#not byler but just a general st theory
zenon-karr · 3 months
I been trying to make sense of the the hints the Duffers have been dishing out and making sense of these posters. And I think I have a theory that connects most of the hints. I’ve pieced together recently that I think s5 of stranger things will be inspired by things like Us, They Live, and Uncanny Valley!! Hence why it looks relatively normal right now. It will be normal but people start to believe people and children are replaced by imposters because things are slightly off that babies or other people are basically monsters from the upside down or like the ‘flayed’ aka maybe like a mimic from dnd but they look like people but ‘off’:
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I think they will solve the stinger at the end of s4 and they think they’ve beat 001/upside down. When really revealed that the enemy is actually mind flayer but we aren’t introduced to its final form till s5. but he’s built an army that infiltrates the main world by pretending to be human and the end of s4-beginning of 5 they’re lured into again into false sense of security when the portal opening just allowed the shadow monsters/mimics in. They’re alternate dimension beings lead by Mind Flayer to invade the main world. They tried with Henry and also Will to open gates and let the creatures in.
I think maybe the thing with the hospital is not actually that someone is this seriously injured but actually that The mains will realize something is off in the hospital bc they’re visiting Max. Maybe they start to realize that people are replaced by shadow flayed whatever versions of children/people in general. Maybe this is the meaning of the pregnant lady poster. And then there’s this drawing that looks like a shadow person. Then there is a the pregnant smoking - smoke and life under the cloud in the poster maybe the smoke is actually like shadow like the shadow monster but they’re people that are uncanny:
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All creatures welcome poster and they even comment does this mean demogorgans? It makes me think they invite the monsters in their homes because they think they are their own children when they’re born or they don’t know people they know have been replaced by monsters you know so maybe the hints to switched at birth actually mean switched not literally like a soapy like children being swapped at birth but like in the horror monster sense.
Look at Holly’s room. She has an Alf poster I think Alf is a hint of an alien or something Among the humans. And along with the shadow person concept or alien/mimic idea. Peter Pan has the living shadow and then Ross posts this this billboard of a family where one is like disfigured so maybe one in so many people have been replaced by a fake (mimic or an upside down monster) the billboard even says ‘new residence’
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Here’s the plots of They Live and Us! They’re both movies about aliens or beings infiltrating among humans. I been watching the supernatural horror TikTok’s of people thinking they’ve had encounters with a mimic and also Uncanny Valley. So I pieced together a theory based off the clues in Ross’ posts!
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demigirljoycebyers · 2 years
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yall it might really the swingset scene,,,
idk much about painting but youd probably want to paint the clouds before the beam that will obstruct it right??
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biigiiiii · 1 year
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#i’m in the u.k. and i’m about to go to sleep because i’m up early i literally can’t be there i’m gonna cry can someone tell me what happens
My Top Posts in 2022:
Final scene thoughts:
Key words that I keep thinking about - United. Team. Prepared to fight.
One thing to remember - s5 is will’s season.
Mike and will are stood together united and prepared to fight. A team. Friends, best friends.
Will is gonna be at the centre of this and Mike is the heart.
I very much think Mike is gonna be glued to wills side the whole time…. Do I think that because I desperately want to see that? Yes. Do I think there’s something in that? Maybe? Just thoughts that I thunk and wanted to write, lol.
64 notes - Posted August 26, 2022
El @ Mike during his monologue:
77 notes - Posted September 1, 2022
I was today years old when I realised Mike probably didn’t literally ask for vomit green socks, he was just likely making a joke about the colour of the ones he was given. I thought he was just being his quirky goofy awkward self like “lmao guys I actually asked for vomit green socks 🙊 I’m so random”. …. I think because he’s just so awkward (affectionate) I was ready to accept, without question, that he would actually ask that lmao
(It’s ok. Mike wouldn’t have got the joke either 😭)
Mike: you mean you LITERALLY asked for vomit green socks?! 🤨
Lucas, probably: …. Omg, I can’t take you anywhere
I wanna know what other people think, was it just me or did other people think he literally asked for vomit green socks? Where my Mike-wheeler-literally-asked-for-vomit-green-socks defenders?
97 notes - Posted October 12, 2022
“Delusional? How about not cowards?!”
