#I fully support this theory omg!!!!
CME 17x06 Reaction/Spoilers Pt. 2 (The Jemily Ep)
Had to split into a second part lol. The first part is here. (thanks once again @blackbirdsaltzman!)
JJ not wanting Emily to quit :(
Luke speaking Spanish! Luke speaking Spanish! I called it for this season!
Omg Luke saying he still loves Penelope 😭😭😭
"Dating a coworker is a bad idea" omg
Rossi and Voit again
Video games? Hmm
Quest games?
Idk a lot of shit about conspiracy theories but do video games really help structure them?
Jade and Damien are searching for clues...
Voit's so done with him haha
"North Star is where it all starts"
"when you're lost and desperate and on a quest. all you want is something to connect the dots."
Jade and Damien might want to blame this North Star
Stuart House possibly was used to create serial killers... huh.
I mean, he's not wrong. A profile is an educated guess.
Yoo wtf Gasper
Back at the Stuart House
Dang Tyler
Luke and Tyler about movies! Omg I might actually like this beginning of a possibly beautiful friendship lol
"Hoo-ah!" Luke my boy! They're totally going to have movie marathons together now after that case hahahaha
Jemily scene #4 🥰😭👀🥺 (I have so many thoughts on this that it deserves a completely separate post)
I fucking called it! Chopsticks is now a jemily thing!!
Omg wait
Jemily is now officially cheetobreath stoner X salt and vinegar chip stoner (+chopsticks as their child 🥰)!!!
JJ's still so far gone lol "These are brilliant" as she's playing with her chopsticks
"All those years with cheesy fingers?" and the little mind-blown🤯 is so cute. JJ learning it from Emily now ahhh
"Shit. What was I talking about?" JJ swearing again yesss hahaha
"Gideon, Hotch, what do they have in common?" They're all men. Oh. That works too.
"They left. The two of us, we were kicked out." I honestly thought JJ was going to say "fucking kicked out" here ngl
"we're still here, Emily. We are stronger than anyone gives us credit for" oh 🥺
JJ finally getting fed up with Emily saying she'll quit. She doesn't want Emily to quit 🥺
"I didn't quit on you in Paris." Paris mention! Also ouch.
"You didn't quit on me after my miscarriage" "Oh, god damn it" Double ouch!! And JJ's voice shaking when she says it omg 😭😭
So Emily canonically knows about JJ's miscarriage then. I got a little one shot if you want to read it hehe (may be another on the way...)
"This job takes a lot, but you know what it gives? It gives me... y-you" oh FUCK 😭😭😭 my heart!!
Shipping or not, this is such a powerful moment for JJ and Emily. And this whole scene was definitely also a huge fuck you to CBS and a nod to what AJ and Paget went through in season 6 behind the scenes with the network. I highly recommend listening to AJ and Paget's podcast eps in Michael Kahan's "Funny in Failure" on youtube or anywhere you listen to podcasts on.
And yes, I got a whole lotta thoughts behind this scene.
"I'll support you, I will. Always." Omg JJ 😭😭😭
The way JJ looks at Emily before looking away and starting to cry aaaahhh 😭 and Emily looking at JJ 🥺 god I love this ship so much!! You can never take away their relationship and special connection from me or JJ or Emily, no matter how hard you try!
"Oh shit, it's Rossi" another shit from JJ haha
Emily deciding she'll stay bc of JJ. For JJ's sake 🥺 fuuuuuck I love them so goddamn much
“Grab your keys, let’s fucking roll” ok love JJ and Emily swearing in the same scene hahaha
JJ's "yes!" hahaha she's like "I knew it would work"
"I can't- I can't drive" lol "Rideshare?" There's a missing scene in the rideshare car ride huh?
Omg not the howl 😭
I seriously feel like they're trying to set Luke and Teresa up
Lol not JJ chugging down water 😭😭 she's still out of it
Also girly how are you fully standing right now??
JJ trying to focus but she's still "wooo" like she was trying to focus on the papers in Emily's hands
Not her shaking it off when Emily hands them to her omg. AJ thank you for that
So Gideon and Rossi were working on drafts for this assignment of the study of serial killers, a hypothetical scenario
Isolation in worse conditions.... controlled and directed?
But who would else would know about Gold Star?
"North Star is us, the BAU."
Oof the last shot of the team (and Tyler ig) being a "star" around the roundtable ooooh
And that's it! Also request to have more high/stoned jemily content for future seasons??
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lemotmo · 5 months
I’m a little worried everyone is putting to much… pressure? On tomorrow’s episode. Everyone is coming up with a lot of theories (not bad ones mind you) about what’s gonna happen and it’s why there aren’t any stills etc but they seem to be confusing episodes… like they are using the Diaz parents and the podcast interview and stuff in their theories but forgetting the Diaz parents in the birthday video we saw was from them filming episode 9/ possibly 10. Not tomorrow’s episode. And same with the podcast for Ryan. They are using that as a omg he’s coming out in tomorrow episode! But The host Tommy even said it’s for a future episode of his podcast, and he held onto the one with Oliver for a month before releasing it which would more likely support for around episode 9 or after the finale episode for season 7.
Hi Nonny! How are you? I hope you're having a great day/evening/night!
I see your concern and I fully understand where it comes from.
