#not all of my fav characters are like this but these three are my blorbo trifecta
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very very self indulgent doodle of my blorbinos, the marshmallow gang 🤍
in the wise words of me from the past:
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emily-mooon · 10 months
I feel mad >:(
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rpgchoices · 8 months
The WINNER of the Tournament of fav tumblr rpg male romances is...
The Master of the Vollante
The Babe of Frontiers
The Heart of the Gate
Enjoy this two minute FANVIDEO DEDICATED TO HIM (don't miss the final quote, it is my favorite), I used the most appropriate song ever. Congrats, Wyll with a y!
(he is the hero, but he also needs a hero to sweep him off his feet, get it?)
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With about 1235 votes, Wyll beat Garrus in the finals of the tournament. This gives him the title of best tumblr rpg blorbo and babygirl.
(more under cut about the Wyll's sweep and his character)
Wyll jumped into the tournament qualifying among 69 total characters, and being the most voted of his section in round zero! Wyll was also the most voted OVERALL in round one where he got about 6420 votes against Cullen (88% of votes). Round two saw him winning a very close competition against Zevran, and in round three he won with almost double the votes against Astarion! Again with double the votes he won against Dorian Pavus in the semifinals!
Very appropriate for him to win as his character is truly a romantic at heart and his actor even revealed in an interview that the romantic scenes were his favorite to film.
Wyll is a companion and romancable option for any gender in Baldur's Gate 3. You will meet him while he is in pursuit of a devil, just to find out that the honor and code he is trying to live by might be clashing with the path he could be choosing.
Wyll's romance has a kiss that has been nominated (and won) for "favorite kiss ever in a rpg game by me and for my opinion only and I just love it".
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Man who will crack a joke when you least expect it
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Just to turn around and offer you the most heart shattering and unwavering support
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Monster smasher (in all senses) hero, who truly needs someone at his side who makes sure he fights his own battles too, not just the trials of the coast!
Very happy to see he is currently (with all the biases and limitations of such polls, of course) the favorite romance in the rpg fandoms here on tumblr (for male characters)!!
Please, make sure to also jump in the female characters tournament!!
Also, CONGRATULATIONS TO GARRUS who came second in the tournament, and FENRIS who came third! (as he had more votes than Dorian, in the semifinals)
*In the fanvideo there are the seven clips that are not from Wyll games. I wanted to write them down as this is supposed to be a rec for his romance, so I don't want to trick people!
00:16 I modded Wyll into Karlach and used Astarion as player character (Karlach romance scene act 3)
00:38 Astarion romance scene, I played as Wyll but I flipped the character with the ring of metamorph mod so Wyll could pick up Astarion
00:50 Like the first clip, this is Karlach scene from act 3
00:51 I modded Karlach into Wyll, this is her scene from act 1
00:53 I modded Shadowheart into Astarion and I was playing as Wyll, this is Shadowheart romance scene in act 1
00:59 This is Astarion romance scene in act 2, I was playing as Wyll
01:07 The hug is from Astarion romance, epilogue, where I was playing as Wyll
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booigi-boi · 10 months
Would love to know your favorite Joey character (also love the way your draw him)
Aw, thank you 🥺🐐🐇💛🤍
But my fav Joey character? Yeah, I guess I can turn this into a mini show and tell, lol 👍
From Starkid: Ted Spankoffski, which is kinda obvious. Is he a terrible person who deserves the title of "Most deaths in the Hatchetfield series"? Absolutely. Is he still my blorbo? Absolutely 👨🐐
This man has no shame and I love seeing him die anytime he appears in a HF story ✨
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From Tin Can Bros: Scrags, but mostly because I am unable to rewatch SAF more than once a year, cause it gives me such slaps in my face after act 2 starts that I am emotionally unable to watch it (/pos ofc, I just can't go through sleepless nights over gay spies anymore 🥲)
So sorry Owen lovers, I just like this depressed dog dad more (Especially after the Grunch, go watch it 🐕❄)
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From Shipwrecked: Easily Ernest Hemingway, no debating, lol. Funnily it's mostly cause I love his costuming/design, like this brown on brown on brown is really speaking to the artist in me, ugh 🔪🤎🥃
(Also, I own the jacket, and Joey said it's cool I own something he wore and get to make look cool again, but it's so goddamn big on my 5 foot self,,,,,,)
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✨Honorable mentions✨
Sergio's design from the SAF Kickstarter, just look at this boy, peak villain Joey design 💣💼
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Dash Gunfire, who I've named most of my plushies after and have a crack theory about 🐇🤍🐇🤍 (He and Agent Curt Mega are related. No I won't elaborate, iykyk)
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Tripp, the Brom's Babe who is definitely the most dramatic of the three 💞 (Also, I love these three in general??? Let them be gay and do crime and be probably terrible wing men to Brom) (Someone also ask me about all the headcanons I have about them, there's a lot)
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Dracula Joey
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the-irken-luxray · 26 days
Hellooo because I forgot about the whiteboard until like midnight of the expiration date I didn’t get the chance to gather final screenshots so many of people’s additions didn’t make the final post. These are all the most recent versions of the drawings I could find (and in some cases I had to edit them together)
Featuring additions from @/kursed-curtain, @/flowerbarrel-art, and numerous others (feel free to brag in the notes if you see yourselves!)
