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Self portrait of a local artist (2020)
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lies · 2 years
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My best bird photos of November 2022 according to eBird users
Painted Redstart, Yellow-throated Vireo, Northern Parula, Townsend’s Warbler, and Pacific Golden-Plover
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hellahook · 1 year
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Bathroom - Contemporary Bathroom Inspiration for a small contemporary 3/4 blue tile and glass tile porcelain tile and multicolored floor bathroom remodel with white walls
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buqbite · 5 days
*throws water at you*
Oh look, a wet cat
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nopacrossing · 1 year
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*cue Jaws theme song*
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dragkbluire · 1 month
I have to say. I was really really down because yesterday I had a strong argument (the usual for me xd) but then I started to read fics because well I can and also played Oracle of seasons in my 3DS all while my door was completely closed all day, away from the exterior world.
And my conclusion is:
Literally I feel so listened when I play, it's like if I was important. I love the fics because the world is so big to explore and and
Ok I'm acting childish xDXD
The thing is I feel happy whenever I look at something loz/lu related. It feels like home and family, I feel important and that I matter. I see now why my memories playing OoT and discovering this media is like one of my core memories.
I was so sad and now I'm just happy to be here.
I want to buy so much things loz/lu related and show the world that I'm a freak. I don't want to be apparent being perfect anymore, I want to be myself and loz/lu is a part of my soul and it has been since I swung the master sword with B button for the first time.
There are wounds that hurt and bleed but I can't believe that a game, a comic and a fandom heals me so much.
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puppys-tiny-space · 1 year
👑names to call your caregiver👑
🐾Masc names:🐾
Papa, Daddy, Baba, Dada, Mr.Mommy, Mrs.Daddy, Appa, Big bro, Uncie, Bubba, Sir (can be silly), Mister, Bub, Knigth, King, DD, Dad, Pa, Gramps, Pop, Papi, Babbo, Babbetto, Otousan, Papchka, Abba, Abee, Papcio, Baa, Pare, Pai, Paozinho, Papcio
🎀Fem names:🎀
Mama, Mumma, Momma, Mommy, Mr.Mommy, Mrs.Daddy, Eomma, Anne, Big sis, Auntie, Grammie, Grams, Bubba, Bub, Miss, Ma'am, Knigth, Queen, Mom, Ma, Mummy, Moer, Maji, Mami, Mammina, Okasaan, Mamula, Bunda, Ama, Mutsi, Mamachka, Morsa, Ima
🧃Neutral names:🧃
Bubba, Bub, Mr.Mommy, Mrs.Daddy, Big one, Big sib, Untie, Paba, Dami, Noddy, Nopa, Mada, Noppie, Obie, Mr.Queen, Mrs.King
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Dad joke of the day: Why don't eggs tell jokes? Because they'd crack each other up!
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proton-wobbler · 11 months
Genus: Setophaga
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Originally, this genus was only used for the American Redstart (Setophaga ruticilla). Meaning 'moth-eater', it was used to refer to the flycatcher-like habits of the American Restart, which sallies forth from a perch to catch flying insects rather than plucking them from vegetation.
In 2010, however, a newly published paper disrupted what was thought of Parulidae taxonomy. Using a comprehensive molecular phylogenetic analysis of the family, several genus were merged into Setophaga. Not only that, but a separate genus of warbler was cleaved in two based on the findings.
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The Hooded Warbler was previously listed under the genus Wilsonia along with Wilson's Warbler and Canada Warbler. They had even been in an obsolete genus together before this (Sylvania), though this was changed to Wilsonia for other reasons. The 2010 study showed that Wilsonia was polyphyletic, meaning the group may share similar traits, but do not share a common ancestor. Hooded Warbler was moved to Setophaga and Wilson's and Canada Warbler were placed into Cardellina, an existing genus with Red-faced, Pink-headed, and Red Warbler.
