#somebody should put me down honestly i am going crazy
beanghostprincess · 4 months
I think a very normal amount about Crocodile and Mihawk genuinely seeing Buggy's value. Genuinely appreciating his dream and his sense of adventure. Mihawk (bored-to-death swordsman who desperately needs something new) and Crocodile (the man who only cares about business because the last time he wanted something a kid with flip-flops sent him flying) seeing that the clown they're only using as bait and punching bag is actually the one with the biggest pirate heart. They realize he has charisma and followers for a reason and it's the fact that his "fake it til you make it" persona is actually built above his true dream. The words of fake confidence he speaks are actually words he genuinely wants to believe, but always fears will backfire because he doesn't have anything to rely on (unlike Shanks. Because even if Shanks doesn't need to rely on anything, he used to wear the trust and love of their captain in his head and everyone else supported him to be his legacy). So they end up seeing that they can do more with him. Together. Mihawk and Crocodile might have the money and the people but Buggy has the dream. They can go higher. They can be more than what they thought they were. Buggy shows them this side of himself between tears and sudden yelling and they have to admit that... They used to have dreams. Long forgotten ones. And okay, Buggy might not be the king of the pirates. They're so not saying that. But they can go higher.
They see this side of him and they never say it out loud (and even if they did, Buggy wouldn't even notice because he's busy begging them not to kill him. Which, y'know, fair) but something changes inside of them. Perhaps it's a faint, tiny sense of protectiveness. Maybe affection. Some type of appreciation they can't quite name because it would be too embarrassing for them to even say they care for this clown but- But it's there. Something.
So they keep Buggy around and he starts to feel less like a punching bag and more like somebody they care about. Kind of. And you know what? Maybe the damn clown can become the king of the pirates if he has already made the impossible happen once.
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elizabethwritesmen · 2 years
Notice - Part 2
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Curvy!Reader
Warnings: Violence, Mature Themes, Self deprecation on both sides, Body image issues, Self hatred, Angst, Slow burn, Mutual pining and smut to come in later chapters
Summary: Dean and reader go on a walk, which turns out to be more eventful than they had planned. Insecurities are discussed, as well as Dean's occupation.
Word Count: 2,802
AN: I'm honestly overwhelmed with how much attention this story has gotten, especially as a new writer, and with it being my first post. I'm so beyond thankful for the interaction, and the love you guys have shown me!
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The town wasn't quite Hallmark, but it definitely wasn't crime ridden. It was the kind of place where everybody knew everybody, or at least somebody who knew everybody. There was a supreme sense of safety in knowing your neighbor, a kind of comfort. Usually, Y/N revelled in that. However, lately the homestyle quiet had been interrupted by a string of murders that could only be described as grotesque. Along with that, the cattle were dying off herd by herd from some sickness that nobody could figure out. The authorities swore the two things weren't related, but Y/N didn't quite understand how they couldn't be. That, coupled with the fact that the victims were usually young women, terrified her.
So, she almost instantly regretted agreeing to go on a walk with Dean.
She shivered lightly, eyes darting around the sidewalk to make sure nobody was in front of or behind them. It was especially dark and quiet, and she almost found the absence of other people strange. After all, it was a Saturday night and they were on the downtown strip. Usually, there was a bit of a bustle.
"What's the matter, sweetheart?" Dean asked, taking note of her fear with a raised eyebrow.
"It's just... there've been a lot of murders around here, and I don't want to be the next victim. Maybe we should go back to the bar, where there's a crowd."
"Don't worry," he chuckled lightly, "You're safe with me"
"You sound sure, but I'm not," she deadpanned, stopping in her tracks and staring at him.
"No, seriously, I won't let anything happen to you."
"Sorry, I didn't realize you were an expert at handling dangerous situations," she rolled her eyes at him, and he laughed again, eyes dropping to his feet before flicking back up to meet hers.
"I am, actually."
"Oh yeah? How so?"
"I'm a federal agent."
"There's no way," she huffed.
"But it's true. That's actually why Sam and I are here, we're working on solving the murders."
She was skeptical, but he pulled a badge out of his pocket and showed it to her. At that point, she had no choice but to believe him.
"Well, they're not solved yet, so... why were you guys at the bar instead of out working the case?"
"Come on, sweetheart, even feds are allowed a night off," he chuckled.
She turned away from him, continuing her traipse down the sidewalk. The information he had given her was heavy on her mind, turning over and over until it made sense.
"Okay, if what you're saying is true... Can I ask you a question?" she inquired, and he hummed, gesturing for her to continue, "You might think I'm crazy for suggesting this, but the cattle dying... is that related to the murders?"
He was quiet for a moment, trying to decide how best to respond. After all, she needed to believe that he was a federal agent. But he also didn't want to make her feel stupid for having a very true and very out-there theory, which is what he assumed the local law enforcement had done. His interaction with them went similarly, so it was only natural.
"How would livestock dying be related to people being killed?" he asked her, curious as to what her theory was. He needed to know how much truth she had actually figured out.
"It's just a theory, really, but I was thinking that maybe the killer is putting something in the water, or in the cows' feed. Or maybe..." she started, but abruptly cut herself off. She didn't want him to think she was crazy, and that's exactly what was going to happen if she kept talking.
"Maybe what?"
"Maybe the killer isn't human."
Hold up, wait. His brain almost short circuited. Did she think an animal was responsible? Or... did she know?
"An animal couldn't have done what was done to these girls."
"I know that. I'm not suggesting it was an animal."
"Then what are you suggesting?"
She sighed, suddenly shy. How could she tell a federal agent, a man who based his entire life off of facts, that she thinks there's some kind of supernatural presence in the town, murdering all of the cows and all of the girls. Even she thought that she needed psychological help, a good old grippy sock vacation.
"I think there's something supernatural going on. And I know I sound crazy, but it's all that makes sense! I mean, think about it. The sulphur around the bodies, the ways they were killed, the dead cows, and I don't know if you've heard but the crops suck this season. I've done a lot of research in my life, and I don't think any of it is coincidence. I don't know what it is, but I'm almost positive it's not from this world."
He chuckled, impressed at her knowledge. Impressed that a girl with no experience or training could know so much. Impressed that she believed in the supernatural at all. Impressed with how calm she was about it.
"I know you think I'm insane," she rolled her eyes.
"No, actually, I don't. I think you're right."
Before she could respond, she felt a hard tug on her arm, and suddenly she was on the ground. She yelped, looking up to see a man hovering over her.
"Leave her alone, you son of a bitch," Dean all but growled, flicking his sleeve and pulling a very long, very fancy knife out from seemingly nowhere.
"A hunter. How terrifying," the man laughed, and it reverberated maniacally through the alley he had thrown her into. She studied him more closely and saw that he had a very large knife of his own behind his back.
"Dean, he has a knife, too!" she called out, and the man landed a sharp kick to the side of her face, knocking her back onto the ground.
"Dean? You wouldn't happen to be a Winchester, would you?"
"In the flesh," Dean smirked, fiddling with the tip of the blade in his hands.
"What a pleasure it'll be to kill you," the man snarled, and suddenly they were locked into a heated fight. Y/N couldn't even keep up, but eventually, the man ran off.
"What happened? Is he gone for good?" she asked Dean as he rushed over to her and helped her up.
"No, sweetheart, I just injured him. But don't worry, I'm gonna take care of him tomorrow, no matter what I have to do."
"So much for being a federal agent, huh?" she quirked an eyebrow. He let out a breathy chuckle, checking her over for injuries. She had a bruised up cheek from the man's boot, and her shoulder was a bloodied mess from the concrete he threw her onto, but other than that she seemed to be okay.
"Let's go to me and Sammy's motel room, I'll explain more there," he suggested, and she nodded, wincing from the pain she was feeling. It wasn't anything severe, but it hurt like a bitch.
A few minutes later, they made it back to the bar. Y/N checked her phone to see several missed calls and texts from her friends, concluding that each girl had gotten a ride home after reading them all. Neither seemed angry, both relieved that she had finally socialized with a man. As far as the two girls could see, Y/N was gorgeous, her curves only adding to her beauty, and she was the most quick witted and smart of all of them, which they found priceless. They admired her in ways that she didn't even know about, and they loved her like sisters. So they were absolutely over the moon when they saw her leaving with Dean.
She unlocked her car and Dean hopped into the drivers side before she could.
"Sorry, sweetheart, but with that shiner on your cheek and that gravel in your shoulder, you're just gonna have to be a passenger princess."
"Because there's a very real possibility that you have a concussion, and you're not gonna wanna be turning the wheel with that arm either way. Now hop in."
She sighed and nodded, doing as he asked. At that point, she felt it only fair to trust him, seeing as he saved her life and all.
"Dean, what was that thing that attacked me?" she asked him as he pulled out of the parking lot.
"That was a demon, and this knife is called an angel blade. It hurt him pretty bad. But don't worry your pretty little head too much about that right now, okay? Let's talk about something else."
"Like what?"
"Well, we could talk about why you were so sad at the bar earlier, before I brought you over to our table."
"Oh... that..." she meekly acknowledged, the self hatred that had temporarily left her returning full force, "It was just a self confidence issue, I guess."
"But why on earth would you have any issues with self confidence? You're stunning."
"I'm glad you think so, but most people don't. Dean, I'm fat."
"You're not."
"I am," she countered, her voice stern.
"You're not. And even if you were, you'd still be beautiful. But trust me, there's not a thing wrong with your body. Just because you don't see men staring doesn't mean they don't."
"But... but you don't get it. You're handsome, and fit, and you're a guy. I'm a girl, and, well, even if I'm not fat, I'm not skinny. Only skinny girls matter, it seems like. Everything I say just gets ignored, especially when I'm with my friends. I feel like I don't even have a voice. When I talk, nobody cares, but when they talk, guys listen. I just wish I could be like that."
"The reason guys treat them that way is because of the way they present themselves. I know they're your friends, so I don't want to overstep, but I gotta tell you... the desperation reeks off of them. Guys think they're easy marks, so they focus in on them. You're not like that. You're smart, and kind, and there's more to you than just a good time."
"They're just party girls."
"Exactly, and you're not. So why are you trying so hard to fit in somewhere you don't belong?"
"I guess I just want to feel included," she shrugged, staring out the passenger side window, fighting the tears that threatened to spill.
"The right people will make you feel included. Hell, me and Sammy did."
"But you guys are leaving," her voice dropped to its lowest volume, weak and vulnerable. It broke his heart to hear it, and even more to not be able to fix it.
"I know, sweetheart," he sighed, "But somebody else is gonna come along that appreciates everything about you, and they won't leave."
She couldn't hold the tears back anymore, so she let them flow. He let her cry in peace as they pulled into the motel parking lot, and then he got out and ran over to the passenger side to open her door for her.
"Thank you," she smiled lightly, letting him put his arm around her to lead her to his room. He inserted his key card into the slot and opened the door slowly, glancing in to make sure Sam was decent before holding the door open for Y/N.
"What happened?" Sam asked, jumping up from his spot on the twin bed closest to the wall and approaching her. Dean helped her into the small wooden chair, attached to an also small wooden desk.
"The demon attacked her, woulda killed her if I hadn't been there. Does this place have a first aid kit?"
"I think there's one in the closet," Sam mumbled as he went over to check, pulling the small clear box from the top shelf and bringing it over to his older brother, "Did you kill it?"
"No, but I hurt it. Me and you have to take care of it tomorrow, before it gets another girl. It's out for blood."
Dean grabbed an alcohol prep pad and cleaned off her shoulder, the road rash deeper than he thought. He cleaned out all the gravel and wiped away most of the blood, then spread some antibiotic ointment to make sure it healed nicely. He topped this off with a nice bandage, before rubbing some bruise cream into her cheek and closing the kit.
Throughout this entire process, Y/N was silent. She was in shock from the demon attacking her, and from the knowledge that demons are a real thing. She was sad from their conversation in the car. Oh, and she was flustered from how close he was to her, because, despite her better judgement, she thought he was just the most handsome thing she had ever seen. He smelled good, too. Good enough to light her senses on fire.
"You good, sweetheart?" he asked as he put the kit up himself. She nodded, a little too quickly, and he chuckled. "Easy there, kid, don't wanna break that pretty neck nodding like that."
She giggled and he felt accomplished. Her tears were gone, and he of all people had made them go away. He suddenly felt the urge to do that for her every day, causing him to shake his head suddenly. He couldn't feel that way about her. He couldn't, or he wouldn't want to leave her. Hell, who was he kidding? He already didn't want to leave her. She made him feel things he wasn't sure he could. She made him want to save the world, just so she would have it to live in. His heart sped up as they locked eyes, staring each other down. He knew she felt the same way, not that he deserved it. He was a fuck up, and he always had been. It's something his father had never let him forget. He was also stupid, so so stupid. While Sammy had gone to college to pursue higher education, he had kept on with his hunting roots, not learning anything new unless it had to do with the abominations he was targeting. Why would a girl like her want him? She was... she was everything good in the world. And he was everything bad.
"Dean," she suddenly called for him, her voice igniting his insides, chasing away his doubts, fighting his fears, "What's the matter?"
"Nothing, sweetheart. Everything is perfect," he smiled at her, his teeth showing a little too much for it to be genuine.
"Lie to someone else."
Sam chuckled, reclaiming his place on the bed, opting to stay out of their little altercation.
"Don't worry about it. Come on, I'll walk you to your car."
He didn't want her to leave. In fact, he really wanted her to stay. But he couldn't ask that of her, not at such a crucial moment. Not when he was leaving her in a matter of days.
But she was looking at him like she needed him, like he was water or oxygen. Nobody had ever looked at him like that before, and it made him feel like he could touch the sky if he wanted to.
"Okay," she conceded, not finding it worth it to argue. She knew she was better off going home, back to her miserable little life. She knew she was better off without the brothers' company, as it would only make her long for their presence more. She knew she didn't need to act on what she was feeling for Dean, because he was leaving, and it would only make it harder for both of them.
But he was looking at her like she was the most precious thing he had ever seen, eyes so careful but not at all guarded. Nobody had ever looked at her like that before, and it made her feel like she was loved. Cared for. Like she had never been.
"Or you could stay here. Right, Sammy? Just to make sure she's safe, and so she doesn't have to drive all the way home so late," Dean quirked an eyebrow at his younger brother.
"That's fine with me, as long as this spark doesn't turn into a flame. It stays PG-13 in this room, got it?"
"So only hand stuff?" Y/N joked, and Dean fell into a fit of laughter, but Sam just gave her a bitch face.
"I'm not amused," he huffed, and she rolled her eyes with a small.
"Okay, okay, I was just kidding, calm down."
"So it's settled then? You're staying?" Dean asked, and she could hear the hope and what sounded like desperation in his voice. She nodded slowly, sending him a heart dropping smile.
"I'm staying."
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Tag List: @stoneyggirl2
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heybabybird · 2 months
i absolutely can not post this anywhere else because my brother follows me on twt and ig but the ao3 writer curse finally descended on me but i just needed to tell somebody before i start going crazy lmao
if you are reading this there's 5 points you should be aware off:
the men in this family and extended family doesn't do shit
mother is single handedly raising 2.5 household
i can't move out i have been assigned the pseudo-caretaker role
i'm sick, i haven't been getting help, i don't have time
i'm fine
honestly i don't even know where to start except my home life is a MESS but anyway my uncle's(who i never really know but is my mom's few remaining relatives) on his death bed and even though it's lunar new year the whole week have just been funeral planning. it's depressing. also we just pre-bought an urn i didn't know they're /that/ expensive what the heck
i alsooo maybe perhaps have the only daughter in an asian household forced to be the pseudo-caretaker curse! yay! anyway i am guilted to not being able to move out or go very far because i'm always needed on 'stand by' in case anything happens. i work a business(two actually; family's food business, my own business and some times odd jobs here and there. i'm tired) and my salary?
"oh don't spend it, the family's in a Situation, you better have money on hand just in case(we need to pay for anything)! :("
my uncle have no one(mom and her siblings are adopted, majority passed away during covid) so we are the ones paying his hospital and funeral bills. mom is frantic and visiting him daily while waking up at 4-5am to start the business(we have NO employees, just me and mom. she doesn't want to hire anyone)
my mom's tired. i'm tired. for very different reason.
also last year? found out i have a rare blood disease! :) i'm sick too, very! but i can not afford the time to get checked up! i've been missing my appointments since year June :( i also haven't taken my antidepressants since April :(
that aside, i 100% understand why my mom is Like That, but it's very mentally exhausting for me, a grown adult teenager, to be obligated to throw away my entire life just because I have to take care of family that i barely know. i barely have any hobbies or life goals anymore! i wanted to move out so bad! but my mom would overwork herself if i'm away.
my thoughts are all over the place i'm aware i sound like an asshole but please please keep in mind while my heart aches with loosing family i'm also going crazy and i barely know this uncle(he just... pops up suddenly, but i UNDERSTAND, he's important to my mom)
also my dad's verbally abusive and controlling and downright exploding with anger issues @ mom sigh he throws tantrums a lot
i'm doing my best but i'm so tired. i missed hanging out with my mom. i haven't since i was 15. since dad stopped working and she throw away her life to raise us. now i'm earning and i can't even spend it on her and it makes me so depressed. she barely have any personal belongings because she doesn't spend on herself! and it's lunar new year(still is). but we haven't celebrated in so so long. every year i do the cooking and it's the one time of the year everyone's home and i put my entire heart into making a meal but... you know, it doesn't matter i am going to lie down for a bit thank you for reading if you got this far sdfsgdfg
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countrymusiclover · 2 years
13 - My Orleans Girl
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Part 14
Her Life Means Everything
@mrs-fanfiction-2001 @the-big-bad-klaus
sarahgale98 on Wattpad Bianca Lockwood is her OC in this chapter. She asked me to include her in here if it was possible at all. I hope I did good :)
Madison Beer portrays Bianca
My phone rings earlier on Saturday morning where I rolled over in my bed thinking it must be Damon calling about another plan to hurt the Originals even though I am linked to the brothers. So honestly he should just stop trying. Putting the phone to my ear I yawned hearing a different voice come through the phone. "Hey Mads, what would you say if I was picking you and bringing you to New Orleans for the weekend?"
"I would say you're crazy, Bianca. You're busy with work and you don't have that kind of money to fly out there." I chuckled throwing my head back against the pillows at her crazy idea. She is related to Tyler and decided to become an artist in New Orleans and she's 23 years old.
Her and I became friends when Caroline and I were in middle school. I figured she was going to become an artist because she was always drawing anything in a notebook like all the time. Sitting up on my bed I suddenly heard someone honk outside my window. Pulling the curtain back I gasped seeing her car sitting in our driveway where she waved up at me seeing me still holding my phone up to my ear. "Bianca Lockwood you are literally insane. There's no way I am coming with you."
"Come on, Mads. I even think I found a hot guy for you...plus I have something to tell you." She replied where I groaned changing into some clothes for the day heading out the front door immediately rushing to her waiting arms. She picked me up on the ground twirling me around for a few seconds then sitting me back on my feet. We hold onto each other until she flashed a golden color over her eyes that I recognized from Klaus. "I found this guy who helped me stop having to lock myself up everytime there was a full moon."
Tucking hair behind my ear I gasped finally realizing that she was a werewolf like her brother. It finally made sense since her first boyfriend got killed in a car accident and that's how she became a wolf. "So you're a hybrid now. I know who turned you-" She cuts me off and puts me into the car where we made the drive to the famous city.
Stepping out of her car I watched her draw out her phone answering somebody who had called her. "Hi Marcel, you don't have to worry I just ran to Mystic Falls to pick up a friend. You'll like her. She's Human though so no drinking from her understand." She hung up grabbing my hand were we started walking down bourbon street. She even compelled someone so we could have some drinks where I drank a margarita in my hands.
"So Bianca who exactly is this hot man you claim to have found for me hmm?" I teased her feeling a little bit of a buzz and a burning in my chest from the new taste.
Bianca clasps her hands together in front of her as we now sit at a table outside one of the bars. I could hear loud music being played around the corner and some people were dancing outside some of the other places near us at the moment. I immediately think of Kol and how he said we danced good together. "Well he has dirty blonde hair and bright blue eyes. Oh and an accent you know like-"
"Hello love." I felt my cheeks turn red recognizing the voice that followed in unison with Bianca that could only belong to the one and only original hybrid.
His foosteps stopped right behind my chair where I spun around smiling up at him before he mirrors the same look on his face. "Klaus, what are - how are you here?" Raising a brow at him I had to wonder if the soulmate bond was stronger than we knew. That he could find my exact location without a witch now.
