#nostrade bodyguards
visjules · 1 year
Underrated groups that deserved more screen time my beloved
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my new years resolution is to post more of my art so here's a sketch of my hunter x hunter oc lilletz
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wandererbf · 8 months
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How would the main 4 react to their s/o taking care of them while they're sick
Characters: Gon, Killua, Kurapika, Leorio!
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Gon Freecs
• I think Gon would be happy that his S/O is taking care of him, it will remind him of home when his aunt took care of him
• I also think he would be very affectionate, like he would like to hug you while you try to take care of him
• He would really ask you to make him soup or something, and if you don't know how to cook he would ask you to make popcorn so you two can spend time watching movies.
• Well anyway he would want to spend most of the day in bed, I think when he is sick it is the only time he is not energetic as the normal for him
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Killua Zoldyck
• I think Killua would refuse to believe that he's sick, well it's not like he's ever been sick
- Y/N please, I'm fine.. gosh.. - he says rolling he's eyes
• He would keep acting like that until you gave up and let him do whatever he wanted, he was about to leave the house when from the room you heard a bang and when you went to see what it was, it was Killua passed out on the floor next to the door.
• When he wakes up it will be late in the afternoon, you would be sleeping on a chair next to the bed he was lying on with a cloth of cold water on his head, I think that in the end since you were asleep he would pull you to bed next to him, you two would end cuddling!
- Just maybe you were right..
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Kurapika Kurta
• I think he would end up passing out while working at the Nostrade mansion, and Melody had to call you to come get him since when he woke up he still wanted to continue working as if everything was fine
- Y/N: God.. what am I going to do with you?
• In the end he was convinced that it would be dangerous for him and the other bodyguards if he stayed working in that state and went home with you, you would really like to thank Melody for helping you convince him
• You would ask him to take a shower and go to bed while you prepare something for him to eat, of course not before giving him some medicine
• In the end you would be looking after him for the rest of the night, but the next morning when you woke up the man would have left a f/f bouquet on the table next to a letter
'Thank you for taking care of me last night my love, today at 8 pm I'll pick you up to go eat at a restaurant, please get ready! I'll be looking forward to seeing you again. With love, K.K'
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Leorio Paladiknight
• Leorio is studying medicine so he would quickly realize that he is sick and take the correct medicine, but that doesn't negate the fact that he will be needy for the rest of the day
- Please Y/N lets just cuddle for a while, you have to take care of your boyfriend here 🥺
• I think that of the four he would be one of the calmest ones with Gon, since he wouldn't throw a tantrum to take his medicine, he would refuse because he's sick, what you would need to do is purely give him love and affection
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crusty-chronicles · 1 year
Airheaded S/O Headcannons #10: Kurapika (HxH)
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He is completely dumbfounded by you
Like how did you end up working for the Nostrade family?
How did you even manage to become a hunter?
You have to be faking, right?
I mean nobody just loses Neon's new diamond earrings.
Nobody just trips and takes a whole countertop with them. (Marble countertop if he may add)
Nobody just forgets they can use nen?
"What's your ability?"
"Sometimes if I squint real hard, I can see in the dark."
"Your nen ability????"
"Oh! Don't remember!" 😃
Finds out you are in fact not faking
It kinda reminds him of Leorio
But at least Leorio could read and doesn't have the attention span of a goldfish.
Sometimes he swears he can hear your single braincell rattle around in your head when someone's shaking you in their frustration.
It worries him why you were hired to be a bodyguard
Mainly because the Nostrades had been very thorough selecting candidates.
And you were here before his team got selected.
So Kurapika has a hunch.
He'll make Melody ask you questions and check your heartbeat for lies.
And every ridiculous answer you gave was true
Which irritated him a little
He didn't want a braindead idiot to get in the way of his goal
Buuuuut his opinion of you changes for the better after his fight with Uvogin
He came back feeling defeated, even though he won
The blood on his hands was icky and he had gotten no information out of the ordeal.
The only thing he left with was an even worse hatred for the Phantom Troupe.
The very same people who didn't remember they had massacred an entire clan.
He arrived at the hotel when mostly everyone had left.
Everyone except you and Melody.
He eyes were still that scarlet color, not bothering to hide them.
Then he felt arms wrap around him and went to lash out, wanting anything but to be touched right now.
Except his movements stopped completely
And he became completely calm and relaxed.
"Your eyes are really pretty like this, but I don't like you mad. Just calm down a little, okay?" It was you.
And why had you said that to someone you barely knew?
Why were you trying to comfort him?
And why had he let you?
He realized this was your ability: controlling emotions. Or at least altering them.
It was...nice
He hadn't been hugged in a while.
And yours was warm.
The scarlet at last fading away.
"Thank you for that... I appreciate it."
From then on he's seeking you out.
With melody, he has to be cautious with what he says.
He doesn't want to say anything that would frighten her or complicate things for himself.
But if he's talking with you, he could say just about anything and you'd listen.
You would have no clue what he was talking about, but you would be there.
And it was like talking to a wall
Except the wall brought temporary joy into his very dark and devoid world.
A bright light that couldn't be darkened no matter what thanks to your naivety.
And maybe it's endearing when you trip on air in public and say-
"I'm stumbling over my success."
Maybe it makes him smile when you ask about his nen chains and narrow it down to 'a portable prison.'
Maybe he does want you to fill the silence he's used to with ramblings about 'why vases are too fragile these days.'
He may like you, but his motive comes first.
His clan's eyes will always come first
However, he can't stop himself from indulging with what might be a happy future with you.
Especially after seeing you cave someone's skull in with one punch during a task from the Nostrade family.
He's so relieved that yes, you had great physical strength and a useful ability.
It means he'll let you follow him to fulfill his vengeance against the Spiders
He only babies you when it's something serious.
Like if you're about to chop your finger off while cooking.
He's running into the kitchen and taking the knife from you.
"Y/n, what do you have?"
"A knife 😃😃😃"
Or if you're about to get hit by a car because you saw something cool across the street.
