#not organized in the slightest
jbm04 · 1 month
Do you remember the time when we were little and I told you to stop fucking picking on me, because what if my other mum or dad was, like, important? I remember. You said, what's the evidence, and I said what's the...not evidence, and you said why would it matter anyway, and I said why would it not matter anyway, and you said I was an idiot, and we whaled on each other for awhile. Then I said, what if someone came looking for me and said, It's me, the most important guy in the world, here's the long-lost baby I was looking for, everyone will stop treating her like shit henceforth, also I am going to murder everyone in here for what they have done and Crux goes first," and you told me that if anyone came looking for me you would get your parents to lock me in a closet and say I had died of a "brain malfunction ", which I now know isn't a real disease, so I bet you feel stupid now?
^ Evidence of Harrow having always needed Gideon on some level.
Harrow’s reacting badly here because she’s scared of losing Gideon. She’s always been scared to lose her.
Also, they whaled on each other. I totally acknowledge the power imbalance between the two but they did hurt each other. I think that gets forgotten a lot. I just think Gideon’s version of hurting Harrow was more emotional. Maybe sometimes not intentional. For example, when Gideon says she hates Harrow, that is probably more brutal than any physical damage than Gideon could actually do.
What was that third thing I was thinking about this….
Oh! Just visualizing that after they whaled on each other a bit they sort of just laid there in each other’s presence and then Gideon chimes back in with the “what if someone came looking for me…” And that probably got Harrow’s fear up again. And then talking about this important person murdering everyone with Harrow knowing how many people have been murdered already. Yikes.
The other day, someone was discussing the end of the books. And I had considered a possible ending of Gideon staying dead as the books lesson on “letting go”. Harrow learns to let Gideon go. But I think that lesson actually already occurred on one level. Like Harrow let go of Gideon when she gave up her body to let Gideon live. That was literally her making the decision to let Gideon go. I still think a ‘Gideon stays dead’ ending is possible but I don’t think the “letting go” angle is the reasoning anymore.
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theokusgallery · 7 days
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Throwing that here
Little German boy better arrive fast or nick might get goofy with his schemes
I think it's already too late if I'm honest
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torchiiko · 13 hours
i have i go insane if someone mentions a thing i like disease. neuron activation in my brain i have to be annoying abt it im sorry
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gildead · 4 days
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I, personally, stopped using SessionBox ages ago after it ate all my saved sessions and only allowed me to make one at a time on Chrome, but... oof geez I do NOT envy you guys for losing it now. We truly are in the capitalist nightmare timeline.
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todayisafridaynight · 4 months
WHY did they call it bleach japan in y8 wouldn’t that carry negative connotations after the founder was exposed and subsequently stabbed to death by another high profile member. sure yeah its ominous to ichi but is that worth the risk of bad pr
oh brother dont get me started everything about ebina pisses me off but the bleach japan bit ESPECIALLY jesus fucking almighty that was so annoying
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gaytranszoro · 5 months
sorry okay im rewatching whole cake w a friend and got obsessed with the vinsmokes this time around okay. sorry. however i am a liker of themes and motifs and doomed characters. sorrey.
#i just looovvee the ways the different families this arc are portrayed. big moms as an empire to be expanded.#beges as a loyal bond and structured organization#and ofcourse the vinsmokes as an army bound only by blood and not by love. and a commodity to be used/force to be strengthened#like sure they're all related but like. they do not act like a family even in the slightest. they don't even seem to really like each other#LOL just even w the charlottes you get the feeling they care about each other to an extent (ie katakuri and brulee or chiffon and lola)#but we rarely see any of the vinsmokes hold a conversation with each other let alone act like siblings.#(unless you count them like. abusing sanji as sibling bonding)#which i why i OBSESSSS over when reiju gets hurt you see one of them call out in concern.#n the (admittedly anime only) scene of yonji like helping a little. bear guy get a fruit off a tree. that shit cute as hell.#you get these like. moments of humanity with them that seep through the cracks of the carefully-constructed image of the Evil Germa Army yk#the way all the siblings turned out and the ways they compliment and contrast each other makes me think ab what could have been you know.#iirc reiju wound up how she is because her mother encourgaged her emptions and instilled a sense of humanity in her. proving they are all#capable of having that sense of morality the others just...didnt get it 1) bc sora died when they were so young and#2) bc judge had a VICE GRIP on them.#so they were doomed from the start.#their father wanted a perfect unfeeling obedient army of soldiers and he was going to get it by any means necessary#even if said soldiers are supposed to be his children#i do think the vinsmokes are deeply unforgivable but i also recognize tht like...they were victims of circumstance.#smthn smthn nature vs nurture#in another life i think they would have kicked ass together#idk im fuuucked upp off the green tea rn yk how it goes.....#.txt#idk how to be coherent abt them they just make me feel like pacing around my room with my head in my hands#its been said better by ppl with better grasps on character analysis than me but. abuse victims who suck. and are also assholes.#you mean everything to meeee
