#nordic shield maiden
thalieshelen · 11 months
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30. Sylphid 🎐
Sylphids (sylphs as masculine) are air elemental spirits who may come from celtic, gallo-roman and germanic mythologies. They are especially known through the work of Paracelse. They are positive beings who give inspiration to artists and symbolize beauty, subtility and spirituality.
29. Valkyrie 🌩️
Valkyries are minor "dís" divinities from Nordic mythology, similar to Norns. They are armored women riding wolves who lead armies on the battlefield, deliver death and bring fallen heroes to Valhalla. Connected to Odin as servants and preparing for battle for Ragnarök, they are also sometimes lover with mortal beings and can be associated with shield-maiden, the female warriors from Scandinavian folklore.
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Hi! I really loved a post you made earlier about how society is only now returning to a variety of religious beliefs and was wondering if you could talk more about it. Any thoughts on countries taking up their original religions? Magnus and asatru? Rhys or his siblings with druidism?
TW discussions of religion, religious skepticism and fictional depictions of religion in historical fantasy. I feel like they pick up things they themselves remember but the modern human iteration is... Meh. No shade to believers, I did some time with the Nordic pantheon before the Nazis took it over but the modern iterations of almost all European pre-Christian religions are unfortunately mostly constructed between the 18th and 20th centuries. Almost none of it dates back further than revivals during the enlightenment. Would they see echoes of their lived experience in these revivals? Sure. I just don't know if they'd be adherents to the modern form when they can remember at least some of the real thing, otherwise now dead and gone. So I do think there's things in them that survive but they can't quite look at modern paganism as a belief system.
But two parts I think would really feel important to them: a lot of the pagan revivals are about a rejection of the Calvinist themes of Reformation and counter-reformation Christianity that emphasize individuality, created the belief of the elect who are saved by god and stripped Christianity of a lot of its older emphasis on community and mutual aid and responsibility. I think a lot of the pagan revivalism would very much appeal there and in its counter-culture themes.
And second, because I'm a weirdo who uses hetalia to get into really niche topics and practice writing historical fiction I want to publish when I'm grown, I try to stick to what we actually know. I want to replicate the perspectives of history. The fantastical aspects are often just adaptations of what magic was actually believed in, as far as I can adapt from a very limited pool of knowledge. I have written Alasdair carving the symbols we have from some Pictish standing stones and Ogham, a Gaelic form of literacy into objects and sacred trees to make them into portals and protective objects. I have written Arthur's primary contact with their mother as being not when he visits the site of her barrow and the Kirk that gives them their name that was later built on he same site, but after he drowns or is caught in a storm, because we know the Britons of prehistory and the Roman era and even into the early medieval believed water was a kind of portal between this world and the sacred. I gave Rhys their mother's bronze age sword because magic swords are everywhere in every flavor of Celtic Mythology. Arthur keeps Cromwell's head on the mantel partially because he's a stubborn fuck who can hold a grudge for centuries but also because we know that the ancient Celts believed the head specifically to be a very powerful magical object.
Norse paganism as we know it today is based on things like the Icelandic Sagas and the descriptions of the temple of Uppsala by Adam of Bremen. Those are fantastic documents but they only come into being centuries after the end of the Viking age and are written by Christians, usually clerics, and usually men. Our heads are full of images of powerful priestesses, shield maidens and goddesses, but more than a third of human women were starved as children compared to under ten percent of boys. Every Norse grave is different, with only general categories being able to be sussed put based on grave goods, the style of inhumation or cremation and marking ships or stones. We just don't know fuck all about the specifics what the people of this era really believed.
Or with the British celts. We know what the Romans said. That they burned criminals in wicker men, committed human sacrifice, that the Romans slaughtered the druids on Anglesey in Wales. We know the names of their gods when they are twinned with Roman ones or archaeologists find inscriptions. But so many of them are only known by one or two inscriptions. There are only eight for Brigantia and she was the patron goddess for the largest tribe by territory in Iron Age Britain. We know they offered sacrifices of value to bodies of water, we know from medieval Irish sources, also written by Christians, that they had 4 holidays aligning with the seasons and divided the year into half light half dark. But we don't know shit about songs or prayers or even how much the Romans made the fuck up. Which was likely most of it but we'll never know. What the Picts in Scotland may have believed is especially lost, we don't even have most of their language or even sheep counting like Cumbrian.
