#none of you have literacy comprehension skills
enemyoflactose · 6 months
One time I saw a post about how someone believed Yami Bakura was an antihero.
I've been a hater of his fan base ever since.
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chaifootsteps · 7 months
I submit example gazillion of the hyperspecific phenomenon that is fans looking at something Viv wrote, coming up with something way better, and then saying that that actually is what she wrote.
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(And if you point that out, you invariably get bombarded with "You just need to have everything spelled out for you. Media literacy is dead."
Like, no, man. Not to brag, but I do possess basic reading comprehension skills. I know what subtext is. I can recognize implications. (I vividly remember raising my hand in high school English and asking "Um, are we just not gonna acknowledge the gay sex scene?" (The Great Gatsby) and spending the next ten minutes defending myself.)
I don't not see it because I'm a dumbass. I don't see it because it's not there. None of that is ever so much as implied. This happens so often; it's so weird and it's driving me bonkers.)
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This will never, ever cease to be annoying. Dear Viv fandom, stop doing the work for her and if nothing else, stop getting angry with people who point out that you're doing the work for her.
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You're going to say my posts were condescending? Wait until you read this one.
You're going to block me and then continue to tag me in unrelated posts so that I can't even respond?
Can you not take the heat?
I explicitly agreed with you that George Lucas does not have good writing. And then said that you're still asking him to TELL you things that are already there for you to see. Like the fact that there were conversations we were not privy to as fans that happened between people like Bail and Yoda, Obi Wan and Bail, Obi Wan and Owen and Beru, Bail and the Naberrie family, Bail and Padmé, and Obi Wan and Padmé.
You claiming the Naberrie family was completely uninvolved and kept in the dark is a head canon. There is no in-movie evidence to suggest this happened.
Hell, I could claim that Kenobi is being paid under the table in the new TV show because we never see him negotiate pay and present documents to his employer. Is there evidence for this? No. Is there anything to suggest this isn't the case? Not technically... but there is a lot of evidence people could use to refute my claim. A lot more than I would have to defend it.
I suggested that the pop-cultural "the curtains are just blue" hot take is a cancer on media literacy. That's not a dig at your intelligence. That's a fact. A dig at your intelligence would have been telling you that you're illiterate, which I never did.
I said you're asking George Lucas to hold your hand through this, which isn't a dig at your intelligence. Saying you need your hand held would be a dig at your intelligence. But as this has been explained to you several times, now, yah... it seems you need your hand held. Is that calling you stupid? No.
Hell, you're clearly smart enough to misrepresent people's arguments.
But, judging by how you took my "lets not compare Leia's adoption to the Catholic Church's hand in genocide" to mean "the Jedi are indigenous," yah... I'd say you do lack comprehension skills.
You should really ask for a refund on that degree.
It's not condescending to suggest we don't compare two magical space children getting adopted to avoid being found by a magical space emperor to a literal genocide. It's not condescending to tell you not to use a public abuse trial that people literally turned into a "fandom war" to discredit someone.
And it's certainly not condescending to tell people to stop fucking tagging me in their fucking posts.
Oh, it's also not condescending to defend black and brown creators who do character redesign art that makes characters black or brown like them. And it's not condescending to remind you that George Lucas was inspired by Samurai films.
There isn't a single condescending thing in either of my responses to you. I asked you not to disrespect me. I asked you not to call me a bitch. I asked you not to misrepresent my arguments.
When I come in and say:
"There is no evidence to suggest Jedi kidnapped kids."
And your response is:
"I never said the Jedi deserved to die."
That is misrepresenting my argument. Because I literally never said that you said those things. I took screenshots of your posts before you changed them to edit the parts that made little sense in the context of everything we were discussing.
Your replies to my posts sound like a scripted response. Like you expected me to say a couple things you've heard before and your go to was "I never said!" So, you were woefully unprepared when I came back with, "I never said you said."
I have given you patient piece of evidence after evidence, including reminding you that the Jedi- Obi Wan and Yoda- were Anakin's legal family and thus had every say in the fate of those kids.
And your response is that I called you a racist and a DV apologist and a child hater? When none of those left my damn mouth?
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I'd like you to point me to where I called you a slur. Because I know that I wasn't the one throwing bitch around.
I give you a well-rounded argument and your response is to suggest I must just want to fuck Obi Wan Kenobi? Kenobist?
Because I certainly do nothing but defend Bail Organa or Obi Wan Kenobi on my blog (/sar). I've certainly never reblogged or written posts that criticize Bail Organa for voting for the Clone Army (/sar). Or written posts criticizing codywan fans for their fucking whitesaviorism (/sar). I've certainly never made a post talking about how we need to stop infantilizing grown men (/sar). And I've always maintained that the Jedi order is perfect- actually perfect- in every way (/sar).
If you wanted to bring up the ethics of adoption- and closed adoption in particular- then write that post. If you think there are inherent consent issues in adoption, then say so. Make that argument. But do not compare the adoption of magical space children to real life adoptions. Especially considering that OUR real life history of adoption has a checkered past with race and genocide.
By comparing two magical white space babies to what has happened in our country and in our adoption systems- mostly to black and brown children- you downplay the horrors of genocide.
You aren't even addressing my main points anymore. You're attempting to garner sorrow when you've realized that the take you committed yourself to defend tooth and nail might not actually be the hot take it is.
And look who's actually trying to call in the cronies to defend her:
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What? Can't make an argument without having a gang to jump someone with?
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firelxdykatara · 4 years
For the love of my life, I cannot understand why zutara is so popular! They were enemies up until the end of the show, they had no buildup, showed no interest in each other, And were already in relationships/had interests in other people long before they became allies. Is abusive pairings just the latest fad now in pop culture? Cuz i’m seeing a lot of it with Reylo as well.
Y’all really don’t know what words mean, do you?
First of all, enemies-to-lovers pairings are not inherently abusive. Fullstop. Hero/Villain and enemies-to-lovers dynamics (though please note that these are not the same things, when will antis learn media literacy for the love of carbs) can be toxic and abusive, but it is entirely dependent on their dynamic after they begin a romantic relationship. You cannot call a pairing abusive just because they tried to hurt or kill each other when they were enemies on opposite sides of a violent conflict, that’s not how it works.
Secondly, if you can’t understand why Zutara is so popular, then I can only conclude that there are three possibilities: one, you haven’t even seen the show (or you slept through every zuko and katara scene that built up their dynamic from enemies to friends in canon); two, you lack reading comprehension and media literacy skills and do not understand how to spot romantic tropes or foreshadowing; or, three, you’re lying, because you know that there is a whole lot of basis for enjoying the potential Zuko and Katara could have had, and you know their canon relationships were terribly written and not particularly healthy (especially on Zuko’s end), and it annoys you because whatever you do ship isn’t nearly as popular and probably doesn’t have the same basis in canon.
(Unless you’re a Zukka shipper, which means that the first two possibilities are most likely, on top of which you’re a hypocrite.)
I suspect, however, given the fallacious comparison to Reylo, that it’s some combination of the second two possibilities, because only people who lack basic media literacy would think that there are any similarities between the two relationships that aren’t based on superficial aesthetics and the basic enemies-to-lovers trope. Now, I don’t care if people ship Reylo--I personally don’t, and never have, but what does annoy me is the comparison to Zutara, because there’s no basis for it. Zuko and Katara had a relationship arc that spanned the entire series. They did not try to kill each other (Zuko was never trying to kill any of the gaang, he was trying to capture Aang and that was only in the first season; hiring an assassin was a) a one-time fluke, and b) a horribly ooc writing decision that made no sense to begin with), and Zuko was never as fully-fledged a villain as Kylo.
He also had a completely different backstory, didn’t kill Iroh even when he turned on him, and didn’t have the blood of entire planets on his hands. This doesn’t mean that Kylo couldn’t have had a believable redemption arc, but it would have taken a lot more work, rather than being shoved into the last hour of the third movie. Zuko’s arc, on the other hand, spanned all three seasons of his show, beginning with the fact that he was narratively positioned as the deuteragonist from the start. He wasn’t even the primary antagonist at any point in the series--in book 1, that position went to Zhao, in book 2 it was Azula, and in book 3 it was Ozai.
None of which is particularly important to the fact that Zuko and Katara had a relationship arc. You don’t have to like it, you don’t even have to admit it’s there, but it’s canon and you can’t rewrite reality to remove it, much as I know you wish you could. By the end of the series, Zuko and Katara are friends with a deep, close bond, which can be interpreted platonically, sure, but there’s nothing stopping us from interpreting it as romantic, particularly when you couple it with the romantic tropes that littered their arc, along with the parallels and the symbolism and the potential they have as a couple to reshape the world.
