#not final design on the keychain if I do make more. I kinda made them as a joke tbh
corruptimles · 7 months
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speaking of other stuff I’ve been working on
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eirian · 2 years
im going insane so im going to tell you about it and by that i mean make a post to scream into the void about my troubles
this will be a rambly, stream of consciousness post so watch out. unmedicated adhd brain shenanigans are afoot
i feel like i need to draw for myself more. i try to very often, i do, but i still feel like im caught in the whole “if i dont draw for attention then whats the point” hellhole that ive been trying to get out of for years. but i feel like the reason for this is that i literally Need the attention to up my chances for commissioners??? because thats how i make a living rn???  like i literally rely on commissions as my main source of income and that pays for shit like rent and medication and appointments and food :( i barely buy shit for myself anymore b/c im putting it all towards needs and not wants
also im worried my merch wont pop off as well as it did when i first released the submas merch. i know those were in high demand, but im afraid the demand will go to single digit sales for them as well as everything else i sell.  im honestly thinking about just buying very small stock, maybe 10 of each item at most, and opening the orders that way (after i ship things out of course).  speaking of shipping my last shipment STILL hasnt come in and im a little frustrated b/c im like. bruh i need to ship out these preorders. im not gonna do preorders in the future i dont think, im waiting way too long for this stock to come in :( i dont want yall to wait forever for like..a keychain
ive been trying to work here and there on both villain + school and facets (facets is completely written and scripted, v+s just recently got solidified as an outline Finally) but i kinda only had energy to do so for One Day so im not sure when those’ll be out lmfao. sorry bout that
i want to make more ocs, i havent made new ocs in a hot minute and im like :( wah. my character design brain is kaput right now.  i wanna make more cool db ocs and such like i used to. it used to bring me so much joy.  or maybe even inazuma eleven ocs idk im just wanting New Boys
i have so much to do or at least so much i could be doing. like i could make new merch art but that feels pointless if i dont have the money to buy the merch. i still need to ship out my FIRST orders, christ.  and im trying so hard to get commissions rolling so i CAN ship out my shit but :( its a struggle. im struggling. god im stressed to hell and back hi
sometimes i do be like i wanna die !  but i wont.  i’ll be ok things will be ok.  i will get commissions its only the 6th.  i have time. and im going to check out some cons that i can maybe table at in the future. thatd be wonderful. fuck i need to reprint my business cards with my updated twitter im a little mad i ended up getting my account unsuspended right after i made those cards. at least i only made 50 of them i guess
i need like an online journal or something to write this shit into instead of like, a public tumblr post LMFAO. but i cant use washi tape online so there goes that /hj
i really really need to figure out a way to let the general furry population know that i will draw their stuff for commissions. like. i Will. i Have. i Can.  just give me a chance bro i’ll draw your inflation fetish art just give me a chance to make some money to live LOL.  i would draw more furry art but i am so unmotivated and sluggish its so hard..
i kinda feel like i should try to get back into adoptables too but ive been so depressed and down and unmotivated its really really hard for me to design things for myself let alone to sell. so im like ok now what i have no income. im too brain fucky to get a “real job” so im just like. sits here on my ass doing absolutely nothing except being sad.  ok so i might have depression
anyway life is hard thanks for putting up with me
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surveillance-0011 · 2 years
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Finally made my own musician tierlist! A handful of these are tentative or possibly placed a lil lower or higher than I should’ve placed em bc anything past the 2nd and maybe third tiers is kinda,,, nebulous in my mind ig. Further elaboration below the cut.
Tier 1: The babygiiiirrrrlllsss. Favorites, hopefully forever. Main target of fixation and projection and general appreciation!!! I don’t prefer one over the other.
Callie: Part of me feels bad for choosing Team Marie when it was like 50% bc I wanted to be on the team I knew would win (but also like 20-25% bc I agreed with her other splatfest sides and 25-30% bc I liked her a little more at the time), but I think it was the events of 2 that made me love her so much! Even if I wasn’t always on her side - though I was DEFINITELY on both Team Spongebob and Art- she’s won me over now, between the depth of her character and the pizazz she added to the Octarian Army... seriously, love the glitter! Have the plush, love bomb rush blush, love the hair and the outfits and can’t wait to see her again!
The First Child of Algin, The Hidden Blade of Yakiharaas: They’re just... I love everything about them. The fact that they look like a more realistic fish compared to the other two by a lil bit. The fact that their cello is designed after a salmon steak. The fact they are like fifty years old. The scraps of their personality we got from haikara walker, describing them as stubborn as hell and also sensitive enough to care abt specifics when it comes to atmosphere and presentation. The actual cello music provided by an extremely talented cellist whose songs I’ve discovered through this game. Think about this guy daily. I just hope that any additional info or in-game presence they might have in the future makes them even more likeable and not the other way around.
Tier 2: Beloveds!! The googoos!! Other favorites. Only ever so slightly below the previous two. Not necessarily in order of preference, I like the first like... 5 the same amount.
Marina: Agh my heart,,, I love her so damn much. She’s so sweet and endearing and awesome,,, Her shyness and occasional dorkiness is relatable and her backstory is super interesting. She also has the better idea for a lot of the Splatfests... ketchup, no pulp, villain,wizard, teleportation, ketchup, superstar...Also, the tupac outfit.
Marie: Love her 2... she’s so silly she’s my silly girl... ok but seriously I love her personality, design and, as mentioned before, a good chunk of her splatfest choices! I was on sandcastle, night owl, team blue... She can be very sarcastic, but she really does care for Callie (you and me both, sister...), and their bond is very sweet.
Pearl: I, for one, have always loved her design. All those attempts to “fix” it during her debut were uncalled for. Her antics are fun to watch. Spoiled rich “brats” are a favorite trope of mine, but she’s not just some brat; I adore how she cares for Marina, and how she reassures her in OE and the FinalFest dialogue. Speaking of FinalFest, I was on Team Chaos, and it’d be wrong for me not to love our Chaos Queen. Also, the Biggie Smalls outfit.
Loyal Servant of the True Salmon King, Hizunamasu: I think if I squeezed them hard enough their eyes would pop out like one of those bug-eyed pencil topper-keychain animals. They’re just so... shaped and silly and all. What info we do have about them though unfortunately points to them being an unbearable jackass. Hopefully they’ll be more funny than annoying if we ever hear them open their mouth! Either way, their musical skill will probably make up for their disrespect
Valiant Green Flame Born of Trout Hell Canyon: He’s grown on me for sure. He’s kind of basic, but like the DJ his design is very ugly-cute and I appreciate his passion.
Noiji: What a ray of sunshine! I care for him... Not much else to say except I think we could be friends!
Paruko: Omg a gamer girl... Very cute design, wish she wasn’t neglecting her clownfish tho.
Tier 3: Not quite favorite-favorites but certainly favored. I feel like I could be friends with like. All of them. Kinda-sorta in order of preference. Won’t say too much either.
Namida: Cute design, seems easy to get along with, love the synth as well.
Paul: He’s ten years old and he makes ytps I care deeply for him. I would kill for him I would die for him.
Yoko: I want to see her cheer up. Someone get this girl some orange juice (no pulp). Maybe a mimosa.
Raian: I want to go to an arcade with them... they seem rlly cool
Karen: Mom friend material! Also cool to see a nautilus.
Bibi: Pretty...
Tangle and Fin: Very silly guys! Love their frenemy bond. Fin seems a little disagreeable but I could vibe with them maybe... Could totally be Tangle’s bestie tho I love this fail seaweed man...
Ryan: Love her voice, and she seems reliable.
Ryu-Chan: Uncle material. Generally seems cool to hang out with.
Aachin and Kitamura: Just generally loveable. I like both their designs and personalities. I especially appreciate how the latter looks like Maggie Simpson.
Tier 4: Enjoyable fellas! I like them and think about them. Also kinda-sorta in order of preference. Will skip over some bc I cant rlly elaborate I just... yeah theyre cool
taichi: VERY shaped. Silly silly guy
Blow: I want to see his daughter...
Ikkan: No thoughts in there huh. Except for violence and bass playing...
C-Side eel(?): Ok I know the other members are in the last tier but. They’re just so cool lookin!!!
Ichiya: Seems like he could be a lil rude but I appreciate his talent. And design. I’d go on a walk with him.
Dedf1sh: I like her but she is like. Dead and all. and unmentioned. I think I need to see her in person! Love the music tho...
Taka: Also seems like an asshole! But a little less than LSTSKH.
Octavio: Could’ve been a lil higher. I like him he’s just been out of sight and therefore out of mind- I haven’t touched Hero mode in a while!
Warabi: Kaworu vibes. Interesting character, but I’m not entirely sure how I feel about him...
Tier 5: The Forgotten. Don’t get me wrong they’re cool I just... forget. It’s hard to keep track of them all. I think Muruta might leave this tier tho, I’ve thought about them more lately....
Tier 6: No real opinion yet! Either too obsure or too new. Like their designs a lot tho!
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gale-gentlepenguin · 4 years
Gale Reviews: Miraculous World: New York
(The following review contains spoilers, and if you would like to not be spoiled, I would recommend watching the episode before reading)
(I had to pause a LOT to get through this special)
-Oh s*** Cosmo bug and Astro Noir. That is so cool.
-Okay maybe its my audio, but their voices seem a bit deeper. No big, just something I noticed.
-Okay the yellow flower was cute. Good on you kitty.
- Also, side note. This is very nice animation. Very crisp.
- Marinette is moving on... kinda. Well, she is trying. Its not easy getting over someone you have a thing for. I guess that means Miracle Queen did happen and I will need to suck it up. But.... I am not moving on yet either.
- The puppet show was perfection. And honestly on par with what you would expect from middle school projects. (I almost thought it was the adults showing them and was like WTF)
-BACK THE F***. Madame Bustier is PREGNANT! PREGNANT?! I am so lost? What is the story!? Who is the father! Is she married? Is it artificial insemination! Is it the principal?
-Adrien so moved by Marinette’s outburst of Friendship. Marinette ‘Just a friend’ Dupain-Cheng is going the Tia Gardner method of friendship. Lol
-Marinette ready to fight and Gabriel just like ‘Yea sure whatever’ (Gabriel’s smile murders puppies)
- Kagami trying to cheer adrien up. If you love adrigami, get that juice. (That looked like a kiss kiss, but the angle seemed off, so I am not counting it that way.)
- Kitty Clicker is wonderful. This entire scene is gold.
-  Gorrilla doesnt like planes, poor baby
- Plagg, you are a devious little s***. I love you so much. As a writer, his dialogue on how to convince adrien is so devilish its amazing. Using technicalities to tempt adrien.
-Lukanette shippers get your juice... even if it was still tainted a bit by Adrien inclusion. You still get a kiss.
- Okay, can we appreciate that Adrien is also having the same amount of trouble as Marinette moving on, but also include Guilt into the equation? I love this because you KNOW Chat noir is going to get an ear full later.
-Marinette has totally moved on from Adrien.... Oh my poor sweet little girl. You havent. You havent even a little. This ride is litterally the reverse of Startrain and its amazing. Alya is NOT helping. Also, give the person that drew Marinette’s Daydreams a f***ing raise. They earned it
-Marinette pulling herself OUT of the situation. Now adrien is slightly bummed out. Well i am sure that this is the last awkward experience with Adrien she will have. It isnt like the two of them will get lost in NY together... thats whats gonna happen isnt it?
-Marinette walking past all the couples sleeping together. JULROSE GET YOUR JUICE!!!
-Ah yes, nothing like watching the sunset with your good friend. Yes, you good pal, Adrien. Who is Just a friend. Wow, the realization that Marinette used the word friend in this movie more times then Adrien did in the entire series so far. (Or at the very least close)
- Adrien, STOP! Marinette is trying to move on from you! Stop making it so damn difficult for her. (I am not serious, i am eating this s*** up like Sushi)
-Nino confirms he loves Adrien. ADRINO COME GET YOUR JUICE! But yea, I feel alya and Nino’s pain. So they are going to help them both.
-Adrienette hugs. Yes, good.
-And thank goodness for Techno Pirate! Saving everyone from awkwardness by trying to bring down a plane... thats heading for NY...
-OH SWEET! BATMAN RIP OFF AND Captain Marvel rip off! And their sidekicks, Robin rip off and... Medusa girl? Okay Neat.
-Jokes aside, Majestia and Night Owl are boss as hell.
-Wow, I know that Ladybug and Chat noir got powerups now. But these United Heroes make their powers look so bland in comparison.
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-Get rekt France!
-ADRIEN! DONT USE YOUR PHONE ON AN AIRPLANE! Well, unless he is using the in flight wifi, then he good.
-How come New York has a f*** ton of superheroes in this universe? America really gets all the cool stuff regardless of what fictional universe your in.
- Why are the superheroes so keen on watching over Marinette’s class? Do they know? Do they know Marinette and Adrien are there? Or is it like they just want to prevent an international incident. PLEASE LET IT BE THE LATER.
- I have only had Aeon for 15 seconds and I would violently murder anyone who harms her.
-Oh my Sabrina! GET YOURSELF AN AMERICAN BOY! ... And Chloé is going to ruin the fun. Oof tough break roomies.
-The entire class! I cant even! Not even a second after the door closes they out to party on the roof!
-Aeon, “See? They are made for eachother!”
- Damn, now that’s some guitar playing! Plus Her design is boss as heck. America really just has better versions of EVERYTHING.
-American boy basically snuck in to see Sabrina! GET IT GIRL!
-Nino and Alya be tag teaming this!
-Wow Zag, you stuffing me full of Adrinette goodness. Gorilla is a beautiful sunflower.
- Marinette and Adrien havent been in the US 24 hours and they already have two shippers of them. Also, what do doors have against them?
-Jess is Shipping it too hard. “Lets put them in danger!”
-Jess is having way too much fun with this.
-Hawkmoth akumatizing an actual Super villain. FINALLY!
- “Wouldn’t you rather have an Atomic Bomb?” I love Techno pirate.
-”Super Heroes should never use their powers for personal gain.”  Hmmm I wonder how this will back fire on everyone involved.
-Okay, I take back what I said, these heroes need some Miraculous asap.
- Ladybug is 100% justified in being angry with Chat Noir. It is his fault.
-AEON!!!! NO!!!!!!! Okay, guess i have to kill that techno pirate, and Chat noir
- Seems they really hammering it in that Chat noir f***ed up. They right though, but at least Ladybug isnt angry enough to agree that Chat noir should give up his miraculous to some rando. FLEEING FROM THE LAW!
-So lucky charm can only fix damage due to specific villains. It cant fix things when the villain is gone or they are out of range. I always knew it had limitations, but damn. Chat noir REALLY screwed the pooch on this one.
-Adrien no! Oh s***! He cant just... I mean.... He can but...
-Gabriel stole the Eagle! The Kwami of Freedom. The irony is so delicious here.
- So night Owl and Sparrow are both chick with Masculine superhero appearances. Thats actually pretty damn smart, great way to keep people off their identity.
-Welp, i am depressed. Adrien doesnt have Plagg.
- So an akumatized person can USE A MIRACULOUS WHILE AKUMATIZED! WHAT THE F*** THATS AWESOME. Also why didnt catalyst do that?
-Gabriel actually getting adrien out of there while before s*** hits the fan. That is actually kind of a decent parenting move. Granted he is going to cause it, but appreciate it.
-Marinette the bike thief is back! And she is an international criminal!
- She tried so hard. Welp I am glad that Marinette is clearly over... actually no. This trip made that clear.