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The two Parula species were also folded into Setophaga as a result of the 2010 study. The Northern and Tropical Parula were originally the only two members of this genus, with the Northern Parula being the type-specimen of New World Warblers as a whole. I find that a bit ironic, as they are one of the smallest warblers and show quite an unusual color patter when compared to the rest of Parulidae, but I don't exactly know how type-specimen are chosen.
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The largest genus to be merged with Setophaga was Dendroica. When I first began learning species names, I was familiar with this as the genus for most warblers. Due to the way taxonomic names work, the name which was published first takes precedent in these merging scenarios. So, despite the fact Dendroica had around 30 species and Setophaga had just 1, Setophaga was published first in 1827 (Dendroica in 1842).
In summary, Setophaga went from just a single species to now being the largest in the Parulid family, holding 34 species!
Image Sources: AMRE (Dan Pancamo); HOWA (Ninahale); NOPA (Dan Pancamo); MAWA (Cephas)
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heyscola · 1 year
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NOPA, 2023
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azura-bookclub · 3 months
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i drew echoes of wisdom zelda (and link hehe) for nopa i love you happy 5 months ♥️ @nopant
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rainbowdelicsunshine · 2 months
What kind of parents do you think PolyMercs would be? Any specific domestic headcanons?
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I'll start off with listing the Mercs' HCs I have for this off individually starting with the kind of parent they are
After that will be HCs on how all eight of them are when it comes to parenting as a group
Here we go, it's gonna be a long one!
(Yep, Gonna Need a ReadMore for This Bitch)
The Really Loud and Super Fun Military Dad that LOVES to play wrestle with his kids and will let the kids be around his Raccoon Squad (dw the kids are the only people the Raccoons seem to actually like for whatever reason)
Parental Title for Him is Dad
Was the One (Alongside Medic) that had the honor of cutting Leon's umbilical cord when he was born
Had taught/influenced Leon to be the Daddy's Little Helper that ALWAYS loved to help his Dads with any and everything they needed throughout his entire childhood
When Leon was an infant and had started to crawl, he would do it in a way that looked like an Army Crawl. Soldier would LITERALLY scream and smile like an idiot in sheer joy of his Little Soldier, everyone had to see it
Thanks to Soldier, LuluBelle EXCEEDED and loved Social Studies Class, esp when she was younger
The One Parent, Though They May Not Say Much and Are Quiet, They're One of The Best Shoulders to Lean On and Almost Never Fails to Comfort Their Kids When the Time Calls for It.
They Also are a Child at Heart so They're VERY Fun and Will Love to Go to Disneyland with Their Family!
Parental Title for Them is Either Padre (Latino!Pyro Lives Here!) or Nopa
Absolutely LOVES Theme Parks, Circuses, Carnivals, Pretty Much Anything You Can Take a Child to Since Pyro Has a Draw to Childish Things/Activities
Helped A Lot with Teaching LuluBelle How to Draw and A Lot of the Techniques She Uses for Her Art She Had Learned From Pyro
Watching Fireworks (Esp During 4th of July) is One of Pyro's Favorite Ways to Bond with Their Kiddos
The Kids (LuluBelle and Leon) Have Been the Only Two People That Has Seen Pyro Unmasked on a Regular Basis (Pyro Only Unmasks with the Other Mercs on Very Spare Occasions) and The Kids Understand Them Perfectly When Masked
The Other Super Loud and Fun (Alcoholic) Dad, Except This Time, He's Very Much a Snuggler with His Kids and LOVES to Make Up Stupid Games for Them to Play (Or Just Simply Set Fireworks Off Inside Alongside Soldier).
He Also Has a Very Strong Protective Streak for His Kids as Well
Parental Title for Him is Da/DaDa
Along with a Few Other Mercs, He's Very Openly Affectionate with His Kids, Often Giving Them Smooches on Their Cheeks, Holding Their Hands or Just Hugging on Them When Watching TV or Sitting Outside
Loved to Tell Stories or Sing Folk Songs from His Homeland as A Way To Put the Kids to Sleep (esp as babies, toddlers and very young)
If He Ever Sees Merasmus Even Try to Lay his Hands on his Children, He's Going to Just Shove a Sword into his Chest, No Warning
Was UNGODLY Nervous When He First Introduced LuluBelle to his Mom, Thankfully for Demo, She Took to LuluBelle Very Quickly and She (Along with Leon) are the only two people she ever acts warm towards (everyone else gets an old crotchety blind lady lol)
The Certified Papa Bear. Big, Loving, Super (Sometimes Over) Protective of His Children.