You don’t have to like it. You can even keep pretending you don’t understand it. But we’re not going anywhere, like it or not, so you’ll just have to learn to deal with it.
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whitherwanderer · 4 years
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✖ FINANCIAL – wealthy  / moderate / poor / in poverty
Sif survives off of a meager per-gig pay and doesn’t seem intent to take on more stable work. Despite her complaints, she almost seems proud of her ability to live with so little.
✖ MEDICAL – fit / moderate / sickly / disabled / disadvantaged / deceased
If you’ve ever hiked a a whole day, you know very well that it takes some endurance, and a lot of energy. There must be something left of Sif’s ranger days in her, though it’s not helped by her prominent alcoholism.
✖ CLASS OR CASTE – upper / lower / middle / working / unsure
While she’s certainly not upper class by any means, she does work. Sometimes.
✖ EDUCATION – qualified / unqualified / studying
Sif’s early life afforded her a basic education before she started working in her teens. That is to say, she knows her letters, basic arithmetic, and some history of the star.
✖ MARITAL STATUS – married, happily / married, unhappily / engaged  / partnered / divorced / widow or widower / separated / single / it’s complicated
“It’s complicated” sums it up right.
✖ CHILDREN – has children / no children / wants children / adopted children
Sif has no children, nor any apparent desire for them. Most tend to pin this on her lifestyle and habits, which seems to be a bit of a sore point with her.
✖ FAMILY – close with siblings / not close with siblings / has no siblings / siblings are deceased / it’s complicated
✖ AFFILIATION – orphaned / adopted / disowned / raised by both parents / other
Raised by a fletcher/bowyer and a songstress, it’s not hard to tell where Sif’s talents (both lost and current) came from.
✖ disorganized / organised / in between ✖ close-minded / open-minded / in between ✖ cautious / reckless / in between ✖ patient / impatient / in between ✖ outspoken / reserved / in between ✖ leader / follower / in between ✖ sympathetic / unsympathetic / in between ✖ optimistic / pessimistic / in between ✖ hardworking / lazy / in between ✖ cultured / uncultured / in between ✖ loyal / disloyal / in between ✖ faithful / unfaithful / in between
✖ SEXUALITY – heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual / asexual / pansexual / omnisexual / demisexual
The woman flirts openly, but does she mean a word of it? Unlikely. If she had any particular sexual interest in someone, they’d know.
✖ SEX – sex repulsed / sex neutral / sex favorable
✖ ROMANCE – romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favorable
Sif doesn’t seem to display any inclination towards or against romance, at least for herself. She does cheer on other couples in her own ways, though.
✖ SEXUALLY – sexually adventurous / sex experienced / naive / inexperienced / curious / uninterested
She’s never been ashamed to admit that she’s had more than a few flings in her time.
✖ COMBAT SKILLS – excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
True to Sif’s claims, her ability to use a bow effectively in combat was lost when she became dependent on drink. There are a few who have seen her land impossible shots, even to her own surprise.
✖ LITERACY SKILLS – excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
Sif’s reading and comprehension is about what one would expect of a woman whose early life would have seen her raised into the working class.
✖ ARTISTIC SKILLS – excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
While not a visual artist of any sort, it takes enough creativity to write songs that Sif qualifies as “artistic” in her own right.
✖ TECHNICAL SKILLS – excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
Ask her to do anything out of her wheelhouse and Sif is basically useless. She tries. Kind of.
Tagged by: @silvernsteel @mai-takeda​ (Thanks both of you! 💛)
Tagging: Anyone! Steal it!
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rachelmrb · 5 years
Readerly Exploration #3
Miller, Chapter 2, “In September, Part 1″
Takeaway:  Curriculum is not just about standards and expectations, but rather learning about your students to find literacy tactics and workshops that work best for them individually, based off of their likes and dislikes, to help them become more engaged in what they’re learning.
Nugget:  When it comes to reflection and sharing in Debbie Miller’s classroom, students are asked if they would like to share, and before the students share they respond with, “Yes, thank you.” She talks to a few students during their private reading time and then asks student’s to share so that she can incorporate their sharing into her lesson. She has a brilliant way of combining her lessons, behavior skills, and the social aspect of sharing with the class.
Miller, Chapter 3, “In September, Part 2″
Takeaway:  While Debbie Miller knows her student’s interests and connects them to their learning, she also encourages her students to learn independently and from each other in groups. 
Nugget:  Debbie Miller talks about for the last 40 minutes of her day, she stands back and reflect on her students. She says none of them are calling her name, tugging on her sleeve, or tapping her. This was kind of shocking and new to me because everywhere that I have observed, there is always at least one child calling for the teacher. The independence and structure she has in the classroom is clearly beneficial and helpful for not only the students, but her as the teacher as well.
Exploration:  Engage in the reading process to increase the likelihood of text comprehension (pre-reading, reading, responding, exploring, applying)
Exploration Narrative:  I chose the exploration of after you read, sit down with a classmate after you have both done the assigned reading and discuss what you found to be the most compelling about what you read and the least compelling. So Joy Kolakowsi is in my class and also happens to my roommate and dyad. We thought that Chapter 2 and 3 built off well of each other and talked about both chapters. Both of us found new things from Debbie Miller. Joy talked about how she loved how Debbie Miller sees every student as a reader, because they are in their own way, even if they can’t read text. I found it compelling that when Debbie Miller read the letters from the parents, not a single parent talked about their child’s grades or the standards, but rather what their child likes and what makes them special. We also talked about how it is frustrating reading some of Debbie Miller’s tactics with first graders because we are placed in a kindergarten classroom this year, and some of those tactics do not work as well. Kindergarten needs a lot of guidance and also where we see where Miller’s tactics would benefit the classroom, it is not our place to be making suggestions. On the bright side, Joy and I could maybe take what we have learned from Miller and include it in our instructional plans for our lessons or interventions that we create.
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House Dems Unveil 18-Bill ‘Respecting Educators Package’
Darrin Camilleri
Seven years ago, Darrin Camilleri was a fresh college graduate and new to a teacher with no textbooks, no curriculum and a big job in addition to his teaching duties: hired professor. Now he is a state representative and hopes to be part of the “transformational change” in the educational profession.
Camilleri, D-Trenton and other Democratic House lawmakers on Wednesday unveiled a package of 18 bills unveiled this week to improve the professional landscape and better recruit, respect, and retain classroom teachers in Michigan.
“There was a time when Michigan was the envy of the world for education and teacher salaries and benefits, but in the past few decades we know that has changed,” Camilleri said at a press conference to announce the bill. “If we want our best and brightest teachers to become teachers and stay in the classroom, we must act decisively now to respect and appreciate the profession.”
Various proposals in the Respecting Educators package would, among other things, offset student loan debt, reduce health care costs, change the reading law for third grade, remove student test scores from teacher reviews, and create a pathway between entry level teachers and teachers.
“It is our duty to ensure that every child has the opportunity and the resources they need to be successful, but without great teachers and educators in our schools this cannot happen,” said Camilleri.
Anthony Barnes
MEA member Anthony Barnes spoke at the press conference in support of the comprehensive legislative package. “I’ve seen some amazing educators leave education because they can’t support themselves or their families financially, don’t feel respected, and the burnout rate is extremely high.”
Barnes, a sixth year special education teacher in Kalamazoo, noted a historically high quota of teachers – including a 40% increase during the pandemic last fall and winter – coupled with declining enrollments in teacher prep programs at colleges and universities across the state.
“I’m just in graduate school so my student loan debt is still growing,” Barnes said. “I’m telling you it’s stressful and my salary doesn’t really help me make up for it – although I work to improve every day so I can improve our educational system.”
Two bills in the package address the student loan problem. House Bill 5099, sponsored by Camilleri, would create a student loan program for eligible teachers that would cover up to $ 300 per month in student loan payments as long as the recipient stays in the field. Another bill by Rep. Brenda Carter (D-Pontiac), HB 5100, would amend the tax law to make student loan payments tax-free.
AFT Michigan member Kathi Martin also spoke out in favor of the bills. The 18-year-old speech and language pathologist from Dearborn and her husband, a special needs education, collectively earn $ 1,000 in student loans a month, she said.
This burden – combined with falling takeaway salaries and rising costs over the past decade – forced her to take a part-time job, which shortens the time she has to prepare for the students outside of working hours. You could earn better outside of the education sector, she noted.
The “Respecting Educators” package deals with these problems from several directions. HB 5106, sponsored by Rep. Mari Manoogian (D-Birmingham), would require school districts to pay a larger proportion of educator health premiums by imposing a fixed cap of 90-10 until the cost is 10% above the cap lie.
