ionomycin · 8 months
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Maiden of Light
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charmed-n-zesty · 5 months
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darkcreamz95 · 1 year
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☀️ Welcome to the SUNNY SIDE OF LONDON 🎶
Drawtober 2023 #1
[ 01 / 02 ]
I actually have a window seat at work, so to motivate myself for Drawtober this year, I want to AT LEAST fill one side of the window with my drawings.
And what better way to start off than with the boy band that has been in my brainspace for the past half a year...
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Also internally reminding myself that I'm seeing JO in 2 months hahaha...
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surelyyourejesting · 1 year
everyone always talks about "oh I love the custom followers comments on everything!!! hehehe rumarin is so funny!! Inigo is my best friend!!! I love lucien he's such a nerd !!! " and nobody ever talks about trying to walk through a door
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darkwood-sleddog · 6 months
Hello, I noticed that my huskies, mostly the husky I have now has a tendency to bite like to play or to fetch in a way a little rude or annoying, he also chews and destroys many things (my first husky stop to do it so often after he had 6-7 months) instead my saarloos wolfdog never used the mouth to play with me in an annoying/slightly painful way. Could be a siberian husky thing or also other nordic breeds have this behaviour?
Mouthing is pretty common in huskies & malamutes in my experience. My dogs like to play the bitey face game with each other and with us in a more gentle version. When playing with other dogs in a group they do tend to go for the neck area a lot (part of the reason they do NOT make good dog park dogs imo, many other types of dogs actively hate this).
HOWEVER. Chewing and destroying things that are beyond the dog's specific items is a classic sign of boredom and lack of stimulation. I would say that a dog displaying these behaviors is in need of more mental tasks to do such as puzzle toys, kongs, lick mats, snuffle mats, sniffy walks, trick training etc.
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jerevision · 1 year
Joker Out are already trending and they haven't even walked into Tavastia
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thevikingcraftsman · 4 months
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Eyyy it me! I miss this platform but there seems to be so little traffic nowadays. Hope you're having a great day! :)
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chce-pokochac-siebie · 3 months
Przyjemny początek dnia!
Czuję się bosko! Trzydzieści minut treningu odfajkowane, i to za jednym zamachem! Tym razem jednak nie szłam zbyt prędko, bowiem czułam lekki ból w lewym kolanie. Udało mi się jednak spalić tę garść kalorii. :) I nie było mi potem aż tak słabo, jak wczoraj. Po treningu wypiłam trzy szklanki wody, aby rozrzedzić krew. Poczułam się o wiele lepiej.
Planuję pobrykać jeszcze po południu, gdy trochę odpocznę po porannych ćwiczeniach. Na razie aura dopisuje, więc chcę jeszcze dorzucić do bieżni przebieżkę z kijkami. Mam fart, że zaczęłam odchudzać się na początku lata - zimą trudno się chadza z kijkami. Zimą będę zdana na łaskę bieżni. Wierzę jednak, że do grudnia ubędzie mi tu i ówdzie… ;) Mam na to sześć miesięcy. Uda się, na pewno!
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tripably · 6 months
I've been sniggering at this something for the past half an hour or so, and thus I'll force it upon your feeds. Under a read more, obviously, I'd rather you consent to my foolery.
So anyway, there I was, kinda lazily scrolling through ig stories as one does, not really paying intelligent attention to much anything, when suddenly:
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So naturally I go, Hmm that's interesting, the ad says the link ends stockholm.se, that doesn't sound much like Helsinki now does it. But also, is he really coming to Finland, really really? At this point I'm pretty giddy with excitement due to the #suomimainittu effect.
I obviously click on the link because I'm curious, lo and behold, it is indeed an event in Stockholm. Specifically, Comic Con Stockholm, 3.-5.5.2024
And I go, ha, Misha's marketing team done fucked up, cute.
No matter. It gave me a smile, what a nice thing, especially today.
And I continue scrolling lazily through the stories, maybe paying a bit more attention at this point, still not very intelligent but it is 10pm and yesterday was boop day so what can we expect, when the next ad happens:
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And I go, HA, so he wasn't ever even supposed to be in Helsinki in the first place, even if he is coming to Finland, how embarrassing for him and his team. So cute.
No matter. How nice to be smiling like an idiot at such irrelevant things.
Especially today.
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masturbatress · 9 months
Alan Wake (revisited)
It's extremely Finnish that a company called Remedy has for its logo… a bullet.
2. Having interacted with the writer rots parts of the Alan Wake Experience. I still recall his annoying rebuttal to the effect of "we wrote it just for that one" after I personally told him the main game's alright but the DLCs feel like leftover shit.
4. Point four is something we Finns had to endure, day by day, in our adverts and billboards for years standing during the 1990s. Suffer, fuckers.
5. The fucking thermos flasks! For the longest time you could only get these badly-designed glass thermos flasks in Finland. They'd stop preserving heat properly throughout the first 12 months of use and would eventually be outdone by basically anything you can pour a drink in, wait and consume. Including pewter wads.
6. It's a little miserable having read the Alan Wake writer's blog and interacted a little with him back in his days of activeness (the blog name was Fun Pastimes for Stupid Children, which was his view of video games, by the by, and these days it's just empty) and finding out all these tidbits of light that never got into the game – and would even out portions of it's dull surprise.
5. I still can't get over the fact that Sam Lake did that to his name (he's really Sami Järvi, dude just made up an English pen name) to the tune of David Cage. Yes, when you're playing Remedy games, remember that the company is basically a Finnish Quantic (Dream) Break.
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sassylich · 13 days
want to join me on a year walk?
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charmed-n-zesty · 4 months
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A landscape carved by the Ice Age.
Lahti, 2024
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fireandspiceland · 1 year
not to be hetavision posting but congrats to aph finland for getting to rail the living hell out of sweden all night. you know he will be extra submissive after his husband was robbed the win tonight, apologising over and over while finland takes him from behind and pulls his hair until it hurts.
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the-halfling-prince · 11 months
I feel my poor Southern soul leave my little Southern body every time I'm writing my fantasy novel and have to physically stop myself from having these medieval Scandinavian mfs say "y'all"
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eek-a-tron · 7 months
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The Earl of Sigvard’s Great Hall set from the VIKINGS series, featured at the Set Decorators Society of America.
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miabrown007 · 1 year
where can I unsubscribe from this month, please and thank you
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