning. “Whasss it?” he slurred from across the nest.
“Nothing!” he squeaked. Master narrowed his eyes.
“Um…” there was no way he was going to tell Noct he had a wet dream, and he especially wasn’t going to say it was about him.
“I just really need to wash up right now.”
Master yawned again, stretching, and River very carefully did not look at him.
Noct pulled the key out from under his nightshirt and unlocked the cuff. River awkwardly got up, hoping Noct didn’t notice anything.
But Noct got up with him, sleepily following him to the bath. 
“Um. Can I go by myself? Please?”
Noct tilted his head. “Why-” his eyes went wide, nostrils flaring, and he glanced down at River’s pants and then looked away. “Go ahead,” he said, embarrassment in his voice.
So much for that. How humiliating. 
He scrubbed himself down in the bath, trying to get rid of a scent he couldn’t smell himself. He took a moment to relax a bit in the water, trying to delay further shame.
Of course, what to do with the soiled clothes? He completely forgot to grab a change of underwear in his rush to get out of there.
He’d have to go without boxers. He wouldn’t be able to look at Master again if he went in wearing dry cum stains.
Noct was still awake as he walked into the den. He was staring up at the ceiling, flat on his back. He pointed to a folded set of pajamas and fresh underwear on the edge of the nest.
“Mhm.” Noct rolled over, facing into the cut stone rim of the nest. River shuffled into the new sleep clothes.
With any luck, they’d never talk about it.
It was the first day with “outside time”, and the weather was perfect. Sunny, with fluffy white clouds far in the distance.
Master was laid out in his large form, stretched out and relaxed like a cat. 
“Do not wander too far,” he rumbled.
“Yes, Master.” River looked out into the woods. The sunlight streamed through the tree leaves, sunbeams glittering onto the foliage. 
River had spent his life in cities, as slaves did, with little signs of nature. Even city parks were off limits to them, and only the wealthiest had courtyards worth mentioning. 
Birds sang on the branches, as if the dragon just a few yards away was nothing. 
He glanced back towards Noct. His head was between his long front legs, his eyes shut. Smoke curled up to the sky from his snout.
He looked back into the forest. There was a narrow path off to the right.
A little walk couldn’t hurt.
The sun felt so good. Of course a human needed the sun, how could be so foolish? It felt too nice to not be good for health.
He shifted his wings, stretched them up into the air and folded them back down. So nice.
He kneaded the soil beneath his claws. A sliver of bone poked his palm. Hmph. He ought to clean up these bones. They had served their purpose. He didn't need them anymore.
That was for another day, though.
Noct took in a deep breath, tasting the sweet smell of plants and game in the air. But River’s personal scent of soap and herbs was not so close. He shot up, listening for him. 
The birds had stopped singing.
“River,” he called. “Come.” He heard twigs snapping and leaves rustling as his precious gem rushed back, but there was an unease in the air he didn’t like.
“Come here.” Noct didn’t look away from the woods.
“What is it?”
“Hush.” Master was more alert than he’d ever seen him, staring off into the forest.
Noct grabbed him suddenly, tucking him in between his front leg and side. 
“Lie down. Do not move.” His voice was urgent, and River kept still.
It was warm, a little too warm, but he didn’t move. He looked up at Master’s face.
His eyes were narrowed, his mouth ajar. Smoke poured from the corners of his jaw, and his teeth gleamed. But there was no snarl or intimating hiss. Master was tense, but made no move to threaten whatever it was.
But then the atmosphere became thick, and a buzzing stirred under his skin. The air itself seemed to vibrate, and his hair stood up on end.
He dared to peek out from under his curved claws. Nothing. Then he saw it.
A shadow in the distance, blocking out sunbeams and glints from under the trees, moved slowly through the forest. It was hard to tell the size of the thing; it could even be bigger than Master for all he knew.
It lumbered like no beast he had ever seen before.
Master relaxed; his head coming to rest between his legs again.
He wanted to ask, but Master had ordered him quiet and the creature was still there. Looking at it gave him a headache, so he turned away.
River waited and waited, and after what felt like forever:
“It is gone,” rumbled Noct, “you may come out.”
River stepped out from the heat and into the sun. The breeze was nice on his face, and the birds were singing again.
“What was that?” he asked.
“Oh, it was only a Thing of the Woods.” Huh?
“Thing of the Woods?” Noct cracked an eye open.
“Have you not heard of the Things? They are in the sea, deep in mountains, skies, forests. Harmless. Spirits of the great nature. Distant parents of all things some say.”
“Never heard of them.”
Noct tutted, and with a whoosh of smoke he was small again. He pulled River into his lap. 
“You humans are silly creatures,” he said. He began to purr, and he flopped on his back into the dirt and tugged River along to lie on his chest.
“It is a beautiful day. Nap with me,” he commanded.
