#none of these are april fools day jokes
huntunderironskies · 1 year
Can I ask what 'premillenial dispensationalism' is ?
oh no i have to explain the scofield bible
Side note, I picked a bad time to finish this, I meant to have it done earlier but I've been super busy. Everything here is dead serious, sadly. If I get another follow-up to this, as a warning I will take forever to respond because I try to make these as informative and respectful as possible.
I'm going to put this below a cut. As a content warning, this talks about end-of-the-world stuff and touches on conspiracy theories and antisemitism, so take care if that's a touchy subject for you. It's impossible to talk about this in any depth without it leading into these topics. I'm going to try and keep to the things I know about so I don't make any missteps which is why I'm focusing more on the academic/scholarly aspects.
Alright, so. The idea of the apocalypse most people in America are familiar with is the one that starts with the Rapture. Unless you've been raised in certain groups or God zaps up all the good people to the sky and then there's a bunch of bad stuff that happens and then Jesus shows up to establish a Kingdom of God and after a thousand years of perfect rule and then there's one final battle against Satan and then the world gets destroyed, and everyone either goes to Hell forever or goes to Heaven.
Anyways, that's all about like, three hundred years old, tops AFAIK? More specifically just regarding the Rapture and what comes after it, the eternal misery thing is way older. To be clear, no serious religious scholar would think that this was what anyone who scribed early transcripts that would be compiled into the Bible saw as true, and most serious religious scholars aka people who didn't go to Liberty University or its copycats OHHHHHHHHHHH BURN sorry i'm bitter don't even think that this is close to what apocalypticism was preached by Jesus and those who came soon after him.
Now, I am not stupid enough to argue that apocalypticism isn't a core part of Christian texts (again, Jesus was definitively an apocalyptic preacher, there is zero doubt about that in any serious academic environment) but Revelations was a book added in by the Nicene Council three hundred years after the death of Jesus, and it was one of many apocalyptic texts. It just happens to be the one that made the cut, and it's one of the most metaphorical ones that has lent itself to people making some....very odd interpretations. Its writer also may have been tripping on cave shrooms but, while that does make a very fun story to tell at dinner to make religious studies sound less dry as a field, much like Satre and the mescaline crabs with philosophy, it's not a generally accepted theory.
But Satre really did take a bad hit of mescaline that made him hallucinate crabs for months, that actually happened.
Anyways. Highly metaphorical text. There's a case to be made that this was deliberate, because yelling "I HOPE GOD HITS NERO WITH A LIGHTNING BOLT" in a crowded forum will not end well. For example, you may or may not be familiar with the scholarly theory that the Number of the Beast is supposed to be a numerical cipher for Nero, and a lot of apocalyptic texts were just people saying "no guys, really, everyone who fucked us over is absolutely going to get smoted by God, because God told me so" as a morale boosting exercise. It's just that the Roman Empire happened to be most of the known world at the time, and it's not like even modern people have the best conceptualization of what a global society looks like anyway because our brains are mostly incapable of doing so. This isn't far off flood myths being based on catastrophic river flooding and then things getting embellished over time. Again, that little geographic reason was their world.
Though, I mean, if they were trying to say the fall of Rome would happen, they were right, it's just that the oppressive march of time would've ensured that happened eventually.
The problem is that you end up with morons a thousand and some spare change years down the line who decide to impose entirely different geopolitical standards onto it and that's where the Scofield Reference Bible comes in.
So the Scofield Reference Bible traces its origins to just before World War I, and the sharp among you in the crowd may begin to see where this is going. World War I was a brutal, horrific experience, and it was (probably, I've only taken 200 level history courses) the first global experience. And the Book of Revelation describes plagues (Spanish Flu), horrible afflictions (side effects of chemical warfare), and...well, yeah, war. While the Scofield Bible predates the war, it exploded in popularity because at the time it felt real.
Mister Scofield Reference Bible (Cyrus Scofield) was inspired by the preacher John Nelson Darby, with whom he was roughly contemporaneous with, and don't worry, you will never need to remember those names again because that's the only real contribution they've ever made to theology. Darby wouldn't have called himself a dispensationalist, the term was coined post-publication against his will after he died by someone who didn't like him, but that's the term we landed on.
To break down the name: dispensationalism refers to the idea that you can neatly divide up the history of the world into what amounts to theological epochs defined by a cycle of divine test > failure > judgement ending with the final dispensation, which will be Judgement Day itself. The "millennial" bit does not refer to an actual millennium but rather the Millennial Kingdom, which will be the actual-factual physical Kingdom of God.
This is the one thing that's probably kind of accurate to what pre-Nicene Christians would have believed, most people assumed that the Kingdom of God was just a restored version of Israel before all the invasions happened ruled by a divinely appointed prophet. No heavenly firmament or fluffy clouds or whatever.
The part where it's not accurate is the fluffy clouds Kingdom exists and that's where all the believers go to chill while the apocalypse is happening, though. That's a core concept of things, and that's the Rapture that pretty much any American would be familiar with
The modern version of this also includes some weirdly specific things like? For some reason it's generally accepted that people will go to Heaven naked and leave their clothes behind. I don't think this is in the Scofield Reference Bible, and I honestly don't know where this originated from. Could be as recent as Hal Lindsay for all I know. It was definitely in Left Behind, which was the other thing that caused a massive resurgence despite being probably one of the worst pieces of fiction ever published, theologian/blogger/fellow Gemini (<- most important quality) Slacktivist took like eight years to get through covering the first two books both in terms of how bad the theology is, the characters not acting like actual people, the plot not making sense, and how much the books reveal about the neuroses of both writers.
While that's fairly harmless, it's had some pretty sinister effects. Aside from the obvious, if you keep up with global politics at all, you're aware of the fact that America is extremely interested in keeping Israel in power as a state. I am very stupid except on very specific topics that are not this (and there is so much going on with colonialist interference in the Middle East to cover), not Palestinian or Israeli, and too tired to deal with attracting the bad kind of weirdoes to my blog so I'm going to put it this way. One, apartheid is bad, free Palestine. Two, and more within my wheelhouse so I can speak more in detail about this, the only reason that this is happening is because premillennial dispensationalist Christians think that Israel needs to exist as a geographical and political concept because the battle of Judgment Day is supposed to happen there, at which point the armies of God will defeat Satan and the world ends.
Not before all the surviving Jewish people convert to Christianity, the ~*~true religion~*~, though.
If it wasn't clear, the tildes and asterixes were a sarcasm tag, I just realized if you didn't spend an unfortunate amount of your life on Livejournal that might not be clear.
So, to be blunt, these people do not give a shit about actual Jewish people. Do not mistake this for anything other than a means to an end and they'll let anything happen to make sure that end comes about. Or actively help, for that matter. I said that I would get into conspiracy theories, the bit about needing Israel so the end of the world can happen is not a conspiracy theory. The saturation rate of evangelical dispensationalists in US government is incredibly high. Evangelicals actively drive public policy. When you know what to look for it's blatantly obvious I can get together a reading list at some point or another but it might take a while and this post is already very very long and meandering and sometimes barely on topic.
Anyways. The short of it is: From a sociology of religion perspective, it's accepted that Jesus was a Jewish apocalyptic preacher. Apocalypticism was very in vogue at the time and we can say with reasonable certainty (note: when a religious studies scholar uses the term, they mean "this definitely happened, it's just we can't perform necromancy to 100% confirm it") he was not the only one running around. He's addressed as "rabbi" by his disciples if that wasn't immediately clear. A refusal to acknowledge the realities of the world circa Jesus's life and treating the Bible as an unerring word of God (except when it's convenient to ignore certain bits) instead of a historical source, and all the issues that comes with it, has led to some extremely bad things. Ammon Hennacy was right, we are in Hell.
