#not even abt the feet i just dont like how its .... so empty looking
zenyuumi · 1 year
Im looking at aira cards rn and i keep forgetting that his tour card exists. why is it so plain
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hoshi-y · 2 years
Hello can i ask for an aoi(female) x reader where Akane(male) rejects us and then we get over him and start dating aoi? (it might be kinda funny if akane is abt to confess to aoi and when he sees us we’re like kissypooing or whatever you don’t have to do it tho) (do you think you could make it really dramatic too it’s totally ok if you don’t want to)
2nd Place, honey.
Genre : Angst
Characters : Aoi Akane
TW : None
A/N : I live for drama so of course 😋
I hope you enjoy 💗
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My bad~
You've had your eye on Akane for a while now, I mean who wouldn't? He was absolutely gorgeous not only that handsome. He was always the top, prioritizes studying, and he had this slight bad boy attitude that you found kind if attractive
Daring yourself, you went ahead and left a note in his locker asking him to neet you by the rooftop at 4pm sharp. You wanted to confess to him as the sun goes down and when he accepts the sky will have orange to pink hues which was absolutely romantic
Again, daydreaming at best.
As soon as you placed the letter in his locker, he came out of the student council room with his bag, probably about to go home. You immediately ran to the rooftop with the other set of stairs and waited.
4pm, nothing. I mean he must be busy?
4:25pm, Still nothing..
4:54pm, You were now watching the sunset, alone.
It was the end of the day, almost all the club members have went home or stayed behind to help clean.
You dragged yourself down the stairs and caught a glimpse of your handwriting in the trashbin, you went towards it to confirm and it was your letter. The letter you wrote for him
It would've been nice if he just came to see you just to reject you it was fine.. But this? this hurt you.
You gripped onto the letter as tears blurred your vision, you grabbed your bag, changed your shoes. And went home
But don't worry, dear. Good Karma is still real.
Akane took a deep breath, fixed his appearance, grabbed the flowers and off he went to do what exactly? that's right! to proclaim his love for Aoi
For real this time
With his amazing stalking skills he knew and where she was, why where the flowers bloom so beautiful, as beautiful as her.
For the first time in a lifetine, he was nervous, despite all those confessions he made? I doubt he is. Akane walked out to the back of the school and sped walk to the garden to see her—
With you.
Aoi giggled as she wiped the dirt off your face "Your so clumsy dear~" You blushed at the nicknames as you placed the sapling into the whole she dug. "There we go, it'll grow into a big beautiful tree!" You cheered
Aoi tucked in a few strands of your hair as she leaned in and pecked your lips.
With the scene unraveling infront of Akane, its like he heard something shatter in him. He dropped he flowers and walked back inside
How dare you take Aoi away from him, he thinks. Probably plotting his murder towards you already
When school ended, you were on your way to the gardening club whike playing on your switch when suddenly someone harshly pylled you into an empty classroom making you trip on your own feet and falling on the floor
"Ugh.. What is wrong with you.." Holding your now stinging elbow. "Me? Whats wrong with YOU?" You looked up and came face to face with the guy who hurt your feelings. "I dont know what you're planning [L/N] But you're taking thus way too far!"
"What on earth are you talking about? I haven't even dine anything! Your the psycho pulling people into an empty classroom without warning!" You retorded standing up still feeling a littke bit if pain from you falling onto the floor
Akane scuffed as he grabbed your arm "Hey what the heck is your problem?!"
"What do you think your doing with Aoi huh?"
"What about her?"
"I saw you two kissed at the gardens when I came looking for her, what guves you the right to that without her permission?!"
You yanked your now reddened arm from his grip. "For your information SHE was the one who kissed me! Also, me and her are TOGETHER so get your information and facts correct."
Akane was now red in anger, he was probably redder than his hair by now. "Stop lying [L/N]! Your just salty I didn't like you back!" He stormed out of the classroom leaving you all alone.
He didn't wanna believe it, he wanted to hear it from Aoi herself, he NEEDS confirmation. He hoped and prayed to every good out there that this wasn't true.
"Its true Akane.. I confessed to [F/N] a few days ago.. It took me awhile to build the courage but they are now my S/O" Aoi says as she blushes hard just by the mention of your name.
Akane gently held onto Aois shoulders. "Stop lying to me Ao-chan.. Did they frame you to say that? Please tell me and I'll—"
"Akane stop! it's true! me and [F/N] are together! You know.. They sent me a text just a few minutes ago saying that you pulled them into a classroom and accused them of lying?! How low are you gonna go Akane??" Aoi ran away from him to look for you, who knows what else hes done to you.
Akane stood their in silence. All his hardwork to maybe become Aoi's number 1 went out the window.
It doesn't matter if he was there for her first, he'll most likely to become 2nd
And he has to hurtfully accept that.
Accept the fact that he'll forever always be in 2nd place
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Im sorry it took so long 😞
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hello. it is i. so! i was wondering if you could do a little ditty abt nail polish with the company and/or the fellowship? basically like modern girl in middle earth type stuff, and she realizes that she has nail polish on her which is something they totally don't have in middle earth. basically headcanons abt like how they would react to painted nails and which one of these mfs would let me paint their nails. cuz like - they dont know its just a "fem" thing here so no toxic masculinity. ty <3
OMFG I'M SO HYPED FOR THIS! I just picked a few random Tolkien characters that seem to have a lot of attention, so I hope you like this!!
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I feel like Frodo would be very skeptical at first
Because, come on, a girl falling into Middle Earth out of nowhere??
However, his interest is certainly peaked, seeing you twist the brush away from it's blue colored bottle as you smile down at it
"What's that, you've got there?"
"Oh, just some nail polish!"
He watches with curiosity as you perfectly decorate your nails with the periwinkle color
"How interesting..."
He may not want to have his nails painted at first, but has this deep fascination with how perfectly you can paint them without screwing up
Soon, he forgets all about the ring as you paint your nails, sitting cross-legged and starting with those huge blue eyes with interest
If he allows you to paint his nails, he would smile the whole time
What a bean 🥺
Tries his best not to chip the color when he leaves for Mordor with Sam
Gollum is actually really interested with his nails
"whAT IS IT prECI0us?!?1!1?"
But Frodo will swat his hands away, because "it's a gift from someone important."
The one thing that keeps him smiling along the way 😊
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Elf prince is so interested!!
He thinks the spring green color looks so pretty in the bottle
He's obviously not used to most thing from your world
Asks politely;
"How do you use this?"
"...can I show you?"
So whenever the Fellowship stops for the night, he watches with amusement as your brows furrow and you stick your tongue out in concentration
Legolas sits very still, so it's easy for you to paint his nails
How does he keep them so clean?!
He's low-key obsessed with how satisfying it is...
Now HE wants to paint YOUR nails?
He's so good at it!
Legolas is so patient and calm
He says it reminded him of making flower crowns I guess?
And he doesn't even mess up once 😳
He gets so happy with how the color matches him!
Forgets that you have to let it dry at first, so it gets a bit smudged when he draws his bow
Upset Legolas :(
But you fix it for him, and he's happy again!
He's amazed!!
And so proud!
Pretty Elf 🥰✨
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Pippin is very confused, to say the least
He though it would be something relatively close to a nail filer
But once he sees the pastel yellow color, on your own fingers, he has to have some!!
While you're trying to paint his hands and feet (by request), he's telling you great tales of the shire, a throwing his limbs around to exaggerate his story
You've to clonked him on the head and scolded him quite a few times
For some reason, he's saying it tickles??
"It does! The brush is like feather!"
Painting his toes it a lot easier, seeing he can't really feel much on his feet
The color goes perfect with his green eyes 🥴
Also, let's not forget that Pip is the definition of "disaster-on-legs"
After the polish dries, it immediately chips, since he's busy causing trouble with merry or practicing his hand with Boromir
He really wants to paint your nails, and you let him do so...
Poor hobbit has zero clue with how this shit works 🤦‍♀️
He feels so bad about getting it all over your fingers, but you assure him it'll be fine and that it will eventually wash off in a few days
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Pink, as cliche as it sounds, suits him so well
He's just amazed!
Also, really likes the smell 🤔🤔
Is grinning like an idiot while you're painting his nails
"Such talent and patience you have!"
"Pfft, it's really nothing. Takes a bit of practice is all."
Afterward, is flashing his bright pink nails at everyone
"Look at Y/N's spectacular skill of hand!"
I think Boromir would have a habit of picking at the polish after it dries
But that's okay, he doesn't mind too much
It gives him more time to spend with you while you repaint them!!
He's afraid he'll screw up your nails if he tries to paint them, so he never offers
That's alright though, since you know he only means well 😊
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Oh he's so regal
You were in Rivendell, digging through your purse, and suddenly
A deep navy blue bottle, probably about half empty was revealed
He was curious, but tried not to let it show, since that would damage his royal ego 🙄
"What is that?"
"Oh, just some nail polish. Wanna try some?"
Thorin would insist that you show him how it works first
And so, you did
He definitely admires the color
But defied any suggestion of you painting his own nails
That would be "un-kingly" 😤
Okay so maybe he lets you paint his pinky finger when nobody is around
But he smiles (a rare sight) while watching you paint your nails
And does give a somewhat compliment at your articulate handwork
"It looks exceptional as artwork."
"Erm... Thanks?"
He definitely thinks the color matches you beautiful skin tone 😌
Kili ~
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Prince Dumbass LOVES red
It reminds him of Tauriel 🥰
One night, you left your bag opened on the ground as you went off to get some food from Bombur, and Kili couldn't help but notice the glittering ruby bottle inside
He grabbed it, being the nosy prince he was, and examined its glow in the firelight
"What kind of jewel is this?"
"Oh hey, my nail polish!!"
Very confused
"Why does it smell so strange?"
Thankfully, being a dwarf, his fingernails are a bit bigger, so there's more room and it's easier to paint
He, like Pippin, has issues with sitting still and gets you really annoyed
"I swear to all things fluffy, if you don't sit still I will cut off all of that hair in your sleep-"
He immediately smudges them, and then you have to paint them AGAIN
Once they FINALLY dry, he won't let anyone touch them
"Stop it, Fili! You'll damage them!"
He can't stop touching them, since it's so smooth!
The others tease him, but he doesn't mind, as long as they stay nice and clean
Turns into a whiny toddler the MINUTE they chip
"Y/nnn! I need you to repaint them!"
"I just painted them yESTERDAY-"
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A mix of Thorin and Kili when it comes down to it
Definitely prefers gold 😌✨
Sees you painting your nails one night in the library in Erebor
"What have you got there sagh (friend)?"
"Just some nail polish. Wanna try some?"
Once again, he wants to see what it does like Thorin
And you of course happily oblige
Admires the color greatly
He says it reminds him of the gold floors in his kingdom, and it makes you chuckle
Fili loves to have his nails painted, and especially with such a regal hue 💅😌
DAMN does it bring out those baby blues 🥴
After that, you stare at his hands a lot, proceeded by his flirtatious teasing
Shows up Kili's sparkly red polish with his "more extravagant" color
He is also very protective of his nails and tries his very best to keep them from chipping
You love watching him hold his weapons and spar with his pretty nails 😳
Even with his larger hands, made for forging and wielding huge swords and axes and smelting, he had an incredibly steady and gentle hand when it comes to this subject, so he's AMAZING at painting his and your nails
Fili insists that you have matching nails all the time, and it's a regular thing for you to hang out and talk about your day while you paint each others nails 🥺
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Have you MET this man?!
