#not a naoya fact but still relevant
lightlycareless · 11 months
but what reaction would the zenins have , especially naoaki 😳🤯 with the babies
Hi!!! I'm going with the twin girls au :> although these can be in general 🤔
Off we go to the reactions from the rest of the estate.
Being real, I think most of the clan would not like the fact that the heir had two girls to begin with. However, since Naoya and Y/N are known for being strong sorcerers by themselves, it was only natural that their kids would inherit those talents.
However, they'd still find a way to make them feel less, either by giving backhanded compliments, or voicing how a "son" would've been much better.
Naoya would immediately shut down those comments. We're talking about a man that has now learned how wrong his family is (in more ways than one) and having suffered from similar comments in the past, understands all too well how hurtful they could be, so he tries to shield his children the best he can.
As for reactions, let me put it like this:
Mai and Maki would love your kids, cause they love you very much :> there's no denying that. Would play with them as often as possible, they're like (are) the cool aunts. SPECIALLY if they're girl twins like them, it's probably the first time they ever felt happy with being twins I reckon.
Junko, Mai and Maki's mom, would keep her distance. It's not like she dislikes the kids, she just feels uncomfortable—however, she would like to watch the babies from time to time, silently gush at how adorable they are and remind her of when her daughters were babies too.
Ogi couldn't care less—in fact, I think he'd hate them just because they're a reminder of what he could've had, but didn't. No one allows him to get close to the kids, not even his wife.
Jinichi is in complete awe that Naoya would want to have kids in the first place, but not surprised that he went through with it. He's very precise when it comes those things, and from there he'll just stare at him and you whenever interacting with the kids—idk, he still doesn't believe it's happening. I guess in my mind he never considered that his family would want to have kids (Toji is like the prime example of that)
Naobito is... idk. He never really cared about having kids, so anything about lineage and whatnot is irrelevant to him, but I guess that in the deep confines of his mind he likes the fact of having grandchildren. Specially if they're strong, he'd be very proud of them, show off that they're related to him and whatnot. Do not expect him to be involved, and honestly? You and Naoya are kind of happy he isn't.
As for Naoaki, Naoya's oldest brother... he'd be shocked that the two eventually made amends, enough to have a family together. He just never thought the two were each other's type, or that it was in Naoya's plans to become a father. But it happened, and he just keeps his distance as well. Maybe he hoped he'd be that man, the one to have your kids or something, who knows. Either way, in the short moments he'll be able to see the kid, he'll note that they look like you, as maybe even hope that they act like you too. This whole situation is 100% the reason he stops talking to you all together. It's the official closure of that chapter.
And I don't think I'm missing any other relevant character :> I'd say that most of Naoya's brother would be somewhat confused that Naoya is possible of having adorable children or something hahaha although everyone thinks it's thanks to your genes 😂
Thank you so much for indulging me with this ask!! I want more baby stuff :') I'll see what I can write.
Have a wonderful week, take care, and hope to see you soon!!
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naoyafacts · 3 years
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ignitification · 3 years
Original Cursed Technique
I don't know whether this might have some sort of relevance, but could it be that main and hereditary technique of the main clans (Gojou, Zen'in, Kamo) can be inherited only by one individual at a certain point in time?
Referring to what Tengen says here, he tells that Kenjaku has targeted to seal off Gojou as he is in possession of the Six Eyes technique (which is hereditary) and that there cannot be two sorcerers possessing that technique alive at the same time.
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In consequence, a reaction, or rather a supposition of sorts would not be entirely off the charts. We know that Noritoshi Kamo has been acknowledged by the Kamo clan (and is currently its head - and it is interesting to see whether them naming him Nori might have to do with Jujutsu Tradition or if it is a symbolism of other matter) because he inherited their technique, notwithstanding his position as an illegitimate son. 
The same, somehow, goes for Megumi. He is technically not even a Zen’in (well, he IS but the point that Toji so hard wanted to deliver was that Megumi was his son first, and a Zen’in second - however he might have treated him when he was a child), but we see that Naobito actually agreed to have him as the Head Clan if a particular circumstance was to happen (which, indeed happened). At the same time it is likely because Megumi inherited an hereditary technique AND he is more stable (read: powerful) and responsible than the rest of the clan (I mean, we all know how maturely Naoya reacted, and Maki definitely has other priorities at this exact moment, and she does not have cursed energy, which does not make her weak - but unfit, in the Clan’s eyes, to become Head). 
Anyway, this got me thinking what exactly this piece of information might be useful for. As things stand as of chapter 149, and the Culling Game is fast approaching and Gojo is still sealed. But this brings the question: if the technique can be inherited only once at a time (and this might have to do with the blessings given by the Clan Ancestors, maybe?) and all of the people inheriting this technique are born at the same time (in order to balance out the increase of curses, and its power) - bringing forward a circular argument, because after the birth of Gojo who is very powerful (and more likely the one of Getou and Yuki, who are special grades) and Yuuta and Yuuji, Toudou and Megumi the power of curses also increasingly rose as a natural consequence to evolution (which brings us back to Kenjaku and his possible end goals for the Culling), can actually be one of the bases for the Culling? 
Explanation in short terms: if the end goal which I now imagine for JJK is the one we are going to get, and if the conditions (and restrictions) which Kenjaku put up have something to do with the Culling Game and with the participation of jujutsu sorcerers (the existence of certain techniques) - it could mean that the only way to actually diminish the cursed energy is to actually kill and purge jujutsu society of powerful jujutsu sorcerers, or to get rid of them altogether (which brings me back to what I already wrote) (or to merge, but this is getting complicated, let me make it simple), but if THIS is the end game for the Culling - why is Kenjaku the one endorsing it - and could this be BECAUSE of the fact that if he possesses a certain technique he could control the cursed energy he says he can’t? (Basically, ensue chaos to kill the needed sorcerers, whose technique would have to be born in another individual because it cannot be wielded by two people at the same time, to take control of how the technique are distributed or rather how the curses respond to them? I don’t know, my brain hurts just thinking about this). 
Just a reflection which had been bugging me lately ( and which is a thing which might not make a lot of sense). Thank you for reading.
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sassooda · 3 years
Worlds Away JJK AU / Chapter 55 - Coincidence
w/c - 8,009
               Toji is drawn from slumber as whispers disrupt the silence.
               “Elska, wake up!”, the voice is urgent but compressed.
               Toji opens his eyes, expecting to see maybe Gojo or Naoya but when he distinguishes Getou leaning over her, hands placed upon her body, he shoots into a protective rage. Toji launches from the bed and into Suguru, forcing the Titer into the ground beneath him. “What the fuck do you think you are doing, Getou?!”, he snarls impatiently, suspecting that his slight trust in the man was misplaced.
               Suguru struggles under Toji’s weight and immediately becomes defensive but realizes he has no way to explain his being there without giving away his affiliation to manipulation as well. When Toji’s hand begins squeezing his throat with sheer seriousness, he tries to pry it away.
               Toji lifts him a few inches by the neck and slams Getou back into the floor, “I asked you a fucking question, Titer!”. He darts his eyes over to Elska, making sure there was nothing wrong with her before bringing his gaze back beneath him. “What were you doing?”, he asks once more, glaring savagely as he reduces his hold to allow Getou to speak.
               “Cho-so”, Suguru coughs out. Toji squints his luminescent eyes as if to question the relevance of the words. Getou knows that he needs to think of something fast, he can sense the domineering nature of Fushiguro and how the giant is not messing around. Shoving Toji’s hand away, he considers on telling at least some of the truth. “Choso synced to her too Toji, he’s in her mind right now!”.
               Toji ducks his head back and gives an expression that he’s not buying it. “Choso is still out cold you shit, tell me what you were trying to do to her.”. Getou exasperates with vexation and jerks his body around to slink to his feet. Toji lets him shuffle away but that’s because he plans to rip his throat out if the Titer tries anything funny.
