#not going to tag this bc i don't want to upset people but yeah
ok i love akeshu roleswap and all this new content abt it is Great but i wanna vent bc. a lot of the time when i see swap aus they don't quite gel with how i think it should be and i go :/
like idk for example i think in a swap au goro's outfit as the pt leader should be black. bc like, the pt's are morally gray/on the wrong side of the law. his outfit is white in canon bc his idea of true morality is too perfect and idealistic. too childish. he hasn't reconciled that vision of justice with reality so he ends up with these two extremes. but in a swap au, he should be able to reconcile these extremes bc he no longer has the same hangups as he does in canon. his sense of justice is more singular instead of an oppositional contradictory dichotomy.
maybe the problem is i want the swap au to be too direct. too like, exact parallel to the game. but that's kind of what appeals me about it? that akira and goro are so similar that under different circumstances their roles could swap and the story would stay the same. but people change things too much and kinda undermine what appeals to me about it. or on the other hand, they keep too much from canon. goro shouldn't be as jaded as he is in canon in a roleswap. akira shouldn't be as open. their circumstances have shaped them into different people than canon and the au should reflect that.
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spacelazarwolf · 2 years
i get you and doberbutts are older but the reason why ppl get upset about proshipping is bc a good chunk of them tumblr and twittet are genuinely post pedophila,rape, incest ect. Taboo is fine to me and i dont think ppl should have derailed post about something going in irl that but saying no fiction effect reality and saying just bc its drawn doesnt mean it doesnt effeft ppl. Its how i and many other ppl have raped and groomed and i think genuinely do not care about ppl being into that stuff bc i will block them but proshipper is synonymous with pedophile bc of the twitter thing and because the excuse that just bc its coping its ok. Which hey im not g-d, im not gonna go hunt these ppl down bc its counter productive but i wanted to shed some light on how other ppl feel bc this is genuinely how i was a victim of csa and many other ppl as well. so yeah its tiring that ppl cant learn to curate but also do you know little ppl actually tag this shit bc it can get deleted on here and on twitter the straight up do not put that in there bc it used to them banned. so like nobody wins.
i get that you're trying to be helpful but please for the love of god can people stop dragging me into shipping discourse. fiction is fiction. if you don't like it, block whoever posted it. it's really as simple as that.
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shaunashipman · 1 month
You move pretty similarly to some crazy buddie shippers. Like hating on a mustache so badly and getting pissed bc you see it because there's no bts of Lou yet is crazyyyy. "disgusting dead caterpillar decaying on his top lip" like are you okay? Like the crew loves the mustache & so does the cast. Let them have fun. Why are you so upset when the cast all look happy and having fun on set with it. I feel like if it was any other cast with the mustache for example Bobby or Kenny, you'd enjoy it. But since it's RG and it makes buddies happy, you're being a buzzkill bc you hate that buddies so much. It just doesn't feel like you're actually a fan of the show but just a fan of Lou & bucktommy. Lou will eventually be spotted on set unless they give them an offscreen breakup which I can't see them doing twice in a row for Buck.
babe are you okay? why are you so pressed about what I'm doing?
show me where, in any of my mustache hating posts, I mention lou. if you go through my blog, you'll find very little posts about lou being/not being on set (no shade to those that are posting, I know y'all are having fun 😘). I'm not worried about lou not being seen on set. it's very unlikely tommy isn't coming back, at least for a little bit, so I'm not stressed. and if he isn't, I'll complain about how it's bad writing for a day or two, then move on.
my hatred of the mustache, is because I fucking hate mustaches. kenny or peter or anyone could have one and I'd still fucking hate it. because I hate mustaches. the only person I even slightly tolerate it on is tom selleck, and even on him it's gross, it's just that he's always had one so he looks weirder without it. you hear that? I hate the mustache on thee mustache man. I stand by "disgusting dead caterpillar decaying on his top lip". it's true. just like it's also true that other people really like the mustache, and find it attractive, and I don't like to unnecessarily rain on other people's parades, so I didn't put my mustache loathing posts in the tags.
and I'm not upset about the videos of the mustache, I'm bored. the cast and crew is having fun, great, glad they are, I'm not. and I'm not commenting on their videos about it, I'm not tagging the cast in my posts, I'm just stating, on my own blog, to my followers and mutuals, that I don't like the mustache and I'm bored of seeing it in the bts. people are welcome to unfollow, and even block if they want. but several of my moots really like the mustache, and post about it, and I don't unfollow them, so I think they'll also be fine with seeing posts about how I don't like it. because we're adults who understand you don't have to agree with every single opinion someone has to be friends with them.
funny how a handful of posts about me disliking the mustache = me not even liking the show. quick question, are you part of eddieblr who thinks the show revolves around him? cause newsflash, I could in fact hate the character of eddie, and RG, and it wouldn't mean I don't love the rest of the show. yeah, I post a lot about bucktommy, they're my shiny new blorbos, fresh out of the package and hardly damaged yet. but I very much love the rest of the show and characters.
so, how about you stop worrying about what other people like or don't like, curate your space, and leave me to be a hater in peace
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olderthannetfic · 4 months
One hand I get not wanting to tag every little toot, and some times it's also just not relevant. On the other hand, not tagging on an archive where one part of the purpose is to actually find and categorize stuff so it can be found.
I do think some people are a bit obnoxious when it feels like they're bragging about not tagging or being passive aggressive about the idea of tagging certain parts in the fics. I just get the feeling like people are getting whiny about tagging with actual info tags instead of just "meme tags".
