robynanonymous · 4 years
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Today's Soul Advice: Toss the Umbrella We spend far too much time worrying about the future and things that may never happen. We get stuck in our fear and are unable to enjoy the present moment. Worry is a distraction that keeps us from truly enjoying all that life has to offer.  It is like walking around with an umbrella on a beautiful day waiting for it to rain. Toss the umbrella. Get your copy of Today's Soul Advice on Amazon #RobynAnonymous #TodaysSoulAdvice #TossTheUmbrella #WorryLess #LiveMore #ReleaseYourFear #LiveInTheMoment #NoMoreDoomAndGloom #BrighterDays #LookOnTheBrightSide #BeHappyOnPurpose #ItsThatSimple #Transformation #NoMoreExcuses #NoMoreVices #NoLongerThirsty #BePresent #JustForToday #HealingJourney #HealingVibes #HigherConsciousness #HigherPurpose #HigherSelf #HigherPower #LiveYourBestLife #LivingInsteadOfExisting #TogetherWeCanDoHardThings #Recovery #SoberLife #AddictionRecovery https://www.instagram.com/p/CJHcV6SDCwy/?igshid=ani4ceyyjte9
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robynanonymous · 4 years
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Keep Coloring It's only when I began helping others, that I was able to see a positive in all the negative. I was able lessen my pain by sharing my experience. I was able to mend all that was broken in me and, at the same time, help someone else through a similar situation or help them avoid it altogether. #RobynAnonymous #TodaysSoulAdvice #KeepColoring #KeepGoing #HealYourself #HealingJourney #BecomingABetterMe #OneDayAtATime #NotAlone #HealingVibes #Recovery #RecoveryTakesTime #Heal #NoMoreExcuses #NoMoreVices #Ascension #Transformation #HelpingOthers #SoberLife #HelpOthers #InspireOthers #MotivateOthers #MindBodySoul #BodyMindSpirit #Author #NewBook #Affirmations #NewAuthor #BrokenCrayonsStillColor #MakingMyDreamsReality https://www.instagram.com/p/CIavkNejhV0/?igshid=ksnxk5myd4p6
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robynanonymous · 4 years
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We tend to limit ourselves based on fear and stay stuck in the same feelings or situation. Get out of your own way! When I did, my life changed completely. www.robynanonymous.com #RobynAnonymous #TodaysSoulAdvice #GetOutOfYourOwnWay #OpenYourMind #Perspective #ChangeYourThinking #ChaseYourDreams #DontLetFearStopYou #ChangeYourThoughts #BelieveItToAchieveIt #BelievingIsYourChoice #YouCanDoIt #BelieveAndAchieve #BelieveInYourself #ChangeYourThinkingChangeYourLife #WeDoRecover #WeFoundAWayOut #NoLongerThirsty #NoMoreVices #NoMoreExcuses #TrappedNoMore #Transformation #InspiresOthers #MotivateOthers #iAmShe #iCanDoThis https://www.instagram.com/p/CGVH14UjAS2/?igshid=13dgg0ucxbwnk
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robynanonymous · 4 years
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Finding myself was such a powerful experience. The crazy thing is, I didn't even realize I was lost for decades. Today I know who I am, what I like, and what I want out of life. Find yourself! 💜🧡💙❤💚💛 #RobynAnonymous #TodaysSoulAdvice #FindYourself #BeTheRealYou #Recovery #NoMoreExcuses #DiscoverYourself #MeetYourself #BeYourself #BeYou #LoveYourselfFirst #iAmEnough #IAmHappy #BecomingABetterMe #ABetterMe #Sober #BelievingIsYourChoice #BelieveItToAchieveIt #NoLongerThirsty #NoMoreVices #MyStory #Author #TrappedNoMore #365Reasons #Sobriety #SoberLife #Transformation #WeFoundAWayOut #LifeIsWhatYouMakeIt https://www.instagram.com/p/CGLXl_Rj3-X/?igshid=1cjlag4204ot7
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robynanonymous · 4 years