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[ID 1: a bust of Jenny Coffield, a stick figure oc with short, wavy hair, a top hat adorned with multiple spheres, and a burn scar on her head, showing off a “top bomb”, a top hat shaped object with a fuse sticking out the top. Tagline text reads “it explodes in the shape of a top hat”. Around the bomb are golden sparkles and captions reading “SO COOL!”, “WOW!”, and “FUN SHAPE!!”. Below the bomb is a diagram comparing a standard cartoon bomb, captioned in red with “LAME” and an X mark, with the top bomb, captioned in green with “COOL”. To the left of Jenny is three Toppats sitting around a meeting table. Two Toppats look impressed, one saying “wow!” and the other saying “We should use that”. The third Toppat looks annoyed and says “This is a stupid meeting.” End ID]
This one is probably my fav out of the bunch, just for the collaboration aspect.
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[ID 2: a full body doodle of Reginald Copperbottom grinning evilly while holding a gun. Blue text reads “autism be damned my boy can kill”. A small doodle of someone’s Toppat sona or OC fawns over Reginald with multiple floating hearts. They have a bullet behind them with a red trail mark, as though they were shot with Reginald’s gun. Adjacent is a generic stick figure who is getting shot in the head. Text pointing to the stick figure reads “the cringe”. Yellow writing reads “ding dong the wicked cringe is dead”. End ID.]
At least one Reginald is mandatory. People got silly with this one.
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[ID 3: a mouthless stick figure looks confused and mildly uncomfortable while looking at the viewer. Text next to them reads “my darling”, “precious blorbo”, and “beloved”. Below the text is a blob with eyes and no mouth in a happy expression, with writing reading “blorbo!” The stick figure is holding up a sign that says “I am literally just text????” End ID.]
Okay yeah you should know who this is by now
Gave them a Wile E. Coyote type sign because it fits the whole “no mouth can’t speak” type thing they’ve got going on.
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[ID 4: a doodle of Jenny’s head with text reading “Your Toppat weapon ideas HERE!” Below is a drawing of Pike Cassino, a stick figure with a top hat decorated with slot machine wheels and horns, a gold tooth, and whiskery facial hair. a speech bubble pointing to him reads “Maybe a gun that doesn’t blast me back when I fire it…” Below the prompt text is a doodle of a glittering, gold cannon labeled “solid gold cannon”. Next to it is Jenny looking annoyed with a thought bubble reading “At least I’m paid well”. End ID.]
There were a LOT more additions to this prompt than I ended up grabbing, but with how spread out they were, there would be an additional five screenshots or so just to get them all.
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[ID 5: a bust of Jenny waving an aromantic flag with a caption reading “aro gang”. Next to her is a drawing of a character labeled Harley, who has a heart shaped top hat and bangs, with a Toppat clan logo on their jacket and a paw on their hand. Harley waves to Jenny and is captioned with “aro gang!” End ID.]
Another that is sadly a lot smaller than its final version. The aro gang used to be bigger.
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[ID 6: 3 images of a doodle of Ellie Rose. First image is of a head shot of Ellie. Second image is text reading “world’s smallest Ellie” with an arrow pointing to an indistinguishable doodle. Third image is the previous doodle zoomed in to show a very small head shot of Ellie, approximately the size of the tip of the arrow. End ID.]
World’s smallest Ellie.
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[ID 7: A whiteboardfox drawing with a thick border around it, as though it’s an external image that’s been copy-pasted. The drawing is of Burt Curtis, a stick figure with headphones and a top hat, stylized. Here he has messy, wavy, short hair and highlights in his eyes. He’s reading a magazine titled “#3 ACTion”. To the left is a frog-with-glasses icon with text reading “gotta get sillier with my art”.
To the right of the copy-pasted drawing is a frog with glasses on his hands and knees, with the glasses lenses opaque to hide his eyes. Text below reads “just found out my drawing didn’t save can’t have shit on whiteboard”. End ID.]
Yeah so I was… struggling with this one. The frog in the top left was originally a thing I tried to add to ALL my additions up make them easier to find. But because of WiFi issues, not only did none of them save, but half my Burt drawing was gone too. Fortunately, because I was already struggling bad with it, I had the foresight to screenshot the drawing once I was done with it.
