#not hayashida related
toastsnaffler · 2 months
at its core dorohedoro is abt what if there was someone whose special interest was making gyoza and also someone else whose special interest was eating them. and they found each other in this crazy world to be besties <3
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phantomoftheshoppera · 5 months
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Normal person on a Night Lord’s ship experiences
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manji-hoe · 5 months
Quick Thought Before I Sell My Soul To @kazutora-kurokawa So She Can Work Faster (that was totally a joke btw, take your sweet little time Kaz 💖)
💜 Takashi "I'll go slow" Mitsuya
💚 Ken "You can take it" Ryuguji
❤️ Keisuke "I won't bite hard" Baji
💙 Manjiro "Please sit on my face" Sano
🧡 Kazutora "Just the tip" Hanemiya
💛 Haruki "I'm not big, you're just too tight" Hayashida
Slightly related, but I knew a guy who was referred to as First name "sorry I came fast" Last name and to this day I feel bad for him 😭
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cawareyoudoin · 2 years
So a while ago I have seen a post by @q-hayashida-fanboy , proposing a theory that I never before considered, but that stuck with me and has made me write a dozen pages of notes, and descend into madness.
In Hollow Knight, we play as the Knight. Like many video game protagonists, they are mute, but unlike many video game protagonists, they have a set, in-universe reason for it. "No mind to think, no will to break, no voice to cry suffering", etc etc, we all know the story. Of course there are various fan interpretations (which I love), but for now I want to focus on the canon.
In canon, they stay silent. At least outwardly, that is. They read, they listen, but sometimes, rarely, they describe their surroundings to us (or to themselves). It could of course be argued that this is just the omniscient Narrator speaking, and I will tackle that later, but for now... Just go with me. I've had an Undertale obsession. I am familiar with squeezing out character details from seemingly irrelevant pieces of narration.
So! These tiny pieces of narration usually happen when the player is given a prompt to do something: open a gate, use the tram pass, examine something closely. They are not phrased as "do I do something?", but then again- if that was the case, I wouldn't have to try so hard to prove my argument. My point is, they are also not phrased as "do you do something?". They are simply "do something?", a neutral form that can be either first, second, or even third person.
The one that stuck out to me the most was this: "A blue gem rests atop a stone dais". I am not a native English speaker, and I had to google "dais" to even know what it was. The other similar flavour text is quite simple, and so this bit of fancy language was surprising. However, these few lines of dialogue are not enough to support an argument, and are so few and far between that an average player can simply ignore them.
Now, on to the actual theory itself: the Hunter's Journal. Perhaps the single most text-heavy thing in the entire game, rivaled only by Zote's Precepts. You get info about enemies when you kill them, and additional notes when you kill a set amount.
Well, what struck me (and others) as odd, is the strange discrepancies in knowledge, attitude, and tone between the initial entry, and the one you have to decipher. It would almost seem like the first entries weren't written by the Hunter at all...
So, like the maniac I am, I have reviewed the Hunter's Journal, entry by entry (you can read my semi-organized notes here, I'm sorry I don't have the strength to organise them more), and the first section, the one above the Hunter symbol, is definitely written by someone else. This other narrator seems to value honour and skill in battle, watch the creatures around them closely, with an almost scientific approach, and they use complex and refined language.
Of course the "omniscient outside narrator" is also possible, but this narrator also appears to have the perspective of the Knight, describing the creatures Hunter's size as "huge", and describing in detail the enemies that the Hunter only vaguely knows about (see: Collector, Uumuu, Siblings). They also get the most annoyed and emotional in the Zote-related entries, but otherwise are pretty straightforward.
Thus, I am convinced that this mysterious Narrator... is the Knight themselves.
If we were to accept this hypothesis, we could gain some information on what kind of person the Knight is.