*"No beta readers we die like X." "Wrote this at 4am instead of doing homework." Those kind tags.
Some people also seem angry that certain tags might exclude them from "potential" readers who use the exclude tags function to begin with. Like they're in some way owed readers, even those who have no interest in what you're actually writing. "You don't have to read it." Yeah, that's what's gonna happen regardless, so why is tagging such a big deal in that case? In the end you didn't get anything from not tagging either. Especially tags that divide readers. On the other hand they don't think of the people who are specifically looking for those tags. Because it's an archive, and people use the tag function to also find fics with specific tags. If you don't tag it, people who want to read it won't find it.
I think a good example recently was the transman Mpreg fic anon submission. Someone here mentioned they get triggered by transman preg fic but can read cis-Mpreg, because Cis Mpreg doesn't trigger their dysphoria. (I think that's what they said) This is an example of someone curating their own online experience. People are literally trying to curate their experience online, and avoid fics that contain content that's upsetting to them, but when you don't tag just because you wanna be passive aggressive about certain tags, you're making that really hard.
It's like people are more upset about the potential "tag haters", and wanting to "own them" than they are about being welcoming to people who want to read their works, or people who're just trying to curate their online ventures.
Idk maybe it is bc more people have the algorithm brain so they feel like they shouldn't have to tag for exclusion, only tags that get the most eyes and the most attention, but tagging on AO3 is mostly beneficial to everyone involved. People who want to read something will include the tag, people who don't like it will exclude it, and many of the users will sort themselves into readers and not readers, without having to slowly deal with annoyed people jumping ship.
And yes, I know about antis who just write shit comments, but those people are going to do that regardless of if you tag or not, because some of them are incredibly obsessive about online stalking.
I mean, sure, but half of the tag discourse is people who think that tag X is central to every story vs. authors who don't think in terms of X.
Or it's people who want to exclude the merest mention of X vs. people who tag for people who want to find X, which is two very different thresholds for X.
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weirdestcornelius · 2 months
speaking of the preboot - i've never read it (yet), but i swear the website used to say that it was fine if people liked the preboot, just that kittycorn was personally uncomfortable with it. so when i got deeper into the fandom, i was confused why any mention of it was, like... forbidden. effect of the website not being updated (until now) and having to learn everything thru tumblr, i suppose.
I feel like it's perfectly fine that Kc doesn't want anything about the preboot being sent to kit- that's a reasonable boundary! You can set boundaries for what people can send to you! What's not a reasonable boundary is saying "you can't like the preboot. You can't like Cuddles. Don't talk about the preboot ever if you don't want to be burned at the stake"
I understand that the preboot makes Kc uncomfortable because of personal reasons; but people should still be allowed to like it. You can like controversial things. This is like the AP drama all over again when people were making callout posts on anyone who mentioned liking it or even daring to watch it. Hell I even saw someone in the Sparklecare tag saying "this person has the preboot and msi on their carrd that's such a red flag they're getting blocked" when it. Isn't?? 1: msi fucking rules. Not the band but the music and 2: you're free to block anyone you want but why tf do you think it's your place or duty to tell everyone in the Sparklefandom that they were blocked by you. You don't have to announce that to everyone else.
This fandom itself is REALLY obsessed with calling people out and cancelling them; it's the exact reason more than half the critic blogs are anonymous because people finding out you've done the ultimate sin of having a critic blog means that you're going to be shunned by the community who will probably send you death threats and start rumors about you. "You can't like this person's art bc they're bad!!!! You can't follow this person because they have a critic blog!!!"
I've literally seen someone attempt to call an artist out for something they did when they were a bad state of mind and attempted to create something controversial or whatever. So yeah ig Kc can trauma dump on a bunch of teenagers anytime she's upset but once another artist does anything else while also being upset that makes them a terrible person worthy of being shunned by everyone.
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rollercoasterwords · 2 years
something else that i have been thinking abt since writing the cowboy fic is that like. i feel like. there is sort of this....very intense expectation when it comes to warnings on fics? and i feel like this is a post-tiktok shift simply bc i don't see it as much w older fics but. what i mean is like.
the tags are where tws/cws go, right? like, the general expectation is that if there is potentially upsetting content, the writer will do their best to tag it so that people know going into the fic to expect violence or angst etc etc. and it is the responsibility of the reader to check those tags before reading and decide if they're okay with encountering that potentially upsetting material. which is a great system!
but i feel like now there's this growing expectation that writers will not only tag their fics, but also include detailed warnings in the notes on each chapter. and like.....i think that is a very kind gesture from writers who want to do it, but it shouldn't be an expectation. it isn't a writer's responsibility to provide warnings on every single chapter of a fic. like, if the fic is tagged with something like "violence" or "injury" or "gore," you as a reader are opening that fic with the blanket acknowledgment that you are prepared for any kind of violence/injury/gore that it might contain. and you aren't entitled to any more detailed warnings on the actual chapter where those things occur. y'know?
and yeah, sometimes you'll open a fic tagged with something thinking u can handle it, and then you'll get to that part of the story and find it more upsetting than u expected. that happens! but that's just part of like...the Big Kid Reading Experience, y'know? it's not the writer's responsibility to protect u from a story that u chose to read.
anyway, i just feel like i am increasingly witnessing (and every so often being subjected to lol) this phenomenon of people reading a fic tagged with various warnings and then acting surprised or even upset with the writer because.....they were surprised that the fic tagged "violence" was violent. or that the fic tagged "angst" was sad. or that the fic tagged "canon-compliant" was canon-compliant. and then if they're called on their bs they'll hand-wring and act like the tag on the fic wasn't enough, because they weren't expecting the violence to be that violent, or the angst to be that sad, and they'll act as though the writer has done something wrong by not giving a step-by-step breakdown in the notes on each chapter of every single potentially upsetting detail....which is just ridiculous!
anyway. tl;dr - nobody is entitled to detailed, in-depth tws on every single fic ch; the writers who do that are just being extra nice to u, so stop treating it as some sort of standard expectation!