Proposed “fair pay” proposal HB 5109 – sponsored by Rep. Kelly Breen (D-Novi) – would create a three tier best practice bonus system ($ 20, $ 30, and $ 35 per student) based on whether teachers 95% receive. , 100% or 110% of the average salary of people with the same training in their field.
HB 5102, sponsored by Rep. Abraham Aiyash (D-Hamtramck), would allow tax-allocated funds to be allocated to certain schools to reimburse certified teachers for expenses. And his companion from Rep. Angela Witwer (D-Delta Township), HB 5103, would allow taxpayers an over-the-line deduction from adjusted gross income for contributions to the Local Teacher Supply Reimbursement Program Act.
Finally, HB 5110 – sponsored by Rep. Christine Morse, Texas Township, D – would require the state to pay teacher certification and recertification fees in order to reduce teacher spending.
“We cannot rely on education to be their calling as the sole motivation for recruiting teachers who are at the heart of our education system,” Morse said at the press conference. “It’s not a sustainable model. We have to treat the teaching profession like a qualified profession and not a passion project. “
In addition to the financial burden, according to Martin von Dearborn, educators experience the loss of joy and creativity – replaced by the pressure of standardized tests and poorly thought-out mandates such as the third-grade reading law, year-round testing and the retention of young people based on a test result.
“Taking the fun of learning and replacing it with useless tests harms our students and destroys teacher morale, which seeps through to the younger generations,” she said. “We are finally seeing the effects of the attack on public education that has been going on for about 15 years.
“When a profession is belittled, scapegoated, and vilified as educators were, can you blame people for leaving or not entering teacher training programs?”
Four bills in the package relate to third grade reading and reviews. HB 4574, sponsored by former educator and MEA member Rep. Nate Shannon (D-Sterling Heights), would allow teachers to follow up in deciding whether to keep a non-grade student through third grade to decide at their own discretion.
House Bill 5101, sponsored by Rep. Cara Clemente (D-Lincoln Park), would change the requirements for early literacy screening to allow for the professional judgment of teachers.
While teachers don’t get enough credit for everything they do, para-professionals get even less, said former teacher and MEA member Rep. Matt Koleszar (D-Plymouth), promoting his account of creating a non-teaching path for parasites, to get their teacher certification.
“Our parapros are the ones who work with each student individually to ensure that they are successful,” said Koleszar when the package was announced on Facebook. “My bill, HB 4369, creates a pipeline for Parapros to achieve their full teaching certification, resulting in more passionate, skilled educators in our classrooms.”
Another suggestion to build a pipeline of future teacher candidates was made at the press conference by Rep. Sarah Anthony (D-Lansing), who noted that she had brought two of her former teachers as special guests when she was sworn in for her first full semester at State Parliament 2019.
“They shaped and shaped me into who I am today and we often forget that,” said Anthony. “Those of us in the Halls of Power have a responsibility to step on the plate. Every single child deserves access to an excellent local public school so that they have the opportunity to grow and live a successful life, but none of this can happen without our educators. “
Anthony’s bill, HB 5107, would create a professional-technical teacher preparation program that would enable high school students to work towards meeting teacher certification requirements through courses and experiential learning.
“This package won’t solve every problem we face in one fell swoop, but it is an important first step on the road to the best possible education system,” said Anthony. “It shows that we value our educators as much as other qualified, trained professionals by paying our educators appropriately, respecting them, and truly treating them as the experts they are in the field.”
Other bills in the Respecting Educators package would:
Remove the student growth component from teacher ratings – HB 5104 and 5106 by former teacher and MEA member Rep. Lori Stone (D-Warren) and Rep. Laurie Pohutsky (D-Livonia);
Create a $ 25 per student category for districts that are lowering the year-over-year teacher-student ratio and prioritize the districts with the highest rates first – HB 5111 by Rep. Helena Scott, D-Detroit;
Request school improvement plans that include individual professional development plans for teachers – HB 5108 by Rep. Kara Hope (D-Holt);
Require that teacher preparation programs include a class management course – HB 5112 also from Stone; and
Request Alternate Classroom Management Training – HB 5113 from Rep. Regina Weiss (D-Oak Park).
source https://collegeeducationnewsllc.com/house-dems-unveil-18-bill-respecting-educators-package/
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firjii · 7 years
Words: 1810
Chapters: 1/1 Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: fenris x f!hawke Additional Tags: writing a love letter, nervous Fenris, literacy struggles, mild angst, happy ending, early relationship Summary: Still struggling to articulate his feelings for Hawke in the midst of his newfound literacy, a perfectionist Fenris labors over writing her an affectionate letter as indirect thanks for her tireless efforts to teach him.
[Probably not technically a very accurate depiction, so sue me xD. This is bearing in mind that Fenris already has some literacy at the time of this story and that his problems stem more from articulating his feelings than actual language mechanics/literacy problems. Since he’s usually very formal when communicating with anyone and also strikes me as a perfectionist, I can imagine what trouble he would have when it came to anything resembling a love letter. I just wanted to see what the dorky, G-rated version of this might look like.]
Plain text version under the cut.
His eyes glimmer in the candlelight. His chin twitches twice. He swallows. No. This will not get the better of him. He has endured torture. He has endured torment. He has endured the unspeakable. He will not let this outwit him. He owes her this much, at least.
Even so, he peers down at the parchment again. His fingers, stained dark with ink, toy the blank margin, now a little buckled and ripply with sweat from his hands. Foolishness. He’d assumed that he could achieve his goal on the first attempt.
He squints at the paper, his eyes bleary from both the late hour and his efforts:
It would seem that I am less fettered now. My past remains and I can never wish it away, but you have shown me that –
He stops before reading the rest. There isn’t much more on the page, after all. The problem isn’t the words. They are both legible and free of errors. But their meanings are empty. They are worthless – because what has she shown him? How can he summarize it? He has learned to read so many words now, but all of them fail him for this task.
He hesitates. The last four attempts weren’t half as eloquent, yet – 
No. It won’t do. He crumples the paper up tightly. He tosses it long and far. It lands with a tiny patter amid other scraps and crumpled pages. 
It’s his twelfth attempt, and he’s scarcely any closer to completing the task. He sighs. His elbows reach far over the table as he quietly places his head in his hands. Perhaps it simply cannot be done in one sitting, or even one night. Perhaps it needs more thought in any case. From what he’s gleaned from Varric, few letters such as this one are created quickly or easily.
It must be perfect. She hasn’t seen much of his writing yet. He’s been careful to follow her direction as closely as possible, but he hasn’t idly written his thoughts down – not in her presence, anyway. Speech can be parsed out, even nuanced. Written words are more decisive. They must be the right ones. He will not accept any less, and neither should she. She has tried so hard to show him what freedom can mean. He must show her that he understands that.
But he barely understands the meaning behind the few precious words that he wishes to say. There are only three of them, but they somehow seem to mean more than entire books – and even though he knows how to write them, he hesitates to declare them for the world to see. Perhaps he isn’t ready. Perhaps he misunderstands the meaning behind them, even if he does know how to spell them. Perhaps it isn’t his place to mention them at all.
She doesn’t know. Of course not. How could she? They’ve come so far, and yet she still knows so little. But it isn’t her fault. That’s how he intended it. That choice is his to bear, not hers. He won’t make her decide. It would be above and beyond what even she would be willing to do – and yet there is very little he’s seen her be unwilling to do for a friend. And he – he is so much more than a friend to her now, just as she is to him.
Offering twice to stop for a meal, offering to carry his share of the spoils when he’s injured, offering to stay with him in his home when he’s unhappy about something but never once demanding that he explain himself – she freely gives so much, but never as a debting game. Among her friends, she never hides a trick within a favor. Aid is aid and justice is justice.
He always knew what a reprieve was – barely. It often only loomed in the distance. It was always a dream over too quickly after too short a night of sleep, or else simply a reward denied because of a misstep: too slow of a kill, too brief of an intimidating stare, too halfhearted an attempt to please or obey.
But Hawke shows him other things, and none of them are as petty as a reprieve. Perhaps it’s only because of their reading lessons together, so brief each time yet so effective. Perhaps he’s only more aware of the world because now he can see just how many words exist, even in mere city records or hasty notes passed between bandit merchants.
He hasn’t told her. Of course not. How could he? She might laugh, although it’s hardly a secret. The very first words he memorized – the first ones he was able to write down in his shaky but ruthlessly determined hand – were, of course, free, yes, and no. But soon after that, always alone, he labored to learn her name. The letters often danced out onto the parchment in the wrong order, their sounds seemingly tricksters in written form who were specially crafted with the sole purpose of taunting him. Their meaning is as difficult to find for him as magnanimity in a magister. He can learn them but rarely remembers them.