The fact that we have seen next to nothing from tomorrow's episode is hyping up the excitement, I know. And in a way we should try to contain it so we won't get disappointed again, I get it. But at the same time, I'm like... throw all the crazy theories out there. I feel like the Buddie fandom needs a break from the dumpster fire that I shall not name by name, but you all know what I'm talking about. So, we're just throwing out random theories and speculations to have some fun in fandom and some excitement. We need this.
Also, we are finally getting some Eddie content. I haven't a clue what his storyline will entail or how it will go, but I think we all desperately wanted some Eddie-centric storylines in our lives. There is also the chance that we'll see some things from Eddie's POV in the episode and that will be very interesting indeed. I'm not going to lie, I hope we'll get some insight in his inner workings and thoughts about Buck. But you know, I'm also trying to be realistic. Still, what if? And it's more than okay for the fandom to go with that for a while. Again, we need a break from the madness and this is our chance for that break, since we'll get two weeks of peace from the craziness.
I think that most people know by now that the Diaz parents aren't in tomorrow's episode, but in one of the later episodes. So, I think most of us are just speculating about how Eddie's storyline will progress in season 7 and what his parents have to do with it. Hopefully it will lead to them talking about the will. That would be a juicy dramatic storyline to watch.
Most of us are just excited for the Ryan podcast because of the beautiful unhinged Buddie things he always talks about. We do take it as proof that something Buddie is cooking, but not a lot of people expect major breakthroughs tomorrow. But hey... if there is a major breakthrough with Eddie's character? I'm all for it.
So yeah, bottom line, I get it. I understand your concern. But we all need something positive right now and these are the happy things we cling to. I'm guilty of that as well. And you never know, maybe we will get something really important in tomorrow's episode, or maybe even just small crumbs. It's all good.
I still firmly believe that Buddie is in the works. It's all too deliberate. But it'll take some time to get there. Or maybe not and we'll arrive at destination Buddie endgame sooner than we thought. Who knows? All is possible on 911.
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a lot of us been telling yall Shawn was a father by some girl a couple years ago. Him and his team pay the girl off to keep her quiet, so he doesn’t have to worry about it, but can visit the child when he wants. //
Brother, that doesn't make sense, because if it were true, it would take away his gay reputation once and for all, so his team would never hide it, omg don't be delusional
That would have been a good opportunity, but there is one issue that they have left out. We do not know exactly if he is completely gay or bisexual or if at that party where they say what happened with him and that girl happened, he was in his right mind. When you are not in your right mind, accidents happen whether you are gay, bisexual, heterosexual or a fairy godmother.
Personally, I don't fully believe in such a son or daughter or that they exist, but it would fit with my theory about Shawn's foundation being related to Universal. It was always very curious to me that a for-profit foundation appeared in his name at the same time that rumors surfaced that he may have had a son or daughter from an accident at one of his parties.
I've known about the rumor since 2018, which was the year the Showmila circus was started. That year there were also many rumors about Camila being pregnant with Matthew Hussey and Camila later denied those rumors in an Instagram post where she was promoting the song Anyone and she was leaning against an orange wall with her hand on her belly.
If we take that detail into account, plus everything that happened during the years that the Showmila circus lasted, it makes a little sense that they came out with the idea that he and Camila were going to have a child that they "lost."
As for the foundation, it makes sense to me that it appeared to help pay for the support of that supposed baby. For that, or even to pay for the circus itself because we know that Showmila was financed by his team.
Only they know the truth, whether it's true or not is their problem, in this case Shawn and his team, but I still wonder if the baby thing was ever real for Camila and Lauren.
That is a topic that has always been on my mind since 2018-2019 after seeing Lauren talking in her videos about motherhood and being a mom.
Another thing we will never know, but I am sure that both of them would be great mothers.
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m1ssunderstanding · 4 months
I honestly think most of you hate rich people because you're envious
omg you're right!! How have I never seen it this way before?!?! Yeah I am so envious. I wish I could buy politicians and laws and wars that will burn the planet and end innocent lives! Or at least let me sit on a yacht and watch people starve at my feet! That would be so cool. Ugh. It's so unfair.
No but seriously anon, how does it feel to be a COMEDIAN?????!!!!! I literally giggled and kicked my feet like I was down atrocious for you or something.
Okay but besides the obvious mass-murdering planet destroying enslaver billionaire thing, let me tell you why I hate rich people. First of all, different levels of hate for different levels of rich because here's the empirical truth. Studies have shown, over and over again, that the more wealth you accumulate -- and worse, the more wealth you were born with -- the lower your ability to empathize. And not just with poor people problems. Rich people taped up to a heart monitor didn't flinch or accelerate their heartbeats when someone talked about their dog dying or their cancer diagnoses. And the decrease in empathy correlated perfectly with the increase in net worth. Other studies have found similar correlations with wealth and a lack of altruism. So the richer you are the worse you are and the worse you are the more I hate you.
