#northrend ball
zureiil · 2 years
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Night at the Northrend Ball ❄️
WoW illustration commission for @/CryptidCrybaby over at Twitter
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fio-renze · 11 months
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Archmagistrix Fiorenze Sunmote presents: The Gloaming Masquerade
When: December 22, 2023, 7pm PST (Wyrmrest)/ 9pm CST (Moon Guard)
Where: Utgarde Keep’s Pavillion, Howling Fjord, Northrend
Who: Everyone! This is a neutral event for anyone and everyone interested. Cross-server and cross-faction friendly!
This is a formal masquerade ball, the level of anonymity you would like to maintain is up to you. Understandably there are limits to this due to how the game works, so please be kind to your fellow Roleplayers and allow them to be as anonymous as they would like as well. E.g., don’t assume someone’s identity unless they offer it to you first!
If you would like to attempt true anonymity:
Leave your pets, mini-pets and minions at home.
Turn your name plates off when you arrive.
Change your TRP name.
Whisper no one, lest your username be revealed.
Use “/e |” emotes to exclude your char name from your emotes.
Questions? Want to perform or cater? Contact me!
Send a direct ask on Tumblr (@fio-renze) or add me on Discord (Saltsparkle).
General revelry for this event will be hosted in the Gloaming Masquerade discord.
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Settling In
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It was a generous space she had been given. The house had once belonged to another and it appeared they had taken great pride in their home once upon a time. Although dusty from lack of traffic for who knows how long, the floors did not need as heavy maintenance as Novalein had imagined it might. She spent the better part of her morning sweeping things up, polishing the floors, clearing out any cobwebs, cleaning the windows and walls, and dusting out the cupboards. It wasn’t as much work she had imagined it would be but it kept her busy enough to tailor her new home to her liking and start to imagine where every place would have a home in each nook and cranny. 
Brushing back a stray piece of cinnamon hair from her face, the priestess let out a sigh of relief as a proud smile rested upon her fair features. Looking around at her handiwork, she began to piece everything together in her mind. How the clinic she proposed would be situated in the front-most room of the home along with the storefront for her potions, down to the living quarters that would be kept at the back of the home. And as she looked around, she felt a small twinge of sadness in how she noticed every creak and groan the home made, reminding her that she would not be occupying a home any longer with her sister, but that she was now on her own and the silence was quite strange. How long could Novalein handle the alarming quiet she was not so accustomed to until she began to see the traffic of patients and customers and walk through the doors?
After she had finished hanging curtains and at least took a few paintings from a box to hang upon the wall in the main hallway, Novalein made her way to her private living quarters where she only had her bed put together and a desk. Her soft arcane eyes looked over the documents she had drafted up over the last few nights and found that she now had everything in order to take to her meeting with the Duke of Northweald whenever that time came in his schedule to get the ball rolling - but she was still a little uncertain with the overall set-up she would arrange for the proposed clinic and greenhouse. After all, this was quite the large leap for her in Healing Hands having once been a traveling clinic rather than a place with its own foundation and shop. And during her time with the Vanguard, she worked within a clinic that had multiple people serving the needs of others - so doing things on her own on this magnitude was a little overwhelming to think about but certainly not enough to overshadow the excitement she felt at this new journey. 
Twirling a little white flower between her fingers, she rested her chin into her hand and looked to the window as the sunlight beamed through. Never had she imagined settling in Northrend like this - but life was funny like that. It had taught her that the unexpected was always in the realm of possibility.
This was home now… was it?
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corvusalbus93 · 10 months
Clean-up Duty Part 2
Part 1
This is a re-telling of the Veiled Ossuary questline, but if we were accompanied by Khadgar. I just really wanted him to interact more with Senegos and after seeing sdei’s comic, I had to write this. Since it turned out longer than expected, I decided to upload the story in parts, and eventually I will publish the full version on AO3. For the adventurer I used my current main.
“Senegos’ condition troubles you too, does it not?” Narami asked as they crossed one of the streams running through the ossuary's interior courtyard. Thanks to the spell, she could sense something that direction, wisps of arcane power.
“He was very weak when we first met him in Azsuna, and though he recovered I fear I only delayed the inevitable.”
Her heart felt heavier at his words. “You think it won’t be long now?”
Khadgar looked over his shoulder to where the dragons had gone, his expression already saying all she needed to know. “I fear as much, yes. And I know how powerful Raszageth is, what power it took to shield the three of us. It...troubles me to think that the battle at Vakthros might have hastened his end.”
“Is that why you joined me?”
He gave her a sad smile. “It might be my last chance to help a friend and repay him for saving us.”
They continued on, remaining mostly silent, which more than a little unusual for them. There was always something to talk about, especially with all that had been going on since arriving on the Dragon Isles. For now, however, they focused on finding Senegos’ tomes, searching the various tombs on both sides of the streams, each connected to the others by bridges and plenty of stairs. From time to time they needed to shoo some of the insects or move rubble, but thanks to Stellagosa’s spell, it didn’t take them long to locate the books. Khadgar at times was evidently tempted to linger in some places, and Narami couldn’t deny that her own curiosity was piqued by the ruins around them, but they soon rejoined the dragons farther upstairs, who were overlooking the courtyard.
Senegos seemed a little lost in thought when the two arrived. “Ah... these ancient halls. In the old times, blue dragons would claim a small location in the ossuary where they wished to have their remains sent. We used Dragonblight in Northrend as a final resting place when it was impossible to return to the Isles. Those who could make it back here after Neltharion nearly wiped us out passed within these halls. I was ordered to leave their remains undisturbed. I was the last remaining gravekeeper... tasked to update all the graves before we departed. I was younger, more rebellious then. They gave me the gravekeeper role as a way to teach me responsibility, you know?”
“I assume it didn’t work as intended,” the Archmage said.
“Not at first. It wasn't until the War of the Ancients that I took it seriously.” Senegos sighed, remaining still for a moment before he turned to them. “You have the tomes?”
Narami held up all three. “Of course.”
“In surprisingly good condition,” Khadgar added as she handed them over. “Though I suspect the magical aura I sense has something to do with that.”
“I am glad some things have survived all of this time.” Without missing a beat, Senegos began browsing through the pages, nodding from time to time. Eventually, he put the tomes aside. “Now, for the spell I’ve mentioned. It is my special arcane ball, which you may use to roll up the creatures around here.” An orb of arcane light appeared in his hands, which he gave to Narami, who hesitated for a second before taking it. “The more creatures you roll up, the bigger the ball becomes. The bigger the ball, the bigger the creature you can roll out.”
Khadgar laughed, as he studied the glowing orb in the night elf’s hands. “That’s certainly an entertaining way to handle these pests.”
“You’re welcome to help me,” Narami told him. “This is a big place, and you wouldn’t want me to have all the fun alone.”
“Excellent idea, here.” Another arcane ball appeared in Senegos’ hands, and he tossed it to the Archmage. “I remember having so much fun rolling these creatures up with my spells. Unfortunately, I fear these old bones will not let me move as quickly as I once did. I would love for you to give it a shot. Let me live vicariously through you!”
Khadgar, meanwhile, was already scheming again. “Fascinating. Perhaps I can...” The orb’s hue began to shift a little, going back and forth between purple and violet.
