#not totally sure what sexuality i'll make james
iheartmoons · 1 year
jily fic but there's wolfstar, and dorlene, and fake dating, and past marylily, and pining jegulus which turns out to be nothing, and film nights, and baking together, and bickering, and bi lily, and [queer] james, and actually they're so in love with each other, and they're kids, and its all very real.
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dangermousie · 1 year
I have been feeling in the mood for rewatching something very melo and old-school and of all possible dramas, the one that comes to mind is delightfully melo 2004 kdrama Say You Love Me with very young Kim Rae Won. 15 eps of deliciousness. The plot is take Dangerous Liasons but make it wholesome ie the best thing ever.
Kim Rae Won and Yoon So Yi are a pure and unworldly couple brought up by Buddhist monks who consider holding hands the height of sexual ecstasy. Alas, they end up in the Big City of Sin and things are about to go pear-shaped as they meet Yina, who the drama tries to claim is more complex than what she really is - a batshit secondary girl so beloved by old kdramas and yours truly. She becomes KRW's boss but does not like seeing all that pure and happy love so she asks her hot friend with benefits to seduce the girl while she decides to work on Kim Rae Won. Honestly, I watched this over a decade ago, so all I remember is monks, KRW's cheeks, happy ending with bicycles and the below scene where Lady Cougar finally gets her claws into Buddhist Virgin. (@aysekira is now groaning because I shared it with her earlier.)
So, our pure as the driven (or more aptly never driven) snow KRW brings his drunk boss to her house.
He: OK, I brought my supposedly drunk boss home, can I go now to dream of butterflies and puppies? She: I have Kim Rae Won in my house! In other words, not so fast, buster! I know the lighting is arthouse but this drama ain't!
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He: OK, I really need to go home, my equally virginal gf is coming back in the morning! Maybe she will let me get to the second base, I must be ready.
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She: I can talk or take my top off. It's a kdrama, so I'll talk.
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Does she mean she is into bdsm? Well, at least she is being honest, even if he doesn't seem to be happy with it.
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At this point, even almost a monk dude is realizing something is way off and trying to steer it into safer channels.
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Seriously, adorable! I want to pinch his cheeks! So does she, even if it's a different set of cheeks.
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God, I miss the craziness of old school secondary girls. They were so unhinged and glorious! Also, clearly there was no sexual harassment and hostile environment claims in old timey kdrama Korea because she's not just any cougar, she's his boss! (If you ask me what job monk educated dude of monkishess could possibly, I will frankly admit that I do not remember, and cannot honestly imagine.)
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We have all so been there with truly awkward convos with insane people.
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OK, I laughed. She literally pounces on him from behind like a demented bear. Btw, the fact that they are wearing about 17 layers of clothing makes it even more surreal. Between them they are exposing about three inches of skin total and that includes the noses.
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Meanwhile, in case we don't get the irony, his Pure Girlfriend is gazing lovingly at his necklace and thinking 'I love my boyfriend because he'd never give up the jewel he promised to Jesus Buddha to anyone but me. Certainly not the sleazy boss lady who must have more STDs than James Bond'
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Meanwhile, at the Den of Sin, Buddhist Virgin tries to extricate himself. However, he is surprisingly non-efficient for a man who's a foot taller and a good 100lb heavier. Even if his Buddhist principles prohibit punching her in the kisser, surely he can shove her or something. Or just fall backward on top of her and smoosh her.
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And then she goes for the kill. I note that despite his clenching his fist in emotional agony, soon he's macking on her quite thoroughly with his mouth. That is what happens when you get abstinence only education and never enjoy yourself despite healthy libido. Your poor hormones probably go "quick quick before his beliefs suppress us again, this is our only chance!"
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Birds and bees indeed! (Also, I see where your hands are, buster. They are around Ms. Cougar!)
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(I half expected it to be a rose and for it to wilt or at least a petal to fall off, iykyk)
In the morning after, she is enjoying her beauty sleep and he's understandably freaking out. (Sinfully, he is now down to mere two layers of clothing and secondary girl, to show her sluttiness, is down to merely one!)
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OK, I like to make fun but I do genuinely feel bad for the kid especially since I am much much older than I was when I first watch this drama and I just want to cut crusts off his sandwiches, tell him to avoid strange women and carry mace or something.
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He bolts from her touch and she is genuinely surprised. I am not sure why as he's a devout dude with a serious girlfriend; if she wanted a more pleasant end to her night, she should have dragged in a character played by Jang Ki Yong, who's sort of made a niche for a younger hunk rejoicing in casually being banged by older ladies. (If you want to feel really old, Jang Ki Yong was 11 when this drama came out. You are welcome.)