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[ID 8: a doodle of Reginald Copperbottom with his hands on his hips while smoking a giant blunt. To the right is a drawing of Reginald in the family guy death pose with a caption above reading “bad at smokign” [sic]. Below the whole thing is text in parentheses reading “(whiteboard if you’re gonna react my art please for the love of god let it be this one)”. End ID.]
Drawn immediately after the previous one. No further context needed.
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nemainofthewater · 7 months
Best Character Surnamed: Yuan
Come and vote for the best characters with the same surname!*
What does best mean? It's up to you! Whether you love them, are intrigued by their characters, love to hate them, or they're your '2 second blorbos whose personality you made up wholesale', these are all reasons for you to vote for your favs!
*note, the surnames are not exactly the same in all the cases, as often there will be a different character. I am, however, grouping them all together otherwise things got more complicated.
Propaganda is very welcome! If I’ve forgot anyone, let me know in the notes.
This is part of a larger series of ‘best character with X surname’ polls’. The overview with ongoing polls, winners, and future polls can be found here
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vellichorom · 1 month
feel free to ignore this but I’m a little curious lmao ,, if you were to draw korekiyo is there anything you would do to tweak his design? Or how would you draw him in general
btw korekiyo is my fav danganronpa character all three games (four bla bla bla) UGH
i fucking LOVE korekiyo shinguji man... you know what's good,
& WHAT A GOOD QUESTION TOO! i don't think i have a very interesting answer for it but...
like with MOST danganronpa character designs ( or the designs of my blorbos period ) - save for a few tweaks here & there, i'm quite content with it! now, i'm sure others would beg to differ ( & they'd probably make a better point than i would ), but he's got a good design, i think! he's an eccentric & offputting, though compellingly mysterious, leaning-toward-the-darker-aspects-of-life, & is all about his research & existing, anthropologist -- which i think his design reflects pretty well!
i think the only things i myself might change -- tweak, rather -- about the design is removing / adjusting more of the unnecessary, more tedious details; his little punk shoulder spikes for one, or replacing the mummy-wrapped hands with off-white gloves for another,
&- you know, maybe making him look a bit more... imperfectly human, as opposed to the glimmering perfection most animes incorporate into their designs; a bit of a sicklier look about him, dark circles or bags under his eyes, obviously too-long fingers ( i like thinking he's got some arachnodactyly ), some acne or scars, a bit more meat on his bones maybe, off-white teeth ( when visible ) & eyes, such & such & such ( i've also always enjoyed tanned / dark skinned korekiyo takes, man's probably out in the sun a lot... )
just little things, you know? nothing big that i can dream of personally, though i have seen the most gorgeous dangan redesigns & Especially for korekiyo that do him even More justice than the games Ever could. i can't identify any by name, BUT BELIEVE ME, there are others WAY more educated & qualified to give their two cents on his design that mean way more than whatever i say - & i Know it's as deserving of criticism as anything Else in this damn awful franchise
but hey, you'll sooner see me coming up to plate regarding his WRITING rather than his design amirite
here, FOR YOUR NICE ASK & INTEREST - a modern day korekiyo drawn by yours truly after a couple years without;
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with absolutely none of my proposed tweaks added because i'm cute like that
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lurkingshan · 1 year
10 Things I Love About 3 Will Be Free
I am very late on this one, I know it! But this week I finally sat down with @wen-kexing-apologist and binged the whole thing, and had a grand ol’ time doing it. @waitmyturtles the verdict is two enthusiastic thumbs up. This was such a fun romp, and here are a few of the things I loved most about it:
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Guess who has a new blorbo!! In hindsight it is absolutely absurd that it took a Tay Tawan girlie like me so long to watch this show, because Shin is an instant entry on the all-time fav characters list. I love his sad gay ass. He’s sensitive, he’s lonely, he’s repressed, he’s far too susceptible to Stockholm syndrome, and I would protect him with my life.
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A working class trans character with an actual plot?! Thank you for your endless gifts, P’Jojo. Sure, my girl Mae made some questionable choices (just a little light murder!), but listen, I support her, in the words of @wen-kexing-apologist, embracing her feminine rage. And in the end, she figured out exactly the right target for her rage and lived her best life.
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A Survivor. Gets shit done. Absolutely will kill a man if he forces her hand. Loyal to her boyfriends even when it would probably be smarter to ditch them. Also, she so pretty.
Neo’s tanks and crop tops
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I never claimed not to be shallow.
Neo and Shin’s backstory
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Episode 5 was my favorite of the show and the moment it really clicked for me. I loved getting a glimpse of Shin’s lonely and dejected teen years (I just wanna talk, Ken 🔪🔪🔪). I loved that the basis of Neo and Shin’s relationship and initial attraction was the way they played together. Shin laughed more in his few days with Neo than he probably had in the several years preceding them. I loved that Neo gave him his first kiss and that Shin treasured those memories so dearly.