"Yes, Master."
taglist: @paintedpigeon1 @haro-whumps @mj-or-say10 @annablogsposts
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zanarkandfayth · 1 month
Would love to read your answers to questions 3, 9, 13, 17, 18, 26, 29, 31, 32, 50, and, if there's another number (or several) you really wanna answer, please add those too ✨
thank you for the ask!! <33 I wrote you novels in return gjdskglj
3. In your opinion, what’s your best fic?
oooh this one is so hard because I love most of my fics for different reasons, even my older ones (at least the ones on ao3. we ignore the ones left behind on ffnet lmao). hhhh, of completed ones that are posted, imma have to say monsters honestly, because damn did I put some heart into that. but the one I'd probably consider absolute best is the still ongoing, not yet posted 600K+ beast of a fic I usually refer to as "nanofic" that I've been working on since 2019. it won't be everyone's cup of tea, but it just gets so deep into noct's trauma that I inflict on him and his slow recovery from it, more than I've done for any other fic, and I've poured so much blood sweat and tears into that thing, it's kinda everything to me.
9. Have you ever written for a fandom without watching/reading/playing the source material?
written, no. been tempted to in the past, but it was too much effort and I already had too many fics for my main fandoms. I have read fandom blind for both harry potter and supernatural in the past though, like lates 2000s into mid 2010s. both were kinda on accident. supernatural in particular is because it kept getting crossed over with MULTIPLE of my fandoms. psych, house md, and criminal minds. so I started reading non-crossover supernatural fics in self-defense gsdklgjdks
13. What’s the biggest change between your style when you started in fandom and today?
I mean… this is the first paragraph of one of my fics from my first fandom when I was fifteen. you tell me 😂
"Relena smiled as she sipped her tea and mentally reviewed the day's schedule. 8:00 am- peace talk to the world. 10:00 am- conference with Romefeller. 1:00 pm- try to convince Dorothy to become a pacifist because she was to stupid to understand that Dorothy loved war. Rest of the day- annoy the HELL out of Heero Yuy. Smiling happily again (PLEASE! Her smile is SO annoying), she stood up and was just about to take a step when …. suddenly a freak falling cow killed her!!! =^.^= The gundam boys all burst out of closets around the room and rejoiced."
the biggest change is probably that I actually write well now lmao. and don't character bash. and don't throw author's notes and emoticons in the middle of fics, and have learned to format better, and, and…
17. In your opinion, what’s your most overrated fic?
oh god. let me hide before I answer this. hands down, it's shadows growing. like let me be clear, it's not bad by any means. I'm still fond of it. but I did not have a clear plan when I started writing it, and I really feel like that shows. it was not meant to be a fix-it fic. it was not meant to be a longer fic. it was not meant to be much of anything, tbh. I saw the prompt on the kink meme and the prologue literally started writing itself in my head and I was like "nah idk what I'd do with that" and I scrolled past, but I couldn't focus on reading other prompts and so I went back and just started typing the fic in a reply to the prompt. honestly I figured I'd write whatever I could and then when I left it unfinished, no one would know because I was anon and I had like one fic posted on ao3 for ffxv at the time and I was used to being a complete fandom nobody. the fact that shadows growing got me even somewhat noticed was unexpected and I was not prepared gdjskgjdskl
it definitely affected the fic because once the readers started picking up it made me feel suuuuper stressed and I was so afraid to stray too far from canon because I thought people would hate that??? for some reason??? no there's logic there. I was just overwhelmed. and I do get why people love it, because the whump and the friendship between the boys is really good. but I cannot help but look at it and remember how out of my depth I felt at the time and wish that I had been brave enough to diverge more from canon and smart enough to come up with a better ending. I still suspect there were quite a few people who felt let down by the ending and that's fair honestly. anyways, yeah, it's a good fic and I'm fond of it and most of the attention and the recs it got were in the first couple years of the game being out and I don't begrudge it being my most popular fic, I just. have better ones now I feel like gjsdgjskgsj but maybe not ones as many people would want to read. which is fine with me tbh.
18. What’s your most underrated fic?
the gladio oneshot in my "fayth's daddy issues week" series! (I wrote all those fics so back to back that I can't remember the titles for any of them whoops.) I adore that fic and it got so little attention compared to most of the other fics in that week, or my fics overall tbh. the only one that got even less was the one about iris 🤣 but I don't care much for the iris one either, even though I think it has some stellar banter between the boys and cute/funny prompto/gladio moments. I really love the gladio one though, because it was fun to revisit gladio's pov in a fic and I got to develop a bit of backstory for him that's been evolving into headcanon and there's a good chunk of ignis and gladio friendship that was the precursor to all their friendship in monsters, plus I got to make gladio cry, so. I love it <3
26. What aspect of your writing do you most enjoy to see praised?
characterisation, for sure. it's the one thing I agonise over and actually worry about what readers might think at times, especially as I get further away from having played the game to keep it fresh in my mind. so anyone commenting that it feels right makes me roll around on my bed in glee. the other aspect I equally enjoy is people commenting on the emotions. like, that the ones I wrote the characters having feel real/deep, that it made the reader feel them too, etc. stuff like that. cos the emotions are literally why I write fic lol.
29. Does the division of your writing across fandoms line up with your reading? What’s the biggest discrepancy?
I am dumb and am struggling to understand what this question is asking, tbh. is it like, do I write for as many fandoms as I read, or something? because fuck no in that case, haha. the only fandoms I've done major writing for (more than one or two fics) are gundam wing, digimon adventure, final fantasy x, and final fantasy xv. and I've read for something like 100 fandoms, idk. at one point I had a list but I stopped keeping track eventually.