See the full post
345 notes - Posted August 28, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Shit no wait no shit wait shit waiiiit????
Are you telling me that the ‘it was a seven’ in season one was setting up SINCE THE VERY BEGINNING the origins of “friends don’t lie” and why it’s such a huge deal to Will to not lie to Mike even if it works against him? So they actually set up the van scene in that exact moment??! Except in the van scene he lies for Mike even though it STILL works against him. To show how important Mike is to him. That it’s never actually been about lying or not lying. It’s about Mike.
Actually Mike. Friends do lie. When they’re in love with you.
That is all.
489 notes - Posted October 30, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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thefirstlioveyou · 5 months
What's the most unhinged, outlandish thing you believe will happen in S5/with Byler?
wait this is so good
1) okay for unhinged - i mean i wouldn’t say it’d be unhinged, but i know people would flip out so i’ll say it anyway, but byler sex scene. not even explicit, st doesn’t do all that. to the extent of jancy s2 i mean.
st is very comfortable depicting sexuality and building up towards it. like, it felt right that jancy did it, there was so much burning chemistry. it needed to be more than just a kiss. i feel with byler, because it’s been held back so much, it would make sense for something more than a kiss, also since there’s already been subtextual proof of sexual attraction between the two. but even though it feels right in general, it also depends on timing. jancy worked because there was chemistry and proper timing.
i believe it’d be unhinged simply because people tend to freak out when queer sex is depicted with fictional underage characters, or even implied (i mean, just look at how people reacted to the fact the guy from HS was sexually curious in high school). it could also do with the fact people still see them as kids since we practically saw them grow up. but i mean? personally? i’ve let that go. like it’s cute to reminisce how tiny they were, but finn is 21 filming s5, and noah turns 20 this year. there’s no harm at all for them to depicit or imply a sex scene, there’s no real children at harm. if you still see them as their s1-s3 selves, that’s really just a you thing atp. people need to stop making young queers feel bad for experiencing sexual attraction/desire - coming from someone who occasionally feels guilt because of my own community.
2) i’m part of the group that does NOT believe mike will actually die - i just have yet to be convinced on that theory. however, i am part of the group that does believe mike is gonna be a target (as well as the wheelers in general). i have a specific theory that mike is going to have a near death experience, but what makes it unhinged is how he’d almost die. i theorize he will nearly get chomped in half/eaten.
my evidence?
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(jaws is self explanatory)
just very interesting what those two movies have in common, and it just so happens mike is between them.
i think that’s all i have. i don’t have much absurd or unhinged predictions for s5. most of my predictions are rather universal and ‘normal.’ i hope to be surprised though. thank you for the ask! :^D
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gardenfairie · 4 months
Does anyone ever think that the russian code was not about any pairing, but due to how fans interacted with it, they basically ran with it for byler season 4?
Like the thing is, blue and yellow has always been sort of *the colours* of Stranger Things. You can see the pattern everywhere, over and over, through all the seasons, with MULTIPLE characters and pairings— including byler AND mileven. I think blue/yellow is supposed to symbolize something beyond any specific pairing, but rather the plot and show as a whole. (I won't get into that here, but there's analysis around this already so just go search for that lol).
But the thing is, the blue/yellow russian code came out as a s3 teaser first, and BOTH bylers and milevens jumped to try and claim it for their ship.
Like they literally argued about this poster:
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In seasons 1-2, both pairings had subtle instances of blue/yellow colour choices, case in point:
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Then season 3 when the code was actually introduced:
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But then in season 4, they REALLY emphasized these colours for byler. Like Mike and Will literally spend almost ALL of the season in the same outfit... and it just happens to be blue and yellow?! After bylers spent like a year blabbing about the russian code? Meanwhile mileven diverged further from the blue/yellow color coding in s4.
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Like come on. This was literally the teaser pic they used for season 4. There are blue and yellow lights over Mike and Will's heads lol. And this is AFTER the writers very likely saw all the shipper theory and arguments about "blue and yellow" on their twitter and instagram.
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tldr: Basically what I'm saying is, I think blue/yellow are key colours in ST in general- not any 1 ship. But even if the russian code was never to allude byler or mileven or whatever, it doesn't even matter. The point is, fans vocally thought it did/could allude to their ship, and we know the writers read what fans think. And in season 4 they basically affirmed bylers on it, even if that wasn't their original intention lol.