At first, he's very weirded out
"What do you have in your hand, mellon (friend)?"
"Oh, just some nail polish."
Thranduil watches intently over your shoulder as you carefully decorate your nails with a glossy black polish, sitting directly next to his throne
"Do you want me to paint your nails?"
He reluctantly agrees, placing his BEAUTIFUL hand in yours and stares down at your gentle talented work
He loves the color more than he cares to admit, and much like his son sits very still as you lead the brush over his clean nails
The elf king loves seeing your tongue stick out in concentration
You remind him that it'll need time to dry out
And as he says in his notoriously sassy voice;
"I thousand years is a mere blink in the life of an elf... I'm patient... I can wait."
Ofc, you just scoff at this and tell him it'll only take about five to ten minutes
He just nods and stares back down at them with admiration
Thranduil doesn't do much around his kingdom, except maybe get a bit drunk and direct orders to his guards, so it's no worry about him chipping or ruining his nails
I hope you liked this, just as much as I enjoyed writing it!! Have a lovely day, and don't forget that requests are open as always!! ❤❤😊
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mariesocuniverse · 3 years
Relationships: WayV
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if it werent for the the laws of ncity he wouldve asked her to join wayv and stay in their dorms
Since they don’t live together or are part of the same unit they don’t really spend a lot of time together but he’ll be damned if he doesn’t want to be with Mae
Large parent/protective older brother energy
not as protective as 127 hyungs but you know
Yeah she’s a menace when she teams up with other WayV members but she doesn’t clown him as much as they do it’s cause she saves that energy for doyoung lmao
mae claims she visits the wayv dorm for him but he’s 50% sure she’s just there for the animals
the other 50% is because she wants him to cook for her which he does even if she doesnt ask
hes like those parents who insist on giving you leftovers to bring home to your family
he taught her to do magic tricks bc she was insistent on wanting to learn at least one
okay but honestly she thinks he really cool despite all the clowning she does to him
like singing? dancing? cooking? visual? magic? and he can fly a plane????
one of the reasons she has high standards ngl
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ten has unofficially adopted her whether people like it or not
he has fought with taeyong and doyoung about it she is his baby
if mark and johnny are his brothers, mae is basically his younger sister
if you look at his photo gallery he has a folder dedicated to mae and mae only
any photo or video of them together is basically ten clinging to her like a koala
he looks at her like she put all the stars in the sky but the same goes for mae
she has admitted in an interview that ten is one of her role models because of his talent and work ethic
whenever she needs help with dancing he’s one of the first people she asks
xiaojun once asked him who’s his favorite between yangyang and mae and you could see him malfunction for like six seconds before jokingly scolding him
“yah how could you ask me that type of question?”
fun fact! ten was the person she asked to go with her when she got her first tattoo!
he arranged the appointment at the place where he got his and held her hand when she was getting it
Lowkey considered getting matching tattoos but never really took the time to think of what tattoos they’d get
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another top ship among czennies
these two are so soft for each other omg
just one glance at the two and you’re already melting
You can see Yuta screaming about MaeWin whenever the group is together and they’re interacting
And if you can’t see it you’ll probably hear it
MaeWin: casually talking
Yuta: is this what heaven looks like
MaeWinMark is just yuta’s weakness and he doesn’t even bother to hide it
Okay back to MaeWin before I get ahead of myself and make an entire post about Yuta and MaeWinMark
If they’re gathered in a large group their interactions aren’t really noticeable unless you’re actively looking for it
While the others are talking you can just see Mae playing with his hands or winwin giving her a soft smile while patting her head
They talk more when they’re either in a small group or just the two of them
MaeWin shippers were devastated when they got separated so when nct 2020 happened they went feral
Every once in a while they go out for hotpot and talk about what has been going on
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this man right here
they first met when she was visiting NCT U dance practice for BOSS with food and she heard him from the hallway
its one of the reasons why she wasn’t intimidated by him even though hes a giant
she was excited to see what kind of energy and personality he would bring to nct
and she was not disappointed at all
personal hype man
whenever they’re on a variety show together and mae is asked to do something he just yells “FIGHT HAEYADWAE”
of course the same goes for mae but less loud bc last time she kept yelling she lost her voice and couldnt talk for the rest of the show
He just has this energy where if he’s hyped up about something she feels energized to be hyped up well so you just hear the both of them cheering loudly
its always interesting to see because you just see a gentle giant cheering loudly with this smol girl next to him trying to match his energy
he always makes sure she’s comfortable when they’re at a schedule
like we know how he’s really silly on camera but he’s also very observant and caring
one time mae complained about how her feet hurt from the heels she was wearing so he just picked her up bridal style and walked to the van without a word
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They’ve heard abt each other from Kun and ten and greeted each other when they passed by each other in the halls but they never really had a chance to grow close until nct 2020 happened
Mae wasn’t in the Make a Wish unit so there weren’t a lot of chances to get to know each other while promoting either but it doesn’t mean they’re not friends
ten also hogs her attention when she visits the wayv dorms but we dont talk about that
these two arent as close as the others but not to the point where they actively avoid each other
whenever they’re together they just vibe
theres no awkward silence or small talk they just talk about random stuff
“no lucas, i dont hate xiaojun hyung we just dont hang out as often as we do”
“yes hendery we do have each other’s numbers we just don’t talk often”
WayV is lowkey tempted to lock the two of them in a practice room together and do a vlive to see what’ll happen
prime candidates for “It’s Awkward but It’s Okay”
their dynamic is kinda DoRen where they pretend to be awkward around each other as a joke
like they went out together once and everyone as excited bc omg they were interacting
XiaoMae shippers are starved for content and will accept any crumbs that come their way
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the duo people didnt know they needed until they met
its not like people didnt want them to become friends its just that theyre energies match well
these two are such a vibe
you know how there are ppl who don’t see for long periods of times but you still want tackle them in a hug whenever you meet? yeah its like that
kun sometimes wants to separate the two bc of how much chaos they cause together
they’re the duo where they think something is a good idea at the time but ends up as something bad at the end
kun has banned the two from the kitchen bc of a fire they started
HenMae shippers are thriving because of all the stories of the dumb shit they’ve done
lowkey considered doing a series together on nct daily but then the channel stopped uploading vids so it was never mentioned again
one time he was on call with his sister when she walked in and accidentally mistook her as his gf and now they jokingly have each other as bf and gf in their phone contacts
ten nearly had a heart attack when he saw the contact name pop up and mae picked up the call
 yangyang has the whole thing recorded on his phone and refuses to delete it
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(A/N everytime i see this gif i need a moment to pause and try and remember my ideas cause my head goes empty when it comes to yangyang)
okay if HenMae are chaotic, MaeYang are worse
kun doesnt need to dye his hair gray bc of all the stress these two cause him
czennies thought they didnt interact much bc of different schedules and groups but once nct world happened they changed their minds
MaeYang slowly climbing up the ranks of nct ships
during one of his lives yangyang mentioned how he spoke a lot with mae and that she wanted to add him to the 00liner gc
czennies lost it that day bc 1) holy shit theres a 00liners gc and 2) why tf hasnt yangyang been added into it yet
insists that she calls him oppa/hyung even though theres only a one month difference between them
Mae and Yangyang: whispering in the corner of the room
kun: theyre either talking shit about someone or world domination and i cant tell whats worse
he tried teaching her some german once and she now knows like three sentences
“Hallo, Ich bin Mae. Was geht ab? Mir geht’s gut.” (A/N this is the outcome of my three years of german lessons everyone)
and basically all the swear words but we dont need to talk about that
haechan jokes that he’s stealing mae away from the dreamies so he wont be the maknae in wayv 
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perhapsthanatos · 3 years
10:32 pm with yuta ♡
nct’s yuta x fem!reader (got inspired by a dream of mine & found the idea really cute)
alternate title: be the james dean to my audrey hepburn
genre: fluff. a pinch of angst. non idol au. badboy!yuta au.
word count: 1400~
playlist: chinatown by wild nothing, lover’s rock by tv girl & work this time by king gizzard and the lizard wizard.
warnings: featuring johnny (not a warning though). smoking cigarettes. cursing. lowercase intended. not proofread.
a/n: hi i was supposed to post a vampire!haechan fic but i really wasnt happy w it in general :( the plot or overall idea of the fic was really good, but i just felt as if i didnt do it justice so here we are :( but ngl, i kind of like this concept more? maybe bc i can see it more vividly? idk, i feel like my writings r getting repetitive & its getting on my nerves lmaoo this is getting long im sorry do u guys even read this part anyway? i would also like to apologize abt the amount of projecting im doing lmao ive been having some rough days & i love my sister but hate being compared to her so often so this is a way for me to rant abt it ig? also so sorry its coming out a little later bc i woke up late today (& procrastinated for the rest of it so here i am posting really late at night) & decided to go to the convenience store to get ice cream (& a ton of other bad shit pls dont do this its rlly unhealthy) for breakfast bc i can :) any who, enjoy lovelies <3
“oh my, y/n! you’ve grown up so well! just like your sister!”
“oh! i’m sorry i’ve almost mistaken you for your sister! y/n is your name, correct?”
“y/n, darling, you are looking so dashing! you really do resemble your sister, don’t you?”
“ah, you must be y/n! i’ve heard all about you and your sister from your father!”
you swear that your reddening cheeks are threatening to fall off any moment now from all the fake smiling. the hundreds of superficial compliments, the insincere flattery and the need for these people to constantly compare you to your godforsaken sister makes you feel even weaker than you are. it gets harder and harder to keep up with a big persona that isn’t at all you. as lucky as you are to live such a lavish lifestyle, you can’t help but hate how your family has to be so perfect. you hate how you have never fit in with them, even if you are so good at faking it. you hate how you have always been stuck in your sister’s shadow, constantly haunted with the reminder that you yourself aren’t good enough. you hate how you now have to entertain the rich and brainless guests at your parent’s gala because she’s gone for some stupid prodigy competition and everyone is only talking about her in front of your face. so what if she’s better the better sister? you still have the right to earn respect, right?
you’re exhausted from all the small talk. your facade gets more brittle by the second under all the pressure. your body feels as if it's gonna give out due to your brain shutting down after all that interacting. you try to keep on going with the night as it unravels itself by being the perfectly poised poster child, trying to make your parents proud. but alive yet almost completely devoid, you decide enough was enough. what if you left right now? no one would notice, would they?
after pulling up your phone discreetly to send a few text messages, you pass through lots of people dressed in gold and finery in a way that wouldn’t have you noticed right away. keep your head down and don’t you dare make eye contact with anyone. nearing the end of the room, grabbing the first glass of whatever alcohol you see and downing it in one gulp, you start walking away as quickly as possible from the ballroom. “ignorant privileged fucks,” you angrily whisper to no one in particular, setting the now empty glass on whatever surface and begin to head to the main exit where no one could spot you running away.
“and what do you think you’re doing here, miss?”
a voice interrupts you, looking up you see that it is your father’s head butler; johnny. he is dressed in a simple black suit that makes him appear taller than he is. his long brown hair is slicked back and his bowtie seems brand new. you have known the man since he started working in your household less than ten years back. you were a reckless child, often trying to find ways to sneak out, finding a way to escape from this life and he sympathized with you. after all, he could barely imagine living your life, never catching a break for yourself and always pretending to be someone you weren’t. he often helped planning when you would sneak out into the night, scheduling things like what time you should leave and what time you should be back, more specifically a time when no one would notice. he would take care of your form of transportation and have your location on at all times, just to be extra safe. as much as he wants you to have fun and have a bit of freedom, he still worries that something might happen to you. because of all this, you two have grown to have a very strong bond. you could confidently say that he is most definitely a parental figure in your life since your parents (and even your sister) are often overseas for work.