"This is my favorite city, Maddie. I enjoy all the music, art, culture. Although now it's improved that you're here." He smirked leaning down capturing his lip with mine. Lightly gripping the collar of his jacket I kissed him back feeling him whispering in my ear. "Be careful in this place. Vampires rule this place. If anything goes wrong just call out my name."
Nodding my head he vamped off into a random direction leaving me alone with Bianca. Once we finish our drinks the moon was rising in the sky. She intertwined my hand with hers where we started dancing around in a crowd full of people but I could feel someone watching the two of us. Throwing my hair around I tripped falling into the arms of a black guy who chuckled holding me off the ground. "If you're not careful you'll dance till you drop, doll."
"Thanks for the save. I guess I am clumsy on my feet sometimes." I smile standing on my feet now where Bianca throws her arms around my shoulders.
"Hi baby, this is the Mystic Falls girl. Maddie Forbes." Sticking my hand out we shake hands.
The man smiled showing me his fangs clearly not afraid to show what he was. "It's nice to meet you, Maddie. I'm Marcel, Marcel Gerard. Welcome to my city."
Comments really appreciated ❤️
Tell me what should happen next please
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monstrsball · 4 months
my favorite line in each song on noah kahan's stick season (we'll all be here forever)
this will be long so i am just putting it all under the cut <33 if you haven't, you should listen to stick season by noah kahan btw
Northern Attitude
"Forgive my northern attitude, oh, I was raised on little light."
Stick Season
"And I'll dream each night of some version of you That I might not have, but I did not lose."
honestly really hard to narrow it down for this one because i love so many lines in this long... "I'm no longer funny cause I miss the way you laugh" is another one i really like.
All My Love
"Now I know your name, but not who you are."
(runner-up: "If you need me, dear, I'm the same as I was" )
this is one of my favorite songs on the album in general because it's just so... relatable, idk. like this is a song about a past relationship but it makes me think about the friends i lost touch with after i graduated high school. makes me emo.
She Calls Me Back
"I still dial 822-993-167"
the pre-chorus just tickles my brain... i enjoy it a lot but specifically this line. idk man. otherwise i don't have like strong emotions tied to this song or anything but i do like it.
"Oh, there was heaven in your eyes. I was not baptized" is also good though... really love the way he sings it too
Come Over
"Someday I'm gonna be somebody people want"
New Perspective
"You and all of your new perspective now Wish I could shut it in a closet And drag you back down"
Everywhere, Everything
"Everywhere, everything, I wanna love you 'til we're food for the worms to eat"
Orange Juice
"Are we all just crows to you now?"
there are so many parts of this song that i absolutely adore... it's so hard to pick one. the post-chorus is genuinely incredible. my favorite part of the song.
Strawberry Wine
"No thing defines a man like love that makes him soft"
Growing Sideways
"I'm terrified that I might never have met me."
"But the wreckage of you, I no longer reside in And the bridges have long since been burnt"
"I got dreams, but I can't make myself believe them. Spend the rest of my life with what could have been And I will die in the house that I grew up in"
as i've said before.... this song seems to perfectly sum up what being in your 20s is like lmao. (it's very much about growing up in new england but it's also so 'what being in your 20s is like' to me)
"You miss something that you can't place but you can't deny it"
The View Between Villages
"The things that I lost here, the people I knew They got me surrounded for a mile or two."
The View Between Villages (extended) <- technically the last song on the album but i'm putting it here so it goes with the original
"I'm back between villages and everything's still"
okay i was going to pick a lyric that was unique to the extended version but i couldn't. i just love this one, i have to represent it.
Your Needs, My Needs
"I'm naming the stars in the sky after you"
however, the bridge is also INCREDIBLE and perhaps my favorite part but i don't want to just write the entirety of it. and i think what makes it my favorite is less the lyrics and just the way he sings it and the way it... intensifies and gets louder?? idk. but it makes me crazy.
Dial Drunk
"'Son are you a danger to yourself?' Fuck that sir, just let me call"
another one where the bridge is my favorite part of the song and i didn't want to just write the entirety of it lol. this line IS from the bridge though
Paul Revere
"And the world makes sense behind a chain-link fence If I could leave, I would have already left"
No Complaints
"Yes, I'm young and living dreams In love with being noticed and afraid of being seen"
Call Your Mom
"I'll drive, I'll drive all night I'll call your mom"
once again, the bridge is the best part of the song imo but this line gets to me too. this whole song makes me tear up though... had to force myself not to cry one time when it came on while i was in the car with my dad.
You're Gonna Go Far
"We ain't angry at you, love You're the greatest thing we lost"
this is the hinata shouyou song to me... so ofc this is my favorite line. <33 i think about him and karasuno whenever i listen to it and it makes me so so so emo, i want to cry. hinata fans gather and listen to this song.
also have recently started appreciating "Making quiet calculations where the fault lies"... makes me think about a certain ship that i'm sure you will never be able to guess [sarcasm] <- world's most predictable girl
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s3xtones · 1 year
omg yo i have a twin flame. it’s scary we are the exact same height. same hair colour, have the same soul in the look in our eyes. the energy between us is magnetic and intoxicating. it’s fucked up we are in ‘no contact’ right now and it’s mad because he’s recently copped my dream givenchy jeans and those fucking bat ciaga sunglasses so we have the exact same style too. it’s also scary like one of the few times i was around him the top of my head (crown chakra) was tingling like crzy!! aaand when he expressed his love by musing me and making a pair of pants inspired by me ((lmfao fashion themed cosmic love affair)) i had like a full on kundalini awakening purely off seeing the post online… his higher self always shows me specific songs when i shuffle my music and will keep trying to play the same song until i’ve listened to the lyrics so i understand how he’s feeling and where he’s at with things. the connection actually consumed my life i was so obsessed and in love with him even when i hardly knew the man. it definitely has been toxic at parts but also so pure and all encompassing like i can’t live with or without him… both of our lives have come crumbling down because we were in each others lives to trigger deep change both internal and external. it’s fucked up too because apparently he’s not ascending or doing the needed shadow work or introspection and isn’t self aware enough and still in too much ego and may never choose to change in this lifetime so i’ll probably never be with him in this lifetime and coming to terms with that fact was honestly the most wrenching thing and i’ll never cry harder than i did in those moments. he is also with a karmic soulmate currently and i can’t explain the challenges that put me through mentally too especially because the girl is so scarily similar to who i am becoming and are as a person. the dynamic of runner and chaser is so real too like i was running after him knowing what the connection meant to me and now i’m running from him knowing his not so pure intent towards me. it worries me and i question myself like surely this can’t be the other half of my soul lol feels like that one episode where rick and morty go to that spa in space and split into one toxic character and one ultra healthy character.. i don’t fully understand it but apparently my heart was meant to be broken fully open in this lifetime and he did that for me. truly triggered and activated all my gifts and my spiritual awakening and the journey is real but the obsession around it scares me too as i was a part of that naively once too.. it’s beautiful though but goes way deep. almost too deep. the telepathic communication is real too. it made me never want to move on because nothing feels like it compares but i am accepting and at peace of my destiny and i found myself and my dreams and i fell in love with everything life has to offer and god so now i am happy either way. i guess i just wanted to tell somebody who would understand because everyone around me thinks i’m just a crazy idiot when it comes to him (and i definitely was at one point) but that’s the truth . idk i guess i just wanted to share my experience with you maybe you’ll find it interesting hehe but yeah no one should envy the TF thing it’s honestly a mess and is confusing and hurts really bad but i think each experience is unique. i really feel like a wholeass woman on my own and it’s insane that the person who i love and who loves me the most put me through the most suffering. i really hope i stay as myself and never like merge with him sometimes but thats disowning a part of myself. maybe he will learn.. definitely feels like unfinished business. im just rambling at this point and i’ll probably never have an idea as to wtf is going on with it but yeah it’s also crazy like everytime i ever energetically checked in on him w tarot too he was always feeling he exact same way i was so we mirror eachother emotionally too. it’s honestly disturbing and i don’t understand it but also comforting knowing i’ll kinda never be alone in a sense.
random side notes: i really look up to you
i love checking on you and your tumblr and seeing all your realisations about life.. wise beyond your years. just a sexy cool btch 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤 meow babe
thank you for sharing your light w the world you inspire me to b a better person .
gtg bai XOXO
Bruh u made me almost cry this really shook me to the core cause like i have definitely felt this exact same thing & been thru the journey.i tried to ignore the dependency and attachment aspect but it only grows with time. To be quite frank, i loved that. i was addicted and craved it so much cause i felt like i was at home with him and to me we WORKED SO SO SO SO WELL (to me)
because i really reallyyyy understand this i have some advice
1. Cry? Yes always, however Don’t assume he doesn’t get it or is not doing the shadow work cause for u to be able to even connect and telepathically communicate with him he is receiving u and receiving is an action!! His conscious self may not know why but his Higher Self responding is the best start. (AHHHH IM SO EXCITED FOR U. THIS IS CUTE ) Also i have not gave much thought as to why but A LOT of men play dumb to their spiritual needs n abilities if they could just really sit down n SHUT THE FUCK UPPPPP THEY MAY LEARN SUMTHIN IDK. Moving on…
2.Even if y’all don’t end up together together in this lifetime, STAY FRIENDS! Pls try even if it goes against your pride, it matters so so so much nd teaches u a lot about yourself too. with this i am not encouraging u let the relationship get super unhealthy or consuming, know when to push and pull away however i believe that staying friends with him keeps the love close n mag bring about a sooner coming together whether in this lifetime or the next. Sometimes you have to be that person to be a true mirror, the reflection, the person to tell him bout himself cause if you’re really his twin flame no one knows him like you both do and God n ancestors!
3. Destruction is a form of creation. Things must fall apart before they can come back together. Twin flames are separate because of karmic debt maybe y’all just working thru that n knocking old beliefs n restrictions in all dynamics ( family, Self, community/society) to clear the soul for the future union.
Sidenote: he’s probably just with that girl because ( pls don’t be hurt by this just hear me out) yes he’s running but there is also something on your end that is unresolved, missed or hyper fixated on that caused y’all not to be on the page right now …
or he’s just being a man who is scared of real life altering commitments and communication…both could be true but don’t strss it jus laugh it’s funny! Trust. LOL at some point she is gonna notice and want to be u like nah luv serve your purpose so he can come back home to his SENSES! LOLOr she’s gonna break his heart because she reminds him so much of the best of u as well but once he’s in too deep the rude but necessary Awakening will occur.
no one can have what was predestined, meant, divinely orchestrated until that’s what y’all both want then the prophecy changes. And at that point, it’s not bout what the physical wants , it’s more of a soul contract relinquishment thing. That’s what it says in Corinthians 13:4-8 after the love never fails part. People love cutting the verse off before the REALEST LINES but that’s a different topic.
Lol everyone around u will think you’re crazy even Him at times cause they will never see life thru your Eyes. It’s okay though because being a healer is one of the most important roles, the world will always need us so stay true to what you’ve learned and continue to learn. Yes, in this moment you are an individual woman will your own path to follow, stay true to that for u n only u cause when it’s time to be with him you’ll both be ready.
right now it’s bout YOU!💜
i love u so much thanks for sharing this with me i feel like love like this is very transformative for the best. i understand and appreciate the world and myself differently now and from what i have read u do too, it’s like reading a message from my younger Self n i live for conversations like this.
luv ya! thanks again!!! my messages are always open 4 u luvvv xx <3333
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First Day Jitters 😬
“I’m going to bed, goodnight!”
“It’s 8:30pm. Are you crazy?”
There I was; laying in bed, with my eyes wide open, my mind racing with thoughts of all kinds.
“What if I mess up tomorrow?”
“What if I say something stupid and make a fool of myself?”
“What if I get lost?”
“What’s the dose rate of Amoxicillin again?”
First day nerves. We have all experienced it. They told me to clock in at 8:30am in the morning. That means I would need to catch the 7:15am bus, ride to my train stop, hop on the train, ride to my station, hop onto Bus 48, and crawl along morning traffic all the way to my clinic.
I would say I’m more of a morning person in general; but when it comes to priorities, I find some extra time in the morning can be beneficial. Like many of us, I do suffer from generalised anxiety.
Anything could go wrong! What if traffic was extra bad that morning? What could be worse than being late on your first day of work? Not just any kind of work; I’m now a veterinary professional. There was no way I was going to give myself a chance to be late that morning. Or any morning, for that matter.
I got up in the ungodly hour of 5:00am. Okay, honestly, I had my alarm set for 6:00am, but nerves and excitement got in the way. I got dressed, grabbed my bag and out the door I went. With an already-accelerating heart rate.
As some of you might have already guessed, I arrived on time. “On-time” as in 8:00am. You see, my definition of being on time is at least 15-30 mins before the set time period. If you arrive on the dot, that’s late. If you arrive about 5 mins past the set time, might as well not show up. This isn’t for everyone, so please don’t attack me!
I will admit I did felt kind of stupid because no one else was there at 8:00am. 30 mins to spare. I should have my breakfast. Luckily I packed a taro-flavoured bun from the bakery I visited the day before. I sat on the steps leading to a mall adjacent to my workplace, and stuffed down my breakfast. It was really good, but because my brain was filled with hay-wired thoughts, I couldn’t enjoy it properly.
And so it began, the initial introductions, the tour around the clinic. As expected, I already forgot everyone’s names within the first 10 mins. I lost count of the number of times I had to ask; “I’m sorry, what was your name again?” throughout the day! Embarrassing, Dr.Teh.
Everybody was so lovely, and I immediately felt a family born forming. That’s how I knew that we could click as a team, as all conversations that we shared just came naturally. I would say that I was very lucky to find a vet family that I could get along so well on the first day of my first job as a newly graduated veterinarian. The vibe we shared was amazing.
The day was jammed packed with different cases and consults, and it got so busy that I forgot about time passing. Vomiting dogs, coughing puppies, cats with diarrhoea. You name it. It’s so amazing how much you could learn just in a single day. I palpated my very first hernia case (I know, hernias are generally pretty common, so I guess I was unlucky in vet school). Before I knew it, it was time for my evening shift, which went by just as quickly as the morning and afternoon.
The feeling as a newly graduated veterinarian is way different from when I was a student. Yes, I will still be shadowing a more experienced vet for the first week like how I always had in vet school. But minus the worry of having to study for exams, or having somebody watching over you like a hawk. I had set lunch breaks, which was such a blessing. In vet school, I sometimes had to go a whole day without having a single bite of food, only to end up with rather shaky hands during surgery.
It’s hard to put in words how excited I am to begin my new life as a veterinarian. What I can guarantee is that every new day is NEVER going to be the same, and just that in itself gives me such an adrenaline rush! I’m always learning, and I’ll never stop learning. Life is complex but beautiful, and it’s up to us to bring out the curiosity within us, and learn. There’s so much to look forward to.
p.s. Found this poor bird with an injured wing. Brought the poor thing back home, and learned how to bandage a bird’s wing. Took me a couple of tries as she was struggling, but we got there eventually! I used a figure-of-8 wing wrap and a body wrap, taking care not to obstruct its breathing.
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bigasswritingmagnet · 3 years
Uncle Bob
Fandom: Psychonauts Rating: G Summary: Bob Zanotto does have roots, if he'd like to reconnect to them. Lili has a plant question, and Bob's got an answer.
"Ok, see the bolt your hand is on?" Helmut asked.  
"Not that one. Go left. Left. Left. More left. Less left--"
Bob looked away from the block of grease and rust that was the Feel Mobile's engine, and leveled a flat stare to the brain ball beside him.
"You mean right?" Bob said. It was hard to feel annoyed or upset with someone when you forgot how to breathe every time you remembered that they were alive, but he was  definitely  about to manage some exasperation.  
"This would be so much easier if I had hands. I could just point!"
"Helmut, if you had hands, you could do this yourself," Bob said. "Why don't you wait until we get back from Grulovia?"
"I can't wait that long! Look at the state it's in!" The ball rolled forward until it thunked gently against the side of the bus. "My baby."
"What if you got Otto to help you instead?"
"Oh no no no, not while I don't have the hands to stop him from making "improvements" while he's in there."
Bob had to give him that one.
"We can do this!" Helmut insisted, with such enthusiasm Bob couldn't help but smile. "We're a great team. Just put your hand back where it was and move it very slowly left until I say stop."  
"Hey guys!" Rescue came in the shape of Raz rounding the corner and waving. "Whatcha doin'?"
"We're fixing the Feel Mobile!"
"We are trying to fix the Feel Mobile," Bob corrected. "But I don't know anything about engines, and Helmut doesn't have hands. It's a process."
"Fortunately, I am excellent at instructions," Helmut said. "Just because I don't have eyes doesn't mean I can't see you rolling yours, Bobby."
"What brings you out to our neck of the woods?" Bob asked.
"We had a plant question," Raz said, triumphantly. There was a brief pause.   
"Is that the royal 'we', or...?" Helmut asked. 
Raz looked at the empty space at his left. He looked at the empty space at his right. He looked back up the way he came. He gave Bob a slightly embarrassed smile and held up a finger, backing away.
"Gimme one second."
Bob tossed the wrench into the tool kit and stood, a process that was a lot more involved than it used to be.
"Jeez, you sound so old," Helmut teased.
"I am old, you--" The words cut off short, caught in Bob's throat at the flash of dark pigtails zipping back behind a tree. Bob looked away, wiping his hands off on a rag, but he couldn't stop Raz's words from drifting into his ears. The kid had lowered his voice, but not low enough.
"You can't be shy, you're you. ...What? ...Why wouldn't he?"
"Bobby?" Helmut asked, softly.
"It's Truman's daughter," Bob said, gruffly, focusing very hard on getting the grease out from around his nailbeds.   
What must she think of him? The last time he'd seen her she wasn't even walking yet. She'd only know him as the crazy old hermit who lived on top of a thorn tower and hated everyone. Or worse, as the drunken mess who screwed up so many missions his own nephew had had to put him out to pasture before he got somebody killed--
Something bonked insistently against his ankle.
"Hey. Hey. Stop that," Helmut ordered. "You're great and she'll love you."
Another bonk, this one so hard it actually hurt.
"You're. Great. And. She'll. Love. You."  
"Of course he'll like you! ...My psychic senses tell me so. ...It'll be fine, I promise."
Lili stepped out from behind the tree. She looked exactly like the pictures Truman had sent, minus the usual glazed look that came with a school photo. She was clutching a terracotta pot to her chest, one far too large for the sullen, drooping stalks that protruded from it.
"Hey there!" Bob said, trying to sound as cheerful and un-evil-hermit-that-lives-in-the-woods as possible. She approached slowly, but at least didn't look like she was on the verge of running away.
"Hi," she said, softly. "Um...Raz said you might be able to help me with my amaryllis. I've been trying to get it to bloom again. I let it go dormant twice, but it still won't put out any buds."
Bob reached out, and then hesitated. Lili released the pot, which floated over to Bob and hovered. Bob examined the plant, curious. He was impressed, to say the least. Second bloom or no, there weren't a lot of ten year olds who could successfully winter an amaryllis at all, let alone twice in a row.
"No fungus, no pests," he muttered. "Soil seems fine. Is it getting the right kind of light?"
"In the window, sunny and south facing," Lili said, with more confidence. "I checked the soil acidity, I used filtered water, I tried different kinds of plant foods, I tried playing music, I tried talking to it--"
"Yelling at it," Raz corrected.
"I was only yelling because talking wasn't working," Lili said, narrowing her eyes at him. Bob cleared his throat to hide his chuckle.
"Welp," Bob said. "I figured out your problem."
"You did?" Lili's eyes lit up. "What is it? What should I do?"
"You got a dud bulb," Bob said. He prodded the limp leaves, which looked like tangled green shoelaces. "You should just toss it."
Bob gave her a large wink, then continued loudly.
"Yep. That's amaryllis for you. They're weak, give up easy."
The leaves twitched.
"I never bothered with them, honestly. They need so much hand holding, and as for looks, well..."
"You're right," Lili said, nodding sagely. "They're just not pretty enough to justify all the work I've been putting into them. Maybe I should just dump them and grow tulips instead."
"Honestly, you're better off with roses--"
The stalks shot up, straight as arrows and quivering with indignation. Lili laughed in delight as first one, then two, then three pink bulbs swelled and unfurled into three perfect flowers.
"I can't believe that worked!" she cried.
"...did you just use reverse psychology on a plant?" Raz asked, nonplussed.
