#The Neon Theory
kyosukeasatte · 4 months
Go forth, Tanuki and become a legend! You can (not) run and gain one now!
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styrofauxm · 5 months
I found out about box theory recently and I found it really neat.
But I don't find it useful personally. The imagery of the box and the idea that the box is individualized don't work for me at all.
So, I thought I would share my personal way of conceptualizing labels.
Essentially, you view all the LGBTQ+ labels as tools in a gigantic toolbox.
You can go through it and grab the tool you want to complete the project you are doing.
Two people may grab the exact same tool for projects that could not be more different.
Two people may grab completely different tools for exactly the same project.
And, of course, two people could grab exactly the same tools for exactly the same project.
And any variation/combination of any of those.
The important thing to remember is that there is no universally correct tool to use. Grab a hammer to unscrew a screw. Grab a screwdriver to remove a nail. Use a tape measure to etch a piece of art. Use 20 different tools for one task. Go wild. If it works best for you, it is the best tool for the job, even if other people would never use it that way. You're the one doing the job, so use the tool(s) that help you.
If someone criticizes the way that you are completing your own personal project, then they are just being annoying and pretentious.
Labels are just tools of self-description. Mix and match them. Use them in unconventional ways. If anyone cares, it doesn't matter, because the labels you use are for you, not them.
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prylc · 1 year
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For the glowy effect I just used the same colour of the light and bounce light and just used an airbrush over it ^^
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You ask, I deliver 👀👀✨ @an4mations
Remember that this is just my own personal take/discovery and that it might not be 100% accurate! I'm still learning after all ^^
For people new to art and might not know what the diff terms mean...
Hue -> Colour (basically the original colours like red, orange, etc.)
Value -> How dark or light something is
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morganrat · 1 year
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once my debit card comes in the mail ill be able to get money, and ill sell it on hoodies and tshirts and stuff on Teepublic hehehehe yea no not happening, sorry yall
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ikiprian · 7 months
Tim Drake’s got a history with cloning. So does Vlad Masters.
Tim is past his “cloning-deceased-best-friends-in-the-basement” phase. Really, he is. But back when he wasn’t, he’d had all sorts of research compiled, on every type of cloning tech ever recorded.
One company, VladCo, had negotiated itself an amount of Cadmus’ exclusive resources to study the interactions between cloned tissue and recently-discovered ectoplasm. The quasi-sentient abilities of ectoplasm, in theory, might help fill a host body with a real soul.
The contract Tim had dug up is frankly insane. VladCo is in no way beholden to share the results of its study, nor does it need to return any of the equipment, and VladCo’s relationship with Cadmus is under a strictly worded gag order. Nobody in their right mind would’ve signed it. Cadmus did, and aside from a few million dollars, Vlad Masters got his machines gratis.
And now, a couple years after the contract was signed, fulfilled, and buried away, VladCo has done a grand total of nothing with it.
The guy’s rich. And a genius. There’s no way all that tech’s been left to collect dust in storage with how aggressively it was acquired. Masters was going to do something with it, and it was going to be revolutionary. (Tim had actually planned to steal into VladCo for notes, before the thing with the Brain, and Cassie finding out, and the intervention that followed… yeah. He’s over it.)
It’s suspicious as all get out. Eventually, though, the whole Masters deal took a back burner to a crisis (followed by a crisis… followed by a crisis).
But now with Kon and Bart back, and a few less things on his plate, Tim thinks the responsible thing to do is finally head a classic Team investigation to Master’s Manor, Wisconsin.
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scenikeight · 2 years
What My Father Wanted was to Kill God: Reflecting on the cycle of Rebuild of Evangelion
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It's been two years now, since Evangelion 3.0+1.0 hit Japanese cinemas for the first time.
