#not anti gwyn tho
elrxiel · 6 months
What baffles me most about gw*nriel is people giving Gwyn traits that are not even close to the canon.
It's like for them Gwyn is an empty canvas they can pour themselves or their fantasies into. They paint her as a badass warrior, as the next heroine, as a saviour of Ilyiria - not to mention some of them give her traits that are canonically held by Elain such as indicators of her being a good spy or her being associated with roses. There are so many theories and fics I've seen where the idea of Gwyn is not nearly what she was portrayed by SJM. It's very interesting that nothing like this happens with Emerie but when it comes to Gwyn - a side character who's not even that relevant to the plot, at least not yet - some people seem to paint her as the most important character in the whole series and really believe that she will be the next main, even before Elain (who has so many possible ways of development or versions of a story that can be told that is based on what is actually in the books).
Seeing her as a more interesting character than Elain is a matter of personal opinion and it's not what this post is about. But if you truly see Gwyn as a better partner for Az, a better main character of the next book or overall, a better character, please at least stay true to the canon. At least use her actual personality while speaking about her.
I don't think her character is meaningless or pointless, I would actually love to see her involved in the upcoming war. I just hope that maybe her further showing up during the story will finally clarify her personality more and people will actually stop treating her as someone she clearly is not, stop giving her traits that belong to other characters just to justify their poor theories and see she is enough the way she is.
I feel like the only reason gw*nriel is a thing is because some people cannot stand the idea of a slightly different character than Feyre, Aelin or Nesta leading the next book. They cannot stand not having a warrior girl but a soft, feminine woman. So they chose Gwyn to make her the next Aelin or Feyre in their head. It's really sad tbh.
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bookishfeylin · 1 year
No, no. Make the post. Alis is dark skinned, wooden, and a servant. I believe there’s another black woman in ACOSF, who is mean to Gwyn, has scars and is not considered beautiful. Hmm. Hmmmmm.
See now you have me typing up yet another post about ACOTAR's racism--
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merymoonbeam · 4 months
Antis: next book is gonna be az with illyrian plot while nesta gets also a pov bc she is made so only she can do some things and they are gonna do cool shit and...oh yeah gwyn...I guess it would be about her father idk...illyrian plot tho? Its awesome right? Az is gonna HEAL. gwyn can do...she is valkyrie idk. Its connected somehow? Emerie? No no. She gotta stay behind. She gotta go with mor. Gwyn is the love interest for azriel...so az is the focus. We gotta heal him with illyrian plot...
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lotus222 · 11 months
I only meant to make one SJM post cause Ik how certain girls like to tussle
But since the gwynriels and elucians decided to mess w me EVEN THO I SAID TO LOOK AWAY IF YOU GET EASILY TRIGGERED…
There is only one thing to do:
Talk more about why Elriel is not based in delusion — unlike some ships (not naming names, if you take offense that’s your mind questioning things)
Again, I am giving my PERSONAL OPINION. I even said at the end of my last post that I am not the author and I will love & respect whatever SJM does, which some of y’all can’t echo. That’s sad. This is a fictional world.
DISCLAIMER: if you’re easily triggered by elriel/elucian/gwynriel…l o o k a w a y
DISCLAIMER#2: I am unapologetic cause this is my page :)
Also, stop hitting my line with the “I wasn’t going to respond to this but…” or “you’re so anti…” like 1, if you weren’t going to respond, then don’t. It’s not that serious where the world is BEGGING for your opinion. And 2, I’m not anti anything, I’m pro-logic, again if that offends you then that’s a convo for you and you not you and me.
Now onto the main event…
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My mans is being dragged through the mud both in the books and online. We say we “love him” but are ignoring what he wants and babes, that’s Elain. If you don’t like her personally, that’s not how Az is feeling, that’s how YOURE feeling. Gwyn has one chapter (+1 sentence) of where I can even attempt to grasp at what Gwynriel’s quote as bible, but again, AZ AND ELAIN HAVE 3 BOOKS. Y’all are acting like Rhys in Az’s bonus chapter and if Rhys couldn’t make his stance acceptable, y’all definitely can’t.
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Again, I say, if you do not like the lady pictured above, stop reading ACOTAR cause she ain’t going anywhere. To be so for real, I didn’t mind Elain at first, meaning I didn’t care whether or not she was included in any story whatsoever. But as I read ACOWAR and ACOFAS, I started realizing that there’s something so lovely about having a character who is innately good and wants/practices peace in a world of animosity and ugliness. She brings beauty in all areas of her life and I think that there’s nothing bad about being “boring” cause that just means your life ain’t a dang mess (*cough* *cough* everybody else in this book)
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So here is where I debunk all the claims I have grown tired of ignoring:
• #1 - “He hadn’t gotten that far into his planning beyond the fantasies he’s pleasured himself to.”
