#not to start all my sideblogs with an archived edit but yes this is going to be a space for larissa lovin'
weemsday · 2 years
i’ll give you anything you want, anything you want
anything, anything, just don’t tell me no
Stop this Flame by Celeste
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dyketectivecomics · 9 months
So here we are, a week into the new year...
Let's talk comics/blog resolutions once again, lmao
I made it to abt 4.2k comics read by end of 2023! So to up the ante from where I made that 4k goal last year: by end of 2024 I'm going to aim to log 6.5k comics read! I think it's pretty ambitious, maybe even a little TOO much, but it also will encourage me to expand my horizons quite a bit. Try as DC might, there's still only so many bat-centric comics in their archives lol
I'm going to clear my inbox! But a little more specifically, I'm giving myself a deadline to do so by end of February and anyone reading this PLZ feel free to Hold Me to That! Most of it is ficlet requests obvsly, and we'll talk abt fic writing goals in a sec here, but ye!!! It's always a good time to start fresh again, and going into the spring I want a good fresh start there!
But ye, RIP to last year's goal to finish LMM before year's end, SECOND best time is now, etc etc, but in all seriousness, I'm genuinely looking forward to editing & finally finishing/sharing what I've been cooking. I know the ppl who care are gonna be rlly psyched & well, hey, maybe the rest of y'all will want to see other things from me too! who knows!
I still want to maintain this blog as my general archiving space, but I'll slowly start revamping my other sideblogs too. no solid resolutions/plans there except for the Duke & Oracle blogs for now. I'm not absolutely sure what the queue system/posting is gonna be changing to on this. but im ready to be annoying here again & i'm abt to make it all of y'alls problems lmao
That being said, the time that I've spent away from being an Active fic/meta writer, has made me realize how much I love verbalizing my thoughts rather than just writing them out... and listen, idk how receptive anyone will be to hours-long video-essay/podcast deep-dives on obscure comics characters, esp for what Ive got in mind to work with, but it's an idea that im TOYING with lol
idk!!! i like resolutions, and I think since irl I've gone into this year with a few more tools to make more/smaller/more manageable resolutions on a more frequent basis, i'm gonna apply that same logic here. so batten down the hatches i guess!!! y'all will be seeing a lot more of me on ur dashes!!!
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escargoverse-snellod · 11 months
Yo, what up bitches, its me, ya girl, Snellod, Goddess of Snails and I... am a writer!
For just 2 months shy of a year I have been plugging away at my own original fiction, Dawn of the Planet of the Snails - A soft sci fi story featuring snails and such. It currently sits at approximately 36k words and I plan to begin uploading chapters online soon, with ideally one released a week, for so long as I can keep the schedule.
But, you see, I have hit a bit of a snag. Of late, I have been afflicted with a terrible sleep deprivation, and I do not trust myself to continue writing (as it will be dreadful, and I fear I'll just create a big ol' mess that'd be more work than I'd like to fix) and I certainly don't trust myself to do the Very Important Edit that needs doing.
But, the poison has seeped into my soul, the rot afflicted my mind, and I feel the need to be creative building. My thoughts are consumed by my sweet baby DotPotS and in the absence of being able to actually work on the damn thing, I feel the urge to talk about it.
Hence... Writeblr. I've intended to make a sideblog dedicated to my writing a while, a place to share my thoughts, updates and perhaps even extracts from my stories or my various escargoverse MSpaint doodles. Now seemed like a good time. A tradition of two means little but it nontheless makes me happy to have started both my blogs so late in the night as to be inadvisable.
And hey, a little self-promo's never hurt anyone!
Who is Snellod?
Alleged Goddess of all Snails. Confirmed trans woman writer.
My literary loves are the alien and fantastical, and such, I lean strongly towards sci-fi and fantasy of all stripes. The more unique the world the happier I is.
Additionally, I adore an adventure. I love the feel of exploring vast universes, of journeying across unknown lands. Extends to my real life too, where I'll joyously seek out small towns and villages of little note, just to go to a place I have not yet been too.
Talking of my real life, I am an obsessive lover of stories. I strive to attain cinephile status (actually studying film and television at uni! My focus is on screenwriting), I am a Doctor Who fanatic (classic and modern), still think daily of the Magnus Archives and of course, love to read. In terms of physical books, I have just begun the Dune trilogy at the behest of my brother, and with regard to webnovels, my favourites are The Wandering Inn and AUU-16. The former my girlfriend got me into, the latter I got her into.