The Worst Criminals Of All Time
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Truly remarkable these three are still alive by the end of the show. Their ideas were half-baked and their execution was severely lacking. They never had a plan they thought all the way through and they never had a single scheme that went off without a hitch. Luckily, the bad guys chasing them were also thoroughly incompetent, so it all evened out. The only smart person in this show was Miw’s mom, who knew the only prudent move was to stay the hell out of this mess.
Miw and Shin’s friendship
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I just love that these two developed their own bond, even though they’re not into each other the same way they’re both into Neo. They both risked their lives to save the other. They tease and joke with each other. Shin literally wanted to bring his new bestie home to live with him. They’re adorable.
This weird little guy
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Toptap. My guy. What are you doing here and why are you being so strange? Are you good, are you bad, are you chaotic neutral? Who can tell! Certainly not me. But I enjoyed every moment your weird ass was on the screen.
There's a polyamorous relationship, and it’s depicted onscreen!
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Okay, here’s the part where I admit my expectations for the poly romance in this show were a liiiiiiilttle off base. I must gently rib the fandom for leading me to believe this show would have any actual sex in it (or really a focus on romance at all) and once again recite to myself a universal truth: gifs removed from context are so misleading. At the same time, I also must acknowledge how groundbreaking it was at the time to depict polyamory at all. I would have loved a bit more time spent on the actual relationship dynamics and the emotional complexities of this triad they formed, but I recognize that’s not really what this show was about and appreciate they included a polycule in the first place. Now that it’s 2023 and he’s been give a lot more freedom, I look forward to Jojo’s further exploration of sexy polycules in Only Friends.
Against all odds, these crazy kids got their happy ending
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When this show started I did not see any way for them to come out of this in good shape. I was going to be happy if they simply survived. But not only did they survive, they are thriving! Shin has inherited his dad’s legitimate business and discovered he looks hot in a deep V. Neo and Miw are living that beach life they deserve. Everyone loves each other and everyone is at peace. A+, 10/10, would watch again.
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brendathedoodler · 1 year
I saw the tags that mention AS Four and Shadow are a canon couple SO please can I see what you're thinking? Honestly, the more headcanons and stuff that I hear for this AU, the more excited I get about it ^u^
And I'm not just saying that cuz Four is my blorbo, I promise
Thank you!! Tbh Four is one of my favorites so I’m always eager to talk about him
I may or may not have paired my fav Zelda game with my fav character
The romance starts, unsurprisingly, with Vio and Shadow.
The two were already close before this and had begun to banter with one another regularly. Now, though, they were together, taking over the Yiga clan.
It went back and forth, their usual banter as Shadow joked and teased about their plans (or their false plans, anyway, for fear of any ninjas that may be listening in). Vio responded in his usual deadpan tone, often rolling his eyes with a small smile on his face.
Shadow rested on the throne, Vio sitting on the armrest. With how small the two were, Vio had eventually shifted to sitting right next to him. He wasn’t entirely paying attention, and eventually ended up on Shadow’s lap.
They kissed there on the throne of the Yiga clan, illuminated only by the light of the nearby torches.
A few days later and the entire scheme collapsed (but so did the Yiga base). They continued on. The moment Vio and Shadow shared went unmentioned, but both were thinking of it often.
The group decided that they needed to more practice as Four. Their break was over, and after the near defeat with Vah Ruto, they’d need to prepare before facing Vah Naboris. They agreed to do some shrines.
The first issue came when they arrived at the shrine deep in the desert next to the fairy fountain. They planned to awaken her, but Red admitted that he’d spent all their money on arrows. This infuriated Green because Red had sold the molduga parts he’d been farming for the past few days to get the money for arrows. They were now broke. To top it off, Blue revealed that he’d scammed some sucker out of his sand boots, but then dyed the sand boots blue. The other three, being stubbornly unwilling to wear something that wasn’t dyed their own color, got mad at him for it.
After a few minutes to cool off, they all agreed to combine and just do the damn shrine anyway. The thing with combining is that none of them have any true privacy; whatever memories one of them has during their time split will be immediately shared with the others.
The fact that they were all already frustrated combined with the fact that neither Vio nor Shadow had told anyone else about the fact that they’d kissed caused them all to immediately split and start arguing.
Blue accused Shadow of playing favorites, Green was mad because keeping secrets like that wouldn’t help them when they were trying to be more of a unit, and Red felt betrayed that Vio hadn’t said anything to the rest of them. It didn’t help that they were all hellishly jealous because they also wanted what Vio and Shadow had. The entire thing was a mess.
Needless to say, Vio and Shadow were left alone there, unable to actually do the shrine because they needed to be whole (and Shadow couldn’t go in the shrine anyway).
