#nonexistent discourse
statementlou · 4 months
He cannot be the same man unfollowing mason greenwood and firing jordan green within days of the accusation coming out lol now that its liam he suddenly deems everything ok it seems
I'm sorry if you don't see a difference between how you treat a celebrity you don't know who repeatedly brutally raped and beat their partner while threatening their life, or an employee who serially engaged in predatory premeditated grooming and rape of multiple minors VS how you deal with a situation with a friend who, yes, committed emotional partner abuse, both by being clueless about the impact of their actions and by directly manipulating and pressuring their partner.
But I don't actually think the solution to a friend doing problematic things is necessarily to say "ah well, we had a nice run but you're dead to me now" rather than attempt to help them be better (which can in fact look like/ mean supporting them) although yes, I am aware that in that I differ from the bulk of people driving online discourse culture. We don't know for a fact that that's what Louis does! But we don't know it isn't either, and I personally do feel that there might be grounds for hope that the man who unfollowed Mason Greenwood and fired Jordan Green and tried again and again to singlehandedly put Anthony Russell in a better place, as well as various other people in his personal life struggling with addiction issues, including Liam himself for years now, might in fact care and have something to say to his friend about it all (over the last months and years one assumes, since unlike us he's had a front row seat to this whole situation all along). And yeah, about that... you do know that Louis has to have known about all this since long before yesterday right? And yet the suggestion seems to be that it becoming public knowledge should be the breaking point... like in the named situations above, them becoming public was relevant because he found out at the same time as us! If I believed Louis knew what JG was doing and that he only fired him because we found out I would NOT be here, yk? But no way is that the situation here, like hell I assume him and Liam were on the phone for hours at a time with Liam drunkenly freaking out like I can't raise a fucking kid! So I told her... blah blah blah... etc.
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bloggingboutburgers · 11 months
I realized I was AroAce and got into the community apparently long after the dog days of AroAce discourse. I'm glad that it's somewhat better now, but I'm kinda disheartened that we were rejected in the first place. I still only have a partial picture of what went down, though. What was it like at the time?
I'm not gonna lie – I wasn't really that vocal about being aroace at the time, only occasionally, because I believed it'd probably get ignored or diminished anyway.
...Guess that sorta made me dodge a personal bullet, considering the stories I read. (Also full disclosure, whenever I stumble onto posts about it I can only read a certain amount before I have to stop. It's all pretty distressing and I try to avoid that.)
I'm really glad and very pleasantly surprised I now get so much positive feedback talking about my aroace experience, but I also still get the occasional aphobic comment on this website or others, and I bet many others do too, so let's not forget that it's not like the discourse is fully gone either. I'm really glad things are going good, but I hope everyone can stay safe from exclusionist being verbally harmful to them. Didn't think their words could get to me anymore but they still do sometimes and... Yeah.
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tubbytarchia · 4 months
I’m the pushy person sorry ):
You. It's all your fault. All of FH tag is up in flames because you hurt them!! You shoved toxic FH down their throats!!! How could you!!!!!
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fayoftheforest · 29 days
another day another slay in the south park fandom 😦
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autistic-katara · 10 months
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thermesiini · 10 months
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no one is defending ai using this argument
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the-chaos-goose · 6 months
Xavier Ferns is a NERD and A MEANIE and the creator is A DORK
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nick-close · 2 years
If the things u complain about in the dndads fandom come from the Reddit you aren’t complaining about the fandom ur complaining about Reddit and it’s your burden for using that god forsaken place tbh
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ingravinoveritas · 1 year
Well well well :)
Michael is done filming now, right..
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Ooh. Well, first of all, last week was another crazy week of travel for work, so here I am catching up on Anons again, and boy, what a way to start a new week.
So yes, I did indeed see Georgia's Insta story earlier today, and thank you to @feuerkindjana for providing a visual! In terms of Michael filming, IIRC he is either about to wrap filming on The Way very soon, or he did indeed just wrap, but either way, I love that the first thing so many of us thought of when seeing this was David visiting Michael. Especially because David has worked on DW in Wales for years and years--long before Good Omens and he and Michael were ever a thing--and yet they are so strongly tied together that people now seem to associate David and Wales with Michael more than with DW.
It would be wonderful if he is going to see Michael, though. Of course Georgia is there as well, and on these particular outings I tend to imagine her as a chaperone taking a hyperactive David on his favorite school trip, with him bouncing up and down in the car asking "Are we there yet??" Haha. Who knows, perhaps Georgia gets a luxurious hotel room all to herself while David and Michael get to spend the day wandering around Swansea together--for instance, in this bookshop where Michael was photographed yesterday:
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I often feel like bookshops are akin to a candy store for Michael, so I could see him gleefully running around to show David his favorite new books and saying he's only buying one today and saving up for the rest. Then later in the day, David goes back to the shop to buy the others and surprises Michael with them at dinner that night, and Michael completely swoons.
