#non organized what heacanon I made up
I have grabbed 3 random blocks to introduce myself with.
(TW Burn Wound, Cannibalism and Disease, Emotionally Abusive)
Ocs Based of Prompts and daydreams i already had in my head, that ended up fitting the generated blocks (Podzel was one where i just added the ideas that were in my saved pintrest box and instagrammed favirites. Like their parents and sweater dirtied by moss.)
You probably arnt able to read my handwriting. Yeah i couldve typed... and i shouldve, i really shouldve.
My rambling of information i will give is uneven as sand!
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BeeKeeperer 'As much as merchant jobs are looked down upon, honey endeavours of illagers who want to keep bees and keep flowers are the exception... ' This profession among illager units is a lot more diverse when it comes to bees. As an example with BeeKeeperer housing Vulture bees to make honey jerky with cow blood. But never pigs blood! as cannibls use it as a substitute, seeing it as a bad omen and a path to unrighteousness. {Country unnamed but they live in an active political fued only personal to the council.} Their was an incident that happend during a winter storm, far less worse but destructive in flinging a whole tree- so yeah, less worse. Shattered glass and the rose dyed snow. Attracting a villager nearby, whos from the path of fox traps, {Whoever put those their}... They were pretty terrafied, and were so scared of being seen by the eyes of a cannibal from noted interviews of another more cooperative cannibalism of Pirana Village 'They love the nickname so much they kept it?' Which hat Illager, dragging a drunken BeeKeeperer. Turns out Ravager's blood has a lot more of a kick once they ingust alchol, or duchess can make alchol in her system like their Raveger {Illager Caretaker}
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Plaguetor 'Their is a plauge in parts of villages and patrol unit's along with wild patrols. One may worry its of cannibles disease for it to have spread this long. It is slow, and theirs a pityful end to the animals' Their Faith is that of Elements and health. The sacredness of the elements of fire, air, water and earth. They help with burial practice and did research on the scavanger animals given to them from their diety's blessing on a marking on one of the vulture eggs. With omens of a sickness spreading among deer witn odd behaviours of canniblsm. The Silent Tower is... silent(Ill expand more on this another day)
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… Jobless Teen {Vigliger} "Oh your parents are an illager and villager," "Yup" "Aww forbidden love"... "...Sure" 'An Arranged marriage that both of their parents agreed to instead of them.' Considering how cats can see our stripes and how podzel is grazingly burnt. i meshed those two into the skin. They do look a lot like their father, and their skinn shows their moms invisible stripe color pattern. I found this to be a cool idea when podzel was generated to me. Along with the metaphors ^^ I love the idea of wearing their dads trench coat, it made them blend in, if only for their clothing. They might be a more, grazed by presence if they werent good at being quite when they can. Others wouldnt notice that, they all assume Podzel show up into the room. They make their presence know with one sentance and they can immiditly leave, "You haven't stayed their for very long" Their mothers speach starts soft, and thats when they knew a crabs pincer would be better. As long as they dont have to get picnhed on sand, the smooth rocks that touchs the waters foam, is always so much better.
"Go, you arnt ruining the danm party planned by that scrubbed womens daughter. Just- Have Fun, or sit quitly in the corner without disturbing anyone." their mother wanted them to show face. Cant reason its because they dont want them here, it would be an annoying lie if id they proclaimed they did. (Chatgpt told me she isnt using coarse langouge lol, but it shows what i had in mind. I guess not so publicly near a party, she wouldnt want to be to loud.)
Now to explain what these show about me! { Psychologically complicated, like all brains are. Consider I am a fixation-ate internet user and by that I mean I’m ADHD and I love calling my brain Dave. }
My love of learning history, about other cultures and religions like the Zoroastrianism faith and their funeral practice. Taking inspiration and interest in a lot of things. Learning things from diffrent sites, interviews and connecting t with other ideas like with vultures. From tumblr facts post and idea prompts on vultures being holy. I know, i know I have named the vultures but i haven't drawn them. But soon. They are bearded vultures ^^
My writing abilities for creating my characters, with care and understanding. Since I did just create them I haven't really had a chance to hurt them more than whatever job they already have to imply that.. Like death, or wearing a mask due to a traumatic incident along with letting bees sleep on you like cats and getting poisoned. I did this all in 4 days, i would've written it all up but i noticed i might get burn out so i risked another day where i might lose my hyper fixation, and all my ideas... You can i had a lot of fun rambling. But I wont put myself to a high expectations. Loved naming conventions, might rename or have to give my ocs names. Whiiich, i made my beekeeper name jerky and like illusinor jasper in the codes, both seemed uniqe proffesions of beast taming and the other of illusionist arts that its named after them! I like that idea a lot, And maybe it meets the way they handled their profession is uniqe, Blood and a Rock... Lol you i'm making this up as I go <3
I do hope to have a sona soon, but it’s fanfic, ie been writing Minecraft fanfic(also my splatoon tag). Never completed a story, I’m just writing it, even my oneshots taking to long.
Also box of unnecesary rambles that would fit into intos post... If i had the time to draw it [Attacking wolfs and zombie's unnatruly, seeming to only decay continuelly they come down to two seperate definitions. 'Zombie deer' from a zombie priest who helps them be docile and 'Chronic wasting Diseased Deer' CWDD. "Chemical Warefare Directinal Detecter?" Confusion scrunchs up the Vultures leatherd face, looking beside them to a sign into a facility, "...No, But i can decree why youd assume. I am formally of the mind of researching the the 'Chronic Wasting Disease Deer' odd behavours that dont quickly decompose their mouths to stop biting so aggresivly. Gladly they do tend to lack cordanation."]
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