#not the onion
corporationsarepeople · 7 months
This fucking guy.
Because they ARE, you bought & paid for talking chunk of wood. If we allow intolerance to be tolerated, then intolerance will come to dominate. And I think Alito knows this.
(Tolerance, btw, is the absolute minimum. It is grudging acceptance. If you can’t even do that, then go back to your cave. This asshole’s religion tells him to love, not just tolerate. It’s not hard to do.)
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generallemarc · 6 months
A mod on r/nottheonion is deleting stories that make the left look bad
Either that or there's some other, wider-ranging problem of mass deletions that all my posts are getting swept up in. My posts about Canada's new hate speech laws and that thing in Toronto with the cops advising residents to let their keys get stolen got nuked within minutes. I used to love that place, but it would appear it's been powermodded.
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reaperlight · 1 year
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proudmomofababytrans · 8 months
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new fave ticker tape just dropped
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haleyusesherwords · 1 year
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My favorite genre of headline is “Titles of articles by the Onion that are somehow not actually articles by The Onion”
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ralfmaximus · 1 year
Ready for the next crazy/terrifying thing from the GOP?
A military invasion of Mexico.
Reason's Matt Welch points out that all six Republican contenders are backing the idea of conducting military strikes inside Mexico targeting Mexican drug cartels.
What was once a Donald Trump idea so dangerous that his own military staff had to jingle a set of keys to distract him from it every time he proposed it is now conventional wisdom within the Republican Party.
Holy shit.
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transpondster · 3 months
Sure, why not? 
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megameryl · 4 months
Early Morning Punsmithery
My bank told me that I need to stop cooking the books.
Sheesh...they shoulda said something BEFORE I threw that vintage copy of "The Scarlet Letter" into the frying pan.
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foxghost · 1 year
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soapdispensersalesman · 11 months
What the actual hell
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herculeaninnuendo · 8 months
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life imitates art
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gemthegerm · 2 years
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this is the funniest fucking thing i’ve ever read
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nzdraws · 1 year
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italian man crushed to death under falling cheese wheels
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tumblrthumping · 2 years
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melt-banana · 2 years
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d6b-onion · 7 months
this video has been going around for a while but the English subtitles didn't match the energy of the spoken French at all. i had to fix it.
reblog to spread this version
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