He's using his chains to pull you back, and then proceeds to lecture you for the next ten minutes.
But anything else?
No. You can figure it out.
If you're lost, you'll find him eventually.
If you swapped out the pepper and salt, he's laughing, but hopes you learned your lesson.
You brought the wrong item at an auction?
Good luck explaining that to Neon and her father
Doesn't buy you fancy things because he knows you don't care about stuff like that.
Instead, he'll leave you little notes where he knows you'll find them.
He tried to take you to a nice restaurant for dinner claiming it was to 'Keep up the Nostrade's Appearances'.
It was just him being a little embarrassed to admit it was a date.
And you know what happened?
You two got kicked out because you kept breaking the fancy silverware and plates.
But it did make him laugh to see you try to hide the evidence under the table cloth
Calls you: my love, dearest, sunny, little clown, baby (derogatory), and if he's feeling playful-mighty warrior.
He has trouble communicating, so having a stable relationship is difficult.
But he tries, even if he's not there all that much.
Won't feel jealous, but instead a little insecure that you would get bored and leave.
Even if he knows you're a fool with a heart of gold and would never do that
It's just the part of his brain that has to consider every possible outcome.
But if the way your eyes light up every time you see him, even if it's just been five minutes, is anything to go by....
Then he has absolutely nothing to worry about.
Kurapika just hopes his pursuit of his clan's eyes don't scare you away or dim the light you bring with you.
UP NEXT: Monkey D Luffy
An: Sorry it took longer than usual, the fucking heat is draining and it makes me lazy 🫠
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cat3ch1sm · 1 year
Alright, first things first, I hope you are doing fine and stay positive for anything in your life, I don't know you but stay safe and healthy^^
I kinda feel bad bc I have already requested from you and I don't want to pressure you.
But I need more Kurapika context bc I have already read everything about him on here and I wanted some more
Okay, onto the actual thing now😅
I still remember that scene when Kurapika comes in the hotel with the scarlet eyes on gift package and that idk-remember-his-fucking-name rich dude which he punched later (or before?😅) started talking shit and then he said "Idc who I kill right now".
So like, what if the Reader, who has no moral compass or anything( like a Zoldyck), gets seriously enraged and starts punching and kicking him until Kurapika tells them to stop (I love the clueless with morals x no morals and entirely devoted to them)
Take your time, I don't mind, and stay safe and sound ^^
Love ya🦋
🌿~ hello, my lovely insect hashira! don’t feel bad for requesting again, you can send as many requests as you’d like. here’s your request, ily<33
☕️~ also sorry if some things aren’t totally accurate to the actual scene and stuff😭been a minute since i watched that particular arc
╭┈◦•◦❥•◦ gender neutral reader (may be fem!leaning), mentions of violence and blood ahead
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It was a dark night- literally and figuratively. The sky was a deep shade of blue, and it was almost midnight. But Yorknew City was far from at peace. The notoriously terrifying and powerful group of thieves known as the Phantom Troupe, or the Spiders, had just unleashed a brutal attack on the city’s largest underground auction, resulting in the disappearances and the deaths of hundreds. The whole city was in a state of chaos and panic, and the mafia group you worked for’s job was to be in the center of it- despite the state the city was in, you still had a job to do, and against all odds you’d managed to pull it off- along with your colleague, Kurapika.
Regardless of the success of your particular task, the walk back to the hotel was silent, the mood between the two of you grim. You were shaken by the loss of several your coworkers and the carnage you’d witnessed, while Kurapika, walking beside you, carried the item you’d won at the auction close to his chest, his eyes not even visible behind the shadow cast over his face. Inside the small box he held were the Scarlet Eyes- one of the only pairs left following the massacre of his family, the Kurta Clan. Despite how you may have been feeling, you knew for a fact he felt worse, knowing he was carrying the eyes of a dead family member, their memory disrespected and tarnished by the greed of the mafia.
Neither of you said anything while you were walking, the mood so heavy it seemed to weigh down on your throat, preventing you from speaking. You wanted to say something to soothe Kurapika, but you knew that really, there wasn’t anything you could say to help him, and you felt very sad for him as you watched him with his head low and his aura despairing.
It was then, though, as you two were crossing a bridge, that you saw a silhouette in front of you. It was Zenji, the short, pudgy man with a big nose and glasses that had been pestering you and Kurapika earlier as Nostrade’s bodyguards, appearing over and over again just to criticize you two and mock your skills and how young you both were, calling you both incompetent. It wasn’t necessarily a surprise that he was there all of a sudden, but you knew that it was absolutely the wrong time for him to be here. You stole a glance over to Kurapika, wondering if he saw the man in front of him, but his dark demeanor didn’t change, and he simply continued to walk.
As you two got closer to Zenji, neither of you acknowledging the man’s presence, he lifted his beady eyes and fixed them right on Kurapika. “Bastard.” He scoffed, his eyes narrowed. “You think you can just walk away?”
You figured he was talking about Kurapika’s blatant dismissals of Zenji’s insults earlier, and how Kurapika had punched him after he got a little too cocky. You guessed Zenji’s ego (and nose) had been injured, and now the idiot was here to get even. But Kurapika just kept walking, still ignoring Zenji. You knew he was in somewhat of a catatonic state after gaining the Scarlet Eyes, and you didn’t want this guy to agitate Kurapika further. So you chose to not engage simply for Kurapika’s sake, even though every muscle in your body screamed to beat this man to the ground.
He turned his attention to you now. “You too. Neither of you are getting off easy tonight.”
It took everything to not reply to Zenji, but you knew more drama tonight wouldn’t be good for you or Kurapika. So you didn’t acknowledge him, either.
Zenji was clearly agitated by being ignored, his jaw clenching as he let out a growl. “Tsk…”
Still no response from either of you.
Zenji, reaching his limit, finally reached for a gun strapped into his belt and pointed it at Kurapika, then you, then back at Kurapika. “Stop before I blow your heads off!”