"Yep. Nothing like spite to put a little color in a flower. Amaryllises are divas," he told Lili. "You need to treat them carefully, but don't coddle them. Make 'em work for your attention." He took the pot in his hands and held it away, leaning down to mutter "And they hate roses."  
"It's a plant," Raz said, in the same tone.
"You get used to it," Helmut said.
"But it's--"
"Let it go, kid. Trust me."
Bob handed the pot to Lili and opened his mouth to ask Helmut to explain just what that was supposed to mean...
But the girl took the pot in both hands and beamed up at him with a smile like the sun, and said "Thanks Uncle Bob."
It made it very hard to think of anything to say other than 'sure thing, kiddo.'
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mypoisonedvine · 3 years
The Kind of Girl You Take Home to Mom (part 3 - FINALE) | Andy Barber x reader
(part 1) (part 2)
summary: andy knows how to take what he wants, and he wants you.
word count: 5.6k 
warnings: SMUT, subtle dubcon elements, loss of virginity, infidelity (obviously), wedding ring kink (shocking!!! jk), 
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a/n: wow, after all this time I FINALLY finished this series.  sorry it took so long.  I still have an alternate ending that I want to write... but I wanted to go ahead and get this out first.  thank you everyone for your patience!  I kind of expect this to flop despite being the most requested thing ever, but idgaf.
“Honestly?  I always had this weird fear that he was going to try to seduce one of my girlfriends.”
For the second time that day, you choked.
“Wh— are you okay?” Jacob gasped, running over to you as you coughed up water.
Your attempt to respond was useless as you could only sputter and cough, trying to communicate that you were fine with a casual wave, but only managing to flail your arm wildly.
“Was it something I said?” he pressed.
“No, I just—” you wheezed, but interrupted yourself with another coughing fit as your eyes watered from the lack of air.
He slapped your back to try to help you along but it wasn’t very effective, just adding one new source of pain to your predicament.  I always had this weird fear that he was going to try to seduce one of my girlfriends, that was what he’d said.  What does that even mean?  Did he mean it like “I always had this fear, for no good reason,” or did he mean it like “I was always afraid of this, and now it’s come true”?
The way Jacob was looking at you— kind, concerned, patient— it didn’t seem like he suspected you of anything.  He probably would’ve led with that if he knew something, right?
When your airways finally cleared and you were able to start catching your breath, you finished getting ready for bed quickly and hopped into bed.  You couldn’t handle any long conversations with Jacob, though you tolerated some cuddling before you fell asleep.
You dreamt that night that you were drowning.  Andy was holding you, his arms wrapped around you from behind as he pulled you to shore.  Or was he pulling you under?  Either way, you figured you’d had enough water in your lungs for one day.
You probably should’ve let them win at Scrabble… you just couldn’t help yourself.
“I have…” Jacob trailed off as he counted in his head, “177 points.”
“209,” Laurie announced, reaching over to rub Jacob on the shoulder sympathetically.  “Sorry, honey.”
“384,” Andy grinned, setting down his pen and pad triumphantly and looking to you for your score.
“Um,” you stalled, almost embarrassed to say now.  “I got, uh, 559.”
Laurie and Jacob erupted into sputters of confusion, demanding that you recount your points as if they hadn’t all seen you play ‘quixotic’ on a triple word space.
“Good game,” Andy murmured with a soft smirk as he stood up and left the table.  You smiled back at him quickly, the other two too busy recounting the numbers on your pad to even notice.
So, that was the end of board games for the night.  Jacob suggested a movie but you just knew that would just be you and him cuddling under one blanket… while Laurie and Andy cuddled under another.  You weren’t sure you could take that.  Instead, you decided to read your book outside— even though you figured Laurie was disappointed you didn’t want to do anything more social.  Complimenting her beautifully landscaped backyard eased the blow, though.
It was hard to get comfortable on the patio couch, not because of the couch itself but because you knew it wouldn’t be long until somebody bothered you.  When you heard the door open, you were a little disappointed to see Jacob approaching you.
“Hey,” he smiled, sliding in next to you on the couch and wrapping an arm around you.  
“Hey,” you greeted in reply, slightly flat in your affect as you immediately dove back into your book.
“You’re feeling okay, right?  We could go for a drive if you need some space,” he offered, rubbing your shoulder gently.
“No, I’m alright,” you mumbled.  “You know me, I like my peace and quiet when I can get it.”
“You�� like them, don’t you?”  He must’ve sensed that you didn’t understand what he was referring to at first.  “My family, I mean.”
“Oh!  Yeah, that’s not the issue, really.  I know we’re going back home tomorrow but I still need to decompress a little bit.  I’ll be more social tonight, promise.”
When you looked up at him, his face was closer than you’d anticipated.  It reminded you of when you two met, at a party where the music was so loud that you’d had to stand about this close to be able to carry a conversation.  Well, technically that wasn’t the first time you met, because you had him in one of your classes that semester, but it was the first time you’d talked.  He was fun, he was new, he was friendly.  I can’t stay long, I’ve got a test in the morning, you’d yelled your explanation.  You’re gonna ace it anyway, he had dismissed at the time, so you should stay and have fun!  You deserve to have fun.
Maybe that was what had made you attracted to him: you couldn’t think of anyone else who had been so worried about what you deserved.  But now, Andy was added to that list.  You hated to imagine that Jacob had inherited that nature from his father.  Is he treating you right? Andy has asked you that night, and you really weren’t sure even now what the answer was.  He certainly wasn’t treating you poorly, but was that enough?  
Back in reality (and not in your whizzing, anxiety-ridden thoughts), Jacob leaned in and kissed you softly.  The kiss was just like him: patient, gentle, but also somehow energetic.  It was… nice.  Comfortable.  Feeling a surge of boldness, you set your book aside and leaned into him, pushing the kiss a little deeper.
He let out a tiny little noise, nearly a moan, as your tongues began to slide together.  His hand reached up to cradle the back of your head— you remembered that he did that a lot when you were making out, but all those times felt so foreign now.  Your hands reached up to rub against his chest through his t-shirt; that dark maroon one he wore all the time, so much that it was forming a few holes at the hem.  His hand slid down to your back and—
“Am I interrupting something?” Andy’s voice tore you both from the moment and from each other’s arms.
“Dad!” Jacob protested, sounding particularly immature with the way his voice rose to a shrill yelp of shock.
“I was just coming out here to let you know that your mother wants your help with dinner,” Andy explained, “but I wasn’t going to let an opportunity to embarrass you like that go by.”
“You never do,” Jacob sighed, giving you a quick kiss to the cheek as a goodbye as he stood up and walked inside.  You felt Andy’s eyes on you as you looked to the ground awkwardly, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand.  A few seconds after the door was shut, he spoke again.
“I couldn’t let you two get too hot and heavy, and besmirch this innocent patio couch.”
“You’d better not be mad at me for kissing my boyfriend,” you frowned as you stood up.  “That’s the most normal thing that’s happened all weekend.”
“I’m not,” he assured, beginning to step closer to you.  “Jealous?  Slightly.  Not that I see him as competition or anything.”
“Uh, you probably should,” you disagreed, raising your eyebrow in a mix of confusion and challenge.  
“Honey, I saw you kissing.  It was nothing to write home about,” he laughed.  “He doesn’t seem to realize that, since he brought you here.  Can’t blame him—-” he stepped closer to you and ever-so-delicately brushed his fingers against your arm— “but you know you can do better.  You know nobody can make you feel like I do.”
“Andy,” you murmured, trying to step back as you glanced to the window by the backdoor, through which the both of you were clearly visible to anyone who sat in the living room.  It was empty now, but it was too close for comfort.  “Someone could see…”
“They’re in the kitchen, don’t worry,” he soothed, leaning down to ghost his lips over your cheek and neck, “nobody’s gonna see us, angel, s’just you and me…”
You didn’t want to, but you melted into his touch anyway.  Just those little circles that his fingers drew on your back made your entire body erupt in shivers.  “Andy,” you found yourself whispering as if you needed to remember who was doing this to you.
“I’m gonna fuck you tonight,” he whispered against your ear.  
Your breath caught in your throat.  
“Are you scared?” he teased.  “Afraid my cock’ll split you in half?”
Embarrassed, you nodded.
He grinned, pulling back from your neck to force you into a deep, dominating kiss.  You wrapped your arms around his neck and clung to his shoulders, eagerly allowing his tongue access as it pressed into yours.  A little moan escaped you, causing him to pull your body even closer.  You had worried that kissing the two of them in a row like this would lead to an inevitable comparison, which would be beyond disgusting.  But nope, this kiss made you forget that you’d kissed Jacob at all.  Not that that exactly stopped it from being disgusting.
You knew if you didn’t stop yourself now, you wouldn’t be able to soon… and you really needed this kiss to end before you two got caught.  Pushing on his chest, you pulled back with a sigh.
“We shouldn’t—” you began.
“No, you’re right,” he agreed with a reluctant nod.  Still, you missed his touch now that it was gone.  “We’ll have plenty of time for that later.  It’s just hard to keep putting on a happy face when all I want is to grab you and bend you over the table and—”
“Oh god, you can’t talk like that,” you laughed nervously.  “You’re gonna drive me crazy, I swear.”
“Haven’t I already?” he smirked.
You nodded, because he was completely right.  With a quick wave, you opened the door to step into the house.  He called your name, getting your attention as you turned around.  In his hand, arm outstretched, was your book.  “Almost forgot this,” he smiled.
“Right, thanks,” you nodded, taking it and going back inside.
You spent the rest of the day reaching new heights of anxiousness.  Shaking your leg, chewing your lip, scratching your wrist— how could you relax after what Andy had said, how could you act casual?  You were just waiting for the other shoe to drop, for the obvious opportunity to arise and for Andy to be inevitable like he always was.
You weren’t sure how he did it, but he did.  He got Laurie and Jacob to leave you two alone in the house.  With his influential career, he was probably used to getting what he wanted, but you hadn’t anticipated that he was so good at the hard work it took to get those things.
He got you, though.  Not that that took all too much hard work.
“Enjoy the movie you guys!” you told them as they were making their way out the door.  Jacob leaned in for a goodbye kiss, and softly asked one last time if you wanted to come.  
He pulled your shirt up over your head, and you hadn’t even gotten it all the way off before he undid your bra with a quick motion.  You hated to think about Jacob in that moment, but those few times you’d fooled around with him to this extreme, that part of the process had taken quite a bit longer.
When your breasts were free his hands latched onto them instantly; the rough pads of his fingers felt good against the sensitive skin, and his hands were so damn big.  You felt your back arching into his touch.
“Can’t wait to get my mouth on these,” he purred, “but I need to see all of you first.”
You yelped as he picked you up and tossed you back onto the bed.  He took off your socks first, which made you feel a little hot for some reason, and then reached down to pull at your shorts.  You lifted your hips to make it easier, looking up at him and gnawing on your bottom lip nervously.
As he tossed your shorts and underwear aside, you suddenly felt very naked compared to his clothedness.  Probably because you were completely naked and he was completely clothed.  He smiled down at you before grabbing your ankles and resting them on his shoulders, starting to kiss up your leg slowly while never breaking eye contact.
You whined impatiently.  “Andy, please, need you…”
“Shh,” he soothed, “we’ve got time baby, I finally got you all to myself and I’m gonna savor it.”
His lips moved up your calf and thigh, but irritatingly skipped anywhere salacious to get straight to your hips and belly.  “Hnng, Andy—” 
You choked on your words when he licked over your nipple, swirling his tongue around it before sucking it into his mouth.  It instantly hardened between his lips and he smiled.  “Baby, you’re so sensitive,” he cooed against your skin as he kissed his way to the other and did the same.
Your hips bucked up and made contact with his clothed thigh; you let out a high-pitched moan and did it again, rubbing yourself against his suit pants.  The rough material sent shocks of pleasure through you as Andy smiled and left little love bites along your neck.
"Look at you, such a needy little girl," he tsked.  "Rubbing your cunt on me like a whore.  You're gonna make a mess, baby."
"'m sorry I just— oh, fuck," you sighed, your head falling back onto the pillow with a soft thud.
"It's only fair," he shrugged.  "I don't mind spending the rest of the night with your come on my slacks.  So long as you spend it with my come still in your cunt."
You gasped, trying to imagine how you would hide that from Laurie and Jacob…
But you couldn’t keep on that train of thought for very long as he started to kiss down your stomach again.
“Please, Andy, need— fuck, I need you to— um, taste me, please,” you whimpered.
“Hmm, beg a little more,” he smirked.
It was a long line of nonsense after that; some barely-intelligible string of ‘please’ and ‘Andy’ with a little flair of embarrassing whining.  He laughed a little before he finally did what you’d asked, latching his lips onto your swollen clit.  Your back arched instantly as your hands clenched at the comforter beneath you.
It wasn’t at all like you’d imagined it would be— it was so warm, and he alternated between surrounding you with his mouth and teasing you with the tip of his tongue.  You let out a long, deep moan when his tongue slipped inside you, twisting and massaging your walls so perfectly.  Your hands carded through his hair, accidentally tightening and pulling when he licked right over your clit.  He didn’t seem to mind, though, just moaning against you and doing it again and again and again until your legs were quivering. 
Just as you were about to tell him that you were close, he instantly pulled away to speak.  “I can tell you’re close,” he purred as if he’d read your mind.  
“Please, don’t stop,” you begged, but he continued to sit up and started to open his belt.
“It’s not time to come yet, honey.  It’s gonna feel so much better when you come while I’m inside you— for both of us,” he grinned.
As his sweater was discarded and his trousers were pushed down, you bit your lip.  You weren’t sure you would ever get used to seeing his cock, especially when it had leaked enough pre-cum to leave a wet patch on his boxer briefs.
He was on you the second he’d finished stripping, caging in your body with his, growling as he started to kiss your neck.  You whined and arched your back, your heart racing as you tried to cope with the fact that this was happening, this was really happening.  It was surreal, or maybe it was more than real— you were going to lose your virginity.  To Andy fucking Barber.
“I think you’re ready for me, don’t you?” he asked teasingly, his hips moving forward to press his cock against your inner thigh.  You nodded as you swallowed thickly, gasping as he reached down and started to rub his swollen head through your folds.
“Please…” you sighed, even as your chest tightened with distant fear.
You had wondered if what he'd said about his marriage to Laurie being sexless was true.  It certainly would be a convenient lie to garner your sympathy and make him look better.  But you had no doubts it was the truth when he pushed his cock into you; he moaned like a man who had dreamed of this moment for years, who had been so deprived of affection for so long.  
It hurt less than you’d expected, although it was certainly overwhelming.
“Oh fuck, Andy,” you moaned,
“Say my name again, baby,” he demanded with a groan.
“Andy!” you repeated, a little louder right as the tip of his cock hit so deep inside you that it hurt— and for some reason, you wanted him to do it again.
“Fuck, you need to be quiet, or the neighbors’ll hear you,” he hissed as he pumped into you deeper and faster.  “Can you do that or do I need to choke you to shut you up?”
You whimpered from fear at that idea and he laughed a little.  
“Don’t act so innocent, baby, I know who you really are: you’re my dirty little slut.”
“No I’m—” you began to disagree.  A quick slap to the face, not too hard but stinging nonetheless, shut you up.
“You know you are,” he hissed, “so say it.”
You could barely carry this conversation, his cock filling you so completely that you couldn’t think about anything else.  “Andy, I—”
“Say it.”
You gulped but managed to pant between heavy breaths, “I’m…  I’m your dirty little slut, Andy…”
He grinned and began to move faster, deeper, somehow.  You clutched at his shoulders, kissing him and groaning into his mouth.  When his hips slammed into yours, you moaned louder than maybe you ever had before.  "You want it rough, honey?” he taunted.  “Want me to fuck you hard?"
"Yes, please!" you sobbed, your voice hoarse and desperate now.
He grabbed your hips and made good on his offer of brutality, and then some, making you nearly scream.  He kissed you again, perhaps in an attempt to keep you quiet, although it didn’t work that well, as you mouth fell open with every cry.  His teeth captured your lip as he growled above you, holding your hips up so the angle was perfect to send his cock right into the end of you, so deep— too deep, in the most perfect way.
His cock stroking against your walls was indescribable; each thrust made your entire body erupt in shivers.  The stretch was difficult but you loved it, you loved the way his body pushed yours to its limits.  
"Gonna come inside you, honey," he moaned, "gonna fill you up so good, gonna mark your body with my come and make you mine."
"Oh god, Andy, please," you sobbed.
"You gonna come for me, pretty girl?” he encouraged.
“Yes, so close—” you cut yourself off as you choked on nothing, you entire body beginning to tighten and seize up as pleasure spiralled higher and higher.
“Just like that, come on my cock,” he demanded, but you couldn’t do anything else even if you tried— the coil snapped as your vision went spotty.  Just as you started to close your eyes, he held your neck and stared down at you.  “Look at me when I make you come.”
You struggled to keep your eyes open with the intensity of sensation washing over you, but you didn’t want to know what would happen if you disobeyed.  Those blue eyes pierced through you as you shivered underneath him, and with your walls constricting his cock just felt even thicker inside you.  “Andy,” you whimpered, your fingers and toes erupting into pins and needles as you felt him flexing inside you— and he must have been coming in you in that moment, with the way he sighed and his thrusts pumped deeper yet more erratically.
Warmth spilled inside you as numbness decorated your extremities and fogginess clouded your mind.  You lost focus as he collapsed beside you— even when he pulled out, you still felt full, due in part to his come inside you and in part to being ruined so thoroughly by him.  Maybe you’d feel normal again tomorrow, or next week, but right now it was impossible to forget that you were fucked, in every sense of the word, by Andy Barber.
He pulled you into his arms and kissed your neck slowly, his breathing slowly returning to a stable pace as his chest pressed against your back.  He was mumbling something about how you were his girl, how you did so good for him, but you were already drifting into sleep even though it was barely nine o’clock.
You woke up the next morning in the guest room with Jacob beside you, who informed you that he’d found you already asleep when he got back from the movie he’d gone to see with his mom.
You left just a few hours later, waving goodbye to Mr. and Mrs. Barber as Jacob pulled the car out of the driveway.
three months later...
The sun was just starting to set as you made your way home after your last class of the night.  Campus was gorgeous at this time of day, but you weren’t really taking the time to notice it as you focused instead on how wonderful it would feel to kick your shoes off, slip off your bra and slide into bed.  What you didn’t anticipate when you unlocked your dorm room’s door was to find Andy sitting on your bed as he waited for you.  You shut the door quickly so none of the girls mulling about the hall would see him.
He looked so out of place in your dorm.  He was so… adult, and yes, everyone there was an adult, but he was a whole new level of adulthood compared to the other residents of the honors dorm.
“You shouldn’t be here,” you reminded him.
“Why shouldn’t I be?” he questioned casually.
“Because your son is on the other side of the hall,” you explained, unamused.  “What if he sees you here?  What if he sees your car in the garage?”
“You worry too much.  I don’t give a fuck if my son lives nearby, if I wanna visit my girlfriend then I’m gonna do it.”
He’d never used that word for you before— or at least, not in front of you.  It made you feel nervous, glancing to the floor as he stepped closer towards you.  "I think I'm too young to be your girlfriend,” you decided.
"Perfect age for a mistress, though."
You stammered as you tried to balance the way that word made you feel sick with the way it made you feel aroused.  He lifted your chin with a finger, his other hand pulling you closer at the waist.  "Are you trying to act innocent, honey?” he smirked.  “Do you think I didn't realize that it turns you on?"
"Wh-what turns me on?"
"The sneaking around.  The secrets, the lies; the fact that it's wrong, forbidden, taboo.  It's why you haven't broken up with my son yet and it's why you stare at my ring all the time— yes, I noticed."
You frowned, crossing your arms impatiently.  “I haven’t broken up with Jacob because my relationship with him makes a great cover for my relationship with you… I’m doing that for us.  And do you think I like the ring?  I hate that stupid chunk of silver, seeing it on your hand makes me so livid because it just reminds me that I don’t have you all to myself and—”
“Baby, you know I’m all yours,” he purred, kissing down your neck as your back began to arch.  “Meanwhile, I have to share you with him.”
You were amazed that he could refer to his own son with such disdain, but then again, you knew how jealous he could get.  
“If you’re mine then take the ring off,” you suggested between panting breaths.
“If you’re mine then take it off for me,” he countered.  His left hand was travelling up your neck and you grabbed it by the wrist.  He pulled back to look at you as you brought his fingers to your mouth, kissing the tips of them before sucking on his ring finger, deeper and deeper, until it was poking down your throat and the ring was at your lips.  Lubricating it with your spit and spinning it with your tongue, you used your teeth to pull the ring slowly off of his finger.  He gasped a little as you opened your mouth and displayed it for him on your tongue, before spitting it out and across the room; it made a tiny little clinking noise as it hit your floor.