               Suguru wrenches his neck with a dissatisfied face, “I’m trying to tell you that he’s connected to her. He appeared when we synced up this morning and then tried to remove me from the conjoined space…”. Toji looks back to him with conical eyes but seems to consider this possibility. “Toji… Choso is corrupting her dreams as we speak.”, Suguru points to Elska while she sleeps, “He’s not the same man we all knew, I don’t know what happened to him!”.
               Toji takes a deep breath while mulling over this information. He considers that there’s many things he doesn’t yet understand about the Titer’s techniques, or about Choso. “What do you mean by corrupting?”, he asks.
               Suguru sighs, hesitatingly, “He’s obsessed with her Toji. He’s doing things to her while she dreams, my guess, trying to facilitate her acceptance of him…”, he knows it for a fact as he was trying to do the same thing.
               Toji huffs impatiently, “What things, Getou?”. He doesn’t know why he asked, he has a pretty good idea based off of the implications but he needs to be sure. ‘Choso isn’t like that though…’, he thinks to himself, having known the being for many years now.
               “He’s tricking her and seducing her Toji!”, Suguru hollers, having lost his temper after being reminded of what he saw. He tucks a stray strand of hair behind his ear but brings his frustrated eyes to Elska, “I’m telling you, he’s different now…”.
               Toji actually believes Suguru to his own dismay. He sits down next to Elska on the bed and decides he should wake her, just to be on the safe side. “Doll?”, he calls to her sweetly while running a hand through her hair. She doesn’t respond though and the smallest part of him begins worrying, so he tries again, “Doll?”, this time lightly jostling her until she stirs. A smile creeps over his face as he’s relieved to find that she was simply in a deep sleep.
               Elska opens her eyes and stretches, “Hmmm…”, she hums with a smile. “My beloved, were you doing naughty things while I was out?”, she playfully asks after becoming instantly aware of her own arousal, lingering effects of stimulation putting her into a transient licentious mood. Toji gives her a weird look but she assumes he’s being coy, “Explain this then?”, she asks while guiding his large rough hand under the sheets, between her legs, whimpering when his thick fingers gently swipe.
               Toji’s mouth opens a little before snatches his hand back after feeling how ready she is. He understands that this is either a really weird coincidence or Suguru is telling the truth about Choso’s mischief. Elska sits up with glowing eyes and begins making out with him heatedly, which he loves but pushes her away to bashfully inform, “Doll?”, but she isn’t listening, “We…”, his instincts betray him when their tongues touch, “…have company.”.
               Suguru clears his throat, side stepping to be more in her view and awkwardly waves.
               Elska shrieks with embarrassment, wide eyeing them both. She thinks to hide under the covers but instead stands up as if trying to play that whole thing off. She sees Suguru’s face rest into a devious grin, his eyes looking her over hungrily. Toji barks, ��DOLL!”, his tone causing her to look down to show she’s completely naked. She shrieks again but actually dives under the covers this time, tucking herself away from the idiocy she feels is herself. “WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?”, she yells from under the blanket.
               Toji scowls at the satisfied Titer, “You didn’t deserve to see that…”, but crawls onto the bed to comfort her. “Doll, I’m sorry about all of this…but something might be wrong.”.            
               Elska kicks her legs sporadically along the mattress, “Yeah! I woke up horny and now and beginning to truly question WHY!”, she whines in humiliation, progressively becoming uncertain about how strange both men are acting right now. She shuts her eyes and tries to calm herself but then flashes of Choso adorning her body set in her mind and she begins to remember, ‘Choso?!’.
               Suguru turns his back to be respectful, although he’d rather not. “Elska, I need to ask you some questions if that’s alright. It’s important.”. He hears Toji coddling her, trying to coax her cooperation.
               “Doll, I know this is weird but please…”, rubbing her body caringly, smiling when she peeks from the sheets. “There you are…”, he chuckles lightly, “I’ll get you something to cover up with.”. He leans down to kiss her forehead, hoping that there really wasn’t some strange situation brewing with the hybrid.
               Getou asks while staring at the fake window after hearing Toji shuffle in the drawers, “Elska, have you had any dreams about Choso by chance?”, waiting while she internalizes the question.
               Elska’s face flushes instantly, “Ummm…”, not feeling comfortable with explaining the nature of the ones she’s starting to collect memory of. Now that she’s thinking about it though, she’s had quite a few and they’re all inappropriate.
               Toji hands Elska an underwear robe, “It’s ok doll, you can tell us.”, he assures after seeing the wild expression on her face. ‘No fucking way…’, he thinks eerily while turning to face Getou, ‘Is this really happening?!’.
               Elska grabs the robe and begins to don it as Toji holds up the sheet to shield her while she does. “I umm…”, she mumbles out, “I don’t know if I should say anything you guys…”, perplexed by how weird the air feels. ‘How am I supposed to tell Toji that I dream about sleeping with Choso?!’, she panics while discerning.
               Suguru hears Toji state, “She’s covered now.”, but when he turns around, he still finds Elska alluring as the underwear robe shouldn’t be for all to see. He buries his groan of desire as he nears her, wanting to make this as painless as possible for everyone. “Toji’s right, you can tell us. We need to know and will not be angry…”, he gifts her a reassuring smile to emphasize on this.
               Toji couldn’t help but notice that Getou spoke as if she would care about his feelings. He narrows his eyes on the Titer once more, wondering when this familiarity transpired between them. He wants to ask but keeps his silence to observe more. He’s positive he’s not reading into it too much, there’s something going on there.
               Elska side sits with her bent legs resting against Toji. She glances up to him but looks away immediately feeling unnerved about the content they were asking her to share. ‘Why does this even matter?!’, she thinks while clutching the sheets between her fingers.
               Getou kneels down to the floor in front of her, “If you’re afraid to speak because the dreams are erotic, don’t be Elska. I do not believe that is your own doing…”. He places a hand on her thigh lightly, merely to show that he wasn’t lying.
               Elska inhales sharply to his words, “How did you kn-…”, she commences asking but then she recalls flashes of Suguru, his being present creeping into her thoughts with foreboding consciousness. ‘Am I imagining this?’, she locks her eyes to the Titer’s chest while trying to depict the fuzzy images. She gets that they’re waiting for her to speak so she admits, “They are. They all are…”, referring to the explicit dreams of the being.
               Seeing her embarrassment makes him feel uncomfortable too but Suguru is glad to know that she would be honest anyways. He places a hand on her knee, lightly rubbing it while saying, “I think Choso has been inserting himself into your subconscious little one…”. She wavers over to the side while sitting which causes him and Toji to both throw out their hands, thinking she was about to fall over.
               “Doll?”, Toji kneels down now too, cupping her cheek, “What’s wrong?”. He looks over at Suguru with concern as her energy begins to amplify and darken. “Shit…”.
               “She…I want Choso…”, Elska mutters out, holding her head as it starts pounding again. She screams abruptly, twisting to lay on her side, inadvertently kicking Suguru across the chin. “IT HURTS!”.
               Suguru climbs onto the bed, Toji following suit on the opposite side, “Elska!?”, grabbing at her arms to see her face as she curls up into a hypertensive ball. He darts his eyes to Toji, “I should’ve considered this…”, wondering if Choso’s involvement is causing her to switch. Sure enough, her body relaxes into the mattress, no longer straining, her pain also seemingly gone.
               Elska’s eyes shoot open and she smiles to the sight of the Titer. She sits up and caresses his cheek while he hovers near her, frozen in place with fear. She grabs the back of his head, pulling it towards her and with that lowly voice says, “Too bad he kicked you out…”, biting her lip pleasurably to the fright that crosses his face at the mention of his involvement. She hears Toji growl with jealousy and continues, “My poor beloved doesn’t like this…”, but proceeds to send her tongue into Getou’s mouth, whimpering when he exhales with restraint through his nose.
               “What are you doing?”, Toji asks irascibly, infuriated with her for enacting that and let alone in front of him. She turns her head into his direction as the Titer pants lightly, his body partially covering hers. The colorful dashes in her eyes burn brightly, her lids fluttering as she whispers for Suguru to touch her. “Stop this shit Elska, right now.”, he tapers his eyes, refusing to allow this to remain. ‘Why is she being like this?!’, he asks himself.