The sound of Kurapika’s voice seemed to startle both you and Zenji, both of you turning abruptly to look at Kurapika. His voice was low and ominous, sending a chill down your spine when you heard it.
Zenji’s eyes widened with fear and fury, and he cocked the gun at Kurapika. “Don’t be-“
“Just stop.” Kurapika spoke again. Just then, you noticed an odd light from the corner of your eye- and when you hesitantly turned your gaze to Kurapika, you felt your stomach turn at the sight. His eyes were glowing a menacingly deep red, his hair hanging in loose blonde strands over his shadowy face. There were no words to describe the raw fury in his expression, and Zenji stumbled backwards in surprise, letting out a fearful gurgle.
“I don’t care who I kill right now,” Kurapika intoned, the glowing of his eyes only getting brighter and brighter as his rage increased. “And it might as well… be you.”
Zenji’s whole body was shaking now from pure fear, the only thing leaving his mouth incoherent croaks. The aura Kurapika was radiating was so intensely foreboding and malevolent that, even if it wasn’t directed at you, you couldn’t help your blood from running ice-cold. But once the trepidation settled in your stomach, you felt the anger begin to bubble up in your own mind. For someone to drive Kurapika to want to kill without cause… to awaken his fury like this- as Kurapika moved closer and closer to Zenji, who was frozen in his place, you knew instantly that you couldn’t let Kurapika go down like this. Zenji simply was not worth it.
And before you knew it, you found yourself flying at Zenji, fists raining down onto the man like a merciless hailstorm and your feet slamming into his doughy body with as much force as you could manage. Both you and him crashed to the ground, Zenji grunting in pain with every hit you delivered to him. You didn’t even really know what your goal was; all you knew was that you wanted to hurt him, swinging at the most painful areas you knew of: pummeling at his mouth, eyes, nose, and kicking at his crotch. Blood and saliva flew from his mouth as you managed to knock out a tooth, and his already injured nose began gushing blood like a waterfall. You clawed at his clothes and shattered his glasses, everything but a blur in front of your eyes.
Then, abruptly, you felt someone grab you from behind and yank you harshly from Zenji’s battered body, but you were still swinging, not ready to let him go. Zenji scrambled backward on all fours, blood staining his face and tie and his suit full of rips.
You struggled violently against the hands that held you back, twisting and thrashing in every way possible to try and break free, falling to the ground and taking Kurapika with you. “Y/N! Y/N, stop!” Kurapika shouted, keeping his grip on you despite how much you fought him. “Stop it!”
For a moment the words didn’t register, the only thing on your mind being Zenji, but when your rage-clouded mind cleared you remembered Kurapika’s voice, finally stopping your struggling. Kurapika let out an exhausted sigh. “There you go. Y/N, it’s just me- restrain yourself, alright?”
When you finally looked up at Kurapika, breathing heavily and body still heated with fury, his expression had faded from his previously seething one to a more melancholy expression. The anger was still there, of course, his eyes still a luminescent scarlet- but as he looked at you, you didn’t feel the anger as you had felt it earlier. You allowed your body to relax, slumping over a bit with your head resting on his chest. You both were sitting in the middle of the street, Kurapika behind you.
“Why did you stop me?” you asked, sounding exhausted yourself. Your fists were bruised, achy, and stained with Zenji’s blood. “I thought- I thought you wanted to kill him.”
Kurapika exhaled again, breaking eye contact with you and staring straight ahead. “It was just a warning, really. I couldn’t kill him because the repercussions would get in the way of my goals for the future.”
“So why didn’t you let me do it?” you pressed, genuinely perplexed. “I have no such compunction. I could’ve just killed him.” Your jaw tightened. “God knows he deserved it.”
Kurapika looked back down at you, the storm in his eyes settling a bit. “I’m not letting you kill anybody, Y/N- and certainly not him. He isn’t worth it.”
“Well, I don’t care,” you protested. “I still could have killed him. He doesn’t have any right to do anything he’s done to you.”
Kurapika didn’t say anything for a while, but when he looked back down at you, he had a smile on his face. Not quite a happy one, but not quite unhappy. “If I let you go after everyone who’s ever caused me pain, you’d be dead. So… just don’t worry about me, alright? And don’t do that again.”
You frowned, but reluctantly nodded. “Fine...”
Kurapika sighed again and wrapped an arm around your shoulders from behind you, letting his arm rest there. He didn’t move, the box containing the Scarlet Eyes sitting beside you. You just let him rest his chin on the top of your head. It seemed to help.
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kimbap-r0ll · 2 years
I'm not sure if you've wrote this kind of thing before or not, but may I request Kurapika as the reader's bodyguard? And maybe romance blooms between them lol idk, it's up to you, whatever you think is the best :D thank you so much!!
Ooh, I've never written for this kind of idea before, thank you for the ask! I might make this a bit angsty but hopefully it's fun to read.
Bodyguard!Kurapika x gn!reader: Doors to the Heart
Kurapika had closed the doors to his emotions since he decided to go on the path of revenge. He didn't want to ever see what he saw when he came back to Lukso Province after the massacre, but more importantly he didn't want to feel the immense pain of finding his family dead. However, there were few that managed to open his heart again to the world, and those were the friends he had met at the Hunter Exam. Kurapika wished he could stay in those happy moments forever, but the scarlet eyes seemed to call him for a bloody revenge. With that, he shut his heart once again.
That was until he was assigned to protect someone.
He had done bodyguard work before, through Neon and the mafia, but he didn't expect to get another job so quickly. He was part of the underground and with his skills being whispered around mafia families, it was no surprise one of the powerful dons asked for his blessing.
You were fairly average for someone who was part of a mafia family. You didn't have any extreme interests like collecting body parts, but you also didn't know any form of self-defense. Kurapika assumed you had been cut off from the rest of the world as your father's power grew. At first he was reluctant to accept the offer as it would impede his search for the scarlet eyes. Until he found out your family's connections to a man that had two pairs.