I think many of us chose to say goodbye to Eva on that day, too, leaving satisfied. I can't fault anyone for this. But there's a part of me that stings knowing that 3.0+1.0 has been left relatively un-combed-through in comparison to the other films, and I don't feel right leaving it this way. Today, I want to dissect "loop theory" - what it was before 3.0+1.0 came out, in what ways we missed the mark back then, and finally, what the resolution of 3.0+1.0 meant for the story. I want to understand what it meant to kill God.
This article was heavily inspired by "What was loop theory? Investigating the truth after Evangelion 3.0+1.0", by Japanese fan-channel Eva Fan. If you want to understand the meta angle of Rebuild better (i.e. "why does Rebuild even exist in the first place?"), please watch the NHK Professional documentary on Anno and the production of 3.0+1.0 (not "The Final Challenge of Evangelion" version on Amazon, although you should watch this one too because they're both great.) The meta of Rebuild is outside the scope of this article.
If you're already familiar with the basis of loop theory, you can probably skip this section and head to section 2. This is gonna be a lot of recap. I, for one, have never been a huge fan of the idea of "loop theory". This isn't to say that I've ever disagreed with the conclusion that Rebuild's world is stuck in a loop, more that I felt like painting it as a "theory" is seeding more ground to bad faith actors in the fandom than necessary. However, I'm using the term here to refer generally to different theories about the loops, namely those regarding Kaworu and potential connections with End of Eva. Now that all of the disclaimers are out of the way... ESTABLISHING OUR BASES, PART 1: THE MESSENGER
From the moment he's introduced, Kaworu's entire purpose in the first two films seems to be establishing the loop to the audience. His familiarity with previous versions of Shinji is front and centre in the very first line he speaks.
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Some relevant lines from Kaworu in 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0. Full sized image here.
While at this stage, we lack information on how much Kaworu knows, we are at least aware of his knowledge of previous iterations of the Eva world in that first line there: "The Third one again". This is compounded at the very end of 2.0, in which he declares that "this time" (as opposed to previous times, presumably failed attempts), he will make Shinji happy. In 3.0, there's a moment in which he seems to confirm to himself his musing in NGE of having been "born to meet" Shinji (notice the lack of のかもしれない "probably"), and following some more ambiguous lines we'll skip over, at the end of a long speech about parts of ourselves remaining in the world even after we're gone, he suggests he and Shinji will see each other again just before he dies.
These lines lead some fans to believe that the loops were in some way or another, under Kaworu's control. This iteration of loop theory suggested that the loops exist so that Kaworu, who remembers the events of NGE, can achieve his goal of "making Shinji happy".
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Non-exhaustive chart of potential connections between Rebuild and NGE/EOE, compiled by users on /a/ board in 2011. Full sized image here.
There are several environmental aspects of Rebuild's world that seemed to suggest a connection to The End of Evangelion, most obvious amongst these being the red sea. As Kaji explains in 2.0, the seas were blue prior to Second Impact. Flashbacks to this event reveal that it bore slightly more in common with EOE's Third Impact than NGE's Second; note the presence of the Black Moon in the comparison above. Early on in 1.0, there's a shot that shows cross-shaped white outlines in the red sea, that appear to be remnants of EOE's crucified mass production units. The moon in Rebuild also has a large, red streak on its surface, that could be the bloodstain that was left there by Lilith in EOE. Additionally, Shinji's SDAT in NGE always looped the same two songs, shown under the track numbers 25 and 26. In Rebuild, Shinji's SDAT's track number begins at 27, and goes up from there (it seems to represent the relationships he forms with other people). Some iterations of loop theory suggested that Rebuild was set directly after End of Eva, and that the events of Second Impact as remembered by the cast were actually EOE's Third Impact. Additionally, though its relevance to any canonical NGE content is tenuous (tenuous, but not irrelevant when it comes to Rebuild; see the bonus chapter), Sadamoto's NGE manga also ends with a kind of timeloop.