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Sometimes it's all about perspective. When I look at it from another point of view, I can see solutions to problems that used to be beyond my comprehension. If you're stuck change your perspective. Photo credit: Kaushik Vijayan #RobynAnonymous #Change #Perspective #ChangeYourThinking #NotAlone #ChooseToShine #NoLongerThirsty #BeHappyOnPurpose #ABetterMe #FillingTheVoid #Sober #Recovery #TrappedNoMore  #WeDoRecover #CleanAF #Happiness #AttitudeIsEverything #HappinessIsAChoice #RecoveryRocks #StepworkMakesTheDreamWork #Gratitude #HappinessIsAnInsideJob #IAmEnough #AHandbookForHappiness #BeTheChange #HappinessRules #GodChangedMe #Vices #NoMoreVices #PeoplePlacesThings https://www.instagram.com/p/CD886qDj7Dl/?igshid=iq2kpmkow0gv
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robynanonymous · 4 years
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When I change my thinking, I changed my life. #RobynAnonymous #Change #Perspective #ChangeYourThinking #NotAlone #ChooseToShine #NoLongerThirsty #BeHappyOnPurpose #ABetterMe #FillingTheVoid #Sober #Recovery #TrappedNoMore  #WeDoRecover #CleanAF #Happiness #AttitudeIsEverything #HappinessIsAChoice #RecoveryRocks #StepworkMakesTheDreamWork #Gratitude #HappinessIsAnInsideJob #IAmEnough #AHandbookForHappiness #BeTheChange #HappinessRules #GodChangedMe #Vices #NoMoreVices #PeoplePlacesThings https://www.instagram.com/p/CD88ZKujQW1/?igshid=pagxytz22mk0
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robynanonymous · 4 years
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Each day we have an opportunity to decide what kind of day we are going to have. We can be positive and shine our light bright enough for others to see the positive aspect in every situation, brightening their day, or we can spread doom and gloom to everyone we meet. Choose to shine. www.robynanonymous.com #RobynAnonymous #TodaysSoulAdvice #Change #NotAlone #ChooseToShine #KeepIt100 #NoLongerThirsty #BeHappyOnPurpose #ABetterMe #FillingTheVoid #Sober #Recovery #TrappedNoMore  #WeDoRecover #CleanAF #Happiness #AttitudeIsEverything #HappinessIsAChoice #RecoveryRocks #StepworkMakesTheDreamWork #Gratitude #HappinessIsAnInsideJob #IAmEnough #AHandbookForHappiness #BeTheChange #HappinessRules #GodChangedMe #Vices #NoMoreVices #PeoplePlacesThings https://www.instagram.com/p/CD7mWRNDKPJ/?igshid=9alfnpjmhorn
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robynanonymous · 4 years
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Not all positive change feels positive in the beginning; sometimes it may even feel like punishment. If we want to live a different life than we are living now, we must make changes, even when they are out of our comfort zone. We need to have faith and persevere through the challenges. I know you’re scared; change anyway. www.robynanonymous.com #RobynAnonymous #TodaysSoulAdvice #Change #NotAlone #ChooseToShine #KeepIt100 #NoLongerThirsty #BeHappyOnPurpose #ABetterMe #FillingTheVoid #Sober #Recovery #TrappedNoMore  #WeDoRecover #CleanAF #Happiness #AttitudeIsEverything #HappinessIsAChoice #RecoveryRocks #StepworkMakesTheDreamWork #Gratitude #HappinessIsAnInsideJob #IAmEnough #AHandbookForHappiness #BeTheChange #HappinessRules #GodChangedMe #Vices #NoMoreVices #PeoplePlacesThings https://www.instagram.com/p/CD4EnCkDrDO/?igshid=drbdjdqujkd9
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robynanonymous · 4 years