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If you think this face means realized this was a dumb choice and unlikely to lead to anything good, you are not familiar with old time kdramas. I genuinely do not get her obsession because sure KRW is cute as hell but the sex couldn't have been much good and he generally treats her as a leper.
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His gf comes home but he doesn't meet her because he is too dirty and unworthy to see her!
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And then they talked it out and worked it out.
Ha!!!! This is a 15 ep drama, we are only getting started baby!
So yeah, watch me rewatch this insanity.
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orpheusredux · 2 years
Hi there! 💚 I, umm, wanted to ask about questions 23, 50, and 60 for the ask Eddie thing? Please? Thank you!
Hi! Thanks for being our first response to this call out! Just a reminder, these questions and responses are STRICTLY 18+, do not ask or comment or even look if you are a minor. Anyway, I just got Eddie's reply so I'll pass it over to him:
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Hi @lucrezia-thoughts, hiiii. I like your pink hair, Princess. 
OK, whaddaya got for Daddy? 
23: Have you ever sent someone a dirty text/picture?
What’s a text? Like a book? I once requested a copy of Lace by Shirley Conran at Hawkins High Library. Have you read it? It’s fuckin’ filthy. The clueless librarian actually got it in and like, 27 people had read it before someone snitched… and I got six weeks of Saturday detention. Totally worth it to see old Higgins’ face when he read the first chapter. 
That book was an education. A really fucked up education, but an education. 
I’ve never sent a dirty picture to anyone, but like the idea of taking dirty pictures. I’m something of a dirty pictures connoisseur, actually. Hustler, Penthouse, just the classics. Playboy is a little too art house for my tastes, but you know… any porn in a storm. 
I was seeing this girl for a little while, she lived in town and she was a - let’s call her a professional lady - anyway, she always had a bunch of polaroids around because she had this one client who liked to take pictures of her while they were, you know, conducting a loving and consensual business transaction? But she didn’t want to use an ordinary camera and then send the film to the fucking mini mart to get developed by some spotty, clammy handed teen who’s rip a few for himself, right? So, Moneybags bought her a polaroid. She says it’s great because he can snap away all day, it uses up all their time and she doesn’t have to blow him. That dame is one clever business woman. 
She let me take a snap of her boobs, once. It’s hidden in my copy of Lace, back at the trailer. She wanted to take one of my bare ass, so I let her. Fuck knows where that is. I like to think of it mixed in with the ones her client takes of her so he finds it one day and it drives him fuckin’ insane wondering whose lilywhite globes they are.
I gotta say, there was something pretty sexy about the whole thing, being naked, and being looked at, being appraised. And then knowing you look so good someone wants to capture that forever. That’s fuckin’ hot. But, like I say… don’t let any old jerk see your Polaroids. Gotta be discerning. 
50: How would you feel about taking someone's virginity?
I don’t want to get too philosophical here, but I’m not really into the whole virginity thing? I’m not religious, I dont think sex is dirty or nasty, or that breaking your fucking - what is it called? - your fucking hymen is some magical thing that means you’re a different person from the one you were when it was still intact. And I sure as shit don’t think losing it means you’re ruined. I don’t think you can have too much sex, or too little of it. It feels fuckin’ good, man. Just do it - or don’t, I don’t care. 
There are some, like, purity ring girls at Hawkins who are super into it, I guess. And that’s cool. But they always seem super frustrated with life to me, and like they use being “pure” to make other girls feel like shit, which way nastier than fucking the entire basketball team (even Jason fucking Carver), if you ask me. Also Becky Simpson, who was the head purity ring cheerleader or whatever let me finger her under the bleachers in 8th grade, so… you know, take everything they say with a grain of salt. 
Now, having said all that, if you want to talk about being someone’s first, about being the chosen one, who will usher them, pussy first, into the miraculous, mystical, magical world of orgasms? Then I, Edward James Munson, am your man. 
It is a fucking honour to be that person, not to mention a fucking responsibility. 
Like, you’re pretty much setting up their sexual expectations for the next however long. And what’s more, they will never, ever forget you, so you have got to be  - I was going to say good, but no pressure or anything. It’s just that you owe it to them to make it as relaxed, and pleasurable - and not shitty - as you can, right? 
Picture it like this: you’re the driving instructor, and this is their first time behind the wheel. You screw this up and they might never drive again. They might hate driving. They might even be slightly traumatized by it. You do not want to be the piece of shit who made some little sweetie terrified of parallel parking for the rest of her life, right? 
No, you want her rolling out of that lesson like Niki fucking Lauda at Le Mans, 1966 - all four wheels on fire. Is this the least sexy metaphor for sex ever? Yes it is. Fuck, I’m so sorry. 