Sidenote, read AUU-16, its really fucking good, and really fucking under-appreciated. Link here: Zynima Network.
I'm also in love with nature. Yes, being away from cities and such, I enjoy the odd hike into the country, but also just learning about the multitudes of plants and animals and bugs and birds and such of the world. In a similar vein, rather fond of spec-evo. I like to think this fondness seeps into my writing at least time to time, but I don't think I'm clever enough to do spec-evo well, at least not yet.
Oh, and one last thing. Literally incapable of shutting up. Did not mean to spend four paragraphs talking about myself, kinda intended this to be more of an Escargoverse introduction than anything. But hey-ho.
What is Dawn of the Planet of the Snails?
Beneath a kaleidoscopic sky, and adorned in a forest of titanic grass blades, swarming with predators, and home to intelligent life… this is the Planet of the Snails.
Or at least, so the tagline says. Inspired by the sage writing advice of "to write a story you're passionate about, you gotta be at least a little self indulgent" this is my very self-indulgent passion project.
When a research mission to investigate an inexplicable hole opened on a near-future Earth goes awry, its ragtag crew of misfits find themselves castaways in a land as familiar as it is utterly alien. Can they survive this hostile terrain? Can they uncover the secrets of the anomaly that lead to their marooning? And will they ever make it back to Earth to spill the beans?
A pulpy sci-fi adventure you don’t want to miss!
Its science fiction and snails!
Join Arnold, Kasia, Samantha and Ty as they adventure across the mysterious Planet of the Snails… and beyond!
So reads my WiP blurb. Inspired by old adventures stories and cooked up in the middle of a classic who binge-watch, DotPotS is a soft sci-fi action/adventure original fiction. It is fun, exciting, and if I've played my cards right, at least a little camp.
I will likely be dropping more snippets and details as this blog goes on, I have plans for a Characters post, in which I give details on me blorbos, and a setting post, to tell you more about the titular Planet of the Snails.
If you're interested, feel free to ask questions, or suggest ideas for future posts on the road to release. Although, uh, I fear I haven't given much detail for folks to latch onto, be curious about. You'd tell me if my blurb was lacking, right? Right?
Eh. Issue for awake Snellod.
And what is the Escargoverse?
As of yet, highly hypothetical. DotPotS began as a simple short story, a quick dance into a universe, before dancing neatly back out. But as time went on, ideas for new arcs, settings, stories exploded into my brain and my plan for a larger world took shape.
The escargoverse will be a vast semi-interconnected universe full of strange places and peoples, a world that goes beyond the human understanding of what 'should be.'
Ever since reading Discworld as a teen, I have loved connected universes, especially when they're the passion project of one, or a few people. I have always sought my own, to be my legacy and I really think this could be it.
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ladyimaginarium · 1 year
check-in tag!
Tumblr media
1. why did you choose your url? — idr tbh. all i& remember is that. imaginarium& is our& innerworld's name.
2. any sideblogs? if you have them, name them and tell why you have them. — @imaginariumrpc my& rpc sideblog for stuff i want to reblog but not on my main, currently a mess & in the state of archiving & transferring posts onto this blog considering this blog is the one i& mainly use & its multipurpose. — @dominusornatum my& rp blog that hasnt been used but may revamp. — @brumoustoska Erica's& sideblog. May or may not add a nsft blog but idk yet.
3. how long have you been on tumblr? — uhhhh since 2016 i& think.
4. do you have a queue tag? — no but im& debating lmao
5. why did you start your blog in the first place? — this used to be a rp blog actually but i& repurposed it into a multipurpose blog bc. i& left the tumblr rpc for several reasons especially bc i& was dealing w/ my& system that i'd& recently discovered at the time & just. mental health issues.
6. why did you choose your icon? — bc khadija& is one of my& ocs & she's& cute.
7. why did you choose your header? — i love stars. like, i'm& obsessed.
8. what’s your post with the most notes? — one of my& old twdg edits iirc.
9. how many mutuals do you have? — many lmao but s/o to a, simy, emma, hal & leli.
10. how many followers do you have? — over 100.
11. how many people do you follow? — over 400.
12. have you ever made a shitpost? — aren't all my posts shitposts /j so many times.
