3-2-whump · 2 days
This is for everyone, but I'm especially curious to hear from Khaled and Julio....
What was the most humiliating thing ever done to you?
T: Well, I’m pretty sure most of my nonjudicial punishments I accumulated in Basic Training fall under that category.
N: When I got pantsed in the middle of a football game in sophomore year.
J: Um… (flashes back to all the things he had to do for Izzy to receive protection)
K: Um… (flashes back to the key game)
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mudwerks · 1 year
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(via Prominent Retired Judge Calls for Ethics Rules for Supreme Court Justices - The New York Times)
The statement by Judge J. Michael Luttig, a retired appeals court judge revered by some conservatives, was released hours before the Democratic-led Senate Judiciary Committee held a hearing on Supreme Court ethics. Pressure has mounted among progressives for a stricter code of conduct for the justices, the nation’s highest judges, who are appointed to lifetime terms and are bound by few disclosure requirements.
Congress “indisputably has the power under the Constitution” to “enact laws prescribing the ethical standards applicable to the nonjudicial conduct and activities of the Supreme Court of the United States,” Judge Luttig said in a written statement presented to the Judiciary Committee...
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The continuation of loose lips sink ships was dope
M o r e
Hey, thank you so much for this request. I'm really happy you've enjoyed the series so far
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Loose Lips Sink Ships, Part 4
Artemis entered Ledger’s office, steeling themself for another bout of scolding. She stood in the corner, observing her bookshelf.
“Captain, before you begin, I’d just like to say – ”
Ledger spun around and slapped Artemis across the face.
“Oh, wow.” They held a hand up to their stinging cheek. “I vastly underestimated your level of anger on this.”
“Why do you think I promoted you, Galen?”
“Um.” They sensed a trap. “Because I’m the one who figured out how the ignotus compound works?”
“Because you were supposed to be smart.”
“Ah, right,” they said, as she went to her desk. “Should’ve guessed that.”
Ledger settled into her chair, looking no less imposing for her seated position. “Care to tell me what you were doing out there, before I issue a nonjudicial punishment for disobeying orders?”
“I have no excuse.” They couldn’t lie to their captain on top of everything else, but they also didn’t want to implicate Bryn. So, that only left the option of not answering at all.
“Could it have had something to do with the fact that your partner was part of yesterday’s assault?”
Artemis blinked. “If you already knew, then why did you ask?”
Her smile was cold. “I wanted to see if I could rely on you for an honest answer.”
Captain made me. Bryn's words rung in Artemis's head. But that was unfair. They could have been talking about any one of the captains in their division.
Ledger leaned forward. “Look, Artemis, I understand the impulse. We all have people we care about. But some of us have realized that there’s a war on.”
Artemis ran a hand over their face. “I know I could’ve died out there, but – ”
Ledger barked out a laugh. “Wait, you think that’s why I’m angry?”
Artemis frowned. “It isn’t?”
She folded her hands. “Don’t get me wrong, I would mourn you, if you were stupid enough to get yourself killed. And it would be a significant blow to our operations. But we’ve lost good people before. We’d make do.”
“Then what – ”
“Did it never cross your mind, doctor, that you could be captured?”
Artemis opened their mouth, and then shut it. If they were being perfectly honest, it hadn’t.
But the thought was very much occurring to them now. All their findings, all the work they’d done. Their experiments had become central to the Agarian war strategy. If the Vekalese had found Artemis that day, then there never would have been any need to sell them out.
“I’m sorry.”
They couldn’t bring themself to apologize for saving Bryn, but they could at least regret not thinking it through.
Ledger’s demeanor softened a degree. “I don’t enjoy reprimanding you, I hope you realize. You do good work for us.” She rose from her desk. “But there is perhaps something you should know.”
Artemis raised their brows.
She took a file from her shelf, and handed it to them. “Our intel has informed us that the Vekalese plan to infiltrate our base soon.”
Artemis sucked in a breath. “When?”
She shook her head again. “It’s unclear right now. But that’s not what you need to know. They have a number of  targets they want to hit, things they want to steal. They also have a list of people they plan to apprehend.” She glanced to Artemis. “You’re on that list, doctor.”
Artemis stiffened. “I see."
They remembered what they’d done to various Vekalese prisoners, over the years. Since then, some had escaped, or were traded away as hostages. Supposedly, those people were now working on the other side of enemy lines. Artemis could only imagine the rabid glee they would feel to have the tables turned.