He Also is the Worrywart that Tends to Overthink Social Situations and Sometimes Overcompensates for How He Grew Up
Is the Most Paternal Alongside Sniper and Spy
Parental Title for Him is Paposhka
Is the One That Checks If His Children Have Ate Enough Food and If Not, He'll Be Sure to Have Them Be Fed Good, Yummy, and Filling Meals
Was The One The Kids Went to If Either of Them Felt Like They Needed Someone "Big and Strong" to Protect Them from What Scared Them (for example, booming thunder and lighting music from a vinyl record)
His Mom and Sister Absolutely ADORE the Kids, Heavy's Mom loves to spoil them with sweets and fun stuff a Russian Grandma Would Get Up to with her Grandchildren, Heavy's Sister Just Take the Kids Under Their Wings as They're All Basically the Cool Fun Aunts You Wish You Had
Is Lowkey Not Ready for When Both Kids Find Their Special Someones (None of Them Are, But Heavy the Most) and Goes to Have Their Own Lives (and Even Get Married and Have Their Own Families). He's an Absolute Mess Whenever the Subject Comes Up, He'll Be in a More Messier State When It Actually Happens
The Coolheaded, Calm, and Collected Dad That Just Tend Either to Lounge Around While Playing Their Guitar and/or Sipping a Beer or In his Workshop Building Sentries and Other Machinery.
One of the Mercs Whose the Sweetest and Has a Beautiful Way with Words (esp for verbal affection for his children). The Most Maternal Alongside Medic
His Parental Title is Either Paw, Pops, or Papa
Due to Being the One that Has Helped with Medic the Most with his Pregnancy (Being a Study Buddy for the Whole Thing) and LuluBelle's Birth, When Engie Gotten Pregnant with Leon it was Actually a Fairly Smooth and, Dare I Say, Easy Pregnancy Since He was Very Prepared for It. Being around Livestock and Farmlife in His Early Years Also Helps with That
One of the First Sounds that LuluBelle Had Heard in Her Life was the soft and melodic strums of Engineer's guitar, and She Loved It Almost Instantly. He Also Played His Guitar in Intervals During His Labor with Leon. Now Both Kids LOVE When He Plays Guitar and Think He's One of the Greatest
Leon LOVES helping Engineer with his projects and sentries, he even tries to tinker with his own little projects just to try his best to imitate his Paw. Everyone Thinks It's the Most Precious Thing in the World
He's a Big Reason Why LuluBelle Also Got into Music/Singing (Alongside Spy and Medic)
The Eccentric Maverick Who Has a Very Deep, Burning and Carnal Love and Maternal Possessiveness Over His Children (Especially LuluBelle Since First Baby and He Carried Her). With the Exception of The Mercs, Scout, and Pauling, He Does Not Trust Anyone But Himself with His Children and Feels He Knows Them the Best Inside and Out.
