#not gonna subject them to new jersey tho
looking up if trans women could marry men in the 80s for. No Particular Reason. the answer is yes, in new jersey at least. look at us, jersey boys stay winning
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dolly’s- chapter two
SUMMARY: you and bucky make up woohoo
WARNINGS: reference to the reader’s abuse (not that bad tho) there might be like one bad word idk
The next morning was rough. You were at Dolly’s at 6 am, scrubbing the scratched coffee pot as if you were attempting to scrub everything about the day before from your memory. You could still hear Colonel Phillips’ gruff voice in your memory, see your father’s journal in his hand, feel the fear that replaced the rage you’d been harboring when he explained his knowledge of your “abilities,” as he delicately put it. He’d lectured you like you were a toddler, describing how you could be key to winning the war, how you could help some guy named Erskine finish some serum of some sort if you’d let him experiment on you. Your blood ran cold at that, as memories came rushing back full of bloodied syringes containing odd-colored, swirling substances, hard, unforgiving treadmills, and your father’s harsh face glaring down at you, voice full of malice as he spat, “You were meant to be the perfect human! Not some housewife!” 
Phillips noticed the change in your demeanor and stopped speaking. It would be hard not to notice, not when you were staring past him, eyes wide and empty, skin pale and ghostly. Your eyes snapped back to focus on him shortly, and you paused for a second before asking, “How’d my father die?”
Phillips froze at that. It wasn’t the question itself that gave him pause, it was the way you asked it. There was no emotion in your voice or gaze when you asked, just cold resolve. A need to know, simply for the sake of knowing.
“Kidnapped and tortured by Hydra, Hitler’s science division. When he refused to disclose your location, they shot him.”
You nodded. Some part of you deep inside that you’d tried to kill long ago wanted to feel bad, wanted to say he died for your sake, and yet you keep on hating him. What kind of daughter does that make you? But one act of kindness couldn’t even begin to heal the scars he’d dug into your skin, literally and metaphorically.
You told Phillips to give you a time and place, and you’d be there.
Bucky breezed into Dolly’s just past 7, like always, with Steve not far behind. You handed Steve the coffee you’d brewed for him, a steaming red mug with two spoonfuls of sugar and three spoonfuls of milk, the way he liked it. Crossing your arms and leaning them over the white ceramic countertop to look at Bucky, you asked, “Whaddya want, Barnes?” Your lips were pulled into a small frown, and one eyebrow was cocked as you gave him a challenging glare.
“Not even a hello, doll?” the subject of your anger challenged, smiling brightly as he leaned towards you. You sighed and straightened, turning around to grab a rag and clean the same mug you’d cleaned twelve times already, just to look busy.
“You couldn’t even spare me a call last night, plus you stood up me and Steve! So I apologize if I’m not in the best mood, James!” You yelled. “Which girl did you blow us off for this time? Carlotta? Rita? Delores?”
Bucky looked genuinely sad, and you almost felt bad for what you’d said. “I swear I didn’t mean to this time, Becca was sick and I stayed home to take care of her. And I was gonna call, but she needed her rest, and I didn’t want to risk waking her up.”
Oh god.
“Sorry,” you muttered.
Bucky merely shrugged, and told you what he wanted to drink. As you made it, you could hear the jingle of the bell atop the door, signaling Steve’s exit as he murmured a soft, “See ya later, Y/N.” You slid Bucky’s mug across the counter and he grabbed it, staring down it for a second.
“What’s a guy gotta do to take you out, doll?”
Bucky’s words froze you, like ice, crawling up your body until you couldn’t move, couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think.
But the anger, the flames that were still burning inside you melted the ice away as you replied, “Maybe start with not standing me up.”
He chuckled, but then met your eyes as he said, “I’m serious, doll. I wanna take you out on a date, just you and me.”
You shook your head, muttering, “No you don’t. You want a girl that you can go on one date with and then forget about, Barnes. And I’ve got no intentions of letting any guy do that to me.”
Bucky scoffed at that. “Doll, I-”
“Stop it,” you barked sharply.
“Don’t call me doll like there’s really something between us, Buck, not when you’re running around with every girl in Brooklyn! You know, I waited for years for the right moment to tell you I liked you, but it never came! You wanna know why? Because you-” you pointed a finger to his chest accusingly “ -couldn’t care less about a girl’s feelings! You just act like they never existed, like you never cared.” You angrily swiped an arm across your nose, and sniffed, trying to hold onto what little composure you had left. “And I would’ve rather stayed friends instead of risking it all for one date, but lately it’s like you don't even want to be friends with me.”
Bucky let you yell at him, and took it. He didn’t try to defend himself, or tell you how whatever you were feeling was your own fault, something you’d always admired him for doing. Really, why couldn’t every guy have that same amount of respect when a girl spoke? The conflicting feelings you felt towards Bucky confused you. Your heart was tearing itself in two, both wanting to run to Bucky, hug him, and agree to go out with him and wanting to ignore him for the rest of your lives.
Eventually Bucky spoke. “I’m sorry.”
You looked up, preparing to yell at him more when he held his hand up to stop you. “You had your turn, now it’s mine.”
You pursed your lips, and he continued. “You’re right about those other girls. If I’m honest, I never liked any of them. Really, I just hoped one of them would be good enough that I could get over you, but none of them were. And believe me, I’m sorry I stopped hanging out with you and Steve. Seeing you just hurt, knowing you’d never like me back. I just wasn't used to feeling this way around a girl.”
You met his eyes and tilted your head to the right slightly in a silent question, but then the meaning behind his words dawned on you. After all, he was James Barnes. Practically every girl in New York threw themselves at his feet. He’d never had to deal with rejection. Before you could stop it, a laugh bubbled up from your throat, and Bucky’s head that was hanging dejectedly shot up. “What?”
“It’s just funny,” you choked out in between laughs. “You’ve never been rejected by a girl, have you?”
Bucky glared playfully, but his stern gaze was offset by the bright, lopsided grin gracing his face. “C’mon, doll, don’t be the first.”
“Fine,” you said, feigning residual anger. “One date.”
