#[ the longest road ]
clunge · 1 year
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Destroy Rebuild Until God Shows - The Longest Road
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happy24-7 · 2 years
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semena--mertvykh · 1 year
Nouvelle route, vieux pays
Le soir de la mobilisation du 28 - le soir où on aurait dû avoir la réunion avec nos Responsables de Master - j'ai laissé ma voiture à Dugommier et je suis rentrée en métro. Le parcours de la manifestation coupait tout l'Est de la capitale et bloquait les grands axes. Il y avait une telle pagaille sur la place Daumesnil que, quand on y repassait, à dix minutes d'intervalle, les voitures n'avaient pas avancé d'un mètre. Tout le monde englué à l'entrée de l'avenue comme si on avait gelé la bande. Je me suis dégagée en deux coups de volant et j'ai avisé la première place libre dans une rue transversale. Je suis Parisienne, hein : quand même les bus n'avancent plus, çà sent vraiment pas bon.
J'ai attendu qu'ils rouvrent les accès autour de la place de la Nation et je suis retournée chercher mon bébé, à onze heures du soir - je l'avais laissée sur une place livraison et je n'avais pas envie de la retrouver, le lendemain matin, avec ses balais d'essuie-glaces tordus.
Sous les panneaux FILLES DU CALVAIRE, le quai du métro était désert et je ne pouvais pas me mettre à pleurer maintenant. Ce n'était pas seulement gagner à la loterie, ce à quoi je devais renoncer. C'était emmener ma vie à une autre échelle. C'était : pouvoir aimer l'homme qui me faisait vraiment envie. C'était : pouvoir dire ce que j'avais à dire sur la musique. Pouvoir me faire des amis parmi des gens qui avaient les mêmes centres d'intérêt que moi. Pouvoir écrire et réfléchir et enseigner et être payée pour cela. Avoir une vie qui valait vraiment la peine d'être vécue.
Mais personne ne t'acceptera jamais en thèse. Tu rêves, ma pauvre. Personne ne voudra de toi nulle part.
Avec un peu de chance, j'allais faire mon Master de musicologie, mais après ? Je ne voyais pas ce que je pouvais projeter, au-delà de ces deux dernières années à l'Université. Il n'y avait plus rien ni personne au-delà. Je savais juste que je n'avais quasiment aucune chance de devenir chercheuse un jour, et que si je ne pouvais pas devenir chercheuse, je n'avais plus rien à faire ici. Je savais aussi ceci : çà n'aurait pas été un tel crève-cœur, de renoncer à Sexy, si j'avais eu la perspective - mais même microscopique - de pouvoir faire de la recherche. Parce qu'alors, j'aurais eu la consolation de me dire que je participais à une entreprise plus grande que moi, qui nous mobilisait tous, et que mon travail, mes réflexions, allaient aider d'autres chercheurs, ailleurs, plus tard - sans parler du privilège d'évoluer dans un milieu infiniment plus stimulant, intellectuellement, que tout ce que je pourrais jamais trouver ailleurs. Dit autrement : je pouvais encaisser, de renoncer à l'amour, à condition de pouvoir garder la vocation. Mais perdre les deux, et en même temps - jamais je ne m'étais sentie plus misérable, plus inutile.
En tout cas, si je restais dans ce pays, j'allais finir par claquer. Çà, au moins, c'était sûr.
Oui, ce soir, le moral n'était vraiment pas bon. Abasourdie, je contemplais la barre électrifiée qui courait entre les rails du métro. Une personne posant le pied dessus pouvait facilement s'électrocuter, juste en gardant l'autre pied sur le sol. Une personne qui a un cœur fragile, par exemple. Et c'était du triphasé qui circulait sous le métal, vraisemblablement. Invisible Sun tournait depuis une éternité dans les écouteurs et, machinalement, mes lèvres ont remué comme si j'ébauchais une prière :
All I want is a place somewhere / Far away from the cold night air
Cela faisait longtemps que je ne m'étais pas sentie à ce point piégée quelque part. Je me répétais : Bon, la solution je l'ai pas mais il faut que j'en trouve une, vite. Il faut que je me tire d'ici.