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(Picture credit: unknown) Get a good look cause that’s what he’s doing at night when he thinks about ELAIN. (It’s canon, so cry to yourself)
So, y’all really think you got us here, huh? So, my man Azriel blatantly admits to thinking of Elain when he wants to be intimate and y’all STILL want your girl to be with this man?
Anyway, so Azriel hadn’t planned a relationship with Elain…OKAY???? Did you expect this man to have a map laid out about how he’s going to steal Lucien’s mate??? Do y’all even know Azriel? Like, be so for real rn.
Idk about y’all but when I have a crush on someone, I’m not thinking about how to steal them from the rest of the world, I’m imagining kissing them or going on cute dates. Not how I’ll actually make it happen. And ik y’all do that too with your favorite celebrities so stop playing.
He has a crush. Can you let the man figure out if Elain even wants him to act on it before he plans a 12-step mission on making Lucien disappear forever?
Azriel doesn’t want to force his emotions on anyone (as seen with Mor) so of course he’s not going to act or plot without confirmation that the other person in the party wants that. I.E. why he hadnt tried anything with Mor in all the CENTURIES that he liked her.
So, yeah, consider that point invalid.
• #2 - Lucien is Elain’s mate
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(PC: @shauna_the_author) *sigh* This one cannot be dubunked, unfortunately, because it is true. You got me here.
Elain is more likely to marry Nuala and Cerridwen before she spends the rest of her life with Lucien.
And it has nothing to do with Lucien. It really, really doesn’t. Elain simply doesn’t like him. Y’all were in my comments like “oh he didn’t really sell out Elain and Nesta, he didn’t know”. OKAY. But Elain literally says in ACOWAR that she knows Lucien as two things: Feyre’s friend and the MAN WHO SOLD THEM OUT TO HYBERN
Who cares if it isn’t true, that’s what Elain thinks and with her in mind, you can’t say that this bond means anything more to her than Lucien having some ownership of her which she doesn’t like at all. She even tells Graysen that she doesn’t care Lucien is her mate (“I belong to no one, but my heart belongs to you.”)
Whereas with Azriel, my girl is practically skipping into his arms; talking with him about her dream garden, getting him not one but two solstice gifts, almost-kissing him, recoiling at Cassian’s dagger but actively using Azriel’s…
Idk about y’all but if someone who was fated to be with me was acting this way with another girl, I’d drop him like a hot potatoe. AND AS LUCIEN SHOULD. He deserves someone who wants him, not someone who, as even Lucien said in ACOWAR when he was questioning if Elain was “worth it”, is shackled to him.
I harbor no ill will toward this dreamy man, but it ain’t gonna happen so do Elain a favor and lose her number, k?
• #3 - Sarah wouldn’t do the 3 brothers with 3 sisters, it’s too cliche
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Write your own book then. Fan fiction is a thing. If the ONLY thing preventing you to see reason is the possibility of a cliche in a book about kingdoms and fairies and magic then your priorities are so out of shape I won’t even spend the time explaining it to you.
This is SARAH’s WORLD. If she wants to be cliche and have the three female protagonists end up with the three male protagonists then let her. Omg.
• #4 - That Gwynriel scene tho
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(NOTE THE PICTURE) Oh, you mean the bonus chapter that featured thoughts about Elain? Not that one? Oh, then maybe you mean the other bonus chapter that featured thoughts about Elain? No? You mean the scene with Gwyn…hmmm
OH! You mean the 2 page conversation about training and why he couldn’t sleep (cause of Elain) and the subsequent regift of Elain’s present to Gwyn. Yeah, I know about that but why are we talking about it? Cause that means Az likes Gwyn? Huh?
That’s how delulu y’all sound. And if I hear another “you’re the ribbon Az”, one more time I’ll scream. THE RIBBON WAS ABOUT TRAINING NOT GWYN WANTING TO SLEEP WITH THE MAN. We are talking about the same girl who hadn’t left a library in god knows how long because of a sexual trauma and y’all are forcing her onto another man??
Gwyn was focused on coming into herself and mastering the ways of the Valkyrie. Nesta meant Gwyn found another obstacle in Az that she would have to overcome to become a Valkyrie. The only man Gwyn was concerned about was Cassian and that’s cause he was getting it on with Nesta. Again, be so for real right now.
I refuse to acknowledge this point until the opposing ships acknowledge the 3 books (+ ACOFAS) of build up between Elain and Azriel.