13. how often do you use tumblr each day? — a lot, i& don't keep track tho bc thats lame.
14. have you had a fight/argument with another blog? who won? — i&. don't like arguments or conflict or any kinda disk horse especially when it comes to fandom & shipping disk horse bc tbh i& have more important things in my& life to focus on & a lot of this is like chronically online shit, so i& avoid them the best i& can within reason. so. no.
15. how do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts? — usually i'm& happy to wave them goodbye as i& scroll past them bc of ocd hell, but when it comes to indigeneity or queer issues or anything of the sort its my& duty so.
16. do you like tag games? — yes !! please continue tag me& or any of us&!! ♡
17. do you like ask games? — yessss!!
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous? — tbh they all should be but uh. i& think audit especially in the plural & queer & disabled communities. hal bc they're so iconic in the plural community as a whole & they do so much for systems its great tbh. also emma bc she's a forever icon in the twdg fandom & abri ( idk what ur actual name is so lmao ) in the gangsta fandom bc uh. they're iconic asf. & although we're not moots persay bc marzi has a rp blog, but marzi's portrayal of mitch & just everything twdg related on @phantasmagcrical / @gciltyascharged has me& go like AGLJAGGALJGALGAJGAJLAGLJAGJL hennywayz ily marziiiii ♡
19. do you have a crush on a mutual? — no? /lh but i& appreciate all of my moots. ♡
20. tags? — @briala @dethqveen @aabblleeddnntt @abri-chan @tearfulangel @emmiewlw @dreamlandsystem & anyone else if you wanna do it !!
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It's Show & Tell Time!
Reblog and tag a blog (or blogs) you think others should follow!
marvelous. love this. thanks elise for reccing my blog <3 @abtyouandme
so. this will probably escalate ever so slightly, but it is not ME who is to blame, instead it is my many talented, wonderful and adorable mutuals who should be blamed here.
maze runner blogs you should follow:
@manako-no-yami clod's writing sideblog. read her fics.
@newtedison sami's tmr (side?) blog that has an archive of wonderful edits
@crestfallercanyon who writes loads of good things and if you're lucky you're gonna catch her ramble on about a wonderful, intricate new headcanon she's thought of
@persnickett moodboards and edits and snarky comments, AND links to her fics and fic updates.
@subjecta5newtella whatever santeri says about minho, i agree. (coined the term white boy summer agenda, like please.)
@dahliia04 who has equally smart things to say.
@timgayne search dee's blog for fic rec lists, thank me later. i most prominently remember the minewt and nalby ones. a gem for collecting them! do also read dee's thomally.
@nice-to-meet-ya-shank swift's tmr sideblog, thomesa fan and friend of the first hour. @swift-creates for her fics moodboards etc.
@thomesa-week-2022 this is kind of tooting my own horn, but check out the blog for thomesa week 2022 that took place in january this year. such wonderful creations!
@translated-tmr if i've already started tooting my own horn: look at the event blog for the translation gift exchange that took place this spring. maze runner fics, translated into 9 different languages!
@iasconsumesmedia ias' writing sideblog. if you love yourself you'll read her thomiho, thomally and thomesa.
@thominho-incorrectquotes momo. momo thinks about thominho. you wanna watch him do that, believe me. (he also writes, and. yes.)
@mazegays nix has lots to say. (and writes and organizes thominho week and does so many cool things:000)
@thominho-week2022 speaking of - the thominho week blog. archives from years back, treat yourself!
@thomallyweek speaking of ship week blogs: treat yourself to this year's thomally week sweets. thanks to clod and crest for organize it you did an amazing job ily
@itsthemxze molly makes edit and writes and reblogs funny stuff, i think you want to follow them
@voidstilesplease so shara is most notably a steo shipper, but i have cried over her thomally and thomesa writings and edits. treat yourself.
@dont-bee-shy alexie writes, and when she does she will wreck your heart (but you will thank her) (esp. recommend the soniet royalty au, it's *chef's kiss*)
@go-catch-a-chickn fabs makes wonderful moodboards and writes equally wonderful fics. recently (or not so recently anymore actually) converted to also enjoying thomally in addition to newtmas. what a joy.
@ohbluesky juliette draws. (and does so wonderfully)
@hope92100 finds all the beautiful edits that have been buried in the depths of tumblr. daily gems. also brenderesa moodboars!
