#not to the newest person who sent me a gif. lovely fic if you see this
strang3lov3 · 5 months
new ask game -
💞⭐⚡you have to say 100 different nice things about the person who sent this to you.⚡⭐💞 *none of them can be sarcastic
ok go!
Fine. I'll do it. But disclaimer, just because below this is 100 nice things about @noxturnalpascal it does not make her nice. I am going to expose her for some truly impish behavior.
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now for the compliments, since you're twisting my arm.
You are an incredible cat mama.
You're one of the kindest people I've ever known.
I love your sense of humor. It's just like mine kind of but not as good bc I'm the funniest person I know.
Of all the swifties, you are the most tolerable and I have to hand it to you for that.
Every day that I'm your friend is a good day.
You have such a big and beautiful heart.
You're incredibly welcoming.
Your talent in writing is second to none.
With writing, I love your devotion to the craft. Haha, get it? Devotion
You're beyond helpful in helping me with my writing, personal stuff, helpful with others.
You're very generous. You gave me a billion dollars for some artwork and that was really nice.
You have beautiful hair.
You're a fantastic listener.
You give really good advice. When I need a perspective on something, I'll always go to you.
I love your smile.
You make me and others feel valued.
You make me feel motivated.
You're so easy to gang up on and I and others love that about you.
You're supportive.
You have a good attitude about everything.
You make writing look easy!
You're brave.
You're a good problem solver.
You have beautiful tattoos.
You're loving.
I love your creativity.
I think about your newest fic and how creative it became.
What a beautiful little world you made!
You have wonderful ideas in writing and especially smut.
I cannot wait to pick your brain for all that I'm going to write this summer.
You make me feel calm.
You're dependable, and I like knowing you're always there.
You inspire me.
On my worst days, you are one of the best parts.
You're trustworthy. There was that time I accidentally posted my apartment's exact coordinates in a server, and you didn't doxx me. So that was nice I guess.
You're enthusiastic.
You're super fucking smart.
Your have wonderful taste in artwork.
When I stay up too late, you're often there to keep me company.
You seem like someone who wouldn't make me go on a hike.
You're the kind of woman I want to be when I grow up.
You have a such way with words both in your writing and in the way you speak.
You're patient.
You're passionate.
You have a heart of gold. *yes this is different from having a big and beautiful heart.
You're inspiring.
You're a good storyteller.
You're resourceful.
You hook me up with some really good porn gifs for writing inspo.
You're very relatable.
You're always there when I need you.
Your perseverance is admirable.
You have a beautiful spirit.
You're nice to be around.
I love our phone calls where we just silently write together.
You're full of wisdom.
You're a ray of sunshine!
I think you're a blessing to everyone.
You make everyone feel included and worthwhile.
You're a true friend.
And our friendship means the world to me.
You have a nice speaking voice.
You're very genuine.
When I was mad about Pedro losing an Emmy to Kieran, you helped reel me in. Now I'm not so mad about it.
You're probably noticing that I'm repeating myself a bunch but you probably don't mind.
You're selfless.
You're beautiful inside and out.
You're a great chef.
You see the best in everyone.
You leave a positive impression on everyone you know.
That's the reason everyone wants to be your friend!
You're a treasure. Like me.
You're so incredibly giving with your time and energy.
You’re compassionate
You're caring.
You're very resilient.
The world is better with you in it.
If I could hug anyone in the world right now it'd be pedro you. i guess
Your spirit is truly beautiful.
You're so incredibly thoughtful.
You have good opinions on just about everything.
You tolerate all of my jokes that are so very bad.
You don't make fun of my green smoothies anymore.
Character development^
Your frankie x stripper reader fic is on my mind CONSTANTLY.
You're not judgmental and I feel safe with you.
You've made a positive difference in my life.
If I were to ever stop writing fic, I think you would still be my friend.
You're good at doing difficult things.
You're very warm, both in your energy and probably your temperature. You do live in *******
If we went to high school together, you would have walked the mile run with me instead of leaving me behind to go run like an asshole. god i hate running.
Back in November I was having a bad day and you knew somehow, and you reached out and made me feel better and that's when I knew I wanted you in my corner.
You say the nicest things about even my most dogshit fics.
Last night you told me you think the world of me and and my writing :')
You're a cat person.
That broccoli cheese soup you made that one time looked really good.
You know I am lactose intolerant and you do your best to stop me from eating cheese and ice cream (i will never). When I am in agony the next morning, you're always sympathetic and patient.
You offer really good feedback on my writing and I think you have helped me improve as a writer so much. And also as a person. I like who I've become since getting to know you.