60: If you were the other sex for a day, what are five things you would do?
OK, so I would - naturally - fuck Steve Harrington. I mean… who wouldn’t? You’ve seen him, right? You know of whom I speak? I mean, the hair, the other hair, on the chestal region, the face. Who knew being mildly bewildered and disgruntled 24/7/365 could be so attractive? 
I’m not into dudes in the ordinary course of things, I've only been in love once and that - that was with a girl. I'd - ah - I'd rather not talk about that.
But like, I’m not against the whole idea of dudes liking dudes? Each to their own. Wayne’s never married, and like…the rest of the family has nothing to do with him because of who he is - which, let me tell you speaks highly of the old man. Wayne’s no different from any other guy. Like I don’t know know that he digs dudes, or whatever, we’ve never discussed it. But he’s never had a girlfriend in the whole time I’ve lived with him, and Wayne Munson is a fucking catch. 
Having said all this, I’m only assuming I would be into guys if I woke up and I was a girl. Why am I assuming that? Hmmm… this sexuality thing is weird. Maybe I’d be into girls? Maybe both? 
Anyway, the thing is, Harrington is the least dickish guy I know. Like I know for a fact Rick would bone me as a girl - we’re stoners, so we’ve had this conversation several times -  but I also know it would be terrible. Harrington would at least give it some thought and consideration. He’d put on the moves, you know? Give me the full boyfriend experience. Coz if I know anything in this miserable life, it’s that Steve Harrington fucks. 
2. I would fuck Harrington again. But this time, I’d be on top - for fucking science, OK?  
3. I would casually suggest an FWB arrangement for the purpose of mutual education and gratification, to Robin - I don’t think I’d be her type though. But like, everyone needs to practice, right?
4. Hard to tell, either a threesome with Robin and Steve, or running for my life from Robin and Steve for sexually harrassing them. Harrington can be kind of uptight.  
5. Steve again. I think that would just about cover it.
A lot of love for our boy Steveo there, Eds. Nice.
Check out the list of questions if you want to ask Eddie anything. And don't forget to check out my AO3 and my masterlists.
Also, I hate to ask, but would you consider reblogging? It really does help!
(CAVEAT: Y'all know this isn't really Eddie, right? Because he is a fictional character. This is a writing exercise. I have no connection or relationship to the Duffers or Stranger things. I'm just fooling around)
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divinerulerluvr · 3 years
The Evan's With a S/O Who is Uncomfortable With Sex
Warnings - sex mentions, the title is self-explanatory pretty much
Tate, Kit, Kyle, Jimmy, James, Kai, Jeff, Colin included :)
A/N - As an S.A survivor who hates the idea of extended contact, I figured I'd write this for people like me. This is also kind of just uncomfortable with touch in general, too. GN!Reader, btw.
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- Wouldn't understand why at first. - And probably think it was just because he was the problem. - Would apologize profusely while under the idea that he was the issue.
"I'm sorry. I-I didn't know," he rushes out, stepping back from you as his cheeks flush red.
"It's not you, Tate. It's just... i don't like it,"
He stares at you for a second, basically hyperventilating as he gets over the rush of fear that he messed up.
- In the end, would comfort you. - And is totally respectful of your boundaries.
- After telling him, he'd quickly understand. - Very mature about it, too.
"It's not you, i just hate physical contact like that," you finish explaining to him. He nods, taking his hand off of your thigh. "I know. I get it, baby," he assures with a smile.
You sigh in relief, having known he was going to be respectful but still appreciating how kind he was about it.
- Would do anything in his power to learn your boundaries and not cross them. - Doesn't pressure you or anything, of course. - A stand-up gentleman about it.
- Another one who wouldn't get it at first. - He had the notion that all girls liked to be touched so it took a few minutes to sink in.
"I really like you. I just... i'm not ready for that kind of stuff. At all," you tell him, afraid he would react negatively. He shakes his head, placing his hand on yours.
"It's okay. I understand. You don't gotta explain anything to me," he says.
You smiles, comforted by his hand on yours.
- Holds back from all contact unless you give approval of it first. - Treads very carefully with that, too. - Always afraid he'd do something wrong at first. - But soon gets it.
- He's just a gentleman. - Asks your boundaries the moment you tell him about how you don't like sexual things.
"So what are you okay with?" he asks with genuine care. "Um, hand holding, brief hugs, platonic touches, kisses obviously," you list off for him, glad he cared this much.
He nods, making a mental note of what you had just told him. "I'll try," he says with complete conviction.
- Easily obeys these boundaries. - Remembers what you like and dislike easily so he doesn't mess up. - Makes sure you're always comfortable with touches before doing them.