“what do you think i’m doing? you think i wanna be in a room with those half-baked bipeds? fuck no!”
“i know, i was just joking. you looked like you were about to explode in there, i wish i could help.” he laughs, pulling out his phone preparing what you might need. “so what will it be for today? the driver? we just need to pay him to keep his mouth shut. a taxi? it’s cheaper than paying the driver, but you still need to pay… not like that’s a problem for you though. maybe an uber would be good enough—“
“actually, i got myself covered. thanks.”
his jaw slightly drops and his eyebrows furrow. he looks straight at you in shock. “what do you mean you got yourself covered?”
you look down at your feet, a nervous habit. “i got myself a ride, you don’t need to help me. i’ll be back as soon as dawn comes.”
he raises his eyebrow. “who’s your ride?”
“doesn’t matter,” you glance down at your phone seeing a notification and wave a goodbye, leaving rather suddenly. “i gotta go, i’ll text you when you need to open the gates!”
“y/n! wait! who’s your ride— and she’s gone.” johnny sighs, watching as you run towards the front gates, tossing your stiletto heels away on the grass while you’re at it. he heads back inside, silently hoping you’ll be fine.
knocking the window of the old black mustang parked outside behind the big bushes, the driver rolls down his window and sends the most charming smile.
yuta in his black beanie, long blonde hair, worn out doc martens, signature leather jacket and black skinny jeans. it almost makes you laugh on how he wears the same thing almost everyday but still manages to look so good.
he is most notable for having a big bad boy reputation and you knew that he was the breath of fresh air you needed in your life. a person who can understand having the pressure of having to be or to fulfill your persona. a person you can completely be yourself around. a person who is full of warmth no matter how cold he may seem on the outside.
“get in, princess.”
and that was all you needed. you tiredly walked to the other door and sat yourself in the car. rolling his window back up, he looks at you. you are wearing a simple yet stunning black dress along with silver jewelry adorned on your neck and wrists. your makeup is perfectly done but still struggles to hide the fog in your eyes. he has the sudden urge to clear them away. he softens at the sight of you. no one is perfect, but he finds you being perfect enough without ever having to dress up.
“where to?” he asks as gently as he could. he knows that you are most vulnerable during these moments and that it is hard to finally break down your walls after a day full of stress, so he doesn’t pry immediately. all he wants to do is to keep you here, safe and away from your burdens and for you to stay comfortable with him, even if it couldn't be for long. but is that too selfish of him to ask? he hates how you hate your life and it is taking every bone in his body to not run away with you. but who is he to tell you what to do or what to change anyway? all he can do for now is try to find a way to make you genuinely smile.
“take me anywhere,” you whisper to the latter. “i just want to be as far from myself and my life as possible. miles away or the nearest convenience store, just take the long way home before dawn.”
you look down at the cup holders, spotting an open cigarette box. you tug one out of the nineteen and light it with the lighter you kept in your pocket. you lean back and close your eyes. he only admires as you bring the cigarette to your lips, exhaling a cloud of smoke afterwards. letting the radio play quietly, he starts the car and begins to drive away from the mansion. he can’t help but wonder how you (an elegant daughter) and him (a bad boy) are millions of worlds apart, but more similar than you think.
© perhapsthanatos (efa)
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evasjacks · 4 years
ajshdjad okay spill abt the flight attendant headcanons
wow u forced my hand there was no stopping this ig
flight attendant nikolai <3
this was,,,a joint effort so like @tricewithaz​ and annie get tagged but anYwaY
zoya getting on a plane and she's a lawyer cuz i said so, probably meeting some client, probably hasn't slept in three weeks and this. fucking. flight attendant is running around with the biggest smile, talking to all the little kids, entertaining the adults and making jokes into the mic every once in a whil
nikolai ofc wants to impress ✨everyone✨
so he keeps stopping by to tell a joke or offer her a drink but she jus rolls her eyes and grunts when he tries to talk to her
so nikolais like. wow. this is my calling. my whole life has been leading up to this moment. I need to get this pretty lady to talk to me.
here’s the thing tho,,, zoya. zoya when she sleeps. you cannot wake her. now zoya when shes been surviving off nothing but coffee for WEEKS. dont even try.
the plane reaches its destination
zoya is completely passed out, right? head buried in her arms and just curled up in what looks like a very uncomfortable travel position but,,, somehow it works.
anyway nikolai, dutiful flight attendant comes to wake her up. he tries talking to her, shaking her shoulder (she shoves him away without waking up) “we’re herre!! cmon wake up miss...” he frowns, sees a laptop bag tucked under her chai, checks it. grins. “zoooyaa !! ✨miss zoya✨ zoOOOOyyaAA”
unsurprisingly, none of this works.
the plane lands. everyone is quick to get up, nikolai helps a few with their bags, high fives some children and then its empty. and zoya. is still. asleep.
and for a second nikolai just looks at this beautiful stranger who clearly hasn’t slept in ages and is impossible to wake up. and he just smiles a bit. he can wait a little while, right? so he goes back to the cabin and gets a blanket, drapes it around her shoulders, then finds a comfy place to sit and reads. 
when zoya wakes up, the plane is strangely silent- where’d the mother with those two screaming twins go? did she finally get them to be quiet?- she looks to her right and frowns. its empty. she bolts upright- the only reasons a plane would be empty are al very, very bad. did they crash? did they land? had she been kidnapped? was this all a dream?
nikolai strolls in and looks almost amused at her reaction
“mornin sleeping beauty”
she cuts him a sharp glare- blanket still around her shoulder, hair messy from sleep, slightly unsteady on her feet. still, her glare is murderous.
nikolai just grins, crosses his arms and very seriously asked, “miss zoya when was the last time you slept?”
somehow that glare increases tenfold “i sleep just fine” 
very obviously a lie miss im-zoya-nazyalensky-i-dont-need-internal-organs-and-i-sure-as-hell-dont-need-sleep
now shes very annoyed with the flight attendant, decides she’s got too much to do to worry about this, shrugs off the blanket- how did that even get there?- and starts struggling to get her bags down. she’s very short and one of the suitcases seems to be stuck, but then she stops dead and whips around to look at him “wait, how do you know my name?”
nikolai just raises a brow and goes “its written on your bags”
zoya shuts her eyes, feeling quite dumb, and goes for another quetsion, still struggling to get the bag down “why didn’t you wake me? I have things to do, you know”
nikolai, ever the hero, just smiles to himself, comes up behind her and gets them down for her. shes not blushing, okay? shes not. 
"you seemed to need the sleep" he hands her the bags. he winks "besides you looked cute"
she looks at him, she’s a bit tired and he’s super handsome and nice and his hair is ridiculously perfect and-
she snaps out of it, glancing around “are we even allowed to be here?”
“technically? I dont think so”
".... can we get out of here?" "oh yea i have the keys" he teases, winking. he tries to help with her other bag but she insists on dragging them all with her, so he shrugs and starts leading the way to the door.
he tries it
frowns, pushes against it with his shoulder.
not locked, stuck.
zoya panics- the claustrophobia is kicking in and all she can hear is the word trapped repeating in her head- her aunt died in a plane crash, and she never really got over the fear of them since. so she starts slamming her fists against the door, shouting. her hearts beating wildly, shes not focusing. nikolai catches on, tries to calm her down, then picks up his phone and calls the airport, explains the situation.
they laugh at him. “again, lantsov?” but promise to send someone.
he shoves his phone in his pocket and tells zoya but she still seems panicked- like seriously panicked, eyes wide, fidgeting with her fingers, pacing two steps back and forth in the small space so he starts talking, trying to keep her focus on him, to calm her down, he even blocks her path so she cant pace.
but she literally looks terrified and it tugs at his heart, so he suddenly pulls her into a hug. and at first she’s confused- i mean zoya nazyalensky does not do hugs. not normally. but he’s warm, and nice and she leans into the embrace, clinging to him. 
and hes talking softly to her now, straightening her hair and for some reason its comforting. she can’t name why- maybe she really does need more sleep- but it just is.
“i’ll get us out, i promise- either that or I’ll sue the airport” she bites back a smile, “i’m a lawyer, and you literally can’t”
and for a few moments they stay like that, and her breathing calms, her heartrate slows and she feels better. still, she doesn’t let go. neither does he.
then the door they’re standing beside clicks and screeches as it’s forced open. zoya jumps back as two workers help them out and shes just muttering thanks and grabbing her stuff to leave as quickly as possible.
nikolai catches up to her, running up the ramp as she practically stomps away lugging her bags behind.
“well miss zoya, after our little adventure, I’m sure you need to recharge- let me invite you to dinner”
she glances back, frowns. “don’t you have another flight?”
he does. “nope.”
and for some reason
she agrees.
this is so long but if someone were to request part two which is definitely alr planned I would be forced to write it as well oops <3
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themockingcrows · 5 years
Whisper Just For Me Ch. 15: Reunion
This chapter is SFW! This chapter is also available mirrored on my AO3.
Just having someone back in your presence doesn't always mean they're really there, especially when that someone is a ghost. How much of Dave is with you, and how much of him was affected by your time apart? Is it really a reunion when only one person is aware of the reuniting?
    Your dreams were empty. You were holding out hope that Dave would visit you, would talk with you, would get rid of the lingering worry that clung to your mind like a sticky veil of spiderwebs. Instead you got repeats of different scenarios you've had in the past, strange distortions of shadow and light, a strange sequence of trying to buy a set of pants from a food stall only to find they didn't have your size, and your father trying to pass off one of his finest hats to you after it had been coated in peanut butter, blending the symbolic niceties of adulthood and achievement with a death threat. If you believed in omens it probably would have meant a lot. Good thing you don't believe in it without a gut feeling and the only feelings it gave you were confusion and a stomach ache.
    You woke with your hand instinctively curled around the pendant as if trying to keep it warm, despite the material being plenty warm in your hand already, a reminder of who dwelled within it. Good, he was making some reactions now aside from just a loose sensation of presence.
    “...Dave?” you said quietly, a sleepy murmur. “Dave, can you hear me in there?”
    “...Dave, I'm so sorry for what happened. If I was even remotely aware anything like that was going to happen I'd have done everything different somehow. I'm just glad we got there in time.”
    More silence, but the warmth in your hand didn't diminish. Dave was definitely still in there. Maybe he was sleeping in too.
    Your phone let out a few familiar tones to signal you had messages coming in, rapid fire texts that had you wondering just how many people were texting you at once till you could get at it and turn the screen on with a press of the button along the side. ...Huh. Okay, five texts in a row from a number you were sleepy enough to not recognize as Rose's for a moment.. No, six, your phone chimed again in your palm to try making you scroll down. Okay, maybe you wouldn't have recognized it was from Rose's number right away anyway, this was definitely not her normal way of texting.
    TT: hey when you get this cn u like txt me back asap
    TT: *can
    TT: its roxy rose said i should hit u up again to like
    TT: check in and shit about what happened
    TT: srry for treating u like u two were gonna rob me blind but 2 be fair u were acting creepy
    TT: is that ghost thing okay btw or is that not a gr8 thing to ask
    Another few chimes as you were trying to formulate how to even reply, which left you marveling at the speed with which she could text. Was he okay? He still wasn't talking or glowing or.. much of anything beyond keeping the pendant warm. He wouldn't do that if he was sick right? ...Wait, do ghosts even get sick? What was the right word for this. Exhaustion? Strained? It couldn't last forever, he'd be back to normal soon surely.