There's been a lot of push back against terms prehistory and dark ages and rightly so in that they conjure images of a filthy past, people living in their own shit and grim misery. But on a historical level, on an archival level, there really are such things as dark ages and prehistory where we just do not know the details and when discussing and writing religion I err towards what we know the most about, especially where archaeology and history can support each other.
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greatdevourer1231954 · 5 months
Humans can be seen as the most insignificant race in the Nine Realms, but this is far from reality, because without them, the gods would not survive.
Who are they
The mortals of Norse mythology usually gets involved with the Norse gods in various stories of being servants, heroes, warriors or cursed by magical items. As time passed, Norse mythology would later get intertwined with real Nordic history and tell mythological stories of legendary rulers who might or might not have existed such as the first rulers of Denmark (Skjöldungs) and Sweden (Ynglings).
In my AU, the Skjöldungs and Ynglings did in fact exist, with Skjöldr being the Skjöldungs first ruler.
In my AU, there was a certain mystery as to how humans ended up in the nine kingdoms, but the most accurate theory is that just as many animals ended up in Madagascar, many humans arrived on rafts made from trees.
In my AU, one of these mortal groups, was found by none other than Odin and his brothers, who credited themselves in creating the first man, Ask, and the first woman, Embla.
Because of this lie, many humans began to look up to the gods, seeing the Aesirs as the protectors of Midgard and defenders of mortals.
While mortals do exist outside of Midgard such as Asgard and Vanaheim, they aren't classified as Midgardians, but as Asgardians and Vanirians.
Midgardians are known to be at war with one another as they are in disagreement of worshipping either the Aesir or Vanir gods. If a mortal dies in battle, then that mortal afterlife shall go to either Valhalla or Folkvangr with the help of the Valkyries or Shield Maidens depending on which Norse gods they worship.
If a mortal does not die in battle or without worshipping any of the Norse gods then they will end up in Hel and turn into mindless Hel-Walkers. If mortals choose to deny their death, then they will come back to life as Draugrs who fights uncontrollably until someone kills them which results in them moving onto the afterlife.
In rare occasions, mortals can be stuck between the mortal realm and the afterlife as incorporeal spirits if they got an improper death and have no deity available to help them move onto the afterlife.
As far as many know, most of the Midgardians are in hiding or have been turned into the undead as the Nine Realms are out of sync, caused by the event known as The Desolation.
Vanirians due to the constant invading progress of the Aesirs have tried to keep themselves hiding with magic, while some started to use Seidr magic, corrupting themselves and becoming toxic and poisonous monsters.
Meanwhile, Asgardians are living a very luxurious life, with abundant food and prosperous peace, not knowing that their gods will soon use them for something horrible.
Mortal Resilience: Mortals have an innate ability to endure and withstand incredible amounts of physical and magical damage. This resilience allows them to survive attacks that would typically incapacitate or kill lesser beings. As mortals fight and gain experience, their resilience grows, making them increasingly formidable opponents even against gods and monsters.
Adaptive Mastery: Mortals possess a unique adaptability that allows them to learn and master new combat techniques and strategies rapidly. When faced with a new opponent or situation, mortals can quickly analyze and adapt, turning their enemies' strengths against them. This ability makes mortals unpredictable and dangerous adversaries, capable of outmaneuvering even the most skilled of opponents.
Ancestral Insight: Mortals have a connection to their ancestors that grants them access to ancient knowledge and wisdom. Through meditation and reflection, mortals can tap into this ancestral insight, gaining valuable guidance and advice that can aid them in their quests and endeavors. This ability allows mortals to learn from the mistakes and triumphs of those who came before them, enabling them to make more informed decisions and avoid repeating past errors.
Spiritual Empowerment: Mortals possess a latent connection to the spiritual energies of the world, allowing them to channel these energies to enhance their physical and magical abilities. Through meditation and communion with the natural world, mortals can tap into this spiritual power, temporarily boosting their strength, speed, and resilience. This ability also grants mortals limited control over elemental forces, allowing them to manipulate fire, water, earth, and air to a certain extent.
Divine Intervention: An unique ability that allows mortals to temporarily borrow a fraction of the power and magic of the gods, granting them immense strength and abilities beyond their natural limits. However, this power comes at a cost, as mortals must be willing to endure great physical and mental strain to harness the its full potential. Additionally, the gods may demand a price for their assistance, requiring mortals to fulfill a quest or task in exchange for their aid. Divine Intervention is a last resort for mortals facing overwhelming odds, providing them with a fleeting but potent advantage in the face of adversity.