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I was completely lost over the breakup with my boyfriend. He and I had many arguments throughout our relationship. We had broken up so many times, it was a running joke with my friends. On this particular day, he and I got into a fight in the car and he pulled a knife on me. I retaliated threatening to kill us both. I sped home, told him to stay outside and that I would get his things, that he needed to go. I cried the whole time. Even as I was throwing his things out the door and we were yelling at one another; I could feel myself starting to feel bad. I began wishing we could work it out, wishing I hadn’t gotten so angry or threatened him. Even though I wished we could work it out, I knew better. This wasn’t the first time he’d been threatening. His attitude and behavior were getting progressively worse. He was a paranoid schizophrenic with violent tendencies, and I knew that things would escalate. I had seen him talking to himself a time or two and he often would think people were out to get him. I can’t tell you why I didn’t break up with him the minute I found out, but I knew this had to be the end... Pre-Order Your Copy Today https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08F747QGC/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&qid=1596521575&refinements=p_27%3ARobyn+Anonymous&s=digital-text&sr=1-1&text=Robyn+Anonymous #RobynAnonymous #NoLongerThirsty #BeHappyOnPurpose #ABetterMe #FillingTheVoid #Sober #Recovery #TrappedNoMore  #WeDoRecover #CleanAF #Happiness #AttitudeIsEverything #HappinessIsAChoice #RecoveryRocks #StepworkMakesTheDreamWork #Gratitude #HappinessIsAnInsideJob #IAmEnough #AHandbookForHappiness #BeTheChange #HappinessRules #GodChangedMe #Vices #NoMoreVices #PeoplePlacesThings #Change #NotAlone #ChooseToShine #KeepIt100 #ShineBright https://www.instagram.com/p/CD4ApbBjRa3/?igshid=1pw68v38zfyja
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robynanonymous · 4 years
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Not all the changes I made in my life felt good in the beginning. Some felt like punishment, but ultimately the difficulty lessened and the positive effects on my life couldn't be denied. If I wanted to stop feeling like crap for my actions, I had to make better decisions and act accordingly. I had to stop lying, especially to myself. I had to stop using people, places and things to fill the emptiness inside me. I had to look inward for answers to the challenges I was facing and I needed help. If you are struggling, you are not alone. www.robynanonymous.com We can shine bright if we want to. Choose to shine. #RobynAnonymous #Change #NotAlone #ChooseToShine #KeepIt100 #ShineBright #NoLongerThirsty #BeHappyOnPurpose #ABetterMe #FillingTheVoid #Sober #Recovery #TrappedNoMore  #WeDoRecover #CleanAF #Happiness #AttitudeIsEverything #HappinessIsAChoice #RecoveryRocks #StepworkMakesTheDreamWork #Gratitude #HappinessIsAnInsideJob #IAmEnough #AHandbookForHappiness #BeTheChange #HappinessRules #GodChangedMe #Vices #NoMoreVices #PeoplePlacesThings https://www.instagram.com/p/CD3ulWxjai5/?igshid=11124b5gm9s3e
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robynanonymous · 4 years
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Be fearlessly authentic #RobynAnonymous #BeAuthentic #KeepIt100 #Truth #Facts #Shine #NoLongerThirsty #BeHappyOnPurpose #ABetterMe #FillingTheVoid #Sober #Recovery #TrappedNoMore  #WeDoRecover #CleanAF #Happiness #AttitudeIsEverything #HappinessIsAChoice #RecoveryRocks #StepworkMakesTheDreamWork #Gratitude #HappinessIsAnInsideJob #IAmEnough #AHandbookForHappiness #BeTheChange #HappinessRules #GodChangedMe #Vices #NoMoreVices #PeoplePlacesThings https://www.instagram.com/p/CD1NhKRjbXY/?igshid=1opbv0fpqc12
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robynanonymous · 4 years
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We can shine bright if we want to. Choose to shine. #RobynAnonymous #ChooseToShine #KeepIt100 #Truth #Facts #Shine #NoLongerThirsty #BeHappyOnPurpose #ABetterMe #FillingTheVoid #Sober #Recovery #TrappedNoMore  #WeDoRecover #CleanAF #Happiness #AttitudeIsEverything #HappinessIsAChoice #RecoveryRocks #StepworkMakesTheDreamWork #Gratitude #HappinessIsAnInsideJob #IAmEnough #AHandbookForHappiness #BeTheChange #HappinessRules #GodChangedMe #Vices #NoMoreVices #PeoplePlacesThings https://www.instagram.com/p/CD1GhjjDNLK/?igshid=14ibrdsi62r3d