My conclusions about that are as follows: the Knight, as expected, is quite a stoic person. They do, however, have a concept of emotion, and most likely feel some themselves. The most prominent ones, at least where Hallownest's creatures are concerned, are awe and contempt. They respect skill, honour, and combat prowess, and dislike cowardice, and... Well, everything Zote has going on. They observe creatures around them with curiosity, and have some biological and otherwise scientific knowledge. They also judge those around them, but mostly when it comes to their relationships with others- not with themselves. They don't write like a child would, suggesting that despite their tiny stature, they are indeed mentally grown up, or, alternatively, that they are a very mature and serious child.
Perhaps, we could also theorize what environment shaped them to be that way. It is possible they were influenced by their time in Hallownest before leaving, but if that's not the case, I would pose, that the place where they lived:
1. Valued a scientific approach
2. Valued knighthood (that would also explain why the Knight is the Knight, in spite of likely never being acknowledged by the Pale King or another Hallownest ruler)
3. Was also quite civilised and was perhaps another kingdom beyond Hallownest (we already know that the Pale King "last kingdom" propaganda is bullshit).
So there. If anyone has any objections, additions, or corrections, I would be glad to hear them.
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Are Toads Mushrooms? Part 1
In a Gamespot interview it is revealed by Koichi Hayashida that Toads aren't Mushrooms. "So if a Toad -- a sentient anthropomorphic toadstool mushroom – eats one of Mario World’s popular and versatile mushrooms to become bigger or gain an extra life... is it cannibalism? While Toads may be mushroom-like, it’s unclear just how closely related to mushrooms they are. Hayashida clarified that Toads are not mushrooms at all, but the resemblance and nomenclature is too uncanny not to wonder. 'This particular riddle might stay unsolved,' Hayashida said. 'That’s one of the great mysteries of the Mario universe.'"
A follow-up is in the works.
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zipmode · 4 months
3, 8, and 21?
3. What ideas come from when you were little
I have an old story/world that's sort of constantly on the backburner with characters and story concepts that date as far back to when I was, like, 10. The world is called Illiyrn (pronounced Illy-Urn) And was actually borne from roleplays I'd do with my friends on minecraft, LOL. A character people might recognize most from this world is Ardeo The Bastard, since I drew him fairly recently. Ardeo is really just the most recent version of a fire demon who beefs against their dad that i've been drawing since elementary school, LOL. Ashalaea (second pic) is also one of the oldest ocs I have.
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There's a LOT related to this world lore-wise and so on that I don't have, that's just been stowed away in my brain for years and years. I have lore that's, like, pre-main story about how all the gods were formed and how a big massacre happened and was subsequently resolved by the god of blood, and crazy shit like that. IDK if anything will ever come of the story, but it's still very near and dear to my heart :)
8. What's an old project idea that you've lost interest in
I have an old story project called The Heartbeat, based on a radio host residing in a community built around a university post-crazy apocalypse event. It's kinda like, uh, 'what if you gave Cecil from WTNV a gun?' But also not.
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21. Art styles nothing like your own but you like anyways
ummm Q Hayashida's Art is sooo crazy epic to me. The grit and attention to detail of it all and the weird gender fuckery in her stories is sooooo wonderful. I love how all the worlds she makes are dark and destructive but the PEOPLE in the stories are joyous and silly and so bright, it's such a wonderful juxtaposition. I'm fairly certain Dorohedoro is the first manga I read all the way through, and I know for a fact it's the first manga I ever bought a physical copy of.
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There's definitely others but Q is the main one I can think of atm and also this got way longer than I meant for it to LOL. Thanks for the ask ^_^
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shogi-lion · 9 months
Over the years, I’ve grown to love and relate to Hayashida. As a result, I’m actually pretty into the Hayashida/Shimada/Akari OT3 now.
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leagueofgardens · 1 year
Assault Lily: New Chapter — "At the Seeds' Frontier" | "When the Bugle Blooms"
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This upcoming stage play in December is Assault Lily's first double feature.
The official website (in Japanese of course) is here.
"When the Bugle Blooms" — Oshima Offshore Nest Investigation Team chapter
TL Note: Bugles are a kind of flower, sometimes considered a weed. This specific species, Ajuga decumbens ("kiransou" in Japanese), is not well known outside Asia.
