#nomura i swear to god
mochapanda · 1 year
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my kh4 kairi thoughts. i think she deserves her own emo flop era
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masteraqua · 9 months
remember when chirithy was revealed to be a dream eater and we thought that meant the whole game took place in the realm of sleep but then it wasn't and there weren't any broader implications after all
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milaisreading · 7 months
Imagine Crossdresser! reader passing out during an interview live while the rest of the team watches it lol
🌱🩷: I wrote something similar to what your request is! Hope you like it🩷
Warnings: Reader uses she/her, but she is crossdressing as a guy, keep that in mind! Requests are open
⚽️Blue Lock belongs to Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura ⚽️
'This is so annoying. And I can already imagine the jokes Ness and Kaiser will be making at my expense for this interview.' (Y/n) thought as she glanced at one of the cameras. It took everything in her willpower not to yawn as she knew everyone who follows BBLKTV was watching this. The sleep-deprivation pretty much stopped any nervousness she could feel at the moment. The past few weeks weren't that kind to her, from the constant back and forth between Rin and Shidou's fights, watching over Kunigami and the rest of Blue locks BM players, to her parents and the JFA scolding her to be on her best behavior, (Y/n) was ready to call the quits.
'It's like I am their parent or something.' She thought as the interviewer entered the room.
'Not to mention that my period is about to start soon. Do I have any pads left?' The girl thought, looking over at Anri, who was standing behind the camera and sending her a thumbs up.
"Hello, (L/n). I will be interviewing you today, thanks for taking the time of your day for this." The man said warmly, causing (Y/n) to give him back a small smile.
"Thank you for inviting me, Nihei-san. It's a honor to be here." The girl got up and bowed at the man before sitting down again.
'All this media training will be the end of me.' The girl thought as she looked back at the man, who let out a sigh of relief.
'Thank God it's not another Itoshi Sae situation.' The man thought as he looked through his papers.
"So, you don't need to be nervous or anything. The questions are very easy and you can take your time to answer them, there is no time limit or anything. And, the cameras are filming right now, just a warning." Nihei said as he pointed at the camera behind him. (Y/n) slowly nodded her head, blinking the blurriness away and focusing back on the man.
"Of course. Thank you very much, I will keep the things in mind. And the staff already warned me about the cameras as well, I am very greatful for that."
'The amount of times I would have yawned...'
"Alright, let's start then. Ok?"
"Of course."
Back at Blue Lock...
"Kaiser, I swear if you don't move away I will kick you." Kunigami warned as the blonde smirked, still standing in front to the TV.
"I don't know. I like it here a lot." Isagi rolled his eyes as Yukimiya and Kurona sighed in annoyance, while Hiori was whispering something to Gagamaru.
"Nobody wants to see your flat ass, Kaiser."
"His ass isn't flat, Yoichi!"
"Shut up, Ness!" Noa was about to interject, but stopped when he saw Hiori and Gagamaru tackle the blonde to the ground.
"Shut it! (Y/n) is speaking!" Yukimiya yelled as Isagi and Kurona kept their focus on the TV.
"So, how was your experience with Bastard München so far? The fans would like to hear from the player who is in that stratum now."
"It's been great so far. I am grateful that we have a coach as experienced as Noel Noa to help us, and I am happy to I am able to play withgreat teammates. Especially the ones from Blue lock, they all progressed tremendously." (Y/n) answered back as the boys blushed a little.
"Hahaha, what can I say. I did progress quite good, actually." Yukimiya boasted as Hiori chimed in.
"So did I. (Y/n) even said he was proud of Isagi and I after the Ubers match."
"Right. It's even better for me since (Y/n) has seen my developments from the beginning." Isagi added in as Kurona thought over his words.
"(Y/n) has said the same thing to me 2 nights ago. He was even sad that I couldn't continue playing for the rest of the Uvers match."
"I got compliments on blocking Barou's shots as well! It felt really nice." Gagamaru admitted. Kunigami cleared his throat, looking nervous to everyone's surprise.
"I got told that my defense got better after the Barcha match."
Ness and Kaiser kept quiet as they spoke about the player, feeling a little jealous that they never got any compliments.
"Whatever. He probably only compliments the Blue Lock players." Kaiser rolled his eyes.
