#noland mbs
nobodysdaydreams · 1 year
😍❓ for the ask game :)
Thank you for responding to the ask game I made! 🥰 I hope you are having a lovely day!
😍-published lines or a section of a fic that you loved writing?
Oh this is a good one. I'll go with a section from Chapter 2 of my Book Martina redemption fic (Who You Were Meant To Be on AO3)
"I know you don't want to see or speak to them. But now that I know that you really are sorry, all that's left for you to do is apologize. I'm sure Mr. Benedict and the Society would accept your apology. And then we could all be friends, and you wouldn’t have a problem celebrating my birthday with them!” SQ exclaimed, excited to have found the solution to his predicament. 
Martina laughed.
“Is that supposed to be a joke?” she asked.
“No,” SQ replied, “I’m being honest. They accepted my apology, and I’m friends with them now.”
“Yeah, but I’m me and you’re you.”
“What does that have to do with anything? We both worked for Mr. Curtain. We both hurt them.”
“Yeah, but it’s different. You’re… you’re nice.”
“So are you. Or maybe you could be if you wanted to be.”
“No, I couldn’t,” Martina replied. “Look, we both worked for Mr. Curtain, but it was never the same. You actually believed that what we were doing was good and right, and you never wanted to hurt anybody. I thought what we were doing would bring me success and make me happy, and I enjoyed hurting other people. You had selfless reasons, I had selfish ones. People like you get redemption and forgiveness, okay? People like me don’t. That’s just the way the world works.”
SQ paused and thought a bit about what Martina had said.
“I’m not sure that’s true,” he observed, “or at least, it can’t be true all the time. Because I forgave you.”
Martina struggled to think of something clever to say to SQ’s objection, but she couldn’t find the words. And strangely, a part of her felt like she didn’t want to find them. That for once in her life, she was actually, surprisingly, okay with losing an argument. Because she just wanted to accept what SQ was saying was true, even if she knew it wasn’t.
“You shouldn’t have,” she finally mumbled.
I loved writing these lines. It's hard for me to articulate exactly why, but I love the concept of forgiveness and how it's discussed here. Martina points out that intentions matter, which is true, but SQ counters with his own point that even if you did something bad intentionally, that doesn't mean forgiveness is impossible or unattainable. He's the first person to show Martina that kind of love, friendship, and understanding, and Martina doesn't want to fight it (even if she can't accept it yet). It's hopeful, and I love the message, I love redemption stories, and the way the dialogue shows it... I'm sorry, I can't articulate, but I hope you get what I was going for here.
❓-any WIP snippet you want!
Hm...now this is a hard one. Because I have a lot to choose from, but I think I'll go with a funny snippet from a character who I haven't written a lot for yet, but was a character than many encouraged me to write for.
“Oh, I’m afraid it’s far more serious than that sir,” warned Cannonball in grave tone. “It appears that one of our passengers was caught smuggling illegal contraband into the country.”
“WHAT!” exclaimed Noland, then suddenly conscious of the fact that others could be listening, began to whisper.
“And…what exactly did they attempt to smuggle in?” he asked.
Cannonball leaned in and whispered.
Noland gasped in horror.
“Tangerines? Cannonball, this may be the greatest threat to my career yet! Just think of the ecological damage that even one single tangerine could inflict!”
“It would be truly catastrophic,” agreed Cannonball seriously, shaking his head at the senseless tragedy.
“It’s hard to imagine what sort of cold-blooded individuals would dare attempt such an infamous plot,” continued Noland.
“Oh, they’ve caught the culprits,” explained Cannonball. “Don’t worry sir. Things might not be hopeless yet. We’ve been asked to deal with them personally. If our punishment is harsh enough, that is if we can make an example of these fruit filching criminals, it may yet redeem us. And show the world that we do not tolerate environmental carelessness aboard our vessels.” 
“Very well,” agreed Noland. “Then though it may be harsh, we shall do what we must.”
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tenmillionthfirefly · 5 months
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Does anybody want to hear about my 100% fabricated Cannonball backstory?
So, imagine this kid. Maybe he's got parents, maybe he doesn't. I think he probably lost his family at a young age and was sent to live with a great aunt/uncle who has a huge house and doesn't really mind if he runs around on his own all day.