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bro-atz · 7 months
xikers reaction to you being jealous 🙏🙏
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pair: xikers/gn!reader
word count: 1.2k
content: fluff, a little jealousyyy, some humor, established relationships, some nicknames (ex. baby, babe, etc)
author's note: i will never stop using the tangerine metaphor just saying. also, each member has a diff scenario w why you're jealous (bc it wasn't specified huhuhu)
tag list: @yuniniverse @eyeryis @sinnarols @dutchessskarma apply for the permanent taglist here!
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minjae's a really considerate person right
so sometimes he's really nice in front of people
people who are clearly flirting with him
and boy, that just, UGH you do not like seeing that
and minjae himself gets jealous easily
so if you tell him honestly
he immediately reacts
"oh my god baby i had no idea you felt that way!"
"yeah... sorry..."
"don't be sorry, baby! i won't do it again, i promise"
and he keeps his promise
he's still nice to people
but he's definitely more perceptive to the ones flirting with him
and he shuts it down so fast bc he does NOT want to make you jealous
what an amazing boyfriend
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honestly he's so confused
why are you jealous?
why are you jealous of him practicing with hunter?
it's just hunter
and you want to explain
but how can you explain not liking when hunter gets so close to you
like he's part of xikers and it's a dance come on now
he's a performer he's gotta do it
but also like hunter is so... hunter how could anyone not be nervous
so you don't explain
and junmin just resorts to cheering you up and reassuring you
bc there's nothing???
"can you just... practice less w him... like ik you need to practice but"
"we'll make our sessions shorter, okay?"
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one day sumin and hunter went shopping
hunter likes sumin's style and wanted sumin to help
and so they went
without you
you were so upset and jealous like
sumin's picking out clothes for hunter???
dressing him up like a barbie doll???
that should be you!!!
you lowkey ice him out the second he gets back
"baby i'm baaaack"
he sits next to you and pokes and prods you until you speak
"why didn't you take me w you???"
"bc i wanted to get you a surprise!"
and he pulls out a scarf
jealousy: gone.
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oh my god jinsik feels horrible
how could he make you feel so jealous
like he does spend a lot of time w sumin nd all
but he didn't think it would make you jealous
"jinsik, it's fine i just wanted to tell you"
"no! how can it be fine! i never wanted to make you feel bad!"
and now he's crying
"still if you did that to me ik i'd be super upset pls don't be upset w me"
"i'm not upset w you oh god jinsik i'm sorry"
and you end up having to console him
even though you're the one that's jealous
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okay so normally hyunwoo is outgoing and lively with you right
and he's cute like that sure
but he gets super shy meeting someone for the first time
and meeting your friends has him all sorts of shy and cute
making your friends fall in love w him
and it's weird like he's his true, happiest self with you
but you're still jealous as how he acts around your friends
"hey, uh, listen... don't do things for them if they ask you"
"like i know one of them asked you to grab them a drink, but don't do it"
"y/n........ you're not making any sense"
"I JUST i just don't like when you're too nice to them"
"but they're your friends???"
"yeah, i know, but they're falling in love w you and it's just... i don't like it"
hyunwoo's flattered in a way, but he also gets where you're coming from
he ruffles your hair
"okay... but that means you have to get the drink for them."
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usually i would say junghoon would have a flat reaction
but when it comes to jealousy, he immediately feels bad
you didn't tell him you were jealous or anything
but usually you're the more talkative one in your relationiship
so when you go quiet, he knows something's up
"baby, what's wrong? and tell me the truth"
he wants to know immediately he hates beating around the bush
"i'm just... jealous"
"of what?"
"like with hyunwoo, you make plans w him so fast... but me? you take a lot of time..."
"oh... i'm sorry i made you upset, but i take my time with you bc i wanna plan perfect dates"
you: owo
"i want to make the time we spend together special, you know?"
you're legit abt to start crying
so you hug him and bury your face in his chest
he's patting your back and smiling and making the jealousy go away
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you're so jealous of the way he looks at hunter
like geez all the guy did was give him tangerines
but seeun's eyes are sparkling
but when YOU give him peeled tangerines
he's just all smiles but no sparkles
"you know, it's not fair how you look at hunter vs how you look at me"
"you're in love w hunter, seeun. just admit it"
seeun is :o
and honestly he doesn't know how to fix the problem
because how does he control his eye sparkles???
so he spends the rest of the day apologizing and making you laugh
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yujun is really considerate of you and everything
so it's literally impossible for you to be jealous
except there's one thing
and that's how cute he is
like all the other members dote on him
and you're just like....... dang it my bf is cuter than me hOW
"baby why are you pouting?"
also yujun is giggling a little bc he thinks you look so cute when you pout
"i'm not"
"you so are"
"...yujun why are you so cute?!"
"youre so cute and so pretty it's not fair!!!"
yujun is taken aback
but then he starts cracking up
"baby, you're the cutest"
"no you are yujun"
"no you are"
and so on and so forth until one of you caves
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he's part of the confused crew
like what do you mean you're jealous of seeun
seeun is his bandmate?
his friend?
you're his s/o?
the math is not mathing
"..........is it because i peeled tangerines for him?"