"Not really. I got complimented as well. (Y/n) also added in he likes my hair." Grim told Kaiser.
"Same for me. He complimented me after the Manshine match since my passes helped him a lot to score his 2nd goal then." Sachs added in.
"What?!" Kaiser asked in disbelief, then looked at Gesner.
"And you?"
"He complimented me on my strength when we were both on the gym." Gesner said nervously as Kaiser looked at the trio as if they had betrayed him.
"This isn't fair..." Ness pouted while looking back at the Blue Lock team.
"Sucks to suck." Kurona chuckled.
Now, Rin tried (and failed) to pretend that he didn't care about the whole interview, but he couldn't. He cared way too much. So that's why he was now sat down in front of thr TV, ignoring whatever Tokimitsu, Karasu, and Shidou were saying.
"Shut up!! I want to hear what he is saying!" Charles yelled at the group while Loki tried to calm him down.
"Calm down,you all."
"While we are at the topic of foreign teams." The group stopped and looked at the TV again.
"Is there any foreign player you would want to play with in a team?"
(Y/n) blinked at the reporter and stayed quiet as she thought it over.
"Boooriiing. He would never pick a foreign player over one of us. Especially me." Karasu smirked, earning a few glares from the others.
"You mean me! I am the one he said he could barely keep up with during our first match." Shidou butted in.
"And yet you still lost." Karasu jabbed back.
"Shut it! He would be pick me. I am the number 1 here, after all." Rin rolled his eyes.
"Being the 1 isn't the only thing that matters, Rin. Besides, (Y/n) admires my dribbling."
Charles rolled his eyes at the team and cleared his throat.
"Please don't." Loki begged.
"Yet the interviewer cares about none of you. (Y/n) will definitely pick me here-"
"I really enjoyed playing against Julian Loki during one of our selection rounds. While I don't know his current abilities yet, I would definitely pick him as a teammate. He is very easy to get along with." (Y/n)'s answer quickly shut up the group. The Blue Lock team kept quiet as they looked at Loki while Charles looked at him in utter disbelief.
"You stole him away!" The French player said as Loki looked at him in disbelief.
"I did not?! Besides, he knows me for longer than he knows you."
"So now you are showing off?!"
"Are you stupid?!"
"(Y/n) should gave asked me for some fashion advice. Why would he wear the Bastard uniform during an international interview of all times." Aryu tsked in disapproval as he looked at the TV. Niko rolled his eyes at the comment and looked at the taller player.
"How does that matter now? He is having a interview about Blue lock, not a fashion show."
Snuffy chuckled at the younger players comment and ruffled his hair.
"Calm down, Niko. But, he does have a point, Aryu. (Y/n) was told to wear that, after all.
"They purposely wanted him to look ugly." Aryu pouted.
"Will all three of you shut up? I am trying to listen." Barou groaned as Lorenzo looked at him in amusement.
"Didn't thing a king like you was invested in stuff like this."
"Shut it-"
"As you are aware, the whole world is looking forward to your final match against PXG. But, the fans would like to know which game was so far the most exhausting one."
"Hmm... that's an easy one, definitely the one we had against Ubers. While Barcha and Manshine were challenging as well, the Ubers one outweighs them a lot. Not only did the team already have good and experienced players like Don Lorenzo, and their coach Marc Snuffy. But, my own teammates have evolved quite a lot. While I was annoyed that the end of the match kept getting delayed, I was very happy to see them give their all on the field."
The trio kept quiet as they blushed while looking at the TV. Snuffy and Lorenzo silently laughing at their reactions.
"(Y/n) looks a lot paler than I remember him to be. Don't you two think so?" Reo asked, looking back at Chigiri and Nagi for an answer. The redhead narrowed his eyes and inspected the captain before slowly nodding his head.
"It sure looks like it. I wonder if he is sick or something." Chigiri said in worry while Nagi kept quiet.
"I hope Bastard aren't stressing him out too much." Reo rolled his eyes as he thought about the German team.
"We all pretty much witnessed your hat trick during the match against Manshine city, how did you feel back then? Excitement? Confusion?"
The three looked at the TV, silently waiting for an answer.