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From the epilogue chapter of Yoshiyuki Sadamoto's Neon Genesis Evangelion manga. Full sized image here. After Instrumentality, the epilogue flashes forward to a long time in the future, where the crucified Evas are seen as some kind of relic from an unknown time. We see Shinji, Asuka and Kensuke reincarnated, and Shinji and Asuka meet for the first time, with some sense that they've seen each other before.
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Full sized image here. This ending could be seen as an explanation of sorts of what's going on in Rebuild; the characters have been reincarnated a long time after the fact, while elements of the old world remain as part of the environment.
It should go without saying that, even at the time, these particular conclusions had holes in them. (This is to say nothing of the hundreds of other iterations of loop theory; if we went through every whacky headcanon explanation people posted on Reddit under the guise of it being any kind of genuine theorization, we'd be here all day)
Sequel Theory, especially past 3.0, required you to ignore contradictory information being presented in the same scenes the evidence being drawn on was. The comparison image I included earlier (it pre-dates 3.0's release, but was certainly spread around long after the fact) suggests that the Four Adams as they appear in 2.0's flashback could have been the Mass Production Evas (of which there are 8, not 4!). Two of the lines from Kaworu it included also don't support this line of reasoning; both "This time..." and "You don't change" imply multiple previous loops, not a singular. And while we haven't mentioned them so far, the coffin he emerges from in 1.0 being one of several was also something people were aware of back then. Speaking of Kaworu - Shinji's Happiness Theory doesn't seem to line up with the way he goes out in NGE, either. He asks Shinji to kill him with the goal of achieving true freedom; it doesn't seem like he's looking for a next time, but rather an ending, away from his destiny as an angel. It doesn't really follow that Rebuild's loops would be a journey he'd set himself on willingly, rather a circumstance he's put into by some other force.
3.0+1.0 responds to the foreshadowing of previous entries in a way that's kind of inconclusive, on its face. I'm going to save the potential answers for the next section; for now, let's just go over the information we did get, including some things you may have missed. PAYOFF, PART 1: OUT IN THE OPEN
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Kaworu describes Gendo as being the origin of the cycle. Full sized image here.
Our first piece of confirmation, and first in-universe mention of the loops (or "cycle"/"circle"), is this line. "Gendo was the center of Instrumentality this time", the "this time" implying there have been other Instrumentalities with other person/s at the center. "Origin of the cycle" may indicate that Gendo is in control of the loops as a whole, or it may instead indicate that different people start them, perhaps through Instrumentality.
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Asuka wakes up on the beach. Full sized image here.
After coming to terms with her feelings, Asuka "wakes up" in the same spot she was lying at the end of EOE, wondering if she was asleep. This is still in the anti-universe, but as was established by Gendo earlier on in the film, the Evangelion Imaginary and the anti-universe as a whole manifest as parts of one's memory. Asuka is our POV character for this section with her, so she must recall having been here. Maybe you could interpret "was I asleep?" as Soryu, specifically, having woken up.
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Selections from Kaworu's Instrumentality. Full sized image here.
Anything that focused on Kaworu here was always going to be the juiciest in relation to the loops, but it's surprisingly upfront even then: There have been multiple previous loops, and Kaworu is not in control of them, he just continues to exist without agency over them like all of the other key players do. (That's both of our aforementioned Theories disproven in one scene!)
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Kaworu introduces the "Book of Life", Kaji clarifies the details. Full sized image here.
We're also introduced to a new concept here, the "Book of Life". There's very limited information on what this does, but at least Kaji is here to fill in some details Kaworu conveniently leaves out, as he likes to do (that, if nothing else, Shinji and him meeting over and over again is something Kaworu has power over.)
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Rei and Shinji discuss the birth of a new world. Full sized image here. Most of Rei's instrumentality scene exists to wrap up the other aspect of Rebuild's narrative we're not talking about here, so I'll skip past all of that to this: with Unit-01 and the Spear of Gaius, Shinji is capable of creating a new world, through a power known as Neon Genesis. It may be worth noting that Shinji has to clarify that he isn't going to rewind time or revert the world, just create a new one on top of the existing. This may establish a precedent for characters in control of Instrumentality being able to do both of those things.