"no that's not it—"
"baby i do so many more things for you they're just tangerines"
"hunter that's not—"
"i can peel apples if you want—"
and now you're frustrated at yourself wtf are you jealous of the tangerine or seeun or
and you're pouting
nd hunter finds that amusing
"...you're so cute."
"i'll stop giving him fruits, okay? will that make you not jealous?"
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okay so like listen
yechan feels bad
but at the same time
he loves that you're jealous
"what the heck yechan"
"nO I MEAN LIKE it's just nice to see how much you care about me"
bc in his eyes jealousy isn't such a bad thing
"okay but i'm not happy about being jealous. what if i made you jealous?"
"yeah! i'll just spend more time with minjae and call him—"
"OKAY WAit but how do i do that?"
"idk just... you know... stop being so cute"
"that's impossible and you know it"
and you wanna argue back but dammit
he's too cute to argue w
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Remus is my favorite side and I am collecting people's opinions about him. For the bingo?
Hiya, Birch! Consider my opinion collected!
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Circle size represents how much I resonate with or feel confidently about an answer.
Going to address the not liking him as a person (vs adoring him as a character) before I go any further. Just like, if I knew a person who acted like him irl (which would probably be a neglected 13 y/o) I wouldn't really like them. Wouldn't necessarily hold it against them, but understanding someone and/or wanting to help someone is not the same as liking them. Sides aren't exactly comparable to people, though.
I think about Remus so frequently. My absolute favorite we've seen of him was WTIT. It definitely gave us more to work with, particularly with how much he hates being ignored. Bc like, yeah he's a side and he needs to be able to do his function, but his function and subsequently himself have been repressed which has warped everything and tbh I'd act like that too.
I NEED him and Roman to work together bc wtf. I need them both to be mad bc like we're going to have to address at some point why there are two sides that manage Creativity? Um? But skipping past that bc we are where we are, they should be able to work together. Also going to link a post I made about creativitwins bc it's too long to quote here which has more of my thoughts about Remus's job as part of Creativity.
Remus is literally an alarm. He shows up when things are bad... And makes them worse, but!!!!! He's a clue to get to the root problem. Also, as someone who suffers from disturbing and upsetting intrusive thoughts, I'd love to see dealing with Remus through creation, bc honestly him having a hold of Creativity is perfect. One way to get through intrusive thoughts is the mindful meditation technique, another is by ejecting them via art/writing. I think that would be fun.
Some people think Remus is annoying. And? As is his right? No, but seriously, he's been neglected up until we see him appear, suppressed except for where his influence slips out, honestly, he could be MORE annoying if he wanted. Get their asses.
One characterization I see people give him is that he doesn't care, but if nothing else, there is one thing he absolutely has to care about: c!Thomas. I mentioned this in my unreliable narrator post in relation to Janus, but it stands for all of them: “Sides of Thomas will always seek to perform their duties to help Thomas.” I don't believe the sides can purposely seek to hurt c!Thomas. They're not people, they're part of a person.
Speaking of that post, I'm just going to copy paste my Remus paragraph bc I can:
And last we have Remus. This guy. Beautiful boy. All about being brutally honest except he’s just not lying. Except for when he is. I swear he just says stuff recreationally and like, me too, but at least I admit it. He’s got that Brennan Lee Mulligan 'I will die on any hill’ vibe methinks. The problem is that he says the actual profound truths in the same tone he does the shitposts so no one takes it seriously. And I swear to you this is on purpose, I can’t prove it, but tell me honestly you don’t think that’s something he’d do. Rat bastard.
Idk if I've said everything I wanted to. I've probably said enough for this post, though. As always, feel free to tag on or ask questions or whatever else!
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I think it's hard for people in the fandom of either to say whether it was a success bc we are going to obviously hear more about it than the average person. If you're on Tumblr, people are talking about it within the fandoms. If you go on Twitter, yeah you may see the occasional tweet in their tags, but again, those are probably from fans. There were people outside of fandom talking when the pics came out, but the longevity of that didn't last too long. The response wasn't even big, it was "oh they're a thing.....ok." Yeah people talked about it on Tiktok for a second, are they still? Has that translated to a continued conversation outside fandom? Not really. Bigger stories came out-Ben and JLo divorcing, Taylor and Travis' ongoing romance. It got forgotten. When the Italy pic came out, there was hardly a response even from the fandoms bc a lot of people still hate that this is happening, so they're not gonna reshare it. You're getting SEO articles spinning up here and there, or reshares of old articles. I don't think them going quiet has anything to do with them wanting privacy or to "live their lives", if they wanted privacy we wouldn't be here right now lol. They made this mess public information in a big way. If their announcement had taken off they would be doing a billion more pap walks. The PR didn't extend out far enough into the culture and just got a lot of people pissed off who were very vocal in how upset they were. That's probably got more to do with why they went quiet tbh.
Oh my God, spot on, Nonny.
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wulvercazz · 8 months
grimmichigrimmichigrimmichi >:3333 (pairing meme)
heheh okay- so shiP IT ofc 😂 .. but here's the answers;
What made you ship it?
so... I have a very specific list of qualities I look for when it comes to my favorite male characters. And Grimmjow fit them all 😂💕
When I first watched Bleach the only thing I shipped was IchiRuki, bc naturally that was the only way to go for me tbh, but then Grimm appeared and I was obsessed. When it comes to otps for me, first I find a fave character, then I consider the possible pairings. Not any other way. And with Grimmjow... well the only option for me was Ichigo tbh.