“What am I supposed to do with this information?” they asked.
Ledger gave a weary smile. “Maybe, for once, consider being careful.”
“Of course,” Artemis said.
It seemed they were willing to lie to their captain, after all.
Someone walked into Bryn’s hospital room just as they were beginning to fall asleep.
“Hey moonshine, what did – ” They opened their eyes. “Oh. It’s you.”
“I’m happy to see you're breathing,” the person said. “It would have been inconvenient if you died.”
Bryn looked to the ceiling. “Don’t you have any other WIAs to bother?”
The person strolled to Bryn’s bed, straightened their sheets. “I was disappointed, however, to see you interfering with the plan.” They took Bryn’s IV tube in their hands. “Did you really think you could get away, by fleeing to the front lines?”
“It was worth a shot. And you might as well put that tube down. I know you’re not going to do anything to me.”
A hand shot viper-quick to Bryn’s throat.
Bryn struggled and clawed at the person’s hand. The medical monitor picked up its pace.
The person leaned in. “Do not endanger Dr. Galen again.”
Bryn was alone by the time their nurses arrived.  
Part 5
Edit: I forgot again that I have a taglist
From the bottom of my heart, my bad
Taglist: @iamtheshriekingguineapig
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So like, I don’t talk a lot of details about my job online, for obvious safety/security/not losing that job reasons, but I have GOT to tell you all the shit that’s going down.
I work at a legal firm, right? I’m a legal assistant. And when I first got this job, I was like, “omg, this is like, a dream come true.” Because almost immediately after I landed the job, they were like, “hey, you can actually work from home full time if you want,” and it didn’t involve phone calls or any public facing work, and I was like, YES. Finally something for my anxious ass.
Within my first two months at the company, there was a major layoff (around Christmas) that took out basically every group that had been hired after me. Yikes. But my good luck that I got to stay on!
I’ve now been working at this company for two years. I switched from a tertiary work group to the main company, and then the group I was working with got our own department! Cool! Lots of people got flown down here so we could all meet in person and have lunch together and get Branded Gifts lol. Fun!
A couple of months after that, around Christmas, we all got called into a Firmwide Town Hall type thing, and during that, the WHOLE company got blindsided by the news that 25% of the company was either going to have to voluntarily resign, or be laid off, because we’ve been operating at a loss. And they’ve KNOWN this since JULY.
They tell us with about two weeks to make the decision, with the assurance that everyone who resigns will get a separation package, depending on how long they’ve been with the company. So, me, two years in, am looking at a separation package of one month’s pay from the date I sign the agreement, or potentially two weeks’ pay if I’m laid off by the company later. Great.
I decide to try to stay on. Our team is small, and we handle a lot of work, so I’m hoping we won’t be trimmed down too much, and I’m hoping the higher salary folks will be targeted first, as mean as that is. We’re getting trained on some new work that we’re taking over from another group, on top of our already stifling workload.
After the new year rolls around, we get an email from the attorney that heads up our team. She’s made a list of the people who are leaving from our team:
1x - Manager
1x - Team Lead
1x - Sales Dept. Person
1x - Attorney Support
1x - Irreplaceable Person Who Has Old Knowledge Unshared for 50+ years
Four people of our already small team leaving. To put that in perspective, we’re now left with:
1x - Judicial Foreclosure Person
1x - Nonjudicial Foreclosure Person
1x - Sales Dept. Person
1x - Manager
1x - Attorney
Y’all, our team got HALVED by this. We already were struggling.
So now they’re trying desperately to crash course us through all of the things that the people leaving do/did; we have no guides ready for most of this stuff, the work is piling up because the people who normally do it are now having to stop doing it to take the time to teach US to do it, and it’s not making any sense, because it’s not the type of thing you can learn in a couple of Zoom calls lol.
Also, when I say that person up there is irreplaceable? I mean it. Literally no one else knows how to do their job, lol. And they’re not good at teaching it, because it’s something you have to learn by doing to really GET. And you have to learn it by doing it over YEARS.
When I tell you this company has become an absolute dumpster fire, y’all.
to top it all off, we’ve been asked to detail out our work days so that they can offer these descriptions to a Financial Advisor who will tell them what our New Pay Scale should be, so it sounds like on top of everything, they’re looking to lower our pay this year.