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lupinus-bicolor · 1 year
i fucking LOVE these kids holy shit. I've been avoiding spoilers for the most part so i went into the rest of this season blind and I really appreciate the fact that Jawbreaker is still figuring himself out. It feels like the new terrans speed-ran their character arcs (understandable given the earlier focus on Twitch, Thrash, Robby, and Mo) but Jawbreaker being given time to develop and sort of fixate on searching for a perfect alt mode is endearing. His contrast to Hashtag being an impulsive ipad kid is *chefs kiss*. so fucking funny. her first week being alive has been spent watching tv dramas and internet memes and her alt mode being a constantly internet connected armored van is just perfect. and the little ponytail <3<3<3 I like seeing her learn to connect with the others in a meaningful way that doesn't talk down to ipad kids (which, tbh, is too easy and too... mean spirited? for this show. im so glad they treated her with respect and whimsy)
ALSOOOOO hi nightshade hi hi hiiiii your alt mode is so goth im LIVING. love this kid with their crazy science projects and fantasy literature. THE BATMAN REFERENCES IN THE FINALE AKDJFLKASDF also their self assuredness and autistic swag making them a little unable to find common ground with their siblings is heart meltingly sweet. Its really nice to see their parents understanding that and helping them along with it too ;A; TARANTULAS ACTING AS A SORT OF MENTOR OUUUUGH don't @ me but this might actually push me to watch beast wars. i need more of this goth bitch in my life. I really want them to show up in future episodes but as is I'm really happy they got to go free of ghost. best of luck with the holomatter bro
i have minor beef with the way they're focusing on the war backstory but Thrash's "why are you leaving the new generation to clean up your mess" speech was good, if not entirely satisfactory. old grandma megatron can't rebuild the transformers' relationship to humanity on his own and the terrans really are a perfect bridge, i feel. I'm just glad they're given time to be more than that first. (speaking of that episode, r.i.p. shockwave, #1 asshole).
aside from the thing with dr octagonopus meridian though, i really did like the new episodes even if they did feature less of the old cast than i'd prefer. Watching Twitch interact with the new terrans and taking on the older sister role and sort of controlling some of her worst impulsivity is really cool to watch, and her taking on too much of the burden of responsibility in reaction to Bumblebee leaving genuinely has me worrying for her. Kudos to the writing team for such a subtle character shift. please give her a break before this girl develops eldest daughter syndrome im begging you
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eileenleahy · 7 months
soo much historical revisionism on the left it's mind-boggling. "the us suffrage movement was super racist bc all its leaders opposed black men's right to vote" i think you dont know anything about the suffrage movement? like i think youve only ever heard of susan b anthony and maybe elizabeth cady stanton
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theheadlessgroom · 17 days
"Evenin'," Wilhelm smiled warmly, June and Randall echoing these greetings, with the youngest Pace pressing a loving kiss to his bride's cheek as he helped his mother clean and put away the dishes. There was no denying it, they were all very tired. It hadn't exactly been a restful night for anyone under the roof-too much on their minds, to say the least.
And although they didn't say so aloud, they knew Emily's night (day?) hadn't exactly been restful either-perhaps the least restful out of all of them. It brought with it a heavy sense of guilt for the three Pace's, hating to think they were putting so much pressure on the young woman, pressure to make an impossible decision. Their lives literally hung in the balance, and it was all on her shoulders.
"How're you feeling?" Randall asked gently, as he moved to pull out a chair for her to sit at the table and drink her blood-it seemed clear to him that she was just as tired as he was, and a part of him wanted to ask if she might like to sleep in his room this evening, but he withheld that question, for now, instead choosing to make her comfortable, while his parents, having finished cleaning up, tried to ignore their nagging guilt in favor of more pleasant conversation.
"You're staying cool up in your room, aren't you, Emily?" June asked, as she poured herself a glass of water, hoping a little hydration might wake her up a little. "I know the upstairs can get a little warm, so if you need us to put a little fan up there, we certainly can!" Perhaps vampires didn't get warm easily, but she still felt she should check in-it was both the mother and the nurse in her.
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tovaicas · 1 year
wild to me that stb made it front and centre (all but waving a billboard in your face) that hingashi doesn’t have primal issues like eorzea does bc the populace doesn’t implicitly think of their ‘lesser’ beastman races as anything other than different dudes with different cultures that intermix in population centres freely and are given the respect any other sentient being would deserve and as the fishing quests show the interplay between them is necessary to preserve local ecological health, and the designated ‘bad’ factions are just ones that have chosen different ways to survive the crisis affecting them (which would be a far more interesting moral quandary to explore if the game bothered to designate them as anything other than ‘the bad guys in red you can kill’, remember the beastman designation and treatment eorzean groups get is an ul’dahn custom)
and it’s wild to me that shb did this AGAIN with the mirrored races living peacefully with each other in the wake of a world-destroying apocalypse and are integral to the survival of a great many communities and this is normal and why would you treat them any differently, they’re just people and they look a little different but we could say the exact same for you.