• #5 - Elain doesn’t belong in the Night Court
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This is the last point I’ll mention cause I actually feel bad for dogging the Gwynriels like this, but it had to be done. (Elucians get a pass bc at least their ship is based in evidence)
Elain doesn’t belong in the Night Court, okay, yeah Cassian said that the colors drown her out, I’ll give you that.
But Elain doesn’t know where she belongs anymore, just like Azriel has said about himself. She’s still figuring herself out and what she wants, so it’s okay she looks odd at times or feels at times out of place. Azriel keeps his shadows out 24/7 for the same reason. He doesn’t let anyone past the front he puts on unless he knows it’s safe to. They’re both figuring out how to live their best lives in their current lives.
I’ve heard Dusk Court theories and others but I won’t even repeat those (even tho they’re so good and you should definitely look into them). They just need to find their place in this world (and Cassian was right, Elain DOES NOT BELONG in the Hewn City).
Just like how Nesta didn’t believe she belonged in the Inner Circle, I believe there’s a place for Elain and Azriel where they can be themselves. They just need to find it I.E. their book.
Okay, that’s enough slaying of my enemies for one post. Again, this is just my opinion/theories and at the end of the day I’ll be happy with whatever Mrs. Maas gives us as long as she gives us something.
Act correctly or else I’ll be back.
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lovemyromance · 9 days
Thinking about the time I got into a fight with an Elucien about me not shipping Gwynriel because I wanted to wait till she shows actual romantic interest in him before I ship them.
Got called a rainbow of names and was somehow "anti SA victims" even tho again - how tf can someone be "anti SA victims??" Like what does that even mean? - all I mentioned was wanting to wait til Gwyn has shown romantic interest before shipping her with someone.
And then they went on to make a long ass blog post about how "Well then shouldn't we wait to ship people and do that for every character? Why just Gwyn? Shouldn't we wait for every character to show romantic interest before shipping?"
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... yes.
Literally YES.
And they were so fucking close to getting it 😭 But then they decided to veer left and go with the "but these are fictional characters so their own will and thoughts and desires and consent don't matter" 😭
Normally when people ship characters it's because they seem cute or they might suit each other or the aesthetics pair well. Which is fine! It's lighthearted fun!
But nothing in this fandom is ever lighthearted anymore. People are actually citing text to "prove" their ships, which is when it crossed the threshold from "fun cute lil ship" to someone is making claims on behalf of the author. When they are trying to interpret the authors word and using text to cite it, they are essentially making a claim that SJM is saying "XYZ".
And that's when I would like to point out that SJM is also going to want her characters to show romantic interest in each other before pairing them up. Whether that romantic interest manifests itself on the page as "at each others throats" or "brushing of the fingers, charged glances", there is romantic interest on both sides.
So yes, it is important that if you're going to ship characters to this degree that you're citing text and analyzing the work, the characters need to have romantic interest on the page. Otherwise you are peddling the message that women should just suck it up and be with men who they currently have no interest in just to make them happy, or you're neglecting someone's trauma and stage of healing to force her onto a man who has barely shown interest in her anyways.
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elrielffs · 2 months
It doesn’t matter when a character was introduced or how long they have been in the books or how many times they are mentioned or what have you.
What matters is their importance to the story.
Elain is a MC and important to the story.
Vassa, despite her brief appearance and mention, is directly connected to the Koschei plot.
Gwyn, while a good character, is not connected to any plots at this time and is not needed to move the story forward.
You can love Gwyn, Gwyn can be your favorite character, but she is not important to the story and she does not move the plot forward. She is a side character.
Like others have pointed out, take away the shipping nonsense -Azriel, Lucien- Elain could still carry a book on her own given her abilities and increasingly importance to the plot.
Gwyn has to be carried by another character via Nesta or Azriel—that’s the only way I ever see her connected to the story by her fans. She is not organically apart of it unless another character drags her in.
There is no chance she will be given a POV before other characters who are centrally connected to the plot—-hell even the Illyria plot that has been touted around has more relevance to Emerie than Gwyn.
Ironically, Gwyn being a Lightsinger would make her more relevant but antis shut that down even tho there’s ample evidence for it.
Don’t get me wrong, I like Gwyn but to think she would get a whole book is delusional.
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stargirlie25 · 1 month
Disclaimer: This post has no real point its honestly just a big old anti E/riel post!
''The comments SJM made about Elucien are outdated!''
What about comments about feysand and nessian in the SAME post?
She talks about all 3 of the pairings 2 times. Together.
WHY does no understand that when book 1 came out, acomaf was already written and Elucien and feysand were confirmed mated pairs.
When acomaf was already released for a while, SJM made comments about nessian,feysand,elucien in a post while Acowar was already written.
