#not anisoka
hanasnx · 2 years
ahsoka talking to obi-wan about how close you and ANAKIN SKYWALKER seemingly are.
“master, she even laughs at his jokes. and he’s got the worst sense of humor.” she complains, watching you playfully shove anakin’s arm in the distance.
obi wan glances at the pair of you as well, but returns to his work. “yes, it appears she’s taken quite the shining to him.” both obi wan and ahsoka know how specific anakin’s humor is. too niche or too broad and rarely makes anyone but himself amused let alone audibly react. it’s obvious you only find him funny because you like him so much.
“do you think he likes her?” ahsoka muses, leaning her elbow onto a piece of machinery as she watches her master clumsily court you.
“it’s none of our business, ahsoka, you know that.”
she hums, ignoring how sweet she found the two of you. “i bet he does.”
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spitfiregal · 2 years
How Ahsoka Sees Anakin
Clone Wars Ahsoka has faith in Anakin, they’ve saved each other’s lives multiple times, he’s mentored her, and cheered her up, he’s family. 
A sith tells her Anakin will Fall. A sith who she knows hates Obi-Wan with his every breath, why should she believe him? 
When everything goes wrong, she senses Anakin in a conflict and then her bond with him feels as if he is dead. In the book, she believes that he is dead, and she remembers him well, no one wants to remember the bad parts of a friend that they lost, they want to cherish the best parts. That’s just how people work. 
She didn’t know Anakin committed genocide for sixteen years. She didn’t know Anakin was Vader. I feel like some folks in the fandom forget that.
Then in Rebels she senses him in Vader, and then she’s filled with turmoil. The pedestal she’s been putting him on for more than a decade crumbles and she’s filled with self-doubt. 
In the Lothal temple, she denies to herself what Anakin has become. But wouldn’t you? Imagine, there’s a good chance your best friend betrayed you and everyone you loved, what wouldn’t you give for it not to be true? 
In the Malachor temple Vader tells her Anakin’s dead. To me, I think she’s aware of the double speak. She says she will avenge his death. To me, she’s saying the man I remember would abhor you, the man I remember is gone, and only you who has destroyed everything remains. And so they fight. 
Then Vader says her name. Anakin says her name. 
That’s the whole point of Star Wars, you know. That there is still good in Vader. 
And it’s at that point Ahsoka recognizes that there is still good in Anakin. Anakin whom she left behind then lost forever, of course she regrets how they parted, who wouldn’t? They didn’t part well. Part of has to wonder how much of it was her fault (even if it could never be her fault). She’s only been dealing with the weight of his Fall for a few months at this point. 
She says, I won’t leave you. 
Anakin is alive. Anakin is Vader but Anakin is and always has been capable of good. Just as every human is. 
And yes, her declaration is a show of loyalty, a demonstration of love, for the man she once knew, for the man who was once her brother. 
She doesn’t say, I forgive you, or I love you, or anything that absolves him of his guilt. Only I won’t leave you. 
And maybe that’s selfish of her, maybe the right thing for her to do is to run away to fight another day, but isn’t that a lot to ask? She loved Anakin. She mourned Anakin. But Anakin is now a monster, and at some level she believes it’s her fault, that her choices could have changed everything.  
Narratively, Ahsoka cannot bring Anakin back to the light (that’s Luke’s role). 
But she doesn’t know that. 
And that’s what makes her character interesting. Ahsoka always tries to do the right thing but the greater narrative negates all her efforts. 
Ahsoka almost always fails, but she never Falls. Anakin almost always gets what he wants but he Falls anyway. 
Ahsoka isn’t a perfect character, if she was she wouldn’t be interesting. She’s a tragic character, just because she doesn’t die doesn’t mean she isn’t doomed from the start. 
The question isn’t just about Ahsoka’s morality, it’s a story: the question is about our own morality. 
What would we do if our loved one made terrible choices? And what if we thought those choices were our fault? 
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babkaboy · 8 months
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a few weeks ago my queen @sputnikan recommended me Our Share of Night by Mariana Enriquez saying “it reads like a star wars fanfic” and not only was she right but the book itself destroyed me into pieces and what a better way to get the brainrot out of me by drawing a bunch of scenes but with these space mfs. anyways if you enjoy paranormal shit, horror stuff and messed up father/son relationships please read that book
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theyre on their way to start a prank war with the 212th
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The Rules:
Every twenty-four hours there will be another round. After every round, the ship in last place will be eliminated.
If there are multiple ships tying for last place, there will be a special elimination round. In these rounds, every ship in last place will be eliminated, even if all the ships have tied equally.