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omg why is the byler tag flopping 😭 we used to get minimally 200 posts per day, now it's nothing. oh bylernators, what is happening...
You’re right, the tag has been dry as a California summer lately, and it is sad.
I think people have left for a wide range of reasons (the controversies, general frustration with the tag, boredom, developing other hyperfixations, exhaustion from the constant time loop of discourse, there being nothing else to cornplate in the show, etc), but also just literally because there isn’t really any content to get hyped about other than the semi-regular Friday posts from Ross and the ST ig account.
There was a new wave of activity on here when filming started up again and when we initially started getting bts/leaks, but that has kinda been slow overall. We’re all just living leak to leak, interview to interview, and making theories/art based on that, as well as voting on polls and such. But I hope March 22 saves us with Will bts! 🙏
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v-i-r-i-d-i-a-n · 4 months
Thinking about when I first fixated on ST and was talking to my mom abt general theories and stuff and was slowly starting to hint to her that I think Byler should happen and she just goes
“I wish Mike and El would break up and Mike would realize he had feelings for Will, but then Will realizes he’s too good for him and then the Byers move to Hawaii”
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henrysglock · 1 month
hi there! first off, i just wanted to say thank you for sharing all your theories and ideas because they are genuinely so interesting to me as someone who was never really that into the NINA plotline when s4 came out— after looking at a good number of your posts that definitely started to change lol. i’ve become moderately obsessed with you and a few others’ theories about the different timelines and i was curious how you think they’d go about revealing that to the general audience? everything you’ve laid out about the timelines is so much in the fine details, and while it’s itching my brain for sure i have no idea how they would tie all of this together. if you’ve already talked about this feel free to ignore this lol, i just wanted to see what you thought and to say that your theories are so fun to read even for someone who isn’t all that into henry’s character or the lab plotline— i know you and a few others are probably getting at the much larger reveals that they’re saving for s5, and i think it’s really admirable esp considering not a lot of people on here are receptive or willing to listen. anyway sorry for the tangent and thank u again!! <3 i hope you’re having a good week :)
Hi Nonnie!!!
First: Oh gosh what a compliment <3 I'm so glad to hear this journey has made the lab arc more enjoyable for you! I know it's been just pure dopamine for me. It sucks that more people aren't super receptive, but it makes the ones who are receptive (like you, Nonnie <3) all the more special.
Second: Yeah, the timelines reveal is going to be one of the harder reveals to predict, and you're absolutely right, a lot of our posts are centered on minutiae.
Personally, I don't believe that many of those details will be addressed at all. I think they're there for the people who want to piece it all together on their own before the big reveal. So actually, I when I try to argue for timeline theory, I usually opt for the huge, huge smoking guns that are Scott Clarke's line about Many Worlds Theory all the way back in Season 1, the Edward newspaper, and the NINA inconsistencies. Timeline theory is a lot like byler that way: The details are there to flesh it out, to prove it further, but they're not always super crucial to understanding it.
When it comes to the reveal, I definitely think it's going to rely on those bigger points. By that, I mean:
The gang could go to Upside-Down HNL to find more details about One to try and counterattack (we already have BTS pictures of HNL with vines/UD stuff in it).
The leftover files/details could mention Edward, or even both Edward and Henry, and Nancy may the Creel papers. (In 4.04, she asks Victor to clarify if Alice is his daughter, which indicates she may have noticed the Virginia-Alice swap. If she did, then she absolutely know about Edward.)
We find out what, exactly, NINA was and how it links up to time travel.
That would inevitably lead to "Okay, so how does this all work, and who then hell is Henry Creel, for real this time?", which is something I have no doubt they'd go to Scott about, and that would tie us right back to that "throwaway" Season 1 line about many worlds.
That ^^ right there could very well be the Edward Creel reveal and the truth about NINA/the massacre of 1979 wrapped up in just one episode.
It's still entirely possible, plausible even, that the original/ST1-2 UD is one other timeline, and that Vecna's is the third, possibly NINA-generated, timeline(everyone cheered for the ST rule of 3).
