#not canon but i really appreciate this
barblaz-arts · 1 year
Hey, I tried to message you this, but my phone is dumb and sorry if I spammed you! But I love your work, and I don't want to take any credit, but here's my fanfiction on your work of how Vega and Elosie met.
"Hey, Vega! There's where you've been hiding!" I feel my right ear flick at the annoying voice. We're literally five feet apart he doesn't need to shout.
He giggles to himself and I feel his body drape over my shoulder and I harshly elbow him at the contact.
He whimpers briefly and then chuckles as he covers the brusing area with a hand. His drink in the other sloshes a little as he staggers back.
"Piss off, Duke. I already came to this annoying function, because I gave your mom my word that I'd watch out for you at school," I growl as I look over toward the pit.
The natural collection of jagged rocks in a circle created a perfect pit for, you guessed it, parties hosted by drunk dumb teens in the middle of the black forest. The area keeps the bonfire large but safe from spreading to the forest and its great to keep the crowd together, but apart enough so loners like me can observe safley at the tree Iine.
The various teens shout and laugh as the light causes some eyes to reflect in the dark. The myriad of smells clog up my nose. Doesn't anyone teach them there's a thing as too much perfume?
He pouts and the flames reflect in is dark glasses. Tomorrow his baggy grey sweatshirt will be gone and the purple and black Nevermore uniforms will decorate the halls of the newest supernatural generation.
"You know you didn't have to come. My mom wouldn't have known," he rubs his hand on his neck.
"An Addams never breaks a promise," I snarl as I watch the untouched contents of my cup swirl. That, and mother would totally kill me.
I know mom would be upset too and her disappointed puppy eyes are one of the few things that I would make me rather be trampled on by an angry mob.
Now. That's a party.
Duke shakes his head,"You're not having any fun, are you?" He runs a hand through his wavy hair causing it to be even more of a mess.
No. None at all. I'd rather be sniffing around school for hidden things that weren’t on the freshmen tour. Like the hidden society that mother claimed was so easily spotted it was a joke.
"The seniors throw this Homecoming party for new and returning students. It's a tradition to go. Even as irritating as it is." I reply.
"Vega," he sighs. He takes my cup and throws it over his shoulder.
"Your littering." I state as I walk around him and pick up the plastic. I hate it when people defile mother earth.
"Listen, leave. I'm safe here. Just because my mom is your godmother doesn't mean you need to stick around a place that's making you miserable."
I can feel my brow twitch, "I am not. Plus this isn't nearly as fun as you say it is."
He pushes down his glasses and his green eyes reflect the orange flames, "Don't make me use my siren voice."
I stiffen and growl, "Don't you dare. Yoko would kick your ass if you did that to me."
He smirks and puts them back on, "Maybe. But seriously, I'll be fine! Go run around in the woods and dig up a grave or something!"
"YO!" We all turn our heads as a large gorgon holds out a whimpering girl, "Looks like we got a normie crashing the party!"
A few whistles and snarls of irritation echo off of the rocks. The boy throws her down in front of the flames and Duke winces as the girl face plants in the dirt. The crowd approaches her with manic glee.
Someone turns off the music and the cracks of the fire are the only sound.
I know the smell of bloodlust. I usually salivate at the feel of it but this time? It's not worth it to someone whose innocent.
The gorgon jumps down to her feet and crouches. His hat rattles and his eyes grow to slits. "Why are you here, human?"
She whimpers, "S-someone was-s following me and I heard the music-c."
He laughs, "What and you expect me to believe that you'd cross into Nevermore territory willingly?"
"My phone died and I got lost!" She tries to defend. She crab crawls away. Her wide blue eyes scan the area for any allies, "I was at a party and-d,"
A few watch on with smirks, other with disinterested and some in awkward uncomfortableness. The town is still split but not as bad as it should've been.
He stands up and laughs, "You should’ve stayed with your kind."
"Vega." Duke hisses. But before he can grab my hand I leap the impressive distance down.
The gorgon pauses as I calmly stroll forward.
"Mind if I take her off of your hands?" I put my hands into my pockets, my nails have already grown into claws and I smirk putting my enlarged canines on display. I can't help but feel a little excited.
I've never got to fight a gorgon yet.
"And, who are you, Barbie?" I blow one of my neon pink strands out of my face. And I see Duke push his way into the front of the crowd.
My smirk turns into a malic grin and I take my hands out and crack my knuckles together, "Do you wanna find out?
"Don't." Another large male steps next to him and the way his eyes reflect, werewolf.
The gorgon looks to his companion confused. The wolf eyes me and I maintain eye contact.