“Fuck,” he growled, the sound deep in his throat and dripping with desperation.
It felt like his hand never left your neck that night, like he was trying to claim you in every way he could all at once.  He was so possessive over you, ironically.  It was hard not to feel like your whole life was waiting.  Waiting for the semester to end so the next one could begin.  Waiting to graduate and get a job and finally begin your real adult life.  Waiting for the marks Andy left on your skin to fade so you didn’t have to wear a turtleneck in June.
Waiting for Jacob to find out, like he inevitably would.
Waiting for Andy to leave Laurie, or at least do something to make it seem like this was going somewhere.  
The thing about Andy was that he had this magical ability to make you stop worrying, in a way nobody and nothing else could.  When you were apart, reality would set in again and you’d decide you needed to confront him the next time you saw him.  It wasn’t even that you needed him to commit to you, specifically, you just needed to know what was going on— because how could he stay married through all this?  He needed to leave her, not for you but for himself.  You would get yourself all worked up and then he’d show up and soothe you until you forgot what you wanted to say in the first place.  When you were together, the future didn’t matter anymore, and neither did everything that was wrong about what you were doing.
It was like living in a dream, a really strange dream.  You were drowning in him, just like you’d known you would, but you didn’t want to stop.  You didn’t want to stop the secret dates when you gave your friends and boyfriend some excuse about having to study, the rendezvous in the back of his car, the midnight phone calls where he was whispering so his wife wouldn’t hear.
You figured that after all this time of being a good girl— the perfect daughter, the perfect student, the perfect girlfriend, the kind of girl you’d take home to mom— you deserved to let go.  You deserved to have fun.
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It’s Your Fucking Birthday!
Daddy misses you. He wants that pretty pussy after you teased him on Zoom and FaceTime 😛💦 you coming to give him some of that pussy? 😏
You blew into the gold party horn in the webcam of your zoom call with your boyfriend, Erik, who is away for business in NYC. Erik covered his ears with a big, dimpled smile on his face. It was 12 AM where he was and 9 PM where you were. To get as close to your boyfriend as possible, you changed the background of your zoom call into a picture collage that you created. It’s all of your favorite pictures of Erik with a cute chocolate chip cookie frame. On your head is a gold party hat and you are wearing one of his favorite black hoodies. 
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“HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY!!! I love youuuuuuuu.” 
You make a heart shape with your hand before blowing him a few kisses.
“Thank you, beautiful, I love you too. This really means a lot right now. You called me at a good time too because I just got finished looking over this info for work. You are so fucking adorable look at that smile. And the background?! Damn, baby!!”
“Yessss I had to do it up for my baby!!” 
“This is the best happy birthday I received so far. It really sucks that I’m all the way here in NYC when I could be there with you.”
Erik’s kimono beads started vibrating and the patterns along the beads ignited an electric blue color. 
“It’s my auntie calling, baby girl. Let me take this.” 
“Take your time, I have to go do something real quick. I'll be back.” 
“Don’t be gone too long now!” Erik yelled into the zoom call before a holographic image of his Aunt Ramonda popped up. 
“Happy Birthday my handsome nephew!” 
“Thanks, auntie. I miss you.” 
“I miss you too, Daka. How is it in New York.” 
“Cold. T’Challa should be here later on today.”
“Are you going to rest and put off work for later? I hope so. This is your special day today.”
“Birthdays are just like any other day except I’m older.”
“Still, I want you to enjoy yourself. I’ll let you go, love you.” 
“Love you too, auntie.” 
When you came back Erik could hear you moving in the background but he couldn’t see you. You turned your camera off. 
“Babe? Why is your camera off?” He asked. 
“One second!!” 
“What are you up to now woman?!!” 
Erik stands from the couch in his hotel suite. He picks up his Macbook and the care package you sent him, taking it all with him into his room. Sitting everything on the bed, Erik takes off his hoodie, bare chest exposed now. His body is really filling out with all the training he’s been doing. It felt good for him to get back in the gym. 
“Baby...come on now, I’m tryna see that beautiful face.”  Erik said while staring at a black screen. 
“I told you I have another surprise for you.” 
Erik smirks before taking a seat on his bed. He has to angle his laptop up so she can see him better. He ruffles his locs as he waits patiently for you to appear again. 
“Baby—oh, damn.” 
You went all out for Erik. You’re wearing a piece from the new Savage Fenty collection. It’s a yellow amber, long-sleeve lace slip featuring a sexy keyhole cut out in the front. It came with a matching thong. It’s very revealing so Erik can see your breasts. You pose for him and twirl around with your ass poked out. He had this mesmerized look in his eyes with a smirk that showed a single deep dimple. 
“Mmm, spin around again...oh my God, baby.” 
“You love it? I know how much you love yellow on my skin.”
“I love it and I want to undress you with my hands not my eyes,” He looked you up and down with those beautiful brown eyes of his, “bend that ass over really quick—fuck.” 
You giggle at his words of appreciation for your body. He always hyped you up but each time felt like the first. You are his baby after all. 
“Somebody getting thick on me hold the fuck  up,” Erik laughs, “I don’t remember that ass sitting up and poking out like that! How did you get that ass like that, baby? Tell me.” 
“You already know why, Erik, stop,” you blush. 
“Nah, I want you to tell me why. It’s my birthday after all.”
“Quarantine fifteen!!” You said. 
“Nope. It’s the different positions, especially the back shots. Hitting that ass hard from the back got your cheeks looking like a big ass chocolate cake.”
“You really think that sex made me get thick? I have been getting back in the gym too.” 
“I mean...all of that plays a factor,” Erik licked his lips, “But all we’ve been doing for the past year is fucking. Nothing but sex. So I don’t know why I’m just noticing this now. That ass is fat mama.” 
“Mmm...I wish you could feel how soft it is too.” You said with a sultry voice. 
“Shit, me too. Bend over again….mmm...so sexy. Starting my day off with a bang.” 
“Open your package baby!”
You take a seat and watch Erik open his package that you sent him. When he finally got the box open, he smiled at you with a shake of his head. 
“The apple juice, baby? Really? my favorite.”
Erik shows you the two Martinelli’s Apple juices. 
“What else...ha, no you didn’t, let’s hope Boomer doesn't get to these.” 
It's a pair of men’s Ugg slippers. Boomer, Erik’s dog, chewed up his last pair. 
“Chocolate chip cookies!!! From Gooey On The Inside!!!” He instantly opened the pack up, “Baby. I was craving these cookies too. You’re a mind reader.” 
“I contacted her personally and I had them added to your package. You have one last thing in there, babe.” 
Erik pulls out a bottle of Hennessy. 
“I figured we can turn up together on zoom and you know...do other things.” 
“Other things? What’s that, baby?” 
You stand up and take off your panties. 
“Since I can’t be there to give you birthday sex in person...I figured we could do it together on zoom.”
The WIFI started acting up and your video froze. 
“Yeah—can you see me clear now.” 
You came back into focus. 
“Yeah, I can see you,” Erik smiles. 
You started having a giggle fit and Erik looked at you with a confused expression on his face.
“Wait...did you start drinking without me? How turnt up are you right now?”
“I just had a few sips that’s all!”
“Nah, that’s a fucking yes. You’re turnt I don’t wanna hear that.” 
“Stop,” you whimper.
“Fuck, I miss you so much.” Erik said. 
“Me too.” 
You both stared at each other before you broke eye contact. 
“I would have you in my lap right now like I always do...my hand between your legs...fingers in your pussy.” 
“Mm,” you bite your lip, “I wish you could do that right now.” 
Erik pulled on the crotch of his grey sweatpants. He could feel himself growing thick and the sound of your voice coming out of the speakers had him imagining you there whispering and moaning in his ear. 
“What I wouldn’t give to fuck you right now.” He said. 
“Have you been stroking your dick since you’ve been away from me?” 
“Honestly...yes. I mean...you’re not here to take care of me so I gotta do it myself...have you been fingering your pussy since daddy isn’t there to do it?”
“Uh-huh...I wanna fuck you so good right now.”
“Woah,” Erik chuckles, “I know you would, baby. I’d fuck you good too.” 
“Baby...I wanna make you cum right now,” You moan.
“You gotta show me that pussy first.” 
You slowly lay back against the bed, spreading your thighs. Erik stares between your legs at your pussy barely covered in that yellow amber thong, your pussy lips begging to be free. Daddy’s favorite honey pot. It’s been days since he had that pussy in his mouth and resting on his tongue. 
“What I wouldn’t give to rip that thong with my teeth and put my face in your pussy.” 
“It’s crazy wet for you.” 
“Let me see,” He whispered. 
You tease him and show him just a little. 
“Nah, I wanna see that whole pussy. You’re not being very fair for my birthday, mama.”
Closing your thighs. You take your time and perform a little strip tease for him. You bring your legs up, your panties following the same trail before you kick them off. Your hand covers your pussy before you use your fingers to spread your lips for him to see.
“Oh, my God—
“I told you I was wet.”
“Stick a finger inside I wanna hear it.” 
Erik turns up his volume. You stick your middle finger inside and start wiggling it back and forth. Erik grabs his erection through his sweatpants and squeezes it. He was pulsating. 
“Fuck. It’s so creamy, baby. I wish I had that sweet pussy instead of these cookies.”
“Daddy...why aren’t you touching yourself?” 
“Ha, I’m sorry, baby…I got you...”
Erik lifts his hips from the bed and pushes his sweatpants down to his ankles. He wasn’t wearing any briefs. If he could be naked all day he would. He exhaled and threw his head back as soon as his hand wrapped around his thickness. 
“I haven’t sucked that dick in so long...I forgot how it feels to stretch my mouth around that fat dick.” 
“Would you be able to handle the way I fuck your mouth?” Erik asked. 
“I’m so hungry for your dick I’ll let you use my throat however you like.” 
Erok looked at his dick, “My shit is hard as fuck.” 
“I wish I could sit on it, mmm, it’s just missing my pussy for me to sit on.” 
“Why are you so far away?” 
Erik couldn’t take it. Both of you breathed heavily in the camera, caressing your own bodies, watching each other. 
“I want you to rub your clit.”
Your fingers started circling over your clit. With your other hand you pull your breasts out of your lace teddy for him to see. 
“You gotta get closer to the camera so I can see your pussy better...that’s it...no spread your legs down more...goddamn, ma. If I could lick this screen and taste that pussy I would.”
His dick was massive in the camera. He had to push it back to get the entire shaft in view. His dick was standing straight up and you wished you were there to really give him the best birthday treat ever. Your mouth and pussy. 
“You wouldn’t even have to do anything, daddy, I’ll ride that dick for your birthday.” 
“Nah...you know I can’t let you have all the fun. They have the best view with big windows. I was beating my dick last night to the thought of you pressed against the window…me fucking you from behind...pulling your hair.” 
“I want you to do that to me so bad,” You moaned, “Let me get my vibrator, I’ll be right back.” 
Still stroking his dick, Erik watches as you walk out of frame. He smacked his dick against his open palm before dragging his thumb over his wet tip. You finally came back with a vibrator Erik hadn’t seen before. It’s a clitoral pump vibrator with a fake tongue attachment and a g spot vibrator on the other end. It’s purple and pink with a suction attachment. Erik and yourself have used clitoral suckers plenty of times so you detach it from the vibrator so you can see how the oral sex stimulating tongue works. 
“When did you get that?” He asked 
“It came a few days ago...I waited until now to open it so I can use it while you watch.” 
“Hmm, all for me?”
“Always,” you get back into position and turn on the vibrator. The tongue starts wiggling up and down slowly but when you went through more levels it started flicking so fast it created a blur. 
“Dayummm, I can’t wait to see you put that thing on your clit. I already know you’re about to cum fast.” 
You dragged the vibrator up your leg and then you gently pressed the vibrating tongue against your pussy. Instantly your toes curl and you start to tremble. 
“FUCK!” You shout, hips twisting from side to side. 
“You’re making my dick drool baby omg...mmm...mmm...mmm...looks so tasty...pretty pussycat baby...keep that vibrator on your clit don’t you fucking stop...how do you want it baby? You want me to fuck you with that vibrator on your clit?”
“Yes, daddy!” 
Your hips lift from the bed. It was too much. As soon as you fell back against the bed your pussy started leaking. Thank god you put a towel down because your squirt came out like a fountain. 
“I told you that pussy was gonna cum fast,” Erik groped his balls, “I’ll lick all that mess up off your thighs and then eat that beautiful pussy.” 
“I can’t take it anymore—
“Nah, I want you to fuck that pussy with the other end.” 
“Nope. Do what the fuck I tell you. I may not be there in person but that doesn’t mean you do what you want. Fuck your pussy now.” 
“Unh,” you turn around with your ass in the camera and push the vibrator inside of you. 
“Fuck that toy. Say my name and fuck that toy.” 
You go to town on your pussy, thrusting it inside of you. 
“That shit feels good, don’t it?” 
“Yesssssss, it’s so so so GOOD!”
“That fine ass getting pounded when I see you.” 
“Please, daddy, I wish you were here to fuck me.” 
“Ughhh,” Erik went back to pumping his dick, “I’m a stroke you real good and hit that spot over and over again.”
“Work that fucking pussy baby, damn you’re making a mess all over that toy...cream is just dripping all over it...fuckkkkkk…I want your pussy so bad.”
“You warming that pussy up for me? Are you practicing for when I get home? You know what I would do? I would get in that ass while you fuck your pussy.”
“I’m gonna cum—oh my god, daddy—I’m gonna—
Your entire body trembled and that ass started bouncing and moving like a tidal wave. 
“That big ass girl—SHIT!”
Erik’s cum landed on his laptop screen. His balls must have been fully loaded because the more he jerked himself, the more cum spurted out. He let go of his dick and small droplets of cum stained his sheets. He didn’t know if he had another nut in him. 
“Babe, I’ll be right back. I gotta clean off this screen.” 
Erik stood up with his dick swinging between his legs. He walked over to his hotel dresser and grabbed some tissue. When he came back you were on your back with your legs stretched open. 
“That’s so purrrrrdy,” He said before laughing. 
“Thank you. Wanna go for round two?” 
“One second, babe. I am drained.” 
“Oh? That 34 year old body can’t hang anymore, huh?”
“It’s okay...we have all day.” 
“Yes, we do.” 
Erik throws away the dirty tissue. 
“I miss you.” 
Erik gives you an air kiss, “I miss you too, baby.”
“Grab some water and we can—
The video ended. 
“Seriously?” Erik tried calling back on zoom but it kept on ringing, “What the fuck not right now.” 
Erik could hear his phone ringing. He funded it on the bed and it’s you face timing him. As soon as he answered it your pussy was in his face. 
“Damn girl,” Erik flicked his tongue at his phone, “that peach fuzz is sexy too keep it just like that when I get there...all that beautiful pussy gotdayummmmm.” 
“Let’s finish what we started?” Your face came into view and you winked at him. 
“Shit, my dick is still hard, I'm ready.” 
You slide three fingers inside your pussy with your phone angled as if Erik is laying down looking up at you.
“You did that on purpose...that’s how you want me? On my back and you sit on my face? Let that cum drip in my mouth?” 
“Mhm, I wanna cum all in your mouth, daddy.” 
Erik stood up from his bed while his phone rested on the bed. All you could see was his balls hanging in your face and his long, fat dick swinging. 
“I’m not pulling out that pussy when I see you.” 
You were driving him crazy and he was getting pissed off that you weren’t by his side right now taking his dick. Instead, he has to settle for a video call. It’s nothing like having pussy up close and in your face. Nothing like tasting, touching, and fucking the real thing. He wanted to pack his shit and catch a late flight out of NYC just so he can bury himself inside of you. He would drop his bags off at the door, grab your hips, bend you over, get down on his knees, and suck on your pussy from the back. Then, he would bend you over the couch and long stroke your pussy from behind with a handful of titties. 
“Fuck,” Erik’s hand went faster on his dick, his balls feeling the impact of his hand as he stroked downward, “Ima bust all in your pussy when I see you...wash my face with that pretty pussy baby...that’s all I want for my birthday...fucking you...all night long...FUCKKKK.” 
Erik jerked his dick right on his phone screen and all that cum landed on your pussy. 
You rub your clit back and forth, that pussy contracting. You fell back against the bed and lifted your fingers from your pussy. 
“Fuck, that was so good,” You suck your fingers.
Erik grabs his phone and walks to the bathroom. Flicking the light switch, Erik turned on the sink and grabbed a folded washcloth to clean off his phone screen.
“You had me cumming on my laptop, and you had me cumming on my phone.” 
“But did you enjoy it?” 
“Of course. I need a rewind option that shit was everything.”
Erik propped his phone up against the wall and started looking at himself in the mirror. He shook his head, his tapered locs falling against his forehead. 
“You look so good. I can’t wait to see you.” You said with your eyes traveling over the length of his body. 
“Soon, baby...real soon…” 
Taking his aunties advice, Erik pushed back a meeting for the opening of an Outreach Center in Manhattan for the next day. Erik woke up to multiple texts and missed calls from friends and family wishing him happy birthday. Even on social media he was tagged in plenty of pictures and videos. Of course, you made a long post about him with all the embarrassing photos of him caught off guard or sleeping. The last picture was his favorite. It’s a picture of you and him on vacation in Hawaii on a yacht. You both shared a kiss showing lots of tongue. 
Danielle_93: Happy birthday Erik! 🎉
BrysonWilliams: Happy Birthday Bro! 💪🏾
Monibaby: Awww y’all are so cute!!! ❤️
There were many more comments and mentions. Erik shared a few posts to his IG story and left it at that for the time being. T’Challa sent him a text letting him know that he landed and he would see him later. Erik was on his way back from the hotel gym when he noticed food, and a few gift bags outside of his door. He figured it was from some friends that live in NYC. Erik opened his hotel room door and picked up all his gifts, carrying them inside. He placed them on the coffee table in the living room area and peeked inside the food bag. Birria tacos and a burrito. He was hungry too. Grabbing the bag, Erik walks through the dark hotel room towards the kitchen. A faint glow came from the kitchen and Erik paused his footsteps. Confused, Erik crept up and peeked his head inside. 
There, on the kitchen counter is a triple chocolate layer cake with a 3 and a 4 candle on top. Maybe room service brought it in for him. Erik placed the bag of Mexican food on the counter and sauntered towards the cake. He could see cursive letters in yellow frosting on top. Erik read the words and a smile slowly crept up his face. This day just keeps getting better and better. 
Happy Birthday Baby. Love, Y/N.
“It’s your favorite.” 
Erik looked over his shoulder and there you were, wearing the Facet lingerie he gifted you. It’s see-through mesh in brown, with a plunging neckline and a high crotch. The gleam of the candles made your gorgeous brown skin stand out. Your hair is stilled in a natural fro and you’re wearing that brown matte lipstick Erik loves. 
“Happy birthday, baby.” 
You wrap your arms around his shoulders and press the front of your body against his. 
“This was your plan all along, huh?” 
“It was hard to keep it from you. I flew in with T’Challa. He dropped me off here as soon as you left your room for the gym. I got a room key, let myself in, and waited for you to come back.”
“Mmm, baby,” Erik placed your hands in his and stepped back to get a good look at you, “You look so sexy.”
Erik held your hand up and spun you around so he could see every angle. As soon as your back faced him, Erik took his hand and popped you right on the cuff of your left ass cheek so he could watch it wobble. 
“Soft and phat.” Erik whispered in your ear from behind. 
“Do you like your cake? It’s your favorite.” 
Erik brought his attention back to his cake, took his finger and scooped up some frosting. He sucked the frosting off of his finger and licked his lips. 
“I love both of my cakes.”
You bend over the counter and start whining your hips. Erik focused on the way your beautiful ass swayed and how the yellow hue of the candle light made your moisturized cheeks shine. 
“Stay just like that and bend over some more.”
“Yes Sir.” You press the front of your body against the counter top, “like this?”
“Just like that.” 
Erik grabs his cake and sits it on the counter where you are. 
“I’m gonna make a wish and blow out these candles.” 
Erik closed his eyes. His lips are slightly parted and you can see his gold canines. Sweat still coated his skin from his workout. He’s wearing a pair of black and red ball shorts with a black beater. His locks are pushed back with a black Nike athletic sweatband. How could he make going to the gym look so stylish? Erik opened his eyes and gave you a small smile. 