Bucky leaned over to kiss your cheek, then practically bolted out the diner, grinning like a maniac. “I’ll be at your apartment at 6 tomorrow!” He called over his shoulder as the door slammed shut.
You smiled, pressing a hand lightly to where you could still feel Bucky’s lips. It was the first time you’d been kissed by a boy, if you were honest. Most men wanted a perfect housewife who’d cook, clean, and look after the children, but you wanted more than that from life. You wanted a partner who saw you as an equal, someone who’d share your dreams of adventure and glory. You wanted to be free, free from a world where you were seen as second-rate simply because you were a girl, free from the scars of your father’s experimentation, and free from the SSR, who currently wanted to do just what your father had done to you.
Sacrifices were necessary, and helping Dr. Erskine with his Super Soldier serum could be your only way of moving up in the world. If it got you out of a dead-end job running a diner, you were willing to endure whatever was thrown at you. Hopefully, Erskine would be a bit nicer than your late father was.
The black phone mounted on the back wall of the diner rang, and you ran to it in less than a second, simply a blur and rush of wind to anyone unlucky enough to spot you. Wrapping a hand around it, you took a deep breath, screwing your eyes shut, and praying it wasn’t Colonel Phillips again.
It was.
The second you lifted the phone to your ear, his loud voice resounded through the speaker, informing you that Erskine would be working with the SSR in a base in New Jersey, and that they’d need you there in a week.
You felt the beginnings of a stress headache pull at your head as you hung up, letting your head hit the cool wall and stay there, until the clock by the door chimed brightly, cheerfully informing you that it was opening time. God, it was only 7:30?
The rest of the day went without a hitch, until an angry woman demanded that you switch her seat with two patrons that were regulars at your diner. When you refused to move her seat, she left in a huff, dragging her two whining children behind her. 
“Sorry, Bonnie,” you said, turning to the pair that had just been yelled at. “You too, Ralph. Anything I can do for you?”
“How about dancing with us tonight?” Bonnie questioned. Her eyes shone with mischief as she spoke. Bonnie was one of those girls who could make a story about what she ate for breakfast sound like an odyssey, and make the room shake when she spoke. You couldn’t help but love her.
“You know I’m busy, Bonnie.”
Ralph murmured something, but Bonnie spoke over him, saying, “Busy with Bucky? I saw him and Steve today, and all Bucky would talk about was you! Did ya finally tell him how you feel?”
“More or less,” you muttered, as the remaining girls in the diner turned to stare at you, no doubt wondering why Bucky wanted you, but you paid them no attention. You had nothing to prove to those sycophants.
Bonnie stood up and scooped you up in a hug that gave you a mouthful of her dark curls, before whispering in your ear, “I’ve got somewhere to be with my man, so I can’t stay.” She smiled devilishly, before grabbing Ralph’s wrist and pulling him off to who-knows-where. 
You glanced towards the beat-up clock, and seeing that there were only two more people eating, you decided to let yourself close up early, to give yourself time to think. Bonnie always seemed to make her way into your mind at times like these. Even when the world tried to hold her back because of her gender, she loved herself with a fierce passion you could only hope to achieve someday. It was infectious, really, the way she carried herself, and the laughter that always seemed to precede her wherever she went. You tried your best to be like her, but you’d always been a bit more solemn than her, and more of a dreamer at the same time. She was content with the way her life was, refusing to let herself make expectations for the future that might not be achieved. Although you didn’t understand her, you loved her all the same.
The next day was Saturday, so you didn’t have to work. Instead, you spent the morning in your apartment with Bonnie, dancing like idiots to Bing Crosby on the radio and trying to pick an outfit for your date with Bucky. Eventually Ralph came knocking on your door, wondering where Bonnie was. Bonnie tried to stifle a laugh as Ralph grumbled, “She didn’t even tell me she was leaving to go someplace!” 
“Well, at least I know he misses me when I’m gone,” Bonnie giggled as she left, but not before telling you exactly which outfit to wear to get Bucky’s attention.
When Bucky showed up at your apartment, just a few minutes early, you were wearing a cherry-red dress with a skirt that stopped just above your knees, with white socks and black shoes, and lipstick that matched your dress. Bucky wore brown pants, with a white button-down tucked in, and the sleeves rolled up just past his elbows. His hair was slicked back in that way you always made fun of him for, but secretly adored. The cherry on top, however, was the bouquet of your favorite flowers he held out to you. You were unable to move, utterly captivated  by the man in front of you. Everything about him was perfect. The comfortable silence lingered until he said, “Are you gonna keep me waiting, doll?”
“With that attitude, Barnes, I just might,” you replied with a smirk. You took the flowers from him with one hand, and the other grabbed his arm to pull him inside while you gently placed the flowers in a small vase you had on the table, throwing away the sunflowers that had previously resided there.
“What’d they ever do to you?” Bucky asked, smiling. Both of you had dopey, lovesick grins on your faces that felt like they’d never fade.
“They took the spot that was obviously for whenever you decided to bring me flowers,” you responded with a sly glance his way.
An hour later, you two were running around the fair like madmen, stopping every few minutes so you could buy more and more sugary treats. By now, you were trying to hold cotton candy, ice cream, a slice of apple pie, and a hot dog all at once. 
“Need help, doll?” Bucky asked, cocking an eyebrow.
“No!” you exclaimed between heaving breaths as you tried to run while keeping your food from falling.
He shrugged, feigning indifference, but you could clearly tell that he was getting a kick out of watching you struggle.
A few minutes later, you conceded. “Bucky! Stop being a waste of space and help me with this!”
He scoffed, but you knew he’d help you no matter what you said. Bucky was loyal to a fault.
The rest of the night felt like a montage of happy moments from a sappy movie you’d go see with Steve or Bonnie, but you weren’t complaining. You were dashing around on a sugar high, dragging Bucky with you everywhere you went. He almost told you to slow down at one point, but couldn’t bring himself to when he saw how happy you looked. 
He hadn’t seen you smile so much in years.
You felt like a schoolgirl on the playground, running around from stall to stall, then to the ferris wheel. The second you two were in the air, Bucky’s blood ran cold when he realized how bad of an idea taking you on it was.