After four Huge Nests suddenly appear near the island of Izu Oshima, the Gardens of Tokyo decide to secretly assemble an "Oshima Offshore Nest Investigation Team" to simultaneously destroy the Nests and investigate a closed GEHENA research facility on Oshima, which they suspect relates to the recent sightings of abnormal Huge in the Tokyo area.
Cast and Character List
Team Hitotsuyanagi, Yurigaoka Girls' Academy
Izawa Mikako as "Yurigaoka's Beau Idéal" Kaede Johan Nouvel
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Nishimoto Rimi as "Yurigaoka Lily Newspaper Chief" Futagawa Fumi
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Legion Hronesnæsse, Odaiba Girls' School
Ishii Haruna as "Priestess of the Trance" Funada Kiito
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Saiba Mizuki as "The White Witch of Odaiba" Funada Ui Saiba Mizuki hasn't posted a visual yet; this is an old one from TSA.
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Nomoto Sora as "The Lady-Tengu of Kurama" Shiba Tomoshibi
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Legion Ironside, Ludvico Private Girls' Academy
Nakamura Yukari as "La Pucelle" Fukuyama Jeanne Sachie Nakamura Yukari hasn't posted a visual yet; this is an old one from the Ludvico plays.
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Nakagawa Rika as "The White Rose Princess" Kishimoto Lucia Raimu
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Hoshimori Sana as "Knight of the White Rose" Amamiya Sophia Seren
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Legion Hakolberand, Irma Girls' High School for the Arts
Sasaki Yukari as "The Empress of Hakolberand" Kamigoori Marimo
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Kitazawa Saki as "The Priestess of Irminsul" Ueda Imari Kitazawa Saki hasn't posted a visual yet; this is an old one from TGoD.
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Herensuge Girls' Academy
Fujii Ayaka as Aizawa Kazuha (Legion Hervor) Fujii Ayaka hasn't posted a visual yet; this is an old one from LoG. Also, yes, Kazuha is the only Lily without an epithet.
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Tamegai Hana as "Xana" Matsumura Fuuka (Legion Cuélebre)
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Ryuto Girls' Academy
Mutou Shiori as "The CHARM Meister" Amatsu Marei (Legion Himinglæva)
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Onose Mirai as "Professor" Nakagawa Mary Tomoyo
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"At the Seeds' Frontier" — Legion Sanngriðr chapter
After four Huge Nests suddenly appear near the island of Izu Oshima, Yurigaoka decides to dispatch Legions Álfheimr and Sanngriðr on an emergency expedition to destroy the Nests and secure the Kamakura shoreline before they launch their expedition to recapture Koshu.
Cast and Character List
Legion Sanngriðr
Oomori Rio as "The Uncontrollable Lily" Kondo Misaka
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Makiura Itsuki as "Lys Noire" Hasebe Touka
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Sonohara Arisa as "Golden Wolf" Luise Ingels
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Shiraishi Mayumi as "Iocheaera" Murakami Tokiwa Also notable for her role as Suzuki Chinami in the Odaiba plays.
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Hamaura Ayano as "Jungfrau" Kiko Totori
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Hayashida Mahiro as "The Sword-Saint of Yurigaoka" Imagawa Homare Also notable for her role as Hishida Haru in the Odaiba plays.
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Itou Yui as "The Magician of Sanngriðr" Yamanashi Hibari
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Hata Misaki as "The Wizard of Oz" Kurokawa Nady Hanna
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Ootaki Saori as "Mad Dog" Seike Tomoyo Also notable for her role as Matsunaga Brigitta Kayo in the Ludvico plays.
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Ando Chikana as "Tempest" Imai Seira Also notable for her role as Saigo Kurena in the Odaiba plays.
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Flowers of the End
Hinaga Urara as Kinoe no Hana (The First Flower) Also notable for her role as Imamura Yukari in the Odaiba plays.
