#not even because im a merthur shipper
effervescent-fool · 1 year
mannn i hate what they did to gwens character
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narniangirl1994 · 2 years
Whether it was disappointing, anger-inducing, tragic, or just generally fucked up - which ship had the worst ending for the ship itself, even if the characters or plot otherwise ended up ok?
Ideally, you should vote based not on which ship had the worst ending for you, but which ship ending you think would have been the worst to experience as a shipper (even if you, yourself, never shipped it).
Once again, please be polite about other people's choices. I picked these ships because I've seen people talk about how depressing or terrible all of their endings were. You can have your opinion about which was the worst, but please don't put down other ships.
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dragonrasberry · 2 months
My opinion on Merlin ships no one asked for
Im a multi shipper in life, Merthur is my favorite ship in the Merlin fandoms. They are canonly soulmate, two side of the same coin, they share a destiny. Gwen and Arthur are canon. They loved each other, platonically or not, they did.
Leon and Merlin? Excuse me but where? And I’m seriously asking. Where? Did I’m missed an épisodes?
Merlin and gwaine? Best friend is a word that can exists in fandoms. I got to admit that this one I can see it more, because they did have somes interactions. Bed buddy, sure. But not in love.
Elyan and Merlin, I don’t think so, to me they’re only kind to each other because they have the same boss and his sister like Merlin. They don’t really talk.
Percival and well again, Merlin… just no. Yeah alright it’s funny when Arthur ask Merlin’s opinion on Percival and he responded very Big. But let’s not forgot that Merlin also said about a sword that it was ver swordy. It means nothing , but again I’m asexual and know nothing about relationship, right.
Lancelot and Merlin, I’m sorry dear but Lancelot is straight if I ever seen one. He’s in love with Gwen. Even if you trying very hard to put him with someone else it’s a no for me. And let’s be real. He was there for not that long, he’s still a good friend to, can’t change that.
Mordred is a child. Stop trying to make me say things I don’t want. No one want to see that in the show.
Now that my opinion on the round table was set I’m going to make an other post on other ship of Merlin, because, well I’m bored but I don’t like when post are that long
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fishoutofcamelot · 3 years
Merthur for the ship ask game!
I Don’t Ship It!
Why don’t you ship it?
Now, I try not to share my opinions on merthur too much because i know that a lot of people really like merthur and i dont want to upset anyone, so i will try to keep this brief. ive already kinda shared my thoughts on a few occasions - which can be found here and here if you *really* wanna know - so im gonna give a very, VERY basic gist of things:
while a lot of people like merthur’s vibes, im just simply not a fan. like, thats just not the kind of ship dynamic im interested in
the idea of two leads in a series not being romantically involved is very near and dear to my heart. one of my favorite aspects about bbcm is how platonic it is, and how it has very little romance in it. dont ruin that for me by making everything about romance! 
idk. i can put on my shipper goggles and see mercelot, see merwen, see merwaine, heck i can even see merelyan (merelyan shippers rise up!) - but for some reason, merthur just seems very platonic and brotherly to me, no matter how hard i try to force it otherwise
What would have made you like it?
The only time I like merthur is when its in an ot3 with gwen. i ship merthur vicariously through arwenlin. but i think thats just the Rule of Gwen, wherein the presence of gwen makes any ship/fic/whatever 50 times more awesome simply by virtue of her being there
Despite not shipping it, do you have anything to say about it?
i gotta say, merthur fanart slaps. say what you will about merthur and the people who ship it, yall know how to really nail some darn good fanart. and fanfiction too! a lot of fan content for this ship is really good. ive read plenty of merthur fics and still managed to enjoy them even though im not a fan of the main ship, if only because the writing was so good
Thanks for the ask! <3
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theyarebothgunshot · 3 years
@merthur anon i think your point about people thinking there was nothing going on years after because of the drying up of content interesting, like i do wonder where cockles shippers would be if in like 9 years time there’s no new public content concerning Jensen and misha. having said that tho, i really do doubt that will happen. i don’t really want to compare the two pairings but.. as you said, (objectively) cockles is already so much more than brolin ever was. they’ve known each other for over a decade whereas Colin and bradley only worked together for about 5 right? and misha is very very active on social media and Jensen uses it too, whereas Colin doesn’t use it at all. I would hope that there’d still at least openly support each other on social media in future.
also honestly i think as well the whole fact that Bradley said that he and Colin aren’t really in contact anymore but if they see each other things go back to how they used to be really would just put the last nail in the coffin like.. im not saying that means there necessarily wasn’t anything going on but?? that wouldn’t really make any sense if they had been in a relationship. maybe if he said they’re still in regular contact ppl would think differently of the ship now? and idk just. with all the context of cockles (cocklext if you will) and how it really is SO loud i think people will still believe there was something there even if in the future they seem to have drifted apart.
i mean? i personally have only ever truthed about one or two real life pairings other than cockles bc they have so much evidence and one of them was Phan which is by now kinda semi confirmed right? like it’s gotta be at least 8 years or so since ppl noticed there was something going on there. these pairings can survive a looong time. in conclusion I think cockles is likely to go on longer than brolin but it is interesting to speculate and compare - 🦟
i think that if there is no more content in 9 years, then yes maybe more people will be like ‘okay maybe they have ended things’ but i still don’t think i will ever think ‘oh maybe there was never anything there to begin with’, you know? like we’ve all said, there has just been so much there over the past decade and they do not try to hide it at all.
love the coining of cocklext, amazing sjdfhss.
gotta say, i am unbiased here as, again, i have not consumed any merlin content, but i also am no longer in contact with any of my exes so the fact that he stated that doesn’t necessarily have to mean anything. 
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