Mortals possess several attributes and qualities that can make them more dangerous than gods in certain situations:
Adaptability: Mortals are incredibly adaptable creatures, capable of learning and mastering new skills and strategies rapidly. Unlike gods, who may rely on their innate powers and abilities, mortals can quickly adjust their tactics to exploit their opponents' weaknesses. This adaptability makes mortals unpredictable and difficult to anticipate in combat, giving them an edge against more powerful but less flexible adversaries.
Resourcefulness: Mortals are resourceful beings, able to use their surroundings to their advantage in ways that gods may overlook. Whether it's crafting makeshift weapons from scavenged materials or leveraging their knowledge of terrain to gain the upper hand in battle, mortals excel at making the most of limited resources. This resourcefulness allows mortals to overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles through cunning and ingenuity, posing a significant threat to even the mightiest of gods.
Tenacity: Mortals possess an unparalleled tenacity and resilience that enables them to endure hardship and persevere in the face of adversity. Unlike gods, who may grow complacent or overconfident due to their immortality and invulnerability, mortals understand the value of determination and perseverance. This tenacity allows mortals to keep fighting even when the odds are stacked against them, refusing to surrender or back down in the face of overwhelming opposition.
Unity: Mortals have the ability to form alliances and work together toward a common goal, pooling their resources and talents to overcome challenges that no individual could face alone. While gods may possess immense power as individuals, mortals can achieve feats of strength and courage through collective action and cooperation. This unity allows mortals to stand united against even the most formidable foes, combining their strengths to achieve victory where gods might falter due to arrogance or infighting.
Overall, while gods may be more powerful in terms of raw strength and magical abilities, mortals possess qualities such as adaptability, resourcefulness, tenacity, and unity that can make them incredibly dangerous adversaries in the right circumstances.
Although they may be seen as a weak and pathetic race, humans are not to be underestimated, for if they are left unwatched, they can be just as dangerous and greedy as the gods they cherish.
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skjaldaer · 5 months
SKJALDMÖ. this is an independent writing blog for queen lagertha, a canon character from the tv show VIKINGS. taken from the canon material and adapted to nordic lore and various other media. currently iconless.
exploring: the shield maiden, scorned woman, watch the queen conquer, rageful feminity and the girlhood behind the warrior woman.
written by euge. currently on rewatch of s1. all basic rules of etiquette apply, for more rules check out my other blogs @yousought / @vassssa / @youfought . english isn't my first language, i apologize for any mistakes!
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wyrmfedgrave · 6 months
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1. WW1 has several nicknames but, none so foolish as this...
Among the other nicknames are:
A. "The Chemist's War" (due to the poisonous gasses used).
B. "The Forgotten War" (much time has passed - were coning up on the century mark).
C. "The Great War" (there's nothing great about any war).
D. "World War 1" (not known as this until the 2nd World War started).
2. Valkyries on the way to a battle - where they'll decide who died a 'worthy' enough death that they deserve the honor of helping Odin during Ragnarok.
3. Leftover picture from an earlier post.
"Recipes from the Mythos lore of HP Lovecraft" - exactly what's needed to not feel when you're being eaten alive!
With 'fun' drinks like: the "King in Jell-O," "Pink FlaMi-Go," "Sunken Island Iced Tea," "Root Beer of All Evil," "Bloodbath & Beyond," etc...
75 recipes in all, so drink responsively.
4. There's 13 types of dragons in all.
But, though the Lindworm was originally wingless & limbless, you'll note that the modern version has 2 clawed arms & bat-like wings...
Blame it on 'evolution.'
5. The largest extent of the Danelaw in Anglo-Saxon England.
This was land invaded by the Great Heathen Army in 865 AD.
It lasted until 1002 AD, when Saxon King Aethelred the Unready ordered the Saint Brice's Day Massacre!!
This brutal murder of prominent Danes led to vicious war crimes - like the burning of churches & the killing of women & children...
These events would, ultimately, lead to the successful Norman invasion of England.
6. Illustration of the basic myth of the Lindworm.
The heroine is helping Prince Worm to shed 1 of its many skins...
Then, it'll be her turn.
See below.
7. Nordic 'Amazons'?
Not quite.
Female warriors have always been fewer than their male counterparts.
But, the idea of Nordic shield maidens has been known for ages.
Yet, few modern archaeologists truly believed in such tales.
Well, now there's proof that they did exist.
Now, I'm waiting for them to find the burial site of that badass, Lagertha.