Not to discredit any other Grimmjow ships, I've done a few of them myself, but with how passionately these two throw themselves at each other I truly couldn't look any other way. Lol
So tldr; Grimmjow's got slut potential and I dig that, and they're too into each other for me not to see "gay" plastered all over them 💫
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
Hmmm 🤔maybe how inherently feral it is, canon-wise. Also how harmonious their overall designs are together, there's nothing nicer than a pair that looks good together, at least as an artist. Also how easy they are (for me at least) to write/draw; I have a hard time focusing on one thing for long enough to get good at things (hence the many AUs lol!) so for me to have a ship I draw constantly for more than four years now... is truly astounding lmao. They helped me grow soooo much so they hold a dear dear place in my heart just bc of that alone.
And because of that last one: how easy it is to apply AUs to themmmm ;w;<33333 I can legit think of anything and make an AU out of it and not struggle too much to find the perfect place for them in it.
And also,, sort of fave sort of least fave- that it's not an overly popular ship in general (ik it's popular in the Bleach fandom itself, but rather; not popular like a ship from BNHA or JJK). Why; bc I get to have my quiet space where I draw all the ideas I want and yet have had verY few people throw insults at me for some of my darker stuff 😂 Bigger fandoms I've interacted with (as a viewer mostly) have had issues popping up left and right, people getting upset over dumb shit and letting that grow to huge proportions, "antis" everywhere... yeahhhh no thanks 😖
but also-- it gets verY quiet at times specially for someone who's so picky. Like, if I could find a fandom space like the exclusive bottom Bakugo enthusiasts I followed on twt (and even bought a whole zine about) but for GriMMJOW??? WOOF😭💕 so yeah,,, love-hate situation on this last bit lmaooo
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
A few 😂😭 everyone who's followed my art for a certain amount of time can probs tell how the 'tism really affects how I enjoy ships lmaoooo I have to enjoy them a very specific certain way so... that means I don't partake at all on a good few of the popular tropes for the ship. Some I can think of rn; damsel-in-distress!Ichigo, overly hurtful!Grimm (although this one is more old fandom I think 🤔? I remember, in a lot of fics back then, Grimmjow was portrayed a lot as this violent rapist adgdfddfdff not for me lmaoo), ofc top!Grimm, Grimmjow acting all macho relationship wise, and too much angst (I think this ship (and Ichigo in general lets be honest) can call for a lot of angst in fic so I totally get it- but ...meh, if it's not romaticized/sexualized angst, idc for it adgdfgf I don't like it when they actually suffer 😭)
OOH OH! ALSO --- making them OOC in AUs CAN be great actually (to me at least). I know a lot of people (not just here, but in any ship/fandom/etc) don't love OOC characterizations of their fave characters/ships (hence why it's a tag we use tbh) but I personally love that at times??? I won't do it all the time and all over the place... but AUs where there's space to make Grimm less violent? or Ichigo less friendly/loving??? While still within their canon character potentials--- hecC yes. >:)ccc
Also ofc; that I wish it was still common to tag ships as top-bottom like it is with HoEn/EnHo (bnha), VK/KV /trigun, KRBK/BKKR (bnha) etc or at least tag it some other way along the ship.... it would be sO much easier to filter out stuff i don't want to see instead of having to mute/block a whole person I would still love to see stuff from.
BuT I am aware most have no preference whatsoever lmaO so... yeah nothing I can do there except not follow people pfFFF 😂😭 (and wait until I find peeps with similar tastes aasdfs)
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stoopid-turtle · 11 months
hello... 😅 uhm, first of all, i truly am sorry in advance for being awkward 😭 but for once i decided not to let my awkwardness keep me from sharing (what i think/hope are) positive thoughts with a stranger on the internet, so here i am.
i'm not around much and legit only made this acc bc like you i'm a late bloomer here and needed as many outlets for my yizhan/wangxian obsession as i could get my greedy hands on, in the big year of 2023... sigh. anyway, as an avid lover of meta/analysis posts since my early fandom days began around 15 (oof 🥲) years ago, finding your acc was such a lovely surprise. i agree with your views a LOT, and really appreciate how eloquent and well-written your posts are! even more so bc there's a lot i still don't know and most of the time the source material is very hard to reach and/or understand due to the language barrier, so having other turtles to rely on to access those, even if filtered by their own biases/opinions, is wonderful. besides, such input coming from a new fan is also comforting and imo refreshing, juxtaposed with that of older fans... it keeps the fandom alive and all that jazz. it's also very brave given how ruthless some folks can be on the internet, and on this corner in particular 😮‍💨 it just felt like reading my own thoughts written by someone else sometimes. i gasped and nodded at your posts soooo many times djskdjdj thank you for that!
(btw you followed me back the other day and i legit fangirled irl bc ??? whatttttt 😅 i still think it was an accident but okay omg djskdjdj AHEM. sorry)
then today i logged in and read your recent posts feeling squeamish about sharing more thoughts and as much as i 100% relate to you saying that kind of attention makes you anxious, i just... idk, i had to let you know i enjoy everything you post, even though adult life has kept me from being able to read it all so far. i understand you stepping back and i respect that decision, i'm not by any means asking you to go against what you know is best for you. at the same time, i can't help but hope you'll still show up every now and then bc your posts will be missed 🥲 i guess the whole motivation behind this is that it just made me sad to think your valuable insights will be something i'm yet again late to, if that makes sense?
djskdjdj again, i'm so sorry for being awkward and weird and dropping all of this on your inbox unprovoked. you don't have to reply (or read this AT ALL omg 😭😭), in fact i'm so embarrassed by this that you'd probably have to reach me through inquiry lmaooo 💀 anyway, have a great life, thank you so much for the great job, bjyxszd etc ❤️💚💛
Oh, don't be anxious! I'm really not a big deal.