31. Who’s the one character you’ve just never managed to get perfectly right?
well… I didn't really understand the concept of characterisation for fanfic until a little before I started writing for ffx. so uh, it's kinda non-existent in my gdw and digimon fics. but once I actively started trying for it… honestly maybe just yuna from final fantsy x. I had some things featuring her meant to be longer fics that were set during the game (most of my posted stuff is set pre-canon, with no yuna in sight) but I never finished and/or posted them because I always felt shaky on yuna's characterisation. I don't think I've majorly struggled with anyone in ffxv to the point that I've felt too dissatisfied with characterisation to post. but at the same time I'm sure none of them are actually perfectly right xD but they FEEL more or less right to me, which is all I care about.
32. Who’s the one character who shines without you even trying?
noct. I mean. he's my blorbo for a reason xD my beloved, I relate to him so much and the rest of it I just project lololol. I make a point to not actually just write myself as noct, cos I personally ain't about that, but it feels very easy to write him without needing to think too deeply about his thoughts/feelings/reactions most of the time. they feel instinctual to me, even when it's something that would differ from my own thoughts/feelings/reactions if I was in a similar situation.
50. Has writing fanfic had a significant impact on your life? Would you say it’s entirely positive?
YES and the answer to this question is one of the reasons antis/purity culture upsets me so fucking much. it's a personal/sensitive answer though so skip if you don't want to read that xD but. reading rape/sexual abuse & aftermath fics as a teenager is what helped me to understand that, even though there was no outright rape happening, I was still being abused. seeing my favourite characters have the courage to tell someone about their abuse and get help is what encouraged me to tell one of my friends during an AIM conversation late one night when I was sixteen, and she convinced me to tell my therapist at my next appointment, who then told my mom, and yeah let's just say that was a very significant and eventually positive impact (it was a rocky road) on my life. if none of that had happened I genuinely think the CSA would have continued escalating into eventual rape. so thank FUCK for fanfic and I seethe with rage every time some shitfuck anti tries to claim there's no good to be found in such fics. plus in general it just helps with my mental health and I've made plenty of friends through fic over the years, even if they come and go I'm still grateful to have known them for that time, and writing fic is the one thing that gives life any meaning for me, etc. so yeah I'd say at least 99% positive.
and now, I will add a few to answer, because you said I could lmao
7. What’s the fic you most want to continue (unfinished or no)?
it is a toss-up between horizon road, an ffx fic featuring a toxic, fucked up relationship between tidus and auron that I still really love, or endless skies, a really self-indulgent digimon fic. they're both old at this point, horizon road I started in 2005, and endless skies was in 2016. horizon road suffers from me having no solid ideas for it beyond the three chapters I wrote, and endless skies is painfully fully outlined, but it was such a hard, research-intensive fic to write for a number of reasons, and now looking at it also just reminds me of an ex-friend who I feel very negative towards (because I talked to them a lot while plotting/writing and they even wrote some of the smut scenes for me, though I've since removed those) and even if I wasn't still deeply entrenched in ffxv, I don't think I could bring myself to ever work on it again :/ which sucks because I did adore it very much.
35. Have you ever written a ship into a fic without meaning to?
…okay, I think anyone who has read shadows growing and then has also read or even looked at my ignoct fics knows that the ignoct is very much present in shadows growing gjdskgjsk as much as I will swear up and down it's platonic, and people certainly can take it that way if they want, like. come on. it's there. at a point, it very much was intentional. BUT. it did start out accidental. the og prompt asked for either gen or OT4 and I don't ship OT4 so I was gonna do gen but noct and ignis kept blurring the lines when I started writing scenes with them gdsjkgdjkl aaaaand actually I didn't start monsters with the intention of it being ignoct either. (the ignoct bits in the first chapter I actually added in a rewrite of that chapter lmao.) nor the tiny little epilogue in heavy is the burden that nudges into hinting at ignoct territory. fuck, even the ignoct in my very first ffxv wasn't meant to be so overt as it was gjdsklgjks there's also tiny hints of it in some of my fayth's daddy issues week fics (not counting the one that's deliberately and stated to be ignoct).
…actually now that I'm writing this I'm realising very little of my ignoct has been deliberately planned at the start 😂 the sequel to shadows growing, grey skies, was planned, at least xD the promptio that shows up towards the end of the fic was an accident though gjsdkgljslk it just. happened??? I didn't even LIKE promptio when I started writing that fic. huh. maybe accidental shipping is just my thing in writing ffxv fics.
40. Do you feel like you put out enough content?
wanted to answer this one, because, I'm NOT talking in terms of other people here. I don't mean to sound dismissive or ungrateful, because I do appreciate the people who read my fics, it makes me happy, but like. it's not why I write OR post. I'm not "producing content" for people; if someone is unhappy with me for not posting more fics, that's their problem. but in terms of myself… yeah, I do wish I had more to post. not because I feel like I've got some kind of arbitrary quota to meet. like, quite frankly, I have over a million words of fic posted on ao3, and given that I have a single unposted fic that's over 600K alone, I'm positive I have at least 2mil total words written. it's just that I wish I could write more consistently/frequently? I feel like I never write as much as I want to, and I know a lot of it is because of my worsening health, so maybe that's why I just feel so frustrated and dissatisfied with my output, but man, sometimes I look at my number of posted works on ao3 and feel like it's such a low number for how long I've been writing ): both for ffxv specifically and for all my fics total. I know it's silly, but the feeling persists nonetheless.
thank you again for the ask!! I feel happy getting to answer questions and ramble about my fics :D and it was really fun to think about my answers and realise a thing or two haha.