(((skip to the bolded if you don't want my boring bitter poor kid sob story)))
But yeah. You're not 100% incorrect about the envy thing. For me, at least, it did start with that. It started with jealousy that my fellow gymnasts took for granted what I worked so hard to afford. (Yeah I just didn't feel like coming to practice yesterday VS me a literal twelve year old hiring myself out illegally as a maid to the landlords of my neighborhood cleaning a meth house once the meth heads moved out and getting crazy sick and still working my ass off in the gym wishing I could rest at home and not worry about affording it) Then when I had to quit gymnastics for financial reasons in high school and work multiple jobs (coaching gymnastics, lifeguarding, and packing boxes of essential oils in a warehouse) and I was spending a large chunk of time with rich cheerleaders (think Missy from bring it on only she lives on the wrong side of town and Torrence hates her) my free time became consumed with reading. It started with Les Miserables and Rousseau, then drifted into Grapes of Wrath and Marx. I became interested in current events and politics and supported Bernie as a high school senior in 2016. I went to college and specialized in Marxist theory in my literature and writing classes. I expanded on my own petty experiences with the American class system to empathize with the much greater struggles of most of the world's population. Starvation. Geniuses who would never have the opportunities to fully use their minds. Modern slavery. Parents who couldn't truly raise and nurture their own children. Climate Destruction. On and on. And all caused by the same greed that had caused my own little pains. Capitalism is evil. Capitalists are evil. End of discussion.
Literally thank you so much for this anon. You can send me rage bait any time. It absolutely will work on me. This ask was so great on so many levels.
Much love!!
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strugglingatart · 8 months
Jr year ep 2
This is me live blogging bc I need to get thoughts out also would love fandom friends full spoilers bellow the cut just so no one accidentally reads anything they don't want to this will be long
No shenanigans at the begining way lowkey sad I love our intrepid heroes being dumb
Siobhan and Zac kick it off with SUCH good turns straight away we love (also emily's cutting words? delicious)
Them all discussing more stuff mid battle is so nice I love but also not Ally forgetting they could try to heal lol
"playing with you all at level 10 has never convinced me more that this game is unplayable at level 20. fucking unplayable" Brennan the man who I 100% have seen play att level 20. But we HAVE to stan the complaing I love them so much Murph especially I always laugh so much
Siobhan please we cannot be confident before rolls they go bad then
we were doing so well like seconds ago and now everything feels terrible
ARMOR OF AYDA omg my loves
Kristen and Riz are me when my friends are being to sexual but also Kristen please remember you and tracker?
NOT FABIAN FALLING AGAIN, and his idea was real good as well, but Ally yeeting the dice also a big mood
Lou's sass was so good I love im so much
only one person saving out of everyone is brutal why do dice currenntly hate them
Murph loosing it at Ally's saving throws being empty is so funny, and poor them gatting so defensive (also have they been doing it wrong this whole time then? has it never been written down? was is just a mistake on their season prep?)
Zac and Lou killed that look at me bit I'm sorry they are geniuses
I truly thought Brennan was gonna make this fight SO much easier and in many ways I get why he didn't but I'm not over it
Listen Murph is looking SO GOOD this season it legit distracted me for a few seconds I had to go back to understand what Brenan said about the van flipping I am a disaster queer through and through
this is so intense all of a sudden omgggg
Poor hangvan ily and know Gorgug will fix you tho
Oh no Kristen, but also the die deadass turned on them, sad vibes (also I miss good rolling Murph I know we had him for one ep but I loved him)
once again yeeting the dice is a mood and then the whole if i hit anyone bit, art tbh
AHHHHH that nat 1 followed by a nat 20 was magical, also Em is wearing the naddpod live shirt 😍 I was 110% with her tho I wanted Gorgug to get it so bad so that deception roll was EVERYTHING TO ME, Ayda claming Gorgug as the greatest wizard is legit one of my favorite things whenever they bring it up and support that theory my heart is so happy
Brenan just being like yes these npcs i made up for the media res are just for that they will die even if they don't
Zac has what healing thing? again not knowing enough about DnD makes me bad at knowing who can do what
shoutout to the two crew
listen this theme of exaustion specifically with school will end me like i cannot it hits too close
Moggy the doggy! we stan Adaine the little guys guy(gal?)
Did Cassandra text you? Nonstop
this flourish lacks flourish (me giving the finishing touches to art projects for university)
LISTEN Fig asking about first day of school outfit was literally Emily choosing violence omg I felt that deeply
I still have jump and i haven't used it so I'm just gonna... I love Zac
They all LOOSE IT at two more guys and I know it was mostly the players but honestly having an absolute laughing fit out of exaustion is another big mood and I felt both seen and called out (I have STROIES about this) and like it just fit the theme so well
there's two nat 1's, Lou's full discociated, Murph's loosing it, it's pure chaos for a bit but whoever did the closed captions? A+++ job
Kristen taking ths ice cream sandwich out and going to the hangman is gold (also I remember the pouch of ice cream sandwiches existing like I fully remeber Kristen usinf it before but i don't remeber when/where she gets it despite having just rewatched both freshman and sophomore years and it's bothering me)
I want the so tactical so late t-shirt
Fabian passed so I legit thought that was gonna work but you know what? it's funnier that it didn't
"I was a turncoat the whole time" is so funny for no reason, also Fabian babe, ily but like why do you wanna kiss a mirror it will not be enjoyable (also at this point Lou is either feeding into all the comp-het queer theories or is like the queer whisperer)
The father the son and the balthazar made me cackle
I have said this before in a post somewhere but while I get where Kristen is coming from so much like truly I'm right there with her but also I kinda hate how she's avoiding Cassandra but also I get it baby but also pls do better (or at least change tactics in odrer to to it lowkey unhealthily)
Fabian I promise you you can do better LMAO Riz, you are correct
Again to me Fig's hypothetical is like fighting words I'd be pissed and depressed
But also high school me would have loved a dance camp tbh (also to be able to dance in general rip my dancing dreams, taken away by a chronic issue and over protective parents)
"I think I do a really half hearted prayer of healling just because I don't.. trust you" I love Ally so much
ah yes the silliness is back but they are so tired
wanna stay at our place? we have so many beds
The entire ecaf bit was so good i cannot deal
Hallariel is saying Fabian's name more like the elves or am I tripping?