I'm not sure who the new player is but I'll be more than happy to fight him as well.
The only werewolves I've interacted with were family. And no one wants to fight the Alpha's daughter.
"She's an Addams," the boy says. I cringe as the loud whisper overtakes the area.
"An Addams?"
"Oh, great. Another one."
"Like as in Wednesday Addams?"
"I thought her mom was human?"
The gorgon huffs,"Take the human. You'll do way worse than we ever could."
I make sure to keep eyes on them as I slowly approach the girl, "Are you okay?"
She nods and I wait as she gets up and she grimaces as she puts weight on her right leg.
Duke steps forward and lifts his cup, "Come on Nevermore! I thought this was a party!?" Soon the crowd joins in and I nod my head in appreciation. The music blasts back on. And soon everyone returns as dumb teens instead of scary monsters.
He shoots me a thumbs up and I look to the girl as she looks to the wall of rocks with a frown.
"Hey, can I pick you up?"
She looks over with wide eyes. "Huh?" Dirt covers her face and clothes. There's a few scrapes that are bleeding.
I clear my throat and point to her leg that's she's gingerly standing on. She blushes, "Oh. Yeah, sure."
I crouch and look over my shoulder and try to give a friendly smile, "Get on!"
She gives me a confused look before strattling my hips and I stand with her piggy backing.
"Alright I'm going to jump."
She tightens her grip, "What!?"
I bend me knees and she goes, "Wai--!!!"
I stumble as we land on top of the Boulder. I laugh trying to calm her down, "Wow! You sure are light, aren't yah?" I can feel and hear her heart pounding out of her skull.
She gives me a quizzed smile, "You're weird."
I look into the woods as try to see which way is town. Unfortunately, we're upwind and no lights or car noises are coming through the thick compass of trees.
"I came from that way. I think." She points in a direction and I decide to take it.
The walk through the woods is quiet and surprisingly, I find myself starting to relax. I like the solidarity that the woods provides. I walk for some time as my gently swaying makes the girl relax and she puts her chin on my shoulder.
"Is it true?" The girl whispers. I flick my ear as I look out of the corner of my eye she looks away from my pointed ear.
"That you're an Addams?" I feel my arms stiffen. I never cared for the purgatory that comes with my family. I'm quiet proud and don't care for others opinions. Still it's annoying.
She quickly covers, "Not that I care! It's just that I heard from my Uncle Lucas of your mom and how she made a statue explode."
I roll my eyes. That was Thing actually, but not that she needs to know.
"I'm Eloise. Eloise Johnson" She says. I carefully go over a log. She twitchesat my silence and goes, "You know this is when someone would tell me their name in return."
"Vega." I state. I pause as we come out to a field. There's wild flowers everywhere and I feel a smile grace my lips.
It's so pretty. I look as I count the flowers, black eyed Susan's, different asters, and numerous lillys.
I stop and close my eyes as the sweet nectar and fresh air enters my nostrils. The girl behind me seems to be enjoying it too.
I look up at the clear sky and stars. I smile when I see the stars that copy my name. Then, I remember that the town is south of school. So, I go in the opposite of Polaris.
"There was something there. You know?" Eloise whispers so quietly I even have to strain my superhearing.
"It was supposed to be fun. I made myself go out l, cause I promised my mom I'd get into trouble to stop her worrying. I'm also a loner at my normie school. I've never had many friends but everyone was going. So," she shrugged,"Then, the cops came and everyone panicked. I just ran. But when I stopped, I had no idea where I was, and then my phone died. I used the flashlight setting to try to find my way back. I wandered around in the woods for a long time and then this loud crack happened." Her hand tightens on my shirt, "I know you shouldn't run from a predator but I was just...something told me to just run."
"You're human. Not your fault." I try to comfort. She snorts with a watery chuckle.
I stumble out of a thick pair of bushes and end up on asphalt of a road. I turn and see the generic Welcome sign to the town.
I lower down and she takes the sign and slides off of my back.
"You think you can go the rest of the way?" I ask. I look to her leg and she brushes some of her red hair out of her face.
"I suppose I can. Thank you."
I nod and she says, "It was nice meeting you, Vega Addams!"
" Can Vega Addams report to the principals office?"
I pick my head up as my cheeks are stuffed of breakfast sausage. I glare at the box and ignore of the student body stares.
Ugh. I quickly inhale my food and then walk to the school's office.
The secretary politely opens the door for me and I pause as principal Barcaly turns around with Sheirf Walker standing next to her. His eyes red and bags underneath showing little sleep.
"Morning Miss Addams," Principal Barclay drawls, "You make take a seat."
"I'm in trouble." I sit and cross my legs waiting for the adults to tell me what I supposedly did.
