#cannonball tmbs
nobodysdaydreams · 1 year
😍❓ for the ask game :)
Thank you for responding to the ask game I made! 🥰 I hope you are having a lovely day!
😍-published lines or a section of a fic that you loved writing?
Oh this is a good one. I'll go with a section from Chapter 2 of my Book Martina redemption fic (Who You Were Meant To Be on AO3)
"I know you don't want to see or speak to them. But now that I know that you really are sorry, all that's left for you to do is apologize. I'm sure Mr. Benedict and the Society would accept your apology. And then we could all be friends, and you wouldn’t have a problem celebrating my birthday with them!” SQ exclaimed, excited to have found the solution to his predicament. 
Martina laughed.
“Is that supposed to be a joke?” she asked.
“No,” SQ replied, “I’m being honest. They accepted my apology, and I’m friends with them now.”
“Yeah, but I’m me and you’re you.”
“What does that have to do with anything? We both worked for Mr. Curtain. We both hurt them.”
“Yeah, but it’s different. You’re… you’re nice.”
“So are you. Or maybe you could be if you wanted to be.”
“No, I couldn’t,” Martina replied. “Look, we both worked for Mr. Curtain, but it was never the same. You actually believed that what we were doing was good and right, and you never wanted to hurt anybody. I thought what we were doing would bring me success and make me happy, and I enjoyed hurting other people. You had selfless reasons, I had selfish ones. People like you get redemption and forgiveness, okay? People like me don’t. That’s just the way the world works.”
SQ paused and thought a bit about what Martina had said.
“I’m not sure that’s true,” he observed, “or at least, it can’t be true all the time. Because I forgave you.”
Martina struggled to think of something clever to say to SQ’s objection, but she couldn’t find the words. And strangely, a part of her felt like she didn’t want to find them. That for once in her life, she was actually, surprisingly, okay with losing an argument. Because she just wanted to accept what SQ was saying was true, even if she knew it wasn’t.
“You shouldn’t have,” she finally mumbled.
I loved writing these lines. It's hard for me to articulate exactly why, but I love the concept of forgiveness and how it's discussed here. Martina points out that intentions matter, which is true, but SQ counters with his own point that even if you did something bad intentionally, that doesn't mean forgiveness is impossible or unattainable. He's the first person to show Martina that kind of love, friendship, and understanding, and Martina doesn't want to fight it (even if she can't accept it yet). It's hopeful, and I love the message, I love redemption stories, and the way the dialogue shows it... I'm sorry, I can't articulate, but I hope you get what I was going for here.
❓-any WIP snippet you want!
Hm...now this is a hard one. Because I have a lot to choose from, but I think I'll go with a funny snippet from a character who I haven't written a lot for yet, but was a character than many encouraged me to write for.
“Oh, I’m afraid it’s far more serious than that sir,” warned Cannonball in grave tone. “It appears that one of our passengers was caught smuggling illegal contraband into the country.”
“WHAT!” exclaimed Noland, then suddenly conscious of the fact that others could be listening, began to whisper.
“And…what exactly did they attempt to smuggle in?” he asked.
Cannonball leaned in and whispered.
Noland gasped in horror.
“Tangerines? Cannonball, this may be the greatest threat to my career yet! Just think of the ecological damage that even one single tangerine could inflict!”
“It would be truly catastrophic,” agreed Cannonball seriously, shaking his head at the senseless tragedy.
“It’s hard to imagine what sort of cold-blooded individuals would dare attempt such an infamous plot,” continued Noland.
“Oh, they’ve caught the culprits,” explained Cannonball. “Don’t worry sir. Things might not be hopeless yet. We’ve been asked to deal with them personally. If our punishment is harsh enough, that is if we can make an example of these fruit filching criminals, it may yet redeem us. And show the world that we do not tolerate environmental carelessness aboard our vessels.” 
“Very well,” agreed Noland. “Then though it may be harsh, we shall do what we must.”
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mvshortcut · 9 months
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The Mysterious Benedict Society + dear-ao3 - Part 1
+ Bonus
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Sources: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
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tenmillionthfirefly · 5 months
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mbsgifs · 1 year
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TOP MINOR CHARACTERS as voted by our followers - #1: CANNONBALL.
↳ "No, thank you, Captain. I strongly request formality."
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bi-demon-ium · 2 years
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I'm Executive Officer Zhao, but my nom d'océan is CANNONBALL.
↳ bonus:
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I finished TMBS season two and I FEEL BETRAYED. Not just betrayed - I feel ABANDONED - I feel ORPHANED (see what I did there?)
I got SO EXCITED to see Cannonball and Captain Noland in the flesh and FOR WHAT??? Never to see them again??? And the twin brothers have a SISTER now???? Why did they do that to such a perfectly good story/source material???? JUST WHYYYYYYYY????