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teacasket · 3 months
how skz would prank you on april fools’ day
genre: fluff    au: non idol au warnings: none    word count: 0.2k    pairing: gn!reader x ot8 a/n: some of these are just them being annoying lol
bang chan
He leaves you a long voicemail that starts off normal but then becomes a Rickroll. The song gets stuck in your head for the rest of the day.
lee minho
He shows you a picture of two cats on his phone and tells you that he's going to the shelter later to pick them up. You can’t tell if he’s joking or not.
seo changbin
He’s in charge of the post-workout smoothies, so you think nothing of it when he hands you a pale beverage. When you take a sip, you realize there's absolutely no protein in there; it’s all vanilla ice cream.
hwang hyunjin
He buys himself a full sequin suit. When you two leave the house to run errands, any time he walks into the sun, he pretends he’s Edward Cullen from Twilight, much to your embarrassment.
han jisung
When you’re playing a game at your computer, he comes up to you and announces that he disconnected the router. Of course, you freak out and then soon remember Stardew Valley does not require WiFi. Jisung thinks it's hilarious.
lee felix
He buys you the ugliest skins for your most played character/weapon on League of Legends, Valorant, etc. Free stuff is nice, but now you feel obligated to use them. Your eyes will never recover.
kim seungmin
He will not talk, only sing. At first, it seems fun. However, if he stopped adding so many runs and flourishes to all of his sentences, maybe you could actually have a conversation with him.
yang jeongin
He acts like it’s your birthday. You get cake, balloons, and an empty wrapped cardboard box because apparently getting you a real gift is taking the prank too far. At least the cake’s good.
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tellmeallaboutit · 2 months
knock knock (Raphael x F!Player)
Chapter 1, In Which You Install The Mod
FOREWORD: inspired by this post
SUMMARY: Careful which mods you install for BG3. Did you read the terms and conditions carefully?
TAGS: meta romance, psychological horror, smut, the character is the player, Raphael is after you, you wanted him, you invited him to our world, he accepted your invitation
RATING: explicit
You hesitated for a moment before downloading this “Devil Wears Nada” mod. It felt slightly inappropriate, absurd as it may sound. There was something disrespectful about making Raphael deliver his final monologue in the nude.
Well, you would have to live with offending a bunch of pixels because you do want these screenshots. You put the salt and vinegar Pringles out of the way and wiped your fingers on a napkin before committing this digital sin.
Clickity-click-click. You dragged-and-dropped the mod where you wanted it to be and launched Steam. Now to load the saved game where you made the deal with the devil and gave him the crown of Karsus… pretty much any saved game really. 
Raphael had been spared in each one of your playthroughs.
A sigh escaped you when the devil still appeared fully clothed in the game; had something gone wrong? You double-checked, only to realize that you'd forgotten to activate the mod - odd, since you clearly remembered doing so. Leaving the game, you dragged the mod back into place.
On your phone, in the Devil's Den discord chat, you informed everyone of Raphael's stubborn refusal to undress.
MAKE HIM! came the immediate reply, followed by STRIP THE OLD MAN, accompanied by raunchy gifs. Couldn't help but grin at that.
Back in the game, you loaded an earlier save file and sank into your chair to watch Raphael emerge from the flames, clothed once again. “You son of a…”, you muttered to yourself. It was getting late anyway; this would be your last attempt before calling it a day. Tomorrow is Tuesday and thus another work day. 
“It won’t be long before you come knocking at my door”, Raphael said, looking straight at you from the wide screen. This wall-breaking sequence was brilliantly executed—you had to admit it—very eerie.
Raphael let out a deep, hearty laugh, head thrown back, pearly teeth glistening in orange-red lighting. You didn’t see this animation before. They must have added it with the latest patch, so you moved in closer. 
Handsome as sin, this devil - if he asked for your soul, you’d hand it over on a silver platter.
Suddenly, he fell silent for several seconds, staring directly at you from across the digital divide. You reached for the mouse to check if there was a glitch in the cutscene when Raphael's voice sliced through the silence.
“You are quite eager to see me naked, aren’t you? Naughty little mouse,” Raphael taunted.
What the fuck?
You recoiled in shock and slammed your laptop shut. A shriek must have escaped your lips, but you were too stunned to notice. It took a moment for your heart to settle and for you to remember what date it was today.
A quick glance over the watch on your wrist confirmed: it was the first of April. April first, two thousand and twenty-four. 
It was an April Fool's joke from the modders.
Oh, fuck. Having recovered from the initial shock, you cautiously opened your notebook, only to be greeted by the familiar "ta-ta" outro. Oh, fuck. This is some kind of really fucked-up prank. How did they get this voice line?
AI, probably. Not probably. Definitely. There was no way they could have involved Andrew Wincott.
You scanned the game screen for any other surprises, but found none. Picking up your phone, you opened Discord and began recording a long voice message - your fingers too clammy to type.
The replies came soon after.
Haha, this is so fucked up, did they really do this? Hm. I have to try it myself. RECORD IT, RECORD IT PLEASE!
You stared at the loading screen but couldn't bring yourself to replay it. Instead, you searched “Raphael naked mod April joke” and clicked on the first Reddit thread that popped up. You didn't even bother to open it; a quick glance at the preview comment – “crazy I almost had a heart attack” – was more than enough.
Enough for today.
You quickly brushed your teeth in the bathroom and changed into short pajamas before glancing at the laptop on the other side of the room, its camera eye peering at you from across the room. You closed the shutter.
“Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't after you”, you read somewhere.
You tucked yourself into bed, phone in hand, blanket between your legs. Was it time for a quick stroll through selected Raphael / Tav bookmarks?
No. Well, maybe. The threesome with Haarlep, just a quick re-read to help you fall asleep quicker. You were creeped out, but not that creeped out. You’ve heard of such meta jokes before. Black & White did it, Metal Gear Solid did it, too. 
But still… they really should tag this sort of stuff.
Your nightly reading was progressing nicely; things were getting interesting - “the ridges of his devil cock stroking your sensitive walls” interesting. Your hand slid into your underwear, working your finger past your hair down to your clit. This scene was very well written, you could almost feel it, picture yourself spread open between Haarlep and Raphael. 
The smut got better and better right until your phone vibrated in your hand, and you dropped it on the blanket.
Unknown caller ID.
Don't answer it, came the panicked, irrational thought as it grabbed you in a chokehold. 
You stared at the screen - the call went on and on - and pushed it aside. Swiped to the right in one quick motion and heard an automated female voice:
"This call is from Europol. We would like to inform you that your identity card number has been misused. For further information please press 1."
You hung up immediately, recognizing this as one of those scam calls that had been making rounds recently. Your mum had received one too. 
Nothing to lose sleep over.
You put the phone down and turned your back to it, trying to calm down. Screw the fanfic, you were not in the mood anymore. Well, you were, but…
Another time. 
It took some time before you could relax, your gaze fixed on the blank wall in front of you, re-playing that cutscene all over again in your head, occasionally wandering to the large window looking out over the courtyard (what a pitch black night). 
Eventually, you did. 
As you drifted off to sleep, a voice whispered in your dream:
“You are quite eager to see me naked, aren’t you? Naughty little mouse”.
The silky soft voice was so lovely; it made you feel less alone. A small smile crossed your lips as you slept.
Yes, Raphael. Very eager indeed. 
Tomorrow. You’ll try again tomorrow.