PAYOFF, PART 2: A CLOSER LOOK NGE has a LOT of references to the years its set in. Even beyond the on-screen text, there's plenty of instances of plaques and other signs with the 2015 date on them. Rebuild, however...
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Yui's grave as it appears in 2.0. Full sized image here. The only time we ever see a date in the first three films is here, on Yui's gravestone in 2.0. It's partially obscured by flowers, and may appear at first to read the same as her NGE grave did. On closer inspection, though, you can clearly see there's a 0 in front of 2004.
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This could be what the gravestone has written on it. Full sized image here. One time could mean anything, but it becomes a pattern when we see more dates in 3.0+1.0...
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The manufacture information on the railway track turntable in Village-3. Full sized image here.
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The plaque on the AAA Wunder. Full sized image here.
Looking at that date given on the railway turntable, the earliest date 3.0+1.0 could take place is the year 12001. This, combined with the physical evidence present in the first two films, seems to imply that Rebuild follows the same rules established in the Sadamoto manga, that the loop isn't necessarily a reset of the world, but rather a continuous stream of time in which the characters are reincarnated. It makes sense Sadamoto would use this as the basis for his ending, too - he worked on the first two films, and the Mari bonus chapter clearly demonstrates that certain aspects of Rebuild were solidified during their production. Furthermore, the scene in which Shinji asks Gendo what he wishes for has more visual references to EOE than you might think...
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Gendo grasps his right arm, as if he remembers the time he lost it. Full sized image here. The arm thing is obvious, and the line he says there could be about EOE, but you might notice something else in that image on the left there. There's a picture of Shinji in the background. That image comes from one of the flashing sequences in EOE's Third Impact, in fact, the entire sequence is overlaid on top of that shot of Gendo.
This shot in 3.0+1.0 versus the same sequence in EOE. The encode of 3+1 I was using was dropping frames here, so I had to cut some of it out. Video mirror here.
By the way, adult Asuka's official name, as used in every piece of merchandising she's been in so far, is just "Asuka Langley", not "Asuka Langley Shikinami" or "Asuka Langley Soryu".
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Good Smile Company's "1/7 Scale Figure: Asuka Langley". She has a fair few figures, all of them with this name. Other merchandise never calls regular Asuka this. Full sized image here.
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Rei holds a doll of Tsubame. Full sized image here.
The same thing ends up happening with Rei in-universe. The version of her with long hair is clearly Rei from 2.0, who has been inside the entry plug this whole time, but when we see her on the stage, she's holding a baby doll. It has Tsubame (Hikari and Toji's daughter)'s name written on it. It seems to follow that different versions of the same character end up re-joining into one during instrumentality, be that cross-loop like Soryu and Shikinami, or in-loop, like Rei and Sokkuri (Lookalike). This would appear to go beyond just regaining memories of previous loops, as Rei and Sokkuri existed in the same loop independently of one another.
And now, to get into the real meat of the issue. ...Whose doing was this, exactly?
Here's the thing: Kaworu, we can already rule out. We know it wasn't him. The next most likely candidate you might think of is Gendo, but... is he, really? Because Gendo died in EOE (perhaps not physically, but regardless), killed by Yui, but ultimately of his own volition. He had come to terms with himself when he died. He doesn't seem like someone who would have still had unfinished business. Then, what of Shinji? Well, I think it's the same deal with him, too. Shinji might not have found his place in life at the end of EOE, but he also doesn't seem like he was clamoring to start over, after all of that. In their video, "What was loop theory? Investigating the truth after Evangelion 3.0+1.0", Japanese Eva fan, Eva Fan (lol), of Minna no Eva Fan fame, gives us a different answer:
It was Yui.
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Yui entered the Eva experiment for Shinji's sake. Full sized image here.
Yui's motives in NGE may have been left mostly up to the audiences' interpretation, but I don't think there's any doubt she loved her son more than anything.