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breakfastteatime · 2 days
Hi Breakfast Tea! I've been following your Noct whump fics since middle school and I always enjoy re-reading. The one with Noctis getting nuts slipped into his food by bullies always intrigued me cause I too am allergic to nuts, it was one of my favorites. So about two months ago, I accidentally ate nuts (they gave me the wrong ice cream) and I ended up going into anaphylaxatic shock but it was my first time having a severe reaction. When I was released to go home my first thought was your fic and I was like "dang wow she wrote that really accurately now I understand on a whole new level". Thanks for making the fic not only accurate but showing the seriousness of not taking someone's allergies into account. Poor Noctis but now I definitely can relate haha! I love all your FFXV fics, your a great writer. Keep up the good work! -Ichi
I'm so glad you're alright! And thank you for coming back and letting me know. It's nice to know the story feels authentic.
Thanks for the Ask!
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promscamera · 7 months
Okay listen listen.
I love Prompto's DLC (as one does). But oof as a whump lover, this hurt me so much.
Like in the base game, Prompto is gone for a while and then Ardyn teases Noct for hours (-.-) in the Keep, until you finally find him. And here's the thing, when a story gives me time to imagine what happened to a character, my brain goes wild with angst and whump and everything.
So when I was playing his DLC for the first time, I was so excited to see HOW he ended up where you find him in the game. (Kinda like how Ignis' DLC really goes from when he's off-screen until he's back).
But as we all know... yeah doesn't happen. And mannnnn I was so disappointed.
Still a great DLC, but my expectations were somewhere completely different and it made me sad lol. Stop cutting away you cowards.
Back to ao3 it is
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ffxvficrec · 7 months
by kalterna “One of the rules of the Lucian outdoors was to never let your guard down. Even during the night. Especially during the night, when a daemon could be hiding in every shadow, ready to pounce.” After a daemon attack leaves Prompto, Ignis and Gladio severely wounded and on the verge of death, Noctis has to fight exhaustion and injuries of his own in a bid to save their lives. Words: 3859, Chapters: 1/4, Language: English Fandoms: Final Fantasy XV Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Gen Characters: Noctis Lucis Caelum , Prompto Argentum , Ignis Scientia , Gladiolus Amicitia Relationships: Gladiolus Amicitia & Prompto Argentum & Noctis Lucis Caelum & Ignis Scientia Additional Tags: Hurt Noctis Lucis Caelum , Noctis Whump , Whump , Hurt/Comfort , Angst , Hurt Everyone , but mostly Noct , BAMF Noctis Lucis Caelum , Blood and Injury , Action , Worried Noctis Lucis Caelum , Daemons and Delirium , Confused Noctis Lucis Caelum , Head Injury , Scared Noctis Lucis Caelum , Worried Chocobros , Protectiveness , Noct thinks he's fine , He's not
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purgetrooperfox · 7 months
yeehaw ask game moment 🌀🌤️❄️
[wip ask game]
🌀Post the fic summary for a fic you haven't written/published yet. It can be hypothetical or something you really plan on releasing...
not a summary I'd actually put on the fic itself but I'm working on one that's centered around Gale getting snatched by Orin. Astarion's pov, bloodweave undertones (and overtones. tones in general tbh) of the Astarion-can-no-longer-deny-how-much-he-cares variety, Gale whump, headbutting trauma, aftermath hurt/comfort, all that good stuff. I'm insane about it and I really hope I can get it cleaned up enough to post 😭
❄️Share a snippet from a WIP of your choosing.
At times, typically in the night, after most of the camp has retired, his mask drops and Astarion is gifted with a look at the man behind the illusion. When he isn't rambling on about theories of magic or regaling their merry band with tales of Waterdeep, or his beloved tressym, or his allegedly wild youth, Gale watches. His gaze is sharp, analytical, like it seeks to see through his companions' armor and down to their squishy underbellies. He wants to know what makes them tick, what makes them laugh, what earns their approval, what pulls them in or pushes them away. 
Like recognizes like, and Astarion recognizes Gale. He knows the look of someone hiding, afraid of being found out. Of a secret that could change everything. He knows the look of someone working tirelessly to become needed. Indispensable. A thing to protect. 
But above all, more intimately than he knows anything else, Astarion knows hunger. Alone at the fire, clutching his elbows, gaze trained on their darling leader's tent, Gale is a man starving. 
🌤️Share your favorite piece of dialogue from your WIP.
(realizing rn that I have all these bg3 drafts but very little dialog, which is Not like me lmaoooo star war it is. will put this under a break so post isn't stupid long)
"Echo," Nocte cuts him off, finally redirecting his attention from his screen to Echo's face. "Can it wait? I'm almost off shift, I'm sure someone else–"
"I wanted to request access to Fives' autopsy report," he blurts all at once in a jumbled rush.
And Nocte stares at him, face unreadable, for a moment that seems to stretch out long between them. His expression doesn't so much as twitch and the drumming of his fingers freezes. “Why?”
“He was my brother."
“I'm your brother. Why?”
He carefully doesn't purse lips. “He was my brother and he died.”