You were practically vibrating in your seat because of how much sugar you had. Or maybe you were vibrating. He’d never seen you do it before, but he figured if you just moved back and forth fast enough, you could probably do it. 
Eventually, you stopped, then yawned, and he knew what was coming next. Before he could even offer his jacket to you, you’d gotten up from your seat, moved to his, snuggled up underneath his arm, and fallen asleep.
Do you ever slow down? He found himself wondering.
When the ride came to a close, he picked you up bridal style and carried you back to your apartment, gently shaking you to wake you up when you arrived. Groggily, you swatted his hand away.
“Y/N? Doll, can you get your key for me?” Mumbling under your breath, you pulled your apartment key out of your skirt pocket and handed it to him. You turned your head, ready to fall asleep against his chest, when he set you down to unlock the door. You wanted to be mad, but just didn’t have the energy.
He gently took your hand and led you inside, turning the lights on as he did. Then he stopped, seemingly unsure of what to do now. 
You hesitated, switching your weight from one foot to another.
Eventually, you worked up the guts to ask, “Do you want to stay the night?” 
Bucky paused, then nodded, taking his jacket off and setting it on the counter. He’d stayed the night at your apartment before, but it was always as friends, and Steve was usually there too.
“I’m tired,” you muttered. 
Bucky laughed, and responded, “I can tell, doll.”
You tried to ignore the feeling that blossomed in your chest when he called you doll, then realized that you didn’t have to anymore. You debated telling him what you thought of the nickname, then realized he probably knew. Bucky knew you better than you knew yourself.
You gasped, and your eyes grew as wide as saucers as you realized that you hadn’t told him about Colonel Phillips. 
“What?” Bucky asked. “Do I look that bad?”
You shook your head, and then said, “I have something to tell you.”
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recurring-polynya · 4 years
I never thought "Fast food AU" would be something I want that much but thanks to you, this is happening! I'd love to read it: it sounds terrific!
In case you missed it, this is a reference to this post, which as predicted, I promptly forgot about.
Anyway, yes, I, too would like to read it, so, here, Anon, I wrote you a drabble. It’s less of a Fast Food AU and more of an everyone-works-at-the-mall-in-the-year-Polynya-graduated-high-school, but you get what you pay for.
Izuru works at the Squad 4 Arby’s, tho, so it counts.
“Ma’am,” said Shuuhei, in an extremely serious voice, “this is a fantasy gaming supply store.”
Rangiku dissolved into giggles.
Izuru stuffed his nose deeper into this month’s Dungeon Magazine, which he had absolutely no intention of purchased. He was trying to ignore Shuuhei draping his arm around Rangiku’s shoulders next to him, or more accurately, trying not to imagine Shuuhei’s arms draped around his own shoulders. Maybe if he smelled like Cinnabon, like she did, instead of Horsey Sauce, he’d have a better chance. 
“They didn’t publish it this month,” Shuuhei informed him.
“Publish what? What are you talking about?” Izuru stammered, shutting the magazine self-consciously.
“You sent in a module, didn’t you? I can tell your style, and none of this month’s looked like yours.”
���Liches, bitches!” Ikkaku cackled from the back corner where he was perusing the Gundam kits.
“Other people write campaigns about liches,” Izuru snarled. 
“But so few include haiku about phylacteries,” Shuuhei sighed dramatically.
“Takes up a whole four syllables, power move if you ask me,” Rukia mumbled from behind A Clash of Kings.
“Anyway, I wouldn’t send anything into a magazine, that’s dumb,” Izuru pressed, hoping his cheeks weren’t too pink. To date, he had sent seventeen submissions to Dungeon Magazine. Eleven of them had been about liches. Two had been published, under a pseudonym of course. He hadn’t told anyone.
“Speaking of which, are we playing this weekend?” Rangiku whined. “I can’t have the car back for another three weeks, because of my report card, so I need a ride. “Shuuhei, can you pick me up on the bike?”
“I mean, I can, but we’re playing at my house, so that seems a little dumb. Izuru, how’s the Festiva running?”
The Festiva was not running. The Festiva was a brick. The Festiva needed $1200 (which Izuru didn’t have) of work, or possibly just Renji to hit it really hard again with the crow bar.
Speaking of the devil, a tall gangly mass of limbs and red hair in a referee’s jersey came barrelling into the gaming store. 
“He’s back here!” Rangiku called, unhelpfully, as if they weren’t always all packed in on the old shitty couch in amongst the WWII rpgs.
“I knew I would find you here!” Renji yelled. “I need you to go back on shift! Isane won’t give me my senior citizen discount and I need Beef’n’Cheddars! I got soccer practice tonight!”
“Reeeeennnjiiiii, will you give me a ride to D&D this weekend?” Rangiku whined. “I’d rather ride in the Camaro than Izuru’s Festiva.” 
The car-shaped pile of rust that Renji insisted had once been a Camaro ran even less frequently than Izuru’s Festiva, but at least it was very loud. 
“If you give me gas money,” he agreed amiably.
“Maybe instead of trying to scam discount sandwiches out of Izuru, you should try to get Omaeda to give you a discount on sunglasses instead,” Shuuhei suggested helpfully. “He’s not such a bad guy, as long as you agree with whatever he says. His house is really nice, too. They always have a million leftovers in the fridge.”
“I’m not saving up for sunglasses,” Renji protested. “I’m saving up to ask--” he trailed off suddenly as Rukia’s eyes surfaced above the top of her book; he clearly hadn’t noticed her small, black clad form curled up in the corner. “-- for college.”
“Fuck off, you’re not going to college, you’re gonna work at Foot Locker forever,” shouted Ikkaku, obvious as usual. 
“Better than the fuckin’ Sbarro,” Renji snapped back.
“You shut up, Sbarro rules, and at least I get free food!”
Izuru sighed and heaved himself up off the couch. “I’m back on shift in ten anyway. Let’s go get you your sandwiches, Abarai.”
“Thank you, thank you, thank you!” Renji smashed him on the shoulders as they headed back into the mall, toward the food court. “Hey, Izuru,” he hissed, when they were out of earshot. “Have you read those George R. R. Martin books? Are they any good? They’re huge.”