NEXT: Chapter 2, In Which You Meet A Tall Dark Stranger
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otdiaftg · 2 months
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The King's Men - Chapter Sixteen (18)
Day: Friday, April 5th / 6th* Time: 7:40 PM PST
Jeremy holds a folded piece of paper up. Instead of taking it Kevin walks him back to the Foxes. Jeremy turns it over to Wymack, who unfolds it and skims the printed list. "Our line-up," Jeremy explains. "It's late to be getting it to you, I know, but we were trying to avoid as much of a backlash as possible." "Backlash?" Dan asks. Wymack hands her the sheet and watches her face go white. When she looks up at him again Wymack shakes his head and turns on Jeremy. "Your pity's a little misplaced. Tell Coach Rhemann we don't want handouts." "This isn't pity," Jeremy says. "We're doing this for us, not you. Your success this year has us rethinking everything about how we play. Are we second because we're talented or because we have twenty-eight people on our line-up? Are we good enough as individuals to stand against you? We have to know." Kevin snatches the paper from Dan's hands and looks at it. Matt leans over his shoulder to see and says, "You're joking. You're joking. You're not?" he asks with an incredulous look at Jeremy. Allison yanks hard on his sleeve, wanting an explanation, so Matt says, "There are only nine names on it." "Two goalies, three backliners, two dealers, two strikers," Jeremy says. "You've made it this far with those numbers. It's time to see how we'd fare in that situation. I'm excited," he says, with another toothy smile. "None of us have ever played a full game before. Hell, most of us don't even play full halves anymore. We don't have to because the numbers are always in our favor." "And you called me a crazy fool," Kevin says. "You'll lose tonight if you play like this." "Maybe," Jeremy agrees, unconcerned. "Maybe not. Should be fun either way, right? I don't remember the last time I was this psyched for a game. Look at this." He holds his hands out to them and laughs. "Bring it, Foxes, and we'll bring it too." He leaves them staring after him, his head high and his smile honest.
Art used with permission by Rainbowd00dles. Thank you @rainbowd00dles!
*Due to the Leap Year, I have opted to highlight the day rather than the date to keep the events in occurrence to the 2007 year. I will continue to mark both days accordingly.
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This is no joke! I have a preview of Part 2 of "Dress Up" for y'all. The prank was that I said previously that I was taking a small break from writing but GET PRANKED cuz here's a sneak peak!
The ~~~ indicate flashbacks!
No active warnings for this part, only slight inferences of sexual things! But don't worry, there will be smut later in the chapter hehe~
"You know, if you don't quit pacing back and forth, you're gonna wear out the carpet," Husk remarked, attempting to get Lucifer's attention in his anxious state.
It had only been a week since the proposal and the wedding was already here. But this is what you both wanted; a nice quiet wedding with only a handful of people with everyone else in Hell being none the wiser. You had to beg Lucifer for the week you got in between, he was practically ready to say "I do" once he put that engagement ring on your hand. It may have seemed like you two were moving a little bit fast considering most weddings take months, sometimes years to plan out! But when you're marrying the King of Hell, there really was next to nothing to worry about when it came to your special day.
The new hotel was the perfect venue, complete with a beautiful ballroom that could rival any chapel on Earth. The guest list was extremely exclusive consisting of only the occupants of the hotel, minus one Radio Demon, not that he would attend even if he was invited. It was Charlie who suggested that he protect the hotel today from any threat that might make itself known. On top of that, Charlie was more than happy to be the officiant, as being the Princess of Hell granted her that authority. Money was no object to the Morningstar family, so no expense was spared.
But regardless of any of that, Lucifer couldn't help but worry. You had one other request for him after he popped the question.
"I hate to ask more of you after asking for a week to prepare," you started, putting on the last of your clothes that you had discarded during your fun little teasing display, "but..." Lucifer approached you suddenly and held your hand in both of his.
"My love, you can ask of me anything you wish. There is no limit when it comes to you. You've already given me the best gift of becoming my future bride. Anything in my power is yours for the asking, you just name it!" He leaned down and planted a small kiss on the back of your hand. You couldn't help but blush, he never failed to charm you.
"This may sound a little odd, considering what just took place a few minutes ago," you breathed out a sigh, "but...what would you say to refraining from any...intense intimacy?" Lucifer cocked his eyebrow and smirked, seemingly intrigued. "B-but only for this week, I promise! Kissing and cuddling would still be on the table, of course. And no deliberate teasing from me, that wouldn't be fair. I was just thinking that...I want our first night as a married couple to be special. And I figured holding off for the time in between would only heighten the experience. If that's not something you want, I completely understand that-MMPH," you were silenced by Lucifer's soft lips on yours.
"Oh darling, was that all?," he flashed his signature toothy grin at you. "That's hardly a request! I think that's a wonderful idea...n-not that I don't want to ravish you at any given time! But you're right, I couldn't imagine a better honeymoon than getting the chance to feel you again after being denied for a few days, even though it may feel like an eternity. I'll be on my best behavior; you have my word!"
And Lucifer was on his best behavior, for the most part, at least. There were a few instances where his hands had traveled a little too low on your body and some kisses became deeper than they should have. But both of you managed to make it through the week! But today was the day, and his anxiety was at an all-time high. You decided to sleep in separates rooms the night before, wanting the next time you saw each other to be at the altar. That was the plan, at least.
It had been a while since Lucifer had slept alone. Suffice to say he couldn't sleep. He assured you that he would be alright sleeping alone for just one night, but that ended up being easier said than done. The empty bed he laid in brought back painful memories of his first night without Lilith, something that still haunted him to this day. There would be times where Lucifer would wake up in a cold sweat, only to glance over to see you peacefully asleep, and he could breathe again. Anytime you felt him tug you closer to him in the middle of the night, you knew what had woken him up. He never hid his feelings from you when he confided in you about his ex, and you didn't mind that he would wake you when his nightmares overwhelmed him. You loved him and he loved you. You would never leave. So when you heard your door creek open in the middle of the night to see your fiancé standing in the door frame, you only smiled and gestured him to you.
"I-I'm sorry," he sobbed quietly, "I tried...I really did...I-"
"Hey, hey, shh, it's alright," you soothed and brought him into a tight embrace. You felt a tear that had fallen from his face make its way down your collarbone. "Don't cry, Luci, I'm not upset, not at all." You lifted his head up to wipe away his remaining tears. "Let's get some sleep. We have a big day tomorrow." You planted a kiss on his forehead, and from the dim red light that shown through your windows, you could see a small smile appear on his face. He laid down, his back facing you as you wrapped your arms around him and brought him flush to your chest. You could hear his breathing start to even about again.
"I don't deserve you," he murmured.
"You know I think the same thing every day," you responded.
He interlaced his fingers with yours at your words, squeezing you hand softly. "Promise me you'll never think that again. Please. You deserve everything and more."
"Alright," you conceded, kissing the back of his head, "as long as you promise me the same thing. You're my everything, and I'll spend the rest of my afterlife showing you that."
"Okay," he spoke weakly. You intertwined your legs with his, bringing yourself as close to him as possible. "I still intend to keep my other promise. I'll be gone before you wake up."
"You can stay as long as you need to," you whispered before drifting off to sleep once more.
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loveephia · 1 year
A FOOL FOR YOU | suna rintarō
sypnosis: suna pranks you on april fools day.
content: (🦷) tooth-rotting fluff, dynamic is inspired by tohru honda and kyo sohma from fruits basket (i miss them 😞), kinda inspired by "cupid" by fifty fifty.