Gillear is slightly less pathetic! he won a cruise! oh and they are engaged, full step sibblings Fig and Fabian
also poor Fabian like he needs his parental figures here... Cathilda better stay or I'm personally gonna have words with Brennan, stop making them suffer they fuck up things alone
ALSOOO there is no way Gillear would not want to talk to Fig omg I'm fighting brennan again
Gillear luck... did Fig uncurse him by taking that deal and is she about to get his bad luck?
SKLONDA we stan
Brennan I swear to god this tiny goblin has saved the world three times what do you mean he cannot go to college I will fight you, this scene hit me so hard omg we were promised silliness not heart wrenching reality in my fantasy
I think Zac legitimately forgot the mirror didn't run away for like a second which makes it funnier but Fig IS just that good. 32 decepetion fool the character and the player
BRENAN what do you mean Zelda gave back his stuff this is DURING the seven where they are still TOGETHER I swear I will riot
Frosty fair mentioned twice it's connected to or the big thing this season
The Thistlespring are SO PRECIOUS
Jawbone and Sandra Lynn made a cake I can't deal, and it's belated birthdays omg the way I would cry
the justaposition of Emily's cackle and Ally's face to the dangers Fig and Kristen are dangerously and/or wildly close to being expell is so good
Lou choking on water at "we're allowed to fail a certain number of classes each semester" also real good treiler editing bc I thought that was 10000% connected to the you let your god die line that comes right before it on there
Fig's been multiclass since start of sophmore year, does she do warlock classes sometimes I wonder
I like that Jawbone is not judging here he's just like facts: you are failing and this is why, now we can see what we do about it
ouch that whole im swimming my head is liquid kristen thing felt dangerously close to me... I usually relate to gorgug and riz like i adore kristen but she's never me what is happening (this is not bad just me having like my 10th identity mini crisis this year)
THE AYDA ART she looks so bummed but so pretty.. but also Brenan I feel like I said I'll fight you a couple of times here but if we get no ayda I will fly to LA and fight you
I reached text limit will do a part two
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maegorsbignaturals · 1 year
whos your ideal pairing with maegor?
WEll, tbh i don't have an "ideal pairing" with Maegor. I like every relationship of his in a certain level bcs they are all so fucked up in different ways
Ceryse and Maegor it is a relationship that i haven't seen have an in deep analysis, but it sure is the root of his pyschosexual trauma with sex and having heirs. Considering that when they were married, he was 13 and she was in her early twenties. Still a child even for Westerosis standars. He took high pride into "conceveing a child" that night with his New wife (once again, an adult woman that doubled him in age) and failing... That surely had to affected him in a way that would Mark him for the rest of his life. He was a child who began his sexual life so early... Also, i cannot stop wondering what Ceryse might have felt in all that situation.
Alys and Maegor are so UGGGHHH. I think that they DID have a honeymoon phase. Maybe, for the Harroways, it was like a pure moment of luck when Maegor visited Harrnehall, and Lord Harroway (Srry baby Alys, i forgot your father's name) took the perfect chance and sneaked his daughter into Maegor's bed. And even convincing her that, of course she wanted to be part of the Targaryen family and wife of the Hand of the king, and, who knows? Maybe even Queen. The two became infatuated with eachother. Maegor was not willing to let go a woman who was so willing to marry him and bare his children and Alys was neither willing to let go the man who could elevate her house status, and that infatuation was so strong that they even accepted the exile!
Tyanna and Maegor!! Oh my god, what can i say about Tyanna and Maegor that it had not been said alredy? They surely were close to each other, to the point Maegor fully believed him when she accused Alys of cheating on Maegor. He followed her advise and trusted her, she helped him after his injury on the head, and even supported him when he took the decision to take three New wives. Perhaps she tought that she was safe as Maegor trusted her so much, that she was safe from Maegor's brutality. She was the woman that had most power over Maegor (after Visenya), so it was possible that she was poisoning Maegor's other wives too, but that doesn't explain why she never ended pregnant. As Mother of Maegor's children, that would surely cement her over his other wives and put her in the position of THE QUEEN, not Maegor's third wive. Her lack of pregnancies makes me believe that, after all, Ceryse was not the barren one in here, hmmmm
Elinor Costayne and Maegor, oh, ELINOR AND MAEGOR!!!! I love their dynamic! And i love every single theory about Maegor's death. She killing him with the help of the kingsguard? Oh, amazing, wonderful! Her finding her husband killed by someone else that was not her!?!? SWEET MOTHER OF MINE!!! HER FINDING HIS OWN HUSBAND THAT JUST KILLED HIMSELF DUE TO ALL HIS DEEDS?!?!? ALMIGHTY GOD IN THE SKIES!!!