If they are the other timelines, then: a) It's fairly similar in concept to Fringe. b) It's in keeping with the Flea And The Acrobat/Gates being tied to the Many Worlds line. c) It's simple to comprehend without having to try and wrap your head around the minutiae.
But again...
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For anyone reading this who's not caught up: This has all been talked about a bunch by Em (aemiron-main), a bit by Stav (heroesbyler) in relation to the Void, and iirc Nat (givehimthemedicine). I had a post on the gravity inconsistencies in Vecna's UD, Able Archer vs the ST1/2 UD, and most recently I posted about what Shepard sees when he crosses into the UD in Season 1.
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claywheelr · 2 months
My name is Klay & I use He/Him pronouns.
I have a ton of interests but my main/strongest atm are Stranger Things, Foo Fighters, Calpurnia, The Aubreys, Finn Wolfhard and IT. Some of my side interests are Ghostbusters, Nirvana, Splatoon, FNaF graphic novels & games, The Goldfinch and The Hunger Games.
My main focuses with Stranger Things is Byler, Mike wheeler and Will byers. Right now I post my ST fanart and just things about ST in general. I may post my theories / AO3 fanfic links in the future if anyone is interested.
Instagram - CLAYTOZIER | Pinterest - CLAYKREISS
Feel free to contact me on Instagram if you'd like to be friends!! You can also view alot more of my art on there.
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bylerconfessions · 4 months
people in the byler tag are up in flames about whether or not byler should have a sex scene in s5 and it's like... we don't even know 100% if they're gonna end up together. i think everyone is seriously jumping the gun on this one. we'll all be grateful if they even get a KISS. remember m*leven still has to come to an official ending, and mike needs time to focus on himself before he gets with will (which is why i think the kiss won't happen until the last episode). (also, depending on the timeline of the season, i really don't think they'd immediately jump to having sex right after admitting feelings for each other. neither of them has experience in that area, so i'd say it'd be a while before either of them makes a move.)
and just being realistic -- think about the type of show stranger things is. they've had sex scenes in the past, but remember those were straight sex scenes. i think we're all deluded if we actually believe the duffers would do something as bold as have a gay sex scene (implied or otherwise) on such an internationally acclaimed show as ST. i would love to be proven wrong, but i think they're pushing the envelope enough with the general audience by having their two same-sex main characters get together at all. i think the majority of the GA would be fine with a byler kiss, but a byler sex scene would be seen as "too much" and "shoving it in our faces" (which is unfortunate but i think it's the reality)
i feel that people lean too much on this idea that the duffers are these revolutionaries in creating queer media, but i dont have that much trust in them. that's also why i don't really believe in big theories that use small details. and the duffers probably care about public perception a lot. like u said, anon, stranger things is globally popular and i don't think the duffers would risk it all
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emblazons · 1 year
I feel the same, no offense to theorizers ofc because people are free to theorize and have headcanons. But also it is important to consider what the writers are intending here and recognizing their story bits. I feel like people just kinda go... too over the board with some of their theories/headcanons here and I'm like... it is fine and all to think about those things but are those things really fitting for what the writers are likely intending? I also am not that fan of people saying the Duffers are lying about things, first of all, yeah ofc they're not gonna just gonna openly talk about everything, but the majority of the time what they're saying are not lies, lol. So it's just kinda weird to see people claiming the Duffers are intentionally lying or just outright lying about what they say regarding certain plots and the story choices they made... that just does not make much sense to me. While doing promo and before that ofc the writers are just gonna be vague about certain things, that does not mean they're intentionally lying about the majority of the stuff they say in regards to the story they're telling.
Agreed! Honestly, don't have a single bit of issue with people theorizing and writing out their thoughts for how the story should go to their hearts content, especially knowing I do the same in my own way. It's fun, it keeps you invested, and ST has done a phenomenal job at giving their audience just enough detail to ask questions, while still leaving a ton of room for fan theorizing & artistic expression.
As for people going overboard with thinking their headcanons are what must happen in the show...it was actually my experience with listening to theorists right before Vol II taught me to manage my expectations in a healthy way rather than hold tightly to what I thought should happen (lmao). It was July when I realized that not a single person in this fandom is working with as much information as they'd need to precisely guess what goes on in Matt & Ross' minds...which was confirmed for me when only one theorist of the literal hundreds I read pre Vol II had even 50% of what went down written out correctly when it came to what "The Piggyback" ended up meaning in the actual show.