She was drafting ACOSF to see nestas story and how it would go and considered a threesome scene with Az,cas,and nes while elriel was supposed to be endgame?
FoUR boOKs of FOreSHadOwinG and she had Mor AND Az pins during acomaf? Four books of FOreSHadOwinG when she had pins for Elucien?
Four books of FOreSHadOwinG YET she considered a threesome scene even though Az x mor was supposedly ditched so elriel could happen IN Acowar?
All tho then, SJM flunked the idea because in comes Azriels new love interest, Gwyn. Keep in mind Nesta had those thoughts about Az BEFORE she saw him and Gwyn interact. So much for Nesta being your OG elriel shipper. She never thought of Az like that again!
Also have y'all ever realized that in order for Elnotreal to be endgame, almost every single elriel theory has to come true?
1.Elain and Luciens bond HAS to be fake-she can't just reject the bond. I mean she can she has all rights DUH but it will follow her for her entire life. She will constantly feel the protectiveness over her mate. Randomly defending them. Jealousy,passion and worry. Is that what you what for your girl? You want her to struggle with her relationship with Azriel while the bond still follows her? Also Azriel, he will never be at peace.
2.Elriel HAs to be mates-Azriel wants a mate. He says ''how come the third was given to another'' he doesn't even specify Lucien and Elains names just feels that he was meant to be with the third and is confused why they were given to another. Elain could be anyone. Lucien could be anyone. He wants a mate. Elain looks at him with trust, gives him gifts while got Lucien nothing and allows him permission to kiss her YET Az is still jealous and insecure. Still holds a immature grudge against Lucien. No matter how hard they can try, Elain will never be what he truly wants and needs. A mate who sees him for everything he is.The cold and warm the good and bad the soft and brutal the ugly and beautiful the dark and light. That's not Elain. His shadows hide from her and he practically hates himself around her. Even when his shadows gather around him when he heard about Elain/nestas fight THAT was a negative impact which put him in a sour mood. The shadows never react in a positive way or a new way with Elain. Its either negative or something that already happened with mor. His shadows around Gwyn are playfull and calm and so is Az at the same time! He doesn't even know how he feels about Elain. He still can't decipher his feelings for Mor. He claims she is his but has not thought of anything other then sex with her for over a year. With Elain and Mor, he is stuck at Point A. What's important about a relationship is that you KNOW how you feel about the other. You can identify what feeling they spark in you.
Questioning your religion isn't a good thing. Knowing who you are with YOUR person is a good thing.
3.Vassien HAS to happen-SJM loves Lucien. It's clear as day. Ships wars aside, he will end up happy. He has suffered for centuries while az has had the comfort of his inner circle for centuries. He will end up happy and that's final. So HE HAS to be with vassa if its not Elain even though its hard for mated males specifically to get over the bond and the fact that he is uninterested in anybody but Elain. Even though he compares vassa with Feyre.
4.Lucien has to turn human or Vassa has to be Fae-This is so straight up I can not even. SHE will die century's before him if they remain as they are. Is Luciens happy ending 60 years or so? Then what? She just does? And no hate to vassa is Lucien just going to stick with an 80 year old orrr can't vassa stick with another 80 year old? (jurian) anyways so Vassa has to be fae even though she is desperate to reclaim her human body, land and kingdom. Or Lucien has to human even though he has an important role in the day court.
5. if no vassien than Lucien has to be a bad character-Because if feysand happened while Tamlin was being the most perfect guy ever, wouldn't we all pity him and hate feysand? So if Elriel happens and vassien does not, Lucien has to be a bad character or at least an asshole so we can move clearly support Elriel. Because without Lucien, there is no Elriel. The only reason they have any conflict is because of Elain and Luciens mating bond. Like respectfully Azriel needs to get out. You have your own conflict. He can't eat her coochie because of LUCIEN VANSERRA! Anyways if Elriel happens and vassien does not, SJM will have to set up Lucien to be some arrogant pushy male while she portrays Az to be the respectful hero not that I will ever fall for that trap. Not that I will even read an elnotreal book.
6.Jurian has to betray the BOE-Hello? He has so much potential with Vassa. HE is human. HE lost his kingdom while Vassa is desperate to reclaim her human like including her kingdom. THEY BOTH HAVE THE SAME VISION FOR THE FUTURE. Two sides of the same coin? At eachothers throats? If Elriel then vassien then what the hell is the boe? What do y'all think Jurian will just chill by himself while Vassa and Lucien are in the day court or fae lands? NO! Like elriels assume, he has to betray them because at least majority are smart enough to know that Lucien is a key player.