"It's nice to meet you, y/n" he extended his hand to you, a stern yet warm look on his face. You awkwardly took your hand out of your pocket and, as if you were afraid, shook his hand. You nodded in response, choosing to stay quiet as your father explained to Kurapika that he needed to protect you at all costs.
There was nothing unusual about the job, just a lot less chaotic than his experience with the Nostrade. You stayed to yourself, glancing up at Kurapika and then quickly averting eye contact when he looked back at you. He assumed once again that you weren't anything to be worried about nor anyone he should open up to.
"Um, Kurapika?" You called one day while you two were sitting in the car together. He smiled politely at you. "Do you...have you ever been to Lukso?"
That was the first time you ever saw any form of emotion other than his usual stoic face. It was a mix of fear and welcoming, as if you had touched a childhood memory long forgotten.
"How do you know about that place?" Kurapika seemed a little worried as he replied, his eyes were colder. You weren't sure if you should keep asking, so you just shook your head and kept your gaze out the window.
The two of you were headed to the capital city of Japon, a bustling metropolis that lay just across the Kukan'yu Kingdom. That was where the man with Kurapika's goal was, and after Kurapika was done with his mission he would quit being a bodyguard. You were going to Japon because you had to visit your mother.
Once at the hotel again, Kurapika was going to leave you with your maids, but he asked a question when you were alone. It was the same question from before.
"Well, I always loved the pictures of the greenery there. I also...just wanted to do something about the tragedy that occurred within the woods. I...I want to at least help those that might still be mourning, I'm sure there are Kurta out there, or those that loved the Kurta, as people and were shocked to see what happened."
From there on, it was like a floodgate had opened. All the emotions he had kept hidden, all of the memories, just blossomed at once and you saw this in the form of tears. The bodyguard was crying.
"I see, that's very thoughtful of you," Kurapika tried to hide the fact that he let his emotions out. He was breathing hard, he was gripping his hands so tight his fingernails were digging into the palms of his hands. Without another word, he left you.
The relationship became stranger between you two, with Kurapika's emotions swirling into chaos. He shared the tales of the Kurta to you, but never once told you his origins. He said he was someone who lived close by, and had a friend who was there. You wanted to learn his language, to learn his culture and respect it. Kurapika wasn't sure how to feel after his trust had been weakened by the cruelty so many in the underground were capable of, but you were different. You were a genuine person, someone that opened their arms to his sorrow and let him be human.
Was he falling for you? Why did his heart race when you smiled at him at a cafe? Why did his words halt at his throat when he wanted to compliment you of your beauty and handsomeness? Was someone so broken, so deep in their own misery, able to love?
Kurapika allowed you to into his heart and it seemed to be impossible to force you back out. You were so kind to him, you reminded him of how kind humans could be. He wanted to spend more time with you, to stop the endless war against those who wronged his clan, and just live as a happy soul. But alas, tomorrow would be the last as he was going to meet the person with the Kurta eyes. Kurapika would leave you right after that, telling you his job was complete and his contract would expire.
"Let's talk again, I always love being around you," you said as you stepped out of the car and to your mother's house. You were to stay there until a group of bodyguards came by with your father later that day. Kurapika nodded, wanting to tell you his feelings but standing paralyzed.
"Thank you again for everything," you smiled. Then, without any warning, you wrapped your arms around him, pulling him close to you and then waving goodbye.
Kurapika felt as though his heart had stopped at that moment, he wanted to hug you back. But once again, his emotions were conflicting, and he stood there with a surprised expression. He managed to wish you well and wave back, but that was the most he could do.
Once again he would be back on his journey to collect all of the eyes. He would board the Black Whale in a few months, gathering the last of the Kurta eyes from a prince. But until then, his heart would have to close once again. Kurapika tried to be cold once again, numb to emotions and people, but he could never shake off that warmth he felt when he was with you. Perhaps in another life, a different world, he could have stayed in the sunlight.
But not now, he had to stay in the shadows.
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mari-lair · 1 year
thoughts on 1999 hxh? sorry if I missed you mentioning it
I never mentioned it, no worries! I personally really like the 1999 version. There are some strange decisions...? Like the first phase with the hallucinations?? And some filler moments are a miss to me, but I am overall a big fan of the extra content, like the boat phase, them panicking about the last phase being a possible written exam, every interaction with the elevator lady of heavens arena, the extra time with the Nostrade bodyguards, and so on :D
(I am still sad the 2011 version didn't have Menchi order to make sushi for the second phase. Is such a cool idea?? And it fits with the "try new things and learn to work with the minimal information you have" theme way better than... roasting a boar...)
Yorknew also felt more tense and... sad... in the 1999 version, there were a lot of artistic choices I like with Kurapika there, makes me wish the Chimera Ant arc was finished when it aired so it could be addapted
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ao3feed-leopika · 3 months
Falling for My Hot Mafia Bodyguard?!?!?! (NOT CLICKBAIT) (EMOTIONAL)
Falling for My Hot Mafia Bodyguard?!?!?! (NOT CLICKBAIT) (EMOTIONAL) Link to fic: https://ift.tt/pshPGje by sheridanlefanu At the age of fifteen, Leorio lost his best friend to an entirely curable disease. At the age of sixteen, he vowed to become a doctor who wouldn't charge his patients anything. At seventeen, he was unexpectedly contacted by a father he never knew he had--a mafia boss by the name of Rottfelli who is willing to pay his way through medical school if Leorio does one favor sometime in the future... At the age of nineteen, Leorio is arranged to be married to Neon Nostrade in order to unite the two families. However, before he can even meet his new fiancee, he must prove himself trustworthy to the mysterious guard dog of the Nostrade family, Kurapika. Words: 5803, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Hunter X Hunter Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Senritsu | Melody (Hunter X Hunter), Kurapika (Hunter X Hunter), Light Nostrade, Leorio Paladiknight, Basho (Hunter X Hunter), Neon Nostrade Relationships: Kurapika/Leorio Paladiknight Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Slow Burn, Arranged Marriage, Bodyguard, Bodyguard Romance, Enemies to Lovers, (mild tbh), Hurt/Comfort via AO3 works tagged 'Kurapika/Leorio Paladiknight' https://ift.tt/F0gQL8E June 12, 2024 at 11:59AM
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hunting-songs · 5 months
Kurapika searched his suitcase, then searched the bathroom, then searched the kitchen. It was a little difficult but he had finally gotten a light blue cloth and a green one. It wasn't ideal, but for the case it was more than enough. Then he approached Senritsu still without saying anything and waved the green cloth in front of her for her to grab, while he held the light blue one in his other hand.