“We're at war,” Nocte's voice is sharp, almost a warning, “and he was a soldier.”
It's more resistance than Echo expected, two appeals more than he thought would be necessary. While Nocte has a reputation for many things – questionable bedside manner, gruff demeanor, variable patience – callousness isn't one of them. The family card should have worked. “Haven't you lost anyone you cared about in all this?”
Barely there, his expression tightens. “Watch yourself, lieutenant.”
“I thought you'd understand,” Echo snaps before he can stop himself. “I thought–”
“Echo.” He doesn't raise his voice because he doesn't have to. “Stop, before you say something you'll regret, and tell me why.”
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youareinacomawakeup · 11 months
is Noct a king? sorry lol i know nothing about final fantasy
anyways! fav moment of noct? is noct the edgy best friend that you mentioned earlier??
Noct is... Well, he's a prince. But his dad is assassinated at the very beginning of the game, which fully ignites a war that's been simmering for a while, which is what the whole game's about. So he's a prince in the sense that, with everything going on, it's not like he's been coronated, but a king in the sense that...who the hell else would the king be? If there's a king at all for a fallen kingdom, it's him.
Noct is definitely the edgy best friend I was talking about before, though. That much I can say with confidence.
As for favorite Noct moments... Once again, god, so many. He's such a broody, angry little thing, but peel away that one outer layer and he's just a nerd. He complains about wanting to go back to the hotel room and play video games between battles. He gets so excited about fishing. He doesn't eat his goddamn vegetables. He falls on his ass in battles, Prompto takes pictures of it, and his friends all give him shit for it. He's the least princely prince. I feel like it's a whole lot of little moments put together more than any big moment that makes me love Noct as a character. Like, look at this little guy. He feeds gourmet food to stray cats.
But... God, honestly, if I may be allowed to start gushing about my ship again? It's...the way he reacts when he gets separated from Prompto.
See, toward the end of the game, the villain creates this...illusion. He makes it so that when Noct looks at him, he sees Prompto. And, more importantly, vice versa.
And...as a result...Noct pushes Prompto off a moving train. (And Prompto had no idea the illusion was even happening. He's just...insecure enough to take it at face value. Noct, the person he loved more than anyone else, couldn't hide how much he hated Prompto anymore and pushed him off a goddamn train and stranded him in an arctic wasteland in enemy territory.)
But the illusion breaks just as Prompto's feet leave the train, and Noct is forced to watch in horror as what he just did sinks in. From there on, he is frantic. There's so much desperate screaming of Prompto's name. It's fitting this shit happened on a train, because from that point until the final chapter, he's got a one-track mind. All he can think about is Prompto.
Oh, and when he finally does find Prompto--chained to a fucking wall, might I add, because holy shit the whump--Prompto drops the bomb that... Well, to make a long story short, without getting too much into the worldbuilding, Prompto is basically Lance's personality with Keith's whole Galra thing. And Noct's response to finding out just like... "...And? Why the fuck does that matter?" He doesn't even flinch.
So... I guess I'll have to pick that moment. The fact that Noct's just so accepting of Prompto right away. (Though Gladio and Ignis both are as well. Noct was the first to speak up and assure him that nothing changed, and Noct is the one to firmly state that, "That's that. No further discussion. No arguing. You're ours, and nothing you say would change our minds. Moving on.")
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every-lemon · 2 years
521 words, G, gen. Just a little Noct whump on this most auspicious of days 🎂 Migraines and Astrals Being Assholes.
The first couple times it happens, it’s like something slams full-force into his brain, knocking him back onto his heels with the pain of it. His skull is filled with Titan, and only Titan: calling, calling—crushing—and Noct really needs him to shut up so that they can actually figure out how to get down to the Disc.
Read more>>
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glaivenoct · 1 year
(Fanfic Writer Asks Here)
Thank you for sending!!
❤️ What is your favorite line that you’ve written in a fic?
Okay so this is more than a line lol, but I tend to break the rules all the time for these kinds of questions. From 'Just For a Night'
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✍️ What’s your ideal writing setup?
Just at my desk where it's quiet. Only sound that's allowed is music - can't have the TV on as background noise unless you want me to go mad and throw my laptop out the window.
🍬 Do you write for multiple fandoms? If yes, what is your favorite fic of yours for each fandom?
Hahaaaa, as of a couple months now I think, the answer is no longer no!!! Trigun Stampede/Vashwood HERE I COME, they have me in a chokehold. Haven't posted anything for it yet tho! Soon, hopefully.
As far as FFXV/NyxNoct goes, it's hard to choose so;
Just For a Night Lover, Fighter Everything You've Got Lavender and Rose Petals Coming Home
🧪 Do you research for your fics?
You bet I do, I'm a detail oriented bitch. The amount of research I've put into cagefighter AU alone. Medical stuff for my recent whump fics. I'll never forget the time I couldn't remember if Noct had a TV in his apartment's living room or not and furiously went looking for references in the Brotherhood episodes. The amount of times I pull up my digital copy of KG to get visuals and other things.
Right now I'm putting a lot of my education into use for my current Vashwood WIP and a future NyxNoct one I want to do. We've got some sore bois across these two ships who deserve and nice massage sooo - yeah~
💎 Do you often write about a relationship or focus on an individual?