Tbh, its just that I realized its literally impossible for any one person to know every detail of what will happen—and even if they did get it 100%, it still would have only been an (admittedly educated) guess. That's not to knock theorizing at all; I love it lmao. I just think it becomes less about the show and more about you being right when you think The Duffers are lying to you when your specific hopes aren't what happens, or even saying that Stranger Things suddenly "fell off" because its not done the way you would have written it. It just seems odd to assume that every bit of the story down to the exact details needs to be what you theorize or perceive is "right"—something we knock other sections of the fandom for doing all the time, but that we somehow avoid in ourselves because we (rightfully) managed to catch the queer coding + narrative setup of Byler.
All that to say: in listening to The Duffers, I've never felt "lied to" any differently than I have Noah or Finn saying they "don't know" anything—even if they do know every detail, they wouldn't be able to say that anyway LMAO. The Duffers are sorting through their wants for the story the same way any author does, and what they enjoy might not align with how I would tell the story if it was mine—which is why I've decided to look for the core themes, narratives and arcs for general direction points rather than specifics, personally.
I like learning what inspired The Duffers, what their taste in movies and other art are, and how they've structured their previous plots for hints as to what I might expect to see come S5...but I'm not holding any of my own theories, never-mind anyone else's, with an iron fist. Matt & Ross + the 2000 other people working on ST got me this far enjoying the ride, so I'm gonna do something radical and just. Trust them to get me to the finish line. If its disappointing after its all ended, we'll talk about it...but for now I'm okay lmao.
Thanks for the ask!
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mayahawkins · 1 year
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no one asked me to list my fav blogs but i’m just gonna make my own end of year follow forever bc i wanna rant abt my talented friends, beloved mutuals, and just people i follow that i have never spoken to but who are such a joy to see on my dash. so, without further ado, maddy’s 2022 follow forever:
@strangeswift abby strangeswift, my beloved. you were the first person i talked to in this fandom and i’m so glad u were bc u are the sweetest most kind person ever. you are so supportive of all your friends and mutuals and u make me wanna be a more outwardly loving and supportive person fr. i remember when u wrote that lil ficlet based on my text post and i’m p sure i almost cried bc i felt so special that someone had been inspired by something i had said to write smth so wonderful. you’re an incredible writer and i am always so excited anytime you post any of your writing. i can’t wait to read more of your fics and am so patiently waiting for MilevenVision (as much as i may bug u for crumbs). i’m so glad to call you a friend <3
@elekinetic ella ella, bonded in shared discord trauma so ur never getting rid of me. i feel so honoured to call you a friend bc you are one of the best people i know. you are so smart and level-headed and loyal as hell to your friends. you are also so kind and you're so deliberate with what you say and how you say it. you defs intimidated me the first few times we talked but now im like oh ya ella, my amazing talented friend ella. your scripts give me so much life. and not just your st ones but your original ones as well. can't wait to one day see "ella elekinetic hexagirl" in movie credits (bc obviously ur last name is ur url). and your OCs?? i have never once become obsessed with someone's OCs the way i can't stop thinking abt yours. that's what you've done to me. you are so incredibly talented and ily <3
@andiwriteordie ANNDDIIIIII ILY FR <3 u are so insanely talented and kind and wonderful. i’m so happy we started talking recently bc u have truly brightened the last few weeks of the year. u got me back into watching merlin so thank u for the pain u will surely cause me as i rewatch this show i haven’t seen in almost a decade. ur fics were some of the first that i read in the byler fandom and that means u will always hold a special place in my heart. i remember the first time i read your let's hear it for the boys series and i was just like omg i'm obsessed with this. i have absolutely adored every single one i’ve read (even though i’m a lil behind on them rn oops but i will catch up) and can’t wait to see what else you write. your atla!au (and the newly brainstormed merlin!au) live in my head rent free and i can’t wait to read them if you write them.