She was so fierce in battle, that even her enemies were amazed of her fighting prowess!
1914: Output.
Intro: Ragnar's¹ earlier poem (also from 1914) connects thematically to "The Teuton's² Battle-Song." Both works speak about the 'glories' of war.
In "Teuton's Battle-Song," HPL sees Christianity as a foreign influence that's too weak to follow during war.
Howard tells English-Americans to remember their now muted warrior prowess - a gift from their ancestral roots.
Because it's a special quality that will be useful in the growing War to End All Wars...
Opening Quote: Since I've already posted on "Death-Song" earlier (up- dating needed meanings), I thought readers might be interested in reading some of Lovecraft's more primal version.
The quote HPL used is from the end of "Ragnar's Death- Song."
"We hewed with the brand!! My life is well-nigh over."
"Sharp is the pang, That serpents give. Goinn, the Snake,³ Nests deep in my heart."
"No more will my children rest; Great wrath will be theirs⁴, At the undoing of their sire."
"We hewed with the brand!! Full gladly do I go!"
"With the Valkyrjar,⁵ Fresh from Odin's hall!"
"High seated among heroes, Shall I quaff the yellow mead.⁶ The Aesir welcome me."
"Laughing gladly do I die."
1. This is Lovecraft's translation of a Latin version from the Nordic original "Ragnarr Lothbrok's Death-Song."
2. Teutons were folk hailing from ancient Jutland (now Denmark).
They migrated south to Gaul (France) - attacking the Roman Republic in 105 BC. But, were defeated in 101 BC.
Martyrdom: The Roman terms of surrender were that 300 married Teutonic women would become sex slaves!
These matrons begged to minister the temples of Ceres & Venus instead.
But, their request was denied.
So, these women killed their children & strangled each other!!
This is now known as "Teutonic Fury."
3. I firmly believe that "Goinn, the Snake, is the name of the Lindworm⁷ that Ragnar slew to earn his name - &, the hand of his bride!!
But, I've yet to find any info on this dragon...
4. A father's wrathful kids - no kidding!!
Ragnar's sons were among the Danish war bands which attacked England.
They conquered a large portion of the eastern & northern countryside.
Which became known as the Danelaw.
5. Valkyrjar seems to be a misspelling of Valkyrjur, the modern "Valkyrie."
6. Yellow or golden mead describes a honey based Nordic wine.
In myth, when honey was mixed with Kvasir's blood, it was called the Mead of Poetry.
The reddish linden berry was crushed & the resulting liquid was mixed with fermented honey to celebrate the above 'event.'
This magical drink was supposed to convey Kvasir's knowledge & wisdom upon the drinker!
7. The Lindworm is a folktale that spread from India to Scandinavia!
Indians have been trading with Europeans since, at least Alexander the Great's time.
Earlier, Indians traded with Sumeria in the Middle East.
The basic story plot is of a cursed queen who gives birth to a prince - in snake form!
He's married off to a smart gal. One who breaks his curse - by stripping!!
For every piece of clothing that she takes off, he sheds 1 of his snake skins completely...
After 7 such sheddings, the curse is finally broken!
(Sounds like the Arabian Dance of the 7 Veils!!)
Lind might mean "soft & flexible."
And worm is Norse for "a wingless, limbless man-eating dragon!"
Next: Part 2 - The Work.
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makarosc · 6 months
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flag of Rochestria - Magyaria revised
Rochestria - Magyaria  is a vast multi ethnic kingdom located in southern Arapa with several sister realms further east. Different sources give different dates for the dual monarchy's founding but the two most common dates are 896 and 1288. the former being the Magyar-Nordic invasion of Rumenia and the latter being the conquest of Rochestria by Magyaria. what is agreed on however is the kingdom's founder Brynhildr the Great. Brynhildr was one of the many Norse living in the area at the time serving as a shield maiden under Jarl Dyre the Stranger. Due to the Jarl's alliance with the Magyar's she was called upon to fight in their conquest of the Kingdom of Rumenia. Brynhildr would distinguish herself in battle to the point that the Magyar priests believed her to be some form of spirit, they would be proven correct upon discovery of her Valkyrian heritage. This was the core factor in her ascention to the Magyar throne upon the sudden death of Tantu Khan. She would go on to reform the tribal confederation into a Feudal commonwealth. This Commonwealth is the basis for nations modern government. Brynhildr then go on to expand the realm conquring parts of both the Steppes and central Arapa giving positions of power to her fellow Valkyries and establishing the Valkyrian Pentarchy.  The nation is bordered by Polania (formerly the Zubikan Empire) to it's North, Petruscha to it's west, Okelaivia to it's South and Zaporozhia to it's east. it's landscape marked by it's fertile eastern plains and mountains western border. It's people are a mix of Griffs (slavic griffons), Nords (Germanic Wolves) and Steppe peoples (Sabre tooth tigers). historically it has had many conflicts with it's neighbors none more recent than the Weltkreig where Zubikah invaded the North. Following the Kaisereich's victory in the weltkreig it and Petruscha established several brother and sister kingdoms from the defeated Zubikah's former territory including Zaporozhia and Polania. It is also a founding member of MittelArapa.