"Well it was a mix of both, but mainly confusion. I really wasn't sure, and still I am not sure what had possessed me om the field back then. But, I am grateful for the chances Isagi, Kurona, and Sachs-san gave me to score."
"I can only imagine, especially when you got such a high bid offer from Re Al right after."
"That was a surprise to me as well. I didn't imagine they would notice me like that." (Y/n) chuckled as Nagi and Reo facepalmed.
"He really needs to work on his confidence."
"Nothing changed with him."
"It's cute. He reminds me of a puppy." Chigiri laughed as a blush coated his cheeks.
"Keep it down you two. You won't be able to hear anything." Lavinho said as he looked at Otoya and Bachira, which immediately shut them up.
"We didn't see (Y/n) in so long! Can you blame us?" Otoya said as Bachira nodded along.
"Do you still stand by your statement that the game against Barcha was your favorite one?" The trio looked back at the TV, waiting impatiently at the answer.
"Yes. It was probably more relaxing since it was our first one and, personally, I had a lot of adrenaline rushing through my body. Also, Lavinho-san made the match more interesting with his antics." (Y/n) laughed as the Brazilian laughed along.
"Finally someone who understands!"
"And this is why we should have kidnapped him out of the Bastard stratum."
"Bachira, no." Otoya said in a scolding manner.
Back with (Y/n)...
'Can this be over already? I van barely keep my eyes open.' (Y/n) thought, trying to keep her focus on the questions and the interviewer, but that focus was slowly slipping away.
"We have a few more questions and then we are done. Are you ready to answer the next one?"
"Sure-" Before (Y/n) could finish her answer, her vision turned black and she fell unconscious.
"(Y/n)!" Anri yelled in fear as the interviewer caught the girl before she could fall face first on the floor.
"He is fine. He just fainted. Turn off the cameras." Nihei said as the camera man quickly turned everything off. Anri ran to (Y/n)'s side, sighing in relief when she saw the girl was still breathing.
"Bring me some water and call a medic." Anri told the interviewer then looked back at (Y/n) in worry.
'I knew this whole interview was a bad idea. And the PIFA and Re Al higher-ups are watching this as well. The last thing I need is for (Y/n) to get scolded for being exhausted.'
Panic in the stratums pretty much started the moment they saw the girl faint and the cameras got cut off. Ego felt of course worried, and along with Noa and the other coaches was immediately at the medics office.
"So, he was exhausted?" Loki asked as the doctor nodded his head.
"Pretty much. Lack of sleep caused his body to crash. Aside from that, I have noticed he was under a lot more stress the past few weeks, either caused by the games or the JFA, I can't tell right now."
"What is the next best thing I can do now? I am his coach, after all." Noa spoke up.
"Just let him rest for a few days. If possible, delay the match against PXG for a week or so."
"Sure. Ego-san-"
"Consider it done, Loki." Ego said back, interrupting the French player.
"Also, I would like you all to keep the players at bay for now. Just let him sleep, visitors will only cause more harm now."
"Don't worry about that."
"We will handle it." Chris and Lavinho nodded along as Snuffy patted Noa's back.
"The boys need to practice, anyway. So keeping them away will be easy."
The doctor nodded his head and looked back at Ego.
"Anri is currently with him, so you don't need to worry. Should something happen I will immediately inform you. But, as I said, everything will be fine. He just needs rest."
"Alright." Ego said back, a little bit relieved that (Y/n) wasn't in a life-threatening condition or anything. As the doctor left, Loki and the adults silently thought over their plans to tell the other players.
"It will be quite a headache. Especially since Nagi, Reo, and Chigiri are so stubborn." Chris groaned as Lavinho shrugged his shoulders.
"Just give them punishments if they don't listen. What else can we do."
"True, but let's try being reasonable first." Snuffy added in.
"Lucky for me I have the most unreasonable players in my team." Noa butted in as Loki chuckled a little.
"You clearly didn't meet mine yet."
"I don't care how unreasonable they are, if they defy the rule, inform me. I will give them a proper punishment then." Ego told the coaches in a serious manner.
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moyashidoodles · 11 months
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I swear to god whoever designed Karlach’s outfit hated me specifically. This is worse then a Nomura Final Fantasy ;A;
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gamergirl929 · 1 year
I swear to god, I think Nomura created Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days just to cause PAIN.