⚠ warning/s: none.
note: yikes. writer's block has been HEAVY on me lately (my way of saying i just didn't have time irl to write). thank you for being patient with me, and enjoy this lil gift!! ;D
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"what day is it today?" suna rintarō asks.
you turn your phone on and look at the date. "april first!"
"okay, today is april fools, right? a day where it's okay to joke around?" suna says, putting his walk to a halt. you turn around, confused at the sudden stop. "suna?"
"i like you."
you blink at him. "wait, what—?"
"your eyes are so sparkly that i think i'll go blind from looking for too long. whenever you skip over to greet me every morning, your hair bounces with every step, and i find it so stupidly adorable. your personality is nowhere near mine, yet you stick around and always try to get something out of me."
you're at loss for words, but suna isn't.
he has yet to finish.
"at first, you were very irritating. i thought that you were naïve and a bit of a clutz, which is sorta true," you let out a small "oh" before suna continues. "but you're a hard-working girl. you make an effort every day to keep your friends happy, and you notice the littlest things that upset them." suna leans down, quite close to you.
"you aren't the only one who notices the little things, though." you can't even find a reply, too flustered from the entirety of suna's ramble.
suna's taking in every bit of your expression right now. cheeks and ears burning galore, with a lost little look on your face. just how he wanted.
"hey," he placed a hand on your shoulder, "i hope you remember that it's april fools. so don't take it too seriously."
too.. seriously..
so with a pat goodbye, suna leaves you standing there, absolutely frozen, while he whistles a tune. he practically broke you!
no, you knew suna better than that. you knew he meant every word that fell from his lips.
so with an excited smile, you rush over and catch up to suna, giving him a giant back hug. "that wasn't a very believable prank, suna." you mumbled into his uniform.
suna shrugs half-heartedly, "welp, i tried."
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© lowercase intended | loveephia
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magewritesstories · 3 months
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[ ʏᴜᴊɪ ɪᴛᴀᴅᴏʀɪ ] ᴊᴜꜱᴛ ꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅꜱ
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summary: you and yuji, a couple? no, no way, you're just really close friends tw: none, you and yuji pull an adrien agreste note: in honour of someone asking me and a close friend if we were dating lol. word count: 501 words (small blurb not really a one-shot) jujutsu kaisen masterlist
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IT'S NOT HARD FOR SOMEONE TO GET THE WRONG IDEA. I mean, anyone with an outside perspective seeing Yuji give you a piggyback ride to the school sports field would assume you were dating.
It's especially not hard for Setsuko, since she's been there to see the way you cling to Yuji every time something scary happens.
It's not hard for Takeshi to misunderstand either, not after the multiple times he's watched Yuji take the long way home just so that you wouldn't have to walk home alone.
Now, in hindsight, sure these are things that friends do for friends too but eventually the little acts start to pile up.
You're the one who indulges your pink-haired best friend and lets him rant on and on about the newest Jennifer Lawrence movie he's watched.
Yuji's the one that's already slinging your bag over his shoulder before you even start to—dramatically—complain about the fact that all your books are going to give you back hernia.
So, when that day Yuji shows up to P.E. wildly waving his hand in greeting with you on his back, equally enthusiastic, it's the straw that breaks the camel's back.
The rest of the day is spent observing you and Yuji. Both of you are completely oblivious to the fact that any of this is happening, simply brushing it off as your friends being their usual weird selves.
Eventually though, during the occult club meeting both teens sit the two of you down with angry stares (they really don't look that intimidating.)
"Okay, out with it," Setsuko orders, arms crossed, "Are you two dating or something?"
You and Yuji give her a confused look before turning towards each other and bursting out laughing simultaneously.
"Huh? Us?" You manage to reply between laughs, "That's very funny Sasaki-senpai."
Yuji nods, wiping away a tear dramatically. "Is this some kind of early April fool's joke?" He asks with a grin, "'Cause if it is I think you guys should stick to the supernatural genre."
Takeshi stares the two of you down in disbelief, "You're really not dating?"
"Nope, we're not," The pink-haired boy next to you replied, "Wait, what even made you think that?"
Now it's Takeshi and Setsuko's turn to share a disbelieving look. "The two of you act like newly-weds," Your upperclassman replies, "Without all the kissing."
"Really? I thought all friends acted that way?"
"Well, I suppose some do, but it's still weird."
You and Yuji shrug. "Well, we're not dating," You finally reply, "I think it's kinda funny that you thought we were though."
After that, the normal occult club meeting continues and neither of you mentions the strange question again.
And if either of you notices the way you suddenly can't hold eye contact with Yuji as long as you used to or the way the tips of Yuji's ears match his hair whenever you link your arm through his on the way back home, neither of you mentions it.
Yeah, definitely just close friends.
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hoodharlow · 8 months
The 3rd Act
AN: everyone thank that anon 🤪
Requested? By anon
Warnings: breakup news, messy comments, and shady posts 👀
Word Count: n/a
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@'pagesix: Kentucky native, Jack Harlow and the daughter of Mateo Dominguez and Isabela Miller, Miriam Dominguez-Miller, split after two years from a source close to the Grammy nominated rapper. Details on why the couple split aren't known, but both remaim friends and still support each other's projects. Click on our bio for more
@'mackstan: I just fell to my knees 😭
@'miriamfan: they were just promoting Jack's cameo in SZA's music video 💔
@'mackshipper: April fools is in April, not rn
@'jackstan: as much as I joke about wishing Jack was single, this is lowkey sad
@'miriamhater: kinda pathetic that her name is always attached to her parents
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@'mdm: just entered my Broadway era 🥺😭 In all seriousness, I feel super honored to be part of the cast for the 30th anniversary of The Nightstmare Before Christmas. Being on Broadway is a dream come true and I want to thank everyone who's been so supportive of this. Can't wait for y'all to see what the cast and I have in store. Opening night on October 6th <3
@'katdominguez: since when did you stop being scared of this movie
-> @'mdm: I'm faking it till I make it 😭
@'saintclauds: proud of you bestirini 🥺
@'zendaya: already booking my ticket. I'll be in the front row
-> @'theestallion: get me a ticket too, I'll venmo you
-> @'Kehlani: me three
@'haileybieber: excited for this!
@'miriamstan: and when she wins a Tony then she'll be the youngest EGOT winner 🤭
-> @'miriamhater: yeah thanks to nepotism
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@'jackharlow: Denver out now
@'nuggets: 🔥
@'urbanwyatt: this was everything
@'shloob: ain't missed on a vid ever
@'nicolescherzinger: everything about this was breathtaking
@'twittergirlie: what if they posted the breakup news to get people talking about them so they could release their projects and get hype
-> @'mdmxjh: they don't need to provide fake news to get people to talk about them. They just have the misfortune of having people not root for their relationship like Justin and his wife
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Jack Harlow via Instagram Stories
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@'justjared: more than co-stars? Euphoria star, Jacob Elordi, and the daughter of Mateo Dominguez and Isabela Miller, Miriam Dominguez, were spotted out in New York. The Australian also shared a picture of himself with 24 year old actress backstage during rehearsals for their Broadway production of The Night Before Christmas. 🔗 in bio for more
@'internetstan: this mf collects nepo babies like infinity stones
@'jackfan: the New Balances, she knows where her loyalties are lol
@'miriamfan: the matching outfits down to brown shoulder bag 😭 Jack could never
@'zendayastan: isn't Miriam friends with Z? The number one rule of girl code is to no go after your friend's ex
-> @'miriamfan: first of all, Miriam and Jacob have explicitly said they are friends and co-stars. This is some bs click bait. Also Z and Miriam were spotted getting lunch a few days ago. I don't think Z cares her friend is working with Jacob. Do you think Z came for Laura Harrier when they did some perfume ad together or at Hunter who had several scenes with Jacob in Euphoria. This is work. People are bound to work with their friend's exes.