I literally questioned myself for a moment in that final episode. It was like, "Have I actually read the books or did I make those all up?"
Sorry about the rant I am just so PISSED and SAD right now 😭😭😭
- @nasranilady
They have a sister?? What??
I’m glad I didn’t finish the season. The show is so stupid. They had a wonderful plot and arcs to work with and ignored it so they could make their own stuff up. Just make your own show then, Disney
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The Mysterious Benedict Society Series
This series was one I really enjoyed when I was younger (though before recently I’d only read the original three). Some of the charm had worn off with age but it was still fun to revisit. I would recommend reading the books in the order they were published in (which is the order I reviewed them below) and I would definitely recommend making sure you’ve read the prequel before the fourth book because there are some fun references in it that you’d miss if you didn’t know. 
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This book is so fun. I read it forever ago when I was a kid and decided to revisit it this year. Something is always happening in this book and though it is "simpler" than most books I tend to read, it was really fun to delve into a book I had loved so much as a kid again. Despite it's younger age audience, the characters were still well-rounded and fun (I especially loved S.Q.). It was really cute to watch the kids create a family between themselves after feeling so alone for so long. I'm really excited to revisit the other books after enjoying this one so much!
Favorite Quote: You must remember, family is often born of blood, but it doesn't depend on blood. Nor is it exclusive of friendship. Family members can be your best friends, you know. And best friends, whether or not they are related to you, can be your family.
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I really enjoyed this book, but it didn't quite replicate the magic of the first book, in my opinion. It was still a very enjoyable book, but at times I felt like it took itself too seriously, which seemed at odds with the overall vibe of the story. I thought Constance's admiration of Reynie was really cute to watch and I liked Cannonball's exuberance. Sticky seemed almost tossed to the sidelines for a lot of this book and at times I forgot he was even there. It was cool to watch them on their journey, but I was kind of annoyed when they found Milligan because even though I really like his character, it seemed less whimsical at that point and more down-to-earth. This book was less memorable to me than the first part (the only section I remember from when I read this book years ago was Reynie remarking on how fast Sticky can read), but it was a fun book nonetheless.
Favorite Quote: You know what I like about buttons? They're very small things that hold bigger things together. Awfully important, buttons—little but strong.
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This book seemed to have lost some of the magic that had permeated every aspect of the first book, and a large bit of the second. The kids seemed almost too perfect, with Kate's super-speed and Constance's literal superpowers. It was still fun but it seemed more like an action book rather than a big puzzle, which is what I had thought made the first book so good. The real plot of the book didn't even really start until halfway through and there was a distinct lack of mysteries and clues for the society to solve. It was still fun and there were some sweet moments, but it overall felt lacking to me.
Favorite Quote: Books had been her means of escape; now they would be her refuge.
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My expectations for this book were low. I didn't expect it to be bad, but often times prequels can go either way, but boy was I wrong. The book started out slow, and for a while, I was certain my assumptions about the book had been correct, but the story quickly became a really touching story about friendship that made me tear up on more than one occasion. Nicholas's character had always seemed a bit flat and not fully developed in the original trilogy, but here you get to see some of the origins of his quirks and meet the people that made him the man he became later on. Violet and John were really amazing characters and I loved all the different, witty names of the staff. I found the ending to be rather perfect for the book and seemed fitting for a person like Mr. Benedict. I think this book might be the strongest book in the series with an eclectic cast of characters and a plot that I found to really pick up pace as the book went along. I would definitely recommend reading this book after the original books (or at least the first book in the series) because I found it really fun to see so many references to his older self. All in all a really good book.
Favorite Quote: I see that some things are hard to do but that you can’t live with yourself if you don’t do them. I see that the best way to help myself is to help the people I care about. The rest will sort itself out—it has to, right?
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I found the third book to be a satisfying conclusion to the series, though that's not to say I didn't still enjoy this book to some extent. Some of it felt rather awkward since the characters were supposed to be significantly older but still acted in a rather juvenile fashion. I was also confused as to how old the characters were supposed to be. Constance was two in the first book and she's described to be a pre-teen (so at least 9) here which would make the other characters 18 or so. The age was odd though because even though it made sense that Sticky and Kate were exceptionally young for their paths, Reynie was said to be one of the youngest to attend this college, which if my assumptions are correct, he wouldn't be very young at all. I felt the end wrapped up rather quickly and it seemed like it had been decided on rather suddenly without many actual clues leading up to it in the rest of the book. Tai's character was cute but wholly unnecessary. There were some cute references to the prequel which I appreciated since I finished that book just the other day, but the book felt kind of messy as a whole. I also thought this book relied much too heavily on mind-reading and such. It was kind of interesting sometimes, but other times it just felt like a cheap plot device to explain how the society was able to constantly be successful. There were some fun and sweet moments but overall I was just struck by how unnecessary the book seemed as a whole and how the personal struggles the characters were facing about growing up and moving on were the same issues they'd been dealing with for books.