Despite his progress, rapid by all accounts – especially for someone whose first language wasn’t Common – her name has eluded him somehow. He’s a quicker reader than writer, but Varric and Hawke have both assured him that the skills will eventually balance each other out.
Given enough time, he can already copy down dictation – he knows the meanings and intent of the words, after all. He’d made sure of that. He’d kept himself awake countless nights on the long journey to Kirkwall. He’d forced himself to listen to others’ drunken ramblings, merchants’ dull trade discussions, soldiers’ guttermouthed slang, anything at all to speed his comprehension along. He can imitate three accents, though the words feel clothy in his mouth sometimes when he tries.
But speech is different. Barring blood magic or other cheating, thoughts are private. They can be stifled, or even forgotten. Speech can be rephrased if misunderstood or denied if it offends someone. Words on a page – they are undeniable so long as they’re kept away from embers. They needed to be measured, calculated, judged. Moreover, they needed to be fitting. The words need to be suitable and the quality of the lettering needs to match them. A hurried missive or an insult can be scrawled – in fact, he takes unexpected and distinct pleasure in doing so. But this is different. It needs elegance.
It has been peculiar to him so far. He’d always known what a book was, what secrets written instructions could hold, what explosively damaging potential each word could have on the page – and yet to understand what was actually there is still another matter.
To be able to read them is hardly like teaching communication to a toddler. He is already far more articulate than most people he’s ever met, and surely more so than all but a handful in Kirkwall. Verbally, he can sound as educated and high-born as he wishes. He knows more words than some Chantry scholars seem to, and in more than one tongue. But the idea that thoughts can be forever frozen from a certain moment, a certain motivation – it is still sometimes as unfathomable as the idea of Hawke only using her magic for good.
He can write his own name (though Hawke almost constantly chides him thus far for forgetting to capitalize it, a practice which uniquely baffles him when referring to himself). He can usually even guess at others’ names by their sounds, even if they’re unfamiliar names. But whenever he’s tried to write Hawke’s name, it’s as if his mind develops a stutter. 
He’s told himself time and again that her name is like a bird, only slightly different. But Hawke isn’t like a hawk at all. She’s too fierce and too graceful. She’s a wolf, silent but for the moments when she must speak. She only moves to action when she must. She only takes life when she must – and even then, she seldom finds pleasure in it.
He blinks. His face, bleary and a little pink from a few renegade tears, suddenly emerges from his hands. An idea: just a flicker, but perhaps enough. His hand shakily clutches the charcoal as his wrist awkwardly curls around on the last scrap of parchment on the desk:
We came to Kirkwall for different reasons, but monsters and magisters both carry death with them wherever their shadows touch the earth. Death itself is just, even if the reasons for it are not. But we both chose life, and we have run long enough. Life is not always a chase. There are moments of rest. There can even be moments of ease. You have shown me their importance. I did not think to look for them before now. I did not think that the world had enough room for them.  
He stops. There it is. There are only a few steps left to take on this long path, and now his feet are tired.
His shoulders slump wearily even as he clenches his fists. He puts the charcoal down. He glances at the parchment. It has fairly few smudges. It will do, but he must switch tactics all the same. These next words must stand firm and tall, like a weapon forged with the same lyrium forced into his flesh. Above all else, these words must matter. They must be unflinching, even if their meaning is also kind.
He reaches for the last quill on the desk and dabs it carefully into the inkpot, but his hand cramps uncertainly and hovers several inches above the page.
No, he cannot say it. She doesn’t deserve his idle fumbling any more than he deserves her. For an instant, his chin constricts more tightly than his fingers.
The candle flickers and winks, the wax scarcely more than a hot pool of ignited liquid now. The flame soon disappears. He sits in the dim moonlight, unfazed. After a moment, the pale glow from the sky calms him, focuses him, reassures him. It reminds him of her. It reminds him that –
He smiles, a small and slight gesture but no less sincere than a wide grin. It rises from him, irrepressible and tenacious. Yes, that will do: still three words, but one of the only kind phrases he can remember from Tevinter – one of the only phrases he will always hope to remember. Scores of slaves utter it every day as a sign of desperate submission, but he has found another meaning in it. She helped him find it.
His quill finally touches the parchment:
I am yours, Hawke.
He rests the quill down and stares at the paper in the dim light. His eyes close.
“I am yours,” he whispers.
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Yes, there’s a right way to teach reading
Some time, usually between the ages of 5 and 6, most youngsters begin to read. Watching a toddler transition from a nonreader to at least one who can both entertain and educate herself with a book is, for several parents, one among the milestones and miracles of family life.
Learning to read accurately, fluidly, with good comprehension and stamina is additionally an important set of skills for college success. Schools know this. That’s why within the best ones, the first years of primary education are dedicated to teaching kids to read using scientifically proven methods to make sure that each one kids are reading at grade level.
But in many faculties , altogether sorts of neighborhoods, there's a surprisingly large chunk of youngsters — about one in three — who don’t master the talents they have to find out to read during a sophisticated way. Their road may be a difficult one: although many will attempt to use their intelligence to hide the holes in their skill set, because the work gets harder and therefore the reading grows more complex, these children will find they're unable to stay up.
This is one among the good tragedies of the American establishment . it's even more heartbreaking once you ask scientists about how the human brain reads. Researchers estimate that somewhere between 2 and 5 percent of youngsters , most of whom have developmental disorders or profound neurological problems, will never learn to read. The rest? If they're given what experts say is that the proper of instruction, they're going to learn to read, and most of them are going to be ready to read well.
Reading casualties
But what happens to those kids if they don’t get the proper quite instruction? Reading experts call them “instructional casualties.” Most of them don’t have neurological problems. they're not disabled. Their schools and, specifically, their grade school teachers have failed them.
In terms of outcomes, longitudinal research, the type that follows kids for many years , tells a tragic story. If your child is experiencing reading failure, it's almost as if he has contracted a chronic and debilitating disease. Kids who aren't reading at grade level in class almost invariably remain poor fourth grade readers. Seventy four percent of struggling third grade readers still struggle in ninth grade, which successively makes it hard to graduate from highschool . those that do manage to continue — and who manage to graduate from highschool — often find that their dreams of succeeding in education are frustratingly elusive. It won’t surprise you to understand that youngsters who struggle in reading get older to be adults who struggle to carry on to steady work; they're more likely to experience periods of prolonged unemployment, require welfare services, and are more likely to finish up in jail.
Even if your child is one among the lucky ones and is doing fine in reading, students who are poorly served by their primary schools find yourself being a drain on the general public education system. Reading problems are the overwhelming reason why students are identified as having learning disabilities and assigned to education , often an instructional ghetto of the worst kind.
The right thanks to teach reading
It doesn’t need to be this manner . No area of education has been as thoroughly studied, dissected, and discussed because the best thanks to teach students to read. Seminal research and longitudinal studies from the National Academy of Sciences and therefore the National Institute of kid Health and Human Development, combined with MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) and computerized brain modeling from the nation’s top academic labs, provide a transparent prescription for effective reading instruction. And yet that information is virtually unknown among teachers, parents, and people who serve on school boards.
In nearly every conversation about reading instruction, educators mention different pedagogical approaches and different philosophies, as if one is adequate to another. and maybe because some kids seem to find out to read like they learn to run, from observation and for the sheer love of it, it can appear as if almost any quite reading instruction can work with varying levels of success — for a minimum of some kids. But researchers say they’ve come up with an easy formula that, if embedded into instruction, can make sure that 90 percent of youngsters read.
What does the research show? It seems that children who are likely to become poor readers are generally not as sensitive to the sounds of spoken words as children who were likely to become good readers. Kids who struggle have what's called poor “phonemic awareness,” which suggests that their processor for dissecting words into component sound is a smaller amount discerning than it's for other kids.
In practical terms it works like this: a toddler destined to become a poor reader and a toddler destined to become an honest reader can both understand the word “bag,” but the poor reader might not be ready to clap for every of the three sounds within the word or to understand that the last sound is what distinguishes “bag” from “bad.” If a toddler struggles to listen to individual sounds that structure words, that child is probably going to stumble once you attempt to teach her, for instance , that the letter t makes the “tuh” sound. This becomes a true problem once we ask those kids to execute the neurological triple backflip referred to as reading.
And here’s a critical fact you would like to know: scientists have shown again and again that the brain’s ability to trigger the symphony of sound from text isn't hooked in to IQ or parental income. Some children learn that b makes the buh sound which there are three sounds in bag so early then effortlessly that by the time they enter school (and sometimes even preschool), learning to read is about as challenging as sneezing. When the sensation seizes them, they only need to roll in the hay . Other perfectly intelligent kids have a tough time locating the difference between bag and bad or 1,000,000 other subtleties in language.
