Man NonMan Pride Flag
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Man Non-man (boy nonboy, male nonmale or nonman man): someone who is man and nonman.
This includes multigender people whose genders include boy and non-boy/not boy (simultaneously or fluid), a centrigender between male and non-male genders, men who feel represented by or reclaim the term "nonmen"/non-men (and vice-versa), enboys/xoys, bxys, those with complex genders or contradictory identities, etc.
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logicked · 1 year
the girl im seeing tried like 10 minutes of disco elysium and couldn't get into being a naked dude moving slowly around so asked me why it was my favorite game and i talked for a long time and said a lot of things but one i hadn't thought of until i felt like i was trying to put into words the multitude of reasons:
in this game you are a white dude. unlike other video games, this isn't taken for granted. you are made aware several times of your position in society, that even though you are broke and have a myriad of problems, you move through the world as a white dude and that gives you a position that others don't have. especially through kim being next to you through your day. like, the fantasy racism doesn't feel 12 steps removed and so sanitized than any message it meant to give in its inclusion just washes out to racism bad. it's JARRING to play harry as a nonwhite nondude person. you do the mental math on kim's promotion, you encounter measurehead and the concept of racism against you a white guy is so bonkers to you beyond the amnesia (and requires all caps monologues), you have to be told you're white and it hits so well in this game of someone who forgot race as a concept because white people see themselves as race-neutral (as Harry does) and the game is like no. you are white. now that you know this, TRY not to commit a workplace microaggression against your partner. and you try to punch a racist and somehow that doesn't immediately solve all racism ever even though you thought it would. you're a white guy.
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creaturebehavior · 2 years
just had a realization
my past dude partners were outwardly aggressive like my dad
my past nondude partners were passive and withholding like my mom lol
the dad thing i knew. the mom thing for some reason i never put my finger on until just now
which is strange because i was somehow simultaneously aware that ive have a few relationships where i had dudes yelling at me like my dad. and i’ve had relationships with nondudes where i am trying to get closer and be truly intimate and they are emotionally unavailable. and those are the only types of relationships i’ve been in. (i don’t blame those people for not wanting to get closer to me btw. i was toxic as hell. still possibly am i’m not sure…) and aware that my mom was neglectful and my dad was abusive when i was growing up. or maybe they still are im not sure
but i just never fully connected everything and noticed the full pattern
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manyblinkinglights · 6 years
@zenos heir of fire, because my new hobby is starting books randomly in the middle of their serieses
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dusktarot · 7 years
mm. anxiety roller coaster today
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biologybutch · 7 years
netflix; instead of adding your trizillionth White Het Cis Dude comedy special to your streaming service....idk....maybe just,,,,dont
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rlainarin · 2 years
also nondudes with neckbeards are braver than any us marine
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i-will-not-be-caged · 7 years
Me: I would like more stories that center women and people of color and maybe even *gasp* women of color.
Dudes on fb: Um, redemption arcs are important and we can center other people without dehumanizing white guys, even if they’re the bad guys.
Me: the fact that you read "center nonwhite nondudes" as "dehumanize white dudes" says a lot more about me than it does about you...
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fandomele · 5 years
Ugh again, you speak so eloquently and say exactly how I feel. I’ll come back soon, giant beans cant keep me away
You do that, dude (or dudette or nondude)!
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doribuki · 7 years
im the only nondude dorian i know 
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pop-step-fink · 7 years
hey there if you’re a terf back the frickity frack away from my blog
you’re not welcome my nondudes
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Pleonotic Male Flag
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Pleonotic: someone whose gender identity is not used as synonym of other pleonastic genders traditionally associated with it. Eg. a nonboy male, a male non-man, a nonguy male, a nondude male; antiboy male.
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littlebirdy0301 · 4 years
A Beautifully Foolish Endeavor book spoilers ahead
I’ve been calling describing Carl as “Alien Robot Dude” when talking about the book to friends, and now I’ve gotten to Carl’s first chapter to find all of my discriptors have been incorrect. I will now refer to them as NonAlien NonRobot NonDude
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