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Tachibana Rii as Kinoto no Hana (The Second Flower) Makihara Yui as Hinoe no Hana (The Third Flower) Yazawa Rio as Hinoto no Hana (The Fourth Flower) Sanada Uruha as Tsuchinoe no Hana (The Fifth Flower) Udagawa Momoka as Tsuchinoto no Hana (The Sixth Flower) Hoshino Sae as Kanoe no Hana (The Seventh Flower) Inadama Honoka as Kanoto no Hana (The Eighth Flower) Suzuki Rina as Mizunoe no Hana (The Ninth Flower)
We don't know what any of these characters look like. I can't be entirely sure that this is how their names are pronounced either.
Former Yurigaoka Girls' Academy Instructor
Fujioka Sayaka as Kojima Nadeshiko
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godsdraftbox · 1 year
9 people you’d like to know better
@darling-shrike ran past me and slapped me with this so here we go!
Last song: BxMxC by baby metal metal. These ladies have captured me and I am very content in my cell.
Currently watching: Young Justice. Didn’t know there was a fourth season until I saw a massive spoiler on YouTube, so that’s nice. I’m rewatching the previous seasons just to get a recap and also cause it’s a good show. Next on my watchlist is Severance and a rewatch of DS9.
currently reading: Empire of silence, from the sun eater franchise, by Christopher Ruocchio. I’ve had this book for 3 years and I just got to page 300, but I have made a promise to myself to finish it by the end of the year and start the next one right after. Also got halfway through American Gods and I keep getting reminded of why people keep publishing Neil Gaiman.
 Current obsession: Literally anything SoulsBorne or related Fromsoft things. I’ve been watching lore videos, speedruns, challenge runs, etc. Also been on a bit of a manga binge, specifically Dai Dark by the best girl Q hayashida and things I need to catch up on like OPM, CSM and JJKS. Also just people with four arms acting as like a gardian angel/ benefactor to people and giving them powers to wreak havoc and just making little stories in my head while I walk
Tagging @inspiringraisin @bluish-rose @none-sex-left-gay @existentialbogwitch @nautas-last-braincell @justalittlebird @doshwashing @neil-gaiman @fluororichterite
Take part in the ordeal of being known, it feels pretty good
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maxellminidisc · 2 years
One of the things I like about Nikaido's costuming so to speak in bits where she's in Hole is how Hayashida gave her such a like relatable casual sloppy-hot look?? Like one of my fave details is that you can see her bra cups and straps in the spaces where her cropped tank top doesnt cover. There have been many a summer where thats my EXACT look and idk why I find that so charming lol Plus when Nikaido is going to throw down, more often than not she's usually wearing the cover all fully or other clothing that covers her arms and legs instead of, for example, the cover all usually being folded down and tied around the waist when she's just chilling, which is also practical.
In general I like how Hayashida has such a solid and wonderful balance of making not only the women, but also the men, look sexy, grimy, cool, tactical, and informed by their environments. She did such a good job really bringing life into these layered worlds she built and costuming was definitely one of them. Like so many of the looks are seared into my brain like Kaiman's ribcage jacket, Dokuga's all white moth hoodie and pouches look, Noi's sweat suit/corset and leather look, Tetsujo's samurai helmet, etc. I could go on!
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celestica-1988 · 2 years
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#hhhhhh im so stressed & worried abt work related stuff lately so i had to draw something as a treat for myself
I miei post migliori nel 2022:
Manjiro Mikey Sano, Ken Draken Ryuguji, Takemichi Takemitchy Hanagaki, Keisuke Baji, Nahoya Smiley Kawata, Yuzuha Shiba, Emma Sano, Senju Kawaragi Akashi, Atsushi Akkun Sendo.
Kazutora Hanemiya, Chifuyu Matsuno, Hakkai Shiba, Haruki Pah-chin Hayashida, Ryohei Peh YanHayashi, Souya Angry Kawata, Seishu Inui, Kakucho Hitto, Kanji Mochizuki, Shion Madarame, Makoto Suzuki, Kazushi Yamagishi, Takuya Yamamoto.
Takashi Mitsuya, Hinata Tachibana, Naoto Tachibana, Hajime Kokonoi.
Tetta Kisaki, Shuji Hanma, Taiju Shiba, Izana Kurokawa, Ran Haitani, Rindou Haitani, Haruchiyo Sanzu Akashi, Minami South Terano.