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She was sitting on the couch, with her laptop balanced on her lap and her headphones on and the eveninglight warming the back of her neck like a warm caressing. The Nostrade family was hiring for lackeys, so Light Nostrade, more paranoid and leery than ever before, had ordered that whoever was interviewed had to wear a microphone on their chest, not so the hireling would be clearly understandable, but to record them during th interview and use Senritsus ability to analyse the potential new workers motives. It were those recordings of other people heartbeats that she listened to: Bodyguards, Mercenarys, murderers, so called assassins that could however never move as admirale quietly as she had heard Killua walking; a mix of heartbeats now focused in different recordings that through her headphones sounded as intense as if those people were screaming their motives and secrets directly into her ears. The woman had started the work in the morning and by now a heavy throbbing headache had started to beat from the inside of her skull against the side of her head. The heartbeats of Basho- in Neons room with the maids, as ildly annoyed as a babysitter looking after a child-, Linssen- going swiftly over taxes with the speed of a mechanic device that was oddly admirable-, and Kurapika- searching for something, she noticed- were at the edge of her awarness , not important at the moment but also not ignored. When Kurapika eventually approached Senritsu looked up with small smile , rubbing her eyes slowly and as tieredly as if she had aged a hundred years by listening to those liars for so long.
She tilted her head to the side like a confused bird; blinking one time, two times, three times. "....Mhmmmmmm, You know, "; Senritsu hummed in all good humor, and lay down her laptop and the headphones to sit up more straight to reach for the green cloth: "-if you want to irritate the bull, usually you need to use a red cloth not a green one. Not that I am especially fond of bullfights or have anything in common with a bull, but thats usually how its done." [ @skarletchains ]
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daisyachain · 6 months
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1. Death Note canonical to HXH continents
2. Neon is dead
3. Kurapika said that most people were willing to part with their eyes when threatened with death.
4. Did Kurapika ever get the real eyes, or was it only ever Coltopy’s fake?
5. At least 3 of the main Nostrade bodyguards are fully occupied on the ship and are referred to as ‘Nostrade family’
Options are: Kurapika killed Neon over the eyes (impossible), Neon killed herself over the eyes (unlikely), Neon was killed after losing her ability but before the voyage started, (by rivals? for an insurance payout?), Neon was killed after Kurapika, Melody, and Basho left
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thelovelyghostwriter · 6 months
Since I'm having post-concert withdrawals after Taylor Swift, here's some songs that reminds me of KuraNeon:
Medieval AU where Kurapika is her knight and Neon is a princess.
Helped me to write "Starstruck in Awe" (Neon was enchanted to meet Kurapika!!)
Neon's touch brings him back to life.
Neon asking him to put her name at the top of his list but he wants revenge.
Kurapika breaks up with Neon to go on the Black Whale in order to get the Scarlet Eyes from Prince Tserriednich. Neon misses him a lot.
This helped me a lot when writing "Happiness" (Kuraneon fanfic)... Which is kind of a break up fanfic btw.
Not really a Kuraneon song, but reminds me of Kurapika and his situation.
Reminds me of Neon Nostrade, hailed as a lucky girl with fortune telling powers... Not so lucky now.
York New City is based on New York.
I can imagine Neon being all playful with his bodyguard... In their Nostrade mansion. She's crazy too, and she is high maintainence. Don't fuck this up, Kurapika, good luck!
Apparently I've hit the audio limit for this post. There will be part 2!
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fluffygreenkoala · 1 year
AU in which Neon doesn't die but upon realizing her father doesn't actually love her and with Dalzollene and her bodyguards deceased/resigned, she leaves him and moves to another city, does some work and nen training, along with beginning to share her true self that she can display not having to throw tantrums to gain people's attention anymore (a weapon she had to use as her father never gave her affection and the only other relationships she had due to his controlling were her defenders), that of a smart and capable young woman who, even having lived in a place (the Nostrade mansion) void of love and a world were cruelty is more common than pity and empathy, maintains a solar and well meaning personality (as we saw with Eliza's breakdown and when telling Chrollo that her prediction was meant to console him, the living, implicitly letting him know that the deceased live on in the memories of the living, and thus that Uvo was alright.)
She intensifies her defensive abilities through martial arts and, having months passed, tries the Hunter Exam to obtain a license and passes it.
After some time traveling the countries to see the world she was kept away from her entire life, she hears of Ryuuseigai/Meteor City, this decaying inhabited place were people either kill or get killed, and decides to go there to thicken her skin and do some experience as a rookie hunter.
Needless to say, there she meets the Phantom Troupe, which is indifferent to her initially.
Neon starts cleaning the city, always wearing labour clothes to protect herself from toxic elements and dangerous things, and bit by bit, some people start helping and the large landfill disappears. Having saved up a bit from her previous jobs, she uses a large amount of them to better the city, implementing a clean aqueduct, a coin, building a hospital and slowly, slowly, the former inhabited landfill transforms into a full fledged city, complete with access to instruction and healthcare/defense mechanisms, with people actually able to get legal jobs within their place of origin.
During these massive renovations Chrollo and the spiders actually get close with her, and start to really look at her and trying to understand her (and then other people), not necessarily becoming good people but starting to wonder "Is my way really the only way."
Neon is energetic, helpful and a people magnet (she's an ESFP after all), and that balances Chrollo's "moon person" identify with his seriousness, methodical ways and more reserved behavior. They eventually get together (he's the one to ask her as she thinks she was imagining things due to thirst when she caught him looking at her). Following this, the spiders become her self appointed (but also on Chrollo's request) bodyguards and elongated family, creating a nice bond with each of them.