Thank you for dropping into my inbox! I love hearing from other turtles, especially relative newbies, like myself! One of my fav parts of coming out of lurking mode is getting to talk to other people. I kinda follow back anybody who follows me, cause it seems polite? I don't know tumblr etiquette. I just follow the tags when I get the chance.
I appreciate the encouragement! I try to avoid dramatics, so I'm sorry for the upset last week. The situation is largely resolved, and I am feeling more okay. I kinda backed off because I wasn't sure of my footing here in fandom as compared to others, especially as I do think I have some takes that fall outside fandom consensus. Again, I don't mean to rock any boats and I'm not invested in convincing anybody that they should have the same opinions as I do. Hearing from turtles who do want me to continue posting gave me some more confidence there.
So, yeah, I expect I'll post some more as I have time. I'd like to post more on dd (cause he's my fav). I'd also like to try to figure out gg cause that dude is so confusing to me. I do have RL stuff going on, and I don't have the time to be super-active outside of occasional posts. But I'd like keep posting stuff. At least until I get all my Yizhan thoughts out.
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stevethehairington · 4 months
20 Questions For Fic Writers
i was tagged by @scimitar-and-longsword, ty Lolo for the tag!! 💕
How many works do you have on ao3? 118
What's your total ao3 word count? 667,938
What fandoms do you write for? the most recent fandom i've written for and posted for is stranger things, and i am still writing for it! i have also recently been dipping my toes into writing for both the terror and challengers (though i have not posted anything ~officially~ for either yet)
Top five fics by kudos:
good for my boy - steddie; wayne pov, the first time wayne meets steve! | 4,4,564 kudos
can't hide the way you make us glow - steddie; sequel to good for my boy, also wayne pov, this time how wayne finds out steve and eddie are together | 3,154 kudos
i want to hold your hand - steddie; steve has a crush on eddie and really reaaallly wants to hold his hand | 2,361 kudos
sloe gin fizzy, do it till you're dizzy - steddie; steve and eddie make a habit of getting high together... and also making out | 2,204 kudos
the world will follow after - steddie; steve accidentally kisses eddie on his way out the door | 2,000 kudos
Do you respond to comments? yes!!! i'll admit, i'm suuuper behind on this (a combination of being ridiculously busy and not having my laptop for a hot minute) but i absolutely do respond to every comment at some point! the way i see it is if you're kind enough to take the time to say something nice i'm gonna take the time to say thanks!
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? ooh angstiest ending? i fear i end all of my fics happy haha, but i suppose... well, i suppose keep you on a rope would fit the bill. this one is my tommy pov hs reunion fic, and tommy sees steve happy with eddie and then goes home drunk and upset soooo yeah that's a pretty unhappy ending for him lol.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? god, like everything else i've ever written?? lmfaoooo. i truly don't have one specific answer here because ALL my fics are happy endings if i can help it.
Do you get hate on fics? nah. i've gotten like a couple dumb comments before but they haven't been like mean outright hate or anything. i hope to keep it that way!
Do you write smut? hah, so, technically yes. but it's been a REAL hot minute, and every time i've tried to write smut recently i feel like i just get so stuck with it and then give up. soooooo.
Craziest crossover: i Do Not Like crossover fics so none! lol
Have you ever had a fic stolen? ummmm, i don't think so?
Have you ever had a fic translated? i've had a couple people ask before, but honestly idk if they ever actually did? so maybe lol
Have you ever co-written a fic before? i've tried! several times! but the, like, motivation/inspiration for those fics sort of fizzled out before they could be finished, so nothing has ever been posted.
All time favorite ship? oh man!!! this is a hard question!!!! because like, my favorite ship is obviously going to be the one i'm most invested in at the moment, but like i do still hold a very special place in my heart for the ships of the past i've fallen out of the fandoms for.
the current ships i'm coo coo for cocoa puffs over at the moment are steddie, fitzier, and tashi/art/patrick (honestly do not know what the "official" ship name for them is lol)
but if i had to pick my favorite out of all the ships ive ever written for... man i think i have to go with stucky!! there's just something about that ship that reaaaaally hits, and even though i don't really write for it anymore, just thinking about it makes me go bananas and feel so much, so yeah, stucky my beloveds.
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will? HAH okay i have an answer for this one: my steddie two night stand au!!!!! it was going to be my fic for the steddie big bang but i had to drop out of that bc irl got in the way, but i have like. at least half of the fic written already and a solid plan for the rest and i was totally loving what i had for it, and ive been DYING to write a two night stand for literally any fandom i've ever been in so i REALLY want to finish this one at some point... i hope i will!!!
What are your writing strengths? i would probably say my characterization!!! i try really really hard with that and i've gotten lots of comments that have pointed this out specifically, which makes me extra proud!
What are your writing weaknesses? i feel like sometimes when i get too in my head about things i end up, like, getting kind of repetitive, like i'll start using "smile" or describing eyes too much lol. i always try to like fix this when i edit before posting, but it's definitely something i notice myself doing.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language? i don't really have an opinion on this, like, whatever fits your fic best, so long as there's a translation somewhere that is easily accessible to the reader!
First fandom you wrote in? skam!!