And the Last one the Aenys-Maegor-Rhaena. They are like the proto Viserys-Daemon-Rhaenyra, and i can see it! Yet, i can't see Maegor and Aenys being as close as Daemon and Viserys or the grooming that Daemon inflicted upon Rhaenyra happening with Maegor and Rhaena. As i said, they do hold similarities, but the Aenys-Maegor-Rhaena relationship doesn't hold the same strenght and obsession as the other. The potencial is there, i just can't see it.
Thanks for your question, anon!!!
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sukirichi · 2 months
SUKI SUKI SUKI !! good evening, cly’s here, y’know what that means: PART 3 of my rambles <3
disregarding the ending, this chapter made me really happy :(( it made me feel a little spark of hope that maybe all will be alright, you know? it gave me some sort of peace after this incredibly stressful weeks of mine 😭 to be fair, the whole story just gives me sanctuary for an hour or so as i take my time reading it. whether i’m outside or sitting in the comfort of my home, your writing never fails to let me escape a reality i’d rather not face 🥹
ANYWAY regarding the ending tho, i was already thinking that rin was too good to be true omfg 😭😭 it was stressing me out like girl pls look under his bed or something because i cannot be trusting his ass after all the shit he put our girl y/n thru 😒😒😒 i can’t rly complain much about the start and middle tho bcs it all really made me happy </3 i js kept thinking like WHAT IF there was an alternate universe where everything was so peaceful and dtd was js pure fluff 🥰 BUT no suki said no 💔
&& excuse me i initially suspected that the pastries were messed with but ig we’ll never know
i already had a weird feeling that something was up when the housewarming party started bc hello, wdym she’s looking sick and having cravings AND I KNEW I WAS RIGHT!!! IM NEVERRRR WRONG oh god i want to see rin’s face after all this, then i just want to slap him sort of idk ACTUALLY I HAVE A THEORY!! HEAR ME OUT (i’ll sound delusional for this but idc 😞), what if rin and iris actually DID broke up,, ig a little farfetched but what if rin avoiding iris for y/n made him wake up a bit and yk, he fully committed to it,, so what if the father ISN’T rin and maybe it’s iris’ way of trying to stay in the royal family? either pretending that it was rin’s or omi’s 🤔🤔 LIKE THAT’S THE FUTURE HEIR RIGHT THERE!! EITHER ONE’S CHILD ARE VALUABLE OMFG?!? like the obvious conclusion here is that rintarou’s the father, but what if he isn’t and she’s pregnant with another man OR WHAT IF SHE’S PREGNANT AND ANOTHER BROTHER IS THE FATHER OH MY GOD cly galaxy brain frfrfr
i need to see what’s next n i hope y/n can still find peace in that house, i don’t want it to be short lived sigh 😞 anw THANK U FOR THE CHAPTER SUKI I ATEEEE IT UP 🙏🙏🙏
hi hi, always happy to hear your rambles !! and aaww wait that’s so sweet ! ik dtd can be a heavy read because it has angst and lots of drama but to hear you say my writings feel like a sanctuary... i can’t think of a bigger compliment, i’m a little in awe 🥹🫶🏻 ALSO OMG i think about this a lot too like what if in an alternative universe, tobio has become a pro volleyball player and let go of his title to pursue his passion, akaashi has also dropped his titles to live a simple life in the kingdom helping the people, iris never existed LMAO and kiyoomi is happily curled up in the swings on his porch at itachiyama while he reads a book and rinyn were happily married 🥹
YES couldn’t have said it better myself but either one’s child would be just as valuable bcos they’re both princes so if iris really did use her pregnancy as leverage, she’d have secured her future alr 🥲 OH NO ANOTHER BROTHER? i can’t see any of the other princes wanting iris like that but... i think if atsumu had like seven shots and was drunk out his mind, he might give it a go. anyways thank you so much !! i appreciate the time you took to send me this message and am always looking forward to hearing everyone’s theories + thank you SO MUCH for the support and kind words. means the world to me, truly 🥺🌷
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possuminnit · 1 year
laineyy. laineyy help me. i keep going into the good omens tags and i see people being so so so SO sure about the fuckin coffee theory. lanieyy they hate Fun. they hate Nuance. they hate Aziraphale being an abuse victim desperate to make a toxic system good for him and his partner. there is no end to the coffee theory posts. I need to douse myself in fics of zira being just enough of a bastard to be worth knowing just to remind myself that he is a Flawed, Deeply Traumatized, very Silly little character who doesn't need magically poisoned coffee to do a stupid thing.
insert stickman gore meme image of me gripping your shoulders w my teeth bared
AHJDFHB I GET U .tbh when i first heard the coffee theory i was omg !! but upon thinking about it more ive grown to be like. Welll that is actually erasing everything properly complex about him. i get why people like it so much though TBH but its frustrating to see how disconnected the theory began to feel from aziraphale's character. like i do believe the coffee had something to do with things (not in the extent the coffee theory seems to suggest) because its good omens, every scene/little thing has some purpose to it even if it feels like it doesnt.