-Liberation, Wow. That is the most American power I have ever seen. I LOVE IT.
- Okay, so I never thought i would say this. maybe there is such a thing as too much freedom? Or at least Freedom that lets you impede on Other people’s freedoms.
- I know what Zag is up to, and it is working. I want a tv series Of Jess and Aeon. They are wonderful.
-So Majestia can casually move the moon. Yea, thats amazing and terrifying! I love her.
-Quantum masking! So there is a glamor effect! I knew it! So Aeon knows who ladybug and Chat noir are.
-aeon will never see Tikki or plagg. Thats so sad.
-At least Adrien learned an important lesson.
-The was clever, using the keychain
- Eagle jess is epic.
-and Majestia can catch missles. Considering she can move the moon. Not surprising.
-OH DAMN, Night owl and Sparrow are LEGACY HEROES! Thats like the Phantom, Or like Jojo.
-That was sweet of Marinette and the class.
-Oh so the guardian of those miraculous came back to claim it.
-But now sounds like the set up for a new series.
Overall, I did greatly enjoy this movie. Though there were times i wanted to know more, and times I wanted to know less. I know this takes place sometime during season 4, but the exact time is vague. It did tell a really cool story. It felt like a three episode saga combined into one. It was kind of interesting. And damn the drama was higher.
I give it a 7.5/10.
I would rate it up there with my favorite ML episodes.
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osakasshitpit · 3 years
I love Final Fantasy XIV
So I’ve been playing Final Fantasy XIV, and after playing for around 180 hours, I haven’t even finished A Realm Reborn. Normally, 180 hours is an insane time frame for a game to manage and hold my attention. Persona 5 Royal was 180 hours of game time, and that was slowly outstaying its welcome. FFXIV must be doing something right, because just recently I went to a convention and bought a Y’shtola Keychain in a heartbeat. I haven’t had time to play XIV a lot prior to this, since I was stupidly grinding Praetorium for days and got burned out. I haven’t played much in 2 months, and Y’shtola only really has a minor role during A Realm Reborn’s Storyline. Despite that, I started in Limsa and Y’shtola stuck with me since then. I just had to buy that keychain. My girlfriend asked me about it and despite me staying away from the game after being burned out, I explained to her in great enthusiasm why I loved Y’shtola and why I loved the game so much. I think that’s the first time I really realized how attached I was to this world, these characters, this game.
I came to FFXIV after having played WoW from Vanilla through WotLK, after having barely ever touched a MMO since quitting WoW. Honestly, I was very skeptical of XIV but holy fucking shit did it ever win me over. They are completely different games, mind you, but that is a good thing in my opinion.
So here is the longest tumblr rant post I have written so far, I think.
To be fair, the first 20 levels or so were kinda slow. You get thrown into the deep end and get bombarded with lore and characters, terms and phrases that you don't understand. For fucks sake, the opening cutscene shows Louisoix fighting Bahamut front and center. Its this big, epic moment of sacrifice, but to someone who has not played 1.0 and who doesn't know anything about the lore, this just zips right past you. During the main story of ARR, they keep talking about Louisoix and how important he is, but you haven't even seen the guy because he died before the game even started. I only really realized this today, it took me 180 hours and a look at the wiki to connect the dots. It really is a slow burn, but that slow burn was okay because everything else was so fantastic.
While the world can arguably be more subdued than Azeroth in parts, there is still this distinctive style that I quickly fell in love with. It’s fantastical, but it still feels grounded. Part of that has to do with how the game introduces you to the world, and how the main story quests explain to you the lore bit by bit. I feel like much of the world design of WoW was down to “the rule of cool”. Now, I’m not saying XIV doesn’t have that, but I feel like XIV always goes the extra mile to explain why this cool shit is here. Everything you see out there in the world feels like it has a purpose, a reason to be there and an explanation on how it works. The factions make sense, the political conflicts you get entangled in are believable. I feel like I am kind of biased to be honest. What got me to play FFXIV in the first place was seeing that Viera are a playable race. I’m a sucker for Final Fantasy, not in short part to my memories of Playing Final Fantasy Tactics and XII. XII is still my favorite game in the series, and much of that has to do with the world, Ivalice. Viera were always my favorite race of the ones seen in Ivalice. Seeing as you can play a Viera in XIV, I just had to try. Thinking about it, XII and XIV have a lot in common when it comes to world building.
One of the weirdest things to acclimate for me was how FFXIV handles story. I was used to WoW, where story was basically non-existent and you did what you did to see numbers rise and to unlock now content you could do. You are basically never involved in the story of WoW, you are just kind of there for the ride. In FFXIV, you are the main character. You are involved in what happens at all times, and that is kinda strange coming from WoW. At first I thought I wouldn’t like it, but the game made it work in my opinion. I also didn’t expect there to be so much of story to begin with. Kind of ironically the moment I realized just how much there was to experience was when I went through Ul’dah and saw a blue quest. Now, blue quest markers mean there is some content you can unlock by doing this quest. A lot of these are kinda short, with a bit of dialogue and some bits of lore for you to enjoy and I thought this one would be no difference. After all, the hook is basically just to help this lady mourn for the death of a friend. What I got was a fabulous detective adventure that spanned over the entire continent, where in I had to help the worlds most manly detective uncover the secret behind a mysterious phantom thief. To say the least, this 21 quest long quest line brought be hours upon hours of joy and had me in stitches throughout. And it was completely optional. I don’t think I even remember a single moment from any quest in WoW that made me this excited for it, optional or otherwise.
Ultimately these are very different games that try very different things.
Dungeons and Raids were a different thing. I remember when I rolled a new character for WotLK and wanted to do karazhan because I used to like doing that raid with my guild back in TBC. I could not for the live of me find a group willing to do it, because everyone was way more focused on the new content, so they could get better gear. Regardless, it just wouldn’t have been the same experience anyways I fear, because the new gear from the new Dungeons outclassed the raid gear from TBC, so karazhan would be way easier and a much different experience. In FFXIV, every dungeon is level synced by default, meaning if a higher level character joins, they get basically downgraded to the level the dungeon was designed for. Couple that with the Duty Roulette feature and suddenly, there was always someone to do any given dungeon with. I remember when I had to do the crystal tower raids and thought “why would they tie main story progression to a raid, I will never find a group to do that properly” but low and behold, I found a group within 30 minutes or less and raided through the entire set of raids within a day. Dungeons and Raids are generally a very pick up and play thing in FFXIV. To be fair, dungeons got easier and more pick up and play in WoW too, but Raids were always the endgame thing where you had to gear up and learn to play. In FFXIV, much more lenient. No corpse walking required. I say this, but I have yet to do the Coils of Bahamut or any Savage Raids. I have only heard that there is plenty of hardcore raid content for those who want that.
That’s nothing to say about the actual gameplay. FFXIV is a tab-target MMO, like so many others, but it manages to keep this kind of gameplay fresh by introducing a lot of mechanics that make the game more active than the typical “I stand here and hit my rotation a lot”. For starters, most enemies have special abilities that you can actually dodge by moving out of the way. There will a area marker on the floor and everyone within that area will be hit. It starts out easy, but later dungeons really start kicking your ass with this mechanic. You really need to say on your toes. In addition, every class is extremely different. They all have special mechanics unique to them, special meters and resources they will have to manage during combat and so on. For example, a Red Mage (the class I’m playing currently), has two meters that fill up as you cast spells. They generally have two types of spells, white and black magic. Each type fills its respective bar. Once they are both full enough, you can go in and do a more powerful melee rotation. However, if one bar is fuller than the other, the other bar will fill up slower. Since you need to fill both, you want to balance that out. You get instant casts for spells after performing a damaging spell, and you have some spells with a short cast time and good damage output that you want to cast and then use the instant cast of to cast a more damaging spell that has a long cast time. But these short cast, good damage spells require a you get from casting a spell of the respective type. So, in essence, you want to balance your use of black and white magic, but you also want to use the proc you get from casting your white and black magic, which means you cast more of the type which inherently unbalances your gauges. It becomes this micromanagement game you play with your procs and instant casts, so you can go in and do the big, flashy sword combo. And that’s just the red mage at around 50. Every class has something like this, and it’s all unique to them. Learning a class is not just learning the rotation and spells you have anymore, it’s really learning how to effectively play your class. Also, positioning. Some abilities do more damage from certain positions, so you will have to dance around an enemy to hit all the sweet spots with classes like monks. These complexities get introduced slowly as you level up, so you have plenty of time to learn the mechanics. My favorite feature might be the class system itself, though. In FFXIV, you aren’t limited to one class for the entire duration of your characters career. You can, from a certain point forwards, choose any class you wish and level that up instead. You can freely switch between classes outside of combat, too. If you are dedicated enough, you can level them all up to max, even. This means if you don’t like a class or the direction a class is going in, you can switch. I for my part started as an arcanist, so I unlocked Summoner at 30. I played Summoner up to 50 but I was just not meshing as well with the direction the summorer went in. So, I switched to Red Mage and after some getting used to, Its now my new favorite. Arcanists are special, because you actually unlock two classes at 30, so I also unlocked Scholars. Scholars are healers and that became my main dungeon class, since queue times are way shorter for healers. This would be unthinkable in WoW, and love the fact this is a thing here.
If I had to describe it, WoW is an MMO with RPG Elements, while FFXIV is a JRPG with MMO elements. I didn’t know I needed that, but in retrospect, it makes sense. The thing that really killed my progress in WoW was that I didn’t have anyone to play with anymore. My friends all dropped from the game and while I generally like doing solo content from time to time, I’m pretty introverted, after all... MMORPGs are usually most fun with friends. Final Fantasy XIV is a JRPG first, an MMO second. There is so much to keep your attention as a solo player, its nuts. All my friends who play this game, play on a different data center, so I can’t even visit them. Despite that, I had a lot of fun in my time with the game.
My experience with the game was incredibly positive, and I don’t think it will get worse from here. Everyone keeps telling me how great Heavensward is. I just have to finish 16 more quests and I’ll be able to see for myself what the fuss is about.
Honestly, if I had to say anything negative, it would be how longwinded ARR is. I mean, its not bad by any means, but I can see how someone could be turned off by this huge storyblock. Worst of all is, after you hit 50 and reach the end of ARR’s story line, there are 80 quests before you can even start with Heavensward. Since everyone keeps going on about how great it is, it’s kind of annoying how long you have to work to even get to it. In retrospect, it kinda makes sense though. These quests are meant to be played over months and months throughout a update cycle and bridge the narrative gap between one storyblock and the next, but holy fucking shit why did it have to be THAT long. They even cut like 20 of the quests from this already insanely long quest line. What the fuck. This is supposed to be an epilogue to ARR and it feels like I played a whole fucking JRPG in between ARR and Heavensward. Oh well. Thankfully, they learned from this and made the post-story blocks shorter.
I will just say that I can recommend this game. You should give it a try. Just... try not to drop the game before it gets really, really good.
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otomeramblings · 4 years
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And then the Sun Shone so Bright
Pairing: None; Tenma-centric A/N: hhhh I’m sorry this took me so long! I was having a hard time finding motivation to write during these past 2 weeks. But! inspiration finally struck. I originally was gonna make this romantic but then parts of the song gave me natsugumi feels and well, here we are lol But also! I’m sorry I didn’t include Kumon but I haven’t read episode 6 yet;;; Thank you so much, @chewie-santatoast​​!! You’re very kind and I’m glad you like what I put out there!! I hope you like this one too and thank you for requesting~~ 
🎵 Song: Best of Me by BTS 🎵
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As Igawa finished sending a message, he pocketed his phone and lifted his gaze to see Tenma still eyeing the rack of keychains in the back corner of the store. The bags with sweet treats they had picked up still hung from Tenma’s wrist as he stood there, one hand on his hip and one on his chin, clearly trying to find something.
After shooting wrapped up, they went to one of the local bakeries to buy some souvenirs for Tenma’s theatre troupe. It was something he had taken the habit of doing and while he was surprised by it at first, Igawa was fast to encourage this new development; after the first time, he always made sure that whenever the boy had a shoot out of town or overseas, they would always be able to find a moment in their schedule so that he could buy something he could bring back.
They had been doing some window shopping after successfully purchasing the treats when Tenma stopped in front of one of the stores and insisted on going inside.
If he had to venture a guess, Igawa would say that the object that had originally caught Tenma’s attention was the small bonsai keychain that now dangled from in between his fingers. He couldn’t help the small smile that bloomed in his face at that; Tenma’s love for bonsai, while strange in the eyes of his peers for a boy his age, was actually something Igawa himself had grown incredibly fond of since it was one of the topics (besides acting) that actually made Tenma ramble with excitement. Since he had already had his hands on it, though, Igawa had an inkling as to what he was now searching for.
After a few minutes, and having four more keychains in his hands, Tenma strode towards the register. As he placed the items on the counter, Igawa could see that his hunch had been spot-on. Tenma threw a quick glance his way and he must have seen the way in which his manager was fighting back a smile because he quickly spoke up:
“They would just bug me later if I only got one for myself.”
“Of course, Tenma,” he replied with a small nod. It was an excuse but Igawa knew better than to try to get Tenma to admit it, so he didn’t press for more.
As his eyes inspected each of the designs as the cashier rang them up, he understood what had taken the boy so long when he was picking them. He could tell exactly which one would go to each person just by looking at them. Igawa admittedly didn’t know the members of the Summer Troupe very well, but he had gathered quite a bit of information from his conversations with Tenma.
Next to the small bonsai tree, there was a little white kitten wearing a pink bonnet;
“Dammit,” Tenma clicked his tongue seeing the traffic-jam they were stuck in. “I know it’s frustrating but can’t you let them know that you’ll be late for rehearsals?” Igawa spared a glance his way and saw that Tenma was already typing something on his phone. “Yeah, but that’s not the problem,” he grumbled. “We are trying on the new costumes today and Yuki’s already difficult enough normally. I don’t need to give him another excuse to call me- a hack, oh for the love of-.” Judging from the exasperated tone in his voice and the quick typing that followed, Igawa could guess what response Tenma had received and he tried his best to squash down his amusement before commenting again. “Yuki? That’s….Rurikawa, right? You mentioned he’s in charge of making all of the company’s costumes? He did a really good job for your debut performance.” After seeing the state in which the theatre was, a part of him had honestly been worried about the production quality, but he had been blown away by it and the costumes were one of the things that had impressed him the most. “Yeah,” Tenma sighed before putting his phone down. “I hate to admit it, but the kid’s got some real talent in that department and he has potential in acting as well. Now if only he could do something about that snarky attitude of his,” Tenma complained but Igawa could hear the tint of fondness that hid in his tone behind his initial annoyance.
next to it, there was a pink crown with white and gold accents;
“Is that a new script?” Igawa asked when he saw the manilla envelope resting on Tenma’s lap once he entered the car. He knew Tenma wasn’t scheduled to shoot anything soon but it wouldn’t be long until the Summer Troupe started their rehearsals for their new play. “No, this is one of dad’s old scripts.” Seeing the surprise on his face, Tenma added: “I asked him if I could lend it to one of my troupe mates and he agreed.” “Oh?” “Yeah, remember when dad had to play that prince character in a drama?” He did remember; that performance had earned Mr Sumeragi a couple of awards when he was just starting his career. At Igawa’s hum of affirmation, Tenma continued: “Well, one of my troupe members wants to act in a similar role in the future, so I thought giving this a look would help him have a more concrete idea of what it’s like.” Igawa nodded with a smile. “His acting and his presence on stage still need some work, but I think reading this can not only motivate him but also give him some inspiration since it has all the annotations dad made on it when he used it.” Tenma was using that determined and straightforward tone that often laced his voice whenever he spoke about anything related to acting; it reminded him that despite his young age, he was a professional through and through. One thing that had always been true about Tenma was that he was a perfectionist and someone incredibly proud of his work; because of that, he expected that everyone met the same standards he had for himself. That hadn’t changed after he started performing with Mankai, but the way he went about it when talking to his colleagues was definitely different and he was now seeing exactly where it rooted from.
next to that one, there was probably the most unique keychain of the bunch: a small almost translucent triangle protractor,
“Is that homework?” Igawa asked as he closed the door of the trailer. Tenma paused his furious scribbling when he heard his manager’s question and the guilty darting of his eyes told the answer before he even opened his mouth. “......no…...I’ll do it after I finish this!” he scrambled to answer. Igawa sighed a bit in response; Tenma hated doing his school work and usually he would push him to work on it but since he knew that there was a professional tutor in the dorms that could help him, he decided to let him off the hook this time.