“You’re adding to the spell-work,” Senegos noted.
“Yes, I was thinking it could also draw in objects of a certain size in a small area around it.”
The old dragon leaned closer, though Narami wasn’t certain, if he literary saw what Khadgar was doing or more perceiving it in a way only a practised mage could. “Ah, I tried that, but it kept pulling in all manners of stones. Not very practical.”
Khadgar’s hand motions changed slightly, the orb’s hue starting to drift more into blue. “Perhaps I can limit it to organic objects only. I’m sure picking up a few leaves along the way won’t be a problem. Narami, would you like me to modify yours as well?”
“I’m good, thank you.” Given past experiences, the night elf didn’t want to end up stuck to her arcane ball or for the thing to blow up in her none-mage hands.
As the Archmage continued to manipulate his orb, Senegos looked up to a building even farther up and the mountain. When he spoke, he didn’t seem to be addressing them; it was more like he was whispering to himself. “I have so many memories of this place... though I fear I've forgotten far more than I remember.” A little flash of light from Khadgar’s orb brought him back, his expression brightening in an instant, before he stepped back and shifted into his true form. “Now, we shall meet you at the uppermost tomb.”
Stellagosa followed her grandfather’s lead and both dragons took to the air, leaving the other two to deal with the pests. To maximise efficiency, Khadgar and Narami decided to split up, each taking another route up the ossuary.
The arcane orb did work as promised and each insect it touched was immovably trapped. For now she avoided the bigger ones as advised, until suddenly the orb expanded under her hands. Remembering what Senegos had told her, Narami tried one of the larger bugs, delighted to find that it indeed was now also getting caught in the arcane ball.
A few moments later two shadows passed her by and Narami could hear the old dragon from above. “You're getting the hang of it now! I spent so much time rolling up creatures in my youth...”
Stellagosa’s seemed less impressed. “Grandfather, this seems highly inefficient. Don't you have spells to clear the creatures out instantly?”
“My dear Stellagosa, when you live as long as we do, you must sometimes favor enjoying life over being efficient.”
From somewhere to her right, Narami could hear the Archmage chime in. “He’s right, young one!”
The night elf arched an eyebrow, however decided not to say anything. Despite his appearance, Khadgar was probably the youngest one among them. Narami wasn’t entirely certain how old Stellagosa was, but knew for a fact that she herself was almost twice Khadgar’s age.
She looked over to the other path, were the Archmage was cleaning up. Unlike her he didn’t need to push, instead he motioned his fingers in a consistent pattern and the arcane ball rolled in front of him wherever he directed it to. His modifications seemed to work, as his ball pulled in insects from all around it.
He caught her looking and grinned, adding a mock salute, just as she reached one of the staircases. Narami rolled her eyes, suppressing the sudden childish urge to stick her tongue out in response.
The ball wasn’t heavy, but it had caught plenty of insects, making it big enough that it was becoming increasingly difficult to steer. She couldn’t even look over it, which wasn’t helping. Still, if Khadgar used magic, maybe she could put her own skills to the test. For moment Narami studied the stairs, the curve they followed and shifted her stance. Channelling a little chi, she whirled around and kicked the orb with enough force to knock it forward and up the staircase, gathering even more insects as it went. Near the top it bounced off the railing and thankfully came to a stop at the very top, without rolling back down.
With a satisfied smile on her lips, Narami followed her arcane ball up, the way now perfectly cleared from all wildlife. Meanwhile, the two dragons continued to circle above, watching them. “Hrm... I admit the charm is growing on me a bit.”
“Very good, you two!” Senegos shouted. “Bring the balls closer to the top tomb entrance and launch them into the sky!”
Narami and Khadgar made it to the top around the same time, meeting at the centre of the tombs forecourt. “So, which one of us got more?” the Archmage wondered aloud.
Both arcane balls seemed to be of similar size, filled with helpless insects. It was impossible to count them, but the monk had a different idea. “How about we see, who can launch them further up?”
A moment later both orbs were catapulted sky high, one by magic, one by another chi-empowered kick.
“I think yours is going a little higher.”
They were still travelling, but Narami had a feeling hers was already slowing. He was going to win this one at this rate. “Trying to make me feel better?”
“Is it working?”
Before Narami could answer, a loud bang drew their attention upwards once again. One arcane ball was still flying, the other, however, had been torn to pieces along with the contained insects, while the released energy continued to sparkle like fireworks, illuminating the Ossuary with arcane light. It hadn’t been hers.
“Did yours...just explode?”
“It must have become unstable after I relinquished control.” And he’d tried to give her the same modifications earlier, someone, who could not have controlled the magic in the first place. Narami gave him a look, and he appeared to have realised the same, as he suddenly looked a bit embarrassed. Perhaps he also remembered his promise in Stormwind, to at least try not to add to her list of near-death experiences in the future after his already considerable contributions in the past. “Anyway.”
“Well done, well done.“ Senegos landed beside them, turning into his visage. “Ah, brings back memories, though I think your modifications need a few more minor adjustments, Khadgar.”
“One or two at most.”
He pulled something from his robes. The three books they had just recovered. “Then I think my tomes will be in good hands.”
Khadgar seemed surprised by this gift, but took them, carefully running a hand across one of the leather covers. “Thank you, Senegos. They’ll be well taken care of, you have my word.”
“I know. This way now.”
Narami was about to follow, but noticed that Khadgar wasn’t moving. His eyes were still on the books, and his smile was gone, replaced by a look of sorrow. Considering their earlier conversation it wasn’t difficult to guess why. This felt like a farewell gift.
“Everything alright?” she asked, nonetheless.
A slow nod. “Yes, of course,” Khadgar assured her, as he put the tomes into his bag, though she knew him well enough not to be convinced. “Come, let’s not keep them waiting.”
With Senegos walking at a leisurely pace, they caught up quickly, just as the two dragons entered the tomb.
...to be continued.
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irishk0rn · 2 years
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I never finished this but this is wrathion as a frost wyrm. Scourge and I were talking about this.
Sapphire belongs to @scourge-lover
“You were a fool to have come to this place,” the frost queen’s voice boomed and wracked in the mountains of Icecrown. As she prepared to land, she spoke again, “The icy winds of Northrend will consume your soul!” her voice thundered harder than her entrance.
‘Consume your soul’ sounded fitting. Wrathion couldn’t pay attention well; he was still disoriented from being shot down, having landed back-first into the landing of Sindrigosa’s lair. He couldn’t understand why he was shot down. He had traveled to Icecrown often to see Sapphire, and was perfectly safe going to and fro. But nevertheless, he couldn’t focus on such a dilemma, as the frost queen neared…
Sapphire was disappointed, to say the least. Wrathion had promised that he’d visit today, and while time was hard to tell in Icecrown, she knew it was well into the night. It was quite hurtful. He could have at least gotten his talons to relay a letter to her that he wasn’t coming.
Her silent mental battle was interrupted by Marwyn, though, who knocked on her door. He entered upon hearing ‘come in’ from her. He seemed fidgety; Marwyn only fidgeted when nervous. So what she could take away was that he was going to try to tell her something and he was nervous about her response.
That wasn’t without reason, though. She had a temper, especially when it came to personal matters. She could be quite impulsive and well, she understood why Marwyn might be nervous of informing her of something. But what was so nerve wracking to inform her about?