    TT: srry not ghost thing i guess i mean dave
    TT: rose filled me in a bit but it still dsnt make much sense
    TT: guess it makes more sense than me goin crzy tho
    TT: *crazy lol
    Yeah, no shit. Even this deep in everything there were times you worried you were just actually crazy and none of this unbelievable mess was real at all. Rubbing sleep from your eyes, you pushed yourself to sit upright in bed, put on your glasses, and started to slowly type out a reply with your pointer finger.
    EB: hey, yeah, i'm here. sorry, i just woke up.
    TT: o shit my bad lol
    EB: no, it's no problem. thanks for getting in contact though. and sorry for uh.
    EB: you know.
    EB: barging into your apartment and alerting you to the whole concept of ghosts i guess?
    TT: like i said dont worry abt it
    TT: im just glad everythins back to normal in here
    TT: I hadnt realized just how weird the place felt till now
    TT: muties finally able to chillax again
    EB: i'm still kind of amazed you believed us at all, but if you'd been feeling things for a while then i guess that would all just kind of line up, huh.
    TT: just another day in the bullshit mines
    TT: rose talks about stuff like this a lot but i kinda never rlly believed her
    TT: hindsight 2020 foot does not taste gr8
    You grinned at your phone and let the screen go dim once more before stuffing it into the pocket of some sweatpants you then wrangled on. Might as well not delay the inevitable and just get up. It took a few more tries than usual to get up, fatigue weighing heavy in your bones, but get up you eventually did to shuffle to the kitchen. A banana wound up in your other pocket, keeping your hands free for motoring around to thump down on the sofa. Jade perked up soon as you went down, shuffling her legs to get your weight off her feet and poking a head full of sleep wild hair out from underneath the throw.
    “...S'it morning..?”
    “Yeah. Or later, I didn't look at the time,” you admit, pulling your phone out of your pocket to peek as the banana was yanked out in a dual wielding motion. You bit the standing end of the banana and tipped it sideways till the peel cracked, making it easier to open one handed. Wisely, you waited till you had a bit mouth full of fruit to try talking more. “Closer to noon it look like. Oh, and Roxy wrote.”
    “How'd she get your number?” Jade asked. She crawled to the floor to get at her purse, rummaging around for a brush to start taming the mass down enough to apply some strategically placed hair ties.
    “Oh, no, she was writing from Rose's phone. I guess they met up today in one way or another? She said everything feels better at her place so.. I guess that at least shows Dave didn't dislodge somehow or anything.”
    “Has he.. y'know. Said anything?”
    You frowned and took another bite of banana, then another till it was gone, delaying as if the extra few seconds stalled would somehow give Dave enough incentive to interact again. No such luck.
    “No. Nothing.. Oh! But the pendant's warm! He's definitely in there, just..”
    Just what. Just tired? Just ghost broken? Did ghosts get sick? You sank down further in the sofa and let your leg slide further along the floor with a heavy sigh. This sucked. This really, really sucked.
    “...I wish I knew enough about what was happening to fix it.”
    “We could always ask Rose if you want. She seems to have good ideas on this stuff, maybe she'd understand what was happening,” said Jade, opening up a compact mirror to check and see if the low segmented pigtails were a good look that day. Verdict was a resounding yes from the way she snapped it shut with a happy grin and dropped the supplies back into the bag. “Or we can just wait and see what he does next on his own.”
    “You make me sound like a helicopter parent when you put things like that, Jade.”
    “Helicopter boyfriend.”
    “Helicopter whatever! Same thing!”
    “I mean-”
    “You know that's not what I meant,” you frowned. “I just want to do what's best by him. I'm kind of responsible for him now, and I already fucked that up in a big way. Getting him back's like a second chance, but I can't do the second chance right from the very beginning if something's wrong.”
    “Then call Rose,” shrugged Jade as she got up from the floor and sauntered off to pilfer breakfast from your fridge.
    “Yeah but what if that just makes it worse somehow, what if we're supposed to wait for something to happen!”
    “John either call her, let me call her, or shut up and relax! Holy shit, it's not the world ending, it's either getting more potential information from a verified source of accurate information, or making our own estimations based on study and other information sources. It's as if you've never heard of a reasonable hypothesis before,” she grumbled, then disappeared around the corner.
    You frowned the way she went.
    “You could've at least taken my banana peel with you!”
    “Fuck your banana peel, you've got a leg and two arms that aren't broken!”
    You immediately stuck your tongue out in her direction, already knowing she couldn't see it, but hoping she could feel your rankle even through the wall. Heaving another sigh, reveling in the dramatic for a moment, you turn your attention to your phone once more. It hadn't pinged again to signal an incoming flurry from Roxy, so you assumed it'd be safe to call Rose now. Jade was right. She'd probably know what to do.
    The phone rang several times before you heard the familiar voice on the other line and smiled.
    “Yeah. So. ..Uh.” Come on, spit it out, what if this was time sensitive or something? “Dave's home now... I think. But he's not talking or anything. No dream visits, no lights, no interacting with anything. The most he's done is warm the pendant up,” you start to explain. “I'm worried he's. I don't know. Sick? Exhausted? What happens now, how can I help fix him? I finally got him home but I can't even talk to him.”
    Everything had started as a trickle before finishing in a rush of stress balled up into English and launched out of your mouth like cannon fire. You held your breath, listening closely for a response.
    ….Well that wasn't what you were hoping for. It takes effort to remain quiet and wait instead of pointing that out and being sarcastic. Stress sarcasm didn't tend to do the best things.
    “I think he likely just needs rest. Roxy already caught me up to everything that happened prior to and just after him leaving. It's possible he just expended way too much energy while apart from you and needs to rest now. Perhaps even sap energy from his surroundings.”
    You frowned and furrowed your brow in thought. It had felt harder to get out of bed today, but was that Dave already sapping from you, or was it just the reality of getting around on crutches for too long at a stretch?
    “Is there anything I can do to help though? I mean. I guess if he's going to be doing that draining thing while this tired, is there anything I can do to make it easier for him to do it?”
    You heard Rose sigh and the creak of whatever seat she was in.
    “Hm. Well, not exactly anything you can DO. Not strictly speaking at least. You can make yourself more open to him, perhaps. Leave yourself like an open door, let him get at you easier. Keep him in range obviously. Make sure you eat and sleep often enough, perhaps rest up and take things a little easier. Be the reserve battery.”
    You wet your lips and nodded, though obviously Rose couldn't see you. You hoped she'd get the feeling you nodded anyway.
    “Is there any way I'll be able to tell when he's back to normal?”
    “When he's back to scattering papers and bothering you, most likely,” Rose said, the soft sound of a chuckle flavoring her words. “But I think he'll make himself known when he's able to. The way you've talked about him makes it seem like he's probably just as excited to talk to you as you are to talk to him.”
    It was a comforting though. Another few nods you hoped Rose was able to detect happened as you tried to collect the rest of your thoughts.
    “When should I try telling him about the things Jade and I learned? About.. y'know, about his everything. His history and stuff.”
    Rose was quiet for a moment. You could almost picture her biting her lip, pale teeth on black lipstick that somehow never seemed to smudge or get spotty.
    “I'd recommend keeping your mouth shut about much of that until he's for certain stronger. It's hard to gauge his specific reaction, but the last thing you'd want to have happen is for the information to make him decide to go and then be unable to leave due to not having enough power.”
    “So.. I just need to be a good battery and wait for him, and then get to the nitty gritty when he's all recovered and back to obnoxiously normal.”
    “That's the gist of it, yes. Keep him close and in contact. Think of it as spoon feeding someone overtaken by illness while they recover.”
    “I'm already recovering, I think I can handle a bit more of the resting. Hah, might make Jade happy to finally get off my feet and just take it easy for a while longer.”
    She chuckled. “No doubt. I'd be interested to hear about your progress as things continue, actually. Will you be tracking things as you were before? That data is extremely useful to have on hand, it gives good insight on whether things that feel like they should work are actually beneficial. Who knows who might else wind up in a similar situation someday with a spirit and need to tend it before it can properly move on?”
    “You make it sound like opening a ghost infirmary or rehabilitation place is an option, Rose.”
    Another soft sound from the other end of the phone and far too long of a pause spanned silence till you laughed, awkward. “Rose. I was kidding.”
    “Yes. Kidding. Still an intriguing idea. I wonder if spiritual rehabilitation could work in the case of negative spirits as we-”
    “Rose, I'm gonna have to let you go for now,” you interrupted. “I'm sorry. I'll call back later on with updates, okay?”
    “Have Jade call me later, if you could?”
    “About Dave?”
    “No, to make dinner plans. I think her phone may be drained, it just goes straight to voice mail.”
    That wasn't like her. Maybe she turned it off instead of it dying. Either way, you nod and make a sound of confirmation just in case Rose wasn't psychic enough to understand just how earnestly you'd been nodding this entire time you'd been conversing.
    “Sure thing. Thanks again, Rose. And uh.. Rose?”
    “...Could you tell Roxy to send me a bill for what all she'd need to get her laptop running again? I feel like it'd probably be better if I paid or helped pay for a good chunk of that. Even if it was an accident, just. ..Yeah.”
    It was kind of the least you could do, considering someone innocent got caught in some pretty serious crossfire. Things could have easily given way to a fire, taken out the entire apartment building or gotten others killed.
    “I'm sure she'll appreciate it. Between that and her phone, I think her run of bad luck took a bit more out of her than she'd be willing to admit. I'll just pass her your email address and she'll forward something.” A soft chuckle. “If she doesn't, then I'll figure it out and send the information your way instead.”
    “Perfect. Thank you again, Rose.”
    You hung up as Jade was coming back in with a bowl of cereal loaded to the brim, sipping milk from the edge where it precariously sat just waiting to spill all over the floor. She cast a green eyed glance your way to be sure she wouldn't squash anything before sitting down beside you on the sofa to crunch away. Apparently the back and forth sassing hadn't left any lingering bad tastes in her mouth towards you, at least judging by how close and comfortable she sat.
    There was no mystery involved if Jade Harley was angry with you. You were very, very well aware.
    “Rose said to treat myself like a good little battery and just wait on him to make the most of it. Give her updates.. and she wants you to call for dinner plans? Your phone's apparently off.”
    Jade swallowed sideways and nearly choked on her cereal.
    “What? Fuck. I forgot I did that. Right, don't worry about it, I'll call her soon as I finish this. ...But that's it, huh?”
    “Apparently so. Take it easy, eat and sleep plenty, keep him close. I wonder if talking to him helps even if he can't respond yet. Would he be able to hear?”
    “If he's awake he'll hear. Maybe he's just not strong enough to respond and he's actually wide awake worrying? Talking is a good idea.”
    “Great, more excuses to talk to myself in public, exactly what I want.”
    “Truly, you lead a charmed life,” she said with a grandiose gesture of her spoon before popping more cereal into her face. The mood seemed reset now that your obligations were complete. You had solved the mystery of how Dave died, of his origins. You'd gotten Dave back, though you weren't quite able to celebrate freely yet. You were going to repair damage done and set some debts right before they could become an issue. You had ideas on how to help fix things in a lot of ways.
    All you needed was patience.