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Je ne me voyais plus reprendre ma vie d'avant, avec un boulot dans l'administration. Plus maintenant. En sortant de la Licence Pro, çà m'aurait encore parlé ; aujourd'hui, c'était trop tard. Il s'était passé trop de choses, ces derniers mois. D'une certaine manière, Sexy avait pété le game, comme disait Simon. Il n'était pas le seul, bien sûr, mais quelque chose avait changé, irrémédiablement ; moi, j'avais changé. Et lui y était pour beaucoup.
Contre toute attente, avec ses pulls à encolure, ses hochements de tête langoureux, le piège à filles de sa voix, sa sophistication, Sexy était lui aussi un Game Changer ; le genre dont parlait Roisin Murphy dans sa combustion à double détente et
Everyone knows that I want your body
Peut-être bien qu'on avait plus de choses en commun, lui et moi, que je ne le croyais au début.
En ramenant ma voiture au parking, un peu plus tard, The Longest Road est passé dans les enceintes et je me disais : c'est çà, j'ai pris la route la plus longue ; mais ce n'est pas un choix de ma part : je n'ai pas pu faire autrement ; alors, pourquoi je dois être punie pour cela ?
Je traversais des quartiers que j'avais barbouillés de souvenirs, au fil des années, toutes les façades muettes bien rangées, les ruelles étaient devenues cyclistes depuis la dernière fois alors je faisais demi-tour sur des trottoirs en hochant la tête de lassitude. Tout obscur et désert comme après un cataclysme, ou comme quand j'avais six ans et que je me réveillais dans un hoquet de terreur, convaincue que çà y est, la catastrophe arrive et ils sont tous partis et ils m'ont oubliée. Je rétrogradais pour laisser passer les fourgons de maintien de l'ordre qui ululaient à tombeau ouvert sur les avenues vides, et je me rappelais - comme un message crypté provenant d'une autre vie - le léger coup de volant qu'on donne, sur le Périph, pour faire de la place aux ambulances des interfiles.
Peut-être que j'étais arrivée à ce moment où on ne voit plus que la mort, avec soi, dans le rétroviseur. C'est peut-être pour çà que j'étais aussi seule.
C'est moi que tu veux ? je lui demandais. Ben viens ; viens me chercher ; je vais pas te mâcher le travail.
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bbooth99 · 2 years
Adherence (Part 2) . . .
Adherence (Part 2) . . .
“Why should I care if the person has already given up on themselves?”  “That’s harsh!”  “No, lying to oneself and wasting your trainer’s time, that’s harsh.”  I became a Personal Trainer to help people, but I only work with individuals who truly want to help themselves. I recalled seeing the exasperating expression on Personal Trainer’s faces when they were stood up by their clients. They had…
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chrancecriber · 2 years
Morgan Page/Lissie - The Longest Road (Atlantis Ocean Chillout Bootleg)
Giddy up and gold mine Different place, different time All the stars are in their prime Pastel trailer park, stars so bright to hide the dark All is quiet in the yard
Giddy up and gold dust, all the cars turn to rust You've got no means for wanderlust Pastel trailer park, stars so bright to hide the dark All is quiet in the yard
Giddy up and gold mine, horse dust down time It's my life, it's my time, we've been gettin' nowhere Gold mine, different place, different time Hold me down, hold me down Hope will be found, follow me
And if you are so frequently in love If you prefer it all to me then my love You go down the longest road to nowhere You pull it apart and you're just left there
They're waiting for it, you're waiting for it And you're waving in it, and you're craving in it If you fill my cup with all you must To speak from some
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veedz · 2 years
Découvre la série « The Longest Road » sur Veedz
La plateforme Veedz te réserve une série en ligne qui est intitulée « The Longest Road ». Afin de la visionner, n’hésite pas à te diriger vers la catégorie « 40 min » du site.