At age seven, he gets his hands on a copy of Treasure Island it becomes he favourite book. He reads it cover to cover in three days, staying up as late as he can and reading under the sheets until he falls asleep and wakes up with his face on the still-open book.
There's a small stream on the edge of the property, and he spends every day down there, studying the water currents and watching the different kinds of leaves drift down it. Once he steals an entire package of toothpicks and takes an afternoon holed up in his room making as perfect a model of a ship he can.
After that, his guardians begin to take notice. He receives model kits and books on the history of sailing and every space second of his is devoted to knot-tying. He always keeps a slender piece of rope in his pocket, and it becomes a soothing habit for him to tie and untie it, often without looking, or under his desk to avoid attention when he's at school.
He doesn't get along with the other children very well, though not for lack of trying. They just aren't interested in hearing him list each part of a sailing ship or debating the merit of a sloop versus a schooner. So, he spends most of his free periods reading and sketching and closing his eyes and imagining what it would be like to feel the wind on his face.
What he does excel at is history, especially navy battles. He loves the strategy and the careful planning and the weighing of pros and cons and it delights him whenever the topic in class turns to maritime warfar.
As soon as school lets out he runs the whole way home, back up the hill to the empty old house that has far too many rooms full of stagnant air. He relishes the feeling of the breeze through his hair, seeking out storms and studying the sky to catalogue weather patterns.
All he wants is to be free. To be free of the small-minded people, and the children at his school that regard him strangely, to be free of the same streets and the same sights and the same people who seem content to never set foot anywhere but the dirt they and their family had grown out of.
He comes home full of tales of distant lands and the people and cultures there and dreams of the smell of the sea.
As soon as he turns thirteen, lying awake as the clock strikes midnight as he is taunted by the sound of waves crashing still echoing from his dreams, he decides he's had enough.
He packs a bag, just the necessities (And his well-worn copy of Treasure Island), and leaves a note on the breakfast table.
Then he sets out, following the path to the sea that he'd charted in his mind hundreds of times, chasing the faint cries of seagulls.
He finds a ship, even in the early morning light he can recognise the different classes of each vessel in the harbor. He slips aboard, hiding himself away behind some crates below deck, exhausted from his journey but feeling a thrill of exhilaration as the gentle rocking sends him into the most peaceful sleep of his life.
He figured he'd sleep here so he could find the first crew member aboard in a few hours and beg for a position on the ship, but when he wakes to the afternoon sunlight slanting down into the hold, he knows instantly that this is not the tender rocking of a boat moored not ten feet from the dock. These are the waves only found when one is really truly at sea.
And, despite himself, he can't help but be excited.
Cautiously emerging, he sees a flurry of motion that sparks something in him he hasn't felt in years. He makes note of each task being done, hoping his expertise (Academic though it is) will prove a good bargaining chip with the captain.
He knows exactly where the captain's quarters would be on a ship of this size, and carefully makes his way to the door, knocking hesitantly before hearing an invite to enter.
He is greeted with a slightly shabby but nonetheless friendly looking man, studying a map on his desk. He looks up in surprise at the sight of an unaccounted for child on his ship, but quickly masks it with a professional look.
The boy is too smart for that, though, and he's seen that look shared between teachers before they gently but firmly tell him that while impressive, his report on why a field trip to the marina would be beneficial is of course ridiculous.
Silent tears start dripping down his cheeks, as he lays out his whole story for the captain and begs for even the smallest position on his ship. He won't even ask to be paid, all he needs is to be on the ocean. He's been longing for it all his life, and now that he's finally experienced it the siren song will surely drive him mad if he's deposited back in that horrible landlocked schoolhouse.
The captain is slightly taken aback by this, but his first instinct is to give the boy a hug. He tells him that they will have to dock soon, and then he will be having a very frank discussion with the child's guardians, but he sees no reason why he shouldn't be able to take up an apprenticeship with them.