Favorite fic you've written? oooh okay. i think i'm either going to go with keep me on a rope or under my umbrella!!
i'm going to tag: @withacapitalp @steddielations @henderdads @stevesbipanic @greenlikethesea @toburnup @thefreakandthehair @heybluechild @steddieasitgoes and anyone else that wants to do this!!
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merlinsleftit · 7 months
just curious - why post in a ship tag complaining about the ship? you knew people were going to be upset regardless that you did that but also isn’t it…unnecessary? like, at the end of the day, fanfiction and ships are fiction for a reason. sometimes it’s fun to imagine the impossible and to imagine au’s - and to hate an entire fandom for it seems excessive and quite frankly, rude. i’m not saying dramione is the end all be all bc yeah, some characterizations are so ooc that it’s just like why bother. other times it’s like wow this is really good, but these things can also be related to any other fandoms.
idk, i mean we are all entitled to our own opinion, of course. i guess it just rubbed me wrong way that you’d post something shitting on a ship you so clearly hate and posting it in said fandom.
its not just about "let ppl have their own ships and opinions" it's about hating on the canon and making up their own ships and characters just bcs they didn't like the original one. i totally get whatever jkr said upset a lot of ppl and that's absolutely normal and right thing to do and im not here to defend her or something. i usually separate the art from the artist bcs harry potter always had a special place in my place and i have always loved the canon. i think the hate on canon characters and ships started more after jkr transphobic jokes. ppl are romanticizing toxic characters and toxic ships to go against jkr and i have seen these in so many fanfics. they mainly do it to show that they do not care about the canon or they are against it but they still wanna like it somehow.
saying how some characters should've done this or that in the canon is absolutely bullshit. obv the characters had no idea this will be consequences. nobody is perfect but isn't that what makes a series relatable in some way? every characters had flaws and every character resembled somebody from our daily lives. hating on the canon characters to just make your fav character look like a saint is hypocrisy.
the main reason why the percy jackson fandom is less toxic than hp is bcs they like their author and we don't and they accept their canon the way it is bcs they like their author. i get y'all don't like jkr and neither do i but i dont go out of my way to change the canon bcs i just don't like her.
these new ships and characters are scaring new fans away from canon bcs some of y'all convinced them that fanon is somehow 'better" and when these so called "fans" come on here to share opinions that they've based off of the misinformation they've been fed, they will be unprepared to handle any kind of backlash they may face except their usual "let ppl have their own ships" or "its just fanfiction"
also i use the tags bcs i want ppl to know the misinformation they've been fed by the new genz fandom and how they think shipping random characters don't affect anyone but in reality, it does. i mean literally see how many ppl have been influenced by meneclad and how they think dramione is endgame and how jkr wasted their potential. they never even had any real chemistry in the canon so there was nothing to wasted on.
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followmetoyourdoom · 8 months
So the Megamind movie/TV show announcement came out yesterday and there's such a divide within the fandom and so much anger directed at both sides and I just, can't understand why?
People are allowed to have different opinions, people are allowed to be super excited for it and people are allowed to be disappointed in what the trailers are showing.
It's been so long since we got content and you've got people who are so excited to get what we're getting and that's great! That's awesome! We're getting content! But there's also people who wanted more than this, who wanted DreamWorks/Peacock to put more money into this and that's understandable. People who wanted the original voices bc that's what's familiar, that's what they fell in love with. And it's okay that the show is different, but it's also okay for people to be upset at it being different.
I don't think it's greedy or ungrateful. I just think this shows how much people care and how optimistic they were and how hopeful they were. And yeah, some people are being rude about it, but those are very specific cases and generalising either way isn't helping.
Let people love the new content, let people be disappointed. It's okay. We're all going to watch it, and then there will be more divided opinions and that's also okay!
I think keeping hate out of the main tag, especially when Megamind is so big these days, is pretty unavoidable, but adding extra tags to things isn't. Discourse and criticism for the show could be tagged as such (maybe under 'MegaRant'?), and then those who don't want to see that, blacklist those tags. If people aren't tagging things, gently asking them to, and if then they're a dick about it, well the block button is there.
As someone who often loves things others hate, I get the instant defence mechanism, I really do. My URL/Tumblr name is from Button Of Doom, and we all know how well that was received, but I genuinely love that silly little short. And that's okay.
For people who are blaming the animators or blaming those who worked on this at a lower level, aim that disappointment higher if you can, at CEOs and those who just care about shareholders. The film industry at the moment is not a pretty picture and the people with passion are often working as hard as they can with very little time and very little budget.
It's okay to be disappointed, just know who's to blame for it. It's okay to be really excited and then upset at the people shitting on that thing you're excited for. But let's find a way to live in harmony rather than getting angry at each other. And if people don't want to, you're allowed to curate your own experience and block/step away/blacklist, whatever you need to do.
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c6jpg · 5 months
okay okay arlecchino story quest thoughts
overall i liked it but mainly the whole duel sequence which was fucking awesome but some points that bugged me:
the release of arlecchino's animated short basically spoiling the entire story quest
mentioned in the tags of my previous post but yeah i think the story quest would have been a lot more... idk interesting? revealing? if the animated short had been released after this patch/story quest. you basically spend the entire first half of the story quest already knowing the "twist" and have to watch literally everyone else figure it out which is never really engaging nor fun story telling.