i think most people drift to the coffee theory because they need something to blame or a solid reason why aziraphale did what he did. i dont know if they fully realize there already IS a reason, crowley even says it himself, that heaven (and hell) is toxic for the both of them. I think a lot of them gravitate towards the coffee theory is because his actions at the end of the season are so different to how he acted throughout the entirety of s2. why would he willingly leave crowley when he was heart-eyeing him all season? when he set up an entire dance then pulled crowley into it with him. the whole "our car" (and even "our bookshop") and i GET that, thats what i was thinking when i first learned about the coffee theory, but his actions do fit him... it is something he would do. i mean how he acts all of s1 supports that, and even though its been a few years between s1 and s2, there is no way over that time aziraphale /completely/ got over heaven and its influence over him. and well... it didnt. we see that.
i have the same sort of feelings on this towards the liar theory (somewhat. idk i dont really know that much about it) and the every post saying aziraphale wants crowley as an angel back/loved him as an angel. because for the second bit, that isnt at ALL what he's saying when he's telling crowley he can become an angel again. aziraphale constantly is saying how nice crowley is and we know he thinks crowley is better than heaven. if metatron is offering to give crowley's angel status back then surely that means heaven realized they made a mistake making crowley fall - that surely they realize how good crowley is. and if thats true, if they did realize they made a mistake, then surely aziraphale /can/ fix heaven. surely he can make it good enough for crowley, because crowley is too good for heaven.
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evermoredeluxe · 2 months
Personally I’ve been exhausted over the everything means rep tv is coming (like I’m not kidding I’m fully expecting a ‘omg rep tv countdown is in the engagement post’ happening) so I vote for no more than a month from announcement to release 😅
i support this lol. there’s not a single rep tv fan theory i’ve bothered to get behind and they annoy me if im being frank
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uwupissarozzieuwu · 1 year
this is such a goofy thing to notice and point out, but in the new ep fizz says to blitz "could've fooled me the way princey was cozying up to you at ozzie's". except that in the ozzie's ep, stolas and blitz weren't doing anything together after fizz supposedly spots blitz for the first time mid-song and throws the red light on him - from then on it's just stolas looking ashamed of blitz and then they leave. the only time stolas was "cozying up to" blitz was before fizz came onstage. imo that means fizz actually saw blitz before his set even started, possibly from backstage, and had to make the decision (maybe with ozzie?) to just ignore him/let it slide. and he would've continued to let it slide if blitz hadn't randomly announced his presence during fizz and ozzie's song. and imo this theory is supported by the fact that fizz doesn't even look surprised when blitz announces himself, though it's canonically been 15 years since the accident and they haven't talked since. idk I just think that's cool?? i wonder if he thought blitz was there to make fun of him or something. maybe he panicked. or maybe he didn't, maybe he was having fun with the opportunity to show blitz how successful and famous and loved he is now! maybe he even mentioned loolooland to make blitz sweat a little. who knows.
YESSSSSSSSSSSSS I fully support this theory omg
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imogenleewriter · 1 year
I would have waited for it to be over to rr the whole thing, write a rant simultaneously and then send but lmfao the ne chapter needs to be ranted about.
(I'm only 2 words in)
Not Louis being smarter than Harry lmao.
Yeah, Louis it's LITERALLY the only explanation my brothah stop lying
'symptoms' BAHAHAHAHA
Not Louis being SCIENCE and Harry being completely inexperienced on falling in LOVE LMFAO
Noooooo Louis knows what those feelings are cuz everytime he triggered then he also felt them himself 🥲🤏
✨Love ✨
Not harry's symptoms being his literal FEELINGS FFS
Nooooo Louis only has a theory. (I need Zayn to somehow find out about this debacle and repeat it at their wedding or to their children (whichever option Harry hates more and Louis is less wary of))
Yeah Louis you're definitely, DEFINITELY misinterpreting this YUP YEAH sounds about right
(side note:- idk how you even ever manage to put so much work into something you do for free and get so much stupid comments for but I will ALWAYS be SOOOO GRATEFUL 🥲 like these are the highlights of my shitty days I can't believe you do it for free TYSM TYSM THANK YOU SO MUCH 💗💗💗)
(also:- a massive, massive thank you to everyone who supports you and helps you because- just- just- LOOK how amazing these are I literally can't rn-)
Knowing for sure that Harry isn't sick, I do kind of understand why Louis is hesitant to assume Harry's just in love with him because imagine your crush is casually dying in your arms out of a heart attack or something and you are just like "dw, bestie, your heart is fully functional, you just have feelings ❤️"
Ok so rn I am at the place where Louis is thinking about how Harry can totally have feelings for him but still not want a relationship and just- *sigh* don't you just HATE it when a character who is clearly miscommunicating still make sense in their monologue based on what their arc and personality is? *sigh again*
It's so funny that the tables have COMPLETELY turned this time around now HARRY is an oblivious idiot but LOUIS KNOWS!!!!
(I love how subtle this shift is btw because I'm not really sure why but in my brain Louis' characterization seemed like he knows his problems and would just rather be in blissful denial about it, yk? But Harry always seemed like a person who would look at others worst emotions when directed at himself but forgive the other person and not himself)
Looking at Louis's inner monologue rn is so funny because he is just like "omg I cracked a case"
Help-this is getting too long for an ask but basically my point is that if I have been procrastinating this ask for ages and I am still stressing over the semantics in it then you being stressed over the complete masterpiece literature you create that I and so many other people are lucky enough to find then IS MORE THAN REASONABLE!!!!