@nnilkyway my fellow emo will truther <3 yvie i love you dearly. you are so incredibly talented i could scream abt ur artwork literally for days. your fanworks and your original art and your doodles are all beautiful and stunning. the day we started talking and you sent me the lil doodle you did of emo will byers i think i actually cried at how much i loved it and that it had come from our conversation about it. i saved it onto my camera roll so i can come back to it easier that's how much i love it. you are also one of the funniest people on here, your tags almost always have me rolling. i can't wait to see what beautiful art you draw in the new year.
@finalgirlbyers sierra lovqbrl madcleradin finalgirlbyers!!!! i know we haven’t talked much but i love seeing u on my dash and u always have the best takes and theories and just posts in general. i know i've said that literally multiple times to you but it cannot be overstated how correct you always are. one of my fav people to follow on here.
people i don't talk to but whose presence is a joy to have on my dash:
@astrobei an absolutely incredible writer that wrote some of my fav fics. one of the best will fics, not all the prayers, that truly is just so unbelievably amazing. like the care that you can just tell went into that fic is just incredible. Some absolutely incredible lines that will punch you right in the gut in the best way possible.
@blueeandyellowmakesgreen jade! one of the coolest people, has some of the most amazing art over on @azuries, like it's actually so amazing and people need to go look at it and reblog it now immediately
@mlchaelwheeler an absolute joy to follow. so many good posts and im fr rooting for mike with a sword in s5 just for her
@elmaxed their fics were some of the first i read in the byler fandom and i absolutely fell in love with them. they hold such a dear place in my heart. also one of the sweetest people fr, one of the first to compliment my gifs and so they are forever in my mind for that <3
@smoosnoom omg their fics!!! are!!!! incredible!!!! so many wonderful fics, i was just looking through my bookmarks and i swear half of them are theirs. the one about mike's will voice has my whole heart.
@wiseatom another lovely fic writer, and one who titles her fics with taylor swift lyrics bc she Gets It!!! also one of the sweetest people in the fandom, always seems to be supporting other people.
@kidovna one of the most talented artists in this fandom oh my GOD. i cannot praise her and her art enough idk how what else to even say besides amazing incredible talented showstopping
@byeler wrote one of my all time fav fics, Heavy Hopes, with my beloved trope, oblivious jealous mike, which is truly *chef's kiss*. such a good writer like it cannot be overstated
@ice-sculptures a truly amazing gifmaker. gifs so many little byler moments that are so precious that i've definitely missed when watching the show.
@william-byers an absolutely incredible gif maker. taylor swift and stranger things together on one blog, what more could you want?
@padme-amidala makes some of the most beautiful gifs ever oh my goodness, her gifs are part of what inspired me to start making gifs and to challenge my gifmaking. i hope to one day be as good as she is.
@robiinbuckley also makes some of the most beautiful gifs, literally in awe of her gifs. also inspired my gifmaking journey and has inspired me to challenge myself when it comes to gifmaking.
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aemiron-main · 1 year
Hey this is not meant as a criticism of your or others time travel theories, so don’t take it the wrong way, just speaking as a pleb, I do think the timeline thing tho, unless it’s explained in a way that’s super easy to understand, runs the risk of pissing off a lot of people and feeling unsatisfying simply because it’s a very confusing concept to a lot of people in general, and I know in the past a lot of “alternate reality” type “twists” (like it was just a dream, or time travel, or everything was made up in an autistic boys mind—yes that last one happened on an 80s show) have made audiences mad simply because they felt cheated and like a lot of stuff they thought mattered didnt, and for all the people online who are reading theories and scrutinizing things, there are millions more who aren’t and they should be able to follow along as well and feel satisfied (and while I am a tumblr girlie who has followed theories for years, even I didn’t clock time travel and timeline shit till you guys pointed it out here on tumblr so like, even for people in the fandom it’s easy to miss, so i imagine most GA hasn’t clocked it either ) and I’m concerned about how this theory might play out ….
I personally don’t hope it’s about timelines and such simply because of my own selfishness and no matter how i try, while the concept is interesting to me, i find it too confusing and convoluted to understand or enjoy. like i’m trying i wanna be one of the cool kids but it just… loses me completely.
i am PRAYING that if you all are right, and there are these timeline things, that the Duffers really have a succinct, and easily digestible way of revealing this to the audience that won’t take up a whole 30 min of plodding exposition that will leave the GA scratching their heads, but have it be ah OOOH WOW clever and easy to grasp twist that doesn’t leave fans feeling cheated.