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thesongthesoulsings · 5 years
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I thought I might incorporate heathenism into my newest Vampire the Masquerade Character... 🤔
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survivethejive · 6 years
VIKING STYLE! The development of Germanic material culture
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studio-iceni · 6 years
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Mýrún - 1st daughter of Signild & Ludvig {Troll hunter character design} 
illustration by Studio Iceni member,  コナー
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tropinui · 6 years
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The Raptor Shield Maiden
A PWYW commission drawn and completed over the course of two streams.
It was really fun to work on, I’ve always been a fan of fantasy and armor, so to have the opportunity to do some armor was a delight.
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niallswork · 7 years
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Inktober Day 1. The Shield-Maiden Hervor; daughter of Angantyr, mother of Heidrek, bearer of the cursed sword Tyrfing. The protagonist of the Hervarar saga.
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yummycastiel · 3 years
drop of the sea- chapter 1
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Chapter 1- Maja
Maja Harekdottir held on to the bow of the ship as she watched the horizon of Kattegat approaching at a rapid pace. She hadn’t been there since she was a child, and it was almost unrecognizable as the little village had turned into a bustling town. She felt a growing feeling of excitement grow in her belly, a fluttering in her chest as she jumped up and down on her heels. The last time she had visited Kattegat with her father had been ten years ago when she was seven years old, and as she looked upon the town she noticed familiar landmarks from when she was a child.
‘’I didn’t realize how much I missed this place.’’ She said to her fellow shieldmaiden, Inga. Inga gave Maja a look with raised eyebrows.
‘’Once we get to England, you will want to return home soon, don’t you worry.’’ She said in a teasing manner. Maja had almost forgotten. The reason for their return to Kattegat was not a happy one. King Ragnar had been killed in England not too long ago, and upon his son Ivar’s return, he and the other Ragnarssons had vowed to take vengeance upon the Saxons who killed the legendary Viking king. They called upon every other King, Earl, and Jarl in Scandinavia, which included her father Jarl Harek. From what Maja could see, hundreds, if not thousands, of other ships were making their way to Kattegat, to form the biggest Viking army the world had ever seen, all to avenge the death of Ragnar Lothbrok.
‘’ I look forward to fighting, my friend,’’ Maja replied, a little smile growing upon her lips. If there was something that Maja loved most in the world, it was fighting. She had trained to be a shield maiden since she could first hold a sword in her hand. It was what she was best at. Her father, Harek, was proud to have her training to fight alongside her brother, Johan, and he quickly realized that she was truly gifted in many forms of battle. Day in and day out, Maja had dedicated herself to training and practicing in order to be the best, comparable to the legendary shieldmaiden Lagertha.
‘’Of course you do.’’ Inga said with a laugh. The boat finally reached the docks of Kattegat, and Maja was raring to go and explore, but she felt a hand on her shoulder, holding her back. She looked around to meet the eyes of her father.
‘’Now, now Maja,’’ He chastised as Maja’s brother Johan joined them, ‘’We have to go meet with Bjorn Ironside and the other Ragnarssons.’’ Maja nodded, only slightly disappointed she couldn’t go off on her own.
‘’Come on.’’ Johan mumbled, pushing her along the docks.
Ivar was sitting at the front of the great hall with his brothers, a bored expression on his face as the other Earls and Jarls flooded in before the feast. Bjorn sat in Ragnar’s chair, greeting the other Vikings who were arriving.
‘’Ivar, at least pretend to act like you care about this.’’ Ubbe whispered in his ear. Ivar rolled his eyes but looked just in time to see a tall, blonde haired, bearded Jarl approaching, with two figures behind him.