7.Gwyn has to be a lightsinger or evil.-Its either its her power or shes his mate. Elriels want it to be specifically a light singer or even more so evil and some believe they do not need it. Like his chest is quite literally sparking just like Ruhn with Lidia HER MOST RECENT mating pair. He feels calm around her. Like bryce w hunt,nesta w Cass,nesryn w sartaq,chaol w yrene, aelin w Rowan etcccc! he can't simply continue to look at her with admiration and carry an image of her eyes lighting up while being with Elain. Elriels say the spark is her power which okay whatever but when you talk about the image he keeps tucked down of Gwyns eyes lighting up and it glows? Downright saying Gwyn is evil and she planted it there. Unless your saying Clotho is evil? The only things Sjm can make true are 1. Gwyn is evil and she planted that to lure Az 2.Clotho is evil and planted the image to trick him. 3.Gwyn is simply Azriels mate. Which is not bold to assume and come true considering everybody assume ruhnlidia was mates and boom.
8.E/riel as elriels say will adopt a kid.-Its not even an insult to Elain or Azriel when I say they can't have kids. Even for Nesta it was a risk but now that she made a deal for her and Feyre it isn't. Also nesta isn't even ready for kids.SJM said recently that her ideal happy ending is getting married and having lots of kids not to mention Azriel wants kids? This isn't putting down Elain. They can still adopt but here is the thing thats a theory and in order for SJM to give her ideal happy ending they would need to adopt a kid. My whole point of these are the fact that fan theories almost never come true. Almost all of them has to desperately happen for e/riel to make sense and that simply not realistic.
Look at all the crap that has to happen for elnotreal
The only theories I have for Elucien and gwynriel is how the already revealed plots will play out. I don't have to dismantle the whole fucking series because of their endgame. The only thing with elucien and gwynriel that needs to happen is time and healing. No silly blood duel or evil lightsingers. No betrayal or cauldron was wrong crap. There is no way SJM will take our attention away from the real plot to say ''the cauldron was wrong! Brb koschei let us deal with this!''
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starsreminisce · 8 months
tbh even E/riels are disappointed with acosf but they don't say it to others although they talk about it among themselves lol I used to be one so I should know. acosf was Nesta's books everyone expected to see Elain more bc she was close to her and they also heard about the training so they were 100% sure they were going to see E/riel training scenes (the very one they accuse Gwynriel for being boring and they don't want Nessian 2.0 lmao) so when they didn't get that they started commenting on Gwynriel post of how they wanted Elain instead of Gwyn in those scenes (specially the shadows dancing around Gwyn and the private dagger lesson) and that's when the toxicity started and I knew this place was not for me anymore. even tho I used to be a bypass in the fandom and not actually fixated on the books I saw enough threats and bullying, it was bad. I came back on acotar fandom this summer after a very long time and even now the reek of jealousy from that side of the fandom is recognizable. the pure ignorance and delusion is quite amusing, they know E/riel won't happen but they have to make it look like they don't so their years of being obsessed with a fictional ship and bulling other fans, the author and publisher won't got to waist yk. bc when I read acosf for the first time I knew Gwynriel is endgame and even before that I wasn't a huge E/riel fan but I wanted to tolerate them for the possibility of them happening and not Elucien (after the end of acofas we weren't sure who would be endgame and I was quite sad bc I was more incline toward Elain and Lucien)
anyway if they were so confidence in their ship they wouldn't do none of that and let others enjoy their time being in the fandom.
Oop that’s some piping hot tea right there.
Honestly, why couldn't they just be as chill as Azris shippers?
Azris shippers understand that the likelihood of their ship is slim, but they can manifest and hope for the best. Through Love, all is possible!
Yes, it's quite possible! I can passionately support Gwynriel and Azris in tandem. E/riels can readily accept that Elucien is the endgame couple while finding delight in the hints and potentials of E/riel until the next book's release when perspectives may change. Although there may still be Neris shippers out there, I haven't observed any significant disrespect directed toward Nessian. It's possible that I might not be searching thoroughly, but it's heartening that it's not as prevalent as the mainstream rivalry between Elucien and Gwynriel vs. E/riel.
I perceived ACOSAF as a retcon of Elucien, as Elain's abrupt shift from suggesting Lucien move to Velaris to ignoring him lacked a clear explanation of their deteriorating relationship. More on this later.
I get why E/riel shippers held onto hope after ACOSAF, even though I viewed their connection as more platonic. Azriel's deep love for Mor was abundantly clear in the series, and the Hybern scene hinted at the endgame couples, particularly Moriel, which was reinforced by SJM's deleted Pinterest.
In my view, Gwyn embodies a blend of Mor and Elain, sharing Mor's trauma, the ability to fit in with "one of the boys," a girl-next-door quality, and an interest in combat, while also displaying Elain's quiet and reserved nature.