“I’m pretty sure Rukia is just hate-reading them,” Izuru reassured him.  “I’ve read them. They’re great, if you don’t mind your favorite characters dying. They’re never gonna get popular, though.” He wasn’t sure he’d ever seen Rukia unironically enjoy anything. He had no idea why she hung out at the gaming store with all the broke-ass part-timers. She worked in the high-end clothing boutique that her super-rich family owned. Surely, there was a better class of people she could be hanging out with. “Why don’t you just ask her to prom already? She might say yes.”
“Because I’m broke, dude, I just outgrew my cleats and I had to buy new ones and the only way I’m ever going to college is on a soccer scholarship, so I gotta--”
Izuru waved his hand. He’d heard it all before, and it’s not like his own prospects were in any better shape. “Just go thrift a suit. Pretend you’re doing it ironically. I tell you Rukia would go for that.”
Renji’s jaw worked nervously, contemplating the idea. The big jock was usually a pretty chill friend, but not when it came to the subjects of money or college, and especially not the subject of Kuchiki Rukia. “Are you gonna ask Shuuhei?” he demanded suddenly. 
“No!” Izuru gasped. “I could never!” he hissed under his breath.
“You always act like he’s some sort of movie star. So he owns Doc Martens and wears a vest with a bunch of anarchist patches on it and sleeps through class a lot. He’s also on the school newspaper club and yearbook. Were you there the time Iba gave him a cigarette? It was bad. It was real bad. He’s just as big a dork as you are.”
“No one is as big a dork as I am,” Izuru hissed. “Also, he likes Rangiku, I’m pretty sure.”
“Yeah, well, who wouldn’t?” Renji agreed. “She smells like Cinnabon all the time.”
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wonderlustlucas · 4 years
15 questions tag !!
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1. are you named after anyone?
i mean if we’re talking family... no lol. i was going to be named abigail but then my mom saw ‘juliet’ in a magazine the day i was born & decided she liked that! :D
2. when was the last time you cried?
hm honestly it’s been awhile considering how great my mental health has been during quarantine. so i’m gonna say a few weeks ago when i was watching outlander?
3. do you have kids?
no but i wish i did😔 i gotta get thru college first tho so my cat will have to be my child until then
4. do you use sarcasm a lot?
yes... it’s really bad like its my only personality trait & i’ve lost many friends because of it oops
5. what’s the first thing you notice about a person?
ummm to be completely honest probably their teeth. love me some nice straight teeth yeah baby
6. what’s your eye color?
vvv dark brown almost black👁👄👁
7. scary movie or happy ending?
uhm i’m not a huge horror person so definitely happy ending i need that shit to survive😌
8. any special talents?
i can cross & snap my toes? also if we mean literal talents i’d say i’m a pretty okay writer and artist😌 & i’m very good at sleeping & doing absolutely nothing so that’s cool
9. where were you born?
new jersey. i’ve been here me whole life😤
10. what are your hobbies?
hmmm minecraft, sims 4, WATCHING people play minecraft on youtube, writing, drawing, staying up til dawn. idk i don’t really have an exciting life so uhhh
11. do you have any pets?
yes my cat abigail & my dog ella🥰
12. what sports do you play?
i used to play baseball, softball, soccer, gymnastics, track nd field, & volleyball but i eventually stopped playing them all & quit volleyball last year😔
13. how tall are you?
i’m a lil over 5’5 so like... 167 cm ish
14. favorite subject in school?
usually any science im taking but this year history!! i love my teacher & also history is c00l
15. what’s your dream job?
🤯🤯🤯 i honestly have no idea at this point i really love science & could see myself being some sort of doctor or immunologist but i also really love animals so maybe a veterinarian or zoologist... i have no clue i wish i could just be a writer but also film for like national geographic or something lmao
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tagged by @minheesgf (shh yes ik you did this ages ago :p)
tagging @chuulandie @wayviies @silverdagger865 @megustacat @writingsfromtheseaside @pinktea99 @rainysung & anyone else who wants to do this ;)
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RP Idea!!!
I've been in the mood recently for Role-Play writing... However, I wanted to take a twist of sorts on the RP adventure. With the aid and advice from @art-and-the-hockeys I'm gonna just see who all I can get based around a plot I already generated and the characters and their personalities involved who will be in this RP:
Short Summary: 37 players join a Group Chat app game called Circumstances. Little do they know that a few of them has teamed up for mal-intentions.
Extended Summary: There’s a new app game out for iPhone and Android users. Similar to Fortnite, a bunch of NHL players find it and begin playing around. When trouble in the Atlantic Division ignites, Division leaders host meetings to discuss the boundaries and rules. But there are a few players defiant and with malicious intentions. When the targeted player goes missing, the rest turn to the game to find clues and figure out where the player is before there are more victims.
Characters: Eastern Atlantic Boston Bruins: Patrice Bergeron — leaderly and fatherly Buffalo Sabres: Jimmy Vesey — kinda arrogant and sassy not quite evil yet Detroit Red Wings: Dylan Larkin — arrogant at times, not afraid to speak his mind Florida Panthers: Vincent Trocheck — pompous and arrogant in a dick way, hates being told what to do Montreal Canadiens: Jesperi Kotkaniemi — giggly baby just wanting to have fun Ottawa Senators: Vladdy Namestnikov — all about his appearance and flirts with everyone Tampa Bay Lightning: Yanni Gourde — protective white tiger with the common catchphrase “butterflies” (because of his ADD) Toronto Maple Leafs: William Nylander — must not damage just prettiness and no one looks at HIS Kasperi! Other 1: Kasperi Kapanen — loves Nyla and would do anything to protect him Other 2: Brayden Point — leaderly, team-oriented, people look up to him all the time
Metro Carolina Hurricanes: Janne Kuokkanen — wants to impress the hell out of everyone, sucks up to leaders in a good way tho Columbus Blue Jackets: Alexandre Texier — baby who just enjoys playing, a bit clumsy New Jersey Devils: Jack Hughes — baby who loves life and is always smiling New York Islanders: Mathew Barzal — thinks he’s hot af and tries to persuade everyone he can New York Rangers: Lias Andersson — prankster, underrated, looks pretty but isn’t afraid to get dirty and punch anyone giving him a look he doesn’t approve of Philadelphia Flyers: Claude Giroux — sly, sneaky villain player, thrives off his cunning ways Pittsburgh Penguins: Evgeny Malkin — hates anyone not Russian and will give traitors hell to pay Washington Capitals: Tom Wilson — very physical and mean, loves to bully others cause it’s fun to see them squirm Other 3: Brett Howden — loves himself and carries around a mirror just to see himself, hates blood and is jumpy but man if you mess his hair up you’re gonna get hell on Earth!!