Many studies have shown that phonemic awareness may be a skill which will be strengthened in kids. And following that instruction in phonemic awareness, about 100 hours of direct and systematic phonics instruction can usually get the work done and make sure that about 90 percent of youngsters have the basics they have to become good readers.
Reading lessons
Many school districts have adopted what they call a “balanced literacy” approach to reading. If administrators at your child’s school describe their course of study that way, you’ll got to ask a couple of more questions.
In some schools, balanced literacy means preK teachers work on letters and letter sounds. Kindergarten, first, and second grade teachers deliver an orderly progression of explicit phonics lessons and, because the children become competent and assured readers, push them to get the simplest that literature and nonfiction need to offer while doggedly build up their comprehension through weekly word study, spelling tests, and story analysis.
In other schools, balanced literacy can mean something very different and something that appears tons like what's called the “whole language” approach — which is now largely discredited. At these schools, teachers provide some of the youngsters with a smattering of phonics (most schools now concede that some kids do need phonics to assist find out the code) and also encourage them to guess words from illustrations, and later, from context. because the children (hopefully) get more competent at reading, teachers minimize the study of language and devote their time and energy to getting kids excited about words, reading, and books. If you care about your child’s school success, you’ll want more of the previous quite instruction — phonics and word study — and fewer of the latter.
Read More how to teach a kid to read
Once you’ve seen science-based reading instruction delivered well, you’ll want it for your kids. for 6 years, Kristina Matuskiewicz, a kindergarten teacher at Edna C. Stevens grade school in Cromwell, CT, believed that, like all the teachers at her tidy suburban school, she was helping to form good readers. She read them stories, she identified words and described their meaning, she offered them a spread of excellent books and worked to shift them to independent reading. “Each teacher had their own approach to teaching ,” says Matuskiewicz.
The problem was, none of their approaches were working alright . In 2007, only 70 percent of the third graders were proficient in reading. Not only that, annually about 33 out of 489 kids within the preK through second grade classes required outside support in reading — a program that was costly for the varsity and for the district.
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jensen411 · 4 years
Life, Love, and Licensure
Introduction I want to share a story that begins with today but began four years ago. I want to share this story because I need to reflect on the past few years. I want to share this story because people need to know that there is always something more beneath the surface of a post highlighting a milestone or tragedy, or in this case a milestone within a tragedy. I want to share this story because I believe it may edify those who care to read it through.
Today, I became a licensed architect in the state of Massachusetts. And honestly, it feels pretty good. This was the culmination of 3,740 required hours fulfilled, approved academic accreditation, five four-and-a-half hour exams passed, hundreds of prayers, and countless hours studying the weekends and nights after a full day’s work.
The Final Test The room was filled with the droning from the registers above my head - forcing air faster than ever. Intermittent sounds of forceful clicks of mice and keys intermingled with the ever-oscillating fan to my right. I held my breath behind a four-layered cotton mask as I opted to view the results of the final exam. Thoughts of the past, present, and future merged as I fumbled to read the minuscule blue font at the center of the screen. It read, “You have most likely passed this exam”. I fell back on my seat and gave the biggest sigh of relief in years. I took a minute and closed my eyes to mutter a prayer of thanks. 
There I stood, a whole head above the proctor who had previously mispronounced my name when I had first arrived. With scratch paper torn and recycled, my signature scribbled on the sign out sheet, and a half-empty ballpoint pen returned, I was finished. I was finished with this testing center that I had unwillingly become all too familiar with. I was finished with the keys to the personal lockers that had a comically large keychain that looked like an elementary school bathroom pass; finished with looking at a poorly planned water supply line straddling its rear half-way between the partition wall of the coat cubby; finished with staring at the three motel-art posters of lifeless greenery that laid against the sterile-colored backwall of the lobby, that even after two years were never hung. And I was certainly finished with the restroom that never had any paper towels stocked. Welcome to the Profession My mentor is old fashioned. He grew up in the days when the aroma of cigars and other types of smoke filled the offices. I would say he is an amalgamation of American idioms, Boston sports, afternoon martinis, traditional Catholicism, and someone with a passion for mentorship - always giving the benefit of the doubt. I knew the words that were coming my way. I’ve heard him say it many times to many others, and part of me was looking forward to hearing them. So, when the time finally came, in full Bostonian accent he said, “congratulations, welcome to the f-ing profession!” Strength in Weakness When I was a child, I fell within the shallow end of ADHD. For high-achieving immigrant Asian parents, my learning disability was a source of present worry and long-term concern. I did not measure up to the rest of the class - especially within the realm of literacy. As a result, my mother had written most of my book reports. I am proud to say that she did them very well. The attention deficit would often get me into trouble with instructors at school, parents at home, and even Sunday school teachers at my nondenominational church. Why mention this? I’ve always felt academically inadequate and ill-equipped to handle tests that attempt to measure comprehension skills. I’ll quickly note that as time passed, my concentration and literacy levels had improved – almost supernaturally. I had grown to thoroughly enjoy reading (especially nonfiction) and went on to minor in General Histories. This endeavor was much more comprehensive and time-consuming than I had anticipated. Perhaps it was because many before me had made it look easy – knocking off exams week after week until they finished within a matter of months. Maybe they were much smarter? Or perhaps I was too dumb? In any case, many of them had not failed more than one or two exams at most throughout their entire process. Standardized testing is and will always be the bane of my academic career. One of the major reasons for my decision to enter the architectural profession (apart from the passion for design) was the limited exposure to test taking. And for the first time in my life, I thrived in school. Peers and professors took notice of my design-sense and rigor. I was featured in numerous design publications, won design scholarships and even a couple of national design competitions before my final year. School was finally fun. Careless me must have missed the fine print that said five to seven four-and-a-half hour-long exams might be waiting for me after graduation. The Start Four years ago, I decided to muster up the courage to begin licensure. It could not have come at a worse time. The next year would perhaps the most difficult years of my life, so far. I distinctly remember that frightful afternoon while finishing up lunch with my mentor. My head grew cold and life began to desaturate with the imminent news of my father. It was March 30, 2016 (three days after his 65th birthday), and my dad had just been diagnosed with stage 3, locally advanced, inoperable, pancreatic cancer. He had been losing a considerable amount of weight in the months prior to the diagnosis, but none of us had any idea of the sinister and cowardly illness hiding itself from early detection. Eight months into his treatment, my mother had a life-threating and permanently paralyzing stroke. I’d barely just begin to mentally incorporate my father's terminal illness into my head space, and now with a compounding illness of my mother my life had now shifted from coping into survival mode. During this season, I met my future wife. Godsend would not begin to describe the impact Anna’s entrance into my life would have. On this earth, she is my strength, delight, closest friend, and the one I cherish and love. Without her, I could confidently say that I would not be here today writing this story. The story of my parents is certainly one to be shared, but not presently. It would be far too much at this point. The reference to my family life is to simply frame how I began this licensure process. I delayed the first exam but decided to push forward in gathering study materials and began my studies. A year later, my father passed after fighting courageously for 10 months – widowing my mother and leaving his own mother to survive both her husband and her only son. My family was never going to be the same. In 2018, I got married, and my wife and I became the primary caregivers to my grandmother. And my sister and her husband became the primary caregivers to my disabled mother. Family responsibilities flooded the daily schedule with financial appointments, liquidations, insurance payments, and hospital visits. Sadly, I began to realize that I would not be afforded an undisturbed period of time for my studies. I was faced with a decision of whether to wait until everything settled down or to figure out a way to incorporate my studies into the fray. So, I began. Every evening after work, every Saturday and Sunday before service began, I was hitting the books.  Reflection Two of the major pressures that I felt during this process of licensure and through my family’s ordeal was the need for stability and identity. As I attempted to comprehend how the built world came together, I felt like the world around me was falling apart. Many practitioners consider licensure as the true threshold into the profession. I was instructed by professors and colleagues to never call myself an ‘architect’ until licensure was attained. And it marked a milestone in one’s career development. The credentials endorse one’s ability to understand and integrate design and construction principles while upholding the health, safety, and welfare of the public. And as good as these principles may be, I turned it into something much more than it could be for me – I let it inform my sense of self.  Now, some may say, “what is the problem with letting an achievement inform identity? After all, isn’t that a good thing?” As I wrap up this account, I’m faced with a difficult task of articulating how the worldview that I have come to call my own informs such situations. I could begin by expounding the imago dei or doctrine of adoption, but at risk of turning this into a theological essay, I’ll simply say this: any gain found in career, wealth, religion, personal goals, relationships, and even family are simply not enough to truly inform who I am. Soren Kierkegaard once said that, “once you label me, you negate me”. I believe this is certainly true. Through this process, I have found that I am more than an architect – though I am honored and privileged to be able to serve the world in this manner. I am more than just a son trying to do the right things for my family during a season of crisis. I am more than a husband to the wife I love. I have found the secret of getting by with much and with less, and to be content in any circumstance. I can do all things through him who strengthens me, or to put it another way: I can only do all things through him who strengthens me.