@gladerscake gally x reader writer and producer of countless incorrect quotes of which i can never settle on a favorite.
@newtmsa angie writes and makes beautiful moodboards/fanart thingies for her fics, it's amazing.
@00250 jamie isn't so active anymore, but she has made so many amazing edits, search her blog.
@nachoupala lena likes to hit her characters over the head with polyamory, and i think you want to watch her do it.
@visro has lots to say about zart. was also the one who wrote that tweet to which trashner replied newt was gay. (legend behavior helloo)
and last but not least:
@mazerunnersecretsanta the blog for the annual maze runner secret santa. an amazingly wide array of content that is produced each year. browse the ao3 and the blog, and find gems you never knew you needed!
wow, i was so good at keeping it short, only 25 blogs listed! <3
this was by all means not be a conclusive list, please add on if you want to.
also: if you're looking to find more community in the maze runner fandom, there is various discord servers. drop me an ask or a message and i'll enlighten you.
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soniatera-archive · 4 years
announcement -- please read
Hey y’all! (my 3 followers) I’m here making another announcement I’m probably going to regret a few minutes after posting it, but here it goes. (im super indecisive)
SOOOO I’ve made this blog 2 years ago, and I’ve posted a LOT of stuff tbh. I joined Tumblr in 2015 and I’ve been here since then, I technically grew up on Tumblr.(worst decision of my life) NONETHELESS, I have made sooo many nice friends and that’s something I will never regret.
But I feel like I need a fresh start on here. I will make another blog with the same username soniatera, but the content of the blog will be a little different.
You see, I made a sideblog in January, and it is growing even faster than I could ever imagine, WHICH MAKES ME SO HAPPY! I’m almost at 2k followers but, I realized that I didn’t enjoy posting my edits on 2 actually 4 different blogs, so I am combining my fandoms on here and my sideblog @keiigotakami​, which is an multifandom animanga blog!
It just feels like it’s the right thing to do. (I’m definitely going to regret it)
but anyway, from now on, this blog is an archive blog, which means I will not be posting on here anymore, but I am not deleting it either so more people can see what I created in the past. :)
I will be reblogging this post a few times a day for a while, so I apologize in advance. You can unfollow this blog.
If you enjoy my edits/graphics and want to see more of them in the future, I am now at my new blog, I hope to see you there! :)
thank you for reading, and hope you all (yes, my 3 followers) have a good day ♥
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ratsetflummi · 3 years
tagged by @mordcore​ thank you
1. Why did you choose your url?
oh, boy long story. when i made my fanfic account in 2011, i got stuck on what username i should use, so i spent a day ruminating on it. that was when i was drinking coffee every day before school even though it really didn't sit well with me. so i was sitting in class, vibrating, and i was thinking to myself that i was being a nervous little bouncy ball, and hey, that works as a username, except that was too long, so i had to shorten it to little bouncy ball, but also i'm german and it was a german website, so i went with kleiner gummiflummi. but these days even that is too long for most websites, so i recently workshopped it with a friend. she suggested ratzefummel, which is a colloquial term of an eraser, which i'm pretty sure she just suggested to annoy our anglophone friends. except ratzefummel is taken on a lot of websites, and i kinda wanted to keep part of my old name, so i mixed them, and now it's ratzeflummi
2. Any side blogs?
technically i have like 12, but some of them are group blogs, and a lot of them are either empty or have like two posts, but these are the ones that i actually use(d): podcast fandoms: @aaand-you-float-really-good queer stuff: @quiet-queer-questgiver achievement hunter: @gaychievementhunter the penumbra podcast: @penumbrasmooches detroit become human: @gavino-reed
3. How long have you been on Tumblr?
don't make me think about this. i've been on tumblr almost every day for eight and a half years
4. Do you have a queue tag?
nope, because pretty much everything would have that tag on it. i honestly don't know why people use queue tags, they seem extremely pointless to me
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place?