               Suguru is unable to pull away as her fingers are still laced into his bun. He jerks his head back though, feeling nervous about how menacing Toji’s expression is but she turns to him, forcing their lips together once more. He of course is wants this but he’s also a little weary of this side of her, regardless of how she openly longs for him in this state. “Let me go.”, he commands into her lips, which earns him her teeth, nipping him painfully.
               Elska has become bored with their hesitation, “If Sati were here, he’d fuck me in front of you both.”, giggling as she scoots to the edge of the bed to stand. “That is a man that knows no bounds…”, she shivers while saying this, the depravity of Gojo always touching her sensually. She ignores the annoyance from her beloved and announces, “I’m going to see my hybrid.”, walking out of the room, uncaring if they follow or not.      
               She turns the hall, following his energy, “Yes…where are you my dear?”, dragging her fingertips along the clay walls as she leisurely passes multiple doors. She senses Toji and Getou following so she quickens her pace, finally reaching walls where he’s practically leaking through. Upon opening it, she feels a rush of desire, knowing that she can see him in the flesh, practically drooling when she finds his sleeping form in the bed. “Mmmm…”, she moans to herself as she lifts her under robe to climb onto the bed without hindrance. Once beside him, she bends her body over and gently kisses his lips whimpering, “Tomorrow isn’t soon enough, I wish you’d rise now…”, bringing herself to straddle him and lifting his shirt. “You are so heavenly, my cursed darling…”, running her hands from his shoulders down to his abdomen. When Toji and Suguru walk in with noises of abhorrence and confusion, she rolls her eyes and turns her body around to face them, while still in a promiscuous position over the being.
               “What has gotten into you doll?”, Toji scowls anxiously, becoming muddled over her behavior, “Are you not aware that Choso has been manipulating you!?”. He’s almost certain this side of her should be well informed but the way she smiles to them while rubbing her bareness against the slumbering half curse, makes him realize somethings really off. He walks with heavy footing over to the left side of the bed, planning on pulling her off of him but she jolts her body away and glares. “What the fuck, Elska?”.
               “Leave me alone…”, she warns, now curling up to Choso’s left side, putting her in the middle of the bed. “I need to feel him…”, she whispers while sending her hand into his pants, wishing he’d open his eyes right then. Getou tries to corner her too, angrily approaching on the right side of the bed. They both look so concerned which causes her to laugh hauntingly. “You really think I could be swayed by anything against my will?”, she asks while keenly rubbing his manhood.
               “Please, don’t do that to Choso…”, Suguru glances to Toji to see his input on the matter, pondering on what she could mean. “Elska, don’t you see? He’s made you want this!”, but she only laughs condescendingly in response. ‘What am I missing here?’, Getou asks himself, half afraid that it was too late to make her understand, that Choso got his hooks into her.
               “Ridiculous.”, she seethes, “You have it wrong…I will not have him blamed for this, he will not be reprimanded in any way.”. Elska sinks over to kiss Choso again but then sits back up, “I am the one that’s manipulating him, you fools.”. She fondles her own breast while explaining, “I’ve been luring him since that first taste. He was so curious, so eager to learn the ways of physical affection…and such an avid scholar he is.”, smiling upon recalling all of their dreamscape excursions. Running her fingertips down his left arm, she explains in her lowly voice, “It took more time than I cared for but it was worth it in the end.”.
               Toji’s brow bends downward, noting how there wasn’t a clear explanation as to why Choso was slowly developing an attachment for her. He shakes his head, eyes dashing up to view this imposter that wears the skin of his doll. He especially figured it was because the being was newly exposed to their sexual behavior but as he watches the veracity of her words plague his eyes while on her, he understands how twisted this side of her is. “You mean…”.
               Getou’s lips part, “The consent…”. The reality of the situation knocks him in the gut so hard that he nearly loses his breath. “You needed him to want you.”, he grinds his teeth, “God damnit…”. He’s not felt this kind of fury towards her in some time, now knowing that she’s the one who changed Choso. He glares to her with hurt-filled eyes, no longer wishing to deal with this Elska.
               “Exactly. Smart boy!”, she taunts bringing herself to her knees so she can latch her arms around the Titers neck, nearing Getou’s face, “It’s only natural that we would be able to connect our brainwaves…”, she ghosts her lips over Suguru’s, “We’re equals.”. She drags him onto the bed seductively, wanting to experience him once and for all. “Do not fight me.”, she advises.
               Toji snarls viciously, not knowing how to release this anger that rages through him. She pulls Suguru down on top of her and says, “Let’s see if you can handle this yet?”, and Toji’s lungs suddenly become filled with that scent after the ringing of her moan echoes off the walls. He staggers, having to lean against a bed post, ‘Why is it so powerful all of the sudden?!’, focusing his mind until he hears Getou groan. In his lustful daze, Toji yells, “GET THE FUCK OFF OF HER!”, rushing over to them as the Titer undoes his pants, “GETOU!” but he’s soon pinned into the floor, crushed by an invisible pressure.
               Suguru is still cognizant, he understands what she’s doing, what he’s doing too but he’s struggling to contest against the carnal instinct the scent signals internally. He licks up her neck, rubbing into her folds him his fingers. When she gasps pleasantly, his thoughts become split down the middle as he wants to pummel through her but also knows this isn’t the way. His digits sink in though, him exhaling greatly to the amount of arousal coating him. “I am going to make you wish you’d never done this…”, he threatens wantonly, snatching her throat with his other hand, pressing her into Choso’s lap as he snaps his wrist through her core. “You should not…”, he pants in to her neck, “…have done that.”.
               Elska rolls her hips against Getou’s hand, “Fuck me, Titer.”, she demands deviously. He instantly jerks down his pants, hissing to his confliction as he grabs himself up and rubs her with it, pure anger rivaling his handsome features. A moan is pulled from her when she feels his tip entering her, the only thought on her mind is of turning him. “I will bite you and you will serve me forever…”, she whispers into him as he groans with satisfaction, his response being, “Do it, Elska. Do it.”. He seems to have given in but as her beloved roars next to them, the fog fades from Suguru’s eyes and he hastily jumps away and disengages his gravity. He’s in a sort of stupor, staring at her with a furrowed brow and actual repugnance. She roars too, unhappy with being rejected, furious at them both for ever humiliating her and not obeying.
               Toji picks himself off the floor and lunges a hard right across Suguru’s face, knocking the Titer out cold. “Didn’t want to have to do that!”. He then turns his scorned eyes to Elska, yoking her up by the throat, “BRING HER BACK NOW!”. Toji pins her against the bed, completely enraged by the shit she was pulling in the disguise of his beautiful doll, “NOW GOD DAMNIT!”. He belts out another wild call, the red of his eyes glowing against her skin but as he’s screaming into her, she begins to cry in her normal voice.
               “To-Toji!”, she claws at his arm desperately, thrown into a shock as he squeezes her airways. Tears stream down her face as everything comes back to her, what she did to make him so furious. “I’m s-sorr”, she attempts an apology but his grip is incredibly brutal.  “To-ji! I’m…sorr...y!”.
The barbarism vanishes from Toji’s energy and he releases her as soon as he comprehends that she’s back. “Oh shit…oh shit…doll…”, his whole demeanor cracks as he crumples to his knees, being beside himself from his violent reaction. “Doll…”, his eyes begin to blur as he’s unable to bring himself to look at her but to his surprise, she’s toppling over onto him, sobbing remorsefully. He lifts a hand to cradle her head in disbelief as she clings to him. They lie on the floor, curved into each other inches away from Suguru’s unconscious body, both trying to grasp reality again.
               “What’s up with all of the fruity shit?”, Gojo asks while carrying even more bags now as they leave the liquor shop, the sounds of clinking glass surrounding them.