@'mackshipper: why only post this angle. There's a video on tiktok where a bee kept following Miriam and Jacob was using a paper to remove it off her
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@'mdm: I adopted Daisy Flor Dominguez-Miller three years ago. Miss when she was a puppy and not the sassy it girl that she has become
@'JosephDominguez: your ass still owes me for helping your sneak her in the house
@'medegutierrez: Panchito's bestie 🦦
-> @'calumhood: Actually Duke is Panchito's bestie, he told me himself
@'40yearoldweirdo: bring back natural makeup like this. None of that caked up shit
-> @'mdm: literally wearing full glam with lashes and a brown smokey eye be so fucking fr you weirdo
@'mackstan: they really broke up huh 😪😔 no more Jack being unserious in her comments 💔
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Jack Harlow via Instagram Stories
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@'jacobelordi via Instagram Stories
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@'jackharlowsource: some behind the scenes of 3D
@'jackxmiriam: he's in his outfit flop era. Miriam would style him DOWN
@'jackfan: he's on to better things like working with literal idols
-> @'miriamfan: Miriam introduced them when she and JK filmed their Calvin Klein ad. She's the reason why he has these connections
@'jackstan: can Miriam stans leave y'all are being annoying 🙄
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@'chismepage: awkward moments at Jay Z and Michael Rubin's Reform Alliance charity casino night when recent exes Jack Harlow and Miriam Dominguez-Miller, walk past each other with out another word. Sources at the party mentioned that Harlow greeted Mateo Dominguez and Isabela Miller, but curved their youngest daughter whom he had been in a two year relationship. It's still unknown why the couple split up. 🔗 for more
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@'zendayac.96: Z at the opening night of The Nightmare Before Christmas supporting long time friend Miriam Dominguez-Miller
@'zstan: two Emmy award winning besties
@'mackshipper: did anyone happen to see Jack 😭 I'm holding out for hope
-> @'tomsdaya: hold out for delusion bestie
@'twitterstan: need them to play lovers in a movie like yesterday
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Clay Harlow via Instagram Stories
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@'jackharlowsource: Jack at the Lousiville and Notre Dame game today on Oct. 6th
@'jackstan: since when does he have a dump truck back there lol
@'mackshipper: 😔 I was hoping he'd go to opening night 🥺 his parents, Clay and Clay's girlfriend went
@'miriamhater: he's living his best life now that the annoying nepo baby is done riding his coattails
@'twittergirlie: the mullet is mulleting
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@'jacobelordi: conquering opening night jitters the Evans siblings way
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@'mdm: no big deal just me at mother Kelly Clarkson's show talking about my directorial debut and Broadway then I closed the show with a teaser for Last Dance. Before y'all do your conspiracy theories, Tenemos Que Hablar was about my character and her first love interest. It has nothing to do with my personal life. Anyways watch me embarrass myself talking about the Justin and Kelly movie
@'mdmxjh: she left THEE Kelly Clarkson GAGGED with how effortlessly she did that note
@'twitterstan: nepotism aside Miriam is so fucking talented. The pop girlies are lucky she's mainly an actress.
@'mackshipper: was she shading Jack in her new song?
-> @'miriamfan: re-reading her fucking caption. It was made for the movie WAY before they broke up 🙄🙄🙄
@'saintclauds: you're a staurrr
@'andreiiosivas: Spotify when
@'Alinahunter: literally obsessed qith you 🥰 can't wait to see you on stage 1937383 more times
@'zendaya: YES!
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@'saintclauds: my bestirini joined me on today's episode of Girl Chat. We talked about ice makers, Libra men with pretty hair and going back to school in the middle of performing a Broadway play
@'mdmfan: I love me some Miriam and Claudia 🤞🏻 they're so funny together
@'miriamstan: as an immigrant kid can she not set a new standard for us academically 😭 my mom is gonna be on my ass bc Miriam is doing her masters and Broadway at the same time
@'saintclaudsxmdm: when they would go 👀 at each other and change the subject 🤭 they have so much chisme lol
@'miriamhater: she couldn't even mention Jack's name when she talked about the movie 🙄 she's so annoying
-> @'mackshipper: can you leave her alone? If she doesn't want to mention Jack she shouldn't. She's not obligated to just because they were in a movie
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@'andreiiosivas: 🎁😎🥰
@'mdm: *Schmidt from New Girl* A libra man?! No!
-> @'andreiiosivas: why your surprised? The second thing you asked me what my Big 3 were 💀 I'm taking the icemaker back
-> @'mdm: no <3
-> @'miriamfan: Ariana what are you doing here
@'NFL: Joe Burrow gave him the best birthday present
@'saintclauds: no I get it
-> @'medegutierrez: 🦦
-> @'Alinahunter: okay I see it 👀
-> @'giahunter: y'all are so inconspicuous 😭 but 👀👀👀
@'twittergirlie: why are Miriam and her friends here 👀
@'twitterstan: he's a Libra man with pretty hair 👁👄👁
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@'jackharlow: Here I come
@Druski: miss you gang
@'claybornharlow: let's fucking GOOOO
@'laufey: hyped
@generationnow: 🔥up
@'miriamhater: a diss album 🤭 drag that bitch
@'messyman: idk if you saw but your ex bitch is in some other dude's comments
@'miriamfan: as long as he doesn't diss Miriam we're good
@'mackshipper: I'm a sucker for breakup albums but not my parents </3
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@'miriam_spottings: Miriam out with Princeton Alum/ Cincinnati Bengals wide receiver, Andrei Iosivas, after her sold out show at Minskoff Theater
@'twitterstan: are football players the new trend 😭
@'mdmxjh: I'm a child of divorce fr 💔
@'miriamfan: everyone was worried she was with her co-star only for her to pop out with an NFL player. It's kinda camp if you think about it 😭
@'mackshipper: no shade but damn that was quick
@'mdmstan: Miriam’s back in her WAG era we love to see it
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@'jackharlowsource: More videos of Jack at @'thehubpm
@'mdmfan: I'd be blasting corny breakup music too if my ex (that was WAY out of my league in the first place) was seen with a fine ass NFL player who went to an Ivy League
@'miriamfan: when you're at football games but her new man is IN them 😭
@'jackstan: Jack don't embarrass me like this be strong not petty 😭
@'jhxmdm: I didn't want it to end like this 😔
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Taglist: @sativachilombo @heavyhitterheaux  @cherry4everrr ​ @carma-fanficaddict  ​ @youngharleezy  @youngharleezyxo  ​ @babyharleezy  ​ @that-90s-girllll  ​ @alinaharlow  @harlowcomehome  @nattinatalia  @webinurcloset  @gassyandsassy1  @jackharloww  @awhore4moree  @noescapricho-essentimiento  @neon-lights-and-glitter  @purecinnamonextract  @whywontyoulovemecami  @camificrecs  @itsyagirljaz  @w1ldthoughts @vanwritesfan-fiction  @xxkoolkatxx
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drdt-headcanons · 3 months
April Fools’ Day Headcanons!
A list of headcanons for what each DRDT character thinks of/does on April Fools’ Day!
Teruko Tawaki: She hates April Fools’ Day. No matter who the pranks people set up are meant for, she always ends up being the one pranked. She usually gets at least a few minor injuries throughout the day. She doesn’t want to prank anyone, since she’s worried one of her pranks will go wrong and she’ll accidentally hurt someone, whether it be physically or mentally.