For the men, she's a curious and naive woman, but even they recognize that her good impact is undeniable.
For Pakunoda, Machi e Shizuku she's someone they're meant to protect (even if she can better protect herself now having undergone training, but she lacks the malice of wanting to hurt/eliminate her enemy) as well as a little sister.
My headcanon is that since Lovely Ghostwriter is, at the end of the day, an altruistic ability that allows people to know of their future (and Neon CAN'T predict her own), she would open up a seamstress' shop and make clothes for the people, asking for food in the equivalent exchange of her work and materials, this becoming a well received member of the community (I think that having nothing to do while growing up aside for writing people's fortune she had to find something to keep herself occupied with aside for her collecting hobby, and so she took up sewing and knitting to make her own clothes).
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yeonban · 2 years
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Compliment sentence starters.
@goreburdened  asked: ’ i love your hair so much, it’s so pretty. ’ (melody @ shalnark!)
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Verdants glance down at his newest conversation partner & amid the initial confusion Shalnark is quick to put an identity to the unfamiliar face - one of Nostrade's bodyguards, or at least one of the people that have worked alongside the chain user during the troupe's time in Yorknew City - or in simpler terms, a potential threat depending on the intentions behind her current desire to chat.
The thought of an ambush surfaces mere seconds after the realization & Shalnark uses his peripherals to search for any signs of such, briefly wondering whether she knows of his identity as a spider or not, and, by extension, if this fateful meeting of theirs is merely an elaborated lie & an attempt at seeking revenge for the anguish her friend has suffered at the hands of the troupe in the past, or something else entirely ( his vague identity as a manipulator among the spiders isn't a secret, but even then only a select few know of the name & face of the manipulator they speak of; and so Shalnark wishes to know whether the lady in front of him is a part of these few or truly a naive stranger in a harmless situation ).
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Her eyes seem honest as they're looking up at him, all doe-eyed and tender for an allegedly complete stranger, and there isn't any shift in her features that warns him of deceit - she seems relaxed, too, and Shalnark supposes that unless she is either immensely confident in her abilities or wholly unafraid of death, logic dictates that she does not know of his identity, and so the blond abstains from revealing it to her ( there is no need to let this chance pass by, when he bears no ill-will towards her to begin with - he can think of far more to gain from playing along than from injuring or killing her where she stands simply because of her previous entourage, after all ). ❛ Thanks! You have a really nice voice. ❜ He ultimately replies in kind, voice sweet as honey & a smile that burns even brighter than the sun.
How funny fate could be, to not only force their paths to cross again, but to do so while one of the parties is blissfully unaware of the other's identity & offering him a compliment, no less ( he's grateful for it, his appearance meaning much considering the effort he continuously puts into it, but his amusement reigns supreme even over that ).
Still, Shalnark opts to continue the small talk instead of dropping the subject altogether - intent on learning whether her companion is in the vicinity as well, among any other important tidbits she may come to reveal to him if given enough time and prodding to. ❛ I don't come across people who offer others unprompted compliments very often, but I've got to say it's a pretty good feeling to receive one out of the blue like this. Do you do things like this often, or was this just a spur of the moment thing? ❜
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crusty-chronicles · 3 months
heey! Good morning/night! So I was thinking about how Kurapika, Feitan and Chrollo would react to their S/O seeking to annihilate all the members of their own family because they think their blood is cursed (in a headcanons form if possible), since whenever someone in their own family gets involved in something this thing It always ends with someone dead/hurt but like on a extreme way. That's why their S/O was so difficult to get close to, and like they are VERY strong, well even if you don't make that request I would like to praise your writing!! 💗💗 (I'm using a translator, so any mistakes I apologize)
Apologies, I don't write for any of the phantom troupe, buuuuuut I do write for Kurapika so these head cannons will be based around him. Thank you 💕
Kurapika With An S/O Who Hunts Down Their Family
Cold and calculated.
If you were to ask Kurapika what he thought of you, that's what he would say.
You were always so distant from everybody else. Finding solace in the quiet. Yet you were still very aware of your surroundings.
He'd met you formally as one of Neon’s bodyguards.
You were a blacklist hunter hired for extra help. Your specialty being claiming bounties.
Had he done the research back then, he would've seen that all your targets had one thing in common: they were all related.
But he didn't, and now he was left with the mystery of you.
Why were you here?
What did you gain by helping the Nostrade’s out?
Answers he wouldn't get for a long time.
Not until he'd caught Uvogin and dealt with him, did he learn about your motives.
He was doing his best to suppress his blood lust. Trying to calm himself down before he lashed out. He didn't even notice when you walked in.
Too lost in the feeling of the way blood coated his hands to process your presence.
“This is personal for you, isn't it?” You asked.
It was the first time he's ever heard your voice.
And it had him on edge.
Jumping back in surprise the second it hit his ears. He needed to be alone right now.
One wrong misstep and he'd hurt you.
But you didn't seem afraid. You didn't even acknowledge his disheveled appearance.
Instead taking a step closer.
“Maybe we could help each other out? My next target is someone who owns a pair of Scarlet Eyes.”
His eyes widened before narrowing in hostility. Immediately one of his chains had wrapped around you.
You didn't flinch.
“How do you know about that?” He questioned. His chain tightening around you.
What exactly did you know?
Were you working with someone?
Could you be apart of the troupe?
“You forgot to put your contacts in.”
You gestured towards his eyes.
How foolish of him to act so impulsively. He released you. Yet there was a nagging feeling telling him to continue interrogating you.
You knew about the Kurta clan, or at least what happened to it.
And you'd deduced from his reaction that he was connected to them in some way. His own eyes only confirmed it for you.
“I don't plan on being here for long. I'm leaving after the auction. I'll give you some time to think about my offer.” Your voice snapping him from his thoughts.
He already knew his answer, but what he wanted to know was-
“Why would you help me? How does me tagging along benefit you?”