Now, Shadow adores all of them and really didn’t mean to play favorites. He def needs to give them some space before trying to prove that, though.
Vio, meanwhile, is bad with feelings and tries to logic his way through an apology (to which Shadow just says “lmao good luck with that”).
Anyway, Shadow goes and has a moment with each of them, though it’s less romantic and more just trying to make up and connect with each of them (he’ll have a particular romantic moment with each of them eventually but this isn’t it).
Vio also goes around and gets everyone some “sorry for keeping secrets from you” gifts. For Green he gets the exact amount of rupees that Red ‘stole’ from him (they have a shared inventory but Green is still mad about the molduga parts Red sold), for Blue he got a bunch of Yiga weaponry but put the effort in to make the handles blue instead of red, and he went and commissioned some custom jewelry from Isha for Red.
At least now that everyone was less pissed, they finally regrouped and started doing some shrines. Tbh sorting out that disagreement really did help with their overall cooperation as Four.
Eventually they faced Vah Naboris, and that battle was the first time Four truly felt like a single person since he woke up. The feeling didn’t last, but it had been nice.
Anyway, more about the romance! Each of the colors has their own particular moment with Shadow, and then Four too. Though, after the incident before, he’s making an effort to spend more time with each of them instead of just Vio.
Green and Shadow kissed on the back of a crumbling Talus they fought together. It wasn’t their smartest idea, seeing as the thing was crumbling under their feet. The entire fight had been exhilarating, and the adrenaline running high when Green had grabbed Shadow’s tunic to initiate. When the Talus dissipated Green broke his leg falling, but it had absolutely been worth it (two health potions later and he and his leg were fine).
Red and Shadow kissed doing something more domestic. They’d been cooking together, whipping up some magic foods in preparation for hiking up the frosty mountains. The others had gone off to do who knows what, and Red and Shadow remained, flipping through a cookbook and filling Red’s slate with delicious meals for the road. There had been plenty of cuddling, teasing, and messing around. The kiss was a simple peck on Shadow’s cheek to thank him for helping out, but nonetheless Red’s face matched his name by the time the others returned.
Blue and Shadow kissed as they explored together. Shadow loves banter, and Blue is so easy to get a rise out of (and maybe he was playing it up for comedic effect). It just went back and forth as the two travelled, on the search for shrines (or any little thing they might stumble across). They kissed after a rather typical exchange. Shadow was being a pest, Blue told him to shut up, and Shadow responded with "make me”. What else was Blue supposed to do? Not kiss him? Ridiculous.
One last scene I have in mind is when Four unlocks the Master Cycle Zero. Shadow sitting just behind Four, arms wrapped around his torso to keep on. The wind in their hair as they drive across Hyrule Field in ancient technology that they don't fully understand, whooping and hollering with joy.
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anarchy-and-piglins · 2 years
Legit tho. All I want are Captain Puffy fics and all I get are "and Tommy's therapist is also here" =_=
Jup, and the problem isn't with those Tommy fics existing. It's the atrocious tagging in this fandom.
In fact, here's an impromptu AO3 tag guide
People seem to have started treating AO3 like other (algorithm driven) socmed and it's led them to thinking more tags is always better. This is a lie. AO3 works best if people only tag what's relevant.
As a general rule for tagging on AO3, the most important thing to keep in mind is asking yourself 'if somebody was specifically browsing this tag, to find this type of content, would my fic satisfy them?'
For example, a tag I use a lot is 'hurt Technoblade' because I enjoy writing angst and whump. I know that somebody who is in that tag, will like a lot of my fic. In one of my recent, more fluffy fics, Techno gets hit by an arrow. It's a short scene in a 8k fic and isn't too important to the overall plot. I did not tag that fic as 'hurt Technoblade' because I know people browsing that tag aren't interested in a fic where he's hurt for three seconds max. In other words: just because a specific thing is technically in the fic, doesn't mean I need to tag it.
Character tags are no different and should be reserved only for main characters and important side characters. If a character only cameos in a few scenes and has little to no influence on the plot, you shouldn't tag them.
(Again, ask yourself 'hey if somebody was looking for fic about this character, is their role within my narrative big enough to count?'. Swap the blorbos in your head and imagine you were reading your fic to get content of your fav. Would those few scenes they appear in be enough to satisfy you?)
Unless your fic is a huge one-shot collection, I don't want to see 20 different character tags on your damn story. Because you're either tagging every bitch with a single speaking line, or if you've actually tried to divide your narrative focus over 20 characters, the result is probably as cohesive as a bad LSD trip.
In the extra tags, you can specifically put '(character name) mentioned' and '(character name) cameo'. Use those if you want. But only tag characters (and relationships and other things) if they play a significant major role within the plot.