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tabletop-rpgs · 7 years
How can I roleplay a cleric with 19 wisdom and 6 intelligence?
Mental abilities can be represented with a few traits, most of which don’t actually indicate a persons intellect, wisdom or charisma as much as education level, experience, outlook, attitude etc. It is important to consider the ways an ability score is used in game if you are going to base your characterization on their stats. In the real world an illiterate person can go on to become well read while in D&D an int six character’s potential depends on where they put their ability score increases.
Below is a list of traits often used in media to signal low intelligence and following that a list for high wisdom, by mixing them up you may come up with some unique characterization options for your cleric. You may also wish to consider their god, background and where you put skill proficiencies when fine tuning how you role play.
Starting off with a low intelligence.
- Minimal to no traditional/formal education- Minimal literacy skills if any, poor speech skills and comprehension- Being unconcerned with how things work or why things happen- Superstitious reasoning- Draws more on their experience and feelings than knowledge- Disdain for intellectual pursuits, methods and those who favor them.- Lack of mental finesse- Difficulty adapting to new situations - Frustration/ violence when baffled- Tendency to deal with what is in front of them rather than what may come - Assume that the motivations of others are similar to their own- Fear of the unknown/new experiences
High Wisdom traits.
-Good intuition-An ability to “read” their current predicament-Common sense-Cautiousness -Self awareness-Good rapport with animals-Perceptive -Environmental awareness
Putting a few together your cleric…
- May sense when they are being deceived but have difficulty with why, mistaking someone hiding something personal from them as having malicious intent. - Probably recognizes their lack of intelligence and so consults those they trust when having difficulty, which people may have tried to take advantage of in the past.- Might be aware that ignoring their weakness could make them vulnerable but have difficulty gaining control of their instincts.- Seek ways to mitigate their shortcomings through prayer and seeking the counsel of more enlightened clerics/friends. - May need to remind themself that their experiences are not universal- Be inclined to see omens and signs where there are none.- Knows how to get by on their own in the wilderness by knowing which berries animals eat (survival - wis skill test) but they cannot classify one type of berry from another the way a sage might (nature - int skill test). They know to drink running water but think that the reason still water is unsafe is because it attracts evil spirits (which in D&D might be true).- Knows that a poultice made from specific ingredients will help deal with an ailment (Medicine wis skill check) but think it’s because it cleanses the person of the remnants of dead people that have built up and clouded their soul over time.
Low intelligence is sometimes represented by a tendency for brutish or violent methods but wisdom suggests caution, in cases where two things conflict consider the god they worship or their background. A sailor may be inclined to fight more than an acolyte, the follower of the goddess of storms or war may be more inclined to strike out where the god of life or justice may encourage the cleric to be more cautious.
I want to reinforce that I am not saying that anyone who exhibits some of the above traits is unintelligent (or especially wise for that matter). I have difficulty adapting to new situations but that’s a symptom of my anxiety rather than because I deal with new situations by rigidly applying methods that have gotten me through difficult experiences in the past. So please do not come for me over this post >_
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insession-io · 5 years
Is Listening to a Book the Same Thing as Reading It?
Each is best suited to different purposes, and neither is superior.
A few years ago, when people heard I was a reading researcher, they might ask about their child’s dyslexia or how to get their teenager to read more. But today the question I get most often is, “Is it cheating if I listen to an audiobook for my book club?”
Audiobook sales have doubled in the last five years while print and e-book sales are flat. These trends might lead us to fear that audiobooks will do to reading what keyboarding has done to handwriting — rendered it a skill that seems quaint and whose value is open to debate. But examining how we read and how we listen shows that each is best suited to different purposes, and neither is superior.
In fact, they overlap considerably. Consider why audiobooks are a good workaround for people with dyslexia: They allow listeners to get the meaning while skirting the work of decoding, that is, the translation of print on the page to words in the mind. Although decoding is serious work for beginning readers, it’s automatic by high school, and no more effortful or error prone than listening. Once you’ve identified the words (whether by listening or reading), the same mental process comprehends the sentences and paragraphs they form.
Writing is less than 6,000 years old, insufficient time for the evolution of specialized mental processes devoted to reading. We use the mental mechanism that evolved to understand oral language to support the comprehension of written language. Indeed, research shows that adults get nearly identical scores on a reading test if they listen to the passages instead of reading them.
Nevertheless, there are differences between print and audio, notably prosody. That’s the pitch, tempo and stress of spoken words. “What a great party” can be a sincere compliment or sarcastic put-down, but they look identical on the page. Although writing lacks symbols for prosody, experienced readers infer it as they go. In one experiment, subjects listened to a recording of someone’s voice who either spoke quickly or slowly. Next, everyone silently read the same text, purportedly written by the person whose voice they had just heard. Those hearing the quick talker read the text faster than those hearing the slow talker.
But the inferences can go wrong, and hearing the audio version — and therefore the correct prosody — can aid comprehension. For example, today’s student who reads “Wherefore art thou Romeo?” often assumes that Juliet is asking where Romeo is, and so infers that the word art would be stressed. In a performance, an actress will likely stress Romeo, which will help a listener realize she’s musing about his name, not wondering about his location.
It sounds as if comprehension should be easier when listening than reading, but that’s not always true. For example, one study compared how well students learned about a scientific subject from a 22-minute podcast versus a printed article. Although students spent equivalent time with each format, on a written quiz two days later the readers scored 81 percent and the listeners 59 percent.
What happened? Note that the subject matter was difficult, and the goal wasn’t pleasure but learning. Both factors make us read differently. When we focus, we slow down. We reread the hard bits. We stop and think. Each is easier with print than with a podcast.
Print also supports readers through difficult content via signals to organization like paragraphs and headings, conventions missing from audio. Experiments show readers actually take longer to read the first sentence of a paragraph because they know it probably contains the foundational idea for what’s to come.
So although one core process of comprehension serves both listening and reading, difficult texts demand additional mental strategies. Print makes those strategies easier to use. Consistent with that interpretation, researchers find that people’s listening and reading abilities are more similar for simple narratives than for expository prose. Stories tend to be more predictable and employ familiar ideas, and expository essays more likely include unfamiliar content and require more strategic reading.
This conclusion — equivalence for easy texts and an advantage to print for hard ones — is open to changes in the future. As audiobooks become more common, listeners will gain experience in comprehending them and may improve, and publishers may develop ways of signaling organization auditorily.
But even with those changes, audiobooks won’t replace print because we use them differently. Eighty-one percent of audiobook listeners say they like to drive, work out or otherwise multitask while they listen. The human mind is not designed for doing two things simultaneously, so if we multitask, we’ll get gist, not subtleties.
Still, that’s no reason for print devotees to sniff. I can’t hold a book while I mop or commute. Print may be best for lingering over words or ideas, but audiobooks add literacy to moments where there would otherwise be none.
So no, listening to a book club selection is not cheating. It’s not even cheating to listen while you’re at your child’s soccer game (at least not as far as the book is concerned). You’ll just get different things out of the experience. And different books invite different ways that you want to read them: As the audio format grows more popular, authors are writing more works specifically meant to be heard.
Our richest experiences will come not from treating print and audio interchangeably, but from understanding the differences between them and figuring out how to use them to our advantage — all in the service of hearing what writers are actually trying to tell us.
Daniel T. Willingham is a professor of psychology at the University of Virginia and the author, most recently, of “The Reading Mind: A Cognitive Approach to Understanding How the Mind Reads.”
Kin Leung is a Marriage & Family Therapist, MFT practicing in the San Francisco Bay area. Kin specializes in helping couples overcome struggles related to infidelity, intimacy, miscommunication, mistrust, and parenting. Kin's kind, thoughtful and compassionate approach to marriage counseling San Francisco helps guide couples to a calmer and safer space to explore issues and move forward in a more productive manner.
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thecoroutfitters · 5 years
Where to Find What Is Volume in Math
Learning isn’t a sometimes food. No matter in which you work paramountessay in the World, there’ll be some Geometry. Math Crush would like to halt the epidemic by creating material a kid might actually need to read.
However, the surface tools shouldn’t be ignored. It is possible to also attempt to discover the measurements of tanks for various capacities. The volumes of neighboring segments will be connected with one another, adding to the shadow of the entire thing.
The Fundamentals of What Is Volume in Math Revealed
You simply performed the procedure for abstraction. This fundamental algebraic expression is currently ready that you input costs. Marginal revenue is the initial derivative of revenue.