“So, what were you writing then?”
“Oh!” Tenma’s eyes lit up at the question. “I just thought up a few ideas I want to try out the next time we have to do street acts. Some of them are a bit advanced but I think Misumi and I could pull them off.” “Really?” he inquired, sitting across from the boy and taking a sip from his coffee. “Yeah.” he shook his head as he closed the notebook. “Misumi’s talent is kinda terrifying; if we could do something to help him focus more, he could probably be as good as me.” Igawa’s eyebrows shot up at that since Tenma was not one to give out praise freely to anyone. If he recalled correctly, Ikuraga’s performance had probably been the second best on their show next to Tenma’s, so while he was shocked by the admission, he could definitely see where the actor was coming from. “I didn’t know you started putting stickers on your things.” Igawa pointed out when his gaze fell on the notebook. “What? No, I don’t-” Tenma exclaimed but stopped himself when his eyes landed on the stickers that adorned the back of his notebook. An ice-cream cone, a slice of watermelon and onigiri surrounded a bigger yellow triangle that had a few words scribbled on with a marker. Twisting his neck, he was able to make out the words: “Good luck, Tenma~~!! (*^▽^*)”
and, finally, there was a paint pallet with a small brush dipped in green paint.
“Yes, yes, I’ll ask him about it. Yes, mom, I won’t forget. Okay, bye.”
“Everything okay?” Igawa asked once Tenma hung up, his eyes focused on the road. “Huh?” the boy asked absentmindedly as he opened another app on his phone. “Yeah, it’s nothing serious. She told me she wants a copy of the poster of Water Me! since it was our first performance. I told her that they already had the flyer with the picture but she says it’s too small, so I told her that I could probably ask Kazunari to make another copy since he’s the one that designed the final version.” He was trying to act nonchalant about it, but Igawa could hear the pride in his voice, happy that his parents were openly acknowledging and accepting his theatre career.
“It is an important milestone,” the manager nodded and then added. ”And it was a beautiful poster.” Tenma hummed in agreement. “Yeah, Kazunari can be obnoxious as hell but he’s got a real eye for design. All of the company’s posters and our website are a testament to that,” he admitted as he scrolled on his phone. “He’s probably gonna be over the moon once I ask him for a copy.” They had arrived at the dorms so Igawa could see Tenma rolling his eyes in what could be mistaken for exasperation were it not for the slight smile on his face. He had seen Kazunari Miyoshi once after their first (eventful) meeting and in that occasion the older boy had Tenma in a side hug while they took a selfie together and what had caught Igawa’s attention was that despite the fact that Tenma didn’t really like taking selfies with people (besides the occasional fan), the protests that came from his mouth were half-hearted at best and it didn’t take long for him to settle and smile for the picture. After it was taken, he could hear Miyoshi saying he would caption it with “Nothing better than some Ice-cream after rehearsals with TenTen!!”
Each of the keychains had gold chains and gold borders and detailing, making it obvious that they were part of the same set despite the wide variety of designs.
As the employee put them all in separate bags after Tenma told her they were gifts, Igawa couldn’t stop the smile that tugged at the corners of his mouth nor the fondness that seeped through his voice when he said: “I’m sure they’ll love them.”
The actor just shrugged in response. “Of course they will,” he replied with confidence but his manager could see the redness in the tips of his ears.
Tenma had always been a good kid. Arrogant and too blunt at times, yes, but never with the intention of hurting others. However, being in the spotlight from such a young age had isolated him from his peers and his parents' constant travelling only served to make him build even more walls around himself; be confident and keep your head up, your work is what matters, that was the motto by which Tenma lived his life and that was a big detriment in any interpersonal relationships he could have formed. But now, seeing him fuss over which souvenirs to bring to his friends, the deep mark the Mankai Company left on him was glaringly obvious. 
He remembered the genuine concern he showed when his parents wanted him to quit. It was one of the few times he saw Tenma’s eyes tainted with fear; and at first, Igawa had thought he had been afraid of the possibility that this project he had worked so hard towards would be crushed, but later on he learned that it was more than that, it was the fear of having to let go of the people who had managed to bring down his walls and had put their all in supporting him so he could turn his past regrets into victories.
Tenma had never looked happier than he did now and that translated to his acting as well; he still carried himself with confidence but now there was also a lightness to his steps that wasn’t there before. Igawa knew that Mankai and the Summer Troupe probably didn’t really understand how much they had truly helped Tenma become a better version of himself in every sense but he would forever be thankful for it.
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🎵 Part of the song-based requests [closed] 🎵
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popculturebuffet · 4 years
Amphibia Reviews: The Shut-In
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More Halloween Havoc, whoop woop! The Plantars return just in time for Halloween! It’s Shut-In in Wartwood, their version of halloween, but less of a focus on getting candy and more on getting suplies to protect yourselve and barricade yourself in so the moon dosen’t turn you into a monster. I remain not suprised. To pass the time our heroes tell some true spooky stories and Polly tries to find one they weren’t around for.  Phone-Mo: Anne and humanized versions of Polly, Maddie, and Toady watch a cursed video and soon disappear by one. Nothing ominous about that! Dead End: A young Hop Pop serves as Chauffer for a mysterious man played by george takei and death seems to follow them at every stop. Oh myyyyyyyy.  Skin Deep: Sprig and Ivy go to fetch a lost ball and end up running into the skin stealing seamstress. Arson naturally insues..  It’s Terror Time again, with full recap and spoilers, under the cut. 
Whelp, no dancing around it this airing order is weird. And look airing shit in a weird way has been disney’s past time since the 90′s, Darkwing Duck’s airing order is a waking nightmare, and this very show had all of season 1 air within the span of a month and a week in order to get it on disney plus by launch, star vs had it’s last season burned off in three months, and Ducktales pre-covid flip flopped from airing week to week to just one for some reason and then no others for months. Consitency is not their strong suit is what i’m saying and it’s not new.  And yes I get these holiday special episodes are mecurial: their built specifically to slot in wherever without really upsetting continuity: The Casagrandes recently aired their first season 2 episode before even finishing season 1, so this isn’t just a disney thing, while speaking of disney things ducktales had it’s first proper halloweeen episode air the week before a spring break set episode, with a christmas episode set to air next month. What i’m saying is I get these things sometimes don’t air in production order, but it’s less excuable on Disney’s part here when it’d take airing exactly one episode for this not to be a tad jarring. Not enough that it spoils the episode nor does the episode effect the ongoing story or continuity in any way, so it’s not TERRIBLE but it smacks of lazy incompetence on Disney’s part and I wish they’d do better already. 
Okay that rant out of the way we can dive right in! It’s the annual Shut-In in Wartwood! Basically their verison of halloween but instead of a fun spooky holiday, it’s the annual tradition of getting various things from the neighbors to help stay indoors during the blue moon, which in wartwood turns whoever views into a monster. Because of course their halloween is a fight for suvival. Also theirs pumpkins everywhere with their versions of jack o lanterns being fear gourds which.. okay. Point is instead of candy the kids trick or treating has turned up rusty nails, a hatchet, a first aid kit and anne, winning the night, a flamethrower! On one hand it’s neat these exist in wartwood via fire breathing slugs. On the other I do worry about Anne accidently burning everyone and everything down so please take that from her. 
The Plantars then lock themselves in. To stave off bordeom, Shut-In tradition is to go around the fire and tell each other creepy true stories that happened to them. Polly tries going first but just has the Inn story from last season which they were all there for.. thought hat dosen’t make complete sense as they werent’ awake for all of it and shoudl’ve just let her tell her side of things. But eh it sets up polly’s plot so fair enough. Luckily anne has one. So we get our first tale of terror Terror Tales of the Park/Treehouse of Horror III Styles...
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Anne’s story is very clearly made up, though no one really calls her on it and it DOES add elemnts from the domino II story from last season so fair enough.  Rather than use her real friends, which is fair enough since she just sadly had to say goodbye to Marcy and probably isn’t handeling the guilt well and Sasha you know.. tried to stab her a few months back then tried sacrifcing herself for Anne’s own well being. Point is thnking about them is a loaaded issue right now so instead she dreams up human versions of Sprig, Polly, with a bucket on her foot for a shot which is a nice visual gag, as is how we meet them, along with Maddie and for some weird reason Toady. I mean I do get Ivy is in our third story, so fair enough, but they could’ve used.. anyone else. Wally would’ve made more sense honestly and he’s also an adult but he’s also you know Anne’s friend and not some town asshole she vaugley knows. It’s just weird. That said I do love the human designs for everyone and they clearly put a lot of work in knowing the fans would like them, with little touches like Polly having pink hair, sprig having his normal haircut he does under the hat but not covered up and toady’s phone having a little keychain of his amphibia version. Also while they all have diffrent names including Anne I won’t be using them on the grounds that I don’t wanna. 
Anne and the plantars are watching a funny internet video when Toady and Maddie offer to show them one that’s apparently cursed and makes whoever watched it disappear. Sprig talks Anne out of it and keeps her from watching anyway but Polly’s naturally all in. ON the way to class, once sprig is gone, anne ends up watching it and liking it anyway because she has no self control and freely admits it.  Naturally given this is a halloween episode, the others start disapearing, with Maddie coming to anne with support after Toady vanishes which again is just.. weird. It’s just weird to hear anyone car about wether toady lives or dies. It keeps throwing me off. Anne reasssures her but sure enough the second anne’s gone Maddie’s phone eats her alive. Still nice to see her again. Regular Maddie should get a hoodie. Also anne apparently eats the corners of her sandwitch so she dosen’t have to share. Clever girl.  Back at home where Anne continues to mock whoever it is told her she can’t write stories as she makes a gila monster and a flamingo make out, where are they I must hurt them, when Sprig calls panicked that polly is missing and admits i’ts a good thing they ddin’t watch the video.. yeah about that. Sprig is of course freaked, and soon the video pops on anne’s phone and soon the weird cat thing inside comes to life and then turns deadly.. also it turns out it eats the host then forces them to be int he background of the video, which was hinted at earlier with one guy having been in there for 35 years.. despite having a smartphone. Well this is anne’s story I don’t think she knows those didn’t exist once. 
Luckily Anne figures out how to beat it.. in the most hilarious way possible. by disliking it, since liking and commeting linked it to her, she weakens it before finishing it with a rude comment. It’s.. i’ts purespun comedy gold. This frees everyone else and they leave along with sprig.. but eggs are left behind. Dun dun dun.  Final Thoughts on Phone Mo:
First off .. I have no idea what FOMO means so the title left me as lost at first at the plantars... oh okay it’s fear of missing out.. should’ve remebered that from brooklyn nine nine and amy’s legendadrily bad case of it. Aw well a decent story, if the weakest of the three. It does have an incredibly funny conclusion, neat human designs, and an intresting setting given while school stories are common, usually we don’t get that here so it’s a nice break from the norm. But compared to the genuinely chilling with a funny and odd climax next two, it’s just okay. Not bad, but not quite as good.  Back in the present, Polly once again tries this time with children of the spore, once again being shot down though that being said hop pop’s line of “I was responsible for that one” was given a great delvery by charlie addler. Also Anne missed Wally’s birthday and he’s sad. oh Wally. Though i’m sure she’ll make it up to him.. at least he’s back home. So anyways speaking of HOp Pop, it’s his turn for a story...
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Dead End:  And it’s a story from Hop Pop’s Youth! Given we’ve never SEEN hop pop beyond his present day and only heard the ocasional scrap, it’s REALLY nice to hear. It dosen’t tell us a ton more granted, but we at least see what he looked like, get to hear charlie adler use a slightly less aged voice for him and get to see him with a luxrious golden mane of johnny bravo hair, which is as hilaroius and glorious as it sounds. 
Back in those days Hop Pop was a coachman. He still had the farm, but given how tight things are now it’s not a stretch to assume he could always use some extra coppers to keep his family we never get to know about besides the grandkids fed. He also prides himself on honest work, not taking payment till the rides finished and the customer is satisfied which is INCREIDBLY risky, but I do kinda get it both for Hopidah’s sense of honor and because it seems clear he mostly does it in town by the fact all his stops this ep are within wartwood or close enough, so clearly it’s mostly people he knows personally.  This time though the rider is the well dressed, crimson red Mr. Littlepot, played by George Takei. Best known for Star Trek, being out and proud and since coming out after years and years in the closet, using his celebrity to help promote gay rights and other good stuff. He’s also known for saying ohhhh myyy and this clip from futurama. 
I got a lot of respect for the guy, He was even in archie comics once after Kevin Keller was introduced. So it’s nice to see him doing some voice work and he kills it here.. pun intended but more on that in a sec. Littlepot has some simple rule: keep driving no matter what hapepned where he was.. and given both places he ends up have someone dying, once by a horrifying looking snake, it’s clear somethings up. IT also nicely builds the tension as hop pop tries to steady himself, but is clearly cracking as he realizes his client might be murdering people he knows.. and he could be next. As Hopidiah KNOWS each person Littlepot visits and it nicely ratches up the tension. But turns out he’s not a killer.. he’s simplyd eath himself come to collect those already about to die. 
It’s a nice twist: The genuine trappings of the guy make you think h’es some form of the devil, the crimson skin, yellow eyes and cultured demanor.. it’s only as he goes you start to realize what the man actually is and even then he easily could still be frog satan. But no he’s just the frog reaper and defends himself to Hop Pop when confronted: He’s just doing his job, just like Hopidiah, getting people where they need to be. Unforutnately for Hop Pop his final stop is the farm.. though thankfully for him he hasnt come for Hopidiah.. just his hair. Yeah it’s a nice comedic twist on an otherwise chiling and well done story that what the devil came to take is his hair.. which he starts wearing hilariously. So Hop Pop lives but sobs, and Anne points out it was pretty fucked up. 
Final Thoughts for Dead End:  Not much to say. This one was dripping with atmosphere, Takei was utterly awesome and need to do more voice work, and the comedic ending twist was really damn funny. Top notch. 
Polly tries again, gets shut down again and is now really understandably frustrated at not having a story. Naturally given the other plantars have gone though, Sprig does. And he dosen’t have at itle at first until one cuts him off ....
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Skin Deep:
Ivy’s Back! 