Is the Most Maternal of the Mercs Alongside Engineer
His Parental Title is Either Vati or Daddy
Despite his Quirks, He is the Most Affectionate (Physically and Verbally) out of All the Mercs (All of Them Are, but Most Esp Medic). He's Almost Always Seen Giving Some Sort of Loving Fatherly Gesture to Either of His Children
Medic Absolutely LOVED Being Pregnant with LuluBelle, Especially Since He Got to Study His Own Body, It's Changes and How His Baby Grew in Him. He Calls It One of His Most Interactive Study He's Conducted, Plus Having Engie as a Study Buddy Made It Even More Fun for Him (Even with the Symptoms that Sucked Ass)
Does Not Trust Other Doctors with his Children Besides Himself Since He Feels His Medical Skills Help Enough (and He's Not a Fan of Strange People Putting Their Hands on His Kids). The Most He Allows are Yearly Check Ups and Emergencies
Medic's Pigeons (Esp Archimedes) are Strangely VERY Loving and Protective Towards the Kids (Esp LuluBelle). If Anyone/Anything Ever Tries Anything Harmful with Them, the pigeons will turn on that danger like a Murder of Crows
The Quiet and Stoic Hunting Dad, It May Not Seem Like He Shows A Lot of His Love Outwardly (With Words), But He Doesn't Hesitate to Show Small Ways of Affection like a Side Hug, Watching TV/Going Outside Together, A Small Peck on the Cheek/Forehead/Hand, and Holding Hands.
He's Very Animal Like in the Ways He'll Be Willing to Tear and Gut Apart Anything that Attempts to Hurt his Children and Likes to Huddle Close to His Kids Like an Animal as Well. Is the Most Paternal Alongside Spy and Heavy
His Parental Title is Dad or Daddy
He's the Reason and Catalyst to LuluBelle's Deep Love and Passion for Animals, since He Would Talk to Her About Them and Read Books About Them with Her
He Also LOVES it when Leon tries to help him with pretty much ANYTHING that the little fella could think of
The Kids LOVE Driving in Their Dad's Camper Van, and They Always Get Hyped Up and Excited Whenever They Go Camping in it
The Kids Also Love Visiting their Grandparents in Australia since they both love the animals and landscape there and their grandparents always spoil the hell outta them every visit (Constant Black Current Candies from Nana and Sneaking Off to Local Hangouts at Night with Grandpa) (Sniper Gets Pissed Every Time He Finds Out About Grandpa's Adventures with the Grandkids lolol)
The Dad That's Doing Everything In His Power to Do the Opposite of What He Did When He First Had Scout. He Overcompensates for Basically Everything Involving his Relationship with Scout. He Spoils Them in Every Way Possible, While Still Being Strict and Intending his Children to Be Good Additions to Society.
He is VERY proud of his children and their achievements and makes sure they're celebrated to their fullest extent, also Funding Most Trips and Most, if Not All the Kids' Extracurriculars (LuluBelle with His Art and Singing and Leon with his Snowboarding and Rock Music), Also loves to boast about his children in general
Is the Most Parental Alongside Sniper and Heavy
Parental Title for Him is Either Dad or Papa
Was the One That Jumpstarted and Encouraged LuluBelle to Perdue and Reign in Her Talents For Singing! Without Spy, LuluBelle Wouldn't Be Passionate in Singing Like She is Now
Was the One that Had the Honor of Cutting LuluBelle's Umbilical Cord After a Quick Toss Up of Who Wanted to Do So, His Butterfly Knife Skill Made the Process Go Lighting Fast and Easy. He Still Brags About Giving LuluBelle "The Perfect Belly Button"
LuluBelle and Leon are the ONLY ones who are allowed to be in Spy's Lounge Room for prolonged periods of time (It Slowly Stopped Being a Smoking Room After LuluBelle was Born). He Loves Having It as a Place to Have Quality Time with Just Him and the Children. He now even has a small version of the Super Soft Luxury Rug He has in front of his Fireplace that LuluBelle Loves to Lay Down on Ever Since She was Little (Being Autistic, Soft Surfaces Make Good Stim Spot)
He and Sniper Are the Main Two that Taught The Kids Manners and Politeness (Their Own Versions of It At Least). Strangely Enough, it's Worked Out Perfectly.... It Scares Them A Little
General Parenting/Polycule Headcanons for the Mercs
The Closest Thing to Describe Their Dynamic As A Polycule/Group Would Be Hollyhock's Dads from Bojack Horseman, Except Much More Chaotic and Explosive
Just Like in the Games, Every Merc Has a Goofy/Silly/Childish Side That They Happily and Openly Show to Their Kids, Which Just Makes The Kids Feel Even Closer to Them
They are All Vehemently Against Physical Punishment for the Kids, Especially Since a Decent Number of the Mercs Have Trauma Around Physical Violence Growing Up (examples being Soldier, Heavy, Medic, Sniper, Demo, and Engineer)
The Mercs are All Now Very Affectionate with Each Other in Various Degrees and Intensities since the Kids Being Around Has Oddly Brought The Team Much More Closer Than They Ever Were Before (I Mean, Polycule and All That)
They All Have Given LuluBelle the Nickname of the Mosaic Child/Girl, Since She Harbors Every Piece of Her Dad in Some Way, Shape, or Form (Even More than Just DNA)
I really, really hope this was well worth the wait since this took me FOREVER to write this all down! I also really hope that you'll be able to actually read through this Borderline Novella and give your feedback on it!