I'm probably supposed to write something very profound and sappy for #100 but this list has sucked me dry. I just love you a lot.
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stemroses · 2 years
If you refuse a gift on ao3 will the author know?
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seapandora · 4 years
Commemoration| One-shot
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Steve x female!Reader
A/N: This set out to be a fic losly based on the song Daddy Issues, but it just didn’t really fit in or work out so this is a different story than the one I had planned. However, it discusses heavy objects so if you are triggered by any of the warnisng please don’t feel like you have to read it, or if you decide to, please be careful. Enjoy! Please reblog and like if you liked this short one-shot. GIF-cred to owner.
Warnings: Angst, mentions of death of parents (hints of suicide), mentions of war and death, sad, fluff, (please feel free to tell me if I missed any)
Summary: Y/N and Steve are so unlike each other. He´s a superhero, she´s the neighbourhood librarian. One thing they have in common is the loss of their fathers before either of them were born, maybe they can connect over that.
Words: 1904
~Keep reading~
The library was Steves´ newest favorite place. He had been reading up on history and also the big reads of the 1900s. Mostly he just borrowed the books and took them back home, but sometimes he would take his due time and sit in the library and read.
It wasn’t a huge library, just one floor with cramped sections of books. One of the best things had to be the little coffee machine that had been installed a few weeks ago. When it came in Steve had decided to spend more time in the library instead of at home.
The cute librarian made it easier to stay as well. She was silent, but always happy to help him to a new book or new genre. Her latest recommendation had been Lord Of The Rings, a series he had already read. However, he had humored her and reread it considering she talked about the books with so much passion and love.
Steve was the only one of the former avengers who had found the library, or at least he hoped so. It was his little corner of the world. This particular Monday morning had been hard. He had been reading some letters his father had sent to his mother during world war 1.
His father had died before his birth, and Steve was sad that he had never gotten to meet the man, and he kept wondering how different his life would be if he had. His mother had done well raising him on her own but he had often noticed how she would read the letters he had held this morning.
He kept his eye on the librarian the whole morning, which was crazy. He didn’t even know her name, but the way she rearranged her books and cleaned up the sections was a welcomed habit to watch. It was consistent. Steve felt comfort in it is the same movement every time he came to visit.
Y/N couldn’t help but notice the man who had been visiting her library in the past few months. No one could miss him. He towered over most people and could barely fit through the old door that leads into the little library. He also happened to be a famous super-soldier, one of two, so it was hard to miss him.
She hadn´t said much to him. The usual hello every time he came by, asking if he wanted coffee or help to pick a new book, but she had never actually introduced herself, and he hadn´t asked her about herself either.
Steve wasn’t usually a very observant person. Bucky would claim he was the most oblivious man he knew, but Steve wouldn’t take it that far. Especially not when it came to people he had come to care about. The librarian was one of them. She was looking quite down this Monday, and instead of her normally let down hair she had it in a messy bun and she was wearing headphones, which was very much out of character for her.
He frowned at her behavior and, against his better judgment, decided to walk up to her. He tapped her on the shoulder gently as to not scare her, which failed, resulting in Y/N jumping a bit and dropping the books she had in her arms. “I´m so sorry,” Steve quickly said and began to pick up the books.
Y/N had pulled off her headphones and looked fairly irritated with being scared, which Steve could understand. “I didn´t mean to scare you, I just wanted to make sure you´re alright. I mean, you know I´ve been coming here for a few weeks, but I´ve never seen you with headphones, you usually hum for yourself” he explained and reached up rubbing the back of his neck.
She stared at him for a bit before she sighed and began to pick the books from his arm to place them where she wanted them. “That’s very observant, borderline creepy. But yeah no. Today is not really a good day. It´s an annual thing,” she explained and pushed some books in one of the shelves to make space for three of the smaller books Steve held.
Steve nodded understandingly and made sure he kept some space between the two. “Well, hey, if you need anyone to talk to, I… well I can volunteer,” he said and gave her a small smile. Having been friends with Sam for a while, he had learned a few things about supporting others.
Sam had the shield now and Steve had taken over Sams support groups. He could do more help there than with the team anyways. Y/N frowned but bit her lower lip. She used to go to regular therapy sessions but she hadn´t been in a while considering her library had taken up so much of her time.
“I… I´d like that. I´m closing down in half an hour to go get some lunch, there's a good salad bar just a block from here,” she explained and picked the last book from Steves´ arms to get it onto a shelf. He nodded as a reply and smiled, not having thought she would agree to talk to him.