“What did you wish for?”
“It’s a secret,” He winked at you, “You’ve been walking around LA with that ass for these last few days haven’t you?”
Erik squinted his eyes at you playfully. 
“I have, but you know it belongs to you,” You twerk your ass, “Now, you can have it all you want.” 
“And I can eat it how I want too.” 
Erik dragged his fingers in the chocolate frosting and smeared it on your ass. He sucked his fingers off in your face before disappearing behind you. He gets down on his knees with your ass in his face and wasting no time. He starts sucking and licking the frosting off of your right butt cheek while his sticky fingers spanked your left butt cheek. 
“Unh, yes—yes, baby, that feels so good, I miss your mouth on me.” 
“You know what I want next, bring your leg up.” 
“Anything for you, daddy.”
As soon as your leg went up Erik’s fingers were hooked on the lace fabric of your lingerie and he pulled it to the side exposing your pussy. His tongue was already sweet but as soon as he poked it all the way out and licked from your pussy to your ass he got an even sweeter taste. Erik spanked you, twisting his head to suck your pussy. He was a wild man eating you. He gets so focused when he’s face deep in your pussy. Erik spread your pussy open, used the flat part of his tongue and pressed it firmly against your pussy and started moving it in a circle. Erik was disrespectfully eating your pussy and all you could do was moan and hold onto the counter. He ain’t had that pussy in his mouth for days. The way you were dripping on his tongue he couldn’t stop. This is the cake he’s trying to eat for his birthday. Smear his tongue and lips all over your pussy. 
You couldn’t control him. You couldn’t wait to see daddy again and he couldn’t wait to see you. 
“Fuck, Erik!!!!”
He didn’t listen. You erupted in his mouth with loud moans. 
“Daddy I can’t—I can’t—shit—I’m coming again!”
You dropped your leg and almost locked Erik’s head but he moved out of the way before you could. His beard and lips were soaked. 
“Pussy is yummy. Come taste your pussy.” 
“Mmm, I taste so sweet—daddy—“
You look down and see Erik’s shorts down and around his ankles. His dick was hanging out the bottom of his briefs. You grab him in your hand and use your thumb to rub his tip. 
“You have a lot of dick.” 
It’s long and ridiculously thick. 
“That bulge...that dick...so hot.” 
You swipe your tongue over his lips. 
“My throat is ready for you, Sir.” 
“Let’s take this shit to the bedroom, baby.” 
Erik picks you up and your legs straddle him. He walks down the hallway with his lips on yours and his hands grasping each ass cheek. There, you can see the windows he was talking about. It’s almost nightfall. Erik puts you down and you drop to your knees before him, opened your mouth wide, and stuck your tongue out. Erik smacked the weight of his dick on your tongue. That nice, big, fat, long dick. 
“I want some.” 
“It’s right here for you...have as much you want—damn, aint waste no fucking time that’s what I’m talking about get that dick.” 
You had Erik’s dick halfway down your throat with no hesitation. One hand gripping him and your mouth slurping and sucking him up and down. Erik used both of his hands to hold your head still so he can fuck your throat. You relaxed your jaws and looked up at him. Unblinking, he commanded you with his dark orbs. 
“Oh, my god, baby, you feel so fucking good, baby….oooh, just like that baby, keep sucking this big ass dick...eat that dick, baby, suck this dick off...shit feels so fucking good.” 
His words had you dripping. 
“Suck that big dick baby—Unh, shit—spit on my dick—make a big ass mess,” Erik moaned, “You wanna make me cum? If you wanna make me cum you better suck this dick—daddy can’t hold it baby—I’m a shoot it down your throat, baby, you got my dick rock hard—suck it, baby—don’t fucking stop—oh, shit.”
With one heavy fist, Erik has a handful of your hair in a vice grip. His dick convulsed in your mouth and then after a few more sucks he was busting a nut down your throat. Your hands caressed his abs to calm his body down. You knew what effect your throat skills had on him. 
“Come put that pussy in this dick, I’ve been thinking about you since last night, baby.”
You stood before Erik and he placed a hand around your throat and started kissing you. 
“Take this off...I want you naked and riding my dick…”
As you completely take off your lingerie Erik is fully naked and now he’s laying back against his bed in the middle with his dick pointing towards the ceiling. You climb up to the bed and squat down on your feet, your hands on his chest to keep your balance as you descend your pussy on his dick. 
“Damn, baby, that pussy...keep riding this dick…”
You start dropping your full weight down on Erik. It sounded like a splash park between your legs. Fuck going slow you ain’t have that dick in days. Erik’s hands were molded into your hips as you bounced up and down on him. 
“This what you wanted? To sit on this dick?”
“Ah, shit, Unh! Fuck!” 
“Answer me.” 
You reach behind to feel your cheeks. They were swaying and jiggling all over the place. Erik pushed your hand away and you gripped the sheets. 
“You better keep fucking this dick or I’ll take over and fuck you.” 
He only gave you one warning. Leaning over his body you start riding him again. His dick was hitting so deep in your pussy. You moved your hips in a circle on the tip of his dick and before you could even take all of him again Erik pushed you down himself. 
“You’re tryna work me, Daddy?” You ask between deep breaths. 
“I want that puss and you keep stopping.” 
Erik lifted you off of him and stood up from the bed. 
“Bend over in front of this window...yes...put your hands against the glass and spread your legs…”
Erik smacked his dick against your ass before resting it on your back. He reached beneath you to rub your clit. 
“Think I’m playing?” Erik sucked his fingers, “Toot that ass up, Y/N...I said toot that ass up!!!” He barked out. 
“Okay!!” You try your best, “Like that—FUCK!! Dadyyyyy. You’re in my pussy, daddy.” 
“Fuck is wrong with you.”
He thrust in all at one and your cheek smashed against the glass. 
“That’s it baby...tight ass puss...I’m about to bust your shit open you better hold on fucking with me.” 
“You talk a lot of shit, birthday boy—OH MY GOD.” 
“And so do you, Hmph,” Erik pulled your hair, “This dick got you shutting the fuck up though. You kept playing on my dick, baby,” he was fucking you rough, “When I want my pussy, you don’t play games with me. For real. Fuckkkkk.” 
“My pussy—oooo—
“FUCK YES. Cum on this dick.” 
“Nah, get up, that’s it, arch your back.”
“Don’t stop, baby.” 
As soon as he let that dick out you were squirting. Erik didn’t give you time to come down from your orgasmic high when he picked you up, put you on the bed, and spread your legs. 
“Let me back in there...ahhh, yes.” 
You felt hot tears roll down your face. He looked so calm and cool but his dick was hitting you hard and it was overwhelmingly good. He studied your expression and kissed you from time to time. 
“You had that pussy in face on video last night...I wanted to fuck you so bad...you knew what time it was when you came here...I was getting up in that pussy, right?”
You tried to speak but your bottom lip was trembling so much and he was making your pussy cum again. 
“You ain’t gotta say nothing just lay there and let me fuck you.” 
He started sucking on your neck while his hips stroked all that fat dick in and out of you. 
“I’m about to nut in my pussy...stay just like that...don’t you fucking move...this my pussy...I’m a be in my pussy all fucking night for my birthday...take this dick—“
Erik sat up on his hands and worked his hips faster. You couldn’t see his eyes with his locs in his face. He was too busy watching the way he fucked you. You couldn’t keep your eyes away either. So much cream. So wet and gushy. 
“Daddy, Unh, oh my god, daddy, I love you!!”
Erik pushed your thighs back and held his dick deep inside you. 
“Daddy, I love you!!!”
He chuckled and bit his lip. 
“I love you too, baby girl. Thank you for this tight pussy on my birthday.” 
The way he said that it had you squeezing his dick with your walls. 
“Let my dick go...you want some more?”
You nod your head with a pout of your lip.
“Nasty, freaky, bitch. I’ll give you some more dick.”
You couldn’t wait. 
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blorbosondeck · 3 years
fic rec masterlist
canon divergent/finale fix its
THIS! FIC! this fic lives in my head rent FREE it is so good and it makes so much sense in the narrative that the shitty finale concocted, as to why they wouldn't mention cas or anyone else and its just. so good and they write chuck in the most villainous way that i love!!!
"Chuck is depowered, Jack is the new god, and the world is free. Dean and Sam get into the Impala and chase down the miles on an endless highway, and their story is finally, finally their own to follow. At least, that's what Dean tells himself. But the diners and motels and painted interstate lines are blurring together and the smallest details keep catching at his brain like tiny fishhooks and he can't quite shake the feeling that not everything is exactly as it should be. Fix-it/alternate series finale. Canon-compliant through the end of 15.19."
Sunset Sound: Stairway to Heaven by @adhdeancas
GOD FUCKING CHRIST this is so good and sweet and im such a sucker for team ups and reunions!!! its 3:30 am rn and i just finished it and i love it SO much it made me laugh a lot and the last few chapters i had the stupidest grin just plastered to my face
The Closer the Star, the Greater the Parallax by @rocksalts​
repressed bastard dean submits to the mortifying ordeal of being known and receives the rewards of being loved but only after some miscommunication i LOVE this i read it last night and it’s a fast favorite. my interests have overlapped and i am INTO it
“When Dean sits down to watch some bullcrap Discovery Channel episode with Cas, he doesn’t expect to actually learn anything. Except, with Cas explaining, he makes an effort to connect the dots.”
Don't We All Deserve To Be Happy?
VERY sweet and a VERY good pick me up. all around feel good fic!!! 
"Post-canon fix-it, divergent from 15x19 where Jack stays and Dean doesn't die and Cas comes back and everyone is happy. Take a shot every time I'm salty about the finale."
Keep Your Love Alive
okay. okay okay okay this may be my favorite finale fix it just because of how well reasoned it is. like this feels what should have happened i love it SO much
"Dean gets to spend eternity sharing beers with Bobby on the Roadhouse porch and riding around in his Baby with Sam. He’s at peace… or he feels like he should be. But a few things nag at him: Where is Cas, and everybody else Dean had been hoping to see in Heaven? Why does he feel like he’s stuck in a loop, reliving the same memories over and over again? And who are the strangers wearing Sam’s and Bobby’s faces?"
The GoldenRod Revisions by @aethylas​
this is one of the most well written things ive ever read. the script format DID make it feel more real and honestly? this is better writing than this show deserves. the finale that could have been ♥️
“A rewrite of Supernatural’s final two episodes, expanded into a five episode arc - in which Chuck needs to be defeated, Castiel deserves to be saved, and the characters in this story get a very different ending.“
Ascend by @wanderingcas​ 
THEE finale fix it fic!!! written by the AMAZINGLY skilled and talented @wanderingcas !!! it’s 50k of angst and hurt/comfort and pure bliss
“Something in the world is wrong.
Demon activity is rising where mysterious black substance oozes and unusual ecological events are shaking the world. Dean, grief hanging on his shoulders, restlessly searches for answers that might lead him to the Empty… and to Cas.
But what Chuck wrote can’t be undone. The narrative thread pulls Dean along, forcing him to comply. Because once a story already has an ending, it can’t be rewritten.
Or can it?”
Things Happen (They Do, And They Do, And They Do) by THEE @sobsicles
i KNOW everyone has already recommended this and likely you’ve all already read it. but it has to go here bc REPRESSIOOOOOOOOON i LOVE this so much it is one of the most perfect things i’ve read. are you bisexual? did you have a kind of weird relationship with your best friend and not realize that how you felt about them wasn’t necessarily how other people felt about them and you were maybe a little bit in love with them but were too repressed to realize it? you’ll feel seen. maybe a little too seen
Closer (isn't close enough)
are you a sweet and sappy yet horny bastard? do you like cas exploding light bulbs? you will like this.
“the one where they finally talk about what cas said before the empty took him”
You and Your Husband
it is exTRMELY sweet!!! repression dean strikes again <3
"Five times Dean corrects someone about his relationship with Cas, and one time he realizes he doesn't need to."
Tall Grass
miscommunication and a slowburn! despite being written in 2017 and finished in 2018, it feels like a fix it. ft. plant obsessed cas <3 
a LOVELY and short (relatively) finale fix it
“They saved the world. They're free. It's done.
Except it's not, and carrying on is the last thing any of them are thinking about.
They still have someone they need to save.”
Unchained Link
post finale- it’s a great case fic and i am compelled i want more!!!
"It's after the end of things. Life continues on while Dean is "livin it up" in heaven. But it's never that simple, is it? A freak occurrence sends Dean into another time stranded back on Earth. And he thought his hunting days were over. But, no worries. His knight in shining armor comes to the rescue. Hijinks, therefore, ensue."
fun and time unspecified
Ladies and Gentlemen, This is Love Potion No. 5
very funny and sweet! miscommunication at its finest ♥️
"Cas gets drenched with a mystery potion from the ‘love spell’ shelf and... Dean has a sneaking suspicion, angel or no— the spell may have taken effect. And Cas might be in love with Sam."
The Way We Were
Y'all. It is so good its a great mix of funny and serious- extremely fun to see dean as like a base bisexual
"Dean and Castiel pose as a couple to gain access to a gated community known as 'The Glen', a pleasant if secretive location that the boys believe might be linked to several dead bodies showing up over the years bearing signs of ritualistic sacrifice. All seems well until Dean's memory is affected from an incident during a solo exploration, leaving Dean convinced that their cover story is true. Castiel is left trying to resolve their case without taking advantage of an increasingly enthusiastic Dean"
While You Were Sleeping
this is basically just the movie but replacing sandra bullock with cas. this is my comfort movie and imo, one of the most perfect rom coms. the fic isn’t finished but i still have the tab open on my phone and i will straight up go back and re read it when i need a pick me up. 
The Harvelle Gospels: Offscript
i know everyone ever ( @jewishcharliebradbury ) has recommended this fic. and for good reason go fucking read it
“The Apocalypse is averted, the angels are in Heaven, and Jo is free from the threat of possession. Somehow it couldn't be farther from a happy ending.“
absolute riots
An Ineffably Profound Bond
i honestly would have put this in the finale fix it section! look. i know. i know you've been burned by crossover fics before. but this is Thee good omens/spn fic you want. its funny as hell and immensely satisfying. im weak for everyone working together tropes and that is this
"After Chuck sets 'The End' in motion, the remaining members of TFW make a miraculous escape. Not willing to waste any time, Castiel comes up with a plan to travel to one of the other worlds to try and get help from the angels there, but after a fight with Dean, it's the hunter who gets sent into an alternate universe,with seemingly no hope of return.
When a mysterious human with a heavenly weapon shows up in Aziraphale's shop, he and Crowley learn that their world is not the only one. Now it is up to them to decide whether or not they want to join forces with the human and help him save his world or simply find a way to send him home."
Somebody Up There Likes Me by @lafilleredige
cas is hit with a spell that turns his vessel into a woman, hijinks and sexuality crises ensue etc etc sam is a supportive and bitchy little brother and its all SO fucking funny and also. horny as hell i love it i love it i LOVE it
“’Dean doesn’t want to talk about your breasts, it’s making him uncomfortable because he hasn’t acknowledged the complex fluidity of human sexuality.’“
Stray Cat Strut
a long crack fic that IS one of the funniest things i’ve ever read and i can’t explain why. it’s so ooc but its so funny that i don’t care. if you need a laugh you gotta read this
"Sam and Cas are immediately in love with the adorable kitty they find outside the bunker door, and occupy their time planning how to convince Dean--who they believe is off sulking after a botched hunt--to let them keep their cat. Along the way, Dean learns to use a litter box and hears some confessions he maybe wasn’t supposed to hear, all while realizing just how much he loves Castiel.
Now all Dean has to do is convince Cas and Sam their new pet cat is actually him before they do something crazy--like neuter him!"
canon compliant or slight canon divergence
by @doublestuffedimpala post season 7 episode 7, kind of ambiguous ending but truly a cas is happy to bleed for the winchesters fic
Punch Like Bones 
short, post 5x04 homoerotic moment that i wish we’d gotten
333 notes · View notes
Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Reiji Route ー Chapter 3
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*Rustle rustle*
Yui: ( Hm...? )
*Rustle rustle*
( What...? ...I’m shaking... )
*Rustle rustle*
ー Yui wakes up in the hotel room
Yui: Nn...?
Reiji: Good grief...Wake up!
*Rustle rustle*
Yui: This voice...Reiji...san...?
Reiji: These past few minutes, I have made several attempts at waking you up. Yet you had the nerve to mock me by keeping that silly expression on your face.
Honestly, are you even listening!?
Yui: Pweah...
Reiji: ...You just responded with a yawn, did you not?
Yui: I didn’t do it on purpose though...I’m not quite fully awake yet...
Reiji: ...Very well. I shall make an exception and wake you up myself then.
Yui: Eh...?
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Reiji: You don’t want to get up yet, do you? ...I shall pin you to the bed.
Yui: No way...
Reiji: Conveniently, your throat has been exposed right in front of my eyes. ...This is what happens when you do not fix your clothes after a night of tossing around. 
I was convinced I had educated you well in that regard, but I suppose there is still room for improvement...Nn.
Yui: Ah. 
( ...His fangs are...! )
Reiji: What seems to be the matter? You are squirming around... I thought you wanted to sleep?
Or perhaps...You are simply overjoyed to feel my fangs first thing in the morning...Fufu...Nn...Hah...
Yui: ...You’re wro...!
Reiji: How so? Fufu...Have you not realized?
Yui: What...?
Reiji: That you have been tilting your head to the side to give my fangs easier access.
...Nn...Good grief...This level of obedience in response to pleasure can only be considered crazy. (1)
However...There is no way back for you. ...I am sure you are aware as well, are you not? Yui...
Nn...Look at those watery eyes...I must say I am quite pleased seeing my fangs are bringing you to tears.
Yui: Uu...
Reiji: ...
Yui: ( Reiji-san...? )
*Rustle rustle*
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Reiji: Good grief. Are you perhaps serious about staying in bed?
Yui: No, that’s not...
Reiji: However, with your cheeks flushed bright red...You seem to be begging for my fangs, no? 
Yui: I’m not! That’s because you...
Reiji: Because I ‘what’?
Yui: ( He sucked my blood in a way the pain is numbed... )
Reiji: Fufu...You look rather anxious. ...You truly are a simpleton, and a foolish one at that.
Yui: Eh?
Reiji: Fufu...Have you woken up now?
Go freshen up. ...If we do not leave at once, we will not make it on time.
Yui: ...Understood!
*Rustle rustle*
Yui: !?
( I can’t get up at all while he has me pinned down...! )
Um, Reiji-san...?
Reiji: ...My loss of control over myself...is entirely your fault.
Yui: Nn...
Reiji: ...We will leave in five minutes, so try and do something about that shameless expression by then.
Yui: Y-Yes...!
( I wonder what my face looks like right now...? )
ー The scene shifts to Zartan’s Mouth
Yui: ( There’s nobody around at this hour. )
I’ll try and put my hand in straight away, okay? I wonder what I should ask..?
Reiji: ...How about asking something different from usual, just in case?
Yui: ( Hmー If I had to name the thing I’m most curious about right now... )
...How long will the Kleinod last?
Zartan’s Mouth: ...
Reiji: ...Haah, what kind of question is that?
Yui: I’m sorry. I’ve kind of been thinking about it...
Reiji: ...I will do you a favor and answer your question instead. 
*Rustle rustle*
Reiji: You do not need to worry yet. However, I can’t tell how long it will last exactly either.
Still...I will not let you die at any cost.
Until that time...Until the moment of your demise arrives, I will definitely...!
*Rustle rustle*
Yui: ( Hm? ...The statue of Zartan’s mouth is shaking...? )
Reiji: Wha...!?
Yui: ( No way...The mouth opened up! Eh? ...Somebody appeared from inside...!? )
Reiji: Excuse me! Can we have a spare minute of your time!?
Person inside Zartan’s Mouth: Waaah!? W-W-What!? Who are you people!?
Reiji: You stepped out from inside Zartan’s Mouth just now, did you not?
Person inside Zartan’s Mouth: Nope, not me. I just got here to enjoy my breakfast out on the plaza.
Yui: But we saw you come out of here.
Person inside Zartan’s Mouth: Eh? Then, right! I was snoozing over on that bench over there up till now and I was just about to go board the gondolas. 
Yui: Um...
Person inside Zartan’s Mouth: Ah, no no! Surprise! I’m actually one of the clowns at the Parade! Ehe~!
Reiji: ...I have heard enough.
Person inside Zartan’s Mouth: Oh come on, you’ve got the wrong guy!
Yui: Kyah!