‘’Jarl Harek,’’ Greeted Bjorn, ‘’It is very good to see you!’’ Harek dipped his head to Ivar’s brother.
‘’Bjorn Ironside.’’ He said in a deep voice. Bjorn smiled and took his hand briefly.
‘’We are so happy that you have joined us for this cause.’’ He said in a friendly tone. The Jarl nodded.
‘’Of course, it is an honourable cause to avenge the death of Ragnar.’’ Harek replied. He looked behind him and made room for a young man and a girl to come forward. ‘’These are my children, Johan and Maja.’’ Ivar studied the both of them with his icy blue eyes, particularly analyzing the girl, Maja, who looked to be around his age. She was unlike most stereotypical Viking women. Maja was short with a small lithe frame. Her loose dark brown hair fell to her shoulders, and her round face was dotted with freckles, different from the typical narrow faces of Nordic women. Ivar noticed a scar on her eyebrow, which he wondered if he had seen before. She was dressed in a long green, traditional Viking dress, alongside a decorated cape and jade necklaces around her neck. Her dark brown eyes were looking around the room, taking it in, obviously alert, but her body language was giving off a relaxed and casual tone. She was certainly pretty, which Ivar had noticed right away, yet she also seemed very familiar.
‘’Maja! If you recall, you used to play with my younger brothers when you were very young and visited here.’’ Bjorn exclaimed, as if answering Ivar’s own question. Maja now turned to look at Ivar and his brothers, and a look of realization flashed across her face.
‘’I do remember.’’ She said, giving Bjorn a smile, ‘’Faint memories.’’ Her voice was low, but was edged with a friendly tone. Bjorn grinned, giving Maja a quick slap on the back. So that was where Ivar knew Maja from. He began to recall a little girl that resembled Maja, running after him in the cart that Floki would pull him in when he was young.
‘’Well, we are very pleased to have you here once more,’’ Bjorn replied, ‘’Please, sit for the feast and then we shall speak of battle.’’ Jarl Harek and his children dipped their heads to Bjorn Ironside and turned to go find a seat in the great hall. Ivar’s eyes followed Maja, and when he turned to look at his brother Hvitserk he noticed he was watching her too.
‘’There’s something different about her.’’ Ivar mused, stating the observation to his brothers.
‘’She is rather well known for her successes in battle as a shieldmaiden.’’ Noted Ubbe, who was looking out into the crowd of people in the hall. Ivar’s eyebrows raised as he tried to remember hearing stories about this. He was never one to listen to local gossip about others. ‘’If that is what you mean.’’ Ubbe finished, giving Ivar a side-glance. Ivar shook his head.
‘’There is a rumor that she was born a Saxon. Jarl Harek found her as a baby in England during the raids and he brought her to be raised as his daughter.’’ Sigurd explained from next to Ivar.
‘’I mean, she does seem quite Saxon, now that I think about it.’’ Ivar murmured, stroking his chin in deep thought. When he had been to England with his father, he remembered the women, and he admitted that there was some difference between Saxon women and Viking women.
‘’She seems quite Viking to me now.’’ Hvitserk pointed out. Ivar said nothing, but he looked out into the crowd and spotted Maja sitting next to her brother. She was laughing with her brother and several other women sitting near her. Her mouth was curved into a smirk as she spoke, most likely telling them some story. She leaned back in her seat, taking a deep swig from her horn. She seemed quite comfortable. Confident. Suddenly her brown eyes met his blue ones for a split-second, as if she could sense him looking at her, but she quickly looked away. Ivar felt a grin play upon his lips as he himself took a drink.
‘’She’s pretty.’’ Said a voice in his ear, and he turned to look at Hvitserk sharing his gaze towards Maja Harekdottir. This made Ivar frown and roll his eyes.
‘’Yes, we all noticed brother.’’ He replied, his voice dripping with attitude. Bjorn signaled for the feast to begin, and the hall erupted with noise and celebration. ‘’Strange Harek was able to raise a Saxon child as his own with no protest from his people.’’ Ivar said to Hvitserk, who was digging into the food in front of him. Looking bothered, Hvitserk only gave him a shrug.
‘’She’s not a Saxon anymore,’’ Ubbe was the one who replied, ‘’Isn’t that what is most important?’’ Ivar said nothing. ‘’Don’t tell me you have a problem with her, brother.’’ Ivar shook his head.