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haljordangreenjedi · 1 year
What kind of discharge would be a realistic one for Hal, do you think?
so, knowing what we know at this point in time, that Hal ends up back in the military in canon (at least for a while), i believe that it has to be a General Discharge.
there are five types of discharge from the military, and we’re gonna go through them as best as i can:
1) Honorable Discharge — this is what most military members end up with, and comes with all the benefits of being a veteran. (access to the VA, continued military medical and dental care, disability benefits, the GI Bill.) it essentially means they finished their tour of duty, and they had good/respectable conduct. of course there are situations where a service member receives an honorable discharge without finishing their tour, they have become a parent or don’t have a viable family care plan.
2) General, Under Honorable Conditions (aka General Discharge) — this means that the service member was satisfactory, but involved in situations where their performance or conduct could not warrant an honorable discharge. i know, the “under honorable conditions” is confusing, but so is the military in general lol. those that receive a general discharge usually have had minor misconduct or nonjudicial punishments in their record. if you have a general discharge, you still have access to VA benefits such as medical, and burial in a national cemetery, but you don’t get the education benefits such as the GI bill. there is still a stigma attached to having this kind of discharge, and it can affect their ability to find work or attend schools.
3) Under Other than Honorable Conditions — this is the last form of administrative discharge, meaning without a court martial. this one is reserved for those with patterns of behavior that is a major departure from the expected conduct. we’re talking like security violations, violent behavior, illegal drug use, civilian court convictions, but also being found guilty of adultery in divorce proceedings or abusing power as a superior. most veteran benefits are unavailable, and generally speaking, they cannot reenlist in any other component of the armed forces.
the final two forms of discharge can only be given after a court-martial finds the service member guilty of certain offenses. they can also only be handed down to enlisted individuals. one thing you should know: court-martial convictions often equal time in a military prison.
4) Bad Conduct Discharge — virtually all veteran benefits are forfeited on a bad conduct charge, and as i mentioned, time in a military prison. potential offenses that can result in this form of discharge include being drunk on duty, a dui, adultery, and arrest for disorderly conduct. this discharge isn’t complete until the service member finishes their incarceration period, and it must be disclosed when you’re applying for a job.
5) Dishonorable Discharge — the absolute worst form of discharge, also often includes a stint in military prison. consequences include loss of VA benefits, loss of civilian rights (such as the right to bear arms), disqualification from federal employment, and the service member may not qualify for civilian benefits such as unemployment or federal student loans. if someone has a dishonorable discharge, odds are they have: committed murder, fraud, treason, sexual assault, participated in espionage, or deserted the military.
commissioned officers cannot receive a Bad Conduct or Dishonorable Discharge by a court-martial, and they can’t be reduced in rank. instead, if they are found guilty by a general court-martial, they can be handed down a Dismissal. a Dismissal is the functional equivalent of a Dishonorable Discharge.
additionally, military separations are a different beast altogether, and have their own broad variety of reasons. it should be noted that a medical separation or medical discharge belongs in this category, and usually someone with a medical discharge is entitled to VA benefits as well as disability benefits (this is dependent on if it is a service related disability).
of course, everything is subjective, and the examples i gave are simply examples that i can find referenced across the internet. i’m inclined to think that the way they bring hal back into the military fold has to insinuate a general discharge, although it could also be under other than honorable conditions. i lean towards more general discharge because they do insinuate a bit of leniency with hal because of who his father was back in the day, and an OTH discharge would require a review for hal to be allowed to rejoin the air force, and they can’t reasonably have all of the brass know that hal jordan is the green lantern. in my opinion, that could cause way too many potential problems.
i’m also attaching the resources i used below. there is some variability in what’s published on the internet, but i stuck with the details that were most consistent for simplicity’s sake, and that made the most sense based on my own understanding of the subject. there are always gray areas when it comes to the military, and specific circumstances will change how they react to a situation. if anyone has anymore questions, please feel free to send me an ask and i’ll do my best to explain.
sources: i, ii, iii
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The Home Foreclosure Process in Georgia
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Federal and Georgia state laws strictly regulate mortgage servicers and foreclosures. Servicers must ensure that borrowers have ample opportunities for loss mitigation and complete and document each step in the foreclosure process, such as 30 days' notice before the foreclosure process begins.