I don’t care what the ending is tbh I just want them to stick it and for me to be able to understand it lol
Hey anon! This reply is gonna be shorter than I want it to be simply bc I am super sleepy rn but I just want to toss this post your way where I talked about this whole thing more in depth!
I totally see your concerns, but I actually have seen A LOT of GA folks point out the time travel/timeline stuff (just not as specific/in depth as we’ve done on tumblr), so as far as that part goes, I don’t think there’s too much to worry about. We also have to keep in mind that the duffers, while they ARE trying to write a coherent, cohesive story, are not trying to appease the GA. Many GA members also think that Byler would be “out of nowhere and too difficult to understand”. And also, I say this with Love In My Heart, but I don’t care about “well Everyone should be able to follow it and understand it”/“it would suck,” and i dont mean “i dont care” in a mean way towards you, i just mean it literally. I don’t care. Because my focus, when doing analysis, is “what is the show saying/doing?”, rather than “is the show doing it well/are they going to explain it well?”. Do i think they’re going to do it well? Yes! And I talked about that more in that post I linked. But I’m also not writing my theories around whether or not I think it would be good or bad or easy to understand- I’m writing my theories around the evidence we have & trying to figure out what they’re doing, whether they do it well or do it badly.
Like, I do disagree with “they should be able to follow along and feel satisfied” when it comes to ST & when it comes to that as an argument against timeline stuff. And the reason I disagree is because a.) they WILL be able to, just on a surface level, even if they dont fully comprehend it and b.) I don’t think a show as detailed as ST, is obligated to tone itself down. People can rewatch & figure things out like a puzzle. I don’t think all media needs to be completely, fully easily digestible for everyone. I think it’s fine to make viewers need to think about things!!! And I think that the duffers/the ST team is going to be able to find a happy medium between the more complex stuff & a simpler cohesive surface narrative, especially since the timeline stuff doesnt so much seem to be “going back and fixing things/none of mattered” as it is “the timeline stuff has been causing problems from the Very Beginning and we need to set it right/everything still happened.” I also think that a lot of it us the duffers fucking with the audience’s perception of things & that we’ve already been seeing multiple timelines the whole time, which allows them to tie things up more neatly because they dont have to blast through and show us all the timelines- we’vd already seen them.
I hope this is somewhat coherent bc like I said im half awake right now, so if any of this sounds snarky towards you, it’s not meant to be! <333 I really do think they’ll be able to pull things off in a way that’s complex enough to be interesting/leave more puzzles to solve/make people rewatch to spot things, but also still easy enough to understand that things are wrapped up effectively! And personally, if they ARE going to mess it up (which i really really doubt they will, because like i talked abt in that linked post, the timeline stuff is alllllll interconnected to the main unsolved questions/plot points in ST) there’s nothing i can do about that!!! I’m not in the writers’ room! So, I focus on what I can do- analyzing the information we have & trying to figure out what direction the show is going to take, regardless of whether that direction is good or bad. (and i think it’ll be fantastic!!)