because a fanfic author i liked linked to her tumblr in her fanfic profile, and tumblr wouldn't let me look at her blog without making a blog of my own
6. Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
it is my cat. i used to have fandom characters as my icon, but then i kinda fell out of fandoms altogther and kinda hopped around between different fandoms every couple weeks, so i switched to something neutral that i could just keep. i don't know why i specifically went for my cat. that was just something i had saved on my pc
7. Why did you choose your header?
a few months ago there was discourse about minors thinking that you must list as much information about yourself as possible, and how it's important to have your age in your bio, so minors can tell at one glance if you're safe to talk to. so i put in my bio that i am 12, and i put in my carrrd that i am 54 (not that anyone ever looked at that), and i picked my header to go with that, because people can fucking lie on the internet. if someone means you harm then they are probably telling you any lie necessary to make sure they reach their goal
8. What's your post with the most notes?
i kinda went on a purging spree two years ago, so now a lot of my high note count posts aren't linked to my blog anymore, which makes it really hard to find them (whoops. didn't even do that on purpose) across all blogs, my podcast sideblog has a post with 1500 notes, which is an audio post where i edited a bit from jonny sims' bloodborne stream together with a bit from the magnus archives to make it sound like the stuffy spooky librarian is flirting with a cat on main i have almost 400 notes on a post whining about how much the loki series sucks, followed by a 360 note post about bernd das brot
9. How many mutuals do you have?
10. How many followers do you have?
198 (but i also went on a bit of a purge there and softblocked any blog that hasn't posted in the last year, because dead blogs don't really count as followers to me)
11. How many people do you follow?
87 currently, although that number fluctuates between 50 and 150
12. Have you ever made a shitpost?
oh yes, almost certainly. i couldn't think of any of them off the top of my head, but surely i did
13. How often do you use Tumblr everday?
several hours. i usually scroll back down to where i left off the night before
14. Did you have a fight/argument with another blog once?
not really? usually when someone's being a bitch i just block them. but people don't usually come at me because i mostly keep quiet
15. How do you feel about 'you need to reblog this' posts?
i will go higher up in the reblog chain to avoid "you need to reblog this" comments. if it's part of the main post then i will avoid reblogging it altogether
16. Do you like tag games?
yes, kinda. the only problem is that they always want me to tag people in them, and 1) i don't know anyone, and 2) most of my mutuals are mutuals with each other, so all the people i could tag are usually already tagged in the post that i'm tagged in
17. Do you like ask games?
18. Which of your mutuals do you think is Tumblr famous?
risu, unfortunately for him
19. Do you have a crush on a mutual?
yes, i've had a big ol' crush on lock for well over a year now,and i have told them this before
aha, for once i was not tagged by the squad, so therefore i can tag the squad @thisfairytalegonebad @dappercyborg @porcelainbluejay @supericelight @sniddies-snake-tiddies @chaotic-carnifex @agentduckorico @eroticcannibal @enraged-fangirl-and-co
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bookburnt · 5 years
You endorse any form of bigotry, including but not limited to racism, colorism, antisemitism, ableism, transphobia, homophobia, biphobia, lesbophobia, aphobia, etc.
You actively write topics such as sexual violence, including incest and statutory rape.  (If these topics are part of your character’s backstory but not actively written, I will be selective in following back, and I will expect you to properly tag all mentions of these topics.)
You are 16 or under.  (If you are under 18, please understand that I will be much more selective in interacting with you, and please block my “n.s.f.w. text ///” tag.)
TRIGGER WARNINGS:  Content on this blog, both text and images, will deal frequently with canon-typical horror. I will do my best to tag any common triggers, and will tag less-common triggers on request, but if you’re uncomfortable or unsafe with the horror-tragedy themes of The Magnus Archives, you may be better off not following this blog.  No hard feelings.
Again, I do my best to tag triggers where appropriate.  If there’s anything I’ve missed or anything you need me to tag for you, please tell me about it and I will make it happen.  I tag in the format “[trigger] ///”.
I tag instances of the word “queer” as “q word ///”.  I will not tag it as “q slur,” and I ask that you don’t ask me to do so.  I understand and respect that seeing this word without warning is harmful to some people.  I ask others to understand and respect that me calling my own identity and my own community nothing but a “slur” would be harmful to me.  Different people have different needs, but coexistence is possible.  In any case, I don’t expect this to come up terribly often.
Mun and muse are both 18+, but there will be no smut on this blog.  (I am simply not comfortable with using this platform for those purposes.)
There may, however, be occasional discussions or mentions of sexual topics, which will be tagged as “n.s.f.w. text ///”.  I apologize for the inconvenience, but I’m not trying to get picked up by the censorbot.