I'll just read the rest by myself sorry 😐 I'll add it to the inevitable rant I'll send in your dms whenever I can complete it lmao my life is a fucking mess with me somehow ending up with fucking BOB CUT rn in this economy but I'll send it I PROMISE
Hahaha I love all the comments I get I promiseeeeeeeeee!
Well 99% of them. The other ones I whine about in a discord group to the point they made me my own sticker
Tumblr media
Thanks @enchantedlandcoffee
No, but it's honestly a sticker in a group with like 80 people and I love thinking about what the people who don't know me (because the majority of the time I only go in there to complain) think when they open the group stickers and see that one.
I appreciated all your commentary a lot! I love it when people understand the characters and why they do things even if they don't agree with what they do.
Sorry about the bob-cut, not that I have anything against bob cuts but it sounds like it was not what you wanted.
A few years ago I went to a salon and asked for my hair to be just above my shoulders. The hairdresser was clearly in the middle of something, like maybe a break-up because she was like... close to tears and kept using the phone and stuff.
Anyway my hair but was at the nape of my neck, like if it was any shorter she would have had to use a razor. Without me even complaining- because I just can't do it- the manager gave me a discount. Like I literally didn't say a word about it and she gave me a discount. That's how bad it was.
As soon as I walked out I burst into tears and cried non-stop for at least two days. I literally put on social media if anyone sees me not to talk about the haircut or I'll start crying. It was sooooo bad.
Anyway lol, thank you!!
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kamiversee · 6 months
omg i wanna give you a smooch ty for taking the time to breakdown my 4 am ramble 😘 it’s so ironic you mentioned that this is how you are with the MCU because i was the anon that said these last few chapters are my Avengers Endgame 🥲 but holy shit you were right, this is more like my Infinity War because the feeling of the cliffhanger and devestation is the same. I LUV U KAMI it’s 6 am rn and i realize i left a lot of my notes out of that “mini” TFL analysis so once i’m fully awake i might go sniffin’ for more hints 🤍 i’m sure someone else has found the Sukuna detail by now with your hints so i’m excited to apply those two hints into refining more theories!!
the fan theories are so much fun to read, but way more fun to find evidence for. i have a few excerpts from diff chapters to support theories like Choso being involved with the list generation, Sukuna and Gojo “working” together, etc. even if i’m not fully onboard with some of them. i feel like you can relate to enjoying the process of going back and gathering details, so you totally know where i’m coming from with all of this lmao
i’m so excited for your blue lock fic to be uploaded!! shidou and sae are too fine for their own good i need these men so fucking BAAAAD!!! considering that i only found you once you posted on Tumblr, it would be really cool to see how your writing progressed to the point that it’s at in TFL 🤍
That…That was a MINI analysis? HELLO?😭
Anywho, yes, to me, TFL is my Infinity War & the next fic is Endgame. I think the cliffhanger was inspired by my love for marvel too & l the things in it that connect & how they branch out…
Yeah yk how one marvel movie or show will reference another? Just wait til’ I get more fics on here & trust me I’ll be cross-referencing shit like crazy😭
Anywho, the Sukuna detail was how he texted the reader first despite him giving her his number— they never exchanged numbers, he just gave her his so, how did he text first? ><
The other detail issss, actually I think someone else found it so I’ll respond to tht ask & confirm in a bit💀
Anywho, I love how you can find something to support all sorts of theories bc it really gives me a chance to see how creative I could be going forth 😉
LASTLY, my Sae & Shidou fic was my first masterpiece imo, the angst, the fluff, the smut (I’ll probably rewrite some bits), EVERYTHING. It’s a great story & was one of my favs before I made TFL my focus ^.^
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eshtaresht · 1 year
spoilers for ep 12 (and a bit for trigun in general) and my overexited ramblings under the cut
you know an episode will be good when where's no opening
so, the twins are meant to be characterized straightforward in every anime adaptation, ig. it's not bad, but the manga twists their personalities 180° and it adds SO MUCH nuance (I'll talk about this at length some day)
tbh I had to pause for laughter when knives was YEETED outta the gate (I have sense of humor of a five year old)
everybody already said everything, but still. OG HAIR COMEBACK OMG AHRAHAAKFJDlahjddjha!!!!!!!! ;!!! ;! and not only hair, but the whole characterization this episode was much closer to trimax vash, and not just sadboy depressive bbg
MERYL/REM PARALLELS LETS GOOOO!!! like, I guessed this would happen, but the visuals, the tension and pure GRATITUDE in vash's voice when he was able to break free from his mental prison... we're eating good
speaking of eating, I CAN'T get over that moment when vash deadass BIT KNIVES. that's peak sibling behavior, he's literally fighting tooth and nail over there
also mashwood is so real tonight!! love love love meryl&nico interactions in stampede, they barely spoke to each other in other versions! and the look of relief on vash's face when he sees nico skedaddling away with meryl!!! he's so glad that they're gonna be okay and that nico made the right choice and came back to help, if briefly. interstingly, he was able to remember everyone, but after the explosion at the end he still lost his memory.
and THE WINGS, DUDE!!!! it gives the finale of trimax, when they both had only one wing left..... still missing feathers, but I love the diversity with knives's, eh... knives, and vash's energy/void or whatever that is, I support it
he's so pathetic even when he looks cool, homeboy had NO control when he used his wing for the first time... cudos for learning new powers on the spot tho
ow ow ow that scene with the military hurt... and he couldn't even save them!