As Unit-01, she becomes God at the end of EOE, accepting the burden of being the eternal proof of mankind's existence. She leaves Shinji behind, knowing that he still hasn't found his place in life.
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Yui leaves Shinji as he comes into his own. Full sized image here.
The end point of the loops and emergence into the new world: Shinji makes the decision to create a world that doesn't need the Eva. Shinji and Yui, previously one being, separate. Shinji breaks the curse of the Eva, becoming an adult, and now away from his mother, emerges into the real world.
As explained by Gendo, the anti-universe, the end point of Rebuild's story, is also the beginning, and somewhere Yui, at one point, resided.
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The beginning and the end are one in the same. Full sized image here. The anti-universe is "the one and only place fate may be bent to one's will". Shinji, in his parting words to Yui in EOE, tells her he thinks he'll keep making the same mistakes over and over. To quote Hideaki Anno: Eva is a story that repeats. In the aforementioned Eva Fan video, they suggest that the anti-universe may in fact be the world of NGE (perhaps, the world inside of Unit-01). Yui creates a new world through Neon Genesis, one which resembles the old, to tell the story of Shinji anew. To give him another chance to grow. For as long as Eva is Shinji's story, it is Yui's; her goal was to bring Shinji a bright future, after all. The act of piloting the Eva sees the child return to the place they resided before birth; back into the comfort of their mother's womb. In Rebuild, the “mother” seems to become all but irrelevant - Yui Ayanami may reside inside Unit-01 but this is never touched on in the same way; Asuka’s mother doesn’t seem to even exist, and her original seems to reside inside Unit-13. The existence or non-existence of a mother’s soul inside of an Eva dictates nothing about who can synchronize with it (see: Unit-02, Unit-08, Unit-13, etc). However, taking a step back, it’s almost as if the reason why the presence of the “mother” is missing from the material world of Rebuild is because the entire series takes place within the world the mother created. If Shinji entering the cockpit of an Eva unit in NGE is returning to the womb, then what is Shinji doing by existing in the world of Rebuild?
In deciding to create a world that doesn't need the Eva, Shinji is accepting life without his mother. The parting of mother and son represents the break in the loop. He emerges into the new world, reborn as an adult.
Rebuild’s Yui’s name isn’t Yui Ikari (at least, her maiden name isn’t) - It’s Yui Ayanami. In NGE, Gendo took her surname when they married. In Rebuild, Gendo already had the surname Ikari, and Yui Ayanami took his.
I think fans have been generally puzzled by the purpose of this change, but this interpretation - that Yui Ikari from NGE is the heart of the loop, the God that created the world and the God that Gendo would kill at the end of 3.0+1.0 - would seem to explain why this is the case. She’s Yui Ayanami because she’s a copy - like Rei is - of the original Yui. A Yui created by Yui Ikari. This also may explain why the date on Yui's grave says "02004" - after all, it's the grave of Yui Ikari, not the grave of Yui Ayanami.
Rei of NGE is more than just a clone of Yui, she also holds a piece of Yui’s soul (in the form of emotional memory), while Yui herself resides in Unit-01. Therefore, it stands to reason that Yui Ayanami is not really an individual, but rather someone who holds a piece of Yui Ikari’s soul - I think even more so than Rei (who undeniably is an individual). Yui Ayanami may function as a kind of messenger for Yui Ikari, who holds the knowledge she has and steers the story in the direction it needs to go. There are many players in Rebuild who are more like symbols than characters, and I think this is a huge part of why Yui Ayanami is not a character like Yui Ikari was.
For the sake of brevity, I’m going to use “Yui Ikari�� to refer to Original Yui, and “Yui Ayanami” to refer to Rebuild Yui, unless stated otherwise, for the remainder of this post.