On a more serious note, it's entirely possible to appreciate a ship without resorting to belittling anyone, whether it's a character without proper canon context or an actual person. Doubling down and resorting to insults becomes even more embarrassing. Perhaps this is due to a reluctance to acknowledge the scarcity of E/riel content to draw from.
Ironically, my anti-E/riel posts stem from my restraint in responding to most of their takes but they aren't inclined to listen, and I lack a suitable outlet to release my frustrations.
Additionally, I take issue with the way many books romanticize red flags as desirable relationship traits. It's crucial to recognize that Azriel's hesitancy to be his true self around Elain is an unhealthy dynamic, and it's not Elain's responsibility to change that. When someone acknowledges their actions as a mistake, it's wise to believe them and move on. This situation is reminiscent of the problematic "Twin Flame" concept, which often excuses negative behavior under the guise of a deeper connection.
But, thats why I don't like E/riel in a nutshell.
Gwyn and Lucien are fictional characters written to have a lot of trauma in their backstories. While they are not real, I can easily consider what you say about them as a reflection of what you truly believe to real people who have gone through something similar.
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greenleaf777 · 8 months
I feel so bad for Gwyn and shes not even real LOOOL. I swear its like every female in this series HAS to be paired up with your fav boy or she might as well not be talked about at all. I feel like she has quite an interesting story to come, one that has nothing to do with making azriels shadows tingle or being able to carry his offspring apparently 🤢 . I don’t think i have ever seen anyone but Non-gwyn shippers talk about Gwyn’s potential and her upcoming story. Same thing with Elain, i am pumped to see what happens next for her but certain anti shippers don’t think she has any purpose besides making lucien happy or becoming evil so shes no longer a threat LOL. Yes thats right..the most(only?) benevolent character in the series is secretly evil. 🤷‍♀️ i could read a whole book on just elain gardening and baking and enjoying herself, sounds delightful. But I cannot wait to find out how powerful she is! It will be magnificent 💫
I’m surprised people are trying to push Mor with their fav male yet even tho we know what she prefers…that I’ve seen.
I don’t think I have seen ANYONE talk about Emerie at all
Instead of what Bryce is doing in the night court, i mainly see her shipped with Azriel…wha?
Even Feyre is rarely mentioned unless it’s alongside Rhys.
Maybe I’m in the wrong part of the fandom?
**Any blogs out there that love the female characters beyond their love interests and discuss them cause let me know and i’ll give you a follow.
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romanticatheartt · 22 days
I think I know which blogger you're talking about I was about to tell you but I wasn't sure if they meant you or not and it's embarrassing because they're a big blogger in this fandom
Yeah I just realized lol
The fact that I was following them because their opinion is always on point and I had such respect for them but I guess they took offense nonetheless even tho I'd seen them having this exact argument some time ago. And maybe I'm wrong maybe they really see Azriel as this perfect character that did nothing wrong.
Either way, I didn't speak out of terms. My anger was toward people who call Mor a "wh*re" because they think she led Azriel on. You have no idea how many times I've seen this comment (and so much worse) being thrown at her and they're always either Azriel or Eris fans. 
My frustration was toward those who want Azriel and Rhysand to be enemies because they see Rhysand as this controlling person. I think they don't even know how weird that sounds because it seems Azriel is not his own person and can be controlled easily. They want Rhysand to be the bad guy in his story because they can't see he was right at stopping Azriel. They can't see Rhysand wanting Azriel's good, otherwise, he would've never stopped Az if he knew it wouldn't hurt him OR Elain, if he knew they'd be both happy. They want Rhysand who is Azriel's found family of 500 years be the bad guy in his story...
My annoyance was with people theorizing vile things about Gwyn which is not even close to canon. Again his fans want yet another person to be the villain in his story. So you see they want things to be revolved around him like these characters have some groveling to do. Like they did him wrong somehow.
If they're in any of these audiences? Then they better keep me blocked.
And if they can't see their fellow Azriel fans being called out then again it's better to stay this way.
And no it's not embarrassing. They're creating their own safe space, I wouldn't judge them since I always block out negativity as well.
I don't want to talk about this again. Don't want to get anyone else involved in this argument. I voiced my opinion and there was no disrespect on that post. I'm not anti-anyone in these books but I am anti-Azriel fans who act this way. If they have a problem with it, then they know better what to do in these situations for their peace of mind.
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nightcourtreader · 4 months
I think that the anti feysand-ness of gwynriels and pro feysand-ness of e/riels comes just that gwyn is nestas friend and a lot of them dislike nesta.
But i really don’t see that as an excuse for them to constantly bash her the way they do
I can see that.