Signed promissory notes and security deeds (mortgages) are foundational to homeowners' rights. These provide contractual rights to homeowners and ensure that falling behind on mortgages will not necessarily lead to foreclosure.
If foreclosure is still approaching and other remedies have failed, the lender usually pursues a nonjudicial foreclosure process out of court by giving notice of scheduled foreclosure 30 days prior. The lender's attorney also provides a 10-day notice of the period during which the homeowner can still pay back principal and interest without any attorney's fees accruing.
When foreclosure moves forward, the mortgage service provider must advertise the foreclosure sale in a local newspaper once a week for four weeks before the scheduled sale date. When foreclosure, the lender typically makes a credit bid, the highest bid for the property to become real estate owned (REO). If a third party makes a higher bid, providing an offer that exceeds the total amount owed, the homeowner will receive that excess amount as part of the transaction.
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codilisandassociates · 3 months
Stages of Foreclosure - From Default to Eviction
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Foreclosure is a complex and often distressing process for homeowners facing financial challenges. Understanding the stages involved can help individuals make informed decisions to mitigate the impact on their home ownership and their financial situation.
The journey into foreclosure typically begins with a missed mortgage payment. Lenders initiate contact, frequently aiming to work with borrowers even after the first missed payment. After three months of non-payment a demand letter is sent, outlining the amount overdue and providing a 30-day window to rectify the situation.
Four months into missed payments (assuming no other arrangements have been made), a notice of default (NOD) is issued, marking the start of the formal foreclosure process. Borrowers have an additional 30 days to settle before further action is taken. Federal law generally prevents foreclosure until a borrower is more than 120 days overdue.
The foreclosure process diverges based on state laws. Some follow nonjudicial foreclosures, while others opt for judicial foreclosures, requiring court approval. After filing necessary paperwork, a notice of trustee’s sale is recorded, indicating the auction details, including time, location, and minimum bid.
The property enters public auction, with the highest bidder securing ownership. The opening bid is based on the outstanding loan, unpaid taxes, and sale costs. Upon completion, the winning bidder receives a trustee’s deed, claiming immediate possession. If the property remains unsold during the auction, the lender takes ownership and attempts to sell it as real estate owned (REO) property.
Once the auction concludes, occupants, whether former owners or tenants, receive an eviction notice. This mandates an immediate evacuation, which is typically handled by local law enforcement.
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mccareer · 7 months
More sailors, Marines may now refuse nonjudicial punishments
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cavenewstimes · 7 months
More sailors, Marines may now refuse nonjudicial punishments
Read More Military Times  Sailors and Marines assigned to ships undergoing maintenance now have the explicit right to declinenonjudicial punishments under Article 15 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice, just as troops on shore duty already may do. The Navy’s controversial “vessel exception,” instituted in 1962, stipulated that sailors or Marines could not refuse nonjudicial punishment in…
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masterofd1saster · 8 months
CJ court watch - Judge, WTF were you thinking?????
4th Cir decided Gibson v. Goldston, No. 22-1757 on 30oct 23.
We consider in this appeal whether a judge who participates in the search of a litigant’s home is entitled to judicial immunity for actions related to the search. Judge Louise Goldston went to Matthew Gibson’s residence to look for items he had failed to turn over to his ex-wife after their divorce. She entered his home over his objections after threatening him with arrest should he try to stop her. She then supervised the seizure of designated items in the house. The only question before us is whether judicial immunity shields these acts. We hold it does not. Judicial immunity protects only judicial acts. It does not shield the conduct of judges who step outside their judicial role, as Judge Goldston did when searching Gibson’s home.***
The introduction above is a very mild and generous summary of some truly egregious facts. Read the linked opinion, but be prepared to be shocked.