( Oh no, his push made me lose my... )
Reiji: Careful! 
Yui: Ah...Thank you very much.
Reiji: ...You seem to be a natural at upsetting me.
Person inside Zartan’s Mouth: Eek!
Reiji: Well then...How about the two of us sit down for a thorough talk over there?
ー The scene shifts to a side street
Yui: ( He’s been opening up to us but...It kind of feels like we’re just going in circles. )
Person inside Zartan’s Mouth: How many times do I have to tell you I’m innocent!?
Yui: Um, we might be able to help you out in a way...
Reiji: Stop beating around the bush and tell us the truth!
Person inside Zartan’s Mouth: Eek! Y-You don’t understand! It’s all the Devil’s Pear’s fault...!
Yui: The Devil’s Pear...?
Person inside Zartan’s Mouth: I was talked into taking a bite out of that pear, and look at me now.
Reiji: Are you trying to imply that you became a liar as a result?
Person inside Zartan’s Mouth: Apparently the effects of the Devil’s Pear are different from person to person. That interesting characteristic is its selling point. 
So, I don’t know what I did to deserve this...But the fruit turned me into a compulsive liar.
 I can hold back if I want. However, after a fixed period of time, I reach my limit and I start spouting one lie after the other.
Yui: No way...
Person inside Zartan’s Mouth: Everyone left me, down to the very last person. ...Obviously.
However...I don’t actually want to tell lies either!
Reiji: ...It is somewhat difficult for me to trust you on your word.
Yui: Reiji-san!
Reiji: However, I’m sure you also share that opinion deep down, do you not?
Yui: Well...
( It’s true that I’m not too sure on this but...I can’t say I don’t trust him when he looks so genuinely upset. )
Reiji: So, why do you go inside Zartan’s Mouth?
Person inside Zartan’s Mouth: I suddenly found myself all alone. However, living in solitude is sad, right?
I traveled all across the country. However, as soon as people found out about my lying habits, they would chase me away.
As I continued to be driven off...One day, I encountered that stone statue.
Reiji: A mouth which reveals the truth. It is similar to fortune-telling in a sense, so you could get away with telling people utter nonsense.
That is what you thought, correct?
Person inside Zartan’s Mouth: ...There were people who seemed genuinely upset by my lies. However, once the person next to them would cheer them up, that frown was turned upside down. 
After watching that time after time, I came to the conclusion...That there was simply no other home for me.
Yui: So you’ve been all alone in there...forever?
Person inside Zartan’s Mouth: I no longer want to hurt other people by talking to them face-to-face.
Reiji: Well, I won’t deny that you most likely will not deeply hurt anyone as long as you remain inside the mouth...
Yui: ( Even so, things can’t just stay like this forever. )
Reiji-san...Is there anything else you know about the Devil’s Pear?
Reiji: I have heard it is rather troublesome to deal with. 
However, I also remember reading up on the test results of an experiment which was successful at reversing the fruit’s effects. 
Person inside Zartan’s Mouth: What!? Is that true!?
Reiji: Yes. The vast amount of ingredients needed is somewhat of an obstacle, but it is not impossible to make.
Yui: Hypothetically speaking, could we make it right now?
Reiji: I would not go as far as to say it is impossible but...There is one very rare item amongst the list of ingredients.
Yui: And...Could we get our hands on it if we tried our hardest?
Reiji: Yes...However...
Person inside Zartan’s Mouth: I’m begging you!!
Reiji: ...!? Excuse me? Could you not shout all of a sudden?
Person inside Zartan’s Mouth: I will do anything...That’s not a lie. I’m not lying, I swear, so please make the antidote...!
Reiji: However, it calls for very valuable ingredients which will take more than some half-baked resolve to acquire.
Person inside Zartan’s Mouth: I will do anything! That’s not a lie either!
I won’t ask you to believe me. However, all I can do is claim that I’m being genuine. ...Please...!
Yui: ( He looks devastated...I’m sure he has gone through a lot. )
Reiji-san. I can’t turn a blind eye to this person...Even if it means putting the Count’s assignments on the backburner for now.
Reiji: Haah...I figured you would say that.
Yui: I will help out where I can as well...So please, lend us your strength.
Person inside Zartan’s Mouth: Please...I’m begging you...!!
Reiji: ...Understood. In that case, let us start preparing everything right away.
*Scribble scribble*
Yui: ( Reiji-san started fervently writing things down, could that be...? )
Reiji: Phew. For starters, I believe we should be able to somehow acquire these ingredients by going around the Demon World.
Yui: Three full pages of notes...Do we need this much stuff?
Reiji: It will be my first time challenging myself to this recipe as well, so I want to have some spare ingredients just in case.
Yui: I see...
Reiji: Furthermore, we will need a location for our experiment. A well-ventilated place hidden from the public view.
Person inside Zartan’s Mouth: In that case, the abandoned building I used to stay at up until recently would be perfect!
Reiji: Yes, that sounds good. Well then, after splitting up in search of the needed ingredients, we shall meet up again over there.
Yui: Yes!
ー The scene shifts to Reine de Aji
Yui: ( I was afraid we’d have to run all over the place to complete that extensive list of ingredients but actually... )
Reine de Aji: There’s still more stuff you need? Haah...At this rate, I’ll end up with an empty store.
Reiji: Oh please, as the younger sister of Saba, your store is the least likely candidate to have such a poor selection of goods. ...Ah, this one too, please.
Reine de Aji: God, you’re still as unlikeable as ever. ...Here.
Yui: ( His Familiars are carrying off one ingredient after the other...I’m sure it must be a scene over at the abandoned building right about now. )
( That being said, I can imagine it won’t be easy to precisely measure all of this stuff. )
( Right! I’ll try and look for a useful tool at least. )
Reiji: Hm? What are you looking at?
Yui: I figured it would be helpful if you had a convenient tool to aid you in making the medicine.
Reiji: Good grief. You don’t seem to be lacking in the motivation department, but there is no need for that. I will feel most comfortable using the tools I am used to.
Yui: Ah...Right. I’m sorry.
( Uu...I did something uncalled for. )
Reiji: Well then, this is everything we can acquire at this store. Let us head towards the building. 
Yui: Yes.
Reine de Aji: Hah, go home already! ...Wait, you’re forgetting something!
Reiji: Hm? Ah, my bad. How careless of me.
Yui: Huh? Didn’t you have the Familiars carry all of your purchases away?
Reiji: Yes, all of the ingredients. However, there is one item I had put aside to personally take home with me.
Yui: Is it something very valuable perhaps?
Reiji: No, that’s not it. I figured I would let your slow-witted self do some carrying as well.
Yui: M-Me?
Reiji: Excuse me? You seemed very eager to help out earlier, yet you’ve suddenly changed your attitude...
Yui: I’m not against it! However, I’m not very confident...
Reiji: Whether you are confident or not is irrelevant to the execution of this task. 
Yui: Uu...I’m sorry...
Reiji: If you understand, then keep quiet and carry this. ...I will put it on you.
Yui: Eh?
Yui: ( Wah...He’s touching my hair...Huh? This hair clip... )
Reiji: Fufu...If a single strand of your hair were to get inside the potion, it could possibly ruin the whole thing.
If you intend on being my assistant, then make sure to adjust your appearance accordingly. 
Yui: ...Can I have this hair clip?
Reiji: Are you displeased with the shape of it, perhaps?
Yui: No, it’s very cute...I’m very happy!
Reiji: ...Good grief. Let us get going. Please wipe that silly grin off your face.
Yui: Yes!
Reiji: Your words and actions don’t add up.
Yui: ( I didn’t expect to get a present from Reiji-san. )
( However...I feel like I’ll really be able to give it my all! )
ー The scene shifts to the abandoned building
Yui: ( Wah...It’s surprisingly spacious. )
*Rustle rustle*
Yui: ( Ah, the person from inside Zartan’s mouth has already gotten to work? )
Reiji: Oh dear, you seem rather driven. ...Have you already finished measuring out these ingredients?
Person inside Zartan’s Mouth: I’m not done with those yet! ...It’ll still take a while!
Yui: But there’s a bunch of memos with the exact amounts written down over here...
Reiji: Haah...It truly is bothersome how he has no other choice but to lie.
I assume he was lying about not doing the work. ...Haah, how annoying.
Yui: ( I feel like this might get confusing. )
Reiji: However...He seems rather meticulous and dextrous as well. I am glad. 
Yui: Yes. He categorized everything and even laid them out in order...
Reiji: He seems like a much more promising assistant than you.
Yui: Uu...I won’t deny that.
Reiji: Now the only precious ingredient left on our list is ‘the limestone found in the depths of clear, spring water’. 
Yui: Depths of...clear, spring water?
Reiji: We could possibly find it inside the underground lake located in the very back of the mine nearby the store we visited earlier.
Person inside Zartan’s Mouth: We have to go get it then. 
Reiji: Good grief. That is easy to say but I have heard it is not simple to get one’s hands on it. ...How troublesome.
Yui: However, we have no other choice but to bet on that place, right? In that case...!
Reiji: Yes, I doubt there is any other way to help him.
Person inside Zartan’s Mouth: Okay! I’ll go get it real quick then!
Reiji: No. You will watch over the ingredients over here. ...I assure you that the two of us will acquire the limestone.
Person inside Zartan’s Mouth: Eh? Are you sure?
Yui: Leave it to us!
Person inside Zartan’s Mouth: T...Thank you!!
...I guess I wouldn’t be very useful while I can’t help but tell lies every now and then.
Yui: No, that’s not what we meaーー
Reiji: Yes, exactly.
Yui: Reiji-san? Why would you...!
Reiji: However, it is the truth. There is no need to intentionally increase the risk of failure, agreed?
Person inside Zartan’s Mouth: Uu...
Reiji: Furthermore...If something were to happen to you, it would defeat the purpose of this whole experiment. 
Yui: Eh...?
Reiji: I simply cannot let you do a task where your safety is not guaranteed. ...Understood?
Yui: ( Reiji-san... )
Fufu...You heard him, so could you please leave it to us?
Person inside Zartan’s Mouth: Yeah...Gotcha!
Reiji: Then, we will leave shortly. ...I have some research to do, so you should return to the hotel in the meantime.
Yui: Yes.
Reiji: ...I will walk you there. Come on, let us go.
ー The scene shifts to the hotel room
Yui: ( Reiji-san’s not waking up...Seems like he was up late doing research last night, so I’ll let him rest just a little longer. )
( We finished all necessary preparations to head off towards the underground lake but...Isn’t there anything else I can do...Right! )
→ Pack carbonara for lunch 
Yui: ( I’ll pack a lunch! ...I just have to go with Reiji-san’s favorite carbonara! )
( I’m sure I’ll be able to whip something up using the ingredients in the fridge...Better give it my best shot! )
Reiji: Hm...? This smell...?
Yui: Good morning! Here, I tried making pasta carbonara to take with us for lunch...
Reiji: ...We are not going on a picnic, mind you.
I can’t believe you would choose to bring such a dish when we do not even know what our environment will be like...Could you not have thought it a little more through?
Yui: ...I’m sorry. It’s your favorite so...I didn’t take anything else into account. 
Reiji: Good grief. You are rather narrow-minded. ...I suppose it cannot be helped. Let us eat it here before heading out.
Yui: Yes...My bad.
→ Pack sandwiches for lunch (☾)
Yui: ( I’ll pack a lunch! It has to be easy to eat first and foremost so...Sandwiches, I guess? )
( I’ll use various stuff from the fridge and try to make them as colorful as possible...! )
Reiji: Nn...Good morning. 
Yui: Good morning! Here, I tried making sandwiches to take with us for lunch...
Reiji: Hooh...I have to say, that is surprisingly clever thinking from you. A wrapped sandwich seems very easy to eat.
...Knowing you have something like this to look forward to when going to a foreign environment gives one some peace of mind.
Yui: Yes...!
( Thank god, he praised me...! )
ー The scene shifts to the mountains
Yui: ( It obviously isn’t as crowded here compared to the Parade’s venue, but there’s actually quite a few people passing by... )
Female Vampire D: Hyaah! Oh gosh!
Yui: Eh!? W-What’s wrong?
Female Vampire D: When I tried to pluck some of the wild plants, a whole cauldron of wild bats appeared at once. ...Kyaah, stop!
*Flap flap flap*
Yui: A-Are you okay!?
( Right. Reiji-san gave me some bat repellent in case something like this were to happen. ...Take this! )
*Psh psh*
Female Vampire D: Phew, I’m saved. Thank you. 
Yui: Don’t mention it...I’m happy for you...!
Reiji: Haah. Look at you hastily using the repel...For another person’s sake, on top of that. Do not come crying to me if you end up regretting it later.
Yui: Uu..I’m sorry.
Reiji: No need to apologize. ...This is not the first time you have done something like this after all.
Furthermore...I’m here with you, so I suppose it is fine.
Yui: ( He’s so reliable. However, I have to be careful not to act too impulsively. )
ー The scene shifts to the abandoned mine
Reiji: According to what I was told, this rail cart should take us directly to the underground lake.
*Flap flap*
Yui: Um...Reiji-san...Did you hear that too just now?
Reiji: ...Watch out! Lay down!
Yui: Kyaah!
Yui: ( Is that a...giant eagle which flew right above my head just now? )
Reiji: Kuh...This is bad. However, if we can get past it and board the rail cart, victory is ours.
Let us try and stay low while sneaking our way in. ...You go first.
Yui: Eeh?
Reiji: I want no complaints. ...Come on, hurry!
Yui: ( Uu...I’m scared, but I have to go. Okay, slow, careful steps... )
*Flap flap*
Yui: Kyah!?
( Seems like it took notice of me...What now!? )
Reiji: Yui! Run!
Yui: Yes!!
ー She starts dashing
Reiji: Kuh, at this rate, he’ll catch up on her...I must avert its attention my way instead.
Reiji: Look at me!
*Flap flap*
Reiji: Now, come here. 
Close enough for me to be able to use these special herbs of mine on you...!
*Flap flap*
Reiji: ...Take this!
Yui: ( Hm? He blew some sort of mist at it...What could that be? )
Yui: ( Oh? Seems like the eagle suddenly calmed down. )
Reiji-san, what on earth did you...?
Reiji: Aji told me that large eagles tend to roam around these mines, so I brought a special kind of herb with me which has a soothing effect on them.
I had a hard time deciding on whether I would buy the edible kind instead, but seeing how ferocious they are...I am definitely glad I went with the mist instead.
Yui: Y-Yeah...
Reiji: However, I did not expect it to be this effective.
Yui: ( Fufu...It’s nuzzling its beak against Reiji-san’s cheek, asking for attention...I’m surprised. )
Reiji: I see. Its feathers are rather soft once you get a chance to pet it up close.
Yui: Is that so?
Reiji: Yes. Would you like to give them a touch as well?
Yui: S-Sure...
Yui: Wah, feels nice! Fufu, how cute...!
Yui: The big eagle seems content as well. 
Reiji: ...Could this possibly count towards the Count’s third assignment? 
Yui: Tame an animal...You do have a point!
Reiji: We ended up clearing that one in an unexpected turn of events.
Yui: ...It’s thanks you.
Reiji: Leave it up to me. Well then, let us make quick work of the final task as well.
We boarded the rail cart afterwards,
arriving at the underground lake.
Without even asking for my opinion,
Reiji-san immediately made a graceful dive into the water,
in search of the limestone,
said to be found at the very bottom of the lake. 
As I remained by the edge of the water, unable to do anything...
ー The scene shifts to the underground lake
Yui: ( I guess Vampires can breathe just fine underwater...Amazing. )
( Meanwhile, I’m... )
( What? My body suddenly feels heavy and...I’m dizzy... )
ー Yui closes her eyes
Yui: ( I...What’s wrong with me? )
Reiji: Yui...Yui...!
ー She opens her eyes again
Yui: Reiji-san...
Reiji: What has gotten into you...? You seem to have worked up quite the sweat.
Yui: ...I’m okay. I’m sorry for making you worry. More importantly, how did it go?
Reiji: I’ll take your word for it...As for the result.
To my amazement, the water’s temperature was not cold nor warm. Furthermore, the lake was surprisingly shallow. 
Yui: ( Ah...Is that the limestone in his hand...? )
Reiji: Well then, now it is your turn to answer my question. What happened while you were by yourself?
Yui: I don’t know. I suddenly started feeling unweーー
Reiji: Perhaps the Kleinod which has been put into your body is nearing its limit...?
Yui: ...No way...!
Reiji: Seems like we have to make haste. Come on, shift your weight onto me as much as you can.
Yui: Eh? What are you...!?
Reiji: While it not feel very pleasant while I am soaking wet, please behave and let me carry you.
Control is very important when flying at low altitudes, so let me focus.
Here we go...!
I could feel Reiji-san put his strength into his arms,
as he carried me,
While at the same time, I was lifted off the ground. 
Faster than walking, yet slower than running. 
At said pace,
the two of us travelled back along the tracks.
While held securely in his arms,
I was unable to escape from the feelings of guilt.
ー The scene shifts to the night sky
Yui: ( Ah...A shooting star... )
Reiji: We’re almost at the hotel. Just a little longer before you can rest in be...Woah there.
Yui: !
Reiji: ...My apologies. It seems like I may have pushed myself to my limit both physically and mentally today.
Yui: I’m sorry. Rather than helping out, I kept on holding you back instead.
Reiji: That is nothing new, is it? ...However, you seem to have forgotten you fulfilled the one duty only you can do. 
Yui: Eh? 
Reiji: It is rather pathetic to always need you to do this. However, what do you always do when the situation calls for it?
Yui: I...
( I believe that it’s important to tell how one feels. )
Thank you very much. Um...Since I know you’re with me, I....I know everything will be fine. I have faith in you. 
Reiji: Yes. ...I can try this hard, because you believe in me. 
So please, rest assured. I will make sure to protect you till the end.
Yui: Yes...!
Translation notes
(1) 病気 or ‘byōki’ usually means ‘disease’ or ‘illness’, but it can be used to refer to someone being ‘crazy’ as well. 
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eartht137 · 3 years
Hey curvies, glad you liked the first part of my story yay. I now bestow upon you part 2. I went a bit out of the way with this chapter, but I hope you like it. The singing part is something I did in class once on a whim, it didn't work as good as I described in the story, I still had to submit my work LOL. Enjoy my little curvies MMMMWWWahHHH!
Dark Clark Kent x (Black)!Plus Size Reader SUMMARY: Mr. Kent said friends til the end of the week right? Think again. Y/n, still getting used to having Mr. Kent as a friend, is trying to be a bit more bold. She's trying to adjust to change and even though sometimes he may seem a bit pushy, she doesn't mind, its all friendship right? He'll back off after awhile right?