He just couldn't wrap his head around it. What use could he possibly be of to you. Did you just want someone to get their hands dirty for you? Or would this be a true partnership?
“I lost my Hunter license years ago. I unfortunately don't have access to the information I need. And there's places I can't get to without a license,” you explained.
“So you want my license in exchange for information?”
“Not necessarily. I have no desire to keep it. It would just be nice to have some more tools at my disposal. You don't have to say yes. I could always give you the eyes when I'm done.”
No, he needed to be involved. He wouldn't forgive himself if he let someone else avenge his clan, even if it was unintentional.
Thus your partnership began.
You were still distant. Treating your alliance as purely business.
Kurapika didn't mind. It meant he wouldn't get attached to another person. He wouldn't have anyone else to worry about.
But…. there were times when you were warm.
When you allowed yourself to grin so brightly.
When you opened up ever so slightly.
And in those rare moments, he found himself wanting to be close.
When he'd gotten sick in York New, you were taking care of him alongside Leorio.
He remembers the feeling of your hand on his forehead. The coolness of your skin.
He remembers refusing medicine and only accepting when you asked him to.
‘It's for your own good, Kurapika. Please open up.’ your tone cooing.
And he remembers reaching for your hand in his sleep. Awakening blearily to you still grasping it.
In his mind, you were friends to some extent.
He'd looked after you too. The first pair of eyes you collected together, you'd gotten wounded badly by your target.
Bleeding out and yet for some reason, you were dead set on claiming the bounty.
Not stopping until they were dead at your feet. And only then had you collapsed.
He spent days watching over you. Making sure your wounds were clean and stitched up.
A part of him worried he'd lose you.
He couldn't help but scold you when you awoke.
‘Do you have any idea how bad your injuries were? How much blood you lost? Why? Why didn't you just stop?’
You didn't answer him.
Confused as to why he cared so much.
If you died, what did it matter to him?
Maybe a part of you realized your relationship had become more than surface level.
‘I’m sorry,’ you offered.
You were always more careful from then on.
And your trust in the blonde only seemed to grow.
He'd treat your wounds after fights, and you'd take care of his.
When he was overcome with emotion, eyes glowing with his anger, you'd find a way to calm him down. Watching as the red faded little by little.
You should've known something would go wrong.
Things never tended to last when your people were involved.
This target you were chasing was vastly different from your previous ones.
You tried to go it alone, but Kurapika insisted on helping you.
You should've said no.
Your target laid beneath your foot. Kurapika a few feet behind you.
You should've been quicker to end them
But you weren't. You'd had the misfortune of letting them identify you.
An expression of distaste on their features before they spoke.
“So you've finally found me? Some sibling you are.”
You'd immediately taken their life, but the damage had already been done.
“What did they mean by that?” Kurapika questioned. His tone accusing.
“It’s nothing.” You dismissed.
But you'd spent far too much time together for him to fall for it.
“Don't lie to me. All this time.. All this time you were hunting down your family?”
He stood in front of you now, eyes a bright scarlet.
“You don't understand-” You tried to explain.
“What is there to understand!?!” He snapped.
“They're murders!”
“They're your family!”
Did you have any idea what he would have given to spend one last moment with his family? And here you were justifying taking the lives of your own. it made his blood boil.
He trusted you.
“Only by blood. Don't you dare group me in with them!” you screamed.
You refused to be associated with those monsters.
You two stood in silence. You didn't know how to show him the things you'd seen. How to convey the exact opposite of what he was thinking.
He was hurt, that much you could tell.
“Kurapika, they're horrible evil people. Everywhere they go, there's a path of pain and destruction left behind. They're- they're cursed.” You were pleading with him to listen to you. Sounding desperate and crazy in the process.
But you were scared.
Scared of losing him.
“Does that make you cursed? If they're evil, then what does that make you.” He asked. His voice rising as he came closer to you.
“Am I going to end up hurt following you around? Are you gonna end up killing me?”
He was trying to make you see this wasn't the way. That you were going too far by doing this.
You wouldn't hurt him. He knew you wouldn't. If your bloodline was cursed with carnage, surely you would've demonstrated it by now.
“I don't know.” You answered honestly.
“But I have to stop them.” You met his fiery gaze with determination. You weren't backing down.
“You're not like them. Stop while you're ahead.”
Before your anger had consumed you.
“I can't. I thought you of all people would understand that.”
You want to walk past him, stopping when he grabbed your arm.
“Then we'll find another way to stop them.”
He was in too deep with you.
“We?” Your tone was skeptical.
“You still need me right? Justice will prevail. But you cannot stoop to their level to do it.”
Why was he still trying? Why couldn't he just let you go?
“Why do you want to help if what I'm doing goes against your morals.”
You looked up at him once more. The red becoming faded. You could see nothing but a yearning behind his eyes.
“Because you're important to me.”
And you could feel it. The subtle way your heart beat faster.
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cocogum · 3 years
Neon’s Power Disapearance Theory
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Many thanks to @anotherworldash and @thelegitnumbkid for this theory.
Without them I would’ve actually thought that Neon might’ve been done for.
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This is a Neon Nostrade Theory.
The theory in question focuses on her Nen disappearance.
So here we go!
In chapter 377, Chrollo opens his book and finds out that Neon’s nen ability disappeared. Upon this surprising discovery, he simply assumed that she must’ve died since any holder’s ability that perishes from his book would signify that they are no longer alive.
This event in itself was a really strange one since her ‘probable death’ just came out of nowhere.
Almost like it didn’t mean anything.
She wasn’t mentioned after that ever again.
Many people have tried searching and digging for some answers or clues as to find out what happened to Neon.
And they came with five conclusions:
Hisoka killed Neon
Kurapika killed Neon
Neon killed herself
The Nostrade Family became an easy target to be disposed of now that they have no reason to be relevant in the mafia world.
Light Nostrade killed Neon
So let’s debunk them one by one
1. Hisoka killed Neon
Some fans believe Neon might have been killed by Hisoka which is why her Nen ability disappeared from Chrollo’s book.