“Marwyn, hi,” she starts calmly, trying to ease the mood and trying to get him to spit out the information faster. “do you need something?”
He decides against it, for now. “I need you to come with me, Sapphire,” he forces his hands by his side so he doesn’t feel inclined to let her know he was still nervous. “it’s important.”
Suspiciously, Sapphire gets up from where she was sitting on her bed, and to Marwyn’s side, walking with him down to a dungeon. This dungeon was for wild animals, which she thought was strange, because she had absolutely no clue why Marwyn would bring her here.
Falric was waiting next to a cell, and Marwyn led her to it. Inside of the cell was a frost wyrm. She disliked seeing animals in a cage, specifically dragons a bit more. She sighed. “Okay? And why am I down here?” she asks finally.
“You know a dragon, do you not?” Falric cuts in. She looks at him and nods. “Wrathion? Yes.”
Marwyn is uneasy; Sapphire can tell.
She hesitates. “What about him?” she questions. Her shoulders tensed and that did not go without notice from Falric, as his shoulders tensed right after hers did.
“He was shot down on his way here, and — a death knight —” Sapphire’s face twisted angrily and she balled up her fists, “ — whom we are trying to find, still—” Falric quickly clarified, “locked him in Sindrogosa’s lair. This is what we found when we finally got to him,”
The girl looked into the cage, wrapping her fingers around the cold bars, cold even for her. The dragon inside was curled up, a heap of cold bones like any other frost wyrm. But he had something most did not. The frost wyrm’s horns were irregular compared to all the other’s, they were Wrathion’s pattern. He had a gold ring around one, which was now black, and his colors, instead of blue, were purple instead, as if the red and orange had mixed with the frosty blue.
There was no doubt; this was Wrathion.
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sekhisadventures · 2 years
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Grimo Blamstick, Goblin Inventor
(Artists rendition of Grimo by xHyperwolfx )
Important Stories:
Open for Business: Grimo opens his Mercenary Company, Savage United LLC, in the wake of the Cataclysm.
Thunderstruck: After Titanstrike is used to neutralize the Sword of Sargeras, Grimo obtains it via questionable means and attempts to repair it... with destructive results.
Savage United We Stand: When Orgrimmar comes under siege from the Mawsworn as they attempt to take Thrall, Grimo and the rest of Savage United help to defend the city.
Race: Goblin, Bilgewater Cartel
Class: Hunter, Marksmanship
Eye Color: Neon purple
Birthplace: Kezan
Residence: Bilgewater Harbor, Savage United HQ Building
Personal Rune: "Destructive Blaze"
Goblin Engineer: Grimo is an engineer first and foremost, happiest when he's turning a spanner and making something go BOOM in a dramatic manner. His inventions range from the very useful (his custom made Deadshot Handcannon and his attack dog, the Lupine User Protection Engine or L.U.P.E.) to the... not very useful (click here for a list of Grimo's failed inventions.)
Sharpshooter: Grimo's skill with a gun is no joke. He's a crack shot with it, easily able to hit most targets. His rifle is hand-crafted by the goblin himself and he's made several different types of ammunition to use with it. See below for a list of different ammo types his gun can fire.
My Little Friend: Grimo doesn't use it often. For one the collateral damage can be downright absurd even by goblin standards and, for another, it takes a LOT of resources to arm this thing... but after it was used to neutralize the fel-energies poisoning Sargeras' Sword he (ahem) obtained Titanstrike and managed to repair and redesign it into a lightning cannon. Instead of an ammo cartridge it has a tesla ball that he'll cram full of anything that can generate a ton of electricity (crystalized air, thunderspine scales, whatever he can lay hands on) which will then allow it to fire a massive blast of lightning from it's barrel. Extremely powerful, but incredibly dangerous, nevermind that the kickback is enough to throw him across a city.
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Grimo's story began on the Island of Kezan. One ankle-biter among a whole mob of ankle-biters, he was just another gobbo kid with a fondness for explosives, guns, and tinkering. As he got older he entered the employ of one of the many machine shops on the island and learned the basics of engineering, showing a talent for robotics in particular. He had just completed what he considered his magnum opus, a robotic attack dog he dubbed the L.U.P.E. (Lupine User Protection Engine) when suddenly a massive black dragon flew over the island, causing the volcano to erupt.
Grimo only had a short time to flee with the other goblins and, after many mishaps thanks to the incredibly greedy and corrupt trade prince Jastor Gallywix, he wound up ashore in Ogrimmar with the other members of the Bilgewater Cartel.
Following this he recognized that the Horde, currently under the leadership of the inexperienced and impulsive Garrosh Hellscream, wanted to expand their control over Kalimdor and decided to capitalize on that by forming his own mercenary company.
He rented out an office in the still-being-built-at-the-time Bilgewater Harbor and after a series of auditions he had his starting crew. Krag'thar Stoneshaper, an aging orcish shaman and veteran of the Northrend Campaign. Mola'raum, a member of both the Darkspear Tribe and the Ebon Blade. And last but not least Nitika Dawnhoof, a tauren novice of the Seers of An'she. Mola'raum and Nitika have been members of his crew ever since, though sadly Krag'thar… well… he died like an orc at least.
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agilneanrose · 3 years
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"Momma! Ima dance with papa.."
"Sir Varsen, my love." Rosemarri gently corrected.
"Oh yeah, Seeeeeeerr Varsen.."
"Who do you want to dance with, Harmony?"
"Daddy." Her stomach twisted at the words. Each of their children needed their father for one reason or another, each had an iron bond that had been created by him and their love. They would always need him, want him, and look for him in a crowd and also at bedtime. Having two homes, two kinds of lives should have been hard on them but he would find them anywhere. Always. He would come for them any time. Always-- but Harmony, their youngest, needed him like a flower needed the sun. Without him, she wilted and faded away. He was her first want and Rosemarri knew she was second.. perhaps even third with Araian in the mix. Rosemarri sank down, her heavy skirts pooling around her as well as the youngest Sunshield. "You can dance with Daddy as soon as you see him. You tell him, right away. How about for now you dance with Mommy? If you like, I can pretend I am daddy.." Rosemarri cupped her face with both hands before she slid her hands back to flatten her hair. A pinky ring was now held between her teeth to playfully mock their father's pierced lip and she scrunched up her face to copy his ever there lip quirk. Her full lips would fail to match his expression but she knew she would, she hardly remembered it. Only flashes .. only.. -- not now. "Oy..we dancing?" "MOMMY!" The trio of dark haired children laughed, crowding close to see the lip ring. "No no.. he says it like this.." "'Ello Momma, we dancin'?" "No no like dis.. " Each took turns trying to mimic their father's distinct butcher of words, none coming close but it was all in the game. A knock tattled it was time to go to their ball and all four straightened. "Time ta git goin.." Haven continued her daddy voice, swaggering to the door with steps so exaggerated that her skirts swayed like a grand bell. "Daddy doesn't walk like that!" Hope protested, following after the others. Rosemarri slowed, allowing the girls to move ahead of her and somewhat bicker over their father's stride. Did he feel it where ever he was at? The eternal love and devotion that his children had for him? It was magic. In all the horribleness.. to her this was the light. Their light. "Mommy hurry! It is ball time."
