#not really i just am about to gts and this is on my netflix line up and wanted something angsty
im watching spn and everytime i rewatch im like aww dean is a fuckin dick and HE IS. It is part of his character HOWEVER he has good reason
ngl i only watched spn episode by episode before i was like FUCK IT LMFAOO cuz it is literally IMPOSSIBLE to binge this show. My binges have a 3-5 season maximum before im like ok...and not to mention these seasons are 22ish episodes each (back when were a true country...a proper country lol) like helloooo???
Any ways the episode where dean admits he had to go to a boys home and john was basically like "stay yo ass there" IS INSANE the more info you get about john the more you are like those kids should've been taken into protective custody.
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bittykimmy13 · 4 years
Best Wishes (GT) ~ 1
This is G/t fanfiction of the Netflix movie The Half of It. Watch the movie if you haven't seen it. Enjoy. 
I certainly enjoyed it so much that I immediately needed a G/t version of it :') This will probably be a shorter story, with short chapters. Just something cute and light after the slew of angst the past couple years haha (but yes of course there will be angst, who do you think I am?) Anyway, this takes place in a potential future of the print universe. YEP, a print story where the characters aren't under immediate threat of physical pain/death 24/7 <333
Mid-afternoon sun beat down on the lonely stretch of road. Autumn pedaled her bike on a separate print-sized path beside the tree line, bracing herself whenever human cars roared by. Luckily, those were few and far between at this time of day. Unless humans were headed for the southern exit of the town where their kind of homes were sparse, they didn’t have much reason to be there. Mostly, all that remained at this end was a tight cluster of print neighborhoods and woodland.
It would be easier if she paid for human transportation to and from her summer job, but she told herself every morning that she needed to save money and that it wasn’t her pride holding her back. If she wanted to sustain herself through the next school year, she’d need to tough out the commute on her own.
The rumble of an engine approached in the distance. She tensed, but didn’t stop pedaling. This engine in particular was familiar—one she had been dreading.
Sure enough, as the pick-up truck slowed beside her, the human boys inside shouted at her through the open windows.
“Think you’ll make it home by morning?”
“Aww, why’re you ignoring us, mouse? Think you’re too good?”
“Why don’t you come in here and sit on my lap? I’ll get you where you need to go!”
Autumn kept her eyes trained on the path in front of her. It wasn’t worth snapping back at them. One, they wouldn’t hear her over the sound of that old-world relic of a pick-up. Two, they were all easily over six feet tall. She didn’t even reach mid-calf for them. Let them have their fun from the road, as long as they didn’t get out to stop her on the path and tower over her.
Keep it together. You’ll be free of them again in a couple months.
Their laughter faded as the truck roared ahead, and she could finally breathe again. She swore they took the long way these days just to mess with her. Now that they were gone, her tense anticipation of their approach could be laid to rest until tomorrow. However, her moment of relaxation lasted roughly five minutes.
A rhythmic pounding came from behind her—the footsteps of a jogging human. She clenched her jaw and kept her eyes forward. Why couldn’t some humans get it through their thick skulls that this path wasn’t meant for their exercise? It was meant for prints like her to get home somewhat safely if they didn’t have a ride. Besides, who the hell wanted to be running in this heat? As the footsteps became more pronounced, she groaned and started to swerved her bike off the path to let the human pass her without potential murder.
“Hey!” The human’s steps slowed as his voice boomed after her. “Autumn Yang!”
She braked so hard she nearly fell off her bike. Glancing over her shoulder, she saw a human with wavy dark-blond hair coming after her on the path. She blanched in recognition. He’d gone to high school with her, like the other boys in the pick-up. Tucker West. Had they really deployed one of the guys to come after her on foot? Her hand tensed on the phone in her pocket as she wondered if she should call for help.
There was no time. She pedaled hard.
“Wait up!” His pounding footsteps kicked up to a jog again.
It was laughable how easily he caught up. In no time at all, his shadow had fallen over her, but she didn’t stop. She didn’t dare look back, knowing she’d lose her balance if she dared to peer up at his dizzying height. From the brief look she’d gotten, he was somehow taller now since graduation.
“Autumn, hey! I said wait up!”
The shadow darkened, and her bike came to an abrupt stop. The momentum launched her over the handles, making her come to a hard fall on the asphalt. She winced at the scrape on her forearm and sat up, scrambling to face Tucker West.
He was crouched low with one hand braced to the ground, while his other fingers still pinched the back tire of her bike. His dark eyes were wide, and his lips were parted dumbly as he assessed what he had done.
“Wow, I-I’m sorry,” he stammered, giving a laugh of disbelief. “Shit, I didn’t know you were gonna fall like that.”
“You expected me to fall a different way?” She picked herself up and dusted her shorts off. “What’s wrong with you? Besides not knowing how physics work.”
“No, really, I’m sorry. But you weren’t stopping, and I…” He shrugged lamely.
Praying that he couldn’t see how badly she trembled under his shadow, she stormed over to her bike and grabbed the handles. “Give it back, Tucker. Leave me alone. We’re not in fucking high school anymore—I dunno why you and your friends couldn’t mature past your glory days, but leave me out of it.”
He cocked his head. “My friends?”
“Oh, don’t play dumb. The assholes who’ve been screeching past me every day since I came home for the summer.”
“You mean Jason and them? They’re not my friends.” He kept his grip on the bike, seemingly unaware that she was trying to wrench it out of his fingers. “Look, I saw you were back in town, and I have a favor to ask. See, there’s this girl—”
“No, I will not help you seduce some girl by pretending to be your quirky print friend to prove you have a softer side. Beat it, or I’ll tell her you stalked me on my way home.”
Cheeks flushing, he shook his head. “That’s not it! Remember how you used to write people’s assignments for them?”
Of course she remembered. How could she not? The money she’d made from that had ensured she could eat comfortably while she was away for her freshman year of college. She stopped pulling on the bike and narrowed her eyes at him. She’d written a few papers for him back then, but that was the long and short of their interaction.
“Somehow, I doubt you need a philosophy analysis written for you in the middle of summer, two years out of high school,” she said.
Despite her flat tone, he looked at her excitedly, like she was a co-conspirator in a scheme she knew nothing about. “Well, you’re right about me needing your help with the girl. I mean, not the seducing her part, but uh… yeah, okay, kinda.”
“Either give me the point, or give me my bike.”
“You’re good at writing, okay? And I need help with that.” He pursed his lips and shrugged.
“Look, I’m not good with words, so I want to write her a letter. I tried already by myself, but it never sounds good, you know?”
She gave the bike another test tug, disappointed to find that his fingers’ grip hadn’t slackened in tandem with that wistful look on his face. She scoffed. “Write a letter? Like on paper? Who does that?”
He pouted. “I thought it would be romantic.”
“I mean, I guess. If she’s into that kind of stuff. Who is she, anyway?”
“Lacey. Lacey Ramirez.”
Autumn let go of the bike and staggered back a few steps, arms limp at her sides.
“You know her, don’t you?” Tucker said. “Didn’t you used to be friends with her?” He paused, taking in her slack-jawed expression and tense stance. “Oh. Do you guys have bad blood? Shit, I figured it would be easier for you to help since you know her.”
She shook her head. “N-no, we don’t have bad blood. But I’m not doing this. I’m not helping you write a stupid love letter to Lacey Ramirez. Just go talk to her. It’s not that hard.”
“You don’t get it! It’s hard. It’s, like, super hard.”
For all his insistence, he finally let go of the bike when Autumn lunged forward and jerked at the handles again. She gave one last look at his knelt form towering over her, feeling a spike of bitterness. Of course it wouldn’t be hard for him to win Lacey over. He was tall, handsome, and built. But most importantly, human. A perfect match for Lacey. She turned around and started walking her bike away.
“I’ll pay you,” he said. She walked a little faster, worried he’d give chase again. She was still within reach of his stupid long arms, but he didn’t make a grab. “However much you need. Set your price.”
Autumn hesitated, and his voice jumped.
“I’m in love with her,” he insisted. “Please. You have to help me. I’m sure you could use the money.”
She glared over her shoulder. “What makes you say that?”
He leaned back a little and planted his hands on his lap, perhaps to make it seem like he wasn’t trying to crowd her. “I dunno. You’re working, aren’t you? That means you need money.”
She did.
Hissing out a sigh, she pinched the bridge of her nose. “One letter.” He started to grin and straighten up in excitement, prompting her to hold up a finger. “One letter! And I name my price after I finish it. I’ll type up a draft and send it so you can write it out. What’s your number?”
“What? No, hey, I want to be there with you while you come up with it. We could help each other, can’t we?”
She rolled her eyes. “Where?”
“Library, tomorrow at noon?”
She frowned, shocked that he was so casually okay with being seen in public with a print. It wasn’t exactly outlandish these days, she just didn’t figure someone like him would be alright with it.
Maybe it was the surprise that made her nod. “Fine. But I work tomorrow, so let’s make it two.”
“So we have a deal!” His hand shot toward her, and she might have fallen on her ass if he hadn’t stopped a few safe inches away. He held his finger and thumb slightly parted—an invitation to a handshake that she would much rather not attend.
But, figuring it would get him out of her hair faster, she stiffly walked closer and placed her hand on his fingertip. She braced for pressure, but he was actually  quite gentle when he pinched her hand and moved it down once. After getting tossed off her bike, she never would have expected that from him.
“See ya tomorrow.” He let go and gave a small wave. His grin was wide and blinding as he stood up.
She couldn’t help but flinch, seeing him at his full height again. He didn’t linger, though. The pound of footsteps resumed, but this time they headed away from her. It wasn’t until he was a good distance away that she, for the second time, could breathe again.
As she mounted her bike and started pedaling, her mind swam in disbelief of what had just happened. Tucker West, former football star and high school has-been, had sought out her help with a handwritten love letter. And for Lacey Ramirez, of all people.
It wouldn’t be hard finding the words—just hard to share them. She hadn’t spoken much to Lacey since sophomore year of high school. It wasn’t that they had a falling out or bad blood. It was just that Autumn had quietly pulled away from that friendship when she came to the terrifying realization that she had fallen in love with Lacey.
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monkey-network · 5 years
Good Stuff's Best of 2019
WARNING: Just wanted to say cheers to you for making it through another year. I send you best wishes for next year to be fruitful. Thank you, take care out there, and enjoy. (Best of 2017) (Best of 2018)
Dedicated to Russi Taylor, John Witherspoon, Rip Torn, Tartar Sauce, Caroll Spinney, Peter Matthews, and the many of KyoAni lost in the arson incident. You all did wonderful; rest in peace.
Welp, I figured the last year of this decade would be the most chaotic one by far, then again everything peak after 2012. As for now, I am counting down the best cartoons/animations/comics I’ve seen and loved this year in no particular order other than #1. Same rules apply: No sneak previews of future projects, no repeats, and this time anything goes.
Runner Ups: Superman Smashes the Klan, Marvel’s Aero, Infinity Train, Enter the Florpus, Amphibia, Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart, Helluva Boss, Meta Runner, Lego Movie 2, Forky Asks a Question
Anyways, Badda boom bang whiz, let’s do this shizz...