- Is completely lost at first. - Asks a ton of questions. - Crap like "Why?" and other intrusive questions. - But not in a negative way, he's just curious.
"Bad experiences, i guess," you answer nervously, not sure if his questions were out of the good of his heart or if he was mad that you wouldn't have sex with him.
He nods, his brows drawn in subtle confusion. "Did somebody do something to you?" he asks.
"James," you say, wanting him to stop with the questions. "Sorry, dear. I let my invasive curiosity get the best of me," he says, kissing your cheek gently.
- Tries to obey your boundaries but fumbles up sometimes. - When he does do something you don't like, he freaks out and apologizes like crazy.
- Let's be honest here, he wouldn't care. - Kai is a dick. - Therefore, wouldn't even bother respecting you. - But you deserve better. - Never let a man disrespect your boundaries no matter what they may be. - There's always a man out there willing to treat you with care.
- Would be confused. - Him loving sex, he doesn't get why you wouldn't be okay with it.
"It's just my preference. You aren't mad, are you?" you say, looking at him with a careful gaze. He shakes his head. "No. 'Course not. Just kinda confused, you know?" he replies.
"But you're fine with it right?"
"Why wouldn't I be?" he says, almost offended by why you thought that in the first place.
- Even if he can be a little too careless, he's always careful to not break your boundaries. - Treats you amazing, though.
- Immediately understands. - Doesn't even question it.
"That's fine," he says, sitting back from you. You smile, happy he could be so okay with it.
- Always asks if something is okay before doing it. - Makes sure you're always okay with something. - Doesn't make you feel bad about not wanting to have sex, either. - Rare find, right?
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wastelander997 · 3 years
Space Jam 2 thoughts
Also, here's my thoughts on the first one if you wanna read that first. If not, feel free to skip ahead.
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Ok, so I've watched Space Jam 2.
And I feel... Basically the same yeah about it as I do about the first movie. For different reasons, but about the same.
For one thing, I think the animation in this movie is phenomenal. It moves really fluidly, the characters are well designed (by the way, credit Dave Alvarez) and the game itself, jumping ahead a bit, ia super fun. It actually looks like a game I would play, this over the top sorts extravaganza... Speaking of which, Microsoft, put that fucking tie in game on Windows 10. Or Switch, you have a good relationship with Nintendo. But I'm getting off topic.
And, fitting for a Looney Tunes movie, I like the Looney Tunes! They're all pretty funny, I specifically like how Daffy just said "Nah I ain't playing the game, I'll be a coach." Speaking of which, I really like his coach outfit. Again, the designs in the movie are great.
But let's get to what I didn't REALLY like about the movie. And that's, sadly, LeBron James himself.
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Now I'm not one of those who hates LeBron for whatever reason, I'm sure he's a nice guy. But he's just... not who I came to see. And so much of the movie is dedicated to him. And to be fair, a lot of Space Jam 1 is dedicated to Michael Jordan, but 1. Michael goes along with the Tunes pretty much instantly. That COULD be seen as a negative, but I like it. It makes the movie concise, and gets exactly to what we want to see. Michael Jordan playing ball with the Looney Tunes.
And 2. The first movie is only an hour and half. This movie is damn near 2 hours. And on top of that, the first movie knew to cut between Michael Jordan in the real world, and the Looney Tunes. In this one, we spend the first, like, 30 minutes in the real world with LeBron and his family. I get it, it's setting up the game and LeBron's arc... but I don't care about his arc either. It's the stereotypical "mean dad" story and... I don't CARE.
Okay, going back to positives real quick so I'm not a total negative Nancy, I like a lot of the references. They can be seen as distracting, but I just like the idea of the Looney Tunes battling in front of all of Warner Brothers. It's cool.
But back to negatives, let's talk about Lola.
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I know a lot of people like this Lola but, to me, she's just as boring as the first one, but for different reasons. In the original she's just "hot girl" and in this one she's just "sporty girl". She's just as boring to me, but people like her more cause... I dunno, she's not sexualized anymore? I don't know, I don't really give a shit. I know that's gonna piss people off, but meh.
But yeah, you can kinda see why I say it's on the same level as 1, just for different reasons. I like the game itself and the setup a bit more in 2, but I dig the characters and pacing more in one. Also, Michael learning to use cartoon physics to his advantage is a lot cooler then... glitching a video game.
Overall, I guess I like 1 more, because the pacing and characters are really important, but I can't say 2 was worthless in any way. I still liked, despite it not actually being good, and would watch it again.
So... yeah. Kinda jumbled thoughts, but overall I would say I enjoyed Space Jam 2.
... Back in Action is still easily the best Looney Tunes movie, ok byyyyyye.
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