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i-mybrunettelady · 25 days
Reverse Unpopular Opinion: French literature
dude this topic is so wide like? where does one start
i will, however, discuss my fav books i'd read for uni!! bc if i start otherwise there won't be any stops and i will get into periodisation which is... very vast as a topic lmao
friendly reminder i have a bookblr over on @eugenederastignac <3
molière: i love molière as a writer so much! his works are very timeless even if he was writing with the idea of his time in his head (as is expected) but the ideas he proposes are so valuable even today. he never makes his female characters marry the men their parents (fathers) chose for them, but always has them end up with the men they actually love. there's always a character of a wise servant, person of the people so to speak, whose wisdom supersedes that of their masters. he wrote plays to mock aristocracy, while his actual public was the very same aristocracy. he died playing the main character of a sick man in his own play, on the stage. idk much about his personal life, but that is irrelevant to my enjoyment of his work by and large. and also, idk what it says about me, but i find his comedies actually hilarious. (barring don juan, which is weirdly unfunny but also highly entertaining in its own way.)
the red and the black, stendhal: one of my fav books of all time. i am lowkey in love with the protagonist, julien sorel. but what draws me in is the way he writes - stendhal's style of writing is somewhere between the sentimentality of romanticism and harshness of realism, and has been dubbed subjective realism; it reminds of my own style, with a lack of description unless it's very meaningful, which allows for rich and powerful personalities to shine through. three main characters - julien and his two lovers, louise de rênal and mathilde de la mole - are all so wonderfully fleshed out. i love how julien's life is less shaped by the men in his life, barring napoleon, and moreso by the women. mathilde is a wonderfully written female character, even by modern standards and especially given the fact that the book was written in 1830. stendhal likes writing violent women and it shows, esp in the character of mathilde! i have seen people thinking julien may be some flavor of asexual too, although it's not a theory i personally subscribe to, and i can see where they're coming from. if that helps sell the book better, here it is.
father goriot, balzac: the book that helped me realize i was bastardsexual when i was 16. has the pretty, ambitious, morally questionable/morally downfallen protagonist, who is the name behind my bookblr! i've read that book twice, and every time i'm so in love with it. has some questionable social takes sometimes, esp on a gay-coded character, but it's centuries old and that's expected. it reads as a miseducation in a lot of ways and a corruption of eugène's morals.
the counterfeiters, gide: questionable writer life choices aside, this book's structure is truly a fascinating one. character work is amazing, and it uses a technique i like to use myself, which is letting other characters form the opinion of the reader about another! there are interesting writer interludes and opinions that never permeate the story, but they're there. there are dorian grey-esque gay themes that are not subtext, they're quite overt for its time, and there is an uncle-nephew gay relationship? other than that, i loved the realism of the characters' personalities, their well formed social positions, the ways they're all related to each other. best part is the diaries of the counterfeiters, notes gide made as he was writing the book, which show that he thinks of his characters as 1) separate from himself and doing what they think, not what he wants them to do, 2) what we would now consider to be an oc! a blorbo oc! his thoughts on art and writing are so interesting too and they DO permeate the story greatly, especially in edouard's diary :) if you can get through the weird structure of the book, it's absolutely amazing
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oopsiedaisymae · 1 month
For the ask game pls
i answered this question here and talked about sasazuka but i have a million blorbos and i will talk about them endlessly. today i want to talk about solomon from obey me. my silly, ridiculous, shady wizard man. i love him. here is a small collection of some of my fav pics of him (incredibly limited for space).
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i do sort of feel like a fake fan bc i didn't actually like solomon all that much when i started playing og. in my early ten pulls i got the solomon new years ur+ card and i just did not like him. i thought he was weird and was irritated i got him instead of a demon brother, so for all of og season 1 and at the beginning of season 2 i disliked him. my memory gets a little blurry here in the timeline, but i think i finished season 2 of og and warmed up to him a tad bit, then nightbringer came out and i became a simp.
my feelings about solomon are complex even to this day. i really find him and his character interesting because of the dubious nature he has. he's this cutesy wizard guy who is a simp for mc, but he's also a very dangerous figure that has waged war against the devildom, is the most powerful human sorcerer in history, and is prone to incredibly selfish bouts of behavior at the expense of others (although, never really at mc's expense). i really really like how he's handled at the end of og season 2, where he's absolutely willing to kill lucifer without much of a second thought to save the realms but cannot bring himself to do something that would upset you. fascinating! i think his character is at its best when it's handled with these multiple layers of nuance.
in terms of headcanons, i have lots, but i'll share three that are currently on my mind:
i am incredibly fond of the headcanon that solomon, in his youth, had a more olive skin tone and dark brown hair that faded over time with his magic and immortality. SCREAM!!! it's so incredibly jack frost and so incredibly interesting. not only is the image so attractive, but there's something so angsty about it too. solomon feels his humanity has been altered by the immortality he now has, and clings to human connection to remind himself who he is. i think it's so interesting to think about the image of him watching the life seeming drain from him over time. it very much mirrors asmo's fears of not recognizing himself after falling in nightbringer and i think it's delicious.