And, as Cannonball heaves a sigh into the captain's shoulder, he recognizes that feeling that's been calling out to him for so long, the one that immediately slid into place in his heart. The feeling of coming home
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mvshortcut · 2 years
Captain Noland every time Cannonball comes to update him on the stowaways:
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bi-demon-ium · 2 years
i love captain noland someone asks him if he's alright and he goes "oh i've just got a little low blood sugar and also a divorce and crippling debt"
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mbsgifs · 2 years
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honorable mention: the fandom's least favorite, apparently
↳ the only episode that got zero votes: a bit of a light chop (2x02)
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personinthepalace · 2 years
Promo Photos for The Mysterious Benedict Society S2E2: A Bit of Light Chop
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from whatsondisneyplus.com
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phtalogreenpoison · 1 year
I remember thinking when I reread the mysterious benedict society series in high school that Mr. Benedict and Captain Noland had some sort of gay vibes going on? But like in a completely aroace or qpr kinda way. Idk how to explain this but huh might as well put that out into the world.
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mbspolls · 2 years
(Masterpost here.)
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Hello!!!! Feel free to answer any one/combination of these questions that you want you. I'll be excited to see your answers. Hope you're having a good day!
Reynie, Sticky, Kate, and Constance
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
23. Favorite picture of this character?
Quincey Morris
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to ths character? Something you don't like?
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
6. What's something you have in common with this character?
2. Reynie - I love how relatable he is, especially when he doubts himself, such as when he worries he's a bad person for liking the Whisperer (never mind that it operates similar to a drug) or when he fears he is bad for thinking they should cheat on tests. I also LIVE for his unhinged moments, like in TPJ when he yeets Noland's radio and later, Risker's diamond into the water. Like, Reynie, you absolute cinnamon roll, what are you doing??????
Sticky - that he's canonically very HandsomeTM and can pull anyone he wants!!! I love that for him, he deserves it. They just have to understand his love language of obscure words first...(oh and also he's braver than he thinks but you asked for my personal favorites and that's definitely mine)
Kate - Basically everything -- she's my favorite character overall -- but I think it's her positivity in the face of danger, her ability to bounce back from everything she's faced in her life. One line that still sticks with me is when Reynie says "'It's not funny, Kate.' For a moment - a fleeting moment - Kate looked desperately sad. 'Well, of course it's not funny, Reynie Muldoon. But what do you want me to do? Cry?'” It could come off as a little toxic positivity, but I feel like it's done in a way where that's just her personality, where she's not trying to influence others to act the same way, and I love that!!! I lean towards the optimistic side like her and it makes me happy to see someone like that in a book series I love so much.
Constance - definitely her sass and that one monologue in Riddle of Ages where she finally snaps after feeling excluded the whole book...not to mention feeling hurt Reynie thought she was annoying (even though she knew that was a temporary thought and NOT his true feelings)...oooof...that hurt, I can relate Connie girl :(
5. This is actually super hard!! I love music and I love MBS but for some reason I've never really associated the two together. Weird right? Here's my best shot!
As a group - Right Back to Where We Started From by Maxine Nightingale (because they need a feel-good family bop)
Reynie - Under Pressure by Queen ft. David Bowie (to describe his pressure as the leader)
Sticky - Lonely by Imagine Dragons (to describe his anxiety)
Kate - I'm Still Standing by Elton John (to describe her bouncing back from hardship)
Constance - I Don't Care by Fall Out Boy (to describe her stubborn nature -- plus I like to listen to this when I'm mad so it fits lol)
20. Reynie - if we're talking show, definitely SQ!!! I feel like they're both introspective and kind-hearted, and they would've made great bffs had things been different. In the books, to spice things up, I would've loved to see a young Nicholas and Reynie meet up -- they definitely would have been besties since as an adult, Nicholas always seems to know what Reynie is thinking. I do think they would still need someone like John to stand up for them since Nicholas had that gaggle of bullies on his back and he didn't Home Alone them/somehow persuade them to back off until later.
Sticky - For the books, a young Number Two. They're alike in a lot of ways and it just makes sense :) (not that they can't be besties at their current ages, but this is for adventuring possibilities, like with Nicholas). As for show Sticky, I think it would be highly entertaining if Jackson and Jillson had taken a liking to him while he's at LIVE. They find his intelligence and wit interesting and he's a favorite of Curtain so they start following him around too. At first, Sticky hates this but with time he starts to enjoy their harmonious presence, and how they seem to know what he's thinking. An ideal friendship? Maybe not. But certainly unique. I’d also love to see how this affects season 2.
23. Kate and Constance - the very talented @magic-swords-art drew this image of Kate and Constance after I asked and I can't stop thinking about it!!! 🥹🥹🥹❤️❤️❤️
Now you wanted to hear about my boi QUINCEY “THE COWBOY” MORRIS!!!