Whatever the case may be, it certainly is lovely to think that David could be visiting Michael again. I especially do wonder if they know that a large chunk of the fandom now knows about certain activities in GO 2, and if the thought of fans' reactions alone makes them giggle like naughty schoolboys. With any luck, we'll find out in a month's time, if/when they do interviews to promote the second season...
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mazzystar24 · 1 year
The day I found out the actress who plays Ana Flores isn’t Spanish in any way I felt so vindicated
Because literally in all her scenes I was like this feels like a caricature of a Latina; like all her Spanish words were over pronounced and not even correctly sometimes and it felt so forced but I was like you know what maybe it’s just the “Latina written by a white person” effect but still I was like the actress should know how to talk normally if she has a Spanish accent or heritage and lo and behold the actress doesn’t have any Latin heritage and yet her imbd is like 90% Latina roles
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h0n3yk1tt3n · 2 months
Ok that is now one mutual that completely nuked their blog and TWO mutuals that have said they're drawing back from tumblr. What the hell did I miss.
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chadepitanga · 5 months
I look at gringo sexuality and language policing discourse etc and I think you need more swear words in your language that are not slurs. If you had the capacity to curse or be cursed at like a guy from Rio or Salvador, you would not be caring about who gets to say fag or dyke or queer, I promise
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dwtdog · 10 months
it almost seemed like the poster was defending dream 😭 cause their brother said he couldn’t imagine dream doing it?? not sure how people took it as confirmation of something
this girl confuses me so bad 😭 and i agree it sounds like the brother likes dream and just? hates bad for some reason?
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candiedblueberries · 1 year
sorrey for being ia,, its just that everything & everyone who caters to my current hyperfix is on twitter ;w;
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spyroz · 1 month
if anyone needs help identifying things that can become moral scrupulosity OCD obsessions/compulsions, heres a list of some i've experienced:
rereading your posts/texts over and over
checking your notes and/or followers list frequently to "make sure" bad actors aren't interacting with you
checking OP's blog before interacting with posts
compulsively opening a social media tab to look at your notifs and then closing it, over and over
fearing ways that things you say/do (or don't do) could be taken in bad faith. being anxious that your words/actions will be misconstrued as morally wrong, bigoted, rude, or aggressive
feeling guilty or obsessing over whether you should or shouldn't have reblogged a post
feeling like you aren't "allowed" to disengage from online discourse or unfollow people who post it
fearing you're being stalked, talked about, or called out behind your back. fearing you'll never be forgiven and that people might even celebrate your disappearance or death, even though you havent done anything wrong
searching your own name/username to see if anyone is actually talking about you
imagining defenses you would make against nonexistent heinous accusations or arguments against you, to prove that you didnt do it
feeling like you have to roll over and become a doormat when others are cruel to you, because it could cause strife if you do anything other than grovel or apologize
having trouble enforcing your own boundaries out of fear that they are somehow "wrong" or unethical
ending up surrounded by people who have all the "right opinions" but are super mean and unpleasant, and make you feel like you have to walk on eggshells
fearing that just HAVING moral ocd makes you a bad person somehow (for example, i often fear that having moral ocd is somehow pushing a 'stranger danger' or misanthropist agenda, even though i actually have a lot of faith in my fellow humans)
some of these bullet points are not inherently bad on their own, but if you find yourself having this kind of anxiety very often, that's not normal, and it's time to get offline or even seek professional help if it's impacting your life
this list is catered to how online culture influences moral scrupulosity, it is not indicative of how everybody's moral scrupulosity functions, and it is not exhaustive
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xenosagaepisodeone · 3 months
this is just my perspective as a tme person observing the ongoing discourse on the dashboard but when I read someone attempt to conflate transmisogyny as something that "technically" does not just effect trans women, therefore permitting other groups to lay claim to being victims of it and weaving their experiences into our conceptualization of it, I find myself remembering how trans women were conceived of by wider culture prior to maybe 2011. "dead trans sex worker" was a punchline to a joke. you could tune in to the comedy network during daytime hours and hear a standup comedian rattle off a bit about it. you would see it all over tv and in movies, and not a single actor bleating about it registered that they were talking about a human being. and its not like the bit had come out of nowhere, the regimented ostracization inflicted upon these women, relegating them to survival sex workers whose assault, abuse and deaths were horrifically common, baked them into a cohesive underclass that polite society was both aware of and amused by. systematized unpersoning in its most literal form. is it not cruel to then dilute a term used to describe (and therefore understand and protest) a form of mistreatment that others consider either self-justified or nonexistent (assuming that they ever cared to wonder about the experiences these women have to endure at all)? who are you helping by decentering the intended victims of this abuse? (<- rhetorical question)
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