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Yeah I was genuinely worried the return ep would break up either her and sprig or hop pop and silvia.. and while the second one remains a horrifying sword of damocles over my head, Sprig and Ivy are fine and Ivy gets a nice spotlight episode here. It was a pleasant surprise to get some fresh info since i’tll be months till we find out anything else.  So the young couple are playing bugball down at the old courts, when a couple of guys they were up to no good, started making trouble in the neghborhood. Sprig got in one little fight and Hop Pop got scared he said “your moving with your auntie and uncle to bell air”. He begged and pleaded day after day but Hop Pop packed his suit case and sent him on his way. He gave him a kiss and then he gave him a ticket Sprig put his walkman on and thought he might as well kick it. First class yo this ain’t bad, drinking orange juice out of a champagne glass. Is this what the people of bel air live like, yo, this might be alirght!   He whistled for a cab and when it came near the liscene plate said fresh and it had dice in the mirror, if anything he could say that this cab was rare but he thought man forget it yo holmes to bell air. He pulled up to the cab about 7 or 8 and yelled to the cabbie yo holmes smell ya later. He looked at his kingdom and he was finally there to sit on his throne as the fresh prince of bell air. 
So then Will walked into the mansion and wait.. wrong show.. so the young couple are playing bugball when they loose their ball, and it goes off into the creepy part of the woods. Ivy also looses her hat and is self concious about her hair. Looks fine to sprig but she’d rather not. Aww she’s insecure. But the two head off with Sprig getting more and more nervous, as Ivy details a legend about the area of the seamstress, a mysterious recluse who steals your skin! Naturally Sprig is nettled while Ivy says it’s fine and does what anyone would do upon finding out the ball went into a creepy abandoned shack in a world where it’s clear murderers are pretty common: kick down the door! It’s the perfect crime. 
Naturally Sprig gets more unernved, finding a set of needles and thread, which gets a great gag as Ivy points out that’s nto that uncommon.. but the giant pile of skin they find sure is!
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Oh.. it gets worse me. Sprig finds the ball. and the Seamstress who has a horrifying patchwork of skins on her and wants to add theirs.. the kids are naturally spooked and prepare to flee but she wants their skin and grabs ivy! Thankfully she breaks free and Sprig busts some off.. OH GOD.. and it turns out she’s a glass frog! .. turns out theres a kind of frog that has translucent skin.
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But yeah obvoiusly the show takes it a step further, and her skin is entirely see through. Poor girl. Ivy sympathizes shows off her hair.. then puts her hat over the Seamstress’ eyes and tells sprig now, and sprig starts a fire, and the two start to escape when he grabs Ivy’s leg!
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Thankfully Ivy breaks free and the two leave her to die. Sprig compliments ivy’s hair, ivy gets him a smooch it’s all adorable and they defintely murdered someone who defintely murdered a lot of people. Horay!
Naturally the rest of the family is freaked out by this with Anne wanting to know if ivy being bitten means sh’es infected and Hop Pop wanting to know if one of her skins was his friend fred he hasn’t seen in a while. Sprig then spooks them by having ivy show up, complete with a burlap frog skin.. maybe. She could’ve been lying. We dunno. Ivy heads home to risk her life for a good gag, depsite the fact her boyfriend’s house is right there and her mom and grandmom clearly had to sign off on this shenanigan given the night. But this life risking prank naturally risks some life as Polly has ran off to look at the moon to get her own story. The rest of hte family runs after her only tfind it did.. ntohing. She’s apparently fine just fine and they assure her the fear they felt thinking she might become some kind of monster was scarier than any story and the rest of them head home with polly following.. after transofrming. Turns out the moon DOES make you into monsters but she’s fine with it. She’s got her legs now! Everyone screams understandably, Anne finally realizes this isn’t quite a holiday the end. 
Final Thoughts on Skin Game and the special as a whole: Easily my faviorite, partly for shipping reasons as I do like Ivy and Sprig together, and partly because it really let Ivy have a roll OTHER than sprig’s love intrest. Sure she still smooched his cheek and their clearly still together, but she got to be proactive, badass and hilariously impulsive and trollish. It was a nice change of pace and the story itslef was the best of the bunch to me becuase of that, though Dead End was really close.  Overall this was a nice treat, a good anthology with lots of fright and humor and a nice wraparound story arc with polly, as well as some nice call backs to previous episodes. An utterly excellent halloween special i’ll probably be revisiting every year and another slam dunk from disney this year. The airing snaufu really dosen’t hurt it any and in the future this one will likely be after Return to Wartwood on D+ anyway so no harm done. Great all around. If you liked this review follow me for more amphibia whenever it comes back, ducktales reviews every monday, and loud house reviews every saturday or sunday depending. And until next time stay safe, stay spooky and happy halloween!
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bts7writings · 4 years
BTS When They’re Asked About You
What is something small that you do daily for each other to make your lives better?
Jin has a smile idly present on his face as his mind flashed through all the things you do - some funny, some annoying, some that he couldn’t say on the air, but he managed to pinpoint something that makes his life a little better.
“I think she does it unconsciously now,” He measures his words to make sure that what he says won’t get him in trouble with either you or his manager, “Whenever I’m near, she kissed my shoulders.” He breaks out into a laugh, “Her lips and my shoulders are in the same height level, so she just walks towards me and lets her lips rest on me.”
The hears some of the staff members behind the cameras make cute noises and do does the shows host. “...And what do you think you do for her?”
“I supply her with my visuals” he jokes.
His souvenir from the show was matching work out gear, which he laughed at since neither him or you productively worked out - but it’d be a great lounge wear when you guys are on break.
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Has any of your routines changed since you’ve been together?
“What hasn’t she changed?” He jokes into the mic, trying to make himself seen small among his staring members.
“Rare is the day that I used to have before we got together” he cant suppress his smile or slight annoyance that he’s changed for the better.
“I wake up and she’s there, so I cant go back to sleep because I want to wake her up more than I want to go back to sleep.”
He thinks closely on what happens next, trying to highlight the most PG moments, “I think about her” he smiles, “I go by furniture stores and think that a sofa looks comfy for her to sleep when I run late studio sessions. I text her where I am as an excuse to get to ask her where she is” he sighs, the smile lingering still, “Everything I do, I think about how it effect us and I thought that would be scary, but she does the same and somehow we come together”
They gave him the touch bracelets, which he places carefully back in their box - unable to control his smiles from wanting to show them to you.
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Is there something they do that makes you instantly happy?
He starts laughing because talking about you makes him slightly uncomfortable. He likes to keep things private - which explains why there’s no articles or photos floating around of either of you, just one single article from bight that officially says he’s off the market.
“She breathes and I laugh” he says truthfully, “In all honestly, she’s very different from I am. She’s not very public, she doesn’t like to make jokes or laugh too loud or call attention.” He smiles remember just how shy you really are, “She’s my happiness and she doesn’t even believe it - I gravitate towards her and every gesture she makes, every small smile that she willingly shows me just makes me be on cloud nine”
“It’s a privilege to get to love her”
He unrolled the couple-shirts he received from the producers and he couldn't hold back his laughter. On the small pocket of the shirt, there was a tiny design of his ‘I’m your hope - you’re my hope’ saying.
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Do you believe people are meant to be?
He takes a while to think about the answer. He knows that the reason the interviewer is giving him these types of question is because he just announced his engagement.
“I believe that people are in the process of being meant to be.” He grabs his bottled water and chug, knowing that he’ll need to explain his thought a little more, “When ‘meant to be’ we usually believe in soulmates and fate and all that.”
“I don’t usually give into those types of ideas, but I kinda have to give it up for the universe for giving me someone as amazing as my fiancé” he smiles brightly, “I’m trying to say that… people are meant to be, but not if you’re not ready for it - self care comes first and knowing what you deserve and what other people deserve give any relationship a better outcome.”
“I’ve personally grown to be happy and deserving with ARMY and my fiancé is able to get a better, more mature, version of me because that’s what she deserves and I think I deserve her too”
He got a gift-box filled with ramen packets, “Now I can cook for her - for once.”
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You’ve been the face of healthy relationships, do you guys ever fight?
“I’m glad you didn’t say goals - since she cringes every time she hears it.” His smile is hard to miss as he begins to talk about you, “but of course we fight? Its how we make up”
Once the laughing clams down, he clears his throat taking a more serious tone, “I think fighting in natural - and this is something she taught me” The room was silent as he began to explain further with is hand gesture, “I used to think that fighting was a way to hurt the other person, but she got made  when i said that” he combs his hair back , biting back another smile “- she said that arguing isn’t meant to hurt the other person, its meant to understand the other person.”
“I’m not saying that we don’t get angry at each other, because we do!” He lightly jokes, “But we don’t argue when we’re angry, we take time to put our anger to words in order for the other person to understand where we’re coming from.” He rolls his eyes at himself. “It’s easier said than done sometimes, but love can be enough.”
“We know you guys have a bunch of matching accessories and clothing-“
“Some are matching, some she just steals“ He giggles.
“Well we got you matching bracelets“
“Oh wow“ he smiles, “She’ll love this, thank you”
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Any future plans? 
He can’t hold back his smile, obviously this question is the only thing on his mind after your begin wrapping up your final semester.
He sits up straighter, anxious to answer the question, “Future..” He lets the word vibrate inside the room, “I’ve been itching for her to finish her studies, since she’s supportive and I’m supportive - we don’t like to plan for the other really.” His smile widened again, “But we have discussed her moving in recently, I can’t really move my career, but since she’s just starting off it’ll be easier for her plus her Korean has greatly improved.”
Once you got him talking there’s no way he’d shut up about you. “I think I want whatever she’s able to give me for the future. I see her with me for sure, as long as she’ll have me.... and our kids and farmhouse filled with animals... in Switzerland” he teases you through the screen.
“Well I know she’s backstage” The interviewer said, “So we wanted to give you guys this as a thank you present.” There, in front of him was matching keychains with both of your initial on it - in hope to a good moving in together vibe.
“This is exactly what we needed”
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We all know you’ve had a very high profile friendship - how long was it till you guys got together?
“When we got together?” He scoffs at his comical memories, “You mean - when she decided to get together with me” He lets out a laugh, “I’m not good with affection...or telling people how I feel, but I’m pretty sure - I remember because i told my hyungs this - I’m pretty sure that I made my feeling pretty clear to her”
The audience laughs with him as well, the memories as clear as yesterday, “Since we had a such a high profile friendship, it was really hard to deconstruct the idea of us being together. She was ignoring all my advanced because she thought it was in her head and i’d never fall for her” He scoffs again kick back on his chair, “Which is ridiculous because have you seen her? She's the most perfect human being I’ve even seen. After a while I thought she was just rejecting me, but if it wasn't for my nosey hyungs we would've just stayed friends that liked each other too much”
The other members smiled fondly him talking non-stop. “So...” the interviewer couldn't contain the surprise anymore. “You're members were all very kind and all pitched in to surprise you with this”
Jungkook's eyes opened wider than they ever were, he knew exactly what was in the box. You and him have joked about it endlessly but they didn't think they’d actually be listing - or even take it serious.
“You did not just get us a bunny“ He says eyeing the box that was currently being opened. A small ball of fluff with floppy ear in the center to a pillow presented in front of him, “Y/n’s going to kill you guys, but this is so cool.“
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peace-coast-island · 4 years
Diary of a Junebug
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A week full of weaving, sewing, and embroidery
It’s been a while since I’ve done arts and crafts. Lately I’ve been focused on drawing - traditional and digital - and improving my skills in that area. Journaling helps a lot in terms of that, especially when I’m trying to come up with creative spreads so it’s not just a wall of scribbled words. It’s amazing to see how much your art style has shifted over the course of several months.
I don’t know if I’ve found my art style yet but I’m starting to see what I tend to gravitate towards. I still have a lot to learn and the possibilities are endless. Who knows what my illustration style will be like a year from now?
Until Cecelia came to visit the camp earlier this week I hadn’t realized that it’s been forever since I last touched my sewing machine. Back in the day I used to make plushies with Cecelia for her shop when it was just starting out. It was a lot of fun creating cute plushie designs and then bringing them to life with fabric, thread, and stuffing. 
That’s what I love about art - taking a bunch of stuff and creating something new and unique with it. With nothing but a pencil and paper, anything’s possible!
Daisy Jane and Cecelia have been working together a lot now that Daisy Jane’s becoming more serious about opening her own shop. Cecelia’s been running Coconut’s Grove for over seven years, selling handmade goodies like jewelry, keychains, art prints, pins, stationery, and knitted goods. It’s a lot of work running your own business so mad respect for Cecelia being a pro at it.
To help Daisy Jane get some exposure as well as have a taste at what it’s like being an independent business owner, Cecelia wants her help to release some limited products for the holiday season. So for the past few weeks they’ve been designing notepads, clay pins, and sticker sheets.
By now most of the designs have been finalized so they’re pretty much ready for Cecelia’s next shop update. Daisy Jane’s art has really flourished since coming to the camp! It’s hard to believe that what was once a pipe dream for her is slowly becoming a reality.
With Cecelia here, I figured we should have an arts and crafts week. Since campsite events became a regular thing, arts and crafts day has been kinda put on the back burner. I didn’t realize how much I missed doing them until we started planning out this week.
Since I wanted it to be chill and low-key, I decided to spread it out to a week instead of just a weekend. I actually like it better that way, probably since my inspiration tends to come in spurts. So spreading things out over the course of a week gives me time to really get inspired as I prefer to think things over before starting. Also that means we can take on crafts that’ll take more than a day to complete like ceramics and textiles. 
This week’s arts and crafts themes are embroidery, sewing, and weaving. Other than cross stitch, I’m a newbie when it comes to embroidery. I don’t know why, but I never got around to learning how to embroider. I mean, I can do some basic stitches like the running stitch and blanket stitch but for whatever reason I never actually made something. It’s just one of those things that’s always been on my to-do list but ends up getting lost in the shuffle. At least now I got to finally give it a whirl!
In a way it’s kinda like drawing. A lot more freeing and enjoyable than cross stitch - probably because I don’t have a pattern to follow. It’s been years since I’ve done cross stitch and maybe I’ll pick it up again someday, but it looks like today’s not the day. Speaking of which, my mom’s picked up the hobby again after taking a break for a couple years. Now she’s halfway done with the project she’s working on and it’s looking great!
Weaving’s a new thing for most of us, except Cecelia and Maple. I’ve done basic weaving like with paper and the elastic band thingies as a kid, but not like with legit looms and such. It’s fascinating to watch and learn about, as well as watching those threads weave together into fabric. It takes patience but the end result is worth it! 
I’m definitely going to look more into weaving and textile making. I wasn’t sure if it’s something I’d be into but it’s got my attention. Maybe if I’m brave enough, one day I’ll tackle making an entire roll of fabric or a rug or something big. Maybe I’ll even try to make some intricate patterns if I’m feeling extra courageous. That’s something to consider in the future once I master the basics of weaving.
Sewing’s one of those things I occasionally enjoy doing even though I’m not the best at it. My mom’s like a professional, as in people - family, friends, acquaintances -  used to pay her to alter clothes. She’s the reason why me and my friends never had to get our clothes taken to a professional - because she’d alter our clothes for free. For someone with short legs - like me and my mom - pretty much most of our pants have to be cut. Same with Daisy Jane, Emmaline, Robin, Serena, etc. - short people who would be constantly tripping over pant legs if it wasn’t for my mom.
Aside from making plushies, I rarely use my sewing machine. I’ve learned the basics of altering clothes from my mom so if I need to, then I’ll use the machine. For the most part I prefer sewing by hand just because it’s easier. Aside from fabrics the only other time I’d sew is for bookbinding, usually a basic saddle stitch or coptic stitch. I think I do a decent job at sewing but compared to my mom, my stitches aren’t the most straight or even.