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isawken · 11 months
this is Total Time in Car. train trips don't count. do not count time spent in hotels. if you slept in your car you can put those hours towards your total tho. doesn't matter if you were the one driving or were just a passenger. and put in the tags where you went :)
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etchy-a-sketchy · 4 months
He’s home!!!! o7
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Y’all I spent so long on this piece but I drew it before I wrote the chapter and now it doesn’t work quite right ;w; I put too much into it to change it and I’m hella proud so I left it as is- even tho this is more so how it should look-
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whitherwanderer · 28 days
some changes
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Just a little heads up that Sif and Dug are both gonna be undergoing some slight character changes! Me and @shroudandsands talked extensively about their current dynamic and where we want these two to end up, and we both agreed that in their current form, Sif and Dug are a lot of fun, but it's not exactly good for them. We want to try and give them a more mutually fulfilling relationship by shifting their dynamic and creating stories that are not only fun to write but are also healthier for everyone involved, including our characters.
I’ll start with Dug. Instead of having two knives and a mysterious career, he’s now a free paladin and a sworn protector, especially of Sif. Instead of being the least willing participant in a battle, he’s now valiantly leading the van and fighting for all things good and right as the Warrior of Light. He’s not Mr. Perfect and he doesn’t do everything right, obviously. Cooking and cleaning are not his strong suits, but that’s why he has his lovely wife!! He loves her so much and he's so thankful he has her to take care of him after every battle, physical and emotional.
You can already see some of Sif’s more obvious changes too. Rather than a wandering alcoholic bard, she’s now an amnesiac practitioner of white magic and Dug’s most faithful supporter on and off the battlefield. She has taken a vow of pacifism and has sworn to never harm another in word or deed because she’s a healer (and that’s her husband’s job). Little does she know that she is also a Lightwarden who escaped Norvrandt through the rift, which is amplifying her healing abilities beyond what she would ever be capable of, but it's also slowly killing her each time she uses her magic.
Rather than constantly bickering, these two will now be actively supporting each other in a much more wholesome way. While Dug is making all the tactical decisions, Sif is making all of the more domestic ones, balancing their relationship evenly and playing into their natural strengths. They are loyal to their friends and especially to each other, dote each other before every dungeon boss, and if I write one more complete sentence of this, I will probably be found dead at my desk so this bit is over. I take no pleasure in knowing I wrote any part of this. Have a good one, y’all. 💕
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ikishima · 6 days
My #1 advice for people moving out is to NOT buy nonstick cookware... not only is the lifespan of nonstick a MAXIMUM of 7 years (usually more like 2-5 years) but teflon, aka Polytetrafluoroethylene-- the plastic coating that makes the cookware nonstick, infuses microplastics into your food.
New cookware sets can cost hundreds of dollars so my advice is to look for 100% stainless steel cookware in thrift stores. Safer, cheaper, & instead of needing to replace every 2-7 years they can potentially last you the entire rest of your life AND they won't start shedding plastic into your food
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madisans-oregano · 24 days
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if more people really do fill out the form - my approximate guess for an end date will be mid-December 💀
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thinking about barry again reminds me i have GOT to get that goddamn barry and hank enemies-to-friends road trip fic finished . . . it's so close it's practically done it basically just needs to be uploaded to ao3 and tagged (and given a fucking. title) but it's going soo much slower now that i'm not in the throes of my barry hyperfixation anymore
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googleitlol · 15 days
Posting a shorter bit since this is taking longer than I planned. This next week is gonna be pretty busy, so I wanted to try and put out something before I can't, heh
Anywho, hope you all enjoy!
Dove masterlist:
The wind howls, a thunderous cry that bellows by your ears as you soar over treetops scattered along a mountain range. The sun shines bright overhead, only partially covered by the clouds spread sparsely across the sky. It seems as though there are no signs of civilization on this terrain, with how densely the trees pack together along the side of the mountain, aside from the narrow path you left the pilgrims on. With the beauty of the day, you find yourself thankful for the time apart from your companions.