Y'know I don't think I've ever written a piece of just a single character by themselves for any type of character study or something like that now that you mention it. I've always had a relationship in a fic whether its romantic or platonic. Maybe I should try it some time.
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ao3feed-noctluna · 2 years
Fallen Stars of the Kingdom
by LadyLilaBlue
Noctis Lucis Caelum is the Kingdom of Insomina's beloved Oracle. It is his destiny to heal the people and ail Lunafreya in her quest to collect the royal arms and breathe light into the world. The public sees the determined Oracle as he attends to his duties, but behind closed doors his three companions see the sick and frail Oracle that is suffering complications for living up to his pre-destined duty. Which is unfortunate because Noctis wants nothing more than to live a normal life, unconfined by castle walls and Imperial Forces.
Words: 5011, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of Noct might need a hospital visit
Fandoms: Final Fantasy XV
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Noctis Lucis Caelum, Prompto Argentum, Ignis Scientia, Gladiolus Amicitia, Lunafreya Nox Fleuret
Relationships: Background Lunafreya Nox Fleuret/Noctis Lucis Caelum, Gladiolus Amicitia & Prompto Argentum & Noctis Lucis Caelum & Ignis Scientia, Prompto Argentum & Noctis Lucis Caelum, Noctis Lucis Caelum & Ignis Scientia
Additional Tags: Oracle Noctis Lucis Caelum, Role Reversal, Roleswap AU, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Sick Character, Family Bonding, FFXV with my unique spin, Exhaustion, Terminal Illnesses, Background romantic relationship, Mainly focusing on Ignis and Noctis, And Noct and Prompto, Prompto is still a plebe but now he serves the oracle :), Fainting, Queen Lunafreya Nox Fleuret, The Bro group and the Lady group are present, Minor Aranea Highwind, Minor Gentiana, Minor Iris Amicitia, Best Friends, Domestic Fluff, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Feels, Reminiscing, headcanon heavy, Dialogue Heavy, Hurt Noctis Lucis Caelum, Whump, Want a fic where Noctis is the oracle and suffers a lot?, You came to the right place homie, Author Is Sleep Deprived, The Author Regrets Nothing, Prompto is clumsy but he is doing is best for Noct, Ignis is attached to Noct pls dont separate them
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/45605932
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echo-goes-mmm · 10 months
Hoarding Behavior #7
Warnings: none
Noct frowned. His precious gem was acting strange. He was pale, and took far more naps than usual. He didn’t seem as interested in cooking or much of anything, and he clung close to Noct at night.
Was he sick? He didn’t understand. River had all the things he needed. A warm bed, good food, clean water, attention, regular care, and all the toys and puzzles and games Noct could find.
He looked down at River, partially in his lap, adorably asleep. His freckles were stark against his skin as opposed to beautifully blending into a bronzy smoothness. Noct curled his tail over him and waited for him to wake up.
“You need a healer,” said Master. River chewed the inside of his cheek. 
“Are you sure?” He’d never been to a doctor before.
“Yes. You are ill.” Noct’s voice held no room for argument, and he was too tired to bother.
Noct unlocked the cuff around his ankle. It was a weird sensation after so long, and something about it made him feel exposed.
Noct scooped him up into his arms and walked towards the exit. He was vaguely annoyed that Master insisted on carrying him, but he didn’t feel like walking anyway.
But when they reached outside, Master set him down and transformed into his massive flying form.
“Hold still,” he rumbled, and River froze as Master’s huge hand wrapped around him. Noct lunged into the air, and they were off.
Don’t look down, he thought, squeezing his eyes shut. He knew Noct wouldn’t drop him, but the rush of wind made his head spin and his gut clench.
Soon the wind stopped coming at his face, and instead quieted. River cracked an eye open, and saw the town square slowly come towards his feet. He looked up. Noct’s ruby wings glowed with light, and they were fully outstretched, circling them downward. 
He’d never seen Noct’s wings completely unfolded before, and the size was breathtaking.
Faint shouting reached his ears, and the square was practically abandoned when they landed.
Master changed again, and wrapped his arm around River’s waist. 
His tail swished, and River knew enough about Noct’s body language to tell he was either nervous or suspicious. Probably both.
“Do you know the way to the healer?” he murmured.
“I’m not from here,” he explained. “I have no idea.”
“Hm.” Noct pulled River close to his chest, eyes darting around the street. 
“Come,” he said, guiding River to a bench on the side of the square. They sat together, and Noct put his arm around River’s shoulder.
“Now we will wait and ask a passerby.”
He was half asleep on Noct’s shoulder before he jostled him awake. 
“Stop that.”
“Sorry, Master.” Noct sighed.
“This is not working,” he said, frustrated. People were moving through the square again, but they were avoiding them. The midday sun was in the sky, and the villagers needed to run errands even if Noct was intimidating as hell.
Noct stood and tugged River along by the hand. He cornered a woman by the bakery, and her eyes went wide with fear.
“Pardon me,” says Noct, smooth and in his best calming voice. The effect worked on River, but not her for some reason. “Would you be so kind as to point us towards the healer? I apologize for taking up your time.”
She pointed a shaking hand to a nearby building. Noct glanced down the street. “Much appreciated,” he said. 
The woman squeaked a ‘you’re welcome’ and River mouthed a ‘thanks’ as they passed. She gave him a brief and shaky smile before darting into the safety of the bakery.