Mr. Walkers rubs his five o'clock shadow, "Depending."
I raise a brow. Principal Barclay sit and folds her hands on her desk.
"Did you escort a Miss Eloise Johnson home the other night?"
I tilt my head to the side, "Yes, she was lost and I took her to the town sign."
"It that all?" Sheirf asks. I smell the coffee and desperation waving off of him. I try my best to not scrunch my nose.
"Why?" I can feel my heart pick up.
Principal Barclay and Sheirf glance at each other. After a moment.
"Eloise was found dead this morning."
The author shared this to me in my dms too but I figured you guys might wanna read it too :)
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coffeecatcraze · 7 months
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The fact that Vaggie knew it was a HORRIBLE idea for her to go to Heaven because there were so many things that could go wrong and so many bad memories there, but her girlfriend needed her and she couldn't say no to her cute face; the fact that the headstrong, optimistic, determined, powerful Princess of Hell knew she couldn't handle taking this huge step alone and the only one person she could imagine being by her side in that critical moment was Vaggie.
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The fact that even when she felt so hurt, heartbroken, and betrayed and tried for a second to deny it, Charlie never stopped loving Vaggie, still referred to her as her girlfriend, and had full faith that she was completely succeeding in her task (getting detailed sensitive information from a weapons-dealing Overlord) while Charlie herself was struggling and failing with her own.
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The fact that even with Charlie so upset that she intentionally threw a painful commentbat her (a comment with a subtle double meaning, though Charlie herself was definitely NOT thinking clearly enough to realize that implication and only meant to make a jab at the secret-keeping), Vaggie still wanted so desperately to protect Charlie out of love that she regrew angelic wings despite having been in Hell for years.
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The fact that one gesture from Charlie told Vaggie everything she wanted to say to her, and that mutual understanding was so complete that she didn't hesitate to run to her knowing she would be accepted because her girlfriend still loved her and forgave her.
The support, love, and intimate understanding these two share even when things are hard and painful is so beautiful. They've been together for years; they've been through so much; and it's wonderful to have that respected and portrayed canonically instead of dipping into that easy, fan-craved trope of dramatically heavy relationship angst. I'm glad they left that angst itch to be scratched by fanworks instead, because these ladies aren't that type.
They are powerful; they are determined; they balance and complete each other; and most importantly, they are so head-over-heels and experienced in their love for each other that it took one day for Charlie to deeply consider everything and fully reconcile with Vaggie, who never doubted her even for a second. Their relationship isn't just established; it's stable, and I love to see that for a wlw couple. <3
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egophiliac · 1 year
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redesigning my headcanon for Sebek's parents, based on important new information (SCALES)
(you can't see it but they're both wearing crocs)
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silverior968 · 2 months
Look, I know that Ratchet being so different in RiD15 than in TFP is a thing of like different genre and target audience or whatever but I think it's funny to come up with possible in-universe reasons, like:
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[Image ID: Several digital doodles, accompanied by text. The first one in the top left is of TFP Ratchet, looking tired, with the text "Poster boy of mental health issues" written next to him. To his right is an arrow pointing to the right, with the text "like 5 years". At the other end of the arrow is a doodle of RiD15 Ratchet, smiling, with the text "joyful individual?". Below the first drawing of TFP Ratchet is the number 1. Accompanied by the text "He's been doing just as bad, he's just currently having a good time". To the right of the text is a drawing of RiD15 Ratchet shinjiposing (sitting on a chair with his head in his hands, top-down perspective). To his right is an arrow pointing to a drawing of RiD15 Optimus and Ratchet, both smiling and blushing with their eyes closed and with flowers floating around them, indicating happiness. Below the drawing of Ratchet shinjiposing is the number 2. With the text "spite" in big letters, and the text "for the government" in brackets. To the right of the text is a drawing of one of the councilmembers with a speech bubble that reads "Optimus Prime sucks and so do you so we're like banishing you or whatever". Ratchet is drawn looking bored with a thought bubble that reads "damn, now I have to get better". Below the drawing of the councilmember is the number 3. accompanied by text that reads "having a little buddy to hang out with is really good for your mental health". The text is accompanied by a drawing of RiD15 Ratchet and Undertow sitting next to each other, both looking deadpan. The text "dead silence" is placed above Undertow and the text "+1 Mental health" is placed next to Ratchet, repeated 12 times like how status updates are placed in video games. / End ID]
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onejellyfishplease · 11 months
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and last but not least we have Warden Raph!
he may be very visually impared, but he can hear you from a mile away
Donnie, Leo, Mikey
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smarthily · 6 months
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Sherlolly Appreciation Week 2024 Day 7 - Relationship Unconditional love
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ell-begins · 25 days
this fandom is so not it OH MY GODD
I was so so happy that we finally got bi buck - I felt seen, I felt represented. The storyline was perfect - it was simple, and beautifully acted. It genuinely made me respect the show and abc so damn much. But the fandom fucking ruined it for me. This was the fucking representation I have been looking for, waiting for, for so damn long, and the fandom had to act so fucking entilted and obnoxious that I can’t even enjoy it.