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dramioneasks · 10 months
hello, I know I sound stupid I want to find Dramione fanfictions but without censorship, for example, it's enough, for Draco to hurt his finger and start swearing in a million ways or Hermione, as soon, as Draco calls her a mudblood again, instead of calling him a ferret or a Death Eater, she will call him a purist, but it's very ugly which would end, with vulgarity during, very hard sex🤬 😏.
So you want fics with explicit profanity?
Nomura by haironmylip - E, WIP - When their eyes meet, there is a brief moment of oppressive silence, as if they are under pressure. Hermione isn't sure if he's looking directly into her eyes since her vision tragically fails her at the most critical moment. She lowers her gaze to his shoulder, to the ripped fabric of his shirt, splattered with blood and something else... Something inside Hermione starts to crumble, whether it's a corset made of ribs or a dried-up heart drained of blood, she isn't sure. She pays little attention to the blood on his shoulder, casting a foggy glance at the elongated head of the tattooed dragon.
Baritone by cevansbiceps - E, 6 chapters - Hermione gets attacked by a Werewolf, and everything goes to hell. Secrets are revealed and lives are changed.
In Flagrante by darkcivet (FallenInDreams) - M, one-shot - The war left everyone a little wary of snakes; everyone saw Slytherin House as evil or cowards. But, pants down, wands out, and honestly, hand to Merlin, they’d never seen the boys of Slytherin House quite like this before. Entry for interhouse fest 2015 on LiveJournal. Rated Mature for a reason.
Sex and Candy by Mondette - E, one-shot - “What?” Hermione asks when she noticed him staring. “Nothing.” “What is it?” Draco knew she won’t stop asking so he reached for a small piece of candied honeycomb to shove in her mouth. She ate it without complaints. Her eyes locked on his and her lips felt like rose petals against his fingertips. He didn’t flinch but slowly pulled his hand away. Draco felt the sticky remnants of the candy that had melted into his touch and brought his fingers to his lips to suck on each of them once to clean, never breaking the eye contact they started.
Words Unspoken by Kjableek - E, one-shot - Hermione Granger stepped through her floo with her fists clenched. How could this have happened? Fuck. After how hard she fought against this legislation, it still happened. She paced her living room floor still fuming after that mockery of a ceremony. Then she heard the floo roar to life and she knew he walked into her home…their home now. Hermione turned around and let her eyes travel up from his dragon leather shoes to his expertly tailored three-piece suit that probably cost more than her mortgage. But she was sure with Gringotts vaults like his, he could afford it. Now, they were her vaults as well and the weight of that realization felt heavy on her left hand. Hermione finally looked up into his stormy gray eyes and they both just stared at each other. They hadn’t said anything since those two words in front of the Ministry Official. What was there to say? They both stood there in silence waiting for the other to make the first move. Or, in which Hermione Granger is forced to marry Draco Malfoy and they take part in a petty silent treatment game.
Cherries by Molivier - E, one-shot - He’d wanted to stalk across the hall and slap the God forsaken bowl of cherries out of her reach. Sneer at her for trying to seduce the two idiotic Gryffindors. Punch Potter or Weasel for not taking the fucking bait so she just had to keep going.
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sapphire-weapon · 7 months
You're lying because Tetsuya Nomura told me Cloud fucked with Sephiroth so he can't be a virgin.
OK hold on real talk. Like being actually serious right now, not shitposting.
My favorite Tetsuya Nomura moment was a fan interview he did in the early aughts, and the fan asked him "How many women has Sephiroth loved (carnally)?" And Nomura's response was to rear back and go "I don't know. Who thinks about that stuff???"
I swear to God this is true and happened.
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donuts4evry1 · 1 year
how easy are jellyfish to kill don't ask why im asking
Oh! I'm not sure why you would ever want to see a jelly die but I can give you a general rating scale to tell you exactly how to not treat a jellyfish if you want it to live ^-^.
First I'll make a kill rating scale. 0 for would die upon birth and 10 for like, a cockroach idk.
As a whole, jellyfish have a kill rating of like. 4/10. Some of the bulkier ones can take a hit, but they're like 95% (97% in some cases) water so like. You could drink them to death if you wanted to.