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visenyaism · 5 years
Also I’m a big fan of those northrend trolls who upon experiencing adversity just decided fuck it we ball time to kill the gods no one ever went that hard again huh
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arcane-sunlight · 3 years
Wake me up
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Grayce woke up with a start in her bed, the lights were off, but through the windows in her apartment she could see the dim glow of the lights of Dalaran. For a moment she was confused how she got there, but only a moment before the cold and aching in her chest was quick to return. Along with a flood of memories, and she realized yet again. “I’m still in the prison...” She murmured, it explained everything, her insecurities coming true, the coldness she felt. It all made sense to her in that moment, and she stood up, she was still dressed apart from her boots that had been removed or kicked off in her fitful sleep. Barefoot she carefully padded across the room towards her balcony, opening the door and feeling a chill as the cold air this high up mixed with the cold she was already feeling, and made her feel even worse. Vaguely she wondered where Dalaran was currently floating. Had her kidnappers thought that far ahead in crafting her torture scenario? Or was it this cold because they had lazily assumed Dalaran was in it’s old position above Crystalsong in Northrend. Approaching the Balcony she looked over the beautiful city and sighed. All she needed was a strong shock to her system, and it would knock her out of this torture state and let her wake up again. Let her go back to the real world, where the things that had recently happened to her couldn’t possibly happen, take her back to where it was warm, instead of being eternally cold. She reached towards the edge of the balcony, and with careful steps climbed up on the railing, feeling the wind grow more intense as she stood there. The city -was- always beautiful...And it was so nice that the Kirin Tor apartment she was allowed to live in was higher up in the tower. “All I need to do is jump...And I’ll wake up...” She murmured softly as she tried to mentally push herself to do it, before a single thought pierced through her head like an icelance. What if I’m wrong She hadn’t considered that...If she was right, then she’d wake up...If she was wrong, then she’d die...and make quite a large mess on the ground for the guards to find...It was a fifty fifty chance...But it makes too much sense this can’t be real... It did make sense, and the ache in her heart reminded her of the pain she’d felt the last couple days. It simply had to be torture, a scenario concocted by the Mage Hunters and Spellbreaker, to get -her- to break.
But what if it’s not....
She tried to convince herself to take the dive, to jump, but she simply couldn’t. She couldn’t roll the dice on the slight chance that it wasn’t real. But how long could she withstand torture like this? She let out a pained and frustrated scream to the city, then carefully climbed back down, before heading back inside and curling up in a ball in her bed. Sobbing as she went, and continuing to cry herself back to a fitful sleep once again...
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necroarchy · 4 years
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A few days after the arrival of your inexplicable invitation to what must surely be a trap, you would find this additional correspondence left in precisely the same place that the first letter came from. It may behoove you to upgrade your security systems... again...
The Arrival (December 16 - December 17)
Two days shall be set aside for the arrival of guests to our dread Citadel. You are encouraged to take this time to accustom yourself to the wintry clime as well as settle in your lodgings of choice. Guests are also encouraged to sign up for the upcoming events so that we may have an idea of how to develop the rosters.
For your entertainment during this time, His Majesty Emeritus Donquixote Doflamingo has generously suggested the provision of puppet theatre. These shows will depict particularly notable events in the history of the Scourge, including: the Spider War; the rebellion against the Burning Legion; and the events which led to our Master’s return and reclamation of his rightful throne. We invite you to attend, that you may perhaps understand us at last though we suffer no delusions that this is unlikely.
The Tourney (December 18 - December 20)
Many years ago, you hosted some ridiculous carnival at our doorstep and left a mess in your wake. We have reclaimed the wreckage of the Argent Tournament Grounds and renovated them in order to accommodate the first of all our events: a tournament of our own.
Overseen by Her Highness, the Deathlord Zoen Menethil, this tourney shall feature the same games of martial combat and jousts that you once dabbled with. Participants will face one on one against each other in these trials until only one remains. The winner of the tourney shall face off against our own champion: the Black Knight, reanimated once more and properly chastised for his past failures. He is keen to redeem himself in the eyes of our Master.
The Feast (December 21 - December 23)
We understand that you most likely will not trust the food that we provide. We thus invite you to try to do better.
Our venerable Blood-Prince, the Plaguelord Myrundiel Mourningale, is to credit for this next activity: a confection-making contest… utilizing ingredients we keenly doubt many of you are very familiar with. Under a one-hour time limit, you must bake four dozen edible cookies / biscuits, to be judged by a panel of carefully selected judges.
Contestants will be paired off in teams, because as the Plaguelord himself says: “ three or four confused, panicked minds always make more entertaining suggestions than one. ”
The Siege (December 24 - December 26)
Esteemed Todoroki Touya is to blame for this next event. With the scant aid of a few seasoned necromancers, you must construct a powerful abomination in order to defend your “chimney” from waves of thieving ghouls, gargoyles, and geists who seek to pilfer the gifts piled on its mouth. As this goes on, you must claw your way down the chimney’s flue in order to reach said gifts.
You may wonder at their contents and their significance. Rest assured: you shall only know the truth if you win.
The Race (December 27 - December 29)
Captain Viral Teppelin aided in the conception of this next task. Utilizing one of our various decommissioned siege machines, you and your team must forge through the frozen wastes of the Icecrown Glacier, demolishing all obstacles and opponents on your way to the finish line. Checkpoints have been scattered across the Glacier that you must reach.
You may be tempted to seize this chance and abuse our hospitality by studying your vehicle for weaknesses to exploit in proper battle. While we admire such dishonorable ambitions, we would rather you didn’t waste your time. These styles of machine are no longer in use by us, and the technology was stolen from you to begin with.
The Masquerade (December 30 - January 1)
Upon being informed of the Bloodlet Soiree by his counterpart, the Highlord Athanair Belore proceeded to spend thirty minutes yelling about how this is “ PAST THE PALE OF SANITY ” and that is comparable to “ THE HOGS DANCING THEIR WAY INTO THE ABATTOIR. ” 
We thank him for the suggestion.
On the last night of the year, we invite all guests to attend the first official masquerade ball of the Icecrown Citadel. Music and refreshments shall be provided. A costume is mandatory for participation; anyone who arrives underdressed will be immediately evicted from the Citadel and have their invitation revoked.
At midnight, a fireworks display shall commemorate the death of the old year as the new year replaces it. 
The Departure (January 2)
Guests are expected to be off of the continent of Northrend before the end of day. Otherwise, we shall be forced to treat your dalliance as an invasion attempt, and respond appropriately.
A Final Note:
Prizes shall be rewarded to the winners of each contest event, of course. The exact nature of said prizes however must remain a secret for but a moment more. We will not resort to enticing your attendance by the promise of shiny toys and free artwork and edits of your characters and blogs.
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zaneryne · 4 years
Here is Zaneryne’s recap of her performance at the @succulent-tart​ All I Want for Winter Veil event and show!
Zaneryne stands in front of a curtain or dangling bells and icicles attached to translucent ribbon, as the music starts she lifts her fingers and taps on bells slightly, making it ring with the soft music, dropping her jaw as a soulful lyric comes from her mouth, "I....dont want a lot of Winter Veil..." presses the backs of her hands together fanning the curtain open, "There is just one thing I need..." shaking her head singing the lyrics as she bobs her head side to side.