Everyone seems to be on edge these days, the long hours trekking through wilderness taking its toll on everyone in the group. The others were getting to be more grumpy, snappy, overall just tired. You decided as a group you would rest at the next settlement on the way to the west, but there were still several days to go before you’d reach it. With such a long way to go, you offered to go scan the mountain side for something quick to snack on, hoping you could find something that would put everyone in a better mood. After all, empty stomach’s have never been known to help improve a person’s mood. It also served to give you some time to breathe. 
You land once you find an orchard of peaches, the fruit ripe and ready for the picking. Walking through the trees, you find a trunk to climb, its branches full with an ample amount of the stone fruit. You start to pick the fruit, careful of the ones too young to be tugged off. Resting on a thicker, lower branch, you reach up to grab at one dangling above your head. Just as you pull it down, you notice a hand reach for your bag of peaches from behind. Rolling your eyes, you use your free hand to slap it away, the monkey it belongs to shouting when you do. “Hey!”
Just when you thought you might get a chance to have some peace and quiet. “You’ve had enough stone fruit in your life, don’t you think?”
“Hah, you know me so well.” Wukong laughs, hanging off another branch just by his tail before twisting to land on his feet next to you. Despite the collective sour mood of your party, the tension between you and Sun Wukong has, for the lack of a better word, shifted. You couldn’t say whether it was a positive one or not, though things had definitely felt different since the ginseng incident. The demon still very much loves the sound of his own voice, but that voice was now less… antagonistic than before. Perhaps you could say he was a little more bearable, just barely. You had found yourself feeling almost awkward because of his behaviour. You didn’t exactly get along, but you weren’t outright annoying one another like before.
However, you can still find yourself feeling irritated if he ever pushes too much. You just can’t help but find his behaviour suspicious at times. “Then again, of course you do. You got to witness me taking on the heavenly army first-hand back then, huh?”
You look back at him after stuffing the peach back into your bag, a little put-off by his reminiscing. “…Yes. I did.” What, is he feeling nostalgic?
“When was it that your stay in the jade palace started again?” He asks, following you as you jump down from the tree and begin to climb another. “It had to be after I was incarcerated in that furnace, right? I’m sure we would have met if it was before. I met quite a few beings in my time there, made many friends and acquaintances.” That’s one way to put it.
You offer an awkward laugh to his rambling. “Yeah, it sounded like you were the life of the party back then.” You can’t help but roll your eyes a little before finding another stone fruit ripe enough for harvest, oblivious to the way the demon’s face lifts at your words.
“So you only heard about my time before the furnace.” He thinks aloud, making you pause. “Then, you were on Guan Yin’s mountain before?”
What is he getting at? “Yes.”
“I can only imagine some of the wild events that happened back then.” He sighs, and you hear shuffling from behind. You look back to face him only to find the monkey gone, and when you turn back for the fruit, you see him hanging by his tail, eating the peach himself. “It’s funny.”
Yeah, this is starting to get annoying. “What is?”
“That my brothers and I know so much about one another, but aside from your power and being Guan Yin’s little birdie, there’s not much we know about you.” You can’t help but roll your eyes, since when was he so interested in your old life?
It’s become a bit of a trend lately, his insistent buzzing around you, asking all sorts of bizarre questions. His sudden piqued interest just feels so random and out of character from what you’ve seen of him. Before you can ask him why he’s become so interested in your past as of late, you catch his hand going for your bag again. Wasn’t he just eating another peach?!
“Stop that, already.” You scold, pulling the bag away from his grasp, his other peach already gone. How fast can he eat those things?!
Wukong, still upside-down, crosses his arms “Master won’t eat all of these, why don’t you take one yourself? Maybe it’ll make you less uptight. I wanna see the Dove your master was talking about in the Abbey.”