On the lower end of the jellyfish kill spectrum (2/10), we have the ctenophores. That's right. Comb jellyfish.
They're weaksauce and hold VERY poorly in preservation conditions (some swear by a 5% formalin solution but realistically they're gonna fall apart haha)
Some, like the beautiful Venus girdle, could shatter upon contact with a particularly strong current
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Which is a shame because I hate when pretty strips die :(
Anyways, ctenophores are really only dangerous to zooplankton so they're just pretty harmless all around.
Next is pretty much every jelly, which I'll be nice and give a rating of 4/10. Tbh most jellyfish can take minor injuries like champs. Lose half of your bell? Just regenerate it on like, a day or two idk.
They can shrug off a lot of bad and even life-threatening conditions if given the proper space to heal. But for pretty much every species, you can't count on life cycle reversal and ultra regeneration to save your life most of the time. (this is why the turritposis genus and hydra genus is a SHAM. Please for the love of god don't think they're indestructible or immortal they're just silly guys)
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basically, just be really rough with them and 8 out of 10 times they'll die.
In the slightly harder to kill category (so like, 4.5-5.0/10) we have some of the heavy class jellyfish, like the Lion's Mane and Echizen Kurage (Nomura's Jellyfish)
These guys are just... big. So naturally they have more HP, and can take more hits from enemies.
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Nature loves them, fisherman hate them. It's our big class jellyfish :))
For general guidelines on how to not treat a jellyfish, I'll just give you a list on what scientists have done to induce reverse ontogeny and stuff :/
Cut in half
Cut into multiple pieces
Introduce to heavy metals. Not the music
Magnesium chloride my best friend <3
Feed to a bigger jellyfish
Note: If your species is known to reverse their life cycle, theres a chance they might come back anyways.
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And definitely, DEFINITELY do not bring out the jellyfish Shredder to efficiently dispose of thousands of jellyfish in minutes.
Also, back in the early 2010s (I think? I saw this on a documentary like YEARS before my first jellyfixation), japan has to resort to these in order to prevent the Echizen Kurage done totally collapsing ocean ecosystem (or harming fishing industries. Either or ig) and while it did temporarily solve the problem that year, there's just one thing that jellies are good at.
Reproducing. (I forgot but there's a word for really efficient breeders. It might've been on Snake Discovery's cricket tour video)
Anyways, they released a ton of eggs upon being shredded which p much guarantees that the next year will be even worse. idk how they solved that but man. It's chilling, isn't it?
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atomic-taco-muffin · 1 year
The Legend of Hana Chapter 140
Warnings: Once again, angst. Me, putting Oswald in this in cause Nomura decides to be a bitch and not include him (he better be in the next game, I swear to fucking god, if he isn’t I’m gonna be pissed!)
Rating: SFW
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Back at Master Yen Sid’s tower, Luna and the other Spirits explained to him their new powers and asked him for a way to find a way to find Sora and the girls. No one knew the best way to get to Sora or Hana’s location. Only Riku was able to do so. Until…
“I got it! Luna, do you remember when you saved me from Towa City?” Mukuro asked. 
“Hmm? Oh yeah! The sensory deprivation tank! But…are you sure it’ll take all of us to them?” Luna replied. Yen Sid gave a small hum and stroked his long, white beard. 
“It seems that is our only option. I will contact the others to let them know of your plan,” he said to the girls. They all nodded and then left the room to discuss the best way to use Mukuro’s idea.
Back in Quadratum, Sora and the other Spirits were discussing how each of them ended up here and how they knew about Kingdom Hearts. Sora’s heart broke after hearing each of their stories. They didn’t deserve to die like they did. 
“But why?” he asked. 
“Because, the Master of Masters wanted power and couldn’t let us get in his way,” Celina said, playing with her glass of water. 
“But what I find strange is how our powers are suddenly working again,” Kumiko commented. Before Sora could ask her what she meant, the door opened to reveal a black rabbit entered. He wore a pair of sky blue pants and to Sora, he reminded him of King Mickey. 
“Sorry to interrupt, but she’s awake,” the rabbit said. 