22. I actually don't read fics of Dracula (even though I know I should) but I guess something I don't like in actual movie adaptations of the story is when they leave him out, which is unfortunately most of them. Like hello????? You're leaving the most fun character out????!!!!! What's wrong with y'all?!?! I know it's because it's a Serious Story and they think having a cowboy will ruin that but newsflash: comedy can exist in a drama, it's been done before. Plus, the Dracula musical made it work. I don't see the issue here.
25. I saw the musical my freshman year of high school and one of my friends played Quincey. My first thought was, “there’s a COWBOY?!?!!?!?!?!” They definitely made him even more of a comic relief in the musical so that was fun to experience, but he didn’t get much more than that, iirc. Then, years later, I would read Dracula Daily and get to Quincey introduction. My first thought was, “THERE’S A COWBOY?!?!?” That’s right, I forgot this fact! Though as I read the book, I totally love what Stoker did with his character. For Quincey being a total stereotype of what a Texas cowboy is, Stoker still gives us ways to follow this character’s growth in an interesting way. Sure he starts as another suitor of Lucy, but when things get serious, Quincey does too. He actually knows what to do to hunt Dracula down (he is a cowboy after all and they did have to defend their cattle from various predators) and his role as comic relief gets pushed to the wayside so it doesn’t change the tone too much (see Dracula adaptations?!). You really feel for him and love him as the book goes on and you don’t want to see anything bad happen to this character. So tl;dr my impression is rootin’-tootin’ cowboy with a heart of gold. 🤠💛
6. So I feel like I am also the Comic ReliefTM in my friend group (though they’re also funny, I’m usually cracking jokes 95% of the time) and while that’s great, it can lead to outside people underestimating me or seeing me as frivolous/ditzy. I feel like that’s why Quincey keeps getting pushed to the wayside by movie adaptations— they see his character as not worth the trouble, even though I think audiences would absolutely love him given the chance. I mean look at Dracula Daily!! There were so many Quincey memes and love. In fact he’s in my top three fave characters (I’m sorry, he’s beat by Mina the train fiend)! So I guess we kind of have that in common. On a more fun note, his proposal was S-Tier and I hope to propose to someone, or be proposed to, with that same level of goofy sincerity. :P Oh, and I say “y’AlL” so we have that in common as well.
Thank you for the ask, Sophie, this was super fun!!
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nobodysdaydreams · 13 days
Thank you! I appreciate the flower and hope you're having a great day! Here's a TMBS quote:
“Now many of you may have heard that the sea is a dangerous place,” began the captain, who had introduced himself as Captain Noland, in a very serious tone. “Full of terrible sea monsters that feast on the flesh of the innocent and sirens with haunting voices that lure weak and unsuspecting sailors to their wretched deaths.”
Nicholas nodded while some of the other passengers, particularly those with young children, began giving the captain strange looks
“But those that have heard such things may be reassured to know that we have no such dangers on this ship. The creatures from those stories are merely myths and legends. Or at least, their existence can’t definitively be proven…”
Noland's voice trailed off and he paused, glancing across the horizon with a worried look in his eyes, as if he was remembering something terrible. And indeed, he was. They said it was the exhaustion, perhaps a flashback from the war, but…Noland would never forget what he’d seen that night. It haunted his nightmares, for just as the sea was beautiful yet terrifying and mysterious, so were the creatures that inhabited her.
“Captain,” prompted one of the officers, Officer Zhao, as he’d been introduced.
“Hm? Ah, yes,” said Noland, snapping out of his trance. “Yes…nothing to worry about there.”
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mashpotatoequeen · 11 months
Thinking about MBS and fairytales, but like. Classic fairytales. And how to change the stories so that it would fit the kids and their platonic relationships and all that love.
Like. Example one. Reynie. Reynie would have to be beauty and the beast, right? He's still at the orphanage, and Ms. Perumal is his tutor who occasionally goes to the capital to pick up schooling surplies. Curtain stars as Gaston, except what he wants is to take Reynie on as an apprentice, someone as clever as him to raise in his image. Reynie is awkwardly dodging adoption left and right. He just wants to read! He doesn't get why the whole town seems so willing to believe and do what that man says...
Anyway, Ms. Perumal goes on one of her trips, except this time she doesn't come back.