I try, but sometimes it just doesn’t want to come out right. Maybe that’s why I’ve been so reluctant to try embroidery. At least with embroidery the crooked stitches add to the charm, which I quite like. I find myself drawn to an art style that’s imperfect and clearly handmade because I think it gives character.
In between crafting sessions, we enjoyed the fall weather as much as we could. It’s getting cold now and most of the leaves have fallen. Maybe I’ll pick up knitting again and make mittens, scarves, or hats. If I’m really feeling it, maybe I’ll finally try to make a pair of socks.
Is it weird that I’ve been knitting for like, what fifteen years, and never ever made socks. Like most people associate knitting with socks because socks are, well, knitted. Except a) I don’t really like knitting with four needles and b) I’m not into socks. Also the yarn I have on hand isn’t suited for socks. Speaking of which, what yarn type/weight do you use for socks?
The weather this week has been on the warm side, so I’ve been embroidering outside. I’m living out the cottagecore aesthetic - as if I wasn’t kinda already doing that by living at the camp. There’s just something so peaceful about doing needlework outside, especially when inspired by nature. I can now see why embroidery is associated with fall - it just feels right.
Think of all the possibilities one can do with a needle and thread! I’ve just opened the door.
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The Attract Mode Holiday Gift Guide For 2019, Part 2
Alright, there's officially one week left, seven days till Christmas! And if you're still looking for that special something for that special someone, time is running out.
Thankfully, options do still exist... kinda, sorta. Also, you might have to pay a premium.... but dems are the breaks. First up is Love Hultén's logical follow-up to the FC-PVM from earlier this year, the SNES-PVM! Here's some additional beauty shots...
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Going by the product page, it's more or less identical to the predecessor, so the same 9" Sony Trinitron PVM-9042QM. It also appears to utilize the same 8BitDo driven controller mods as well; it's not listed on their made-to-order​ page, but I'm sure if you ask nicely... as well as offer enough money to make it worth their time... they might be willing to make a deal?
Though I do have an alternative, cuz even if there was a SNES-PVM ready to go, imagine how much guaranteed by Christmas shipping from Sweden would cost? Your next best bet is Bithead1000, who can build you a Super Nintendo Fish Tank made in the good ole’ U.S. of A....
For those of you finally pulling the trigger on a PlayStation 4 Pro this holiday, and are considering the Limited Edition Death Stranding bundle... but are a bit underwhelmed by the included DualShock 4... consider We Are Robot's alternative. Which costs about as much as the aforementioned system, oh well...
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But if you're interested in something for the whole family, then how about a block of Bridge Baby cheese? Am sure this will be the centerpiece of this year’s Hideo Kojima Christmas gathering...
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And guess what can be the centerpiece of your Christmas gathering? Why Hideo Kojima of course, or a 1/6 replica from @bayuarafat...
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I myself am simply going to get a lil Ludens for my desk, to hold my glasses (seen here as part of Jean-François Rey's collab with Kojima Pro) which will pair nicely with my lil Venom Snake bionic arm (from the Metal Gear Solid V Collector's Edition), aka my wedding ring holder...
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Am still kicking myself for missing out on this DS Lite covered with Swarovski crystals; suppermariobroth notes that it was on sale at the Nintendo New York in '07 for only $600 (I have no idea how I could miss that)...
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Here's a motorcycle jacket from THUNDERBOX that’s supposed to evoke the Game Boy; would be nice if one could somehow hook one up to it & have the jacket be a controller of sorts, silly as that sounds...
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As someone who could care less about Kirby (sorry everyone), I nonetheless adore the Shogo Sekine portion of Laforet Harajuku's PLAYFUL KIRBY line (be sure to check out miki800.com to see Converse Stars’s half, or maybe not, cuz it kinda sucks)...
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Though miki800's Instagram recently reminded me of the one person/place/thing I absolutely need to visit when making my triumphant return to Japan: wherever VIDEOGAMETOKYO is at stationed at that moment, to finally obtain this Salamander/Life Force sweatshirt...
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I’ll probably want to also track down whatever pop-up GAMES GLORIOUS is at during my stay, cuz I’ve long been interested in their Sega Master System/Mark III button-up...
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Along wit their SEGA HARD GIRLS shirt; even with the detail of the pattern handy, I still need a closer look...
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I previously showcased Eri Kitamura's work a little over a year ago; nowadays, not only does she draw pretty girls on Game Boys, but pretty girls with Game Boys as well, which forms the basis of her zine GAME GIRL...
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For those who haven't heard, the latest release from Data Discs is the soundtrack to Radiant Silvergun...
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As for myself, I've recently begun collecting old Japanese 45s, and as @marosahi19 demonstrates, I won't have any trouble finding a copy of Takahashi “16 shots per second” Meijin hit single while in Tokyo later this weekend...
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This is what it sounds like, btw...
Hey, did I mention that I'm going to Japan? Cuz I am! Yup, the grand return is actually happening, again, in just a few days. Hence why part two of my holiday gift guide is so late. Anyhow, I'm also going to be on the lookout for the Famicom copy of Athena, cuz of the included bonus audio cassette (or I guess I could make an mp3 of Jeremy Parish's rip for YouTube)...
But yeah, this blog post is way overdue; if I had filed it in time, perhaps there would have been enough of a heads up for my buddy Joe Simko's Good Nite Fortnite! card, which was available from Topps for just 24 hours (perhaps a card collector out there might have one for sale on eBay or something)...
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It's also why I didn't get to mention in time that Retro-Ko had not just one, but two pink Hello Kitty Dreamcasts available (hopefully you saw my mention on Twitter, but more importantly, following @retro_ko will guarantee that you'll know when they next have three in stock)...
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Remember my mention of Read-Only Memory's Sega Dreamcast: Collected Works from, gee, two years ago? Guess what; it's finally here...
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Here's an old Dreamcast jacket from Cobles in mint condition. For those interested, make James Mielke an offer...
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Back to the subject of Death Stranding; if you regret not picking up that game's Collector's Edition... or simply couldn't afford to... you can still carrying around a BB, so long as you attach him to your coat zipper or the like: @mxgicdave's FUNKY FETUS Acrylic Charm...
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Guess what else is super fashionable? Japanese arcade cabs of course; anyone interested in @VVCollectiv's Astro City inspired pins & keychains should send them a DM...
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This holiday season, show your Switch how much you truly care by finally giving it a pair of legs, courtesy of... am not sure, to be honest. The problem with Instagram these days is how everyone basically swipes content from everyone else; saw it here in case anyone’s interested...
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Hey, remember that girl with that Sega Saturn on her head that I wrote about a few years ago as well? Well, these days she's making art & designing apparel...
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And here's a closer look via @miaumiauzmiau's Twitter...
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If you'd rather adorn your love for candy cabs on your wall and not on your body, then SURUDENISE can help with that, with this super spiffy print...
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My wife & I are always looking to furnish the apartment with things that reflect both of our interests; for myself it’s video games & for Ashley it’s cats. So this PixelEyeBat print from The Yetee seems right up our alley…
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Actually, we recently got something along those lines, which was acquired at Anime NYC from loststreetkat.com…
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She also had this keychain, which we naturally had to get…
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Full-disclosure: my original plan for part two of my holiday gift guide was going to be a round-up of all my fave findings at the show, but since time was running out… guess that’ll have to wait till 2020. Cuz one again, I’m going to be in Japan in just a few days!!!
Though one last thing: if none of the above works out for you, remember, there’s always Mercari...
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venus-says · 4 years
Kamen Rider Gaim Episodes 01-20
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Also known as Kame Rider Fruits Salad edition.
It's time for more past rider action as I start my fifth season in this series. I honestly don't know how I'm still doing this, but I'm glad that despite my schedule problems I'm sticking with this journey because this season is a good one.
I was very excited to see this, not just because my experience with Wizard was very positive, but also because I've seen images and gifs being retweeted in my timeline and everything seemed so ridiculous I couldn't wait to experience all of that by myself, and I gotta say, they delivered! (different from that other season I saw people being so passionate about but that I disliked with passion)
And this is something funny because I have quite a lot of things about Gaim that bug me and that should make me dislike it, but even still I can't help but like this season a lot. Gaim has a certain magnetic charm to it that I don't know how to explain, putting in terms of the show I'm like the Inves and Gaim is the evil fruit of the forest taking control of my brain. This show is so entertaining that if I was able to sit down for 72 hours without being interrupted and not needing to do my physical necessities I'd definitely spend those hours watching Gaim, I'm not joking, I had to force myself to stop watching it a couple of times because if it was up to me I would sit down in front of my laptop and leave after the show ended.
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And I feel like a huge part of what makes me so interested on Gaim is this mystery feel it has to it, I wanna know where all of this is gonna go so it makes me more interested on watching more and more to see the secrets being revealed and all of that. Add a whole lot of great cliffhangers and the fact this series doesn't seem to follow the "2 episodes, 1 story" format and you make for a show that has a very good pace and that makes it feel like no episode here is filler or unnecessary.
But this is a double-edged sword because while the mystery vibe is great I feel like the show held a whole lot of information at the beginning which made it hard for me to understand this world, and understand these characters. Why is dance so important here? Why do these dance teams exist and why are they fighting each other? When did those lock seeds start appearing? And why are they in the kids' hands? What's Kouta's relation to this dance crew? Why is there a ranking for dancing crews? Why is all of that so important for these characters I'm gonna follow? I watched 20 episodes, still, I feel like I don't know any of the characters very well because neither of them had a very good base for me to have a feel of who these characters are. Which makes it harder for me to connect because I don't feel what the characters are feeling, my experience with Gaim is a very "external" one, I'm watching it and I'm enjoying it a lot but I'm not emotionally invested, I think that's the best way to put it.
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Speaking of characters, another thing that I feel like it makes it harder to know all characters is the fact that THERE ARE A LOT OF THEM. No joke, I don't know any of their names and the only Rider name I have memorized is Gaim because of obvious reasons, the way I have to connect the characters to their faces is by their main fruit, which solves things for the characters that are Riders but the side characters that don't they literally have no name for me, any given name you see in this post is because I opened the wikia and went to look for the names. This is a very crowded season.
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Kouta as a protagonist gives me a lot of mixed feelings. I overall like him, but that are times where the show makes me want to hate him, but I guess that's just how teenagers so the show has perfectly hit the nail on him. I like how he starts as a good kid trying to get a job to help support his family, but then he becomes a rider and that gets up to his head and he becomes an overconfident prick just to have his ass kicked down and throw him on a downward spiral where he "refuses the call" to then have a moment where he slowly rises again, and even in this escalation he gets doubtful in quite a lot of times showing that he's a very interesting character. I only wish we knew more basic stuff about him, or at least have glimpses of his past, to know where did he came from and be able to have an estimative of where he's going to.
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Sadly the other characters aren't anywhere near being this interesting. Kaito is just the hot-blooded rival, they decided to give him a backstory about he being anger at Yggdrasil for taking over the city but I think it only made him look more like just a teen with anger management issues rather than a compelling character. Mitchy had potential with the whole thing of being a kid from a rich family that has no freedom in regards to his future, but he more or less always followed the things I expected him to do as a character in his position so it was just a little boring. Near the end of this batch, Zack became a rider too but he's such a background character I have nothing to say about him. Junouchi and Hase lacked in personality because they were sold as a duo and they barely did anything on their own, Hase at least got more interesting things going for him since he eventually ate a fruit and died as an Inves what made him interesting where Junouchi just ended up being the keychain of another rider... and oh boy, Oren... it's kinda hard to talk about him. I'm not sure if "gay coded" is the correct term for him, probably not, but the thing is he's very problematic. First, because the show kinda sits in with Kouta's point of view and since the first meeting Kouta already showed signs that he didn't like him and that it was weird for him to see a flamboyant man with feminine trajects and he was always negative towards him. Then the show makes him be a Team Rocket villain where his character gets downed to a single goal and objective and every time he gets up on the screen is for him to be made fun of and it just makes me wanna hit my head on the wall. I know I shouldn't be surprised since last season they had the manager of Hungry Donuts that was also an LGBTQ+ character being used for comedic purposes, but at least in there, there was no portrayal of any character of the cast being uncomfortable or hostile against her so she was never seen with bad eyes or had any negative association to her (they also had a trans actor play her role which is an added bonus even though she wasn't out yet during the time of filming).
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The show also has a "second set" of riders that are the adults on Yggdrasil's side. I feel like I don't have a lot to say about them because they were in the backseat a lot during the season and only started to have a more active role on screen now so I still don't have an opinion on them. Takatora seems bland, Sid was the one of this team that had more screen time but I also don't have an opinion on him, he's just like a drug dealer there's nothing special about him other than he uses one of my favorite fruits in his rider form. Ryoma and Yoko are probably the more interesting characters from this team and I'm really excited to see more of them.
There are more characters of this cast but I don't like any of them all that much so I won't spend more time talking about them, I'll talk briefly about the Riders' designs because this post is already long enough.
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To begin with, I think it's a genius idea of mixing fruits with samurais for the main motifs of the riders, it's such a ridiculous, wild, and creative idea I wish I could be friends with whoever imagined this concept. I pretty much like all of the suits, I think the only form I don't like it's the Jimba Lemon one because it's not very aesthetically pleasing, it doesn't match very well with Gaim's basic design so it doesn't look as good to me, but I also don't like the giant watermelon suit, probably because the CGI looks weird, but I still don't like it. I love how the belts are very simple, it's a good contrast with the overly designed suits, I wish they had kept that simplicity for the genesis drivers as well. If I had to choose my favorite designs they are Gaim's strawberry, Baron's mango, Zangetsu's melon, Duke's lemon, and Marika's peach forms.
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Before I wrap up this post I have two final complaints about this whole thing. The first one is the fact I don't know what's the message the show is trying to convey. Right at the beginning, I thought it was about growing up, but that was never touched again so I'm not sure if it's that, you know? The show feels a little lost in this aspect. It is a nice story, don't get me wrong, but all stories so far had a theme and I couldn't really find the theme on this one yet. I hope that after the reveal that the forest is like a parasite they'll bring up discussions that'll highlight what this is story is about.
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My other problem is how against adults the show is. Maybe if I had watched this in my teenage years I'd be more in synchrony with the point of view of adults are liars and they're a problem, but now as an adult, I know that things aren't so simple. While I agree that using kids to gather data for their experiments wasn't the right course of action, I don't like how the protagonists are always so keen on being against adults and everything. Maybe they're like this because of how Japanese society is and to them becoming adults is like losing the sense of their own identities so to them adults are really like villains, but I still think that they hit too much on this key and it's kinda hard to watch without rolling my eyes at certain points.
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With that being said, I still enjoyed the hell out of this show and I'm very excited to continue. So, what are your thoughts about Gaim, let me know down in the comments. I'll catch up with you folks later.
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tumblunni · 6 years
Its kinds stupid how every single girl has a contrived 'go on a fake date' scene with protag, and all the dialogue choices are pointless cos even if you fuck up and act like an asshole forever all these girls will still wanna jump your dick just cos youre the protag. And also it sucks that like HALF OF THE PARTY only joins super close to the end of the main story, and you wont really get to know them very well unless you go nah to the apocolypse and waste 10 hours doing sidequests. And it also sucks that you have to unlock these sidequests via battling. Like it could have been cool that using people in your party raises their friendship stat, but in practise it just means grinding for hours after youve finished all the actual story content. Like sidequests are supposed to be generally a good way to grind up in between story!