and at least so far, not once does this ever trigger any serious self-reflection in any of the scions abt their role in perpetuating a racist regime of violence and surveillance in the cultures of other people bc they’ve arbitrarily designated them as dangerous and violent and evil (even tho even the base game allied quests prove this assumption wrong) and never once do they actually ever even attempt to figure out what the real cause of excessive primal summoning is bc if they cared they wouldn’t be sucking off the alliance leaders for clout they’d be telling them to fucking stop treating the beast races like shit for existing, which they never do even when it’s explicitly laid out for them (like limsa betraying a peace treaty which is one of the direct causes of their issues w/ the kobolds and the sahagin and it’s very much Their Fault but the scions consistently and always side with merlwyb on the issue)
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catpersonponything · 2 years
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further sketches of link, zelda, the princess and some other key characters for my au like princess zelda’s brother (his name is Offram) and ganondorf
click for captions
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organs-dae · 2 years
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I’m the world ender baby // and I’m back from the dead
shoutout to my bestie Bella of @spare-teeth for the very cool hc of Charles having horns! It’s OUR hc now<3<33
[ID: A digital drawing of Charles the Theologist. He is depicted as a fat black man with black, curled horns. He is standing, facing forward with his body slightly turned away. He has long curly brown hair with grey streaks throughout. One of his eyes is opaque light green, the other is clouded over brownish grey. He has heavy eyeliner and facial hair. He is wearing a dark green skirt, black bodysuit with a chest window, with a fishnet shirt underneath. He has a lot of piercings and Jewellery, is wearing glasses and is holding a rosary. The background is green with a lighter shade of green coming from around his hand. //END ID]
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oldwizardboots · 8 months
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I forgot to mention this but it is once again amnesty relisten time *theme song drops*
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When I get out, I refuse to sabotage anything anymore. It’s fucking stressful. Instead I will go to the beach on the weekends, in my little mask and wetsuit and look for cool rocks, with a little piña colada on the shore waiting for me. I will not engage in anti-preaching because I will be too busy RELAXING and HAVING FUN to care if people join cults.
#exjw#I was on exjwconfessions blog awhile ago and was fucking APPALLED at the amount of ADULT pioneers and ELDERS#who were in positions of such high esteem and power with no parents looking over their shoulder#confessing to nothing but HAVING SEX WITH OTHER JWS??#Like excuse me? You can just… do that without feeling the slightest bit guilty that you’re contributing to indoctrination#doing absolutely nothing to stop it?#In the meantime while you privileged adults were having fun I — a fifteen year old — was giving myself POCD from sabotaging calls#by showing up to doors dressed up as someone I loathe with all my being — a fucking serial killer —#to the point where I could barely look at myself in the mirror anymore because I thought I looked like him#Like GOD DAMN man the fuck up and either start sabotaging shit or leave#your service hours — whether you lie about them or not — are supporting the cult#If you are an adult who is independent enough to have sex with people in the congregation without being scared for your safety#you need to leave#There are so many PIMOs in the organization#All the financially-stable adults with cars need to have a mass exodus#There is strength in numbers so stop giving them numbers lol#And if you’re worried about never speaking to your family again; chances are they’ll reach out to you at some point#There have been good experiences of people reuniting with their families after being shunned#and getting some of them out#Live your life; don’t stay attached to the ball and chain forever#(Oh my sabotage at age fifteen worked by the way. I know I creeped out at least two mothers dressing up like that…#either because they got the reference or I just looked like a ghost.)#I feel like garbage today but I still went out to follow up with someone I warned. It stressed me out.#I have put myself under so much physical emotional and mental strain to sabotage this cult and to see PIMOs in safer positions#doing nothing but having worldly fun and seeing no consequences makes me sick#(of course if you’re a kid or adult who isn’t independent… please don’t do what I did. I’m not directing this at you.)#(or if you have young kids in the org and are worried about them… this also isn’t directed at you#but you do need to do something for your children so they don’t end up like me)#Anyway after five years of this shit I need a break.#Obviously I’ll still write and make art to process and share everything that happened to the internet
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snobgoblin · 2 years
i have an army of requests i am aware and i apologize but this is what i need rn
the band helping you read a book
2-D: just sits next to you and cheers you on as you go. it's hard but! you can do it. he believes in you
Murdoc: he reads it for you but the catch is he does it very dramatically and also he keeps forgetting you're there so he keeps trailing off and silently reading to himself
Russel: helps you along but reads some parts to you when you're not engaged
Noodle: she makes you suffer and do it yourself. if you dont have the attention span for it then you're undeserving of the knowledge, she thinks
Ace: he can barely read so its more you helping him tbh
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vaugarde · 1 year
i know ive said something like this in the past but man laying it out like i did in that ask? team rocket really did fall apart the moment they were intended to be a genuine competent threat again, where giovanni suddenly did take them seriously and have a ton of faith in them.
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