10. Super Mario Bros GT
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Nostalgia can be quite a mystery, especially one that can come out of nowhere. Super Mario Bros Z kicked so much ass as a kid that now, it still frustrates me to this that it got a cease & desist from Nintendo, even the reboot from the same person couldn’t last long. But the gods have offered a slight miracle in the form of this new spiritual successor that has heart and soul put into every pixelated frame. There is much to celebrate with Youtube animation, where many say it’s dying due to the algorithm and all of the site’s corporate bullshit, but it’s stuff like this which helps me understand why we should celebrate. Against all odds, channels like Smasher Block willfully put their works out their for the people and continues to because on top of getting a little dough, it’s what they want to do.
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Awwwwww yeah, this is She-Ra and the Princesses of Power done right. Diverse female squad, each given a quality screen time to truly shine (Beecher especially) on their which makes the episodes where they’re all together feel earned and joyous to watch. Certainly reminds me of Friendship is Magic, which is coincidental since they were created by the same woman. I’d like to think this and MLP G4 were the answers to Faust’s cancelled project Milky Way and the Galaxy Girls where multiple personalities collide to one extraordinary superhero team of girls capable great feats that are lifted from their insecurities or drawbacks. And on top of this being a fun series to kick back to all around, it’s a comforting, somewhat aspiring thought to consider.
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I am somebody that rarely goes to the theaters to watch a film; you have to hook my tight just for me to even think of buying a ticket, no less plan to. But honestly, Joker was worth the hype, the ticket, and the fact that it wasn’t the incel uprising that buttfuck normies tried to make it out as. It’s lower on the list because in thought, there definitely could’ve been some tweaks to the dialogue and a couple scenes that I felt didn’t work in the long run. But really, this movie to me worked because of the escalation that leads to a cathartic climax and ending that left me in actual tears. I don’t give a shit if it “doesn’t fit”, having Frank Sinatra sing the film's credits put me in shambles. Joaquin Phoenix was phenomenal as Arthur, and this movie felt authentic in its many details. This is definitely up there with my favorite comic book films of all time. Good thing, too, Spider-Man was taking up most of that shelf.
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This series being what I can’t help but say is a spin-off to Bojack Horseman, a show I respect, was enough to pull me into watching it. But it being like Bojack where it’s tight-roping between a bouncy comedy and a grounded drama was what kept me around for more. It is a damn shame this was cancelled after one season (while 13 Reasons Why gets FOUR seasons like what the fuck), because while this did feel enough like a complete series, I was certainly interested for more because I really enjoyed it all. I have my issue with a couple choices in the show, but I am sure this series would’ve addressed them later down the line. I can see why some women would find this personally endearing, it felt like the personal stories of actual people, and it deserved better. Either way, I enjoyed this series and I recommend it just as much as Bojack.
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Genndy Tartakovsky is that kind of cartoon creator where you feel he’ll go beyond if you give him the right amount of space. He’s not a perfectionist like John “Dirty Diddler” Kricfalusi, but with things like Hotel Transylvania and Samurai Jack, he certainly has proven to have the range in animation where you know how he plays. Primal showcasing his noted skill in dialogue-less storytelling and dynamic action scenes, able to convey everything clear with its ruthless yet careful protagonist and his dinosaur friend, all on top of the most luscious backgrounds. This is a series that definitely feels like Genndy’s taken what he’s used from his previous works and putting it together for a brutal yet passionate look at the prehistoric life. He truly brought us an adult series to enjoy and to look forward to more in the coming year.
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Bet you didn’t expect a character to be on this list, eh? Spinel is the best thing to come out of Steven Universe in general; makes me wish she was in a better movie. The crew certainly did their darndest to make her not only an enjoyable and connectable character through and through, but a very versatile character that the fandom could take in any which way. Call it corny, but Spinel perfectly represents SU as a whole: a lovable goof that can certainly mean business but deep down is deserved of a hug because of what she’s gone through. Wish she had a more satisfying resolution in her respective debut, but really it’s the balance between those three elements mentioned that makes Spinel almost eternally wonderful.
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As someone that doesn’t like reading, I’m a firm believer that the best animations or visual medias elevate the writing to a memorable degree; the visuals hook to the point where you want to think about what you saw and how it was conveyed. Mob Psycho 100, for two seasons now, does this in spades where Studio Bones throw them bones in animating one of the most dynamic animes of the modern era, providing the writing and characters a proper chance to flex its muscles. The characters are especially what makes this and MP100 as a whole work so well, the story being about a boy learning to be more sociable as well as emotionally stronger all while helping others understand maturity and empathy. For more on this, I recommend Hiding in Public’s video(s) on Mob. But with the animation, Bones was able to provide a sense of impact and immersion to the moments that matter, not making it an overstimulating mess, and putting some respect on ONE’s webcomic art style. 
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Hands down, this is a great Christmas movie. Take away the animation and you have a charming, wanna say ground and authentic, story about the makings of Santa Claus. With memorable and likable characters, a nice escalation in terms of the plot, and moments that are/can be so satisfying, they can bring you to tears. A couple overdone tropes in the road that doesn’t make this the most perfected story, but those sincerely minor compared to everything else that makes this story the best. Now. Add in the animation, and you have a gold, nay a platinum animated story of the year where the visuals definitely enhance the story to a degree where they’re undoubtedly inseparable. The visuals alone is enough to check this movie out and it’s eye-opening when you learn of how it’s all done. Klaus is a film that did it’s job and then some, and I hope this will be well remembered as a classic holiday film for it deserves that status.
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I’ll be fair, I’m mostly referring to the manga and not the anime but since the anime premiered this fall, it counts. Because be it the anime or the series overall, Beastars has such well intricate world building all while offering a little something for everyone (violence, romance, slice of life). The story is well paced and even when we aren’t focusing on the main characters momentarily, Itagaki is surprisingly able to make every supporting/side character we come across memorable in their own way; like I said before, the city is much a character in this story. Oh yeah, and the mangaka is the daughter of Keisuke “Grappler Baki” Itagaki, that in itself is a treasuring bit of trivia for this. Everything about Beastars is enticing and Studio Orange certainly helped in giving this series more of a following.
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Well, well, well. Guess Netflix is three for three in terms of bringing its best foot forward among its few steps back each year. The best term to describe this series is surprising. Surprising that this is a Dr. Seuss story that got expanded a 13 episode series, that has fleshed out characters, fun hijinks, an easy story, lovely emotional, more quieter moments... on top of being 2D hand drawn animated. I mean, what else is there to say? Green Eggs and Ham is to Dr. Seuss what Seven was for Final Fantasy, what Friendship is Magic was for MLP, what watermelon was before a nice menthol cigarette. This definitely took the top spot because to me, it was able to bring many good elements from the previous entries and knot it all together into a well kept bow that I never knew I wanted until now. I’m genuinely glad this show got to exist the way it is and I am hoping, praying, that the second season keeps that momentum up.
That leads us to the actual number one which is
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Total Dramarama is now the two time World Heavyweight Champion, babey. Will 2020 give us a quality contender? Will the streak last another year?
Stay tuned, and always seek out the Good Stuff.
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writeanapocalae · 6 years
thank you for the tag @aslanwrites!
What is the most frustrating part about writing your WIP?
Currently? Everything. Every. fuckin. thing. I am a plantser or whatever it’s called, but I just. I’m too tired and I have no time and I can’t think of what’s happening next. 
What’s the most fun?
I have really been loving writing all of the different locations? Maybe too much? And just going wild with the nasty stuff that I’ve writing.
What is something you wish you could include, but can’t because it won’t work very well?
GOO! I don’t know why, but there’s this scene I really want to write in which Dobry gets like sucked in by ooze and Jackson just can’t gt to him in time, but they don’t even like each other in this book...
What’s something you are excited about that’s coming up in your WIP?
Enemies to lovers! 
Can you create stories on the spot?
Yes! Every once in a while I get prompts and I sit down and I think up a very nice premise for the first 3 lines and then I go for it. 
Would you rather your WIP be adapted into a Netflix original, a movie, a Broadway musical, or a Hulu show?
I think a Netflix original show? It’s a trilogy so a single movie would be a no go, but I think Netflix could do it? Or like, that kind of Hannibal cinematography?
If your WIP is adapted into one of the above, what is one thing you will make sure is included in the fictional show?
The fact that Jackson is polyamorous? It would be super easy for them to cut out that aspect of his character and make his partners into “just friends”
When it comes to writing, what comes easiest for you?
lengthy descriptions. I have been told that I describe too much. I just like descriptions. 
Are there people on here or elsewhere that you wish you could talk to?
Everyone? More often. I’m just exhausted (chronic fatigue, y’know?) and I feel like I would just let people down if I started conversations since I wouldn’t continue them. I wish I could though. 
Since it’s become a bit of a topic, what do you personally think about character death?
I think it can be important for a story but it really depends on your story. Doing it for shock factor... maybe not so much, it has to advance the story. 
Give us a fact about the last character you’ve written about.
Travis, who is a horrible monster now, is based off of Travis Grady from Silent Hill: Origins. 
My Questions
Do you have any purposeful references in your story?
What’s your working space like?
What do you plan to do with your final piece?
Have you finished a story before?
How much editing and rewriting is enough?
Do you know who your acknowledgements are going to be?
Have you ever had an accountability partner? How well did that work out?
Do you have a pet who hangs out with you while you write?
How much research do you typically do?
Do you have a beta reader or critique partner?
What’s the best piece of writing advice that you have taken to heart?
@z-creates-strange-worlds @athiefswarwriteblr @savannahscripts @adenhamcreations @rhikasa @themoonlightcinderella @francestroublr @connie-fictional @pistol-packin-mama @kestrelsparverius @candiedwriter
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latinalesbi · 6 years
Bradley and Peter admitted they knew in October re cancellation and spinoff. Awkward chat on the tv insider podcast. You were right!! Poor Sherri et al still pushing for season 6 back then. It was all money related apparently.
I keep losing the replies to these questions. I am going to probably be brief.
Yeah, these guys are liars. And it breaks my heart to think of Sherri still trying to get this renewed in January. They were committed to the show and I am happy to see them working because their talent was too good for all involved.
Anonymous said:                                                                      I’m excited for the eps the moms will be in. I haven’t watched the spinoff so far so i have no real context re storylines but I don’t care, just to see them back will be awesome. Maybe certain people will realise just how great and missed they are 😜            
I mean, I am not one who thinks that anything we do will bring them back more often or at all. But yes, I look forward to them being on and getting any kind of recognition. They deserve it. The problem I fear is that they have probably shared the best scenes. All we are going to be left with is the moms propping up this shitty cast. I think they will especially be targeted to prop up the new lesbian icon.
Anonymous said:                                                                      Why wasn’t Freeform and the producers of the Fosters not called out for the blatant ageism that took place? Older women clearly not welcome on the network even though their characters probably had more effect socially than anything else they produced. The Stef and Lena characters were groundbreaking imo. There was no reason for the cancellation as the ratings were good. The network won’t survive much longer with whomever makes the decisions in charge.    
It was blatant, and I tried to point that out. I read recently that Gen Xers are ignored by media, so this would def. fit that narrative. We are silenced. Stef and Lena were absolutely groundbreaking and for a couple to be the lead, married, solid for 5 years. You aren’t going to see that for a long time. Freeform is in a freedive to hell. No one there can run a business. The thing about Stef and Lena is that they were so socially relevant that they hit the nail on the head. Since then, they’ve been trying to be socially relevant and they just are pathetic doing it. Trying so hard, ticking all the boxes. 