               Naoya scoffs, “Perhaps I just like to enjoy my alcohol…not like you weirdos with that moonshine.”, he smiles widely, “Plus I want my princess to have options!”. Naoya notices that Gojo seems distracted, not having dished the normal amount of playful insults. “What’s up with you?”.
               Gojo says, “Shh…”, as he’s listening to something off in the distance, “There’s a lot of shaman nearing us…”. As soon as the words left his lips, he finds himself tackling Naoya out of the way as an energized arrow grazes the Zenin. “GET UP!”, he yells, grabbing Naoya and putting their backs together, searching the darkness but not finding anything out of the ordinary. “Cunts…”, Gojo seethes as he teleports them about 20 ft away. They’re left witnessing the shop becoming demolished with various cursed attacks, where they were conversing.
               Naoya sets the bags aside and with a hint of annoyance asks, “I’m guessing someone wants their fucking dicks kicked in?”, unraveling his robes to hang over his pants, not wanting to ruin them. “Fine by me.”, he says before tilting his head up and calling for his wings. He braces himself as the bones shift through his back, the pain only subsiding when they stretch through his skin and take form. His attitude dissipates however when someone screaming horrendously from the shop, likely the cashier that just rang them up exerts blood curdling sounds. “We have to help him!”, Naoya calls out but the cries of agony silence after another barrage of energy is sent through the remainder of the buildings front. “FUCK!”, Naoya clenches his fist, a slight wave of panic threatening to overtake him as he’s force to endure mental flashbacks of the Titer attack. ‘Not again…’.
               Gojo feels them closing in, “Get ready Naoya…”, he counsels all while racking his brain to figure out who would be attacking them like this. ‘Getou? Would he be behind this?’, he doesn’t dismiss it completely but another possibility strikes his core. His heart stops, “The king?”, he wonders despondently, hoping to God he was wrong as they were far away from Elska, too far to protect her. This thought alone sends Gojo into a wicked flare, his eyes darkening to stormy shade, the humanity he’s accumulated over the past few years, hiding deep within his armor of treachery.
               Naoya calls out to Gojo, “5 in the front!”, as hooded shaman try to rush him at once. He hears “7 in the back!”, from Satoru, a small but malicious grin showing the silver shaman’s teeth. “Do you want any prisoners?”, but Gojo is quick to say, “They lost their life the moment they tried this shit.”. Naoya agrees and engages his projection, “Holler if you need help.”, but Gojo huffs and replies, “I am the strongest.”.
               The first 2 that reach Gojo, he doesn’t even give them a chance, instantly covering them with his energy and twisting their bodies as if their spines need to be wrung out to dry. As their skin tears open in various gushing spots where the internal fluid build-up compromised the epidermis, he shudders pleasantly. “A classic!”, he cheerily exclaims, always loving the gore. The mangled bodies drop to the ground, not even resembling human remains. The other 5 back off immediately and try to go around, towards the Zenin. Gojo warps and catches one by the wrist and while grabbing their shoulder, sends his knee through their elbow. He moans to the bone snapping, the wails of his offender cascading through his ears like a lullaby. He smashes them into the ground and with wide, maniacal eyes, jumps his eyebrows excitedly as he decimates their torso with a quick version of his red technique. Chunks of their flesh splash across his uniform but he’s not grossed out by this at all, being caught in the heat of the moment after he shakes it from the fabric. It isn’t until Naoya roars that Gojo sees he’s becoming a little overwhelmed. “Why are they only going after him?”, he calmly asks the air. Mid-step, he teleports to Naoya, blocking him from anymore attacks with a shielding aura.
               One of the hooded shaman says, “Satoru Gojo, we ask that you walk away. We are only concerned with Naoya Zenin.”.
               Gojo straightens up from his fighting stance and looks to Naoya while telling them, “Yeah, not going to happen…this is my guy.”.
               Naoya squints his eyes and mouths, “Your guy?”, as if to question the use of terminology.
               “We do not wish to fight with you.”, is all the one hooded man says.
               Gojo looks at his nails, seeing the blood that he’ll have to scrub from under the beds, “That’s too fucking bad, looks like you’re going to have to!”, Wickedly grinning as he knows they must be pissing themselves right now. It’s not that they don’t want to challenge him, they can’t.
               “What the fuck do you want with me anyways?!”, Naoya asks, wings fluttering as his anger grows. “Who are you?”.
               “This is an execution. You are to be removed from this life to give way to the better head.”.
               The golden wave travels over Naoya as he listens to their words. He thinks about the photos found back on the estate and begins to question if the two are related. With his booming voice he hollers, “I AM THE NEXT FUCKING HEAD OF THE ZENIN CLAN!”, and viscously darts towards the man speaking and tears out his throat with his fangs. In the moment, Naoya couldn’t help but drink from the drowning man, gulping down copious amounts of his blood while the rest sprayed around and all over him. Something bothers Naoya though, the small bits he can decode about this man’s flavor show affection for the Zenin household.
               The new speaker of the unknown group gasps nauseatingly to the sight of Naoya doing this.  “YOU’RE ONE TOO NOW?!”, he shouts becoming visibly apprehensive by this information and not knowing how to pursue with Gojo’s involvement either. Knowing there’s no turning back though, he yells, “TAKE HIM DOWN!”.
               Gojo brings his arm around Naoya, “Now you can see it from my perspective!”, chuckling to the muddle that appears on the Zenin’s face. “You’ll see what I mean…”. He raises his fingers slowly, wanting all of their party members to get relatively close. “Domain expansion.”.
               “Infinite void.”.
               Naoya gawks in astonishment as he witnesses this ruthless technique but with the safety of Satoru’s blessing. “Holy shit…”, he’s obviously experienced it before but not as a spectator, he could hardly even move let alone comprehend. He’s watching the bodies of their attackers stiffen, unable to function, possibly incapable of realizing the deep shit they’re in. “This is kind of remarkable Gojo…”, he softly mutters as he contemplates how much more of a hassle these guys would’ve been had he been left to himself. ‘He stayed to fight with me…’, he reiterates to himself while glancing over to the silver shaman.
               Gojo hums before proceeding with, “Now…let’s see who’s behind hood number 1!”, his tone completely relaxed but mixed with excitement. He reaches for the one closest to him, “You’re the lucky fuck!”, snatching the cloth from their head. He doesn’t recognize the guy at all but Naoya gasps which prompts him to ask, “Someone you know?”.
               Naoya has definitely seen this man before. With a hole burrowing through his heart, he solemnly informs Satoru, “He serves one of my brothers…”. Naoya looks to the floor, eyes tearing up. He’s never really gotten along with his brothers, him being the youngest always gave him the role of easy target practice. Never in his life would he think that one of them would actually want to kill him though. Satoru’s voice reaches him, “How about them?”, to which Naoya lifts his head only to become further compressed internally as he looks over the familiar faces. He wishes to ask them why they were trying to do this but by the glossed over, catatonic expressions they wear, he knows that’s not probable.    
               Gojo can sense and see the sheer heartache taking over Naoya, causing his own to twinge. He’s strangely offended by them upsetting the blonde, a surge of rage bubbling up his very being. “I will make it better Naoya…”, he almost silently mutters. He stands back over by his Zenin friend, “Please don’t be sad!”, he jeers, wanting to improve Naoya’s mood but not knowing how to. It doesn’t work in the slightest, its apparent that the Zenin is collapsing from the inside out. “These fucking cunts…”, Satoru snarls out while looking over their worthless forms, hovering helplessly within his domain. He wraps his arms around Naoya, hugging him genuinely with a frown. “You’ll never have to see them again…”, he says as all of their heads begins to blossom through shades of pink, red and then purple. One of the shaman finds the ability to scream, the sounds soothing Satoru as he brings Naoya in closer, wanting to save the Zenin’s eyes. “Cover you ears, Naoya…”, he whispers. When the blonde does with a sniffle, Gojo smirks wildly and watches all of their heads grow and become disfigured in shape and size before exploding through the eye sockets and ears. Satoru genuinely doesn’t mean to but the excitement he experienced from splashes of blood and cerebral fluid, his favorite, spill out, he squeezes the Zenin and slightly nuzzles his cheek into Naoya’s hair.