    ...Fuck does patience suck sometimes.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    You'd spent nearly two weeks being the best battery you were able to be. You ate plenty of decent food, took naps whenever you could, and otherwise gave yourself as much physical rest as you were able to on the sofa when not busy. The entire time you were also murmuring to yourself, talking softly towards the pendant you couldn't help but keep touching, narrating your life and your thoughts to a sleeping spirit that you were guarding. The stone remained comfortingly warm as a hand you could hold in your time alone, and a few times you swore you could feel a soft pulse of a presence coming from it. There had been no speaking however. No dreams being visited.
    The paranoid part of your brain was worried enough that it started to offer up all kinds of awful scenarios that were possibly coming true, despite having clear evidence to the contrary that anything was going wrong. Dave was quiet, but he was there. You knew he was there. ...You just wished he'd react more than a pulse or warmth.
    Dave granted your wish one night. While you worked on your laptop in bed, fucking around on a forum in one window, talking with friends in another, and doing a little research into some new devices for spirit communication that were making the rounds in the online sources, you failed to notice the slender trail of red light leaving the pendant. You also failed to notice the red ball form, only realizing something was up when the corner of your eye caught the red haze starting to take a different shape.
    “Wh-. Dave?!”
    Fumbling with your laptop, you sat bolt upright in bed and glanced down to the pendant before back towards the apparition that was struggling to form something specific. Humanoid was a good start, but it seemed like he was struggling a bit to settle on a specific shape for very long, unable to make up his mind.
    “It's okay, you can stay an orb if you want! There's no rush!” you hurry to say, though he doesn't appear to acknowledge you. The red light strains and struggles, forming Dave's face before flickering and distorting grotesquely enough that you're taken aback. He keeps coming back to his own face, but between flashes of it are things you don't recognize. Monstrous half formed things, faces that belong to people you've never met, and even several times faces you recognized. You could have sworn you saw Jade in there a few times, and Roxy. You saw your own face once or twice before it ripped itself apart to bone and reformed as malleable as clay in the vapor.
    “...Dave?” you whisper. It's the face of Dave's brother that glances at you sharp as broken glass, mouth set in a thin line as his outer edges twitched and spasmed, only to once more break apart at the seams. He looked like he was melting, and it took effort not to panic. Something was definitely wrong, it was obvious to see, but WHAT was wrong. What specifically was wrong? What could even be done about it? You wet your lips and tried to think clearly as you could.
    Be open. Be a good battery. Dave had gone through a lot of strain before coming home, maybe this reforming problem was linked to that? It had to take a lot of power to form a specific shape as opposed to just forming out of habit. You were trying to think of any reasonable explanation you could, despite the taste of bile rising in the back of your throat.
    “Dave,” you try again, keeping his attention this time. Maybe just act like business as usual? “I missed you so much. I'm sorry this happened, but.. you're here now! You're home! And I'm recovering, and everything can go back to normal now.”
    A frown lit on Dave's ever changing face, but he seemed to be starting to decide on the features you were by now familiar with. His eyes were the things that stayed in place the most, barely there hints of lashes pale on a fairly normal shaped face. At least it wasn't splitting apart at the seams anymore.. His mouth still looked too big, too sharp, too inhuman, but it was progress. You gestured with your arms wide as if expecting a hug at any time to come your way, hoping against hope that maybe, just maybe, you'd get it to happen if you wished enough.
    “I know things haven't been easy. And.. I understand if you're mad. Or scared. Or-”
    Something was wrong. Words died on your lips as, finally, Dave's features went into the right order and appeared to hold steady yet the look in his eyes didn't change in the slightest. He looked at you as if looking through you, taking in the room as a whole as if he'd never seen it before in his life. If he was strong enough to form, why wasn't he talking to you at all? Or reaching for you?
    “...Dave,” you try again, moving so your legs were over the edge of your mattress and one hand was reaching for your crutches. “Dave. Say something. Anything. Or.. uh. Knock something over. I'm listening close as I can for you, I promise, but I'm not hearing anything. Am I just not trying hard enough or are you just not talking for some reason?”
    The spirit was glancing at his hands now, wispy trails of paleness caught in reddish mist that faded in and out of view between fully formed mass and smoke. Even with a fully open link, it still took a lot of energy to do that. You weren't surprised to hear the fan of your laptop suddenly kick into high gear behind you, cooling the inner workings down as it drew more power than usual from the wall. He didn't seem interested in talking, or in doing much at all. Compared to the spirit you were used to, how Dave was acting now just gave you the creeps. He hovered gently off the ground, face grim and expressionless as a doomed man, resolute and lost. A thousand yard stare at nothing at all.
    This was Dave, but it was the least Dave-like Dave you thought you'd ever seen. And considering how much you'd learned about him so recently and all the time you'd spent together so far, you considered yourself a pretty damn good gauge of Dave-ness. An unaccounted for lack of Dave-ness with no guidance on what had caused it. Could you soft reset ghosts? Turn it off and on again till the appearance stuck right.
    No, wait, that was a stupid idea. Focus, John. You shook your head hard to clear the thought from your head to focus on the other thoughts instead, the ones that felt instinctively like they might help. After all, you'd shared a body before, two minds in one form. You'd had his voice in your head, in your ear, in your heart. Maybe he just needed that..? Needed a touch, a push, a rekindling to remember properly after the traumatic time apart like someone might take their shoes off and flop on a sofa to make a place feel like home again after a return from a too long vacation. You picked up a single crutch and forced yourself upright to your feet, leaning your weight to keep balanced before taking a lumbering step forward, one hand out beseechingly.
    “Dave. Come here for a second.”
    He stared at you, through you again, then went back to looking at his hands as if they were foreign objects. Maybe they were. The thought chilled your blood, but you lumbered forward another careful step, nearly touching him. It would be okay. It'd be fine. You could do this.
    Dave flinched when your hand went through him as if he'd not realized just how close you were. ...Wait, had he felt that? The contact had been chilly, vaguely electric, but welcome. Familiar. Just needed to keep contact up for it to be warm, right?
    “Come on.. Here. Remember when we were at the aquarium?” you asked, pausing to grin at him. “Would yoooou... want to try that again? No cars this time. It was kind of fun in hindsight. Scary but interesting to back seat in my own body?”
    Were you offering casual possession to an Not-Very-Dave-Like Dave? Yes. Yes you were. It felt important, the closest thing to a hug you could manage when all you craved was contact with someone who couldn't do the literal contact thing very well. Dave stared vacantly, but didn't seem like he was going to dart away anywhere, or at least attempt to given the limitations of the place he was still tethered to. A thought of taming timid woodland creatures crossed your mind as you held your hand out in offer, patient, quiet, smiling.
    “Come on. Come closer. I've really missed you, I can see you, you can see me. I can't hear you and I'm dying for a chat.”
    More staring. ...Okay, you weren't a very patient man in hindsight, but the attempt was still happening.
    “Dave. Come here,” you said again.
    More staring.
    Well. Now or never. Acting quickly, you moved your crutch forward and lunged for the spirit in his red haze as if you were trying to bear hug him, forcing yourself to think as openly as you could. Welcoming as an open door, trying to recreate anything you could from the aquarium as you went right through him and lurched uncoordinatedly straight into your dresser drawers. Another hard wobble as you rebounded too hard in a panic of over-correcting and started to go backwards, passing through Dave a second time directly before starting to head for the floor.
    Though you hadn't been able to see it, the first pass through Dave's body had had a definite effect, a small spark of reaction, memory, something familiar. He'd watched your graceless fumble as well as your rebound without really reacting much beyond observation, too busy trying to organize his own slowly waking thoughts to go further.
    ...Was he home? Where was this? He'd been somewhere else, right? This felt different, it looked different, there was no pink everywhere, no cat.. It felt familiar. Looked familiar. So did the person falling.
    Fuck, falling.
    You were wide eyed and nearly to the floor when the hand extended your direction, and without a second thought you reached up to grab it. Foolish really, trying to grab the hand of a ghost. There was nothing there to really grab, nothing to hold on to or to use to stop the inevitable crash to the ground, but what could you say? When falling the urge to grab a hand was instinctive. Your hand felt like it was numb with cold before it suddenly surged hot, heat racing up your arm and down your spine, making your head swim. You were aware you were changing position and of the world changing place around you, but kept bracing for the impact on the back of your head.
    It never came.
    You felt pressure on your elbows, forearms, and good knee instead. The brunt of the impact was taken in your healthy limbs, injured leg awkwardly elevated and hovering an inch or two above the ground before slowly lowering down.
    ...Wow. That was pretty cool! You'd never even thought of turning like that, it was kind of like a stunt man's moves or something out of a movie. Most importantly, however, you hadn't bashed the back of your head in like a total idiot who'd tried to hug a ghost! Just needed to get up then.
    Just. Needed to get up.
    Preferably with the moving and the getting up actions actually happening instead of just waiting. You tried again, but failed to move out of the weight bearing stance that had successfully broken your fall. Nothing felt heavy or really out of place. More like it felt like your joints were a glimpse of what life was like as the Tin Man after being left out in the rain too long, immobilized. You could feel your glasses starting to slide off your nose towards the ground but couldn't catch and readjust them. They slowly slipped bit by bit off your face before thumping to the ground, leaving your vision blurry and soft.
    Well, at least talking was happening. You were grateful your mouth could move, but the talking wasn't very soothing in the face of suddenly being an immobilized statue on the floor.
    “Dave, did. ..Wait, Dave, you're talking now! Where are you at, I can hear you really clearly now!” you realized, voice raising in pitch a bit as the excitement built. Shit, it'd been way too long since you last heard his voice, you hadn't really realized how great it would be to hear him again.
    “Yes, I can hear you! Dave, come down where I can see you, I can't move, I can't see shit at all.”
    “...Dave are you why I can't move. Where are you at. I can't see shit,” you repeated, “let me see where you are.”
    John John John John John John John
    “Dave, I'm happy to hear you too but like. Seriously, did you do this?” Had to be. In hindsight there was no way you'd be able to do a cool mid-movement flip like that to avoid damaging yourself in a fall. You were not nearly that coordinated. You felt warmth blossom in your chest and down your spine again, down either leg. You could wiggle your toes for a moment before the statue effect was in place once more.
    “Dave. Dave. Let me stand up! I'm gonna get a cramp! Do whatever you were doing a second ago, I could kinda move for a moment there! You can talk and yell at me all you want but just. Can we go to the bed again? I don't want my leg to hurt.”
    The excited thrumming focused in your chest like a steady bouncing, or like one of those wacky weasel toys that wiggled the ferret on the motorized ball in random directions. You could still hear his voice as if it were getting further and further away before realizing the warmth was focusing centrally before trying to expand outward to each limb at the same time. This was very different from the experience at the aquarium but.. it wasn't bad by any stretch of the imagination. It was kind of comforting actually, especially once you started to realize where things were and could hone in on where Dave was. It had forced you to stop acting automatically and to instead focus inwards at an acute angle that got rid of the borders around your body and the world around you.
    Once again, your body housed two hearts for even a brief moment and you couldn't quite explain just how complete it actually made you feel compared to normal. Not too full but comfortable. Safer. ...Were you missing something, to feel this way? Or was it just a sign of you having a better capacity to work with others?
    Or was it just Dave?