"I dont care about the presents....underneath the Winter veil Tree...."
She steps out from the curtain, placing her left arm across her chest to the right side of her body, "I just want you for my own...." placing her right arm across her chest on the left side, "more than you could ever know..." fans her hands across her face, covering her mouth with her hands, "Make my wish come true...." kisses her hand and throws it out to the audience, "All I want for Winter Veil is you....."
Throwing her hands behind her, as the music picks up she snaps her fingers while rotating her wrist cuff, throwing her hands up above her head, interlocking her fingers, thrusting her chest from side to side with the sway of her hips, "I don't want a lot for Christmas..." spinning around with the rocking of her body, "There is just one thing I need..."
"Don't care about the presents, Underneath the Winter Veil Tree...."
Zaneryne spins around turning to the side as she rips away her outfit, revealing a candy cane colored leotard, "I dont need to hang my stocking..." planting her left leg and her to the matching hip, lifting her right hand up as she sways her hip to flick her right hand back and forth, "There upon the fireplace..." she propels herself quickly, folding herself in half, throwing herself over onto her right hand to do a one hand cartwheel, whipping her hair back she points over to Dice.
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"Grandfather Winter wont make me happy, with a toy on Winter Veil Day."
Zaneryne frowns at Dice as she places her lefts together, giving a shimmy as she sings out, "I just want you for my own..." smiling again as she playfully blows a kiss at Dice, "More than you could ever know..." pops her hip to the right, her hand up, then pops her hip to the left letting that hand match the right as she waves from side to side at shoulder length, "Make my wish come true...." starts to two step, "All I want for Winter Veil is you!!!!"
As the music starts to repeat, repeating, "you" again and again with hard thumping beats, Zaneryne goes from waving her hand from side to side, to clapping them in front of her, moving the clap down to the knees then back up to her body as the beat drops and sings out looking at the audience, "All I want for Winter Veil is you...."
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she turns her profile to the crowd, and runs forward a quick dash with her legs shoulder width apart, launching her right leg forward with a small hop, she plants the right foot on the ground, arms facing the ground, using the movement to kick her left leg up, now perpendicular to the ground, she swings her legs through the air doing a no hand cartwheel, immediately as she lands she twist her spine, bending her hips and swinging her arms down, pushing her toes to lift her arms up in a arc, drawing up onto her tip toes, fully extended to show the shape of her body. She kicks her left leg out, diving forward to jump onto her hands, in a hand stand.
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She tosses her torso forward, spreading her legs out doing a splits in the air while walking on her hands, doing a singular push up, lowering down, her chest kissing the ground first, the rest of her tumbling down, in a snake like fashion, propping herself up onto her elbows, her chin sunk into her hands, she kicks her legs back and forth, bopping her head to the music, she smiles at everyone as the song starts back up again, "All I want for Winter Veil is you...."
The music draws back from a more electronic feel to the jazzy upbeat music it was before and starts to sing once more, "I won't ask for much this Winter Veil..." kicking her legs again, intentionally smacking them together, and clapping her hands as packs of snowy glitter burst from her hands and feet like cloud, "I wont even wish for snow...." bending herself in half literally, contorting, as she reaches between her own legs, pushing up into a hand stand once more, before planting her legs on the ground and standing up right.
"I just wanna keep on waiting....underneath the mistletoe...."
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She lifts from breast pocket a single piece of mistletoe, shaking it above her head before tossing it aside, "I wont make a list and send it, to Northrend for Saint Dice...." bouncing side to side to the music, lifting up and interchanging on the balls of her feet, "I wont event stay awake..." pressing her hands together to rest under her cheek to fake being asleep, "to hear those magic coursers click."
Zaneryne spins around, with a quick whip, hands pressed to her hips, "Cause I just want you here tonight..." crossing her arms across her body to hug onto herself, shivering at the cold, "Holding on to me so tight...what more can I do....?" points to Arreves, "Baby, all I want for Winter Veil is you...."
Presses up and down on the balls of her feet, flicking her hands all over her body as the word "You" repeats again, waving her hands around her abdomen and chest, as if she was glitching out, the electronic music breaks out, flapping her arms out before posing elegantly, she jumps and spins around, landing in a splits, her feet glisten, ice upon her dancing shoes, sliding back up from the splits as if she hit reverse, hands spread out to wave magic fingers at the crowd, bouncing, throwing her right hand in the air as she almost immediately threw herself to the side with a one hand cartwheel.
She clamps her hand together in a fist, at shoulder height, hopping three times to the left, rolling her shoulders, planting her legs and spreading out her hands to flick with a wave to the right, left hand to the hip as she swings her right arm around in circle to plant on her hip bone, "All I want for Winter Veil is you...." lifts her hand and blows a kiss and white snowflake glitter sprays out from her hands
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ladywindrunner · 5 years
a kiss to gain control.
angst kiss :: not accepting //
She could recall faintly—
           They’d loved each other once.
           When the sun shone on Quel’Thalas, before the cold came with the marching dead. When fields of blooming tulips formed a sea of yellow, swaying in the gentle breeze. She could not remember many details anymore, though lingering on the edge of clarity were essences of adoration.
           Stolen moments in the shade of Eversong. The tittering laughter of a sheepish, young mage who’d enraptured the Ranger-General. Kisses that were feather-light and teasing, touches that were fleeting but meaningful.
           Romance that should never have blossomed, did so despite odds stacked against it.
           An shard of ice flew towards the Banshee Queen. She hardly moved to dodge it, leaning out of the spell’s path, dead flesh sensing the burn of magic within it as it passed by. She did not fear the cold, nor the woman who wielded it.
           The arrows she loosed trailed black smoke and indigo threads. Whining as they flew through the air, striking dangerously close, malevolent incantations burning into the frozen ground of Northrend.
           The Ranger-General was slow to love. Slow to admit it, to herself and others. She told it in different ways, subtle ones. Ones only the lovely Lady Jaina knew.
           Stolen glances, looks exchanged that were unknown to outsiders. While her ears did not move, and her lips did not smile, there was a glint of something in the quel’dorei’s eyes. Spoken in a language only Proudmoore could decipher.
            Strange that such thoughts burdened the Dark Lady now. The distractions proving decisive, as the Lord Admiral continued to gain the upper hand.
           Jaina raised both hands to the sky, her eyes a flame with mana, their bright blue radiance speaking silently of unrelenting power. The churning skies of Northrend bowed to her will, they roiled with thunder, lightning crackled—
           And ice began to fall.
           The Banshee Queen glared towards the sky.
Shielding her face as hail fell, loud snaps were heard as pellets cracked off of the ranger’s armour.
Pellets became spheres, easily the size of cannon balls. They did not bounce off the frozen earth beneath their feet. They crashed into the ground without remorse.
One struck the Dark Lady’s back, eliciting a snarl of pain, while another slammed into her shoulder and knocked her aside.
Vile fury turned the withering arrows stuck in the ground into chains, they extended to Sylvanas’ open hand.
With one mighty heave, she tore the ground out from under her enemy.
She’d tried to remember life before undeath. She’d clung to the memories as best she could, but loathing corrupted her. Even when she’d found freedom, it hadn’t come with solace.