Gojo coos caringly to his friend, “How about we go see our princess? Have those drinks?”. Naoya doesn’t say anything but releases his wings so Gojo cancels his domain. The 9 bodies of the Zenin henchmen flop into the ground with fluid like squelch. Satoru half smiles to his masterpiece, missing that feeling of control when fighting. He hugs Naoya tighter, “Come on…maybe we’ll get Elska into some more lingerie!”.
               Naoya pushes Gojo away, chuckling even though he’s about break down into tears, “You’re a fucking pervert…”, being beside himself with how protective the shaman was over him. He turns his head to see the remnants of their fight, kind of mortified but says, “Hey…”.
               Satoru kicks one of the legs from the body nearest, “What’s up buddy? You ok?”, looking up with an empathetic frown. Naoya’s eyes are puffy but he’s clearly trying to hold back. “Families fucking blow.”, he feels a sort of strength as Naoya takes in more of the scene but it’s not the typical egoistical rush, more like warmth from wanting to save his friend.
               “Just…thank you Gojo. I wouldn’t have expected that from you.”, Naoya sighs deeply afterwards, still reeling from this new information. ‘Why would my brother do this?’, the likely answer of power cracking the chambers of his heart. A piece of him is unfurling chaotically within, his mind connecting dots that he hasn’t enough proof to do with. ‘Baby, does this have something to do with you too?’, he worriedly considers with a heavy heart. ‘Could he want Elska?’.
               Gojo walks back over to him, gasping dramatically, “I am offended! You’ve seen me naked and were practically besties. You are my guy!”.
               “I am not your guy.”, Naoya’s rebuttals automatically.
               Satoru cackles deeply being happy for the slight smirk appearing on Naoya’s face. “If you don’t perk up, I swear I’ll fucking kiss you!”.
               The almost smile fades instantly before Naoya states, “And I’ll fucking punch you!”. He yelps when Gojo pinches his ass again, raising his stiffened hand to perform the heartiest slap ever.
               Satoru is cracking up even further now and catches Naoya’s wrist in mid-action, genuinely saying, “As long as you’re not depressed, I’m alright with that.”. He releases his arm to grab up some of their bags. Turning towards the bodies again, he huffs and states, “I would leave them here to rot but that shop is toast now and authorities will be showing any minute. I should shoot Nanami a message.”.
               Naoya’s eyes water again, thinking about the cashier, wishing he’d never been caught in the crossfire.  As the thought hit him, he asks outwardly, “Why do this out in the open? They clearly were put off by you being here too, so why go about it this way?”. He brings his gaze to Gojo as the shaman slides his phone into his jacket pocket, the text completed.
               “That we will figure out.”, Satoru agrees that it seemed like an amateur plan. “Did they expect me to bail on you too?”, becoming sensitive to the new awareness that everyone thinks so little of him. “Let’s go back and talk this out with Toji and Elska.”. He sighs when Naoya’s expression still shows sorrow, “I will not let anyone harm you little Naoya, you are one of us now.”.
               Naoya wholeheartedly smiles but the sweet moment is shot when he recalls, “You were going to kill me not even an hour ago, dick!” He leans over to grab some bags as well, not even thinking twice about sharing the load.
               Gojo snickers, “Well that was different, we’re bound to have tiffs, silly.”.
               “I just wanted to propose to my princess…”, Naoya whines out defeatedly, knowing that Gojo will remain an obstacle in this sense. As upset as he was about it earlier though, he feels far less upheaval for it now. ‘He stuck by me when it mattered…’, the thought making him jump his eyebrows as it doesn’t feel quite real yet.
               “Well, when I went back to talk to the jeweler, I asked him to make us all rings too actually…”. Gojo kicks his foot up a little with his hands in his pockets, wanting to have save that as a surprise. “What’s your ring size? I have to let him know soon…and we have to figure out Toji’s too.”.
               Naoya feels his face light up, “What kind of rings Gojo?! What are you trying to say here?!”. The exhilaration on his face being completely obvious.
               “Let’s just say that in a way, we’ll all have her hand.”, the silver shaman smiles widely with soft eyes. ‘I’m glad he’s cheering up, this is good.’. He scoops up the rest of the bags, noticing how fewer he’s assigned this time, silently appreciating how Naoya’s helping.
               As he’s walking up to Gojo, Naoya experiences a moment of madness, fully coming to terms with the fact the Satoru Gojo is one of his closest friends now. “Fucking weird…”, he quietly jokes. “Ready when you are! Let’s get out of here…”, grabbing onto Satoru’s shoulder so they can be warped back to the compound.
               When they come back into Elska’s room, the men set down the bags but look at each other in reaction to the emptiness.
               “Love?”, Gojo calls out before checking the bathroom, “Toji?”. Satoru sighs, “Give me a sec, they’re close, I can feel it. He warps out of the room and into the hall, near Naoya’s room. He hears Elska crying, becoming alarmed. He kicks through Naoya’s door with energy already gathered into his palms but when he sees her and Toji on the floor next to Getou, he tilts his head and asks, “Is everything ok, love?”.
               Toji sits up, “Yea…we just had a-“.
               “Sati, I switched again and…”, with swollen eyes pointing to the floor she finishes, “…and I did some terrible things.”. She snivels once, feeling Toji helping her to her feet.
               Toji hugs her when they’re standing and while looking at Gojo, says, “Doll, it’s alright, we’re ok now…”. He’s ashamed in himself for how he handled the situation, still not comfortable with even touching her as his shame tells him he’s not fit for her love.
               Gojo walks up to them, tangling his fingers into her hair and turning her towards him. When she dives into his chest, still unwilling to look him in the eyes, his brow furrows. “Love, what ever happened, don’t worry about it.”, he looks to Toji though, “Naoya and I were just attacked while on the street downtown.”.
               Elska rips her head upwards, “SATI!? Where’s Naoya?! Are you guys alright?!”. She sees the blood on him, what he left from whomever suffered by his hand, “Sati…”, she speaks with a quivering voice, urgently wanting to understand. ‘Why would he let it get past his infinity?’.
               Gojo throws her over her shoulder, happily lifted by her sudden giggles, “Let’s go back to your room love, Naoya and the alcohol are in there!”. He belts out laughter as he watches Toji’s serious expression morph into an excited one at the mention of drinks.
               “Fuck yea…thank you for bringing some back!”, his wings flutter which prompts him to release them. He’s about to follow Gojo out of the room but huffs upon realizing that he probably shouldn’t just leave Getou there. “Come on you long fucker…”, he strains out while hoisting the Titer’s body over his own shoulder. “Your face is going to hurt like hell tomorrow!”, cackling deeply as he relives the satisfaction of decking his former boss.
               “BABY!”, Naoya shouts out as soon as they enter through the door. He walks over to Elska with speed, needing to be near her. She shrieks when her eyes fall to him though, the amount of blood he wears is extremely regrettable. Her hands search his chest and back frantically, “I’m fine baby, I promise. It’s their blood, not mine.”. He turns his head to see who Toji’s carrying, “What the fuck are you bringing him in here? Put his ass in the hall…why is he even asleep?”.
               Toji sighs, not being sure how to share everything that just happened. “It’s a long story actually…”, he lamentably states, his eyes shifting over to Elska instinctually. “Where’s my drink boy? I fucking need one. By the looks of you, you guys do too.”.
               Gojo is reaching into the chilled bags, harnessing his curse energy to twist off the tops while thinking, ‘It’s so much better when it’s a body…’, grinning to the warmth the death of his enemies brings him. He hands everyone a variant of fruit-based liquor infused bottles, “Naoya picked this out, don’t look at me.”, half laughing to the dissatisfied face of Toji’s.
               Naoya drinks his down almost immediately, already reaching for his second one. “Toji…”, his voice hinting reluctance, “Chonan has ordered my execution.”. Toji nearly stops his motion of swallowing, lowering his drink while connecting sorrowful eyes.