    The warmth ran all the way to your fingertips, coursing through your veins and muscles till you could feel your arms wobble and then go limp. You face planted solidly against your glasses, mashing your nose into the frames hard enough that for a second you were scared you'd break them, pushing back up onto your hands with a sharp gasp. Okay. There was the movement again, but the warmth wasn't dissipating. You could still feel it in your chest, bouncing from side to side and up and down, spinning in circles as your own name was chanted in your ears excitedly.
    JOHN John John JOHN home safe homehomehomesafejohn JOHN SAFE HOME JOHN JOHN JOHNJOHNJOHN!
    You pushed upright to sit flat on your ass and picked up your glasses, taking a moment to rub them clean with the bottom edge of your shirt before putting them back into place. The room returned to crisp, clear outlines and familiar shapes. The pendant was all but burning at your neck, and you realized your lips were curled into a smile that was broad enough it made your cheeks hurt. You were.. happy. Absolutely happy. Whatever had happened between you and Dave, it had fixed the problem before it truly could get started and restored the world to its rightful state of reunion. This was what you'd missed last night when your worry hung in your mind as tangible as spoiled milk.
    “I missed you, Dave,” you whispered, and hugged yourself as tightly as you could. The warmth stopped bouncing around to hold perfectly still for a moment before surging into both of your arms. You realized you couldn't move them again, both hands locked firmly to your upper arms before they began to make rubbing motions, not quite numb but not quite usable. You may have hugged yourself, but you didn't exactly expect 'yourself' to hug you back.
    “Could you feel that too, Dave? Is that why you're doing this?”
    This was unexplored territory, and held plenty of implications you were sure, but in the moment you didn't give a fuck. That fulfilled sensation, the warmth, the foreign feeling of your own hands on your arms that steadily trailed up towards your throat and then your own face as if they were the hands of another? All of it was new and all of it was just memories for the making and taking. You were getting to hug Dave in a flesh and blood way, even if it were only for the moment, and nothing could ever take that away from you. Nobody could claim it was impossible.
    ... John..
    Were you. ..Were you crying? You weren't crying, were you? You were. You could feel hot trails on your face that cooled quickly, and the warmth in your chest was soon joined by a clenching that released in a huffed sob. It was relief, you told yourself. The full relief of everything being okay and returning to normal, of nothing being wrong finally, of questions being answered and of that all but overwhelming sensation of not being alone anymore in your own skin.
    Your right hand lifted to rub your nose as you snorted in an ungainly way to clear your nose. Your left hand, outside of your control, carefully rubbed some of the water from your eyes with its fingertips.
    ...Don't cry...
    “Don't tell me what to do,” you snuffed. “I'll cry if I feel like it, do you have any idea how scared I was that you were gone forever? And then I get you back and you-! And. And you acted like you weren't really there even when you were in front of me and now everything's just. Everything's okay! Everything's okay now!”
    ...Still crying...
    “Shut up and let me have this,” you mumbled. Though the one hand stayed near your face, the arm you were able to move went to hug tight around your rib cage again, trying to hold everything together in case it somehow fell apart or flew away to the breeze. “Let me have this.. Let me have you,” you murmured.
    The tension in your chest lifted and the warmth returned to your limbs, trying to spread to all four at once before it ricocheted around your rib cage again and went straight to your head. You didn't mind the dizziness or the slight ring in your ears, so long as you got to hug it out just a little bit longer.
    “Stay with me like this. Even just a while longer, Dave. ..Please.”
    The warmth stayed, solid and still as stone. You had a feeling it wouldn't be going anywhere any time soon and were grateful. You'd tell the good news to everyone else soon enough. For the time being, though, this happiness was all yours.
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thelastlesbean · 7 years
okay but imagine this
buzzfeed unsolved au where Neil is hell bent on proving ghosts are real and Andrew is Sceptical™ 
You’d think Neil wouldn’t believe but boy does he do
Like this kid has so many ghost stories from his time on the road like that one time he saw his toothbrush float in the air in the middle of the night before dropping to the floor 
or that time in Germany where they were in this old ass house from like 1400-something and he swears he saw someone walk in and out of his room with the door closed (Mary very quickly moved them after that for other reasons) 
then there’s also that one time in the Millport lockerroom when he saw a kid put on old soccer clothes before noticing him and disappearing into nothingness
Ghosts are real okay and he wants Andrew to stop giving him that Look whenever he tells the foxes one of his ghost stories 
So yeah one time when they’re on a lay over Neil is like oh yeah not too far away from this airport there’s a house that’s haunted - scared the crap out of me back then
Allison is the one who convinces the others to go because she’s curious and had her own encounter her first month at PSU (there was a girl murdered in the girl’s dorm 20 years before and Allison swears she saw the girl standing at the feet of her bed a bunch of times ok) 
Allison isn’t the only one. Even Aaron kind of sort of believes (granted he was drugged up when he saw,,,, something butttt) 
So yeah they rent a car and make the like 30 minute trip to the house
its completely empty but Neil just walks up to it like he owns the place 
Nicky and Matt both jump at every sound, much to the amusement of the others 
Andrew just walks around bored and eventually finds a good spot to smoke 
Alive people already bore him enough he doesn’t really feel the need to find out if ghosts are real 
But then Neil is there and he’s talking about all the encounters he had in this particular house and damnnnn Andrew hates him so much 
(especially the way he crinkles up his nose, laughs at Matt being a Scared Baby and how alive he looks) 
(plus Neil not talking about exy??? always a bonus in Andrew’s book) 
So he kind of just continues walking around with Neil when his cigarette is finished
followed by the other foxes
they make so much noise that even if they could find proof it would be lost in their messiness 
Needless to say that at the end Andrew is Not Convinced™ 
Neil seems to give up and they go back to the airport 
Two weeks later Neil drags him along to another supposedly haunted house
This time they only bring Nicky and Kevin (who, the history nerd he is, would definitely love to know whether or not ghosts are real and if you can ask them questions abt the time they lived in bc IMagINe that Unique Perspective) 
Even Neil is looking at him odd but he’s not bothered okay (I live for history nerd Kevin so much u dont even know) he’s excited let him live 
This time Neil is Prepared
He has the noise radio frequency thing, flashlight, sensors, etc
he knows that even if Andrew doesn’t believe in ghosts he does believe in science so like lets get some mothereffing proof 
Nicky records the whole thing 
The house is old from like the 1800s and “supposedly” built on a mass grave or some other spooky shit like that 
All throughout the house there are places people have said they’ve encountered ghosts 
Like some dude who killed his wife and then himself
A shrieking lady who lost her child 
An unrelated child searching for her mom 
like There’s some scary shit and even some video evidence floating around that looks relatively convincing so Neil figures if not here nowhere 
They spend the night in the house (its abandoned and probably a health hazard but lets be real if the mob literally threatened to kill you your bar of i should stay away from the thing is high) 
Nicky is annoyingly scared of his own shadow the whole time 
At some point its super quiet while they walk around the house when Kevin lets out a shriek so loud they all jump (even Andrew who sends him a deathglare and no this is totally not getting to him okay thank you very much) 
they put sensors all throughout the house and sleep in supposedly the most haunted spot: the hallway 
There’s all sorts of shit happening but it all could have a totally normal explanation like
there’s a creaking up the stairs that sounds like someone is shuffling around 
to which andrew answers its an old af house 
the sensors constantly blink
but there are also a bunch of rats which are very much alive 
on the radio frequency thing it sounds like someone says drew look behind you in a soft womanly voice
(Nicky is Freaking Out after that but honestly there’s nothing behind Andrew sooooo) 
but really wasn’t it proven that if you want to hear something you’ll most definitely hear it??? 
Anyway while the others have difficulty sleeping Andrew sleeps like a baby for once
the irony of this is not lost on him 
In the morning everyone is still alive and they decide to go 
Andrew waits in the car, smoking a cigarette while the others pack up 
Nicky and Kevin both come running out the house after a few minutes 
Both look like they saw a ghost
Andrew sticks up a finger “I haven’t seen it so I don’t want to hear it”
Instead he waits for his idiot to come out
Who does at a calm pace with the bag of stuff in hand 
After dropping the bag in the back and sitting down next to Andrew he grins 
“Figures you’re not there when something actually happens” 
“Better luck next time” 
He thinks that maybe thats finally it buttt 
A week later Nicky interviews him about his experience
Because “apparently” it made a good video that he’s posting on youtube so he just wanted all perspectives 
Andrew just stares him down blankly until he leaves 
Three days later Nicky pushes his computer almost up his nose
apparently the video has been gaining traction (they sadly and very unsurprisingly did not get whatever happened at the end of the trip on tape) 
People want more and come with all kinds of places for them to go to 
Surprisingly to everyone Andrew actually agrees
(mostly because of how alive it makes Neil) 
It becomes a whole web series called Unsolved Hauntings: Exy Style
Bonus: one time Kevin gets spooked by a sound so bad he automatically throws the exy ball he was holding for stress relief and hits Andrew in the back of his head. Andrews death glare is by far the scariest thing of the whole web series and no one is sure how Kevin survived
Read part two here
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astrorarepairs · 7 years
A few things abt this: 1) i havent edited this so iapologize if there are parts that arent grammatically correct/dont make sense 2) this takes place during the historical period when korea was still ruled by Kings and Queens but i didnt do much research on it ddjf 3) *spoiler * its angst 4) lowkey wanted to title this as love in the moonlight bc i wanted to watch that drama while writing this
The midnight bell rings from the high tower inside the palace walls for all of Cheongju to hear. It’s loud and daunting, a useless reminder to the citizens of Korea to be in bed by now or be punished. The only ones who hear the midnight bell are the royal guards, who do their nightly rounds on the streets to catch anyone who roams about with suspiciousness, even though every civilian would never dare to. Only a fool would dare to put their entire life and family for a mere walk in the moonlight.
Minhyuk considers himself smarter than a fool, which might explain why he hasn’t been caught all this time. He runs in the shadow of the night and has enough experience to make not a single sound as he sneaks. His small stature and flexibility allows him to sneak in the smallest and cramp places when he hears the step of royal guards coming his way. So he doesn’t think he considers himself a fool to be caught.
He continues to run and turn at every corner, away from his small home where his family are asleep, unknown about his fortnightly activities and where he’s headed. He feels a pang of guilt at the possible thought they might wake up and find him gone, worried and scared for them and their son but it fuels him with even more determination to not get caught. He follows the complicated path he knows by heart.
He walks closer and closer to the outskirts of the cityand clings to the stone wall, careful not to reveal his figure or make too much noise. He stops walking when he’s reached a certain point and feels the figures and random pattern of the stones that barricade the palace. He listens carefully for any incoming footsteps and when the coast seems clear, he steps back into the woods and climbs the first tree he reaches.
He counts the number of branches he climbs until he stops at the fifth branch. He carefully drags himself to the end of the branch without rustling the tree too much. He stops until the near end where his feet barely reach the end of the stone wall and he’s a few feet away from a lit room. A shadow comes into view and scans the room before coming closer to the window.
Moon Bin is dressed in a sleeping outfit that has too much expensive and long layers for Minhyuk’s taste and has a worried look on his face as he looks at him. He’s wide eyed, scanning for any sign of movement that might find out their secret meeting and Minhyuk’s fondness for him grows as he watches the royal prince.
 “My love,” The prince pants when he finally turns to look at him with worried eyes. His heart skips a beat at the name. “Are you okay? No one seemed to follow or see you right?”
“I’m fine Bin, but have some faith in me. I’ve been doing this for the past two years. I know the path by heart and I know my heart will never betray me.” He gives him a warm smile.