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kuumara · 1 year
Im sorry... but i dont see mike being bi a possibility... like at first when i saw st and byler i didnt care what they were as long as they were together, but then i rewatched all the eps and thought hm,, every "main" character (that is in the show for more than 1szn) seems to show attraction to the gender theyre attracted to (since this is a show at the end of the day)
steve likes women, nancy men (steve nd jon), max men (steve nd lucas), hopper women (joyce and that one woman he was with in s1) ...and mike men (eddie and just look at the posters in his room bro. also lil details in scenes like how he generally went to guys when looking for a dnd player etcetc, theres tons of analysis on that)
sure they might be bi or pan but i dont think in s5 there will be much time to, like, expand their attractions yk
sure mike called el pretty and beautiful in s1 and s2 but he prob just did it bc he isnt a bitch.. like if u see ur date or wtvr u would compliment them, bc i imagine he prob knew it would be nice to tell el that since she cared ab it in s1. and when he called her pretty in s1 for the first time he was just like "yeah u look nice😐". not showing us if he said it in a attracted-to-her way but instead showing us its more in a casual way. like how id compliment my friend's dress or shirt or smth. then the second time he could see she was sad and he ofc wanted to comfort her, again bc hes not a bitch
ig u can say "he still kissed her" but oh god thats a whole other story about comp het and his child brain not understanding the heteronormative society, he just thought "yeah its just like that". ig u can say he smiled after that, but that could also be from him feeling proud or smth bc he just had his first kiss and the heteronormative society tells him thats the goal - kissing and getting a gf (he def thought if u kiss a girl shes automatically ur gf or smth. again child brain)
kissing in s3? he's in too deep, he's not a mean bitch so he doesn't want to break el's heart bc hey, atleast she seems to like it!! the first ACTUAL, EXPLICIT reaction to kissing girls (in my theory atleast, if u think in s1 he liked it go off queen) we get is negative, in the last ep of s3. poor guy he genuinely seemed happy as friends with el, and even relieved, dare i say, but as soon as she kissed him i don't think we saw him smile for a loong time (till eddie's cafeteria speech in s4 (a guy))
anyway... in short i jst think he's nice and doesn't want to hurt el's feelings (contrary to popular belief) and also is scared bc yk. it's the 80s and he has queer feelings and allat
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henrysglock · 7 months
another thing which is more fandom related is that the Byler fandom is just insanely annoying at times. like i love my mutuals and some of the theories and all but idk, the way we have so many stupid arguments abt small things (think this is just a problem with the entire ST fandom but i’ve not really interacted with the other sects closely enough to see those), the way alotta Bylers don’t just ship Byler bcz they like it/dislike Mlvn bcz they don’t + to us it doesn’t work but are absolutely obsessed with hating Mlvn to a stupid degree. i’ve seen alotta ppl (rightfully) clown on Mlvns for saying that all Bylers r ableist misogynists who hate El from the bottom of our hearts and specifically don’t think autistic/ND ppl can do anything and women are the devil or whatever but then turn around and say all Mlvns r homophobes who hate Will for being gay and hate Mike bcz they misunderstand his character and want him to be miserable or whatever as if that’s any better, and then there’s how so many ppl just tag any post they make as “byler”, ranging from yk, actual posts abt the ship to posts abt the fandom/nothing posts abt the cast to random unrelated ST posts that they idk don’t want those horrible evil mildew shippers finding to shit that’s entirely unrelated to Byler/ST (honest to god a few months ago i was scrolling the tag and had to block someone bcz they were clogging the tag with their random life updates) and yeah idk i’m not sure if this is exactly an unpopular opinion since we all talk a lot abt how toxic the fandom is but idk i feel like no one talks abt the over the top Mlvn hate and the annoying mistagging (at least from what i’ve seen) (also sorry this is kinda long TwT)
"...the Byler fandom is just insanely annoying." Full stop. Bylerblr gets on my nerves day in and day out, even though I made my best friends in that mess.
It's the way bylerblr starts shit and then plays victim for me. It's the vaguing people and then acting like they're being attacked when that person responds for me. IT'S THE TAGGING UNRELATED SHIT AS BYLER FOR ME!! YOU'RE ABSOLUTELY RIGHT!! And yeah tbh...the mileven hate does get Extensive at times. There's disliking a ship, and then there's devoting your time to antagonizing shippers...like a loser. Atp bylerblr's not much better than the milevens are. Bylerblr is just a different flavor.
The fandom in general is gross no matter where you go, and honestly I'm glad I've detached from it to work on my own analysis niche.
(Also please don't worry about it being long, I love rambling and ranting about shit like this because it annoys me to no fucking end.)
Send me unpopular opinions!
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nyxi-pixie · 2 years
microwave viability surverys being like 'mike doesnt like will back theres no evidence' is so funny bc it really proves my theory that the st general audience is.. fucking stupid
almost Every Single Canon Couple (and non canon too) on the fucking show has to be set up Through Other Characters bc the gen audience straight up wont understand otherwise
genuinely the only cases of this not happening that i can think of is susie and dustin (who got tgthr off screen and we as the audience are just told theyre tgthr) and lumax(arguably bc they were def getting there anyway but we do have dustins 'i felt the electricity' thing so??)
like does someone have to bonk mike on the head and be like "YOURE GAY FOR WILL" before the general audience agrees that theres proof for reciprocated byler😭😭😭
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