“Thank you, Oswald. We’ll be right over,” Diana said. Oswald nodded and headed out the room. Soon, Sora and the other Spirits followed him and found Lily in a bedroom, trying to gather her surroundings. 
“Sora..? Is that you…?” she asked as she spotted the young man.
“Yeah, it’s me,” Sora replied as he sat on the foot of the bed. 
“You look different.” 
“So do you.” Lily looked down and sure enough, she was still in that outfit she wore during her battle. She looked up and saw Celina approaching her with a bowl of water. 
“W-who are you?” she asked, a bit scared. 
“It’s alright. My name is Celina. I helped save you,” Celina replied sitting on the bed. She began to use her magic to make the water move and began to heal Lily’s remaining wounds. 
“You’re a…” Lily began.
“A Spirit? Yes. I am a Siren Spirit. Ruler of the seas.” After her wounds were healed, Lily listened to each of the Spirit’s stories, just like Sora did. As she listened to each of their deaths, she began to think of Hana and what the Master of Master’s is most likely doing to her. 
“Lily, please tell me all you know of what the Master of Masters is doing to your sister,” Kumiko said. Lily took a shaky breath and explained everything she knew. From the kidnapping to the constant screams of her sister. 
“I-I know it’s not much, but that’s all I know,” she said. As if his heart wasn’t broken enough, Sora’s heart practically shattered hearing what Hana was going through. He promised that he would never let anything happen to her, and yet he broke that promise. All because he made the stupid decision to sacrifice himself. His first goal of this world was to find a way back, but now it was to find a way to save his first and ever love. 
“So that’s what we’re feeling,” Morana commented. 
“We’re feeling her pain and fear,” Aki added. Sora soon gathered his thoughts and had a very serious face on. 
“Let’s go find Hana.” 
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thequietmanno1 · 3 months
TheLreads, Vigilantes ch 113, Replies Part 1
1) “Last time bullshit happened, as usual, and then Koichi came around and got high, but this time he shared the trip with his nemesis, as an attempt to get them to stop fighting. unfortunately, McBee is against weed, he only uses cocaine, and he got so mad he blew up. Literally.”- Nomura is now in a perpetual state of absolute anger against Koichi, such that he spends the entirely of this final battle with his rage literally searing the flesh from his (remaining) bones. Dude just reallywants that win against Koichi, when Koichi’s only win method is “dodge fighting forever”.
2) “Ah dammit we’re in one of McBee’s monologues again, and now he’s being delusional thinking that only All Might could end his existence, even though Fires Gerog almost ended him completely by accident. Also Koichi kicking his ass and all that”- Even in another manga, Pseudo-Endeavour cannot help but come second-best against All Might. 3) “This gets even more petty when you consider how Koichi never interacted with him directly before, and in fact was not even going to continue being a vigilante. Koichi’s getting in his way was literally him just existing and chilling on his own corner.”- Nomura wanted an existence he could challenge himself against to prove he was better than it, and thus worthy of his own identity in the world. Knuckles indicated said entity was Koichi by choosing him as his next apprentice…and then Koichi does everything but be a vigilante crime-fighter like Knuckles, forcing Nomura to go out of his way to contrive a reason to fight against him. 4) “Well I was expecting the title drop to take a little longer than this. 
And then McBee McBlew up”- Nomura has moved onto his next tactic of taking Koichi down: Burning the house down!
5) “I certainly wish that was the case Koichi, but I bet he has some other trick up his sleeve.
His non-nomu sleeve, that is.”- He’s got more than a few left, even though he doesn’t even have arms anymore! 6) “I swear to fucking god, if he’s pulling a one-winged angel on us AGAIN I’m going to get so mad, especially if he actually gets wings this time”- It isn’t even his Final one, sadly. 7) “McBee is rivaling Frieza for number of final forms.
Funnily enough, this battle is also taking only 10 minutes in real time.”- And just like Frieza, this is only about his third form, not even the last one he’ll take to take down Koichi.
(vigilantes ch 109)
8) “Oh okay so this phase really is the desperation stage, because the way you talked about it before didn’t made it seem like that was the case. I was scared about what a phase 7 could mean.”- “Phase 7” is “going supernova”.
9) "…
“Well shit, that’s actually cool and terrifying.