Favorite Quote: He said that he doesn’t believe we become different people as we age. No, he says he believes that we become more people. We’re still the kids we were, but we’re also the people who’ve lived all the different ages since that time.
Overall I enjoyed the series, but I thought the series got worse as it got on (with the exception of the prequel). Definitely fun books but the characters honestly don’t evolve a ton from the first book. The series isn’t my favorite but I think it’s great for kids who could really see themselves as those characters. 
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Books in Series: The Mysterious Benedict Society; TMBS and The Perilous Journey; TMBS and The Prisoner’s Dilemma; The Extraordinary Education of Nicholas Benedict; TMBS and The Riddle of Ages
Author: Trenton Lee Stewart
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tenmillionthfirefly · 5 months
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mvshortcut · 2 years
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Original post here
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mvshortcut · 1 year
Look. We give Milligan a lot of shit for constantly throwing himself off of cliffs/buildings (justified) (affectionate). However, I do think we're letting McCracken off the hook for straight-up launching himself *through* a second story glass window in order to kidnap a group of children faster. On some levels, he and Milligan are the same brand of insane and this is why they work so well as enemies. In this essay I will-
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nobodysdaydreams · 9 months
My TMBS Whodunit Crack Fic:
Gifting it to the amazing @mysteriouseggsbenedict and @ae-jurumi for the amazing tags they left when the Whodunit account posted the fic. Seriously, thank you guys, you’re way too sweet, and everyone please read their fics and look at their art because it is amazing 😍
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mvshortcut · 10 months
See the thing about Show Cannonball is that they changed his personality to make him more concerned about professionalism and efficiency but kept the silly little nickname. So now you have a well-respected and intimidatingly effective first mate who is VERY attached to his silly little nickname and you WILL refer to him as such. I'm 95% sure "Cannonball" is listed on his official documentation somewhere
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nobodysdaydreams · 2 years
I know people talk about Capt. Noland and Cannonball being old friends with Nicholas like in the books, and when they find out the children are with Nicholas, that’s when they come back into the story, but I have an alternative:
Reynie: I’m sorry Capt. Noland but we have to go, Dr. Curtain has kidnapped and hypnotized Mr Benedict, and now the whole world is in danger!
Noland: Curtain? As in L.D. CURTAIN?
Cannonball: I believe the very same sir.
Noland: *having war flashbacks* He was on our European cruise 5 years ago with his son. He took extra time sightseeing and made us 2 hours late docking in Greece. I was reprimanded quite severely for that.
Cannonball: as was I sir. The paperwork still haunts my nightmares. I believe he also undertipped the waitressing staff. (Though I must say I found his son to be a very polite and artistically talented young man).
Sticky: Well, I mean, thanks for the help but you know Curtain’s done a lot worse. I mean, he created the emergency, did experiments on kids, kidnapped his own family, and-
Cannonball: Yelled at our cleaning staff when they took too long on his room. And I can’t prove this, but I’m pretty sure it was him and what I assumed were his wife and son who stole one of the ships in our fleet about a year ago. I saw what I swear looked like them landing in a helicopter on the ship and taking the vessel but unfortunately I couldn’t reach the ship in time.
Sticky: Yeah stealing and rudeness are pretty bad things, sure. But Curtain also-
Kate: they’re willing to help Sticky, let’s not question why.
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mvshortcut · 2 years
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mvshortcut · 1 year
This is after he's seen the movie, and what he'd genuinely enjoy, not what he'd *say* he enjoyed more, if there's a difference
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nobodysdaydreams · 1 year
What do you think about Cannonball?
That is an excellent one. So this will mostly be about the show because it has been quite a while since I’ve read the books, but I really like the show version. He and Noland have a great comedic dynamic, and I’m really sad they didn’t have more screen time, history with Nicholas, or backstory in the show (though I recognize given that SQ wasn’t in the season and Garrison and Martina were cut in at a very specific time for a detour that could have easily been cut, that show probably had some trouble getting their non-main actors back full time). Although I do also love how Noland and Cannonball’s backstories are hinted at but never explained, it almost makes it funnier. How did cannonball get his name? How does he know those spies Constance said were her parents and why is he so scared of them? Who is Noland even getting divorced from? Why did he lose all that money? We’ll never know but I love how intense the two of them are and how seriously they take the hunt for the stowaways. They are fantastic side and background characters. I haven’t written them in a fic yet, (and currently no plans for SOS specifically, but I have ideas and headcanons that connect them to other characters. But that’s a much more long term project) but I would love to one day because their dynamic is just fantastic. Comedic gold.
Also this was really fun, and I’ve had a rough day so feel free to send in more character asks or as many as you want (and you can have specific questions if you like).
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