Xander Matthews: He takes this holiday as an excuse to break school rules, especially the stupid ones. Running in the halls, chewing gum in class, breaking the dress code, etc. etc.. Any rule he deems a useless restriction. (He soon realized the rule of no running in the halls was not a useless restriction when he crashed into Teruko while running, making her nose bleed).
Charles Cuevas: Routinely forgets it’s April Fools’ Day…Until someone (*cough cough* Arei and Whit *cough cough*) decides to prank him and others. He thinks the holiday is dumb and immature, meant to be grown out of once you graduate high school. That’s the reason he gives for disliking it, but in reality he doesn’t like how he’s almost always the butt of the joke for the whole day.
Ace Markey: He’s been dreading April Fools’ Day for weeks. He doesn’t really like to pull pranks on anyone else (he’s terrified they’ll somehow get revenge and pull a humiliating prank on him). So the whole day he’s on edge and on the lookout for any obvious pranks. But his intense paranoia fails him and he usually falls for a few anyway and he hates it.
Arei Nageishi and Whit Young: They pull pranks together all day. They’ve been planning for months and have at least one prank for every one of their classmates. Arei usually comes up with the idea, and Whit tones it back to be less mean-spirited, because he wants everyone to have fun. They plan pranks to pull on each other, too.
Rose Lacroix: She forgot what day it was until she fell asleep in class and woke up with a drawn-on mustache, hearts, stars, etc. on her face. She thought it was kinda cute and pretended not to notice for a bit. Nico felt bad and admitted they submitted to Arei’s peer pressure and drew on the hearts, but she told them she really didn’t mind.
Hu Jing: She doesn’t usually participate in any prank-pulling, but is happy to see the class having fun. If she thinks a prank was too cruel she’ll step in, but she mostly stands to the side to let the others have their fun. She might switch up her wardrobe to wear something silly as a ‘prank’, but it only really works on Levi, who is horrified at how none of the clothing she’s wearing matches.
Eden Tobisa: She likes to pull pranks in literally the nicest way possible. She’ll give someone a cake, claiming it’s vanilla flavored, and then say “Ha! April Fools!! It was actually a chocolate cake!” once they take a bite and she’ll be so proud of herself. It’s cute, and people get free baked goods, so everyone’s happy.
Levi Fontana: He’s not quite sure how to approach pranking someone, because he worries any attempt will be too mean. He tries to look up light-hearted pranks on the internet because he doesn’t want to be left out. (I was looking up pranks for him and thought this was a vaguely fashion-related prank he could do:)
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(I think this one is funny to imagine him doing).
Arturo Giles: He didn’t want to participate, but Veronika insisted he do something, or else she would prank him as many times as she could. Arturo, admittedly afraid of that threat, pulled a prank by copying dozens of photos of Mariabella Rosales and putting one copy in everyone’s locker. People were very confused and he found it quite hilarious. But he won’t ever tell Veronika he enjoyed himself, she’d never let him forget it.
Min Jeung: Doesn’t see much point in participating, and was quite annoyed to find that Whit and Arei replaced her textbooks with identical copies, just that the ones they made were blank inside. She demanded to have her books back and they eventually relented. She retaliated by pulling a prank so amazing I can’t even think of one good enough to put here. But it was great, whatever she did.
David Chiem: He enjoys playing nice pranks on the people he likes (he puts misleading compliment cards in Xander’s people’s lockers) and plays mean pranks on people he doesn’t like, except he never admits the mean ones were him and always ensures he never gets caught.
Veronika Grebenshchikova: She enjoys pulling as many outlandish pranks as possible, on anyone and everyone. No exceptions. Since she doesn’t have a Whit to tone stuff back like Arei does, her pranks are a lot more…eccentric. She really likes scaring people the best when it comes to pranks, and litters fake plastic spiders all over the school (Ace fell for at least five of them).
J Moreno/Rosales: She really wants to pull a cool prank but doesn’t know what prank to pull. But she doesn’t want to look on the internet for ideas because she wants her’s to be original. Evantually she settles for hiding behind doors and then jumping out and scaring Arturo specifically.
Nico Hakobyan: As previously stated, they drew hearts on Rose when Arei prompted them to, but otherwise were too scared to pull any pranks, since they thought people might get mad at them. They decided to just tell cat puns instead, which Whit loved. His reassurance that this was a worthy replacement for a prank made them happy.
All done! Hope you guys liked it, I know I don’t usually post my own headcanons. But if people wanted to ask me for headcanons about characters, ships, situations, etc. I’d be cool with that! This was really fun!
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ask-meowscarada · 3 months
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(( Wait a second, none of those are Meowscarada (I'm pretty sure)...
I know it goes against the spirit of April Fool's Day to explain the joke immediately, but posting this without context feels kinda mean LOL
You can blame my partner for giving me the idea, "wouldn't it be funny if you launched your new blog tomorrow?" and I wish I could except I'm not ready enough to want to launch it yet.
"Wait," you ask. "You're making a new blog?!"
Maybe! It's an idea I've been holding onto for some time now and I'd really like to do it, but it wouldn't be an ask blog the same way this one is—more of a casual place for doodles and stories relating to all of the Pokémon characters I've come up with in recent times that don't fit into ask-meowscarada. It's an idea I've even talked about on this blog and many of the characters can be found on my main, but I've otherwise been quiet about it because of the uncertainty.
So when my partner mentioned their idea earlier, I wanted to do something simple and silly for Schrödinger's blog—without being a jerk about the teaser (like, am I actually planning something or is this just a prank?). And by the time I made the art it felt like a waste not to do anything with it, so here we are!
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Until next time, gamers! ))
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Shout out to Shane and Courtney smosh for giving me the best april fools idea (I fake-marry someone I met like, once before. None of my friends know about this. We keep up this charade for a year, and my friends can never tell if it's part of April fools or I'm just a really private person. They are curious, but probing into a relationship to see if it's real would be a real asshole move. One year later, on April fools, we reveal the joke. They all laugh and are quite shocked at the level of commitment. The next day we tell them that we actually started dating halfway through the year. My friends never talk to me again)
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el-tur-el · 3 months
Thorns (They Always Seem to Catch)
Pairing: Booyahg Piddle/F!Tav (I am not joking. Dear god, I wish I was.)
Warnings: None. Does pining over a goblin warrant a warning?
Word Count: 648. Read it on AO3.
It had started out innocuously enough. Though, she supposes, most things do.
He had been the only one in the camp - cult, really, if she’s being honest with herself - that hadn’t immediately been interested in what the sun-kissed, bloated carrion of her corpse would look like; no captivation with the thought of the birds picking the scraps off her ribs, no desire to feed her to the worgs. He had been cordial, kind even. Happy to indulge her in conversation about culture, about literature. He’d shown her the manuscript he’d gotten his hands on - though it took a little convincing to get him to do so - and had eagerly pointed out the bits that intrigued him the most, though she had to stop to explain some of the particularly complex words to him.
He was nice. And friendly faces had been far and few between over the last tenday; her companions, yes, and the tieflings at the Grove were amicable for the most part (save for Rolan, who seemed to have a very particular bone to pick with her). But she felt startlingly alone in all of this, even with her traveling party at her side. Small and insignificant, faced with the looming threat of her own mortality. Would today be the day her jaw splintered to make way for tentacles? Would her blood boil? Her organs eat themselves from the inside out?
So yes, she enjoyed the conversation, and yes, she was friendly to him. As far as she was concerned, there was no reason not to be.