‘’No no, I was simply making an observation, that is all Ubbe.’’ Ivar recalled hearing about how his father, Ragnar, had been very close to a Saxon priest named Athelstan. He also remembered his time in England, playing chess with Prince Alfred. He didn’t share the same disdain and hate that many Vikings had for the Saxons. Ivar knew they were just as smart and able as any Viking, whether they worshipped a false God or not. As Ivar ate, he was beginning to recall memories from his childhood, memories that he had shoved into the back of his mind so that he might forget. His childhood was not a great one. Being a sickly child that was forgotten and pitied by everyone was not something that Ivar liked to remember. However upon seeing Maja, he began to remember. He remembered the contagious laugh of a young child, a girl, who would bring him little rocks for him to play with. Ivar winced inwardly as he remembered the taunts of the other children that he would have to endure from time to time, and as he remembered, he saw a brown haired little girl standing in front of him, her arms crossed.
‘’Leave him alone!’’ The little girl’s voice echoed in his head as clear as if he was hearing it at this very moment, ‘’Shut up and leave him alone or I’ll...I’ll...make you pay for it!’’ Ivar almost chuckled out loud at this memory, recognizing that it was Maja who had been the little girl who had been threatening the other children in a high-pitched voice. Would she remember it now? Did she know that he knew what she did for him so long ago? Ivar couldn’t believe he had forgotten about that memory, especially since it was rare to have someone but his mother defend him. His heart clenched at the thought of his dead mother. He looked at Maja now, grown up, laughing and joking with her people. A wave of affection overtook Ivar for a second, but he pushed it away. She had left. Maja did not stay to defend him. Would it have been easier for him if she had stayed in Kattegat? Annoyance at these thoughts and feelings made Ivar grow angry, and his fist clenched. This was precisely why he chose not to remember. Seeing her made Ivar feel hopeful, but he was not sure why. He wanted to get to know her, find out, and learn about the person she had become. At the same time he wanted these feelings to go away, and wanted anger to replace them. Ivar was used to anger, not this, whatever he was feeling. Anger explained everything, and it was everything that he felt all the time, especially since Lagertha had murdered his mother.
As he watched Maja, she turned to meet his gaze again. Her face that had been brightened by laughter a moment earlier had turned serious as she peered at him. Her questioning look made Ivar continue to stare at her, as he studied her reaction. She remained calm as she watched him, almost challenging him. Anger overtook him, and he scowled. Unsure of what to do, he lowered himself from the table and crawled away. He did not see Maja gazing after him.
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norsemythologypics · 4 years
The new traffic lights have now been approved in the city of Aarhus, Denmark. They are genderless, so you can see them as a Berserker, a Shield-Maiden, or something else, it is entirely up to you.
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heroesforsaken · 3 years
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𝕃𝕠𝕒𝕕𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝔸𝕝𝕝 𝕀𝕟𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕞𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟 𝕠𝕟 '𝕀𝕔𝕖'
(  greta onieogou. she/her. cis woman. thirty. dc. )  would you look at TORA OLAFSDOTTER roaming around the avenger’s tower! they’re supposedly ICE and work with GLOBAL GUARDIANS / JUSTICE LEAGUE, identifying as a HERO. they ARE NOT around here often, so i wonder what’s got them here today. it’s been said that they’ve been acting off for TWO WEEKS, so maybe it has to do with the tower. lets just hope the new york times doesn’t have much to say about them in the future.
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name: tora olafsdottir
age: thirty
faceclaim:  greta onieogou
alias: ice maiden
highly skilled hand-to-hand combat
ice + snow manipulation
enhanced strength
alliance: global guardians + justice league
threat level (out of ten):  8/10
history file: here
notable changes from 2012 to the timeline they were pulled from:
because of personal preference, as well as most of my knowledge of tora being prior to her revamped background, she is based in the original background in which she was a princess of an isolated group in norway of a magical race of people, eventually revealed to be an nordic ice goddess.
last memory before ending up in nyc, 2012:
preparing to eat some chinese take out in bed 
how are you feeling? physically and mentally.
“i’m doing great! i’m very fortunate that although the world has seemingly been turned upside down for everyone, that i have been able to land on my feet. it’s just a little set back - we can’t let ourselves be deterred by a minor interference.”
where are you living? the same place you lived in 2012, or displaced to a random apartment? explain to the best of your ability.
“with my allegiance to the justice league, i’ve always traveled a lot, just not typically through time... so i’m staying in an apartment until we can get back home and get moving again. nothing too fancy... but it’s home, you know?”
what do you think we should do about the situation at hand? try to go back home? the original mission of stopping thanos? rewrite the entire story?