Anonymous said:                                                                      Upsetting your fan base that you took five years to build up was never going to be a sensible idea. Then in promoting your new show you dismiss your old show by making it sound like it was for children. Madness.      
Absolute madness, where do they think they were going to get an audience? They had a base, but they just insulted everyone. Idiots.
Anonymous said:                                                                      I watched an interview Maia and Cierra did on KTLA re GT- They basically admitted they knew before it was going to happen ‘ we had an idea’ ‘we knew it was in the works’ ‘the opportunity had popped up’ lol… all the lies we were told this time last year, it’s funny now. The creators have been the same too. They just handled the whole thing so badly, was it worth it considering how their ratings are tanking - I’m sure they’ll put a ‘spin’ on it but nope!   
More proof. People doubted me when I said it but basically they were planning it from late summer, then they signed deals in October. Sherri is still tweeting about renewal in January, while the cows had stopped doing so. Then came both news and they announced it in the worst possible way. I hate them. I am glad it’s not looking good. Freeform has released a press release for every premiere this year, not for GT. There is nothing they can spin to look good. And they would if they could. Yesterday showed the precious demo dropping again, 12%. Awful.
Anonymous said:                                                                      Hypothetical question but if and it’s a big if GT gets cancelled (don’t think it will as it would be a big dud for Freeform) I wonder if the producers would regret having started the whole thing. I guess it’s a business at the end of the day and they get paid but all the sh*t it caused and still is they must have been affected by it I think. They had a lovely little fandom in comparison to other shows and they kinda ruined it. There is still so much animosity a year on from the decision. 
I think Freeform already has regrets about Noah. They should have signed him when they had the chance. They really hung their coats on the worst of the cast. Idiots. The producers won’t ever admit it. According to Joanna, I am not really gay, Johnson, working with the judge actor is the highlight of her career. Ok girl. Yeah our fandom was nice and small but active. GT can’t get GT trending at all. Not top 20 nationally, nothing.
Anonymous said:                                                                      The Fosters ratings were always good for Freeform that’s why it was so weird the cancelled it. They were always so stable. For a network struggling it was a strange thing to do. I’ve heard money was an issue, but apart from the casts wages they didn’t seem to spend anywhere near as much as they have done on the spinoff. Look at the director they chose for the pilot. Do Freeform hate family dramas that much?        
I think part of it was that Freeform didn’t own the show so they didn’t get as much money. The other part was that it was on Netflix, they didn’t have a deal with Hulu and it seems Freeform is exclusively on Hulu. They dumped us and shadowhunters, which was also on Netflix. I think that they would eat the loss if it meant the ratings and critics favor that the Fosters generated. But it’s clear, whoever runs freeform doesn’t know anything at all.
Anonymous said:                                                                      They can’t spin those ratings, they are sooo bad. All the money they spent on promotion I got sick of seeing it. Will people really not watch the moms episodes live do you think? I’m torn, I don’t want to give the show ratings considering how they treated the rest of the cast but I also want the ratings to go up to say ‘see look what you lost getting rid of the moms’ I have seen that those who have had advanced previews of the first 5 ep’s of Good Trouble says the moms episode is the best!!!!   
The ratings are so bad. And they spent tons on promotion. I think it doesn’t hurt the moms but if it goes up, it’s good things for Sherri and Teri. I am sure when they come in, they will give the show heart and then when they’re gone it will go.
Anonymous said:                                                                      Hated it too how they belittle The Fosters. If FF were so willingly to give them free reign for GT why not The Fosters. You chose the storylines. Instead we had repetitive Callie getting in trouble whilst trying to save the world-yawn! Weirdly the tweet that pissed me off was back in Dec, Joanna- Smthg along the lines of ‘didn’t think I could love a cast more than the Fosters but I do’ -you worked with those people, ur family for 5seasons you’ve been with those people a few months -fickle as f! 
Yeah, it sucks that they have chosen to bad mouth the fosters. It’s not helping them. There’s no need to do that. I think it just shows how all of them hated writing for Stef and Lena. Joanna is a traitor and a liar. No wonder she’s in such a frigid marriage. I don’t think it’s being fickle though, it’s more like fake. They haven’t worked for long and already a family. You want to hear Hollywood honesty? Listen to Teri and Sherri. Sherri will tell you that she didn’t know what to do with Teri for a long time, then it was like. bam, forever love.
Anonymous said:                                                                      I made an effort to watch the first good trouble episode but honestly made literally no effort to watch the second. I might watch it, if there’s nothing on tv that sounds good, but I’m not exactly planning on it.             
I am like on a forever boycott of Freeform. So, yeah, I would rather watch youtube than Freeform.
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simon-frey-eu · 6 years
Off-line developing during an intercity trip in 2019
As you might imagine from the title, I am at the moment of writing this article sitting in a train from Berlin to Hamburg. For those of you who have never been in Germany...we do have WIFI on the trains here, but contrary to what you might expect it is really bad. (And if it is sometimes fast enough, you get only 200mb of traffic <= Thanks to mac address randomization that can be bypassed)
Wait, what? Bad WIFI on trains in the first world industry nation Germany? Yes, even during my travel on a train in Thailand I had way better WIFI than I ever experienced in the German trains. There are two main factors for that:
Bad mobile network overall...if you leave the bigger cities you most of the time do not even have Edge (yes kids, slower than 2G) or a mobile network connection at all. So sad!
Cheap hardware in the trains. Actually the modems in the trains are standard 3G modems you may also purchase as mobile hot-spot device. Sure they are a bit more powerful, but they are not made for this special use case: Connection to new base stations in at a high ratio. It actually is a quite hard technical challenge to have a modem do this on a high speed train. But we have 2019 ...thinking about sending people to mars...and as we can see in other countries this problem is apparently solved. Maybe some more money would be good invested here.
But enough ranting about the WIFI in here (that is BTW current non existent)
OK sorry one more thought: Looking around me I see a lot of people in nice suites working on there laptops. Imagine them earning 60€/hour and they need double the time for a task, because the WIFI is so weak. Assuming there are 100 (conservative calculation) of such people on a train. So during this single trip from Berlin to Hamburg (2h) there is 60€ * 100 * 2 = 12 000€ of wasted human capital....better not tell that any company paying their employees the train ride and the "work time" during this trip.
Actually this article is about tech
I experience this not the first time, but why am I triggered this time that much, that I decided to write a blog post about this topic? As web developer I am currently working on a live chat project (gramchat.me - please be kind, the landing page would be finished if I actually could work here) where I wanted to finish the landing page & documentation during this trip.
Now I experience myself sitting here and my laptop, normally the device paying my rent, is not more than a dump black box....close to every work flow I have does requires the Internet, I can't work off-line. grrrrr
How could that happen? Normally I am always at places with good WIFI or mobile network (Berlin Big City Life) and so some bad habits sneaked in:
Development work
Google fonts
Payment gateway that needs to be configured
Documentation (How could anyone write software before stackoverflow?)
Package tools for just in time downloading of dependencies
Github Issues and Board for organization
Backend infrastructure is build on AWS lambda (can't test that offline)
Movies are on netflix
Music is on spotify
I read mostly blog posts and web articles (via Hackero ;))
I am struggling to write this article as non-native speaker as I can't use Google translate
...and so on
Short interruption: Because of other issues I had to change to another (slower) train. This one does not have WIFI at all...so now next level shit.
I sit here and have basically three options what to do:
Compose electronic music with LMMS, what I downloaded a few weeks ago but have no clue how to use it :'D
Code something in Go. Thanks Goland for your awesome build in standard lib documentation!
Write this article ranting about the German train situation and about myself of being so depended on a resource I thought about as natural as air
So here I am writing the article :D
Prevent such a situation in the future
So the biggest fail, is me not being prepared for off-line usage of my devices. So what will I do to prevent this in the future? Technical problems need technical solutions:
Music: Have at least some of my favorite playlists available offline
Movies: Actually I see it not as a big problem not binch-watching for some hours => Keeps me focused on working
Get a off-line "read it later" system. A while ago I used wallabag and will reinstall it on all my devices.
You actually can not do much about it...so nothing to improve here
If you do not have an off-line usable email and messaging client you should get yourself one. (Telegram has a nice desktop standalone) It is nice to at least be able to search trough archived emails/chats
Off-line dictionary it is
Is there a Firefox/Chrome Plugin that save all the web pages I visit to an off-line storage? So that I can go back in my history and access the pages I visited before...if not I might code one.
Development work
There are a lot different off-line code documentation systems. I did choose zeal as it works on Linux and is standalone (the other ones work in the browser and as I most of the time surf in private mode they would not work for me, as I wipe the local storage at least every few days)
Off-line PHP server => Was actually quite easy. Did you know PHP has a build-in server? php -S localhost:8080
AWS lambda offline testing framework? No clue how to this yet...maybe a good topic for another blogpost
There are actually some clients for github with offline issue support. I will give them a try
Cache/save web resources locally. Maybe a good idea overall..better not include Google as dependency in your project as they will abuse that data you send them with every visitor
There is an (sadly old) StackOverflow dump, that could end up in some tool to search trough it...would be amazing. (but maybe will take a lot of disk space)
Oh girl, another thing came up: I have to show my train ticket, wich is a PDF attached to an email...that I never downloaded. What is going on here...my life goes nuts without Internet. Download your important tickets/documents
So overall this trip showed me how depending I am on the Internet and that I should change that. Please see this post as work in progress as I will update and add off-line tools when I get to know them and have more experience with them.
Overall there is one main learning: Download stuff instead of only opening it in the browser. (Same here with my university pdfs...never did download them for offline use, so no research for me no)
If someone was in this situation him or herself and found out other tools that helped I would love if you share them with me, so that I can introduce them into my stack and update this article.
So now I hope that the Edge Internet connection I have on my mobile Hotspot right now will be enough to upload this article :'D
Wish you an awesome (online) time!
p.S. Another thing I found: Check what applications are using Internet on your machine, so that if you only have low bandwidth this important resource does not get sucked away by an open Skype or so.
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natsubeatsrock · 6 years
The Rewrite of Fairy Tail: Bonus (Mentality)
Is my rewrite of Fairy Tail supposed to be a replacement of canon?
Honest to goodness, I was planning on doing this for about two months. I feel as though this has been an elephant in the room of this series. While I have been saying that I love Fairy Tail and was okay with the ending of this series, I still decided to go through with this project. When I planned this post, I was going to compare the analysis done by Craftsdwarf on Fairy Tail and Nux Taku’s recent videos about Fairy Tail, as criticism done from different points of liking the series.
And then, Voltron Legendary Defender ended and I decided to take this in a different way. If not for any reason, but this is my only real outlet to get my thoughts on this whole mess out.
Before we get farther into this, I need to make it clear that I haven’t seen Voltron. At first, it was because I didn’t have access to Netflix. Then, it was because nothing about it seemed appealing to me and I was told that it wasn’t written well (No comment on the writing.). About the only reason I have to watch it now is to understand it. 