like you KNOWWW arlecchino is not "that evil" and you KNOWWWWW all these atrocities were from the previous knave so seeing literally everybody go through these theatrics is a little. sigh. idk. like i was just waiting to get to the boss fight bc i knew the corresponding cutscenes would be awesome (and they were) and getting random fatui insider knowledge was fun i enjoyed having what was effectively seeing arlecchino and childe in the office break room but we didn't really learn anything we didn't already know
also. arlecchino is hardly the first but it really is just kinda. sigh when you basically get a whole scene of the character explaining their OWN tragic backstory. once again genshin fails to show not tell
i know a lot of people are upset about the freminet timeline. honestly idc at this point i'll suspend my belief whatever yadda yadda but i do think it was a cop out for freminet to have like. not at least been SUSPICIOUS that clervie was possibly talking about the previous knave just because crucabena "didn't talk about it and all the experiments ended" by the time he joined the house
like he spent a significant time with clervie (half a month right?) trying to help her out and even if clervie was "a child stuck in the past" she wasn't exactly trying to hide anything and they ALL knew she was some sort of ghost or maybe something tied to memories/leylines. and he KNEW crucabena so i'm just like. a little aghast he didn't have any damn idea like at least make him suspicious right so he and the traveler can join heads and be like "hmmmmmmm something is not right here HMMMMMMMMM" like if you are SO sure arlecchino isn't "that kind of person" (ig this was more lyney saying this but still) wouldn't you consider maaaaaaaaaaaybe the previous knaves were?
there was a single moment when they were at the table sharing intel that freminet was "lost in thought" and i think that would have been a fantastic moment for freminet to be the star and voice his suspicious but we got literally nothing from that.
honestly just disappointed freminet didn't do more in the story tbh. the trailer was really hyping him up to literally change the game lol
the results of the duel
i mean we saw it coming we knew she was gonna spare those children somehow. idrk how to describe it like on one hand yes would be nice to have more morally fucked up characters and its a little disappointing that arlecchino isn't "that bad" she's actually super normal all things considering (childe fucking LIED) on the other hand i don't necessarily hate this is the way they made her character? but the result of the duel still felt like a huge cop out lmao like it was basically an indirect "your resolve towards family impressed me so i'll let them live" which was exactly how i didn't want this to be resolved but also don't know how they would have done it otherwise
arlecchino's curse/flames/????????
GIRL CAN YOU ELABORATE PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE i know it has to do with her being part of some khaenrian (?) bloodline or something but lajdksfldjflads can you elaborate what do you mean your flames can be extracted and burn memories we're just all gonna take that and run with it huh
regardless i loved the main battle cutscene in her boss form. loved that bit where she blocked freminet and lynette's dual attack and was like "sorry for what? this pitiful excuse for an attack?" i was banging my fist on the table i loved that bit sooooooooooo fucking much dear god
ending cutscene was expected and bittersweet but i liked it a lot as well. really the graphics and me just really liking arlecchino saved this quest for me LOL i think it has a lot of plot holes compared to other story quests but also a much more interesting story (bar is in hell) although you're guaranteed to get some sort of lore with a weekly boss but anyways it averages out to being a pretty okay but not spectacular story quest 👍 maybe like a 6/10, would have rated it higher if the animated short didn't spoil everything
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starchild--27 · 5 months
Make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! Then, tag as many people as you have WIPs
I was tagged by my dearest @diamozi ✨️
One Song (my oldes wip, it's basically a story with 26 different povs, it's all people gathered at a bar with live music and each chapter is one pov from the same 4 minutes when a specific song is played, so it's just different people feeling different things about the same song. i haven't worked on that for like 6 years but i still love the concept and i want to return to it someday!)
music x art (chanbaek college au, where chanyeol is a music major and baekhyun is an art major and they become roommates and shenanigans ensue-)
romhyun and yeoliet (a chanbaek romeo + juliet au (without the dying lol bc i don't do main character death) @byuns-coco and i obsessed over in 2021 i think. it's based on the 1994 movie and exo's kokobop mv xD)
the lonely stargazer (which is about a dude (gn) who goes to the beach with their telescope to stargaze - bc they have heard you can hear the mermaids sing to the lonely people there - and they do feel very lonely. and they do hear the mermaids and they are singing about myths and stories about the constellations they see in the stars which are different from the constellatios human beings see bc they are a whole different species with a different culture and yeah. dude is male in my head bc i started it with chanyeol in mind, but that's not set in stone. i can imagine making it a story where the main characters gender is not revealed at all - if i ever write it xD)
ancient mansion (wlw love story between a writer moving into an huge-ass old mansion she inherited from her aunt and a interior designer who has been illegally working on the mansion and keeping it alive basically. they fall in love while renovating)
house of poets (my biggest wip, the concept is too long to to break it down here so feel free to ask me about them. all i'm going to say is ... super-tired all-knowing seer x antisocial jock werewolf. i love them. and i am sorry that i put them in these situations-) - technically it's connected to ancient mansion and 'house of poets' is the title of both stories. but... that's very messy to explain. but i wrote a song about them.
moth song (i wrote that when a moth killed itself by flying straight into my pasta sauce that was literally still cooking on the stove-)
moth song pt 2 (i don't know what inspired that, one line i used there has been with me since 2021 i think, it was supposed to be a part of moth song but it became it's own thing and it's my favourite among my wips)
i am none of the things that you think i am (this one came to be after my grandpa came visit and things were said that made me upset)
rnb pop queen (this one i started when the new Mean Girls movie came out and Renee Rapp was everywhere and i had a crush on her)
theory logic consistency (this one started when i was frustrated with academia but academic is basically all i ever was good at so that was a crisis)
I tag... everyone who wants to share about their creative work? i am not sure at all anymore who of my moots have wips like that. i'll suspect @dontbotheraziraphale and @monwillica might have things to share? but no pressure at all ^-^
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