You walked in class, no paper in hand and you refused to meet Clarks disappointed gaze. You weren't the only one without a paper but you were really nervous about the presentation you had up your sleeve. You just hoped it made sense. "Alright, looks like we're getting speeches today. Who wants to go first? Hmm?" He said with his hands on his hips. No one volunteered. "Am I going to have to voluntell somebody?" he gave you "the look" over his glasses. Your heart pounded in your chest, but you shakily stood as first volunteer. "Alright Miss Y/l/n, lets hear it." You could hear disappointment dripping in his voice, but you wanted to do this. You took a deep breath, and started to sing. 'Hello darkness my old friend, I've come to talk with you again, because a vision softly creeping left its seed while I was sleeping, and the vision that was planted in my brain, still remains. Within the sound!!!!!!!!! Of silence.' you ended making everyone freeze and stare. "My voice is pretty much the best thing I like about me. I-I didn't think a paper could put in words what my voice could. Th-that's my speech." You said awkwardly sitting down. You'd never sang in front of anyone like that before, you hadn't even joined the choir, so singing in front of everyone was a huge step for you. Just as you'd finished processing what you'd done, the classroom erupted in cheers and applause. You were shaking at how many people liked what you'd done. You really began to shake when you saw Clark clapping for you too. "That's my wife!" One of your classmates yelled across the room smiling at you. "Alright, alright. Miss Y/l/n," Clark started. "That's Mrs. Bankston to you." the same classmate yelled out making everyone laugh. Your face heated up a bit. "Miss Y/l/n thank you for the speech. It'll suffice this time, next time I want a paper. Okay, Bankston, you're up next." "Aw Mr. Kent for reals? Like how am I supposed to follow up an act like that? Besides we're duo. Like ebony and ivory..." He serenaded holding his hand out toward you, making you giggle. "Mr. Bankston Miss Y/l/n has fantastic gpa in comparison, so seeing as your such a duo I would've expected a lot better." Clark shaded calmly, "So unless you want it to suffer any further, I suggest you cut the crap and give your speech." Clark said a bit irritated. The rest of class was filled with boring speeches from classmates who weren't even prepared to do their work. When class was dismissed, you tried easing out of the room without being noticed. "Uh, Miss Y/l/n, my office please?" He said looking over his glasses at you. You inwardly groaned and went back to his office. "So, what excuse do you have for not doing your paper?" "I honestly couldn't come up with the words to describe how it felt to use my voice. I tried I really did, but honestly, I really just couldn't find the words to describe what I like about me when-I just couldn't find the words." "Y/n, you do not give yourself enough credit. You're a very good writer and obviously an incredible singer. You can be whatever-" "Clark, do I look like a singer to you? No I don't, that's why I write, I know my words have more impact behind the scenes." You said with strength. You didn't have to be seen to be heard. "You can be whatever you want to be and you'll have my support every step of the way. That's what friends, real friends do." "Clark we are not still friends, we said til the end of the week." you shook your head at him with a smile. He smiled and stuffed his hands in his pocket. "Sorry, I'm not going away." "Figures." You laughed a bit. "What are you doing tonight? We could have a movie night." "Will Lois be there?" You asked excited. "I can ask her if you want me to." "I guess it'd be cool, but for like 30 minutes though." "Y/n no movie lasts 30 minutes. Nice try though." he laughed. "We'll be over at 8." "'Kay bye!" You said rushing out of his office off to your next class. That night at 8 on dot a knock came to your door, you answered expecting to see the couple standing there but was a bit shocked to
just see Clark. "Hey, Lois coming by later?" You asked, the last you wanted was to cause drama. "No she's following a lead on a story for the front page. She says she's sorry and she'll catch up next time." He said walking past with bags of groceries. "Oh, well let me help you." You said motioning at the bags in his hands. "I've got it, its pretty heavy." "I swear I honestly thought you'd be bringing a pizza." you chuckled. "Where's your table?" "Table?" You asked head tilted to the side. "Where you eat, the dining table?" he asked sitting the groceries on your counter. "Haha, you have a table for guests. I never have anyone over, so I just sit in front of the tv." you said pointing at your couch. He rolled his eyes at you and huffed. "Oh come on don't look at me crazy, I warned you that I was anti." "That's no excuse." he mumbled as he opened your refrigerator. "Y/n, you don't have any food in here." He fussed. "I do, its in the freezer and the pantry." you defended. "Two chimichangas, a pint of ice cream, Nutella, animal crackers, soda, and ramen. That's not food." He fussed even harder. "Okay dude chill, I'm a working grown college student. I don't eat here much anyway I eat at work, and Nutella is sustainable to my everyday existence." You said yanking the hazelnut spread away before he threw it away. He shook his head as he put the food away. "How long has it been since you've had a hot home cooked meal?" "Last week at your mom's." you shrugged. "I'm glad I brought real food to cook." he fussed on. "Clark, we could've just ordered pizza." you said starting to feel a bit bad for not adulting enough. "We could've, but I wanted to cook for you." He turned and looked at you pleading. "Please tell me you have pots and pans." "God Clark I'm hopeless not an idiot." You joked laughing obnoxiously making him roll his eyes at you. You showed him where everything was and he started cooking. You offered to help, be wanted to cook for you. You sat up the snacks an pulled up Netflix so you could choose a movie. He made his way over to you with a glass of wine. You took a sip and dramatically fell to the ground, pretending to die by poisoned wine. He got down on the floor with you and you looked at the height difference of his head by your feet and your head at the middle of his thighs and started laughing making him laugh like you'd never heard. After you both calmed down you laid there staring at the ceiling like there were stars hovering. "You really do have an amazing voice." Clark said cutting the peaceful silence. You couldn't help but smile. "Thanks....friend." You said nudging him in his thigh with your elbow. You both stayed silent until you gasped making him almost jump out of his skin. "What?" he said worried. "Can I sing at you and Lois' wedding?" You asked catching him off guard. "Oh come on, you love her, I can see it, " You said sitting up and smiling down at him. "and you both look so beautiful together." You stood tall and put your hands on your hips in "Superman" fashion. "Since I'm your friend I give her the golden stamp of, put a ring on it!" You said holding out your thumb. "Okay, I'm picking gonna pick the movie." You said marching to the couch. "That's not fair, I'm cooking I should get to pick the movie." He standing to check on his food. "We could've ordered pizza." You rebutted. "I'm your guest." he shot back with a shit eating grin. "Shit! Fine, you get to pick the movie." "Well I'll pick it after we eat." "Aww what? The tv's right there." You pointed. He looked over his glasses at you. "I don't even have a table." you argued. "You've got an argument for everything don't you?" He said chuckling. "You've got a coffee table, we'll make it work. Do you have a candle?" He said looking around before looking at you. You were there with your hands on your hips, looking at him like-'you know damn well.' He shook his head at your for the millionth time making you giggle a bit. He set the table and poured you another glass of wine. "You know this stuff gets better the more you
drink it." You said gulping the glass down and holding it out for more. "Mm-hmm." He agreed taking a sip of his own while pouring you more. You took a bite of you food, you immediately stood and clapped. "You were right, this is way better than pizza, although pizza is still good, this is amazing. "So what genre do you like most?" He asked. "Horror, I don't know why I watch it though, I always spook myself afterwards." "Okay so no horror." "No, wait please? I won't get scared tonight I promise. I mean unless you want to watch cartoons?" "We'll watch something scary." "Yaaaaay!!!!" you cheered and went to reach for the remote to your tv. "Ah, after we finish dinner and clean up." "Deal!" You said a bit excited. Once dinner was done and you'd both cleaned, even though you told him you'd do all the cleaning, he still helped. Afterwards you both sat and watched a scary movie that had you stress eating and jumping every two seconds. After that movie ended, Clark suggested another movie to help you not feel so spooked. You'd lost count of how many glasses of wine you'd had and you were feeling tipsy and tired. "Hey friend?" You hummed. "Hm?" "I fuckin hate to admit this, but I'm drunk. I'm glad we're friends. You better be glad too." you fussed at him. "I am glad," he laughed, "I really am." He said staring at you. "Good, cause you're the only person I can tolerate. Oh, and Lois....oh and that your mom, I really like your mom....oh and that cute guy from class." you giggled making Clark roll his eyes in disgust. "Y/n please." "What? He's cute, he's an idiot, that doesn't change that he's cute." You said looking at your phone. Your eyes grew big as you saw the time. "Dude its past midnight. Don't you need get home and rest for lecture?" He stared at you for a moment and you could tell he didn't want to go home, but you both knew he had to. "Yeah I'm sure I could use some rest." He said getting up to leave. You tried to get him to take the rest of the food he'd bought with him, but he refused. "Well thanks for dinner's meals and be safe. Do you need me to walk you out?" "Absolutely not, how about I see you off to bed?" "I look five to you? Don't even answer that." You sassed. He laughed and gave you a long hug, telling you how proud of you he was for using your voice and for letting him be your friend. You squirmed out of his arms pretending it was burning you. He ruffled your fro' and you gave him a playful nudge out the door. That night as you laid in bed trying to fall asleep, you kept thinking about Clark and no matter how hard you tried to shake it you couldn't help but fawn over him and how close you both had gotten so fast. 'Girl puh-lease, he's got Lois, she's beautiful and thin. He's happy with her and there's no way he'd even bat an eye at you like that. Don't even get it twisted.' you scolded yourself internally. You couldn't allow yourself to catch feelings for him that way because you knew you'd only end up with hurt feelings. You also didn't want to break up a happy relationship. 'How'd he know I needed groceries though?' you thought to yourself, 'Maybe just a hunch.' you dismissed. Soon with your mind going in 50 different directions, you were tired enough to fall asleep. "Goodnight little bird." Clark said as he watched you finally drift off to sleep. He wondered what thoughts plagued your brain that kept you awake. He hoped you'd thought of him. After making sure every inch of you apartment was safe inside and out he felt satisfied enough to go home and get a bit of rest. 'No harm in making sure she's safe' he thought as he finally took off. 'I'll always make sure she's safe.'
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lexacoolfox · 3 years
Is it ok to have nagito with a talentless fem S/O Whos really sensitive to the whole talentless topic and argues alot to defend herself? (while crying cause shes such a crybaby)
This is my first ask and I’m so excited! Even though I’m sure while I’m writing I’m will be slowly dying inside! But thank you for the ask!
Nagito with a talentless Female S/O who sensitive to the whole talentless topic and argues to defend herself. Also the reader Is a bit of crybaby
Warning: I might add sentive topics like toxic relationship, obsessive behavior, and of course angst.
Tumblr media
As much I would love to lie and say you guys have a Great relationship. It’s not true
Nagito being…well Nagito…has a pretty messed up mind set on your relationship
He didn’t know why he fell in love with you. Your talentless! He’d be disgusted with himself at first. But then he gets this idea in his head that ‘you do have a talent! You just need help letting it shine!’
You love Nagito, afterall he’s sweet, caring, and super cute. But his obsession with ultimates and Hope is a little concerning and scary.
You didn’t mind not having a ultimate, you thought it was kinda like a chain. Your whole life is revolves around a single thing you do. You think as a talentless person means you have more freedom.
But Nagito makes that kinda hard to do.
You have hobbies like anybody else, but these hobbies to Nagito are ‘potential ultimate talents.’
“Nagito, why are you obsessed with me finding an ultimate talent!”
“S/O, I know you have an ultimate talent! You just need help finding it!”
“If I did wouldn’t you think I would’ve found it by now!”
“S/O. This is important! You can be a shining beacon of hope for the future!”
“Nagito, is all you look for in a person is their ultimate talent!?”
“S/O why are we talking about this? Why don’t you want an ultimate talent?”
“Cause it’s like a chain! My whole life revolved around one thing I’m good at? What if I like other things! When I’m talentless I’m allowed to explore my option! And I might not be an ‘ultimate’ at somethings but I’m at least good at them.”
“But if your an ultimate you’ll be in the main course at Hope peak academy. You know the best school in the world!”
“I already goes to Hope peak! And I might not be in the main course, I’m in the reserve course! I think that’s good enough for me.”
“S/O you shouldn’t settle for this! Come on let’s find your ultimate talent!”
This argument just broke you. You started crying. You didn’t know what else to do.
“Nagito…do you only love me because you think I have an ultimate talent?”
“Do you even love me for me? Do you like my personality? Do enjoy spending time with me? Do you even like the way I look? Do you even care what we do together?”
“Wow…you can’t even answer.”
You had a bag with like a week of clothes and shoes and other things. You walked towards the door and put on a coat. And opened the door.
“Ah! S/O! Where you going?!”
“I’m going to stay at my friends for a while. I think we need a break. I want to clear my head.”
“Wait! S/O! Let’s talk about this!”
You saw your friends car and dashed to get inside not looking back cause if you did you know you would change your mind.
But you needed to do this. You needed to think about you and Nagito.
Nagito on the other hand was losing his mind. The second the car lost his sight it felt like things broke.
He started rethinking his actions. He realized he wasn’t thinking about what you thought or how you felt. He also pressured you into something you didn’t want to do. He also started remembering all the things you would do together. Like your guys first date to the fair. Or how you made him delicious chocolates for Valentine’s Day. he still remembered how good they tasted. you would always try your best to cheer him up, when other would call him weird or crazy. You would step in and say “no he not, he just thinks a different way! It’s what makes him fun and interesting!” you were a wonderful partner to him. What was he. Just a jerk who pressured you into finding an ultimate talent. He started texting you saying how sorry he is and begging you to come back.
Your POV:
You were at school sitting in class waiting for the teacher, you arrived early so you wouldn’t have to see Nagito. Hajime a friend of yours walked in and noticed how sad you seemed.
“Hey S/O, why do you look so down today?”
“Me and Nagito got into an argument and we are taking a break. It’s just I want to clear my head but I feel so horrible. Like trash.”
“Hey isn’t that Nagito’s line?”
You chuckled at that a little. Which was Hajime intention.
“How about you hangout with me and chiaki near the fountain after school?”
“Chiaki…isn’t she that ultimate gamer girl you always talk about?”!
“Yeah. Me and her play games by the fountain near the school.”
“Yeah I think that could be fun, but if I see Nagito there I’m going to have to leave.”
“Ok ok I’m sure you won’t see Nagito there.”
Nagito POV:
Nagito didn’t see you at the front gate, he waited until he had to go to class. Everybody seemed to notice how sad he was. Nagito normally no matter what has a smile on his face, but he was just staring at his desk and tapping his finger on it. Kazuichu went up to his desk
“Yo Nagito, what your deal man? Why do you look so, out of it?”
“I’m just think what a horrible boyfriend I am.”
“Oh did something happen between you and S/O did she finally dump your crazy *ss?” Hiyoko asked
“No she wanted to take a break. I don’t know what to do.”
“W-well ma-maybe y-you should a-apologize.” Mikan timidly added
“I’ve tried texting, calling her, but she won’t answer. I even waited like an hour and a half at the front gate for her.”
“Oh. she was already in here classroom before you showed up.” Peko added
“What did you to get into an argument about?” Sonia questioned
“Sonia we really shouldn’t ask. it’s their personal business.” Mahiru said
“But if we now what it was maybe we can help.” Akane said
“Do you guys have nothing better to do than to get involved in peoples love life?” Fuyuhiko asked annoyed
“Well I mostly like to know cause I like drama!” Teruteru said
“Both you shut up! Nagito tell us before we have a classroom battle.” Akane said
“…me and S/O had a fight about her having an ultimate talent…”
“Nagito are you serious! You know she’s sensitive about that topic!” Mahiru scolded
“I know I know. But it’s just I think she has an ultimate talent and I want to help her find it!”
“Do you think she not good enough for you if she doesn’t have an ultimate talent?” Peko question
“Is all you look for in a relationship is somebody skill or talent?” She also added
“No! Of course not! She’s great even without an ultimate! But I think she could be even better with one!”
“Nagito, I hope your listening to yourself man! Imagine saying that to her face. What do you think she would feel?” Kazuichu said
“Nagito, she would feel like she good enough the way she is! That can result in two things. One she’ll change herself for you, she could be somebody with an ultimate but not somebody who happy and joyful. She could end up being miserable. Or two she’ll feel like you’ll only love her for her talent, and S/O is smart, she will know not to stay with you if you only loved her for that.” Chiaki said surprising everyone, she was normally very quite.
“Yeah, you guys are right! I could be forcing her into a terrible life!”
“Now the question is how you going to make it up to her?” Mahiru said
“I don’t think an apology will be enough.” Hiyoko said
“Yeah maybe you should do something special!” Kazuichu said
“Like what?”
“Oh you could write her a song! Ibuki will help you get your lover back!” Yelled ibuki
“No, he should take her to a remote spot somewhere and have a delicious meal! Yours truly could prepare it for you too! A classy dinner by candle light.” Teruteru said
“M-maybe to t-take h-her too see a m-movie.” Mikan suggested
While everybody was brainstorming on what Nagito should do. Nagito thought of a wonderful idea. He quickly told everybody what he wants to do. Everyone who was in on the planning thought it was a great idea.
“It’s kinda funny, you used to say how you hated people without ultimates. But you ended up dating somebody without an ultimate.” Fuyuhiko said
“Yeah I don’t know why but I know I’m not ready to lose her!”
“I thinks a creature beyond thins mortal dimension had put an enchantment on the both of you, hence drawing you two together!” Gundham said
You ate your lunch in the bathroom, in walked chiaki from Nagito class! You panicked and was ready to put your lunch away and run away!
“S/O can I talk to you?”
“As long it’s not about Nagito.”
“…fine spit it out what do you want to know.”
“Well, actually Nagito was wondering if you can meet him up at this certain building at the top floor later tonight around 9:00pm. He has something for you.”
Honestly you were skeptical but also curious, your curiosity got better of your skepticism and said you would go. She left so you could enjoy your lunch. You texted Hajime telling him you had a change of plans.
Later at some building on the top floor at 9:00pm
You went to the room chiaki texted you and with a heavy sigh you knocked on it. Not even a second later it opened. You could see Nagito with tears in his eyes
“You actually came! I’m so happy!”
“Hey Nagito…what did you want to meet me here for?
“I have a surprise for you!”
He covere your eyes and guided to an elevator and pressed a button. When you made it to your destination, your eyes were still covered but you feel a gust of wind. You guys were on the roof! He uncovered your eyes and you saw a gorgeous sight
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He set up a little spot for you guys.
“I set this up for us! I brought a Bluetooth speaker so we can listen to your favorite songs! I set blankets and pillows around so we’re comfortable! I also brought some of your favorite snacks and drinks! Also some food teruteru made for us! I got lights so it couldn’t get too dark! I also set the blanket up and brought a projector so we can watch a movie, any movie you want! I also thought we could star gaze!”
You were speechless. Nagito set this all for you! You started crying.
“S/O, Darling, my love, My hope! Please forgive me for how I treated you. I was so foolish to realize that your perfect with it without an ultimate talent. That is a decision for me not to decide! That’s yours! All I can do is ask for your forgiveness!”
“Nagito! I-I! Of course I forgive you! I can’t believe you did all of this for me!”
You both shared a passionate kiss. The night was spent watching a movie, listening to music and maybe a bit dancing, had some snacks and drinks, at one point you guys were lying on the blankets and looking at the stars, out of nowhere a bunch shooting stars were flying across the sky. It made everything so beautiful.
“The stars are so beautiful!”
“Yes they are, but I see two especially beautiful ones.”
“Really where?”
He turned your face towards his and softly cupped your face with his hands.
“Your eyes. They shine brighter than any star in the sky.”
You blushed at that. Your love for Nagito probably grew 3 times that night.
“S/O, I really am sorry for how I treated you. Will you please stay with me?”
“I forgive you Nagito and of course I will stay with you!”
“Wow lucky me! Hehehe this might be wrong to say. But I think I found your ultimate talent.”
“Really what?”
“Your my ultimate lover.”
“Hehehe. I think your my ultimate lover too.”
“I love you my hope.”
“I love you most Nagito.”
Not the ending you were expecting right! I really hope you enjoyed it! Also thank you nuttytalepatrol for this suggestion. It was a challenge but one I enjoyed, also summer break is coming soon! So expect more posts from me! Also sends ask and I’ll do my best. I prefer if you ask for characters I’ve already done. Until next time!
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ezgithechaotic · 3 years
The Parent Trap | Chapter Six; to love someone else
pairing: Harry Styles x Reader
AU: The Parent Trap,  dad!harry
series summary:  Identical twins Benjamin and Edward, separated at birth and each raised by one of their biological parents, later discover each other for the first time at summer camp and make a plan to bring their wayward parents back together.
chapter summary; There are so many thing to say, but so little time for Harry and Y\N. 
author note; well hello there, ı’m back. It’s been really long and I’m so soryy about it. But I guess you guys are used to it. I will try to write the next chapter soon! Don’t be shy to send me a message if you would like to talk and be friends. I don’t bite, I promise! 
I’m sorry in advance if I have any fault. English is not my first language. My askbox is always open if you want to talk. Please leave a comment about what you think, love you.  
Taglist is open. Please send me an ask or comment if you want to be tagged! (22\30)
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Life had a funny way of bringing people together, and it had no interest in their desires. Sitting on one of the blue couches, a coffee in her hand, the only thing Y\N wanted to do was run away and never look back. But she wasn't eighteen anymore; she had learned that running from your problems only circled you back to them. So, she did what every reasonable person would do, stayed put. But now, seeing her hand shaking while holding the silver spoon, Y\N was questioning every decision she ever made that brought her to this point. 
So much for getting over him Y\N, well done. 
"You look good." 
The moment words left his mouth Harry cursed himself silently. You look good. Of course, she did. Is that what he all had? After almost nine years, Y\N still made him tongue-tied. He wasn't the Harry who stood in front of thousands of people to perform; he was a boy again, and he hated it. He was eighteen again, seeing his producer's sister and thinking, maybe he is capable of love. Despite feeling like it was yesterday, Harry wasn't eighteen anymore. He didn't have the opportunities to be stupid and in love. It had been a long time since Harry had lost that chance. Wishing he could say sorry and explain anything wasn't going to solve anything, and it surely wasn't going to bring him his old Y\N, who was naive enough to fall in love with a worldwide star. She knew better now. So, maybe the only thing he could come up with was you look good. 