The living came, and shouted monster. Suddenly the Alliance was against them. They did not want to see the undead, not unless the corpses were to be put into shallow graves.
           There came cries from the freed dead, eyes no longer blue but yellow. They ran to her, skittered in the dark, crawling out from crypts, sewers, and sacked villages.
           We are forsaken.
           Save us.
           Chunks of earth and ice erupted, shattering the Lord Admiral’s concentration. She was thrown up and forwards, debris cascading around her.
           The ground came quickly, Jaina extended a hand and—
           Great plumes of snow and dust exploded outwards. The howling sky went quiet, the last boom of thunder dismal. The Dark Lady stood, shrugging off the ice.
           Arrogance had been the downfall of many.
           She had to be careful it wouldn’t be hers.
           A blast of freezing water and ice struck her. She hissed, stepping backwards, wiping water from her face.
           A creature of ice and water lumbered out of the fog of fine snow. Hunks of earth swirled about its vaguely humanoid form, having a faceless head and two arms, either adorned with bronze cuffs. It had no feet, its torso blending into a volatile spout of white water that gliding across the cracked ground.
           The cry it emitted was deep, a bellowing warning that announced the presence of its master.
           Jaina emerged after it, blood trailing from her scalp. Her fine robes ruined. She’d saved herself, but not before the Banshee Queen’s trick had wounded her.
           The soldiers of the Alliance fled, and a chorus unlike any other rose out of the murky dark:
           We are the Forsaken.
           There’d been a single figure who stood unafraid as the tide of undead streamed forth from the depths of Lordaeron. She hadn’t wavered when frightening their frightening Queen stepped into the light.
           Sylvanas did recall they tried to fool themselves into believing their love could endure. That somehow it could defy the hatred tearing into the dead ranger’s withered heart.
           The stolen glances became that of sorrow.
           They realized their love was wilting. For there was no joy, no warm embrace, or smiles waiting in their future.  
           Defeat is poison to what remained of the Dark Lady’s soul. She is struck with spell after spell. The elemental forcing her to expend more energy dodging its attempts, while suffering increasing blows from its master. The Banshee Queen could no longer feel mortal pain, but the incantations broke through the dulled senses of undeath.
           If she was not aching from magical bruising, her limbs felt as if they were on fire from the chilling bite of icy magics.
           Deathwhisper fell from her grasp; she stumbles as the tidesurger smashes her with a watery uppercut.
           An icy boulder forms before Jaina, gathering energy for the briefest of seconds before it flies forward.
           It strikes the banshee, exploding. She is sent careening backwards, until she slams into an icy rise and slumps.
           The burning crimson glow of the forsaken queen’s eyes diminishes until it is nearly vacant.
           The elemental moves aside.
           For once, the Dark Lady sees clearly without the hatred Arthas cursed her with. Dead eyes gaze up at the Lord Admiral, reminiscent of the woman who’d once been honourable. A fleeting glimpse that Sylvanas Windrunner, Ranger-General of Silvermoon, still lingered.
           “Why?” Jaina’s words stung with betrayal, with pain, and horror.
           Sylvanas said nothing. She sat in silence, admiring the mage with a clarity she hadn’t possessed in a long while.
           They’re laughing, Jaina is held in the Ranger-General’s warm embrace. They sit beneath an old oak on the bank of a nameless creek. They’ve finally escaped, found a refuge under the pale moon during twilight. Jaina squirms as Sylvanas’ breath tickles her neck, only to be followed with teasing kisses.
           Jaina has moved closer, her broken heart, held together by determination and disgust by the Dark Lady’s actions – was on the verge of bursting.
The Banshee Queen was dying.
Her dead flesh was not mending. Shards of ice, as sharp as an assassin’s blade, stuck out of the woman. Wisps of smoke seeped out of the wounds.
“I love you,” the young mage whispered, fingers grazing the elf’s cheek, gliding along her jawline as they lay together.
“Why did you do it?” Jaina hastened her question. She needed to know.
She touched Sylvanas’ cheek.
           Sylvanas snatches Jaina’s wrist, pulling her close.
           Cold lips press against warm, a kiss of death meeting life unabashed. For a moment it felt as if her undead heart might beat once more. She cups Jaina’s face in her hands. She defies her failing strength, standing slowly.
           Her hands fall away as their lips part. Dead eyes gaze into fiery blues, still alight with potent magic.
           “I love you,” Sylvanas murmurs as their foreheads touch.
           She should have told Jaina long ago.
           The blade ran across the Lord Admiral’s fair neck with the deftness expected of a ranger.
           The crimson glow once again claimed the banshee’s eyes.
           Jaina staggered backwards, hand clasping over the mortal wound. Blood spilled through her fingers. It splattered onto her overcoat and corset.
           The elemental shrieked, its power evaporating. The water of its body sputtered, turning to a hot mist.
           Sylvanas hurried forward, catching Jaina as she fell backwards. Her wounds were mending. Gone were the icicles and slivers that had marred her preserved flesh.
           Jaina’s mouth opened, her eyes wide, tears running down her face as she one hand grabbed hold of the elf’ arm. No words escaped her, she could taste blood, its coppery flavour coating her tongue.
           A being manifested behind Banshee Queen, a ghostly visage of a winged woman, with a face obscured by a helm.
           A val’kyr.
           “you won’t be as the rest,” the woman whispered, tenderly laying Jaina down in the snow. “Your flesh will not wither, decay, or rot…”
           She stood tall, gazing down at the dying woman, her blackened soul screaming with fury. No longer would Proudmoore be a world apart from the banshee. Her heart would still, and then she’d rise.
           Then perhaps, she’d understand.
           She glanced to Deathwhisper, the bow flew to her, catching it in her hand, she spared once last look at Jaina.
           “Farwell My Love,” she whispered, words tenderly spoken. “When you rise, you rise a queen.”
The clouds churned. Dim grey twisting into black, then purple and finally, a sickening, frenzied green. The heavens beyond roared so loud with thunder it resonated in the air.
           Pale eyes opened, blue irises as empty of colour. They regarded the sky with melancholy.
           The dead closed in, Scourge minions drawn to the scent of blood. Skeleton soldiers, ghouls, and fiends. They snarled.
           All at once, lightning rained down. Vicious bolts, eviscerating all who dared to approach.
           Until none remained.
           Fair skin was now pastel in hue, not pallid, but akin to fresh fallen snow. Seamless, even the cut along her neck had vanished.
           The val’kyr was gone.
           Jaina Proudmoore stood alone, but in the back of her mind there was a whisper. An ethereal connection, it turned her frigid gaze to the horizon, to Ice Crown Citadel.
           Her eyes radiated a harsh white light, the blizzard whirling around her parted, leaving her in deathly stillness.
           The ground next to her quaked, bones of a lost steed rising up, assembling itself. A single icy horn sprouted from its blacked skull. Effortlessly she leapt into the saddle, the freezing stallion breaking into a gallop after that.
           She would find Sylvanas, she’d tear Ice Crown asunder to do it if she must.
           And behind her, the storm followed, chasing the its new queen.