Reynie is worried out of his mind. Nobody is listening to him! Nobody seems to care! And Reynie, though he's scared and is only ever hopeful that he's brave, finally decides he's going after her and runs off into the woods in order to find her.
What he finds instead is an enchanted castle.
Ms. Perumal isn't there. A giant fluffy monster that introduces himself as Mr. Benedict is. Number Two is a talking clock and Rhonda is a talking Candelabra. Constance, Kate, and Sticky are there too, but I'm not sure if they should be human or not. I'm leaning not, but then I need to figure out what enchanted objects they would be.... Maybe Kate' a teacup (who terrifies everyone with her gravity defying stunts), Sticky is a pair of spectacles or a polishing cloth, and Constance is a pendant of a miniature globe.
It turns out, the whole castle has been cursed for quite some time. Reynie, who wandered through a storm half the night and is rather I'll indeed, ends up staying for a week while he recovers. He's determined to set out after Ms. Perumal once more as soon as he's well enough, but then Mr. Benedict shows him a mirror that reveals it was a simple matter of the storm causing the bridge to collapse and having to take the long way round. Reynie relaxes. He checks the mirror every day, but he also consumes books and listens to Constance's poetry and plays chess with Benedict. Kate tours him around the castle, and Sticky eagerly talks books with him. It's peaceful and new and nobody's trying to trick him into signing his life away on the dotted line. If this was a matter of loving someone to break a spell, the castle's inhabitants would be cured ten times over.
When Ms. Perumal finally arrives at the forest, Reynie is there to meet her. He takes her to greet all his new friends, and then they head back to the village together, trying to solve the mystery of the curse and with plans of future visits written in their minds.
But to the village they bring their stories, right? Stories of enchanted castles and beasts who are kind and sorcery in need of breaking. They don't see Curtain watching, growing furiouser and furiouser.
The man declares Ms. Perumal delusional for believing a child's tale and threatens her with a mental institution. Reynie, who is desperate, goes, "No, no- look! It's all real!" And shows the mirror the kids had given him to keep in touch.
Curtain emphasizes the 'enchanted' and the 'beast' and the 'sorcery' without any of the other details, and soon enough there's an angry mob. They storm the castle while Reynie and Miss Perumal escape and follow after them to try and warm their friends.
In the end, what's going to break the curse is truth, and enough people believing in it. Curtain had cursed his brother all those years ago and has been influencing the villagers' minds for years. The first person to realise the truth is Milligan, who hears Kate's voice and immediately blinks out of the depressive haze that has been clouding his thoughts for far too long. Suddenly, he remembers! And together, the children make sure the rest of the village remembers the truth too. Sticky's Parents and Noland and John and Violet and dozens of others all come together and turn against Curtain, bringing him down.
Miss Perumal adopts Reynie the very next day. The occupants of the castle, still getting used to their normal human bodies, nonetheless pull themselves together enough to throw a party celebrating a new Perumal and Constance's birthday and reunification of families and the broken curse. It lasts hours. There's dancing and food and a whole lot of love.
And they live happily ever after. The end. (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)
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I think Dr. Garrison and Cpt. Noland should get to be friends. As a fun little treat
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mvshortcut · 10 months
mbs post-credits cutscene where Milligan and Captain Noland are in a bar together trying to one-up each other with tales of their own nautical adventures that are steadily getting more and more outlandish
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bi-demon-ium · 1 year
okay so at this point we pretty much know captain noland was not part of the scavenger hunt but i still think it would be extremely funny if he was like. just. still an old friend of mr benedict's--whether this was by complete coincidence or if mr benedict chose his ship on purpose just because, even if he didn't actually get into contact with him--and like. they just. don't realize this for a bit. and then sticky is like "oh yeah the captain of the ship gave me this :)" and mr benedicts like [squints at business card] CAPTAIN NOLAND? or like. they meet him again and they're like oh!! hi captain noland!! this is our friend mr benedict and nicholas just goes PHIL????? and it's all very spiderman point and the kids are like what the hell is going on
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mbsgifs · 2 years
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TOP MINOR CHARACTERS as voted by our followers - #3: CAPTAIN PHIL NOLAND.
↳ "Aside from a slight case of low blood sugar, my faltering marriage, and the liens on my house and my vehicle, I am top drawer."
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