PACT MARKS!!!!!!!!!! oh my god solomon is covered in pact marks and you can't change my mind. i simply refuse a canon where he isn't. i don't give a single shit. part of my solomon simp arc was heavily spurred on by this fanart floating around, originally posted by @/angyedfez on twitter. jeeeeeeesus. oh my god look at him. i need him so badly.
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and an nsfw headcanon because i'm in a mood today ig...
solomon is such a desperate lover. he never thought he'd be able to get his hands on you, to let this love building in him manifest in a way where he can freely press his lips against yours, run his scarred palms against your skin, feel the heat of your body against his chest, anything to tattoo this moment into his mind every single time he has you with him. he prefers any position that has you facing him. solomon wants to cover your body with his and just be as close to you as physically possible, to tangle legs and limbs until neither of you know where the other begins or ends. pushing even just the tip of his cock in has him resisting the urge to roll his eyes back in his head and groan like it's the first time all over again. he's so obsessed with you and your warmth and he'll fuck you far past the point of exhaustion just so he can keep memorizing everything about you.
in conclusion. i want him. i want to study him. i want to bully him. i want him between my teeth and i want him out of my kitchen. i want to chew on him like a dog with an old frayed toy and i also want to set him very delicately on my shelf where he's comfortable and happy.
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standfucker · 7 months
OMG you said you wanted interactions!!! HI!!!! SO my favourite blorbos are Zoro Ace and Law <3 I have to say that your fics have had Marco going steadily up ehehe ♡⁠˖⁠꒰⁠ᵕ⁠༚⁠ᵕ⁠⑅⁠꒱ I also love Sabo and Sanji and Thatch (I make them sound like Pokémon cards lol) if you would like I can go on with my fav tropes and whatnot (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠❤
Hi G! (you go by G right? If I'm reading your profile correctly. TBH I mentally call you Moss/Mossy in my head.)
I see you in my notifs all the time, and in other writer's notifs, and I love you for that. It always brightens my day when you interact!
Zoro/Ace/Law are great blorbos to have. I love them too, but out of those three Ace is easily my favorite. I recently bought his light novels. (Hope the Law one gets translated.)
omg I'm so flattered my fics are making you like Marco!!! He's so cool, isn't he? I can't see him as anything less than a total dreamboat. Cool, kind, competent, handsome...
Sabo/Sanji/Thatch are also very high up on my blorbos list. I'm glad the fandom collectively loves Thatch despite his being in like less than five panels overall. I LOVE MINOR CHARACTERS SM and Thatch is also very dreamy. I need to work on a Marco/Thatch/Reader idea I had, I only have the outline done but it's sitting in my pile of WIPS.
It's okay to collect blorbos u_u Actually, if I had the spare change I would probably be buying up OP cards too... I have enough figures as it is, though, and need to stop because I don't have space for any more much less the cash.
Please do go on! I love to hear from you! <3
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goopi-e · 2 months
U (from the ask game) :з
"Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites".
Only three? Aw. Don't make me choose! I love all my blorbos equally!
...But since I have to, let's pick the classics: Whеаtley Portaltwo, WW Gаnоndоrf, and, hm... Аlеx Yu? But there could've been, like, three or four other people in that last place, because I have genuine trouble picking between my evil bideogame scientist favs.
As for the common denominator between these three: hubris and aspirationally abysmally high self-esteem >:^).
...Also being shaped like a brick, apparently *glances at my hum!Weet nervously*.
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philcoulsonismyhero · 11 months
just followed you to your page after reblogging the rol post and three posts down i read that you compared nightingale to obi-wan in the tags and i literally SCREAMED a second time. yes. absolutely. YES. (obi-wan is one of my all-time fav blorbos next to nightingale)
Yeah, Obi-Wan has been The blorbo to me for 20 years, he's the standard by which all others are judged, and Nightingale was far from found wanting. Like, lonely remnant of a magical tradition that was destroyed by a war? Ridiculous posh accent and formal manners but absolutely brutally efficient in a fight? Dead friend trauma and apprentice drama and a character who's defined by his platonic relationships and A Sense of Duty? I am All Over that shit, those tropes are my own personal catnip, it's great. You clearly have excellent taste in blorbos :D
They've ended up inextricably linked in my brain ever since I started the audio book for Amongst Our Weapons while I was also rewatching the Obi-Wan show and the first thing I noticed was the remarkable accent similarities between Kobna Holdbrook-Smith's Nightingale voice and Ewan McGregor doing his best Alec Guiness. I've been laughing about that one ever since, Of Course the latest blorbo I've gotten obsessed with sounds like The Original.