               Elska slams her bottle down so hard that it shatters, spilling alcohol all over the dresser. Her head begins to hurt again but she uses her fingers to massage her temples while asking, “Who the hell is that?”, she asks with a low tone, not being ok with knowledge that someone having it out for her prince.
               Toji is still gnawing at what Naoya said while also rushing to Elska, not liking the sign of her head hurting again, “Doll, just calm down…”. His concerned eyes meet with both Naoya’s and Gojo’s, “Her head bothered her before she switched…”.
               Naoya looks over at Getou passed out on the couch, “Tch…this fucking guy probably caused it.”, narrowing his eyes as he envisions ending the Titer right then.
               “At least Naoya’s here if she does…”, Gojo says while calmly rubbing the small of her back, the only bit that wasn’t blocked by Toji’s arms.
               Elska sighs and moves from her beloved to grab a towel, wanting to clean up the mess she made before it ruins any of the furnishings. “I’m ok.”. Her eyes meet Naoya’s, the serious ambers studying her as she wipes away the evidence. She visually rakes over his body, inadvertently being turned on by how beastly he seems while in his adversary’s red essence but calming herself as she can also see he’s upset. “My prince?”, she asks sweetly, “Who is this Chonan…and does he understand that he will die for messing with you? I will shred him to pieces.”.
               “He’s my oldest brother baby…”, the sadness in the Zenin’s tone becoming painfully clear as he wipes his eyes and reaches for another bottle.
               Gojo grabs the towel from Elska and whispers, “He’s really upset love, go cheer him up.”, kissing her on the cheek while grabbing the hazardous golden fabric that sounds of glass. Toji leans to him closely and quietly says, “We need to talk about Choso soon, there’s something everyone needs to know unfortunately…”, which sparks Satoru’s curiosity.
               Elska gradually sits next to Naoya on the edge of the bed, “Naoya, I’m sorry for saying that…I didn’t know…”, her tone somber but touch gentle as she runs her nails along the right side of his scalp. He doesn’t say anything yet but instead leans back over to grab yet another bottle. The rate at which he’s consuming these worries Elska but she also understands there’s a lot more going on than she’s conscious of.
               Toji takes a few steps closer, pissed by hearing this, “What is that arrogant fucker trying to pull?”, he knows Chonan well as they grew up together. Toji does not care for the prick though and vaguely recalls numerous times when the dickwad would gather other Zenin to bully him for his lack of cursed energy. There aren’t any emotional strings attached to these memories but Toji will be damned if Chonan thinks he can harm Naoya.
               Naoya sighs heavily, his head subtly moving to follow Elska’s touch. “They mentioned that I needed to go to make way for the true head.”, he mocks in a rancorous voice, his pride being threatened like no other. He reaches up to hold Elska’s hand, bringing the back of her fingertips to his lips, “But I worry this involves you too my princess…Gojo and I saw something at my estate and there’s no way this is a coincidence.”.
               Elska crawls over Naoya’s lap to stretch for another bottle, not being successful. A sharp smack lands on her butt which makes her yelp but when she looks up, she sees a familiar glint shine in her prince’s eyes. She giggles lightly to his masterful gaze and playfully adds, “Well I believe we’ve been over this, haven’t we my prince?”, she asks while sitting herself up, accepting the bottle that Naoya easily fetched in absence of her achievement. He gives her a brief expression of smiling confusion to which she adds, “You’ve already asked me if I would want an older version of you and I respectfully declined! You are my prince!”.
               Naoya deep voice soars through the air, cackling exhaustedly but with the seasoning of relief as well. He pulls her close and hums as their lips meet, the mere feeling of her against his skin lifting him out of his despair. “And you are my sweet…”, he kisses her again, “…but frightening princess.”. He decides to pull her to his lap, loving the way she looks at him when their eyes both start to glow. A sly smirk bombards his face, him now feeling a slight buzz, “You know Gojo said I can’t propose to you though? What kind of shit is that?!”, his question ending with snickers as her eyes widen.
               “Little Naoya…if you don’t shut up, you’ll ruin everything!”, Gojo warns, sipping his own drink that reminds him of a mango stand. When Toji squints his eyes inquisitively, Satoru says, “We have a lot to talk about you guys!”. Toji’s eyes glow so Gojo turns around to see what’s going on, taking a welcomed deep and relaxing breath upon understanding. All he can see are Naoya’s hands, beginning to grip different parts of the thin robe she’s wearing, the sight stirring him and causing a needy whine to leave his lips. He nudges Toji, “We should definitely catch up to him and drink some more.”. When he goes near the end of bed to grab two more bottles, he lingers there to observe the tender way their tongues meet but how hungry Naoya seems. He simply holds out the bottle in Toji’s direction but has no intention of walking it back over to him, wanting to stay for a little show.
               Elska feels Naoya’s hands groping her rear while sneakily pulling the robe from where its tucked under her knees and over his lap. Naoya breaks their kiss to look to his right and upon following his eyes she’s met with Toji’s and Satoru’s, patiently trained on them. She kisses Naoya’s cheekbone as he raises an eyebrow to the two men, him hiking her robe up, exposing her bareness. When he faces her again he seems electrically charged, crashing his lips to her while whispering “I love you so much baby, I’d never surrender you to my brother anyways…”, the statement making her hot.
               Toji downs his current bottle before raising his other fist to start on the one Satoru grabbed him. His eyes trail over to the Titer passed out on the couch though which irritates him all while becoming hesitant because of what happened with her earlier. He goes to speak up but she releases a wave of pheromones that he can’t help but inhale in until his lungs have met capacity. “Doll…”, he mutters with a half-smile as he exhales, the scent back to regular potency. He’s actually welcoming this distraction now as he is still trying to mentally grasp her other side being the reason Choso has become involved, hating that he’s also her turned.
               Naoya unties the knots that keep the robe fastened with the tips of his fingers, soon dipping his hands under the fabric by her shoulders to push the cloth down her body. One of his hands find her breast, lightly teasing the semi-hardened bud while she squirms, his tongue meeting with her collar bone and traveling up her neck. He hums again and then says, “Baby…”, gliding his hand up to her head but heavily dragging it along her skin until his fingers lace into her hair. “I’m in a mood and want to do something different.”.
               Gojo excitedly bites his lip, being able to gauge by Naoya’s tone that this will probably be kinky. He grabs 2 more bottles and set them beside the pair so they’d have it nearby, drinking his own with a bulge beginning to form. He watches Naoya stand him and Elska up but spins her around so that she’s now facing the same direction as him, towards the couch. The Zenin brushes off the rest of the robes that clung to her wrists before sitting and guiding her over his lap again. Satoru grabs Toji’s arm and brings them both to stand in front of Naoya and Elska, but roughly 3 ft away.
               Elska gasps as she gathers what her prince is trying to do. She’s made to lean against his chest while his hands pry her thighs apart, her lower half being put on display for the two men before them. She can’t see his face but she hears Naoya ask through the loud silence of her own blushing, “Is that pink mouse with us by any chance?”.
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Tagging: @angelofthorr @syynnaaah @animemenrbettr @itstackytime
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dorianbrightmusic · 6 years
Some Megami Ibunroku Persona headcanons about the characters
Uesugi Hidehiko (”Brown”)
Hidehiko, were he to work hard, would likely be at the very top of his class. His intelligence is on par with Nanjo’s, as he enjoys memorising trivia for the purpose of amusing others (e.g. he can conjugate verbs in Latin because he looked into the ‘Romanes eunt domus/romani ite domum’ sketch after seeing it). Trivia turned into facts turned into goddamn syllabi. However, unlike Nanjo, he prioritises his (failing) social life, so he attempts to cultivate the image of a carefree slacker by intentionally stuffing things up. His study habits are incredible (he spends hours every night working), but he doesn’t bother applying them in exams. 
For those who also ship Hidehiko and Nanjo, I’ve got a little bit more with this headcanon. The year after the game takes place, Hidehiko stopped failing tests intentionally, likely out of an attempt to impress Nanjo. (Nanjo: “You need help with your homework?” Hidehiko: “I’m the year below you, but sure.” *Proceeds to prove more helpful to Nanjo than vice versa.* Nanjo: ‘What the heck was that?”) 