I do not fucking care how much you ship buddie, I do not care how much you want buck and eddie to get together, what I do care about is the fact that you are completely disregarding the fact that we finally have bi buck. People have been asking for this for years, but suddenly it’s not okay because it’s not eddie? Or we can’t be happy that he’s bi because of the fact that he is perfectly happy and in love with a man who isn’t eddie? Why is it that you can’t fucking appreciate what almost the entire fandom has wanted for years just because it didn’t go the way you wanted it to? You cannot find a single damn bucktommy related post (especially on the official accounts) without a large handful of people making it about buddie. If we could use our critical fucking thinkings skills for one fucking second, and maybe decide not to be fucking illiterate for just one fucking minute, then maybe we would be able to see that this post is about buck and TOMMY, not buck and eddie. Stop fucking making it about them and appreciate that we finally got what we have been asking for for years. How would you like it if we were to make a buddie post about bucktommy? Literally everyone would attack you in the comments. Why is it fair that people can do it on bucktommy related posts when it is so obvious it wouldn’t be taken well on buddie related posts. Furthermore, the fact that people have been harassing not only the actors, but the actors families? Who the fuck you people think you are? Have some god damn class and fucking respect and stop acting like literal children, it’s fucking pathetic and it needs to stop.
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wastelandhell · 1 year
the way you draw danse is PERFECT!!! I LOVE HIM!!! i'm GAY!!!
Thank you I think about him a normal amount
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silverthelovebug · 3 months
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We never really got to see them hang out one on one during the events of Camp Cretaceous (except once, and they were competing to see who’s lack of a childhood gave them the better skill set so) Idk, we only get a snippet of their dynamic in Chaos Theory, I just think their friendship (especially as adults) would be pretty interesting :3
(Yes, some of these are headcanons ^^)
(Look, you don’t just sprain/break your ankle on concrete and not have lasting consequences without the proper treatment. Yaz was running on that foot on the daily !! And you can see it still affected her all the way through Season 3 !!! So, yeah, Hits her with the chronic pain beam)
( ‼️Also Major Chaos Theory Spoilers ‼️)
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holmsister · 4 months
Silly postcanon labru thought of the day is that pride month in Melini coincides with Gemini season because Kabru is a Gemini and King Laios is really proud of his boyfriend
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utilitycaster · 4 months
I really do dunk on villain stans a lot but the thing is like. I genuinely do not care on any sort of moral level if you love a villain, or villains generally. They are pretend. The murder and the war crimes aren't real. Do whatever.
The issue is that like, this is a person the narrative is telling you to root against, and that it's okay because they are pretend. That doesn't mean they can't have sympathetic qualities but it does mean that as a rule the story is telling you "hey, here are the heroes who oppose this person, cheer for them" and also "you should boo and hiss when this motherfucker comes on stage" and a lot of people who like villains will look at everyone else and go "why the FUCK are you booing and hissing don't you see they have TRAUMA" instead of acknowledging the big "TIME TO BOO AND HISS" signs being thrown out by the story and saying "bring it on."
And I suppose you can argue that this is an overly simplistic way of looking at it, but if we're dealing with a story with at least some reasonably clearly delineated heroes and villains you're not intelligent for trying to pretend it's more complicated than it is. I'm not talking about the gray areas of antagonist who could be persuaded otherwise, nor antihero but straight up "this is the bad guy, we all but have arrows pointing at them saying it". Like, really, a lot of people who stan villains don't seem to do it for the love of the game, which I would respect, but because of a sour grapes situation with the heroes, or because they're in their edgy "subversion automatically means you're the smarter one" phase.
Anyway my point is I don't care if you woobify a villain for any sort of moral reasons but I do think that if you do so, you're a coward and not terribly good at understanding stories. I also don't care from any sort of moral standpoint if you enthusiastically cheer on the villain, but if you act confused or mad that most people aren't with you on that, I think you're an idiot and not terribly good at understanding stories.