Kaworu himself wasn't brought into Instrumentality in EOE directly. Rather, the fetus of Adam was, through Rei intaking Gendo's hand. If souls like Rei and Sokkuri are capable of rejoining into one in Instrumentality, I wonder if the presence of Kaworu in Instrumentality can be explained by his soul rejoining with that of the Adam fetus. He definitely appears as Adam there, the same way Rei is Lilith. Which brings us to this:
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Shinji and Gendo upon seeing familiar souls: "Were you there the whole time?". Full sized image here.
Gendo offers Shinji the apology he never got to hear in EOE, and then realizes: Yui's soul was residing in Shinji. Instrumentality likely reconciled the souls of Yui Ayanami (the individual who became Unit-01 in this timeline) and Yui Ikari (the soul who lived on as God, and in her son), the same way it may have reconciled Kaworu and Adam's.
For as long as Yui's soul resided in Unit-01, and in Shinji, her story was not over. For as long as Shinji was stuck in his loop of making the same mistakes over and over, Eva's story was not over. For as long as the Eva exists, Yui will, and End of Eva leaves Yui there, in space, as the eternal proof mankind existed at all.
If 3.0+1.0 says "goodbye to all of Evangelion", it must be the end of Yui Ikari's story, too.
The Japanese title of Evangelion 3.0+1.0: Thrice Upon A Time is シン・エヴァンゲリオン劇場版𝄇, (Romaji: Shin Evangerion Gekijouban𝄇, English: Shin* Evangelion Theatrical Edition𝄇”).
There are three points of interest in this title:
Shin - The use of “Shin” here falls in line with the titles of Hideaki Anno’s other recent films: Shin Godzilla, Shin Ultraman, and the upcoming Shin Kamen Rider. While I’m not really the best person to explain this as I’m not really familiar with the source material, the other Shin films are based pretty heavily on earlier works in their respective franchises (I believe both Shin Godzilla and Shin Ultraman have sequences that are recreations of scenes from the original movie/series). Shin Eva also, obviously, does the same thing with NGE and EOE scenes. *According to an interview with producer Akihiro Yamauchi on Shin Godzilla, the title of “Shin” was chosen for the film due to the variety of meanings it conveys. In all four titles, it is written ambiguously, and could be read as “new”, “true”, or “God”, amongst other things.
Evangelion - NGE’s title and Rebuild’s title are actually spelled differently. エヴァンゲリオン is the spelling of Evangelion used in NGE, ヱヴァンゲリヲン is the spelling used in Rebuild’s title (not the in-universe machines, for the record). They’re pronounced the same way, but Rebuild’s spelling uses characters that are a little archaic (if you want to get technical, it could be romanized as “Wevangeriwon”; note the use of “wo” instead of “o” just like in Kaworu’s name, and you probably get it.) Shin Evangelion uses the NGE spelling, not the Rebuild spelling, which makes it sound like “Shin Neon Genesis Evangelion Movies”, not “Fourth Entry in the Rebuild Franchise” (in fact, “Evangelion Gekijouban” comes from Death and Rebirth/End of Eva’s Japanese names). Earlier posters for this film in English gave it the NGE font rather than a Rebuild style logo, which pretty accurately represents how this looks.
The symbol at the end - The symbol at the end of the title, is a symbol that’s used in sheet music. This could be read two ways - “Shin Evangelion Gekijouban: End”, or “Shin Evangelion Gekijouban Repeat”; If you assume 𝄇 is one symbol, then it’s a “repeat” sign (tells the player to repeat a section of the sheet music). If you assume it’s a colon and then a subtitle, then it’s an “end” sign (𝄂, signifies the end of the piece.)
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Full sized image here. Gendo's goal in NGE and Rebuild is the same: To be reunited with Yui. In Rebuild, he will become God through the use of the Key of Nebuchadnezzar and trigger the Additional Impact with himself at the center, so he can see her again in Instrumentality. But there's a second aspect to this plan... Killing God.
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Gendo lays out his intentions. Full sized image here.