Hidehiko has a strange and lovely friendship with Reiji. Though initially terrified of the six-pack leader, they bonded over card tricks. (Reiji is stated to be good at them in-game, while I imagine Hidehiko using them for pranks and such.) As a result, Hidehiko has also become something of an academic anchor for Reiji. 
Hidehiko’s ego was, for the longest time, in fact an inferiority-superiority complex. His character development not only ended his cowardice, but also gave him the ability to properly love himself rather than plead for others’ attention in an attempt to validate his worthwhile.
Hidehiko’s hair is partially dyed. For a long time, he experimented with different colours (including blue), but he decided that brownish-red plus the natural black was a good combination and has stuck with it since. 
Kido Reiji
After Kandori’s death, Reiji inherited a share of his money. Reiji’s hatred toward Kandori was almost completely one-sided, while Kandori was fond of his little brother/brother(er). Reiji had absolutely no idea what to do with several thousand dollars, but were it not for them, he probably would have completely broken down out of inability to support the growing family by the time of Persona 2. 
Around this time, Reiji, with Hidehiko’s assistance, started to actually study, as he realised some degree of financial literacy wasn’t going to kill him. Nor was history. Or geography. Or Japanese. Or maths.
Before the game started, Reiji broke Naoya’s nose. (Because, Naoya, do you really think flirting with an antisocial man with hair-trigger fists is a good idea?) Naoya still hasn’t forgiven him. (The nose is still the only thing deemed unattractive on Naoya’s face by the St. Hermelin alumni. To be fair, it looks like an off-centre shingle between the eyes.)
Kirishima Eriko (”Elly”)
Eriko, like Masao, love the creative pursuits. She paints and plays piano in her spare time. She and Masao disagree on multiple points, however. Eriko likes still, ambient art. Masao likes politically-relevant (and politically incorrect) graffiti. Eriko is absentminded enough to forget that politics is a thing. 
Eriko, like Tamaki, attends the St. Hermelin fencing club. She often discusses Ideo Hazama with her, and she’s very interested in exactly what happened at Kurokaza Gakuen.
Ayase Yuka
She never stops speaking in kogalgo. Reiji is probably going to do something horrible to her nose if she keeps it up. She and Hidehiko briefly dated (it ended with both of them just forgetting to do romantic things and realising they were acting like friends anyway), so he’s the only one who understands her. Eriko regards kogal speech like another language and wants to learn it from Yuka. 
Yuka, like Eikichi, dyes her hair every day. The amount of bleach and product used is unthinkable.
Mayuzumi Yukino (Yukki)
Because of her old stint as a yankii, new transfer students and such often don’t trust her immediately. She aimed to bring Reiji out of his delinquency and into something more civilised. Thus, she befriended him. She still rides a motorcycle to school. Without a license. 
In Persona 2 IS, she wanted to assist Eikichi with acting civil. (It worked somewhat.) As a result, once she left the party, her legacy lived on in Eikichi mentoring Jun as Yukino had mentored him. 
My attempts at posting regularly as of late have been fairly nonexistent, but commencing February 22, I’m going to try and get something up here every Friday. It’s mostly going to just be stuff such as the random head canons above, but who knows what might happen. School and music are going to disrupt this, of course, but regularity’s now a semi-priority.
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areaaaa51 · 4 years
Tate London art gallery trip.
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Ed Ruscha, DIRTY BABY, 2005
Ed Ruscha is an American artist associated with the pop art movement, Working with painting, printmaking, drawing, photography and film.
This work was one of the first which caught my eye, I've always been interested in Ed Ruscha’s work ever since I first discovered him from a famous piece of his ‘OOF’. Ruscha’s work has a lot of block colours and are very bold colours, his work often consists of one or a few words which are often quite statement or political. 
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Ed Ruscha, HOPE, 1998
I was especially drawn to his piece on ‘HOPE’ I like how it shows the letters fading away towards the end as if it starts off strong but slowly gets weaker. This can mean a lot of things, I thought that it would be a possible indicator about growing up - How when we are young the world seems so bright and easy and when we begin to understand and grow up we see all the wrong in the world are now exposed to all these new emotions, Showing that what we once those would've been easy ahs proven to be very difficult. That the dream jobs we had as a kid (Singer, Astronaut, Doctor, Footballer, Firefighter) seems so ridiculous now, as if we could become any of these things, we loose hope.  
I also think the background is very significant as you can see its sort of fussy even at the start, I think this might be implying that even at the start when we were younger and we were asked “what do you want to be when you grow up?” we didn't actually have an answer we just chose something which we thought was cool, we didn't even really want to be an astronaut. I think even subconsciously we knew we wouldn't become the thing we said we wanted to be, it was far to early to know. The background could also imply that this could be about memory loss, as we get older we tend to forget a lot more than when we were younger, its sad but its also part of life - maybe even to do with dementia, loosing memory and slowly losing yourself, lost hope. 
I love pieces like this where from something which may seem so simple, there is so much underlying meaning just by using one or two words and positioning them in a a certain way. I love the way the artist has made this to really get the audience asking questions, trying to figure out the reasoning behind it. I like the idea of reading in between the lines, this is something I want to put into my work. This work is relevant to me as I am doing in theory something very similar - going from one extreme to the other, going from fresh ripe fruits to decomposing moldy fruits. Showing the processes of life, the good and the bad, the ups and the downs, as that is life. 
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Ed Ruscha, Country Cityscapes series, 2001
A lot of my paintings are anonymous backdrops for the drama of words. In a way, they’re words in front of the old Paramount Studios mountain. You don’t have to have a mountain back there – you could have a landscape, a farm. I have background, foreground. It’s so simple. And the backgrounds are of no particular character. They’re just meant to support the drama, like the Hollywood sign being held up by sticks. (Quoted in Marshall 2003, p.239.)
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This piece here, I was originally drawn to because of the landscape behind and the title ‘You’re A Dead Man’, the common cliché cowboy catchphrase. You can kind of make out where the letters would go, I was a confused why the artist took this approach to cover up the words in all of these images. After researching further into it Ed Ruscha work, I found that by covering up, or ripping out the text ‘in one sense the absent text evacuates the image of the violent threat’. ‘The artist is removing the drama from the scene, or highlighting the evacuated meaning of this frequently repeated and parodied cowboy catchphrase’.
I admire how carefully thought of this piece is, its unexpected, something Ed Ruscha is famous for (a prominent background and bold text) its completely new, surprising. Knowing that the words have been or are still there but are just covered up to avoid conflict or drama is something fascinating to me.
I feel this is something to think about epically with my work, by removing the thing which makes the audience feels uncomfortable or discomfort, but still knowing it’s there, just hidden away to make it seem more appealing for example with my work: removing the decay or making it not visible in photos, to removes any drama from the scene. 
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Ed Ruscha, HONK, 1962
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Ed Ruscha, Dead End, 2014
Both power words, big and unable to escape them, very loud, even though they don't make any noise.
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Naoya Hatakeyama, Natural landscapes in Tokyo, 2012
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Naoya Hatakeyama, Natural landscapes in Tokyo, 2012
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Mark Bradford, May Heaven Preserve You From Dangers and Assassins, 2010
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James Rosenquist, Skull Snap, 1989
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Jean Hélion, Ile DE France, 1935
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Guerrilla girls, Guerrilla Girls Review The Whitney, 1985-1990
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Wilhelm Sasnal, Gaddafi 1, 2011
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Wilhelm Sasnal, Gaddafi 3, 2011
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Cildo Meireles, A tower of radios laying at once, addresses ideas of information overload and failed communication, 2001
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Mimmo Rotella, With a Smile, 1962
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John Stezaker, Mask Series, 2005-2006
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Silke Otto-Knapp, A series of images following one from the other, 2018
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I thought this piece was captivating, What I have gathered from this is it is some kind of interpretive dance, this is interesting because of the colours, never changing and being completely immersed into blue and I think this background and the lighting has some significance towards the dance as it very sort of forced, as if the person is tired they are dragging there shoes of the ground as the move, effortlessly but lacking the passion.