Western Central Chicago Blackhawks: Alex DeBrincat — small feisty sweetheart Colorado Avalanche: Nikita Zadorov — prankster like Lias only he’s a pest! Dallas Stars: Roope Hintz — cowboy who loves his flow (yeehaw) Minnesota Wild: Mats Zuccarello — analytical, goofy Nashville Predators: Rocco Grimaldi -- constantly annoyed St Louis Blues: Colton Parayko -- joking Babysitter type, similar to Burkie Winnipeg Jets: Neal Pionk -- manchild, depending on his mood and the circumstance, he’ll either act like a kid speaking in third person or he’ll be more of an older brother
Pacific Anaheim Ducks: Trevor Zegras -- kid, most of the time goofy, he flirts around the league but he’s a kid at heart Arizona Coyotes: Clayton Keller -- kid, who is easy to cry Calgary Flames: Matthew Tkachuk -- annoyed at the world, dark humor Edmonton Oilers: Connor McDavid -- leaderly Los Angeles Kings: Tobias Bjornfot -- child, easily to cry if others cry, often questions things San Jose Sharks: Timo Meier -- protective white tiger, who doesn’t play around and defends the “kids” all the time Vancouver Canucks: Elias Pettersson -- child, who is often the subject of Tkachuk’s dark humor/jokes and “dislike” Vegas Golden Knights: Marc-Andre Fleury -- a shy prankster
AHL Syracuse and Orlando: Syracuse Crunch: Jimmy Huntington -- flirtatious sweetheart who will battle back if provoked but he’s a little ignorant toward danger Orlando Solar Bear: Colby McAuley -- easily spooked but thinks he’s tougher than he is, isn’t afraid to fight back with his sharp tongue Other 4: Boris Katchouk -- ignorant towards sarcasm and dry humor, kinda clumsy but man don’t mess with him or his friends
Comment (or reblog) if interested!! And also select a player (you may RP up to 3)!
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personagf-moved · 6 years
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tag games under the cut! ⇊
ok sO....im mixing a bunch of tag games together again im sorry lol. thank you to @penicillinjimin for tagging me in the 15 questions tag,  @joonieblossoms for tagging me in the bias selfie tag and (i think) the questions tag as well and @rotaehyung for tagging me in the this or that tag! sldkfjsdf i know its a lot and im sorry but i answered all below. this took so long to post lol im slacking.
im tagging @koyasdad @outrotearbias @injoonsgalaxy @1ovegf @bbyjoonbug @soft-seokjin-stan @moonsnail @ikons @knjscrush u guys can do all or some or none of these tags  KDSKJ i didnt wanna bother u all n tag u in separate posts so here we are yeet ily guys im sorry 💓😂
“get to know me” tag:
Nicknames/Pet names:  my school friends used to call me m-let, my coworkers call me let-let and uh.........my family calls me princess kdkdkdkdkd
Zodiac: we a whole ass libra sun on main !
Height: 5'1 :’)
Last Movie:  aqua man!
Last Thing I Googled: what crashing a car in a dream symbolizes lmao bc i’ve had like a repetitive dream involving this for months now and its been bothering me 
Favorite musician: besides bts, paramore for sure kehlani, paramore, miguel, hozier, and mitski
Songs Stuck In My Head: nights like this by kehlani but what else is new
Other Blogs: lowkey????? i have a lot skskskks but im not gonna link them HA
Do I Get Asks?: when i reblog ask games 4 times in a row and beg bc i crave attention slkfjsdlkfjskdf
Dream Trip: Japan :/ and paris but wbk
Amount of Sleep: hahahahahahahhahh
Lucky Number: 6! call me self-centered but its the day of my birthday and i was always the 6th person in my classes alphabetically so i just assumed it was fate. also i associate the number with the colors pink and purple and besides yellow they’re my favorite colors 
What I’m Wearing: my hope world shirt n some pjs 
Favorite food: my mom’s spaghetti :( and sushi HAHA 
Dream job: o a writer for sure, or maybe a singer, but that’s in my wildest dreams lol 
Play any instruments:  i can play the piano and ukulele pretty well and maybe the guitar if i practice enough lol 
Languages: i only spoke english growing up but i can understand some filipino
Random fact: im stoopidt  im a horrible person and like to waste all of my money on concert tickets and have went to over 25+ shows in the past two years skjdskdjskjdksjd
‘this or that’ tag:
honey and lemon or milk and sugar // musicals or plays // lemonade or iced teas // strawberries or raspberries // winter or summer // beaches or forest // planets or neons // diners or cafés // unicorns or dragons // gemstones or crystals // humming bird or owls // fireworks or sparklers // brunch or happy hour // sweet or sour // rome or amsterdam // classic or modern art // sushi or ramen // sun or moon // polka dots or stripes // macarons or croissants // glitter or matte // degas or seurat // aquariums or planetariums // road trip or camping trip // colouring books or watercolour// fairy lights or candles
15 questions tag:
Are You Named After Someone: I’m named after both of my grandmas on my mom and dad’s side. Maria + Leticia = Marylet! I was genuinely named Twilight style lol
When was the last time you cried: about a week ago, it was after my cat got put down and I was watching old family videos and other things piled up hard so i just got a lil upset lol but its fine now tho!
Do You Have Kids: no but i do want them someday :’(
Do You Use Sarcasm A Lot: i am the queen of it
What’s the First Thing You Notice About Someone: their smile! (or the lack thereof, which speaks volumes) also their hair idk why
Eye Color: Brown
Scary Movie or Happy Ending:  scary movies. always.