ALSO theoretically the date with Eleonora SHOULD be just as bad as the rest. Like it sounds super shitty that she has to 'learn how to be a normal girl in love' in order to progress her career in showbiz, and apparantly she's never been interested in boys before protag shows her ~the real way~ Like man invoking unfortunate implications of LGBT conversion therapy isnt a good way to start a romance! And its rather repetitive when EVERYONE ELSE also has to go on fake dates with him, and Kiria also has the same 'i need to learn how to be Real Girl from your magical healing dick'. But its even more frustrating with her cos it actually literally is You Are Not Girl.Enough, and it came out of NOWHERE because she wasnt remotely tomboyish?? Like she's just..tough?? Tomboy = being stoic while also wearing super revealimg supermodel high heels and lingerie in battle, apparantly. And its so patronizing cos she's all uwuuuu protagoniiiist i need to be giiiirl~ Like super cutesy moe moe stereotype all of a sudden and of course it was her Real Personality and she was just keepinh it hidden because of all that societal pressure to be gender non conforming, of course! Help her embrace her true stereotypicality and cast away those absolutely minimal traits of non conformism! And then a creepily sexualized scene of her wearing a hello kitty mascot suit in a kids show. And speaking of which its so creepy they sexualize the actual kid too!! Theres a fucking ELEVEN YEAR OLD idol! And her manager 'uncle barry' keeps acting like a creepy pervy stalker fan and she's always all 'i love uncle barry he cares about me so much' and theres like multiple sidequests all about how uncle barry is great and she needs to appreciate him more. But serioisly are we just forgetting he was creeping over a keychain of her?? Like he was introduced so much before we ever saw her and from the pervy way he acted i thought she was meant to be some full grown woman in a gravure show rather than a goddamn 11 year old doing a microwave snacks cooking show with a muppet called microwave chan. And gahh when i saw her design i thought she was 15 at least! And everyone else looks in their 20s but apparantly theyre all underage too and the one who looks like an actual teenager is ELEVEN! they just casually drop in her profile that she's ELEVEN! a guy is perving on an eleven year old and we're meant to appreciate him more as a wholesome uncle???
...man..okay.. Anyway..
The game has a lot of creepy pervy moments BUT one bit in Eleonora's final date did make me feel a minor bit of genuine chemistry there. Or well, just a good romance dialogue from herand still zero personality or likeability from the actual protagonist. Alas!
Ok so it actually kinda sounds just as bad, tho. Out of context the idea of 'here's a quiz about everything we did in the previous dates' sounds kinda abusive. But in context its somehow adorable and wholesome?? Cos Ellie is the tsundere type, but she's one of the least assholish tsunderes ever. If the game wasnt constantly being all 'SHES SO RUDE AND UNGIRLY' and 'BLABLABLA RACISM' at her, i'd even say she's the most naturally written and likeable character! So in the context here its less "i will punish you for not being constantly the perfect boyfriend" and more "i genuinely cant believe you actually like me and im trying to run thru all the evidence in rapid fire while i have a conniption right here". Like man i wish protag had more personality cos its so annoying that he's super oblivious to her going into massive blush mode as she realizes he's ~so considerate and genuinely treasured all those dates~. Except he isnt, he's bland as fuck and gave no indication that he returned her feelings before now, or gave a shit about any of the stuff he apparantly remembered. And he only remembers because you the player did. And you can forget it all and get every question wrong and NOTHING CHANGES! i feel so sorry for her cos even if protag is a big douche she still decides he really does love her and it ends exactly the same.. GAHHHHH
So man even tho it was badly executed, i do still like the idea of a "w-wh-whaa, how can you love me?! Prove it with a 5 page thesis!" type moment with an adorkable grump! I might try and work in something similar with my oc Gremory! :3 (tho for him itd be a friendship/family version, not dating sim)
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genyatta-ss · 6 years
that look in your eyes is so familiar a gleam
from @kaldurrr:
Hey @knisspel! I was so super stoked that you requested sentai au because I’ve been thinking about it p much everyday since it came out. Particularly this one scene that was always stuck in my mind where Zenyatta (a huge fan) after having met Genji (an officiated “marketing agent” for Kamen Dragon’s PR team, think a la Tiger & Bunny) is somehow forced to address the very large infatuation in the room and introduce his new, Totally Normal boyfriend to his huge collection of merch for a superhero whom he may also have a flirty rapport with for the past ten years.
Genji is, for obvious reasons, delighted by all this.
(Oh and in this they’re both in their 30s but that’s not super important, just that I like imagining Genji with greying hair and thinking of settling down with a cute guy.)
I really hope you like it!
Zenyatta doesn’t actually think about what he and Genji might be walking into when they breach the door to his apartment. It’s actually sort of hard to think at all when a beautiful man has his mouth on yours and is kissing you like his life depends on it. From there they stumbled their way across his living room, ricocheting off of furniture, hands reaching to pet and paw at bruises and to feel skin they’ve both been aching for these past few months.
  Zenyatta isn’t thinking when they finally crash through his bedroom door in a flurry of giggles, not when they collapse in a heap on his bed, not when they collide semi-painfully with each other and kiss to make it all better.
  No, he doesn’t stop to think at all, not until Genji moves south along his body, mouthing against his clavicle, “I can’t believe this is happening,” and Zenyatta, feeling like he’s full of divine light, wraps his arms around this beautiful man’s shoulders and looks, looks up at his ceiling and sees–
  “Oh god!”
  Genji is off him in the instant, one arm twisting behind his back as if to reach for something, his face changing instantly from warm affection to steely fury as his eyes jump from Zenyatta below him to whatever’s above them.
  “What is–” Whatever Genji is about to say falls silent. How else would a suitor respond when gazing up at 24 x 36 inch glossy-print of pissfig’s infamous Kamen Dragon “unsuited” design, illuminated sensuously by an official KD merchandise lamp.
  “Oh my god.”
  “Oh my god,” repeats Zenyatta as he curls up into a ball, using a Kamen Rider dakimura as a shield for what is currently happening in his bedroom.
  Actually, that’s a terrible idea. He tosses the body pillow to the floor, safe side up, where Genji can’t possibly see it.
  Genji is still gazing up at the poster with an odd look on his face. “Is that…m–” He stops himself, mouth opening and closing silently as he takes it all in.
  “Please stop looking at it.”
  “How can I not? It’s huge.” He finally does look away from it, intending to look Zenyatta in the eye for added effect but is then distracted by…. everything else in the room. “Oh my god.”
  Zenyatta decides then that he will live out his days under his bed covers and wait for his brother to come fetch the embarrassing, heartbroken shell of himself when he doesn’t show up for any of their biweekly lunches.
  From under the covers, he can feel Genji sliding off the bed and padding around the room. There’s a click just before the lights flicker on and Genji whistles.
  Zenyatta knows what he’s seeing. On the walls left and right of the bed, heavy-duty shelves have been installed from ceiling to floor in order to store the sheer volume of a decade’s worth of Kamen Dragon paraphernalia. He likes to order the left wall as the site of all merchandise, such as action figures, while the right side has the dedicated projects of all the artists he’s met over the years with all…. sorts…. of lovely takes on everyone’s favorite masked hero. The wall directly opposite his bed was papered in commemorative t-shirts and posters, the floor decoratively littered with plushies and throw pillows with the hero’s face stamped on them.
  “Zen, how old is this?”
  Zenyatta peeks out from under the covers and sees Genji pointing at a fan-made decorated stand where the artist had done an art nouveau inspired take on Kamen Dragon’s earliest armor, the chrome build on synthetic skin body armor with the green LED running lights.
  Zenyatta pulls the covers back over his head.
  “I found it at a fan event about a week after Kamen Dragon had first introduced himself to the public.”
  “…Your shit is ten years old?”
  The covers are flung off as Zenyatta launches himself across the room at Genji.
  “It is not shit, my collection is very important to me–”
  Genji’s hands are already flying up in a gesture of surrender and placation. “Wrong word. I actually think this incredibly impressive. Kinda overwhelming? But mostly impressive.” He smiles, the same warm, delighted smile he’s always given him since they had met all those months ago, like an old friend seeing their other after so long. “I think it’s really cool how much dedication you’ve put into this.”
  Zenyatta nearly collapses where he stands, his hands coming up to cover his eyes and cradle his face. “My brother would very kindly disagree with you.”
  Genji gently pries away his hands, forcing him to look him in the eye before he asks, “Is that why you didn’t ever want me over?”
  “It’s also because my brother only recently moved out, but yes. My brother has also told me in several different ways that if I ever wanted to be serious with you, I either had to tell you about my…. pre-occupation or throw out everything completely.”
  Genji falls over with laughter.
  “It’s not funny! Kamen Dragon’s marketing agent tracks me down after years of not living in Japan just for a documentary piece, whom I actually start to admire and like romantically and, and–”
  “And?” Genji’s smirk is devilish as he waits for whatever comes next.
  “Be honest,“ he dodges. "How would you feel if the person you wanted to date might also bring a camera crew to show the entire world how long I’ve been in love with–” Zenyatta shuts his mouth tight and Genji’s face goes slack.
  “Holy shit.”
  “No. No, no. Genji, I-I didn’t mean it like that.”
  Genji falls to the floor in tears and laughter. “Holy shit!”
  Zenyatta shoves him towards the door. “I can’t do this. Goodnight, Mr. Shimada.”
  “Wait, wait.” Genji twists in his arms and pushes back against any more shoves. “Just wait! I wanna know one thing and I swear I won’t laugh.”
  He, unfortunately, giggles at Zenyatta’s disbelieving look.
  “I swear–I just.” He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath and when it’s over he looks as serious as he ever has. Or as serious as a half-dressed man standing in a room of fan merchandise can look.
  Genji cups Zenyatta’s face, stroking along his cheekbone. “If Kamen Dragon appeared before you right now, confessing his love, would you leave him for me?”
  Genji howls with laughter, hanging onto the door frame as Zenyatta tries to shove him over the threshold.
  “I’m sorry, I had to!”
  “No, you didn’t,” Zenyatta says, stepping on Genji’s exposed toes with his heel. “And you know what? I’d consider it.”
  “Wait,” and now he sounds wounded, pulling back just far enough to get a good look at him. For a man in his thirties with hair going grey, he looks frustratingly adorable with a pout. “You’re just saying that because I’m being a dick.”
  “Yes, you are and no, I mean it. Kamen Dragon was probably my first love, as strange as that may sound. You said it yourself when we first met, who wouldn’t be charmed by a masked hero who saves them on almost a weekly basis?”
  “When I was living alone in Japan, there was a time I felt Kamen Dragon was my only friend. And as infrequent as our meetings and run-ins were, he was always charming and gentlemanly. He was adventurous and bold and kind and when we talked late into the night I sometimes felt I knew how deep his heart was.”
  Genji stares at him with an unreadable expression as he gestures at the risque poster above the bed. “I’ll admit it wasn’t an entirely pure feeling. Meeting a man with those shoulders and that voice at nineteen? I didn’t want to put that in your documentary.”
  Zenyatta walked over to the fan merch wall and plucked a keychain from a stand, something made with acrylic and glitter. “But I was also proud of him. For rousing together an entire city against a mob that had held it hostage for centuries and for protecting it even when outside forces tried to rush into the power vacuum. He did it with such style and grace–Genji, you’ve met him. You must know what it’s like.”
  Genji hardly seemed reactive but he responded eventually with, “What’s what like?”
  “Just–him,” Zenyatta gestures grandly as if the whole encompassment would explain everything that Kamen Dragon is.
  “If your first love, the person you’ve thought about for the past decade, came before you and said they’ve felt anything remotely similar to what you have held for them all these years, wouldn’t you stop to consider it as well?”
  Genji didn’t respond to that, staring at Zenyatta as if he’d never seen him before. Which made him feel terrible because this was not how he wanted Genji to find out just how far he’s come to admire his superpowered client.
  “That doesn’t mean,” Zenyatta tries to start, approaching Genji again. “That I would run off with him just like that. I would need more than rooftop chats from years ago and memories of running for my life when terrorist organizations tried to have him and anyone near him killed. I want–”
  He slips his hand into Genji’s and it lights his heart when the man automatically squeezes it tightly, intertwining their fingers together.
  “I want this. You. Every day or almost every day when you’re not busy. I want to text you when you’re not there or think about you when I can’t and yet be able to count on seeing you later. I want to talk about where we’re going and see your face and not wonder if–”
  Zenyatta has never been kissed so gently before.
  Genji takes his time with it, holding Zenyatta’s face like it’s something precious, mouth traveling from his and across his cheeks, around his eyes, and down the slope of his nose. He comes back to kiss him on the mouth, slow and deep and so, so gently before pulling away slightly.
  “Tekhartha Zenyatta…”
  There’s something I need to tell you.
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ryntaia · 7 years
Title: Gachapon
Fandom: Yu Gi Oh
Rating: T (language) 
Genre: Friendship/Fluff
Pairing: Implied KaiJou/Puppyshipping/Violetshipping
Summary: KaibaCorp releases a new series of Gachapon for the new year. Jounouchi expresses his delight and disdain. 
Status: Complete
Read on Ao3!
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Or read below the cut.
           “They’re kinda cute, don’t you think?”
           Jounouchi only scowled at the little resin doll. It was small enough to fit between his thumb and forefinger, if they stretched out a little, and glared obnoxiously back at him with disgustingly ‘chibified’ features. He rocked the doll back and forth in his hand, sticking his tongue out as if the miniature Kaiba Seto was the man himself. Anzu sighed and rolled her eyes as she turned the crank on the machine again; a small ball emblazoned with the KaibaCorp logo fell out. Gently she popped it open with a short giggle.
           “Got him.” She said proudly, turning to display her new keychain decoration to the blonde teen. He tore his eyes away from his internal argument with the resin Kaiba to look at Anzu’s Gachapon catch of the day. As if Yugi couldn’t get smaller, here he sat in the crook of Anzu’s hands with a smile painted obliviously onto his face. She quickly clipped it onto the top of her phone with her other catches—a small resin Bakura Ryou, a small resin Kujaku Mai, and a generic Rare Hunter charm of a man in a cloak with his face obscured.
The most common one was the last; Anzu had actually tossed several of them. Jounouchi supposed every Gachapon pull needed at least one junk draw but the Rare Hunters seemed like it was in bad taste. It wasn’t like anyone was going to get it aside from the finalists. Maybe Kaiba just wanted to mock them, or tout that he had destroyed the organization. Likely without acknowledging their contributions.
           He’s such a goddamn jerk.
           “There are three tiers of rarity for this new ‘Best of Duelists’ gachapon line, you know..” Anzu rambled on, gently rubbing the small Yugi doll on the head before tossing her phone back in her bag. Jounouchi only grunted in acknowledgement as he shoved the Kaiba doll in his jacket pocket, following after the girl. “The first tier are these generic cloaked bad guys. The second tier is Noted Duelists. The third tier is the Best of Duelists. They’re the hardest to get. That Kaiba one is pretty rare, I think, so you got really lucky!”
           Don’t let him bother you was laced into her tone but he didn’t acknowledge it. They had to meet Yugi at Burger World but the brunette had insisted on stopping by the arcade to see their new Gachapon machines. He had told her to just go to Kame Game Shop, since they had the same machines, but she had told him that she wanted to surprise Yugi. Probably why they had spent an hour trying to GET Yugi out of the machine. It didn’t surprise him; Kaiba was an asshole but he had to acknowledge that Yugi deserved to be respected as the best of the best.