I think it would be naïve of me to suggest that Gendo had any intention of ending things when he said this. These lines obviously pertain to something else (I think all of this is covered in the process of beginning the Additional Impact anyway), and it's made clear that he goes into Instrumentality as stubbornly as he always is. He fully intended to destroy all of the spears, so nobody would have any way of manipulating or ending Instrumentality, so he could live peacefully with Yui for the rest of time.
Whatever it might have meant there... "Killing God" takes on a completely different meaning by the end of the film. Yui Ikari is an existence that will live on indefinitely; someone who will never die, even long after humanity is gone. In becoming Unit-01, she alone will wait in the universe forever. She once resided in the anti-universe; the Promised Land, the one and only place fate may be bent to one's will; she created the world of Rebuild of Evangelion, the beginning of everything. Yui did all of this to give her son a better life. To let him try over and over again until he broke the curse of the Eva, and emerged into a brighter future.
She, Unit-01, Evangelion as a whole, could not rest until Shinji grew into his own. Gendo comes to the conclusion during Instrumentality, after bleeding his heart out to his son, that he isn't any closer to reuniting with her.
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Full sized image here.
But after acknowledging Shinji's adulthood, accepting his own fragility, and resolving their story...
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Full sized image here.
...He realizes she was right in front of him this whole time.
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With this, Gendo exits the train - the same train his story began, the train station he abandoned Shinji at all of those years ago - his story is over. He no longer seeks eternal life with Yui. As Shinji breaks his own curse of Eva and is reborn out of the comfort of his mother's world, and into a world of his own creation, he says goodbye to all Evangelion.
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Full sized image here. Gendo, in peace at the end of his own long journey, is willing to let Yui sleep. And so, he kills God.
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Full sized image here.
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lycancrow · 7 months
thoughts/theory about The Neon Void >:)))
spoilers for ch. 21
void’s fighting style mimics that of the krang in it’s mech. this makes sense, as he doesn’t have his swords, and the parasite likely affects his instincts.
void not fighting using swords was a very good choice imo, as his family would most definitely have recognized him by the way he fought.
even when he gets his sword back, he doesn’t get the chance to fight while using it. instead, he slashes open a portal, and then subsequently spends the rest of the fight trying to close it.
i feel like this fact really adds to the identity reveal and the distinction between void and leo: he tries to fight as void while using leo’s sword. this dissonance is physically manifested as a veritable black hole of a portal; a void.
and if he doesn’t close it, get rid of the void, his family will die. he has to act as leo in order to do this.
if that ain’t foreshadowing, idk what is.
i suspect that, in some way, his actions as void (possibly due to the crazed state that we last saw him in) will again put his family in danger. whether the danger is the krang or something else, idk.
in order to save them, he’ll have to save himself first; he’ll need to banish the void back to where it came from.
however, void is his coping mechanism. as long as he is void, he doesn’t have to process all of that trauma. leo, in his own words, is weak. a waste of space. i suspect that it’ll be a hard battle to get him to accept that he has to go back.
what’s more important to him? his family: the people he survived 5 years in hell for? or, his own self destruction: the thing that comforted him in that darkness. the thing that keeps him from falling apart?
anyways, this is just a theory. A GAME THEORY !!
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Just a wild (literally) shower thought, but we never knew Walter's/Escaped's mother's name. What if, bear with me here, his mom is Paloma?
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cannotandwillnotrest · 2 months
It is mildly concerning how desperately I want to be able to pull off Abed's sense of style. Like graphic tee (sometimes plain) with a random cardigan slash flannel slash zip up hoodie and pants that I honestly cannot identify the material of? Sign me up
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ancientevangelions · 1 month
End of Evangelion: Lilith
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nebsis · 3 months
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Messing with colours
with the fella!! The dude!! The Oblivion
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sp00ky9 · 3 months
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You cannot tell me they are not somehow related
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becauseimanicequeen · 4 months
Hello! I need your thoughts on Wandee Goodday! In ep 1 I remember Dee mentioning that Ter helped him decorate his whole apartment & pick out his furniture. Thoughts on what that means with all the suggestive neon lights? Did ter pick those??