26 note - Postate 1 febbraio 2022
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27 note - Postate 16 aprile 2022
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more an edit that a fanart
my art
30 note - Postate 18 marzo 2022
The s-62 and Santa Claus.
Izana Kurokawa.
This kid is bound to receive coal and that's what he found next to his bed. He's not happy. At all. He spots Santa Claus sleight hanging in midair and jumps in it. Without a second thought he steals the beg with all the presents and then flights Santa Claus when he wanted it back. The poor old man must leave in defeat. Izana enjoys all the presents by himself, except some that he gives to Kakucho. He secretly sends some to Emma, but he will deny it even on his death bed.
Ran and Rindou Haitani
Another two menaces. They wait for Santa awake and even Ran drinks coffee to avoid falling asleep. When the old man comes and refuses to give them any present they simply use their joint technique and convince him otherwise. The Haitani are left with presents and Santa with some broken bones.
Shion Madarame
Little Shion receives coal for Christmas, but he thinks is made of sugar so he tries to eat it. He ends up breaking his teeth and to spent Christmas day in ER. Every fucking year till his parents write to Santa to beg him to leave some candies for their son cause they are tired to spend Christmas in hospital. Since that day little Shion receives a bag of candies but never tell to his friends cause he's afraid the Haitan or Izana will steal it.
Mochizuki Kanji
Another one who actually receives coal. Every Christmas he cries and swear to be a better and honorable man. Nothing changes, his parents comfort him with a lot of cuddles.
Yasuhiro Muto
He's not good, but he tries so Santa leaves him a bag of candies. Sometimes he shares it with a sad Mochi or with Haruchiyo. He will put up a fight if Izana or the Haitani try to steal it.
34 note - Postate 5 dicembre 2022
Il mio post numero 1 del 2022
At the Kanto Manji meeting in chap 243...
Mikey: I'm stuck in this gang life cause Takemitchy said I would kill all of my friends due to my dark impulses. Fuck my life.
Koko: I don't wanna be here but I'm too scared to leave. Someone help me
Sanzu: I'm finally side by side with my king at the top of the world. Fuck Senju. Fuck Takeomi. Mwahahaha
Kakucho: I'm here but I wish I was hanging around with Izana in heaven.
Ran: Why that goddamn South died? I'm tired of being pulled around. I'm bored. I miss Roppongi.
Rindou: I'm 20 but I feel like I'm 200. I want vacation
Mochi: I hate that Mikey kid but if I go against him he'll kill me. Fuck my life.
Shion: I swear to God this time I won't go down with one punch or else I'll be sent to the bottom of Tokyo bay.
Wakasa: Why am I even here? I'm too old for this kid's fighting. I wish I was in my gym.
Benkei: God give me patience cause if you give me strength I'll kill them all, including Waka. I'm so sorry, Senju. Forgive me
Hanma: You wish you know what I'm up to or I'm thinking but I'm wearing a fucking mask. Duh
69 note - Postate 22 febbraio 2022
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x2ox · 8 months
if I start feeling insecure about my ocs being same-facey I just remind myself q hayashida just took a couple characters from one of her mangas, added a few modifications design-wise, done: two new characters. it's totally ok
I just think I found investment in my own oc designs from familiarity, from them organically surging from previous things I've drawn and slowly incorporating parts I like from other things into them until they look a certain way I feel more strongly drawn to
it's a very konmari method approach lol the only bars I'm trying to clear are all related to how I feel about the design decisions I'm taking
trying to take the same approach with actually building a story and world etc around them because at this point in time I have character designs I really like but no situations to put them in. or concepts that are still too nebulous for them to perform
if I've gotten to a point with a design where I'm entirely attached to it, it's fine if I reuse it for other things
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stylestonki · 2 years
Aica and pica syndrome