           Meanwhile I’m probably not even in that dumbass machine. Such a prick.
           “Hey! HEY! Guys, where have you been?”
           Jounouchi looked up sharply; Yugi was running down the steps of the fast food joint with a hop in his step. When he came to a stop in front of them, a smile spread across his face. The duelist just had that kind of a smile; the kind that made you forget what you were annoyed about, shoving Jounouchi’s irritation to the back of his head. He grinned widely back, throwing an arm around the smaller teen’s shoulder while Anzu chuckled at the sight.
           “Sorry we took so long. I had to pick SOMETHING up!” Anzu flashed her phone to Yugi, the small charm bouncing off the back to cast a mirror of his contagious happiness back to his counterpart. Yugi gasped loudly, a blush spreading across his phone when he realized that HE was clasped onto ANZU’S phone of all places. Jounouchi watched in amusement as the shorter teen babbled through talking to her about how nice it was and how good she was at Gachapon while the girl shook her head with a nervous laugh, explaining how long it had actually taken.
           “Why d’ya think we took so long to get here, huh?” Jounouchi quipped. “She wanted to get THAT specific one, y’know?”
           Anzu flushed. “Shut up, Jounouchi. You’re just mad because you only tried once.”
           “Jounouchi tried too?” Interrupted Yugi, excitement in his eyes. Internally the blonde cursed the girl; he should’ve known better. Every time he tried to tease Anzu, she brought it back at him tenfold. “What’d you get, Jounouchi? We just got those machines in at the shop, so I haven’t been able to try them yet.”
           “Uh, I didn’t get nothing special.” He lied, trying to pass it off as he desperately wished he had just tossed the dumb resin keychain. But Anzu said it was rare, which probably meant it was valuable, so he had thought he could hock it to some dumb kid fanboy of the Kaiba Corporation. Whatever money he could’ve gotten from it didn’t really seem worth it now.
           “Come on, don’t be that way.” Anzu scolded, reaching swiftly into Jounouchi’s pocket to snag the doll. Ignoring the blonde’s protests, she presented the small Kaiba to Yugi. It scowled back at him just as the real Kaiba would regularly scowl at the other duelist. It didn’t seem to phase Yugi, though; if anything, he seemed amazed by it. “Jounouchi got the Kaiba one. He’s just being a big baby about it.”
           “Whoa, you got that one on your first try?! That’s really lucky, Jounouchi. We got a rarity index for the Best of Duelists Gachapon back at the shop. The highest tier is pretty impossible to get.” Yugi seemed to glow with excitement; anything to do with games brought the best of the boy out of his shell. He pulled out his phone to search through the internet, presenting the results back to his friends. They leaned in; it looked to be an index of the full content of the new Gachapon, as well as which rarity tiers each resin keychain doll would be in.
           At the lowest tier was, as Jounouchi had expected, was the generic ‘Rare Hunter’ designs—although they weren’t labeled as Rare Hunters, just as ‘Hunters’. The second tier was the widest one containing Bakura, Mai, Pegasus, and all of the Ishtar siblings. The final row was outlined in bright gold and emblazoned with the series title, Best of Duelists. The smiling Yugi Gachapon doll sat in the number one slot, while the Kaiba Gachapon doll sat aside it scowling at him from the number two slot. Seemed about right. Jounouchi raised a surprised eyebrow at the third member of the Best of Duelists rank.
           Better known as himself.
           The doll stood triumphant, a look of self-confidence plastered across the resin facial features. One hand was held out in challenge, a tiny card lodged between the small fingers, with his other arm pulled back with a purposely battered looking duel disk clasped to the forearm. At that point the real Jounouchi’s brain just kind of shut off, unable to make sense of his placement—he hadn’t even expected to be in KaibaCorp’s shitty Gachapon draw, much less one of the top three rarest dolls in the pool.
           He sat back with his arms crossed. His lower lip jutted out in thought, and his head tilted to the side to let untrimmed blonde hair tickle his cheeks. Anzu and Yugi watched him curiously, almost cautiously, as the ex-delinquent duelist took his sweet time digesting the paper in front of him. To their relief, a cheeky and broad smile finally stretched across Jounouchi’s face—and, Yugi noted with a tinge of worry, his smile was somewhat smug and overconfident.
           That….could mean trouble.
           “It has been GREAT seeing you guys but I gotta head back to the arcade—”
           “Grampa said my friends can get a discount on the Gachapon right now at the game shop.”
           “….I gotta be heading over to the game shop, it’s been a while since we’ve just popped in and said hi to Gramps! Come on, come on, no point waiting around, don’t wanna waste time and money or whatever it is they say…” Jounouchi said impatiently. Yugi rolled his eyes with a small smile on his face as he was pushed in the direction he had come from, exchanging a knowing glance with the brunette girl aside him. Anzu could barely restrain her giggles.
           “So, uh, how many of them did you buy, exactly?”
           Jounouchi grinned, rocking the little resin version of himself next to his face as he sat on his desk facing Yugi. The triumphant grin on the doll was reflected perfectly on his face. “A lot. I think I got all of them but, eh, don’t really care. If you and Anzu want ‘em then they’re yours. I got what I wanted.”
           “Yourself?” Anzu asked, eyebrow raised.
           “It’s more than that. It’s—”
           The moment that Jounouchi trailed off and locked onto Kaiba Seto entering the room, it all suddenly all clicked together for Yugi and he sunk back into his chair to prepare for impact. The blonde jumped over the desks to skid to a halt in front of the CEO’s desk, one fist on his hip and one presenting the resin doll that so oddly seemed to mirror his current confident pose. Kaiba cast a brief glance at the keychain and then snapped his eyes to the face of the shorter blonde in front of him. Yugi groaned; even from across the room he could almost see Kaiba’s eye twitching in annoyance.
           “Is there something you’d like to discuss or are you just wasting my time as usual, bonkotsu?” Kaiba said distastefully, briefly trying to shove past Jounouchi. The other duelist wasn’t having it, moving to plant himself right on the top of Kaiba Seto’s desk and ignoring the attention that they were gaining from the class. “Get off of my desk, you mongrel. I don’t have time for your idiocy today or any day.”
           “You put me in the Best of Duelists top tier rank for the Gachapon.”
           Silence overtook the classroom for several minutes as Kaiba stared down the blonde and his resin toy. If Jonouchi hadn’t known better then he would’ve thought that the brunette duelist was trying to will him out of existence, or burn a hole straight through his skull to get rid of him once and for all. The dark, annoyed look in his eyes definitely spoke that in spades.
           It didn’t explain the slightest hints of a flush around Kaiba’s ears, though.
           “…Company mandates.” Kaiba finally said, slamming his bookbag down on Jounouchi’s middle. The blonde coughed and slammed against the wall beside Kaiba’s desk. “When the Kaiba Corporation assembled all their duelist data you ended up being tallied into the third place. So congratulations, a computer data system really thinks you are incredibly talented. It’s certainly a pity that computers have such a regrettable margin of error.”
           “It took me three hours to get this damn thing!”
           “You spent three hours at a Gachapon machine. Congratulations. You’re even more of an idiot nobody than I had previously assumed.” Kaiba said flatly. Jounouchi flushed in embarrassment, feeling the sharp points of the resin doll poking against his hand as he clutched it into a fist. “Get off my desk, Jounouchi. If you want to waste your own time, that’s fine, but don’t waste mine.”
           “…You’re such a fucking asshole, Kaiba.” Jounouchi muttered, finally sliding off Kaiba’s desk and moping back to his own seat. His bait went ignored; the brunette only sat in his own seat as the teacher strode in to begin writing on the blackboard with a strained smile on her face. Yugi patted the blonde on the back comfortingly but Jounouchi could only manage a nod of acknowledgement, staring instead down at the confident little doll in his hands.
           It looked a lot more confident than he felt right now.
           The only thing that managed to take him out of his moping was his battered, barely functional old cellphone vibrating slightly in his pocket. He clipped the gachapon prize to his jacket and flipped open the phone underneath the wood of his desk. The teacher had stopped bothering to tell him to put the damn thing away but old habits really did die hard. It was just a bunch of text messages—from Kaiba Mokuba. The young millionaire had marked them as ‘important’ but Mokuba did that with a lot of texts that didn’t really have any cause for alarm.
           Jounouchi found that he got along with the younger Kaiba much better than he did the elder. While Mokuba was, in his own way, a bit of a stuck up brat he still was capable of embracing fun. He had never made it much of a habit to hang out with kids but after Duelist Kingdom and Battle City, the wild haired heir had made it clear that he enjoyed the company of Yugi and his friends whether his brother liked it or not. Ever so often he would ring one of them up about something he was excited about and more often than not it turned out to be enjoyable. And while Mokuba had picked up on Kaiba’s insulting mannerisms towards Jounouchi, it hadn’t been hard to tell that Mokuba favored the blonde more than anyone in the group apart from maybe Yugi.
           It got a small chuckle out of him. At least not all the Kaibas were complete dicks.
M-KC [Kaiba Mokuba]: Hey Jounouchi!
M-KC [Kaiba Mokuba]: I got a list of upcoming card releases for the next fiscal year
M-KC [Kaiba Mokuba]: You and Yugi wanna see?
M-KC [Kaiba Mokuba]: They’re in the Simulator already and everything, you can try them out if you want
           As soon as the teacher was facing the blackboard again, Jounouchi nudged Yugi and held his phone out to the smaller boy. The joy that spread across his face was just as contagious as usual; he figured he could take that as a yes and brought his phone back under the desk. A small chuckle caught in his throat to avoid being caught—Yugi was not subtle in the slightest. The king of games looked right ready to explode with anticipation at the idea of seeing the new releases. Jounouchi couldn’t blame him. Even Kame Shop didn’t get the official Industrial Illusions card lists until mandated.
Wheeler [Jounouchi Katsuya]: lol if u could see the look on Yug’s face
Wheeler [Jounouchi Katsuya]: u’d think he won the lottery or something
Wheeler [Jounouchi Katsuya]: anyways
Wheeler [Jounouchi Katsuya]: where u want us to meet u
M-KC [Kaiba Mokuba]: I’ll send someone to pick you guys up after school.
Wheeler [Jounouchi Katsuya]: 1 of those fancy limos?
M-KC [Kaiba Mokuba]: In your dreams, Jounouchi.
           He snickered and stuffed his phone back into his pocket. The kid definitely wouldn’t send a limo, but knowing the typical Kaiba brothers procedure, he WOULD send over some fancy hybrid car complete with a chauffeur and a bodyguard. Mokuba was not shy about his wealth like some kids might have been. Then again, as Jounouchi’s phone rumbled again and went ignored, the blonde remembered that the boy wasn’t shy about many things.
           In fact, in many ways, he was way too damn forward for his own good.
M-KC [Kaiba Mokuba]: You should bring Shizuka too.
M-KC [Kaiba Mokuba]: She likes chocolate, right?
           Damn cheeky kid.
           He had to admit that he was still a little unused to being in Kaiba Manor. He never felt particularly posh but there was something about an army of maids that succeeded in making Jounouchi Katsuya feel like an unwashed heathen. If he didn’t know better than he would’ve assumed that Kaiba had them all greet Mokuba and him at the door just to make him feel out of place. He grimaced at the thought—who did he think he was kidding? That was exactly the sort of thing Kaiba would do.
           “Welcome home, Master Mokuba! Welcome to the Kaiba Manor, honored guest of Master Mokuba!” They chorused so loudly that the sound reverberated against the walls of the wide foyer. Instinctually Jounouchi shoved his hands in his pocket, wishing desperately that Yugi hadn’t been forced to make the decision no one should have to make: his passion for his hobby versus his passion for his crush. In the end, Yugi had apologized profusely and gone to the movie with Anzu. Jounouchi was nearly certainly they were dating at this point and just keeping it under the table.
           It still left him high and dry and feeling awkward as hell standing in the Kaiba Manor being led down the halls by Mokuba. He’d been here before, of course, but always with Yugi or Otogi or even Honda…never solely by himself. It hadn’t seemed to faze the younger Kaiba but Jounouchi himself was waiting for his brunette sibling to jump out from behind the corner to throw him out.
           “Hey, you got your own keychain doll.” Jounouchi blinked; he had forgotten it was even still clipped onto his jacket. But Mokuba was tugging at the small resin figure and nodding approvingly. “That’s one of the rarer ones. I have ‘em all, of course, courtesy of the manufacturing department. But nii-sama told me it meant more if I got them on my own so I’ve been cranking the gachapon at the arcade a few times a day just for the hell of it.”
           “Taking it at a slow pace, huh?” Jounouchi managed a strained grin. “You can have this one if you want. I don’t really want it anymore.”
           Mokuba blinked large, uncomprehending purple eyes at him. “What? This one is hard to get. That’s stupid. These things are pretty valuable to the right person, you know. I haven’t even gotten it from the arcade yet. That old bastard who runs it told me that its been the rarest drop so far.”
           “Yeah, well, it don’t mean anything.” Jounouchi mumbled.
           “Jeez, not in a good mood or something?” Mokuba mused, crossing his arms and fixing Jounouchi with that patented look of disapproval. It made the blonde want to roll his eyes. The younger Kaiba may be the more tolerable of the two, but he was picking up on his brother’s habits way too much. His expressions were starting to mirror Kaiba Seto’s. “You wanna see the design works for them?”
           “Before we look at the cards. You wanna see the gachapon designs?”
           “You got ‘em on a USB or something? Who designed them, anyways? They did a pretty good job, at least.” Jounouchi muttered, holding the doll up towards the window; the soft yellow paints caught the sunlight coming through and formed almost an odd glow about the keychain. He was entranced with it for a moment before he caught the odd, almost confused, look that Mokuba was giving him. “What? What’s up?”
           “Uh…nothing, just…” Mokuba hesitated; he seemed conflicted on something. “…I think they’re in the file library, he usually puts design work in there after the product releases…come on.”
           Jounouchi wasn’t given a chance to protest as the wild haired child grabbed his arm and whisked him down the hallways. It was almost dizzying; Kaiba Manor always was. Sometimes the blonde wondered if it had been built as some sort of maze to trap and confuse anyone with under a million dollars in their bank account. The constantly curving passageways certainly gave credence to his theory. The thoughts were blown out of his head as they stopped in front of a pair of double doors. Mokuba pushed them open with no hesitation to reveal walls and walls of files cabinets.
           The blonde stood awkwardly in the disturbingly clean room as Mokuba flipped through the files inside. Something inside him wished he had dumped the gachapon toy. Those things had brought him nothing but annoyance and frustration so far. Finally, though, Mokuba let out a small confident chirp and threw one of the files down onto the white marble floor. His guest kneeled down with one eyebrow raised, pushing the papers away from each other.
           They looked like…designs.
           Toy designs.
           Gachapon toy designs.
           The Best of Duelist Gachapon toy designs.
           “Seto designed all the prizes by himself. The Best of Duelist collection has something of a pet project of his for the last few months.” Mokuba rolled his eyes with a smile and Jounouchi could almost feel the pride radiating off the middle schooler. “He spent so much damn time compiling the data for the collection. Went through a bunch of designs for each of the dolls.”
           “…That’s not what Kaiba said…”
           “Huh? Really?” Mokuba cocked his head to the side. “The heck did he tell you?”