I was watching this for about five minutes, it’s very melancholy, and still despite all the movement, it is quiet and lonely. I wasn't sure if this was a loop or a long piece of interpretive dance, but I found it very interesting and couldn't look away.
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From observation I think this piece is to do with depression and anxiety. the movement looks almost forced although, it flows well it appears that she is tired, walking round the same areas, lying down as if she is stuck in some kind of vicious circle. Maybe this is a loop and it shows that how people experiencing depression or anxiety feel stuck inside a loop and that everyday is the same. Unable to break the cycle, it continues.
The striking background is something which caught my eye at first, such a simple colour with so much history. We often associate the colour blue with feeling sadness, cold or icy, unfriendly and distant but, we also associate blue with being peaceful, stable, Not threating and being secure. These are quite contrasting feelings and I believe that the first meanings I wrote (sadness, distant) are the ones we tend to not see or we choose to ignore. The other meanings (stable, secure) are the ones we love to hear, love to see. 
I think this is a very special piece, it has so much to it. By the artist choosing this colour blue its already allowed the audience to see so much, It broadens our minds and allows us to look deeper, allow the fact it might just be more than a pretty colour. 
Something I want to incorporate into my work is colour and use it well, allowing the colour to speak, as it with holds so much emotion within it’s self. 
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naoyafacts · 3 years
On his star sign:
“What’s a “Virgo”??? I’m a top who can drive ”
On generational values:
“I’m not a millennial, this is Japan. Heisei! H E I S E I”
On public libraries:
“I read a book once.”
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lightlycareless · 2 years
Chapter 21 - thoughts.
Heya everyoneeee!!! If you’re here, it’s probably because you’ve read the ending notes of chapter 21 😈 and had decided to see what else I had to say about that chapter hehe.
If not, then you’re still welcome here 🥰 (although I must tell you to read chapter 21 first!! If not, you’re only going to get spoiled half-context post—you can read the chapter right…here!)
Anyways, I decided to start writing extra notes for this chapter (and probably the ones after, if I have anything to say of course) because I wanted to share more of my thoughts and just what goes through my mind 😂 like what inspired me and what I tried to convey.
Without further ado, I hope you enjoy my little notes :3
Now, let’s start with chapter 21!
I guess we can all agree that Naobito is a piece of shit—however, just how shitty is he?
I think you can argue that most of my inspiration came from the Endeavor-Dabi dynamic, Naoaki being Touya/Dabi, of course, if Dabi hadn’t completely snapped as well as having Shoto turn into a little shit.
My interpretation of Naobito was that of Endeavor’s before it was explained that he wasn’t like… that shitty at first? I remember there was a point where everyone headcanon’d he was an absolute monster with him —he was either way but that’s another point— like all these fanarts depicting him being straight up disrespectful to his son by calling him not good enough and comparing him to Shoto, and not caring when he died??
And then Rei, who everyone had in a pedestal and turned out to be that she wasn’t that good of a mother either (understandable, for she was in an abusive environment) to which she admitted she could’ve done better in certain aspects (having her ignore the rest of the children just to focus on Shoto was something I definitely see Tomoko doing with Naoya, probably under the orders of Naobito) I wanted to explore something like that with Tomoko, but I’ve decided to keep her involvement kind of limited for future purposes 😈
Anyways, when it was time to create Naoaki’s background, I took their story as my main inspiration. Naobito didn’t seem to me like the kind of person that would completely ignore his son, or someone to see things all the way to the end—allowing himself to be completely absorbed by his feelings. So, I had to make both his two-sided hypocritical nature, as well as his willingness to take the extra step to berate his children, by giving them snide comments here and there that would eventually gaslight Naoaki into doubting himself.
I hated writing that scene—which not even part of the original outline. I just thought that it was a great way to show the turning point in Naoki’s life, the one that helped him decide that his brother’s were far more important than pleasing his father. If you must know, his siblings are incredibly protective of him due to the fact that those rejected by Naobito often spent most of their free time with their mom, who tended to him 24/7.
Moving on, I’m not sure if I was obvious enough, but I wanted to portray similarities between Naoya and Naobito, like in the way they shrugged and spoke to Naoaki lol truly the apple doesn’t fall that far from the tree.
Now, I think that Naoaki is a victim of his circumstances, for he was conceived as a tool for Naobito’s use, who maintained relevancy thanks to the fact that there wasn’t anyone else to take his role (that is, until Naoya arrived)
However, I think his fall from grace ended up being harsher due to the situations that occurred before hand:
Naofumi’s sickly condition lead many of his relatives to keep a closer eye on his mother throughout her pregnancy, (morbidly wanting to see if she would birth another child with the same conditions as Naofumi, or not)
The birth of Gojo—a fact that rattled the whole jujutsu community on its own. I tried to highlight how important this situation was by intertwining both the Gojo’s and Zen’in’s technique, something like: one cannot exist without the other, thus if one is around…the other soon follows behind. Another reason that leads Naoaki’s relatives to be further interested in Tomoko. (I headcanon some where disappointed that Naoya didn’t get the 10 shadow’s technique, but that didn’t bother much after a while lol)
I also think that, as talented as Naoaki was, he eventually had to face the obstacle of stunting himself in a spot where growth was becoming harder and harder to achieve. After all, Naoya is canonically considered the most talented one of his brothers, something had to set them apart if they both had his father’s technique.
I don't think his separation from his father would've been that bad if these things hadn't happened, perhaps even the elders would've encouraged Naobito to continue training both of them at the same time, because they were undeniably talented and they would be fools to not add more strength to their family; unfortunately, they were already very tense because they feared their luck was running out, so when Naoya was finally born, he was seen like a blessing lol.
Now, the other thing I consider important to talk about is Y/N’s final reaction—while I was writing that scene, I initially intended for Naoaki to simply take her back to her room when she said she wanted to lay down, perhaps even get Mariya involved where she’s a bit suspicious of her mistress’ newfound relationship (which she already was)  but something inside me told me to take it to the next level and have her vomit lmao as well as get her period, because let’s not forget that one of the many instigators of Y/N’s life!!
Something that I was still hesitant about, for I thought that perhaps her response was one to be an overreaction—but then…I remembered that Y/N was having a very difficult time throughout these past few days: from having to deal with an angered Naoya  (which made her believe she was about to get killed by him) to Naobito turning her fear into a reality, breaking down upon realizing she was basically locked from the outside world, having a su1c1d3 scare with her staff, meeting the twins and seemingly scaring them away for good, and now facing Naoaki (whom she initially believed to be out for her) and his tragic background.
Well… the accumulation of all these things finally took a toll on her mental health, which lead her to be highly insecure of herself, as well as very sensitive to her surroundings. And I thought the best way to portray her inner turmoil was to do so physically: which is why I went down that route! (also, it reminds me allot of that one scene from avatar, where Zuko does like one nice thing and he gets sick—kind of a poetic way to show how difficult change can be haha)
And then… the ending. I really didn’t know how to finish that chapter; my two options at that point were: making Y/N declare that she absolutely hates Naoya and her relationship with (giving the impression that their relationship was beyond repair at this point) or having her accept her imminent death, but not without cause (to avoid putting an innocent child under this toxic environment)
Nonetheless, I believe that either route would’ve show how determined she was to detach herself from the Zen’in family.
We do have an unexplored relationship with Naoaki, and a few more loose ends to deal with—so anything can happen at this point 👀
I hope you enjoyed this post :> Just a little something I wanted to put out there to help you understand the why of certain actions—it’s not really required to understand the story, but if you decide to take a look at it… thank you 🥺❤❤❤❤
(P.S. If you have doubts about certain points, don’t be afraid to ask me :3 Of course, there might be things that I might not reveal because they might affect the plot, but all thoughts/questions are always welcomed ❤)
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