(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧ kofi 
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fio-renze · 4 years
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Lady Fiorenze Tel’vaiel’s Yule Masquerade
When: December 21st, 2020, 7pm PST (Wyrmrest)/ 9pm CST (Moon Guard)
Where: The Temple of Order, Storm Peaks, Northrend
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Who: Everyone! This is a neutral event for anyone and everyone interested. Cross-server and cross-faction friendly!
This is a formal masquerade ball, the level of anonymity you would like to maintain is up to you. Understandably there are limits to this due to how the game works, so please be kind to your fellow Roleplayers and allow them to be as anonymous as they would like as well. E.g., don’t assume someone’s identity unless they offer it to you first!
If you would like to attempt true anonymity:
Leave your pets, mini-pets and minions at home.
Turn your name plates off when you arrive.
Change your TRP name.
Whisper no one, lest your username be revealed.
Questions? Contact me:
Send a direct ask on Tumblr (@fio-renze) Add me on Discord (lynesse#2493) DM me on Twitter (@saltsparkle1)
Music and mayhem for this event will be hosted in the Yule Masquerade Discord.
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@wraconnect​ | @wracentral​ | @wowrpevents​ | @wrahordeevents​ | @wraallianceevents​
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thecastcompany · 4 years
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The First 12 Days of December The Cast Company Presents 12 Days of Winter Veil!
We know that Shadowlands will be released at this time, but we like to think people can take a break from leveling all day and come hang out with us at night! Day 1: The Squeaky Wheel Day 2: Winter Veil Fest Day 3: Alliance Gift Giving Day 4: Horde Gift Giving Day 5: Christmas Card Contest Day 6: Cuties Day 7: Winter Veil Beach Rave Day 8: Ball Pit Wrestling Day 9: Cookies, Cookies, Cookies Day 10: Busted Fashion Show Day 11: Frosty Festival Day 12: Frosty Festival Look below for the event breakdown
Day 1: The Squeaky Wheel 5:00pm WRA
The Cast Company will be at the Squeaky Wheel on the 1st to kick off the 12 days of Winter Veil. We will be offering a gift wrapping game, will need both Alliance and Horde toons to attend! Held at Dandred Fold, Hillsbrad
Day 2: Winter Veil Feast at 6:00pm WRA Meet with Allies from OoFS. Everyone brings a gift (dont spend more than 1000 gold) and after mingling, eating, there will be gift swapping. Everyone gets a number and people pick a random number. Meet in Stormshield. @orderofthefadedsun Day 3: Alliance Gift Giving 6:00pm WRA Meet at  Valiant Rest. Every Table has plate of cookies at it and snacks, as well as hot drinks, come in socialize, mingle, and bring a gift that cost no more than 1k gold, everyone gets a number, gets to pick a gift, then a chance to swap or not.
Day 4: Horde Gift Giving 6:00pm WRA
Meet at The Filthy Animal. Every Table has plate of cookies at it and snacks, as well as hot drinks, come in socialize, mingle, and bring a gift that cost no more than 1k gold, everyone gets a number, gets to pick a gift, then a chance to swap or not. Day 5: GUILD EVENT ONLY, THE CAST COMPANY HAVE A CHRISTMAS CARD CONTEST!
This event is all day! Submit on Discord a screen shot of your character show off your best Christmas Card! Add some text or turn it too a meme either way make a Christmas Card of your character.
DAY 6: CUTIES is Open 5:30pm WRA Come have a Winer Veil Event. We have Open Mic, anyone can come up and entertain the audience. Enjoy the festival dinner, everyone who comes gets a box of holiday cookies to take home. Drunken Hozen in Dawn Blossom. 
Day 7: Winter Veil Beach Rave 5:00pm WRA
Come hang out in Sholazar Basin, warm up with fruity drinks and dance at the Beach Rave with Dj Zanie. This is Cross Factions.
Day 8: Ball Pit Wrestling 6:00pm WRA
Legion Dalaran, by the pet battle arena, come wrestle in a ball pt and Winter Veil present boxes, and plushies, wrestle  with a friend w/ foam weapons, become the King/Queen of Foam. This is Cross Faction.
Day 9: Cookies Cookies Cookies 5:00pm WRA
The Legerdemain Lounge, in Northrend Dalaran, come get some holiday drinks and custom cookies art drawings being done up stairs. This will be live streamed on twitch.tv/kelaricuddles. This is from 5pm - 8pm
Day 10: Busted Fashion Show at 6:00pm WRA The Legerdemain Lounge, in Northrend Dalaran, come get some holiday drinks and watch a very silly fashion show, there will be several rounds with different themes and several silly prizes to be won. 
Day 11 & 12 Frosty Festival at 6:00pm WRA From 6:00pm to 8:30pm WRA join The Cast Company and the wonderful WRA/ MG community at Ulduar in Storm Peaks for a frosty festival of vendors, music, food, performances and games! This is cross faction, 2 day event of fun! 
@wracentral @the-royal-courier
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the-phantom-co · 5 years
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 Winter Wonderland is a Cross-Faction Event to celebrate the holidays!
This is a multiple guild coordinated event to celebrate the end of the Fourth War, as well as celebrate the coming peace for Winter Veil! As such we have gathered just about everything under the sun we could to come bring some snowy fun!
Main Events Include:
Carp ball! A team based event that consists of groups of 3-5 competing to score a Carp into an enemy goal. So grab your friends and head down to sign ups to claim one of the limited spots for this event!
Fashion Contest. Everyone knows Winter is the best time of year to see a variety of attire! Some come join us down there and see who has the best take on Winter Wear!
Hot Chocolate Contest! There’s nothing anyone loves more during winter then to curl up in a blanket by the fire and sip some hot chocolate. Well this time, we’ve taken a little twist! This contest will allow everyone to create their own brand of Hot Chocolate mixture to give a spin of the original taste!
Minor Events:
Snow ball fight! Nothing screams fun in winter like a classic snowball fight. So why not come down and show who is the best snow packer around!
Sleigh Racing! Grab a sled and let’s hit the snow running in this two man team game! It’s first to survive an obstacle course while pulling their partner along! (One person -must- have the Red Wooden Sled toy.)
Beef Ring. No, this isn’t an eating contest! This is a full on brawl to end the struggles of the year. Not everyone wants to celebrate with Reindeer petting and Snowball Wars, some want to end by punching another in the face. So that’s what we’re providing! Find a person to challenge to the ring. No Armor, No Weapons, No Spells. Just your bare fists and attitude!
Dunk Tank. No worries here, as Xanioc Brotherhood have brought back their Dunk Tank for the winter fun! The water is warm and towels ready, so come watch someone fall and win something nice to take home!
Other Features:
Some people just don’t like games or the spotlight in contests, which is fine! So why not watch others who do? We have a series of performers lined up to entertain! Including Mr. Smite and The Tirasian Entourage.
Getting that holiday itch and want to shop? Maybe you want to set up booth to make some extra coin for the holidays! Don’t worry, we have an entire market place set up so vendors can set up and sell their wares!
Maybe the war isn’t quite over, or you’re worried about someone ruining your holiday fun. We have security up and ready! Want to join? Just talk to your faction appropriate head of security! (Raseri - Alliance, Centari - Horde)
Winter is about family, and so no child should feel left out from all the fun! Come take pictures and talk to Great-Father Winter himself this festival! Let your child pet Great-Father’s loyal reindeer! Now is the time to have fun!