This blog is not spoiler-free.  I will tag any plot points of recent episodes (for up to a week) referenced in my posts as “tma spoilers ///,” but there may also be spoilers for some in my about page and my verses page.  Please proceed with caution if you don’t wish to be spoiled.
This blog is mutuals only, with the exception of OOC memes.  I don’t at all intend to intimidate or exclude, but having my interactions open to anyone in the past put me in some pretty uncool places.  Thank you for respecting this boundary.
If you follow me first, please give me at least a week to check out your blog and decide if I want to follow back before you assume that I don’t want to be mutuals.  (I know this sounds like a long time, but I’m most often on mobile and don’t like to follow anyone if I haven’t had a chance to read their pages first.)
If we’re mutuals and you decide you’d like not to be mutuals with me anymore, that’s completely fine, but please give me a courtesy soft-block so I’m not confused.  (Follower count and mutual checker have… not been reliable for me.)
All that being said, if I am following your rp blog, it’s because I want to interact with you!  I love writing and talking to people, and I’m genuinely interested in everyone I choose to put on my dash.  If we’re mutuals, feel free to hit me up anytime!
My open starters are open to all my mutuals - yes, even if someone else has already replied.  I like to see all the different possibilities of where a thread can go from a single starter, and my open starters are written to be as, well, open as possible.
I only rp with other rp blogs.  Sideblogs of personal mains are fine, but please tell me what your sideblog / mainblog is so I know who’s what.
Please don’t reblog rp threads you’re not in.  It’s fine if you like them, but reblogging them gets confusing for me and my partners.
I may not be able to respond in a consistent or timely manner.  I apologize in advance, and ask you not to take it personally.
In addition to Tumblr, I also have a Discord.  Although I’d prefer not to throw it around in front of strangers, if we’ve become acquainted here and you’d like to add me on that platform, message me.  I do like to chat OOC.
Please refrain from godmodding.  If there’s a particular direction you’d like to steer an RP in, message me about it OOC and we’ll see if we can make it work.  If you try to force something unreasonable in RP without prior discussion, I will be disappointed, disgruntled, and disinclined to continue.
If you send in an IC ask meme and I answer it, you’re more than welcome to turn it into a thread if you so desire.  These days I usually answer asks by copy-pasting and @ing the sender in a new post, so if that's the case, you don't have to worry about starting a new post to make it a thread.
I use full-sized text in my rp posts, and occasionally single-small text for OOC purposes.  Smaller text is difficult for me to visually process, and there’s only so much that I can zoom in on my tumblr dash before it all goes to hell.  If you personally use smaller text, that’s fine, but I may make it larger when I reply to it.  This is a matter of accessibility.
I do not consider fcs or icons to be obligatory. As of the time of my most recent edit to these rules (april 19, 2020), I do not even have an official faceclaim for Gerry.  If you prefer to use icons in your writing, that is fine, but I will not be doing the same.
The Mun:
You can call me Swid.  I’m white, over 21 years old, go by they/them/theirs pronouns, and am in a committed monogamous relationship.
Thank you for reading!
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dykeserket · 3 years
so i was planning on taking a week off to work on some inner project things to help it run smoother in the future but then i didnt do that [or i didnt work on it. i know what i have to do and its all listed out :p] for a few reasons but anyway im getting back into it!
current top priority is getting hs playlist collection done. its a playlist that has every single hs playlist on 8tracks in it so that when i go to add a playlist to a collection i dont have to scroll all the way to the bottom to see if its there or go searching. instead i just look at the top and if its in that collection than i know its in one collection. if im correct i have about 2800~ playlists in collections total and the hs collection [i really have to figure out a name for it god damn] has about 1100 split between two [every 1000 im making a new collection just in case to many playlists fuck something up]
ive sorted all playlists into different major groups [with the current exception of relationship playlists. any playlist involving 2 or more charactes fall under this catagory. im going to develop another system for this just to split them up further so its not so. clunky]
the only ones left to go through and add to the major collection are:
the only huge group left is the relationship playlists. going through these groups will be a couple more hours but then when i finished im moving on to working on the character collections
i have the masterlist post all written out and its in my drafts and im slowly editing it. however there are characters which i have not gone through and made collections for. so i will need to do that. when thats done im going to start creating the relationship masterlist
there will be two versions of this, one will be sorted by groups and the other will be sorted by popular to least popular [aka most playlists to the least]
this is so people can choose which sorting system works best for them and they dont get overwhelmed. and by people i mean me.