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Endovascular management of flow-dependent AICA aneurysms by parent artery occlusion is feasible and efficient in terms of rebleeding prevention. The remaining two cases did not develop any post treatment neurological complications. One patient developed facial palsy, cerebellar symptoms and sensorineural hearing loss. No bleeding or rebleeding were encountered during the follow-up period which ranged from five to nine months. Two cases were embolized using NBCA, Onyx was used in the third case. They were all treated by endovascular embolization of the aneurysm as well as the parent artery using liquid embolic material. Two patients presented with subarachnoid hemorrhage, one presented with cerebellar manifestations. Three patients harbouring four flow dependent aneurysms were referred to our institution. To our knowledge 34 flow-related cases including the present study have been reported in the literature. Peripheral anterior inferior cerebellar artery ( AICA) aneurysms are rare, accounting for less than 1% of all cerebral aneurysms. Mahmoud, M El Serwi, A Alaa Habib, M Abou Gamrah, S A report of three cases and review of the literature. Published by Elsevier Inc.Įndovascular treatment of AICA flow dependent aneurysms. This is the first case that successfully treated this pathology with AICA trapping with occipital artery-AICA bypass. Distal AICA pseudoaneurysm formation is a rare, but potentially severe, late complication after SRS for VS. Although the right AICA perfused a large area of the cerebellum, the aneurysm was successfully treated with AICA trapping, in conjunction with an occipital artery-AICA bypass. Radiographic examinations revealed a distal anterior inferior cerebellar artery ( AICA) fusiform aneurysm, which was embedded in the tumor, and progressively enlarged over 17 months. The patient was a 78-year-old man who had undergone SRS for a right VS, and presented with right peripheral facial palsy 19 years later. Among the 360 patients who underwent SRS for VS in our institution and lived for >5 years thereafter, we identified only 1 patient who exhibited complication due to a late-onset aneurysm thus, the incidence was roughly estimated to be 0.3%. However, its long-term vascular complications have not been well-studied. Stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) is an established modality for the treatment of vestibular schwannomas (VSs). Umekawa, Motoyuki Hasegawa, Hirotaka Shin, Masahiro Kawashima, Mariko Nomura, Seiji Nakatomi, Hirofumi Saito, Nobuhito Radiosurgery-induced anterior inferior cerebellar artery pseudoaneurysm treated with trapping and bypass. Copyright © 2017 National Stroke Association. Therefore, clinicians should recognize that bilateral hearing loss may be related to stroke in the vertebrobasilar artery area. One month later, we obtained blood flow improvement in the left AICA territory on single-photon-emission computed tomography and vertebral artery stenosis on magnetic resonance angiography. After stroke treatment, hearing loss was improved. A 74-year-old man who experienced right hearing loss 5 months ago presented with bilateral deafness and right cerebellar ataxia however, no ischemic lesion was detected in the bilateral AICA area. We report a case of bilateral hearing loss caused by decreased vascular flow in the anterior inferior cerebellar artery ( AICA) territory. PMID:23217640Īcute Hearing Loss Caused by Decreasing Anterior Inferior Cerebellar Arterial Perfusion in a Patient with Vertebral Artery Stenosis.įukuda, Rintaro Miyamoto, Nobukazu Hayashida, Arisa Ueno, Yuji Yamashiro, Kazuo Tanaka, Ryota Hattori, Nobutaka This depends upon the adequacy of collaterals from other cerebellar arteries. Post embolization neurological complications are unpredictable. Summary Peripheral anterior inferior cerebellar artery ( AICA) aneurysms are rare, accounting for less than 1% of all cerebral aneurysms. Endovascular Treatment of AICA Flow Dependent Aneurysms
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Everybody sit down and hold my hand and listen to me talk about how Kaiman and Nikaido both got magic that needed to be done through a object they had.
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hayashida-hell · 7 years
Hello once again! I'm here to say I know I haven't really posted any new content on this blog recently but I will probably release some new things tonight! I don't want to make any excuses but this time of year is a little rough for me schedule wise. I have marching band rehearsals and about 2 days ago I caught a fever and I'm still trying to deal with it. Luckily I feel a lot better today but it does come in waves...😓 Regardless I think this blog needs something new up so I'll be updating it tonight 😉
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ri-cha1 · 7 years
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professional? in what? Kiriyama!
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