Important Info:
When: December 13th and 14th. (Starts 5:00 PM server on Friday and 4:00 PM server on Saturday.) Where: The uninstanced area outside of Ulduar in Storm Peaks, Northrend. Sign up forms: [Games] [Vendor] [Performer] Discord Link: [Here] Contacts: Adrianä (Eleantha/Moria#9118), Dancingdeer (Deer-mouse#7552)
@the-royal-courier, @wraconnect, @wrahordeevents
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The Serpent, Lazarius Kash’ebahl LFC
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–––– 𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝐵𝒶𝓈𝒾𝒸𝓈 ––––
NAME: Lazarius Kash’ebahl (pronounced Laz-air-ee-us   Cash-eh-ball)
AGE: Approx. 288 years but much much older ask why.
RACE: Quel’dorei
SEXUALITY: Heterosexual.
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Neutral.
SERVER: Wyrmrest Accord.
–––– 𝒫𝒽𝓎𝓈𝒾𝒸𝒶𝓁 𝒜𝓅𝓅𝑒𝒶𝓇𝒶𝓃𝒸𝑒 ––––
HAIR:  Dark Chestnut Brown.
EYES: Pure Black Pools
BUILD: Slender, Gaunt, Lithe, Lean Muscle.
DISTINGUISHING MARKS: His flesh is extremely pale, and thin.  Beneath the surface are black spidered veins around his eye sockets, nostrils, forehead and lips.  A snake scale hexagonal pattern is tattooed across his entire upper body and neck.  Scars across most of his body from whip marks, lashings and mutilation.  Rune markings in Shathyar from his training.
COMMON ACCESSORIES: A sterling index finger sheath ring with a long blade attached to the end on his right hand.  Three silver earrings in each ear, a pair of Shaldorei ear cuffs on both ears.
AESTHETIC: Deep Purples, Artisan Tailored Clothing, Alluring Scents
–––– 𝒫𝑒𝓇𝓈𝑜𝓃𝒶𝓁 ––––
PROFESSION: High Inquisitor of The Nine,  Head of House Kash’ebahl, Owner and Operator of “Curiosities & Collections”
HOBBIES: Reading, Painting, Piano.
LANGUAGES: Common & Orcish fluent. Dwarven nearly fluent.  Shathyar fluent, some Darnassian, Troll.
RESIDENCE: Stormwind City, Dwarven District ///   The Bastille, Northrend.
BIRTHPLACE: Quel’thalas.
PATRON: The Galactic Cosmos.
FEARS: The loss of his people; control and ultimately everything he has built to endure.  Losing control of himself.
–––– 𝑅𝑒𝓁𝒶𝓉𝒾𝑜𝓃𝓈𝒽𝒾𝓅𝓈 –––-
SPOUSE: Divorced Once. 
CHILDREN: Brinys Duskflame (Daughter)
PARENTS: Varrinea (Mother, deceased); Pytharis (Father, deceased).
OTHER RELATIVES:  Pyravari (Sister); Siida-Ray (Sister) Vallah (Brother, deceased?)
MENTOR/GUARDIAN: Raelyndia Duskhollow (deceased?)
PETS: None.
–––- 𝑀𝑒𝓃𝓉𝒶𝓁𝒾𝓉𝓎 –––-
Social Level: Very friendly, but can be reserved. Likes to observe, study and keep a keen eye on learning all he can through peoples body language.
One  Positive Personality Trait: Unstoppable, he will give everything to ensure his flock remains intact.
One Negative Personality Trait: Violent.
One Personality Warning: He is not quick to trust those he does not fully know and will often come across distant and rude.
Random Quirk: 
Addictions: Knowledge, Power, Control.
Habits: Can very often be caught reading from a flesh covered book.
–––– 𝒜𝒹𝒹𝒾𝓉𝒾𝑜𝓃𝒶𝓁 𝐼𝓃𝒻𝑜𝓇𝓂𝒶𝓉𝒾𝑜𝓃 ––––
 SMOKING HABIT: never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
 DRUGS: never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
 ALCOHOL: never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
–––– 𝒫𝑜𝓈𝓈𝒾𝒷𝓁𝑒 𝑅𝒫 𝐻𝑜𝑜𝓀𝓈 ––––
SURVIVOR OF NZOTH: As Lazarius spent most of his three centuries as a slave to the mad old god; and his own order, he is sympathetic to those who have broken free and have nowhere to go.  The Nine now stands more as a beacon to invite apostates and dark magic users who have been shunned away from society and seek a home. 
DARK-THEMED RP: Lazarius is no stranger to going through a rough path to find a brighter road on the other side.  He is fully capable at doing Darker Themed RP because at his core he is a rather violent creature born into chaos.  Cross-faction welcome!
DARK MAGIC: Necromancy? Hemomancy? Voidmancy? If it has to do with dark magic, witchcraft or the black arts Lazarius will be interested.  Not so much Warlocks though. . .he kinda. . .doesnt like Demons. Alot.
BUSINESS DEALS:  Do you seek something? Are you looking for a specific book? Painting? Rare dagger? Map to a hidden treasure or library? Do you have goods to deal in? Are you looking to swap for jewelry and magical items? Perhaps you’ve noticed that Red Door with the Serpent Knocker in Old Towne? If you did, then it has been watching you as well.  Perhaps you should knock and come inside?
PLAYER’S CHOICE: I would always welcome an OOC conversation to try and decide what is the best way to incorporate story arcs and ideas.
–––– 𝒲𝒽𝒶𝓉 𝐼’𝓂 𝐿𝑜𝑜𝓀𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝐹𝑜𝓇 ––––
Friends, colleagues, rivals, contacts, connections of any kind.  I have been away from RP for a bit in game but Discord is where I spend most of my time so its been hard to reach out.
–––– 𝒪𝓊𝓉 𝑜𝒻 𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓇𝒶𝒸𝓉𝑒𝓇 ––––
I’m an old-head.  Been playing WoW since Beta, RPing in general since the pioneer days of A.O.L and pre-internet on that good ol’ tabletop game.
I’m always happy to discuss things OOC before engaging in any RP.
Adaptable to many different stories and situations.
All RP themes from the dark, serious, and mature (violence, sexuality, murder, drug / alcohol use, etc.) to the light-hearted, humorous, and cheerful. I enjoy balance. Awesome dramatic plots. Heavy, feels-ridden plots. Elaborate, grand-scale, long-term plots. One-shot plots. Personal and private plots. Subterfuge and hidden plots. Serious injury. Temporary injury and incapacitation of mind or body. Temporary captivity or imprisonment. Combat. Ambushes. Assassination attempts. Rivalries. Deep platonic friendships. Romantic tension. Sexual tension. Coarse language.
Very friendly, but shy at times.  I am also not exactly always in game, most of my RP is done via Discord or Tumblr.
–––– 𝒴𝑜𝓊 𝒸𝒶𝓃 𝒸𝑜𝓃𝓉𝒶𝒸𝓉 𝓂𝑒 𝓋𝒾𝒶 ––––
Asks, prompts and boosts are all loved and appreciated! ♥
In Game - Brashka (mostly since I only really play WoW for PVE these days.)
Discord - thehouseofthenine#2795 
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