Half an hour later Steve met up with Y/N outside the library which she locked up before she slowly began to walk towards the salad bar. She wrapped her arms around herself as she walked beside the supersoldier. “I´m Y/N by the way,” she said with a small smile figuring they should at least be introduced before she spilled her story.
Steve smiled and introduced himself as well. Y/N smiled knowingly and nodded. “I know, being Brooklyn born and raised, you're the ultimate hero,” she said and laughed softly. After all, Steve was the reason for a lot of things in Y/N´s life, whether he knew it or not.
The salad bar was almost empty as they entered through the simple diner door and walked over to the disk. Y/N ordered her usual chicken Ceasar salad and waited for Steve to choose something as she got her wallet. “My treat,” she said and got them some utensils and napkins as well as a glass of water for herself.
Steve also grabbed a glass of water and followed Y/N over to a table where he sat down in silence. Although he had taken over Sams job he wasn’t entirely sure he knew how to have a one-on-one type of session. Y/N sat down in front of him and looked at him for a while.
“Today is the 19th, this day 28 years ago my father was killed in Bosnia in the war,” she said softly and looked down at her hands. “I wasn’t born and it took a lot out of my mother. She… she never moved on and two years ago she...,” Y/N swallowed and took a deep but very shaky breath.
She didn’t have to say the words for Steve to understand. He reached over and took her hand. “Hey it´s okay, you´re here, you´re safe.” He said softly trying to make her feel like she was in a safe company and that she could talk freely. Y/N smiled at him, well the corners of her mouth twitched upwards.
“I lost my father before I was born too and I lost my mother when I was 18. It´s very hard, and it doesn’t really get better, but we keep fighting. We keep fighting because the option is to stop everything.” He said softly and stroke the back of Y/N´s hand. She nodded and reached up with her free hand to wipe away some tears.
It had been long since she spoke so freely with, well with anyone. She had her library, she didn’t have friends or any other family. “My parents met in the library so once I learned it wasn’t doing too well I bought it. I´ve been filling it with my favorite stories ever since.” She said and sighed softly.
“It´s sort of my way to honor my parents,” she continued and tugged at the sleeves of her shirt. “You´ve done something extraordinary with that place Y/N. I don’t really like to leave my house much. People still consider me Captain America even if we have a better one now. But your library is just a piece of the world where I can be myself and where I don’t have to hide. I´ve also seen some families come in regularly and the kids light up every time.” He said and slowly released Y/N´s hand.
Y/N looked up at Steve and smiled softly. She could feel her face heat up quite a bit. “I have special deals with military families. Most people only get to check out two books at once but being able to escape from the world can be so important to kids who miss a parent and I instead allow them to check out as many books as they like. I also keep book circles for them. That way they can meet others in the same situation,” she said and leaned back as the owner of the salad bar came out with their salads.
Forty-five minutes later Steve and Y/N were back at the library. She sighed as realized she had a lot to do, she also had some paperwork to file and sign off on. Three or more deliveries were arriving in the coming week and she was behind on her chores in the little library.
“Do you work all alone here?” Steve asked as he looked around. It wasn’t big at all, just a few sections, mostly kids' books and fantasy books with a small seating area. The reception was pushed as far into a corner as one could possibly imagine and it was overfilled with paperwork and books that needed to be tagged or taken out into the library and placed on shelves.
Y/N shrugged. “yes, but it isn´t very big. It’s the area you see here and a ten square-foot room in the back with empty boxes and such, mostly storage and dust. It looks a bit like a mess now, but I´m so behind on making all the payments and stuff and around this time of the year I can only do so much,” she sighed and shook her head at her own behavior. Normally she was a very clean and organized person.
Steve looked around once more as he thought for a few seconds. “Would you be cool with me helping out a bit? I only do the VA-meetings twice a week and I have a lot of free time on my hands, plus I really like being here,” he said and looked over to Y/N with a smile. “I´d love the help, but I´m not sure I´d be able to pay you. It isn't exactly a lucrative business, running a library.” She frowned and pulled a face.
He shook his head. “I volunteer, please, it would be a pleasure to help you out here,” he said and walked over to her. “Plus then I wouldn’t feel so bad about drinking so much of the coffee either,” he added with a smirk.
Y/N smiled and nodded. Maybe this was the universe telling her to get some help and not having to go through her emotions alone. After all, she had met Steve where her mom met her one true love. Fate doesn’t always show itself that clearly.  
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bellameblake · 6 years
how did you become so popular? i’m just starting out and want to do well on here yeah sorry if you don’t want to do this.