“I apologize, things have been rather tense in the palace and my father has been requesting for more guards to roam around. You know your safety means everything to me, and the mere act of you doing this m-“
“Makes me so worried.” Minhyuk finishes sentence for him. He’s heard Bin repeat the same guilty confession more than a hundred times. His words are forever itched into his mind, bringing him guilt and worries of his own on nights he can’t sleep. “I know your heart and concern my prince and it is in my best concerns that you don’t get a heart attack from worry every time that we meet. We could always go back to writing letters as we did in the past.”
Moonbin turns into a shade of pink and firmly shakes his head. “As selfish as I am, I much prefer being able to see you like this.” Even though we can never touch each other. Minhyuk finishes his sentence again. He ignores the pain in his heart and smiles at him. 
“I miss you.” He confesses. He doesn’t want to talk about their fears and the dangers of their relationship. They have limited time before the sun rises and he has to run back home without being noticed he was missing. They cannot spend their precious time of meeting full of tears and sobs (they once did cry, six months into their routine, when the king had forced Moon Bin’s sister to be wed off and Minhyuk’s family shop wasn’t doing so well. A royal servant, Eunwoo, had heard the prince’s cries outside of his room and asked what was wrong. They quickly resolved their fight and promised to never fight again).
“I missed you too,” He flashes him a smile. His eyes turn into crescents and his shoulders relax and he knows he means the truth. “I know it’s only been two weeks since we last saw each other, but it feels like been an eternity.”
“I’m here now. Tell me what’s on your mind.“
“A lot.” He sighs. “Father’s been busy meeting with other officials and generals from other kingdoms to discuss on dealing with the outburst of thieves that’s been rumored to be coming from the South forest. More important people in the palace means more guards lurking around, hence why I was so worried about you being caught. Good news is I made another friend, like you told me to! He’s one of the servant’s, his name is Sanha.” He crosses his arms and gives him a proud smirk.
“How old is he?” The crown prince’s falls and stutters out a reply that’s too low for him to hear. He puts his hand toward his ear, knowing it irks him. “What was that?”
“H-he’s seven.” He repeats, loud enough for the other to hear. “B-but he’s great! He’s a great listener, we have nice conversations, and he plays games with me!”
“That’s because you’re probably his only playmate other than his mother.”
“He still counts as a friend! You didn’t add in any specifications to your request!” Well, he got him there.
Minhyuk sighs, knowing he couldn’t win an argument against his hotheaded boyfriend. “Alright then, you, although didn’t really-“
 “You’re fault for not specifying on your definition of friends!” Moon Bin defended and stuck out his tongue at him. Minhyuk merely rolled his eyes at his childishness.
 “I congratulate you Prince Moon Bin, crown prince of Cheongju, for successfully executing the difficult task I had given you last week.” Minhyuk bowed did a silent clap, dramatizing his achievement. Bin was relishing in the moment and enjoyed listening to him admitting defeat. “How do you wish for us to celebrate this extravagant new accomplishment of yours, your royal highness?”
Moon Bin hummed in his glory and began to think, stroking his imaginary beard. Minhyuk could only sigh internally and dread for the worst possible activity he would possibly be told to do. After a few seconds, he looked at the window to find him thinking seriously about it. He found the sight of his partner in all seriousness and deep in thought a cute sight and wonders if he’s the only few who’s able to see this childish, stubborn and proud side of Bin. He wonders if this is the side of Bin that the public only knows, the one that makes everyone in the land praise and respect him so highly. He wonders if he’s the only few who’s able to see childish, stubborn and proud side of Bin. wonders if this is what Moon Bin looks like when he’s in meetings or what he generally looks like in the daytime, going over royal duties (he avoids the thought of being able to be by his side in the daytime and how nice that would be).
“I want to touch you.”
The words are enough to break Minhyuk out of his thoughts and his breath hitch. His playful smile is gone and he looks at him with a sad gaze. His heart aches remembering the fact that they’ve never been able to had any physical contact with each other despite having been together for two years. He supposes it was one of the consequences of dating the crown prince when he was a mere tailor’s son. The closest type of contact they’ve ever had was making eye contact while he was washing clothes by the river and Bin was horseriding in the same forest.
“B-bin,” He swallows the lump in his throat, wanting so desperately to reach out and hold him, to hold his hand, to kiss him, to initiate any sort of contact with the man he’s so much in love with. But he can’t and it pains him so much to admit it.
The full moon and stars glimmer brightly tonight, as if waiting for them to be caught in the forbidden act and spread the sight to everyone. The moonlight shines so bright and Minhyuk has an idea. He holds back his tears and smiles at him. “And so we shall.”
He holds out his hand into the moonlight, stretches out just enough for a shadow of his hand to appear on Bin’s window sill. He understands his idea and holds out his own into the moonlight, moving it around until his hand’s own shadow is in the same position as Minhyuk’s is. They stay like that for a while, moving their fingers around to try and get the shadows to show their intertwined hands.
The gesture is a terrible attempt of fulfilling his request and holds the same meaning as an empty promise. They look at each other and see guilt and love stare right back at each other. It’s not enough, nor will it ever be enough to fulfill Moon Bin’s and his own desire. But for now, as the birds chirp in sign of dawn coming and as the moon starts to set, as they quietly say ‘I love you’s to each other, before Minhyuk departs and races against dawn, it will have to be enough.
wELL THAT WAS SAD!!!!!!!!!!!!! the last scene made me really sad i want them to be able to hold hands :(((((((((((((((((( prompt anon you write really well, my heart is so <///3 i felt the longing i felt the struggle ; - ;
this is really good prompt anon, im excited to see more of it if you’re going to continue it! im ready for more Pain
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iwishnomore · 5 years
there are mostly civilians in the camp people and kids that wouldnt be able to defend themselves well so V gets put there with a handful people to keep an eye out for them and
the camp gets in trouble with some other grp that take their supplies away before they can pick them up
so these people seem to have their base close to that camp and V being V wants to investigate and see if these guys are just talking big or if they really can take the camp out like they say if the camp doesnt pay to get THEIR OWN STUFF back sneaking her way to those people its not only clear that these guys are full of shit- but they also have beef with each other in their own little gangster grp
she witnesses how they basically ruin themselves drinking, fighting and taking their compadres out so problem solved itself u may think as V suprise hits the last guy standing who is just happy he has a lot of shit to live off of
so while she checks how much of the supplies these greasy guys had their hands on already she gets surprised by a RANDOM LOL patrol of aliens (what kawa u drunk go home)
seems those guys had their stuff a little too close to a checkpoint and the noise they made when they killed each other resulted in alien troops coming to check what the shit is going on
So far, V’s day is a rollercoaster of ups and downs she gets wounded on her leg but manages to take out 2 out of 3 aliens
hunter shows up and oh boi does she like him but also she does not trust him bc the last time he just dissappeared after she helped him and he helped her and now she thinks that he might just go ahead and kill her rollercoaster down so to speak he shoots the last alien saying something along the lines of ‘this one I am taking care of myself~’ meaning her, obv and she thinks its her last seconds lol so while she scrambles backwards and he casually walks towards her ANOTHER PERSON SHOWS UP
so in case u cant already tell from my rambling: ASSASSIN shows up- turns out hunter has ignored the elders call and she came to check up on her annoying brother lol he reacts quickly, making sure she doesnt notice V V IS HELLA CONFUSED BUT WHY NOT while they 'talk things out’ (rather get onto each others throat pretty much immediately) she takes her leave slowly and bleeding bc of that darn wound on her leg she tries to stop the bleeding and cover her tracks
not trusting her own ability and fearing that she might get followed anyways once her absence at the scene is noticed she avoids going straight to the camp doing all the indiana jones things she even wades thru a friggin river ….that rollercoaster keeps spiraling down eh?
tired, scared, bleeding and now also soaking wet and without her jacket bc thats what she used to get rid of the blood that might drip from her leg, pants,shoes whatevs and the supplies still are theoretically lost meh so she ends up exhausted somewhere in the woods like at this point V doesnt even care? she’s gonna do something …right after she rested her eyes for a minute mind u u.u bad idea
no amount of wading thru water and trying not to bleed everywhere helped and who shows up with the most satisfied shit eating grin under the sun? aye u might have guessed it hunter wastes no time telling her all the things she did wrong while funnily enough he also without explanation or anything he just inspects her wound and does some funny psi stuff this rollercoaster is confusing V is angry, she is pissed at herself and him of course- scolding her and gloating abt how she messed up but she is also confused af werent they done with helping? shoudltn he be just …skinning her alive or some shit since thats what they say he did to some people or maybe roast her
on a kebab stick but there he is
numbing the pain in her leg somehow and deciding that she needs to get somewhere else if she had more energy she might have tried to resist
but as things are nothing stops him when he picks her up (not elegantly in the least i might mention) and starts off to who knows where
so however much time passes V has no idea but it feels like not more than 5 minutes have gone by….then again…who knows…she might have fallen unconscious somewhere along the way
she gets plopped down and its soft wherever this is it looks better than anything she knows
she is so dumbfounded by her surroundings she doesnt even talk back at first when he tells her to get out of the wet clothes
she’s in the middle of stripping down all the while still oggling the room with the sleek surfaces and the outrageously comfy looking bed…how dare they…whoever owns this place should get beaten with a stick
so before her undies fall she snaps out of her thoughts and wants to yell at him Buuuut he is nowhere to be sen seen* ok so off with the undies
V wraps herself in a blanket and (WHY IS IT SO SOFT HOW DARE THEY)
V is still taking in the room wrapped in that blanket, her clothes sprawled over a now-not-pristine-white-anymore chair this room looks pretty but empty like someone had planned to live here
its pretty and empty and although the matress she sits on is insultingly cozy and the blanket a dream come true….its still cold and V has to make a concious effort to stop her teeth from chattering where the fuck did 'he’ go tho for a moment V imagines complete strangers entering the room to see a freezing V sitting on their bed and wrapped in their blanket
thats funny almost the whole situation is ridiculous
V is ready to walk back to that chair and wring herself into those wet clothes again
leaving this place and probably dying of hypothermia outside sounds just as bad as sitting here and waiting for kingdom come this is way too similar to the last time she was stranded with this guy speaking of which maybe he already left
with her bare feet she slowly tip taps thru the room, checking windows and closets and making her way to the only door in sight the second her fingers make contact with the handle the door opens
'gotcha. nessing with the doors again.’ messing* (lol jk) no lights for now he says but the place will warm up eventually theres electricity
he somewhat inores her °_° face and walks past her and she cringes when she realizes he goes straight to her stuff V almost trips over herself to make sure he cant get a hold of anything what are you doing making sure these will dry- or would you rather have them stay wet I dont mind you like this [insert rude smile here] so the clothes get taken care of
its still cold V is still confused by his charitable behaviour wtf is he thinking wtf is SHE thinking she completely forgot abt the whole 'he is gonna kill me’ story so, with newly found waryness she starts asking questions why help me why follow me why not kill me
whose place is this we gotta remember last time they met was when she helped him and he taunted her
and she bluntly spat out that she doesnt know why she does it but whats so wrong with that- maybe she just cant help it- maybe its not her fault she likes this guy so he pulls up a chair in front of her, sits down on it, his arms on the back of it whats so wrong with that i cant help it- its your fault
nothing else he grins he is fucking crazy and V isnt so sure but it almost felt like he could have said he liked her she huffs
i could have killed you countless times you snuck right thru those wannabes today like it was nothing but you wouldnt do that to me (ah so he had watched her? hello stalker how are u today) just like u cant hide your tracks or take care of yourself
her motions at her- probably talking abt her leg which is not helaed just not hurting bad very bad in fact bed and blanket have a nice new decal in rusty red by now (I SHOULD GET BETTER AT SHIT LLIKE THIS BUT WHATEVS)
'so you dont kill me you rather lecture me abt how unable i am to stay alive by myself?’ V is showing her best side today but oh well
maybe its the rollercoaster maybe its the whole situation
so V is ready to argue but hunter isnt in the mood lol he rather laughs at how its so easy to get her riled up
and he gets over to her mentioning something about her big ego in such a tiny body no wonder she got in trouble before he gets uncomfortably close but only to take care of her leg AGAIN
this time she struggles because 1 she is shamefully aware of her nudity under that blanket 2 he has zero problems pushing her from left to right as if she was a doll not funny so he manages to take care of the wound (i will just claim that he can do it with psi so ….pls dont slaughter me) and it only leaves a thick line of fresh pink skin on her leg- no wound but that pink skin is not nearly as pink as her face would be…if it wasnt so cold
seems the warmth he spoke abt earlier is still not coming around?