But Noct had grown impatient, and picked him up again. He made long strides over the stones, a smooth movement that River barely felt. 
They came to a small stone building with a tile roof. The sign must have said ‘doctor’ or something, because Noct put him down and knocked, tail calmer but still swishing.
“Come in,” said a voice.
Noct reached over him to turn the handle, and they walked in together.
The building was one large room. There was a raised, long platform to one side of the room, and the other side was occupied with jars and bottles.
The doctor was busy stocking the shelves with bottles before he turned. His eyes went wide, and he glanced between them from under his thin wire glasses. But before Noct could comment, his expression smoothed. 
“How may I help you, Mr…?”
“I am Noct. River is sick,” explained Master, gesturing to him. “I do not know enough about humans to fix it.”
“I see. And you’re River?”
He nodded. “Yes, sir.”
“Have you ever been to a doctor before?”
“No, sir.” From the corner of his eye, he saw Noct sit in a chair. His tail was still, elegantly curling near his leg.
“Sit up on this table,” said the doctor. He hopped on. The doctor took out a pencil and a stack of papers. 
“I’ll need to ask some basic questions, give you a physical, and then we’ll talk about any issues. And feel free to ask me about anything you don’t understand. Sounds good?”
River glanced at Master. “Yes, sir.”
“Great. Some of these are fairly personal. Would you like Mr. Noct to step out?”
“Oh, um, no.” River shifted. “I don’t mind.” The doctor gave him a strange look, but said nothing. He turned back to the papers.
“Last name?”
“Uh, I don't have one.”
“Mm. Age?” 
River shrugged. “Adult?” 
“Slave.” The doctor paused. 
“And I assume Mr. Noct is your master?” River nodded. “I see.”
“Sexually active?”
River fidgeted. “No.”
“Does… does your master beat you?” The doctor asked, quiet.
Noct sighed from his chair. “Answer the man honestly, my gem. He must know, for your health.”
“But... you don’t,” he said. Master cocked his head. River looked back at him, equally confused. Surely he didn’t mean the punishment Noct gave him weeks ago. An open hand, no bruises, barely a mark on him. That wasn’t a beating. Maybe if Master used a switch, or actually used his strength and a fist he’d answer differently. 
“Please elaborate.”
Noct gestured for him to speak.
“Master punished me when I broke something.”
“Go on.”
“It wasn’t- he didn’t-” River’s ears turned red. “It was just a spanking. That’s all. It hurt but there weren’t any marks. That doesn’t count.” Noct was staring at him, and River wasn’t sure how to read his expression.
The doctor made a note. “I see.”
They went through a few more questions before finally moving on. 
The doctor had him face towards a chart of arrows on the wall, and had him list off the directions they pointed.
He checked his ears by whispering and making him repeat the words. 
He checked his throat with a flat stick to keep his tongue down.
He looked at his teeth.
He had him lie down to poke around and feel his organs. He even made him get on his stomach to see if his spine was straight.
But the doctor didn’t seem to find anything wrong.
“So what actually brings you in today?”
River hesitated. He didn’t think there was much to talk about. 
“He is constantly sleeping,” interrupted Noct. “And he is pale and cold all the time.” 
Oh. He hadn’t really noticed. How nice; Master had been looking out for him.
The doctor looked at Noct, and then back to him.
“I hate to make assumptions,” said the doctor, “but you live in a cave, correct?”
“Yes, sir. Master’s home is in the mountains.” The doctor leaned close to examine his skin, especially the part where his freckles were.
“Is it harder than usual to lift heavy items?”
“I guess?” The doctor straightened, adjusting his glasses.
He took his pencil and a small pad from his pocket and scribbled something down. He tore off the paper and handed it out to him.
“I can’t read.”
“Ah, sorry.”
Instead, he passed it to Master. “Spend time in the sun, at least an hour a day. Get some exercise while you’re at it. Eat more fish, especially in the winter when you aren’t outside much,” he said.
“Why the sun?” asked Noct. “There is plenty of warmth inside. I make sure of it.”
“It’s not the heat. There’s not really a good explanation, but sunshine is important for human health,” he explained. 
Master hummed. “And this will help?”
“It’s not a guarantee, but yes. If the problem persists, come back and we’ll figure something out. I’d also like to see River once a year for a physical.”
“I understand.” Noct stood, and reached for a bag on his waist. It clinked with gold coins, and he offered it to the doctor.
“Oh no,” said the doctor with a smile, hands up. “Don’t worry about it. The village takes care of my pay.”
“I am not part of the village.” Master plopped the bag of gold on the chair. His voice was firm. “Keep it as thanks.”
They walked through the streets, and River had to wonder why they weren’t leaving right away. Noct clearly wasn’t very welcome here, and by extension neither was he.
“Are you hungry?”
“A little.”
Master led him back towards the square. They stopped by a pastry shop, and Noct bought a mixed box of them to the terror of the storekeeper.
“Are you mad at me?” asked River as they sat on the bench, munching on sweets.
River usually liked Master’s directness and simple answers. No tricks. Noct was always honest, but doubt fluttered in his chest. He nibbled on his cookie (chocolate chip).
A mother and her child passed by, her face buried in a shopping list. The kid stared at them, and River waved. The child waved back. Cute.
“Then are you upset with me?” 