And that’s the funny thing about VLD. Despite knowing and following people who were into the series, I don’t even really understand a whole lot about it, why this was the show that blew up how it did, or, despite all the salt I’ve seen, what is so bad about this ending that it effectively ruined the show for seemingly everyone who watched it. (Normally I’d say things here about it, but spoilers.)
But, oh my goodness, the Voltron fandom. I’m sorry to those unfortunate souls following me who have the misfortune to call themselves part of the Voltron fandom. The things I’ve heard you guys go through make me question if it’s even possible to have ever called the Fairy Tail fandom toxic. Like, this fandom has done some messed up stuff in the past, but Voltron is on a completely different level of bad. You guys deserve T-Shirts or something. 
So, why talk about a series that I have little to no interest in as a launchpad for my topic of trying to replace Fairy Tail? Because a lot of what I’m seeing from the fallout of it’s ending is exactly what could spark the mindset that one could go into making a rewrite of a series as a replacement of the series. 
As I acknowledged in my introduction, I am by no means the first person to think that it would be a good idea to retell the events of a series with changes made to it. Incidentally, much of the Fairy Tail fanfiction I’ve been reading recently can be argued to fall into this category in some way. The argument can be made that this is the driving force behind most fanfiction that seeks to exist within its parent series universe. And it’s not like this is a practice for only fanfiction. In a very real sense, abridged versions of a series are essentially rewrites of their canon material. 
But, that’s just it. They are re-writings of a story. They aren’t the original version of the story. They are, in fact, a re-presentation of what has already existed. Arguments can be made for how it is when compared to the original, but, by any definition, it is not and can never be the original. And here’s where the importance of my question lies. 
I do not believe that it is a good idea to come into the rewriting of a series without a thorough understanding of the series you are trying to remake. When you ignore any potential thought process behind what happened in a series, it’s hard to think of how what happened could be salvaged. It’s why part of my rewrite involves this series, where I explain my understanding of why certain events happened, filtered through the lens of being a Fairy Tail blogger for over three years and having gone through the series more than once. (Though not without bias.)
After all, despite how you feel about how a series was handled, you were not the one to make it. While this can be seen as a reason not to change a series any further than what exists, as usually is the case, this also means that your interpretation isn’t the primary interpretation. (Primary, in this sense, meaning the first, as opposed to the most important, for readers in the “Death of an Author” camp.) Trying to understand why someone would make a certain decision can help inform your change in direction.
In my opinion, the best retellings of stories come from people who demonstrate an amazing understanding of their source material. I think this is one of the big reasons that TeamFourStar’s work on Dragon Ball Z Abridged and Something Witty Entertainment’s take on Sword Art Online are as successful as they are. They don’t just tell the same exact same story with a bit more jokes, as other less successful abridging projects have done.
In the case of TeamFourStar, in addition to tight writing and clever running gags, they have referenced as many parts of the Dragon Ball universe as could possibly be referenced. Not just in playful nods to the versions of Dragon Ball, GT, and Super every now and again. They have referenced material from obscure and unpopular dubs. They even made a shot at the less than stellar Dragonball Evolution in an early episode. Even watching their Dragon Ball themed Let’s Plays and DBCember lists, you can see the love and respect the members have for (most of) the Dragon Ball Series.
SWE has had less time around in the abridging world. However, their work is already being considered as some of the best abridging work of an anime. It’s not hilariously uncommon for less than talented people to criticize SAO for its poor writing. While one could argue that any rewriting of SAO could show a better understanding of the universe than the series author, people calling the abridging of this series better than the original are justified. Even simple changes like retconning an in-series justification for Dual Wielding and the end of the final battle between Kirito and the final boss are enough to show some genuine thought was put into remaking one of the most popular modern anime.
And, of course, each episode of both (except for the first one of SAO Abridged for some weird reason) starts with both a recognition of not being the original owners of the series and a plea for fans to support the official release. Regardless of how cynical you may think this practice is, the fact still stands that there is a recognition that they wouldn’t be able to do what they’re doing without the original.
And, that is the mindset that I have with this rewrite. I don’t agree with everything that Mashima’s done regarding Fairy Tail or every sentiment he has. Heck, early last year, I shared my disagreements with Mashima over his own perception of Nali. If I thought that everything that Mashima did throughout the series was good, I wouldn’t be doing this. Even as much of this series involves the defense of Mashima’s established universe, much more has been trying to explain things that weren’t explained and even making up things that didn’t happen in the series (albeit, usually using canon material).
But, at the end of the day, I still do love the series. I love the characters. I love the world. Even some of the things I have and will complain about and change are things I struggle with as they’re part of this hilarious mess I’ve come to love known as Fairy Tail. I feel as though it would be a mistake to forget to make Fairy Tail something other than Fairy Tail.
More importantly, I don’t know that, if I were actually given the opportunity to start from near scratch, I would be able to make Fairy Tail again, let alone outdo the original. I don’t think anyone other than Mashima could make Fairy Tail what it has become. 
If this rewrite is considered to be good, it will only do it because I’m working with a heavily established series with close to a decade and a half worth of canon material and spin-offs, of which the creator has had and taken multiple opportunities to explain his reasoning behind the decisions, mysteries, and mistakes made throughout the series. And because I, recognizing this, do my best to keep the series as close to what it was, while also changing material to make things feel more refreshing than many felt them to in the original, after years of talking about and interacting with its fandom and detractors.
Now, I don’t say any of this to mean that it’s impossible to come away from a series thinking that it’s entirely terrible, try to rebuild it without regard for what was done in the original, and come out with a good product. I absolutely defend the right for people to dislike something for whatever reason they want to, legitimate or pedantic, provided they do so respectfully. Given my track record, I’m almost legally obligated to. 
In some cases, rare though they may be, it may even be possible to create something people can and do consider to be better than the original. (Though it’s worth considering that the only situation I can think of this kind of thing happening is SAO Abridged, which I’ve already explained doesn’t neglect canon.)
The issue is that I personally don’t think that, in succeeding to do so, you’ve replaced the original series. At best, you’ve likely created either a well-liked fan alternative to the original or something so wholly different as to not even be considered similar to the original, save in potentially sharing names, titles and, on occasions, themes and plot lines. At worst, your efforts prove that you have completely and fundamentally misunderstood what was happening within the series you tried to rewrite. Either way, unless you can genuinely convince whoever made the original to throw it out and accept your version as the new standard for canon (good look with that, by the way), you haven’t succeeded in “replacing the original”.
So, if I don’t want to replace Fairy Tail, why rewrite it?
I have a few reasons. I want to consider how the series would look if certain changes were made to it. I want to explain how elements of Fairy Tail succeeded or failed in canon, which I have been explaining through this series. As I have been noticing, I have come to think of ways that what Mashima has done throughout the series can make sense without having to break too much about the series.
But, as I’ve been learning while I’ve been rewriting this series, I’ve recognized how much I love this series. Some of these choices involved in rewriting this series have been genuinely difficult. Not just in deciding how much to change to keep Fairy Tail similar. I want to be very careful about how I treat the characters in this series I’ve come to love.
Doing this has given me a newfound respect for Mashima. Despite much of what I’ve said about him in the past, I think that what exists within canon is special. Fairy Tail really is something different from many of its peers. From plot direction to characters (which will be the topic of later posts), I don’t think Mashima gets enough credit for what he did different from those around him, regardless of how well executed you may think it was.
I’m not doing my normal “In Conclusion” for this, given this is technically a series post. But, long story short, I don’t want this to be a co-opting or replacement of the original series. I see this less as making a new house on top of an older one, and more restoration of that old house, with new additions. 
Based on the Introduction.
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moosebehaving · 6 years
Hey, long time no blogging.
Let me explain.
My life is boring. Like, last year when my car almost got boosted? I was excited because I was like “WOW now I have a story for the next TEN YEARS.”
I am not an exciting person. I go to bed at 11:30 every night, and I watch YouTube videos while I floss. I stay home on weekends and say words like “comfy pants” and “I think that’s on Netflix” too often.
So there’s just not a lot to talk about.
With the exception of what happened last week.
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So let’s tell the story, since that’s the only thing I know how to do. I have had the same car for seven years. It was my first car, and I bought it in 2011 when I was 19, despite everything I did to not get it. I was so reluctant, because I knew it wasn’t going to be perfect and I wasn’t going to love it and it was never going to be a 1967 Chevelle.
It wasn’t. It was a 2005 Cobalt.
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My dad drove me to Chicago to get it. I had my demands when we were car shopping - I wanted something with two doors - because I wasn’t a mommy-car kind of driver - I wanted something black - because I wasn’t an old-man-tan kind of driver - and I wanted a stick-shift - because I wasn’t a girl-who-can’t-drive-stick kind of driver. The Cobalt checked all of those boxes.
AND LET ME TELL YOU. That car was wonderful. She was Old Reliable. She would have run until her heard exploded. We went almost 100,000 miles together, through rain, sleet, snow, and hail. Across Wisconsin and Michigan and back again, through Chicago approximately 155755643869434 times, and only once did she leave me on the side of the road (it was a flat, and it was my fault. She still did seven miles without complaining much before I realized what the problem was.)
I know, I know, I need to stop talking about this car like it’s my old cow pony that I rode the range with. But that’s how I feel about it. If you’re in the market for an extremely affordable little car that gets 36 MPG, look at some Cobalts. 
Anyway, last oil change, I was informed that my brake lines were rusting through, and we were talking an expensive repair that was really going to cost about what the car was worth. I could afford it, I thought about it, but I also thought “Maybe it’s time.”
So I mentioned it to my dad, and he immediately sent me twelve links to local cars for sale. The first one he sent was for a 2005 Mustang GT that was about 45 minutes away, in my price range, and absolutely gorgeous. He joked about me going the next day to take a look, and I was like “HA. Yeah. I’m gonna go on my day off to get laughed at by some male gearhead as I look at his precious baby and pretend I know what I’m looking for.”
That weekend, my Cobalt’s check engine light came on for the second time in a week, after a repair, and I decided to pull the trigger.
We came up with a plan. My dad would call about the Mustang and imply that it was for him, but that since I was local I was going to look at it for him. Monday, he texted me to inform me something miraculous.
This glorious Mustang was owned by a woman. 
My dad called her first and we moved forward with our original plan. I called that night and it was decided that I would look at this car the next day. I dragged Lydia along, and we waited in the driveway while this woman headed home from work, driving the car I had come to look at.
She pulled in the driveway and I could have cried. This car was pristine. There were a total of two scratches on this thirteen year old car. It had a window tint I didn’t even know I wanted, and black rims that pulled the whole thing together. The owner was cool - it’s always nice to meet a woman who likes the things that I like who isn’t arrogant and doesn’t look down on others for what they don’t know yet. She was admittedly into cars without being super knowledgeable, and I found that encouraging.
I looked the car over, inside and out, and took it for a test drive with shaking hands. Had I come with cash, I would have driven it home that night.
But I hadn’t. I asked her if she’d come down on the price at all, we discussed it a little, and Lydia and I headed back. I called my dad and told him I needed the car. We discussed how to get a cashier’s check, and I texted the woman back and told her I was buying that Mustang - was she available Thursday for me to come and get it?
The stars had aligned. This car had been available at the precise moment I looked for it, and it was everything I wanted, and it just happened to be owned by a woman who desperately wanted to sell it to another girl with an eye for sweet rides.