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patrickztump · 1 month
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🎱 – 2024
i debated between these lyrics and "if i spilled my guts, the world would never look at you the same way" because the way i was able to capture him in this image he looked relatively serious. or at least more-so than he actually is. i did manage to give him more of a sinister look here, which i feel works with the lyrics. but this felt like an appropriate balance between being about a dog that could actually cause you physical harm and an eight ball reference.
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vegaseatsass · 2 months
You know, these past two episodes I was thinking to myself, Su Yin is almost perfect in every way, simply the ideal devoted, protective, loyal, dedicated sworn brother, call him Da-ge indeed!!!, but my one piece of constructive criticism is that he needs to learn how to give real hugs - he does a lot of manful shoulder clasping, but Xiaobao is a shivering chihuahua desperately in need of cuddles and body heat, you gotta HUG THAT BOY - but now I see that Su Yin's hugs are simply reserved for his horrible little gremlin of an imperial cousinwife.
#myatb#myatb spoilers#meet you at the blossom#lol jinbao zhaocai and su yin are all canonically part of xiaobao's nuclear family...#and all of them get horrible boyfs of their very own!#no sibling rivalry needed! husband destroyers for all#(zhaocai i'm manifesting this for you offscreen dw you're still included)#shaoyu thinks he's in a palace drama and xiaobao is the lowly concubine he can trample all over to his indomitable empress#baby you're not empress yet. wait for emperor your cousin to marry you first... or i guess to become emperor yourself if that ever happens#anyway i am making a micro post instead of trying to capture all the things i've been loving about these episodes#but i REALLY REALLY LOVE THIS SHOW!!!#i hate when the episodes end! give me more right now!!!#jinbao is number one at serving!!! of course random men would immediately want to possess him - he gets it!!!!#and ep7 but xiaobao is obvi very preoccupied by his whump but relieved madam jin at least is still thinking of her daughter as family#and i appreciate that su yin despite being so obvi in love w/ xiaobao isn't actually interested in forcing him to not feel what he feels#for huaien. he just wants him to be well. will he be angry when xiaobao hops right back into this guy's arms in a few weeks? idk!#but for right now it's nice to see him nonjudgmentally assuring him he doesn't have to magically stop feeling things for this guy#oh and xiaobao like 'i will be good from now on. i will just sit depressed in my room.' OWWIE#and practicing looking cheerful for his mom and dad in the mirror. OWWIE OWWIE!!!#dear diary
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bluehairperson · 6 months
Sometimes I see posts about how "I, Strahd" Tatyana has the personality of a cardboard but I don't think I agree honestly.
We only see her in very few scenes (all from Strahd's POV) and she's always very gentle and soft spoken.
Which makes completely sense since she was a lowborn orphan trying to make a good impression on her future brother in law, who is not only the ruler of the valley but also a feared war criminal. Of course she would try to be as nice as possible in front of him.
I also think that Strahd was extremely genuine in thinking he was in love with Tatyana, it's just that he never really knew her the way Sergei did. He only knew a facet.
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nightvale359 · 21 days
I feel like there needs to be more popular Aro rep
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beanghostprincess · 9 months
I think a very normal amount about Crocodile and Mihawk genuinely seeing Buggy's value. Genuinely appreciating his dream and his sense of adventure. Mihawk (bored-to-death swordsman who desperately needs something new) and Crocodile (the man who only cares about business because the last time he wanted something a kid with flip-flops sent him flying) seeing that the clown they're only using as bait and punching bag is actually the one with the biggest pirate heart. They realize he has charisma and followers for a reason and it's the fact that his "fake it til you make it" persona is actually built above his true dream. The words of fake confidence he speaks are actually words he genuinely wants to believe, but always fears will backfire because he doesn't have anything to rely on (unlike Shanks. Because even if Shanks doesn't need to rely on anything, he used to wear the trust and love of their captain in his head and everyone else supported him to be his legacy). So they end up seeing that they can do more with him. Together. Mihawk and Crocodile might have the money and the people but Buggy has the dream. They can go higher. They can be more than what they thought they were. Buggy shows them this side of himself between tears and sudden yelling and they have to admit that... They used to have dreams. Long forgotten ones. And okay, Buggy might not be the king of the pirates. They're so not saying that. But they can go higher.
They see this side of him and they never say it out loud (and even if they did, Buggy wouldn't even notice because he's busy begging them not to kill him. Which, y'know, fair) but something changes inside of them. Perhaps it's a faint, tiny sense of protectiveness. Maybe affection. Some type of appreciation they can't quite name because it would be too embarrassing for them to even say they care for this clown but- But it's there. Something.
So they keep Buggy around and he starts to feel less like a punching bag and more like somebody they care about. Kind of. And you know what? Maybe the damn clown can become the king of the pirates if he has already made the impossible happen once.
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