"why are you like that, vash?" "I'm vash the stampede" "IT'S BEEN OVER A CENTURY AND THIS IS THE BEST YOU COULD CAME UP WITH" same here, knives, he's hopeless. I anticipated that moment, but it probably hits even hard for stampede onlys
angel arm!!! tho it's not that angelic now... how are we gonna call it? I take suggestions. rip arm and coat, I feel like we'll actually get a more trimax leaning design next season!
to all the ppl (myself included) who wanted to see vash cry properly... are you happy? ARE YOU FUCKING HAPPY??? after the last episode, after all the mental torture knives put him through, vash still doesn't want to hurt him and, just like knives, can't handle the distance between them.......... I am inconsolable. and as much as knives wanted to break vash, it hurts him so much to see those tears irl....... but he just can't stop, because they're both SO FUCKING STUBBORN and it already took to much to get there and he just can't. stop. now.
"nai is dead, you killed him" first of all, *sounds of screaming crying throwing up*. second of all, his name is million knives, vash, stop deadnaming your brother/j
the death scene itself.... oh it's soo good and yummy. I know this mf isn't fully dead and conrad will fix him, but still. he can have a second death of self as a treat
btw, gotta adress my earlier theory about "happy birthday" being metaphorical. no, it is in fact July 21st, and tristamp lasted about two months in universe. still pretty hard for me to believe, it felt five times shorter due to the pacing. but it is what it is: I'm esht and I was wrong, I'm singing the esht wrong song
RAISED BOUNTY! MERYL GIRLBOSSIFICATION!! a hint at insurance society (tho that was more of a threat and she's still a journalist). MILLY CONFIRMATION!!! ERIKS' LACK OF ARM AND AMNESIA!!!! EARTH FLEET AND CHRONICA!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!
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winderlylandchime · 1 year
Please don’t apologize for responding late. I send like a million of these so you take your time :) and to answer your question: he turned more shirts into Team Brian. Now he has 2 white shirts (he took mine back), 3 tank tops and 2 long sleeve shirts and is in them almost all the time. And after he washes them and the sharpie ink obviously fades, he just writes over it again. I had to put a stop on it thought because things were getting out of control fast. He was all sad today because he realized that he only has 29 more episodes left. He has decided that he will try to figure out what season 4 and 5 are going to be about after each season ends. So he is currently working on theories for season 4 and I can’t wait to see what he comes up with it. Especially because i know he will never in a million years be right about season 5. I have decided to take a lesson from Gale himself and not let him know that Gale is straight. That way he can watch it how it was planned when season 1 aired. I do genuinely wonder though what his reaction will be because it’s one thing I have zero ideas about.
He made MORE shirts? OMG I love him.
He is NEVER going to guess S5. And I don’t think he’ll guess the cancer arc (or Vic RIP).
I fully support you not telling him Gale is straight until the end.
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daylightcommand3 · 1 year
Thank you so so much! :)
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trlvsn · 1 year
omg someone else who's played yttd do you have any thoughts you'd like to share on the game?
ofc i do! when do i not (warning for spoilers for all the chapters, do not!! read!! unless you have already played the game!!! go play yttd!!)
first of all, i am a big fan of the memorandum theory (the one where this is a repeat for the hades incident to pick a new crime org leader and the game favors sara so much because the memorandum's owner wished for that girl to stay alive and is replacing her with sara now), and i just... look forward to us getting the ending so much. i feel like there will be multiple (2+) endings, with hopefully one of them or more resulting in an actual escape - it has to, right? but another ending will definitely be sara becoming the winner, taking over asunaro and playing a simulation of ytts over and over again, which ytts itself foreshadows.
also, i trust literally no one. keiji? fuck no, this guy is the most suspicious of all. joe? couldn't even fully be sad over him dying bc of how suspicious of him i was. gin? i will support him if he turns out to be evil, but him turning out to be evil is a possibility to me. sara herself?? maybe she has a copy of her that is masterminding the whole thing, i don't even know anymore. (these are mostly just silly thoughts i entertain sometimes, not actual theories).
i think shin's route will be incredibly interesting in terms of his character development - he will either stick with trying to kill sara or, at some point, cooperate and help them escape, which is what we saved him for in the first place, right? saving a guy with 0% is also kind of a "defying the system" moment, which leads me to believe the shin route might be an escape one.
speaking of shin's 0% - this is the reason i don't like the "emotion" and "logic" route names. i picked kanna to live in my first playthrough, not because i was trying to be a good person, but because i didn't want others to later turn against me for killing a child and because she had a 2,7% chance of survival, while shin had 0,0% - it's literally better odds, meaning the decision is logical. although sara does kill shin because she "always hated him deep down", so i recognize that the decision is more emotional in-game than for me as a player.
there is also a great blog here somewhere that posts the unused or scrapped scenes they found in the game...codes? i don't know shit about technology, they just found things somehow, so that's very interesting to read and analyze, especially sue miley's backstory.
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