Quite honestly, I don’t see why people like to drag Feyre and nesta or constantly put them against each other, when from what I’m reading. Feyre and nesta have an ok relationship. Feyre was defending nesta in HOFAS. Just because you don’t like one character doesn’t mean you shouldn’t like a character that’s associated with that character. That’s not a valid reason.
I do think it’s ok to critique both nesta and Feyre’s actions tho. Like some of their actions are warranted of criticism. Nothing wrong with it.
But honestly, the war between these two fans is going to be never ending at this point and I’m over it. If you don’t like one, you don’t like one, cool. Just make your content of the girly you do really like. 🥴
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elrxiel · 2 months
I want Gwyn to be a Lightsinger not because I want her to be evil, absolutely not my dear friends, my Slavic ass just simply wants a character embodiment of a rusalka/siren.
The one that lures men to their demise. The one that makes men do unspeakable things just because of her angelic voice.
But well... the one that's also a little bloodthirsty.
Just imagine that on the battlefield when the final battle of the ACOTAR series comes to show. That has the potential of a really fucking great scene, I can imagine her quiet voice slowly making enemies drop their swords or go insane.
This is a fantasy of mine of course, but since we already have so many hints about the power her voice holds, it would be an absolute waste of potential to not turn it into some epic weapon.
I'm still absolutely anti ANY karaoke scenes or her dueting Azriel while gracefully flying into the sunsets tho. I'm talking about mystical deathly power here, guys. Be for real.
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acourtofthought · 8 months
listen you have no idea how much I appreciate you!! How you always have an answer to everything those bitches (I'm sorry I'm at my limits) have to say that makes absolutely zero sense. And how they always want to stir some shit to get a rise out of us so they can say "hey look they're rude to us :(" but you always answer with certainty and respect unlike some ppl (even tho we have so many SS from them telling us to k*ll ourselves)
But I hope you're looking out for yourself. Bc me personally can't handle them. I can't deal with stupidity and argue with a grown ass person who feels like arguing with a wall, incapable of changing for an ounce and act all childish. I know how tiring and harmful it can be.
I and so many others have read enough sjm books to know who will be the next couples of the series and I really think the only thing that will make the shut the fuck up is waiting for the next book confirmation. Time will tell.
Thank you for the check in ❤️
Honestly, I have it easy compared to some of the other peoples experiences on here so it's not fair for me to complain. And it's on me for engaging with some of the stuff they put up because I am capable of turning my head and leaving it be.
Which I usually do because I don't go searching for their posts. However I do occasionally check my "Your Tags" section and the Elucien / Lucien tags were used in a clearly Anti Elucien post. This isn't the first time this week I've seen it happen across the fandom so the repeated behavior tends to spike my argumentative side and that in of itself is childish to a degree but at times it feels like you want the other side to be heard too, you know? They go around shouting the loudest thinking it means they have something on us, more proof of something, and I guess something about that feels unfair to me.
It's always canon this and canon that for them while ignoring all the other canon that exists. Being selective with canon is going to be the thing to bite them in the ass in the end because these books are not just what happens when Elain and Az are on page together. They definitely don't like "canon" when it tells us Az hasn't thought of a future with Elain. They don't like canon when the thought of Gwyn's happiness sparked something in his chest.
And SJM doesn't talk about all the little hints and crumbs she laid out for Elain's journey only for some in the fandom to think that the things that are wide out in the open (like Az and Elain wanting to kiss) are the full picture. Feyre saying, "why not make them mates?" wouldn't be a crumb or a hint, that would be SJM leaving nothing to the imagination. A crumb is something like "what can I get you Elain?" "Sunshine", then later revealing that her mate is the heir to Day. Or "Spring had been made for someone like her" in reference to Elain and later being told Lucien is permanently being stationed there. Crumbs are SJMs way of laying out the mystery of what's going to happen and she wants the reader to be clever enough to spot them. Thinking Elain has no interest in Lucien and it's clear she wants Az because she was willing to hook up with him and currently ignores Lucien doesn't take any sort of genius to figure out. But a clever reader who look a little deeper to see if maybe the "obvious" isn't really so obvious at all, that there is more going on beyond what we're seeing.
But you're right, there's no point in arguing. It doesn't matter how logical your response is, it doesn't matter how much proof you can provide based on past endgame couples and how that means Elucien (while not a guarantee) is not a lost cause, they don't want to hear it. They want to only fixate on the moments that support E/riel and nothing that possibly throws a wrench in that ship and that's like trying to talk to someone about a movie where they only stepped into the room every 20 - 30 minutes, catching 5 minutes at a time.