Astarion and Shadowheart had loudly declared her to be a fool; too trust, too focused on matters that were, frankly, frivolous. She was losing sight of the goal - they needed to find Halsin, rid themselves of the tadpoles, and move on with their lives. Gale had mostly been intrigued by how seemingly well-read he had been, rambling as they walked, though nobody was really listening.
What she had not anticipated from all of this was for simple joyfrom a kind connection to blossom into some kind of… fondness. Admiration, perhaps? Infatuation?
He had disappeared when the fighting started out in the courtyard, and the pang of concern she felt left her feeling confused; what did the safety of an Absolutist matter to her? Conversation aside, he was still part of the enemy, and she’d do well to remember that.
But when it was all over, and they stood triumphant, boots sticky with goblin blood, all she felt was the sick shock of regret. These were people, cult or not, with lives of their own. Families. Her mind haunted by the children in the Shattered Sanctum, how they had ran when the fighting started to get Halsin free. Krolla running the chicken chasing out in the courtyard.
And, of course, him.
She’s restless that night when they make camp, all fitful fervor, eyes so heavy and yet painfully plastered open. She gazes up at the stars, her stomach in knots. Had he made it out safe? Where would he go now, with nowhere to call home? Why had he been so kind to her?
She thinks the tadpole must finally be getting to her, because her chest aches, and she knows that that isn’t the correct response to all of this.
She considers the balance of nature versus nurture; could he have bloomed into something softer, had things been different? Taken away from the bloodshed, from the illithid influence, from the looming presence of the Absolute?
Or was he just a goblin, and she was making a mad dash towards the far side of crazy?
She rolls over in her bedroll with a sigh, willing her eyes to shut. Things to think about in the morning - at least if it is the tadpole finally taking hold, Lae’zel will make her death painless and swift.
She dreams, weightless, of possibility.
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digenerate-trash · 5 months
Adding on in anon for the April fools thing
So as I was thinking I thought… hmm would Kylar even change during April fools day I Mena yeah sure he is just normal Kylar but extra insane and has extra mental problems but like he doesn’t even change he stays the same because well… he is already himself
And Sydney would be fine being normal for the whole day he has a bunch of missed work to do
On the other hand C!sydney would not be his original counterpart but rather make himself worse by staying close … the entire day but tbh that’s all I think
YO!!!! YAN APRIL FOOLS ANON!! I love you man you're so big brained. But let's expand!! All of the school love intrests would be involved!!!
I think currupt and regular sydney would be able to stay in charactor the longest out of the love intrest to be honest with you. Even if curupt syd is unspeakably horny a crude joke or jab at you isn't out of charactor for him and he likes to see you squirm while he pretends to be none the wiser. It's a fun game a cute joke. Of course you'll have to deal with the consequences if you point out he's acting out of charactor. Not then of course. But later.
Robin lasts the second longest. He's used to "acting normal" but if you even say something cute to him he's struggling to contain himself. Get ready for extra long hugs and awkward talks because Robin still wants to keep in charactor but he's not doing well. He brings your pillowcase to school with him that day so he can huff it when no one is looking. It gets him though the day 💕
Whitney is fine until lunch. He avoids you hangs out with his friends but eventually the game gets boring and he takes you into the boys room to bite down on your shoulder and draw blood. He insists he meant to leave a hicky but when he doesn't stop giving you bites instead of hickeys it becomes obvouis he couldn't keep up this "bully" facade for long. The freak needs to taste you otherwise he gets antsy.
I strongly believe kylar would try to tone it down for the sake of a "joke" but if you question him about it he'd break so easily and be up to his neck in tears apologizing for suppressing his love he knows you need and want all of it and he's just really sorry it was a bit he still loves you and insane about he'll get you anything in the world if you forgive him!!! He'd do anything for you he promises it was just a one time thing he loves you so much he didn't mean it at all please forgive him he'll do anything he'll get on his knees and bark he promises to be a better boyfriend he knows that what you want!!!!!!!
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mywingsareonwheels · 3 months
Honestly yesterday was the best April Fool's Day I can remember, no kidding. The boops were just entirely up my street. :D
It's also made me clarify to myself which AFD things I like and which I don't.
Things I like, in descending order of I-like-them:
entirely harmless affectionate whimsical chaotic mischief like the boops <3 Absolutely the best!
harmless and semi-predictable pranks and jokes like rickrolls and other song things. Love them!
lying-type pranks that are a) are really obviously lies even to my very literal brain and b) wouldn't be scary or upsetting even if they were true. The spaghetti trees prank is a classic for a reason. I saw I think the National Trust for Scotland yesterday claim they'd been restoring the pink colour on one of the castles in Aberdeenshire and it had unexpectedly gone... actually the bi flag colours. It was pretty! Still not my favourite but I do quite like them.
Things I don't like, in ascending order of I-hate-them
lying-type pranks that aren't obvious at all, and/or would be really not-good-at-all if they were true. I saw a couple of the latter on Instagram yesterday and even though I did get within a heartbeat that they were just an AFD thing, I still didn't like the momentary experience of Ouch.
absolute worst thing: jumpscares. Fuck'em.
I should note that people who like the things I don't like are totally valid (although I do think people should be v v careful who they jumpscare)! Really not out to quash anyone else's fun. But I am so delighted that I saw literally none of them on tumblr yesterday. :-) Just the boops, and some rickrolls etc.. Lovely. :-)
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coredrill · 3 months
this post is not abt bravern but it Is abt my Bravern Feelings
i miss this show so much already SOBS. i did enlist another g roup of irl friends to watch it w me though and we are starting tomorrow so yay :] and also beware the rewatch posts
[guy who has said that i'm glad i watched this live every week voice] i'm rly glad i watched this live, but this time its bc. i think there is something so truly and genuinely special abt the way that the theories abt bravern himself evolved week to week.........like at first everyone was like Well maybe he's an evil alien who is gonna Kill isami. and then everyone was like Well maybe he's a death drive and isami is his lulu. and THEN everyone was like Well there's still some knuth in there so. but none of that was the case!!! none of that was true!!! it was literally just this one guy and all of the love he has and Absolutely Sucks Shit at expressing!!!!!!! and i just. idk. that hits me rly hard that maybe it was percieved as sinister at first just cause it was a little Off but in the end it was something really really sweet :] it also just feels like yet another way of the show doing its "we know audiences aren't willing to accept optimism at face value these days" schtick like they mentioned in that one interview and just. showing how bravern himself evolves in the eyes of the viewer. it's rly special to me :]
i know bravern speaking german in ep2 was a nod to the translator he uses on superbia later but. what if someone loved you so much they became german (if i ever mention kyouji again in a bravern context just fucking shoot me)
WILD to watch the finale and then see the isami hate train take off FKSJDHFJ cause i feel like i adored him so much in that ep LMAO. my guy really felt every emotion known to man in the span of 22 minutes and then started makin gup new ones. he's very human!!! and i love that abt him!!!!
although some takes. i'm ngl. i know we joke abt subtext and cowards but it becomes less funny when the subtext that is there is missed LMAO
sorry to keep bringing up ep4 but i think its SO interesting how like. the way that bravern seems to helps isami out emotionally in that ep actually ends up not helping him in the long run aswell? like getting to know all those ppl care abt him is good ofc but it also feeds Directly into his hangups in ep5. and i remember being a little confused as to Why that was the case on first watch cause ep4 was So abt his beef w lulu (FLSDKJFH) but w the smith being a human again thing in the end it makes. so much more sense!!!!! i can't wait to rewatch the show w it still fresh in my mind and find even more!!!!!!