It’s only a disrespectful means to cope with colleagues. A subject of debate in Fortnite is the ideal approach to land.
Bear in mind you will need at least one Associate as a way to trigger this one. So we’re going to begin by writing our formula much like every problem in Geometry. Don’t forget to look at your work.
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Because sometimes http://www.bu.edu/alumni/community/online-community-directory/ that generality is necessary. This example is a little different, since you just need the area of a little part of the figure. The limit of the regions of the approximate parallelograms is exactly r2, that’s the region of the circle.
In reality you might discover that paint is just sold in 5 litre or one litre cans, the end result is merely over 11 litres. In case the object is hollow (in different words, empty), volume is the sum of water it can hold. You’ve got a large part of cardboard, but you don’t have sufficient cardboard to earn a mistake and try again, so you are going to have to receive it right the very first time.
The shoelace formula can likewise be employed to locate the areas of different polygons when their vertices are known. If you enjoy drawing and geometrical objects, then geometry is the simplest subject. To verify, count the whole squares and the half-unit squares in every single triangle.
If learning how to read is known as literacy, learning about the way to use numbers and mathematics is known as numeracy. Many standards doesn’t mean no standards. Charter schools don’t have unions.
The shoelace formula can likewise be employed to locate the areas of different polygons when their vertices are known. There’s also a gorgeous approach to explore shapes. An Experiment These 2 shapes have exactly the same volume though they look completely different.
The world needs plenty of mediocre mathematicians. See if you’re able to spot the dragons. Inciting fear is apparently the big outcome of PISA.
The 5-Minute Rule for What Is Volume in Math
If you double only one, then you are going to only double the region. It is a measure of how much space there is on a flat surface. The region is the quantity of space within a set surface(2D object).
The Hidden Treasure of What Is Volume in Math
Bridge Builder People working on the building of roads and bridges are involved with lots of of Geometry to produce certain that everything is correctly shaped, smooth on the edges, and is sufficiently strong to select the weight of several cars and trucks. In Transporter you’ve got to deliver a vehicle to a location in a quarter hour. On occasion the area is rather simple to determine.
If you count the smaller cubes you will discover there are 27 of them. It is very important to bear in mind that volume isn’t the exact same as weight.
Ruthless What Is Volume in Math Strategies Exploited
None of them is going to catch all of the poop. Much like solids, it’s the sum of space it takes up, but obviously it must be in some kind of container. For instance, you might want to understand how much 3 lbs of flour, two dozen eggs and three quarts of milk price.
Learning isn’t a sometimes food. Objects have many bodily properties. Preparation is the secret here.
If you double only one, then you are going to only double the region. research paper help In mathematics, it is defined as the amount of two-dimensional space occupied by a shape. Sometimes it is quite easy to determine.
What Is Volume in Math Secrets That No One Else Knows About
Possessing a savvy population is remarkably vital for individuals along with the whole. You know with the aim of math skills will be essential to every outcome prospect. The class bias is very troubling.
With this help, instead of seeing homework for a burden, students start to see it like a welcome challenge and an opportunity for more learning. With an electric guitar, but the kid should be old enough to produce the experience worthwhile. Preschool math is actually all about giving your three to five year-old child an everyday experience with numbers so they are familiarized with a number of the basic concepts they will utilize to construct their comprehension of math later on.
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shannontflory · 6 years
Fostering a Love for Reading at a Young Age
The magical process of reading involves teaching children to turn letter symbols into meaningful language. Research shows that parents, caregivers, and family members can begin fostering an interest in reading, writing, and language as early as birth. It’s acquired through time spent talking, telling stories, and singing. Surrounding a child in a language rich environment with lots of attention, interaction and lots of things to see and do in their space also is essential to literacy development. This is an important part of fostering a love for reading at an early age and should be done both at home and at school.
At home, families are creating the base on which a child’s understanding of language grows through causal, every day interactions. Reading to a child is perhaps the greatest gift that parents, and family members can give. Allowing the child to see, touch, and play with the book while you are reading creates interest and a true emotional connection between language and the feelings of being comforted and supported. Children should be encouraged to try to read along, to say the memorized parts of their favorite books, to point to the pictures and to ask questions. As children get older, discussions and “what if” questions about the pictures and the story will springboard into creative thinking activities.
With many different learning experiences families try to teach their children, being a good role model is at the top of the list. It is important for children to see that their family members choose to spend some of their time reading. As children get older and their attention span lengthens, the entire family might decide to have some quiet reading time together. It is important for parents to set aside their distractions during this time to model reading by focusing on their book. Setting a “reading break” occasionally will allow family members to discuss the books they are reading with each other.
At school, teachers will introduce reading to children in a variety of ways, using interactive activities, learning games, reading activities, and reinforcement activities. Preschool reading programs also include vocabulary development, reading comprehension, and writing applications. Preschool teachers also conduct guided reading with children, helping them with any words they may not understand.
A strong preschool reading program will include components such as:
Foundational Literacy, which are activities that promote early literacy skills. These include interactive storybook reading, games that help children identify the letters of the alphabet, and interactive experiences with language and print through poems and nursery rhymes.
Read-Alouds – a systematic method of reading aloud helps children understand the book being read and teaches vocabulary and concepts.
Repetition – A story book is read several times in slightly different ways to increase children’s analytical skills as they answer carefully crafted questions about the book.
Alphabet Knowledge – children are taught how to recognize upper and lower-case letters and associate them with the sounds they make.
Phonetic Awareness – children learn to manipulate the sounds that make up language, including recognizing sounds in words and matching those sounds to letters.
Print Awareness – children are taught to understand the features of books and print, including how printed words run from left to right and top to bottom and the parts of a book.
In this day and age, children are surrounded by electronic means of stimulation and the magic of reading is sometimes left undiscovered. Becoming a great reader happens one book at a time and developing a life-long love for reading starts in childhood..fca_eoi_form{ margin: auto; } .fca_eoi_form p { width: auto; } #fca_eoi_form_3068 input{ max-width: 9999px; }#fca_eoi_form_3068 .fca_eoi_layout_email_field_wrapper {width: 100% !important;}#fca_eoi_form_3068 .fca_eoi_layout_name_field_wrapper {display: none !important;}div.fca_eoi_form_text_element,input.fca_eoi_form_input_element,input.fca_eoi_form_button_element{display:block;margin:0;padding:0;line-height:normal;font-size:14px;letter-spacing:normal;word-spacing:normal;text-indent:0;text-shadow:none;text-decoration:none;text-transform:none;white-space:normal;width:inherit;height:inherit;background-image:none;border:none;border-radius:0;box-shadow:none;box-sizing:border-box;transition:none;outline:none;-webkit-transition:none;-webkit-appearance:none;-moz-appearance:none;color:#000;font-family:"Open Sans", sans-serif;font-weight:normal;transition:background 350ms 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mckee76dowd-blog · 6 years
Exercise: The best way to Get Began
Train: The way to Get Began
Workout just for 1 hour or less, doing this will keep one from fearing the fitness heart. I have this fallacious plan when I was younger and would go to health and health center nearly each and every working day. There are fast workouts for nearly any type of health aim. There is a few truth to this. Is there really an actual answer beyond all the gimmicks and hype that you just simply see in advertisements and on commercials for “miracle” fats loss products? Don't measure weight reduction by amount of sweat. Set 3: Increase the burden and curl to failure at 8 to 10 repetitions. Hold this place until failure and then repeat it with the other side of your body. Interval training is a physique workout with short bursts of excessive intensity train followed by lively recovery. NBA All-Star Gordon Hayward was a star tennis participant in high school; that expertise has helped his lateral movement skills on the hardwood.
The workout is lower-affect, so it is not going to stress your joints, muscles and tendons as much as working excessive speed on a treadmill. Consider your goals, expertise and workout schedule when planning your multi-gym workout. Yoga mat workout routines could also be simple or challenging primarily based by yourself levels. You might also do fewer repetitions. Open with a heat-up of jogging in place or working around the home like a mad individual choosing up and straightening issues and placing them again of their proper place. That approach you'll be able to spend more time working on the treadmill—and much less time working to the physician. A superb solution to get in that cardio exercise is by utilizing an train bike. They want to be assured that anytime they spend their cash, they may get outcomes from the products that they purchase. Your thoughts will be glued to the screen, even if your ft are glued to the elliptical machine. The machine has a multi-perform press arm station for performing bench presses, incline presses, shoulder presses, and chest-supported mid-row exercises .