But what the fuck is going on right now”- Nomura has shed the limitations of flesh to become practically though and will-driven matter, gaining speed and explosive power beyond what he could achieve as a mortal being, at the cost of exhausting what lifespan he has in minutes.
10) "Uhhhhhh-
Is McBee actually pulling a ghost rider right now?
because if so I can put out a few pages about how this would be a problem considering, you know, common sense in relation to the character’s rules in-universe"- Actually, between the Plasma-driven abilities and the numerous Batman allusion in his and Knuckles’ designs, including his “2 O’Clock” hero guise, this form actually takes inspiration from the Batman Beyond villain, Blight.
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Fitting with how Nomura is determined to be Koichi’s enemy, despite seeing Koichi as the villain, in opposing him so utterly, Nomura has in turn stripped himself of his humanity to become the monstrous villain of the tale by the final act, removing all limitations to surpass Koichi when Koichi has no interest in their conflict.
11) “…
Are we… Are we really doing this?
McBee now is a ghost so he can fly after Koichi?”- Nomura is now a torso propelled by ongoing explosions, having stretched the limits of credibility with his own multiple powers to equal Koichi’s “do anything” Quirk ability.
12) “…
I am baffled. 
Not gonna lie, I’m saying this without hyperbole: I literally have no reaction to this.”- Nomura doing his best to out-bullshit Koichi’s own protagonist asspull powerups.
13) “You know, as I read this panel, I must say without any doubt that this was the closest that Furuhashi ever got from me dropping the series. What I felt back during the skyegg was nothing compared to what I’m feeling right now.”- I won’t fully justify this power-up, but I will say that Quirks have always had this sort of aspect to them: an unknown, difficult-to-understand threshold that, if the wielder is suitably emotionally and physically pushed to reach, allows the power to evolve on the spot to gain new aspects to itself. We see bits of it here and there with the kids training their Quirk limits, with the whole vestige realm that OFA is made up of, and how the Quirk factors of the prior wielders got evolved through being mixed into the first wielder’s own Quirk. Nomura takes a complete right-turn with his own power here, seeming to becoming something distinct from his prior abilities at all, but on the other side, Koichi proving so adaptable and strong with his own power in the midst of a life-or-death fight, because Nomura’s pushing him so much, also ties into this. It’s why All Might told Izuku he could never become a hero, even with support items and such – because machines have limitations, and Quirks seem to derive actual power and strength from the emotions of the wielder to break through those limitations in a crisis, just like Izuku could overpower Muscular through unleashing more power than his body could withstand.
14) “Okay now, are you implying that he’s a projection here or that he’s physically here? We know he isn’t because obviously he isn’t, but I wouldn’t be surprised if you actually revealed he was invisible here all this time.”- Nomura’s disintegrating sanity and discarding of his human state mean he also discards the attachment he had to O’Clock and the persona of a hero at the end. Right now, all he wants is the power to kill, not his master’s approval, so he sees AFO’s projection as it truly is. @thelreads
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findher-ogg · 4 years
I kid you not this is literally me with Ienzo currently. He’s supposed to be a side character yet Nomura is giving him a lot of time in the spotlight as well as plenty of traits typical to a Disney/JRPG protagonist (amnesia, technically royalty, dead parents, etc). Nomura what’re you gonna do to him.
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the-sis-blog · 4 years
I’m so ready for Kairi game but I’m scared of Nomura fucking it up. Please don’t mess this up Nomura. I’m begging, I’m so excited for Kairi focused game. I’m excited for my girl
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embraceyourdestiny · 2 years
Union cross dearly beloved is the best dearly beloved because yoko was somehow able to convert the experience of union cross PERFECTLY INTO SONG and union cross is peak fiction so therefore union cross dearly beloved is peak music. The math checks out.
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captmickey · 3 years
Being a Kingdom Hearts fan is eternal suffering.
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At this point Xehanort is a mainstay because he's been a villain for 20 years, plus if Riku and Axel could be mainstays, so can No Heart+X
so did some of us just miss the part where xehanort died and seemed to have a change of heart or at least was fine on giving up and nomura said they were done with xehanort or did i miss something
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like god damn its 20 years. like fuck man. 20 years of me being all about kingdom hearts
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