I would like everyone to take a moment and applaud me for this - I don’t make decisions, okay? I spent five years chewing on the pros and cons of getting a tattoo before I finally did that. I usually can’t even make weekend plans until it’s too late to do anything. But I had made the decision to buy that car before I even went to see it.
So I get the check Wednesday. The woman is informed by my dad how to verify it with the bank, so she can rest easy and know that we’re not trying to steal her car and scam her with a fake cashier’s check. 
Thursday rolls around and I’m losing my mind. I am forever a pessimist - I don’t let myself get excited about things just in case they don’t happen. I will enjoy in the moment, not before, because the moment may never actually happen and then I will be disappointed. 
I get a text at four thirty. The check couldn’t be verified and she couldn’t accept it. I wasn’t going to get the car.
I, of course, immediately launched into an overreaction. I called my dad who started emailing the woman to figure out the issue. I was texting with her, asking questions and politely requesting (begging) her to hold the car until Monday because there was no possible way to get cash in time and she was leaving the next day for a weekend trip.
I was losing my mind again, but in a much less fun way. It became painfully clear how much I wanted that car. 
At the very last second, she texted me again and said she’d finally gotten through to someone at the bank who was able to verify the check. I grabbed Lydia and we sped back before anything else could go wrong. I signed the title and gave the woman the headache of a check and slapped some illegal plates on and drove home like a 97-year-old lady to avoid attention from law enforcement.
It’s mine. I transferred the title and legalized the license plates. This entire process was less than a week long and I was blown away.
It was perfect timing, really. I just happened to purchase a Mustang two days before the 10th annual Heroes, Horses, and Hogs show in Fond du Lac, a fund-raising event involving Mustangs and Harleys that I had always wanted to go to but didn’t have a reason to. I jokingly told my dad - who, side note, also has a black 2005 Mustang GT, because we are nothing alike and have nothing in common - that he should come for the weekend and we could go together.
Saturday morning, he pulled into the driveway unannounced. 
So we took our little Mustang convoy to Fond du Lac and pulled up at the Harley dealer to check out the cars and bikes.
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These were my favorites:
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Anyway, this was a random, very pointless update for you all. In conclusion, I care too much about cars and enjoy them a lot.
I have no idea where I got that from.
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0 notes
eddiejpoplar · 6 years
Quick Take: 2018 Toyota Sienna
Testing the 2018 Toyota Sienna has taught me that minivans can be very dangerous things.
I don’t mean they are dangerous to drive—heavens, no. Statistically, minivans are among the safest places to be, somewhere between riding in a school bus and holing up in your own basement with a week’s supply of provisions and a Netflix membership.
No, the problem with minivans is that they sometimes grow on you. It’s a lesson I learned the hard way with the Toyota Sienna.
Among car buffs, minivans are supposed to be disliked, disparaged, and disrespected. Sure, we acknowledge their usefulness; I don’t think there’s a gearhead alive who denies that the best way to ship your family is in a box. Cubic foot for cubic foot, a minivan does a better job hauling groups of five to seven than pretty much any SUV on the market.
But we aren’t supposed to like them.
And yet that’s what happened to me when I had the Toyota Sienna, and under rather peculiar circumstances.
It started after my first night with the Sienna. (Er, I meant that I drove the Sienna home for the night. Minds out of the gutter, please.) My first impressions of Toyota’s aging minivan were good: The 296-hp V-6 pulls smoothly, the eight-speed automatic shifts seamlessly, the handling is surprisingly responsive, and the ride is steady, quiet and comfortable.
The steering is a bit worse than I expected; it feels overboosted and there’s little resistance as you pull it off-center. New for 2018 is standard-fit lane-departure assistance system, part and parcel of the Toyota Safety Sense system which also includes adaptive cruise control, collision mitigation, and automatic high beams. If it thinks you’re drifting out of your lane, it will make steering corrections—and the force of those corrections is way out of proportion to the steering’s light heft. It makes for an interesting ride down the highway, that’s for sure.
Overall, the Sienna was pretty much what I expected: An appliance on wheels. A weapon of mass transportation.
And then the unthinkable happened.
Wednesday. Lunchtime. I perused the list of cars visiting the Automobile office for testing, looking for a suitable ride to my favorite sandwich shop. There was a Jaguar F-Type coupe with the new 2.0T engine. We had a Cadillac CT6 with the new plug-in hybrid drivetrain that I’ve been eager to try out. The Honda Civic Type R, a favorite from our Four Seasons fleet, was knocking about. There was plenty of good metal to choose from.
And then, out of the blue, a thought crossed my mind, a thought so bone-chillingly horrifying that my fingers are shaking with the very thought of typing it:
I’ll just take the Sienna.
The notion was so deplorable, so abhorrent to every fiber of my car-crazy being, that I was stunned—stunned, I tell you!—to the point that I could do nothing but walk, zombie-like, to the waiting mommymobile.
As I cruised to lunch in the Sienna, I tried to think: What was it about this car that had so enamored me?
Let’s be honest: Even among minivans, the Sienna is not at the top of its game. Sure, it has lots of nifty features, most of which were on display in our top-of-the-line Limited Premium tester (no, seriously, that’s the name of the trim level—not just Limited, not just Premium, but Limited and Premium!). The third-row seat motors down into the luggage well, leaving a nice flat load floor. A split-screen rear-seat entertainment system lets Thing 1 watch a Bluray movie while Thing 2 watches whatever is plugged into the HDMI port. It has second row seats that recline corporate-jet style. It even has a rear sunroof that actually opens.
There are toys for the driver as well. Driver Easy Speak—I’m sure most families will come to know it by my pet name, the Voice of God—amplifies the driver’s voice over the rear speakers, making threats to turn this van right around and go straight home extra-effective. And once parked, pressing the camera button shows a 360-degree spin which then pulls out to a top-down view, allowing you to see if you’ve docked this ship between the lines.
All cool. But worth giving up a ride in a Civic Type R or a Jaguar F-Type? (Okay, maybe the F-Type.)
No. There were other forces at work. Forces beyond my control. Forces too powerful for me to comprehend.
And lest you think I am exaggerating for the sake of the story, I can tell you that whatever the nature of this strange minivan-loving affliction may be, it’s contagious.
On Friday, a Nissan GT-R arrived at the office. Executive editor Mac Morrison was on the list to take it home, and I broke the Sienna’s grip on my soul just long enough to borrow the hi-po Nissan for lunch. (Er, I drove it to lunch. I did not actually have the GT-R for lunch, although I’m sure it would have given me my daily supply of iron. Oh! Thank you! I’m here all week!) Afterward, I went to Mac’s office to give him the key.
“Oh, uh, thanks, but… I was hoping to take the Sienna for the weekend,” he said.
“What, the minivan?” I asked, incredulous. This man owns a Porsche.
“Er, yes.”
“But you’re signed up for the GT-R,” I said.
“Well, yes, but I need something, er, different,” he said.
“Mac, you’re the executive editor of Automobile. Why would you willingly give up the GT-R for a minivan, let alone a Sienna?” I asked.
“Kids,” he said.
“You don’t have kids,” I said.
“Listen, take the [expletive deleted] GT-R keys, get back to your [expletive deleted] cubicle, and stop asking so many [expletive deleted] questions.”
Monday morning, I was back in Mac’s office to check in with him.
“How was the Sienna?” I asked.
“Oh, it was great!” he bubbled. “It has seats that… er…” A confused look came over his face, which then clouded with annoyance. “It was boring. Of course it was boring. Stupid minivans.”
“But you just said—“
“Don’t you owe me a Lexus writeup?” he snapped. “Unless you want to spend the rest of your career vacuuming floor mats for Car and Driver, I suggest you finish it. Now.”
And back to my desk I went, trying to figure out this ridiculous affection we were developing for the Sienna.
Among minivans, it just doesn’t stand out. The Chrysler Pacifica is nicer (and offers a terrific plug-in hybrid system for pollution-free school runs). The Kia Sedona feels more upscale and less van-like. The Honda Odyssey has better steering. Sure, the Sienna is the only one to offer all-wheel-drive, but it’s the oldest of this bunch—the current iteration dates back to the 2011 model year—and it’s the most expensive at both the bottom and the top of the model range.
But the Sienna does seem to have a strange sort of charisma (or is it swagger?) that the other vans lack. No matter how much you resist it, it’s hard not to admire the Sienna, or at least to appreciate it.
I breathed a loud sigh of relief when the Toyota people came to take it away.
The conversations portrayed in this review are works of fiction. Any resemblance to conversations I actually had with Mac Morrison, living or dead, is purely coincidental. That said, that thing about him trading me the GT-R for the Sienna? That really happened.
2018 Toyota Sienna Specifications
ON SALE Now PRICE $31,895 (base) / $48,580 (as tested) ENGINE 3.6 liter 24-valve DOHC V-6/296 hp@6,600 rpm, 263 lb-ft @ 4,700 rpm TRANSMISSION 8-speed automatic LAYOUT 4-door, 7-8-passenger, front-engine, FWD/AWD minivan EPA MILEAGE 18-19/24-27 (city/hwy) L x W x H 200.6 x 78.1 x 68.9-71.3 in WHEELBASE 119.3 in WEIGHT 4,430-4,615 lb 0-60 MPH N/A TOP SPEED N/A
0 notes
jonathanbelloblog · 6 years
Quick Take: 2018 Toyota Sienna
Testing the 2018 Toyota Sienna has taught me that minivans can be very dangerous things.
I don’t mean they are dangerous to drive—heavens, no. Statistically, minivans are among the safest places to be, somewhere between riding in a school bus and holing up in your own basement with a week’s supply of provisions and a Netflix membership.
No, the problem with minivans is that they sometimes grow on you. It’s a lesson I learned the hard way with the Toyota Sienna.
Among car buffs, minivans are supposed to be disliked, disparaged, and disrespected. Sure, we acknowledge their usefulness; I don’t think there’s a gearhead alive who denies that the best way to ship your family is in a box. Cubic foot for cubic foot, a minivan does a better job hauling groups of five to seven than pretty much any SUV on the market.
But we aren’t supposed to like them.
And yet that’s what happened to me when I had the Toyota Sienna, and under rather peculiar circumstances.
It started after my first night with the Sienna. (Er, I meant that I drove the Sienna home for the night. Minds out of the gutter, please.) My first impressions of Toyota’s aging minivan were good: The 296-hp V-6 pulls smoothly, the eight-speed automatic shifts seamlessly, the handling is surprisingly responsive, and the ride is steady, quiet and comfortable.
The steering is a bit worse than I expected; it feels overboosted and there’s little resistance as you pull it off-center. New for 2018 is standard-fit lane-departure assistance system, part and parcel of the Toyota Safety Sense system which also includes adaptive cruise control, collision mitigation, and automatic high beams. If it thinks you’re drifting out of your lane, it will make steering corrections—and the force of those corrections is way out of proportion to the steering’s light heft. It makes for an interesting ride down the highway, that’s for sure.
Overall, the Sienna was pretty much what I expected: An appliance on wheels. A weapon of mass transportation.
And then the unthinkable happened.