Any Special Talents: uhhh i can sing i guess lol i also write but idk if thats really considered a talent
Where Were You Born: new jersey!
Hobbies: writing, singing/generally listening to/making music, video editing (although i haven’t done that in a LOOOOOOONG time), playing video games
Pets: none :(
How Tall Are You: we a solid 5′1 babeyyy
What Sports Do You Play/Have You Played: OOF i dont play any sports now but i was in LOVE with volleyball in high school. i like to watch basketball tho and am a T H R I V I N G boston celtics fan
Favorite Subject: english and music
Dream Job: i think i answered it in the other tag but yeah a writer! 
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endlesshourglass · 6 years
15 For 15 Tag
I was tagged by @writersloth thanks!!
1- Are you named after someone?
Yes, after my great uncle Al
2- When was the last time you cried?
I cried the other day because I was reading an article about Robin Williams and Lewy body dementia that his wife wrote and it was really sad
3- Do you have kids?
Nope and I won’t any time soon I’m only 20 lol
4- Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Yeah, a bit more than I should...
5- What is the first thing you notice about people?
Their eyes, but not really the physicality of their eyes if that makes sense? I can kind of gauge someone’s intentions/emotions based on their expression, and the eyes are SUPER expressive
6- What’s your eye color?
Dark brown. Sometimes they are so dark you can’t really see my pupil
7- Scary movies or happy endings?
I really like both!! I guess it depends on the mood? Scary movies are great for a thrill, but happy endings are good when I need a laugh or a pick-me-up
8- Any special talents?
I can type at 100 wpm? I’m also scarily good at Mario Kart
9- Where were you born?
I’m just gonna say New Jersey lol
10- What are your hobbies?
Writing, reading, playing video games, hanging with my friends and siblings, chilling with my cats, drinking coffee (yes this is a hobby I do it often enough lol), oh and I read tarot cards
11- Do you have any pets?
Yes!! I have six cats! Their names are Kyle, Gia, Coal, Reese, Elsa, and Luna. (I forgot to answer this last time and left the last person's answer whoooops)
12- How tall are you?
13- What sports do you play/have played?
I did a lot as a kid: soccer, basketball, swimming, gymnastics, dance, cheerleading (which I hated haha). I did basketball the longest, but now I don’t really play sports anymore
14- Favorite subject at school?
Eh I mean I’m in college so do we call them subjects still? I’m a psychology major, so I’m just going to say behavioral neuroscience (which is what I study)/science?
15- Dream job?
I’d like to be faculty at a university studying behavioral neuroscience one day. I could teach and do research and then write on the side!
I’m tagging @incandescent-creativity @no-url-ideas-tho @idreamonpaper @elliewritesstories @marniewrite @supersaiyansadie @roselinproductions and anyone else who wants to do it! Feel free to ignore <3
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sylvieons · 6 years
Tagged by @cleoselene at some point ty xoxoxox
1. Are you named after anyone? Saint Therese, tho not because anyone was a hardcore St. Therese fan.  My mom wanted to name me Tracy, but also wanted to give me a Catholic name, and then she found out that Tracy is a nickname for Teresa so she was like "you named after St. Therese now".  Case in point that she didn't care which Saint Teresa it was, because there are two of them, and she wanted the one without the "h" in it and yet still named me after the  French St. Therese when the Spanish Saint Teresa was there all along.  Anyway I hate the name Tracy and I hate the name Teresa (mostly because it sounds so formal) so I try to go by Terri now.
2. When was the last time you cried? I cried for like two minutes yesterday because I had a breakdown over the fact that when I die nobody will come to my funeral lmao and then the week before than I started crying because my sewing class was cancelled? Like I went and she said it was cancelled and I got in my car and started crying on the drive home
3. Do you have any kids? No thanks
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot? No
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people? Their outfit/fashion style
6. What’s your eye color? Brown
7. Scary movies or happy endings? Scary movies
8. Any special talents? I'm a pretty good mimic. Not all the time, I can't mimic anyone and everyone, but sometimes I do a pretty good job.  Same with copying people's writing styles.
9. Where were you born? New Jersey
10. What are your hobbies? Tom Hiddleston (that's a hobby in and of itself okay), watching too much TV, making gifs, writing when my brain lets me, sewing, drawing, getting in my car and driving random ass places and spending too much money in said places
11. Do you have any pets? Yah, got a cat
12. What sports do you play/have played? I have never played sports. I hate exercise and I suck at sports mostly because I'm afraid of the ball. Whatever sport it is, I'm terrified of getting hit by the ball.  Some girl in elementary school had her teeth smashed in by a softball and was out of school for like 23234 days recovering and I just think to myself.......is it really worth it....am I gonna die for exercise....lmao no
13. How tall are you? Like 5'5" and a HALF
14. What’s your favorite subject in school? I always liked my history classes.  In library school, I liked cataloging and classes about organizing information
15. What’s your dream job? idk but I'd love to work in a theatre. Just. Let that be the place I gotta show up to every day.  LOVE ME THAT AUDITORIUM SMELL
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captain-fanattic · 7 years
slams paw on table, do the evens my dude
pokes ur cat paws
2. How old are you?
4. What is your zodiac sign?
6. What’s your lucky number?
4 or 5 prob
8. Where are you from?
10. What shoe size are you?
uuuh god idk it always like? ranges? it’s hard to find me shoes for some reason. depending on what i buy im like a 6-7
12. What was your last dream about?
heck man i dont remember what i dreamed about last night but i know the night before i had a dream that i was playing d.va in overwatch and i knocked 4 people off a cliff at once and it astounded the enemy team so much that they stopped attacking us
14. Are you psychic in any way?
n..not that i know of i guess?
16. Favorite movie?
the road to el dorado is a big fave i guess?? i just woke up and can’t really think of any other titles
18. Do you want children?
NO no absolutely not
20. Are you religious?
yeah but i never talk about it or anything
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law?
24. Baths or showers?
showers i guess
26. Have you ever been famous?
28. What type of music do you like?
i don’t really have a set genre if it sounds good to me ill probably listen to it,,, stuff like p!atd and tally hall i guess??