           “He said that a computer compiled all the duelist data.” Jounouchi held up a secondary folder in the designs file—it was easily the thickest of the design folders. The rest seems to have a small collection of about nine or ten prototypes and a final design page. This one, however, was stuffed full of easily thirty to forty pages. The second he tried to pick it up, the paper within toppled out all over the floor. Mokuba let out a shriek and fumbled forward to push all the paper together.
           Jounouchi caught all of it anyways.
           Meticulous drawing after drawing stuffed together with paper clippings, each one highlighted with abnormally neat written notes. One was covered with a variety of golden yellow sample sheets, another with a variety of simple sketches noting the flow of the subject’s face. The strong curve of the nose, the broad smile, the surprisingly sharp and vibrant eyes cloaked under poorly trimmed blonde hair.  Several pages seemed dedicated to eyes—each colored and marked precisely with the correct and incorrect colors. Other seemed dedicated to poses—how to properly capture the subject’s mannerisms and confidence in posture without removing the warm and open feeling.
           He carefully picked up the design sheet marked as the final one and unclipped the doll at his waist, holding it up against the paper.
           Identical. Same pose, same expression, same feeling.
           Same Jounouchi Katsuya.
           Mokuba coughed awkwardly.
           Jounouchi managed to slip his fingers in between the papers and pull one out; a very simple charcoal drawing of himself wearing a very irritated expression. He recognized this one; they had been assigned as partners in art class one day and it hadn’t ended well. The blonde hadn’t even gotten around to doing the portrait assignment and Kaiba had left quickly after his partner obnoxiously removed to stay still, muttering curses under his breath. Apparently he had actually been working on the assignment rather than just bantering.
           And for a lot longer than that, apparently.
           “Look, Jounouchi, if you could maybe never tell nii-sama that I let you in here that would be…that would be just great, y’know?” Mokuba said awkwardly, just short of stuttering his words out. Jounouchi chuckled a bit, waving the charcoal doodle in his hands back and forth in Mokuba’s face. “What? You’re gonna tell him? Come on, Jounouchi, don’t be an asshole.”
           “I’ll stay quiet if you give me this one.”
           “Well, it IS of me, isn’t it? So that means it belongs to me, right?” Jounouchi said innocently. From the look on Mokuba’s face, the blonde’s logic didn’t check out—but he still needed to cover his own ass. Finally, he was treated with an exasperated sigh and a nod. “Great! I wasn’t even here today, then.”
           He didn’t catch the odd look of contemplation on the other boy’s face as he exited down the hallway, and Jounouchi didn’t much care either. A broad grin matching the toy clipped at his side now spread his face, confidence sparkling in brown eyes. So Kaiba Seto could say all he wanted that Jounouchi Katsuya was a dud, a loser, a has-been, a moron—but his files showed differently. The blonde had been thoroughly researched and planned for a pet project of THE teenage CEO himself. He wondered, briefly, if he should rub it in Kaiba’s face and decided against it.
           After all, it couldn’t mean any more than the designs and effort showing that he actually did consider Jounouchi not only capable but worth piles of his own effort.
           Maybe I’ll go get back the rest of those dolls from Anzu…
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cutiecrates · 5 years
Cutie Reviews: Gacha Gacha Crate April 19
Welcome to last months Gacha Gacha crate review :D
Er... I forgot to get a picture for the opener of this post, but rest assure the review has pics!
Sailor Moon Pouch
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Our first item is perfect for magical girl and/or Sailor Moon fans, an adorable pouch that comes in six variations: the crystal star I got, another brooch (I’m sorry but its been ages since I watched Sailor Moon, I can’t remember everything), Luna or Artemis, the Moon Stick/Scepter, a patterned pouch, and a rounded “secret pouch”.
Each pouch is fairly flat but has accurate detailing and feels very smooth with a great working zipper. The inside has cloth-ish fabric.
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The back of mine had this design on it, but I assume they all have it or something similar. In terms of what it can fit, I noticed it can fit 1 of any size gacha capsule, or several little trinkets like change, dollar bills, cards, certain beauty products; just not too many at once.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
I think it’s pretty cute and well made. I wish it might have been a little bit bigger or spacious, and the material makes me think it wont hold up against staining- but I’m not going to test that theory out. I would have liked it if it had a ball chain or strap to attach it to things as well, but as a long-time magical girl fan I kind of like that feeling of being able to pull out a magical transformation device- even if it’s only to summon money or a card rather than a cute outfit and wand.
Build A Pokemon
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I heard these “figures as the capsule“ are popular lately, and that seems to be the case. This is our second one we’ve gotten in the Gacha Gacha crate, which features adorable Pokemon!
There was 4 available: Pikachu, Gengar, the new electric mouse I never remember the name of, and Mew. They’re all cute but I’m very happy I got Gengar, who has always been one of my favorite Pokemon x3
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This piece serves no purpose other than to keep the plastic wrap that was on him smooth, due to his “spikes” on his back. 
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Compared to my Donald Duck (whose beak still isn’t on right) Gengar was much easier to build. He’s very accurate in appearance, and he makes a really cute decoration! It’s also fun putting together figurines, even if this wasn’t as detailed as my Yokai Watch collection (pretty much every version of Jibanyan I found back when I was collecting them. I still have them but I don’t buy them anymore).
Kuma and Tanooki Handkerchief
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This is our biggest item yet by far! Kuma and Tanooki are popular characters who have their own twitter in Japan, and this handkerchief is perfect for this season when spring allergens start kicking up, or say, if you needed somewhere to sit a food item or clean up a spill.
There are 5 possible  “4-koma“ you can get in this collection, and it is by Takara Tomy Arts.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
I think it’s very cute, kind of a random item but you guys know how much I like practicality. One of my concerns is getting items from the gachapon that I can’t actually do anything with- and considering I have “seasonal change weather allergies“ this will probably come in handy in some shape or form.
However... After barely touching it I noticed that it already has a couple of loose strands and I’ve done nothing to it. So I’m kinda worried about getting something on it/using it and then trying to wash/clean it off. It’s a very delicate and thin material.
Shiba Terrarium
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This next item combines the adorable, popular shiba brothers and the recent trend of Character Terrarium displays. I really like things like snowglobes, toy house displays, re-ment, so I quickly took a liking to Terrariums too. Lately I’ve been seeing all kinds of popular character ones, like Pokemon, Kirby, Sumikko Gurashi, Rilakkuma.
In this specific set there are 4 to collect, each one is 400 yen and features one of the shiba brothers in one of the seasonal settings. Each terrarium includes the little setting/stage (in 2 pieces) the shiba, and decoration, they also incorporate the capsule, which is the terrarium obviously. The bottom part is flat so that they can be sat out to display. 
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Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
I really like the white shiba (who has spring) but my favorite season is winter, so I think this was meant to be~
It’s extremely easy to put together, there’s no gluing or even pressing needed; although considering how easy it is for the pieces to move around when jostled or shifted, I kind of wish there was some pegs or something to hold the shiba and items down.
The detail is also spot-on and looks very nice for such tiny pieces, besides the perfect paint jobs on the snowman and shiba (he even has toe beans!), but there are markings in the snow where they sit for added detailing.
If you like terrariums but want a cheaper and less-messy (as in if something would happen less clean-up) this would be the way to go.
Mushroom Bird
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This would be an adorable addition to a fall-themed terrarium, a MUSHROOM BIRD. Japan really likes cutesy animal-item/food combinations; and this is one of the few I’ve seen for birds. It’s by EPOCH and each one costs 200 yen.
As you can see by the checklist this is a medium-big collection. Each bird has a “rarity“ marking beneath them, mine being 2 out of 3 stars. At the second I don’t recall what mine is, I want to say shitake but I’m not positive- although I do like eating mushrooms.
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Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
It’s small but the detail on it is really nice and it’s very cute in my opinion. As I said above, you could use it in things like terrariums, or even re-ment or decorative items like planters or something.
Squeeze Sushi
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This is our final item- and if you’re wondering why the setting looks different it’s because when I was uploading the images, the one I took was like... glitched or something? It wasn’t uploading right, so I hurried up and grabbed another pic.
Anyway, these types of Squeeze toys/squishy are pretty popular in Japan, and as of late here too! There’s a really adorable series I like collecting called Moj Moj that has some like this, but I know there are several varieties that can be found online too.
There are 6 sushi types available, from my cucumber (maybe avocado? I’m pretty sure it’s cucumber), crab, salmon, something that looks like fish cake, egg or vegetable, and fish eggs.
I usually see the one I have on a lot of videos from Youtubers I watch- and as a squishy fan I REALLY wanted my own but never bothered looking online to get one, so I was extremely happy when I saw this~
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
This was everything i hoped for and more! I love squeezing it and watching the stuff come out, then get sucked back in. The item is in a little oiled sack as I’ve learned watching people cut them open, and they can be a little fragile if handled too roughly (they’re also sticky so they collect dirt); but they’re super cute and fun.
♥ Cutie Ranking ♥
Quality - 5 out of 5. Everything is fine and I love all the detailing put into each item. From the perfect coloring jobs to the rice texture of the squeeze toy and elaborate handkerchief.
Content - 5 out of 5. I really liked everything, maybe not as much as I did the prior months box, but I would put it in the top 5 thus far.
Total Rank: 7 out of 10 cuties. It was a lovely box full of adorableness~ and even though there was 3 non-practical items (unless you consider displaying an item practical) I still really liked them a lot. I didn’t dislike anything in this box, which is probably a first for this series. I’m not sure what kind of price range all of these items were together, but I could say that this box was worth what we pay.
♥ Cutie Scale ♥
1.  Sushi Squeeze - I love squeeze toys, squishies, and sushi; and considering how much I wanted one of these, I think my choosing this as my #1 item for the month wasn’t a surprise to anybody.
2.  Shiba Terrarium - It was simple, but still detailed enough. I still wish they had included pegs or something to hold the pieces in place, and looking at it again I wish the Shiba interacted with the items a little more, but it makes a very cute decoration regardless.
3. Handkerchief - As a fan of manga and cutesy or funny comics, I really appreciated the design behind this one. It has an adorable charm to it.
4. Mushroom Bird - it’s kawaii and little x3 but at the same time, unless you really looked at it, you probably couldn’t tetl it was a bird due to how small it was. I really wish I got one of the more colorful ones.
5. Sailor Moon Pouch - If I got Luna or Artemis this would have been higher up on the list. But it’s a perfect representation of Sailor Moon’s more known compact/brooch/whatever and just holding it gives me all sorts of feels~
6. Build a Pokemon - As much as I adore Pokemon, there isn’t really anything different than this Gengar. In fact it almost looks exactly like a plush keychain Gengar I got when I was little.
Alright, we’ve reached the end of another box and review. As usual I will be resuming normal order so up next we got the two beauty boxes, NMNL and Kira Kira crate.
Until then, remember to open up a box of cuteness every day!
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Let’s Talk About Pokemon - The Pikachu Family
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025: Pikachu
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Oh boy. There it is. The big cheese itself.
The overexposure that comes with Charizard is about three times as bad with Pikachu. Pikachu and/or Gamefreak just can't help itself. It's gotta be on every little teeny tiny piece of official Pokemon merch. Keychains? Pikachu keychains. Shirts? This grass starter one is nice but we're gonna stick Pikachu on there anyway. Mugs? Pikachu better be on that or I swear to god. Every line of plushies?
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Pikachu E V E R Y W H E R E. Pikachu is a marketing machine, getting merchandise left and right. It apparently sells, since they keep over-saturating the Pokemon Center store with that face. I sure feel bad for anyone that likes the less popular Pokemon that almost never get any merch. When's the last time there's been official Dunsparce merchandise?
That tangent aside, Pikachu's kinda cute, and to be fair it's very befitting as a mascot of the whole Pokemon franchise. Its design is the more iconic of all the Cute and Marketable types of Pokemon. The little lightning bolt tail is a striking feature that people that even vaguely have an idea of what Pokemon is can recognize at a glance. And I'm sure making it simple and easy to draw is another, well, draw for the thing. Pikachu being a marketable monster isn't really its fault. Apparently before Pikachu, Clefairy of all things was almost the series mascot. While I do like Clefairy over Pikachu, I can agree with that decision at least. Pikachu's design just works really well for being an icon.
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However, Pikachu's gotten thinner and thinner the more the series goes on, making it one of the few Pokemon that have gotten a redesign sometime after its initial release. What happened to chubby Pikachu? Bring back the fat mouse.
ALSO This is a nitpick more than anything but it bugs me how in X and Y, when they updated the cries of older Pokemon, instead of updating Pikachu's cry, they stuck in voice clips from the anime. It's hyper jarring whenever one pops up. And also I much prefer it if Pokemon just made animal noises than just spouting their names. Again, a nitpick but it's there.
I suppose it's worth admitting that using one in my playthrough of Moon is kinda warming me up to Pikachu again. But more than anything I'm just excited to use an Alolan Raichu.
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Personal Score: 7/10
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If I were to do this a couple years ago, this score would probably be a little lower, but I've opened up to the thing a little more lately. Too cute to hate. At least for me, too saturated to really love. But I will say that I'd rather have Pikachu's face on anything I can imagine than any other modern pop-culture hyper-icon these days. Like Minions.
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026: Raichu
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Now THIS is my jam. If anything, I'm grateful Pikachu wasn't made with being a mascot in mind because then it might've not gotten an evolution, and we'd be in a world without Raichu. Which is an objectively worse world. Yes I love Raichu a lot. It's got a rad whip-like tail and I like the coloration a bit better. It keeps all the bits that were good about Pikachu and adds onto that in a way that I love. And not to mention Raichu's thankfully retained most its chubbiness over the years. It's a little thinner, but it's not as bad as Pikachu. It's such a happy, fat mouse and it also looks cool at the same time, what's there not to love about it?
Well, the one major thing I have to criticize about the design is maybe its ears. While unique, it's a bit of an awkward shape. And I can't see I've seen any rodent with ears that look like that. I think it's mostly the little twirl on the lobes that gets to me. They don't fill as satisfying a silhouette as Pikachu's ears do. But that's about it. Otherwise, it's a perfect fattie that I love.
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I feel bad for Raichu. Especially stat-wise, it's objectively a better version of Pikachu and yet the yellow rat gets all the franchise's attention anyways. It's like the Luigi of Pokemon. Not only that but in the original anime series, Raichu got portrayed antagonistically in its debut episode. Which of course brainwashed me to resent Raichu for a while. (I was a gullible kid hush) At least until I caved and finally evolved it when Pikachu was starting to feel like dead weight. I felt so filthy. Like I had committed sin and treachery against Pikachus everywhere. It was then that Raichu really grew on me. And this makes Yellow my least favorite of the original games, since you're not permitted to evolve your starting Pikachu ever.
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[Image Source]
The animal Raichu most resembles is a jerboa, which is a fairly unusual animal to go for in the early stages of Pokemon like this. I can't say I blame them though, jerboas are cute. Both are round, with hilarious proportions in their long legs and very stringy tails with large tufts of fur on the end, which Raichu has in the form of a big cartoon lightning bolt on its tail. Maybe Raichu doesn't have ears as big but it's still the same general shape.
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Personal Score: 9/10
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Like how bad is Pikachu's favorable treatment when I'm legitimately surprised Raichu gets an Alolan variant while Pikachu doesn't? But an excellent followup to the famous electric rodent.
The two are cute, and Pikachu's status as face of the franchise isn't totally unwarranted. If it were up to me, Raichu would be mascot, but what do I know.
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