Wednesday. Lunchtime. I perused the list of cars visiting the Automobile office for testing, looking for a suitable ride to my favorite sandwich shop. There was a Jaguar F-Type coupe with the new 2.0T engine. We had a Cadillac CT6 with the new plug-in hybrid drivetrain that I’ve been eager to try out. The Honda Civic Type R, a favorite from our Four Seasons fleet, was knocking about. There was plenty of good metal to choose from.
And then, out of the blue, a thought crossed my mind, a thought so bone-chillingly horrifying that my fingers are shaking with the very thought of typing it:
I’ll just take the Sienna.
The notion was so deplorable, so abhorrent to every fiber of my car-crazy being, that I was stunned—stunned, I tell you!—to the point that I could do nothing but walk, zombie-like, to the waiting mommymobile.
As I cruised to lunch in the Sienna, I tried to think: What was it about this car that had so enamored me?
Let’s be honest: Even among minivans, the Sienna is not at the top of its game. Sure, it has lots of nifty features, most of which were on display in our top-of-the-line Limited Premium tester (no, seriously, that’s the name of the trim level—not just Limited, not just Premium, but Limited and Premium!). The third-row seat motors down into the luggage well, leaving a nice flat load floor. A split-screen rear-seat entertainment system lets Thing 1 watch a Bluray movie while Thing 2 watches whatever is plugged into the HDMI port. It has second row seats that recline corporate-jet style. It even has a rear sunroof that actually opens.
There are toys for the driver as well. Driver Easy Speak—I’m sure most families will come to know it by my pet name, the Voice of God—amplifies the driver’s voice over the rear speakers, making threats to turn this van right around and go straight home extra-effective. And once parked, pressing the camera button shows a 360-degree spin which then pulls out to a top-down view, allowing you to see if you’ve docked this ship between the lines.
All cool. But worth giving up a ride in a Civic Type R or a Jaguar F-Type? (Okay, maybe the F-Type.)
No. There were other forces at work. Forces beyond my control. Forces too powerful for me to comprehend.
And lest you think I am exaggerating for the sake of the story, I can tell you that whatever the nature of this strange minivan-loving affliction may be, it’s contagious.
On Friday, a Nissan GT-R arrived at the office. Executive editor Mac Morrison was on the list to take it home, and I broke the Sienna’s grip on my soul just long enough to borrow the hi-po Nissan for lunch. (Er, I drove it to lunch. I did not actually have the GT-R for lunch, although I’m sure it would have given me my daily supply of iron. Oh! Thank you! I’m here all week!) Afterward, I went to Mac’s office to give him the key.
“Oh, uh, thanks, but… I was hoping to take the Sienna for the weekend,” he said.
“What, the minivan?” I asked, incredulous. This man owns a Porsche.
“Er, yes.”
“But you’re signed up for the GT-R,” I said.
“Well, yes, but I need something, er, different,” he said.
“Mac, you’re the executive editor of Automobile. Why would you willingly give up the GT-R for a minivan, let alone a Sienna?” I asked.
“Kids,” he said.
“You don’t have kids,” I said.
“Listen, take the [expletive deleted] GT-R keys, get back to your [expletive deleted] cubicle, and stop asking so many [expletive deleted] questions.”
Monday morning, I was back in Mac’s office to check in with him.
“How was the Sienna?” I asked.
“Oh, it was great!” he bubbled. “It has seats that… er…” A confused look came over his face, which then clouded with annoyance. “It was boring. Of course it was boring. Stupid minivans.”
“But you just said—“
“Don’t you owe me a Lexus writeup?” he snapped. “Unless you want to spend the rest of your career vacuuming floor mats for Car and Driver, I suggest you finish it. Now.”
And back to my desk I went, trying to figure out this ridiculous affection we were developing for the Sienna.
Among minivans, it just doesn’t stand out. The Chrysler Pacifica is nicer (and offers a terrific plug-in hybrid system for pollution-free school runs). The Kia Sedona feels more upscale and less van-like. The Honda Odyssey has better steering. Sure, the Sienna is the only one to offer all-wheel-drive, but it’s the oldest of this bunch—the current iteration dates back to the 2011 model year—and it’s the most expensive at both the bottom and the top of the model range.
But the Sienna does seem to have a strange sort of charisma (or is it swagger?) that the other vans lack. No matter how much you resist it, it’s hard not to admire the Sienna, or at least to appreciate it.
I breathed a loud sigh of relief when the Toyota people came to take it away.
The conversations portrayed in this review are works of fiction. Any resemblance to conversations I actually had with Mac Morrison, living or dead, is purely coincidental. That said, that thing about him trading me the GT-R for the Sienna? That really happened.
2018 Toyota Sienna Specifications
ON SALE Now PRICE $31,895 (base) / $48,580 (as tested) ENGINE 3.6 liter 24-valve DOHC V-6/296 hp@6,600 rpm, 263 lb-ft @ 4,700 rpm TRANSMISSION 8-speed automatic LAYOUT 4-door, 7-8-passenger, front-engine, FWD/AWD minivan EPA MILEAGE 18-19/24-27 (city/hwy) L x W x H 200.6 x 78.1 x 68.9-71.3 in WHEELBASE 119.3 in WEIGHT 4,430-4,615 lb 0-60 MPH N/A TOP SPEED N/A
0 notes
jesusvasser · 6 years
Quick Take: 2018 Toyota Sienna
Testing the 2018 Toyota Sienna has taught me that minivans can be very dangerous things.
I don’t mean they are dangerous to drive—heavens, no. Statistically, minivans are among the safest places to be, somewhere between riding in a school bus and holing up in your own basement with a week’s supply of provisions and a Netflix membership.
No, the problem with minivans is that they sometimes grow on you. It’s a lesson I learned the hard way with the Toyota Sienna.
Among car buffs, minivans are supposed to be disliked, disparaged, and disrespected. Sure, we acknowledge their usefulness; I don’t think there’s a gearhead alive who denies that the best way to ship your family is in a box. Cubic foot for cubic foot, a minivan does a better job hauling groups of five to seven than pretty much any SUV on the market.
But we aren’t supposed to like them.
And yet that’s what happened to me when I had the Toyota Sienna, and under rather peculiar circumstances.
It started after my first night with the Sienna. (Er, I meant that I drove the Sienna home for the night. Minds out of the gutter, please.) My first impressions of Toyota’s aging minivan were good: The 296-hp V-6 pulls smoothly, the eight-speed automatic shifts seamlessly, the handling is surprisingly responsive, and the ride is steady, quiet and comfortable.
The steering is a bit worse than I expected; it feels overboosted and there’s little resistance as you pull it off-center. New for 2018 is standard-fit lane-departure assistance system, part and parcel of the Toyota Safety Sense system which also includes adaptive cruise control, collision mitigation, and automatic high beams. If it thinks you’re drifting out of your lane, it will make steering corrections—and the force of those corrections is way out of proportion to the steering’s light heft. It makes for an interesting ride down the highway, that’s for sure.
Overall, the Sienna was pretty much what I expected: An appliance on wheels. A weapon of mass transportation.
And then the unthinkable happened.
Wednesday. Lunchtime. I perused the list of cars visiting the Automobile office for testing, looking for a suitable ride to my favorite sandwich shop. There was a Jaguar F-Type coupe with the new 2.0T engine. We had a Cadillac CT6 with the new plug-in hybrid drivetrain that I’ve been eager to try out. The Honda Civic Type R, a favorite from our Four Seasons fleet, was knocking about. There was plenty of good metal to choose from.
And then, out of the blue, a thought crossed my mind, a thought so bone-chillingly horrifying that my fingers are shaking with the very thought of typing it:
I’ll just take the Sienna.
The notion was so deplorable, so abhorrent to every fiber of my car-crazy being, that I was stunned—stunned, I tell you!—to the point that I could do nothing but walk, zombie-like, to the waiting mommymobile.
As I cruised to lunch in the Sienna, I tried to think: What was it about this car that had so enamored me?
Let’s be honest: Even among minivans, the Sienna is not at the top of its game. Sure, it has lots of nifty features, most of which were on display in our top-of-the-line Limited Premium tester (no, seriously, that’s the name of the trim level—not just Limited, not just Premium, but Limited and Premium!). The third-row seat motors down into the luggage well, leaving a nice flat load floor. A split-screen rear-seat entertainment system lets Thing 1 watch a Bluray movie while Thing 2 watches whatever is plugged into the HDMI port. It has second row seats that recline corporate-jet style. It even has a rear sunroof that actually opens.
There are toys for the driver as well. Driver Easy Speak—I’m sure most families will come to know it by my pet name, the Voice of God—amplifies the driver’s voice over the rear speakers, making threats to turn this van right around and go straight home extra-effective. And once parked, pressing the camera button shows a 360-degree spin which then pulls out to a top-down view, allowing you to see if you’ve docked this ship between the lines.
All cool. But worth giving up a ride in a Civic Type R or a Jaguar F-Type? (Okay, maybe the F-Type.)
No. There were other forces at work. Forces beyond my control. Forces too powerful for me to comprehend.
And lest you think I am exaggerating for the sake of the story, I can tell you that whatever the nature of this strange minivan-loving affliction may be, it’s contagious.
On Friday, a Nissan GT-R arrived at the office. Executive editor Mac Morrison was on the list to take it home, and I broke the Sienna’s grip on my soul just long enough to borrow the hi-po Nissan for lunch. (Er, I drove it to lunch. I did not actually have the GT-R for lunch, although I’m sure it would have given me my daily supply of iron. Oh! Thank you! I’m here all week!) Afterward, I went to Mac’s office to give him the key.
“Oh, uh, thanks, but… I was hoping to take the Sienna for the weekend,” he said.
“What, the minivan?” I asked, incredulous. This man owns a Porsche.
“Er, yes.”
“But you’re signed up for the GT-R,” I said.
“Well, yes, but I need something, er, different,” he said.
“Mac, you’re the executive editor of Automobile. Why would you willingly give up the GT-R for a minivan, let alone a Sienna?” I asked.
“Kids,” he said.
“You don’t have kids,” I said.
“Listen, take the [expletive deleted] GT-R keys, get back to your [expletive deleted] cubicle, and stop asking so many [expletive deleted] questions.”
Monday morning, I was back in Mac’s office to check in with him.
“How was the Sienna?” I asked.
“Oh, it was great!” he bubbled. “It has seats that… er…” A confused look came over his face, which then clouded with annoyance. “It was boring. Of course it was boring. Stupid minivans.”
“But you just said—“
“Don’t you owe me a Lexus writeup?” he snapped. “Unless you want to spend the rest of your career vacuuming floor mats for Car and Driver, I suggest you finish it. Now.”
And back to my desk I went, trying to figure out this ridiculous affection we were developing for the Sienna.
Among minivans, it just doesn’t stand out. The Chrysler Pacifica is nicer (and offers a terrific plug-in hybrid system for pollution-free school runs). The Kia Sedona feels more upscale and less van-like. The Honda Odyssey has better steering. Sure, the Sienna is the only one to offer all-wheel-drive, but it’s the oldest of this bunch—the current iteration dates back to the 2011 model year—and it’s the most expensive at both the bottom and the top of the model range.
But the Sienna does seem to have a strange sort of charisma (or is it swagger?) that the other vans lack. No matter how much you resist it, it’s hard not to admire the Sienna, or at least to appreciate it.