Even though a moment of sadness passed her face, Y\N was quick to pull herself together. She put a kind smile on her face, the way she did when one of her customers made her feel tired, but she still had to keep going. Harry had seen that smile before when he told her he had to cancel one of their dates, again or when he told her that they couldn't be seen together in public.
"You look good too." 
There it was again, her velvet-like voice. Y\N had always amazed Harry; she could be kind to everyone no matter what, even when the person across her was the reason for her broken heart. Neither of them dared to ask about their sons and each other. How would you ask about someone you chose to leave behind? 
"Can I..." Y\N could feel her anxiety riling up. She took a deep breath and tried sitting more straight. "How is he?" 
Harry's heart almost skipped a beat. He couldn't decide if he was stupid to send him away. Would it be less awkward if Benjamin was there, or would it be a dread to explain to him why his mother was standing in the middle of their guest room? 
"Look, I know we had an agreement." Y\N sighed. Harry didn't realize how much time it took him to come up with an answer until she spoke. "I only want to know how he is."
"He's... Well, he's good." 
Harry apparently lost his ability to form any good sentences that day, but it looked like he was talking to a brick wall. Y\N left her cup on the coffee table, now leaning and resting her elbows on her knees. 
"I feel like I'm doing a terrible job." Eyes fixed on the ground and watery, head between her hands, Harry couldn't remember the last time he had seen Y\N so vulnerable. "Edward is the sweetest boy, I swear. He's the perfect kid any parent could ask for. And I feel like I'm the worst mother for tearing him apart from his brother, for not giving him the life he deserves. And the only thing I can think of is would he be happier if he were with you." She was up suddenly, pacing around the room. 
"And how much I missed from Benjamin's life. Will, he ever know me, or Edward ever know you? Will they ever know each other? Will they ever forgive us for what we did?" She stopped, looking at Harry.  She couldn't remember how long it had been since she looked into his green eyes. She wanted to keep going. Scream, shout, cry. But she stood there, looking at him, waiting like he could give her an answer. 
Will I ever forgive myself for letting you go?
Y\N wanted to keep asking, but there was no point. She stopped a tear before it could reach her jaw, quickly. "God, I don't know how long I've been holding that in." 
Harry was dying to apologize, to ask if she was missing him as much as he was missing her. He was dying to fall at her feet and beg for forgiveness. Instead, he sat there, like an idiot.
"We were young, Y\N. We did what we thought was best. Wrong or right, there is no undoing it right now." 
Hearing her name roll off his sweet mouth woke something inside Y\N. She had so many things she wanted to say but didn't know where to begin. Her mouth was frantically opening and closing back again, but nothing came out. 
Sarah and Mitch were just outside the room, trying to listen to the conversation. "I swear he's so stupid," Mitch whispered. "Just say something!" 
"Hey, be quiet. I'm trying to listen." 
Before Mitch could say anything, he heard key sounds coming from the front door. He quickly turned to Sarah. "Camille wasn't visiting today, right?" He was praying that it wasn't Camille, but there wasn't anyone outside them who had keys to Harry's house. 
"I know you're a great mother, Y\N; I know that. And I know we did wrong things, but that doesn't mean you're failing."
"I feel like I am." Y\N was still standing there, her fingers fidgeting with her white shirt. She wanted to yell, how could he possibly know what kind of mother she was? He was never there. Harry stood up with a purpose to walk to Y\N and maybe to hold her. But his actions stopped when the door to the guest room opened.  
And there she was, Camille Rowe with all her glory. Blonde hair sitting on her shoulders, red-colored lips, and long lashes, she looked like she came straight from a runway. And Y\N tried with all her might, but she couldn't hate her. Even though her pants were horrible, even though she always used her beauty to get away with her cruelty. And, true, the diamond ring sitting on her finger was no help, but still, she had no hate for her. It wasn't Camille's fault that she was at his feet, basically asking Harry to fix everything because she was too vulnerable.
How Y\N wished she could love somebody else that wasn't Harry. She wished she could move on as he did. But it was stuck, her whole life was stuck since he left her without any explanation. Sometimes she would feel so ready to love someone else, to find anybody willing to take her this broken. She tried so hard, lying to herself, making everyone believe she got over him. She didn't listen to any of his songs, watch anything that could be related to him.  She was running away for the last nine years, not once stopping and looking back. Well, look where it brought her to now, sitting in the same room with him and his fiancee, who had no idea how much history they had. 
"I honestly love everything piece you do." Did she? Y\N couldn't tell if Camille knew everything or not. But if she did, she was a damn good actress. And Y\N was terrified of what could come after this if she didn't leave that house right now. "I would love it if you worked on my wedding dress." 
Y\N's whole world was upside down at that moment. Her hair on her neck stood on end. Her whole body was shivering; she didn't know if it was rage or hurt. Still, the smile came up again. 
"I'm afraid I'm too busy with my new collection." 
"Well, I will have to find someone else, I guess." Camille laughed, her hand sneaking up Harry's leg. Y\N was burning, her blood felt like it was boiling inside her veins. She needed to get out of there, quick. "But I'm so glad Harry could reach somebody. He had been looking for that cardigan for days, now. I thought he was going crazy." She laughed again, unlike everyone else in the room but, apparently she didn't care. 
"It was no problem, honestly. Jonathan is a dear friend of mine; I was just doing a favor." Y\N couldn't believe how calm she sounded. Maybe she should have chosen to be an actress. 
"I'm sure you're very busy, but we would love to see you at the wedding. Right, honey?" Camille turned to Harry, waiting for his approval. Harry quickly nodded as if he was waiting to agree to everything she was saying. "Of course." 
"I'll have to see, I guess." Y\N didn't know how much longer she could pretend like everything bathed in sunlight. So, she got up, ignoring the shaking in her legs. "I should go, my team is probably waiting for me."
"It was lovely to meet you." Camille held her hand out. Her grasp was hard like she was telling Y\N to start running and never look back again. Still, Y\N stood her ground, firmly taking her handshake and smiling. Her eyes meet Harry's for a second. There were so many things she wanted to say, but she didn't think anything that she could say would turn this around. So, she lied instead. 
"Congratulation on the engagement. You two make a lovely couple." 
Y\N couldn't believe she could lie so effortlessly, without any trembling in her voice. Still, shaking Camille's warm hand and seeing her next to Harry with a diamond on her hand made her want to get in her car and run away to somewhere very far away that she could throw up. So, she did that. 
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lyntonier · 3 years
A train to Paris
Carmen Sandiego x Gray Calloway
Summary: Carmen is taking a break away from her work — helping out at the Orphanage and fighting crime — and decides to take a trip back to Paris, a location she quite enjoyed. During her journey she meets a familiar face she believed she would not see again.
A/N: This is set after season 4.
"So Carms, I hear you are off to Paris for the week huh?"
I smile into the phone, listening to Ivy's comment.
"You heard correct. Well, assuming nothing goes wrong, that is".
I had gotten a break from working at the Orphanage with my Madre, so I decided to take myself on a little trip. We had finally met about eleven months ago, and I had been helping around as much as I possibly could without a break. Well, I tell a lie, I had a couple days free from working with Madre, though I used those days to check for any crime around. I guess some habits die hard huh, this was meant to be my new start but I can't seem to leave fighting crime behind. It was my choice to work so much at the Orphanage though.
Madre had had enough and told me to take a week away and go someplace, so where better than Paris? The beauty of the city when the sun goes down and the lights come on again, the food, the art and architecture, the history, it's simply something I cannot forget. It's truly a once in a lifetime thing.
"Wow, I'm so jealous! I wish I could be there with you, it would be so much fun- Zack stop! Leave Julia alone. No- She probably does NOT appreciate that, so quit it... Yes, you, who else?!.......... Sorry Carms, it's Zach trying to flirt with Julia again".
Giggling at Ivy's scolding to her brother, I make a mental note to tease him about that when I next see him. He kept flirting with the poor woman, to which she would politely laugh and make an excuse to leave.
"No worries Ivy, it's alright. I must admit though, I do feel sorry for Julia in some respects".
"I know right! Gosh, he's so oblivious sometimes. I love him anyway though, no matter how much of a douche brain he is".
"It would be nice to be able to meet up with all of you again, it's been a while since I saw all of you properly. You'll have to let me know when you two both have some time off and I'll get hold of Shadowsan and Player, then we can all have a nice catch-up".
I hear Ivy sigh wistfully into the phone, light laughter leaving her lips.
"Honestly Carms, that seems like such a good idea right about now. I'm so tired with work, I got called out five times within the past two days, three of which were last night. I've not had a nice snooze in for ages and I could do with one right about now, haha."
"You do sound quite tired. When do you get off shift?"
"Uuuh, hold on....... Forty-five minutes, then I can go home".
"Well, you should treat yourself to a warm bubble bath and a long rest".
"I think I'll take that one and do just that. Ah- I've got to shoot, Cheif is calling for me. I'll call you tomorrow and we can talk more, yeah?"
"Yes, wouldn't miss it for the world. Tell the others I said hello for me? And I'll work on arranging a girls trip between you and me to somewhere, just let me know where you fancy going".
"Oh you're a star Carm, I'll be looking forward to that then. I'll decide tonight and let you know tomorrow, and I'll pass on your 'hellos' to the others. Talk soon Carm".
I smile into the phone, mildly disappointed that our conversation had to end so soon.
"Talk soon Ivy".
With that, I hear the beep of an ended call as Ivy hangs up the line. A sudden wave of exhaustion washes over me as I move my phone down to my lap, checking the time. It was 1:15 in the morning. Raising my eyebrows, I nod at my phone, surprised at how late it was. I should probably try to get some sleep as I'll be arriving at my stop in about seven hours from now and I would much prefer to not be falling asleep at every given moment.
Setting my phone down next to myself, I grab a blanket out of my carry bag and drape it over my lap, removing my jumper and folding it into four before placing it onto the seat to my left. Reaching up above myself, I pull a cord that turned off the lights in my little train booth, engulfing myself in darkness. The only form of light that I had at this stage was the gentle light from the moon, it would be full soon. Laying down, I place my head onto my jumper and pull my blanket up higher, closing my eyes and relaxing my body.
Right as I began to doze off, I felt a strange feeling of wariness make itself known in my gut, enticing me to sit up and evaluate my surroundings. Within a couple of seconds of having my eyes open, I heard a light tapping on my booth door. Someone was there. Averting my eyes to the glass section of the door, I keep my body motionless as I trace the figure with my eyes and their every possible movement.
If I stayed still then they would not see me and assume I was sleeping and most likely leave.
*tap, tap, tap*
"Excuse me, uh, I know you are awake.. can I come in? My booth has no heating and it's really cold out here".
Or maybe not.
Cautiously eyeing the door, I slowly raise myself from the seats and brace my hand into a fist, ready to fight off a possible threat. Standing tall, I cautiously step my way over to the door before grasping the cool metal handle with one hand and undoing a lock with the other. Twisting the handle, I edge the door open bit by bit.
"Hello... Um.. yes you may".
It was a man, not that much taller than me, and Australian. Or perhaps Kiwi. I couldn't see many of his facial features, other than the fact that he had a man bun and a couple bags with him. I wracked my brain for any vocal recognitions, however, nothing matched.
Standing aside, I made room for the strange man to come inside.
"Cheers mate, sorry 'bout how odd this is. I went to the train staff to ask about the heating and they told me that the booth I chose was meant to be closed, though the person on duty of closing it off didn't get around to it, hence me choosing the unlucky booth. They told me I would have to ask to share booths with somebody else seen as though all others are booked, and I saw your light go out, so I came here. Sorry and cheers again".
The man laughed, rubbing what I assumed was the back of his neck. His explanation seemed pretty truthful and his reasoning honest.
"That's no problem, sorry that you got a faulty booth, that must've sucked".
"Hah, tell me 'bout it" He joked.
Smiling, I close the door and return to my seat, watching as he put his bags in the overhead luggage area, leaving out a blanket of his own. Smart man.
"So, what's your name mate?"
"Carmen. And you?"
I see him whip his head around, before shaking it and laughing lightly.
"I had a friend called Carmen, though I've not seen her in a long time. My name is Grah-Grayson. Grayson".
I raise my eyebrow at his stutter, smirking lightly.
"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you Grah-Grayson" I tease.
"Haha, as to you Carmen".
With that, we both fell silent, just basking in the pleasant atmosphere of the booth with the same idea of sleep on our minds.
Slipping back into my 'bed', I pull my blankets back over myself and close my eyes, listening carefully at everything around me. I hear some stuffing around, something dropping on the floor, followed by a second something, more shuffling, then a satisfied sigh. Peering over my shoulder, I see the outline of a body laying on the seat across from mine.
"Did you just take your shoes off?"
"Hm? Ah yeah mate, can't sleep with shoes on, that's just crazy".
Grah-Grayson laughs at his own statement, finding humour in my question.
I feel my lips draw into a thin line as I shuffle my feet around awkwardly, my shoes very much still on.
Am I crazy?
"G'd'night mate, thanks again for letting me in on such short notice".
"No, no, that's fine. Goodnight".
It felt strange saying goodnight to a stranger, though I had most definitely done stranger.
I feel my eyes shoot open rather rapidly, my heart pounding against my ribcage as I scramble to sit upright, taking in my surroundings eagerly before eyeing the strange man in the booth with me. I check the room once again for anything out of the ordinary, before removing the blanket from my body and standing, striding my way over the door and yanking it open silently and slipping out, closing it behind myself. I needed some fresh air.
Making my way to the end of the train, I open a door that leads to a small balcony attached to the carriage. Immediately the wind hits me, blowing my hair to the side.
Sucking in a deep breath of air, I relax my shoulders and close my eyes. I had a nightmare — rather a memory — that Coach Brunt had broken into my booth and tied me up, much like before, and decided that enough was enough and planned to end things then and there.
A pretty sad nightmare, huh.
I enjoy the breeze a little longer before turning around and opening the door, walking back into the train carriage and back to my booth. Opening the door, I am surprised to see Grah-Grayson awake and sat upright, watching out of the window at the scenery. It was early for him to be awake, it was about five in the morning and the sun had begun rising, casting a gentle glow in the booth.
"Ah, mate, there you are, are you alr-......."
The words leave his mouth as he stares at me in surprise, horror, happiness, sadness and recognition... a mix of everything. Exactly what I was feeling.
Tears fill my eyes as I gaze at the male before me. It couldn't be...
"Black sheep..?."
Grah-Grayson stands up, tears in his own eyes as he stares at me intently.
Stepping forward, I feel my arms raising slightly and before I knew it I was lunging for him, sobs wreaking through my lips as tears flowed heavily from my eyes. Engulfing him in my arms, I feel him do the same with just as much ferocity. I hear sobs come from him too, his chest rising and falling quickly and sharply with each gasp of air.
Before anything could be said, I feel anger suddenly wash over me, leading me to remove my arms from around him and shove him away harshly, placing some distance between us.
A confused whimper leaves his mouth, clearly unintentionally, but before he could say anything I let months worth of hurt, confusion, upset and anger form into words and flow out freely.
"Gray where were you?! W-What did you mean 'don't tell her' that you woke up!! Do you know how long I waited for you to wake up in the hospital, unable to see you or hear from you, not knowing that you had long gone?! Do you- Do you know how long I WAITED fOR YOU? Three months Gray- three months that you were gone and I was waiting for you to wake up so that we could start over, so that I could know you were okay!" The words kept flowing out, no matter how much I tried to stop them. Although I didn't try. I couldn't bring myself to try. I started pacing back and forth as I rambled, making sure the emphasis on certain words came out.
"Carmen, let me explain, I-"
I cut him off, anger still clouding my better judgement.
"NO Gray, you don't get to explain until you hear me!! I searched EVERYWHERE for days, weeks, months for you, thinking that something had happened to you, only to be told by Chief that you had requested to not have your condition or whereabouts revealed to me! Why Gray, why..? If you were angry or upset at me and didn't want to see me, you could have just told me instead of making me worry like that! I spent so many nights awake trying to find out where you were with the help of Player, but nothing!! NOTHING!"
I heave out everything that has been resting on my shoulders, the feeling of relief evident on my shoulders as a weight had been lifted.
"Carmen I was never upset at you, more of I was upset at myself. It was my fault that you had been captured and lured in, I knew what was happening and I could have prevented it, but I didn't. I blamed myself for you being brainwashed and hurt, and for myself being hurt. I was such an idiot and I didn't want to do something that could hurt you again-"
"And yet you did.." I remark with a whisper, adverting my eyes as I crossed my arms over my chest, hugging myself and sniffling as I did so.
"I know and I'm sorry... I didn't want to interfere with your life, not after everything that had happened. VILE was caught and disbanded, you had information on your mother, everything was over and you had a fresh start ahead of you and I didn't want to get in the way of that. So, I changed my identity and lived away from the public eye, hidden away where you could not find me. It wasn't just a fresh start for you, it was one for me too... I asked for you to not be told of my departure, even though Cheif strongly suggested against it, the same with that Julia lady. I told them it was my only request, and they allowed it eventually. I now realise that wasn't a good idea and that it hurt you much more than I believed it could or would... I am so sorry Carmen.. I really am so, incredibly sorry.. I can't blame you if you are angry at me, I gue-"
"Of course I'm angry at you!! I finally realised after all of that time that I was in love with you, and I was prepared to tell you, only to find that you were gone! Those three months left in the dark were pure heaven compared to the.. the shitty, crappy, horrible feelings once I found out you were gone!"
I watch as Gray's eyes widen in surprise, as he stutters his next sentence, his face flushed from tears, much like my own.
"C-Carmen.. you- what did you just.. what did you just say?"
"That I realised after all of this time that I was in love with you, so very incredibly in love with you, and that I was prepared to tell you!" I growl.
We both stand there in silence, the cool feeling of my tears drying up on my face present. Sudden realisation dawns upon me at what I had just boldly announced. Smacking my hand over my mouth, I gasp, my eyes widening as the realisation finally sets in completely.
Nothing is said between us as we just stare one another in the eyes, waiting for the other to speak.
"Gray, I-"
I cut myself short as Gray abruptly strides towards me confidently, raising his hands to cup my cheeks as I step back, unsure of what was happening. Staring down into my eyes, Gray smiles gently.
"You always were a cheeky one, sneaking your way into my heart the way you did".
My stomach fills with butterflies at that, a small smile making its way onto my face, accompanied by little giggles. Soon enough, I was laughing uncontrollably into Gray's chest, him onto my shoulder.
The laughter died down soon after, we were just left with warm smiles on our faces.
Moving his hand across my face, his thumb stroking my cheek and his other hand caressed the back of my neck, he looks down at my lips before looking into my eyes.
"May I?"
That one sentence had my stomach doing flips as though I were a schoolgirl who just confessed her undying love to her crush and received the same feelings back, though I guess in some respects I was that schoolgirl, just a little older.
"You may".
With that, Gray leans down, pressing his lips gently against mine and pulling away. I did not feel those fireworks that people would describe a true-loves kiss as, rather I felt complete, safe, happy, joyous, excited, calm, at peace and so many more pleasant things, much better than those so described fireworks.
Leaning in for a second kiss, I met Gray halfway with just as much passion, more ferocity this time, however. Soon though, we had to depart for air, a gentle blush growing over both of our cheeks.
"Carmen, I-"
"Excuse me, are you two alright in there? I could faintly hear you arguing from next door".
Looking behind me, there was an older woman stood in the doorway, a concerned look on her face.
"Yes, we are alright madame, thank you for your concern. Sorry for the noise, everything is sorted now" I explain, turning to face the woman.
"Very well then, there is no need to apologise my dear, as long as you are both okay. Oh, and sorry for interrupting your moment"
The lady giggles cheekily, before making her way back to her booth while rambling on about young love, or something along the lines.
"We should probably close the door, no?"
"Yes, we should. You, mister, have a lot to explain to me, especially what you have been up to since we last saw one another".
I smile as I leave Grays embrace, walking to the door and closing it.
"As do you. We have a while till we reach my destination, so shall we?"
"Hmm... I say sleep and then explain at a later time, on a date perhaps?"
"Friday, 8PM at Au Vieux Paris d'Arcole?" Grey wiggles his eyebrows, a smile on his face as he does so.
Laughter bubbles in my throat as I sniffle, wiping away any tear streams on my face as I nod my head eagerly.
"Call it a date".
A/N: This is my first ever oneshot/story piece that I've done on here and I honestly do not know how good it is, or how bad it is. All I can hope is that it's decent. It was inspired by @wizardsoffthecoast who had mentioned something about this, so here we are. I hope you enjoy it!
(I do apologise for any spelling mistakes!)
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