When there are only two ships remaining, they will face off against one another in a week-long poll to determine the victor.
If the ship that you consider the best isn't listed here, hit the 'you forgot the best ship' option and reply to this post with the overlooked ship. The ship with the highest 'write-in' votes will be added to the next round. Unless the 'you forgot the best ship' option is the least voted for, in which case it will be eliminated.
This is all for fun. Don't take it too seriously ;)
Happy voting!
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owdreyart · 10 months
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"You should have seen him in person. Anakin Skywalker, he was my master."
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variousxfandoms · 1 year
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Ahsoka: Hayden Christensen and Rosario Dawson on Anakin's RETURN
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smithlord66 · 3 months
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intermundia · 5 months
I know this is not your cup and of tea I just needed to scream into the void. Between Padmé and Ahsoka always seemed a better fit for Anakin as a life partner. I’m sorry
don't apologize lmao i think the premise that padmé is not actually the best life partner for anakin (and vice versa) is actually a big theme of the prequels. the idea they both would be happier and healthier elsewhere is part of the tragedy i think. ahsoka understands both anakin's experiences as a jedi and the dangerous temptation of the dark side of the force in away padmé cannot. there's stability and coherence in identity when he's romantically involved with another jedi, and ahsoka's personality suits his well. the void is listening and says you're valid haha
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hanasnx · 1 year
summary: someone tries to take advantage of senator chuchi’s childish crush on a jedi hero.
word count: 0.9k
character(s): anakin skywalker x riyo chuchi, ahsoka tano, padmé amidala, and obi-wan kenobi (mentioned)
notes: my pinterest board for rinakin
warnings: anakin being a little manipulative, ahsoka annoyed with riyo’s crush (as a friend)
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“I admire him, nothing more.” Riyo muses a reply to an invasive question, watching longingly as The Hero With No Fear converses with her dear friend Senator Amidala.
Ahsoka tilts her head at her companion. “Oh, my mistake. Seemed like you can’t take your eyes off of him.” The layer of sarcasm goes unnoticed by the Pantoran, nervously wringing her fingers in front of her. Still, her gaze remains, despite Ahsoka’s verbal suspicions.
From what Riyo gathers, Padmé says her farewells, and departs, leaving the Jedi General to pensively idle. “Do you think he’s coming over here?” Riyo asks, anxious, and pivots her attention to the padawan for the first time since Anakin wandered within her view.
Ahsoka raises her tattooed brows. Toying with the situation out of annoyance for her friend’s denial, “Probably. You better get out of here while you still can. He looks mad.” An empty warning that Chuchi regards severely.
“What do you mean? Genuinely? Oh—“ Interrupted before she can make her getaway, Anakin invites himself to the pair, and catches her off-guard.
“Senator Chuchi,” he greets, a polite tone of voice and Riyo falls silent. “A pleasure to see you again.” His words heat her up like a hearth, and she swears he could hear her heartbeat. Her tension intensifies when he takes her hand in his to clasp. Further still as he palms atop hers. Both appendages, in such a sincere form of reception. She could hardly scramble for thoughts let alone words. There’d been rumors flitting about how the Jedi Knight had metal for a right hand; she could feel it now, underneath her weak grasp.
All she manages in response is a subtle, acknowledging nod. “General Skywalker.” she concedes in a near whisper. Praying he’d release her. Paranoid he feels her sweat through his leather gloves. The connection severs, and Riyo tears her gaze off of the Jedi, gluing it to the red flooring, in order to catch her breath.
Ahsoka clears her throat loudly. “Master, the ship is prepared. If you’re all done here…” she trails off, hoping for Anakin to interject and finish the sentence to confirm his answer.
Luckily, he does. “Thank you. Wait for me there.”
A sigh, “Yes, Master.”
Anakin’s eyes follow his padawan to ensure she exits. “Forgive her indelicacy, we’ve had minimal rest in recent days.”
Riyo didn’t notice anything out of the ordinary. Ahsoka is her ally, which comes with a number of jobs. Such as pulling Riyo’s head out of the clouds. The largest, and most distracting cloud, being the one who stands in front of her now.
“Oh, no problem. No worries.” After the dismissal, there’s nothing left to say. Her mind doesn’t work like it should, words won’t form. An awkward reticence occurs and she contemplates tearing her skin off. “Oh, oh, goodness, I’m sorry. How insensitive of me, how are you doing, General Skywalker? I haven’t seen you since…”
“Since Pantora.” he completes for her, and she dwells on the dimple that’s created when his lips curl. Get a hold of yourself, Ri, this is unprofessional. “Busy. A lot to do and not a lot of time to do it. You’re looking well.”