I breathed a loud sigh of relief when the Toyota people came to take it away.
The conversations portrayed in this review are works of fiction. Any resemblance to conversations I actually had with Mac Morrison, living or dead, is purely coincidental. That said, that thing about him trading me the GT-R for the Sienna? That really happened.
2018 Toyota Sienna Specifications
ON SALE Now PRICE $31,895 (base) / $48,580 (as tested) ENGINE 3.6 liter 24-valve DOHC V-6/296 hp@6,600 rpm, 263 lb-ft @ 4,700 rpm TRANSMISSION 8-speed automatic LAYOUT 4-door, 7-8-passenger, front-engine, FWD/AWD minivan EPA MILEAGE 18-19/24-27 (city/hwy) L x W x H 200.6 x 78.1 x 68.9-71.3 in WHEELBASE 119.3 in WEIGHT 4,430-4,615 lb 0-60 MPH N/A TOP SPEED N/A
0 notes
UMIDIGI Z2 Review | Elegance at its best
UMIDIGI Z2 is recently launched in the market and it is one of the best looking mid-range devices right now. The all-glass construction with metal frame and all curves at the right places makes UMIDIGI Z2 more premium for the price you pay. It comes with a beautiful and massive display in a smaller footprint, thanks to the notch. Performance is flawless on this device. Low light camera performance is actually impressive. Ther overall design of the device will surely gonna attract some attention to the device.
Without waiting let's take a look at what's inside the box.
UMIDIGI Z2- Inside the Box UMIDIGI Z2 comes in a solid looking packaging. At UMIDIGI, they know how to make a style statement. The package box contains the usual stuff including-
Main device
Back Case
User Manual
Screen protector
SIM Ejector Pin
Power Adapter
Type-C USB cable
and a Type C to 3.5 mm connector
All the important stuff like back cover, earphone connector dongle, and screen protector comes right inside the box. Which means you don't have to spend some extra few bucks to purchase them. The dimensions of UMIDIGI Z2' packaging box are 7.09 x 3.54 x 1.18 inches and the weight of the complete package 320 gm.
Let's move the stuff aside and take a closer look at the UMIDIGI Z2 smartphone.
Design and Build Quality UMIDIGI Z2 is one of the most alluring looking devices you can get right now. The device has metal construction sandwiched between layers of Corning Gorilla Glass 5 providing extra protection to the device. There are three color options which are Black, Twilight Black, and Twilight Blue. My personal recommendation is the Twilight Blue color which changes the color tone under different lighting conditions.
Z2 is really a masterpiece when it comes to craftsmanship. The device is just 8.3 mm and thickness and weighs 165 gm. However, I will recommend you to use either a skin or back cover because the device is really slippery. You will need to consciousness about your grip as one loose end and Z2 will slip right off your hands. Also, using a skin or back cover will hide all the fingerprint marks and smudges from the rear glass.
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We have a gigantic display on the front along with quite a big notch. The notch houses dual front camera setup, proximity sensor, ambient light sensor and earpiece. The bezels are thin but not as thin as they advertised in the promotional images. The chin at the bottom is also big when we compare it with promotional images.
You will find Primary Dual camera array along with a Fingerprint scanner and UMIDIGI branding on the back of the device. There is a SIM Tray on the left and on the right, you will find the power button and volume rocker. There is nothing on the top and you will find Type C charging port along with speaker and mic at the bottom. Yeah, there is no 3.5mm audio jack on this device which is a bummer for music lovers.
UMIDIGI Z2 can easily handle any other device in the same budget segment when it comes to design and quality. The premium feel of glass and metal with minimal thickness and comfortable weight makes UMIDIGI Z2 and elegant device available in the market right now.
Display UMIDIGI Z2 is one of those devices who is following the modern notch trend. To be fairly honest, I personally don't hate the notch but I feel like in few coming years, we will see Full displays without notch. Coming to the device we have a massive 6.2 inches 19:9 display with 2246 x 1080 resolution. Viewing angles are awesome as the Z2 is using an IPS LCD panel. This means that the colors are sharp and true to life, however, you won't be able to enjoy the rich blacks of AMOLED panels.
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Multimedia consumption is magnificent on this device. You will love watching Netflix or HD movies on this gigantic display. By default, when you play any video, the notch will become black and you will get equal size borders on each side. This means that the notch won't interrupt with your gaming or movie experience at all. Navigation is done through the on-screen keys as there are no physical navigation keys on the front side of the panel. For protection, UMIDIGI Z2 uses the Corning Gorilla Glass 5 and there is also, a screen protector which comes in the box.
Hence, with UMIDIGI you will enjoy every moment of gaming and multimedia consumption to the best.
Processor and Memory With UMIDIGI Z2, performance is not going to be an issue. Whether you play heavy games like PUBG, Pokemon GO, Riptide GT, Modern Combat 5 etc or watch heavy movies or multitask with heavy games and app, you won't face any lags or hiccups. MediaTek Octa-core Helio P23 (64-Bit) clocked @ 2.0  GHz is the power core of this device. It is responsible for the reduction of the power consumption by 25% compared to the previous generation chipsets. ARM Mali G71- MP2 GPU working at the clock speed of 770 MHz.
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UMIDIGI Z2 is a powerful device which never breaks-a-sweat under pressure. However, the performance is not comparable to the flagship device like Samsung S9, OnePlus 6 etc. These phones are powered by top of the line Snapdragon 845 chipset. But you can do all the gaming and stuff on this device without any problem.
UMIDIGI Z2 comes with 6 GB Dual Channel LPDDR4x RAM. Heavy apps don't restart when you switch between apps and you can multitask with a large number of apps without any lag or hiccup. Downloading heavy games and app is also not gonna be an issue as UMIDIGI Z2 comes with 64 GB inbuilt storage option with 256 GB Micro SD card expansion support. So, no matter if you game, multitask, or store heavy stuff on the device, Z2 will handle it all easily.
Software UMIDIGI Z2 is powered by the latest Android OREO 8.1 operating system out of the box. There are few tweaks in the UI but overall it's very close to the stock Android we are used to seeing on Pixel device. The transitions animations are smooth and browsing through the device feels really fluid. However, it is not as fluid when you compare it to the Pixel devices.
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Android Oreo comes with latest security patch and there are many new features over the last generation Nougat operation system including:
Notification ChannelsImproved
Multi-window mode
Google Play Protect
New settings UI
Smart WiFi
Improved battery and apps optimization and much more
Since Android P is still in developer preview version, Oero is the latest and most stable in the market right now. There is no bloatware on this device. However, I am not aware if UMIDIGI Z2 will be upgradable to Android P or not as there are no official statements as of now but you can always use a third party official ROM to get the pure experience of the new releasing OS.
Hence, with stock Oreo android and powerful performance, UMIDIGI Z2 is one of the best performers in the budget segment right now.
Camera Honestly, I thought that the camera on UMIDIGI Z2 will gonna be the same as on many other budget smartphones. But I was so wrong as the camera on this device really breaks the limit of photography on budget smartphones. UMIDIGI Z2 pro users similar dual camera sensors on the back as well as the front. We have a 16 Megapixel primary sensor and an 8 Megapixel sensor specially designed for low light photography.
Overall, the images quality captured on this device is really amazing. Dynamic range is great with high details and sharpness. The colors are saturated too which really pops out the object in the images. There are different camera options like Bokeh,
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Android Oreo comes with latest security patch and there are many new features over the last generation Nougat operation system including:
Notification ChannelsImproved
Multi-window mode
Google Play Protect
New settings UI
Smart WiFi
Improved battery and apps optimization and much more
Since Android P is still in developer preview version, Oero is the latest and most stable in the market right now. There is no bloatware on this device. However, I am not aware if UMIDIGI Z2 will be upgradable to Android P or not as there are no official statements as of now but you can always use a third party official ROM to get the pure experience of the new releasing OS.
Hence, with stock Oreo android and powerful performance, UMIDIGI Z2 is one of the best performers in the budget segment right now.
Camera Honestly, I thought that the camera on UMIDIGI Z2 will gonna be the same as on many other budget smartphones. But I was so wrong as the camera on this device really breaks the limit of photography on budget smartphones. UMIDIGI Z2 pro users similar dual camera sensors on the back as well as the front. We have a 16 Megapixel primary sensor and an 8 Megapixel sensor specially designed for low light photography.
Overall, the images quality captured on this device is really amazing. Dynamic range is great with high details and sharpness. The colors are saturated too which really pops out the object in the images. There are different camera options like Bokeh.
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Other Perks UMIDIGI Z2's features list is just getting started. The device supports DUAL SIM and DUAL STANDby with VoLTE support on both the SIMs. It supports 7 network modes and 36 bands. Connectivity features include A-GPS, WiFi 802.11 b/g/n, and Bluetooth v 4.0. FM Radio is supported on this device. There are various sensors on UMIDIGI Z2 including Ambient Light Sensor, Accelerometer, Geomagnetic Sensor, Proximity Sensor and Gyroscope. The fingerprint scanner resides on the back of the device. The sensor is actually very fast as seen on many flagships and the accuracy is also really great. Apart from the fingerprint scanner we also have a face unlock feature which uses some smart algorithms to under the device by recognizing your face. UMIDIGI says that Face Unlock feature can work in dark environments too.
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OK, through driverless vehicles I indicate motor vehicles that acquire me there while I am not steering all of them, brilliantly dependable autos that get along with possibly one individual vehicle driver per 50 or even 500 folks. If you have any concerns relating to wherever and how to use just click the next webpage, you can get hold of us at the page. I assert that you must browse the web for your automobile insurance policy need as not simply is that the fastest and also most handy way, but sure you'll exist along with a checklist of protection and costs which is actually helpful in purchasing. The Poison GT managed to get to 270.49 miles per hour (435.31 kph) in 2014, but was invalidated coming from the Guinness document given that this simply conducted its own full throttle operate in one path as well as merely sold 16 automobiles back then, cannot fulfill the 50 vehicle percentage to be classified as a manufacturing auto. I am actually mosting likely to suppose (well, hope) that they will, and also choose this as my Auto of the Show. You possess to have your vehicle right away to a car repair work shop to avoid serious issues if you observe any kind of complications along with your breaks. You merely need to see to it you inspect the automobile as well as the documents properly prior to you enroll the populated line. Yet as 2010 draws to a close, cars and truck sales are rebounding, up THIRTEEN per-cent in October and also 17 per-cent in November. If you want to detect the concern with your automobile air conditioning unit, this is extremely important to have correct relevant information as well as know-how from the different component of the vehicle ac system. In this circumstance, looking well is actually the essential aspect to prosper particularly in the event you are searching for bad debt automobile refinancing. Some wind noise may be heard in the vehicle at speed, however the Captur is actually a lot quieter compared to a comparable Nissan Juke or Skoda Yeti, whether you opt for a gas engine or a diesel. You can easily also keep your vehicle appearing showroom clean through deciding on premium outlining products. If the car is actually stagnating as well as the clip is still locked on the youngster's infant seat, an alert goes off on the person's mobile phone. Opportunity for much more sincerity ... the major explanation people desire to start an exercise program is actually to appear really good. I involved Travel Aviator during the course of numerous component of my drive and discovered it reputable and superb on well-marked roads. You load up all the playthings, push a button to finalize the boot and jump in the auto and also drive off. Nonetheless, you may have very different reasons for utilizing your automobile through which situation you need to think very carefully regarding exactly what sort of auto will definitely help you. Providing four modes from play comprising mostly of single-player occasions, this is actually very clear the pork from the game dwells within its own profession method. In Watch Dogs, a quite interesting trait occurs when you shoot private citizens in vehicles: Absolutely nothing. Uber as well as driverless cars might have some particular niche duty in nutritional supplementing transportation devices all over the nation, but as New York Area research studies their most likely impact, our experts may wish that the Area follows up on making sure that they add substantially to expanding the public transportation bodies that stay the enduring champion innovators in battling climate change and providing effective transport for many of the population in the Area. GM's IPO was actually oversubscribed due to the fact that our experts started acquiring autos at a much faster clip, induced by the year's significant boost in car advertising and marketing. If this is actually the last, after that you'll perhaps must take that you'll need to either viewpoint some adds or even in-app acquisitions to obtain the really good things, as a lot of developers don't wish to provide their opportunity totally free. As its own title advises, How to Be Good considers the trouble from quality and also, as a GCSE inquiry could frame it, Its own Area in the Modern World. There are 350 autos (as well as calculating) and also there are actually no regulations regarding exactly how you use them.