Reasons for believing this theory
Because Hisoka wishes to win against Chrollo (kill him), he would want to eliminate Neon since her ability is more of a cheat paper to Chrollo. So if the fortune showed that one of his troupe members died he won’t risk fighting Hisoka.
But there’s just one problem with this theory.
Hisoka doesn’t really care about the fortune at all.
He manipulated his fortune-telling result with his nen. We never once saw him being interested in killing Neon and we never saw him thinking about it either.
When the spiders learned that there was a traitor in the group thanks to Neon’s fortune-telling, Hisoka simply didn’t care.
Hisoka writing over his fortune shows that he can write over his future. There was also a panel where he acknowledges to Pakunoda that the future changed, and it was slightly different from the fortune. So he doesn't really believe in it since he knows he has the power to change his future.
2. Kurapika killed Neon
Reasons for believing this theory
Neon must’ve been so annoying to Kurapika that he killed her when her family was in her weakest state (I’m not making this up). He must’ve also killed her since she had one of his comrade’s eyes (even though they were fake ones made by Kortopi)
This theory doesn’t work.
For many reasons.
Kurapika has stated that he never killed anyone other than Uvogin.
When he retrieved more eyes from his dead comrades we can see this confirmation.
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So no he couldn’t have killed her since he never did it. He only coaxed and bribed collectors who were in the possession of kurta eyes.
Also, it wouldn’t be Kurapika’s way of doing things.
He doesn’t kill people because they’re annoying. He kills when he needs to especially when it comes to self-defence.
3. Neon killed herself
Reasons for believing this theory
After learning that her power was gone, Neon fell into a major depression that caused her to.... well not be in this world anymore.
This theory clearly doesn’t work and will never happen.
Neon was upset yes but she was more confused than anything else.
She just kept twirling her pencil over and over again to try and awaken it but nothing happened.
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4. The Nostrade Family became an easy target to be disposed of now that they have no reason to be relevant in the mafia world.
Reasons for believing this theory
This theory may just work since the Nostrade family was mainly known thanks to Neon’s ability.
Not to mention that it was said that the Ten Dons took a liking to her so the family must’ve had many good ways of guarding themselves.
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But now that her power disappeared, the mafia gangs might’ve learned the news and quickly killed them.
This theory was a great one but it doesn’t work either.
Right when we get reintroduced to Kurapika, we get a small panel underneath him explaining his current status.
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In Japanese however, it translates to “Nostrade’s Young Family Boss”.
He is NOT the leader of the Nostrade organization.
The panel is being very explicit about his status.
He is the head of the Nostrade family there is a huge difference between these two.
In Asian counterparts of the criminal organizations (such as the mafia), all work like family organizations.
This means they need a male heir to continue on the family business (much like how the Zoldycks work even if they’re professional assassins they still use that same technique)
This could as well be the criminal sub-culture of how the mafia in general functions.
And since the Nostrade family only has a daughter and not a son, they would need a male to continue on the family business.
So Kurapika married Neon.
Which means that the Nostrade family isn’t gone. It is perfectly alive and well.
So that theory couldn’t be true.
5. Light Nostrade killed Neon
Reasons for believing this theory:
When Light Nostrade (Neon’s father) learned that he got bankrupt, he might’ve gone crazy and blamed it all on Neon for having gone out with the Leader of the Spiders.
Because of Chrollo, he stole the one thing that the Nostrade family was known for: Neon’s incredible fortune-telling.
So Light must’ve murdered her out of rage because he blamed their bankruptcy on her.
This theory is seriously flawed.
For one, it was true that Light did freak out when they had no money but Kurapika reassured him that he’ll handle it.
Remember his status that I mentioned in number 4?
Kurapika became Nostrade’s young family boss which means he literally handled their financial slump. Kurapika also re-directed their business model to gambling and bodyguarding so there is absolutely no need for Light to go crazy since Kurapika took care of the financial issue for them already.
Also I’m pretty sure Kurapika would have noticed if Light went completely ballistic and killed his own daughter.
Kurapika was still her bodyguard back then so he would’ve confronted Light if something was wrong.
“Okay u-named just because the family still exists, doesn’t mean that Neon is. So what makes you think that she is alive?”
Great question.
Do you remember Kurapika’s new conjuration ability?
It’s called the Steal Chain.
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In short, this is what it’s used for:
”Shaped like a syringe, upon piercing the body of the target this chain drains their aura and steals one of their Nen abilities. While their aura is being drained, the target is forced into a state similar to Zetsu.”
Keep in mind that we have never seen this ability of his in the previous chapters and yet, suddenly, we just see him using it on one of the bodyguards of Queen Oito.
But was it really the first time that we witnessed its power?
The first appearance that we truly see it must’ve been when Chrollo opened his book to find that Neon’s ability was missing.
The Steal Chain comes from the Dolphin ability (the one that drains Kurapika’s life source).
Let’s take Shalnark as an example.
Shalnark’s ability disappeared from the book since he got killed by Hisoka. His aura was also related to his ability in Chrollo’s book.
So if Kurapika injects the syringe in Neon, which is meant to drain a person’s aura, her aura in her body will be halted as well as her ability in Chrollo’s book.
This means Chrollo’s Bandit Secret book will dictate Neon is dead since her aura halted.
Chrollo’s book only steals auras that have turned into abilities. He’ll base their deaths by only examining if their abilities are still in it.
And only in it.
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Neon is truly one of my favourite characters in Hunter x Hunter so as soon as I read her theory, I became hopeful and finally found a good theory that didn’t consist her getting bashed by herself or by someone else (like number 2, 3 and 5 of the theories I discussed about.)
This theory deserves to be spread around and be known as the fifth possibility for this mystery.
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track44--moved · 3 years
smth I do love abt hxh is how they introduce characters. Everyone has a memorable enough introduction if they say or do anything and it rly keeps u on ur toes abt who is important and who isn’t without going massively overboard with backstory
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