Hey nonny! I have to admit i laughed a little at this just because I don’t consider myself popular, not by a long shot! This message is really kind of you and kind of amazing! So welcome to tumblr! So this is probably going to much longer than actually needed by anyone so i’m going to put this under the cut!
So first make tumblr easier for yourself and download xkit. Basically on desktop you can reblog from you dash, tag this automatically, and a bunch of other amazing things that make tumblr 6743 times easier. You can find xkit here.
Then okay so this probably sounds bad but having a good mobile and desktop theme goes a long way. desktop themes can seem super scary especially with no coding experience what so ever but i promise it is easy to change a theme and it makes a world of difference. here is a pretty quick and easy tutorial. Okay, so where do find codes? well there are tons of amazing theme makers on tumblr I reblog themes i like and you can see those here. and if you find a theme maker you can go to their page and see what else they made! then onto mobile theme. Like everything else there are some amazing icon and header makers on tumblr. For icons you can see mine here, also try @bb-8, @grumpybell, @alecsizzy, @harrydraco to name a few! For headers and icons you can go to @johnmurphe (brooke makes amazing icons and headers!!)
Also having a navi page can be really important if you are in a lot of fandoms or even just one! that brings me to TAGGING! tagging makes a world of difference. i probably over tag things but being so multi fandom and i’m just organized i have to tag. some people wont follow you unless you have a tag system. it makes it easier to blacklist things you dont want on your dash! tagging can be from just the show #the 100, to #tv: the 100, to character names full or not. anything you want basically.
so that’s most of the basic stuff it comes down to who you follow and what you post. tumblr is yours. you decide who you follow and unfollow and what you see on your dash. you dont like something someone is posting either backlist their tag or unfollow them. people tend to hate things just for something to do which sounds exhausting to me so curate your dash how you want it! There are tons of networks out there that are about one specific character or show so check them out! a network is a blog run by a group of people usually post edits and things and reblogs the newest edits! so an example is my network @bellamyblakepositivity (small self promo ;) )
Now i know some people thing you have to make gifsets, edits, headcanons, write fics, graphics, icons ect. to get followers. you really don’t. can it help? hell yeah haha making things and knowing how to tag edits helps even more! (this is for original edits) There are a million tutorials for learning how to make gifs and things i used tutorials to teach myself! you can dig through my tag for tuorials if you want to try that. but like i said you dont have to make things to enjoy yourself and make friends on this site! Please if you make things cite where you get ideas like quotes and things. and do NOT repost other peoples work. making things takes a lot of time and effort. i’m not saying you will but i am saying it is a sure fire way to get no where fast and its just rude. kindness goes a long way here even though it seems like it might not.
I was for the longest time the blog out in the dark that didnt make things and didn’t talk to anyone. I’m shit at starting conversations so i just dont do it. luckily people started conversations with me and i have made some absolutely amazing friends on this site. Like @flawlessbellamy I asked for a blog rate or tagged her in something and she sent a message to me and that was a year and 3 months ago and we talk daily! So if you see an edit you like, or a fic or something message the creator of it! i know as a creator i love love LOVE hearing from people (i read the tags on my posts and the give me life)! A lot of the time we are all just awkward beans who want to talk to each other but are too damn afraid. I see a blog on my dash and think i want to know that person but that and actually messaging are two different things but i implore you to try. some people like @broodybellamy are social butterflies even when they say they aren’t they totally are and just talk to people like its nothing. i am not like that. either is completely fine start small by tagging someone in something like a tag game, join blogrates, anything and go from there!
I made a lot of my friends by joining networks. so i said above what networks are a blog run by a group of people. there used to be a bunch of different types but those have since died off and now i see networks as almost a but more professional? like there is an admin then members and things are supposed to be updated and all that but if you join a network usually you just have to reblog some some stuff to keep the blog active and make something if you can and if you cant thats totally fine too!! networks usually have group chats either via blog or by group texting apps like whatsapp and discord. There you can get to know lots of people some you get along with and some not so much. from joning one network i met some of my closest friends and i am in about 15 different chats with different variations of the same people! networks are a huge help in getting to know people.
I honestly don’t try to do well i mean like i just reblog what i like and go from there i dont try to actively think about followers and things of course it’s inevitable for me to check my follower count and the notes on my edits but its more fun if you do you and see where it takes you. pick a theme you like, people an icon you like, the header. follow the people you want and unfollow others. tumblr is what you make of it!
if you want to know more about anything im happy to answer specific questions. i generally have a tutorial for just about everything and if i dont have it i can find it lmao! see i told you this would be longer than anyone needed or wanted!
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