he had helped her with warmth before so why not do it again only this time she has no clothes and if he hasnt seen her blue lips from the cold he has definitely felt how icy her leg still was so off goes the armor
after the armor drops his hood drops he even takes off that sleeveless shirt
okay now Vs face definitely gets SOME shades pinker and not bc she is suddenly feeling less cold 'what the hell are u doing she scoots as far back on the bed as possible but OH MAN DOES SHE STARE
this guy is toned no weird alien anatomy apart from a slight difference in proportions but man lean and toned no wonder he picked her up like an acorn or a feather or whatever else V can come up with as a comparison 'so shy all of a sudden’ its true
V is staring with big eyes but not a single word comes out of her mouth as he comes closer he is not completely unclothed and its not like she hasnt seen men before but its different when u have to admit that u wanted to see something…and then like it too much when u do although u really neither shouldnt want to see it nor like it should/shouldnt whatever V knows this is wrong on more than one level
last time he’d had the blanket and she had bedgrudgingly come to him this time she has the blanket
and she wishes she could hide in it
she tenses up as his chest touches her cheek and his arms pull her close. he says something about deja vu and her being like a stray kitten but V doesnt listen last time his clothes had been like a shield between them this time her cheek presses against his skin
so they are, once again, in this position
V finds herself relax after a while bc feeling him like this and having the scent of his skin in her nose is getting her drowsy her head is filled with clouds and there is this incredibly need to nuzzle into him how to resist this is the most cruel seven minutes in heaven she has ever taken part in normally this would feel like the moment to do all the things and her heartbeat is saying just that nuzzle deeper breathe in this scent some more feel his skin
put your arms around this man instead she sits there like a marble statue but if she brushes her cheek against his skin just a little bit he wont notice right? he wont notice if she inhales a tiny bit longer than neccessary right?
would he notice if she moved a little, not much, just to feel his warmth some more and to lean into this not-really-embrace some more? shifting carefully and only a little was the plan
but when she feels his hands on her back move as well —her body moves as if on its own and she stretches and shifts enough to bury her face in the nape of his neck. …good job V. Very subtle she can barely hold back from sighing
it doesnt matter tho bc as if some silent agreement between them took place right as her fingertip gingerly move across his collarbone and to his jawilne one of his hands finds the back of her neck and guides her u.u and it happens no taunting no arguing no words at all
just warmth and silence and locked lips in a kiss
one kiss becomes two kisses three four each one greedier than the one before
bodys pressing against each other as if trying to melt into each other, hands roaming and breathless sighs gasping for air
V’s arms are wrapped around his neck, the blanket she was holding onto forgotten, her mind a mess, filled with the haze of want and a deep longing for his touch skin aginast skin
he is either gifted with natural talent or simply knows how to kiss and touch his hands are big and warm and they hold her tightly one more kiss they pause theres maybe 5milimeters between them none of them willing to let go
catching their breath
V feels a simmering ache between her thighs…and his arousal…well its obvious this is wrong no more she thinks but hesitantly places yet another kiss on his lips to betray her own thoughts there is not a hint of his usual smug smile on his lips the playful shimmer in his eyes she has seen so often is nowhere to be found
he is thinking
he bites back words as she kisses him again a chaste kiss on the lips and his fingertips gently caress the back of her head as he kisses back
with her hand against his chest she can feel that his heart is hammering just as fast as hers
He leans forward pushing V onto her back and into the heap of pillows behind her
with the blanket barely covering her nether regions she lies there, cheeks flushed and her hands timidly pulling back to cover herself. He is towering over her. V had almost forgotten how tall he is while kissing him- every touch had felt so natural so right. This view is a little intimidating to her….and exciting as well. The look on her face brings the smile back on his lips
he sits up, now kneeling between her legs. 'Now you’ve done it…’ he trails his hand over her healed thigh, his fingertips lightly brushing over the soft patch of pink. ’…your fault if you regret this..’ swift movements of his free hand undo his pants while the other hand disappears underneath the blanket covering V.
There was no denying it. V’s was dripping wet from the kisses and body contact alone…she’d felt the growing bulge in his pants. She couldn’t even think straight seeing it now although it was still hidden underneath the thick layer of fabric. Her eyes were transfixed on his hand on the pants hemline above it. V wanted him. Possible regrets or not.
She only realized where his other hand was wandering to when he slipped a finger between her wet folds. HE dragged his finger along the narrow path from her entrance to her clit and back, then teased her entrance, drawing circles around the overflowing heat- dipping into her from time to time ever so slightly but always leaving her wanting for more. He had her mewling and writhing in no time. Everytime she bucked her hips to meet his fingers he pulled back to deny her the pleasure she was seeking so depserately. Deeper. She wanted to feel it deeper inside. Sweet torture…. ’….please….’ It was a whimper so small and shy it was almost inaudible. The heat inside of her was unbearable. The small plea that had escaped her lips giving away how helplessly needy he had made her for him. With a low chuckle and a satisfied hiss he removed his hand from her fully. V bit her lip. She WAS like a stray kitten. Needy and outright begging. And now she had given herself away like an idiot as well. Yes, she wanted him. Maybe had wanted him from the start. Now he knew. And he would reject her. She closed her eyes, ready to hear the taunting and teasing. Oh silly human….why would he want you…. She waited for the words but they didnt come. Instead, the matress shifted. Movement. (would he leave her here like this??) V peeked through her lashes . He looked godly. Broad shoulders, sleek collarbones, smooth skin, defined abs. The lower her eyes wandered the more she asked herself what was not perfect abt him…he had strong hip bones as well…and even lower… The Hunter was moving slowly, he could tell she’d have her eyes on him. Some freedom from the tight pants was much needed and he smirked at her small gasp when his already leaking erection was revealed. He removed the last bits of clothing before he returned his attention to her…and his needs. His fingers were still wet from touching V when he wrapped them around his shaft. He was painfully hard and throbbing with arousal. There was nothing else he wanted more in this moment than burying himself deep inside of her.
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oflgtfol · 7 years
i had a dream last night where like, it was the first day of school so i had all new teachers and my fucking math teacher like, sent us? to the past? but he didnt just send my class he sent like so many people to the past so we wind up? in the '70s... my '70s math teacher (a different one from the present) was like "lets not work, lets go outside and play!" so my '70s math class had like a mix of my current classmates and like, '70s students. we go outside and hes like "ok its this new game called hockey!!" (im pretty sure hockey wasnt invented in the '70s lmao..) but like in middle school hockey was the Only game i enjoyed and was decent at so i was like fuck yeah. all the '70s students had no idea what to do, the game was so disorganized like there were no teams, it was basically me vs this one jock boy. everyone was amazed that i knew what to do so i was like hahha yeah!! i didnt wanna say Im From The Fucking Future so then im in, actual gym class, and all the sudden the fuckingn school starts shaking. i had all my present friends with me and we were all like "is it an earthquake? is it a terrorist attack???" i swear my school in the '70s was so fucking disorganized bc nobody told us to evacuate? so me and my friends were just, trying to find an exit, i wasnt even sure if we were allowed to leave, we had to find some weird ass exit through the gym fucking bathroom because there was no adult telling us what the fuck to do, in fact i think a teacher was leaving in that general direction too and she told us not to be there?? and i was like but we gotta evacuate? like we almost got in trouble for leaving through That Door of all doors. eventually we got out (i really cant even describe what the door was it was like some weird ass retractable wall thing i reallt cannot say what it was but a teacher almost closed it on me on purpose bc it wasnt supposed to be a real exit) and we can see, planes in the distance to the north. theyre dropping, bombs, and the dust has already made the air cloudy as far as across the street from the school. me and my friends are freaking out, we have no idea whats going on, OUR CELL PHONES WONT WORK BECAUSE ITS THE '70S, i just want to fucking Go Home i didnt even want to be sent to the '70s and now i might die here. some teacher (i honestly think she was my math teacher from 7th grade now that i remember her face and voice, but she wasnt any of my actual teachers in the dream) told us it might be a test bc its in the direction of some empty fields. we're all outside and we arent allowed to leave to go home, so its like dark out, the sky is dark brown and red as the sun sets, the clouds are Brown. i guess we're allowed in the school but only in one area because i remember going to the second floor, but it was actually really high quality with like a nice ass carpet and windows and gold decorAtions which, my school Does Not Have. theres people milling about though, mostly adults. im looking for some people i know from the present, particularly my fuckening math teacher so he can send us all back. i cant find him but i find my? old girl scout leader's mom? and apparently she has a twin that i never knew about, but shes only off in the background. i try to talk to my girl scout leader's mom and shes like, not even paying attention. she had a girl in like her 20s right next to her and they were watching the sunset but suddenly it was like still blue skies? I was like "oh yeah because the sunset happens later when youre higher up" like, as if that makes sense (that only happens with considerable height like theyre maybe 20-30ft higher than we were on the ground i dont think it would make the sunset appear like 20 minutes earlier than it had on the ground?) they were impressed with that knowledge but otherwise werent helpful anyway im panicking to the point i dont care. i pull out my phone in front of everyone (no one even notices tho so lmao) and my phone, doesnt even work. like i expected no service and all that but like, everything is malfunctioning. my wallpapers dont display and theres an error message on it instead. i can open my apps but they just, wont display anything. like i opened tumblr and my dashboard didnt show any posts it was just the blue background somehow i get back home. my parents and my brother are the same age instead of being, young (or nonexistent for my brother) however they werent people who got caught in the time travel so idk (bc my parents didnt know anything abt technology from the present). my parents knew nothing about the bomb shit, they didnt even question why i was home so late. i tell them about the hockey shit and all they said was "wow! thats odd that a math teacher would let you all play outside like that" i woke up at this point bc shannen texted me :( also there was a scene (i have no idea where it chronologically fit into my dream but i remember it being there?) where i was looking at my school and like, it even looked different in the '70s. my elementary school is right next to it but theres a big lawn, a fence, and then another big lawn for the kids to play on on the elementary side. but in the '70s that didnt, exist. like my elementary school was in the same spot but there was a part that extended all the way to my high school, and it was so unnecessarily long lmao. it came within like 10 feet of my high school so you could look out the window from one school and see whats happening in the other at that point. some lady was with me, maybe a principal, and she was like "wow! i never noticed how close they are. thats kind of dysfunctional"
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