Looking well? In what way? Healthy? Or… or beautiful? She’s getting carried away. Her mouth is so dry, she worries she’ll hitch if she tries to speak. How embarrassing that would be. She clears her throat. “Thank you,” She condemns her weakness. “Um, you as well.” So handsome. Perfect, muscular form and broad shoulders encased in stylish Jedi robes he’s altered to his preferences. His hair had grown out, curling around his neck. Her hand itches to run her fingers through it, and her cheeks burn at the idea of actually following through with it.
“I’ve been meaning to speak with you directly for some time now. I apologize again, it’s been too long.”
She’s quick to derail that notion. “No, of course not,” Talk to me anytime. It’s never too late.
“The Talz, Obi-Wan seems to think there’ll be no problems, but I can’t shake a feeling. The assimilation, this is off the record, how’s it coming? Peaceful?”
The subject being changed allows Riyo to fill into herself, to shift her mindset towards her career. “Oh, yes. Near seamless. They’re responding well to our scouts, everything’s running smoothly in our dig sites… What were you looking for?”
Anakin pauses, and folds his arms behind his back, rounding her and she follows. “Is there a reason you said, ‘near seamless’?”
“Um, I suppose I was keeping the possibility open, didn’t want to be too sure that…”
Anakin advances on her, slowly, but enough for her to register how close in proximity he is, his intense gaze boring into hers. So near, she could feel his body heat radiating off of him, see the details in his scar. “Riyo,” he says, his voice low, as if keen on deterring eavesdroppers. She nearly chokes over how he invoked her first name. “You can tell me.”
There’s a mist. A mysterious inkling she did not care for. Something dark, and hidden that picked at the stray strings of her mind, searching for the one that would unravel her careful veil. She recoils, and hardens. “There’s nothing to tell, General, if the Pantoran system has a public issue, you’ll hear it addressed in the Senate.” The phrases that emit from her mouth surprise her own self.
It does not perturb her companion as he searches her eyes. “Very well.”
She stifles a shiver, a cold spot must’ve passed over her. “Is there anything else I can do for you, General?”
“No,” He steps back. “No, I don’t imagine there is.” His last words before he bows his head, “Senator.” and departs. Riyo views him as he recedes, and swallows hard.
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anisokaweek · 10 months
Putting off hibernation once again to make sure we all seee
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THIS 😭😭😭😭😭
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grace-nakimura · 1 year
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The Jedi Master, Knight, and Padawan during the Clone Wars (22 BBY - 0 BBY.)
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gospelofme · 1 year
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This sucks in terms of effort but I think it gets the point across.
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Here is the original comic and I made sure to preserve the OG artist’s deets.
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The Rules:
Every twenty-four hours there will be another round. After every round, the ship in last place will be eliminated.
If there are multiple ships tying for last place, there will be a special elimination round. In these rounds, every ship in last place will be eliminated, even if all the ships have tied equally.
When there are only two ships remaining, they will face off against one another in a week-long poll to determine the victor.
If the ship that you consider the best isn't listed here, hit the 'the best polarizing ship is ___' option and reply to this post with the overlooked ship. The ship with the highest 'write-in' votes will be added to the next round. Unless the 'the best polarizing ship is ___' option is the least voted for, in which case it will be eliminated. Welcome to the party, VaderLuke/AniLuke!
Addendum to Rule 4: Only polarizing ships are allowed. Yes, I'm sure your OTP is awesome, but if there's no proof of it being polarizing then it unfortunately cannot be added to the poll.
This is all for fun. Don't take it too seriously ;)
...so. I'm going to cheat.
The least voted for option in Round One was the 'the best polarizing ship is ___' option. However, because I love chaos, I'm going to replace it with the most 'written-in' polarizing ship instead of eliminating it altogether.
...and that ship is...
VaderLuke! (Sometimes also referred to as 'AniLuke').
Please direct all death threats to my inbox, thank-you! :)
A special shout-out to the other 'write-in' options: Rexsoka, Kryzecest, and Kyluxma
Round Two!
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endversewinchester · 29 days
Teenagers are so fucking funny to me. They ship a 9yo with a 14yo (anidala) but they want to preach about a 14yo and a 19yo. Personally I’m not into romantic anisoka until Ahsoka is of age (the rebels era is so so good) but it’s hard to get past the hypocrisy.
But the funniest part is them trying to kick people out of tumblr.
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“Where I came from”. Even my acc is older than you bro. Know your place.
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sagegarnish · 2 years
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My daily struggle
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