I would appreciate it so much with all the time I spent on this!
Please come by the inbox again soon and have a fantastic evening!!
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gemsandr0ses · 6 months
ima go from youngest to oldest
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for those that don’t know wtf a doodile is, it’s what Oodle’s species is
Extra Funfacts:
Tivo showed her and her twin brother how to change the color of their screens, she was a teal-ish blue when she was born
She loves playing with princesses, princes, kings, queens, knights, fairies, etc.
Besides her brother, she only has one friend at kindergarten, her name is Mini Golf Ball
She has ADHD
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Extra Funfacts:
He tends to communicate either through writing on paper or using his typing app.
Like Drawing Tablet, Tivo showed him how to change the color of his screen, and he was a green color when he was born
Despite being non-verbal, he’s pretty popular in his kindergarten class.
He’s autistic
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Extra Funfacts:
He really likes cooking and baking, and helps Bone and Tivo with cooking
He plays with his younger siblings a lot, mainly dressing up for Tablet’s tea parties.
Loves to tease Oodle about being taller than him
has said “i will bite you” to at least ten of his classmates
he’s autistic
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Extra Funfacts:
She has synthesia, and associates her little siblings with cotton candy, which is her favorite treat.
She’s really good at making things out of paper and tape, and has made several gifts for her family
Wants to be a traveling magician when she’s an adult
She was an older OC I made last year that I revamped.
Okay now have silly drawings I made
(might make a fic based on these)
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Bone is referred to by either mama or papa, Tivo is known as nopa (gender neutral version of mama/papa), and Oodle is called papa.
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gonna go write fluff brb—
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meztlijaguar · 7 months
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Amo onkaj tlen neltetik tlen nopa nelnelia tlasotlalistli. = No hay cosa más fuerte que el verdadero amor.
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bh-writingdump · 2 months
In Session
Oakland, Chapter 3
Two tables flip and a broken lamp later, you find yourself still residing in the smaller skeleton’s home. A wall of bones shielded em from the table. Otherwise, ey didn’t move. That same stoic expression on eir face.
“Are you ready?” Like you had bathroom level break.
“What is your problem?” You hiss through clenched teeth.
I’d be far easier if ey’d get angry, scream and yell or just kick you out. You’ve run the gambit of math tutors over the years. So long, in fact, that despite losing your name, the little mathematician is the only one who takes your calls.
Occasionally a new tutor comes to town. You’d been upfront here about your issues. Surprisingly, a couple tutors readily took you on… Only to drop you after a few sessions realizing 1) how positive reinforcement doesn’t make the outbursts go away and 2) how you’d stop coming after you’d seen that fearful look in their eye if they did.
They said “go to a therapist.” You rolled your eyes. Yeah sure, let some shmuck everyone knows poke around in your brain. There is no way that could turn out badly.
“Do you like when I break your shit?”
The mathematician sets the lamp back up even turning eir back to you. What is happening?  
Is ey fucking with you? Why put up with you? It’s one thing over a computer screen but you’d seen recordings of your outbursts. They aren’t pretty.
“Sit down.”
It’s the first time ey spoke through your entire tirade. Your mouth dry as the Sahara. You could just leave. Be done with the uncertainty of when it’d end.