30. How many pillows do you sleep with?
4? 5 if u count the weird tiny one. i like having a lot of stuff on my bed i guess
32. How big is your house?
not very big anymore!! think its like 900 sq ft at most?? i can take a few steps out of my bedroom and be in my livingroom and kitchen at the same time so
34. Have you ever fired a gun?
i’ve fired bb guns and airsoft guns, don’t think ive ever used an actual gun tho
36. Favorite clean word?
idk the word frumpy always comes to my mind first for questions like this? like i dont even use it in conversation so its like? ??  ? ?? ?
38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep?
i probably pulled an all nighter once in high school because of how badly i was feeling or like, got 1 hour of sleep u kno, but uhh,, idk probably Awhile. probably not a full day but.. Awhile
40. Have you ever had a secret admirer?
shrug emoji
42. Are you a good judge of character?
shrug emoji x2 i can tell when people are like… not someone i’d get along with, i guess but,
44. Do you have a strong accent?
i dont think so? you might be able to hear if i say some stuff strangely bc my parents are originally from new jersey and still pronounce some things like u would if ur from up there so by default i picked that up, but i dont really think florida itself has an accent so? i guess not?
46. What is your personality type?
uhhhhhhhhhhh furry
48. Can you curl your tongue?
yea? questions like this always make me like….are there… people who cant?
50. Left or right handed?
52. Favorite food?
rice of some sort probably
54. Are you a clean or messy person?
im somewhere in between - like an organized mess? it doesnt really look clean but i know where everything is56. Most used word?
idk probably “god” or “like”58. Do you have much of an ego?
guess not?60. Do you talk to yourself?
yea constantly62. Are you a good singer?
shrugs i dont do it around people so!!! my only judge is myself and i got no clue
64. Are you a gossip?
nah not really i like to keep things people tell me to myself
66. Do you like long or short hair?
either really doesn’t matter to me they’re both good
68. Favorite school subject?
if i can’t pick art for this then,, i really enjoyed zoology when i was in it
70. Have you ever been scuba diving?
nope! too spooky of a concept for me. id love to be able to breathe underwater but scuba diving creeps me out - or like, the thought of ME doing it at least. i have been snorkeling in some mega cool places though!!
72. Are you scared of the dark?
it’s like a 50/50 thing? if i’m too tired to care or like.. upset,, then no it doesn’t bother me. all other times though i’m a little freaked out cause my brain gets the best of me and its like YUOR GONNA DIE UNLESS U GOT A LIGHT ON
74. Are you ticklish?
YEAH ill frickin die man
76. Have you ever been in a position of authority?
uuuuhhhhhhghhhahshffd i… THINK i might have had some kind of position in zoology club? i don’t… really remember honestly
78. Have you ever done drugs?
80. How many piercings do you have?
had my ears pierced for a bit - stopped wearing them because the people who did it did it wrong and it was painful to deal with. also i was really good at. losing my earrings. too much trouble / didn’t care enough so i stopped
82. How fast can you type?
my parents are always like “WOAH you type SO FAST” but i don’t know how good of a judge that is for an answer to this question LOL i think i can type at a petty good speed though
84. What color is your hair?
dark brown,,, like super dark brown
86. What are you allergic to?
i think im allergic penicillin or something but other than that im not allergic to any foods or animals or anything
88. What do your parents do?
my moms a substitute teacher and my dad isnt currently working but used to be various things in the medical field!
90. What makes you angry?
people putting the blame on me for something that i didn’t do
92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they?
94. What are you strengths?
my ARMS /flexes
96. How did you get your name?
dunno guess my parents thought it was a Nice Name n liked it’s meaning and whatever. think my middle name is more family related or something though? the italian side of the family
98. Do you have any scars?
YEAH boy i dont think you can see the one from when that dog bit me but ive got some scars on my knees and on my foot and probably other places cause i used to get myself cut up a lot in the woods / on the dirt road
100. Color of your room?
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mundanemelusina · 7 years
Get to Know Me 1. What is you middle name? Matthew 2. How old are you? 21 3. When is your birthday? Oct 12 4. What is your zodiac sign? Libra sun, Gemini moon, Taurus rising, Scorpio Venus and idk the rest 5. What is your favorite color? Yellow! It's always varied but I love a soft warm yellow. Like the color the sun paints the world at sunset. Like crayolas dandelion crayon. WHICH BY THE WAY CRAYOLA IS FUCKIN RETIRING. THEY ARE GETTING RID OF MY FAVORITE COLOR. 6. What’s your lucky number? 3 7. Do you have any pets? My moms house has a lot but I don't live there any more? Are they really my pets? Idk man. 8. Where are you from? Greensboro nc 9. How tall are you? 5'10" 10. What shoe size are you? 10 in both men's and women's. Idk how it works I don't make the rules I just work here. 11. How many pairs of shoes do you own? In the 20s probably. Maybe more. How many pairs do I wear on the everyday tho? Like two maybe. I'm terrible. 12. What was your last dream about? Honestly last one I remember I woke up with the distinct memory of eating out a trans guy. 13. What talents do you have? Knowing exactly where peoples belly buttons are, whistling like various birds, quoting movies, remembering useless info, coming up with ideas of things I'll never do, sleeping too much, not having motivation, puns and/or bad humor, being able to identify almost any color by its crayola name. 14. Are you psychic in any way? You're asking a witch. That's a loaded fucking question. 15. Favorite song? Nah. I got loads of playlists tho. 16. Favorite movie? BOI. Ok. Listen. Stardust The high school musicals Harry potters, also third specifically Moulin rouge Hocus pocus Thirteenth year Legally blonde Easy a Anna karennina Lion king Hercules Little mermaid Hunchback of notre dam Spy kids trilogy First three shreks but specially no2 How to train your dragon(1/2) Rise of the guardians Series of unfortunate events movie Sucker punch Weekend (2011) The new beauty and the beast movie Lord of the rings Indiana jones 17. Who would be your ideal partner? This is a strange question. Not what would they be like. But WHO ARE THEY. NAME NAMES. GO. honestly idk. If I knew who it was I'd be trying to sit on their lap right now. 18. Do you want children? Error 404 answer unknown. I could be good with kids. I love kids. But do I want to raise them? Idk. And I don't want to raise any unless I know for sure that I do. 19. Do you want a church wedding? What does this mean? I would never marry a church. 