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robynanonymous · 4 years
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Being honest doesn’t come naturally to all of us, especially those of us who were raised on lies. We may have justified them, insisting that they were necessary, but over time we came to realize that avoiding the truth was a heavy burden. Keeping it real, being 100 with people, lifts that weight, and allows us the freedom to fly high. Keep it real. #RobynAnonymous #TodaysSoulAdvice #KeepItReal #KeepIt100 #Truth #Facts #NoLongerThirsty #BeHappyOnPurpose #ABetterMe #FillingTheVoid #Sober #Recovery #TrappedNoMore  #WeDoRecover #CleanAF #Happiness #AttitudeIsEverything #HappinessIsAChoice #RecoveryRocks #StepworkMakesTheDreamWork #Gratitude #HappinessIsAnInsideJob #IAmEnough #AHandbookForHappiness #BeTheChange #HappinessRules #GodChangedMe #Vices #NoMoreVices #PeoplePlacesThings https://www.instagram.com/p/CD1CP8vjAQJ/?igshid=2lxai2pnuk3x
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robynanonymous · 4 years
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If we wake up every morning with a desire to achieve our dreams, then do nothing about it, we shouldn’t be surprised at the end of the day that we are exactly where we were yesterday. The good news is that today is a new day. The first step to fulfilling our destiny is to make plan, then we commit to it and do what is necessary to see it through. Fulfill your destiny. #RobynAnonymous #TodaysSoulAdvice #FulfillYourDestiny #AchieveYourDreams #NoLongerThirsty #BeHappyOnPurpose #ABetterMe #FillingTheVoid #Sober #Recovery #TrappedNoMore  #WeDoRecover #CleanAF #Happiness #AttitudeIsEverything #HappinessIsAChoice #RecoveryRocks #StepworkMakesTheDreamWork #Gratitude #HappinessIsAnInsideJob #IAmEnough #AHandbookForHappiness #BeTheChange #HappinessRules #GodChangedMe #Vices #NoMoreVices #PeoplePlacesThings https://www.instagram.com/p/CD0byKcD_wH/?igshid=hbx4iamshtz7
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robynanonymous · 4 years
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Who I was has given birth to who I am becoming. #RobynAnonymous #NoLongerThirsty #ABetterMe #FillingTheVoid #Sober #Recovery #TrappedNoMore  #WeDoRecover #CleanAF #Happiness #AttitudeIsEverything #HappinessIsAChoice #RecoveryRocks #StepworkMakesTheDreamWork #Gratitude #BeHappyOnPurpose #HappinesIsEverything #HappinessIsAnInsideJob #IAmEnough #AHandbookForHappiness #BeTheChange #HappinessRules #GodChangedMe #Vices #NoMoreVices #PeoplePlacesThings https://www.instagram.com/p/CDxI9EsD_kz/?igshid=1i65tku5yl8hu
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robynanonymous · 4 years
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From crying to dying and everything in between, fear plagues many of us in one capacity or another. It holds us hostage and keeps us from being who we really are and doing the things that will make us happy. If we face our fear, take away its power, and have faith in what is meant to be, we can face any challenge. Don’t be afraid. www.robynanonymous.com #RobynAnonymous #NoLongerThirsty #ABetterMe #FillingTheVoid #Sober #Recovery #TrappedNoMore  #WeDoRecover #CleanAF #Happiness #AttitudeIsEverything #HappinessIsAChoice #RecoveryRocks #StepworkMakesTheDreamWork #Gratitude #BeHappyOnPurpose #HappinesIsEverything #HappinessIsAnInsideJob #IAmEnough #AHandbookForHappiness #BeTheChange #HappinessRules #GodChangedMe #Vices #NoMoreVices #PeoplePlacesThings https://www.instagram.com/p/CDwOv-Fj-rr/?igshid=1m8osvnd2ddsn
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