But then ey’d be alone.
“We should do online again. This isn’t going to work. I can help with groceries on Wednesdays.”
“Seriously? Aren’t you tired of this already?”
The smaller skeleton shrugs. “My 4 year old siblings tantrums have more bite than yours.” Though soon as ey said it, ey shifts. “What disturbs you so much about math? Chemistry barely makes you bat an eye and it has math.”
You sink further into the arm chair. The Afghan flips over your face. “What does it matter? I’m always going to suck at it.”
“You’ve seen my work. I just don’t think math.”
“A two year od could learn better than me. Is that what you want to hear?”
“A two-year-old can barely count.”
You fall silent while shuffling of papers and pounding of your magic fills your ears. Any moment now, you’ll be out of your seat, smacking down that stupid clipboard from eir hands.
“How was your experience of math as a child?”
“What’s that got to do with anything?”
“Did you experience such crippling self-loathing while learning your multiplication tables? Or is this recent?”
“Then when did you start losing your temper?”
“I don’t know! I got up one day and it just happened. No rhyme or reason.” You throw up your hands, getting in eir face. “Leave the psycho analyzing to the shrink if you want me here come Wednesday.”
“Were the tutors good to you?”
“Pah! You think I had tutors ack then. Nah, it’d bring shame to the family if their kid couldn’t do basic math.”
“You parents—“
“Your parent tutored you. How did they react when you came home needing help?”
“What’s that got to do with anything?”
“Answer the question.”
“Or what? You’ll accuse my nopa of child abuse?”
“You’re the one who brought it up.” Ey crosses eir arms, leaning back.
You grab eir coffee cup and throw it against the wall. It satisfyingly smashes into a million pieces, coloring the one piece of wall without shelving with a light brown stain.
“They tutored my stupid ass every god damn day. If it wasn’t for them, I’d be held back 3 years like all the other losers with a fucked-up brain like mine. Don’t you see? I owe them everything. None of this is their fault. It’s mine.”
Ey taps eir fingers together in thought. The mathematician pulls back the layers of the puzzle seeking the core. Well, ey could go and find another patient.
“I’m done.” You march out the door.
“Where did they get the 3 years? Was it anecdotal or did an experienced physician tell them?”
You stop part way down the stairs. “There was another kid who had the same thing. It happened to him.”
“Did your nopa know him well?”
“I don’t know! It was 2 decades ago and the kid moved.” You rush down the stairs, the familiar patter of another set of feet setting your mind on edge. “STOP FOLLOWING ME!”
“Did they say you’d be a stupid, good for nothing loser without their help?”
You clench your teeth. “Shut up! You don’t know anything about me.”
“That you’d amount not nothing with their help?”
You’re nearly across the parking lot to your bike.
“Because they’re wrong.”
You face em for a split second you consider pummeling eir face into the ground. Then you see a nearby cluster of flowers. You stomp your heel down until the beautiful purple stocks are ground into a pulp. “SHUTUPSHUTUPSHUTUP!” You hiss, feeing your cheeks get wet as you try to focus on anything but hurt em.
Away from em.
That’s for the best.
You can always apologize for the flowers but not to em if eir dust.
From behind you, a softened voice rides on the breeze. “Did you ever strike back?”
Silence. Long unending silence only broken by your own laughter. “Bastard.”
“You should’ve.”
For the first time, you look eir in the eye. Those cold calculating eyes had flared to thrice their size, smoke pouring out, eir fingers spark with magic.
“heh, don’t lose your cool now. Only one of us can be a raging maniac at a time.”
Eir clenches eir fist, unspent yellow magic gushing into the grass. Ey goes on like you hadn’t said a thing. “If you invite them here… and still want a parent… I’d strongly advise against it.”
You smile. Fuck, why were you even doing that? Sure, you weren’t in the best terms with your nopa but they raised you. Should you be angry? Ey threatened em. Yet a warm fluttery feeling fills your chest. You deflate. The anger spent thrashing left you twitchy and exhausted.
[Oakland, Ch3]
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