and omg the beef with lulu. literally nothing is funnier to me than "we are gonna have one Rival Fight in this show and that position is gonna be filled by isami and smith's fucking KID" SOBS. LIKE. it kills me FKSLDJFHL. though i will say again that i think it is So fucking special that in ep10 lulu specifically calls out isami taking care of her after smith dies and it apparently happens to such a degree that like. he is worth her time traveling back to save independently aswell? even though there was no way that he "took care of her" for more than a couple days? which i think just says so much abt isami in the sense that like. at no point before ep6-7ish in his arc would he have even entertained that idea. uwu
i think i said this before but ikd if i included the screenshot but. the fact that while bravern is dying he sees THAT SAME FUCKING PICTURE is just evidence that men do not take enough photos i think
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there is literally Nothing more onbrand for bravern than the fucking. "ep13 abema listing" (if anyone who has not heard abt that sees this. it was just a rebroadcast of ep12 mislabeled) sending everyone into a tizzy regarding like. Secret Episode Question Mark except half of everyone being convinced its an april fools joke and the other half being convinced that the april fools joke is that we didn't expect it. and then it turns out to not be interntional atall and the real april fools joke is Fry Pan. SOBS
Crunchyroll I Am Begging You If You Dub This Please Dub The Songs Too Oh My God (<- delusional)
anyways!!!!!!!!!!! again i know recency bias is the killa but god. i really loved this show a lot!!!! it might be an alltime fave story for me in general!!!!!! even if it's not it was a really special experiance and story on the whole and i'm just really really happy i get to carry it in my heart forever :]
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stuckyxren · 1 year
Steve and Bucky discovered that pranks are still something funny. And with the help of Sam they also discover some TikTok pranks and want to try them with you.
Some angst fluff? 🥺
Prank Wars- Stucky x reader
Warnings: maybe some LaNgUaGe
Authors note: sorry if this is crap. I know it’s super short, but this was kinda out of my comfort zone writing wise. I hope you enjoy it! (*no editing was done*)
Steve’s mom always said that laughter was the best medicine. As long as Steve has known Bucky, when all else has failed, Bucky would make Steve laugh. When they grew older and moved in together, when Steve was frequently sick and they couldn’t afford his meds, Bucky would start a prank war. Just stupid little practical jokes that were harmless, but they made Steve giggle. Soapy sandwiches, objects moving away from a person that was trying to pick them up, wax food items and other little jokes never failed to put a smile on Steve’s face when he was at his lowest in all aspects.
One night after a long mission, none of you could sleep, so Bucky and Steve would tell you about their past lives. This particular night was the eve of April 1st, most popularly known as April fools day.
“Okay okay.” You giggled after hearing Bucky tell the story of him and Steve at Coney Island once again. “I have to know. Since tomorrow is April fools day, did you ever pull pranks back in the day?” You asked, waiting on edge for the reply you were sure was to come.
“Absolutely!” Bucky said, turning and propping himself up to see you better. “I used to prank Steve ALL the time when he was really sick.” Bucky said, smiling proudly in the darkness.
“Bucky!” You gasped, smacking his chest. “That’s not nice!” You scolded, shoving your lover.
“Hey! It was consensual!” Bucky defended.
“It’s true. Ma always said laughter was the best medicine and Bucky always knew how ti make me laugh. He’d start a prank war and I’d be feel better within hours!” Steve said, shaking his head at the fond memory.
“We will never know if it was the distraction or the laughter, but he made it out alive.” Bucky said, reaching across you to caress Steve’s cheek.
“Thank God! You’d be insufferable without him.” You said, sounding serious, but smirking as Bucky gasped in mock offense.
“So wait.” Steve said suddenly. “Are pranks and prank wars still acceptable?” Steve asked, turning and propping himself up as well.
“Absolutely!” You said, smirking to yourself in the darkness. “In fact, the April prank war starts tomorrow with April Fools day. So, may the odds be ever in your favor.” You said, patting your two men before turning into your usual sleep position and falling asleep.
“What does that mean?” Bucky asked, curious and cautious all at once. You didn’t answer.
“Doll? What do that mean?” Steve echoed, trying to grab your attention once again.
“Shhhh. Sleeping.” You said, snuggling in and pretending to fall right to sleep.
“Sam. I need your help.” Steve said, dragging Bucky along. Bucky was not happy about asking Sam for help, but they were both too embarrassed to ask Tony or Peter.
“What’s up Cap?” Sam replied.
“What does ‘May the odds ever be in your favor’ mean?” Steve asked, shifting back and forth while looking down, rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment.
“Normally nothing good. Who said it?” Sam asked, chuckling at the flustered captain.
“Y/n.” Steve mumbled.
“Context?” Sam pushed.
“Well, we were talking about prank wars that Bucky and I had in the 40s and that brought up today being April fools day.” Steve explained.
“So, should we be expecting pranks from her? Is that what that means?” Bucky asked, getting straight to the point.
“Oh, most definitely.” Sam said, nodding his head vigorously.
Steve and Bucky both looked at each other and immediately started strategizing. Talking about all the old pranks that they pulled in the 40s and how they could pull them on you now.
“Woah woah woah. Grandpas. Hold it. You can do better than that.” Sam said, stopping the pair before they could solidify their plans.
“And what’s your ideas genius?” Bucky asked, looking at Sam with a deadpan expression.
“Well I’m sooo glad you asked.” Sam said, pulling out his phone. “Behold. TikTok pranks.” Sam said, waving his phone in the air. “I’ll send you a few that I think you guys should be able to pull off. Just make sure Friday is recording and sends me the footage, alright?” Sam said, smiling smugly at the couple.
Both men nodded and walked away as their phones started blowing up with videos from Sam.
For their first prank, Steve and Bucky involved the team. It was movie night and everyone was gathered in the living room. As soon as you walked in, Bucky yelled “ANDY’S COMING” and everyone dropped.
“What the hell?” You laughed. Almost dropping the popcorn you just made, you placed the bowl on the table to clutch your sides. Never in a million years did you think the avenger would do this prank. “I’m done. I’m done.” You laughed, walking back into the kitchen.
Ten minutes later, you quickly plotted your revenge and put it into motion. You walked back into the living room to find the team bickering over the movie choice. Per usual, Steve was sat back with Bucky watching the chaos unfold.
“Stevie. Can you crack my back for me? It really hurts.” You said, coming to reach a hand out to your lover.
“Sure thing doll.” Steve replied, immediately unfolding from Bucky’s arms and standing behind you.
You sneakily placed two pieces of dry pasta in your mouth and let Steve get into position. You guys have done this many times before. As soon as Steve pulled up, you crunched down on the pasta with a loud groan.
“Holy shit Steve!” Bucky yelled, coming and grabbing you as you crumbled in Steve’s hold.
“Oh my god! Baby!” Steve shouted, gently lowering you to the ground. “Talk to me. Are you okay?” Steve asked, not touching you as your body shook, assuming that you were crying.
When Bucky moved your hair, he breathed a sigh of relief. “That was not funny!” Bucky said, sitting back and shaking his head. “She’s laughing. She’s laughing with dry pasta spilling from her mouth!” Bucky exclaimed, throwing his hands up.
“Oh my God.” Tony laughed, wheezing as he tried to catch his breath. “Fri. TELL ME you got that!” Tony asked Friday, wiping away tears of laughter.
“I did sir. Already sent it to your phone.” Friday said, sounding smug for an AI.
“Not cool y/n.” Steve said, shaking his head and laughing slightly. “You got me good.”
“I’m the prank queen.” You said, standing and stretching to kiss Steve and then Bucky.
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