Also, bonus, I like to make up OCs/DnD characters by bouncing similar folks off of each other and I've been having a lot of fun with sad wizard tropes from both of them. Here's the design I've got so far (still deciding on a name), since it seems like something you'd appreciate:
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hargrove-mayfields · 1 year
tag game, stranger things edition!
i was tagged by @thatgirlwithasquid and @intothedysphoria, thanks y’all, I really appreciate it! 💕
1. ride or die ship/otp : Hellcheergroveton! every combination in this ship is adorable and it has all my favs too ☺️
2. most annoying ship : m*leven. I am beyond tired of watching a young disabled girl be taken advantage of and have it be treated as romantic. El deserves to live partner free, and M*ke deserves to go in the whole garbage can.
3. second favorite ship : Hollogrove. Since it’s not part of the core hellcheergroveton relationship, I’ll branch out a little and bring in my girl Heather. I love her and Billy I’m a relationship and can totally see them spending the rest of their lives together ♥️
4. favorite platonic dynamic : Billy and Max, or Dustin and Steve. Or Steve and Gareth. Cause I headcanon Gareth as becoming Steve’s caregiver after the events of the show leave him with cognitive and physical disabilities
5. underrated ship : Hollogrove, Cunningway, Pompompineapple, Stonathan, Cheerscoops, Calicheer, Rockie, Stargyle, Cammy, Kegboys, Steather, Argilly, and so many more but I’ll stop there.
6. overrated ship : Any of the fruity four (it makes me wanna gag just typing it) ships. I haven’t looked in the fandom tags for a year because it’s oversaturated with passionless, factory produced, carbon-copy fanworks that look like Harringrove fics put through ai to be rewritten as St*ddie, or Buckleway into r*nance. I’m sick of it. It’s boring. I’ll come up with my own steddie content, thanks.
7. one thing to change in canon : Everything. Not even joking. I’m going blorbo shopping and bringing all my favs back to my dollie house to play fix-it.
8. something canon did right : Um. I guess letting actors put in feedback and details of their own. Like Millie choosing for El to touch Billy’s cheek, Dacre giving us backstory on Billy’s mom and also on Billy’s disability (BPD), both he and Joe Keery refusing the original scripts, Joe Quinn improvising Eddie’s crush on Chrissy, and so on. All of the actor choices are the only good things about the show at this point.
9. a thing I’m proud of creating for the fandom : @disabledbillyandsteveweek! There's more information about the event over on the blog, but basically it’s an event starting in about two weeks meant to highlight Billy and Steve as disabled characters, through all kinds of fan works and different ships!
10. a character who is perfect to me : Christine Renée-Beth Cunningham. Nobody compares to my cheer girl.
11. the most relatable character and why : Also Chrissy. She reminds me a lot of myself, especially how I was when I was still in highschool, being timid and struggling a lot with my mental health. I wish she could have grown and gotten help and felt better since I’m on my journey to doing so right now, but I’m forever grateful to have seen a character with an eating disorder and an abusive family on screen, portrayed in a heartfelt and generous way- all thanks to miss Grace Van Dien
12. character I hate most and why : Neil, Karen (actually just the Wheelers in general except little Holly), Brenner, Owens, the lady that shot Benny, literally so many of them. Anyone who intentionally and unabashedly hurts other characters without remorse.
13. something I’ve learned from the fandom : To be patient, because even when things seem tough or impossible, we can make it. Together, with friends who understand us, and who share our pain, we can fight and keep going! Especially because this community will always have folks who understand and have our backs, we just have to find them ❤️❤️
14. three tags I seek out on ao3 : I actually don’t read fic on ao3. The extreme amounts of severely triggering content hosted on that site is just too much for me and I can never seem to avoid it. I only post to ao3 because I know people find it easily accessible, but I had one too many mix-ups that led to me being in a terrible state of mind, so I discontinued using the site.
15. a song I strongly associate with otp and/or favorite character : I’ll never shut up about “Time in a Bottle” by Jim Croce. Conveniently off the same record as Hop has on Vinyl and Cassette, it’s my favorite song ever because it’s so tender and loving and even though it’s old people music yall should give it a listen. It applies to any ship, but especially packs a punch with Harringrove. Also “Magic” by Olivia Newton-John.
I’ll tag: @eddie-munsons-guitar86 @honey-tongued-devil @martianclown @hephaestn @jaylikesrainbowtigers @denkiddo1 @enchanted-day-dreams @stranger-themes-blog @ratbastardbilly @thinger-strang But there’s no pressure to do it! You absolutely don’t have to if you already have or if you just don’t feel like it! <3
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