Hi, Anon.
Interesting question.
If I remember correctly, Dee said that Ter helped him pick out every piece of furniture. So, you're right about that. I can't remember the decorating thing, though.
Let me be a bit nit-picky before I get into the interesting stuff... Lamps aren't really included in the furniture category (lamps are more details/decor/embellishment). Furniture are things like sofas, tables, beds, etc. The bigger, moveable things that make a space more liveable.
However, this might've been a subbing thing, and what Dee said in Thai might've meant all of it.
In other words, I have no idea if Ter picked out those neon lights.
Maybe he did. Maybe he didn't. We might never find out. I can only speculate at this point.
So, speculation time it is!
If Ter suggested that Dee should buy the neon lights Dee's condo is so beautifully decorated with (imo), he might've chosen this sign...
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To influence Dee to be less "vanilla" and more to his own taste (because no matter what Ter says, he definitely feels something for Dee, I just don't know what that is, yet). And if Ter did pick out this sign for that reason, he definitely wanted it to be placed above Dee's bed, and that just makes me loathe the douche even more (lol).
Could it be that he secretly likes Dee and, therefore, chose this pink sign (since pink symbolizes love)? Sure.
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In other words, if Ter picked out those two specific neon signs, it might be a sign of his affection towards Dee (but possibly also manipulation if he tried/is trying to get Dee to change).
(Let me nerd out about color and their symbolism for a moment... The sign above Dee's bed is purple, which we all know is a mix of blue and red. Blue is sometimes associated with manipulation while red is sometimes associated with strength/dominance, which sounds like Ter and his audacity to ask Dee to let him have the scholarship. So, if Ter picked out that sign for that reason... The douche! However, blue is also associated with trust while red is associated with passion, which sounds more like Dee and Yak's developing relationship, right? So, if Ter picked out those lights to be a manipulating douche, I'm glad it's backfiring on his ass.)
Also, if Ter did pick out every piece of home decor in Dee's condo (furniture and everything else), I feel like things will start to disappear/be replaced the less Dee is hooked on Ter and the more he starts to feel things for Yak. Sort of like cleaning out your ex-lover's shit if the relationship ended on bad terms (which Dee's crush on Ter definitely did). So we might start to see what home decor were Ter's choices before we're told what his choices were (if we're ever specifically told beyond Dee's comment in the 1st ep).
Right now (we're still only 3 eps into the series, so it's still early on) the neon lights haven't disappeared. They've slightly changed color, at least in the bedroom, but that has more to do with Yak than Ter.
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Just like the addition of that small yellow light (representing Yak) in front of the TV, which wasn't there before.
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And the fact that Yak helped Dee fix that yellowish light that was blinking before.
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And that more yellow light appeared at the end of the 3rd ep after Yak agreed to the fake boyfriend relationship.
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I don't know if this really answered your question, or if my ramble made any sense. But it was fun to ramble about color for a bit.
Thank you for your ask.
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birder-of-remnant · 4 months
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Roman served his purpose wonderfully and bowed out at a good time, considering how little relevance he would have had after v3 (plus, I love the ironic and symbolic way he got knocked off). If by some weird decision he had been crammed in v4, all I can imagine is Roman and Neo following RNGR around Anima in a hot air balloon, interrupting the storyline at random times to steal Zwei after performing a dramatic 'duet' XD
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Yeah, I know the backgrounds on the two pictures are different. I also should have put Zwei in the photo too but I got lazy (and yes I know he was with Tai, but still). Side note 2: Imagine Nora as a Pikachu (or tinkaton) trainer!
You gotta admit, Zwei may not seem like he has much in common with Pikachu, but they are both in the top 1% of their species. With that OP god-among-corgis on their side, they would be unstoppable.
My original version. I hate this one so much
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Bad Ending
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justrandompolls · 4 months
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