Other than the obvious advantages of stimulating more muscle groups at the same time, compound workout routines additionally will let you prepare with heavier weights, thereby stimulating much more muscle progress. For example, when volunteers were asked to juggle everyday for three months, they showed great mind development. Would you want to discover more suggestions and tricks on how you can improve your brain? If you like scandals, then this is one. Then they joined different students, who had not exercised, in a particular literacy class. When you prepared for the complete information with meal plans to lose your love handles for good then take a look at my Flat Stomach Components system. view Figuring out at residence allows you to keep up your bodily well being with out the inconvenience or monthly price of going to the gym. With the following tips, you need to be in a position to begin understanding every week. She had come to me after another buddy of hers, Tracy, had misplaced weight working with me by means of my online training program, simply 6 months after giving beginning.
Information About Physique Weight Workouts: Fitness and Power Training without Weights or Gym Membership! The Swiss ball or Pilates ball offers you a large alternative of activities in your training program. With pilates, we are able to do that by making pilates enjoyable and relatable. Your arms or child will be in the identical place as the squats however it is strongly recommended that you simply wear your child so you've your arms to help with stability. First, it would assist your system clean itself out and properly dispose of the fatty waste you eat. Did he at any time inquire you out for any date? Right here, the particular person hired will perform screening to know how and what your body wants. Individuals are simply beginning to know how you need to use kettlebells to effectively shed weight and condition your body. Many people notice that well being and exercise is very important.
Remember: Train has so many well being advantages that any amount is better than none. And so forth the listing of items I’m getting my clientele do this thirty days is to make a big vitality to create well being a priority. view When choosing one of those machines, just be sure you give them a strive. Make certain if you get to the end of your rep vary it is very troublesome to do anymore. Don’t let your clubs get dusty and neglect about your recreation. Water creates resistance for your muscles and may enhance their tone. Spice up your water intake by adding a tablespoon or two of pure lemon juice to alkalize your digestive system or apple-cider vinegar to aid in digestion and immune perform. 4 walls, a number of carpeted tiles and a music system that blows your mind is all it takes, proper? Tap your right knee along with your left elbow and carry on switching sides whereas breathing comfortably.
He says youngsters write to him to tell him how stupid it is, whereas teachers write to defend it. Analysis exhibits that walking on the treadmill while wearing a weighted vest can improve the metabolic prices and relative train intensity. The length of an exercise session is without doubt one of the elements thought of when a program is developed. With each home and export sales, the principle products are train bike, Spinning, Magnetic management bike, Treadmills and so on.., and new items are below constant growth every year. You'll rest for forty seconds between every exercise. A long stroll on an empty stomach within the morning will help you burn fat and not cut into your recovery in any respect. Conferences assist you keep your company on observe and transferring forward; however the catch is that they should be formalized and scheduled. Listed below are another suggestions that will help you keep on observe. Dad and mom and teachers can use these kind of movements to assist their child or scholar primarily based on habits, comprehension or retention, organization, govt operate, and communication. If this is not efficient, use lighter weights and better reps in the range of around fifteen to twenty-five, or you can attempt drop sets or contracting reps longer.
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marclefrancois1 · 6 years
Bedtime Stories: Favorite Books to Benefit Your Growing Child
The following blog post Bedtime Stories: Favorite Books to Benefit Your Growing Child is republished from MLF
Bedtime stories are a part of almost every family nighttime routine. Reading is a screen-free, quiet activity that allows babies and children to calm down before it’s time to go to sleep. Reading stories to young children has benefits beyond a bedtime routine, though.
The American Academy of Pediatrics studied the brain function of children, age three to five, to see the effects of reading aloud. They found that the areas of the brain that promote mental imagery and comprehension were activated by reading stories. When you read to your child, it helps develop their brain in a way that will help when they begin to read and comprehend on their own.
Talk To Your Baby
Your baby really loves to hear your voice. It doesn’t matter if they understand your words early on. They are picking up speech patterns and tonal differences which help them learn and process language. Additionally, babies can sense your love and affection for them in your voice. Talk and sing to your child as much as you can and they will be learning how much you love them. They’ll also become better prepared to speak for themselves.
Read To Your Baby, Too
Reading books to your child is also important. We may just assume this is a good idea because everyone tells us to do it. But there is more to reading a bedtime story to a baby or toddler than having a calm activity before bed. Pediatricians are now including a discussion on reading and providing books with parents of newborns because it is vitally connected to a baby’s intellectual development. In fact, the AAP has even urged their practitioners to include literacy in their practice.
Scientists think that children are exposed to a broader range and more diverse set of words through picture books. As a result, they are challenged to practice imagining the images suggested through the words. Later on, children who have more practice at this will be better able to make images and stories out of words themselves.
Reading bedtime stories will help foster a close, emotionally rich relationship with your child
Bedtime Stories Bring You Closer To Your Child
There are huge benefits to your child’s development when you read books from an early age. This benefit goes well beyond an educational advantage. Regular bedtime reading will also help foster a close, emotionally rich relationship with your child. In time, it will help build a bridge toward discussion of deep ideas and important subjects that you will help him understand.
Growing a strong parent-child bond over years of snuggles and good books at bedtime is one of the best things about parenting. You may be dog-tired at times, but in 20 years, you won’t regret those 10 to 20 minutes a night you spent reading with your child.
Need a Good Book?
We live in an age where there is an abundance of wonderful children’s literature. There are always going to be more books available than we can possibly read to our child while they are interested, but it sure is fun trying to read them all!
You don’t need to buy them all. Start making regular visits to your local library and you will be amazed at the resources available to you for free. Many libraries allow you to reserve titles online in the comfort of your own home and then pick up your selections already collected for you at the main desk. This is a dream for the mom of young ones!
We’ve compiled a list of books to check out. Some are timeless classics, while others are modern. Most of these qualify as picture books. Picture books contain very few words in relation to the pictures — only about 500 on average — which means that each word is intentional, and the story is concise. This helps your child develop their language skills and encourages engagement through the pictures. A few have a larger vocabulary for older readers. The ages are approximate — these books are as ageless as they are timeless!
Favorite Bedtime Stories
Pat the Bunny by Dorothy Kunhardt (age 1+)
Goodnight Moon by Margaret Wise Brown and Clement Hurd (age 1+)
The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle (age 1+)
Time for Bed by Mem Fox and Jane Dyer (age 1+)
Your Baby’s First Word Will Be Dada by Jimmy Fallon and Miguel Ordóñez (age 1+)
The Going to Bed Book by Sandra Boynton (age 2+)
Little Pea by Amy Krouse Rosenthal and Jen Corace (age 2+)
Brown Bear, Brown Bear by Bill Martin Jr. and Eric Carle (age 2+)
Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak (age 2+)
The Pigeon finds a Hotdog by Mo Willems (age 2+)
Little Blue Truck by Alice Schertle and Jill McElmurry (age 2+)
The Day the Crayons Quit by Drew Daywalt and Oliver Jeffers (age 3+)
The Gruffalo by Julia Donaldson (age 3+)
Corduroy by Ron Freeman (age 3+)
Dragons Love Tacos by Adam Rubin and Daniel Salmieri (age 3+)
The Hat by Jan Brett (age 4+)
The Story of Ferdinand by Munro Leaf and Robert Lawson (age 4+)
Alexander and the Horrible, Terrible, No Good, Very Bad Day by Judith Viorst and Ray Cruz (age 4+)
If You Give A Mouse A Cookie  by Laura Joffe Numeroff and Felicia Bond (age 4+)
The Paper Princess by Elisa Kleven  (age 4+)
The Lion and the Little Red Bird by Elisa Kleven (age 4+)
Fancy Nancy by Jane O’Connor and Robin Preiss Glasser (age 4+)
Where Oh Where is Huggle Buggle Bear by Katherine Sully and Janet Samuel (age 5+)
Thidwick, the Big-Hearted Moose by Dr. Seuss (age 5+)
For children who have trouble falling asleep, picture books can also be a good jumping off point for working on visualization. The Sleep Lady Dream Cards are also a great tool for visualization.
So, go ahead and curl up with your little one and a good book. It doesn’t even have to be at bedtime to offer huge benefits to your child.
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Kim West
Kim is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker who has been a practicing child and family therapist for more than 24 years, and the creator of the original gentle, proven method to get a good night’s sleep for you and your child.
She is the author of The Sleep Lady's Good Night Sleep Tight, its companion Workbook and 52 Sleep Secrets for Babies.
Click here to read more about her.
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The post Bedtime Stories: Favorite Books to Benefit Your Growing Child appeared first on Baby Sleep Coaching by the Sleep Lady.
from Blog – Baby Sleep Coaching by the Sleep Lady https://sleeplady.com/parenting/bedtime-stories-benefit/
from https://www.marclefrancois.net/2018/04/18/bedtime-stories-favorite-books-to-benefit-your-growing-child/
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