20. Are you religious? All religions are simultaneously true and false. Schroedingers religion 21. Have you ever been to the hospital? Yes. Terrible asthma. Last big attack was on my thirteenth birthday. I had my first indoor swim meet at my high school and it was a small steamy space with hundreds of people so the air got supper thick and I had the worst attack ever. 22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law? Nope not do I plan to 23. Have you ever met any celebrities? I've met Julie Taymor! Famous director who directed the lion king on broadway and across the universe! 24. Baths or showers? Showers for physical cleaning, baths for spiritual 25. What color socks are you wearing? I don't wear socks I fucking hate them the stifle my creativity bc I can't think with them on. 26. Have you ever been famous? One of my selfie photo sets has 19,000+ notes does that count? 27. Would you like to be a big celebrity? Eh. I could handle it but that doesn't mean I want to 28. What type of music do you like? Musical, pop, indie/folk/americana, idk just whatever 29. Have you ever been skinny dipping? No. I get self conscious 30. How many pillows do you sleep with? 2 normal full pillows, a star shaped pillow, a moon shape, and a sun. 31. What position do you usually sleep in? Side curl? 32. How big is your house? 2 bed one bath apartment that has a living room and a kitchen. That's it. The whole place. Very small. 33. What do you typically have for breakfast? Harris teeter brand clusters and oats cereal with honey or bagel with cream cheese 34. Have you ever fired a gun? Yeah my dad taught me on his family's farm and my grandfather on my mothers side taught me some too. He loves hunting. 35. Have you ever tried archery? Ye with said grandfather. I didn't like it at the time but I love the idea of it now and want to again. I was pretty ok at it. Besides my terrible eyesight. 36. Favorite clean word? What the fuck is a clean word. 37. Favorite swear word? Fuck it's so vers 38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep? I pull all nighters all the time but never really more than 36 hours without a nap. 39. Do you have any scars? I'm sure I might somewhere but I can't really think of any 40. Have you ever had a secret admirer? I wish. Usually I am the one admiring secretly. 41. Are you a good liar? I'm a thespian. It's my literal job. 42. Are you a good judge of character? Loaded question? How the fuck would I know this? Who are you? WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH JIMMY 43. Can you do any other accents other than your own? AGAIN. my literal job. 44. Do you have a strong accent? No. I actually have always been told o don't have one. Moms from New Jersey but grew up in the south. She doesn't have a thick one. 45. What is your favorite accent? ????? So many. Any U.K. Miami Cuban? It's specific but. Idk it's less about accents but I just love studying the way people talk. How they form vowels or little sayings they have. 46. What is your personality type? Enfp? 47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing? I have no idea. I don't like to buy pricey clothing. I'm a goodwill hoe 48. Can you curl your tongue? Long ways sideways twist and clover! 49. Are you an innie or an outie? Innie 50. Left or right handed? FUN STORY I was originally lefty but then my first grade teacher thought I was gonna be a gay witch so she made me switch. But lefty staid for everything besides writing. So batting golf all that. Writing texting jacking bowling is righty. So. Mostly right. 51. Are you scared of spiders? 4/10 52. Favorite food? *softly* don't 53. Favorite foreign food? I love food 54. Are you a clean or messy person? Messy af 55. Most used phrased? Changes weekly 56. Most used word? Changes daily 57. How long does it take for you to get ready? An hour with a shower? 30 without? 58. Do you have much of an ego? Huge 59. Do you suck or bite lollipops? Suuuuck 60. Do you talk to yourself? Constantly 61. Do you sing to yourself? ALL DAY EVERY DAY. 62. Are you a good singer? I AM passable but I'm not gonna win a Tony 63. Biggest Fear? Myself 64. Are you a gossip? Did you hear about Samantha and Jim? 65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen? Check above 66. Do you like long or short hair? On myself? Idfk. On men? Short 67. Can you name all 50 states of America? Nope! Nor do I care. Fuck this place! (I can get most) 68. Favorite school subject? Transfiguration. Wait real school? Ok art, theatre, literature, science, marine biology was fun 69. Extrovert or Introvert? I need a balance of the two. Intro if I had to pick 70. Have you ever been scuba diving? Nah. Been snorkeling tho 71. What makes you nervous? Intrusive thoughts. Heights. Knives. Snakes and spiders. Fire. Mostly nervous I'll do something stupid and throw myself or my phone over the edge or into the flames. 72. Are you scared of the dark? Well I wasn't till you FUCKING MENTIONED IT. ASAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH 73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes? Most of the time 74. Are you ticklish? Yes but tickle and I'll rip off your pickle 75. Have you ever started a rumor? Started? No. continued? Religiously. 76. Have you ever been in a position of authority? Often. I enjoy it. 77. Have you ever drank underage? Whaaaaaat????? Me????? No never. 78. Have you ever done drugs? Gasp 79. Who was your first real crush? Literally. Ok. Listen. Buddy. So many. Idk who was first. All were dumb. 80. How many piercings do you have? Just ears 81. Can you roll your Rs?“ Ye 82. How fast can you type? Snail^2 83. How fast can you run? Turtle^2 84. What color is your hair? Naturally dark brown. 85. What color is your eyes? Dark green and orange. 86. What are you allergic to? Medicines some type of cat/dog/fur 87. Do you keep a journal? A book of shadows but not a journal 88. What do your parents do? Dads a muggle. Mams a witch. Bitofanastyshockwhenhefoundout Honestly I'm tired and don't wanna explain 89. Do you like your age? Age as in era of history??? Years in which I have personally traveled around the sun? 90. What makes you angry? Unfairness. My jealousy. Disrespect 91. Do you like your own name? Yeah I love it 92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they? Nah 93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child? Wtf is this gendered bs 94. What are you strengths? It's too late to have this crisis 95. What are your weaknesses? Seriously I'm tired 96. How did you get your name? I always forget 97. Were your ancestors royalty? Dads side had something 98. Do you have any scars? I already did this 99. Color of your bedspread? Gray 100. Color of your room? Between crayola jade and olive
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