Judicial immunity does not protect judges so much as it protects the judicial acts they undertake as part of their public service; it is “defined by the functions it protects and serves, not by the person to whom it attaches.” Id. (emphasis in original). As such, judges are not protected if they act in the “clear absence of all jurisdiction over the subject-matter” or when they engage in nonjudicial acts. Bradley, 80 U.S. (13 Wall.) at 351; Stump, 435 U.S. at 360. We rest our holding that Judge Goldston is not so protected on the fact that she engaged in a nonjudicial act. Our decision is not grounded in any absence of jurisdiction. Rather, it is based on the fact that the judge clearly exceeded the most common understandings of the proper judicial role.***
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sciencenoworgau · 1 year
To foreclose on a home equity loan in the state of Texas, a lender must resort to a quasi-judicial process. Before proceeding with a nonjudicial foreclosure, the lender must first […]
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wafact · 1 year
New Bill In Congress Would Ban “Nonjudicial” Civil Forfeiture
To protect innocent Americans from “lawless” police seizures, Reps. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) and Tim Walberg (R-MI) reintroduced a bill on March 9 that would significantly overhaul the federal government’s civil forfeiture laws. Civil forfeiture lets the government seize and keep valuable property without ever convicting the owner of a crime or even filing criminal charges. And under federal law,…
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tonyglowheart · 4 years
thought of the day: “meta” and “literary analysis” while overlapping concepts/similar in some respects, are not the same thing, and I think there needs to be more distinction as well as normalization of both concepts coexisting in fandom
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What Are the Options for Homeowners During Foreclosure
What Are the Options for Homeowners During Foreclosure
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When faced with foreclosure, it’s important to know your options and understand all the potential solutions that may be available to help you avoid foreclosure. It’s also important to understand what can happen if you fail to take action and foreclosure becomes unavoidable. The process can be stressful, embarrassing, and it can have long-lasting consequences.
“What happens if my home is foreclosed
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believerindaydreams · 3 years
More WTH about Veronica
It's not so much that a group of Paladins jumped us, although I would have liked some warning; or that a low level Courier wrecked their asses by using the gun that Veronica just finished explaining would wreck them. It's Veronica having a reaction of "well we killed the witnesses" like fuck, there are actual drug fiends and gangs in this game who have more civilised ways of handling errant members than might makes right duels to the death. All the Elder's Codex mumbo jumbo is so much garbage if they can't even manage an intelligent way of resolving internal disputes.
And she's staying, for some reason. I wanted to take back my nonintervention advice but she's made up her mind now. Maybe she suspects that getting along in social groups where straight up nonjudicial murder is not permitted might be tricky for someone of her background, I dunno!
Anyway I see now why the NCR and House and the Legion all consider them a sticking point. There is nothing to build a functional society with here. It's chaos.
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This is why you need to vote in the runoffs, Georgia. “Had Democrats seized the Senate, they could have faced this problem head-on. The most obvious solution was to expand the court, adding seats to dilute the conservative bloc’s dominance. Democrats could have also explored 18-year term limits for justices and jurisdiction-stripping to stop them from striking down progressive measures. Without the Senate, by contrast, the Biden administration and blue states will have to explore more perilous options if SCOTUS boxes them in at every turn. The president could deploy departmentalism, arguing he has independent authority to interpret the Constitution that no court can overrule. Blue states could revive interposition, purporting to nullify court orders with which they disagree. But these are dangerous theories that have, in the past, edged the United States toward disunion. There’s little chance Democrats would be daring enough to test them out, even if the judiciary continues its scorched-earth campaign against democracy. Which means McConnell was right: The jurisprudence of Trumpism will outlast Trump by decades. Because this catastrophe will unfold more slowly than the typical political disaster, it might be tempting to ignore. There is a natural, sane impulse to be relieved at the prospect of life not in thrall to an erratic, vicious tweeter in chief. There is a natural, sane impulse to believe that life in the Obama era, when Mitch McConnell proudly stymied every legislative endeavor, wasn’t that bad compared with the existential mayhem of the past four years. But the Obama era didn’t include a judicial branch hand-picked for its youth and its radicalism, for a decidedly nonjudicial “own the libs” vibe, for a willingness to press the machinery of the courts into service of the singular goal of humiliating, belittling, and diminishing a President Joe Biden. We’re about to learn what that kind of judiciary is prepared to do and say to ensure that Biden is, as McConnell once pledged of Barack Obama, a one-term president. And it will take far longer than one presidential term to undo the damage. This was why McConnell was willing to seat justices and judges up to the last minute, in lieu of legislating COVID relief. It’s why so many conservatives were in an oddly gleeful mood on Wednesday even as it became clear that Trump is losing. As soon as he takes the oath in January, Biden will face a new kind of gridlock, a cold war with the judiciary that will get hot fast. The GOP will challenge every move he makes, then accuse him of intransigence and partisan obstinance during the 2022 midterms, blaming the country’s woes on his inaction. Like so many Democrats before him, Biden will spend his presidency battling with Republicans. But his most powerful foes cannot be voted out of office.“
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