A puff of air escapes through your nose in a pathetic laugh before you turn to pick one last stone fruit, inspecting it a bit before pulling it down. “I don’t eat peaches.” You admit while counting your haul. This should be plenty for now, and you’ll have some left over for the others to snack on in the evening.
A sudden burst of laughter disrupts your thoughts, the Monkey King clutches his stomach as though he had just heard the funniest joke in the world. You crouch on the branch, straight-faced as you wait for him to calm down. He only registers your expression after wiping away a stray tear, his brows furrowing slightly as his laughter slows to a stop. “Wait, was that not a joke?”
Instead of answering, you hop down from the tree and begin your walk back to the group. Footsteps from behind quickly overtake you, the monkey turning to face you, walking backwards as you continue towards where you left the rest of the party. “What do you have against peaches?” He asks, his expression one of outright disbelief.
You stop walking, your irritation growing from the question. “…Why are you here, Sun Wukong?” “Master was worried, he wanted someone to check on you and Pigsy volunteered me.” He shrugs. Of course he did.
You roll your eyes before walking past the demon. “How thoughtful of him.”
Wukong pauses for a moment before following your path, annoyance beginning to prick in his voice. “We’ve been travelling together for some time now, Dove, and honestly? I don’t care much for why you despise me so much. But I must ask, why not peaches?”
Why is this the most important thing to him right now? You look back at him, uncertain as Tripitaka’s words ring in your mind from the night you told him of your grievances. For so long, you believed Sun Wukong would find more amusement in what happened than anything, but after recent events, you feel unsure. You’ve seen now that he does in fact carry the capacity to care for others, his defence of his master in front of Zhenyuan showed that. 
But it felt all too sudden a change to trust. What if it was just a fleeting moment of compassion? After all, he’s known to be a trickster, a being who only acts to benefit himself, and this newfound curiosity in your history puts your mind at no ease. Sure, you don’t exactly ‘despise’ him as he puts it, but it doesn’t mean you’re willing to let him suddenly get to know you. All his pestering, it hardly even comes off as friendly. It feels like he wants something more than anything.
After a moment’s silence, you turn back to continue walking. “Why don’t you fly ahead and tell Tripitaka I’m on my way? Then he can stop worrying about me and you can leave me alone.”
The monkey takes a moment to respond, and you hear a scoff from behind. “You know, with a gift as tranquil as yours, one would think you’d turn out to be less miserable.” His words jab into your side, and you can’t help but laugh.
“Take the credit where you earn it, ape. I may have dealt with my share of misery through my years, but it was made all the worse the day you entered my life.” You look over your shoulder, just catching the demon’s eyes as they widen.
His look of surprise lasts only for a second before it's replaced with a more placid expression. He says nothing before leaping off into the skies, atop his cloud and towards his master and fellow disciples. You start to chew at the inside of your cheek, watching from where you saw his figure in the sky just moments prior. That wasn’t too harsh, was it? You expected some sort of witty comeback, not a silent departure.
You continue with your walk back to the others, taking your time to calm down and enjoy the quiet you don’t usually find in your current company. Though, the longer you’re left alone with your thoughts, the more you begin to question your words. Should you feel bad? …He’ll be fine. A few mean words have never stopped him before, with how much time you’ve spent with him, you know that better than anyone.
Your thoughts are immediately silenced as a scream pierces through the sky.
Now alert, your leisurely pace raises to a sprint to return to your allies. The path quickly becomes visible, and you follow it until your party appears. Wujing holds the reins of Ao Lie, behind the others with Bajie at his side, blocking your view. The demon winces before turning his face away, and it clicks in your mind who the screams are coming from. More specifically, why.
You push past the two demons to find Tripitaka muttering beneath his breath, with Sun Wukong writhing on the ground in front of him clutching his head. “Stop! What are you doing?!” You grab the monk by his arm and pull him back, the monkey demon slumping to his side once the spell stops.
The monk is quick to pull his arm back, anger inscribed over his features in a way you’ve never seen before. “I cannot do it anymore! The fire, the ginseng tree, and now this?! I can’t go any longer with this demon!”