“i think we have to do what’s right - even if it hurts. it’s our obligation to look out for the good of everyone... to do no harm... and if we don’t go back and stop thanos... i think all we’ll be doing is more harm than good.”
what will you do about the situation at hand?
“ anything that i need to do, even if it means working with those brainless idiots who got us stuck here, even metal man, or whatever the fuck he calls himself these days. ”
is there anything that you think needs to be done?
“i think we need to work together to get back home, and set things write. we need to stop thanos before he is able to harm anyone else, we need to follow our vows and protect those who need us most, and protect those we love most of all.”
if need be, would you be willing to team up with the government and shield to recoup and help the situation at hand?
“of course, anything that i have to do in order to make this all right.”
what are your worries?
“it would be a lie to say that i don’t have many regarding this situation, though try as i might to be optimistic.”
what do you think are the pros about this situation?
“i think that it gives us time to come together as a united front.... if everyone can put their egos aside for the time being that is. we are stronger together than we are apart, and if we are to stop thanos the man titan... i simply hope everyone can see it the way i do.”
anything else?
“i think that about covers it! thank you so much for your time!”
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Apex Legends playing OW part 1: Bloodhound
So 2 of my strongest hyper-fixations have been Apex and Overwatch so why not combine the 2 and create a list of characters that each Legend would play? This includes what skin they would use, how they play with said character, and based off the choices I make, which kind of main they are. Tank, Damage, or Support? If you like, feel free to comment on what hero I should do next, but to start we’re gonna go with my favorite Legend and the reason I got into Apex in the first place,Bloodhound.
TANK: Militia Roadhog
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Obviously I picked Hog for Hound because they both wear masks. And Militia Hog’s mask and outfit looks pretty damn similar to Hound’s default armor. Hog’s hometown being destroyed by omnics is also similar to Hound losing their parents in the Epicenter incident because of the MRVN uprising. Hound definitely loves to pull off the most impossible hooks with Hog. Surprisingly doesn’t use Take a Breather as often as they should, as they’re too focused on shooting and hooking to remember they actually have a healing ability for a tank character.
DPS: Huntress Widowmaker
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As we’ve seen from gameplay and season trailers, Bloodhound snipes quite a bit. Widow is Overwatch’s equivalent of a Kraber and Hound revels in the unlimited instadowns they can administer to the enemy team. They have definitely been accused of aimbot and will only switch to Widow when there’s a sweat on the enemy team. I also chose Widow for her ultimate, which is similar to Hound’s ultimate, being able to see enemies in infrared vision. Huntress Widow seems like a good skin for Hound because they both consider themselves hunters, plus the colors remind me of Adidas Hound.
SUPPORT: Sigrun Mercy
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I mean, c’mon. You can’t expect me to NOT pick Nordic and Viking inspired skins for Hound, and between Valkyrie and Sigrun, the ginger hair sold it for me as the perfect Mercy skin for Hound. They are Attack Mercy through and through. Spends as much time fighting as they do healing and when they ult, boy you better run because Bloodhound will use their flight powers and unlimited ammo wisely.
Shield-maiden Brigitte
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Another Viking themed hero I had to give to Hound too. Hound is an alright Brig, not really used to always fighting in melee distance and more often than not will get kills by knocking enemies off with Whip Shot. They’ll only play Brig if there’s a competent healer around to pick up their slack. Rally is their healing savior because it lets them huddle up the team while they get armor.
Wasteland Ana
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The second Hound sees what Ana can do, and that she has a skin that looks so similar to their battle attire, they decide to be an Ana main. While she doesn’t have the same power as a Kraber, Ana’s sniper rifle can deal some damage, and since it’s used for both healing allies and harming enemies, it’s perfect for Hound, since they can find a perfect vantage point and shoot their heart out without having to directly engage in battle much. Only uses Sleep Dart on ults or to save themselves, and uses Bionic Grenade on enemies. Nano Boost goes towards the teammates that say thank you to them, they’re allowed to be a little petty, as a treat.
And with that, I conclude that Hound would be a support main, purely by stylistic choice, but they embrace the roll nonetheless. I don’t see them playing often, but if their friends need an extra player, they’ll join in. Hope you enjoyed!
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rhaenyratargeryn · 3 years
The thing I am most excited about when COVID ends?
To go to the Nordic day of renfest in my shield-maiden costume wearing my “fuck nazis” pin.
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