“No.” His tail swished. “I am simply upset.”
Master reached for a cupcake. It looked smaller in his fingers. Human sized cupcakes weren’t made for dragon sized hands.
Noct studied the cupcake, turning it slowly. It was vanilla strawberry with pink icing. He watched Master take a small bite, licking up the sticky red jam filling that leaked out.
“I apologize,” said Noct. “It was not my intention to harm you.”
“I didn’t know about needing sunshine either,” he said. “It’s okay.”
“I should have guessed,” frowned Master. “Humans do not live inside dens.”
River didn’t have a response for that.
He picked up the second cupcake, a chocolate caramel, while Noct finished off a snickerdoodle. 
They packed up the remaining sweets and started the long walk home. 
River made sure to try and keep out of the forest shade. He felt a little better already.
taglist: @paintedpigeon1 @haro-whumps @mj-or-say10
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zanarkandfayth · 1 year
✩ Intro ✩
✩ I go by fayth, yes all lowercaps lmao. nonbinary with he/him pronouns only, please, and I don't like being referred to as "enby." ✩ I like to type in about 98% lapslock. sorry not sorry. ✩ in my thirties, approaching my forties. ✩ open to asks and being tagged in tag/ask games (: ✩ I struggle with both my mental and physical health, so I'm on and off about posting here oops. ✩ this tumblr is largely reblogs (fandom, funny shit, polls) and the occasional life vent/post. those are tagged with "ignore me" for easy blocking.
✩ my beloved is final fantasy xv. noct is my blorbo. ignoct is love <3 ✩ I also still adore bbc merlin. ✩ a fandom old that's been in fandom since late 1999. ✩ very firmly ship & let ship, don't like don't read, your kink is not my kink, having squicks, etc.
✩ I only write for final fantasy xv at this point, and I only post on AO3. ✩ I write hurt/comfort, angst, and whump. hurt noct for life. but I also like hurting ignis and/or gladio sometimes too. ✩ mental health issues and/or trauma tend to be running issues throughout all of my fics. ✩ I like both romantic and platonic ships. genfics with no ships of any kind are also good. ✩ I am never going to call prompto by a nickname. not happening. I loathe it with the fire of a thousand suns. ✩ I'm closed to requests or prompt suggestions, sorry! I would be terrible at ever delivering.
✩ archive of our own ★ zanarkand, ffxv pseud is fayth ✩ reddit ★ zanarkandfayth, I lurk/occasionally comment in the fanfiction sub ✩ livejournal ★ replica (no longer used) ✩ dreamwidth ★ athlum (used once in a blue moon, friends only) ✩ discord ★ send me a chat for it if you're a mutual I've interacted with, or just slide in my discord DMs if we share a particular ffxv server together
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breakfastteatime · 5 months
hello Breakfast! I've been following your hurt noct fics since I was in middle school and you inspired me to write my own so thank you! I was so happy to see you also like FF7. Would you ever be interested or are planning in doing like a Cloud Strife Hurt/Comfort fic or whump fic? 👀 (I especially like writing about his motion sickness )
Hi! Thank you, that's so kind of you to say ^_^
I do love FFVII - it's my favourite game of all time. Sadly, Rebirth did not inspire any fanfics from me (too busy playing Queen's Blood lol), so I don't think I'll be writing any. Maybe the final remake will inspire something as most of my favourite parts of the original story haven't been remade yet (ICICLE INN! MIDEEL! SPOILERS!!!).
Happy writing!
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majormiles · 1 month
Tumblr media
Heavy is the Burden by tetsurashian
🌷 Final Fantasy XV
🌷 Noctis Lucis Caelum & Regis Lucis Caelum & Ignis Scientia
🌷 Teen | 49k | 9/9 chapters
🌷 Warnings for major injury & whump
Noct's avoidance of his royal obligations sets off a chain of events no one could have foreseen, culminating in him falling through three stories of an abandoned building. Unfortunately, no one knows where he is, and as his condition worsens, it soon becomes a tense challenge to find him in time.
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ffxvficrec · 2 months
by scrawly_times Noctis ran away when he remembered his life as Megumi. Four years later he finds a guy in the middle of the woods near his cabin during a storm, injured and needing help. Noctis might be sort of in hiding but he's not an asshole. Prompto isn't sure if he has brain damage or if he was ACTUALLY rescued and is being taken care of by the missing Prince of Lucis. Words: 16118, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 2 of Into the Woods Fandoms: Final Fantasy XV , 呪術廻戦 | Jujutsu Kaisen (Anime) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Prompto Argentum , Noctis Lucis Caelum , Wiz Forlane , Fushiguro Megumi , Cujo (OC) , Peanut the Chocobo Relationships: Prompto Argentum & Noctis Lucis Caelum , Prompto Argentum/Noctis Lucis Caelum Additional Tags: Forest Hermit Noctis AU , Past ItaFushiKugi , Noct and Prom are just Looking Respectfully at each other , not getting together just yet sry , Whump , Hurt Prompto Argentum , Hurt/Comfort , Caretaking , Injury , shikigami - Freeform , Burns , Lightning - Freeform , Rescue , Medical Conditions , Chronic Pain , Chronic Illness , Canon Disabled Character , Reincarnation , and NOT canon newly disabled character , idk man there's a lot going on
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