“What happened…” You feel your words trail off as your eyes catch the limp body of a young woman some ways ahead of the path. You look between the Monkey King, the corpse, and the bloodied staff that he had dropped between them. Sun Wukong, what did you do?
Tripitaka is quick to answer your question. “He killed that poor girl! She was only offering us food when he hit her with his staff.” He explains, the offender moving to push himself up after catching his breath.
“Are you blind?! I was only trying to save you!” He huffs, still recovering from the pain of his crown. “Look at what she was serving you!” He moves to grab the rice bowl that lays by the woman’s hands, throwing down at his master’s feet. Maggots spill out, worming overtop one another as you and the monk step back in disgust.
You see the monk frown, his anger giving way to confusion. “What? But I was sure she offered us rice…”
“Oh, please.” Pigsy butts in, rolling his eyes. “How do we know this isn’t just one of Brother Pilgrim’s illusions? So he could justify killing that human girl.”
“Are you a moron?!” Wukong gets back up, he might as well have been glaring daggers into the pig, the emotion in his voice so palpable you can practically feel it.
“Enough!” The two stop once their master speaks, the monk letting out a sigh carrying the weight of his stress over the last few nights. “I can’t continue with a murderer as my disciple.” Wukong’s eyes widen at his words, and you find yourself mirroring his expression. “How long have we been on the road and still you have learnt nothing? If you cannot learn from your errors, there will be no room for you on our journey.”
You’re quick to step in before he can continue. “Tripitaka, I understand he upset you with his actions, but you should not rush a decision like this.” In all honesty, you aren’t sure if you believe Pigsy entirely, but you still feel conflicted on who to believe. Yes, Wukong can be impulsive, but never before has he outright killed a person for no prominent reason. No matter what the truth is, you can’t let Tripitaka send away his most powerful disciple, not when there is so much road left ahead of you.
Resting a hand on the monk’s shoulder, you use your gift to soothe him. He can’t make such decisions with his emotions out of sorts, not rationally. “Whether you like it or not, Sun Wukong was chosen to serve you on this journey. As troublesome as he can be, we would not be this far along the journey without him.”
You look back at the sage while you speak, his eyes not meeting your own before Tripitaka takes a deep breath. He still seems agitated, but now in a more reasonable headspace. “Very well. I will forgive you, this time.” He looks down at his disciple, you’ve never quite seen this shade of anger on the monk before. Wukong glares back up at him, his own irritation of his master’s reaction clear in his eyes.
The two of them remain there, unmoving, until Sandy clears his throat. “Alright, then! Little Soother, how about we have some of those peaches you’ve brought back? We can find a place to sit a little further ahead and eat before continuing the path.” He pats you on the back and you nod.
At Wujing’s suggestion, you all go on through the mountains before finding a spot to eat. Tripitaka turns away to eat while you pass out the collected fruit to the others, offering a peach to Monkey King. He scoffs when you do, shouldering you as he walks past. “I don’t need you defending me to my master.”
“And I don’t need you getting on the Tang monk’s last nerve.” You glance at the monkey from the side of your eye, putting down the bag of peaches to rest by Ao Lie. “I’m not stupid, Tripitaka needs you to get to the west. I’m looking out for his best interest.” You explain before transforming to rest in a nearby tree while the others eat. Wukong follows you with his gaze for a moment before turning his back.
You watch your companions from your vantage point. When the journey had only started, everyone would take a moment like this to talk and share stories with one another. There’d be laughter and playful jesting, but the weight of travel has taken its toll on everyone. All of you are tired, it’s clear enough to anyone who might stumble upon your party. You just hope everyone will be able to get through the rest of the day without any more incidents.
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defenestrates-you · 5 months
preparing myself for a holy pilgrimage (driving to the next city over to watch the indigo girls documentary at a film fest)
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i cant understand people who dont like board games its like doing drugs but for way less money
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