after i create these masterlists and have it updated with the relevent information im going to start working on filling in the blanks of these posts. by that i mean theres definetly going to be characters/relationship playlists that i have missed either by just missing it in the tags/not putting in the right tags to see it/or the biggest issue of people making playlists but not publishing them. so its still visible on their account just not in any of the tags.
so im going to be going one by one through every single person whos made a hs playlist and see if they have anymore on their profile, aswell as their likes/collections they made. YES that sounds kind of insane and YES it will be incredibly time consuming and difficult task seeing as theres over 5000 hs playlists in the hs tag. however and i determined and i am autistic.
so after [or maybe before it honestly depends on my mood] thats done i will then rewrite my pinned post/post the masterlists and begin working on the listening and archiving part again. ill probably take requests which will be first come first serve style where if someone shoots me an ask to do a relationship/character i will. like ill keep it in a list and just work my way down. unless its for smaller collections that only have like. 1 playlist. then ill just do that straight away.
ohhh i just got an idea of what if i have in my pinned post a currently working on: [insert collection] oh thats a good idea. actually i just remembered i was gonna transfer this project to another sideblog so it wont be confusing and people have easy access to everything.
whatever. as always, anyone whos read this far i hope youre doing amazing!
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bienmoreau · 8 years
hello! I'm new to the fandom ( my blog is multi-fandom, however, so it has tfc & a lot of other stuff - I've been wondering if I should just mke a sideblog for tfc / trc / tsoa / etc? ) I also was wondering if you could reccomend any blogs that also post tfc as well as other book series in general? i hope you have a good day!
okay this is way too old to actually be helpful to the original anon (jfc i am so sorry this totally got lost in my inbox…)
but umm im gonna just answer the bit abt side blogs because like yo. i have like 11? 
i think in generally it comes down to how much you want to have a go to place for specific things… like I made mine to stop me from spamming my main (which is undeniably multi-fandom but also like.. everything else not so fandom too) that said i do also use my side blogs a lot less now (well i use this whole site less now than i used to) but at the time i had A LOT of content on my dash that i wanted to reblog and even with my queue it was too much to put all in one place.. thats the other plus with my sideblogs- they are generally untagged content. it gives me a break from my pretty extensive (if not best organised) tagging system on my main 
they also provide a place for all the things you aren’t sure your general followers/old followers would like to see a lot of, TFC is a good example here due to the nature of the content. unless you have a good tagging system for it that people can blacklist (and even then thats not always gonna work) it might be best to keep that separate from your main blog/general content. (one of my older and now unused sideblogs was for The Dream Pack content in the TRC fandom as i knew it wasn’t many of my followers cup of tea at the time) 
but end of the day it comes down to you and your blogging needs/style. you dont have to cater to the presumed wishes of your followers, but i know a lot of people have nsfw side blogs and keep their mains sfw…. and yeh. that makes total sense.. same with say a blog solely dedicated to one thing.. I run @always-yes-with-you which I reblog any and all TFC art/edits/playlist/ect. (not textposts) to. this is untagged and unfiltered by my own tastes/ships/etc. and came from my role back at the start as one of the admin figures in the fandom. up to a point i could conceivably reblog everything tfc to my main but as the fandom grew there was more and more to keep up with and more things that weren’t my cup of tea so i wanted to keep a archive but not on my main. and the tfc things i do still reblog there have a clear tagging system with them. 
this sideblog was 1000% just for my own peace of mind but it also allows me to keep sharing content in a fandom i love while also keeping my main blog relatively even spread and not so swamped that everything else/anything new gets lost in all the tfc. 
all this said the only sideblog that i actually maintain to any real active degree other than AYWY is my non-fandom one @loverslivingpoetry​ . its the oldest one i have and is also a space for me to scroll though/vent on without being bombarded by all the fandom content or with worry of annoying my followers (yeh i know i shouldn’t worry abt that but heyo i do anyway :l )
this is probably a whole lot of no help at all but i figured i might as well answer this at last so it doesn’t keep gathering dust in my inbox. and hey maybe it’ll be helpful or interesting or idk what to someone else.. 
sorry for the ridiculous wait. 
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