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brieq · 2 years
my acotar unpopular opinions
I got bored so, i decided to make this, with some of these i use the word “unpopular” lightly 
i love all the archeron sisters 
nesta is my favorite archeron sister
i love feyre on her own and w/ rhys however, i do think acosf did her dirty at times
speaking of acosf...feysand was done dirty in this book. like what was the point of putting them through more emotional turmoil, especially feyre. it also went back on both feyre and rhys character decisions made in maf and war (im not saying that were acting ooc though) feysand deserved a peaceful pregnancy, which couldve happened in the background while nesta’s story still happened. 
which leads me to my next point, nesta deserved to not have her story be overshadowed by that shit baby plot 
the intervention scene should’ve only been nesta and her sisters 
my favorite characters are nesta, rhys, gwyn, honorable mentions are lucien, eris, cassian and feyre
this is probably rlly unpopular after acosf but my favorite bat boy is still rhys
azriel is my least favorite of the bat boys 
i dont think tamlin is a bad person and id like to see him get better for himself and others. i think he should get an arc
technically all the acotar characters are morally grey (well maybe except gwyn, emerie and tarquin..lucien too i guess)
i know there’s debates on whether rhys can be considered one but I think he is. the issue is sjm wrote the acotar world very black and white. sometimes she picks and chooses when her characters are allowed to be morally grey and this happens a lot with rhys (honestly with tamlin and nesta..etc. practically where we see odd double standards) this honeslty does a disservice to rhys’s character and the others as well
i’m not saying that tamlin didnt abuse feyre because he did but it’s pretty clear that he gets over demonized a bit
rhys may be one of my favs but im fully aware that he’s been abusive at times and isnt not a perfect character (clearly). i dont think he was ever meant to be technically.
i feel like a lot of the male characters trauma gets swept under the rug. (Lucien, Rhys, Cassian and even Tamlin) idk about azriel yet tbh
for some reason im obsessed with vassa and jurian..honestly the band of exiles in general. i cant wait to see more of them
i hope elain ends up with lucien and the band of exiles
i know a lot of ppl hate the idea of nesta or gwyn getting to some degree with rhys but i think it’ll be good for him bc they’d give it too him straight (maybe even elain tbh)
you know how cassian and feyre have special friendship as well as nesta and azriel...i’d like to see that with rhys and someone (most likely gwyn, i think she makes more sense than elain..plus they have more in common)
im not anti any characters. i like all of them but ill still call them out on their shit when warranted 
my least favorite character in general is amren tho
the most believable friendships in the IC are the bat boys (rhys, cassian and azriel) and cassian and feyre (maybe feyre and mor)
i do think azriel and rhys are in a rough patch atm tho (doesnt mean that they dont love each other tho)
id like to see feyre make friends outside of the IC (im not saying that mor has been terrible to her but she should branch out)
the valkyries definitely have a healthier full group
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nikethestatue · 2 years
Okay, but, like, it’s super weird to me that antis assign Azriels bonus chapter so much relevance, and claim it sinks elriel and even sinks Elain as the next books protagonist..and then completely disregard the Feysand one! Even tho Feysand is the one that’s being printed in the new SF books. 😭
Well, the problem with Feysand's bonus for them is the utter and total lack of Gwyn or Gwynriel, and the promise of Elain being the next MC.
They always forget that SJM talks through Feysand. What they say or do, matters. Singing shadows, on the other hand--don't matter.
They should pay more attention to the Fyesand bonus, so not to be disappointed later.
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ae-neon · 1 year
I’m gonna be frank with you, this fandom is literally capital T-O-X-I-C, and no matter how big or small the account is, there’s always gonna be stans that will attack even just for the littlest things, there’s a reason why the fandom’s so divided (ngl, the partial blame is the author herself) and tension between the characters the love. Common obvy is the Nesta vs IC, Gwyn vs Elain, Lucien vs IC, Non-NC vs Pro-IC, Nesta vs Feyre. The fight between these two have been going on for YEARS, heightened post-ACOSF. For this one, sister fight is always rooted with misogynistic takes. Even when it’s not intentional, the established reputation of each fandoms have towards each other just clouds everything and will spiral into another heavy war. Not just war, will literally send eo d//eath threats or personal opinions from both sides. As said before, this take usually opens a lot of criticism because it is rooted with so many underlying takes that “likes to take everything away from her” before which is why even when it’s unintentional, the headline is already an automatic sour take for the fandom (because it is a very sensitive issue from the fandom) and the common “norm” is to post these takes and mock on it which often borders even offending the op. I think there are takes that are sometimes understood as anti/ whatever but there are also takes such as this one that crosses that line and will trigger another huge fight again.
Hello anon
Thanks for the explanation. I guess I have no choice but to accept that.
I don't think I'll stop posting what I post tho.
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