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Steering Cars and trucks In Advancement.
Primal carries over all the adventuring and also combating from previous Much Weep video games, yet stresses on a style hardly ever touched in gaming. However, a common misunderstanding is actually that you have to use a short- or medium-stay parking area for a briefer travel. Accordinged to my personal knowledges, I will highly recommend you to examine business for refinancing auto car loan. The new vehicle has two conventional child seat, primarily because in this particular model guests must be strapped in like they would in other automobile to comply with safety and security rules, which indicates utilizing conventional safety strap. You carry out need to make sure there are actually reviews as well as a great ranking with the bbb. A warning unit to tell you to relax throughout a long ride comes as common, as performs a security management system that assists you handle the car if that skids. That doesn't mean makers have been actually scamming by definition, however that they've been making vehicles which perform effectively in the harsh lenient test case, which those readings have little bit of bearing what the automobiles create out when driving, in regular usage. The memories you leave off racing in NETWORK Autosport are actually those created out on the path - chasing down a champion competitor, teaming up with your group companion, dealing with auto harm mid-race, getting through an impressive amass along with the Artificial Intelligence ... these are those competing seconds that grab the sporting activity of racing like no-one else has the ability to. And also if you actually would like to plunge deep in to Path 66 in a little bit of reddish Corvette, or cruise line a Camaro along the Pacific Shore Freeway, take a look at the alright cars and trucks offered off Blacktop Sweet's a well-regarded tour and also car-hire firm located in North Carolina. Optional true wood trim decorates the generous dash and unjustified leather-made therapies to produce an interior deserving of a luxury auto. In reality, they really did not get round to creating automobiles with 4 steering wheels until the end of the 1930s. Merely a couple of days back, General Motors Chief Executive Officer Mary Barra revealed that pair of Cadillacs in 2017 - the Cadillac Carpal Tunnel Syndrome as well as a flagship-sedan-to-be-named-later - are going to incorporate pair of technologies that accelerate the root cause of self-driving cars much more than any type of pair of items from modern technology thus far. There are gear box specialists who can when you are specifically possessing gear box concerns handle your vehicle repair work. Certainly not only performs this all feel and look extremely plush, however that functions properly also, even when the electronic dial screen really isn't as good as Audi's (you can not zoom in and also out on the satnav, for instance). When leaked pictures of the PS4 'Slim' started appearing online, I failed to believe it appeared particularly excellent. Auto innovation, specifically enjoyment as well as info units, are actually almost always out of date before they hit the road. When smoke began flooding the automobile, Dearinger was actually driving residence with his girlfriend. For that reason this cam is pointless for primary accidents e.g. When you loved this short article and you wish to receive more info regarding http://shengtailife.info/varicobooster-治疗的男性勃起功能障碍/ i implore you to visit the web-page. a massive crash where the car gives up. The McSpaddens insurance claim they are actually doing nothing wrong, that Mr Bradbury is occupying much more room than he ought to which both collections from neighbors usually package their auto in. Cars would certainly steer closer to every various other, making it possible for the 80 to 90 percent of empty road space to be made use of. In The Good Revolutionary she reveals our company the factor where the heaped-up dissatisfactions and also hopes as well as oppositions from private lifestyles coalesce into wilfully homicidal public action. It delivers how the American vehicle business slowly but certainly trashed itself - a number of the complications they experienced are actually vital defects that have an effect on every huge range mature company. That is actually a great dimension for almost just about anything, coming from going through short articles to watching and also playing games Netflix, without the wallet protrusion of a 5.5-inch display like the Moto G4's. It additionally uses video cameras, sensors and also radar to steer the automobile and also stop this off hitting everything else on the road. They at that point trade yours to an additional dealership for one which matches best on their lot (the underworld from dealer automobile public auctions). Yes, the Ultimate Aero XT is yet another receiver vehicle like the Hennessey Poison GT, yet it's impressive nonetheless. At this kind of car garage they concentrate specifically on reestablishing your autos outside. This is actually an essential component of Maserati's program to increase its worldwide sales to 75,000 automobiles a year by 2018, with that said number considered essential if the 101-year-old firm is actually to become a profitable and also lasting service. A federal data source of automobile headlines exists: It's called the National Automobile Title Details Unit, as well as was actually produced by the Team of Compensation in 2009 to safeguard buyers off title cleaning. When you reboot the console to uninstall the spot, you require to make certain that BMW M4 is certainly not your energetic auto. This is actually a good idea they accomplished this effectively keeping that, because that is actually all you'll listen to throughout ethnicities. I am actually suspecting you desire the turf to behave as that generally carries out in racing activities, decrease the car technique down. A solo 20-year-old male will definitely pay 25 percent more for vehicle insurance policy in comparison to his wedded counterpart.
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sakamichidiary · 7 years
Happy New Year. It's 2nd Gen Member Matsuda Konoka(^^)
Member: Matsuda Konoka Source: Second generation Hiragana Keyakizaka46 blog Post date: 2018/01/03 13:36
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Happy New Year🎍 It's Matsuda Konoka, the 2nd gen member who's a third year high schooler from Kyoto prefecture! 2018 has finally arrived! It's the Year of the Dog🐶 I did the four panel picture corner again this time👏🏻 As my blog day approached, I started feeling anxious and telling myself "I gotta take selfies!", so this was just in time 🙆🏻‍ (lol) Should I make this into a regular corner...?🤔 This time, I spelled out 2018, and since it's the New Year, I wrote it on omochi1!! What do you think?!! (lol) Because it's the Year of the Dog! The Dog!🐶 I'm sure I just lost a few people with this right now (lol) The first three days of the New Year will be over after today. What did you do for the New Year~?☺ <My New Year> ①How Matsuda Konoka rang in the New Year I wanted to say "I began the New Year while being in mid-air!" I got all excited, and at the exact second that the New Year arrived, I jumped into the air (lol) After reading the [Keyakizaka46] blogs, it seems that after Kohaku2, the Kanji members held hands together and jumped all at once, at the count of midnight! This is coming from me, who just entered the group, but I'll give it my best so that someday, we [2nd gen] members will be able to greet the New year together! It's my dream!☺ ②After having received more New Year's cards than I had expected, I was left scrambling😳 Nowadays, since it's become so easy to exchange mail via smartphones, and since I felt that it was troublesome to make them, I didn't make any New Year's cards at all [this year]. But I received a lot of them, so I was left scrambling. Of course, it would be rude not to reply, so I ended up having to write my New Year's cards in a hurry (lol) By the way, I properly sent a New Year's card on the Messages app (lol) ③The content of my fortune from my first shrine visit of the New Year, and from my fortune cookie Every year, I go visit the shrine for New Year's and get my fortune drawn. I got a "future blessing"3 this time. I didn't know what "future blessing" meant very well, so I looked it up. It apparently means "your current luck is not very good, but it will become better." But, the extent to which "it'll become better" depends solely on what I'll do myself! The content of my fortune also said "No matter what work you are faced with, eagerly tackle it head-on." I felt that these were words that could only have been written for me. So I'll definitely take them to heart. And the content of my fortune cookie was magnificently another "future blessing." If I think that it will get better from now on, I'll be able to try harder. I'll have to put in the hard work and not slack off! <This year's resolutions🖌> I'd like to write this while looking back at last year. Last year was a year of major change for me. As we turned to 2017, I didn't even dream about embarking on the path to becoming an idol. Even now, I still can't believe. 2018 will surely be a year where many things will happen, and where there will also be things that I won't be used to. I'll have to take care of my health, so as to not catch a cold! There are also times where I'm very carefree with time. I procrastinate and leave important things until the last minute. And in particular, on days where I have nothing planned, I just zone out and waste the entire day... I'd like to be able to use my time effectively! And I'd like to put an end to the me who says "Did I just do it again? I overslept because I'm not a morning person!" That's what my resolutions look like🧐 <Re:Mind spinoff> We 2nd gen members got the chance to appear in the Re:Mind spinoff! Since Miho was chosen out of the nine of us, the other eight of us were left to cheer her on as normal viewers. So I was really surprised when they announced this. When we heard the news, I was really happy. Thank you very much! I even had some lines, and made a small appearance. It's a Netflix exclusive, so please watch it! When Miho was chosen for Re:Mind, a part of me was frustrated. But when I saw the audition video, I truly thought that Miho was the right choice. Week after week, I watched Miho, and simply thought that she was amazing. In the behind the scenes video, I also started crying for some reason, when I saw Miho crying because of all the pressure and anxiety that she felt. In Re:Mind, Miho overcame all of that and managed to give it her all, all the while carrying the entire burden of representing the 2nd gen members. On the other hand, here I was, as a fellow 2nd gen member who had not done anything. Congratulations for all of your hard work! Thank you☺ When Miho looks up at you like this, her cuteness reaches murder levels. With Nibu-chan😚💕 Alright. Here I am, right after the New Year, with a long blog post already... Thank you very much for having read this far😚 Please make my feelings reach all of you~~~~~! Today's person in charge was Matsuda Konoka👧🏻🌸 This is from the FLASH Special! magazine☺ I tried holding onto the snow... (lol) My next blog update will be on Friday, January 12th! I earnestly hope you will wait until then〜〜 (lol) (lol) I don't normally use "earnestly hope"4 (lol) It'll be Manamo tomorrow💗 See you later( ᐛ )٩و #4
Japanese rice cake. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mochi ↩︎
Kohaku is a huge music show that's held every year on New Year's Eve, with artists split between the red and white teams (hence Kohaku, which means red and white). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K%C5%8Dhaku_Uta_Gassen ↩︎
Sue-kichi (末吉) ↩︎
Konoka uses Kyoto dialect to say "matteite okureyasu (待っていておくれやす)" instead of the standard "matteite kudasaimase (待っていてくださいませ)", which means something like "please wait until next time." This Kyoto dialect sounds more sophisticated than regular Japanese, so I tried to level up the English to make it sound fancy too w. ↩︎
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